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Literasi B. Inggris TO RG15

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The question is based on the following affect brain development in these babies
texts. after birth. "To assess this accurately, we
need to wait for the children who were
TEXT 1 examined as fetuses at that time to get a
A new MRI study revealed that
little older, so that we can invite them back
consumption of alcohol even in low to
for further examinations," Dr. Kienast said.
moderate amounts during pregnancy can
"However, we can strongly assume that
change the baby's brain structure and
the changes we discovered contribute to
delay brain development. "Fetal MRI is a
the cognitive and behavioral difficulties
highly specialized and safe examination
that may occur during childhood."
method that allows us to make accurate
statements about brain maturation TEXT 2
prenatally," said study senior author New research finds caffeine
Gregor Kasprian, M.D. Babies born with consumed during pregnancy can change
fetal alcohol spectrum disorders could important brain pathways that could lead
develop learning disabilities, behavioral to behavioral problems later in life.
Researchers in the Del Monte Institute for
problems, or speech and language delays.
Neuroscience at the University of
For the study, researchers analyzed Rochester Medical Center (URMC)
MRI exams of 24 fetuses with prenatal analyzed thousands of brain scans of nine
alcohol exposure. The fetuses were and ten-year-olds, and revealed changes in
between 22 and 36 weeks of gestation at the brain structure in children who were
the time of MRI. In fetuses with alcohol exposed to caffeine in utero. "These are
exposure, the fetal total maturation score sort of small effects and it's not causing
horrendous psychiatric conditions, but it is
(fTMS) was significantly lower than in the
causing minimal but noticeable behavioral
age-matched controls, and the right issues that should make us consider long-
superior temporal sulcus (STS) was term effects of caffeine intake during
shallower. The STS is involved in social pregnancy," said John Foxe, Ph.D. "I
cognition, audiovisual integration, and suppose the outcome of this study will be
language perception. "We found the a recommendation that any caffeine
during pregnancy is probably not such a
greatest changes in the temporal brain
good idea."
region and STS," Dr. Kasprian said.
Elevated behavioral issues,
According to Patric Kienast, M.D., a attention difficulties, and hyperactivity are
Ph.D student, alcohol consumption should all symptoms that researchers observed in
strictly be avoided by pregnant women. these children. "What makes this unique is
"As we show in our study, even low levels that we have a biological pathway that
of alcohol consumption can lead to looks different when you consume caffeine
through pregnancy," said Zachary
structural changes in brain development
Christensen, a M.D/Ph.D. "Previous studies
and delayed brain maturation." It is have shown that children perform
unclear how these structural changes will
differently on IQ tests, or they have
different psychopathology, but that could 3. Both texts are written with the same
also be related to demographics, so it's writer’s tone, what is it?
hard to parse that out until you have A. Critical
something like a biomarker. This gives us a B. Informative
place to start future research to try to learn C. Optimistic
exactly when the change is occurring in the D. Enthusiastic
brain." E. Cautionary
The researchers point out that it is
unclear if the impact of the caffeine on the 4. What does Dr. Kienast imply about
fetal brain varies from one trimester to the consuming alcohol?
next, or when during gestation these A. Alcohol consumption is damaging for
structural changes occur. "Current clinical pregnant women.
guidelines already suggest limiting caffeine B. It could be harmful to consume
intake during pregnacy, no more than two alcohol during pregnancy if it is in
normal cups of coffe a day,” Christensen large amounts.
said. “In the long term, we hope to develop C. The disadvantages of alcohol
better guidance for mothers, but in the consumption are still under
meantime, they should ask their doctor as investigation.
conserns arise.” D. Pregnant women can consume
alcohol but in small amounts.
1. What is the correlation between text 1 E. Alcohol should be consumed by
and text 2? pregnant women once in a while.
A. Both texts discuss harmful activities
to avoid during pregnancy. 5. "The researchers point out that it is
B. Text 2 explains how caffeine and unclear if the impact of the caffeine on
alcohol intake mentioned in text 1 the fetal brain varies from one trimester
can affect fetuses. to the next, or when during gestation
C. Both texts review studies of the these structural changes occur." (Last
effect of alcohol consumption during paragraph of Text 2)
pregnancy. The idea in the sentence is best restated
D. Text 1 and 2 talk about a study of as ...
brain disorders caused by alcohol A. It is obvious that the impact of
and caffeine consumption during caffeine on the fetal brain diversifies
pregnancy. from one trimester to the next or
E. Text 2 discusses the research findings these structural reforms emerge
regarding the effect of caffeine during gestation.
consumption on pregnant women B. The researcher cannot be sure
mentioned in text 1. whether the impact of caffeine on the
fetal brain occurs from one trimester
2. The synonym of the bold word occur in to the next or when gestation arises.
the last paragraph of text 2 is .... C. Researchers are sure the impact of
A. observe caffeine differs from one trimester to
B. enlarge the next and the structural changes
C. eventuate happen during pregnancy.
D. construe D. The analysts identify the certainty of
E. instruct impact of caffeine on the fetal brain
differs from one trimester to the next I know the feeling of how your parents
or the structural changes develop forced you to do something you were
during gestation. never passionate about as a profession.
E. The impact of caffeine on the fetal The most essential thing is their interest,
brain is uncertain, whether it is varied so the children should choose their
from one trimester to the next or careers. Parents' concern for their
whether these structural reforms children's position in society may come in
depend on the stage of pregnancy the way, but children have their own
aspirations. Therefore, parents should
free their children to select their careers
The question is based on the and give them their support.
following thread. jay002 - posted on 07 December 2020
nicholas_team02 [THREAD STARTER] - Children at their age have the inability to
posted on 07 December 2020 09.01 decide on their careers. The parents
Hello everyone! should advise them thoroughly. The
children's academic and non-academic
My friend told me that as a parent, he activities should be observed by the
actively took a part in his child's career. parents as they show the children's
Therefore, I want to know, what is your potential. From the observation, the
take on parents' "intervention" in their parents are able to decide the career line
children's career path? I think that of their children.
children have the right to choose what
they want and what they do not want, it sungene - posted on 07 December 2020
applies to their future job too. 10.04
Regardless, they cannot ignore their I have my dream job at a big corporation
parents' opinions about it. Parents and in my 20s and I can tell you that it did not
their children should discuss without come easily. I had to work my body off to
forcing each other's opinions. be where I am today. Success does not
yuma.won04 - posted on 07 December come to you as simply as you dream it,
2020 09.12 people.

