IPMVP's Snapshot On Advanced Measurement & Verification: White Paper

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IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced

Measurement & Verification

Prepared by:

Lia Webster
Facility Energy Solutions LLC

With Contributions from:

Jessica Granderson
Samuel Fernandes
Eliot Crowe
Shankar Earni
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced
Measurement & Verification


© 2020 Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO). All rights reserved. This document may not be
reproduced or altered, in whole or in part, whether in hard copy, digital, or other forms, without the
EVO’s prior written consent.

Cover page picture by Dan Formsma – Unsplash


AUTHORS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................2

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................3
1. BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................4
ADVANCED M&V’S CURRENT DRIVERS AND USE-CASES ............................................................................................... 5
2. INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS IN ADVANCED M&V ...............................................................................8
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT.................................................................................................................................... 8
REGULATORY & UTILITY ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................................... 10
PROGRAM APPROACHES ........................................................................................................................................... 12
SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 13
3. DEVELOPMENTS IN ADVANCED M&V BEST PRACTICES .................................................................... 14
VARIETY OF MODELS ................................................................................................................................................. 14
FREE AM&V TOOLS ................................................................................................................................................. 16
SAVINGS UNCERTAINTY ............................................................................................................................................. 18
MODEL ACCURACY.................................................................................................................................................... 19
UNCERTAINTY IN AVOIDED ENERGY VS. NORMALIZED SAVINGS................................................................................... 19
COMPARATIVE AM&V TOOL TESTING ....................................................................................................................... 20
NON-ROUTINE EVENTS (NRES) ................................................................................................................................. 21
NON-ROUTINE ADJUSTMENTS (NRAS) ...................................................................................................................... 22
4. KEY OPEN ISSUES ........................................................................................................................... 24
5. IPMVP AND ADVANCED M&V......................................................................................................... 25
IPMVP PRINCIPLES................................................................................................................................................... 26
FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOR IPMVP .............................................................................................................................. 27
USE MODEL ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA TO MAXIMIZE SAVINGS ....................................................................................... 27
CONCLUSIONS & NEXT STEPS ................................................................................................................. 30
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................. 32

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 1


Lia Webster, Facility Energy Solutions LLC

Jessica Granderson, Samuel Fernandes, Eliot Crowe, and Shankar Earni, Lawrence Berkeley National

The team thanks the following individuals for their technical review and input:

Todd Amundson, Emily Cross, Devan Johnson, David Jump, Bill Koran, Steve Kromer, Josh Rushton, and
Hassan Shaban.

Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO) is grateful to the following organizations for their support:

» Seattle City Light

» Bonneville Power Administration

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's contribution to this work was supported by the Assistant Secretary
for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Office, of the U.S. Department of Energy
under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. The authors thank Sarah Zaleski for sponsoring this research.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 2

Advanced measurement and verification (M&V), or ‘M&V 2.0’, is a strategy for verifying savings from energy
projects which has received a great deal of attention over the last five years. Spurred by the abundance of
high frequency metered energy use data from advanced electric meters for the ‘Smart Grid’ and associated
analytic software tools, the past decade has seen much research, technology development, regulatory
mandates, and pilot-level program deployment of advanced M&V methods. Despite this, there are still
some questions and misconceptions among the different stakeholders of advanced M&V (e.g., utility
program managers, energy service providers, M&V practitioners, and efficiency project investors) regarding
the proper application, technical challenges, alignment of advanced M&V approaches with best-practice
M&V principles.

This paper represents a snapshot of advanced M&V technical state of the art and current industry activities
and is written to provide the groundwork for EVO’s upcoming IPMVP Application Guide on advanced M&V
strategies (scheduled for publication in Spring 2020).

This paper is organized as follows:

» Section 1 provides background on advanced M&V, including drivers and use cases.

» Section 2 highlights recent research findings, regulatory actions, and utility pilot programs.

» Section 3 covers the technical developments in advanced M&V tools, including the introduction of
new open-source methods and the launch of EVO’s tool testing portal.

» Section 4 outlines the key open issues.

» Section 5 discusses the implications of the changing industry on M&V and adhering to IPMVP
principles when using advanced methods.

» Section 6 concludes with key findings and anticipated next steps.

» Additional details are provided in the Appendix.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 3

Standard M&V methods1 have been established for several decades as a means to quantify the impacts of
energy efficiency projects. Over the past decade, there has been increased interest in “advanced M&V”
(sometimes referred to as M&V 2.0)2. Advanced M&V (AM&V) applications are characterized by:

[1] Use of energy meter data in finer time scales with near real-time access; and

[2] Processing large volumes of data via advanced analytics, to give more accurate and timely
feedback on energy performance and savings estimates.

These approaches are intended to be conducted more quickly, more accurately, and potentially at a lower
cost than traditional methods.

Utilizing meter data to determine efficiency project savings is not new; the International Performance
Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP), defines the basic approach as shown in Equation 1.

Equation 1: IPMVP’s General M&V Equation

Savings = (Baseline Period Energy – Reporting Period Energy) ± Adjustments3

Figure 1: Whole Building energy savings, IPMVP Core Concepts 2016

As shown in and Figure 1, the baseline period may be the 12 months before the start of an efficiency
project, the reporting period falls after the completion of the efficiency project, and the ‘Adjustments’ may

1These M&V Options are defined by IPMVP and include retrofit isolation (Options A & B), whole building metered energy use (Option
C), and calibrated simulation (Option D).
2See The State of Advanced Measurement and Verification Technology and Industry Application, 2017
3Equation 1 from IPMVP’s Core Concepts October 2016. See Appendix for related IPMVP equations for Avoided Energy Consumption

and Normalized Savings.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 4

be “routine” to account for expected changes in independent variables (e.g., weather and production) or
“non-routine” to account for unplanned changes in other site conditions (e.g., shift in building use).

This basic approach is unchanged for advanced M&V, but the increased availability of interval meter data
offers several benefits, such as:

» Verifying savings in a shorter timeframe (e.g., less than three months after efficiency project
completion, depending on source and timing of savings).

» Visibility of savings at a lower threshold (e.g., ability to see 5% savings using hourly meter data, as
opposed to needing >10% savings if using monthly data).

» Ability to quantitatively characterize energy savings seasonally by time-of-day and/or day-of-week.

Advanced M&V also offers ancillary benefits, such as improved monitoring of savings, providing feedback to
building owners and energy managers about energy use at their facility, and allowing utilities and other
program implementers to more closely monitor project performance and course-correct when issues occur.
These enhancements are largely enabled by software providing powerful analytical and visualization
capabilities of metered energy data supporting qualified M&V practitioners and building energy engineers.

The basics of conducting meter-based M&V are the same as published in the first IPMVP in 1997, as are the
key technical limitations:

» The savings must be larger than the modeling error, and consistently larger than energy fluctuations
at the facility throughout the year.

» The range of reporting period operating conditions should not stray outside of the operating
conditions observed in the baseline period.

» Meter-based methods will include the effects of all changes occurring within the facility, with
changes unrelated to the targeted project appearing as either increased or decreased savings.

Research and development efforts today remain focused on overcoming these constraints.


The evolution of advanced M&V over the past decade has been driven by several interrelated factors,

» Advanced grid management: Improved electric grid management for national security and resiliency
requiring quicker feedback and improved monitoring and control of grid assets is a primary driver of
smart meter infrastructure investments. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meters are a
prerequisite and provide the high-frequency revenue-grade energy data utilized in advanced M&V.

» Evolving Public Policy: Legislative actions, executive orders, and utility commission rulings have
driven policy that calls for the use of utility meter data to account for demand-side management

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 5

program impacts. Utilities are using advanced analytics to manage the evolving generation mix and
to measure performance against carbon reduction targets. Increasing the application of time-of-use
rate schedules has raised awareness that the time energy savings occur is significant for carbon
reduction efforts.

» Software Innovation: The availability of AMI data has been leveraged by private industry resulting in
the rapid development of software and analytical tools, including various Energy Information
Management Systems. Industry competition and a growing market have spurred rapid advances in
software capabilities. Development is continuing with private, government and industry efforts.

