Green Deal
Green Deal
Green Deal
Brussels, 11.12.2019
COM(2019) 640 final
This Communication sets out a European Green Deal for the European Union (EU)
and its citizens. It resets the Commission’s commitment to tackling climate and
environmental-related challenges that is this generation’s defining task. The atmosphere
is warming and the climate is changing with each passing year. One million of the eight
million species on the planet are at risk of being lost. Forests and oceans are being
polluted and destroyed1.
The European Green Deal is a response to these challenges. It is a new growth strategy
that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society, with a modern,
resource-efficient and competitive economy where there are no net emissions of
greenhouse gases in 2050 and where economic growth is decoupled from resource
It also aims to protect, conserve and enhance the EU's natural capital, and protect
the health and well-being of citizens from environment-related risks and impacts. At
the same time, this transition must be just and inclusive. It must put people first, and pay
attention to the regions, industries and workers who will face the greatest challenges.
Since it will bring substantial change, active public participation and confidence in the
transition is paramount if policies are to work and be accepted. A new pact is needed to
bring together citizens in all their diversity, with national, regional, local authorities, civil
society and industry working closely with the EU’s institutions and consultative bodies.
The EU has the collective ability to transform its economy and society to put it on a
more sustainable path. It can build on its strengths as a global leader on climate and
environmental measures, consumer protection, and workers’ rights. Delivering additional
reductions in emissions is a challenge. It will require massive public investment and
increased efforts to direct private capital towards climate and environmental action, while
avoiding lock-in into unsustainable practices. The EU must be at the forefront of
coordinating international efforts towards building a coherent financial system that
supports sustainable solutions. This upfront investment is also an opportunity to put
Europe firmly on a new path of sustainable and inclusive growth. The European
Green Deal will accelerate and underpin the transition needed in all sectors.
The environmental ambition of the Green Deal will not be achieved by Europe
acting alone. The drivers of climate change and biodiversity loss are global and are not
limited by national borders. The EU can use its influence, expertise and financial
resources to mobilise its neighbours and partners to join it on a sustainable path. The EU
will continue to lead international efforts and wants to build alliances with the like-
minded. It also recognises the need to maintain its security of supply and competitiveness
even when others are unwilling to act.
This Communication presents an initial roadmap of the key policies and measures
needed to achieve the European Green Deal. It will be updated as needs evolve and the
Sources: (i) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): Special Report on the impacts of
global warming of 1.5°C; (ii) Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Services: 2019 Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services; (iii) The
International Resource Panel: Global Resources Outlook 2019: Natural Resources for the Future We
Want; (iv) European Environment Agency: the European environment — state and outlook 2020:
knowledge for transition to a sustainable Europe
policy responses are formulated. All EU actions and policies will have to contribute to
the European Green Deal objectives. The challenges are complex and interlinked. The
policy response must be bold and comprehensive and seek to maximise benefits for
health, quality of life, resilience and competitiveness. It will require intense coordination
to exploit the available synergies across all policy areas2.
The Green Deal is an integral part of this Commission’s strategy to implement the
United Nation’s 2030 Agenda and the sustainable development goals 3, and the other
priorities announced in President von der Leyen’s political guidelines 4. As part of the
Green Deal, the Commission will refocus the European Semester process of
macroeconomic coordination to integrate the United Nations’ sustainable development
goals, to put sustainability and the well-being of citizens at the centre of economic
policy, and the sustainable development goals at the heart of the EU’s policymaking and
The figure below illustrates the various elements of the Green Deal.
In line with the findings of the 2020 European environment — state and outlook 2020: knowledge for
transition to a sustainable Europe (European Environment Agency)
See Political Guidelines of President elect Ursula von der Leyen: Political guidelines for the next
Commission (2019-2024) – ‘A Union that strives for more: My agenda for Europe’:
To deliver the European Green Deal, there is a need to rethink policies for clean energy
supply across the economy, industry, production and consumption, large-scale
infrastructure, transport, food and agriculture, construction, taxation and social benefits.
To achieve these aims, it is essential to increase the value given to protecting and
restoring natural ecosystems, to the sustainable use of resources and to improving human
health. This is where transformational change is most needed and potentially most
beneficial for the EU economy, society and natural environment. The EU should also
promote and invest in the necessary digital transformation and tools as these are essential
enablers of the changes.
While all of these areas for action are strongly interlinked and mutually reinforcing,
careful attention will have to be paid when there are potential trade-offs between
economic, environmental and social objectives. The Green Deal will make consistent use
of all policy levers: regulation and standardisation, investment and innovation, national
reforms, dialogue with social partners and international cooperation. The European Pillar
of Social Rights will guide action in ensuring that no one is left behind.
New measures on their own will not be enough to achieve the European Green
Deal’s objectives. In addition to launching new initiatives, the Commission will work
with the Member States to step up the EU’s efforts to ensure that current legislation and
policies relevant to the Green Deal are enforced and effectively implemented.
2.1.1. Increasing the EU’s climate ambition for 2030 and 2050
The Commission has already set out a clear vision of how to achieve climate
neutrality by 20505. This vision should form the basis for the long-term strategy that the
EU will submit to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in
early 2020. To set out clearly the conditions for an effective and fair transition, to provide
predictability for investors, and to ensure that the transition is irreversible, the
Commission will propose the first European ‘Climate Law’ by March 2020. This
will enshrine the 2050 climate neutrality objective in legislation. The Climate Law will
also ensure that all EU policies contribute to the climate neutrality objective and that all
sectors play their part.
The EU has already started to modernise and transform the economy with the aim of
climate neutrality. Between 1990 and 2018, it reduced greenhouse gas emissions by
23%, while the economy grew by 61%. However, current policies will only reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by 60% by 2050. Much remains to be done, starting with more
ambitious climate action in the coming decade.
By summer 2020, the Commission will present an impact assessed plan to increase the
EU’s greenhouse gas emission reductions target for 2030 to at least 50% and
towards 55% compared with 1990 levels in a responsible way. To deliver these
additional greenhouse gas emissions reductions, the Commission will, by June 2021,
review and propose to revise where necessary, all relevant climate-related policy
A Clean Planet for all - A European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive
and climate neutral economy COM (2018) 773
instruments. This will comprise the Emissions Trading System 6, including a possible
extension of European emissions trading to new sectors, Member State targets to reduce
emissions in sectors outside the Emissions Trading System7, and the regulation on land
use, land use change and forestry8. The Commission will propose to amend the Climate
Law to update it accordingly.