Although children have their own

dreams, they have no capability to 6. Who does have a positive opinion about
choose their careers. In contrast, parents children choosing their own careers?
know their children and are experienced A. nicholas_team02 and sungene
in this case so they should be able to B. yuma.won04, niki1209, and jay002
guide their kids. However, parents should C. sungene and yuma.won04
not enforce their irrational reason for D. niki1209 and nicholas_team02
their children to choose, rather they E. jay002 and niki1209
should supervise their children to open
options, the interest, the strength and 7. The irrelevant opinion from the
weaknesses, the ability, and willingness discussion above is ....
of the children. A. nicholas_team02's opinion
niki1209 - posted on 07 December 2020 B. yuma.won04's opinion
09.22 C. niki1209’s opinion
D. jay002's opinion capability to sense and undergo feelings
E. sungene's opinion that normal people perceive.
The title itself refers to Soon
8. Why did nicholas.team04 decide to start
Yunjae's brain tonsils which are the size
the thread?
of an almond. This is the reason why the
A. He wanted to know others' opinions
young man cannot express emotional
about parent intervention in their
feelings. To tackle the given situation,
children's careers.
Yunjae's mother and grandmother help
B. He once had an experience in which
him learn to communicate in order for
his parents meddled in his career
him to survive this judgemental world.
Social rules and good behavior principles
C. He just happened to think about
are taught to him by both his mother and
parent intervention in their children’s
grandmother. Yunjae has the routine of
memorizing, rehearsing, and faking every
D. He has no specific reason to ask for
feeling that most people learn by mere
others' opinions about parents
instinct. He also has to fake his own mood
intruding on his children's career
and learn how to pretend empathy for his
E. He is now experiencing his parents
meddling in his career selection and Almond possesses an afflictive
does not know what to do. novel of how essential to express
emotions and the urge of living with more
9. Besides nicholas_team02, who does have empathy and compassion. Sohn engages
experience in parent intervention in the readers with heart-wrenching
children's careers? questions and perceptive comments to
A. sungene and jay002 be conscious about alexithymia. She also
B. niki1209 opens our eyes to how social prejudices
C. niki1209 and yuma. won04 should be dismantled. The novel is
D. yuma. won04 labeled the Young Adult genre, but it
E. sungene could be for everyone. Agile and amusing,
that's how the author's game pen could
10. The discussion would be practical for .... be described. Won-pyung Sohn has her
A. in-school teacher own keenness to shake and conquer the
B. job seeker reader. Almond is exceptional and has
C. parents and their children one of those worth-rereading materials.
D. job employer
E. employee 11. The writer wants to tell us about ....
A. the new book by her favorite author
B. the story of a young man named Soon
The question is based on the following Yunjae
text. C. how Won-pyung Sohn writes her first
Won-pyung Sohn's first book titled D. her opinion of a novel, Almond
Almond tells the story of a boy who has E. raising awareness about Alexithymia
been diagnosed with alexithymia, Soon
Yunjae. Alexithymia is a condition of 12. Which of the following statements is a
emotional absence restraining the fact from the author?
A. Agile and amusing, that's how the E. knows Almond writer personally
author's game pen could be
B. Almond is exceptional and has one of The passage is for the following
those worth-rereading materials. question.
C. The novel is labeled the Young Adult As cats age, we generally see
genre, but it could be for everyone. changes in their behavior. The wild and
D. The title itself refers to Soon Yunjae's crazy playful activities we associate with
brain tonsils which are the size of an kittens give way to adult cats sleeping in
almond. the sun and prowling around the house.
