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2 | Annual Report 2016

Good Neighbors International (GNI) exists to make

the world a place without hunger where people live
together in harmony. GNI respects the human rights
of the people suffering from poverty, disasters, and
oppression, helps them to achieve self-reliance, and
enables them to rebuild their hope.

TABLE OF Message From The Country Director | 3

GNI Nepal Country Strategy 2016-2020 | 4

CONTENTS Sponsorship Service and Child Protection | 8

Education | 12
Livelihood | 16
Health and WASH | 20
Gorkha Reconstruction Project | 24
Health System Recovery Project | 25
Saemaul Zero Hunger Communities Project | 26
Smart Classroom Project | 28
Menstrual Hygiene Management Project | 29
Employment Generation and Value Chain
Development Project | 30
Financial Summary | 31


Dear well-wisher,
In terms of reorganization and In 2016, based on local development
In 2016, Good Neighbors International learning, 2016 was a remarkable needs, we initiated three annex
(GNI) Nepal marked its 14th annual year for GNI Nepal as well as me. All projects: Gorkha Reconstruction
anniversary which coincided with my thematic departments, based on the Project, Health System Recovery
assumption of responsibility as the new Project Agreement, engaged in Project (HSRP) and Saemaul Zero
Country Director. Throughout the year, reviewing their policies, guidelines, Hunger Communities Project (SZHCP)
I and the senior management team and standard operating procedures. Phase II. These projects will benefit
worked towards conducting the need GNI Nepal changed its program an approximately 150,000 earthquake
assessments of working communities, implementation approach from a survivors and poverty-stricken people.
developing realistic activities for few to multiple partners. In 2016, 14
community development, and I strongly believe that community
local non-governmental organizations
selecting competent implementing development in Nepal can succeed
were selected through an open and
partners. only with the active involvement
competitive selection process for
of all concerned stakeholders:
GNI Nepal’s Third Project Agreement implementing our programs.
communities, community-based
with the Social Welfare Council (SWC) For streamlining services and reaching organizations, local government
matured in November 2015. The out to the lowest strata, we merged agencies, and development partners.
Fourth Project Agreement with SWC existing 20 community development Appreciating this fact, GNI Nepal’s
was signed in June 2016, officially projects into 12 and established community development approach
paving the way for us to serve the 12 district offices to support them. also encourages and engages all
vulnerable, poorest of the poor, and We closed our area offices in stakeholders. In 2017, GNI Nepal will
marginalized people of Nepal for the Pokhara, Doti, and Nepalgunj and work for the poorest of the poor,
next five years through programs established general and special vulnerable, and marginalized children,
in education, health, WASH (water, project implementation units at the their families, and communities with
sanitation and hygiene), livelihood Head Office. Additionally for better an added vigor taking into account
enhancement, sponsorship service, coordination with local implementing their development aspirations.
and child protection. partners and stakeholders,
I deeply appreciate the contributions
Under our sponsorship service coordination and liaison department
and efforts made by local
program, this year also, we supported was established.
communities, partners, stakeholders,
more than 24,000 children with To build the capacity of local people donors, and staff amidst challenges
stationery, uniform, and health services. and increase their ownership in and hardships. I look forward to
Around 1600 new children were community development, GNI Nepal continued cooperation, coordination,
enrolled in the sponsorship service from started working with community- and collaboration with all stakeholders
earthquake affected Gorkha District based organizations (CBO) as well. in the days to come.
as well as remote parts of Bajura, This year, 28 CBOs were engaged in
Mugu, and Humla districts. I hope that collection of annual child letter and
this support will assist the children in annual progress report of sponsored Min Ho Choi
improving their quality of life. children. Country Director
4 | Annual Report 2016

GNI NEPAL 2016-2020


Priorities Outcome 1:
Enhanced equitable access to
Outcome 1:
Financial and marketing services
and participation of children in boost enterprise development and
education income generation activities

Outcome 2: Outcome 2:
Increased internal efficiency and Micro-enterprises generate profit
learning outcome of students and employment

Outcome 3: Outcome 3:
Improved management system in Ultra-poor households achieve
school food sufficiency through income

Issues Advocacy Disaster Risk Environmental
Reduction Management


Outcome 1: Outcome 1:
Enhanced health-seeking behavior Increased support to sponsored
of target community members children

Outcome 2: Outcome 2:
Enhanced safe hygiene and Child protection mechanism
sanitation practice among target strengthened at the local levels to
communities protect children from all forms of
exploitation and abuse

Outcome 3:
Awareness of children raised and
they are capable of claiming their

Total Budget
Gender Partnership and
Network Building 21,562,125
6 | Annual Report 2016


Children have
expanded opportunities
for quality education Improved health
status of children,
families, and communities


Strengthened child
protection system at local level
to promote child protection Increased household income of target
communities through institutional

and child rights
development & creation of
employment & income


Good Neighbors International’s (GNI) reduction, advocacy, and network GNI Nepal has committed an
motto is to bring good change for the building activities. estimated program budget of USD
world irrespective of race, religion, 4.3 million per year for the coming
Family, school, and community
gender, geographical boundaries, five years excluding emergency,
comprise the social environment
class or ideology. earthquake reconstruction, and annex
of a child with which he/she is in
projects’ fund.
GNI Nepal believes that people from constant interaction. The interaction
the most remote parts of Nepal are with and interplay of these GNI Nepal will continue to serve
capable of changing their lives for components shapes his/her day-to- poorest of the poor children,
better with a little external help. day experiences and future. If one their parents, disadvantaged and
The organization creates conducive of the environmental components is marginalized communities in 67
environment for enabling children, rendered dysfunctional, then a child’s Village Development Committees
families and community members to development is adversely affected. (VDC) and 11 municipalities of Humla,
have a better future. Keeping this ‘ecological perspective’ in Doti, Bajura, Bardiya, Mugu, Darchula,
mind, GNI Nepal’s thematic activities Myagdi, Kathmandu, Kailali, Gorkha,
GNI Nepal envisions self-reliant
focus not only on helping children Parbat, Kaski, and Lalitpur districts
communities which allow children
— to develop a sense of dignity and which were selected based on GNI’s
to thrive and have a dignified life.
grow in an enabling environment for mission, vision, and goals; human
Towards achieving this vision, GNI
their holistic development — but their development index (HDI) ranking,
Nepal will continue to work on
families and communities as well. GNI location, literacy rate, quality of
improving the lives of poor people,
Nepal will build on its experiences and education, health status, and level of
especially children through focused
leverage its strengths for delivering poverty.
education, income generating, health
lasting transformations to the children
care, child protection, disaster risk A staggering one-quarter of the
and people of Nepal.
population lives below the poverty
GNI Nepal’s programs in sponsorship service, child protection,
education, livelihood, and health and WASH will contribute to attain
the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
set out by the United Nations: GOAL 1
End poverty in all of its forms

line in Nepal. Bearing in mind that

there are many more children and GOAL 2
communities to be reached out, GNI End hunger, achieve food
Nepal will continue to expand its security and improved
programs in those poverty-stricken nutrition and promote
areas in the coming days aligning with sustainable agriculture
the SDGs.

