DRRM Course Outline

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I 03 / I DRRM – Disaster Risk Reduction and Management


A premier Science and Technology university for the formation of a world class and virtuous human resource for sustainable
development in Bohol and the country.
BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and technological
fields; undertake research and development, and extension services for sustainable development of Bohol and the country.
1. Pursue faculty and education excellence and strengthen the current viable curricular programs and develop curricular
programs that are responsive to the demands of the times both in the industry and the environment.
GOALS: 2. Promote quality research outputs that respond to the needs of the local and national communities.
3. Develop communities through responsive extension programs.
4. Adopt efficient and profitable income generating projects/enterprise for self-sustainability.
5. Provide adequate, state-of-the-art and accessible infrastructure support facilities for quality equation.
6. Promote efficient and effective good governance supportive of high quality education.
1. Search for Excellence
2. Responsiveness to Challenges
3. Student Access
4. Public Engagement
5. Good Governance
Innovative and virtuous professionals.
Three to five years after graduation the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Civil
Engineering/Computer Engineering graduate has become a licensed professional and achieved the following attributes:

1. Observant to ethical standards and effective communication;

2. Adherent to life-long learning activities, such as advanced studies and /or professional workshops and conferences;
3. Engaged in professional services in the field of extension linkages and/or participation in professional society;
4. Active, innovative and globally competent engineers Involved in the global trends.
5. Skilled and knowledgeable in engineering designs and innovations with emphasis on renewable energy resources that
would preserve and sustain the environment.
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical/Civil/Computer Engineering Program Outcomes
Code Program Outcomes Performance Indicators
a) Apply knowledge of mathematics and  Understand the principles of mathematics, natural, physical and applied sciences.
science to solve complex related  Apply concepts of advanced engineering mathematics to solve complex engineering problems.
engineering problems;  Apply chemical and physical principles in solving problems involving energy and mass balance.
 Apply laws of thermodynamics in analyzing problems.
PO - a  Apply kinematics, strength of materials and mechanics in the engineering design.
 Evaluate efficiencies of thermal and mechanical systems.
 Apply concepts of control system to the practice of Mechanical/Civil/ Computer Engineering.
 Determine appropriate engineering principles and technique application to the concept design.
b) Design and conduct experiments, as  Understand the research process and apply the principles of mathematics, physical, natural and
well as to analyze and interpret data; applied sciences.
 Analyze and interpret data using statistical tools.
PO - b  Collect, evaluate, asses, transform data into meaningful and useful information.
 Analyze and validate data and write technical reports.
 Identify and use the proper laboratory equipment for the designed experiment.
c) Design a system, component, or  Acquire an in-depth understanding of the principles and needs of engineering design.
process to meet desired needs within  Undertake engineering design according to international practice and standard.
PO - c realistic constraints, in accordance with  Understand engineering concepts & inventions applied in the course.
standards;  Develop mechanical/civil/computer engineering system design.
d) Function in multidisciplinary and multi-  Demonstrate flexibility and productivity with people from different disciplines.
PO - d cultural teams;  Adjust and adapt in dealing with diverse cultural groups.
e) Identify, formulate, and solve complex  Identify problems in line with the engineering field.
PO - e engineering problems;  Determine governing equations necessary in solving the encountered problem.
 Solve the solution using analytical and/or numerical approach.
f) Understand professional and ethical  Assume responsibility in dealing with clientele, linkages and other stakeholders.
responsibility;  Interact professionally and ethically in any situation by manifesting distinct humane
characteristics as a person, citizen and as a professional.
PO - f  Recognize the principles of ethics.
 Be able to practice high moral standards in all undertakings.
 Observe rules on intellectual property rights.
 Develop concern for the environment.
g) Communicate effectively;  Demonstrate verbal, written and other form of communication.
 Communicate proficiently the technical report writing and documentation.
PO – g  Serve as resource speaker in conference, seminars, conventions and workshop.
 Create strategies for information dissemination.
 Converse using both English and Filipino inside and outside the institution.
h) Understand the impact of engineering  Explain the impact of engineering products and designs in the society.
solutions in a global, economic,  Improve industry process for better performance.
environmental, and societal context  Innovate technologies that suit industry needs.
PO - h  Identify renewable energy sources to lessen environmental impact of fossil fuel-derived energy
 Apply different engineering solutions to mitigate the effects to the environment for sustainable
technology development.
i) Recognize the need for, and engage in  Generate a proposal for a new product of engineering.
PO - i life-long learning;  Adopt new technologies in developing new engineering solutions.
 Determine the feasibility of the proposed engineering product.
j) Know contemporary issues;  Explain coherently the latest technology in the field of Mechanical/Civil/Computer Engineering.
PO - j
 Conduct surveys and attend subjects which concerns current social issues.
k) Use techniques, skills, and modern  Incorporate Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) programs into existing design and analysis
engineering tools necessary for processes.
engineering practice;  Demonstrate acquired knowledge through actual use of modern engineering tools.
PO - k
 Acquire the National Certification from accredited agencies.
 Apply preventive and corrective maintenance procedure to engineering devices, machineries
and tools.
l) Know and understand engineering and  Identify the different functions of engineering management in the field of practice.
management principles as a member  Describe the function of engineers and other fields in multidisciplinary teams.
PO - l and leader of a team, and to manage  Apply proper/good ethics in working with different students of different fields.
projects in a multidisciplinary  Apply the concepts and principles of safety in engineering practice.
environment;  Explain the importance of engineering profession in working with people of different professions.
m) Understand at least one specialized  Discuss thoroughly the theories and concepts of the chosen specialized field of engineering.
PO - m field of engineering practice.  Adapt the latest technology in specific engineering field.
Course Outcomes Program Outcomes
(Legend: Level Of Attainment: Introduced, Enabled, Demonstrated)
By the end of the course, the student a b c d e f g h i j k l m
will be able to:
1) Develop a solid understanding of DRRM key
concepts, models and framework.
2) Develop disaster management measures in
Bohol Province
3) Develop mechanical systems for disaster
mitigation and management


