Productdatasheet Rigips Fixing Screw FN
Productdatasheet Rigips Fixing Screw FN
Productdatasheet Rigips Fixing Screw FN
Product description: Type WMN according to EN 14566, made of phosphated steel, according to DIN 18182-2, with flat
head, needle tip, Hi-Lo thread and cross recess PH size 2.
Area of application: For fixing hangers in wooden and metal substrates (in accordance with DIN 18182-2) and for fixing
the edge profiles of self-supporting ceilings in metal stud walls.
Technical specifications
WHN EN 14566
FN DIN 18182-2
Drive Cross recess PH 2
Thread diameter t 4.2 / 4.3 mm
Length l 40 / 65 mm
The information in this publication is based on our current technical knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application of our products,
these data do not relieve the users of our products from the responsibility of carrying out their own inspections and tests, as they only represent general guidelines. They neither do
imply any legally binding assurance of certain properties or of suitability for a particular application. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any
proprietary rights and existing laws and regulations are observed. We reserve the right to modifications in the interests of technical advancement without prior notice.
The values listed in this product data sheet only reflect the performance characteristics of the products. In addition,
gypsum plaster systems have structural and structural properties, which can be found in our system documentation (e.
g. Planen und Bauen).
The information in this publication is based on our current technical knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application of our products,
these data do not relieve the users of our products from the responsibility of carrying out their own inspections and tests, as they only represent general guidelines. They neither do
imply any legally binding assurance of certain properties or of suitability for a particular application. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any
proprietary rights and existing laws and regulations are observed. We reserve the right to modifications in the interests of technical advancement without prior notice.