Incident Management Policy and Procedure Checklist
Incident Management Policy and Procedure Checklist
Incident Management Policy and Procedure Checklist
Complaints Management
You have a process in place to identify when a formal internal investigation of an incident
is required, and the nature of the investigation. This includes to explore in more detail why
an incident occurred and steps to prevent it reoccurring
You have identified factors that may initiate an investigation include when police are
involved, (Note, an internal investigation should not commence until the police have
completed their enquiries) a mandatory report is required (including reportable incident),
a notifiable report or an incident which could lead to potential litigation. Internal
investigation maybe used to establish the cause of a particular incident, its effect and any
operational issues that may have contributed to the incident occurring
You state the principles of person-centred practice and procedural fairness in the conduct
of all investigations. (The NDIS Commission have Guidelines on Procedural Fairness
(see Incidents resources)
You consider whether to either conduct a serious investigation either internally (with staff
who have the skill and expertise) or out-source to an external investigator.
Take corrective action if required
Required corrective action will need to be taken in the following circumstances:
• Where an incident may have been prevented (or the severity lessened) by some action
(or inaction) by your service or a worker
• Where there is an ongoing risk to participants, or
• Where action by your service may prevent or minimise the risk of a future reoccurrence
Corrective action may include further staff training, practice improvements, policy and
procedure enhancement, changes to service delivery environments or changes to services
At the conclusion of an incident resolution, you determine what further action should take
place. This could include:
• Providing ongoing support to impacted participants and/or ensuring the ongoing
wellbeing and safety of impacted people with disability
• Identifying and implementing improvements
• Notifying the NDIS Commission and or other bodies, as appropriate
• Undertaking further investigations
• Identifying and taking corrective action to prevent a reoccurrence of an incident
• Deciding no further action is required.
Keep records
You ensure that your system records and tracks evidence of incidents and actions taken in
response to these incidents
You make sure all information relating to incidents is securely stored and access is
Risk Incidents and Complaints Management
The Incident register stores all incidents and details of their management and outcome or
conclusion of each incident
You ensure you maintain records and related evidence about incidents
You make effective use of information and communication technologies and systems that
collect data and track the progress of incident responses
Records of incidents are kept for seven years from the date the incident report is created.
Reporting to other agencies
Your record system includes examining whether an incident is also required to be reported
to other external agencies e.g. police, child safety authorities.
Lessons learnt
At the finalisation of your incident management, the procedure assesses the following:
• Whether the incident could have been prevented
• How well the incident was managed and resolved
• What if any, remedial action needs to be undertaken to prevent further similar incidents
from occurring, or minimize their impact, and
• Whether other persons or bodies need to be notified.
You seek the views of the participant/s impacted by the incident and staff, and any
feedback at the conclusion of each incident response on the effectiveness of the
management of every event in order to improve how incidents are managed
You use information that comes from all incidents you manage to improve your service
and avoid future incidents
You have mechanisms to cross-reference incidents that are also the subject of a
complaint, and/or work health and safety investigations
You have a system of ongoing review of your Incident Policy and Procedure to ensure
information that you learn from incident management is contributing to continuous quality
Letting participants know…
On commencement with your service, you provide information to participants on how
incidents will be managed in an accessible format (e.g. Participant information pack/
Service Agreement). See how we manage incidents for participants in Incidents Resources
Identify to participants (possibly in your service agreement) the circumstances in which
you are obliged to share information about participants with the NDIS Commission, such
as those involving reportable incidents.
Train staff
All staff are trained in their responsibility for maintaining an awareness of potential risks in
their area of responsibility
Risk Incidents and Complaints Management
Staff training occurs in relation to how to identify and manage risks, staff incident
management responsibilities and how to follow in practice the incident and risk
management procedures
You ensure all staff have the necessary skills in identifying, reporting, managing and
resolving incidents and in preventing incidents from reoccurring
Staff are encouraged to speak up if they are unsure about identification of an incident
Incidents are part of regular discussion within the service such as in staff meetings, to
encourage a positive culture of reporting.
Allocating responsibility
Your incidents management system acknowledges all staff are also responsible for
reporting any potential or actual risk
Identifies which positions will be responsible for reporting, recording, conducting internal
investigations and undertaking remedial(corrective) action related to incidents
Nominates people with the appropriate skills to become Reportable Incident Authorised
Notifiers within the service. (The NDIS Commission suggests the ‘Authorised Reportable
Incidents Notifier’ is a supporting team member who can assist the ‘Authorised
Reportable Incidents Approver’ to collate and report the required information. They must
be familiar with the NDIS Commission’s Portal functionality on Managing your Reportable
Amends all staff job roles and position descriptions as required to reflect NDIS
Commission required practices in relation to their role with incident management
Ensures staff responsibilities to incident management are included in their job description
and monitored during routine performance reviews
Has a policy for worker disclosure e.g. Whistle Blower Protection Policy. (see example
in Incident resources) If a policy already exists, update it for the new quality and
safeguarding system.