Rubric No. 1 Assessing and Grading of Course Project with Documentation

Course Code : I 03 / I DRRM Course Credits (Units) : Total : 2 Lecture: 1 Laboratory: 1

Course Name : Disaster Risk Reduction Management Contact Hours/week : Total 4 Lecture: 1 Laboratory: 3
Prerequisite : Env Science and Eng’g, Eng’g Data Analysis/ME; CE, CpE College : College of Engineering and Architecture
EE Lab 1
Component : Fundamental Mechanical /Civil/ Course & Year : BSME / BSCE/BSCpE / BSEE
Computer Engineering Course
Academic Year : Second Semester A.Y. 2022-2023 Class Schedule :

Course Disaster Risk Reduction Management course aims to study disaster risk reduction and management concepts, models and framework,
Description: understand risk and vulnerability and use engineering principles to prevent hazard from becoming a disaster and mitigate its impact.
Intended Unit Learning Objectives Content Time Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Task (ATs) Resource
Learning Outcome In order to achieve the Topic and subtopics. Frame (TLAs) As evidence of achieving Materials
At the end of the outcome, the student is (hrs.) To achieve the outcome, the the unit outcome, the
unit, the student is able to: learning activities are: student is assessed as Remarks
able to: follows:
(Sub Course
 be responsive of the Orientation (Course Syllabus,  Presentation of BISU VGMO
student’s role and VMGO, Classroom Policies)  Presentation of University, Student
responsibilities in 1. Check the students’ Certificate Program and Course Policy Manual
BISU. of Enrollment  Open Forum
2. Revisit the VMGO of the Course
 be aware on the university Syllabus
activities and 3. Distribution of course syllabus
requirements for 4. Class orientation on the
compliance by the end classroom policies, course
of the semester. requirements, students’
 be mindful of the performance assessments and
challenges and grading system.
importance of the 5. Discussion on the importance
engineering profession and application of the course in
 awareness of online the engineering industry.
etiquette during 6. Discussion of LMS that will be
synchronous class used and course delivery
mechanism and process in
flexible learning.
Develop a solid
understanding of Unit 1
DRRM key Introduction, Definition and Basic 12
concepts, models Concept of DRRM
and framework
 Know basic 1.1. Basic Concepts, Definition  Lecture on the basic  Online Quiz N0. 1M: RA 10121
terminology used in and Terminology concepts, definition and Basic concepts,
DRRM. 1.2. Attitudes Toward Risk terminology during Definition and
 Differentiate hazard 1.3.Basic principles about synchronous class Terminology
from disaster. Risk Management  Assignment on RA 10121
 Introduce RA 10121 and its IRR
1.4. Benefits of Risk
1.5. Prioritizing Risks
1.6. Risk Management Process
1.1 Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management
Act of 2010
preventive and
mitigation Unit 2
measures for Types Disaster 8
different types
of disaster

