Configuration of Gateway and Proxy Devices OI 08 EN
Configuration of Gateway and Proxy Devices OI 08 EN
Configuration of Gateway and Proxy Devices OI 08 EN
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 7
1.1 About this Manual .................................................................................................... 7
1.1.1 Online Help ........................................................................................................... 8
1.1.2 List of Revisions ................................................................................................... 8
1.1.3 Conventions in this Manual .................................................................................. 9
1.2 Legal Notes ............................................................................................................ 10
1.2.1 Copyright ............................................................................................................ 10
1.2.2 Important Notes .................................................................................................. 10
1.2.3 Exclusion of Liability ........................................................................................... 11
1.2.4 Warranty ............................................................................................................. 11
1.2.5 Export Regulations ............................................................................................. 12
1.2.6 Registered Trademarks ...................................................................................... 12
1.3 About netGateway DTM ......................................................................................... 13
1.3.1 Requirements ..................................................................................................... 13
1.4 Dialog Structure of the netGateway DTM ............................................................... 14
1.4.1 General Device Information ................................................................................ 15
1.4.2 Navigation Area .................................................................................................. 15
1.4.3 Dialog Panes ...................................................................................................... 16
1.4.4 OK, Cancel, Apply and Help ............................................................................... 17
1.4.5 Table Lines ......................................................................................................... 17
1.4.6 Status Bar ........................................................................................................... 18
1 Introduction
1.1 About this Manual
This manual provides information on how to set and configure the device
parameters of
• a netTAP device of the NT 50 device family
• a netTAP device of the NT 100 device family
• a netTAP device of the NT 151-RE-RE device family
• a netBRICK device of the NB 100 device family
• a netLINK proxy device
using the netGateway DTM, and what can be read from the diagnosis
Dialog Panes
The table below gives an overview for the individual dialog panes
Note: <note>
Operation Instructions
1. <instruction>
2. <instruction>
1.2.4 Warranty
Although the hardware and software was developed with utmost care and
tested intensively, Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH does
not guarantee its suitability for any purpose not confirmed in writing. It
cannot be guaranteed that the hardware and software will meet your
requirements, that the use of the software operates without interruption and
that the software is free of errors. No guarantee is made regarding
infringements, violations of patents, rights of ownership or the freedom from
interference by third parties. No additional guarantees or assurances are
made regarding marketability, freedom of defect of title, integration or
usability for certain purposes unless they are required in accordance with
the law and cannot be limited. Warranty claims are limited to the right to
claim rectification.
1.3.1 Requirements
System Requirements
• PC with 1 GHz processor or higher
• Windows® XP SP3, Windows® Vista (32 bit) SP2, Windows® 7 (32 bit) or
Windows® 7 (64 bit)
• Administrator rights
• Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher
• RAM: min. 512 MByte, recommended 1024 MByte
• Graphic resolution: min. 1024 x 768 pixel
• Keyboard and Mouse
Delete selected Line deletes the selected line from the table.
Offline State
Save operation
Firmware Download
Firmware Download
Gateway Devices
The mapping of the data can be done by the user and be configured within
The following gateway devices are in the device catalog.
• netTAP NT 50
• netTAP NT 100
• netTAP NT 151-RE-RE
• netBRICK NB 100
Proxy Devices
The mapping of data is already specified and done automatically by
The following proxy devices are in the device catalog.
• netTAP NT 100
• netLINK Proxy
Note: The gateway or proxy device can only be used at the (gray) main
2. User Login
In the window User Login click OK to login or enter your
password and then click OK to login frame application appears
3. Select the protocol for the primary network and for the secondary
network and apply.
Select in the window Configuration > Settings at Protocol
Combinations for the Primary Network (Port X2) the protocol
Select then at Protocol Combinations for the Secondary Network
(Port X3) the protocol Modbus RTU
Click Apply
The Gateway configuration window shows the following
4. Select driver
Select in the navigation area Settings > Driver and then check netX
The following figure shows the selected driver.
Note: Set the IP address range not to large, which results in a long scan
Select the device from the list by a check in the field of the device as
shown above.
Click on the button OK
The configuration window closes.
3. Select Firmware
Mark at Available Firmware the firmware file : N5DPSMBR.NXF
(Firmware for PROFIBUS-DP Slave to Modbus RTU).
4. Load firmware into the device
Click on Download
The firmware is loaded into the netTAP device
5. Download of firmware
Wait until the firmware was transferred completely into the device.
6. Close the Gateway configuration window after the download
Click OK
The Gateway configuration window closes
Note: The device performs a reset after the download. Because of that,
the Ethernet connection gets lost and (has to be stopped from
and then) has to be established again.
When you exit the program and the current configuration differs from the
last saved configuration, then the following question appears:
When you answer with Yes, then the project is saved. When you answer
with No, then the project is not saved and the changes are lost. When you
answer with Cancel, then the project is not saved.
2. User Login
In the window User Login click OK to login or enter your
password and then click OK to login frame application appears
3. Select the protocol for the primary network and for the secondary
network and apply
Select in the window Configuration > Settings at Protocol
Combinations for the Primary Network (Port X2) the protocol
Select then at Protocol Combinations for the Secondary Network
(Port X3) the protocol PROFIBUS-DP Master
Click the button Apply
The Gateway configuration window shows the following
Set the parameters. Set especially the number of Input Data Bytes and
Output Data Bytes.
More information about PROFINET IO Device parameter is in section
Configuration PROFINET IO Device (Gateway) on page 179.
2. Close the configuration window
Click on OK
The configuration window closes
Note: The standard setting of the netX Driver USB/RS232 can be used for
netTAP respectively netBRICK devices without changes.
Select the device from the list by a check in the field of the device as
shown above.
Click on OK
The configuration window closes.
3. Select Firmware
Mark at Available Firmware the firmware file : NTPNSDPM.NXF
(Firmware for PROFINET IO Device to PROFIBUS-DP Master).
4. Load firmware into the device
Click on Download
The firmware is loaded into the netTAP device
5. Download of firmware
Wait until the firmware was transferred completely into the device.
6. Close the Gateway configuration window after the download
Click OK
The Gateway configuration window closes
When you exit the program and the current configuration differs from the
last saved configuration, then the following question appears:
When you answer with Yes, then the project is saved. When you answer
with No, then the project is not saved and the changes are lost. When you
answer with Cancel, then the project is not saved.
Note: The product IDs are different for devices used as gateway and
devices used as proxy. Make sure to use/import the right GSDML file at
the PROFINET IO Controller.
Load the GSDML file into the configuration software of the PROFINET
IO Controller.
2. User Login
In the window User Login click OK to login or enter your
password and then click OK to login frame application appears
3. Select the protocol for the primary network and for the secondary
network and apply
In the window Configuration > Settings at Protocol Combinations for
the Primary Network (Port X2) the protocol PROFINET IO Device is
already preselected.
Select then at Protocol Combinations for the Secondary Network
(Port X3) the protocol PROFIBUS-DP Master
The proxy configuration window shows the following.
The Mapping Mode is preselected with Default (only selection) and works
as follows:
PROFIUS-DP Slave devices which are inserted at the bus line are
represented by a slot number on PROFINET. The PROFINET slot number
is equal to the PROFIBUS station address. The PROFIBUS modules are
represented by a PROFINET sub slot number.
4. Close the proxy configuration window
Click on OK
The proxy configuration window closes
Here the modules with its slot number and sub slot number are displayed,
as they will become visible at the PROFINET IO Controller. These slot
numbers and sub slot numbers will be exported into the GSDML file, which
is described later.
Slot 0 (NT 100-RE-DP/PROXY) and slot 1 (NT100 (PROFIBUS-DP)) are
always present. Two additional slots (slot 2 in this case, which represent
the PROFIBUS-DP Slave with station address 2; slot 3 in this case, which
represent the PROFIBUS-DP Slave with station address 3) are
automatically displayed when the PROFIBUS-DP Slaves were inserted to
the PROFIBUS-DP network.
These Slot and sub slot numbers are used in the GSDML file. The GSDML
file can be created (exported) which is described later.
Note: The standard setting of the netX Driver USB/RS232 can be used for
netTAP respectively netBRICK devices without changes.
Select the device from the list by a check in the field of the device as
shown above.
Click on OK
The configuration window closes.
3. Select Firmware
Mark at Available Firmware the firmware file : NTPNSDPM.NXF
(Firmware for PROFINET IO Device to PROFIBUS-DP Master).
4. Load firmware into the device
Click on Download
The firmware is loaded into the netTAP device
5. Download of firmware
Wait until the firmware was transferred completely into the device.
6. Close the Gateway configuration window after the download
Click OK
The Gateway configuration window closes
When you exit the program and the current configuration differs from the
last saved configuration, then the following question appears:
When you answer with Yes, then the project is saved. When you answer
with No, then the project is not saved and the changes are lost. When you
answer with Cancel, then the project is not saved.
Fixed prefix
Version number of the GSDML specification
Manufacturer name
Device type
Date: Format yyyymmdd
Time: Format hhmmss
File extension (always): xml
2. User Login
In the window User Login click OK to login or enter your
password and then click OK to login. frame application appears.
3. Select the protocol for the primary network and for the secondary
In the Protocol Combinations area, select PROFINET IO Device
from the the Primary Network (Port X2) drop-down list.
From the Secondary Network (Port X3) drop-down list, also select
Click Apply button.
The Gateway configuration window now looks as depicted below:
Note: You can also map the signals by using drag and drop. For this, drag
the received signal (Port X2 Receive) and drop it on the signal which is to
be sent (Port X3 Send).
Note: You can also map the signals by using drag and drop. For this, drag
the received signal (Port X3 Receive) and drop it onto the signal which is
to be sent (Port X2 Send).
Note: The standard settings of the netX Driver USB/RS232 can be used
for netTAP devices without changes.
