1) The document provides a lesson plan template for a preschool movement circle activity.
2) The objectives are for students to control their body movements, copy peer movements, and keep themselves safe.
3) Assessment involves observing students' ability to coordinate movements and copy peers, with 80-90% success criteria to determine if more practice is needed.
1) The document provides a lesson plan template for a preschool movement circle activity.
2) The objectives are for students to control their body movements, copy peer movements, and keep themselves safe.
3) Assessment involves observing students' ability to coordinate movements and copy peers, with 80-90% success criteria to determine if more practice is needed.
1) The document provides a lesson plan template for a preschool movement circle activity.
2) The objectives are for students to control their body movements, copy peer movements, and keep themselves safe.
3) Assessment involves observing students' ability to coordinate movements and copy peers, with 80-90% success criteria to determine if more practice is needed.
1) The document provides a lesson plan template for a preschool movement circle activity.
2) The objectives are for students to control their body movements, copy peer movements, and keep themselves safe.
3) Assessment involves observing students' ability to coordinate movements and copy peers, with 80-90% success criteria to determine if more practice is needed.
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10/25/16 Draft
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template
Name: Mary Horvath Lesson Title: Movement Circle!
Date: Grade Level: Preschool ECE PKSN Standard(s)/Guideline(s): Approaches Towards Learning: Initiative, Initiative and Curiosity: Seek new and varied experiences and challenges (takes risks). Physical: Motor Development, Large Muscle: Demonstrate locomotor skills with control, coordination and balance during active play (e.g., running, hopping, skipping). Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Have students listen to music and dance and see what movements the students are able to do to see if they take a risk and do a new move during the lesson.
Objectives Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience
Objective(s) (1 per content The teacher not participating in the activity will keep Movement, dance, try area): anecdotal records and observations of what the students The student will be able to can and cannot do with their bodies. (For example, if Procedural steps: control the movements they students can balance on one leg.) (Give instructions as a whole group) make with their bodies (i.e. 1. Students will stand in a circle. Keeping balance, spatial Program Monitoring: 2. The teacher will start and do a movement (spin in awareness, etc.) If 90% of the class could coordinate their movements, we a circle, pretend to swim, hop on one leg, etc.) can move on. If not, we will do another activity with large 3. Students will be told to copy the movement. The student will be able to try motor skills to strengthen these muscles and neural 4. Going in a clockwise direction, the next student and copy the movements of connections. will choose a different movement, encouraged to their peers even if difficult. If 80% of the class could copy (or try to) the movement of do something challenging. others, we will move on. If not, we will try another follow the 5. The rest of the group will try and copy. Assessed Developmental leader activity and provide assistance to help scaffold this 6. This will continue until every student has gone. Skill: learning. 7. Students talk about which movements were they The student will be able to keep most challenging to copy. themselves and their Differentiation: classmates safe even while For a student who might not have a physical handicap, they Authentic Materials: doing movement activities. can try to mimic the movements in a way that works for their None (maybe something that plays background music) body. Safety Considerations: For students who have trouble seeing and might not be able Adult Roles: Students lacking spatial to see the movements of their peers as well, they can have Give directions. awareness and hurting others. a teacher or a peer describe the movements to them. Take observational notes and anecdotal records to record data and common themes Provide sentence stems and/or as appropriate, thought- provoking questions to help students make observations.