Drama Lesson Plan

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10/25/16 Draft

Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template

Name: Mary Horvath Lesson Title: What does an animal act like?
Date: Grade Level: Preschool ECE PKSN
Cognitive Development and General Knowledge: Science Inquiry and Application – Inquiry: Make predictions.
Approaches Towards Learning: Expression of Ideas and Feelings Through the Arts: Express individuality, life experiences, and what they know and are
able to do through a variety of media.
Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Gather students together and ask what they already know about animal movement and see what answers they
can generate.

Objectives Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

Assessed Instructional Identify Evidence: Academic Language:

Objective(s) (1 per content A table with each prompt and the all the students listed will Monkey, lion, antelope, bear, butterfly, dolphin, polar
area): be made. For each prompt, the teacher can note either a 1 bear, fish, giraffe, cat, snake, slithering, crab, beach
The student will be able to (tried), 2 (was close but was definitely trying), or 3 (nailed
predict how an animal might act the movement) for each student. Procedural steps:
given a certain situation. 1. Have students spread out, remind them to be
Program Monitoring: safe with their bodies, and them tell them the
The student will be able to use If 90% of the class had 80% 2’s or 3’s for predicting the directions
their bodies to express their movements of animals, we can move on. If not, try another  Directions: We will be predicting animal
knowledge about animal activity involving animal movements. movements. For this activity, the teacher will
movement. If 80% of the class at least moved their bodies in a way of say a prompt (“For example, I might say,
expressing their knowledge, we can move on. If not, we “You are a dog sticking out its tongue) then
Assessed Developmental can work on body expression and gestures. the students are going to do their best to act
Skill: out what they think that would look like (The
The student will be able to Differentiation: teacher would further the demonstrating by
control their body movements For a student who has a physical disability, a teacher can sticking out their tongue). After a few
without hurting the environment move them around or help with any movements they can seconds, I will ask you to stop then we will
or those around them. do. watch a quick video to see if you were right.
If a student has little control over their hands, the teacher (Take any questions)
Safety Considerations: can move the objects to their hands for them to hit or they 2. Give the students the prompts one at a time
Students not being spatially can kick it with their feet. (prompts and links to videos given below).
aware and hurting themselves For a student who has a hard time speaking English, show 3. After they have a few seconds to try the
or others. pictures of the animals and the action they are doing to try movement, the teacher will ask students to stop
and help them formulate the situation. and be quiet while we watch the video.
Provide sentence stems for students who struggle to talk 4. After all ten questions are asked, the class can
about their experience for the discussion. discuss the animal movements (What was
easiest, what was hardest, what was weird for
human bodies, what they were expecting versus
reality, etc.)
10/25/16 Draft

Authentic Materials:
anything in the area students might use as props during
the movement – up to their discretion!

Adult Roles:
Give directions.
Give the prompts and show the videos
Take observational notes and anecdotal records to record
data and common themes
Help students with disabilities move if needed.
Provide sentence stems and/or as appropriate, thought-
provoking questions to help students make observations.

You are a monkey peeling a banana.

“Monkey Peeling Banana!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFG8N-2cvrg
Start at 10 seconds
You are a lion chasing an antelope.
“Lion Attack and Eat Antelope - Animal Fighting | ATP Earth” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm_ClWrOt-c
Start at beginning
You are a black bear climbing a tree.
“Black Bear climbs very high in tree” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUhkpqKpdo0
Start at 38 seconds
You are a butterfly eating nectar from a flower.
“Monarch butterfly eating nectar in flowers” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkbrcySYUNg
Start at beginning
You are a dolphin coming up for air.
“A Showy Dolphin Super-Pod | Destination WILD” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY7g1JCfRgk
Start at 5 seconds
You are a polar bear catching a fish.
“How can a Polar Bear catch fish in North Pole?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8LgeYNnNDM
Start at 1:10
You are a giraffe eating leaves from a tall tree.
“Giraffe feeding on Acacia Tree - Filmed by Greg Morgan” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwRomcVuAb8
Start at beginning
You are a cat stretching its back.
“Ultimate compilation of stretching cats” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5k1q0YUoYQ
Start at beginning
You are a snake slithering in the grass.
10/25/16 Draft
“Terrifying: The Venomous Sidewinder Snake Slithers at 18 MPH” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3NbPUTD5qA
Start at 1:05
You are a crab crawling on the beach.
“Watch them run! Googly-eyed crabs at sunrise, Montego Beach, Mozambique” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srRAQBLVlKw
Start at 55 seconds

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