Academic - Projects Speaking Rubric

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Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
TASK Content meets the Content shows an attempt Content shows a very little Content shows almost no Content fails to fulfill the
requirements of the task; to fulfill the requirements attempt to fulfill the attempt to fulfill the requirements of the task;
content is totally relevant; of the task; content is requirements of the task; requirements of the task; content is totally
content is well-expanded mostly relevant; content is content is somewhat content is mostly irrelevant; irrelevant; content is not
mostly expanded relevant; content is content is mostly expanded
somewhat expanded unexpanded
GRAMMAR Effective use of target Good range of target Limited attempt to use No attempt to use target Serious grammatical errors
language; no/minor language; few grammatical target language; frequent language; frequent which totally obscure
grammatical errors which errors which do not grammatical errors which grammatical errors which meaning/communication
do not obscure obscure sometimes obscure often obscure
meaning/communication meaning/communication meaning/communication meaning/communication
VOCABULARY Wide range of vocabulary; Good range of vocabulary; Limited range of vocabulary; Very limited range of Almost no vocabulary;
accurate and appropriate mostly accurate and frequent inaccurate use of vocabulary; mostly message totally
use of vocabulary appropriate use of vocabulary; message may be inaccurate use of extinguished due to lack of
vocabulary unclear at times due to vocabulary; message is vocabulary
inappropriate use of frequently extinguished by
vocabulary inappropriate use of
FLUENCY Speech is fluent; no/few Speech is mostly fluent; Speech is slow at times; Speech is mostly slow and No concept of speech;
hesitations occasional hesitations frequent hesitations disconnected; hesitations hesitations obscure
affect communication communication
pronunciation No/minor pronunciation Few pronunciation errors Frequent pronunciation Frequent pronunciation Serious pronunciation
errors errors which sometimes errors which often obscure errors which often obscure
obscure meaning/communication meaning/communication

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