Issue 061 - May 2014

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Hello and welcome to our May issue. Its been a busy time with several project underway. The
first, The Scottish Paranormal Festival. The biggest event in the UK with speakers from around
the world. The three day event, in association with Phenomena Magazine is set for October 31st Page 2: 50 Years on: The Cumberland Spaceman Mystery.
through to November 2nd. A must for all UFO and Paranormal Enthusiasts. Check out the full
details in this issue. Also, Phenomena Magazine have been working with Investigative Re- Commemorating the 50 year old mystery of the Cumberland Space-
searcher and Author Peter Robbins in regards a Special Report entitled: Deception - A Review
and Critical Analysis of the book ‘Encounters in Rendlesham Forest’; recently released by Nick
man. What was it that amateur photographer and fireman Jim
Pope, Jim Penniston and John Burroughs. An absolutely MUST READ for all Ufologists. This
Special Report, will be released in June, so watch out for it. I believe this document has huge
Templeton snapped on Burgh March on May 23rd 1964? The strange
implications not only for the Rendlesham Forest incident but Ufology in general. looking figure seen behind his daughter has much been debated
Phenomena Magazine will also be covering a number of other events, such as the Extraterrestrial Communication world wide. Are we any nearer to an answer? Steve Mera looks into
Conference on June 28th and the 6th Annual Exopolitics Expo on September 26th –28th. Both events will be held at
Leeds Metropolitan University, The Rose Bowl, City Center Campus, Leeds. Further details are available in this issue. I the details of the case.
have been asked to lecture on the subject of UFOs at the 2nd UFO Truth Magazine Conference by Gary Heseltine. The
event will take place on August 16th-17th at Holmfirth Civic Hall, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire. See advert for further
details in this issue. Also, its nice to see a number of e-mags on the subject of UFOs arise throughout the UK. The
latest venture from Anthony Beckett of Exopolitics UK is a stunning magazine by the same title. Well worth getting
Page 7: Ghosts in Residence.
your hands on a copy. The magazine launches the end of May. Contact details and info can be found in this issue. I suppose that because of the fear of death, “ghost” stories give us
Finally, a good assortment of articles in this issue along with a 50 year old mystery that still surrounds the Cumber-
land Spaceman. Though there are numerous explanations, the near iconic photo is still very much debated… Enjoy. hope. Hope that individual personality survives death and that
supernatural events leads us to more practical evidence that there is
EDITORIAL an existence beyond our earthly knowledge. In this account I hope
Hello All, Just to expand on what Steve mentioned in his editorial last month, we are carrying a that I avoid the trap of believing what I want to believe and that I
series of adverts for a forthcoming (and properly organised) major international paranormal
festival, this time in the city of Stirling, which for a change is in my own country of Scotland.
describe events with care and honesty. Hugh Charles-Jones reveals.
This time the event is literally only a few miles away from my home: that is a first for me I can
assure you. I have been asked to give a presentation (and participate in a panel giving various
slants on the UFO phenomenon) at the festival, which will run over three days on Halloween Page 13: Slide into Demonic Darkness.
(most appropriate) and if there is sufficient interest the intention is to make this an annual
event. The idea is that Edinburgh is now seen as the ‘go to’ place at New Year, so why not My investigators and I felt like we were sliding into darkness, de-
Stirling at Halloween?
monic darkness, when we entered the apartment. We were over-
There are speakers coming in from the USA, including the near iconic Stanton Friedman plus a couple of guys called
the Navajo Rangers from New Mexico, their sightings include the now famous ‘skin-walkers’. As well as my own
whelmed with dread and despair. Emotions ran heavy. The occupant
contribution there are several other well known speakers from the UK as well and more are being lined up all the
time. Have a look at the festival website and I’m sure you’ll find that there is something for everyone (there is even a
Deborah broke out in tears as she explained the emotional drama and
film festival of suitably scary movies). Why not spend Halloween in Scotland for a change, especially in the historic terror she had experienced from the dark demonic force. A force that
and picturesque city of Stirling (at one time it was the Scots capital city and it even has its own university plus a
famous castle dating back to the 12th century)? has done unspeakable things to her. Paul Dale Roberts investigates.

Managing Editor Contact: Steve Mera - Page 17: Necromancy: The Forbidden Magic.
[email protected]
A brass censer is placed upon the mound of loose soil, a fresh egg is
UK Editor Contact: Brian Allan - placed next to it and a bundle of dried blue flax is used to sweep a
[email protected] circular pattern around the two and then placed upright into the soil,
like an offering of flowers for the dead. Only this is not an offering,
Spanish Editor Contact: Dario Fernandez-
[email protected] but a payment. Monte Plaisance tells of necromancy, a powerful
magickal discipline that involves invoking the spirits of the dead.
17, Redburn Road, Baguley,
Page 23: Exposing the Fear Factor in UFOs: Wicked this way comes.
Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 1AH,
United Kingdom. Tel: 07866 685835 All is not as rosy in UFOland as it might appear on the surface! En-
WWW.PHENOMENAMAGAZINE.CO.UK counters with the supposedly friendly "all-too-cute" ETs are NOT
WWW.PHENOMENAMAGAZINE.ES always the norm, and represent only one side of the coin (or disc
The PM Team: Sotiris at STRANGE- since we are referring to flying saucers). Little Elliot may have be-
FILES.ME, Danial Verdon at UREI, Randy friended Spielberg's cozy, cuddly alien, but all too often our almond-
at UFOSTORE.COM, Dario Fernandez at e eyed visitors have their own agenda. Timothy Green Beckley explains.
-nigmas / portal de lo paranormal. Tim
at UFOTV, Main Distribution Steve Mera
& Brian Allan, Reporter Jackie Heighway Page 29: Crop Circles: Further Findings.
& Reporter / Photographer Rodney On (May 7th) Robbert v/d Broeke had the sense that something was
Howarth. about to happen. At home with Roy on the night of the 7th he sud-
THIS MONTHS CONTRIBUTORS denly found himself remembering an incident in 2006 when he had
Steve Mera, Brian Allan, Chris Parr, been riding his motorbike late one night on the outskirts of Etten
Neil McDonald, Nancy Talbot, Leur and had felt he was being “observed.” He had looked up and
Hugh Charles-Jones, Paul Dale Roberts,
seen a very large “UFO” directly over him. Nancy Talbot explains.
Monte Plaisance, George Hanover,
Timothy Green Beckley, Jonathan O’Cal-
PHENOMENA laghan, Roger Ressmeyer / CORBIS, Page 35: The Beginning of Electronic Voice Phenomena.
Adam Duggan, Joshua Gardner, Damien Recording devices have been around so long that we tend to think
Gayle, Richard Spillett.
SPANISH EDITION that they have always been around. However, that is not the case.
NOW AVAILABLE AT Consumer tape recorders didn't become available until the 1950s
Due to MAPIT protocols, personal or group
and they were large reels. But as the new devices made it to the
promotion will not always be accepted. All market, some people found they did more than they thought!
submitted articles to Phenomena Magazine
must be 'Original Work'. MAPIT / Phenomena
George Hanover explains the basics.
Magazine are not responsible for articles that

Also Featured:
appear in the magazine which do not belong to
the individuals submitting them. MAPIT /
Phenomena Magazine do everything in their
power to credit individuals work and images. If
you are aware of any material featured in Latest paranormal news from around the World... Book and dvd reviews. Events
Phenomena Magazine that is not credited and Conferences, Astronomical news, Advertisements and much more.
correctly, then please inform us as soon as
possible. The MAPIT Copyright covers only Phenomena Magazine would love to hear your views and opinions, please let us have your feedback. Also, If you
articles written by MAPIT investigators, have an interesting article, we would love to hear from you. Please contact:
construction and group logos found through-
out the magazine. The views and opinions
expressed in any of the articles are those of Phenomena Magazine Managing Editor Steve Mera:
the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
official policy or position of MAPIT or
[email protected]
Phenomena Magazine. or Phenomena Magazine UK Editor Brian Allan:
[email protected]

Phenomena Magazine is covered under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-

Commercial No Derivatives ‘Free License’.

Page 1
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
50 Years on… The Cumberland Spaceman Mystery
By Steve Mera

On May 23rd 1964 a local Cumbrian man by

the name of Jim Templeton took one of the
most unusual photographs ever. Now 50
years on, the photograph that is thought to
depict a possible alien figure in the back-
ground is still very much debated. Some
claiming the figure in the photograph has a
rational explanation, some believing it is
some sort of floating extraterrestrial in what
looks like an astronaut suit of some kind.
Whatever the strange figure was... one thing
all researchers agree on..., is that the photo-
graph was not a fake or doctored in some
way. Whatever Jim Templeton caught on
camera that sunny day back in 1964 remains
a mystery... A mystery that may never be

Jim Templeton, a fireman by profession had

taken his wife Annie and his two daughters
Elizabeth and Francis to Burgh Marsh for the
day, a location known for its outstanding
natural beauty situated close to the breezy
Solway Coastline – approximately eight
miles west of Carlisle, in Cumbria (UK), and
considered to be a historical location after
King Edward I allegedly died in 1307 of dys-
entery whilst traveling back from Scotland.

Jim was an amateur photographer and was

always keen to take photographs of his fam-
ily. On this particular sunny day, Jim wanted
to snap Elizabeth wearing her new dress. Jim
had taken numerous photographs that day,
but one of them turned out to be rather
odd. As Elizabeth posed for him sitting on
the grass holding some wild flowers that she
had recently been picked, Jim raised his
Kodak SLR and snapped a photo that was to
become one of the most remarkable photo-
graphic mysteries ever.

A number of days later, Jim called into the

local chemist to deposit his Kodak film for
development. It was then sent off to Kodak
laboratories for processing before being
returned. When Jim collected the photo-
graphs the manager remarked to Jim that
the photo’s had turned out well on the then
new Kodak gold film and that it was a pity
about the one photograph spoiled by the tall
man behind his daughter.

Note: Photographs were taken on (KODA-

colour X at 100th of a second at f16).

Jim had no recollection of anyone else being that appeared to be standing right behind Jim headed back home to show his family
around that day whilst he took photographs. Elizabeth at an odd angle, (as if floating in the photos. Annie, Jim's wife claimed that
He quickly opened them to discover the one the air). How had Jim not noticed this bi- there was no other person on the marsh
photograph that depicted an unusual figure zarre tall figure encroaching his shot? that day.

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Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
50 Years on… The Cumberland Spaceman Mystery
By Steve Mera

The Mystery The strange being only appeared in one of As the weeks passed, the Cumberland News for a year to any person that could solve
Continues… the three photos he had taken that day. Jim team sent details about the unusual photo- the mystery, as to how this figure got into
was completely puzzled. graph to Australia following a request. It the picture. To this day the reward lies un-
would seem that they were equally inter- claimed.
ested in the story and Australian newspaper
reporters contacted Jim and requested a Now… as you look around the internet,
copy of the negative and went on to pub- there seems to be some conflicting stories
lished an article. A couple of weeks later Jim in regards the next chapter of Jim’s experi-
was contacted by a technician who claimed ence. The first states that, some time later
to have worked on the ‘Blue Streak missile he was visited at work by two strangers
project’ in Woomera in Australia. He was wearing dark coloured suits driving a dark
Jim Templeton told that the technician had spotted similar Jaguar who claimed to be Government
was an avid
amateur photog- looking unauthorised figures in white, wan- officials. They pulled Jim out of his day job
rapher and took dering around the launch-pad, during an at the fire station, to show them the site
regular photos Jim told a number of his friends about the aborted countdown on May 23rd. The very where the photo was taken. Jim reluctantly
whenever he went unusual figure he had caught on camera,
out visiting loca-
same day Jim had photographed the myste- agreed and went with them to the location.
tions. and it wasn't long before a reported from a rious figure on Burgh Marsh. During the journey there was no conversa-
local Cumbrian Newspaper contacted him.
After showing them the photo they agreed
to run an article hoping others may have
also captured the mysterious figure on film
and would come forward with their story.
There does seem Soon after it went to print, Jim was plagued
little evidence to by reporters from National Newspapers
suggest the
incidents that asking him questions and also wanting to
took place at the feature an article.
test sight of the
Blue Streak rocket
in Woomera,
Keen to solve the mystery Jim submitted the
Australia have photograph to a police officer at Carlisle
anything to do who in turn forwarded it to Penrith where
with the unusual photographic analysts studied it. Eventually
photo Jim
snapped whilst Kodak carried out checks on Jim's camera
visiting Burgh for faults and experts in photographic devel-
Marsh. Since opment obtained the original negative and
taking the photo-
graph Jim has
checked it for signs of overexposure, faulty
revisited the film stock and evidence of tampering. After
location numer- a short time, the negative and camera were
ous times as well returned along with a letter stating they
as his daughter.
could find no faults with Jim's camera nor
any problems with the negative or evidence
of tampering. In fact... Kodak were just as
puzzled as Jim as to what the mysterious When the site was checked later by security tion. On arrival they asked Jim to show
figure was. officers, there was know-one to be seen nor them the exact spot, where the photograph
any tracks found. The operator who had was taken and quizzed him about the
Countless forms reported the incident was later sent on weather conditions at that time, also, had
of photographic leave for a short time. This unusual incident he seen any other people around or ani-
analysis have allegedly happened within hours of Jim mals. The mysterious men then asked Jim if
been carried out
and there are snapping his photograph, on the other side he had seen an alien, to which Jim replied,
numerous exam- of the world. Coincidence... or is there more he hadn’t actually seen anything whilst
ples throughout to it? After making some enquiries Jim taking the photograph, only afterwards he
many UFO related
learned that rockets used for the Blue Streak had caught the figure on film. It was at that
websites and on
Youtube. Some of missile project were being manufactured at point that the men retreated to their car
which seem very RAF Spadeadam, in England which was situ- and promptly drove off, leaving Jim with a 5
good. ated about 26 miles east from Burgh Marsh. mile walk back to the fire-station.

