VL2022230501912 Da

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SWE1004 – Database Management Systems

Winter Semester 2022 – 23


Question and workflow for Assignment (due date 31-03-2023)

The purpose of this assignment is to understand and implement the different
normal forms for banking application. Determine if a database schema
conforms to the Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF).

Analyze the problems with the design, and suggest a better one. The output
of the work should be a report that addresses all the faults you find
regarding normalization along with a description of why they are
problematic. Furthermore you should develop an alternative design that is in

1) Specify all functional dependencies without redundancies and state

which normal form (1NF, 2NF, 3NF or BCNF) each of the existing
tables is, and why.
2) If the table that doesn’t fulfill the requirements for BCNF, explain the
problems and their potential consequences.
3) Design a new database, with different tables, where all the tables
fulfill BCNF without losing any information.
4) Apply the relational algebra operations: s, P, ×, set-theoretic
operations:, , -, ÷.

The bank schema should contain

o branch (branch-name,branch-city,assets)
o customer (customer-name,customer-street,customer-city)
o account (branch-name,account-number,balance)
o loan( l-no, amount, br-name)
o payment( l-no, pay-no, date, amount)
o employee( e-ssn, e-name, tel, start-date, mgr-ssn)
o savings account( ac-no, int-rate)
o caaccount( ac-no, od-amt)
S. No. Expected deliverable
1. Initial database design 10
2. Constraints on database table 10
3. Convert ER to Relational tables 10
4. Normalization 25
5. Relational Algebra 25
6. Organization of the document and clarity in document presentation 10
7. Descriptions in own words and not copied from any other source 5
8. Timely upload of the assignment in PDF form 5
Note: Complete information in each of the sections of the workflow should be documented 100(10)

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