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+++ DEXPI - at - SSG - Stockholm - 2019-05-15

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DEXPI - P&ID Data Exchange

Heiner Temmen

[email protected]
Motivation statement
Data Exchange in Plant Life Cycle
Process Industry

2019-05-15 3
Still typical work method
Between stakeholders like organizations or disciplines

2019-05-15 4
DEXPI group
DEXPI Mission
What we do

We work to create an open, neutral and reliable data exchange

standard for the process industry to establish a future-proof
digitalized collaboration.

… and we started with the P&ID

2019-05-15 6
DEXPI approach
Think global, start with limited scope

Methodology: ISO 15926 + Proteus (XMpLant)


All main CAE software vendors involved

Use existing standards (Do not re-invent the wheel)

Bottom up, pragmatic approach

International coverage, not only local

2019-05-15 7
DEXPI – A Successful Team
International Multi Sides Team Owner / Operators
➢ Bayer
➢ Covestro
➢ Equinor EPC
Software Vendors ➢ Evonik ➢ Air
➢ Aucotec ➢ Merck Liquide
➢ Autodesk
➢ Aveva
➢ Bilfinger
➢ Hexagon
➢ Siemens
➢ X-Visual Research Organizations
➢ eVision ➢ AixCAPE e.V.
➢ PTC ➢ VTT of Finland
➢ TU Berlin
➢ RWTH Aachen University
➢ Tecgraf/ PUC-Rio
➢ Kyungpook National
International Community University
➢ ISO TC 184 SC4
➢ OPC Foundation
2019-05-15 ➢ DECHEMA / NAMUR / DKE / VDMA 8
DEXPI Organization
Open community

➢ DEXPI f2f meetings (6 per yr)


➢ DEXPI hackathons (2 per yr)

➢ DEXPI marketing and technical

web meetings

➢ DEXPI annual management

2019-05-15 9
DEXPI Deliverables
public license concept: cc-by-sa

1. DEXPI Specification for Exchange of PIDs (Version 1.2)

2. Extension for the Proteus Schema (resulting in Version 4.0.1)

3. Tools & Test cases

4. CAE Interfaces of the leading PID software

2019-05-15 11
Face to the community

2019-05-15 12
DEXPI Information Model published

2019-05-15 13
SPARQL Endpoint Service

2019-05-15 14
DEXPI Verificator
As offline versions available

2019-05-15 15
Test Cases
Free available on https://gitlab.com/dexpi/TrainingTestCases

2019-05-15 16
DEXPI interfaces of software systems
CAE and smart applications

CAE Vendor Product DEXPI Interface

Autodesk AutoCAD P&ID 2019 Import & Export

Aucotec Engineering Base Export

Aveva Aveva PID Import & Export

Bilfinger PIDGraph Export

Hexagon SmartPlant PID Export

PCT ThingWorx Import

Siemens Comos PID Import & Export

VTT Apros Import

X-Visual PID Import

2019-05-15 17
DEXPI Technical Design Principles
DEXPI and the ENPRO Lifecycle
The asset lifecycle is separated into four aspects with three underlying data structures

Functional Functional Asset Asset

Requirements Design Specification in Operation



Process Structure Plant Structure Asset Structure

2019-05-15 19
Design Principles
The DEXPI activities are driven by several basic development guidelines

Openness and transparency of the data model, test cases and communication

Usage of international accepted standards

Relation to different life cycle aspects

Digitalization = step from Documents to Data

Separation between engineering content and graphics

use of UML concepts like specialization and decomposition for the modelling of engineering and
plant objects

2019-05-15 20
P&ID main components
Data, graphics and topology

Piping Symbols

Instrumentation Labels

Apparatus & Engineering

Machines (EQP) content

Off Page
Annotations Title Block
2019-05-15 21
International Standards

➢ DEXPI specification based on international standards

➢ Applicable for IEC, ISA and DIN based P&IDs

Plant Apparatus / Piping Instrumentation Communication

Structure Machines components

ISO 10209 ISO 10628 ISO 10628 IEC 62424 ISO 15926

Proteus 4.0.1 (formerly

IEC 61987

2019-05-15 22
Plant Breakdown Structure
Based on ISO 10209

2019-05-15 23
Equipment Taxonomy
Based on ISO 10628 and ISO 14224

1 Equipment 1

Equipment types according

to the 21 groups of ISO Vessels Pumps … Heat Exchanger Functional design

Equipment Centrifugal
sub types Pump … Displacement Asset specification
1 1
0..* 0..* 0..* 0..*

Chamber Impeller … Displacer Nozzle

Specialization of Part of
2019-05-15 24
Piping Taxonomy
Based on ISO 10628

Piping Network System

Piping Network Segment
Piping Components (ISO 10628:2012)

2019-05-15 25
Class referencing
Use of ISO 15926 industry sandboxes

2019-05-15 26
based on:
IEC 62424

based on:
IEC 61987

2019-05-15 27
DEXPI Collaboration
DEXPI‘s Influence and cooperation
Other big player

2019-05-15 30
Working closer together: MoU signed and content alignment takes place

2019-05-15 32
Instrumentation data models aligned with DEXPI

Preliminary Construction &

Basic Engineering Detail Engineering Operation
Engineering commissioning

CAE Systems for

P&I Planning Manufacturer portal
for Device Planning /


IEC 61987
CAE Systems for
Process Design

CAE Systems for

NE 159 PCT-HW-Planning NE 100

CAE Systems for

NE 150
2019-05-15 34
Outlook: Instrumentation – international standardization

2019-05-15 35
Next steps
Next steps
DEXPI into the daily business
➢ use in capital projects
➢ P&ID exchange
➢ Interface to other disciplines like cost estimation, instrumentation, 3D, …
➢ Handover together with CFIHOS
➢ Generation of the Plant Maintenance structure
➢ smart construction and maintenance support
➢ Data analysis by use of OPC UA adapter – predictive maintenance
➢ …
➢ DEXPI product management: operation, maintenance and extensions
➢ future cooperation with CFIHOS, NAMUR, OPC UA, …
➢ more global presence
2019-05-15 37

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