The photograph and negative were exhaus- The second story about this incident men-
tively examined not only by the Police but tions that Jim was contacted by the myste-
also Kodak’s experts. Because they could rious officials by phone and that Jim had
Feel free to check
some of them find no evidence of tampering or a hoax arranged to meet the two men at the loca-
out... they decided to offer a reward of free film tion. He also mentioned that they referred

Page 3
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
50 Years on… The Cumberland Spaceman Mystery
By Steve Mera

to themselves as No.9 and No.11. Jim was conducted maintenance on the missile and Later Bee
apparently shown identification cards show- the two figures were simply technicians. An Keeper suit
ing the word ‘Security’ and with an official interesting note: On closer inspection the
looking coat of arms above it. Jim believed technicians do not look like the mysterious
they were Government officials. figure Jim Templeton had snapped. They
were not wearing any clothing that looked
There are many references to these two like a radiation or astronaut suit. Former
men being sinister Men in Black, putting Jim Cumbrian Ufologist and good friend Chris
off from talking about his experience, how- Parr has over the years conducted much
ever Jim had mentioned that on contacting research into the strange incident and dis-
him, the two men did not seem too both- The above photograph shows the location covered that the location (Burgh Marsh) Above you can
see a slightly
ered as to if Jim attended the location or where Jim had snapped the photograph had numerous controlled bee hives scat- later designed
not. There is also some doubt as to Jim hav- whilst visiting Burgh Marsh back on May tered around which were often tended by bee keeper suit
ing to walk back to work or even home after 23rd 1964. The large arrow easily visible professionals wearing protective bee from the 1960s,
the meeting. from the air is used by the Royal Air Force as keeper suits and that during the time of the similar in appear-
ance to the
part of their training exercises. Some weeks photograph taken in the month of May, is mysterious figure
later, Jim told Australian reporters about the the most productive time for bees and the in Jim
conversation he had had with the technician collection of honey. Templeton’s
from the Blue Streak Missile program. After
which they allegedly contacted the test facil-
ity and requested to view the blue streak
film taken on the May 23rd, but were told
that they could not assist due to the film
missing from the archive where it was usu-
ally stored.

The following year, Jim and his daughter

Above you can
Elizabeth returned to Burgh Marsh to take see a photograph
several more photographs. Afterwards the of the ACTION
film was sent off as normal but the negatives Above you can see photographs of the 1958 MAN astronaut
were returned unprocessed for no apparent bee keeper suit.
reason. For a while, Jim said he had to send Special Thanks to
photos to be processed under the name of Some have suggested that the mysterious Chris Parr for the
his neighbours so to get the processed. information
figure was an ‘ACTION MAN’ doll. Specifi- regarding bee
More recent research carried out brings the cally the one that was released wearing a keeper suits,
whole story about the Blue Streak missile space suit. Action man dolls were not intro- action man
launch being aborted on May 23rd 1964 into duced in the UK until 1966, Via ‘Palitoy’ and figures and his
assistance with
speculation. According to historical docu- at that time no astronaut dolls were avail- this article.
mentation the first Blue Streak launch test able in the range. However, the GI Joe as-
was scheduled for June 2nd 1964 but was tronaut doll was out in 1964, rare and only
aborted due to a part failure on the on- released in US. If you look through the
board systems. The missile was in fact internet, you will find countless attempts at
launched on June 5th, three days later. photographic analysis of Jims photo, how-
There is also little evidence to suggest that a ever one of the best theories put forward
photograph circulating the internet of two was that of Fortean Times, which after their
similar looking figures dressed in white analysis concluded the mysterious being
stood beside the Blue Steak missile are in was nothing more than the back of a female
fact alien in origin. The only figures in white figure, with her elbow bent and wind part-
at that location would have certainly been ing her hair on the back of her head. Some
the technicians as seen on the old black and have even suggested the figure was Jim’s
white photographs taken at the Woomera other daughter. The only known fact in this
test facility. case, is that the photo has never been con-
clusively proved to be fake and that Jim nor
Though it has been confirmed that the pho- his family have never attempted to make
tograph was taken at Woomera in Australia, any serious money from it. Whatever the
no confirmation has been obtained in re- figure was that Jim had caught on camera
gards when exactly the photograph was that day 50 years ago, continues to baffle
taken. Some researchers have suggested photographic experts and is still regularly
that the photograph was taken either June debated between ufologists. A mystery that
2nd or June 5th 1964, whilst technicians simply... won't go away!

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Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
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Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
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Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Ghosts in Residence
By Hugh Charles-Jones

  

 
Page 7
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Ghosts in Residence
By Hugh Charles-Jones

Robeston Wathan House.

On an eminence close to the church and village,

the mansion of Robeston Wathan was erected
about 1815. In 1840 this was the seat of the Rev.
J W James, and in 1867 the home of the vener-
able George Clark, Archdeacon and prebendary
of St David’s. It had many owners, including the
families, of Barlow, Rice, Colby, Philipps and Lord
Kensington, but was generally occupied by ten-
ants. Sales particulars give details in 1866 and
1929. It was described as “very commodious and
substantially built mansion with very extensive
stabling, coach house and other outbuildings, a
large walled garden and lawn, shrubberies,
woods and plantations, with 39 acres of meadow
and pasture land. Also several cottages and gar-
dens. There were seven principle bedrooms on
the first floor and some grand reception rooms
and a conservatory”. From 1977 it had been a
country house hotel (which is now closed).

It was owned by my first cousin and his wife.

During the holiday season it was really hard 24
hour, seven days a week graft. At the end of the
season and at the onset of winter, like most ho-
teliers catering for tourists, my cousin and his What made it so odd was that the passage was shards of broken glass. It was a favourite of my
wife took off to go skiing in Switzerland. At that thickly carpeted, and that the marching was ac- cousin’s wife and had apparently flown off the
time my life had come to hard times due to debt companied by creaking floorboards. After a while wall, but when my cousin and his wife returned
and divorce, plus a host of attendant disasters. the upstairs clumping got to be directly above I didn’t tell them about the experience I’d had.
My cousin asked if I would run the hotel whilst our heads; then into my cousin’s locked bedroom Firstly as she was highly strung and had enough
they were away, but having so little out of sea- with its safe. high pressure work to do without worrying
son trade I was more of a caretaker and my other about ghosts or whatever. Secondly, I had no
duty was exercising his horse. As there were no The marching continued louder and louder, wish to be thought an hysterical idiot.
live in staff I was alone in the place at night. sounding as if it was going round and around the
Whilst I was there the only occasional trade was room. It then stopped abruptly and we heard a Maybe some 15 years passed and I married
for the restaurant when the locals were having a noise as if someone had lain down on a creaking again and had two children. We all came to live
quiet night out. bed. Thinking burglars by now, I quickly got my in my native Pembrokeshire, where my wife
cousin’s shotgun, grabbed cartridges, and ran up and I had books published. I got a phone call
There was owners’ private apartment, sitting the stairs. I tried the bedroom door handle, but it from the house’s new owner, my cousin having
room and study cum office in the corner of the was still firmly locked. So I shouted “Come out, long sold the place. She had heard I had the
house on the ground floor. Above that was the I’ve got a gun” I knew this was the only door into book, (mentioned on the first page of this arti-
owners’ large bedroom. In it was a large safe and this room being on the corner of the house. Si- cle), and wanted a copy. So I decided to deliver
my cousin carefully locked it telling me there was lence, so I waited nearby for action as it were. it and brought my young son with me. She was
no reason for me to go into it. He also locked the Nothing, the long silence was only broken by the an open friendly person and told me she and
bedroom door. My own room nearby was at the car engine of my would be girl friend roaring its her husband had made plans to make the
end of a long carpeted passage with doors lead- way down the drive away from the scene. Evi- house a private school. That, (she said), proved
ing off it to various guest bedrooms. Whilst I was dently she was adverse to gunfire and I was now impossible so the house was up for sale again.
there it was the usual early winter weather, alone in the mansion. Still armed I checked the So she wanted the book, I surmised to show
clouds, rain and cold high winds. As the place has rest of the place, even the outside stable and the potential buyers the place’s history. Local es-
excellent heating I was comfortable and occupied thoroughbred horse. Then, after locking my room tate agents had long used extracts for sale de-
with easy tasks. Away from my troubles I had and putting a chair against the door, I took not scriptions of some of the 600 plus properties
time to concentrate on reconstructing my life the usual one, but two sleeping pills, put the gun contained in the volume.
and planning for my future. near the bed, said my prayers with some fervour,
and fell into a chemically induced sleep Next I gently brought the conversation round to any
It wasn’t long before I was lucky enough to find morning I checked my cousin’s bedroom door unusual aspects about the house, which
feminine company to ease my celibate life. One and it was still securely locked. brought out a torrent of events that her hus-
night we were snugly ensconced in the sitting band had experienced. They had decided to
room listening to tapes of Neil Diamond, there When the three cleaners came in I joined them convert the cellars and when her husband went
was no one else was in the house and it was for coffee. One of them said enquiringly, “Why is down there a freezing mist chilled him to the
about eleven o’clock. We both were surprised to there a shotgun in your room?” So I gave brief bone and this absolutely terrified him. He
hear the sound of tramping hob-nailed boots details of the previous night’s events. They said dropped his tools and shot back to the ground
above us. The romantic alliance was well and in chorus, “Oh, that’s the ghost”. I snorted “more floor and every time he tried to go back the
truly disturbed and Neil Diamond was cut off in like a bloody poltergeist”. Instantly there was a same thing happened, so he abandoned the
mid flow. Puzzled, but not frightened, we lis- crash in the reception hall and the women all project. A friend visited them and her mobile
tened as the heavy tramping went on, up and screamed. I dashed out, (minus shotgun this phone persisted in ringing when she went to
down the upstairs passage. time). There on the floor lay a picture among bed. It was so persistent that she finally put it

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Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Ghosts in Residence
By Hugh Charles-Jones

under the mattress to muffle the sound and she The reader might well ask why I kept these ex- 1,195 soldiers. The immaculately kept war
finally got to sleep; no wonder they wanted to periences to myself; it was because I didn’t want cemetery ended in a wood-lined bank behind
sell up and get away. Curiously she didn’t men- them widely known, as I thought that the bad which ran a canal. This had been the scene of
tion a visit from my heavy-footed visitor and I publicity might well have affected my cousin’s pitiless carnage, which was so horribly normal
wish now that I had recorded her experiences. trade by deterring visitors to his hotel. As the to the Great War. It is officially known today as
During her telling my son listened wide-eyed, so years passed I mentioned it only to close friends. the Essex Farm C.W.G.C/Albertina Memorial/
this is not hearsay because I had a witness. Then it passed into my memory as just an inexpli- Dressing Station. Before exploring this place of
cable experience. There it stayed until I men- infinite mourning I told my son and wife about
Anyone can make up a ghost story and anyone tioned it to my friend Ellis Taylor who urged me my dream-cum-apparition.
can embellish a strange occurrence, however, in to send an account to this magazine. In closing, I
my experience there are facts that stand up to should mention that the house changes hands
scrutiny… frequently. Currently it is being converted into a
holiday centre, the outbuildings being converted
into holiday cottages.