Click OK.
The configuration window closes.
3. Select Firmware.
In the Available Firmware field, select the firmware file which you want
to download . In this example, it is the T120D0D0.NXF file (firmware
for protocol conversion PROFINET IO Device to PROFINET IO Device).
5. Download of firmware.
Wait until the firmware was transferred completely into the device.
6. Close the Gateway configuration window after the download.
Click OK.
The Gateway configuration window closes.
When you exit the program and the current configuration differs from the
last saved configuration, then the following question appears:
When you answer with Yes, then the project is saved. When you answer
with No, then the project is not saved and the changes are lost. When you
answer with Cancel, then the project is not saved.
Load (import) the GSDML file into the configuration software of your
PROFINET IO Controller.
2. User Login
In the window User Login click OK to login or enter your
password and then click OK to login frame application appears
Here the modules with its slot number and sub slot number are displayed,
as they will become visible at the PROFINET IO Controller. These slot
numbers and sub slot numbers will be exported into the GSDML file, which
is described later.
Slot 0 (NL 51N-DPL) and slot 1 (NL51N (PROFIBUS-DP)) are always
present. An additional slot (slot 2 in this case, which represent the
PROFIBUS-DP Slave with station address 2) is automatically displayed
when a PROFIBUS-DP Slave was inserted to the PROFIBUS-DP network.
These Slot and sub slot numbers are used in the GSDML file. The GSDML
file can be created (exported) which is described later.
4. Select driver
Select in the navigation area Settings > Driver and then check netX
The following figure shows the selected driver.
Note: Set the IP address range not to large, which results in a long scan
Select the device from the list by a check in the field of the device as
shown above.
Click on OK
The configuration window closes.
Note: The device performs a reset after the download. Because of that,
the Ethernet connection gets lost and (has to be stopped from
and then) has to be established again.
When you exit the program and the current configuration differs from the
last saved configuration, then the following question appears:
When you answer with Yes, then the project is saved. When you answer
with No, then the project is not saved and the changes are lost. When you
answer with Cancel, then the project is not saved.
Fixed prefix
Version number of the GSDML specification
Manufacturer name
Device type
Date: Format yyyymmdd
Time: Format hhmmss
File extension (always): xml
3 Settings
3.1 Overview Settings
Settings Dialog Panes
The table below gives an overview for the individual Settings dialog panes
Section Subsection Page
Driver 112
Selecting the Driver 112
Configuring the Driver 113
netX Driver 114
Device Assignment 121
Scanning for Devices 121
Selecting the Device 123
Table 7: Descriptions Settings
Note: To edit the Settings dialog panes you need User Rights for
3.2 Driver
The devices netTAP NT 100, netTAP NT 151-RE-RE and netBRICK
NB 100 are configured via an USB interface of the device or diagnosis is
performed via the USB interface. The devices netTAP NT 50 and netLINK
NL 51N-DPL are configured via an Ethernet interface of the device or
diagnosis is performed via the Ethernet interface. Therefore a driver is
The Driver dialog pane displays the driver/s to be used for a connection
from the gateway DTM to the device.
Parameter Meaning
Driver Name of the driver
Version Version of the driver
ID ID of the driver (driver identification)
Table 8: Driver Selection List Parameters
Note: Not all the drivers displayed necessarily support the device. The
used driver must be supported by the device or must be available for the
device. Use the netX Driver for the devices NT 50, NT 100, NT 151-RE-
RE, NB 100 and NL 51N-DPL.
To configure a driver:
1. Select Settings > Driver > [Name of the driver].
The corresponding driver dialog pane is displayed.
2. Configure the driver settings.
To get detailed information how to configure the single drivers, please
refer to the corresponding description of the driver.
You can access to the single descriptions of the drivers as online help via
the DTM user interface (F1 key).
To connect the DTM to the physical layer of the device the netX Driver
software works in combination with the software components:
• “USB/COM connector” for the USB connection and for the serial
connection (RS232) and
• “TCP/IP connector” for the Ethernet connection.
The DTM accesses to the device via the USB interface or via the RS232
interface of the device. This requires either to connect an USB port of the
PC to the USB interface of the device using an USB cable or to connect a
physical COM port of the PC to the RS232 interface of the device via a
serial cable.
The netX Driver / USB/RS232 Connection supports all physical and
virtual COM ports available at the PC.
Via the RS232 interface or USB interface of the device, the device is
configured or diagnosis is performed.
-In the foot line click to using the right mouse key.
- In the context menu select Service > Start.
Select Port Depending which COM ports (interfaces) are available on COM 1 to COM N
the PC; they will be listed under Select Port.
Port Configuration
Disable Port checked: No connection. checked,
unchecked: The netX Driver tries to establish a connection unchecked (Default)
using the configured USB/RS232 interface.
Baud rate Transfer rate: number of bits per second. 9.6, 19.2, 38.4, 57.6 or
The device must support the baud rate. 115.2 [kBit/s];
Default (RS232): 115.2
Stop bits Number of stop bits sent after the transfer of the send data Stop bit: 1, 1.5, 2;
for synchronization purposes to the receiver. Default (RS232): 1
Send Timeout [ms] Maximum time before the transfer of the transmission data is 100 … 60.000 [ms];
canceled, when the send process fails, for example, because Default (RS232 and
of the transfer buffer is full. USB): 1000 ms
-In the foot line click to using the right mouse key.
- In the context menu select Service > Start.
Select IP Range Via Select IP Range already created IP ranges can be
Note: Do not use large IP ranges in combination with a low scan timeout. Microsoft
introduced in Windows XP SP2 a limit of concurrent half-open outbound
TCP/IPconnections (connection attempts) to slow the spread of virus and malware from
system to system. This limit makes it impossible to have more than 10 concurrent half-
open outbound connections. Every further connection attempt is put in a queue and
forced to wait. Due to this limitation a large IP range used in combination with a low scan
timeout could prevent the connection establishment to a device.
USB/RS232 Connection
To set the driver parameters for an USB/RS232 connection note:
Note: Adjust the driver parameters netX Driver USB/RS232 only if they
differ from the default settings. After saving the changed driver
parameters, these parameters are used for the device assignment when
scanning devices.
TCP/IP Connection
For setting the driver parameters for a TCP/IP connection:
1. Select Settings > Driver > netX Driver > TCP Connection.
2. Set IP Address of the device:
Therefore in the Device Assignment dialog pane you scan for the
device(s) and select it.
Under Access path (below in the dialog pane) the access path to the
device, e. g. the driver identification, or depending on the used driver
additional access data of the device are displayed.
2. Select the Apply button, to apply the selection.
4 Configuration
4.1 Overview Configuration
Configuration Dialog Panes
The table below gives an overview for the Configuration dialog panes
Section Page
Settings 125
Licenses 127
Signal Mapping 140
Memory Card Management 147
Table 12: Descriptions of the Dialog Panes Configuration
The following table shows the configuration panes for each device type.
Device Type Configuration
NT 50 as gateway
NT 100 as gateway
NT 100 as proxy
NB 100 as gateway
NT 151-RE-RE as gateway
NL 51N-DPL as proxy
4.2 Settings
In the Settings pane you can:
• select the protocol for Port X2 respectively for Port X3,
• transfer the firmware into the device,
• set the cycle time of the Gateway and
• enable the address switch for a slave protocol.
Protocol Combination
Primary network (Port X2) Here you can select the protocol for the primary network, which becomes active
on port X2.
Secondary network (Port Here you can select the protocol for the secondary network, which becomes
X3) active on port X3.
Basic Settings
Mapping Cycle time 1 – 1000 ms (Default = 1 ms, is the cycle time for the device internal transfer of
the input and output data from the buffer of port X2 to the buffer of X3 and visa
Mapping mode Always default (only displayed).
Checked: The address is used from the slave protocol, which is set by the
rotary switches at the device and can be used fort he following protocols:
- CANopen Slave (to set the node address),
- CC-Link Slave (to set the station address),
- DeviceNet Slave (to set the MAC-ID) and
- PROFIBUS DP Slave (to set the station address).
Firmware version 1.1 (or higher) is required for the netTAP NT 50 device.
Firmware version 1.5 (or higher) is required for netTAP NT 100 device.
The address set and downloaded by the configuration software is always used
for master protocols.
Used by When two slave protocols are used, then you have to set if the address
switches are valid for the primary network or for the secundary network .
Common Buttons
OK The current settings are saved and then the dialog window is closed.
Cancel The changed settings are discarded and then the dialog window is closed.
Apply The current settings are saved and the dialog window stays open.
4.3 Licenses
Using the license dialog, you can order licenses for Master protocols or
Utilities and download them to your device.
Note: To display further entries under License Type, move the scroll box
downwards or upwards. To display further entries under Request
Form, please fill out, move the scroll box downwards or upwards.
Or click at Utilities.
The Utilities overview opens:
The column Existing indicates which licenses are present in the device.
Yes = License is present in the device.
No = License is not present in the device.
Note: In newer versions of the present configuration software under
License Type may be displayed additional licenses or other protocols that
can be ordered later.
For the utilities QVis and CoDeSys, only one license each may be chosen
alternatively as:
• Minimum Size,
• Standard Size or
• Maximum Size.
) )
2 For * and ** minimum size, standard size or maximum size can be selected only as
an alternative.
1. Device Information
The Device Information required for the order are read from the device
and automatically filled in the order.
2. Ordering Data
Enter the Ordering Data into the License pane.
Enter the Data to manage the Order (therefore refer to section Data to
manage the Order (License Information)on page 133).
The gray fields under Request Form, please fill out contain the
ordering data read from the device:
Figure 104: License Pane - Request Form, please fill out / Device Information
These ordering data read out from the device are displayed
automatically from the device.