GNI Nepal’s all thematic programs GOAL 3

have been integrated into a child- Ensure healthy lives and
centered community development promote well-being for
approach. This approach puts the all at all ages
most marginalized, deprived, and
hardest to reach children (individuals GOAL 4
Ensure inclusive and equitable
under the age of 18) at the center
quality education and
and focuses not only on them but
promote life-long learning
on improving the quality of life of
opportunities for all
their family members, and helping
their communities to achieve their
long-term development aspirations.
GNI Nepal encourages community Achieve gender equality

members to come together and and empower all women

supports them to: identify the and girls

existing problems and needs in their

community; enhance their knowledge, GOAL 6
skills, confidence and capacity; engage Ensure availability and
in decision making processes; take sustainable management of
action to address existing inequalities water and sanitation for all
in power and participation; deal with
local issues, improve collaboration GOAL 8
with the local government for Promote sustained, inclusive and
maximizing local development efforts, sustainable economic growth,,
and increase their involvement in full and productive employmentt
community development. and decent work for alll

The organization is well aware of the fact

that without meaningful engagement GOAL 9
Build resilient infrastructure,
with concerned stakeholders
promote inclusive and
(government, public service
sustainable industrialization and
institutions, international community,
foster innovation
and civil society organizations),
the effectiveness of its programs
remains inconsequential. Therefore,
GNI Nepal seeks active partnership GNI Nepal’s programs prioritize of GNI Nepal’s efforts at community
with government line agencies, local use of local resources, skills and development.
non-governmental and community- knowledge, and their ownership
GNI Nepal’s programs strive to enact
based organizations, stakeholders, by the concerned stakeholders and
lasting changes, and the organization
and beneficiaries for implementing community at all phases of planning
is constantly challenging itself to bring
programs and to reduce the gaps and and implementation, thereby,
‘good change for the communities’.
duplication in service delivery. maximizing long-term sustainability
8 | Annual Report 2016

C hild sponsorship is the main fund
generating source of GNI Nepal.
The organization receives majority of
their communities. Local volunteers
(members of CBOs) were trained for
communication mechanism,
of conduct, and sponsorship service

assisting sponsored children to write strategy and guidelines. In total, 56

its fund from Good Neighbors Korea, their annual child letters, surveying GNI Nepal personnel participated in
Good Neighbors Japan and Good households, and taking GPS (Global the orientation.
Neighbors USA which is mobilized for Positioning System) coordinates of
bringing good change for children sponsored children’s households as GNI Nepal mobilizes local youths
and people of Nepal through an well as their photographs. and members of CBOs as short-term
integrated community development volunteers to help the children write
Annual Child Letter (ACL) is a medium their ACL and deliver them to respective
for forming an emotional connection GNI Nepal district offices. District level
By the end of December 2016, there between a sponsor and the child. ACL workshops were conducted for
were 26,039 children sponsored by Sponsored children usually express the volunteers to acquaint them with
GNI Nepal in 13 districts. their gratitude in text and drawings— the entire ACL writing process. A total
GNI Nepal mobilizes community- giving the sponsors an opportunity of 161 volunteers belonging to 30
based organizations (CBO) to to know them better. In March, CBOs collected 22,803 annual child
implement sponsorship service an orientation was organized for letters in 13 working districts.
activities. The organization builds the sponsorship service and child
protection department personnel Annual Progress Report (APR) is
the capacity of the CBOs and instills
focusing on organizational overview, prepared once in a year to update
a sense of ownership in them of
ACL writing, child protection policy, sponsors about the changes, growth,
the development efforts targeting
and development of sponsored

In the beginning,
he was lost most of
the times. He would
not mingle with
other kids.

Bright Future Dawns on a Young Child

Arjun Tamang (name changed), 12 years, is a resident GNI Nepal’s team searched for a school with modest
of Lele in Lalitpur District. For his age, he looks quite fees but high-quality education. After assessing reading,
young—short and skinny. Arjun comes from a family of writing and speaking skills, Arjun was admitted to grade
farmers. Arjun’s mother left the family along with his three in a school in Kathmandu. He lives in the hostel
younger sister for another man. Arjun’s father, Kaley, located on the school premises along with his seniors and
was heavily traumatized after his wife left, and the classmates. Binda Nepal, his teacher and hostel warden
trauma gave rise to a debilitating mental illness in him. relates, “In the beginning, he was lost most of the times.
Ever since, he has been taking strong medications. Kaley He would not mingle with other kids. Now, he is an
almost always sleeping, a side-effect of the pills he takes. active kid in the class and on the playground”.
His senile grandmother, Kanchi, also could not take care
Arjun is the monitor of the class and is responsible for
of him properly. On top of it, she blamed and scolded him
maintaining discipline in the classroom. According to
every day for the misfortunes that befell the family.
his social studies teacher this duty he is carrying out
Arjun, for the lack of love and care at home, started excellently. He is a diligent kid: wakes up at six every
doing the rounds of his neighborhood instead of attending morning without a fuss, eats his breakfast and studies
school. Eventually, he stopped going to the school and until eight o’clock. After that, Arjun eats his morning
started working and living at a small restaurant. After meal, puts on his uniform and goes for the morning
some time, Arjun’s grandmother found and took him assembly. At nine, classes begin.
home. He started going to school again. His interest in
For a kid who worked at a restaurant before joining
studies was quite alive but the environment at home was
the school, he is progressing quickly at academics. He is
not conducive.
good at math and his spoken English has also improved
After the Gorkha Earthquake, GNI Nepal started to significantly over the last few months. He regularly
distribute relief to the survivors in Lele and surrounding participates in extracurricular activities and athletics;
areas. During the relief operation, the homeless Tamang among which he has excelled at sprinting. As a sign of
family was identified as a needy family. After a few his excellence, he came first in a recently held sports
days, a team from GNI’s headquarter in South Korea competition. During leisure, he dances and watches TV.
visited them and listened to their story. Arjun’s father
Arjun will continue to study in the same school for the
requested to take care of his education and future. After
coming years.
many discussions and consultations, GNI Nepal decided
to invest in Arjun’s education.
10 | Annual Report 2016


53 staff members and 22,803 annual 1,254 sponsored 53 staff members

161 CBO members child letters collected children received oriented on child rights
gifts and child protection
participated in ACL
children. To train the sponsorship
service and child protection staff
on APR and child protection, a
workshop was organized in October
2016 focusing on interview methods,
measuring height and weight,
photography techniques, entering
data into the child management
system, and updating child profiles.
Altogether, 53 staff members
participated in the workshop. Later,
these staff members oriented 337
volunteers of CBOs in 13 project
districts and collected 24,755 APRs.

On the occasion of sponsored

children’s birthday or a major festival,
sponsors generally send gift money
apart from the regular amount
committed to them. GNI Nepal informs
the children and their parents about
the gift money and enquires about
their needs. On the basis of the needs,
gifts are procured and sent to children
and their families. After receiving the
gifts, the children write ‘Thank You
Letters’ to the sponsors as a mark of
gratitude. In 2016, altogether 1254
children received gifts.

Sujan is a very
disciplined student.
He seems meek on
the outside but he is
really clever...