Given the various drivers of advanced M&V – and the numerous industry stakeholders connected with
those drivers – it is helpful to think of advanced M&V more as a set of applications rather than as a single
approach. Now that the core modeling approaches and methods are more mainstream, the potential of
advanced M&V can be realized through various use cases, each having its own emphasis, including:

» Performance tracking & cost reduction for building owners and energy managers: Advanced M&V is
used to assess ongoing building energy performance, to reduce time-of-use charges, to flag
operational anomalies, and to compare energy use to past performance.

» Pay-for-performance (P4P): Utilities and Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) use meter-based M&V
as a primary means of quantifying savings and for establishing financial agreements for specific
projects. Although this method can be more accurate than some traditional methods, complexities
often arise in multi-year engagements due to changes in energy unrelated to the specific energy

» Aggregated approach: Advanced M&V is used across many sites, and the individual results (or the
overall data) are aggregated. This approach targets a savings goal for the portfolio along with a
maximum fractional savings uncertainty, and often has lower rigor for site-level accuracy, relies on a
relatively homogenous population, and has no mechanism for site-level resolution of anomalies.
They are used by utilities for residential programs and by energy aggregators for grid-level

» Utility embedded M&V: Utilities or their third party program administrators may engage traditional
estimation methods to claim savings but use advanced M&V in parallel to see where the savings are
not fully realized or apparently overachieved, thereby giving them a chance to react and investigate
where needed.

» Third-party embedded EM&V: Similar to utility approach above, but in the context of program
evaluation (EM&V) to satisfy regulatory compliance requirements. There may be more structure
and stringency (e.g., with sampling approach and control groups), and advanced M&V may be used
with other evaluation strategies.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 6

While software can automate many of the data analysis steps of the M&V process, the advanced M&V
process as a whole cannot be fully automated, and it is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach that makes existing
M&V methods obsolete.

Requirements for stable building operations and levels of energy savings sufficient to consistently be seen in
the model limits the use of advanced M&V. This method excels in certain projects and program situations
(e.g., projects with a high level of savings and accurate baseline models) but, in most cases, requires a
“human in the loop” to resolve limitations and contextualize results generated– as do other M&V

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 7

The last decade has seen a drive for advanced M&V coming from three main directions: efficiency industry
stakeholders conducting research and development efforts to define the new practice, utilities and their
regulators striving for meter-based savings reporting and trying new program approaches, and software
developers leveraging advanced M&V as a component of a broader set of analytical features. Each of these
industry drivers is summarized below.


The emergence of advanced M&V raised many questions around technical rigor, accuracy, consistency,
transparency, etc. Various organizations and industry groups have been working through these questions to
develop industry-accepted tools and guidance that will build confidence around the adoption of advanced
M&V techniques. Through these efforts, many technical and process-related issues have been resolved, and
others are in progress of being addressed (see examples outlined in Table 1).

Table 1: Summary of Research Areas in Advanced M&V

Advanced M&V Research

Current State Future Directions
▪ Ongoing optimization of methods
and tools.
▪ Ongoing development of ▪ Filling gaps in the functionality of
Developing modeling tools (e.g., calculate normalized
proprietary and public AM&V
algorithms and software tools savings4 using TMY weather data).
methods and tools
▪ Development of user interfaces for
open-source tools
▪ Studies compared the accuracy of ▪ Expansion of model testing
Establish testing methods to datasets, including targeted
AM&V to other methods5.
validate the accuracy of public customer data for tool
▪ Launched EVO/LBNL's online tool
and private software tools comparisons
testing portal6

4 Normalized savings are determined by adjusting both the baseline energy and reporting period energy to a common set of
conditions, often typical meteorological year (TMY) weather data used to represent average long-term conditions. Normalized
savings are used for utility planning, and to compare savings performance consistently year-to-year. Otherwise, avoided energy
consumption is determined based on the conditions during the reporting period.
5 PG&E’s Commercial Whole Building Demonstration Project compared AM&V side by side with traditional M&V approaches in

selected utility projects.

6 EVO’s Advanced M&V Tool Testing Portal compares the accuracy of tools using a protocol developed by Lawrence Berkeley

National Lab with a dataset from commercial buildings.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 8

Advanced M&V Research
Current State Future Directions
▪ Autocorrelation confounds
uncertainty estimates using high-
frequency energy data; Correction ▪ Explore alternate methods to
factors to Fractional Savings calculate FSU.
Calculating uncertainty in
Uncertainty (FSU) for hourly/daily ▪ Identify other uncertainty criteria
savings estimates
data were adopted, but uncertainty and build consensus within
is underestimated. industry
▪ Published IPMVP application guide
on uncertainty assessment7
▪ Revise methods to reduce false
▪ Manual review of time series and
▪ Develop categories and examples
Detecting non-routine events CUSUM charts.
of NREs for IPMVP Application
(NREs) ▪ Some initial research on data-
Guide on AM&V.
driven statistical approaches
▪ Incorporate interval data strategies
with site-level fault-detection tools
▪ Continued research; Development
▪ Initial research on data-driven
of additional non-routine event
indicators, including impact
Conducting non-routine ▪ Manual analysis strategies
adjustments (NRAs) identified.
▪ Develop examples of common
▪ Integration of calibrated modeling
NRAs for IPMVP Application Guide
with AM&V8
on AM&V
▪ Day-behind energy data acquisition
(by proprietary applications via
▪ Improved access to AMI data.
▪ Increased automation in the
▪ Availability of data through the
Performing real-time M&V ‘Green Button’ initiative.
▪ Combine assessment of energy
▪ Automated execution of routine
efficiency, distributed generation,
adjustments using current weather
and demand response measures
to calculate Adjusted Baseline
Energy; Tracking savings
▪ Evaluation outcomes for programs
Performing accelerated ▪ Coordinate AM&V with EM&V.
aggregating lower-accuracy site
program level EM&V ▪ Embed EM&V monitoring
results will inform future directions
▪ Various M&V Guidelines, including
Establishing best-practice ▪ Publication of IPMVP Application
utility pay-for-performance
technical guidance Guide on AM&V

7 See Uncertainty Assessment for IPMVP, 2018

8 DeltaMeter is a proprietary AM&V tool based on a building simulation model and meter data analyses. This ‘hybrid’ tool provides a
performance-period target without needing to wait and develop a performance period model; non-routine adjustments are made
by adjusting the simulation model.
9 Detailed guidance on meter-based M&V approaches is available from: California Commissioning Collaborative’s Guide on Verifying

Savings from Commissioning Existing Buildings; California Public Utilities Commission’s Site -Level NMEC Guidance.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 9

The work in these areas is supported by the United States Department of Energy (U.S. DOE), Berkeley Lab,
various utilities, energy engineering firms, and industry organizations such as EVO10, NW RTF11, ASHRAE12, and
Linux Foundation13.


Meter-based energy efficiency programs serving large numbers of participants are still relatively new to
regulators and utilities, but there are established and emerging programs in various regions. Strategic
Energy Management (SEM) is a high-engagement program approach popular with large industrials and
some commercial customers, particularly in the Pacific Northwest region, but expanding nationally. SEM
typically monitors metered consumption over a multi-year engagement period and determines energy
savings from a baseline energy model adjusted for independent variables, often production and weather

Beyond SEM, California, and New York are leading the way: legislative actions in CA began in 2015 and
established a focus on meter-based approaches to quantify utility program savings. The changes in
California, detailed in Table 2, allow the use of existing conditions as the baseline and eliminates previous
complications to determine ‘above-code’ savings for specific non-retrofit programs. CA has also issued
programmatic and technical guidance in support of the 2015 legislation. New York State is another example
where advanced M&V has been encouraged through regulatory language, and pilot projects are underway.

Not surprisingly, advanced M&V approaches are increasing in popularity in utility programs throughout the
states, and across all customer sectors. Multiple pilot programs, feasibility studies, and comparative studies
have been conducted. The Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) published a summary14 of utility pilot
programs and case studies on meter-based approaches. Challenges with meter data aggregation and
handling, expanding programs to small-to-medium businesses, and developing norms and best practices for
the statistical validity of savings estimation were highlighted.

Beyond completed pilot programs, there are several active and pending programs across the United States
and in Canada that are utilizing advanced M&V, some of which are listed in Table 2. These meter-based
programs vary in program design details such as energy measures included, market sectors targeted, and
customer engagement schemes. They also report a mix of avoided energy use and normalized savings.