E. Almond possesses an afflictive novel We commonly presume senior cats will
of how essential to express emotions. take even longer naps in the sun or on our
beds. It is important, however, to
13. Which of the following statements shows differentiate normal feline behaviors
the writer's positive opinion about the from abnormal ones, as some behavior
book? changes in aging cats arise from pain and
A. Social rules and good behavior are not normal. Cats are very good at
principles are taught to him by both hiding signs of pain, so cat owners need
his mother and grandmother. to be very observant to recognize when
B. The title itself refers to Soon Yunjae's their cat needs help.
brain tonsils which are the size of an
almond. One of the most common pain-
C. Yunjae has the routine of associated behavior changes we see in
memorizing, rehearsing, and faking aging cats is a decrease in grooming and
every feeling that most people learn self-care. Cats are, by nature, extremely
by mere instinct. finicky about keeping themselves clean.
D. Yunjae's mother and grandmother Watch any conscious cat for longer than
help him learn to communicate in a few minutes, and you are likely to see
order for him to survive this her cleaning some part of her body.
judgemental world. Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the
E. Almond is exceptional and has one of most common chronically painful
those worth-rereading materials. ailments in cats, affecting more than 90%
of cats 10 years of age and older. Spinal
14. The word sense in paragraph 1 is arthritis makes it uncomfortable to twist
synonymous with .... and turn, so grooming the body,
A. nurture especially the hind end, becomes
B. detect difficult. OA in the lower spine and hips
C. proceed can make the area over the pelvis and
D. compose upper rear legs tender. When grooming
E. retain the lower back, pelvis, and rear legs
becomes painful, the cat simply stops
15. Based on how the writer sees Almond, taking care of her coat. Areas of her body
we can predict she probably .... that are not groomed become matted,
A. does not like Almond and she may develop an overall unkempt
B. is a fan of Won-pyung Sohn appearance. When we try to help them
C. would recommend the book to others out by using a comb or brush, they tend
D. would not read the book again to object.
If you notice your cat developing D. Spinal arthritis prevents a cat from
matted hair or flaky skin, make an twisting and turning.
appointment with your veterinarian, as E. Cats suffering from osteoarthritis
this can be an important signal of pain. If dislike being touched.
your cat has trouble grooming even after
its pain is well managed, consider having 20. A solution for cats having difficulty
a groomer give her a 'lion cut' to make the cleaning themselves up is mentioned in
body hair short and easy to keep clean. paragraph ....
A. 1
16. What is the purpose of the text?
B. 3
A. To help cat owners groom their old
C. 4
D. 1 and 2
B. To make cat owners aware of
E. 2 and 4
osteoarthritis in cats
C. To give elderly cat owners tips to
reduce pain in their cats
D. To make old cat owners notice signals
of pain in their cats
E. To tell senior cat owners to seek
medical help for their cats Kunci Jawaban :
1. D
17. Which of the following statements about 2. C
cat behavior in paragraph 1 is correct? 3. B
A. Cats behave according to their age. 4. A
B. Kittens are active because they are 5. E
strong. 6. D
C. Cats' behavior will not change unless 7. E
they are ill. 8. A
D. Age is the main factor that affects a 9. B
cat's behavior. 10. C
E. An adult cat's behavior is mainly 11. D
determined by its health. 12. D
13. E
18. When a cat stops grooming itself, it can 14. B
be a signal that the cat .... 15. C
A. has been in pain 16. D
B. cannot endure pain 17. A
C. is in excruciating pain 18. A
D. is hiding pain from humans 19. B
E. feels that the pain is worsening 20. C

19. Regarding osteoarthritis, the author

mentions that ...
A. Nine out of ten old cats suffer from
B. It is a condition that affects nearly all
elderly cats.
C. Young cats are unlikely to develop it.

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