I confess that I have a mild and fairly sceptical

1. I was not alone when the first interest in inexplicable experiences. Though I
incident took place. have never taken mediums, faith healers, tarot
cards, crystal balls or séances seriously, it ap-
2. I had three local witnesses during the pears to me there must be some exceptions
event of the flying picture. They were amongst the huge array of mumbo jumbo artists. Adjoining the cemetery are huge concrete bun-
also well aware of ‘ghosts’ in the house.
So I fall back to my personal experiences and kers used as Forward Field Dressing Stations. It
3. My son also heard the later owner’s
even then I find them to be great puzzles for was a haven for the wounded who survived to
experiences. which I can reach no firm conclusion. I am now at somehow stagger or crawl from the cauldron of
an age to have time to review my life and have shell fire, chattering machine guns, grenades,
4. I had no clue or expectations when I listed, (to my surprise), some twelve puzzling rifle fire and the bayonets. Often in heavy rain,
took on the job. My cousin longing for episodes. Here is another event that happened in thunderstorms, hail and snow and all this,
holiday mentioned nothing out of the 2008. month after month on end.
ordinary. Stupidly, in retrospect, I
didn’t even mention it to him before
My soldier son and my wife and I went visiting
leaving the mansion.
WW1 battlefields and cemeteries in northern
5. There is no mention of haunting in France and Belgium. We landed one evening at
the book regarding the history of Dunkirk and intended to stay in Ypres to start our
Robeston Wathen. tour. We thought we would find a hotel en route,
but as we had landed late in the day we found
that the few hotels were fully booked, even for a
I am puzzled about the mobile phone incident. meal. Luckily we had brought some food. About
They are modern inventions, if indeed the midnight we decided to sleep in the car and in
strange presence was responsible, how can it be the headlights we saw a parking area in front of a
explained that a spirit or whatever have adapted tall monument. So, fed up and tired we pulled
to such sophisticated systems? up, had a snack meal and tried to make ourselves
as comfortable as possible. Our son had brought
a sleeping bad and a campaign mattress and as it
There is considerable ongoing de- wasn’t raining he bedded down in front of the
bate about this subject because Monument. It was a really dark night and we had
here are many accounts of electrical no idea exactly where we were, except it was on Of course our car head lights had not shown
the road to Ypres. My wife lay across the back the extent of the place, so the mysterious be-
equipment, including mobile seat, I pushed back a front seat to reclining mode yond was only revealed in day break. I later
phones, malfunctioning in the pres- and being pretty exhausted we gratefully settled discovered that in this place Colonel John
ence of paranormal events and down,. McCrae had served and survived to write his
evocative and famous poem
these of course include ‘ghosts’ It Later came to me one of the most vivid dreams
has been suggested that if an appa- of my life; with total clarity I suddenly saw a bank In Flanders Field
rition (or an event) creates or in- of piled up earth. On top were three figures, In Flanders fields the poppies grow
muddy from head to toe. They were shrouded as Between the crosses, row on row,
deed is created or facilitated by if with blankets draped over their heads and they That mark our place…
electrical energy and if ghosts are a stood still and silent. There seemed to be gaps
factor of the electromagnetic spec- where their eyes should have been. I felt they Amongst the many thousands of dead and
were looking silently down at me and my impres- wounded who suffered here are a sizeable
trum then they may indeed interact sion was of a dreadful, wretched sadness. Then number of the 38th Welsh Division. It is maybe a
with electrical devices. It has also they were gone as suddenly as they had come to tenuous link in that I am Welsh, and my son
been suggested that the electrical my mind. They had not been at all threatening serves in a Welsh Infantry Regiment. Shortly
and I felt no fear, just a great sudden sadness. after our visit he went to serve in Afghanistan.
potential in the batteries used in Some time afterwards a sunny dawn slowly re- If my account is to have a sort of happy ending,
many of these devices may, in some vealed our surroundings. In the foreground hun- it is that he returned home safely. For me those
manner, ‘energise’ the phenome- dreds of white limestone headstones were laid three dark figures emanating grief and pain
out as regularly as a regiment on parade, some remain in my mind constantly...
Page 9
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Welcome to Neil McDonald's Megalithic Tours.
"Ten Years on the Road"

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Slide into Demonic Darkness
By Paul Dale Roberts

REAL TIME: I wrote this article in 'real time',

so you get a blow-by-blow as it happens.

My investigators and I felt like we were

sliding into darkness, demonic darkness,
when we entered the apartment. We were
overwhelmed with dread and despair.
Emotions ran heavy. The occupant Deborah
broke out in tears as she explained the
emotional drama and terror she had
experienced from the dark demonic force.
A demonic force that has beat her, pushed
her, scratched her and even raped her. With
this darkness, her world came crumbling
down, she loses her car, she falls into
financial ruin. Her dog, Oreo, starts to act
strangely. Her son is confused by the living
nightmare that his mother faces. Deborah
starts facing medical problems,
unexpected illnesses.
Page 13
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Slide into Demonic Darkness
By Paul Dale Roberts

To live in this madness on a daily basis is becom- hospice and Tracy suggested she may have been Mind you, I am writing this in real time, so Chris
ing a burden that she can no longer tolerate. cursed for some reason. The demon in Deborah’s Singleton has not dissected the EVP yet. Okay,
Deborah needs help and calls the Oakland Police life has become more intense. The demon not let’s jump ahead. Chris has now dissected the
Department for assistance. only shakes her bed, but has also scratched her EVP. When the investigator says: “Let us know
and has physically hit her. Deborah has noticed that you are here” The EVP female voice says:
that she is losing her hair. Special Note: Some “How? Okay!”
paranormal cases have lead to the loss of hair by
the experiencer. Paranormal investigators have FIRST INVESTIGATIVE EVIDENCE BRIEFING:
complained about abnormal loss of hair. Tragedy
and loss are also part of a presence of demonic Kara felt an intense heat emitting from Deb-
forces. Deborah has suddenly lost her car and orah. Mark did not get any unusual spikes on
has found financial ruin that seemed to occur his K2 meter, no orbs and the only time the
over night. One of the most horrific things that motion detector went off was when the dog
Deborah experienced was being physically raped Oreo ran past it. Jon captured a possible female
by this dark force. voiced EVP and a possible male growling noise
– inconclusive. Jon captured orb activity in one
of the back bedrooms. Two photos of Tracy –
The Oakland Police Department does not have there was white mist on her arm and mist in
jurisdiction in the paranormal realm, but there is Deborah’s son’s closet. Tracy took a picture of
a team, a task force, a demonic extraction team what looks like a hot fire circle, but looking at it
that does have this jurisdiction. That team is HPI closely, it almost looks like a portal opening up.
(Haunted and Paranormal Investigations Interna-
tional). The Oakland Police Department refers This photo of the possible portal was taken in
the case to HPI. It's time to go into warrior mode The areas that we have to cover are the upstairs Deborah’s son’s bedroom closet – possible
and battle a darkness that has now engulfed this and downstairs. Ground Zero? Some investigators saw orbs
family. Let's now see how this investigation be- moving about with their naked eye. The best
gan. Tonight Jon Koyasako and Alaceo ‘Big Al’ Rosa- EVP captured was by Big Al’s group of a female
tano are the leads. talking. We are experiencing extreme cold
PREPARING FOR OUR MISSION: ROAD TRIP TO spots throughout the apartment. Ever since we
OAKLAND: Jon has Becky and Tracy. Big Al has Kara and have been in this apartment, I have felt a pain
Mark. Floaters: Wendy and Chris. Quick roll call on my left shoulder and it’s still hasn’t gone
At 1300 hours we all met at my house. Tracy for the Oakland Demonic Extraction Force: away, I have not mentioned it to my investiga-
Lindstrom piled a load of the investigators in her tors yet, because I am unsure if this is natural or
mini-van, they were me (Paul), Jon, Kara, Chris, Jon Koyasako – Lead Investigator & Security; something of another nature. I will see after I
Big Al. Following us in their truck were Becky and Becky Cardenas – Spanish Interpreter and Lead leave this apartment, if the sharp pain to my
Mark. Road trip and utilizing ‘walkie talkies’ in Investigator; left shoulder will go away. Special Note: After I
both vehicles going down to Oakland. On this Tracy Lindstrom – Driver & Photo Ops; gave Deborah a fully submerged in water bap-
night, we would be facing the 'Oakland Demon of Alaceo ‘Big Al’ Rosatano – Lead Investigator; tism and conducted a Catholic house blessing
Lyon Avenue’ When arriving, Deborah the occu- Kara Koyasako – Spiritual Songtress; the pain in my shoulder went away immedi-
pant explained to us the terror that she is experi- Mark Tatum – Equipment Technician; ately.
encing. It appears that everything started hap- Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Owner,
pening 1 ½ years ago. While living in her apart- Chris Singleton – Audio Specialist; SECOND INVESTIGATIVE EVIDENCE BRIEFING:
ment, she noticed that the woman upstairs was Wendy Maxam – Videographer - Researcher.
mimicking everything that she was doing. Let me Excitement on this 2nd go around. Big Al and
explain. Deborah could easily hear all of the Starting this night off, I conducted a hedge of Kara were seeing a strange bright light, possible
noises from the upstairs apartment. If Deborah protection prayer and Kara sang a spiritual song. portal opening on the closet door with the
was washing dishes, the neighbour upstairs Kara will be singing spiritual songs throughout night vision goggles. They brought me up there
would wash dishes. If Deborah was pacing up this investigation, this should aggravate the de- to check it out for myself. As I looked in the
and down on the living room floor, the neighbour mon. The demon may be female. Big Al’s team night vision goggles, I could see this bright por-
would do the same thing. If she turned on the TV captured a Class A EVP of a woman in a full-on tal. It got small as I brought the night vision
on a particular show, the neighbour would turn conversation, but we are unable to understand goggles down and got large as I moved the
on the TV and have the same show on. This con- exactly what she is saying. night vision goggles up.
tinued on a daily basis. There seemed to be no
end to it. After being tormented by this
neighbour, Deborah started noticing strange
activity. A psychic once told Deborah that she
could see something dark attached to her.
Strange activity that started was the shaking of
the bed

Some history of Deborah, she worked at a hos-

pice as a caretaker. I am not sure if this has any
connection to the haunting of Deborah, but it
may have some kind of connection. Deborah
does feel that the neighbour that mimicked her
movements is the connection to her demon pos-
session. Kara discovered the connection to

Page 14
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Slide into Demonic Darkness
By Paul Dale Roberts

I had the investigators place a thick blanket on sounds emitting from the bathroom. The sounds Special Thanks go to: Tracy Lindstrom for driv-
the windows, to stop any glare or light coming are scratching noises. The scratching noises be- ing us to Oakland. We had our own Scooby Doo
through the windows and the portal was still come louder and louder. They sound like Mystery Machine! Thank you to the Mother of
there. scratches from a big cat, a tiger scraping his Concern of HPI Investigators, Becky Cardenas as
claws against the bathroom door. While Deborah she supplies us with: peanut butter chocolate
So, now it had me wondering. I had the closet and I are in the bathroom, we don't hear these chip cookies, goldfish crackers, peanuts, a vari-
doors open from the other side and now the sounds, but the sounds of scratching are audibly ety of chips, Pepsi and bottled water. Thank
portal was gone, as the night vision goggles were dominant to my investigators in the next room. you to Tracy for the cookies! Oakland Demonic
now looking at clothes, then when I moved the Extraction Team.
closet doors back to their original position, the I go through the ritual of baptism and baptize
portal was back. By moving my head in a circular Deborah, her whole body trembles and shakes. Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Esoteric Detective, aka
motion, the portal was moving in a circular mo- When Deborah rises from the water, she ap- ‘The Demon Warrior’, Haunted and Paranormal
tion. I determined that somehow the night vision peared to glow. Deborah transformed from a Investigations International.
goggles were reflecting IR light onto the closet woman with a sad despairing face, to a woman
door, causing the portal effect; so that was effec- with a smile from ear-to-ear. After the baptism, I Paul was born on January 17, 1955 in Fresno,
tively explained. We are getting intelligent flash- started to bless the home. Deborah prayed with California. He has an Associate Degree in Crimi-
light communication. Even though we utilize me and we covered all areas of her apartment. nology. In 2004 he became a paranormal inves-
many methods to prove or disprove paranormal We took many approaches to help Deborah to- tigator and with 750 investigations under his
activity, the only solid evidence that I feel we night. In the beginning of the investigation, I belt and 750 paranormal articles he has written
gathered at this investigation is the EVP of the conducted a hedge-of-protection prayer with my lead him to be in documentaries. From 3 epi-
female voice. Tracy is smelling a mint smell dur- group. Kara sang spiritual and gospel songs. The sodes of My Ghost Story - Biography Channel to
ing the investigation and Becky confirms it. investigation, the baptism, the house blessing. History Channel's Monsterquest (Mothman
Yes, we were in true warrior mode, we were not episode) to Conversations of a Serial Killer by
THIRD INVESTIGATIVE EVIDENCE BRIEFING/ dealing with benevolent ghosts, we were dealing Two Four Productions to Showtime's Penn &
BAPTISM/HOUSE BLESSING: with malevolent demons. Demons who would Teller Bullshxt - Mayan Prophesy of 2012 to
seek out to destroy Deborah and my team. After Mysteries of Angels and Demons by Ives Street
During this round, I believe there may be two the house blessing, the air in Deborah's house Entertainment to Michael Jackson: You are not
dark forces in this apartment. The female entity became light, it even seemed brighter in her Alone/In Search of his Spirit, that can be seen
and a male entity. We captured several EVPs of apartment. at: om/watch?
what sounds like a man growling. Cold spots are v=ZMdqnwMFGhU
more prevalent. Cold breezes come out of no There were hugs of joy from everyone. We all
where. went through a traumatic ordeal this evening, Paul is also a Fortean investigator in which he
but we came out of it unscathed. We at HPI do investigates ALL things paranormal from Moth-
not turn away from any threat. man, Chupacabra, UFOs, Crop Circles, Ghosts,

The debunked portal is now playing tricks on us,

because Tracy detects an energy vortex, some-
thing she can feel, she takes a picture near the
closet and the vortex looking image appears in
her photo, she takes a 2nd, 3rd photo and now
the vortex image is gone.