10 EVO or Efficiency Evaluation Organization, a non-profit organization which publishes the (IPMVP).
11 NW RTF or Northwest Regional Technical Forum is a technical advisory committee to the utilities in the Northwest.
12 ASHRAE Kaggle ‘Great Energy Predictor Shootout III’
13 Linux Foundation Energy (LFE) manages Energy Market Methods Consortium, which includes CalTRACK.
14 See report Comparative Analysis of Meter Data-Driven Commercial Whole Building Energy Efficiency Programs, 2018.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 10

Table 2: Utility Programs Utilizing Advanced M&V

State/Province Utility or Sponsor Program Name Sector

BC (Canada) BC Hydro Strategic Energy Management Commercial

CA BayREN Pay for Performance Commercial

Public Agency
CA SoCalREN Metered Savings Program
SCE Public Sector Performance-
Commercial / Non-
CA SCE Based Retrofit High Opportunity
CA PG&E Pay for Performance Residential
NMEC meter-based savings Commercial and
platform Industrial
DC Sustainable Energy
DC Pay for Performance (P4P) Commercial
IL ComEd and Nicor Gas Strategic Energy Management Commercial
Pay for Performance for
MA National Grid Monitoring-Based Commissioning Commercial
and Retro-Commissioning
MI DTE Energy Strategic Energy Management Commercial
State of NJ’s Clean Pay for Performance Existing Small Commercial
Energy Program Buildings15 & Multifamily
NY NYSERSDA, Con Ed Business Energy Pro - P4P Pilot Small Commercial

OR Energy Trust of Oregon Pay for Performance Pilot Residential

Commercial &
OR Energy Trust of Oregon Strategic Energy Management
Pay for Performance for
RI National Grid Monitoring-Based Commissioning Commercial
and Retro-Commissioning
VT Efficiency Vermont Deep Retrofit Commercial
Continuous Energy Improvement
(Strategic Energy Management Commercial &
VT Efficiency Vermont
and Commissioning Existing Industrial
Deep Retrofit Pay for
WA Seattle City Light Commercial
Bonneville Power
Administration, Idaho Commercial &
WA, OR, ID, MT Strategic Energy Management
Power, PacifiCorp, Puget Industrial
Sound Energy

15 ‘Hybrid’ program uses simulation models and meter-based analyses.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 11

Table 3: Percent of Utility Meters using Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) in Selected States
(DOE 2018)

States with AM&V

Legislation or % AMI Meters
DC 99%
ME 92%
IL 90%
MI 89%
CA 83%
OR 81%
VT 81%
AZ 79%
ID 71%
MO 36%
AR 34%
WA 27%
VA 26%
MT 23%
CT 17%
NM 12%
MA 5%
NY 3%
RI 0%
All States 56%
PA 96%
Behind the differences in program design, two general approaches are being taken:

1. Focus on projects. These programs strive to accurately determine savings for individual projects,
typically at commercial and industrial sites. The rigorously determined site-level savings, including
non-routine adjustments, roll-up to result in accurate program level savings. These programs
typically follow established IPMVP M&V methods and support project-level monetary transactions
(e.g., pay-for-performance).

2. Aggregated methods. These programs focus on a large number of similar buildings and prioritize
estimating the total aggregated savings over verifying project-level results. Individual sites, typically
single-family homes, may have poor baseline model statistical fit criteria (e.g., Cv(RMSE) ~50% to
100%), but focus on achieving an overall accuracy for the cohort based on the calculated precision
or ‘fractional savings uncertainty.’16 Additional observations on these methods include:

» Non-routine events (NREs) at project sites are usually ignored, and control groups are used to
account for impacts from societal trends and non-routine events.

16Overalldetermination of uncertainty that relies upon Fractional Savings Uncertainty calculations using frequent energy data, e.g.,
hourly or daily, has found to be unreliable and to underestimate savings uncertainty.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 12

» Non-routine adjustments (NRAs) to savings are not made at the site level, and their impacts are
potentially left to the impact evaluation stage. It has been suggested that NREs cancel out over
a large population of project sites, but this assumption is unfounded.

» Aggregated approaches might be effective for uniform residential or small commercial

portfolios, although efficacy concerns arise when lower-accuracy site-level savings are

» Large commercial and industrial sector applications, however, require savings adjustments be
made for non-routine events affecting individual projects.

» Aggregated approaches may lower costs and potentially improve program-level savings
estimates over deemed savings values typically used in residential programs.

Regardless of the program approach, the need for ‘verification’ elements such as operational verification
and tracking site changes is not deferred by analyses of whole-building or industrial plant energy data.
IPMVP methods require confirmation that the energy measures are installed and have the ‘potential to
perform’ before savings can be claimed. Even when IPMVP adherent M&V is not required, program
evaluators will need to validate these top-down energy analyses using project-specific details (this is
typically performed on a statistically representative sample from the population of program participants).

Advanced M&V functionality can be delivered via custom code, open-source/free code, free software tools,
or as a component of proprietary energy management and information systems (EMIS) software. While no
approach can be considered “fully automated,” these various offerings can automate many steps of the
process, enabling streamlined and labor-efficient application of advanced M&V.

The development of open-source tools and methods has been slower than proprietary EMIS software but
has made substantial progress in the last two years. The work on these public-sector tools is ongoing and
rapid and has resulted in the availability of a suite of ‘free’ tools and software methods. The five newest
such ‘tools’, including ‘NMECR’, released in November 2019, are described in the following section and
characterized in the Appendix. A 2017 Berkeley Lab paper17 categorized the M&V features of 16 tools, 14 of
which are proprietary software. The 2017 study and this review characterize these tools by market sector,
the model type used, frequency of energy data used, level of user adjustments, level of statistical reporting,
display of model equations, among other features.

These industry advances in R&D, regulatory efforts, program approaches, and software tool development
are driving the need to return to IPMVP guidance, review principles and clarify definitions, clearly articulate
best practice, and anticipate future applications.

17 See Granderson & Fernandes The State of Advanced Measurement and Verification Technology and Industry Application, 2017.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 13

The technical state of the art for advanced M&V includes consideration of the variety of model types in use,
issues with savings uncertainty, market options for advanced M&V tool testing, and considerations for non-
routine events and related adjustments. Each is summarized below.

The savings calculated by advanced M&V tools are based on the type of empirical model used, the interval
of energy data used, independent variables included, and the specific technical adjustments made in
applying the tool. The savings calculated for a given site, and the uncertainty in the estimates, will vary
depending on the tool used and the approach taken by the practitioner. The extent of the difference in
savings results from different methods is not well known, but variances are thought to be low18.

Although tools19 vary substantially, they are generally based on two model types – change-point and time-
of-week and temperature (TOWT). These models are based on linear regressions of energy use to outdoor
air temperature and are popular with practitioners as they have proven effective, are intuitive, and limit
overall predictive bias20.

1. Change-point models. Originated by ASHRAE Research Project 105021 in 2002, change-point models
are piece-wise linear models of energy use for segments of outdoor temperatures (1-parameter or
average, 2-parameter, or linear, up to 6-parameter), shown in Figure 2, and provide clear system-
level performance indicators.

The number of ‘parameters’ needed varies by a building’s or industrial plant’s individual load-
shape(s). The simplest model (with the least number of ‘parameters’) that fits the data should be
used. If a model with too many ‘parameters’ is used with too few data points, ‘overfitting’ may
occur and result in a biased model.

2. Time of Week and Temperature (TOWT) models. Developed by Berkeley Lab, TOWT models use
hourly data to create models for high and low use hours and use an indicator variable for each hour
of the week. It does not use change-point models but creates a series of piece-wise linear and
continuous temperature relationships using temperature bins. The method does not inherently
account for holidays or other operational periods (e.g., Holidays). Software developers have
modified TOWT, so there are several distinct versions in current use. In this paper, ‘TOWT’ always
refers to the version published by Berkeley Lab, whereas ‘TOWT_OpenEE’, ‘TOWT_UT3’ and
‘TOWT_NMECR’ refer to various modifications.