Surakheti’s Lives Take a Turn for the Better

Sujan Surakheti 11 years, lives with his family – father (Lal Januka and Lal Bahadur proposed for opening a vegetables
Bahadur), mother (Januka), younger sister and elder brother and fruits shop—as Lal Bahadur and Januka were dealing
– in Maitrinagar, Kritipur. The Surakhetis family originally with vegetables and fruits for some years now. Six months
comes from Limpatar VDC, Udayapur – four hours drive house rent, educational materials for Sujan and his
on an earthen road from the nearest blacktopped highway. younger sister, utensils, beddings and food items were also
They belong to the Bhujel Community, a marginalized provided to the Surakehti family.
ethnic group of subsistence farming families.
A ‘vegetables & fruits shop’ was established in Kalanki
The family owned a small thatched house. In the Gorkha after a few months of initial contact with the GNI Nepal
Earthquake, the house developed cracks. It became unsafe team. As the customers started demanding juices and
for inhabiting. So, Sujan along with his mother and cold drinks, they added those items as well. They also
younger sister joined his father in Kathmandu. The entire purchased a juicer and freezer. Januka cooks lunch and
family stayed in the rented room Lal Bahadur was living dinner for ten workers of a shoes factory which makes her
for a few years. four-five thousand rupees per month. During the day, she
looks after their vegetables and fruits shop. Lal Bahadur
In the vegetable market, Lal Bahadur hauled sacks and
has recently started peddling vegetables from a cart and
Januka separated rotting vegetables from the fresh ones,
earns a decent income.
and Sujan and his elder brother did odd jobs. However, the
entire family toiled every day, they could barely survive The family now lives in a small rented room, a few meters
in an expensive city like Kathmandu. away from the shop. Sujan and his younger sister Parbati
attend a public school. Lal Bahadur shared, “Sujan is a very
Lal Bahadur, having worked in the vegetable market
disciplined student. He seems meek on the outside but he
for a long time, knew the nitty-gritty of the ‘vegetable
is really clever… doesn’t pick up a fight with anybody or
business’. Sadly, neither he had the savings nor did he
disobeys his teachers ... he was a top student at his previous
have any close relatives from whom he could borrow for
school … and because we changed his school he is lagging
starting a ‘vegetables and fruits shop’. For the want of
now but I am sure he will catch up”.
a hundred thousand rupees, he was working for others.
Januka and Lal Bahadur having faced a life of constant Sujan lends a hand to their parents along with his brother
drudgery as unskilled wage laborers, wanted to educate whenever he is free—usually before and after school and
their children—their only hope out of eternal poverty. during weekends. The family is saving 150 rupees every
day at a local finance company. The Surakehti duo wants
A few days after the Gorkha Earthquake, a team from GNI
to expand their business.
Headquarters in Seoul arrived in Nepal to support the on-
going relief efforts. While taking stock of the situation in Life has never been easy for this family of five, nor is it
the Kalimati area, they came across a boy of almost 9-11 easy now. However, things have started to look up. With
years carrying vegetables. The team sat Sujan down, and a little help from GNI Nepal and lots of hard work on
asked him to talk about himself and his family. their part, the Surakehtis are on the path to prosperity.
12 | Annual Report 2016

O ver the years, the government
and development partners have
invested significantly and policy, legal,
achievement of students also have
improved in the past decade.
Development Plan), access and equity
(priority of School Sector Reform and
Development Plan) and efficiency in
Despite such impressive achievements,
and institutional reform measures the system (School Sector Development
public schools face immense quality
have been adopted for eradicating Plan theme). GNI Nepal’s educational
improvement challenges. Poor enabling
illiteracy and improving access to quality activities prioritize improving net
conditions in the schools, insufficient
education at all levels. As a result of enrollment rate, reducing gross
teaching-learning materials, ineffective
these efforts, the number of children enrolment rate, increasing attendance
school management system, and
enrolled in the first grade with early rate, decreasing dropout rate and
traditional teaching-learning and
childhood development experience improving learning achievement of the
assessment practices are major
has reached 62.4%, net enrollment students in more than 420 schools in 13
hindrances in improving the quality of
rate (NER) at the basic level (grade 1-5) districts.
is 96.6% and net intake rate in grade
ECED strengthening and empowerment,
one is 93.6%. The ratio of girls and boys GNI Nepal’s education activities are
aimed at building a firm educational
having basic education (grade 1-8) has designed focusing on quality early
foundation of young children and
reached parity. Attendance, completion, childhood education and development
preparing them for primary education,
retention, and pass rates and learning (ECED) facilities (priority of School Sector
received a significant priority this

24,401 students 71 schools received 33 schools

received stationery ECED learning
established a library, 17 ECED’s classrooms
science lab, and refurbished
and school uniform materials computer lab

A Poor Boy’s Rise

to Academic
Aasutosh Khadka, 14 years, lives in Bardiya District
with his family – father, mother and three elder sisters.
For the family of six, they have a tiny thatched hut.
The family survives on the small income of the father,
who works as a daily wage earner in India. He is absent
from the home nearly all year round. Devi, Ashutosh’s
mother, takes care of the domestic chores, livestock, and
cultivates the small plot of land the family owns. The
Khadka family faced one financial problem or another at
any given time.

Aasutosh, a shy and meek child, was an average performer

in the primary level (Grade 1-5). Most of the days in a
week, he would be seen in the local market doing menial
jobs to support his family and buy stationery. His poor
parents could not provide for all the necessities of their
four school-going children. Aasutosh used to carry a worn-
out shabby bag to school that his elder sister had used
for years. Stationery and new uniform were perennially
absent. He also never had khaja (lunch) at the school.
There came a time
As far as he can remember, he has spent almost all
winters without shoes. “I missed many school functions, and after that, I
extra-curricular activities and VDC level competitions
because I would never have a single set of nice clothes or did not have any
other worry except
uniform”, reminisced Asuthosh.

GNI Nepal under its sponsorship service started

supporting Ashutosh in 2013. Educational materials getting good marks
(exercise books, pen, pencils, eraser, geometry box, etc.),
uniform, and bag were provided to him. His hobbies were
also nurtured. Now, he had no reasons for staying away
from school.

This small support motivated him greatly and changed School Leaving Certificate (SLC), the so-called iron-gate,
his daily routine for better. He went to the school is a cause of worry among students and parents alike.
regularly and started studying at home. In the class seven Aasutosh, the brightest student in his class also took
board exams, he scored 55.86%, a notable improvement coaching classes for mathematics, science, and english
compared to his class six score of 51.86%. Encouraged by subjects for which support was provided by GNI Nepal.
his progress, he started to study much harder.
As expected by himself, his parents and teachers, he
Meanwhile, Devi also got involved in a GNI Nepal scored 3.25 GPA (Grade A). “The day I got the SLC result
supported income generation (IG) group. In a few months, was the happiest day of my life. Such an achievement,
she started to earn cash from the income generation I wouldn’t, for sure, have achieved if I had not received
activities – leading to a better family environment. continuous support from GNI Nepal”, Aasutosh expresse
Aasutosh happily shared, “there came a time after that, I his happiness.
did not have any other worry except getting good marks”.
Currently, Aasutosh is studying science and doing quite
In grade eight and nine, he secured first position with a
well. He is one of the brilliant students at the college and
score of 73.57% and 73.63% respectively.
popular among teachers and students.
14 | Annual Report 2016

