HTH 367 Nur Alia Najihah Binti Asmadi (2020625872)
HTH 367 Nur Alia Najihah Binti Asmadi (2020625872)
HTH 367 Nur Alia Najihah Binti Asmadi (2020625872)
(HTH 367)
1 Organizational profile
4 Microenvironment
5 Macroenvironment
8 Market positioning
9 Product life-cycle
10 Promotion
Mandy Chew Siok Cheng
(Operation Manager)
Jonas Ong
(General Manager)
Ben Ho Chang Peng
(Senior Manager)
(Art Director)
(Director of Engineering)
Lexis Suites Penang was incorporated under Lexis Hotels and Resorts. Lexis Hotels and Resorts
was established back in 1995. Then, Kl Metro Group which a property developer planned to
officially open Lexis Suites Penang in 10 June 2016. Lexis Suites Penang create their name
successfully and winning a lot of award in hospitality industry, one of them is World Luxury Hotels
Awards 2017. It is because of its uniqueness that can attract the guest to come over Lexis Suites
Penang. The difference was the hotel private pool in every room. It is the first hotel that have
private pool in the Pearl of the Orient. Other than that, Lexis Hotels and Resorts Group also have
another branches for examples Lexis Port Dickson and the newest one was Lexis Imperial. This
can be proved that Lexis Hotels and Resorts already create their own name in hospitality industry
in Malaysia.
1. To build up the Group to a leading level regionally and internationally.
2. To deliver a unique and memorable hospitality experience of international standard that
turns every guest into repeated business.
1. Practice efficient and prudent management in a professional manner without compromising
quality, to ensure optimum returns for owners as our key priority.
2. Commit to provide superior services and exceptional guests’ experience at all time as our
key priority.
3. Maintain transparency, integrity, honesty, and care in all our business dealing.
4. Foster teamwork and cooperation among team members who are committed provide the
resources and drive to get the job done, resulting in a seamless and successful effort from
all involved towards achieving personal and corporate goals.
5. Seek and implement innovative and creative ideas to face all challenges and meet the
expectations of owners and investors.
6. Implement sustainable programs by promoting and adopting responsible environmental
7. Provide care for the community by engaging in corporate social responsibility activity.
i. Provide a family friendly hotels and also a breath taking view of the ocean.
ii. Provide an elegant service by offering a warm and grace in our own definite ways.
iii. Placed at prime location in Malaysia which one of the most attractive places in this country.
Other than that, our hotel offers a lot of accommodation to cheer up our guests. For
examples, bar and recreation center that placed in 8th floor.
iv. After that, our hotel also easy to access especially for the senior citizen who is a wheelchair
rider. It is because this hotel suitable for all ages. In addition, Lexis Suites Penang also
provide a bedroom for disabled person.
v. Prides itself in providing hospitality management services for the development and
operations of hospitality related industries such as wellness spa and golf course.
- Tangibility
Tangibility is a service or product that we can see and touch it. It is showed by the technical
appearance of the hotel or certain products that the guest can touch and sense it. One of the
example of this product is the recreation’s tool that the guest can play and experienced it by
- Intangibility
It is one of the elements that we cannot feel, see and touch it. It is senseless and it only
can be experienced once the guest purchased it. The feedback or compliment can be get
after the guest received the service. This is can called as tangible product evidence. It can
be defined by the ways of the service that we offered to our guest as an example. Other
than that, it can be simplify as they do not have a physical appearance and existence.
- Inseperability
For this type of service or product, the service provider and receiver cannot be separate.
Both of them must be in place when the service is being provided. The relation between
them are the part of the product. They need to know the process that will be carried out.
For example, the guest that attend a fine dining restaurant need to know the menu of that
day and also the flow of the service. So that, they can predict the process that they
received later.
- Variability
Variability will be need to be a questioned who, when, where and how. All of the question
will be answered by the person who provide the product or a service. All the service will be
produced and consumed simultaneously. During the period of demand, product deliver is
difficult to make due to the fluctuating demand. Product consistency depends on the service
provider’s skills and performance at the time of exchange are the meaning of the high
degree of contact between the service provider and the guest.
Managing consistency
1) Invest in good hiring and training procedures
The importance of the good workers and training is the things that we need to be
determined and emphasized. The company need to hiring or recruiting the right
employee based on its experienced. Other than that, they also must provide a good
training for employees who is highly skilled workers and low skilled workers. It is
because no one will miss and left out. Personnel exhibit of the worker or service
provider must be neat and well trained. The six characteristics of the personnel exhibit
are Competence (skill and knowledge), Courtesy (friendly, respectful and
considerate), Credibility (trustworthy), Reliability (service consistently and accurately)
and Responsiveness (respond quickly).