18 Authors compared savings estimates using ECAM and RMV2.0 for 18 buildings from one pilot program. The differences for site-
level savings estimates were less than 2.5% in all cases.
19 Proprietary software tools are not included since detailed information is not available on their methods and algorithms.
20 Linear regressions using OLS methods will limit bias except when collinearity exists.
21 The Inverse Modeling Toolkit was developed using monthly data ASHRAE 1050-RP, Development of a Toolkit for Calculating

Linear, Change-point Linear and Multiple-Linear Inverse Building Energy Analysis Models, 2002.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 14

Machine learning methods are also being developed, with artificial neural network being the most widely
used method for building energy modeling. Another well-known machine learning method is the support
vector machine (e.g., Gradient Boosting Machine or GBM22 in Berkeley Lab’s RMV2.0 tool, described below).
With the increased interest in machine learning models, more such models will likely be released in the

Modeling approaches vary by project, but selecting the most accurate model typically requires evaluating
multiple model forms to determine the best option. The selection should be based on both statistical
criteria and confirmation of expected data relationships. The relationships between outdoor air
temperature and heating and cooling loads in buildings are fundamentally linear, although temperature
responses vary by building and operating mode. This tie with the known physics of buildings contributes to
the industry’s proclivity towards using these linear models; other mathematical relationships can exist if
energy loads are driven by other factors (e.g., production processes with large variable-speed motors).
Although these popular model forms have proven effective for most buildings, a “one-model-fits-all”
approach is not best-practice nor adherent to IPMVP principles.

Figure 2: Change-point Models (CP-1 to CP-5) from CCC M&V Guide (CP-6 not shown)23

22 More details are available at: https://github.com/LBNL-ETA/RMV2.0

23 From the California Commissioning Collaborative

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 15

A detailed look at the ins-and-outs of five freely available tools shows how advanced M&V tools have been
evolving over time, adding features to cover gaps and improve the application of the models. These tools
have varying degrees of learning curves, depending on the practitioner and the tool. Although some include
a user-interface and are relatively straightforward, others require skills in executing software code.
Regardless of the tool used, all require an understanding of the underlying statistics and options for
evaluating and improving results.

Although some of the model development features are automated24, most require several judgment-points
when developing a model. Decisions may include the type of model, data-increment (e.g., hourly, daily,
monthly), and the number of day-types needed to represent the building’s load profiles.

Each of the five tools examined (ECAM, RMV2.0, OpenEE Meter, UT3 M&V Module, and NMECR) includes
nuances and modifications which are fundamental to their efficacy. Described below and detailed in Table 7
(see Appendix), all of these tools are free, and most are open-source.

ECAM. Currently available through SBW Consulting25, this open-source tool is appropriate for M&V of
commercial projects. It is accessed via an Excel add-in, which includes a user-interface. The tool accepts 15-
minute utility data to create change-point models based on hourly, daily or monthly data. ECAM calculates
both avoided energy consumption and normalized savings.

ECAM recommends day-types and develops load shapes to confirm them, accepts annual holiday schedules,
allows custom day-types, defined occupancy periods and start-up and shut-down phases. Individual change-
point models are developed for each day-type and occupancy mode (e.g., Weekdays-Occ, Weekdays-Unocc,
etc.), and then combined into a single model.

RMV2.0. Developed by Berkeley Lab, this open-source tool is appropriate for M&V of residential and
commercial projects. It is accessed via R-Studio and includes a user-interface accessible via a web browser.
The tool requires pre-processed utility data to create TOWT or GBM models based on hourly data. RMV2.0
calculates avoided energy consumption.

RMV2.0 implements the original TOWT model, which includes weighting adjustments intended for demand
response models. The Gradient Boost Machine (GBM)26 modeling option is also included in the tool.

OpenEE Meter. Developed by OpenEE/Recurve, this open-source tool is appropriate for EM&V of residential
programs. It is accessed via Jupyter Notebook and does not include a user-interface. The tool accepts 15-
minute utility data to create either change-point models using custom degree days based on daily or
monthly data, or modified TOWT_OpenEE models based on hourly data. OpenEE meter calculates avoided
energy consumption.

24 Automated model development routines may lack the acuity of custom analyses due to simplifying assumptions.
25 Developed by Bill Koran across multiple organizations.
26 More information on the GBM model is available through Berkeley Lab and GitHub.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 16

OpenEE Meter implements the ‘CalTRACK Methods’ via Python code, including a modified TOWT approach
(TOWT_OpenEE) that uses hourly data to create 12 weighted ‘monthly’ TOWT models, rather than the
typical annual modeling approach.

UT3 M&V Module. Added to the PG&E UT3 (Universal Translator) by Quantum Energy Services &
Technologies, Inc. (QuEST), this free tool (not open-source) is appropriate for M&V of commercial projects.
It is accessed via the UT3 tool’s user-interface. The tool accepts 15-minute utility data to create either
change-point models based on daily data, or modified TOWT_UT3 models based on hourly or daily data.
UT3 M&V Module calculates both avoided energy consumption and normalized savings.

The UT3 M&V Module is part of the UT3 data analysis tool and allows for the filtering of data based on time-
of-day or week schedules, or different building operation modes (e.g., Holidays, Summer school). The
change-point and modified TOWT (TOWT_UT3) algorithms can be used with sub-hourly, hourly, or daily
data and may be modified to produce time-of week only (TOW_UT3) or temperature-only models. Models
created for each schedule are combined using a 'Model Assembler'.

NMECR: Developed by kW Engineering, this open-source tool is appropriate for M&V of commercial
projects. It is accessed via R-Studio and does not include a user-interface. The tool accepts 15-minute utility
data and allows the creation of change-point models based on daily or monthly data, or a modified TOWT
model (TOWT_NMECR) using hourly or daily data. NMECR calculates both avoided energy consumption and
normalized savings.

Released in November 2019, NMECR provides scripts coded in R to create energy models. NMECR uses
indicator variables to describe different operation modes in buildings. The TOWT/TOW_NMECR models
allow for the inclusion of additional day-types (e.g., holidays, summer-school), and the weighting factor that
was included in RMV2.0 for demand response analysis can be disabled.

These free and mostly open-source AM&V tools have a variety of features that help complete meter-based
savings analyses. Key features that vary between tools include:

» The user interfaces to facilitate analyses and level of user guidance documents;

» Data management and visualization tools;

» Automated analyses of load shapes;

» Model types included, the complexity of models and the variables/inputs included;

» Expertise, level judgement, and effort required;

» Level of automation possible and level of sophistication in automated modeling strategies;

» Statistical reporting and ease of comparing models;

» Detail provided on the calculations themselves (the equations);

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 17

» Calculation of both avoided energy and normalized savings;

» Automated retrieval of ambient temperature data for use in adjustments;

» Savings tracking capabilities;

» Identification of periods with unexpected performance and potential non-routine events;

» The tracking of non-routine events.

The only error that is typically quantified in meter-based M&V methods is the error from the empirical
energy model(s), hence the intense focus placed upon proper model assessment. Measurement errors are
not usually applied to meter-based methods that use revenue-grade utility meters, and AMI data is
considered free of measurement errors once validated by the utility; sampling error would only apply in an
evaluation study.
In reality, of course, other sources of error exist and include:
» Missing or irregular energy data;

» Flaws in independent variable data such as the source for local weather data;

» Methods used for addressing missing/anomalous data;

» Extrapolations beyond model limits;

» Model misspecification (e.g., specifying a 3-parameter versus 5-parameter change-point model,

omitting an important production variable, overfitting from too little data, or leaving an
unexplained residual trend);

» Dates selected for baseline and performance periods; and non-routine events and any subsequent

One of the key benefits of meter-based methods over other M&V methods has been the ability to compute
the uncertainty of the savings estimates based on the statistics from the energy model(s), often using the
popular error metric “Fractional Savings Uncertainty” (FSU), or the relative precision of the model27. FSU
quantifies savings uncertainty for models that are essentially valid (i.e., models that are not afflicted by the
issues noted in the previous paragraph). Unfortunately, current FSU calculations are not reliable when using
hourly or daily energy use data and tend to underestimate uncertainty28.