Figure 105: License Pane - Request Form, please fill out / License Type
Select the license type under Request Form, please fill out > Value,
(for future application, currently only User Single Device License can be
2. Mandatory data to the order request (editable fields):
• First Name
• Surname
• E Mail (address, to which the license download link shall be send.)
• Telephone
• Company
• Address
• Country
• City, State, Zip
Figure 106: License Pane - Request Form, please fill out / Mandatory data
Enter all mandatory fields under Request Form, please fill out > Value
(marked with*).
3. Additional order data, not mandatory (editable fields):
• Fax
• Customer Number
• Order Number
• Value added tax identification number
Under Request Form, please fill out > Value enter all fields for the
additional data, which are not mandatory.
Click E-mail… .
The order E-mail License request opens:
Note: If your browser does not display the order data or the window Move
Element or Copy Element are displayed, check the safety settings of
your system.
Use the Fax number , which is displayed after the subsidiary was
selected in the License pane.
Keep ready the order data form and communicate the order data via
Note: License files can only be delivered via e-mail. The e-mail contains a
link to download the license file.
According to the license you ordered, you will receive an e-mail containing
a Link to download the License File. This leads to a server PC on which
the license file is provided. Using the received link you will have to save the
license file on your PC and then transfer the license to your device. If your
e-mail client is on another PC as your device, you must save your license
file e. g. to an USB stick.
Hint: To activate the license in the first device, a device reset is required.
To check whether the license has been activated, follow the steps in
section Which Licenses are present in the Device? on page 129.
Auto mapping
The signal mapping can also be done automatically be the configuration
software. Set Auto Mapping to From Port X3 to Port X2 and then click on
Apply. The automatic signal mapping is done.
Some status information belong to the master firmware and to the slave
firmware status and are marked with “Master and Slave”), others belong
only to the master firmware status and are marked with “Master”.
31 30 … 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
unused, set to zero
Table 15: Communication Change of State
Status Value
Unknown 0
Offline 1
Stop 2
Idle 3
Operate 4
On the pane MMC Management you can backup and restore the firmware
and the configuration to respectively from an MMC card.
The Folder on the pane shows the directory structure of the file system of
the netTAP device named SYSVOLUME and if an MMC card is inserted
also the directory structure of the MMC card named SDMMC.
Restore: To load the firmware and configuration files from an MMC card
into the netTAP device, insert an MMC card into the MMC slot of the
netTAP device which contains the firmware and configuration files. When
the directory named SDMMC is shown, then click the button Restore to
copy the firmware and configuration files from the MMC card into the
netTAP device.
Note: Default values can be used normally for the other parameters.
Depending on additionally requirements and the design of the EtherCAT
network as well as the used devices parameters needs to be adjusted if
5. Signal configuration
If you want to assign own signal names, then enter your signal names..
Further information is described in section Signal Configuration on
page 255.
Note: The settings in the used Master must comply with the settings in the
Slave, to establish a communication. Important parameters are: Vendor
ID, Product Code, Serial Number, Revision Number, Output and Input
In order that the EtherCAT Master can communicate with the netTAP or
netBRICK device as EtherCAT Slave:
Enter at the EtherCAT Master the number of data bytes (number of
input data), that are configured in the netTAP or netBRICK device, e. g.
Enter at the EtherCAT Master the number of data bytes (number of
output data), that are configured in the netTAP or netBRICK device, e.
g. 32.
You can set at the EtherCAT Master, if the Master verifies identification
numbers of the EtherCAT Slave. This verification can be activated or
deactivated at the EtherCAT Master. If the verification is used, then use
respectively check the following values:
Note: Default values can be used normally for the other parameters.
Depending on additionally requirements and the design of the EtherNet/IP
network as well as the used devices parameters needs to be adjusted if
6. Signal configuration
If you want to assign own signal names, then enter your signal names.
Further information is described in section Signal Configuration on
page 255.
Note: The settings in the used Scanner must comply with the settings in
the Adapter, to establish a communication. Important parameters are:
Input, Output length, Vendor ID, Product Type, Product Code, Major Rev,
Minor Rev, IP Address and Netmask.
In order that the EtherNet/IP Scanner can communicate with the netTAP or
netBRICK device as EtherNet/IP Adapter:
Enter at the EtherNet/IP Scanner the IP address of the netTAP or
netBRICK device.
Use at the EtherNet/IP Scanner the instance ID 101, to receive data
from the netTAP or netBRICK device.
Enter at the EtherNet/IP Scanner for this instance ID (101) the number
of data (number of receive data bytes), which were configured in the
netTAP or netBRICK device, e. g. 64.
Note: Some EtherNet/IP Scanners need for setting this value (number of
receive data) a value increased by 4 (this is the length of the Run/Idle
header, that can be transferred in front of the user data). With the example
of 64 bytes above therefore 68 (64 + 4) needs to be set for the number of
Note: Default values can be used normally for the other parameters.
Depending on additionally requirements and the design of the Ethernet
network as well as the used devices parameters needs to be adjusted if
necessary. Further information is described in section Open Modbus/TCP
Parameter on page 161.
4. Command Table
If you have set the Protocol Mode to "Client", then select in the
navigation area the entry Command Table. Specify in the Command
Table which data the Open Modbus/TCP Client has to transfer to and
from the Open Modbus/TCP Server by reading or writing. The
Command Table is described in detail in section Open Modbus/TCP on
page 163.
Note: To know, which data address with which data of the Open
Modbus/TCP Server devices is provided for reading or for writing, refer to
the device description of the Open Modbus/TCP Server device
6. Signal configuration
If you want to assign own signal names, then enter your signal names.
Further information is described in section Signal Configuration on
page 255.
Client Only for client jobs in Message Mode (packet mode). The connection to the 100 ... 6,000,000 ms,
connection destination-device stays open, until timeout is expired. Default: 1000 ms
watchdog time Note: This timeout starts, after receiving the answer to a command
For interface programming via Open Modbus/TCP, the value for Client
Connection Watchdog Time (Omb Open Time) must be divided by the factor
of 100. (Value range for the interface programming: 1 ... 60,000)
Response Only for client jobs in Message Mode (packet mode). After expiration of this 100 ... 6,000,000 ms,
timeout time, the job will be canceled and an error is send to the application. Default: 2,000 ms
Note: This timeout starts after command is send to the destination device via
For interface programming via Open Modbus/TCP, the value for Response
Timeout must be divided by the factor of 100. (Value range for the interface
programming: 1 ... 60,000)
Send Parameter for TCP task (in milliseconds) . Used OMB task internal. It 0 ... 2,000,000,000 ms,
acknowledge- specifies the timeout for trying to send messages via TCP/IP Default: 31,000 ms
ment timeout If the value 0 is selected, the default value of 31,000 milliseconds is used.
Connect Parameter for TCP task (in milliseconds). Used OMB task internal. It 0 ... 2,000,000,000 ms,
acknowledge- specifies the timeout for trying to establish a connection with the TCP task. Default: 31,000 ms
ment timeout If the value 0 is selected, the default value of 31,000 milliseconds is used.
Close Parameter for TCP task (in milliseconds). Used OMB task internal. It 0 ... 2,000,000,000 ms,
acknowledge- specifies the timeout for trying to close a connection with the TCP task. Default: 13,000 ms
ment timeout If the value 0 is selected, the default value of 13,000 milliseconds is used.
IP address Valid IP address for the device Valid IP address
If ‘Enable’ is unchecked (Default setting), the device obtains its IP Address Default: unchecked
from a DHCP or BOOTP server.
If ‘Enable’ is checked, the device uses the manually entered value.
Net mask Valid Network mask for the device Valid network mask
If ‘Enable’ is unchecked (Default setting), the device obtains its Netmask Default: checked
from a DHCP or BOOTP server.
If ‘Enable’ is checked, the device uses the manually entered value.
For the Open Modbus/TCP Client the Command Table is a list with
commands for the reading or writing of data.
The Command Table is only relevant, if a device works as Client on the
Open Modbus/TCP.
From every command line the Open Modbus/TCP Client produces a
telegram for reading or for the writing of data to or from an Open
Modbus/TCP Server device. For every command are indicated:
• the Open Modbus/TCP Server device address (Device Address),
• the Unit identifier (to identify a remote Server via gateway),
• the Function code,
• the data address in the Open Modbus/TCP Server device (Address),
• the number of data (Number of Registers/Coils),
• and the data address in the Open Modbus/TCP Client device (Memory
Address (internal)).
For writing telegrams (FC 5, 6, 15 and 16) in the column
• Trigger
you can decide, whether the writing telegrams are executed every time
(Cyclic) or only at data modification (Change data).
• a Cycle Time
can be set for every command.
The Command Table is processed from the first to the last entry (from
above to below). After the execution of the last command the execution of
the first command is started again.
For reading commands the Open Modbus/TCP Client reads out data from
the Open Modbus/TCP Server and saves them into its data memory.
For writing commands the Open Modbus/TCP Client reads out data from its
data memory and writes them into the Open Modbus/TCP Server.
The number of commands which can be defined depends from the
firmware and from the Dual-Port Memory layout.
For Open Modbus one connection per IP address is established. In
maximum 16 Client connections can be supported. In this case the
parameter Open Server Sockets must be set from 4 (Default) to 0.
Address Indicates the data address in the Open Modbus/TCP Server device. 0 … 65.535
The parameter Address contains the register address in the Open Default: 0
Modbus/TCP Server device. The register address is counted for
every function code beginning with 0.
The following table shows the assignment of the Address to the
data address in the Open Modbus/TCP Server by Function code:
Data Address Open Modbus/TCP
FC 1 FC 2 FC 4 FC 3
FC 5 FC 6
FC 15 FC 16
0 1 10001 30001 40001
1 2 10002 30002 40002
2 3 10003 30003 40003
3 4 10004 30004 40004
4 5 10005 30005 40005
… … … … …
Remove command:
In the table Command Table put the cursor in the line with the data set
to be deleted.
