A320200059 - Abian Bagus Wibisono - RMLT Proposal Final Draft
A320200059 - Abian Bagus Wibisono - RMLT Proposal Final Draft
A320200059 - Abian Bagus Wibisono - RMLT Proposal Final Draft
A. Background of Study
In today's all-digital era, slang is easier to find, especially in everyday chats via
platforms such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, and others. in their teens, namely high
school children, they still lack interest in using English in their conversations. many say that
they are afraid of being wrong in using English so that they will be ridiculed by other friends.
there are also those who say that they still have difficulty in learning English. while what
needs to be underlined is that English is the main international language that high school
students must master at least. A statement appears stating whether the curriculum provided is
correct or not, because there are still many difficulties experienced by high school students,
causing their interest to decrease. Curriculum is an important thing where the curriculum is
the main foundation in teaching English. Since KTSP, then changed to the K13 curriculum,
and finally changed to a Merdeka curriculum. It is still a matter of speculation whether the
teaching methods that have been applied to high schools so far have been inappropriate,
causing high school students to be disinterested in learning English. Never mind learning and
exploring it, even using English in everyday conversation is still very rare. that is why this
research was conducted in order to find out what are the main causes of high school students'
disinterest in English and provide solutions for teachers and students themselves.
The ability to speak English is considered a crucial skill in today's globalized world.
However, despite the importance placed on English language proficiency, many high school
students struggle with a lack of interest in speaking the language. This literature review aims
to explore the reasons behind this disinterest and the potential implications for students'
language development.
One major factor that contributes to high school students' disinterest in speaking English
is a lack of confidence. Many students may feel self-conscious about their language skills and
are hesitant to speak up in class or participate in group discussions (Lee, 2018). Additionally,
studets may feel intimidated by native speakers and fear making mistakes (Nunan, 2017).
These feelings of self-doubt can lead to a lack of motivation to practice speaking English.
Another reason for disinterest in speaking English is a lack of relevance. Many students may
not see the practical application of the language in their daily lives and may not see the value
in learning it (Gao, 2019). Additionally, students may not have opportunities to use English
outside of the classroom, making it difficult for them to maintain their language skills
(Krashen, 2018).
B. Research Problem
1. Is there any difficulty experienced by High School Students in speaking English?
2. Can the environment around the school affect to High School Students in speaking
3. Do teacher give the material based on the newest curriculum or still bring the old method
that will make students feel hard?
C. Objective of Study
1. To describe what difficulties have been experienced by High School Students to speak
2. Analyzing whether the environment is that influential in application of speaking English
for High School Students.
3. Analyzing the use of new curriculum in learning process especially in teaching English
for High School Student.
The results of this study can find the main problem why high school students are less
interested in learning English, especially in terms of speaking and provide solutions so that
high school students become interested in learning English.
b. Practice
- For researcher
Researchers can provide their views on this problem so that in subsequent studies it can
be used and evaluated according to the current developments.
- For teacher
Can evaluate the teaching methods that have been given to students, if they feel they are
appropriate then try to use other methods that will change students' perceptions that
English is not as difficult as it has been imagined.
- For Students
Can understand better that learning English is a necessity and need practice in real life or
in theory.
- Vygotsky (1978) provides the foundation for understanding how language learning is
influenced by social and cultural factors. According to this theory, individuals learn
language through interactions with more proficient speakers, and these interactions
are shaped by the cultural and social context in which they occur. In the case of high
school students, their disinterest in speaking English may be influenced by factors
such as peer pressure, lack of motivation, and negative attitudes towards the language.
- Deci & Ryan (1985) highlights the role of motivation in language learning. According
to this theory, individuals are more likely to engage in activities and persist in the face
of challenges when they feel a sense of autonomy and competence in the task. High
school students who do not feel competent or motivated to speak English may
disengage from the task and avoid using the language.
2. Theoritical Review
One major factor that contributes to high school students' disinterest in speaking
English is a lack of confidence. Many students may feel self-conscious about their
language skills and are hesitant to speak up in class or participate in group discussions
(Lee, 2018). Additionally, students may feel intimidated by native speakers and fear
making mistakes (Nunan, 2017). These feelings of self-doubt can lead to a lack of
motivation to practice speaking English.
The disinterest in speaking English among high school students can have a number of
negative implications. One major consequence is a lack of language development.
Without opportunities to practice speaking, students may struggle to improve their
language skills and may not achieve fluency (Gao, 2019). Additionally, a lack of
confidence in speaking English can limit students' opportunities for academic and
professional success (Lee, 2018).
3. Theoritical Framework
The study reviewed highlights a number of reasons for high school students'
disinterest in speaking English, including a lack of confidence and relevance.
Additionally, the literature suggests a number of negative implications of this disinterest,
including a lack of language development and intercultural understanding. To address
these issues, it is important for educators to provide students with opportunities to
practice speaking English in a supportive and relevant context. Additionally, teachers
should work to build students' confidence in their language skills and help students see
the value of learning English.
F. Research Method
1. Research Object
The object of this research is High School who have disinterest in speaking English.
2. Research Subject
The participant of this study are the students at High School Students, the researcher only
took one class to be the subject.
The data of this research are some information in word taken from all object in it, students,
teacher, through the results of interviews and observations that have been made.
a. Event
Event is where the researcher observes the situation in teaching learning process.
b. Informant
Informant is a person that can give the information of the subject of the study. The informant
of this research study is the High School Students.
a. Observation
Observations is method to collect data such as monitoring the activities in the
classroom. Teacher and researcher observe it by closely watching, noticing classroom
event happening and interaction during the activities in teaching learning process.
b. Questionnaire
Through question that have been provided through G-form can give more detail
information. In this case the researcher will give the High School students the G-form
link to answer the question.
- Display Data: A clear description of the entire data which in the end will be able to
form a conclusion that is easy to understand.
- Conclusion and Verification: A check of the accuracy and validity of a research that
you have undertaken. Supported by valid and consistent evidence, resulting in more
credible conclusions.
6. Data Validity
Data validity refers to the extent to which the data collected in a study accurately
represents the phenomenon being studied. In the case of an analysis of high school
students' disinterest in speaking English, there are several factors that contribute to the
validity of the data. By using triangulation data.
First, the sample size of the study should be large enough to be representative of the
population of high school students. A sample size of at least 50 students would be
appropriate for this study.
Second, the data collection methods should be appropriate for the research question. For
example, if the study is looking at students' disinterest in speaking English, it would be
appropriate to use survey methods to gather data on students' attitudes and beliefs about
speaking English.
Third, the data should be collected in a way that minimizes bias. For example, the survey
questions should be worded in a neutral and unbiased way, and the survey should be
administered in a way that ensures that all students have an equal opportunity to
Overall, the data validity of an analysis of high school students' disinterest in speaking
English will be high if the study uses a large and representative sample, appropriate data
collection methods, measures to minimize bias, and appropriate data analysis methods.
7. Relevant Theories
1. Merdeka Curriculum
2. K13 Curriculum