27 At a specific confidence interval, the precision can be determined from the standard error of the regression and provide a range
of savings, (e.g., at 90% confidence avoided gas use was between 49,000 to 56,400 therms). See IPMVP Application Guide on
Uncertainty Assessment for more details.
28 Autocorrelation issues arise with use of frequent-interval energy data result underestimating the uncertainty in savings calculated

for the reporting period. See Evaluation of Methods to Assess the Uncertainty in Estimated Energy Savings, 2019.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 18

ASHRAE Guideline 14 published the original FSU calculation in 2002 based on monthly energy data and
includes simplifications to account for model errors. With higher frequency energy use data, the model
residuals are ‘auto-correlated’ confounding the estimation of the savings uncertainty. Correction factors to
fractional savings uncertainty for hourly and daily data have been developed but are not sufficient, and
uncertainty is still underestimated, especially for hourly models (additional testing is needed). Work is
ongoing to develop other methods to estimate error for hourly and daily models.

This gap in uncertainty metrics can be mitigated by ensuring the models are as accurate as possible.
Maximizing the accuracy of the models, without overfitting, will minimize uncertainty in savings. Often, a
more accurate model is technically achievable, but it has not been optimized through additional analyses
and customization. Evaluating additional model types, data increments, and independent variables for
model improvements is best-practice but can add time. Specific consideration should be given to
components affecting uncertainty – coefficient of variation of root mean squared error (Cv(RMSE)), number
of points used, level of savings, and degree of autocorrelation.
Assessing the goodness-of-fit criteria for a baseline energy model alongside the percentage reduction in
energy use by the project can indicate if subsequent savings estimates are likely to be ‘lost in the noise’.
Ensuring that savings will be measurable seasonally, however, is often overlooked. Evaluating the overall
percent savings achieved annually by fuel is not sufficient if multiple measures are implemented whose
savings occur at different times (e.g., reduced electric heating loads for outside air and new chillers). At a
minimum, the type of energy reduction measures planned should be considered.


Savings uncertainty is primarily driven by the baseline model’s goodness of fit, but it also affected by the
calculation approach: avoided energy consumption or normalized savings. Savings error in avoided energy
consumption is lower than the error in normalized savings.

Avoided energy consumption is the simplest, and most intuitive approach, and is referenced in ASHRAE G14
as “actual savings.” As shown in Figure 1, a weather-adjusted baseline paints a picture of what the energy
use would have been during the reporting period without the energy project, current energy use is
subtracted from the adjusted baseline energy, and the estimated savings align with reduced energy costs. In
this case, the quantifiable uncertainty is the prediction uncertainty incurred when the baseline model is
adjusted to reporting period conditions to estimate the weather-adjusted baseline energy.
Normalized Savings contain increased modeling error over avoided energy consumption because an
additional model for the reporting period energy is developed and adjusted along with the baseline model
(see IPMVP Core Concepts equation 3 and 7 in the Appendix). Assuming non-routine adjustments are not
required, the error in the savings includes the errors in both the reporting period model and the baseline
model, increasing saving uncertainty.

Normalized savings are intended to represent what the savings would have been during an average or
‘normal’ year, often used for long-term planning, comparing year-to-year savings for buildings within a

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 19

climate zone, or to minimize financial risk. Sometimes, avoided energy can be much different than
normalized savings, especially during an extreme year, which can cause confusion. Questions regarding the
reliability of long-term past weather patterns (e.g., TMY3 weather data29) to represent a contemporary
“average year” has made using avoided energy calculations preferred in some cases.


Comparing the performance of advanced M&V tools is challenging since most of the tools are proprietary,
and data from multiple sites is not readily available. To address this concern, Berkeley Lab developed a
method30 to compare advanced M&V tools based on their predictive capabilities. Rather than assessing
baseline model results, data from stable buildings without energy projects or known NREs is used to assess
the models’ actual performance.

Launched as EVO’s Advanced M&V Testing Portal, registrants develop models using one year of energy and
ambient temperature data for a portfolio of commercial buildings across multiple regions. The models are
used with ambient temperature data from the subsequent year to generate ‘adjusted baseline’ predictions
and compare to actual usage. Calculated metrics characterize the errors between predictions and actual use
for each tool; individual results are published and posted graphically for comparison.

Figure 3: EVO’s Advanced M&V Tool Testing Portal, Results in January 2020

29Typicalmeteorological year (TMY) data development is unique and does not include weather extremes as discussed in An
Assessment of Typical Weather Year Data Impacts vs. Multi-year Weather Data on Net-Zero Energy Simulations
30 See Lawrence Berkeley Lab’s paper Assessment of Automated Measurement and Verification Methods detailing the M&V tool

testing methods which use out-of-sample testing.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 20

As shown in Figure 3, the two key statistics used are the coefficient of variation of the root mean square
error (Cv(RMSE)) and the net mean bias error (NMBE). Results compare the median Cv(RMSE) vs NMBE
from testing each tool, each depicted by a point (e.g., Tool 61 has a median Cv(RMSE) of 40.65% and a
corresponding NMBE of 0.54%).

The median values for the population are displayed in the portal graphics, and the 25th and 75th quartile
values are published. The overall results are based on a wide range of commercial buildings and provide a
comparative snapshot. A considerable range of variation is seen in these median values across the different
tools, with greater variations in Cv(RMSE) than in the median NMBE.

The EVO Tool Testing Portal was designed by Berkeley Lab to compare the predictive accuracy of any tool or
model, independent of whether it is open source or proprietary. This active platform is in the public domain
and could be leveraged by utilities to competitively screen tools. In future, conducting a custom test could
indicate the most effective tool for a given region and market sector.

Results from new methods are continuing to be posted in the portal. For example, results from the winner
of the Great Energy Predictor III31, a short-term modeling contest that concluded in December 2019, will be
added to the Portal. This is the third such contest following the original in 199332; Sponsored by Kaggle and
ASHRAE, over 3,600 teams competed for a $25,000 cash award for developing the best predictive energy
model. The dataset included hourly meter readings and weather data from over one-thousand buildings at
several different sites around the world. Kaggle selected root mean squared log error (RMSLE)33 as the
single metric in evaluating the results, which is not typically used within the energy industry.


Non-routine events (NREs) are changes in energy use due to changes in site characteristics or to “static
factors” which are not used in the empirical energy models or related to the energy project. Typical changes
to static factors at a site include significant changes in the number of occupants and occupancy schedules,
significant operational changes, equipment shut-downs or removal, maintenance periods, modifications to
tenant spaces, the addition of solar panels, or even changes in facility size. These unexpected changes in
energy use are the most significant complication faced by meter-based M&V approaches. The IPMVP Core
Concepts 2016 defines static factors as follow:

Those characteristics of a facility which affect Energy Consumption and Demand, within the defined
Measurement Boundary, that are not expected to change, and were therefore not included as independent
variables. If they change, Non-routine Adjustments need to be calculated to account for these changes. Note:
Those characteristics may include fixed, environmental, operational and maintenance characteristics. 34

31 See Kaggle/ASHRAE’s Great Energy Modeling Shoot-out III

32 Jeff Haberl of Texas A&M led these earlier ‘Shootout’ efforts.
33 See https://www.kaggle.com/c/ashrae-energy-prediction/discussion/113064
34 IPMVP Core Concepts 2016.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 21

The two primary methods of identifying NREs are 1) analytical and 2) field data. Advanced M&V applications
may use both approaches.
Using analytical approaches to identify NREs is an active area of investigation. Current strategies being
explored include specific data visualization methods as well as analytical approaches such as the analyses of
model residuals and the use of specific dissimilarity indices35 to flag irregularities. Note the last two NRE
identification approaches require a model of the reporting period energy use to establish post-project
norms, which cannot be made until several seasons of data is available.
Notifications from the site staff of changes remain the easiest approach to identify unplanned changes at a
project site. However, some resources to identify NREs are included in advanced M&V tools. Berkeley Lab
has explored statistical time series analytics to identify non-routine events36 and has included some of these
techniques into the RM&V2.0 tool. ECAM includes assessments of long-term trends in energy use and flags
changes that are statistically significant. The use of more granular data allows subtle changes to be detected
but is limited by the predictive quality of the reporting period model.
Once a potential NRE has been identified, what action is warranted? That depends on when the ‘event’
happened, its duration, and level of impact on energy use. A phone call to the site to inquire about
operations can save time deliberating its source. Minor, short-term anomalies are less concerning than
significant lasting changes. Similarly, NREs that occur during the baseline period are more readily addressed
(if identified during baseline model development) than changes occurring during the performance period. If
a potential non-routine event has a ‘significant-enough’ impact, a non-routine adjustment may be
warranted. What warrants ‘significant-enough’ will vary by project.
The significance of an NRE on energy savings can be gauged in many ways. Making a direct estimate from
predicted values via a performance-period model is the most straightforward approach, but an accurate
performance period model generally requires 3 to 9 months of data37 and additional analyses. However,
once developed the difference between the metered energy use and the performance-period model should
be roughly equivalent to the impact of the event.
If the impact on the savings warrants action, the root cause of the change should be identified. The ‘event’
must be unrelated to the project being measured to justify an adjustment, which must be evaluated on a
case-by-case basis.


