Integral Sets and Cayley Graphs of Finite Groups: Roger C. Alperin Brian L. Peterson
Integral Sets and Cayley Graphs of Finite Groups: Roger C. Alperin Brian L. Peterson
Integral Sets and Cayley Graphs of Finite Groups: Roger C. Alperin Brian L. Peterson
Submitted: Jun 12, 2011; Accepted: Feb 7, 2012; Published: Feb 23, 2012
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05C50, 20C99, 20K01
Integral sets of finite groups are discussed and related to the integral Cayley
graphs. The Boolean algebra of integral sets are determined for dihedral group
and finite abelian groups. We characterize the finite abelian groups as those finite
groups where the Boolean algebra generated by integral sets equals the Boolean
algebra generated by its subgroups.
1 Introduction
Integral graphs were first introduced by Harary and Schwenk in 1974 [5]. These are simple
graphs without loops with adjacency matrix having only integer eigenvalues. Since then
the interest continues in finding integral graphs of certain types: trees, cubic graphs,
Cayley graphs; see [1], [2] and their references. The integral Cayley graphs for a cyclic
group were determined in [3]. This result was rediscovered [8]; recently, there is renewed
interest in the case of abelian groups [6], [7].
We abstract some of the properties of integral Cayley graphs of abelian groups so that
we can apply similar methods to any finite group. We introduce the notion of an integral
set. The result then for the general finite abelian group is that the Boolean algebra
generated by integral sets is the same as the Boolean algebras generated by subgroups
(cf. Theorem 5.1). On the other hand for dihedral groups this algebra is the same as the
power set of the group (cf. Theorem 6.1).
2 Boolean Algebra
Suppose X is a set and F is a family of subsets then the Boolean algebra B(F) generated
by F is the lattice of subsets of X obtained by arbitrary finite intersections, unions, and
Lemma 2.1 The equivalence classes of this relation are the atoms of B(F)
Proof. If A is an atom then any set S either contains A or is disjoint from A. So elements
of A are equivalent. Conversely if a ∈ X and ā is its equivalence class then whenever it
meets the subset S it is contained in S; hence ā must be a minimal set (an atom).
Theorem 2.2 The atoms for the B(FG ) where FG is the family of subgroups of the finite
group G are the sets [a] = {b | < b >=< a >}, the generators of the cyclic subgroup
generated by a, for any a ∈ G.
Proof. Let a ∈ G and its equivalence class ā from the relation afforded by FG . By
Lemma 2.1 we see that b ∈ ā iff every subgroup of G containing a also contains b so
< b >=< a >. Hence ā = [a].
3 Atomic Numbers
P is easy to see
P that Nthe number of atoms of B(FG ) (atomic number ) is Atomic(G) =
a∈G φ(|a|) = d
d||G| φ(d) , where Nd is the number of elements in G of order d and φ is
Euler’s totient function. For example for a cyclic group of order n, then there are φ(d)
elements of order d, so Atomic(Zn ) = d|n φ(d)
= τ (n), the number of divisors of n.
3t + 1
Atomic(Zt3 ) =
Atomic(Zr2 ⊕ Zs4 ) = 2r+s−1 (1 + 2s )
Proposition 4.1 Let G be a finite group. Then any atom of B(FG ) is an integral subset
of G.
[a] for this representation in the j-th component is r,(r,m)=1 ζjr ; let ζj = ζm
where ζm is
a primitive m-th root of unity; so the eigenvalue at the j-th position is z = r,(r,m)=1 ζm .
Hence z is an algebraic integer. Moreover z is invariant under the action of the Galois
group of Q(ζm ) over Q so z is rational. Thus z is an integer and hence any atom is
Let B(IG ) denote the Boolean algebra generated by the integral sets; let P(G) denote
the power set of G.
Proof. Any subgroup H is a disjoint union of some atoms of B(FG ). Each of these atoms
is integral by Proposition 4.1. Hence H is integral since the union is disjoint.
Proof. If A is an integral set for H then for any χ ∈ Ĝ its restriction to H is a character
of H and so χ(A) ∈ Z. Hence any set in the Boolean algebra generated by integral subsets
of H is a set in the Boolean algebra generated by integral subsets of G.