58 schools received
26 schools received teaching learning 274 teachers and 2 schools building
child-friendly furniture materials & resources guardians trained maintenance

year. Altogether, 71 ECED centers This year, for improving the learning association (PTA) are instrumental
were supported with indoor learning habits of students, and more in making a school an ideal place-of-
materials and outdoor playing tools. importantly, facilitating the teachers’ learning. In light of this, 65 principals
17 ECED centers received support for access to teaching resources and and SMC and PTA members were
flooring, carpeting, furnishing, painting materials, 17 schools were supported to trained on effective management of the
and coloring. In total, 1281 young set up libraries. school.
children now have better learning
A classroom equipped with child- This year, emphasis was laid on teachers’
friendly furniture helps to effectively professional development. 209 teachers
Enabling conditions in the school is conduct group work, pair work, and were given the opportunity to enhance
an essential aspect of a child-friendly eases cooperative learning. This year, their knowledge and skills on child-
environment. This year, maintenance 26 schools were supported with child- centered pedagogy in a classroom
of buildings was carried out at two friendly furniture. setting. 58 schools were supported with
schools; support for classroom flooring, teaching-learning materials for assisting
24,401 sponsored children from poor,
furnishing, and painting was provided the trainee teachers to utilize the skills in
marginalized, and excluded families
to six schools; and one school was the classroom. GNI Nepal is proud of the
across 13 project districts received
supported for erecting a fence. fact that 564 sponsored children from
stationery (exercise books, pens,
94 GNI Nepal supported community
Integrating information communication pencils, eraser, sharpener, refills, and
schools successfully completed School
and technology (ICT) in education for geometry box) and school uniform (a
Leaving Certificate (SLC) this year.
enabling students to discover the world, pair of pants, shoes and socks; shirt,
and gain knowledge and computer skills bag, and sweater). Access to education In 2017, our education program aligned
is a high priority across the globe today. and participation is expected to improve with the sustainable development goals
Eight different schools were supported as a result of this support. will continue to increase access to and
for establishing fully equipped computer improve the quality of education and
A sense of ownership among parents
laboratories. Science laboratories were strengthen the school management
and functional school management
established in another eight schools for system.
committee (SMC) and parents-teachers
promoting experiment-based learning.

... my team
knocked the door of
many organizations
but we did not get
any support.

Computer Education for the Next Generation

Navajyoti Tham Secondary School lies in Bhukatangle support”, recalls Mina Kumari Gurung, the principal of
VDC in Parbat District at a distance of 20 km from the the school.
district headquarter, Kushma. Currently, 243 students
During a community need assessment (CNA) in 2015, the
(147 girls and 96 boys) of grade one to ten are studying
school requested GNI Nepal to help establish a computer
at the school. Majority of these students belong to poor
lab. In 2016, GNI Nepal provided twelve computers, eight
Gurung, Magar, and Chhetri communities. Since 2013
tables, twenty chairs and one round study-table to the
AD, GNI Nepal is working with the school to improve the
school. The computer lab was carpeted and painted in
quality of education, and at present, 100 students (50 girls
vibrant colors to create a visually appealing environment.
and 50 boys) are benefiting from GNI Nepal’s Sponsorship
In addition, fourteen teachers received a seven-day
Service Program.
computer literacy training.
Navajyoti Tham School, like elsewhere in Nepal, also
Equipped with all-round theoretical knowledge, practical
started computer education, albeit, without having a single
skills and adequate number of computers, the teachers are
computer. Theoretical portion only was taught to the
now enthusiastically imparting knowledge and practical
students: the computer teacher lectured about computers
skills to the students. Students are so eager to use the
along with showing the students a few drawings/pictures
computer that they can be found in the computer lab
every now and then. The black and white computer
during recess and leisure hours. The principal of the
course books also multiplied challenges for the teachers
school remarked, “After the establishment of the new
to portray an exact picture of computers. Naturally, the
computer lab, not a single student has left the school. The
students were neither impressed nor motivated.
attendance rate has also gone up compared to the past”.
In 2013, the school bought seven desktop computers
For facilitating easy access to thousands of books for all
with funding from the district education office. After a
(grade 1-12) students, the school has plans for setting
few days of usage, two computers started malfunctioning.
up an offline library in the computer lab. Currently, the
One computer was permanently reserved for official use.
school offers computer classes to lower secondary level
Four computers only were not enough for all teachers and
students only. Since the school has enough computers
students for gaining any practical skills. Students had
now, computer classes to primary as well as secondary
to queue for using the computer. The limited theoretical
level students will also be offered in the near future.
lecturing that went in the computer class also had no
effect on the students. Some students passed the exams In an effort to ensure smooth operation and long-
even without touching the keyboard once. term sustainability of the lab, all school management
committee and parents teachers association members
Students started to leave for private schools in the area for
and guardians are scheduled to meet regularly and take
not getting to use the computer at the school. “Retaining
necessary actions. And two teachers will train on the
the students was a real challenge for us. My team knocked
hardware and software components.
the door of many organizations, but we did not get any
16 | Annual Report 2016

G NI Nepal aims at developing
self-reliant communities through
the establishment and promotion of
profit making, personnel management
to conduct training sessions on off-
seasonal vegetable farming, goat and
dairy cattle raising, turmeric and ginger
social enterprises. GNI Nepal supported were conducted in Bardiya, Darchula, cultivation, and kitchen gardening in
income generation groups and co- Myagdi, Kathmandu, and Lalitpur Bardiya, Humla, Doti, Kathmandu, and
operatives are creating employment, districts which benefited a total of Lalitpur districts. Altogether, 131 young
and enhancing social, financial, physical, 114 participants. The participants and old farmers were trained in modern
natural and human capitals in rural developed a business plan for their farming practices.
parts of Nepal. 7399 locals in 13 project enterprises based on their resources,
Participants of the entrepreneurship
districts are members of GNI Nepal experiences, and interests at the end
development training were required
supported cooperatives. Cooperative of training.
to develop a business plan based on
members increased by 430 in 2016.
Traditional knowledge and practices of their interest and available resources.
To turn current and potential entrepreneurs need to be upgraded. This year, 90 participants from Bajura,
entrepreneurs into successful Participants of the entrepreneurship Bardiya, Humla, Kailali, and Kaski
businessmen, business plan development training received skills districts received revolving fund via the
development training sessions on training on the basis of their business cooperatives they are a member of.
entrepreneurship, leadership, resource plans. This year GNI Nepal supported Under the revolving fund support, the

25 personnel 90 entrepreneurs 41 IG groups and

12 animal health supported received revolving cooperatives received
camps conducted to cooperatives fund support logistic support

... If they show

interest, we want
them to take some
kind of vocational
training course
and become