Although non-routine adjustment strategies are outlined in IPMVP Option C guidance, this remains a big
open issue. Submetering or custom engineering calculations have always been required for NRAs, but
explicit examples are somewhat limited. With the wide-spread adoption of advanced meter-based methods,
there are impressive new opportunities.

35 See Potential Analytics for Non-Routine Adjustments by SBW Consulting for Bonneville Power Administration, 2018.
36 See Statistical Change Detection of Building Energy Consumption: Application to Savings Estimation, 2019.
37 See Automated M&V: Performance of Public Domain Whole-Building Electric Baseline Models, 2015.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 22

The industry is very interested in more detailed guidance as to how to characterize and manage specific
NREs and NRAs: How do you identify common NREs using AM&V? When do you need to make non-routine
adjustments to the baseline or reporting period energy usage, and how is that done? What are the
calculation options when using Option C methods? Can the additional uncertainty introduced by non-
routine adjustments to savings be quantified? These are significant open issues and are a current focus of
research. The upcoming IPMVP Application Guide on AM&V Approaches will address these issues.

When using meter-based methods, key pieces of information needed to manage NRAs are the date the
change occurred, if the change is ongoing, or the date it ended. The form of a non-routine adjustment (NRA)
will vary from simple to complex and may require sub-metered data and engineering calculations. The
impacts of a temporary event are easier to manage as they may be quantified, and the NRA applied as a
single value, whereas ongoing changes require further analyses to incorporate them into the ongoing
savings calculations.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 23

Advanced M&V users are facing several key challenges inherent to meter-based approaches:

1. Savings uncertainty. Currently, error metrics are not reliable from models based on hourly data.
‘Fractional Savings Uncertainty’ is heavily relied upon but underestimates the level of error. This is
especially concerning for aggregated methods relying on this calculation to validate portfolio level

2. Aggregated methods. The efficacy of these methods is not yet established, and several issues remain
unresolved. Open topics include: proving the reliability of fractional saving uncertainty calculations;
establishing appropriate thresholds for baseline model goodness of fit that will help ensure large errors
will balance-out across a portfolio; demonstrating effective methods within the portfolio to manage
non-routine events and their impacts; incorporating methods to calculate weather normalized savings,
especially in timeframes less than a year; and ensuring the savings for all participants in the portfolio
can in fact be seen at the site level.

3. “Bad buildings”. Not all buildings and projects are suited for meter-based approaches because the
energy use cannot be accurately predicted. Results from past studies show a portion38 of commercial
buildings do not obtain acceptable goodness of fit for AM&V. The pervasiveness of these “bad
buildings” varies by customer sector, climate, model type, modeling strategies applied, and the model
acceptance criteria used. The use of improved modeling strategies and targeted testing will be
instrumental in making progress in this area.

4. Site-level changes. Unexpected energy changes at a site can be flagged as potential non-routine events
(NREs), but determining if the site level changes warrant a non-routine adjustment (NRA) to the savings
estimate, and how to best calculate that adjustment, is an open question. No automated silver bullet
exists, and project level details and professional judgment are required. Research into NREs has brought
to light the need to expand the consideration of NREs to events that:

» Increase or decrease calculated savings.

» Occur during the reporting or baseline period.

Examples of the most common non-routine events and direction on handling these events will be
helpful in mitigating these unavoidable changes.

38Berkeley Lab has published and unpublished screening results from several utility studies; EM&V studies include similar findings
(ComEd Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Custom SMART Screening Pilot, Navigant Consulting June 2019).

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 24

IPMVP is an M&V protocol recognized around the world, translated into nine languages, and used in at least
as many countries. IPMVP’s mission is to ensure that savings and impacts from energy efficiency and
sustainability projects are accurately measured and verified. The protocol provides common principles,
terms, and methods for M&V of energy, demand and water savings.

IPMVP establishes the basis of meter-based M&V methods in ‘Option C: Whole Facility,’ last updated in
2016 it includes discussion on advanced meter-based methods, including system-level sub-metering (e.g.,
chiller plant). The IPMVP Option C method and guidance remain relevant.

EVO has worked for more than 20 years to create alignment in M&V by establishing a common vocabulary
through the IPMVP and related CMVP trainings. Key terms have been long-standing and are explicitly
defined by IPMVP to avoid confusion, allow transparency, and promote best practices. Some of these terms
may not be ideal (e.g., static factors) and limiting (e.g., baseline adjustments), but changes are best made
cautiously and with consensus. The established IPMVP language will prove invaluable as the industry moves
towards more complex scenarios to account for energy efficiency, distributed energy, and demand response
impacts from metered energy data.

Despite the ubiquitous references to IPMVP found in most utility program plans and EM&V reports, industry
publications are seeming to increase in inconsistencies. Table 4 below includes some key IPMVP terms and
their ‘twin’ expressions, which could benefit from being trued-up in some applications.

Table 4: Industry Vocabulary Check-up List

IPMVP’s Terminology Also Known As

Forecast model
Baseline model Training period model
Adjustment model
Counterfactual model
Adjusted baseline model Baseline projection
Adjusted baseline energy Projected Baseline
Predicted baseline
Baseline period
Reporting period Performance period
Achievement period
Monitoring & verification
Measurement & Verification (M&V)
Monitoring targeting & reporting (MT&R)
Automated M&V
Advanced M&V (AM&V)
M&V 2.0
Avoided energy consumption Avoided savings
Metered savings
Meter-based energy savings
Measured savings

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 25

Not using the same terms can confuse even the most experienced M&V practitioner. Prevalence of some
expressions may be spilling over from other industries, EM&V studies, and from specific program
applications (e.g., SEM). There are many variations of some terms, and while it is not necessarily critical to
avoid other terms, some degree of standardization of terminology is desirable.

In addition to defining terminology, M&V options, and process requirements, the IPMVP establishes key
principles that provide a framework for adherence to the M&V process. Here is a quick review to following
the six best-practice M&V principles when working with an advanced M&V approach: Complete, Consistent,
Transparent, Relevant, Accurate, Conservative.

Complete, Consistent, Transparent:

Empirical models used in advanced M&V require unique considerations and specific information to ensure
advanced M&V approaches meet the thresholds of Complete, Consistent, and Transparent. The essence of
these can be summarized as requiring full disclosure of data, techniques, and analyses.

“Full disclosure” requires sufficient detail for another practitioner to understand and evaluate the results
fully and be able to replicate them if needed. Necessary information includes the measures implemented,
key dates, the expected level of savings, details on the meters included, software & version of tools used,
model selection process, description of the model type(s) used, explanatory variables considered and
selected, data sources, as well as details of any data cleaning, other judgments and assumptions.

Relevant, Accurate, Conservative:

In addition to the full disclosure called for above, following the IPMVP principles of Relevant, Accurate, and
Conservative ensure viable energy savings estimates. For advanced M&V, fulfilling these principles
inherently demands best-practice modeling techniques be followed.

The technical accuracy of the mathematical models should be validated in consideration of the expected
level of savings. Rigorous regression analysis procedures should be followed to ensure all relevant variables
and factors are considered, the models are validated as free from critical errors, and current data is utilized.
In general, models should be optimized so the calculated savings will contain fewer errors and be more
accurate. In some cases, this may mean contacting the facility to confirm engineering details relevant to the
savings calculation.

Providing key details, including the actions taken to ensure the accuracy of the model(s), can provide the
needed technical insights into both proprietary and open-source software models to ensure the support of
Complete, Consistent, Transparent, Relevant, Accurate, Conservative.