- Perishability
Perishability in marketing industry known as the property company of service thst cannot be
stored for later use. The meaning of that is the service provider must manage the capacity
and demand if they want to maximize revenue. It is because the service provider cannot
bring forward the unsold inventory. They must have followed the management strategies for
service businesses down below:
o CRM will help to produce trustworthy and good reporting.
o CRM help to improve customers service to be better.
o Assist to increase sales.
Microenvironment is the environment that can called and referred as an environment that directly
contact with a company. Microenvironment can affect the business routine activities right away.
It can influence the companies’ performance because it directly bears on the firm’s regular routine
activities. But, the fact is microenvironment will not affect the company operation. The elements
of microenvironment are existing competitors, suppliers and marketing intermediaries.
Competitor is one of the most things that the company keep worry about. The rival sellers
that operating in the operating in the same level of industry are the meaning of competitors.
When the company produce the same product as us but in a cheaper price, the consumer
will automatically choose that product. So, to prevent this issues happen we must take
note about the nature and the environment around us. We can use Product Differentiation
as we can see it is because we can do some new innovative to differentiate our product.
But, in adjusting our marketing we must focus on needs and wants of the consumers. The
existing competitors can be identified and closely observe. It is because we can see it
clearly from the markets. As a marketer, we must adapt to the need of the target market
and also adapt to the strategies of other companies or called as our rival.
There are four level of competitions that every company must be faced. First and
foremost, it is companies that offer similar service to the same customers at a similar.
Furthermore, companies that make the same product or class of products. After that,
companies that supply the same service. Last but not least, companies that compete for
the same consumer dollars.
To give the examples of the competitors for Lexis Suites Penang are Hard Rock Hotel,
Mercure Hotel, Golden Sands Hotel, Olive Tree Hotel who provide the same product and
service same as the hotel.
Suppliers is one of the person we need to make sure the operation going smoothly.
Suppliers are the one who provide a company the inputs like raw materials, stocks and
more. The firm’s position and its capabilities can be change by the suppliers. Relationship
between firm and its supplier called as power equation. Suppliers can be affected the
business and marketing plan if short order and price of goods goes up.
First and foremost, the supplier in Lexis Suites Penang is Arabica Estate. Arabica Estate
is one of the company that produce and the major producer in roasted bean in Penang.
Other than that, Sofresh is for chilled juice and it has been use in many companies for
example airlines, hotels and restaurants. After that, the main producer for alcoholic
beverages for Lexis Suites Penang is Carlsberg Company. It has been used at Satellite
Bar, Banquet and Karaoke Lounge. It is depending on customers’ request.
Marketing intermediaries
Marketing intermediaries known as a connection between manufacturers and
consumers in product distribution. Marketing intermediaries is a firm that help a company
to promote and sell its product. It is also can give benefit to the manufacturers because
they can reduce the distribution cost. Marketing intermediaries can be defined as
wholesaler, retailer, agency or broker.
In marketing intermediaries, there are two types that we can class it. Firstly, marketing
service agencies who help a company to formulate and implement marketing strategies.
It can be seen in public relations, direct mail houses and agencies. Second is financial
intermediaries. The main uses of this is to help company to finance their company. For
example, bank, credit companies and also insurance company.
Competitive forces are a forces the unpredictable in hospitality industry. The meaning of
competitive factors is the competition between companies who produce the same service or
product to a target market. The ability of companies to enter and exit markets are the two forces
to that affect competition. First and foremost, entry barriers prevent firms from getting into a
business. Exit barriers is to prevent them from leaving. Restaurant industry is one of the industry
that we can see as low barriers to entry. It is because due to the costs of building a hotel and the
scarcity of good location.
Furthermore, economic factors, it is referred to buying power in market. It also referred to the
external economic factor that consumer and business is influence to buying habits. The
performance of the company will be affected. The global economy is global economic dealings
such as currency exchange rates, have a large impact on travel and tourism across the world.
Not only that, natural environment also included in the elements of macrenvironment. Natural
environment divided to two categories which are natural renewal and natural non-renewalable
resources. The example of natural renewal are plants and trees, waters, marine and agriculture
product. The natural non-renewal are the natural gas, coal, gas oil and minerals. We as a user
must be involved in protecting the environment and ensuring sustainability of our nature.
