Physics Sample: Sifal Secondary School
Physics Sample: Sifal Secondary School
Physics Sample: Sifal Secondary School
Sifal Secondary 7. A diffraction grating has 400 lines/mm and is illuminated normally by a
School 0
Physics Sample monochromatic light of wave length 6000 A . The maximum number of
Question diffraction maxima obtained will be
A) 4.16 B) 4 C) 5 D) 2.96
. 8. Above curie temperature
A) A ferromagnetic substance becomes paramagnetic
B) A ferromagnetic substance becomes diamagnetic
Group 'A' 11 1=11 C) A paramagnetic substance becomes diamagnetic
D) A paramagnetic substance becomes ferromagnetic
Rewrite the correct options of each questions in your answer sheet. 9. If the emf of a thermocouple, one junction of which is kept at 00 C is given
by E = a + b 2 . Then, the neutral temperature will be
a a
A) B) C) 1 D) 1
1. If L represents momentum, I represents moment of inertia, then L b b ab ab
2I 10. If power factor of an ac circuit is 0.5, then the phase difference between
represents voltage and current is the circuit is
A) Rotational kinetic energy B) Torque C) Power A) B) C) D)
D) Potential energy 3 4 2
2. Starting from mean position, a particle in simple harmonic motion takes 11. In photoelectric cell, the relation between cut-off voltage (V0) and frequency
time T1 and T2 to cover first half and next half displacement in moving (f) of incident light is best represented by V
from mean to extreme position, then O
A) T1=T2 B) T2=2T1 C) T1=2T2 D) T1>T2
3. Water is flowing at 12 m/s in a horizontal pipe. If the pipe widens to twice VO
o >f
its original diameter, the flow speed in the wider section is
A) 6 m/s B) 9 m/s C) 2 m/s D) 3 m/s A) o >f B) o > f C) o >f D)
4. An ideal gas ratio of heat capacities =5/3 at 72 0C is expanded adiabatically
to eight times to its original volume. Approximate rise in temperature of the
Group 'B' 8x5=40
gas is
A) 86 K B) 186 K C) 259 K D) 273 K 12. a) What do you mean by moment of inertia ? 1
5. A carnot cycle includes b) State principle of conservation of angular momentum. 1
A) Two isothermal and Two adiabatic processes. c) A disc of moment of inertia 5 10-4 kgm2 is rotating freely about the
B) Two isothermal and Two isobaric processes axis through its center at 40rpm. Calculate the new revolution per minute
C) Two isothermal processes if some wax of mass 0.02 kg dropped gently on to the disc 0.08 m from
D) Two adiabatic processes the axis. 3
6. The intensity of sound 'I' and amplitude of vibration 'a' are related as, OR
A) I a B) I a2 C) I 1 D) I 1 a) What is meant by Simple Harmonic Motion ? 1
a a2
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(3) (4)
b) Show that motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic and hence d) A light aluminum ring is suspended from a long thread
calculate its time period. 3 as shown in figure. When a strong magnet is moved
c) On what factors does the time period of simple pendulum depend ? 1 away from it, the ring follows the magnet, why ?
What would happen if the magnet were moved N S
13. a) State Stoke's Law. 1
towards the ring ? 2
b) Describe a method to determine terminal velocity of a spherical body
18. a) Why is X-rays radiation process called inverse
falling through a viscous liquid using Stoke's law 2 photoelectric effect ? 2
c) Two spherical rain drops of equal size are falling through air with terminal b) State and explain Bragg's law of X-ray diffraction. 3
velocity 10 cm/s. If these two drops were to coalesce to form a single
drop, what would be the new terminal velocity ? 2 19. a) What is pn junction diode ? 1
b) Describe junction diode as a full wave rectifier. 3
14. a) What happens to the energy added to an ideal gas when it is heated at c) Write truth table related to AND gate. 1
(i) constant volume (ii) constant pressure ? 2
b) A carnot engine working between 300K and 600K has a work output Group 'C' 8 3=24
of 800J per cycle. What is the amount of heat energy supplied to the 20. The diagram represents the
engine from source per cycle ? 3 D
experimental arrangement used to S1
15. a) What are stationary waves ? 1 produce interference fringes in Young's . >
b) How stationary waves are formed in an open organ pipe ? 1 double slits experiment.
c) Sketch the wave pattern and calculate the frequencies of fundamental a) What are coherent sources of
. d
vibration and the first overtone for the open organ pipe of length 'L'.3 light ? 1 Monochromatic S2 >
OR b) What do you mean by source of light
a) What do you mean by Doppler's effect ? 1 interference of light ? 1
b) How is it that one can recognize a friend from his voice without seeing c) In the above experiment, if the slits Single Double
slit slits
him ? 2 S1 & S2 are illuminated by a
c) Write down the factors on which the speed of sound in air depends. 2 monochromatic source of light of wavelength , show that the width of
16. a) What is the principle of potentiometer ? 1 bright fringe is equal to width of dark fringe as given by = D . 4
b) Why is the potentiometer preferred to a voltmeter to measure the emf d
of a cell ? 1 d) If the distance between slits and the screen is doubled and slits separation
c) The emf of a battery is balanced by a length 75 cm on a potentiometer is halved, what will be the effect on fringe width ? 1
wire and emf of a standard cell of 1.02 volt is balanced by a length 50 e) What happened to fringe width if whole apparatus is immersed in
cm of it. Calculate the emf of the battery. 3 water ? 1
17. a) Define magnetic flux. 1 21. a) State and explain Biot-Savart law. 2
b) State Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction 1 b) Use this law to find the magnetic field at the center of current carrying
c) A coil has 5000 turns. What is the emf produced in the coil when the circular coil. 3
magnetic flux cutting the coil changes by 8x10-4 Wb in 0.1 s ? 1 c) A circular coil of 100 turns has a radius of 10 cm and carries a current
of 5A. Determine the magnetic field at a point on the axis of the coil at
a distance of 5 cm from the center of the coil. 3
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