These policy reforms will help to ensure effective carbon pricing throughout the
economy. This will encourage changes in consumer and business behaviour, and
facilitate an increase in sustainable public and private investment. The different pricing
instruments must complement each other and jointly provide a coherent policy
framework. Ensuring that taxation is aligned with climate objectives is also essential. The
Commission will propose to revise the Energy Taxation Directive 9, focusing on
environmental issues, and proposing to use the provisions in the Treaties that allow the
European Parliament and the Council to adopt proposals in this area through the ordinary
legislative procedure by qualified majority voting rather than by unanimity.
As long as many international partners do not share the same ambition as the EU,
there is a risk of carbon leakage, either because production is transferred from the EU to
other countries with lower ambition for emission reduction, or because EU products are
replaced by more carbon-intensive imports. If this risk materialises, there will be no
reduction in global emissions, and this will frustrate the efforts of the EU and its
industries to meet the global climate objectives of the Paris Agreement.
Consolidated version of Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and
amending Council Directive 96/61/EC
Regulation (EU) 2018/842 on binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductions by Member States
from 2021 to 2030 contributing to climate action to meet commitments under the Paris Agreement and
amending Regulation (EU) No 525/2013
Regulation (EU) 2018/841 on the inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use,
land use change and forestry in the 2030 climate and energy framework, and amending Regulation
(EU) No 525/2013 and Decision No 529/2013/EU
Council Directive 2003/96/EC restructuring the Community framework for the taxation of energy
products and electricity
Such as the free allocation of emission allowances or compensation for the increase in electricity costs
2.1.2. Supplying clean, affordable and secure energy
Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action
Trans-European Networks - Energy (TEN-E) Regulation
2.1.3. Mobilising industry for a clean and circular economy
Achieving a climate neutral and circular economy requires the full mobilisation of
industry. It takes 25 years – a generation – to transform an industrial sector and all the
value chains. To be ready in 2050, decisions and actions need to be taken in the next five
From 1970 to 2017, the annual global extraction of materials tripled and it continues to
grow13, posing a major global risk. About half of total greenhouse gas emissions and
more than 90% of biodiversity loss and water stress come from resource extraction and
processing of materials, fuels and food. The EU’s industry has started the shift but still
accounts for 20% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. It remains too ‘linear’, and
dependent on a throughput of new materials extracted, traded and processed into goods,
and finally disposed of as waste or emissions. Only 12% of the materials it uses come
from recycling14.
The transition is an opportunity to expand sustainable and job-intensive economic
activity. There is significant potential in global markets for low-emission technologies,
sustainable products and services. Likewise, the circular economy offers great potential
for new activities and jobs. However, the transformation is taking place at a too slow
pace with progress neither widespread nor uniform. The European Green Deal will
support and accelerate the EU’s industry transition to a sustainable model of inclusive
In March 2020, the Commission will adopt an EU industrial strategy to address the
twin challenge of the green and the digital transformation. Europe must leverage the
potential of the digital transformation, which is a key enabler for reaching the Green Deal
objectives. Together with the industrial strategy, a new circular economy action plan
will help modernise the EU’s economy and draw benefit from the opportunities of the
circular economy domestically and globally. A key aim of the new policy framework will
be to stimulate the development of lead markets for climate neutral and circular products,
in the EU and beyond.
Energy-intensive industries, such as steel, chemicals and cement, are indispensable
to Europe’s economy, as they supply several key value chains. The decarbonisation
and modernisation of this sector is essential. The recommendations published by the
High Level Group of energy-intensive industries show the industry’s commitment to
these objectives15.
The circular economy action plan will include a ‘sustainable products’ policy to
support the circular design of all products based on a common methodology and
principles. It will prioritise reducing and reusing materials before recycling them. It will
foster new business models and set minimum requirements to prevent environmentally
harmful products from being placed on the EU market. Extended producer responsibility
will also be strengthened.
While the circular economy action plan will guide the transition of all sectors, action will
focus in particular on resource-intensive sectors such as textiles, construction,
electronics and plastics. The Commission will follow up on the 2018 plastics strategy
focusing, among other things, on measures to tackle intentionally added micro plastics
Global Resources Outlook 2019: Natural Resources for the Future We Want: The International
Resource Panel.
and unintentional releases of plastics, for example from textiles and tyre abrasion. The
Commission will develop requirements to ensure that all packaging in the EU market is
reusable or recyclable in an economically viable manner by 2030, will develop a
regulatory framework for biodegradable and bio-based plastics, and will implement
measures on single use plastics.
The circular economy action plan will also include measures to encourage businesses
to offer, and to allow consumers to choose, reusable, durable and repairable
products. It will analyse the need for a ‘right to repair’, and curb the built-in
obsolescence of devices, in particular for electronics. Consumer policy will help to
empower consumers to make informed choices and play an active role in the ecological
transition. New business models based on renting and sharing goods and services will
play a role as long as they are truly sustainable and affordable.
A sustainable product policy also has the potential to reduce waste significantly.
Where waste cannot be avoided, its economic value must be recovered and its impact on
the environment and on climate change avoided or minimised. This requires new
legislation, including targets and measures for tackling over-packaging and waste
generation. In parallel, EU companies should benefit from a robust and integrated single
market for secondary raw materials and by-products. This requires deeper cooperation
across value chains, as in the case of the Circular Plastics Alliance. The Commission will
consider legal requirements to boost the market of secondary raw materials with
mandatory recycled content (for instance for packaging, vehicles, construction materials
and batteries). To simplify waste management for citizens and ensure cleaner secondary
materials for businesses, the Commission will also propose an EU model for separate
waste collection. The Commission is of the view that the EU should stop exporting its
waste outside of the EU and will therefore revisit the rules on waste shipments and illegal
Access to resources is also a strategic security question for Europe’s ambition to
deliver the Green Deal. Ensuring the supply of sustainable raw materials, in particular
of critical raw materials necessary for clean technologies, digital, space and defence
applications, by diversifying supply from both primary and secondary sources, is
therefore one of the pre-requisites to make this transition happen.