A Couple Overcomes Poverty with

Fulkumari Tharu, 32 years, lives in Sonpur, Rajapur in 2009, easing the Tharu family’s financial hardships.
Municipality, Bardiya with her son Nitish (14 years), Ever since, he is getting support to continue his studies.
daughter Pritam (11 Years) and husband Karan (35 Fulkumari joined a GNI Nepal funded cooperative in
years). For generations, they were landless and worked as 2013. In early February 2014, she got support from the
sharecroppers. The Tharu family owns four kattha (0.13 cooperative for starting a fresh house: NRs. 29,607 as
hectares) of land with poor soil, enough for a homestead loan and NRs. 12,708 as subsidy.
but severely inadequate for producing grains to feed a
Fulkumari looks after the tailoring shop, putting into
family of four for a year.
use the tailoring skills that she learned from her
As the family did not own much land, there was not husband over the years. The tailoring shop also doubles
much work at home. Both Fulkumari and Karan did as a training center for young women offering a two-year
whatever work came their way. The produce from the long tailoring course which is reasonably priced — six
land could barely feed them for two months. In 2001, thousand rupees a year. The shop has a monthly turnover
searching greener pastures, Karan went to Simla, a hill of NRs. 20-25 thousands and net income of NRs. 12-15
station in India and worked there for three years as a thousand rupees. Karan sells pork at the fresh house. 20
coolie (hauling sacks of apple). For another three years kilograms of fresh pork is sold daily, bringing in around
in Srinagar as apple-picker and farm-hand. NRs. 15,000 every month. Both the tailoring center and
the fresh house are run from the same building.
In 2007, Karan came back home for good and started to
learn to tailor. After a few months of training, he along As the businesses have become profitable, Karan no
with Fulkumari started visiting homes and offering door- more goes to India. The Tharu couple is now capable
to-door services. They charged each household in paddy of affording a quality education for their children. With
which they collected after the harvest season. With the the profits from the businesses, they have built a three-
paddy so collected, they could only feed their children roomed reinforced cement concrete (RCC) house.
and themselves.
Fulkumari and Karan are planning to expand the fresh
In 2008, the couple was able to collect six quintals of house into a fish and meat collection and sales center.
paddy, which they sold in the market. With the money Looking at the pace their profits are growing, Fulkumari
they made, Karan bought a tailoring machine and started is certain that she will be able to built a concrete roof
a tailoring shop— a small start on the path towards self- on their house this year itself. On a positive note, Karan
employment. Business went slow for years to come. The said, “our children are still young, their interests are
family could not become financially stable. still taking shape but we want them to take some kind
of vocational training course after they finish high school
Nitish was enrolled in GNI Nepal’s Sponsorship Program
and become entrepreneurs”.
18 | Annual Report 2016

Central data in cloud

Additional data from

Central data at GNI Nepal
GNI Nepal staff

Cooperative All Cooperatives data on cloud

Entrepreneurs Enterprises

maximum amount an entrepreneur can cooperative and five income generation management in Darchula and Kailali
get is NRs. 42,000, for which the grace groups received stationery support. districts.
period varies according to the nature of
To enhance knowledge, skills, and In 2016, GNI Nepal provided a computer
the enterprise.
attitudes needed for good money- pre-installed with a customized
In rural parts of GNI Nepal’s working management practices: earning, accounting software and printer to
districts, most of the farming families spending, saving, borrowing and ten cooperatives in Kailali and Bardiya
do not have easy access to animal investing of the rural household, districts. One cooperative in Lalitpur
health care services. Poor farming financial literacy classes were organized district was provided with the accounting
households cannot afford the services in Mugu and Kailali. 120 locals software. Apart from performing
even if they are available as they are participated in the classes. standard cooperative accounting
usually expensive. Awareness of health operations, the software keeps a
For instituting long-term sustainability
problems occurring in domestic animals detailed record of loans disbursed to
of GNI funded cooperatives, a total
is another major overlooked issue. enterprises during and after the grace
of 53 cooperative managers and
This year, GNI Nepal organized animal period. Cooperative managers and
board members of 18 cooperatives in
health camps in Bajura, Bardiya, Doti, treasures were coached one-on-one for
Darchula, Kailali, Kaski and Parbat were
Parbat which served more than 3000 making them capable of using every
trained in cooperative management
domestic animals of 1517 households. feature of the software.
covering objective, principles, policies
A cooperative was formed in Bajura. and programs of a cooperative, standard Retaining the manager is a big challenge
Currently, it has 45 share members. accounting practices, importance of for a large number of cooperatives
For fostering business, financial, and bookkeeping, monthly saving and in Nepal. Low pay is one of the major
technical collaboration among the credit, and overall management factors behind the trend. To motivate
cooperatives, two cooperatives union practices. 474 locals were oriented on the managers to take-up disbursing
were formed in Bardiya and Kailali. One the basics of cooperative formation and and monitoring of loans supported by
GNI Nepal, NRs. 5,000 has been added
to their monthly salary. Twenty-two
cooperative managers are receiving the
salary top-up starting this year.

This year GNI Nepal expanded its

support to three additional cooperatives;
one each in Bardiya, Kailali, and Bajura
to improve their member’s livelihood.

For providing a platform to local

entrepreneurs to showcase their
products, GNI Nepal supported District
Agriculture Development Office (DADO)
Bardiya to conduct an agro-fair. 33
entrepreneurs of four cooperatives
participated in the event and it saw
more than 200 visitors.

This year we
will double the
cropping area. …
and our life is also
quite better now.

Commercial Banana Farming Changes

Sarshwoti Chaudhary, 35 years, is a resident of Sitapur After receiving entrepreneurship and banana farming
Kailali. She is a mother of two beautiful girls; Anjali (14 training funded by GNI Nepal, Sarshwoti and Hiralal
years) and Salina (six years). She was married to Hiralal planned to start commercial banana farming in 2015.
at a very young age of 10-12 years. Hiralal was also of She received NRs. 42,000 loan from the group and NRs.
the same age. She and her husband were sharecroppers— 18,000 grant from GNI Nepal. They cultivated William
getting 50 % of all the produce. Life for the couple was a Hybrid Variety of banana in five Kattha (0.17 hectares)
struggle every day. of their land. This much land would produce around
seven quintals of rice worth NRs. 15,000 only, while
The Chaudhary family grew paddy once a year in their
banana fetches almost fifteen times that amount.
one bigha (0.67 hectares) of rice paddies. The total yield a
year was 20 quintals of paddy— not enough for fulfilling They made NRs. 200,000 from the first harvest and
the necessities of the family six. Hence, Hiralal went earned a net profit of NRs. 70,000 and repaid the loan.
to India at the young age of seventeen to the Garhwal In 2016, they earned NRs. 120,000. All banana plants
Mountains in India. There he worked menial jobs. Every except, a very few, are healthy. This season monkey
year he came back home during Dashain, stayed for finger disease was seen in some fruits. Otherwise, for
another 3-4 months and went to India again. When at Sarshwoti and Hiralal, their future in banana farming
home, he pulled rickshaw in the nearby Tikapur Bazaar. is rosy. As a contingency plan, Sarshwoti is regularly
saving a small portion of their earnings at a GNI Nepal
Anjali is a GNI Nepal sponsored child and a seventh
supported cooperative.
grader at a nearby school. Salina is a third grader.
In 2011, Sarshwoti became a member of GNI Nepal Sarshwoti shared,”This year we will double the cropping
supported agricultural group. NRs. 85,000 was provided area. I want to tell other people like me that it’s possible
to the group by GNI Nepal as seed money to be revolved to make a good amount of money from banana farming
among the members for starting agricultural enterprises. … and our life is also quite better now”.
20 | Annual Report 2016


A ccording to the Nepal Living
Standards Survey 2011,
61.8% of the Nepalese households
knowledge of preventive health care
measures; and improving their health
seeking behaviors. Strengthening
II. Health
Education and Capacity
activities, training,
have access to health facilities within access to and capacity of the public exposure visits for health workers,
a thirty-minute walking distance. health system is another major focus management committees, female
A significant discrepancy exists area of GNI Nepal. Similarly, WASH community health volunteers,
between urban (85.9%) and rural (59%) (water, sanitation and hygiene) mother groups, child clubs, school
households. Existing public health program promotes equitable access students, etc.
facilities lack health care professionals, to WASH services and facilities and III.Health Camp: Sponsored/non-
equipment, and medicines. Poor enhances knowledge of and attitude sponsored children and community
funding and transportation links have towards safe hygiene and sanitation members receive health checkup
further aggravated the situation— practices. Altogether health and WASH service and basic medicines.
depriving rural communities of basic programs have five major components;
IV. Critical Situation Treatment Support:
health care services. I. Health System Strengthening: Health Sponsored children receive a
GNI Nepal’s health program aims at facilities receive health equipment, support of up to NRs. 50,000 for the
improving the health status of children, workforce, infrastructure, and basic treatment of severe medical cases.
families, and communities; enhancing utility support.

