Study EMG-Based Control of Exoskeleton Robots For Human Lower-Limb Motion Assist
Study EMG-Based Control of Exoskeleton Robots For Human Lower-Limb Motion Assist
Study EMG-Based Control of Exoskeleton Robots For Human Lower-Limb Motion Assist
movable range for safety. In addition, maximum torque of CH1:Tensor fasiae Itae Ch5:Gracilis
Ch2 Rectus fernoris Ch6Vastus medialis
the robot is limited by the hardware and the software for Ch3 Vastus lateralls Ch7 Biceps femoris
safety. Ch4:Adductor longus CHRSotnitpnendinosus
RAIf _[
N ,=0
V2 (1) ,it ,s
where vi is the voltage value at ith sampling and N is the Adductor longus fi, PS P.X,
propagation learning algorithm [ 1 ] - [3 ]. Rule 13: ch.6 is PB and ch.10 is PB and ch.13 is PS r2 is 1.5
the motions were assisted by the exoskeleton robot. to show that the robot is controlled under the motion
Furthermore, one can see that the robots hip and knee intention of the user. Fig. 9 shows the results of the second
angles were smoothly controlled. experiment with and without assist of the robot. Here, only
the result of EMG signal of ch.2 is presented as an example.
Region A and region B show the stopped positions. These
results show that the activity levels of the muscles were
reduced when the motions were assisted by the exoskeleton
robot. Furthermore, one can see that the robots hip and knee
angles were also smoothly controlled.
An EMG-based controller is designed to control an
Ch.2 Ch.6
exoskeleton robot for assisting physically weak person's
(a) Without assist
lower-limb motion. The effectiveness of the proposed
EMG-based controller for the power-assist of the lower-
limb motion was verified by experiment with a healthy
human subject.
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