Theorem 4.5 If all the irreducible representations of the finite group G are realized over
Q then any non-empty subset of G is integral. Hence B(IG ) = P(G).
Proof. Since every irreducible representation is rational all the characters are integer
valued, so χ(a) ∈ Z for all χ ∈ Ĝ and a ∈ G. Thus every subset of G is integral. Every
singleton set is an atom.
Corollary 4.6 For all n ≥ 1, every non-empty subset of Sn is integral, hence B(ISn ) =
P(Sn ).
Corollary 4.7 Every non-empty subset of Q8 , the quaternion group of order 8, is integral,
hence B(IQ8 ) = P(Q8 ).
Proof. Here are the characters. One can determine this character table knowing the 1
dimensional representations; using orthogonality of the rows (weighted) we can determine
the 2 dimensional character.
There is a central element and the other non-identity conjugacy classes of size 2. There
are four 1 dimensional characters coming from the Z2 ⊕ Z2 quotient of Q8 by its center.
The first row represents the sizes of the conjugacy class.
1 1 2 2 2
χ1 1 1 1 1 1
χ2 1 1 1 -1 -1
χ3 1 1 -1 1 -1
χ4 1 1 -1 -1 1
χ5 2 -2 0 0 0
This group is not a rational group since its rational group algebra contains a copy of the
quaternion skew-field.
Theorem 4.9 If a group G is cyclotomic then it is a D-group which does not contain
Q8 , D4 or D3 .
5 Abelian Groups
Theorem 5.1 For any finite abelian group D every atom of B(ID ) is integral. Hence
every subset of B(ID ) is integral and D is cyclotomic.
Proof. Consider the matrix M = (mi,j ) = (χi (aj )) where aj , j = 1, . . . , n are the
distinct elements of D and χi , i = 1, . . . , n, are the distinct characters, n = |D|. From the
orthonormality of characters, the rows of M are independent. The entries of M belong
to the field Q(ζm ), where ζm is a primitive m-th root of unity, where m is the exponent
of D.
Consider the conjugate transpose M̄ t ; the orthogonality formulas for characters is the
same as M M̄ t = |D|In or M −1 = n1 M̄ t
For each atom [a] ∈ B(FD ) let v[a] be the vector with a 1 in those locations which
are in [a], and 0s elsewhere. Thus M v[a] ∈ Zn since atoms are integral. Let V = {v ∈
Qn |M v ∈ Qn }. Hence W = spanQ {v[a] | all atoms [a]} ⊆ V .
If v ∈ V then M v = w ∈ Qn ; hence v = n1 M̄ t w. Thus vi = n1 j χj¯(ai )wj ∈ Qn .
PWe can ¯
index the P
components of v by the elements of D. Thus va = σ(va ) =
n j σ(χj (a))wj = n j χj (b)wj . Thus the b-component of v is the same as the a-
component of v. Hence v ∈ W ; so V = W .
It is also clear that the set of vectors v[a] , [a] an atom of B(FD ), is a linearly independent
set; hence it is also a basis for W . If A is integral then the vector vA with a 1 in any
component when a ∈ A, and 0s elsewhere satisfies M vA ∈ Qn so vA is a linear combination
of the v[a] . However it is clear that all coefficients in the linear combination are 0 or 1. It
follows that A is a union of atoms for B(FD ). Thus B(ID ) = B(FD ).
6 Dihedral Groups
6.1 Representations of Dn
Let s be the generator the cyclic subgroup, sn = 1, and t the basic reflection, t2 = (ts)2 =
If n is odd then the abelianization is Z2 so there are two one dimensional representa-
tions and the characters take only integral values.
If n is even then the abelianization is Z2 ⊕ Z2 so there are four one dimensional
representations and the characters take only integral values.
The rest of the irreducible representations are 2-dimensional. Let ρ be the standard
representation of Dn on the regular n-gon. The basic rotation for the generator of the
cyclic subgroup is by 2π/n. The other representations have basic rotations for the gener-
ator by 2kπ/n.
In case n is odd then the representations are different for 1 ≤ k ≤ n−1 2
. Thus there are
a total of n+3
irreducible representations, which is the same as the number of conjugacy
i −i
classes. There are 2 conjugacy classes consisting of the pairs {s , s }, 1 ≤ i ≤ n−1
and the two singleton classes {1} and {t}.