Click Remove.
The command of the clicked line is not shown any more.
Important: When entering the parameters, make sure that these address
valid data registers. (Refer to the device description of the Open
Modbus/TCP Server device manufacturer.)
2. Trigger:
In Function Code field select an entry for a writing command (FC 5, 6,
15 or 16).
In the column Trigger select the entry „Cyclic“ or „Change Data“.
3. Cycle Time:
Put the cursor to the table cell and set the cycle time using the spin
box in steps of 10 ms.
Figure 120: Examples - Reading Command with FC 3, Writing Command with FC16
Figure 121: Examples - Reading Command with FC 3, Writing Command with FC16
Figure 122: Access of the Open Modbus/TCP Client to the netTAP and netBRICK Device
Registers (16 bit value) and coils (1 bit value) share the same memory for
input data (IN). Registers (16 bit value) and coils (1 bit value) share the
same memory for output data (OUT). The following tables (Table 25 and
Table 30) show the data assignment.
The following table shows the address assignment for registers and coils
for modicon-based Open Modbus/TCP Clients. The setting “Map FC 1 and
FC 3” is set in the configuration of the netTAP or netBRICK device in this
IN netTAP Coil Register OUT netTAP Coil Coil Register Register
or FC 5, FC 6, or netBRICK FC 1 FC 2 FC 4 FC 3,
netBRICK FC 15 FC 16, (Mapping) FC 23
(Mapping) FC 23 (read)
IN 0 1 … 16 40001 OUT 0 1 … 16 10001 … 10016 30001 40001
IN 1 17 … 32 40002 OUT 1 17 … 32 10017 … 10032 30002 40002
IN 2 33 … 48 40003 OUT 2 33 … 48 10033 … 10048 30003 40003
… … … … … … … …
IN 624 9985 … 9999 40625 OUT 624 9985 … 9999 19985 … 19999 30625 40625
… - … … - - … …
IN 2879 - 42880 OUT 2879 - - 32880 42880
Table 26: Access of the Open Modbus/TCP Client using Modicon-based Addressing (2)
The following table shows the address assignment for registers and coils
for zero-based Open Modbus/TCP Clients. The setting “Map FC 1 and
FC 3” is set in the configuration of the netTAP or netBRICK device in this
IN netTAP or Coil Register OUT netTAP Coil Register
netBRICK FC 5, FC 3, or netBRICK FC 1, FC3,
(Mapping) FC 15 FC 6, (Mapping) FC 2 FC 4,
FC 16, FC 23 (lesen)
FC 23
IN 0 0 … 15 0 OUT 0 0 … 15 0
IN 1 16 … 31 1 OUT 1 16 … 31 1
IN 2 32 … 47 2 OUT 2 32 … 47 2
… … … … … …
IN 624 9985 … 9998 624 OUT 624 9985 … 9998 624
… - … … - …
IN 2879 - 2879 OUT 2879 - 2879
Table 28: Access of the Open Modbus/TCP Client using Zero-based Addressing (2)
The following table shows the address assignment for registers and coils
for one-based Open Modbus/TCP Clients. The setting “Map FC 1 and
FC 3” is set in the configuration of the netTAP or netBRICK device in this
IN netTAP Coil Register IN netTAP Coil Register
netBRICK FC 5, FC 3, netBRICK FC 1, FC3,
(Mapping) FC 15 FC 6, (Mapping) FC 2 FC 4,
FC 16, FC 23 (read)
FC 23 (write)
IN 0 1 … 16 1 OUT 0 1 … 16 1
IN 1 17 … 32 2 OUT 1 17 … 32 2
IN 2 33 … 48 3 OUT 2 33 … 48 3
… … … … … …
IN 624 9986 … 9999 625 OUT 624 9986 … 9999 625
… - … … - …
IN 2879 - 2880 OUT 2879 - 2880
Table 30: Access of the Open Modbus/TCP Client using One-based Addressing (2)
2. Set Node-ID
Enter in the field Node-ID the address, which the netTAP or netBRICK
device uses on the POWERLINK network to be addressed by the
POWERLINK Managing Node.
Note: Default values can be used normally for the other parameters.
Depending on additionally requirements and the design of the
POWERLINK network as well as the used devices parameters needs to
be adjusted if necessary.
7. Signal configuration
If you want to assign own signal names, then enter your signal names.
Further information is described in section Signal Configuration on
page 255.
Note: The settings in the used Managing Node must comply with the
settings in the Controlled Node, to establish communication. Important
parameters are: Vendor ID, Product Code, Serial Number, Revision
Number, Node ID, Output and Input length.
In order that the POWERLINK Managing Node can communicate with the
netTAP or netBRICK device as POWERLINK Controlled Node:
Enter at the POWERLINK Managing Node the Node-ID, which is
configured in the netTAP or netBRICK device.
Enter for the length of output data in the POWERLINK Managing Node
as set in the netTAP or netBRICK device for the Output Data Bytes.
Enter for the length of input data in the POWERLINK Managing Node
as set in the netTAP or netBRICK device for the Input Data Bytes.
The POWERLINK Managing Node verifies identification numbers of the
netTAP or netBRICK device as POWERLINK Controlled Node. Use or
check for the following values for the netTAP or netBRICK device:
2. Set the number of Input Data Bytes and Output Data Bytes
Enter in the field Input Data Bytes the number of data bytes, which
should be transferred from the PROFINET IO Controller to the netTAP
or netBRICK device, e. g. 32
Enter in the field Output Data Bytes the number of data bytes, which
should be transferred from the netTAP or netBRICK device to the
PROFINET IO Controller, e. g. 64
3. Station name
The default name for the Name of Station for the NT 50 device is
nt50enpns, for the NT 100 device nt100repns and for the NB 100
device nb100repns. If you need to set an other name of station or you
use several netTAP or netBRICK devices in the PROFINET network,
then set a unique name of station as follows:
Select Enable in the Ident area.
Enter in the field Name of Station the name of station, which the netTAP
or netBRICK device should use in the PROFINET network.
Enter in the field Vendor ID the value 0x011E.
Enter in the field Device ID for the NT 50 value 0x010F, for the NT 100
value 0x010B respectively for the NB 100 value 0x010E.
Values in the fields Device Type, Order ID and Type of Station are
Note: Default values can be used normally for the other parameters.
Depending on additionally requirements and the design of the PROFINET
network as well as the used devices parameters needs to be adjusted if
necessary. Further information is described in section PROFINET IO
Device Parameter on page 181.
5. Signal configuration
If you want to assign own signal names, then enter your signal names.
Further information is described in section Signal Configuration on
page 255.
Note: The settings in the used Controller must comply with the settings in
the Device, to establish a communication. Important parameters are:
Name of Station, Vendor ID, Device ID, Input and Output data length.
Note: The settings in the used Controller must comply with the settings in
the Device, to establish a communication. Important parameters are:
Name of Station, Vendor ID, Device ID, Input and Output data modules.
2. Set Device ID
Enter in the field Device ID the name, which the netTAP or netBRICK
device uses on the sercos network to be identified by the sercos
6. Set Address
Enter in the field SERCOS III Address the address, which the netTAP
or netBRICK device uses on the sercos network to be addressed by the
sercos Master.
Note: If you use a sercos Master which is using SDDML files for the
configuration of slave devices, then you have to export a new updated
SDDML file from and import this SDDML file into the
configuration software for the sercos Master. By that, the settings made
here can be used at the sercos Master. Only then the sercos Master can
communicate to the netTAP device respectively netBRICK device via
ConClk pulse This timing parameter defines the time how long the communication >= 1000 ns,
length* synchronized hardware output signal CON-CLK is set. The maximum Default RE/S3S devices:
valid value of the „Control Clock Length“ depends on the configured 1000 ns
cycle time. In general the signal CON_CLK must go to inactive again
before the next cycle starts.
DivClk pulse This timing parameter defines the delay time from the start of the 0 ... 16.777.210 ns,
distance * communication cycle to the first pulse of the communication Default RE/S3S devices:
synchronized hardware output signal DIV_CLK. 20000 ns
DivClk Delay * This timing parameter defines the delay time respectively the distance 0 ... 6.710.860 ns,
between two pulses of the communication synchronized hardware output Default RE/S3S devices:
signal DIV_CLK. In the „Divided Control Clock“ Mode1 this parameter is 20000 ns
DivClk pulse This timing parameter defines the pulse length, i. e. how long the 1000 ... 20.000 ns,
length * communication synchronized hardware output signal DIV_CLK is set. Default RE/S3S devices:
1000 ns
*All timing values are handled as multiple of 10 ns (e. g. Control Clock
Length = 1005 ns is handled as 1000 ns).
DivClk For „Divided Control Clock“ Mode0: Here the parameter indicates the 0 ... 255,
multiplier number of pulses of the communication synchronized hardware output Default: 2
signal DIV_CLK within a communication cycle.
For „Divided Control Clock“ Mode1: Here the parameter indicates the
number of communication cycles.
DivClk polarity This communication synchronization flag defines the output state of the Disabled, Active-high,
communication synchronized hardware output signal DIV_CLK. Active-low,
Default RE/S3S devices:
DivClk mode This communication synchronization flag defines the mode of the Mode 0, Mode 1,
communication synchronized hardware output signal DIV_CLK. Default RE/S3S devices:
Mode 0: The Div_Clk signal becomes active several times within a Mode 1
communication cycle. The following condition must be fulfilled in mode 0:
„Divided Control Clock Length“ + 100 <= „Delay Time of Divided Clock“.