EU industry needs ‘climate and resource frontrunners’ to develop the first commercial
applications of breakthrough technologies in key industrial sectors by 2030. Priority
areas include clean hydrogen, fuel cells and other alternative fuels, energy storage, and
carbon capture, storage and utilisation. As an example, the Commission will support
clean steel breakthrough technologies leading to a zero-carbon steel making process by
2030 and will explore whether part of the funding being liquidated under the European
Coal and Steel Community can be used. More broadly, the EU Emissions Trading
System Innovation Fund will help to deploy such large-scale innovative projects.
Promoting new forms of collaboration with industry and investments in strategic
value chains are essential. The Commission will continue to implement the Strategic
Action Plan on Batteries and support the European Battery Alliance. It will propose
legislation in 2020 to ensure a safe, circular and sustainable battery value chain for all
batteries, including to supply the growing market of electric vehicles. The Commission
will also support other initiatives leading to alliances and to a large-scale pooling of
resources, for example in the form of Important Projects of Common European Interest,
where targeted time-bound State aid can help build new innovative value chains.
Digital technologies are a critical enabler for attaining the sustainability goals of the
Green deal in many different sectors. The Commission will explore measures to ensure
that digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G, cloud and edge computing and
the internet of things can accelerate and maximise the impact of policies to deal with
climate change and protect the environment. Digitalisation also presents new
opportunities for distance monitoring of air and water pollution, or for monitoring and
optimising how energy and natural resources are used. At the same time, Europe needs a
digital sector that puts sustainability at its heart. The Commission will also consider
measures to improve the energy efficiency and circular economy performance of the
sector itself, from broadband networks to data centres and ICT devices. The Commission
will assess the need for more transparency on the environmental impact of electronic
communication services, more stringent measures when deploying new networks and the
benefits of supporting ‘take-back’ schemes to incentivise people to return their unwanted
devices such as mobile phones, tablets and chargers.
As part of the requirements under the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction
products and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC
renovated buildings at all stages is in line with the needs of the circular economy, and
lead to increased digitalisation and climate-proofing of the building stock.
In parallel, the Commission proposes to work with stakeholders on a new initiative
on renovation in 2020. This will include an open platform bringing together the
buildings and construction sector, architects and engineers and local authorities to
address the barriers to renovation. This initiative will also include innovative financing
schemes under InvestEU. These could target housing associations or energy service
companies that could roll out renovation including through energy performance
contracting. An essential aim would be to organise renovation efforts into larger blocks
to benefit from better financing conditions and economies of scale. The Commission will
also work to lift national regulatory barriers that inhibit energy efficiency investments in
rented and multi-ownership buildings. Particular attention will be paid to the renovation
of social housing, to help households who struggle to pay their energy bills. Focus should
also be put on renovating schools and hospitals, as the money saved through building
efficiency will be money available to support education and public health.
Transport accounts for a quarter of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions, and still
growing. To achieve climate neutrality, a 90% reduction in transport emissions is needed
by 2050. Road, rail, aviation, and waterborne transport will all have to contribute to the
reduction. Achieving sustainable transport means putting users first and providing them
with more affordable, accessible, healthier and cleaner alternatives to their current
mobility habits. The Commission will adopt a strategy for sustainable and smart mobility
in 2020 that will address this challenge and tackle all emission sources.
Multimodal transport needs a strong boost. This will increase the efficiency of the
transport system. As a matter of priority, a substantial part of the 75% of inland freight
carried today by road should shift onto rail and inland waterways. This will require
measures to manage better, and to increase the capacity of railways and inland
waterways, which the Commission will propose by 2021. The Commission will also
consider withdrawing and presenting a new proposal to revise the Combined Transport
Directive18 to turn it into an effective tool to support multimodal freight operations
involving rail and waterborne transport, including short-sea shipping. In aviation, work
on adopting the Commission’s proposal on a truly Single European Sky will need to
restart, as this will help achieve significant reductions in aviation emissions.
Automated and connected multimodal mobility will play an increasing role, together
with smart traffic management systems enabled by digitalisation. The EU transport
system and infrastructure will be made fit to support new sustainable mobility services
that can reduce congestion and pollution, especially in urban areas. The Commission will
help develop smart systems for traffic management and ‘Mobility as a Service’ solutions,
through its funding instruments, such as the Connected Europe Facility.
The price of transport must reflect the impact it has on the environment and on
health. Fossil-fuel subsidies should end and, in the context of the revision of the Energy
Taxation Directive, the Commission will look closely at the current tax exemptions
including for aviation and maritime fuels and at how best to close any loopholes.
Similarly, the Commission will propose to extend European emissions trading to the
Proposal for a directive amending Directive 92/106/EEC on the establishment of common rules for
certain types of combined transport of goods between Member States COM(2017) 648
maritime sector, and to reduce the EU Emissions Trading System allowances allocated
for free to airlines. This will be coordinated with action at global level, notably at the
International Civil Aviation Organization and International Maritime Organization. The
Commission will also give fresh political consideration as to how to achieve effective
road pricing in the EU. It calls on the European Parliament and the Council to maintain
the high level of ambition in the Commission’s original proposal for the ‘Eurovignette’
Directive19, and is ready to withdraw it if necessary and to propose alternative measures.
The EU should in parallel ramp-up the production and deployment of sustainable
alternative transport fuels. By 2025, about 1 million public recharging and refuelling
stations will be needed for the 13 million zero- and low-emission vehicles expected on
European roads. The Commission will support the deployment of public recharging and
refuelling points where persistent gaps exist, notably for long-distance travel and in less
densely populated areas, and will launch as quickly as possible a new funding call to
support this. These steps will complement the measures taken at national level. The
Commission will consider legislative options to boost the production and uptake of
sustainable alternative fuels for the different transport modes. The Commission will also
review the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive20 and the TEN-T Regulation to
accelerate the deployment of zero- and low-emission vehicles and vessels.