In case n is even then the representations are different and irreducible for 1 ≤ k ≤ n−2 2
Thus there are a total of 2 irreducible representations, which is the same as the number
of conjugacy classes. There are n−2 2
conjugacy classes consist of the pairs {si , s−i }, 1 ≤
n n
i ≤ n−2
. and the four singleton classes {1}, {t}, {s 2 } and {ts 2 }
It is easy to evaluate the characters χk for these two dimensional representations. The
value of χk on any reflection is zero and the value on sl is 2 cos( 2klπn
). If n is even then
the value of the character on the element of order 2 is 2 cos(kπ) = ±2.
Theorem 6.2 If a group is cyclotomic then it is a D-group which does not contain Q8
or any Dn , n ≥ 3.
Proof. This follows immediately from Theorem 6.1 and the methods of Theorem 4.9.
Corollary 7.2 If G is a finite abelian group then the Cayley graph X(G, A) has integral
spectrum iff A is an integral set.
Proof. All the characters of a finite abelian group are one dimensional. The result now
follows from Theorem 5.1.
If we also want the graph connected, then this set A will be a generating set for G. If
G is an abelian group then it is one of the following:
1. Z22 , Z32 ;
2. Z6 ;
3. Z4 , Z2 ⊕ Z4 ;
4. Z6 , Z2 ⊕ Z6 .
The classification of non-abelian cubic connected Cayley graphs with integral spectra
is given in [1] ; this can be somewhat streamlined using Theorem 7.1.
with g = u we get a contribution of 2b on the left side from the 1-dimensional characters.
The element u is not central so the righthand side is exactly 2b and now again from the
Proof. It suffices by Dedekind’s Theorem to show that the subgroups of order 2 are
normal. Say x is an element of order 2 and y is an element of order 2b , b ≥ 1. In case
b = 1 the subgroup generated by x, y is dihedral so it must be D2 and thus yxy −1 = x
Now suppose that b ≥ 2. We do know that the subgroup generated by y is normal so
xyx = y a and so also y = x(xyx)x = xy a x = (xyx)a = y a ; thus a2 = 1 mod 2b . The
case of a = −1 is impossible since then the subgroup generated by x, y is non-abelian
dihedral. The case a = 1 shows that < x > is normal.
If b = 2 then we also know from Theorem 4.9 that any group of order 8 that is
cyclotomic must be abelian.
So now we consider the other two solution a = ±1 + 2b−1 when b ≥ 3 and show that
these also are impossible for a cyclotomic group. Suppose first that a = −1 + 2b−1 , then
xy 2 x = y 2a = y −2 since 2(1 + a) = 0 mod 2b ; this gives a non-abelian dihedral subgroup
generated by x, y 2 of order 2b if b ≥ 3.
Thus we can assume that a = 1 + 2b−1 , b ≥ 3. Consider the groups
b b−1
Gb =< x, y | x2 = 1, y 2 = 1, xyx = y 1+2 >.
This group is not cyclotomic by Lemma 8.1 and hence it can not be contained in G. Thus
we have shown in all cases that G has all subgroups normal, and since it also does not
contain Q8 by Theorem 4.9 it is abelian by Dedekind’s Theorem.
Proof. For any Sylow p-subgroup S for p odd, its cyclic subgroups are normal by Lemma
4.8; then x < a > x−1 =< a > for any a ∈ S, x ∈ G, so S is normal. Thus also S is
abelian follows from Dedekind’s Theorem since all subgroups are normal.
For p = 2 it follows from Theorem 8.2 the Sylow 2-subgroup must be abelian since
subgroups of cyclotomic groups are cyclotomic. Let T be the subgroup generated by
all elements of order 2 then any 2 of these generate a dihedral group so it is D2 so the
elements commute; thus T is elementary abelian and also normal ; say S is a Sylow 2
subgroup containing T then for any x ∈ G if a is not of order 2, x < a > x−1 ⊆< a >⊆ S
and if a is of order 2 then x < a > x−1 ⊆ T ⊆ S so S is normal.
Since all Sylow subgroups are normal and abelian, it now follows easily the group is
the direct product of its Sylow subgroups and hence the group G is abelian.