Although there is a preference for open-source methods, fully open-source AM&V solutions are limited but
expanding. The current snapshot of the advanced M&V tool market discussed earlier shows only four of the

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 26

19 tools examined are open-source. Many of the private EMIS software tools have been long established,
and often use the same M&V models as open-source methods. Open-source methods are not inherently
better or necessarily based on best-practices, but options are expanding.

Both proprietary and open-source advanced M&V software developers are limited by business realities and
driven by market opportunity. Rather than mandating the adoption of open-source methods, conducting
comparative testing of methods may be more effective in driving advancements. If a project sponsor wishes
to have third-party oversight or an ’under the hood’ understanding of proprietary software, a non-
disclosure agreement should be sufficient to facilitate the needed technical engagement.


Industry context is evolving rapidly with implications for future applications of advanced M&V methods.
Beyond the present drivers for reporting accurate time-of-use energy savings, the brisk addition of demand-
response (DR) efforts and new distributed generation (DG) resources (e.g., electric vehicles) will complicate
known methods. Meter-based energy use is core to all of these efforts and will require the coordination of
multiple baselines. Inevitably the need for ‘integrated M&V’ to delineate savings from EE, DR, and DG will
require M&V approaches to evolve.

Option C methods using monthly data continue to be popular for natural gas and other fuels. Fuel use data
is generally limited in granularity and frequency of collection but is improving over time. Strategies may
evolve as natural gas metering advances, but the direction will likely be influenced by emissions accounting
and efforts to de-carbonize buildings.

IPMVP will release an Application Guide on Advanced M&V Approaches in Spring 2020, and updates to the
IPMVP Core Concepts will follow in 2021. The Application Guide will provide more specific guidance on
issues related to advanced methods for energy efficiency applications. Direction on identifying and
characterizing non-routine changes in energy use, quantifying their impacts, making necessary non-routine
adjustments in savings, and managing savings uncertainty will be included. Since these issues also affect
monthly data approaches, both will be covered.


Fundamentally, energy-use models must be sufficiently accurate for a given project for all of the energy
savings to be discernable and tallied. If projects or programs use lenient accuracy thresholds, they miss
some of the benefits of AM&V and can result in lower verified savings, effectively leaving savings on the
table. Although perhaps not intuitive, using stringent acceptance criteria for baseline models can increase
program-level savings in several ways:

» A more accurate model will measure lower levels of savings, e.g., ~5%, thereby capturing more of
the savings achieved at a customer’s site.

» More accurate models result in lower savings uncertainty, thereby allowing a larger portion of the
estimated savings to be recognized by evaluators, increasing savings attributed to the program.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 27

» Using better models can expand program participation by including customers with lower levels of
whole building savings to participate.

Acceptance criteria may be customized but should meet or exceed industry guidelines such as those shown
in Table 5, which include ASHRAE’s Guideline 14, DOE’s Superior Energy Protocol, and BPA’s Regression for
M&V Reference Guide. As an overarching protocol, IPMVP CORE 201639 does not provide rules of thumb for
model fitness.

Table 5: Baseline Model Acceptance Criteria - Industry Guidance

Model Fit Criteria

CV(RMSE) R2 NMBE Other Requirements40

✓ Fractional Savings Uncertainty (FSU) < 50% annual
- Whole
Varies. See savings at 68% confidence level41
Building None < 0.005%
FSU Note: FSU ~ f(Cv(RMSE), % savings, # baseline &
reporting period points)

✓ Expected savings > 10%

✓ Daily data is minimum interval
- Whole
✓ Baseline model uncertainty, depends on length of
Building <25% None < 0.005%
reporting period:
Energy < 20 – 30%,
Demand < 30 – 40%

✓ F-test for overall model fit must have a p-value < 0.1
Superior (i.e., the overall fit of the model is greater than the
Energy 10% significance level).
Performance None > 0.50 None ✓ All included relevant variables in the model shall have
(SEP) M&V a p-value of less than 0.20.
Protocol ✓ At least one of the relevant variables in the model shall
have a p-value of less than 0.10.
✓ p-value for independent variables <0.10 to 0.01
✓ t-statistic for independent variables >1.96 (95%
A low value confidence level)
is desirable ✓ F-statistic (used for entire model instead of individual
(often variables; Larger the better.)
for M&V: > 0.75* < 0.005%
interpreted ✓ Adjusted R-squared for multiple regression models.
as 10% or ✓ A low R2 does not indicate a poor model; Professional
15%) judgment should be applied

(*) This is a rule of thumb value

39 Previous versions of IPMVP, including IPMVP 2012, included suggested statistical metrics.
40 The intermediate statistics of F-statistic and p-value assume linear models. NMBE and Cv(RMSE) of the models apply other model
41 This is a modest FSU threshold; Confidence levels of 80% to 90% are typical.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 28

Ideally, we would like to evaluate the effectiveness of a baseline model in terms of fractional savings
uncertainty. However, since FSU estimates are not always reliable, practitioners currently rely on several
related statistical metrics, which provide insights into different aspects of model accuracy. Relying on just
one metric is usually not sufficient to fully understand the weakness and strengths of a specific baseline
model. Note the ‘other‘ requirements of these guidelines clarify the need for modeling expertise, as
statistics must be evaluated during model development.

The primary metrics used, described below, are the coefficient of determination, or R-squared (R2), the
coefficient of variation of the root mean squared error (CV(RMSE)), and the normalized mean bias error
(NMBE); mean average percentage error (MAPE) is also explained. In a real-world modeling context, these
metrics are all calculated for ‘in-sample’ errors (i.e., actual and predicted values all refer to the data used in
the baseline model). These three metrics provide complementary views of model performance for M&V

» R2 (coefficient of determination42). R2, or Adjusted R2 for more than one variable, range from 0 to 1
(higher is better) and should be used as an initial check of model quality, not as a pass-fail metric.
Low R2 can indicate missing variables, low variability in energy use (i.e., flat slope), or improper
model form.

» Cv(RMSE) (coefficient of variation of root mean squared error). Cv(RMSE) is a key metric for model
evaluation and an indicator of random error. Calculated as the RMSE divided by the average energy
consumption, it quantifies the typical prediction error as a percentage (expressed as a percentage,
lower is better). Cv(RMSE) reports the model’s ability to predict the energy use and is the basis for
fractional savings uncertainty calculations.

» NMBE (net mean bias error). NMBE is a measurement of bias error and should be very close to
zero; NMBE is the total difference between model-predicted energy use and actual metered energy
use given as a percentage (ranges from 0 – 100%, 0 is the target). If the value of NMBE is positive, it
means that the model’s prediction is lower than the measured value; a negative NMBE means that
the prediction is higher.

» MAPE (mean average percentage error). MAPE is a best-practice error metric that is not included in
these guidelines but provides a closer examination for bias. Bias can occur in linear models due to
‘overfitting’ and is of particular concern in non-linear model forms. Calculating MAPE for each
month will indicate if there is a seasonal bias that may not show up when evaluation the entire
period using NMBE.

Most applications and programs meet the industry guidance thresholds shown above, but it is
recommended that stringent baseline model criteria be used to mitigate the risk of potentially faulty error
metrics such as the current estimates of fractional saving uncertainty.

42 EVO M&V Focus October 2019 Why R2 Doesn’t Matter

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 29

The last five years have seen advanced M&V shift from promising but limited techniques and offerings using
newly available smart-meter data, to an array of strategies and tools ready for adoption in mainstream
applications. Utilities, regulators, and M&V practitioners now have several new resources to support these
methods. These include research findings, regulatory actions, utility pilot program examples, and open-
source software tools.

Technical developments in modeling methods and software tools are improving the accuracy of energy
models, including the introduction of new and updated open-source methods and the launch of EVO’s tool-
testing portal for objectively comparing advanced M&V tools. Technical guidance, pilot program case
studies, and regulatory language examples can provide direction to those looking to incorporate advanced
M&V into their portfolio of projects or programs.

It remains critical, however, to ensure that tools and methods are applied using a rigorous process, and not
to simply trust that a ‘good’ M&V tool is guaranteed to give an accurate result. For large-scale deployments,
comparative tool testing is recommended to select the most technically accurate solution for a given
population. Although not required for IPMVP adherence, several open-source AM&V tools are now
available, with several focused on commercial applications.

