The Lean Body Blueprint 2018

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The Lean Body

Learn how to manage your nutrition very simply so that you
can get on with the important things in life

Tom Blackman
Performance Nutritionist
The Lean Body Blueprint
How to plan out your perfect fat loss diet with minimal effort for
dramatic reductions in your waistline

Hello random person

My name is Tom

You may or may not know me.

I am a Performance Nutritionist
In a former life, I got shredded for bodybuilding shows.
Now I help people lose body fat and look better for a living.
I also help people with disordered eating, PCOS and pre diabetes to
overcome their issues and develop a great relationship with food.

Ba (hons) CISSN DipISSN

I’m incredibly good at what I do

Mainly because I make complex nutrition science REALLY easy for people to understand and
follow, to transform their bodies and improve their knowledge.

I've had some EPIC fails when I've been dieting myself.

Generally, these manifest in a super huge binge on food.

I've dieted for contests only to screw up things last minute,

by allowing my brain to convince me that a Choc Magnum
will somehow benefit me on show day.

I like eating,
“Tom is an amazing coach he is so
I'm generally NOT good at knowledgeable in every aspect from
dieting unless I follow some training to diet.” - Kim
simple rules which I’ve detailed in
the next few pages to help you with your diet planning.

I use these methods successfully with clients every day

If you apply these to your own diet and fat loss plan.
“I have learnt so much about You will definitely see a change in your progress for the better
nutrition from him and he has
changed my life for the better” -

Each idea comes with a short video to help you with the information.
Just click on the picture to play it
1. Don’t over restrict your calories
Before I spent £5k on my education I was a bit of a bro.
(Bro’s are like the quack doctors of fitness)

I used to just pick a number of grams of food then just do

more cardio or eat less food until I got what I wanted on
the scales or in the mirror.

Granted I felt like garbage most of the time but results

matter, no pain no gain, and so on.

Generally people don't know how many calories to eat.

Which is why they just eat as little as possible
in the hope that weight loss happens.

It does of course but then you're crazy hungry,

a generally angry person cos you can't eat nice stuff,
then you end up binging and ruining all the hard work you’ve done in the day or week.

How to work out a number of calories you can eat to lose weight

1. An easy way to do this is to take your bodyweight in kg and multiply by

24 if you are a male 22 if you are a female

e.g. a 100kg male would need 2400 calories a day

2. Then split those calories over 4-5 meal ‘blocks’

So this would be about 480 calories per meal for the example above – (2400/5)

3. Blocking the calories into meals this way this way allows you to have a certain control
over your meals.

4. Use the back of food labels or a food tracking app like My Fitness Pal to determine the
calories in your foods and keep track of how many calories you’ve eaten

5. If you have more than 2 stone that you want to lose you may need to adjust your
calories down a bit so take away 100 calories for every stone over 2 that you want to
lose e.g. a 100kg male above who wants to lose 3 stone (21kg) would need to reduce
his calories by a further 1-200 to give 2200-2300 calories target

It really DOESN’T matter when you eat your food during the day
As long as you stay at or below your calories you’ll lose weight
2. Unnecessary elimination of food groups

“Carbs cause fat gain”

Hey, let's just cut out carbs.

“Hold on, fat causes fat gain.”

No problem. Cut out fats.

Ok just eat protein, veg and some dust.


Good luck with that diet,

but we've all done it at some point

Cutting out stuff for no real reason other than someone on the TV or Instagram got ripped
doing it and according to Gossip Weekly it’s the revolutionary new THING!

End result, you hate it because you like eating bread too much or you just can't do without
your bacon or ice cream. Or Pizza.

You end up binging. Like I do. On all the stuff you cut out.

Work out the foods that you really CAN'T live without then add those to
your diet and build the remaining calories around them

1. Eating foods that you actually like will allow you to stick to the diet better.

2. Eliminating food for no good reason other than ‘it’s bad’ just makes it more desirable.

3. You’re human, you’re weak. Stack the carbs/cards in your favour.

4. Normally ‘nice’ foods like cake, chocolate etc will not fill you up as much so if you add
them to your diet make sure you accept that you may be more hungry as a result

5. If you decide to snack on something then don’t eat from the packet, instead pour into a
bowl so that you set yourself a natural limit rather than when it’s all gone

6. Remember a diet is something that you want to be able to follow long term or it’s
pointless doing it, trying to stick with something you hate always ends in failure.

You can eat carbs and still burn fat just fine if you are within your calories
Eating more fat does not make you burn more BODY FAT
3. Learn Portion Control
Studies done on 'real people' show that when people are
asked to estimate calories in a meal
They UNDER estimate the calories in food.

Think about that, then think…

There are a lot of new age 'trendy' diets that

advocate NOT calorie counting.