Investigators are feeling a dark presence near

them, some are being touched. The presence or
presences feel evil, more cold breezes come out
of no where. You can see the cold air come out We are aggressive soldiers of the occult, that are Poltergeists, Demons and more. Significant
of one investigator's mouth. Oreo starts acting prepared to conduct battle on any entities that investigations by HPI are the Skinwalker Ranch
up, Deborah can't take it anymore. She asks for are a dire threat to the welfare of humankind. in Utah, looking for Natalee Holloway's ghost in
the baptism now. I immediately take her to the Aruba, UFOs and Bigfoot at Mount Shasta,
bathroom. Deborah prepares the water in her Mission accomplished, we will be in touch with UFOs and USOs at Monterey Bay, Area 51, Gua-
bathtub. As we prepare for the baptism, the in- Deborah and make sure the threat(s) will never temala City - Guatemala. Paul is also a well
vestigators in the very next room hear strange return... established writer of the paranormal…

Page 15
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Phenomena Magazine regularly receives DVDs and provides reviews. After which we promote and advertise them within the magazine,
Facebook pages and of course on our websites. If you have a DVD you would like to be reviewed and advertised, simply contact Phenomena
Magazine via our website or send your DVD title direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.

Just when you thought that the Paul Veerhoeven original ‘Robocop’ can’t be bettered, up pops
this re-imagining of the saga by Jose Padihla and proves you wrong. This is a splendid piece of
non-stop, hi-tec action Sci-fi with the titular android policeman being played to good effect by
Joel Kinnaman.

The story is pretty much that same with the clean cut cop, Alex Murphy, being almost killed by
rogue cops and ‘saved’ by the heavy handed multinational company ‘OmniCorp’ by having what
is left of him (and there is not much) transplanted into a robotic body as a civilian adjunct to their
ongoing programme of military robotic soldiers.

This time however, as opposed to the original film, his wife is aware of what has been done and
gives her blessing. The trouble is that Alex has emotional and ethical restrains that prevent him
from acting in the ruthless manner that OmniCorp wants, so his handlers start messing with his

Title: Robocop This produces the desired results, but horrifies his wife who confronts him and causes him to
Main Cast: Joel Kinnaman, seek out the background to what has been done to him. Murphy overcomes his programming
Gary Oldman, Michael Kea- and sets out to right the wrongs done to him and succeeds in a spectacular fashion. The one mis-
ton Samuel L. Jackson take OmniCorp made was failing to realise that their creation was human as well as machine and
eventually this overrode the imposed programme and the human side won: most enjoyable.
Director: Jose Padihla
Format: DVD & Blue Ray
Well worth a watch...
Price: DVD £10.00

May 5, 6 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower. The Eta Aquarids is an above average shower, capable of producing up to 60 meteors per hour at its
peak. Most of the activity is seen in the Southern Hemisphere. In the Northern Hemisphere, the rate can reach about 30 meteors per hour. It is
produced by dust particles left behind by comet Halley, which has known and observed since ancient times. The shower runs annually from April
19 to May 28. It peaks this year on the night of May 5 and the morning of the May 6. The first quarter moon will set just after midnight leaving fairly
dark skies for what should be a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation
Aquarius, but can appear anywhere in the sky.

May 10 - Saturn at Opposition. The ringed planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is
the best time to view and photograph Saturn and its moons. A medium-sized or larger telescope will allow you to see Saturn's rings and a few of
its brightest moons.

May 10 - Astronomy Day Part 1. Astronomy Day is an annual event intended to provide a means of interaction between the general public and
various astronomy enthusiasts, groups and professionals. The theme of Astronomy Day is "Bringing Astronomy to the People," and on this day
astronomy and stargazing clubs and other organizations around the world will plan special events. You can find out about special local events by
contacting your local astronomy club or planetarium. You can also find more about Astronomy Day by checking the Web site for the Astronomical

May 14 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs
at 19:16 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Flower Moon because this was the time of year when spring
flowers appeared in abundance. This moon has also been known as the Full Corn Planting Moon and the Milk Moon.

May 24 - Possible Meteor Storm. In the early morning hours of Saturday, May 24, the Earth will pass through the debris field left behind by a
small comet known as P/209 LINEAR. Astronomers are predicting that this interaction may result in a brief but intense burst of meteor activity that
could range from dozens to hundreds of meteors per hour. Nothing is certain, but many mathematical models are predicting that this could be the
most intense meteor shower in more than a decade.

May 28 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 18:40 UTC.
This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.
Necromancy: The Forbidden Magic
By Monte Plaisance

The cold night air is crisp and cutting as the thin sliver of the waning moon casts a dim glow over the white
gravestones of an abandoned cemetery. Amidst the marble monuments a fleeting shadow is seen rushing
through the grounds. Quick as a flash, the figure moves towards the fresh mound of dirt piled above the grave
of this cemetery's newest tenant. There is a dull thud as he drops the small satchel he is carrying onto the
ground and begins to rummage through it and gets to work. A brass censer is placed upon the mound of loose
soil, a fresh egg is placed next to it and a bundle of dried blue flax is used to sweep a circular pattern around
the two and then placed upright into the soil, like an offering of flowers for the dead.
Only this is not an offering, but a payment...

Page 17
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Necromancy: The Forbidden Magic
By Monte Plaisance

Next the dark figure takes from his nefarious satchel a large knife, the handle
made from a human femur and the most important tool of all – the human
skull. He places the skull on the mound facing him and using his hands he
digs into the soft soil, making a small pit in front of the grinning skull. With a
flash of light from his lighter he ignites a charcoal. Sparks fly into the night
air and the smell of burning saltpeter wafts out over the cemetery. Already
he can feel the spirits of the dead stirring awake. Instinctively he reaches
into his shirt, pulls out his protective talisman and begins to rub it with his
fingers. Instantly the crowded feeling around him dissipates and he contin-
ues with his task at hand. He sprinkles a pinch of incense onto the burning
charcoal and a thick acrid smoke rises. This incense is not the sweet-smelling
kind used in churches, this is an ancient concoction blended and burned for
one purpose and one purpose only – to please the souls of the dead. He
takes the human skull into his hands and holding it over the thick rising
smoke he begins to intone strange words.

“Ego sum te peto et videre queo.” His voice is low, yet somehow the power
of his voice radiates throughout the graveyard. It echoes and bounces off of
the marble tombs and the whole area begins to resonate like an enormous
tuning-fork. With the chanting done, the dark man places the skull back onto
the mound, looks to the name on the gravestone and begins to call out to
the recently deceased man buried here. Within seconds he can feel the pres-
sure on his forehead that always signals the approach of the dead. It is time
for the dead to drink. The last item in his bag is taken out – a small wooden
box. Opening the lid he reaches in and takes out a white mouse. With ex-
pert hands, he holds the mouse in one hand and with his other he takes hold
of the knife. With a sure, clean stroke of the blade, he severs the tiny crea-
tures head and drips the blood into the pit and then sprinkles some of the
blood onto the crown of the skull.

The final item in his bag is a bottle of black liquid, which he pours down into
the pit. Another flicker of light from his lighter and the flammable liquid
bursts into a vibrant green flame. He tosses the dead carcass of the mouse
into the fire and stretches out onto his stomach, placing his face towards the
skull. Staring into the empty eye sockets, he begins whispering the name of
the dead man.
Then it happens.
A voice begins to echo from within the brain cavity of the skull; faint at first, The dead are also not restricted in their ability to move about unseen by the
but growing stronger. The Necromancer has made contact. common people and thus many times a necromancer will call upon the dead
to do a service such as haunt an enemy and cause them to go mad or to
Of all forms of magic used and discussed throughout time, the one that is gather information about a person or place by traveling there unseen and
tainted with the stain of infamy is the practice of necromancy. Despite the then returning to give the information back to the magician. The subjugation
claims of some modern magical practitioners, there are very few people left of the will of the dead to the desires of the living demands a specialized tech-
who practice authentic necromancy or the art of conjuring the dead. Necro- nique and can only be performed by the most highly skilled necromancers.
mancy has its name because it works on the bodies of the dead, and gives
answers by the ghosts and apparitions of the dead, and seeks to control METHOD OF EVOCATION
those troubled spirits through the use of various mystical incantations, ritual
tools and magical formulas. The tools and system of the necromancer are fairly consistent and are actu-
ally identical to the normal offertory rites given to the dead in antiquity, with
It is not possible to understand the mysteries of necromancy without some a few added features to set it apart. The first step that the necromancer
knowledge of the secrets surrounding the human soul and the processes of must do is to purify themselves prior to the performance of the ritual. This is
death and rebirth. The necromancer is skilled in these mysteries and secrets done, usually, for a three to seven day period. During which time the magi-
and through centuries of experimentation, a system of magic arose that be- cian will fast completely or they will eat a specific regiment of foods associ-
came known as the art of necromancy. ated with the dead. These foods consist of black beans, pork, fish, lintels or
root staple, as these are grown underground and are close to the dead. With
Under normal circumstances, the ghosts of the dead do not remain on the the purification performed, the necromancer then gathers his or her things
physical plane and those that do are usually of a confused or violent charac- and goes out to the place of evocation. Necromantic rites are always per-
ter. Thus if a magician wishes to communicate with the soul of a deceased formed at night, which is the time of ghosts. The proper places for necro-
person it takes a certain degree of skill to call the shade of the dead back mancy to be performed are graveyards, battlefields or perhaps the scene of a
from the land of the dead. This is not without its dangers, and thus necro- murder or violent accident. The rites themselves revolve around three focal
mancers are also skilled in the arts of magical protection and also in the points: a pit for blood and libations, fire for burning the offerings, and the
methods by which a ghost can be laid to rest; for who would want to sum- remains of the deceased. If the necromancer has nothing belonging to the
mon a ghost and then not be able to return it to its resting place? actual person they wish to contact, they can utilize a human skull for the
purpose, however it must be ritually prepared to make it suitable to 'talk'.
The motives for calling up the souls of the dead are mostly personal and have
much to do with the gathering of information that the deceased may have Contrary to what most modern day necromancers believe, the use of blood
held, such as the location of specific documents, perhaps even the passwords in the rites of summoning the dead is crucial to its success. Yes, contact can
for bank accounts, or the location of a hidden item. be made with spirits and ghosts without the use of blood, but these contacts

Page 18
Page 20
Phenomena Magazine: November 2013 - Issue 55:
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Necromancy: The Forbidden Magic
By Monte Plaisance

are faint and sporadic at best. The life-force present in freshly spilled blood a symbiotic connection to the soul of the person and by that connection
lends a type of vitality to the deceased spirit and gives them a more tangible, draw life-force from them. This is actually quite common among the average
albeit temporary existence. This vitality gives the necromancer a much person as well as with necromancers. I have witnessed such cases occurring
clearer connection to the dead, but it also opens him or her up to more dan- more and more frequently due to the recent rise in 'ghost-hunting' groups.
ger. Just as there are people who are good-natured and those who are ill- The symptoms of an attachment are very pronounced, yet they will not feel
natured, the same applies with the shades of those individuals. Not all spirits supernatural to the host. The symptoms include lethargy, fatigue, head-
are friendly and not all of them are violent. However, the blood used in the aches, cold-chills, and mild to severe mood swings. In extreme cases, the
rites of summoning the dead gives them a degree of physicality, which makes person may begin to have foreign thoughts or begin to behave in erratic
them capable of inflicting harm if the necromancer looses control. Thus the ways. Temptations to have illicit sexual contacts, to drink heavily or to eat
management of these ghosts is also a critical skill that the necromancer must foods that they normally do not eat, and random violent outbursts are all
master. indications that there is an outside force exercising an influence onto the