Transport should become drastically less polluting, especially in cities. A
combination of measures should address emissions, urban congestion, and improved
public transport. The Commission will propose more stringent air pollutant emissions
standards for combustion-engine vehicles. The Commission will also propose to revise
by June 2021 the legislation on CO2 emission performance standards for cars and vans, to
ensure a clear pathway from 2025 onwards towards zero-emission mobility. In parallel, it
will consider applying European emissions trading to road transport, as a complement to
existing and future CO2 emission performance standards for vehicles. It will take action
in relation to maritime transport, including to regulate access of the most polluting ships
to EU ports and to oblige docked ships to use shore-side electricity. Similarly, air quality
should be improved near airports by tackling the emissions of pollutants by aeroplanes
and airport operations.
European food is famous for being safe, nutritious and of high quality. It should now
also become the global standard for sustainability. Although the transition to more
sustainable systems has started, feeding a fast-growing world population remains a
challenge with current production patterns. Food production still results in air, water and
soil pollution, contributes to the loss of biodiversity and climate change, and consumes
excessive amounts of natural resources, while an important part of food is wasted. At the
same time, low quality diets contribute to obesity and diseases such as cancer.
There are new opportunities for all operators in the food value chain. New
technologies and scientific discoveries, combined with increasing public awareness and
demand for sustainable food, will benefit all stakeholders. The Commission will present
the ‘Farm to Fork’ Strategy in spring 2020 and launch a broad stakeholder debate
Proposal for a directive amending Directive 1999/62/EC on the charging of heavy goods vehicles for
the use of certain infrastructure COM(2017) 275
Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure
covering all the stages of the food chain, and paving the way to formulating a more
sustainable food policy.
European farmers and fishermen are key to managing the transition. The Farm to
Fork Strategy will strengthen their efforts to tackle climate change, protect the
environment and preserve biodiversity. The common agricultural and common fisheries
policies will remain key tools to support these efforts while ensuring a decent living for
farmers, fishermen and their families. The Commission’s proposals for the common
agricultural policy for 2021 to 2027 stipulate that at least 40% of the common
agricultural policy’s overall budget and at least 30% of the Maritime Fisheries Fund
would contribute to climate action.
The Commission will work with the European Parliament and the Council to achieve at
least this level of ambition in the proposals. Given that the start of the revised
Common Agricultural Policy is likely to be delayed to the beginning of 2022, the
Commission will work with the Member States and stakeholders to ensure that from the
outset the national strategic plans for agriculture fully reflect the ambition of the Green
Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy. The Commission will ensure that these strategic
plans are assessed against robust climate and environmental criteria. These plans should
lead to the use of sustainable practices, such as precision agriculture, organic farming,
agro-ecology, agro-forestry and stricter animal welfare standards. By shifting the focus
from compliance to performance, measures such as eco-schemes should reward farmers
for improved environmental and climate performance, including managing and storing
carbon in the soil, and improved nutrient management to improve water quality and
reduce emissions. The Commission will work with the Member States to develop the
potential of sustainable seafood as a source of low-carbon food.
The strategic plans will need to reflect an increased level of ambition to reduce
significantly the use and risk of chemical pesticides, as well as the use of fertilisers
and antibiotics. The Commission will identify the measures, including legislative,
needed to bring about these reductions based on a stakeholder dialogue. The area under
organic farming will also need to increase in Europe. The EU needs to develop
innovative ways to protect harvests from pests and diseases and to consider the potential
role of new innovative techniques to improve the sustainability of the food system, while
ensuring that they are safe.
The Farm to Fork Strategy will also contribute to achieving a circular economy. It
will aim to reduce the environmental impact of the food processing and retail sectors by
taking action on transport, storage, packaging and food waste. This will include actions
to combat food fraud, including strengthening enforcement and investigative capacity at
EU level, and to launch a process to identify new innovative food and feed products, such
as seafood based on algae.
Lastly, the Farm to Fork Strategy will strive to stimulate sustainable food consumption
and promote affordable healthy food for all. Imported food that does not comply with
relevant EU environmental standards is not allowed on EU markets. The Commission
will propose actions to help consumers choose healthy and sustainable diets and reduce
food waste. The Commission will explore new ways to give consumers better
information, including by digital means, on details such as where the food comes from,
its nutritional value, and its environmental footprint. The Farm to Fork strategy will also
contain proposals to improve the position of farmers in the value chain.
2.1.7. Preserving and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity
Ecosystems provide essential services such as food, fresh water and clean air, and
shelter. They mitigate natural disasters, pests and diseases and help regulate the climate.
However, the EU is not meeting some of its most important environmental objectives for
2020, such as the Aichi targets under the Convention on Biological Diversity. The EU
and its global partners need to halt biodiversity loss. The Intergovernmental Science-
Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services’ 2019 Global Assessment
Report21 showed worldwide erosion of biodiversity, caused primarily by changes in how
land and sea are used, direct exploitation of natural resources, and with climate change as
the third most important driver of biodiversity loss.
The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Kunming,
China, in October 2020 is an opportunity for the world to adopt a robust global
framework to halt biodiversity loss. To ensure that the EU plays a key role, the
Commission will present a Biodiversity Strategy by March 2020, to be followed up by
specific action in 2021. The strategy will outline the EU’s position for the Conference of
the Parties, with global targets to protect biodiversity, as well as commitments to address
the main causes of biodiversity loss in the EU, underpinned by measurable objectives
that address the main causes of biodiversity loss.
The biodiversity strategy will identify specific measures to meet these objectives.
These could include quantified objectives, such as increasing the coverage of protected
biodiversity-rich land and sea areas building on the Natura 2000 network. Member States
should also reinforce cross-border cooperation to protect and restore more effectively the
areas covered by the Natura 2000 network. The Commission will identify which
measures, including legislation, would help Member States improve and restore damaged
ecosystems to good ecological status, including carbon-rich ecosystems. The biodiversity
strategy will also include proposals to green European cities and increase biodiversity in
urban spaces. The Commission will consider drafting a nature restoration plan and will
look at how provide funding to help Member States to reach this aim.
All EU policies should contribute to preserving and restoring Europe’s natural
capital22. The Farm to Fork Strategy, outlined in section 2.1.6, will address the use of
pesticides and fertilisers in agriculture. Work will continue under the common fisheries
policy to reduce the adverse impacts that fishing can have on ecosystems, especially in
sensitive areas. The Commission will also support more connected and well-managed
marine protected areas.