In essence they don't tell you how much to eat of some, or all of the foods on the diet
or they give you a subjective amount such as a handful or cup.

I've got small hands, almost like a small girl, it's pitiful

But what if you're a small women with MASSIVE hands?

That handful may be more than you need.

Some programs have guidelines that eliminate portion control.

• Eat unlimited pasta

• Bananas – ok if it’s whole but not mashed????
• Recipes with over 700 calories in are OK because they are ‘healthy’
• Slimming World yoghurt scandal anyone? Free then suddenly not free?

No guidelines on portions just crack on regardless.

Without portion control to contain your eating and being left to your own devices you're more
likely to overeat even if you do try and limit your food by yourself via ‘intuitive eating’ or some
other trendy hip thing that is doing the rounds.

Even if you do it only once, measure out your portions for each meal in
relation to your calorie limits that you worked out earlier.
This gives you an idea of how much is right to eat for YOU

Portion control definitely works for my clients.

“The main results for me were getting a better understanding of what to eat and when.
knowing that I can eat good size portions and on a regular basis” - Matt

“Once you get in to it & understand portions it is very easy to follow” - Pat

When you are hungry you will put more food on your plate than you need
No food is really ‘free’ of calories and healthy foods can be the most
calorie dense eg avocados, nuts
4. Compensation Eating
You've been a good dieter today

You've eaten all your diet food and you've done some cardio.
You may have just done a gruelling Spin workout
(If you have then respect as I can't do 5 minutes of Spin.)
You may have gone on an extra long walk with your dog

Whatever you've done today 'extra'

you think you deserve a reward.
After all, you've burned a ton of extra calories. Right?

So let’s have a piece of cake, or a few biscuits

The problem is…..

You know how people UNDER estimate calories in food?
Well they also OVER estimate the exercise they've done

So before long you've actually undone all that hard work for today.

Always stick to the limits you set yourself with food

1. You’ve done more than your quota?

Awesome that means you lose weight/fat faster. WIN

2. You’ve not eaten all the food you have allocated yourself?

GREAT, save it for another day when you need it.

I call this technique ‘banking and borrowing’ in my fat loss group.

3. There will be days that you overeat due to life events

Don’t do it deliberately unless it’s part of a wider plan. For example, you can eat less on
Monday so that you can have your takeaway on a Friday night. This is a good plan

Rewarding yourself with a treat because you worked hard is not a good plan.
You’re not a dog, you don’t need treats when you’ve been a good boy/girl

Think Average – It’s the average of calories over the week that matters
to fat loss not the calories you eat in just one day.
Eat less one day to eat more the next
5. Not Planning to Fail
Ok this sounds a bit defeatist but be honest.
When has your life ever been peachy every day of the year?

Every day presents us with challenges,

sometimes those challenges are more stressful.

• You have meetings that overrun

• You are late picking up the kids from school
• That colleague at work that winds you up does it especially well

Then you miss a meal or forget to eat and all of a sudden

you're starving hungry and need to eat something, anything
oh look the free donut box at work. Yummy.

Life happens and being prepared for it can be useful

Accepting that things have gone off track

then getting back on track ASAP means the impact is low

That way you've not really failed at all

You've succeeded at flexible dieting

Plan to have 'junk' in your diet.

Then you'll not feel the need to binge as much
Plus you'll have a 'stress day' meal already prepared.

1. Plan to have at least one junk meal a week

2. You don’t have to have it

3. But if you KNOW you can have it then it will make NOT having it a CHOICE not a forced

‘If this, Then’ planning

Have a plan for when you fail.

It will definitely help you prevent binging episodes and regain control.

‘If people bring in free donuts at work and I can’t resist them I will cut the donut in half and
throw the rest in the bin or split it with someone to satisfy my desire for the donut’

Have an ‘If this..Then’ plan for when things go wrong

Then it’s your choice what you do rather than events forcing you to deviate
Summary of points

Work out your

calorie deficit

Split those calories

into 5 blocks

4 meals
2 Snacks (1 meal)

Make a list of foods

you like

Make meals/snacks
from the foods

Balance the meals

to the calories

Eat those meals

Repeat till your

jeans fit
How can I help you further?
Free stuff for everybody

I love my job and I’m always willing to answer general questions from people regarding
nutrition. I have a number of free resources that you can use to help you further that I provide
completely free of charge.

All I ask is that if they help you could you share them with your friends. My aim is to help
improve the lives of 100,000 people and rid the world of charlatans that just want to con
people out of their cash.

Free Week of Coaching – The Target Lean Challenge

Periodically I run free challenge weeks to help educate people on how to effectively diet
without necessarily counting calories. It’s a few simple tasks that you can do easily every day
and doesn’t involve anything complex.