Ghosts of the dead will either be eager to communicate or reluctant to coop- host. This should not be confused with possession. Possession is when the
erate, but all of them covet life in any form. Therefore during the rites of spirit or entity completely removes the personality of the individual. With an
necromancy, especially when performed in a cemetery, the necromancer will attachment, it is strictly an influence.
often be swarmed by those souls eager to communicate and take a part of
the life-force of the blood. This is most easily handled by the ringing of an The removal of these ghostly attachments is also a part of the necromancer's
iron or bronze bell. These two metals are superior to supernatural forces skill-set. The methods of doing so are almost identical to those of the regular
and ghosts will flee from the resonating sound of these metals. Talismans rites described above, save that they would be performed over the individual
are also useful in keeping the ghosts at bay and are the most effective be- instead of over a grave. Thus rather than calling the ghost out of the grave,
cause they can be worn at all times during the ritual to make certain that no they would be called out of the person. The methods of controlling, binding
errant spirit attaches itself and follows the necromancer home. and removing ghosts is too complex to cover in this short article but any
questions can be directed to the author at his contact information below...
Ending the session requires no special acts, as the life-force of the blood will
eventually be used up and the ghost will weaken and return to their rest.
However, it is a traditional practice for the necromancer to leave either an MONTE PLAISANCE is a Hellenist of the Thessalian Mystery Tradition, theur-
egg or a fresh piece of raw meat behind as a form of 'bait' to any ghosts gist, author, diviner, and teacher. In conjunction with his priestess Gypsy he is
wishing to follow him or her home. These two items are highly charged with the founder of the Archaeos Temenoi Hellenica, a legally recognized Hellenic
life-force and will naturally draw the ghosts away as a distraction, while the Temple in Denham Springs, Louisiana.
necromancer leaves. It is also tradition that the necromancer, once they are
completed with their ritual, to walk away without looking back. They must Both he and Gypsy reside on a three-acre temenos (sacred precinct) where
leave quickly and quietly, without a moments hesitation. If anything is for- they perform the sacred duties of their office. Monte is the author of Reclaim
gotten, it must be left. They must not return to the grave again for at least the Power of the Witch, and co-author with Gypsy of the titles A Treasury of
one month or they may find some of the more eager spirits lingering around Hellenic Prayers and A New Traveler on an Ancient Path. He can be found
waiting to attach themselves. online at:

Now what should a necromancer do if a spirit does indeed attach itself to

them. By this 'attachment' is meant that the spirit or ghost will actually form
Page 19 Page 20
Phenomena Magazine: November 2013 - Issue 55:
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
The Scottish Paranormal Festival
The Festival will wear a serious face during the day and
relax into fun and entertainment night. It will attract
participants and audiences both local and international,
expert and curious, believers and sceptics.

It will feature a number of varied and parallel strands.

TALKS & LECTURES - in association with experts, au-

thors and academic institutions.

DEBATES - on all aspects of the paranormal.


A Festival-within-a-Festival of feature films, documenta-
ries, TV productions, and the work of paranormal film-

THEATRE - Plays and theatrical presentations on para-

normal themes

Also in the theatre, featuring top mediums currently
working in the UK TOURS

Local and further flung paranormal locations

GHOST HUNTS - Exploring some of the more haunted

parts of Stirling


ria touching every area of the paranormal

CEILIDH OF THE VAMPIRES! - A Masked Halloween Ball,

the ultimate in dangerous decadence. Choose your

THE GHOST BOX - The Festival will also have a Commu-

nity dimension, with an exciting initiative to record the
paranormal experiences of the people of Stirling, and
visitors to the Festival

The Ghost Box will enable members of the public to

put their own experiences on record. Anyone can make
an anonymous or open digital film recording of any
strange phenomena they have seen or heard or felt.
These recordings will be preserved as a unique and
important oral history archive of the city.


The founder and

director of
Scotland is
award winning
film producer
Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors, and provide a review of the material, promote and advertise
them within the magazine, Facebook pages and of course on our websites. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised,
simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.

This book, which is a non-fiction vehicle for New Age ‘channelled’ material from apparently
altruistic non-terrestrial beings, can be regarded in one of two ways. The first is that it repre-
sents a very loud wake-up call to the human race to sort out both the planet and our species
before it is too late. The other is that this is an ingenious work of outright fiction. The informa-
tion, and there is plenty of it, apparently comes from the ‘Sirian High Council’ who inhabit the
sixth dimension and chose the author, Patricia Cori, based on her sensitivity. Ms Cori is a self-
proclaimed ‘lightworker’ whose worthy ongoing aim is to save humanity from itself. The book
tells of how, although she had been psychic since birth, appropriately enough she had her ulti-
mate ‘spiritual epiphany’ in a crop circle while attending a metaphysical workshop in the
Mecca of the New Age that is Glastonbury. Where this work differs from others of similar vein
is where Ms Cori successfully conflates various strands of conspiracy theory involving malevo-
lent and clandestine movers and shakers who seek to take over the planet with the messages
of hope, love and ultimate salvation from the aforementioned Sirius High Council (surely yet
another manifestation of the Space Brother/Ashtar Command). Although the city/state/
country of the lost Atlantis features heavily in this work, once again the underlying principle
seems to be that love conquers all and this can only be achieved by raising the nebulous
Title: Atlantis Rising: The ‘vibration’ of the human race to one of unconditional love and light…and given the state of
Struggle of Light and Darkness the world at present that is easier said than done.
Author: Patricia Cori
Publisher: North Atlantic Overall the book is plausible and well written, but assumes that the reader will accept the re-
Books ality of Atlantis and agree that the idea of channelling is a given rather than the assertion that
ISBN: 978-155643-737-3 it is. If you are a fan of mysticism and convoluted New Age material then this is very much for
Price: $16.00 you, if not then have a read anyway, because the message is ultimately nothing if not positive.


When the Readers Digest Group publishes a book you can be sure of several things, chief
amongst them being that it will be a well written, painstakingly researched, well illustrated
work of excellent quality and this book is no exception. The book presents aspects of Britain
that are normally tucked away in local legends and seldom make it to a wider audience. The
mystical and magical traditions of the British Isles are comprehensively covered with every-
thing from the Viking ceremonies of the Orkney and Shetland islands in the North of Scotland
to the festivals in the south of England and just about everywhere else (including Wales) as

It’s all here and the reader is absolutely spoiled for choice, with festivals that date back to pre-
history like the Abbots Bromley Horn Dance and the horned demons of Wallasey Island to the
arcane rituals of the Morris Dancers and the capering ‘Hobby Hoss’ of the shires. All are rem-
nants of half forgotten traditions and legends and fables based around ancient fertility gods
and goddesses. There is so much in this book that it is genuinely difficult to select any particu-
lar highlight because there is guaranteed to be something on every single page that will inter-
est someone. A page opened at random reveals the Beltane fire ceremonies recently revived in
Edinburgh where the revellers travel to Calton Hill to mark the end of spring. Then the is an-
other version of the ancient fertility symbol the Green Man seen in the ‘Burry Man’ at Queens- Title: The Most Amazing
ferry Places of Folklore &
Legend in Britain
Each location, there are 500 of them, is identified with a brief outline of what goes on and Author: Various
helpful maps guide the merely curious and thrill seeker alike to the various destinations. In fact Publisher: Readers Digest
this book should be a mandatory item in the hundreds of tourist information centres that dot ISBN: 978-1-70820-007-1
the towns and cities British Isles. Readers Digest have really excelled themselves with this book Price: £19.99
which is sure to become a standard reference work and a classic of its kind.

Page 21
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors, and provide a review of the material, promote and advertise
them within the magazine, Facebook pages and of course on our websites. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised,
simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.


There have been many theories mooted concerning the pyramids, their purpose and how they
were constructed. Some of these have been feasible (albeit involving the toil of huge numbers
of people) and others cited the assistance of extraterrestrials.

This is the first book I have seen that adequately explains the construction of the pyramids in
terms of how they are actually built and this includes the anomalous ‘shafts’ that run through
them and the enigmatic chambers below them. It seems that, according to this author at least,
our forefathers had an excellent grasp of mechanics and especially hydraulics, for that is how
they did it.

The huge blocks of sandstone were placed on wooden barges, floated into position along spe-
cially built canals then literally lifted up using a system of water and locks (yes same as is still
used to this day to raise and lower boats through canals) and finally manhandled and slid into

OK, it would not have been easy but given the persistence, intelligence and determination of
the ancient Egyptians it could have been done. The author, Robert Carson, uses almost foren-
sic methods to prove that is just what they did and he is most persuasive too, it certainly gave
Title: The Great Pyramid:
this reviewer much to think about. This seems to be a classic example of too many people sell- The Inside Story
ing the human race short and failing to recognise just how capable we are. It you want a sensi- Author: Robert Carson
ble alternative to some of the more outré ideas out there then this book is one of the most Publisher: Self Published
reasonable and compelling version of events so far written; highly recommended. ISBN: 9-871482-787344
Price: £16.42
The files of the CIA, the FBI, the FAA, NASA, the Army, Navy, Air Force, and other U.S. govern-
ment agencies all have documents relating to UFOs, UFO investigations, and UFO activities
that have affected their operations. There are 12,000 UFO reports in the “Project Blue Book”
file alone. Other files were renamed and reclassified. The Air Force set up the Condon Commit-
tee to research UFO reports, but it disbanded within two years. And, what are we to make of
the government's decades late acknowledgment of Area 51? The Government UFO Files: The
Conspiracy of Cover-Up by Kevin D. Randle looks at the suppressed evidence, the hidden plots,
cover-ups, misleading statements, and documented connections to government intrigue. Foo
Fighters, Silver Disks, Ghost Rockets, Mountain Crashes, Fireballs, the Men in Black, and nearly
100 sightings and occurrences are thoroughly investigated. Hundreds of historical documents
are examined. Countless in-person interviews are conducted. Every lead is painstakingly fol-
lowed to sometimes shocking conclusions. Is the government being deliberately misleading, or
have the conspiracy theories gotten out of control? This book takes a hard look at the files and
uncovers evidence long hidden from the public to untangle the truth. Since the 1940s, the gov-
ernment has been collecting information and assembling files on unidentified objects, extra-
terrestrial encounters, and strange convergences in the skies. The Government UFO Files: The
Conspiracy of Cover-Up sorts through the information, sources, and files to help develop a
Title: The Government UFO fuller picture of government activities.
Files: The Conspiracy of
PM Managing Editor - Steve Mera: ‘An amazing 374 page resource tool covering most ufologi-
cal aspects such as Foo Fighters, Project Paperclip, Ghost Rockets, Roswell, Pilot Encounters,
Author: Kevin D. Randle
Project Sign, Grudge and Bluebook, Area 51 and many world famous UFO incidents. This book
Publisher: Visible Ink is one great place to find everything you need to know about UFO conspiracies. Kevin Randle, a
ISBN-13: 978-1578594771 long time ufologist has a wealth of knowledge. Layout and side captions make it a treat to
Price: £14.99 read. Excellently constructed and a book well worth having in your collection’...

Page 22
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Exposing the Fear Factor in UFOs - Wicked this way comes
By Timothy Green Beckley

All is not as rosy in UFOland as it might appear on the surface! Stories

of encounters with the supposedly friendly "all-too-cute" ETs are NOT
always the norm, and represent only one side of the coin (or disc since
we are referring to flying saucers). Little Elliot may have befriended
Steven Spielberg's cozy, cuddly alien, but all too often our almond-
eyed visitors have their own agenda, which frequently puts them at
odds with our earthly plans and aspirations. They have been known to
abduct, dice and slice and put us through a world of utter discontent.

Page 23
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Exposing the Fear Factor in UFOs - Wicked this way comes
By Timothy Green Beckley

Not only can the Ultra-Terrestrials – my favorite term for any entity that specific theaters of operation on our planet.
comes out of or is associated with a UFO, since we cannot really determine
their origin, be it interplanetary or more close to home, perhaps from a paral- The weird claims of John Lear that aliens are coming here to kidnap humans
lel universe – be damned ornery, but they have the power to interfere with and not return them. That people are being used for food, and how “they”
both our physical and mental states and put fear into our hearts. Thus the are experimenting with us – sadistic experimentations – and attempting to
term “Fear Factor.” Even the peace-loving contactees of the early days of suck out our souls and place them in containers for their own use.
UFOlogy were made aware of the Ultra-Terrestrials’ shenanigans.
The Islamic belief in the normally invisible elementals identified in the Ko-
In our previously published book, “Round Trip To Hell In a Flying Saucer,” we ran as the Jinn and how these malevolent spirits are able to misrepresent
documented the many instances of shape-shifting, levitation and the pres- themselves by camouflaging their true identity and traveling around at fan-
ence of transparent or translucent entities that can oftentimes wreak havoc tastic speeds.
on an entire household following what might seem like a benign close en-
counter but which ends up going well beyond a one night cosmic stand. Shape-shifters who can turn into human-looking beings, animals, orbs, fire-
balls or manifest themselves even as physical “hardware” to fool us into
believing they are mechanical devices.