11 health camps 10 children received 14 health facilities

conducted critical treatment
support strengthened

Life-Saving Health Services Resume in

Pahade, one of the settlements in Lele VDC, is located building in Pahade. Coincidently, a South Korean actress,
three kilometers far from the PHCC (Primary Health on a tour organized by GNI visited Pahade Community
Care Center). The community consists of 122 households and learned about the lack of the PHC/ORC building,
(Pahari: 84, Chhetri: 37 and Dalit: 1) and has a population the problem it was creating in providing of life-saving
of 640. medical services and GNI Nepal’s reconstruction plans
for the area. She immediately pledged financial support
Previously, primary health care out-reach clinic (PHC/
for constructing the building.
ORC) was conducted in Pahade from a private house.
Monthly 35-40 locals visited the clinic for antenatal GNI Nepal shared the building reconstruction plan
check-up (ANC), immunization, family planning services, with the District Public Health Office (DPHO). DPHO
and nutrition programs— for newly delivered women later coordinated for a meeting with the Health Facility
and infants, growth monitoring and arm circumference Operation Management Committee (HFOMC) – laying
measurement of the mother and child. foundation for the reconstruction. One of the community
members, without request, wished to donate the required
As the Gorkha Earthquake toppled the house to the
land. Community members contributed manual labor.
ground, completely buried all medical equipment with it,
GNI Nepal provided technical and financial support.
ORC was conducted irregularly from shops or temporary
shelters. Due to lack of a fixed address of the PHC/ In December 2016, a single story PHC/ORC building
ORC, locals were unable to get health care services. with a check-up room, waiting room, and toilet was
Pregnant women were forced to travel a long distance to constructed and it was handed over to the community in
the primary health care clinic (PHCC) just for an ANC January 2017. Now, the residents of Pahade can access
checkup. basic health services on a regular basis and at a fixed
Earthquake damage assessment conducted by GNI Nepal
in its catchment area identified the need of a PHC/ORC
22 | Annual Report 2016
health facilities for making the services

ODF This year, GNI Nepal supported to

declare Nallu VDC in Lalitpur an
open defecation free (ODF) zone. As

10 drinking water 1056 community recommended by the village water

1 VDC declared open members benefited sanitation and hygiene coordination
system constructed defection free from awareness
raising and education committee (V-WASH-CC), GNI Nepal
program provided NRs. 1500 to 20 households
for constructing a toilet. Post ODF
follow-ups and monitoring programs
V. Total Sanitation: Construction need financial support for treatment of were conducted in Bardiya.
and maintenance of child, health problems. Throughout the year,
In total, 1056 community members
gender, and disabled-friendly critical situation treatment support was
including health facility operation
toilets, construction of hand provided to needy sponsored children.
management committee (HFOMC)
washing facility, distribution of In total, ten sponsored children
members, female community health
sanitation materials, construction/ received financial support for covering
volunteers (FCHV), school students
maintenance of drinking water medical treatment and transportation
and labor migrant workers benefited
schemes, water quality tests, expenses.
from education programs conducted
campaigns on food safety, clean
GNI Nepal bolsters public health on various health and WASH issues
house and clean environment,
facilities for optimizing their services. like HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted
waste or placenta pits construction,
Medical equipment including delivery diseases (STD), reproductive health
kit, dressing set, incubator, autoclave and safe motherhood, maternal and
For providing basic health care service machine, weighing machine, delivery child health, personal hygiene and
to the marginalized communities in bed, etc. was supported to six birthing hand washing, sanitation, and oral
remote areas of the country, extensive centers in Kaski District. 16 items health.
general and eye health camps were of medical equipment including
For strengthening the public health
conducted in 11 districts benefiting a stretcher, BP set, stethoscope,
system, GNI Nepal will focus on
30,248 people including 15,342 weight machine, examination bed,
health services delivery, commodities
sponsored children. Free-of-cost health refrigerator, etc. were supported to
(equipment, medicines, and
examination along with medicines was Dattu Health Post in Darchula District.
infrastructure), and workforce. With
provided to the people who attended Primary health care center in Sangla
strengthened health facilities, GNI
the camps. GNI Nepal’s annual health of Kathmandu District was provided
Nepal hopes reliable health care
checkup service will continue to reach with lab equipment. Computer and
services will be available to all and the
the lowest strata of the communities. medical equipment were supported
referral system to function optimally.
to Chapagaun Health Post in Lalitpur
Critical situation treatment support is WASH activities at schools and Post
district. The equipment support was
provided to the sponsored children who ODF campaigns will take the center
made as per need and request of
stage in 2017.

Nallu Declared an ODF VDC

Nallu, a scenic Village Development Committee (VDC) differently-able headed and eight poor households) to
about 25 km far from Lagankhel Buspark lies in construct a toilet. These families are living in temporary
the southern part of Lalitpur District. There are 550 shelters as their houses got damaged in the Gorkha
households in the VDC with a population of 2761 (1390 Earthquake. They are using their cracked mud-stone
male and 1371 females). Tamangs make up the dominant houses for cooking and storing domestic stuff.
ethnic group in the VDCs.
These almost landless, livestock-raising, and daily wage
Lalitpur district was planned to be an open defecation earning families are just getting by. They needed a
free (ODF) district by the end of 2016. Under this broad toilet direly but could not afford to build it. V-WASH-
goal, Nallu VDC was also planned to be declared an ODF CC Nallu recommended GNI Nepal to support these
VDC. Despite many earlier piecemeal efforts and a strong families without a toilet. All of the twenty households
determination of Nallu V-WASH-CC for ODF declaration were provided money for purchasing requisite cement,
by 17 September 2016, a combination of factors prevented
iron rod, and zinc sheet. Beneficiary households, by
the VDC from being declared ODF. With support from themselves, collected locally available materials like
D-WASH-CC Lalitpur, Nallu V-WASH-CC organized mud, stone, and wood. Toilet pan and pipe were provided
a workshop with participation of international non- by Nallu VDC Office.
governmental organizations (I/NGO) and CBOs working
Finally, in December 2016, Nallu was declared an ODF
in the VDC in June 2016. The workshop gave the ODF
VDC in the presence of Mr. Shree Prasad Jawegu,
declaration drive a fresh impetus. Many facilitators and
Honorable Minister for Federal Affairs and Local
staffs of I/NGOs were mobilized and toilets construction
Development. The ODF status will be maintained under
was intensified. To encourage families for constructing
the ‘ODF Code of Conduct’ that has to be mandatorily
toilets, incentives, presents, and certificates were also
followed by the residents of Nallu. Village Secretary
and V-WASH-CC Nallu Coordinator Mr. Damodar Rijal
GNI Nepal supported the remaining 20 households specially thanked GNI Nepal for its contribution.
(eight single women, two elderly, one orphan, and one
24 | Annual Report 2016