As work is still needed to determine accurate uncertainty methods with interval energy data, practitioners
can manage risks by using strict model fit metrics and paying careful attention to model details such as
ensuring expected savings will be clearly and consistently discernable year-round at every site.

The potential benefits of advanced M&V over other savings estimation methods include:

» Discerning savings quickly from metered energy data.

» Measuring lower levels of whole-building savings due to improved model accuracy over monthly

» Capturing comprehensive savings from multi-measure projects with significant interactive effects.

» Reporting time-disaggregated savings, e.g., hourly, by season, etc., for grid management and
emissions reporting.

» Detecting anomalies in energy use or in the avoided energy savings which could be non-routine

» Documenting baselines with fully measured data rather than system-level calculations.

» Verifying site-level issues via telephone engineering reviews to supplement and confirm M&V
model findings, potentially avoiding an onsite visit.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 30

As with all savings estimation methods, it is essential to understand not only the benefits but also the
limitations, which for advanced M&V include:

» Current methods to quantify savings uncertainty have been found to underestimate error in hourly
and daily methods, including the ASHRAE Fractional Savings Uncertainty (FSU) formula with
autocorrelation adjustment. The FSU calculations should not be relied upon, although they may still
be informative. Despite this, methods using more granular data can produce reliable models.

» Aggregated methods have many open issues and still need to be validated.

» Challenges in identifying, validating, and adjusting for non-routine events affecting savings exist.

» Avoided energy consumption estimates are the most accurate since errors are only introduced from
the baseline model and can vary substantially from normalized savings in extreme weather years.

» Low levels of whole-building savings may not always be measurable with meter-based methods, as
a high level of model accuracy is required (other M&V options may be more suitable).

» Incompatibility of some buildings with a meter-based method due to inconsistent energy use
profiles or incompatibility with the specified model type.

Although site level verification requirements may be reduced, they are not eliminated and can be more
critical than when using other M&V approaches (e.g., retrofit isolation). Practitioners evaluating savings
with advanced M&V require project-level details such as the date(s) of project installation, measure types
installed, expected savings, and a point of contact at the site, which is an essential resource to evaluate non-
routine events.

IPMVP’s upcoming Application Guide on Advanced M&V will provide necessary guidance on navigating the
nuances when executing advanced meter-based M&V methods, and IPMVP Core Concepts will be updated
in 2021. The evolving market and industry context that includes EE, DR, and DG will require M&V
approaches to continue to evolve and foreshadows the need for ‘integrated M&V’ to delineate savings at
the most advanced project sites. These ongoing changes keep IPMVP relevant and underscore the need for
a unified vocabulary to discuss increasingly complex measurement and verification applications.

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 31


Equations for Avoided Energy Consumption AND Normalized Savings


Avoided Energy Consumption = (Baseline Period Energy
± Routine Adjustments to Reporting Period Conditions
± Non-Routine Adjustments to Reporting Period Conditions)
− Reporting Period Energy


Normalized Savings = (Baseline Period Energy
± Routine Adjustments to Fixed Conditions
± Non-Routine Adjustments to Fixed Conditions)
− (Reporting Period Energy
± Routine Adjustments to Fixed Conditions
± Non-Routine Adjustments to Fixed Conditions)

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 32

Table 6: Selected Regulatory Actions Driving Advanced Meter-Based M&V Approaches, 2010 to 2019

State Regulator Mandate Ruling Date

NW Power and
WA, ID, Permitted the launch of industrial SEM programs, acknowledged use
Conservation 6th Northwest Conservation and Electric Power Plan 2010
OR of interval data for improved savings estimates
Increased state efficiency and renewable energy goals, modified
CA CA State Senate SB 350 - Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act 2015
demand forecast methods with emphasis on metered savings
Authorized utility programs to use normalized metered energy
CA CA State House Assembly Bill No. 802 consumption (NMEC) as a measure of energy saving to estimate 2015
savings, allowing existing conditions baselines
Ruling Regarding High Opportunity Energy Efficiency Authorized selected utility programs to pilot metered savings using
CA CA PUC 2015
Programs and Projects (HOPPs) existing conditions baseline rather than code-baseline (NMEC)
NY NY Governor Executive Order 166 Mandated use of advanced M&V techniques for emissions tracking 2015
The PUC shall add approaches documenting savings achieved to
CT General General Statutes - 16-245m(d) - 2019-2021 Conservation &
CT include measurement methods through metering, with appropriate 2015
Assembly Load Management Plan
adjustment for weather normalization and other factors
Executive Order 17-20: Accelerating Efficiency in Oregon’s
Mandated meter-based savings pilot programs, including pay-for-
OR OR Governor Built Environment to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and 2017
performance pilots for all customer sectors
Address Climate Change
Encouraged Pay-for-performance programs to use advanced M&V
Order Adopting Regulatory Policy Framework and
NY NY PUC with existing conditions baseline; EM&V should use advanced M&V to 2017
Implementation Plan
lower costs
MO Dept
Published guidebook for the adoption of M&V 2.0 and EM&V 2.0,
MO Economic N/A 2017
including the development of Technical Reference Manual (TRM)
Utilities to consider the use of "advanced measurement and
VA Virginia PUC 20VAC5-318-40 Rules Governing Utility DSM Program EM&V verification" or "evaluation, measurement and verification 2.0" when 2018
appropriate and cost-effective
Rulebook for Custom Program and Projects Based on
Normalized meter-based savings (NMEC) guidelines for CA projects 2018 -
CA CA PUC Normalized Metered Energy Consumption (NMEC) - V1 & V2
and programs 2019
(relates to mandate in AB 802)

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 33

Table 7: Details on Selected Advanced M&V Tools (an unabridged version of this assessment is available at Facility Energy Solutions.com)
Tool Overview Savings Type Energy Data Used Details

Interval Data Accepted

Normalized Savings
Avoided Energy

User Level of User of

Version #,
Tool Model Type(s) Variables & Inputs Used Notes
Interface Adjustments Model(s) Date

Average None n n n
Yes [1] Coefficients are given, but equation
ECAM Linear OA Temperature (or other Yes High Yes Yes Yes n n n V6r5, 2018 form is published elsewhere for change-
independent variable); Daily & point models
Change-point (3P to 6P) Annual Schedules Yes [note 1] n n n

TOWT OA Temperature Low No n V1, 2016

RMV2.0 Yes No Yes No

GBM OA Temperature; Holidays Medium No n V1, 2017

[1] Coefficients are given, but equation
Average, linear, and change-
form is published elsewhere for change-
point (3-P to 5-P)
v2.8.5, point models;
OpenEE Meter OA Temperature No High(via code) Yes [note 1] Yes No Yes n
11/21/2019 [2] TOWT_OpenEE modifications use
CalTRACK methods and create 12 'monthly'
TOWT models with data weighting.
TOWT_OpenEE [note 2] n

Average None Yes n n n

[1] Coefficients are given, but equation
OA Temperature (or other form is published elsewhere for change-
Linear Yes n Universal
independent variable) point models;
Translator 3
[3] TOWT_UT3 modifications allow for
UT3 M&V Module Change-point (3-P to 6-P) Yes High(via code) Yes [note 1] Yes Yes Yes n M&V Module
filtering based on load profiles, e.g.,
v1, 2014
OA Temperature; Daily & Annual Holidays, Summer school; TOWT model can
TOWT_UT3 [note 3] Schedules No n n be used with daily or hourly data; Models
are combined using a 'Model Assembler'
TOW_UT3 [note 3] No n n
OA Temperature, optional second
independent variable
OA Temperature (or other [4] TOWT_NMECR modifications allow for
Linear independent variable); Daily & n n n filtering based on load profiles (e.g.
Annual Schedules Version: 1.0.1, Holidays, Summer school); Weighting
NMECR No High(via code) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Change-point (3-P to 5-P) OA Temperature n 11/27/2019 factor for demand response event can be
disabled; Automated determination of
TOWT_NMECR [note 4] n n operating schedules for day-typing
OA Temperature; Annual Schedule
TOW_NMECR [note 4] (additional day-types, e.g., Holidays) n n

IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification page 34

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Washington, DC 20006, USA

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