Mode 1: The Div_Clk signal becomes active once after N communication
ConClk polarity This communication synchronization flag defines the output state of the Disabled, Active-high,
communication synchronized hardware output signal CON_CLK. Active-low,
Default RE/S3S devices:
Further see next page
If you use these default settings for the netTAP device respectively
netBRICK device, then you can use the SDDML file listed above. If you
have set at least one setting a different value than the default value, then
you have to export the device description file from and import it
into the configuration software of the sercos Master.
Note: The settings in the used Master must comply with the settings in the
Slave to establish communication. Important parameters are: sercos
address, vendor code, Device ID, FSP type with value IO V1, SCP
configuration type with value FixCFG, the output data size and the input
data size.
2. Set Node-ID
Enter in the field Node-ID the address, which the netTAP or netBRICK
device uses on the CANopen network to be addressed by the CANopen
3. Set baudrate
Set the baudrate for the netTAP or netBRICK device, which is used in
the CANopen network
Note: Default values can be used normally for the other parameters.
Depending on additionally requirements and the design of the DeviceNet
network as well as the used devices parameters needs to be adjusted if
Note: The maximum number of output data bytes and input data bytes is
for the netTAP or netBRICK device 512 bytes each. The number of output
data bytes and input data bytes is not adjustable in the Slave and
therefore grayed out in the dialog.
The number of output data bytes and input data bytes, which are to be
transferred effectively between the CANopen Master and Slave, are
configured in the used CANopen Master. The CANopen Master configures
the netTAP or netBRICK device during establishing the communication
and set the number of output data bytes and input data bytes at this same
6. Signal configuration
If you want to assign own signal names, then enter your signal names.
Further information is described in section Signal Configuration on
page 255.
Send Object/ Send Object: Send object index 0x00002000 ...
Receive Object Receive Object: Receive object index 0x00002003 (hex)
0x00002200 ...
0x00002203 (hex)
Size: 128
Number of data Bytes to send per send object
or number of data Bytes to receive per send object.
Output Data Total output data Bytes of all send objects 512,
Bytes Default: 512 Bytes
Input Data Total intput data Bytes of all receive objects 512,
Bytes Default: 512 Bytes
Table 41: CANopen Slave Parameters (Part 2)
Note: The settings in the used Master must comply with the settings in the
Slave to establish communication. Important parameters are: node
address and baudrate.
In order that the CANopen Master can communicate with the netTAP or
netBRICK device as CANopen Slave:
Enter at the CANopen Master the Node-ID, which is configured in the
netTAP or netBRICK device.
Configure at the CANopen Master all PDOs, which the Master should
send to the netTAP or netBRICK device. For the netTAP or netBRICK
device these are receive PDOs. E. g. the Master can be configured with
2 PDOs with 8 byte user data each (16 bytes in total) to be send to the
netTAP or netBRICK device.
Configure at the CANopen Master all PDOs, which the Master should
receive from the netTAP or netBRICK device. For the netTAP or
netBRICK device these are transmit PDOs. E. g. the Master can be
configured with 4 PDOs with 8 byte user data each (32 bytes in total) to
be received from the netTAP or netBRICK device.
2. Set Stationaddress
Enter in the field Stationaddress the address, which the netTAP device
uses on the CC-Link network to be addressed by the CC-Link Master.
3. Set baudrate
Set the baudrate for the netTAP device, which is used in the CC-Link
Note: Default values can be used normally for the other parameters.
Depending on additionally requirements and the design of the CC-Link
network as well as the used devices parameters needs to be adjusted if
CC-Link CC-Link Version 1 1 (Default)
Version CC-Link Version 2 2
Station Type Type of CC-Link station
Remote I/O Station: 0 (Default)
Remote Device Station 1
Number of Number of occupied stations
Stations Remote I/O Station: 1 (Default)
Remote Device Station: 1 ... 4
Extension Number of extension cycles
Cycle Allowed numbers for CC-Link version 1:
Single/One cycle 1
Allowed numbers for CC-Link version 2:
Single/One cycle 1 (Default)
Double/Two cycles 2
Quadruple/Four cycles 4
Octuple/Eight cycles 8
IO-Data Bytes The number of IO-Data bytes depends on the following settings: station
type, number of stations and number extension cycles. The number of
stations can only be configured with station type Remote Device Station
version 1 and version 2 and the number of extension cycles can only be
configured with version 2.
Firmware/stack works according to CC-Link Version 2.0
input data 12 … 368 Bytes
output data 12 … 368 Bytes
Firmware/stack works according to CC-Link Version 1.11
input data 4 … 48 Bytes
output data 4 … 48 Bytes
Default: 4
Table 44: CC-Link Slave Parameters (Part 2)
Note: The settings in the used Master must comply with the settings in the
Slave to establish communication. Important parameters are: Slave
Station Address, Baudrate and Station Type. For CC-Link Version 1 are
additionally important: Station type. For CC-Link Version 2.00 are
additionally important: number of cycles as well as number of extension
In order that the CC-Link Master can communicate with the netTAP device
as CC-Link Slave:
Enter at the CC-Link Master the Stationaddress, which is configured in
the netTAP device.
Set at the CC-Link Master the same CC-Link Version as configured in
the netTAP device.
Set at the CC-Link Master the same station type as configured in the
netTAP device.
If CC-Link Version 1 is to be used, then set at the CC-Link Master the
same Station type as configured in the netTAP device.
If Station type is Remote Device Station to be used, then set at the
CC-Link Master the same the number of stations as configured in the
netTAP device.
If CC-Link Version 2 is to be used, then set at the CC-Link Master the
same number of extension as configured in the netTAP device.
2. Set MAC-ID
Enter in the field MAC-ID the address, which the netTAP or netBRICK
device uses on the DeviceNet network to be addressed by the
DeviceNet Master.
3. Set baudrate
Set the baudrate for the netTAP or netBRICK device, which is used in
the DeviceNet network
Note: Default values can be used normally for the other parameters.
Depending on additionally requirements and the design of the DeviceNet
network as well as the used devices parameters needs to be adjusted if
7. Signal configuration
If you want to assign own signal names, then enter your signal names.
Further information is described in section Signal Configuration on
page 255.
MAC ID This parameter defines the DeviceNet address of the device within the 0 … 63,
network. Default: 2
Baudrate Baud rate of DeviceNet connection 500 kBaud,
250 kBaud,
125 kBaud,
500 kBaud
Extras Ignore address switch: address switches are always ignored Default: unchecked
Continue on CAN bus off: Default: unchecked
Unchecked: A device reset by the user is necessary in case of a CAN bus
off event (e. g. short circuit of the data lines)
Checked: The device tries independently to continue operation in case of a
CAN bus off event
Continue On Loss of Network Power (NP): Function not supported Default: unchecked
Receive-Idle Clear Data: Default: unchecked
Unchecked: Received data keep their last state in case of idle state
Checked: Received data were set to zero in case of idle state
Receive Idle keeps Data: Default: unchecked
Function not supported
Prod. Data Produced data length sets the number of send bytes. 0 … 255,
Length Default: 8
Cons. Data Consumed data length sets the number of receive bytes. 0 … 255,
Length Default: 8
Table 47: DeviceNet Slave Parameters (Part 2)
Note: The settings in the used Master must comply with the settings in the
Slave to establish communication. Important parameters are: MAC ID,
Baudrate, Produced Size, Consumed Size, Vendor ID, Product Type,
Product Code, Major Rev, Minor Rev.
In order that the DeviceNet Master can communicate with the netTAP or
netBRICK device as DeviceNet Slave:
Enter at the DeviceNet Master the MAC-ID, which is configured in the
netTAP or netBRICK device.
Enter for the length of output data in the DeviceNet Master the Cons.
Data Length as set in the netTAP or netBRICK device.
Enter for the length of input data in the DeviceNet Master the Prod.
Data Length as set in the netTAP or netBRICK device.
You can set at the DeviceNet Master, if the Master verifies identification
numbers of the DeviceNet Slave (named keying). This verification can
be activated or deactivated at the DeviceNet Master. If the verification is
used, then use or check for the following values for the netTAP or
netBRICK device: vendor 283 (0x011B), product code 45 (0x2D) for
NT 50 respectively product code 43 (0x2B) for NT 100 respectively
product code 47 (0x2F) for NB 100, product type 12 (0x000C), major
revision 1, minor revision 1.
3. Set baudrate
Use the setting Auto-Detect (default), if the netTAP or netBRICK device
should detect the baudrate on the PROFIBUS network or set the baud
rate for the device.
Note: Default values can be used normally for the other parameters.
Depending on additionally requirements and the design of the PROFIBUS
network as well as the used devices parameters needs to be adjusted if
7. Signal configuration
If you want to assign own signal names, then enter your signal names.
Further information is described in section Signal Configuration on
page 255.
Note: The input and output modules each work with ’consistency’.
Note: The settings in the used Master must comply with the settings in the
Slave, to establish a communication. Important parameters are: Station
Address, Ident Number, Baudrate and Config Data (the configuration data
for the output and input length).
In order that the PROFIBUS-DP Master can communicate with the netTAP
or netBRICK device as PROFIBUS-DP Slave:
Enter at the PROFIBUS-DP Master the station address, which is
configured in the netTAP or netBRICK device.
Use for the configuration of the PROFIBUS-DP Master module(s) e. g.
‚64 Bytes Out’, for sending data to the netTAP or netBRICK device. Use
the module(s), which are configured in the netTAP or netBRICK device.
(Modules with the size of zero in the netTAP or netBRICK configuration
needs not to be considered for the configuration of the PROFIBUS-DP
Use for the configuration of the PROFIBUS-DP Master module(s) e. g.
‚32 Bytes In’, for receiving data from the netTAP or netBRICK device.
Use the module(s), which are configured in the netTAP or netBRICK
device. (Modules with the size of zero in the netTAP or netBRICK
configuration needs not to be considered for the configuration of the
4. Command Table
If you have set the Protocol Mode to "Master", then select in the
navigation area the entry Command Table. Specify in the Command
Table which data the Modbus RTU Master has to transfer to and from
the Modbus RTU Slave by reading or writing. The Command Table is
described in detail in section Modbus RTU Master on page 221.
