Drama Lesson Plan
Drama Lesson Plan
Drama Lesson Plan
Name: Mary Horvath Lesson Title: What does an animal act like?
Date: Grade Level: Preschool ECE PKSN
Cognitive Development and General Knowledge: Science Inquiry and Application – Inquiry: Make predictions.
Approaches Towards Learning: Expression of Ideas and Feelings Through the Arts: Express individuality, life experiences, and what they know and are
able to do through a variety of media.
Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Gather students together and ask what they already know about animal movement and see what answers they
can generate.
Authentic Materials:
anything in the area students might use as props during
the movement – up to their discretion!
Adult Roles:
Give directions.
Give the prompts and show the videos
Take observational notes and anecdotal records to record
data and common themes
Help students with disabilities move if needed.
Provide sentence stems and/or as appropriate, thought-
provoking questions to help students make observations.