The casting of magical spells, occult rituals and the ability to conjure up spir-
its and beings often mistaken for UFOnauts but more closely aligned with
the elemental kingdom.

Then there are their ongoing plans for us, which include rape, pillage and
plunder of humans as well as the entire planet! Witnesses tell tales of unbe-
lievable aggression. “The creatures were hostile and went into attack modes
several times, putting up dense fogs. One time when they stopped, it was like
a backwards tornado coming from the mouth of the leader of the ships. It was
like a ray that he was sending down a funnel. He did it five times, then he
left…”. One Navy Commander with strong CIA ties has stated: “Much if not all
of the phenomenon is nefarious – a monstrous evil with occasional good.”

According to Dr. Karla Turner, whose work Sean Casteel examines later on in
the newly released Global Communications book ‘UFOs – Wicked This Comes,
there is evidence that the intelligence behind the mysterious discs can control
what we think we see. They can appear to us in any number of guises and
shapes. They can alter our perception of our surroundings. They can take over
our consciousness, disable our control of our bodies, install one of their own
entities, and use our bodies as vehicles for their own activities. Unrecognized
by most researchers is the fact that over the ensuing years, flying saucers
have made themselves “known” in a variety of awesome and thought-
provoking ways.

Well established are the instances in which unidentified airborne objects have
been accused of causing blackouts and power failures. Lights in entire com-
munities, down to the most modest single dwellings, have flickered out due
to the approach of a “foreign” apparatus of unknown origin. Ample exposure
has also been given to cases in which UFOs have brought automobiles and
other mechanical devices to a complete halt. Several well-seasoned UFO re-
searcher-writers have penned lengthy papers on this so-called EM
(electromagnetic) effect. What of other, even more bizarre, irrational side
Likewise, in the book “Evil Empire Of The ETs and Ultra-Terrestrials,” I pointed effects, traceable to disturbingly close confrontations with UFOs and their
out how the occupants of the craft we have come to identify as Unidentified many-faceted crew members?
Flying Objects—UFOs! —have some of the same characteristics as spirits
from the dark corridors of demonology and have been known to produce the There is a news story, reprinted as a lead-in to a chapter in the new book, that
same sort of phenomena at landing sites as you would find in a haunted appeared more than 40 years ago, buried away on the inside pages of a
house or at a séance. I've chatted for hours with “Coast to Coast AM” host widely circulated daily newspaper, in which a father tells of a strange transfor-
George Noory about such eerie matters and most of the conversation has mation wrought on his daughter by UFOs in the vicinity of their home. The
been preserved on You Tube, where you can find the interviews by simply mere thought that UFO activity might cause a young girl’s hair to glow in the
typing in my name and “Coast to Coast AM” and all manner of links will pop dark and change colors is staggering. Of course, it is impossible to check on
up in a matter of mere seconds. There are numerous aspects of this dark side the validity of this episode at this late date, but we do have other equally
of UFOs that we must examine closely, to include: unusual tales which lead us to speculate that this experience was indeed not a
hoax, a fabrication or a coincidence.
The connection between UFOs, demons and possibly Satan himself. Doubtless this case must be placed in a category by itself – there are no oth-
ers precisely like it on record. Yet, from the bulging files of clippings and per-
The fascination for and the link between Nazism, occultism and German- sonal eyewitness testimony I have amassed over the years, this particular
made flying saucers. incident by no means misrepresents the many strange after- and side-effects
which can be directly attributed to flying saucer activity.
The ghastly exercise of blood draining and human sacrifice throughout an-
tiquity and their relationship to animal and human mutilations and blood- Despite a new respectability about this topic, there remain many factors
letting in modern times, which align closely to the appearance of UFOs in deeply engrained as part of the UFO puzzle which have not been openly

Page 24
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Exposing the Fear Factor in UFOs - Wicked this way comes
By Timothy Green Beckley

publicized. Nor has adequate research been done to explain them. It is a At this point he attempted to signal one of the UFOs, which had descended to
documented, well-established fact that UFOs have affected or been able to a point approximately 30 feet from where he stood. As the beam of its flash
alter in some way: pierced the solemn darkness, he was able to distinguish the metallic gray
outline of the ship’s hull, straddled on top by a spherical dome.
The growth of plant life, insects and humans;
“At this point, something odd and unworldly happened to me. To be honest, I
The forces of gravity; cannot recall with any degree of clarity what transpired next. In short, I cannot
The passing of time and anything remotely connected with it; remember if the object disappeared or if it continued to hover, or if indeed I
walked away from Cradle Hill at all. What I do know is that an awful numbing
The placement of physical objects; and sensation affected my limbs. I shut my dazzled eyes and felt desperately tired
all of a sudden. The next thing I knew – I don’t know how I got there – I was
The normal healing process. standing by a wooden fence at the bottom of Cradle Hill. Glancing at my
watch, I was horror-struck. The time was now 12:35 AM. Despite the fact that
it was a deadly-cold night and I was well wrapped against the bitter winter
The Warping of Time chill, my body was bathed in sweat. Moreover, tears were cascading down my
face, and I could taste the salt in my mouth.”
The book, ‘UFO’s – Wicked This Way Comes’, covers all these diverse ele-
ments in complete detail. I am especially fond of the effect of “warping Shuttlewood says that he was upset because “my son was to have picked me
time” that has been noted in many instances where UFOs and human beings up in my car at midnight at a nearby rendezvous point.” Reaching the waiting
collide. These time distortions have been known to last for several seconds to auto, Shuttlewood apologized for being 40 minutes late. The editor’s son,
several hours. Also, in a number of contact cases, time itself, as we know it, is looking at his watch, remarked “You’re not late, you’re bang on time.” At this
extended or compacted way out of proportion. point, Shuttlewood realized that he had been the pawn of a bizarre time-
distortion game. Checking his timepiece once again, he discovered that time
It is almost as though UFOs and Earth time are incompatible.
had once more jostled, this time backward. It was now 12:07!
Journalist Arthur Shuttlewood is convinced that the perplexing timepiece
stopping phenomenon in England is a direct result of UFO activity over his EXPLORE THE DEADLY SIDE EFFECTS OF UFOS IN THESE
hometown of Warminster – yet another strange effect we must contend with. “FEAR FACTOR” VOLUMES
On the night of September 9, 1969, a dozen residents of Potten End (a suburb
near Warminster) had the singular and disturbing experience of having their
timepieces remain motionless for about an hour. All the stories seem to coin-
cide, although there was no direct relationship between the witnesses, nor UFOS – Wicked This Way Comes: Dark Side Of UFOlogy
did they know of anyone outside their own dwelling having the same experi-
ence. Danger lurks alongside of us in the dark. They continue to
One of those who found himself faced with such a situation is Norman Gil- attempt to take control of all our senses. New! - $20
bert, an engineer who said, “I set my watch as usual and placed it on the
nightstand before retiring. Upon awakening the next morning and seeing that Nightmare Alley – Fearsome Tales Of Alien Abductions
it was still early, I dozed again, thinking I still had yet an hour more of sleep
coming to me before getting ready for work. Arriving at my job, at what I Are hybrid beings bred in foaming vats seven levels down
thought was 7: 00 AM, I was jokingly browbeaten by my fellow employees for in the Dulce, NM, military base? Will it be necessary to
being late.” Gilbert then discovered that his watch was an hour slow. join an ET “resistance unit?” - $20.00
Similarly, Mr. E.W. Rayment, a Potten End builder, had the unusual experi-
ence of having both his watch and bedside clock lose one hour on the same Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucers: UFO Parasites -
night. Another one of those who had the puzzling experience was Mr. John Alien Soul Suckers - Invaders From Demonic Realms
Booth of Dunbar Cottage. He described how his wife Kathleen’s watch had
stopped altogether on that same Saturday night. “We fiddled about with it for DOES SATAN DRIVE A FLYING SAUCER? ARE DEMONS KID-
around an hour trying to get it to go again, but without success.” The follow- NAPPING HUMANS AND PERFORMING SADISTIC EXPERI-
ing morning, Booth observed that the watch had started to work again with-
out anyone touching it, and his wife has had no trouble with it since. Each MENTS ON THEM ? - $22.00
watch-stopped individual could offer no explanation why their watches
stopped on Saturday night and precisely at 8 PM. They were thoroughly con- Evil Empire Of The ETs And The Ultra-Terrestrials: Con-
vinced that it was not due to lack of winding. spiracy Reader Presents
A spokesman for the Science Research Council based at the Ministry of De- SIX LEADING RESEARCHERS – INCLUDING A CLINICAL PSY-
fense, Navy Department’s observatory at Hurstmonceux, near Eastbourne,
said: “Nothing like this has ever been reported before.” However, Arthur Shut- CHIATRIST – PROVIDE PROVOCATIVE CLUES AS TO THE
tlewood, author and UFO investigator, was told that at the instant the TRUE NATURE OF THE ALIENS/ ULTRA-TERRESTRIALS AND
watches and clocks stopped working, a number of Berkhamsted people heard WHAT LIES BEHIND THEIR SHOCKINGLY BOLD HIDDEN
“odd humming sounds” and saw a peculiar shape in the sky – which experts
determined to be an extraterrestrial ship. AGENDA.
Shuttlewood himself was involved in an episode where he had a 45-minute This is the only work that describes in dramatic detail how
time disorientation while atop Cradle Hill watching a pair of UFOs through these “visitors” have affected the personal lives of those
binoculars. The incident, which transpired in November of 1970, had Shuttle-
wood – who described in detail his multitude of experiences with flying sau- caught up in the close encounter and abduction web of
cers over this tiny English town in the Summer Issue of “Saga’s UFO Report” – treachery and desolation.
observing the celestial multi-hued lights, resembling a string of burning beads.
Shuttlewood immediately noted the time on the luminous hands of his wrist-
watch, marking down the time of the sighting as 11:31 PM. FIND OUT. - $22.00
Page 25
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
2nd Extraterrestrial Communication Conference features lectures by experiencers of anomalous phenomena and
extraterrestrial contact. From the USA, abduction experiencer and researcher Mike Clelland will take a deep look
into the meaning of his own alien experiences and those of other experiencers. Mike is join by Ellis Taylor, the
experiencer whom first inspired the leading ET abduction therapist Mary Rodwell to look at the alien abduction
phenomenon. Past lives therapist Lorraine Flaherty has come across many cases of her own where her subjects have
described lives of other-worlds and even described abduction scenarios in past-lives as well as in the present. UFO
experiencer and broadcaster Tony Topping will recount his own personal experiences and Exopolitics Great Britain
producer Anthony Beckett will explore the history of ET contact.

Conference Venue: Leeds Metropolitan University, The Rose Bowl, Portland Way, Leeds LS1 3HB.
For further details and bookings visit:

6th Annual British Exopolitics Expo, include many internationally renowned UFO researchers such as Richard Dolan
(US), Steve Bassett (US), Grant Cameron (Canada), Rosemary Ellen Guiley (US) and also a host of British and Euro-
pean speakers in Ufology, ET Contact, Exopolitics and the many periphery subjects such as Robbie Graham (UK),
Robert Fleischer (GER), David Griffin (UK), Pierre Sabak (UK), Richard Lawrence (UK) and Andrew Johnson (UK).

Conference Venue: Leeds Metropolitan University, The Rose Bowl, Portland Way, Leeds LS1 3HB.
For further details and bookings visit:
Have aliens already visited Earth? NASA book Is that a supersonic UFO flying over the skies of
suggests that ancient rock art could have been
created by extraterrestrials. New Zealand? Australian television crew get
more than they expected when filming in
By Adam Duggan

While shooting their television programme on location, an

Australian film crew managed to record more than they ini-
tially expected on New Zealand’s South Island. On April 3, an
Australian-produced art show were filming their opening se-
quence in Queenstown, completely unaware of what was hap-
pening in the background.