Gorkha District was heavily affected health facilities, four health posts and
42 drinking water
by the earthquake that hit Nepal in five outreach clinics (ORC) are being schemes constructed
April 2015. Immediately after the built in Phinam, Thumi, Lapu, Manbu
earthquake, representatives of Good and Aruarbang VDCs. Among them,
Neighbors Japan along with a team the construction of the health post in
of engineers visited the earthquake Phinam has been completed and other
affected villages in Gorkha to assess remaining 3 health posts in Thumi,
the damage to the infrastructure. The Manbu, and Lapu are in the final
first anniversary of the earthquake stages of construction. Eight schools
is an opportunity to look back at the having a child and disabled friendly
work done to assist the survivors, design, ‘standard size’ classrooms,
the challenges faced in the recovery natural air circulation, lighting and
and reconstruction, and assess the earthquake resistance features 41 temporary toilet
progress made. are under construction in Phinam,
Aruarbang, Thumi, Lapu and Manbu
In the first phase of the WASH
VDCs. Approximately, 5000 students
reconstruction project, 32 drinking
will be benefited.
water schemes (DWS) and 41
temporary toilets were constructed Heavy rainfall and subsequent road
in Phinam, Aruarbang, Thumi, Manbu blockades, labor scarcity, construction
and Lapu VDCs, directly benefiting materials shortage, and transportation
around 20,000 locals. In the second problems delayed the construction
phase of the reconstruction 10 work. Despite various challenges,
more DWS were built, benefiting GNI Nepal was able to complete the
approximately 3427 people. second phase of the WASH facilities 4 health post and
In an effort to revive health care
reconstruction project. 5 outreach clinic constructed
services at the earthquake damaged

190 FCHV capacity strengthened

RECOVERY PROJECT Developed IEC/BCC materials

Health System Recovery Project For improving the MCH status of the
(HSRP), Nuwakot covers 10 earthquake communities, support was provided to
affected VDCs in Nuwakot District. improve MCH services at health posts
It is a three-year project aiming to and strengthen the capacity of female
empower communities in the aftermath community health volunteers (FCHV).
of the earthquake for improving their Introductory meeting was conducted
physical and psychosocial status. The for 190 FCHVs in all 10 target VDCs.
project is funded by Korea International Freshly recruited 13 FCHVs received an 50 adolescent girls involved
Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and is eighteen-day basic FCHV training. HSRP in girls club
under implementation in coordination team members have been attending
with the District Public Health Office FCHVs’ monthly meetings since
DPHO 10 reproductive health assistants
Nuwakot. September and collecting data and
working in the target, VDCs were trained
information about their activities and
HSRP aims to build back better by on ASRH. For raising awareness on
reconstructing the damaged health ASRH, a radio jingle was produced. One
system and strengthening the capacity As a part of the capacity building of girls club titled GNI Pragatishil Girls
of community health workers, address the workforce at the health posts, 10 Club was formed in Charghare VDC. 50
reproductive health issues of women and auxiliary nurse midwifes (ANM) were adolescent girls are involved in the club.
adolescents, and support communities trained at Western Regional Hospital, These girls will be trained on and serve
to overcome psycho-emotional trauma Pokhara. One MCH center at the as champions for raising awareness of
induced by the earthquake. district hospital and six health posts ASRH and girls’ rights.
were supported with one ANM each. To strengthen the psycho-social
Four components of HSRP are maternal
Various IEC/BCC (information education resilience and enhance mental well-
and child health (MCH), adolescent
communication / behaviour change being of students, a training for teachers
sexual and reproductive health (ASRH),
communication) materials, promotional program was designed and delivered by
psycho-social support (PSS) and medical
items, fact sheets and display boards a team of Korean experts benefitting 17
equipment support.
were developed for promoting MCH teachers and one health post in-charge.
Approximately, 75,000 individuals in services at the newly constructed health The trainee teachers provided psycho-
Bidur Municipality and Belkot, posts in the ten working VDCs. social support to the students at their
Charghare, Duipipal, Ghyangphedi, schools and will continue to do so for
Under the ASRH component, ASRH
Likhu, Okharpauwa, Panchakanya, years to come. Altogether, 718 students
Guidebook for grade 6-10 students was
Ratmate, Suryamati and Thaprek VDCs of nine schools received psychosocial
developed. In coordination with the
will benefit from the project. support.
26 | Annual Report 2016
26 | Annual Report 2016

5020 beneficiary households
Saemaul Zero Hunger Communities rural poverty in Nepal. Focus areas
Project (SZHCP), a partnership are community capacity building
initiative between Korea International (community empowerment, disaster
Cooperation Agency (KOICA) risk reduction, health care services,
and World Food Programme strengthened governance and
(WFP) is a rural development and community capacity), sustainable
livelihoods project currently under infrastructure construction
implementation in Doti District in Far- (constructing/rehabilitating roads,
Western Nepal. The project combines trails, irrigation ponds and canals,
the best rural development practices drinking water supply systems),
of Korea’s SaemaulUndong (New livelihood enhancement (training
45 irrigation projects’ physical
Village Movement) Rural Development cooperative members, conducting
verification conducted
Model; World Food Programme’s agriculture, livelihood, vocational,
Cash for Assets (CFA) and Cash for business training, support to
Training (CFT) programs; and Good entrepreneurs for improving food
Neighbors International’s Community consumption and dietary diversity
Development Project (CDP) model. score and strategy index).

SZHCP aims to strengthen food and SZHCP Phase I, implemented from

nutrition security through promoting 2012-2015 covered 1,743 households
sustainable livelihoods, rural asset in Ladagada and Pokhari VDCs in
building, and community capacity Doti District. Phase II (2016-2018),
enhancement. The project offers a scale-up of Phase I, continues to
817 locals trained
an integrated approach to address work in those two VDCs and also
the challenges of food security and covers Ganjari, Sanagaun, Khirsain,

Gaihragaun and Kadamadaun VDCs. of the VDCs do not follow the process/ VDP planning training session and
By July 2018, 5020 households will be procedure set by the government. specified in the prioritized list of DPMC
benefited by the project. was conducted; and construction work
To enhance the capacity of community
of two irrigation projects has begun in
The project conducted gender- members and VDC staff; support VDC
Khirsain, and Gaihragaun.
segregated focus group discussions to disseminate Village Development
and three technical surveys: water Plan (VDP); and analyze/prioritize Compost/farm yard manure making,
resource mapping, business potential activities for SZHCP, a four-day VDP nursery management, sweet making,
survey and cooperative status training session, based on ’14 Steps masonry, and kitchen gardening
assessment for assessing the needs of of Planning Process’ was conducted training sessions were conducted for
the communities in the target VDCs. in each intervention VDC. In total, skill enhancement of the community
For carrying out planned activities, 239 representatives (148 male and members in the target VDCs. In total,
two implementing partners (IP) were 91 female) of government agencies, 578 community members (196 male
selected in August. ward citizen forums, mothers groups, and 382 female) benefited from the
child clubs, youth clubs, cooperatives training sessions.
Enhancing skills of the community
VDC level networking groups; and
members is very important for
ward representatives, local leaders,
achieving sustainable community
and school teachers participated in
development. Planning activities
the event. SZHCP Phase II Annual
by and with the community based
Plan, jointly developed with VDCs
on their needs is a key element for
was endorsed by the District Project
successful project implementation and
Management Committee (DPMC).
ensuring its sustainability. Every year
VDCs have to prepare an annual plan The physical verification of 45
with the participation of community irrigation projects (surface canal
leaders and members. However, most and pipe with pond) identified in the
28 | Annual Report 2016