Forest ecosystems are under increasing pressure, as a result of climate change. The
EU’s forested area needs to improve, both in quality and quantity, for the EU to
reach climate neutrality and a healthy environment. Sustainable re- and afforestation and
the restoration of degraded forests can increase absorption of CO 2 while improving the
resilience of forests and promoting the circular bio-economy. Building on the 2030
biodiversity strategy, the Commission will prepare a new EU forest strategy covering the
whole forest cycle and promoting the many services that forests provide.
The new EU forest strategy will have as its key objectives effective afforestation,
and forest preservation and restoration in Europe, to help to increase the absorption
of CO2,, reduce the incidence and extent of forest fires, and promote the bio-economy, in
full respect for ecological principles favourable to biodiversity. The national strategic
EU guidelines SWD (2019)305 FINAL “EU guidance on integrating ecosystems and their services
into decision-making”
plans under the common agricultural policy should incentivise forest managers to
preserve, grow and manage forests sustainably. Building on the Communication on
Stepping up EU Action to Protect and Restore the World’s Forests 23, the Commission
will take measures, both regulatory and otherwise, to promote imported products and
value chains that do not involve deforestation and forest degradation.
A sustainable ‘blue economy’ will have to play a central role in alleviating the
multiple demands on the EU's land resources and tackling climate change. The role of
oceans in mitigating and adapting to climate change is increasingly recognised. The
sector can contribute by improving the use of aquatic and marine resources and, for
example, by promoting the production and use of new sources of protein that can relieve
pressure on agricultural land. More generally, lasting solutions to climate change require
greater attention to nature-based solutions including healthy and resilient seas and
oceans. The Commission will analyse the findings of the International Panel on Climate
Change special report on oceans24 and propose measures in the maritime area. This will
include ways to manage maritime space more sustainably, notably to help tap into the
growing potential of offshore renewable energy. The Commission will also take a zero-
tolerance approach to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. The 2020 United
Nations Ocean Conference in Portugal will be an opportunity for the EU to highlight the
importance of action on ocean issues.
2.1.8. A zero pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment
The natural functions of ground and surface water must be restored. This is
essential to preserve and restore biodiversity in lakes, rivers, wetlands and estuaries, and
to prevent and limit damage from floods. Implementing the ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy will
reduce pollution from excess nutrients. In addition, the Commission will propose
measures to address pollution from urban runoff and from new or particularly harmful
sources of pollution such as micro plastics and chemicals, including pharmaceuticals.
There is also a need to address the combined effects of different pollutants.
The Commission will draw on the lessons learnt from the evaluation of the current
air quality legislation25. It will also propose to strengthen provisions on monitoring 26,
modelling and air quality plans to help local authorities achieve cleaner air. The
Commission will notably propose to revise air quality standards to align them more
closely with the World Health Organization recommendations.
The Commission will review EU measures to address pollution from large industrial
installations. It will look at the sectoral scope of the legislation and at how to make it
fully consistent with climate, energy and circular economy policies. The Commission
will also work with Member States to improve the prevention of industrial accidents.
COM/2019/352 final
Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
Fitness check of the Ambient Air Quality Directives SWD(2019) 427
Including by making use of new monitoring opportunities provided by digitalisation
To ensure a toxic-free environment, the Commission will present a chemicals
strategy for sustainability. This will both help to protect citizens and the environment
better against hazardous chemicals and encourage innovation for the development of safe
and sustainable alternatives. All parties including industry should work together to
combine better health and environmental protection and increased global
competitiveness. This can be achieved by simplifying and strengthening the legal
framework. The Commission will review how to use better the EU’s agencies and
scientific bodies to move towards a process of ‘one substance – one assessment’ and to
provide greater transparency when prioritising action to deal with chemicals. In parallel,
the regulatory framework will need to rapidly reflect scientific evidence on the risk posed
by endocrine disruptors, hazardous chemicals in products including imports, combination
effects of different chemicals and very persistent chemicals.
2.2. Mainstreaming sustainability in all EU policies
2.2.1. Pursuing green finance and investment and ensuring a just transition
To achieve the ambition set by the European Green Deal, there are significant
investment needs. The Commission has estimated that achieving the current 2030
climate and energy targets will require €260 billion of additional annual investment 27,
about 1.5% of 2018 GDP28. This flow of investment will need to be sustained over time.
The magnitude of the investment challenge requires mobilising both the public and
private sector.
The Commission will present a Sustainable Europe Investment Plan to help meet the
additional funding needs. It will combine dedicated financing to support sustainable
investments, and proposals for an improved enabling framework that is conducive to
green investment. At the same time, it will be essential to prepare a pipeline of
sustainable projects. Technical assistance and advisory services will help project
promoters to identify and prepare projects and to access sources of finance.
The EU budget will play a key role. The Commission has proposed a 25% target for
climate mainstreaming across all EU programmes. The EU budget will also contribute to
achieving climate objectives on the revenue side. The Commission has proposed new
revenue streams (“Own Resources”), one of which is based on the non-recycled plastic-
packaging waste. A second revenue stream could involve allocating 20% of the revenue
from the auctioning of EU Emissions Trading System to the EU budget.
At least 30% of the InvestEU Fund will contribute to fighting climate change.
Moreover, projects will be subject to sustainability proofing to screen the contribution
that they make to climate, environmental and social objectives. InvestEU also offers
Member States the option to use the EU budgetary guarantee e.g. to deliver on climate-
related cohesion policy objectives in their territories and regions. InvestEU also
strengthens cooperation with national promotional banks and institutions, which can
encourage an overall greening of their activities to deliver on EU policy objectives.
Moreover, as part of the revision of the EU Emission Trading System, the Commission
will review the role of the Innovation and Modernisation Funds, which are not financed
by the EU’s long-term budget. The ambition will be to strengthen their role and their
Communication “United in delivering the Energy Union and Climate Action - Setting the foundations
for a successful clean energy transition” COM(2019) 285
These estimates are conservative, as they do not consider, for instance, the investment needs for
climate adaptation or for other environmental challenges, such as biodiversity. They also exclude the
public investment needed to address the social costs of the transition and the costs of inaction
effectiveness in deploying innovative and climate neutral solutions across the EU. In the
revision of the EU Emissions Trading System, the allocation of additional revenues from
allowances to the EU budget with a view to strengthening the financing of the just
transition will also be considered.