But while editing the episode over the past

Each month a new planet is discovered that bears similarities to
our own - and it is becoming increasingly apparent Earth is not
week, Colour In Your Life presenter Graeme
unique. So it stands to reason that of the billions of Earth-like Stevenson noticed something paranormally
planets in our galaxy alone, there might be another that hosts life. strange – what he believes to be two UFOs.
It’s a thought that is gaining more credence all the time, and now
Noting the similarities between what they came
NASA has released a fascinating book detailing how, or if, we
might communicate with some of these worlds. Some of the most across and a video Mr Stevenson had seen of a
interesting chapters tackle the issue of alien communication in the UFO sighting filmed in the Netherlands, the
past, present and future. In one section, for example, William presenter believed they were on to something.
Edmondson from the University of Birmingham considers the
possibility that rock art on Earth is of extraterrestrial origin. ‘We
When the production team took a closer look,
can say little, if anything, about what these patterns signify, why they were blown away. ‘We were all like, what
they were cut into rocks, or who created them,’ he writes. ‘For all was that?’ Colour In Your Life production man-
intents and purposes, they might have been made by aliens.’ The ager Tanita Cree told MailOnline.
book is titled Archaeology, Anthropology and Interstellar Commu-
nication. It was edited for NASA by Douglas Vakoch, Director of
Interstellar Message Composition at the SETI Institute. With the After slowing down the footage, the questions turned into what they should do with their caught on cam-
help of other experts he tackles a number of topics including the era UFO sighting. ‘It was the speed they were moving at, they just jumped out of the trees,’ Ms Cree said.
prospect of life on other planets and the means through which we
After slowing down the video and watching it frame by frame, the two shapes can be seen emerging from
might send or receive a message.
the trees, moving up into the sky and then disappearing. All this managed to take place before a motorcy-
Vakoch begins the 330-page book by postulating how difficult it clist, also in the shot's background, rode cross the bridge they were filming near. Certain that what they'd
might be to make first contact. ‘If a radio signal is detected in a captured was a UFO, the team decided to post the video online and 'see what everyone thought.' 'From
modern SETI experiment, we could well know that another intelli-
the trees to where I was on the bike is about a half a kilometer, if you look at the speed in real time that
gence exists, but not know what they are saying,’ he writes in the
book’s introduction. He goes on to add: ‘Even if we detect a civili- means that if it were birds they would have accelerated to about 4,000 kilometers an hour in one second,'
sation circling one of our nearest stellar neighbours, its signals will a member of the production team posted on their Facebook page. The video that confirmed Colour In
have traversed trillions of miles, reaching Earth after travelling for Your Life presenter Graeme Stevenson's initial impression that what they filmed was potentially a UFO
years.’ But, all hope is not lost – throughout the book Vakoch and
his colleagues tackle these very problems, and provide solutions
had been filmed in the Netherlands by Maassluis resident Dick Smits at approximately 3pm on Friday April
that may prove invaluable in the future. ‘To move beyond the 11. Maassluis is about 23 kilometres south of The Hague, at the mouth of the Rhine River. According to
mere detection of such intelligence, and to have any realistic Rijnmond TV News, Mr Smits was filming a boat in the canal below his apartment when he noticed the
chance of comprehending it, we can gain much from the lessons strange looking object in the sky.
learned by researchers facing similar challenges on Earth,’ he
continues. ‘Like archaeologists who reconstruct temporally distant
civilisations from fragmentary evidence, SETI researchers will be Watch the video footage at:
expected to reconstruct distant civilisations separated from us by skies-New-Zealand-Australian-television-crew-expected-filming-Queenstown.html
vast expanses of space as well as time. ‘As we attempt to decode
and interpret extraterrestrial messages, we will be required to
comprehend the mindset of a species that is radically Other.’ What caused a mystery hole in the clouds above California?
Elsewhere in the compendium the authors tackle the question of By Joshua Gardner
the possible biology, evolution and physics of an extraterrestrial
race. Vakoch explains how the methods via which aliens commu-
nicate might be vastly different from our own, making contact Photos that have emerged of a bizarre cloud formation
difficult. He says that messaging through sound, as we are used to over Northern California are causing social media users to
on Earth, might not be possible. wonder: Is the truth out there? The strange snapshots have
popped up all across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and
show a bright, unusual hole in the otherwise undisturbed
clouds over Stockton on Friday afternoon. Now curious-
minded folks in California and around the globe are specu-
lating about what caused the phenomenon and some say
its weird appearance belies an even weirder cause. Much
of the speculation suggested that the bright cloud was a
UFO or somehow caused by extraterrestrial life.

However, there were plenty of other

‘On the other hand, vision and the use of images would appear to
be at least plausible,’ he writes. And, he adds, imaging the surface theories. Where most of the photos ap-
of habitable planets in the future might reveal ‘the physical ar- peared across the internet, posters identi-
rangement of objects’ that suggests the presence of alien life. fied the phenomenon as a hole punch
Edmondson suggests, for example, that ‘an optical telescope of
diameter 620 miles (1,000 miles) could resolve an object of diame-
cloud or Fallstreak hole. A similar phe-
ter one kilometre (0.62 miles) at a distance of 100 light-years.’ nomenon in 2010 also caused rampant
Vakoch concludes his introduction with the monumental task speculation.
awaiting scientists and scholars across the world, but highlights
the importance of these studies and research. ‘These scholars are
grappling with some of the enormous challenges that will face
Though there are many suggested expla-
humanity if an information-rich signal emanating from another nations throughout the internet indicating
world is detected,’ he writes. ‘By drawing on issues at the core of a UFO association or secret government
contemporary archaeology and anthropology, we can be much weather modification projects. The simple
better prepared for contact with an extraterrestrial civilisation,
should that day ever come...’ truth is that they are a known atmos-
pheric phenomenon, often termed ‘Hole
Punch Clouds’.—PM Managing Editor:
Page 27
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61: Steve Mera.
What is this mysterious aircraft filmed 'blitzing Taliban base in Afghanistan'? Are these mystery radio bursts messages from
ALIENS? Freak frequency from outside the Milky
Footage shows 'UFO' blasting terrorists' encampment. Way baffles astronomers.
By Damien Gayle

With NATO forces withdrawing from the badlands of Afghanistan, the country's people need all the help
they can get to keep extremists from once again seizing power. But it seems a new intervention has come
from an unlikely source... outer space. U.S. Marines captured this incredible footage of what looks like a
UFO hovering over a Taliban encampment - then blowing it to kingdom come. The clip was reportedly
filmed by U.S. troops fighting in Afghanistan in March. Shot by a soldier standing next to a stationary ar-
moured column, it shows a bizarre triangular object hanging in the sky not far ahead.

As soldiers look on, the craft slowly moves into position,

before what appear to be muzzle flashes soundlessly
emanate from its underside. A split-second later and
huge explosions erupt as the fearsome space weapons
hit the site of the purported Taliban camp, sending up
plumes of smoke that obscure the view of the mysteri-
ous bomber. In 1967 British astronomer Jocelyn Bell Burnell was left stunned
by mysterious pulsing signals she detected coming from outside
After the smoke clears, the cameraman zooms in to the solar system. For months she suggested the signals could be
of an extraterrestrial intelligent origin, but they were later proven
shoot a close up view of the UFO, which looks unlike
to be rapidly spinning stars known as pulsars. However, a new
any known U.S. military drone. If the unidentified air- series of mysterious signals, known as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs),
craft is from outer space, it has come at the right time has again got astronomers scratching their heads and wondering
for the Westnern-backed government of Afghanistan. if, maybe, we’re picking up alien messages. FRBs are radio emis-
sions that appear temporarily and randomly, making them not
only hard to find, but also hard to study.
Most international troops are slated to withdraw at the end of the year, and there are fears that the Af-
ghan army and police are not ready to take over the job of securing the country. Despite a decade of war The mystery stems from the fact it is not known what could
since a U.S.-led coalition invaded Afghanistan and toppled the Taliban regime, it remains a crucible of ex- produce such a short and sharp burst. This has led some to specu-
late they could be anything from stars colliding to artificially
tremism, a place where women have few rights, and a major source for the international heroin trade. But
created messages. The first FRB was spotted, or rather ‘heard’ by
with possible alien intervention, it could be that a new era has finally begun for Afghanistan's embattled radio telescopes, back in 2007 - but it was so temporary and
people. Perhaps it is time to rename the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), to the Inter-Stellar seemingly random that it took years for astronomers to even
Assistance Force… agree it wasn’t a glitch in one of the telescope's instruments. The
signal, which lasted just five milliseconds, was named the Lorimer
burst after its discoverer, Duncan Lorimer. The radio emission was
PM Managing Editor - Steve Mera: ‘When I first saw this footage I was immediately suspicious of CGI ren- so dispersed, experts suggested it must have come from a great
dering over some authentic military footage. After checking through Youtube for some time, my suspicions distance away, possibly billions of light-years. But early estimates
were warranted. I found the very same footage shot in Iraq not Afghanistan and that the footage had been said there should be 10,000 of these events a day – so the fact
that another wasn’t discovered until 2012 was troubling.
mirrored and an obvious unknown object added in the sky afterwards. The original footage can be viewed
at: and the CGI UFO version can be viewed at: https://’

The real Blair Witch project? Terrified campers fled woods after hearing chill-
ing voice of child at 1.00am and capturing ghost like vision on their camera.
By Richard Spillett

Two women who went camping in the woods got the fright of their lives - after capturing what they believe
is a ghost on camera. Friends Lola Swan and Kate Channon set up camp in a dense woodland near Bristol
but say they became afraid of strange noises nearby. After fleeing home when they became too spooked
to see out the night, the pair noticed a ghostly figure on one of the photos they took. The 'ghost' is visible This was when data from the Parkes Radio Telescope in Australia
suggested it had heard another FRB, along with a handful of
in the woods behind the women's campsite, which they fled after hearing a child's voice speaking. others, but the fact that only Parkes had detected the signals had
some claiming these were merely instrument glitches. A recent
It wasn't until the fol- discovery, in April of this year, of an FRB using the giant radio dish
lowing morning when in Puerto Rico confirmed to astronomers that these signals are
indeed real – but they’re no closer to finding out an answer as to
Miss Swan, 28, flicked what they are.
through their pictures
of the night that she Theories so far include flaring stars, white dwarfs merging, neu-
noticed the apparition tron stars colliding and – most intriguingly – alien signals. ‘This
extraordinary finding either indicates an as yet unknown or un-
in the photo. She said: 'I usual astronomical phenomenon, or it could indicate that this is a
immediately threw the vast alien communication network, and the universe is teeming
phone to the ground. I with intelligent life forms,’ says Nigel Watson, author of the UFO
knew we were being Investigations Manual.

watched and that pic- ‘Every unusual signal from outer space encourages us to wonder
ture proves it. ' if it is from an alien civilisation. ‘Since this signal seems so elusive
and hard to interpret then this should be a candidate for further
During the night we heard the sounds of what can be only described as people walking around. Twigs and analysis. ‘It would be fantastic if this was an alien signal as the
knowledge that we are not alone in this vast universe would have
branches were cracking and breaking, like footsteps on the forest ground.' The pair were camping at Leigh a dramatic impact on our perception of our place in the scheme
Woods on the outskirts of their home city of Bristol on Monday when the photo was taken. The women set of things.'
up camp during the day but as night fell they say they began hearing strange noises and felt like they were
being watched. At one point Miss Channon, 24, whistled out - and was horrified when something whistled For now, however, FRBs remain very much a mystery. It will take
further studies and observations in future to truly determine
back. They say their hammer went missing during the trip and they heard a child's voice at 1am, which was where they come from, and what is causing them. Until then, it’s
'the final straw'. 'After midnight it all got too scary and, in our panic and fear, we packed up our tent and difficult to rule any particular theory out of the window.
got the hell out of there,' said Ms Swan. They have likened their experiences to the Blair Witch Project, the
1999 horror film which tells the fictional story of three students who disappear in woodland which legend
claims is haunted. Page 28
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Crop Circles: Further Findings
By Nancy Talbot

For a few days prior to his 34th birthday (May 7th) Robbert v/d Broeke had
the sense that something was about to happen. At home with Roy on the
night of the 7th he suddenly found himself remembering an incident in 2006
when he had been riding his motorbike late one night on the outskirts of Et-
ten Leur and had felt he was being “observed.” He had looked up and seen a
very large “UFO” directly over him, just above tree-top level (and more-or-
less keeping pace with him), which was so large its sides extended out past
the trees that lined both sides of the road. It was essentially disc-shaped,
with a slightly pointed top and Robbert perceived it to be both “organic” but
also made of some kind of metal...