These challenges run every few months and are completely free so make sure you follow my
social media to be kept informed of the next one. Alternatively email me and I can add you to
the registration list for the next challenge.

Free Short Videos and Media articles

I also post videos on my You Tube and Facebook profiles and short videos on my Instagram.
These sometimes will be live videos that you can ask questions while I’m live so that you can
get instant answers.

Click on any of the icons below to access my social media profiles

Free Nutrition Club Emails

Each week I send out an email to my nutrition club, if you are reading this blueprint then you
are most likely subscribed to the list already so if you are happy to get the occasional email
about my services as well as the weekly nutrition email you don’t need to do anything. My
Nutrition Club also gets first look at new How To guides and Free products I release.

Free Nutrition Podcast – The Prep Podcast

I run a podcast on nutrition and training with my friend Paul. We cover all sorts of topics and
we regularly answer listener questions. Just a word of warning. We sometimes swear and the
discussions can go off tangent as conversations tend to do.

Search – Prep Radio on iTunes, Spotify or Stitcher or you can listen on the website
My core services
I hope that you’ve had a lot of value from this blueprint
If you have 2 minutes I’d like to tell you about what I do for a living

My Exclusive package is a one to one personal

coaching service to get you from where you are to
where you want to be as fast as possible.

Losing weight or building more muscle tone for a beach

holiday or other event. Or just you’re tired of looking
the way you are and you know you can be better with
the right help. Everything is tailored to you with
bespoke diets and lifestyle adjustments with regular
meetings to keep you on track

Improve your body and understanding of nutrition so

that you improve your confidence and feel great
applying your motivation to change in the right way

The Target Lean programme is my flagship

product for weight loss

Since 2016 we’ve helped hundreds of people learn how

to shed weight and regain the confidence and enjoyment
of food while breaking their addiction and reliance on
diet programs.

We teach you how to manage your snacking cravings

and to plan ahead for big events so that you live your
life without guilt and hardship of being on a ‘diet’

The program gives you a tailored calorie balanced diet

menu where you pick your own foods. We also show
you how to eat out and enjoy food that is not allowed on
other mainstream programs

Target Lean incorporates all the factors I’ve talked about

in the blueprint which is why I know if you can follow
the ideas in the blueprint you will definitely lose weight

The only difference is that I do everything for you in

Target Lean in terms of working out all your foods and

We also go deeper into mental strength coaching to

manage your cravings and your emotional Muncher
Brain – A sample of this is available in my Snack Attack
Help Guide for free.

To show I’m not spinning you a yarn here’s what actual clients say about working with me

Nathan – Exclusive Client

“Before working with Tom results were slow.
Little if any change from week to week leading half hearted
gym sessions and poor structure.

I’d previously tried doing early morning cardio sessions

"fasted" or so I thought. Plus attempting diets restricting
certain foods.

Best thing about working with Tom was no cardio

No sit ups and being able to enjoy food without being too restrictive.

My knowledge regarding dieting has become a lot broader.

Tom makes it very simple to understand. No magic gadgets or gizmos just basic techniques.”

See what clients say about us

Hazel – Exclusive Client
I am now in control...not my demons,

“I had an eating disorder since the age of 18 and so

I struggled to eat enough and punished myself with
extreme cardio / hit if I felt I had overeaten.

I trained more than 7 times a week (2 times a day in

some instances) and was in a major deficit and
burning out constantly because of it.

I had spent time with doctors, other PTs, nutritionists

(hospital) and Psychologist to help with my mental
illness but I kept coming back off track due to certain
life triggers and went 1 step forwards and 10 back.

Tom’s knowledge is invaluable but so is his approach,

I now know if I stick to plan my body will respond in the right way. I have with Tom's help re-
trained my brain to understand that I need the food all foods and no food is bad, I just have to
be consistent and stick to my required calories,

If I had over eaten previously or had a "bad food day" I use to head straight for the cardio and
stay there until I felt if I have gone over my calories I don't stress I just adjust my
intake as needed over the course of that day/week or adjust my cardio slightly to get back into
a deficit but avoid cardio if possible, I always head straight to the weights rack these days!

he is very easy to talk to and confide in and this helps a lot. I have a very crazy brain when it
comes to food and exercise and where I have had the illness for so long it was hard to snap
out of it. But Tom has retrained my brain to the point now that if any of my old triggers appear
Tom’s voice pops up and argues with my demons and 9/10 wins of course I have had a few
blips but soon turned those negatives back into positives very quickly.

I never thought I would feel happy in my skin ever!

I used to always hate having pictures taken where you could see skin and would never take
pictures willingly and share them on social media but now I am other girl’s inspirations.

I have had so many compliments it really was not expected and when someone says I want
your body I still think hmmm my body could be better but when I look back and compare and
see what I have achieved I can now say I have some body confidence!”

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