The Commission will also work with the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group,
national promotional banks and institutions, as well as with other international financial
institutions. The EIB set itself the target of doubling its climate target from 25% to 50%
by 2025, thus becoming Europe’s climate bank.
As part of the Sustainable Europe Investment Plan, the Commission will propose a
Just Transition Mechanism, including a Just Transition Fund, to leave no one
behind. The transition can only succeed if it is conducted in a fair and inclusive way.
The most vulnerable are the most exposed to the harmful effects of climate change and
environmental degradation. At the same time, managing the transition will lead to
significant structural changes in business models, skill requirements and relative prices.
Citizens, depending on their social and geographic circumstances, will be affected in
different ways. Not all Member States, regions and cities start the transition from the
same point or have the same capacity to respond. These challenges require a strong
policy response at all levels.
The Just Transition Mechanism will focus on the regions and sectors that are most
affected by the transition because they depend on fossil fuels or carbon-intensive
processes. It will draw on sources of funding from the EU budget as well as the EIB
group to leverage the necessary private and public resources. Support will be linked to
promoting a transition towards low-carbon and climate-resilient activities. It will also
strive to protect the citizens and workers most vulnerable to the transition, providing
access to re-skilling programmes, jobs in new economic sectors, or energy-efficient
housing. The Commission will work with the Member States and regions to help them
put in place territorial transition plans.
The mechanism will come in addition to the substantial contribution of the EU’s
budget through all programmes directly relevant to the transition, as well as other funds
such as the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund Plus.
In order to bring an answer to the long-term financing needs of the transition, the
Commission will continue to explore with relevant partners, as part of the Sustainable
Europe Investment Plan, additional sources that could be mobilised and innovative ways
to do so.
The need for a socially just transition must also be reflected in policies at EU and
national level. This includes investment to provide affordable solutions to those affected
by carbon pricing policies, for example through public transport, as well as measures to
address energy poverty and promote re-skilling. Coherence of climate and environment
policies and a holistic approach are often a precondition for ensuring they are perceived
as fair, as illustrated by the debate on taxation of various modes of transport. For
companies and their workers, an active social dialogue helps to anticipate and
successfully manage change. The European Semester process of macroeconomic
coordination will support national policies on these issues.
The private sector will be key to financing the green transition. Long-term signals are
needed to direct financial and capital flows to green investment and to avoid stranded
assets. The Commission will present a renewed sustainable finance strategy in the third
quarter of 2020 that will focus on a number of actions.
First, the strategy will strengthen the foundations for sustainable investment. This
will require notably that the European Parliament and Council adopt the taxonomy for
classifying environmentally sustainable activities. Sustainability should be further
embedded into the corporate governance framework, as many companies still focus too
much on short-term financial performance compared to their long-term development and
sustainability aspects. At the same time, companies and financial institutions will need to
increase their disclosure on climate and environmental data so that investors are fully
informed about the sustainability of their investments. To this end, the Commission will
review the Non-Financial Reporting Directive. To ensure appropriate management of
environmental risks and mitigation opportunities, and reduce related transaction costs,
the Commission will also support businesses and other stakeholders in developing
standardised natural capital accounting practices within the EU and internationally.
Second, increased opportunities will be provided for investors and companies by
making it easier for them to identify sustainable investments and ensuring that they
are credible. This could be done via clear labels for retail investment products and by
developing an EU green bond standard that facilitates sustainable investment in the most
convenient way.
Third, climate and environmental risks will be managed and integrated into the
financial system. This means better integrating such risks into the EU prudential
framework and assessing the suitability of the existing capital requirements for green
assets. We will also examine how our financial system can help to increase resilience to
climate and environmental risks, in particular when it comes to the physical risks and
damage arising from natural catastrophes.
2.2.2. Greening national budgets and sending the right price signals
National budgets play a key role in the transition. A greater use of green budgeting
tools will help to redirect public investment, consumption and taxation to green priorities
and away from harmful subsidies. The Commission will work with the Member States to
screen and benchmark green budgeting practices. This will make it easier to assess to
what extent annual budgets and medium-term fiscal plans take environmental
considerations and risks into account, and learn from best practices. The review of the
European economic governance framework will include a reference to green public
investment in the context of the quality of public finance. This will inform a debate on
how to improve EU fiscal governance. The outcome of the debate will form the basis for
any possible future steps including how to treat green investments within EU fiscal rules,
while preserving safeguards against risks to debt sustainability.
Well-designed tax reforms can boost economic growth and resilience to climate
shocks and help contribute to a fairer society and to a just transition. They play a
direct role by sending the right price signals and providing the right incentives for
sustainable behaviour by producers, users and consumers. At national level, the European
Green Deal will create the context for broad-based tax reforms, removing subsidies for
fossil fuels, shifting the tax burden from labour to pollution, and taking into account
social considerations. There is a need to ensure rapid adoption of the Commission’s
proposal on value added tax (VAT) rates currently on the table of the Council, so that
Member States can make a more targeted use of VAT rates to reflect increased
environmental ambitions, for example to support organic fruit and vegetables.
Evaluations are underway of the relevant State aid guidelines including the
environmental and energy State aid guidelines. The guidelines will be revised by 2021
to reflect the policy objectives of the European Green Deal, supporting a cost-effective
transition to climate neutrality by 2050, and will facilitate the phasing out of fossil fuels,
in particular those that are most polluting, ensuring a level-playing field in the internal
market. These revisions are also an opportunity to address market barriers to the
deployment of clean products.