Note: To know, which data address with which data of the Modbus RTU
Slave devices is provided for reading or for writing, refer to the device
description of the Modbus RTU Slave device manufacturer.
6. Signal configuration
If you want to assign own signal names, then enter your signal names.
Further information is described in section Signal Configuration on
page 255.
For the Modbus RTU Master the Command Table is a list with commands
for the reading or writing of data.
The Command Table is only relevant, if a device works as Master on the
Modbus RTU.
From every command line the Modbus RTU Master produces a telegram
for reading or for the writing of data to or from a Modbus RTU Slave device.
For every command are indicated:
• the Modbus RTU Slave device address (Device Address),
• the Function code,
• the data address in the Modbus RTU Slave device (Address),
• the number of data (Number of Registers/Coils),
• and the data address in the Modbus RTU Master device (Memory
Address (internal)).
For writing telegrams (FC 5, 6, 15 and 16) in the column
• Trigger
you can decide, whether the writing telegrams are executed every time
(Cyclic) or only at data modification (Change data).
• a Cycle Time
can be set for every command.
The Command Table is processed from the first to the last entry (from
above to below). After the execution of the last command the execution of
the first command is started again.
For reading commands the Modbus RTU Master reads out data from the
Modbus RTU Slave and saves them into its data memory.
For writing commands the Modbus RTU Master reads out data from its data
memory and writes them into the Modbus RTU Slave.
The number of commands which can be defined depends from the
firmware and from the Dual-Port Memory layout.
Address Indicates the data address in the Modbus RTU Slave device. 0 … 65.535
The parameter Address contains the register address in the Default: 0
Modbus RTU Slave device. The register address is counted for
every function code beginning with 0.
The following table shows the assignment of the Address to the
data address in the Modbus RTU Slave by Function code:
FC 1 FC 2 FC 4 FC 3
FC 5 FC 6
FC 15 FC 16
0 1 10001 30001 40001
1 2 10002 30002 40002
2 3 10003 30003 40003
3 4 10004 30004 40004
4 5 10005 30005 40005
… … … … …
Number of Indicates the number of reading or writing data as registers or coils. 1 … max. value, Default: 1
Registers/Coils The maximum value depends from the function code. max. value for
FC1 = 2000 (Coils),
FC2 = 2000 (Coils),
FC3 = 125 (Registers),
FC4 = 125 (Registers),
FC5 = 1 (Coils),
FC6 = 1 (Registers),
FC15 = 1968 (Coils),
FC16 = 123 (Registers)
Memory Byte address in the process image of the Modbus RTU Master 0 … 5759
Address device for input or output data of the Master Default: 0
(internal) The configuration software calculates the byte address in the
process image of the Master for the input or for the output data
automatically. Because of this definition, for function codes for
reading (FC 1, 2, 3 and 4) the data are assigned consecutively in
the process image for input data and for function codes for writing
(FC 5, 6, 15 and 16) the data are assigned consecutively in the
process image for output data.
Remove command:
In the table Command Table put the cursor in the line with the data set
to be deleted.
Click Remove.
The command of the clicked line is not shown any more.
Important: When entering the parameters, make sure that these address
valid data registers. (Refer to the device description of the Modbus RTU
Slave device manufacturer.)
2. Trigger:
In Function Code field select an entry for a writing command (FC 5, 6,
15 or 16).
In the column Trigger select the entry „Cyclic“ or „Change Data“.
3. Cycle Time:
Put the cursor to the table cell and set the cycle time using the spin
box in steps of 10 ms.
Figure 125: Examples - Reading Command with FC 3, Writing Command with FC16
Figure 126: Examples - Reading Command with FC 3, Writing Command with FC16
Note: The settings in the used Modbus RTU Slaves must comply with the
settings in the netTAP or netBRICK device as Modbus RTU Master to
establish a communication. Important parameters are: Modbus RTU
address, baud rate, number of stop bits and parity setting.
Note: The settings at the used Modbus RTU Master must comply with the
settings in the netTAP or netBRICK device (Modbus RTU Slave) to
establish a communication. Important parameters are: Modbus RTU
address, baud rate, number of stop bits and parity setting. However, the
Modbus RTU address must be unique, e. g. the Modbus RTU address
must be different from device to device.
The Modbus RTU Master can access to the netTAP or netBRICK device as
a Modbus RTU Slave using function codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16 and
Figure 127: Access from the Modbus RTU Master to the netTAP and netBRICK Device
Registers (16 bit value) and coils (1 bit value) share the same memory for
input data (IN). Registers (16 bit value) and coils (1 bit value) share the
same memory for output data (OUT). The following tables (Table 55 to
Table 60) show the data assignment.
The following table shows the address assignment for registers and coils
for modicon-based Modbus RTU Master. The setting “Map FC 1 and FC 3”
is set in the configuration of the netTAP or netBRICK device in this case.
IN netTAP Coil Register OUT netTAP Coil Coil Register Register
or FC 5, FC 6, or netBRICK FC 1 FC 2 FC 4 FC 3,
netBRICK FC 15 FC 16, (Mapping) FC 23
(Mapping) FC 23 (read)
IN 0 1 … 16 40001 OUT 0 1 … 16 10001 … 10016 30001 40001
IN 1 17 … 32 40002 OUT 1 17 … 32 10017 … 10032 30002 40002
IN 2 33 … 48 40003 OUT 2 33 … 48 10033 … 10048 30003 40003
… … … … … … … …
IN 624 9985 … 9999 40625 OUT 624 9985 … 9999 19985 … 19999 30625 40625
… - … … - - … …
IN 2879 - 42880 OUT 2879 - - 32880 42880
Table 56: Access from the Modbus RTU Master using Modicon-based Addressing (2)
The following table shows the address assignment for registers and coils
for zero-based Modbus RTU Master. The setting “Map FC 1 and FC 3” is
set in the configuration of the netTAP or netBRICK device in this case.
IN netTAP or Coil Register OUT netTAP Coil Register
netBRICK FC 5, FC 3, or netBRICK FC 1, FC3,
(Mapping) FC 15 FC 6, (Mapping) FC 2 FC 4,
FC 16, FC 23 (lesen)
FC 23
IN 0 0 … 15 0 OUT 0 0 … 15 0
IN 1 16 … 31 1 OUT 1 16 … 31 1
IN 2 32 … 47 2 OUT 2 32 … 47 2
… … … … … …
IN 624 9985 … 9998 624 OUT 624 9985 … 9998 624
… - … … - …
IN 2879 - 2879 OUT 2879 - 2879
Table 58: Access from the Modbus RTU Master using Zero-based Addressing (2)
The following table shows the address assignment for registers and coils
for one-based Modbus RTU Master. The setting “Map FC 1 and FC 3” is
set in the configuration of the netTAP or netBRICK device in this case.
IN netTAP Coil Register IN netTAP Coil Register
netBRICK FC 5, FC 3, netBRICK FC 1, FC3,
(Mapping) FC 15 FC 6, (Mapping) FC 2 FC 4,
FC 16, FC 23 (read)
FC 23 (write)
IN 0 1 … 16 1 OUT 0 1 … 16 1
IN 1 17 … 32 2 OUT 1 17 … 32 2
IN 2 33 … 48 3 OUT 2 33 … 48 3
… … … … … …
IN 624 9986 … 9999 625 OUT 624 9986 … 9999 625
… - … … - …
IN 2879 - 2880 OUT 2879 - 2880
Table 60: Access from the Modbus RTU Master using One-based Addressing (2)
2. 3964R settings
Select or set in the dialog window (at least) the interface type, RTS
control, baudrate, number of data bits, number of stop bits, parity and
conflict priority. The settings are described in the following section
3964R Settings on page 233.
Note: Please note, that the conflict priority one device must have high
priority the other device must have low priority.
3. Signal configuration
The signal configuration is done with default value automatically by software.
Note: The settings in the used remote device must comply with the
settings in the netTAP or netBRICK device to establish a communication.
Important parameters are: Interface type, baud rate, data bits, parity, RTS
control, retry limit, character delay timeout and acknowledge timeout. The
conflict priority has to be set different for the used devices.
2. ASCII settings
Select in the dialog window the interface type, RTS control, baudrate,
number of data bits, number of stop bits and parity. The settings are
described in the following section ASCII Settings on page 238.
4. Set parameter
Select the operating mode, set the telegram structure, set the timing
and the size of the send and receive buffer. The parameter are
described in section ASCII Parameters on page 238.
5. Signal configuration
The signal configuration is done with default value automatically by software.
The serial data stream of the send and receive telegram each can be
defined with up to 10 structural elements.
Type Description
Hex Hexadecimals
The entry is made as a hexadecimal value. A hexadecimal value consists of 2 characters
in the range 00 to FF and result in one byte. Each character has the range of value 0, 1, 2,
..., 9, A, B, ..., F.
The entry is made as a character. A character is one of the following characters: A-Z, a-z,
0-9, !, ", §, $, %, &, /, (, ), =, ?, , ; -, _, +, *
Decimal Decimal value
The entry is made as a decimal value.
Table 66: Parameter Types
Basic Principle
In the 'Send Only' mode the device only sends. The remote device only
receives. The superordinated control unit has to use a handshake to
transfer the data to the device.
The send operation can be triggered from the superordinated control unit or
performed by the device cyclically.
• triggered
Timing Parameter
Parameter Description Range of
Send Cycle Specifies whether the telegram will be sent cyclically or triggered. 0 … 2 -1
Time The value (unequal to zero) specifies the cycle time of the send telegram. Default: 0
The value 0 specifies that the send telegram is triggered.