Page 29
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Crop Circles: Further Findings
By Nancy Talbot

Suddenly the “UFO” had pulled out in front of him and landed in a big open Robbert went to bed immediately when he got home, but in the morning he
field about 75 ft. ahead, on the right side of the road. As Robbert reached the told his parents about the strange “dream” he had had the night before,
area he stopped in the middle of the road, adjacent to the “UFO,” which was about the UFO, the enormous creatures, and how very ancient and wise Rob-
sitting back in a bit from the road. He watched as a hatch and a ramp of some bert had felt they were. Although now Robbert was sure it had been a dream
kind opened up and two huge basically human-like figures (but between 4-5 his parents, who by 2006 had experienced many incredible events around
meters tall) emerged and “walked” down to the ground. Robbert themselves, were not so sure--and his father thought he and Robbert

The moonlight was bright enough so that Robbert could not only see how should go to the field to see what they might find. When they arrived they
incredibly tall the “creatures” were, but also that they had only one "large, found a huge flattened circle in the grass exactly where the UFO had landed in
soft brown” eye in the center of their foreheads (their eyes reminded him of Robbert’s “dream,” as well as what looked like multiple huge footprints in the
cows’ eyes, because they looked so gentle). One of the creatures stayed at grass between the circle and the edge of the road.
the bottom of the ramp, but the other started moving slowly toward Robbert.
Because the trees along the sides of the road blocked out the moon Robbert It was exactly this 2006 UFO field which now attracted Robbert’s attention
lost sight of this second figure for a few moments—until suddenly it was the night of May 7-8, 2014. He was certain something big was going to hap-
standing right on the edge of the road, only 2 meters away. This startled Rob- pen in this same place and, in his “mind’s eye,” he suddenly saw a huge ring
bert so much that, although he says he actually felt no threat at all, he imme- of light, in the middle of which was a large “light” circle. He also saw the “lay"
diately sped off toward his home. As he left he looked back and saw the UFO of the crop formation going down as many, many little “strips of light” flashed
fly back up into the sky and disappear. out just above the ground in the exact pattern he and Roy found only 20-30
minutes later when they reached this field, shortly after midnight.

Page 30
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Crop Circles: Further Findings
By Nancy Talbot

The huge 51m diameter outer ring is the widest of any that has been found in This formation is quite “cosmic” and Robbert felt a “presence” which immedi-
Robbert’s area. A very thin outer edge of this ring and the majority of the ately made him remember several encounters he has now had with what are
inside edge is all laid counter-clockwise. And there is a section of the grass all called “UMMO” beings (for details of his first encounter of this type see Parts
around the large ring which looks as if it has been “combed” out toward the 4 & 5 of the BLT Research “2012 Dutch Overview” report:
narrow outermost edge. As Robbert reached this wide outer ring he felt a
massive pressure pressing downward on his body—he describes it as both
“healing” and “transformative—an energy which can make new.”

As Robbert was telling me via Skype the details about this formation he had a
Dutch song playing, the title of which had something to do with “we will go
for it,” or “we will succeed with each other,” and Robbert said “there is com-
ing a big universe party.” I asked if I should give the link to the music he was
listening to since it seemed to be representative of the “message” of this cir-
cle and Robbert said, “yes,” so here it is:

For more information in English about Robbert and the ongoing phenomena
around him see detailed reports posted below Nancy’s introduction to his
case on the BLT website: For
more photos of this and other Dutch ccs and other information about Robbert
(in Dutch and also in many cases in English) see Robbert’s website:

In 2008 American parapsychologist Dr. William Roll spent some time with
Robbert and me in Holland, observing Robbert first-hand. As has everyone
else who has spent much time with Robbert, Dr. Roll also observed a wide
range of strange phenomena take place, much of which has bee presented in
previous BLT Reports:

When Roy went back to the field (which is a Nature Reserve) in the morning
to take photos the Forestry Guard there told him that he had been in this field
late the night before and had seen absolutely nothing unusual—that the for-
mation was not there then. This must have been very shortly before Robbert
and Roy arrived. It is not yet known if the field will be made open to the
public, so watch Robbert’s website for more info:

Page 31
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
Crop Circles: Further Findings
By Nancy Talbot

Inspired, I think, by Dr. Roll’s unambiguous recognition of the genuinely

anomalous nature of the events he witnessed around Robbert, I and Rob-
bert’s friend Stan decided to try a series of “Psi” experiments with Robbert
which—at first—were designed only to demonstrate Robbert’s “mind-
reading” capabilities.

As will be evident in our “Psi” Test Report, this experiment’s results illustrate When they arrived the field was very still and it turns out that the farmer who
MUCH MORE than Robbert's “mind-reading” abilities: owns this field is away, so at the moment nobody knows whether it’s OK to go
in the formation or not….but Robbert felt this formation can “transport” peo- ple. Very unusually for Robbert, he felt he must stay in this one for awhile. He
thinks he and Roy stayed for 2-3 hours and while sitting in it at one point he
Also, I have been asked to present a crop circle lecture at the national saw (visually) hundreds of tiny twinkling lights (“flitzes”) sparking all through-
“Annual Gathering” of North American MENSA members, which takes place at out the formation. At one point he felt he must go into the center where the
the Sheraton Boston Hotel, July 4th weekend. My lecture is scheduled for July two pathways cross and stand with his arms wide open along the directions of
4th (4:30pm - 5:45pm) in “Back Bay Ballroom A”. If you click on the MENSA the cross arms…he says he felt that his body was acting like an “acupuncture
ad on the BLT Home page it will take you to the MENSA website for more info point” and he could feel energy coming through him into the formation, and
(click on “Program” for details of my lecture as well as the dozens of others then felt as if the formation now had its “full energy.”
that will be presented during the convention.

On the night of May 19-20 Robbert had a “vision” while at home in which he
saw a “cross” formation being created by light—he saw the formation already
down in the field, but entirely made up of a beautiful “golden light” which he
says felt "holy.” Very soon afterward he also “saw” (in his "mind’s eye”) the
street name and knew that it was near the city of Roosendaal--although he
had never been to the field where he and Roy did find the formation after
about a 20-minute drive.

For more information in English about Robbert and the ongoing phenomena
around him see detailed reports posted below the introduction to his case on
the BLT website:

For more photos of this and other Dutch ccs and more info about Robbert (in
Dutch and also in many cases in English) see Robbert’s website:

Page 32
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:

I believe this document has huge implications not only for the Rendlesham Forest incident but Ufology in general: An absolutely MUST READ. - Steve Mera.

Page 33
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
We are pleased to announce the release date for our new project and
introduce you to Exopolitics magazine, a magazine dedicated to the pro-
gression of Ufology and the study of UFOs. Within its pages you will find
articles on many of the topics and themes that will come under the lens
at the Annual British Exopolitics Expo and the Extraterrestrial Communi-
cation Conference in the summer of 2014.

Exopolitics Magazine is a FREE e-magazine produced by Exopolitics Great

Britain. It contains all you will need to know about the two leading British
UFO conferences organised by Exopolitics Great Britain and will feature
articles by many of the conference speakers including: Robbie Graham,
Grant Cameron, Andrew Johnson, Anthony Beckett and many more...

Available in kindle, epub, pdf and variety of device formats from both and

Download it and share with your friends!

The publication Exopolitics Magazine is intended to provide support for

the work of Anthony and Rachel Beckett, the hosts of the British Exopoli-
tics Conferences since 2009, and to provide an platform for the UK's
exopolitics movement. The primary intention of the magazine is to raise
awareness of the issues and to provide necessary publicity to promote
the events.

Release date: 30 May 2014 Order your copy now! Visit:

'Alien' gargoyle on ancient Paisley Abbey...

A gargoyle on a historic 13th Century abbey has caused a social
media sensation with its resemblance to the monster from the
Alien films. A photograph of the gargoyle at Paisley Abbey, which
looks like one from the 1980s movie, has gone viral on Facebook
and Twitter. The Reverend Alan Birss said most of the gargoyles
were replaced during a refurbishment in the early 1990s..He
thinks that one of the stonemasons must have been having a bit
of fun.

Mr. Birss, minister at the abbey, said that 12 medieval gargoyles

which had been on the abbey for hundreds of years had to be
taken down in 1991 because they had "crumbled and were in a
very bad state". The purpose of the grotesque figures was to take
rain water away from the roof in the days before down pipes.

Just one of the original gargoyles was left outside the abbey to show how they would have looked, although there are
medieval grotesques inside the building. Mr. Birss said a stonemason from an Edinburgh firm was contracted to create
the new gargoyles. "I think it was a stonemason having a bit of fun," he said. "Perhaps the film was fairly new when they
were carving this and if he was thinking of an alien perhaps the alien from the film was his idea of an alien. "I'm sure he
wasn't deliberately copying the alien in the film. It was just a concept of an alien." Mr. Birss said an internet search
showed that someone had pointed out the similarity as far back as 1997. "But it obviously did not pick up and take off
then like it has now," he said.

Church officer Matthew McIntosh said: "It is a beautiful building. Paisley gets a bad press but the abbey is the jewel in
the crown. "People will be surprised and delighted by everything they see outside and inside." The gargoyles on the 850-
year-old abbey only date back to the 1990s. The stonemason created 12 new gargoyles...

Page 34
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
The Beginning of Electronic Voice Phenomena
By George Hanover

Recording devices have been

around so long that we tend to
think that they have always
been around. However, that
is not the case. Consumer
tape recorders didn't
become available until
the 1950s and they were
large reels. But as the
new devices made it to
the market, some people
found they did more
than they thought!

Page 35
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:
The Beginning of Electronic Voice Phenomena
By George Hanover

Once such person was a Swedish citizen named Friedrich Jurgenson. In 1959, How is it Done?
he was using his tape recorder to record bird calls in a forest. Alone in a quiet
forest, Jurgenson recorded a number of bird calls. It wasn't until he played It's really very simple. Start your recording device and ask questions. Give
back the tape that he got the shock of his life! time for an answer and then go on to the next question. Remember, it is very
unlikely you will hear anything until the recording is played back.
In addition to the bird sounds, there were human voices on the recording.
Keep in mind that there was no one around. But the biggest shock to him Tape devices work but digital devices also work. Either way, you will need to
was hearing his mother's voice call his name and then say, "Friedrich, you are put the recording into a computer with sound editing software. The old fash-
being watched." Jurgenson's mother had been dead for a number of years. ion way of course, was to listen to the recordings through headphones over
and over hoping to find an EVP. With a computer, you can see the sounds
Just to be sure he wasn't imagining things, Friedrich Jurgenson spent the next and when you find an EVP, enhance it. This wasn't possible in the old days.
four years with careful experimentation and recorded several thousand
voices. A Real Life Example

Although you can get an EVP in other places, areas where spirits are likely to
be located are places where many people died such as battlefields or old,
multigeneration homes where people lived and died at home. Cemeteries
are other possible sites.

A few years ago, I ran an EVP expedition during the afternoon at Cheatham
Hill Battlefield near Marietta, GA. This place is noted for paranormal activity.
Even so, in a couple of hours time, I only got two EVPs. One EVP said Help
and the other said Who are You?

Check out the voices and find out the story behind these EVPs. at:

EVP Goes Mainstream

In 1965, Dr. Konstantin Raudive, psychologist and author, visited Jurgenson

and together, they made a number of successful recordings. Returning to his
home in Germany on the edge of the Black Forest, Raudive began a research
project that resulting in cataloging and analyzing over 80,000 paranormal
voices with the help of fellow scientist and engineers.

When the task was completed, he wrote a book called, Breakthrough, which
inspired other investigators and amateurs to attempt spirit voice recording.
One well known English researcher was G. Gilbert Bonner who made many
thousands of recordings, some with extended dialog up to 30 minutes.

In about 90 minutes of taping, the length of two sides of a cassette tape,

those two sounds were the only unusual ones. I went back a couple of years
later and this time, I heard what sounded like artillery fire on the tape. It
faded in and out and was not audible when I was recording.


EVPs are an easy way to study the paranormal. The equipment is economical
and with persistence, you'll probably record paranormal sounds. It's just
another demonstration that there is more to reality than we consciously see
or hear.

Though there are numer-

Can Anybody Record EVPs? ous devices that can be
used for experiments in
I believe the answer is yes. It just takes time, patience and being in the right EVP capture, the earliest
place. The right place is where spirits are likely to be found. easiest form was a white
noise generator, or radio /
Patience means taking a lot of time and also, doing it on a consistent basis. TV units. Nowedays, more
sophisticated equipment
Another important factor is whether or not the spirits want to make an effort are often utilised such as
to say something to you. Some will ignore you, others can't get the energy digital mobile recorders.
necessary to affect the recording. With persistence and going places where
spirits are likely to be, such as a battlefield, you increase your chances of One of the best pieces of PC software available for the research of EVPs is
getting an EVP. Adobe Audition. Relatively easy to use with many many features...

Page 35
Phenomena Magazine: May 2014 - Issue 61:

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