The full range of instruments available under the Horizon Europe programme will
support the research and innovation efforts needed. Four ‘Green Deal Missions’ will
help deliver large-scale changes in areas such as adaptation to climate change, oceans,
cities and soil. These missions will bring together a wide range of stakeholders including
regions and citizens. Partnerships with industry and Member States will support research
and innovation on transport, including batteries, clean hydrogen, low-carbon steel
making, circular bio-based sectors and the built environment. The knowledge and
innovation communities run by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology will
continue to promote collaboration among higher education institutions, research
organisations and companies on climate change, sustainable energy, food for the future,
and smart, environmentally-friendly and integrated urban transport. The European
Innovation Council will dedicate funding, equity investment and business acceleration
services to high potential start-ups and SMEs for them to achieve breakthrough Green
Deal innovation that can be scaled up rapidly on global markets.
Accessible and interoperable data are at the heart of data-driven innovation. This
data, combined with digital infrastructure (e.g. supercomputers, cloud, ultra-fast
networks) and artificial intelligence solutions, facilitate evidence-based decisions and
expand the capacity to understand and tackle environmental challenges. The Commission
will support work to unlock the full benefits of the digital transformation to support the
ecological transition. An immediate priority will be to boost the EU’s ability to predict
and manage environmental disasters. To do this, the Commission will bring together
European scientific and industrial excellence to develop a very high precision digital
model of the Earth.
2.2.4. Activating education and training
Schools, training institutions and universities are well placed to engage with pupils,
parents, and the wider community on the changes needed for a successful transition.
The Commission will prepare a European competence framework to help develop and
assess knowledge, skills and attitudes on climate change and sustainable development. It
will also provide support materials and facilitate the exchange of good practices in EU
networks of teacher-training programmes.
The Commission has been working to provide Member States with new financial
resources to make school buildings and operations more sustainable. It has
strengthened collaboration with the European Investment Bank and created stronger links
between structural funds and the new financial instruments with the aim of leveraging €3
billion in investment in school infrastructure in 2020.
Pro-active re-skilling and upskilling are necessary to reap the benefits of the
ecological transition. The proposed European Social Fund+ will play an important role
in helping Europe’s workforce to acquire the skills they need to transfer from declining
sectors to growing sectors and to adapt to new processes. The Skills Agenda and the
Youth Guarantee will be updated to enhance employability in the green economy.
All EU actions and policies should pull together to help the EU achieve a successful
and just transition towards a sustainable future. The Commission’s better regulation
tools provide a solid basis for this. Based on public consultations, on the identification of
the environmental, social and economic impacts, and on analyses of how SMEs are
affected and innovation fostered or hindered, impact assessments contribute to making
efficient policy choices at minimum costs, in line with the objectives of the Green Deal.
Evaluations also systematically assess coherence between current legislation and new
To support its work to identify and remedy inconsistencies in current legislation, the
Commission invites stakeholders to use the available platforms 29 to simplify
legislation and identify problematic cases. The Commission will consider these
suggestions when preparing evaluations, impact assessments and legislative proposals for
the European Green Deal.
In addition, building on the results of its recent stock taking of better regulation policy,
the Commission will improve the way its better regulation guidelines and supporting
tools address sustainability and innovation issues. The objective is to ensure that all
Green Deal initiatives achieve their objectives in the most effective and least burdensome
way and all other EU initiatives live up to a green oath to ‘do no harm’. To this end, the
explanatory memorandum accompanying all legislative proposals and delegated acts will
include a specific section explaining how each initiative upholds this principle.
environment, climate and energy policies across the world. It will develop a stronger
‘green deal diplomacy’ focused on convincing and supporting others to take on their
share of promoting more sustainable development. By setting a credible example, and
following-up with diplomacy, trade policy, development support and other external
policies, the EU can be an effective advocate. The Commission and the High
Representative will work closely with Member States to mobilise all diplomatic channels
both bilateral and multilateral – including the United Nations, the G7, G20, the World
Trade Organization and other relevant international fora.
The EU will continue to ensure that the Paris Agreement remains the indispensable
multilateral framework for tackling climate change. As the EU's share of global
emissions is falling, comparable action and increased efforts by other regions will be
critical for addressing the global climate challenge in a meaningful way. The debate on
climate ambition will intensify in the coming months in line with the Paris Agreement
provisions for regular stocktaking and updates. The Conference of Parties in Glasgow in
2020 will be an important milestone before the global stocktake in 2023. It will assess
progress towards achieving long-term goals. As it currently stands, it is clear that the
level of global ambition is insufficient30. The EU will engage more intensely with all
partners to increase the collective effort and help them to revise and implement their
nationally determined contributions and devise ambitious long-term strategies. This will
build on the EU’s own increased ambition as outlined in section 2.
In parallel, the EU will step up bilateral engagement with partner countries and,
where necessary, establish innovative forms of engagement. The EU will continue to
engage with the economies of the G20 that are responsible for 80% of global greenhouse
gas emissions. Stepping up the level of climate action taken by international partners
requires tailor-made geographic strategies that reflect different contexts and local needs –
for example for current and future big emitters, for the least developed countries, and for
small island developing states. The EU is also working with global partners to
develop international carbon markets as a key tool to create economic incentives for
climate action.
The EU will put emphasis on supporting its immediate neighbours. The ecological
transition for Europe can only be fully effective if the EU’s immediate neighbourhood
also takes effective action. Work is underway on a green agenda for the Western
Balkans. The Commission and the High Representative are also envisaging a number of
strong environment, energy and climate partnerships with the Southern Neighbourhood
and within the Eastern Partnership.
The 2020 EU-China summits in Beijing and Leipzig will be an opportunity to reinforce
the partnership between the EU and China on climate and environmental issues, notably
ahead of the Kunming Biodiversity Conference, and the Conference of Parties in
Likewise, the forthcoming Comprehensive Strategy with Africa, and the 2020
summit between the African Union and the EU, should make climate and environmental
issues key strands in relations between the two continents. In particular, the Africa-
Europe Alliance for sustainable investment and jobs will seek to unlock Africa's potential
to make rapid progress towards a green and circular economy including sustainable
energy and food systems and smart cities. The EU will strengthen its engagement with
United Nations Environment emissions gap report 2019
Africa for the wider deployment and trade of sustainable and clean energy. Renewable
energy and energy efficiency, for example for clean cooking, are key to closing the
energy access gap in Africa while delivering the required reduction in CO 2. The EU will
launch a “NaturAfrica” initiative to tackle biodiversity loss by creating a network of
protected areas to protect wildlife and offer opportunities in green sectors for local
More generally, the EU will use its diplomatic and financial tools to ensure that
green alliances are part of its relations with Africa and other partner countries and
regions, particularly in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific.