Table 69: Timing Parameters for the Operating ‘Send Only’ Mode
Table 70: Telegram Structure for the Operating ‘Send Only’ Mode
When configuring the telegram structure the method is defined how the end
of the telegram is detected:
• Character
• Length
• Time
Each telegram received is indicated to the superordinated control unit by
handshake. The superordinated control unit must acknowledge the
reception. Only after the acknowledgement the reception of a further
telegram can be indicated to the superordinated control unit.
Timing Parameter
Parameter Description Range of
Receive Specifies whether the reception of subsequent telegrams is monitored by time. 0 … 231-1
Watchdog Thereby the remote device can be monitored. The time is taken from telegram end to Default: 0
Time telegram end.
The value (unequal to zero) specifies in what time the remote device must have sent
the next telegram. If the time is exceeded, then an error is reported to the host.
The value 0 specifies that the reception of subsequent telegrams is not monitored.
Character Specifies whether the time between two characters during reception is monitored by 0 … 231-1
Delay Time time. Default: 0
The value (unequal to zero) specifies in what time the remote device must have sent
the next character. If the time is exceeded, then an error is reported to the host.
The value 0 specifies that no monitoring is performed.
Table 71: Timing Parameters for the Operating ‘Receive Only’ Mode
Table 72: Telegram Structure for the Operating ‘Receive Only’ Mode
Basic Principle
In the 'Client Mode' the device sends a telegram to the remote device. The
remote device then sends a telegram which is received by the device.
By this a polling (querying) of the remote devices can be performed. The
device can send a polling telegram with or without user data.
The send operation can be triggered or performed cyclically.
• triggered
With each handshake of the superordinated control unit a telegram is send.
For this, set the timing parameter Send Cycle Time to zero.
The remote device then sends a telegram which is received by the device.
The device can monitor the beginning of the receive telegram by time
monitoring via the Response Timeout parameter.
The superordinated control unit must activate the send operation by
handshake. The superordinated control unit must acknowledge each
reception by handshake.
• Cyclic
The device sends in a constant cycle.
With each handshake of the host the send data initially are updated in the
internal buffer and sent during the next sending cycle. For this, set the
timing parameter Send Cycle Time to the cycle time (unequal to zero).
The remote device then sends a telegram which is received by the device.
The device can monitor the beginning of the receive telegram by time
monitoring via the Response Timeout parameter.
The superordinated control unit must activate the send data by handshake.
The superordinated control unit must acknowledge each reception by
Timing Parameter
Parameter Description Range of
Send Cycle Specifies whether the telegram will be sent cyclically or triggered. 0 … 2 -1
Time The value (unequal to zero) specifies the cycle time of the send telegram. Default: 0
The value 0 specifies that the send telegram is triggered.
Response Specifies whether the reception of the response telegram is monitored by time. 0 … 2 -1
Timeout Thereby the remote device can be monitored. The time is taken from telegram end to Default: 1000
telegram end.
The value (unequal to zero) specifies in what time the remote device must have sent
the response telegram. If the time is exceeded, then an error is reported to the host.
The value 0 specifies that the reception of response telegrams is not monitored.
Character Specifies whether the time between two characters during reception is monitored by 0 … 2 -1
Delay Time time. Default: 0
The value (unequal to zero) specifies in what time the remote device must have sent
the next character. If the time is exceeded, then an error is reported to the host.
The value 0 specifies that no monitoring is performed.
Table 73: Timing Parameters for the Operating Mode 'Client Mode'
Table 74: Telegram Structure for the Operating Mode 'Client Mode'
Basic Principle
In the 'Server Mode' the device receives a telegram from the remote device.
The superordinated control unit must acknowledge each reception by
handshake. The superordinated control unit must activate by handshake
the send operation. The device then sends a telegram to the remote
When configuring the telegram structure the method is defined how the end
of the telegram is detected:
• Character
• Length
• Time
Timing Parameter
Parameter Description Range of
Receive Specifies whether the reception of subsequent telegrams is monitored by time. 0 … 2 -1
Watchdog Thereby the remote device can be monitored. The time is taken from telegram end to Default: 0
Time telegram end.
The value (unequal to zero) specifies in what time the remote device must have sent
the next telegram. If the time is exceeded, then an error is reported to the host.
The value 0 specifies that the reception of subsequent telegrams is not monitored.
Response Specifies whether the reception of telegrams is monitored by time. Thereby the 0 … 2 -1
Timeout remote device can be monitored. The time is taken from the end of the send telegram Default: 1000
to the start of the receive telegram.
The value (unequal to zero) specifies in what time the remote device must have sent
the next telegram. If the time is exceeded, then an error is reported to the host.
The value 0 specifies that the reception of telegrams is not monitored.
Character Specifies whether the time between two characters during reception is monitored by 0 … 2 -1
Delay Time time. Default: 0
The value (unequal to zero) specifies in what time the remote device must have sent
the next character. If the time is exceeded, then an error is reported to the host.
The value 0 specifies that no monitoring is performed.
Table 75: Timing Parameters for the Operating Mode 'Server Mode'
Configuration Example
Table 76: Telegram Structure Parameters for the Operating Mode 'Server Mode'
2. netSCRIPT settings
Select in the dialog window the interface type, RTS control, baudrate,
number of data bits, number of stop bits and parity. The settings are
described in the following section netSCRIPT Settings on page 254
3. Signal configuration
The signal configuration is done with default value automatically by software.
Note: The programming of a script, loading the script into the netTAP or
netBRICK device, the debugging of the script is described in detail in an
own manual: netSCRIPT Programming Language for Serial
Communication UM xx EN.pdf
5 Diagnosis
5.1 Overview Diagnosis
The dialog Diagnosis serves to diagnose the device behavior and
communication errors. For diagnosis the device must reside in online state.
The Extended Diagnosis helps to find communication and configuration
errors, when default diagnosis fails.
Diagnosis Panes
The table below gives an overview for the individual Diagnosis dialog
panes descriptions:
Section Page
General Diagnosis 257
Firmware Diagnosis 259
Indication Meaning
Device State
Communicating Communicating: Shows that the netTAP firmware executes the network communication.
Run Device is configured: Shows that the netTAP firmware has been configured correctly.
Ready Ready: Shows that the netTAP firmware has been started correctly. The netTAP firmware waits for
a configuration.
Error Error: Shows that the netTAP firmware records a device status error. For further information to the
error characteristics and the number of counted errors refer to the extended diagnosis.
Network State
Operate Operate: Shows that the netTAP firmware is in data exchange.
Stop Stop: Shows that the netTAP firmware is in Stop state: There is no cyclic data exchange at the
network. The netTAP firmware was stopped by the application program or it changed to the Stop
state because of a bus error.
Offline Offline: The netTAP firmware is offline pending it does not have a valid configuration.
Configuration State
Configuration Configuration locked: Shows that the netTAP firmware configuration is locked, to avoid the
locked configuration data are typed over.
New Configura- New Configuration pending: Shows that a new netTAP firmware configuration is available.
tion pending
Reset required Reset required: Shows that a firmware reset is required as a new netTAP firmware configuration
has been loaded into the device.
Bus ON Bus ON: Shows whether the bus communication was started or stopped. I. e., whether the device is
active on the bus or no bus communication to the device is possible and no response telegrams are
Parameter Meaning
Communication Error Communication Error: Shows the message text of the communication error. If the cause of the
current error is resolved, „ – “ is displayed.
Watchdog time Watchdog time: Shows the watchdog time in ms.
Error Count Error Count: This field holds the total number of errors detected since power-up, respectively
after reset. The protocol stack counts all sorts of errors in this field no matter if they were
network related or caused internally.
Table 81: Parameter General Diagnosis
Task Information:
The table Task Information is listing the task information of the single
firmware tasks.
Column Meaning
Task Task number
Task Name Name of the task
Version Version of the task
Prio Priority of the task
Description Description of the task
Status Status of the task
Table 82: Description Table Task Information
6 Online Functions
6.1 Connecting/Disconnecting Device
Connecting Device
The following steps are needed to establish a connection from the
netGateway DTM to a netTAP respectively netBRICK device:
Under Settings in the Driver pane:
1. Verify that the default driver is checked and respectively check another
or multiple drivers.
2. Configure the driver, if necessary.
Under Settings in the Device Assignment pane:
1. Scan for the device.
2. Select the device and apply the selection.
3. In the DTM interface dialog select the OK button, to apply the selection
and to close the DTM interface dialog.
4. Put a right-click on the netTAP respectively netBRICK symbol.
5. Select the Connect command from the right mouse button menu.
The netTAP respectively netBRICK device now is connected to the
netGateway DTM via an online connection. In the network view the
device description at the device symbol is displayed with a green
colored background.
Disconnecting Device
To disconnect an online connection from the netTAP respectively
netBRICK device to a netGateway DTM take the following steps:
3. In the DTM interface dialog select the OK button, to close the DTM
interface dialog.
1. Right-click on the netTAP respectively netBRICK symbol.
2. Select the Disconnect command from the context menu.
Now the netTAP respectively netBRICK device is disconnected from the
Note: Had a PROFIBUS DP slave device generated a pull alarm once and
this device/module goes into communication again, then a manual reset to
the proxy device is necessary (by a short disconnect of the power supply
by example) to force the prxy device to reload the configuration data.
Was the PROFIBUS DP slave device removed only from the PROFIBUS,
without a generation of a pull alarm, then the communication start
automatically if the PROFIBUS DP slave device is reconnected to
Besides cyclic data exchange, the netTAP NT 100 gateway also supports
acyclic communication for some protocol conversions.
In cyclic communication, small packages of I/O data (“process data”) are
exchanged at regular intervals with high-priority; in acyclic
communication on the other hand, (in most cases) bigger data packages
are being sent on special occasions, such as configuration download or
slave diagnosis.