 Identify different types  Video and power point  Online Quiz No. 2M:
of disaster presentation uploaded on Types of disaster
 Identify various LMS
elements that may be 2.1 Natural Disaster  Class/group discussion on
exposed to hazards 2.2 Man-made Disaster the topic posted on LMS
 Discuss the impact of 2.3. Hybrid Disaster  Online check-up quiz
different types of  Discussion/open-forum
disaster during synchronous online
 Discuss Risk Equation class

disaster Unit 3
management Guide to disaster management
measures in measures
Bohol Province

 Know different types of 3.1 Plan for disaster risk reduction.  Presentation of sample  Online Quiz No. 3M:
hazard in the province 3.2 Investment in technologies disaster management Disaster
 Introduce concept of and infrastructure for DRRM measures during management
DRRM to master plan 3.3 Risk Education synchronous online class. measures
 Identify technologies 3.4 Emergency warning and  Research on sample disaster  Technical Report 1M:
and infrastructure to Evacuation support measures utilized advanced Disaster
prevent and mitigate 3.5 Emergency Rescue Activities and developed countries. management
the impact of disaster. 3.6 Recovery and reconstruction  Group discussion and measures in Bohol
 Discuss different early brainstorming on disaster
warning devices management measures
 Understand the applicable to our province
importance of education  Presentation of group output
to mitigate the impact of
 Study different  Presentation of sample  Technical Report 1F:
Present a techniques used in projects and current Proposal of Journals/
mechanical prevention and researches in mechanical Mechanical Research
engineering mitigating the impact of Unit 4 engineering and allied fields Engineering systems papers
concept for a disaster Sample Projects and Studies in on Mitigation and for disaster mitigation
disaster Mechanical Engineering on managements techniques of and management
mitigation and Mitigation and Management disaster during synchronous
management Techniques of Disaster class.
 Presentation of group project
 Apply mechanical  Project design and  Technical Report 2F:
engineering principles implementation Implementation of
Develop in preventing and ( development of prototype Mechanical
mechanical mitigating the impact of or computer simulation) Engineering systems
systems for a disaster. Unit 5  Presentation of output with for disaster mitigation
disaster Special ME/CpE/EE/CE Project on 24 peer-evaluation and management
mitigation and DRRM  Oral Presentation of
management Mechanical
Engineering systems
for disaster mitigation
and management
LM1 - RA 10121 Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010
Reference Learning Materials: LM 2 - The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan NDRRMP for 2011-2028, Final Version Dec. 2011,
Suggested Readings: LM 3 - Guide to disaster management measures in Japan, by Cabinet Secretariat, Government of Japan Disaster Management Bureau
Integration of Values: Punctuality, Optimism, Patience, Perseverance, Honesty, Dedication, Trustworthiness, Diligence, Compassion and Self-worth

Prelim/Midterm (50%): Assignment, Quizzes, Project And Midterm Exam

Course Requirements Semifinal/Final term (50%): Assignment, Quizzes, Project And Final Exam
Grading System 40% passing mark/transmutation of raw scores or cumulative related scores (for College of Engineering and Architecture)
1. Major Examinations/Assessment, Major Outcome-Based
Projects (product or performance-based assessment)
2. Class Standing – quizzes, class participation/
assignments/other outputs/performances)
TOTAL 100%
Classroom Policies 1. Attendance (excerpt from Student Handbook)
2. Punctuality
3. Policy for students on official travel and academic credits
4. Others:
a. Students must come to class prepared and have accomplished assignments due that day.
b. CHEATING is strictly prohibited. A student caught cheating and the student who allowed his/her work to be copied will both
be given a grade of 5.0 for that exam. If this happens again for the same students, they will be given a grade of 5.0 for the
c. Special examinations are only given to students with valid reasons such as when the student is very sick or is representing
the University for any event that will be held outside the school campus (Refer to classroom Policies 3). However, a document
that will prove the given reason is to be passed to the instructor. As for other excuses, the instructor will determine its validity.
5. Observe online etiquette during synchronous classes.
6. Notify the instructor in advance in case of failure to attend the scheduled synchronous class.
7. Submit assignment on the designated platform.

Designed by: Reviewed by: Approved:


Instructor Chairperson/ ME Department JULIUS C. CASTRO, ME, CpE
Academic Dean
Instructor Chairperson, CpE Department

Chairperson, EE Department
Date Submitted for Approval: Date Signed: Date of Approval:

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