Technological factor is the most dramatic force. Technology given us wireless access to the
internet in shaping our destiny. Creating a new technology and create new product as a result,
are the related factors. Other than that, technological factor is referred as a material and
technology that needed in a company. It is to make sure the company products and services will
be produced also the operation will run smoothly. It can be example of in term of computerized
system, key card that are used and internet. All of the term will give a big impact in hospitality
industry. As a marketer, we need to watch closely and make sure we are up to date so that,
marketer will not leave out and adapt with it. It also helps us from our competitors in term of
Political forces are clarifying in laws, government agencies and pressure groups. In society, it
gave influence and limit the activities of individuals and organizations. The example of political
trend in marketing is the expansion of legislation and regulation that affected the business.
Moreover, the alteration in government Agency Enforcement. Lastly, the rise in emphasis on
socially responsible behaviors and ethics.
Last but not least, institution and other forces that affect society’s basic values, perceptions,
preferences and behaviors are the cultural environment. The basic beliefs and values of its
members are shaping by the society. There are two cultural characteristics that can affect the
marketing decision. Firstly, persistence of cultural values and second is subcultures. This refers
to the group of people who is experienced common life and shared values systems.
- The guests are segmented by class them based on their personality, beliefs, lifestyles, social
class, interest, attitude and values. Other than that, customers’ segmentation is the process
where the customers are divided into groups. It is based on their common character. So
that, the company can market depending on each group. By segmenting, a company, can
identify their potential buyers, choosing their own customers or buyers to chase after and
create the value of them as a target.
- Groups of tourist
As we know, Penang is favorite place among the tourist from all countries. One of the choice
of place to stay is Lexis Suites Penang. There are tourists from certain common countries
such as Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Australia, France and many more. Some of them come
here to enjoy their honeymoon and some of them come here to enjoy the nature of Malaysia.
- Groups Event
Lexis Suites Penang also offered the facilities to make an events. The events will be
accepted if requested by the guest and the event can be categorized as wedding, seminars,
launching party and many more. The events will be held at the grand ballroom named as
The Hibiscus Grand Ballroom. The ballroom can fit the capacity of 380 people and above.
This one of the way to increase the hotel profit and also the hotel reputation. As for sure,
the guest who treated well will come again to held another function and it will increase the
hotel’s revenue.
- Groups of Family
The groups of family are some family members who come to hotel as a leisure guest. Other
than that, they also can be classed as a family traveler. It is also included the new married
couples who come to enjoy their honeymoon. In Lexis Suites Penang, they offered the
honeymoon packages. Other than that, they also offered some recreation activities at level
8 in that hotel. It is very peak in every weekend because there is a lot of family members
there. The recreation activities are suitable for every age and gender. For kids, they can
play at Kidzoonia which is an indoor playground. The capacity and the size of the room in
that hotel offered a very comfortable suite for families. It will give comfort to all family
members and make them enjoy their memorable moments together.
Lexis Suites Penang already create their own name in the world. It is because of its own
uniqueness. For product life cycle to this hotel is the hotel still on growth stage and still growing
itself on market. It is because the sales of the rooms are rapidly rising by months. By that cause,
the profits will also be rising as well. This will make the competitors open their eyes and followed
all the Lexis’s footsteps. The competition between each companies will be more intense and will
be such a burden to some hotels. If that happen, the price will go down and it can cause some
specifics product become more competitive. After that, the pandemic forced our hotel to closed
and stop operating some of the activities. It can be defined as Sky Terrace and some of the
recreation activities. It dropped our profit because some of them is an attractive place which can
attract the customers.
The promotion that we used to promote the hotel is advertising. Advertising is an any paid form
of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.
The advertising can be seen in many platforms such as social media. We promote our beloved
hotel on social media by using Instagram, Facebook and others. Other than that, the voucher has
been applied and it given to the customers. The example of the vouchers are Ideal Fitri, Shopee
voucher that needed to redeem it on Shopee app. After that, we also used direct marketing to
promote the hotel on its own official website. The guest or customers can gain the information
and all the promotion that have been held just by click it on the website. In addition, we also used
self-promotion. The self-promotion is doing by its own workers. For examples our Director of
Sales, Mr. Lee promoting that hotels by his own. The other example is our General Manager, Mr.
Benho going to Dubai to promote Lexis Suites Penang there.
For my own opinion and point of view, I think Lexis Suites Penang using the right methods to
promote their hotel to global. It is because all the things they do is up to date and easy to access
(accessible) without need to go to the reception. Lastly, they used all the promoting tools depends
on their ability to attract all the people from each country.
- Micros
- Nanogate
- Tasks
- Abevoys