The extensive benefits that awareness of students and community which will be stored in a laptop. In the
information and communication members. pilot phase, 15 schools in Parbat and
technologies (ICT) bring to education Kaski districts will receive support for
Every target school will have a SMART
are undeniable. A multimedia tool with establishing the SMART CLASSROOM.
CLASSROOM that will, primarily,
features for flexibility, interactivity,
be a multimedia-aided teaching- A baseline study was conducted in
and integration of different media is
learning, and secondarily, an IT Parbat and Kaski districts in October
very helpful and fruitful in classroom
facility for designing, processing, to identify the level of ICT penetration
and management of all information and feasibility of piloting the project
Nepal spent 4.7 % of the GDP (gross generated at the school; and for lesson at the schools. All of the participants
domestic product) in education in planning, developing course related of the study: principals, teachers, and
the 2006-2010 period (World Bank) materials, printing, and scanning. students expressed a clear need for a
which is lowest among its South Asian multimedia-aided teaching-learning
Every SMART CLASSROOM will have a
neighbors. Government spending tool — for improving the quality of
LED projector, three laptops (one each
on ICT in Nepal is negligible. Private education at their schools.
for multi-media aided teaching, school
schools have some form of ICT facilities
information management and general Project implementation will start
and computer education in their
use by all teachers), a 350 Watt solar in 2017 and expand to another 50
curriculum but public/community
power system, sound system, three- schools in Mid-Western and Far-
schools lack even the most basic ICT-
in-one scanner-photocopier-printer Western Nepal in 2018. Altogether,
based educational facilities.
and have a seating capacity of 50 this project will benefit around 22,500
In 2016, GNI Nepal designed a new students. All SMART CLASSROOMs will students, 750 teachers, and 50,000
projection based ICT project aptly be connected to the internet wherever community members.
having the objective of narrowing
GNI Nepal in collaboration with
down the digital divide, promoting
the government of Nepal and local
quality education at public and
partners is digitizing the educational
community schools, and raising
materials for grades one to eight,

Menstruation starts with the onset of and health institutions. Main aim of to menstruating girls from their family
puberty signifying the transition of a the project is to enhance knowledge was also found to be missing.
girl from childhood to womanhood and awareness of adolescents on key
A large majority (83%) of the
and is one of the very important sexual and reproductive health issues,
respondent girls have knowledge of
physiological processes in females. increased access to and use of sexual
MHM but it hasn’t clearly translated
It is a sensitive issue and remains and reproductive health resources and
into the right attitude and practices,
a taboo in many communities in services as well as menstrual hygiene
hence, behavior change activities
Nepal. Most of the adolescent girls, management in schools. Around 1050
have been envisioned by the project.
all over Nepal, lack information adolescent students and adults will
Grassroots advocacy campaigns will
as regards to reproductive health directly benefit from this project.
also be organized to combat the
and rights and requisite facilities
A baseline survey conducted for the deeply ingrained religious and cultural
and services for menstrual hygiene
project in November showed that malpractices, restrictions, and taboos
management (MHM), resulting in
83% of adolescent students had the related to menstruation. Accessibility
school absenteeism during periods.
idea that menstruation is a natural and availability of improved menstrual
GNI Nepal decided to implement physiological process. Contrary to this hygiene services and facilities at the
a two-year (2017-2018) MHM pilot correct understanding, more than half schools and health facilities will be
project in Doti, a district having of them still believed that gods (local enhanced by the project.
one of the highest prevalence of deities) curse their family members
Chhaupadi practice in the country if they do not follow the culture/
and significantly low access to and taboos associated with menstruation.
use of MHM resources and services. WASH facilities at the surveyed
Major stakeholders are adolescent schools are inadequate for the girls to
students, teachers, parent-teacher safely manage their menses leading
associations, school management to absence from the classroom
committees, school water sanitation and below average academic
hygiene coordination committee, performance. Psychological support
30 | Annual Report 2016

Employment Generation and Value dairy processing center and capacity receive skills training on improved
Chain Development Project intends to building of farmers, this project dairy cattle rearing and they can apply
improve the livelihood of poor farmers aims at increasing long-term income for a grant and loan after completion
and landless people of Panchthar, generation opportunities for and of the training. A local cooperative
Jhapa, and Morang districts by resilience of peasants. will be supported to establish a milk
strengthening dairy industry, pig processing plant capable of producing
In Panchthar District, cooperative
farming, and vocational training. This packaged milk. Simultaneous
members and dairy farmers will be
three-year (2016-2018) project will improvement in the value chain will
the main project participants. They will
benefit 1778 households (HH) and two raise the demand of milk in the market
be trained on entrepreneurship, pig
cooperatives. – leading to increased income of the
raising, and cattle rearing. Successful
project participants.
The project has adopted an integrated participants will be provided with
approach for improving both grants and loans and they will be linked The project has a feedback
production and marketing of the milk to local, domestic as well international mechanism that includes women,
and milk products in Panchthar and market for selling their produce. men, household heads, social and
Morang districts, whereas, it aims to political leaders, government agencies
Landless and land-poor youths will be
provide employment opportunities for identifying gaps and ensuring
the main project participants in Jhapa
to the landless people in Jhapa transparency and accountability.
District. To improve their household
District. Targeted vocational training For ensuring sustainability, the
income vocational training and
programs for the landless and land- project promotes capacity building
initial start-up grant for starting an
poor families will increase self- of farmers and cooperatives and is
enterprise and they will be linked with
employment opportunities. establishing linkage and channels of
potential employers.
communication between them and
Apart from strengthening two
In Morang District, dairy farmers will local government agencies.
existing cooperatives and a local


This year, Finance Department

at GNI Nepal’s Head Office was
NRs. 3,915,600.80
segregated into grants management,
disbursement management, and
internal audit units. Collectively these GN JAPAN
NRs. 6,056,980.87
units are responsible for ensuring
the control and management of all
finances – organizing, managing,
NRs. 1,152,529,00
auditing, controlling, distributing,
planning, and accounting. The
department also ensures that all
finances are delivered to and utilized
in the most effective manner by all
of its 14 implementing partners, six NRs.
annex projects and two pilot projects.
526,091,113.29 GN KOREA
NRs. 514,966,002.62
The total income was in 2016 was
NRs. 526,091,113.29 including funds
from Good Neighbors Korea, Good
Neighbors USA, Good Neighbors
Japan and World Food Programme
(WFP). The total expenditure remained
at NRs. 334,878,319.

Out of the total utilized budget, total

administrative cost was 25% whereas
the program cost was 39%. The
remaining 36% balance will be spent
in regular programs and annex or
pilot projects in 2017. In year 2016,
NRs. 61,62,891.30 went towards WASH
promotional activities in Gorkha.
Similarly, out of NRs. 225,459,107
committed in the Memorandum PROGRAM EXPENSES
of Understanding (MoU) entered NRs. 203,271,385
into with the Ministry of Health and
Population (MOHP) and Department
of Education (DOE), NRs. 17,459,097 NRs.
was spent on health posts and school NRs.
buildings reconstruction in Gorkha.
For building the capacity of its
implementing partners’ finance
officers, GNI Nepal organized
a workshop on Financial and
Management Accounting System
(FAMAS) which is used for reporting ADMINISTRATIVE
budget utilization. FAMAS software EXPENSES
was provided to 14 implementing
NRs. 131,606,934

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