The figure below shows the handling of cyclic and acyclic data flow via
1 The PLC sends the task to the gateway, where it is stored in the
Message Record of the acyclic channel and forwarded to the slave in
the secondary network.
2 The gateway sets the Request State in the Status Register of the
acyclic channel to value 2 and sends back an acknowledge message to
the PLC.
The slave executes the requested reading task.
3 The PLC queries the state of the request at regular intervals (“status
polling”) by reading the Status Register of the acyclic channel in the
gateway. As long as the gateway has not yet received the answer from
the slave, the Status Register is returning Request State 2.
Note: Instead of polling the Status Register, the PLC can read the
Message Record directly, expecting that the answer from the slave has
already arrived at the gateway and can be read from there. If the answer
from the slave has not yet arrived at the gateway at the time of the PLC
reading the Message Record, the Request State in the Status
Register is set to value 3 and the reply from the gateway to the PLC is
stalled until the answer from the slave arrives.
4 The answer from the slave arrives at the gateway where it is stored in
the Message Record of the acyclic channel. The gateway sets the
Request State in the Status Register to value 4.
5 The PLC reads the Status Register again and the gateway returns
Request State 4 to the PLC. The PLC now knows that the answer from
the slave has arrived and that the requested data can be read from the
Message Record.
6 The PLC now reads the requested data from the Message Record of
the acyclic channel. In case the slave reported an error in step 4, the
PLC can now react to the error message.
7 The gateway resets the Request State to value 1. The acyclic channel
is now ready to process a new request.
1 The PLC sends the task to the gateway, where it is stored in the
Message Record of the acyclic channel and forwarded to the slave in
the secondary network.
2 The gateway sets the Request State in the Status Register of the
acyclic channel to value 2 and sends back an acknowledge message to
the PLC.
The slave executes the requested writing task.
3 The PLC queries the state of the request at regular intervals (“status
polling”) by reading the Status Register of the acyclic channel in the
gateway. As long as the gateway has not yet received a response from
the slave, the Status Register is returning Request State 2.
Note: Instead of polling the Status Register, the PLC can read the
Message Record directly, expecting that the response from the slave
has already arrived at the gateway and can be read from there. If the
response from the slave has not yet arrived at the gateway at the time
of the PLC reading the Message Record, the Request State in the
Status Register is set to value 3 and the reply from the gateway to the
PLC is stalled until the response from the slave arrives.
4 The response from the slave arrives at the gateway where it is stored in
the Message Record of the acyclic channel. The gateway sets the
Request State in the Status Register to value 4.
5 The PLC reads the Status Register again and the gateway returns
Request State 4 to the PLC. The PLC now knows that the response
from the slave has arrived and can be read from the Message Record.
6 The PLC now reads the response from the Message Record of the
acyclic channel. In case the slave reported an error in step 4, the PLC
can now react to the error message.
7 The gateway resets the Request State to value 1. The acyclic channel
is now ready to process a new request.
Note: Instead of polling the Status Register, the PLC can send a
RDREC directly to the Message Record, expecting that the answer
from the EtherNet/IP Adapter has already arrived at the gateway and
can be read from there. If the answer from the Adapter has not yet
arrived at the gateway at the time of the PLC reading the Message
Record, the Request State in the Status Register is set to value 3 and
the RDREC REPLY from the gateway to the PLC is stalled until the
answer from the Adapter arrives.
Note that if the EtherNet/IP Adapter is slow, the RDREC of the Message
Record might get timed-out. Therefore “status polling” should be done
before reading the Message Record.
4 The answer from the EtherNet/IP Adapter arrives at the gateway where
it is stored in the Message Record of the acyclic channel. The gateway
sets the Request State in the Status Register to value 4.
5 The PROFINET PLC again sends a Read Data Record (RDREC) to
the Status Register, and the gateway now returns Request State 4.
The PLC now knows that the answer from the slave has arrived and
that the requested data can be read from the Message Record.
6 The PLC now sends a Read Data Record (RDREC) to the Message
Record of the acyclic channel in order to read the slave data.
7 The gateway resets the Request State to value 1. The acyclic channel
is now ready to process a new request.
WRREC Elements for Querying the Request State from the Status Register
The PROFINET PLC can read the request state from the Status Register
of the acyclic channel by sending a Read Data Record (RDREC) to Slot 0,
Subslot 1 and the even Index following the uneven Index of the Message
Record. The RDREC contains the following elements:
Element Description Data type Value
RDREC Reply Elements for Reading the Answer from the Message Record
The PROFINET PLC can retrieve the answer from the EtherNet/IP Adapter
by sending a Read Data Record (RDREC) to the Message Record of the
acyclic channel (Slot 0, Subslot 1 and the uneven Index).
The RDREC contains the following elements:
Element Description Data type Value
Answer from the Message Record with Payload Data from the
EtherNet/IP Adapter
The Read Record Reply (RDREC Reply) containing the payload data of
the EtherNet/IP Adapter, which the gateway sends to the PROFINET PLC,
contains the following parameters (no error occurred, i. e. Status = 0
= Success):
IP Address Service Status DataLen Data
0xC0 0xA8 0x0A 0x02 0x0E00 0x00000000 0x0800 0x54 0x45 0x4d 0x45 0x4c 0x4b 0x4f
Table 99: Example of RDREC REPLY from Message Record
Note: Instead of polling the Status Register, the PLC can send a
RDREC directly to the Message Record, expecting that the response
from the EtherNet/IP Adapter has already arrived at the gateway and
can be read from there. If the response from the Adapter has not yet
arrived at the gateway at the time of the PLC reading the Message
Record, the Request State in the Status Register is set to value 3 and
the RDREC REPLY from the gateway to the PLC is stalled until the
response from the Adapter arrives.
Note that if the EtherNet/IP Adapter is slow, the RDREC of the Message
Record might get timed-out. Therefore “status polling” should be done
before reading the Message Record.
WRREC Elements for Querying the Request State from the Status Register
The PROFINET IO PLC can read the request state from the Status
Register of the acyclic channel by sending a Read Data Record (RDREC)
to Slot 0, Subslot 1 and the even Index following the uneven Index of the
Message Record. The RDREC contains the following elements:
Element Description Data type Value
RDREC Reply Elements for Reading the Response from the Message Record
The PROFINET PLC can retrieve the response from the EtherNet/IP
Adapter by sending a Read Data Record (RDREC) to the Message
Record of the acyclic channel (Slot 0, Subslot 1 and the uneven Index).
The RDREC contains the following elements:
Element Description Data type Value
Answer from the Message Record Containing the Response from the
EtherNet/IP Adapter
The Read Record Reply (RDREC Reply) containing the response from the
EtherNet/IP Adapter, which the gateway sends to the PROFINET PLC,
contains the following parameters (no error occurred, i. e. Status = 0
= Success):
IP Address Service Data
0xC0 0xA8 0x0A 0x02 0x1000 0x00000000
Table 110: Example of RDREC REPLY from Message Record
9 Error Codes
9.1 Error Code Definition
For COM based application, like the ODM Server and ODM drivers, a
common error definition is used, similar to the Microsoft Windows®
HRESULT definition.
Error Code Structure:
COM Errors are HRESULTs, which are 32 bit values using the following
3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
|Sev|C|R| Facility | Code |
Sev - is the severity code:
00 - Success
01 - Informational
10 - Warning
11 - Error
C - is the Customer code flag
R - is a reserved bit
Facility - is the facility code
Code - is the facility's status code
In this common error definition, several error code regions are already
reserved by Windows® itself, the ODM and some other modules.
The fieldbus specific error codes are described in the manuals of the
corresponding protocol tasks.
10 Appendix
10.1 User Rights
User-rights are set within the FDT-container. Depending on the level the
configuration is accessible by the user or read-only.
To access the Settings, Configuration and Diagnosis panes of the
netGateway DTM you do not need special user rights. Also all users can
select the decimal or hexadecimal Display mode or sort table entries.
The following tables give an overview of the user right groups and which
user rights you need to configure the single parameters.
10.1.1 Settings
Observer Operator Maintenance Planning Adminis-
Engineer trator
Driver D D X X X
Selecting the Driver - - X X X
Device Assignment D D X X X
Scanning for Devices - - X X X
Selecting the Device - - X X X
Table 126: Settings (D = Displaying, X = Editing, Configuring)
10.1.2 Configuration
Observer Operator Maintenance Planning Adminis-
Engineer trator
Settings D D X X X
Signal Mapping D D X X X
Memory Card Management D D X X X
Table 127: Configuration (D = Displaying, X = Editing, Configuring)
10.4 Glossary
Auto-Negotiation is a feature of an interface: An interface with Auto-
Negotiation will automatically determine a set of correct communication
Baud rate
Data transmission speed of a communication channel or interface.
A coil (in the meaning defined by Modbus terminology) is a single bit in
memory that can be accessed (i.e. read or write) via Modbus.
Communication InterFace based on netX
electronic device data sheet, required for each CC-Link device
Device Description File
A file containing configuration information about a device being a part of a
network that can be read out by masters for system configuration. Device
Description Files use various formats which depend on the communication
system. Often these formats are based on XML such as EDS_files or
GSDML_files. Contains configuration information
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
This is a protocol simplifying the configuration of IP networks by
automatically assigning IP addresses.
Dual-Port Memory
Device Type Manager
The Device Type Manager (DTM) is a software module with graphical user
interface for the configuration and/or for diagnosis of devices.
Electronic Data Sheet
XML based device description file.
EDS file
A special kind of Device Description File used by EtherNet/IP.
A communication system for industrial Ethernet designed and developed by
Beckhoff Automation GmbH.
A communication system for industrial Ethernet designed and developed by
Rockwell. It partly uses the CIP (Common Industrial Protocol).
10.5 Contacts
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