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Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering: Chapter 1 Solution

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Prepared by: Purvesh A Valand

1. Give application of Diode.

• The most basic function would be changing AC current to DC current by

removing some part of the signal. This functionality would make them
rectifiers. They are used in electrical switches and are used in surge
protectors because they can prevent a spike in the voltage.
• Diodes help in performing digital logic. Millions of diodes are used similar
to logic gates and used in modern processors.
• They are used for isolating signals from a supply. For example, one of the
major uses of diodes is to remove negative signals from AC current. This is
known as signal demodulation. This function is basically used in radios as a
filtering system in order to extract radio signals from a carrier wave.
• The light emitting diodes or LEDs are used in sensors and also in laser
devices any many other light illumination devices.
• Diodes are the basis of op-amps and transistors.

2. Give application of Transistor.

• The core use of transistors includes switching applications or both

amplification and switching.
• There is a kind of transistors that produce current flow depending on the
amount of light shined upon them; those are known as phototransistors.
• Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) can cause a greater current flow from the
emitter to the collector when a small amount of current is passed through the
• Schottky Transistors divert high input currents and prevent the transistors
from saturating.
• Multiple Emitter Transistors are used in Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
and NAND logic gates.
• Dual Gate MOSFETs are used in RF mixers/multipliers and RF amplifiers
where two controlled gates are required in a series.
• Avalanche Transistors can switch high currents in less than nanosecond
transition times.

3. What are active Components?

Active Components: An active component is an electronic component

which supplies energy to a circuit or ability to control electron flow (i.e., the
flow of charge). All electronic circuits must contain at least one active

4. Write Examples of active components.

Active component has two types:

• Energy source: Voltage source and current source.
• Signal processing component which can process the electrical signal.
• All different types of transistors (BJT, FET, MOSFET, JFET)
• Diodes (Zener diode, photo diode, LED etc.)

5. What are passive Components?

Passive Components: Electrical and electronic circuits consist of

connecting together many different components to form a complete and
closed circuit. The three main passive components used in any circuit are
the: Resistor, the Capacitor and the Inductor. All three of these passive
components have one thing in common, they limit the flow of electrical
current through a circuit but in very different ways.
• Passive components consume electrical energy and therefore cannot increase
or amplify the power of any electrical signals applied to them, simply
because they are passive and as such will always have a gain of less than

6. Write Examples of passive components.

• The three basic passive electronic components are resistors, capacitors, and
inductors. Other passive components include transformers, diodes,
thermistors, varactors, transducers, and many other common components.

7. Define SCR and give applications of it.

• Silicon Controlled Rectifiers or SCRs for short is a type of power

electronics switch. It has three terminals called Anode, Cathode, and Gate.
By default, the switch is open and no current flows between the Anode and
Cathode terminals of the SCR. When a small current is applied to the gate
pin, the switch is closed and a large amount of current can be allowed to
pass between the Anode and Cathode terminals.
• SCRs are mainly used in devices where the control of high power possibly
coupled with high voltage, is demanded. Their operation makes them
suitable for use in medium – to – high voltage AC Power control
applications, such as lamp dimming, power regulators and motor control.
1. Give compression between periodical and non-periodical signals.

Periodic Signal Aperiodic / Non periodic signal

A signal which repeats itself after a A signal which does not repeat itself
specific interval of time is called after a specific interval of time is called
periodic signal. Aperiodic or Non periodic signal.
A signal that repeats its pattern over a A signal that does not repeat its pattern
period is called periodic signal. over a period is called Aperiodic or Non
periodic signal.
They can be represented by a They cannot be represented by any
mathematical equation. mathematical equation.
Their value can be determined at any Their value cannot be determined with
point of time. certainty at any given point of time.
They are deterministic signals. They are random signals.
Example: Sine wave, cosine, sawtooth Example: Sound signals from radio, all
and square etc. types of noise signals.

2. Explain pulse Signal and Triangular Signal.

• A Pulse Waveform or “Pulse-train” as they are more commonly called, is a

type of non-sinusoidal waveform that is similar to the rectangular waveform
we looked at earlier. The difference being that the exact shape of the pulse is
determined by the “Mark-to-Space” ratio of the period and for a pulse or
trigger waveform the Mark portion of the wave is very short with a rapid rise
and decay shape as shown below.