The EU should also reinforce current initiatives and engage with third countries on
cross-cutting climate and environment issues. This may include ending global fossil
fuel subsidies in line with G20 commitments, phasing-out financing by multilateral
institutions of fossil fuel infrastructure, strengthening sustainable financing, phasing out
all new coal plant construction, and action to reduce methane emissions.
The EU also recognises that the global climate and environmental challenges are a
significant threat multiplier and a source of instability. The ecological transition will
reshape geopolitics, including global economic, trade and security interests. This will
create challenges for a number of states and societies. The EU will work with all partners
to increase climate and environmental resilience to prevent these challenges from
becoming sources of conflict, food insecurity, population displacement and forced
migration, and support a just transition globally. Climate policy implications should
become an integral part of the EU’s thinking and action on external issues, including in
the context of the Common Security and Defence Policy.
Trade policy can support the EU’s ecological transition. It serves as a platform to
engage with trading partners on climate and environmental action. Commitments to
sustainability have been continuously strengthened in EU trade agreements, in particular
with regard to enhancing climate change action. The Commission has also been stepping
up efforts to implement and enforce the sustainable development commitments of EU
trade agreements, and these efforts will be further enhanced with the appointment of a
Chief Trade Enforcement Officer. On climate change more specifically, the EU’s most
recent agreements all include a binding commitment of the Parties to ratify and
effectively implement the Paris Agreement. The Commission will propose to make the
respect of the Paris agreement an essential element for all future comprehensive trade
agreements. The EU’s trade policy facilitates trade and investment in green goods and
services and promotes climate-friendly public procurement. Trade policy also needs to
ensure undistorted, fair trade and investment in raw materials that the EU economy needs
for the green transition. It can help address harmful practices such as illegal logging,
enhance regulatory cooperation promote EU standards and remove non-tariff barriers in
the renewable energy sector. All chemicals, materials, food and other products that are
placed on the European market must fully comply with relevant EU regulations and
standards. The EU should use its expertise in “green” regulation to encourage partners to
design similar rules that are as ambitious as the EU’s rules, thus facilitating trade and
enhancing environment protection and climate mitigation in these countries.
As the world’s largest single market, the EU can set standards that apply across
global value chains. The Commission will continue to work on new standards for
sustainable growth and use its economic weight to shape international standards that are
in line with EU environmental and climate ambitions. It will work to facilitate trade in
environmental goods and services, in bilateral and multilateral forums, and in supporting
open and attractive EU and global markets for sustainable products. It will work with
global partners to ensure the EU’s resource security and reliable access to strategic raw
The EU’s international cooperation and partnership policy should continue to help
channel both public and private funds to achieve the transition. While the EU and its
Member States remain the world's leading donors of development assistance and provide
over 40% of the world's public climate finance. As public funds will not suffice, the EU
and its Member States will coordinate their support to engage with partners to bridge the
funding gap by mobilising private finance. The Commission proposal for a
Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument proposes to
allocate a target of 25% of its budget to climate-related objectives. The Commission will
also support the commitment made by national public financial resources to improve the
investment climate and achieve contributions from the private sector. This work will
need to be accompanied by opportunities to de-risk investments in sustainable
development through tools such as funding guarantees and blended financing.
The Climate Pact will build on the Commission’s on-going series of citizens’
dialogues and citizens’ assemblies across the EU, and the role of social dialogue
committees. It will continue to work to empower regional and local communities,
including energy communities. The urban dimension of cohesion policy will be
strengthened, and the proposed European Urban Initiative will provide assistance to cities
to help them make best use of opportunities to develop sustainable urban development
strategies. The EU Covenant of Mayors will continue to be a central force. The
Commission will work with it to continue to provide assistance to cities and regions that
want to commit to ambitious pledges on climate and energy policies. It will remain an
essential platform to share good practices on how to implement change locally.
The Commission is also keen to reduce its environmental impact as an institution
and as an employer. It will present a comprehensive action plan in 2020 to implement
itself the objectives of the Green Deal and to become climate neutral by 2030. It calls on
all the other institutions, bodies and agencies of the EU to work with it and come forward
with similar ambitious measures.
In addition to the Climate Pact, the Commission and Member States should work to
ensure that all available planning tools for the European Green Deal are used
coherently. The most important of these are the national energy and climate plans and
the proposed strategic national plans to implement the common agricultural policy. The
Commission will ensure that they are fit for purpose and that Member States are
implementing them effectively, and will use tools such as the European Semester as
European funds, including for rural development, will help rural areas to harness
opportunities in the circular and bio-economy. The Commission will reflect this in its
long-term vision for rural areas. It will pay particular attention to the role of outermost
regions in the European Green Deal, taking into account their vulnerability to climate
change and natural disasters and their unique assets: biodiversity and renewable energy
sources. The Commission will take forward the work on the Clean Energy for EU Islands
Initiative to develop a long-term framework to accelerate the clean energy transition on
all EU islands.
The Commission and the Member States must also ensure that policies and
legislation are enforced and deliver effectively. The environmental implementation
review will play a critical role in mapping the situation in each Member State. The
Commission will also present a new environmental action programme to complement the
European Green Deal that will include a new monitoring mechanism to ensure that
Europe remains on track to meet its environmental objectives. The Commission will also
launch a dashboard to monitor progress against all of the European Green Deal
The Commission will consider revising the Aarhus Regulation to improve access to
administrative and judicial review at EU level for citizens and NGOs who have
concerns about the legality of decisions with effects on the environment. The
Commission will also take action to improve their access to justice before national courts
in all Member States. The Commission will also promote action by the EU, its Member
States and the international community to step up efforts against environmental crime.
The European Green Deal launches a new growth strategy for the EU. It supports the
transition of the EU to a fair and prosperous society that responds to the challenges posed
by climate change and environmental degradation, improving the quality of life of
current and future generations. The Commission invites the European Parliament and the
European Council to endorse the European Green Deal and to give their full weight to the
measures it contains.