• Triangular Waveforms are generally bi-directional non-sinusoidal

waveforms that oscillate between a positive and a negative peak value.
Although called a triangular waveform, the triangular wave is actually more
of a symmetrical linear ramp waveform because it is simply a slow rising
and falling voltage signal at a constant frequency or rate. The rate at which
the voltage changes between each ramp direction is equal during both halves
of the cycle as shown below.
3. Draw and explain ideal and practical current source.

• An ideal current source is a two terminal device which supplies constant

current irrespective of load resistance. The value of current will be constant
with respect to time and load resistance. This means that the power
delivering capability is infinite for this source.
• An ideal current source has infinite parallel resistance connected to it.
Therefore, the output current is independent of voltage of the source
terminals. No such current source exists in the world, this is just a concept.
However, every current source is designed to approach closer to the ideal
• The internal resistance of current source is the value of resistance connected
across its terminal. This internal resistance of ideal current source is infinite.
• Practical current source has resistance or impedance and it is connected to
it. The current supplied by the current source decreases when the value of
resistance or impedance increases.
• To better understand, let us consider a practical current source as shown

4. Draw and explain ideal and practical voltage source.

• An ideal voltage source is capable to maintain the constant voltage across

its terminals. The voltage across the voltage source terminals remains
constant and the voltage is independent of the current.
• The voltage across the terminals of an ideal voltage source remains constant
and the voltage does not drop with increase in the circuit current. The
voltage across an ideal voltage source with change in the circuit current.
• The voltage of an ideal voltage source remains constant if there does not
happen voltage drop across the internal resistance of the voltage source. The
voltage source has certain resistance which cause voltage drop across
the internal resistance. An ideal voltage source must have zero internal
resistance. In this condition, the voltage across the load will be equal to the
voltage across the terminals of the voltage source.
• The ideal voltage source is shown in figure below.
• practical voltage source having an internal resistance of RΩ. Due to the
internal resistance, there will be small amount of voltage drop in the R. So,
the output voltage will be reduced to some volt from 1.7V.

1. Explain Voltage controlled current source (VCCS) and Current
controlled voltage source (CCVS).

• Voltage controlled current source (VCCS): Voltage Controlled Current

Source is that where the current is dependent or controlled by the changing
of voltage elsewhere in the circuit. In short, it is known as VCCS. For
dependent sources, sometimes voltage is controlled by current, and
sometimes current is controlled by voltage. According to those, there are
four types of dependent sources. Anyway, the basic concept of the VCCS is,
that voltage controls the output current. So, the output current Iout is
proportional to the controlled input voltage Vin.
• The voltage-controlled current output is determined by the
equation, IOUT = αVIN
• Here, IOUT = Output Current
• VIN = Input Voltage
• α(alpha) = Multiplying Constant, sometimes it is known as transconductance
of the current source.

• Current controlled voltage source (CCVS): The current-controlled voltage

source is that where the terminal voltage is dependent or controlled by the
current flow elsewhere in the circuit. In short, it is known as CCVS. It is also
a type of dependent source. In the previous article, we have learned about
voltage control voltage source where the terminal is voltage dependent upon
the voltage elsewhere in the circuit but here the concept is different. Here,
changes in current flow elsewhere in the circuit can change the terminal
• Here, the current-controlled output voltage is determined by VOUT = ρIIN
• Here, VOUT = Output Dependent Voltage
• IIN = Input Current
• ρ(rho) = Multiplying constant or efficient of the voltage source. It is
sometimes known as trans resistance.
2. Explain any two Passive components.

• Resistance: The property of material which oppose the flow of electrons is

known as resistance of the circuit.
• It is denoted by letter R.
• Its unit is ohm (Ω).
• R= V/I
• Resistance id depends upon below mentioned factors.
Length of material.
Cross sectional area.
Type of Material.

• Inductor: Inductors much like conductors and resistors are simple

components that are used in electronic devices to carry out specific
functions. Normally, inductors are coil-like structures that are found in
electronic circuits. The coil is an insulated wire that is looped around the
central core.
• Inductors are mostly used to decrease or control the electric spikes by
storing energy temporarily in an electromagnetic field and then releasing it
back into the circuit.
• An inductor is a passive component that is used in most power electronic
circuits to store energy in the form of magnetic energy when electricity is
applied to it. One of the key properties of an inductor is that it impedes or
opposes any change in the amount of current flowing through it. Whenever
the current across the inductor changes it either acquires charge or loses the
charge in order to equalize the current passing through it. The inductor is
also called a choke, reactor or just coil.
• The S.I. unit of inductance is henry (H) and when we measure magnetic
circuits it is equivalent to weber/ampere. It is denoted by the symbol L.

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