0b9e4data Warehousing and Data Mining - Merged
0b9e4data Warehousing and Data Mining - Merged
0b9e4data Warehousing and Data Mining - Merged
MCA 509
Credit Units: 04
Course Contents:
Module I: Data Warehousing Introduction to Data Warehouse, its competitive advantage, Data warehouse vs Operational Data, Things to consider while building Data Warehouse Module II: Implementation Building Data warehousing team, Defining data warehousing project, data warehousing project management, Project estimation for data warehousing, Data warehousing project implementation Module III: Techniques Bitmapped indexes, Star queries, Read only tablespaces, Parallel Processing, Partition views, Optimizing extraction process Module IV: Data Mining From Data ware housing to Data Mining, Objectives of Data Mining, the Business context for Data mining, Process improvement, marketing and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), the Technical context for Data Mining, machine learning, decision support and computer technology. Module V: Data Mining Techniques and Algorithms Process of data mining, Algorithms, Data base segmentation or clustering, predictive Modeling, Link Analysis, Data Mining Techniques, Automatic Cluster Detection, Decision trees and Neural Networks. Module VI: Data Mining Environment Case studies in building business environment, Application of data ware housing and Data mining in Government, National Data ware houses and case studies.
Examination Scheme:
Components Weightage (%) CT1 10 CT2 10 A/C/Q 05 Attd 5 EE 70
Course Code: Course Objective:
The course objective is to learn the latest and emerging technologies in the Information Technology Field. Here students will learn Software Testing, Automated Testing, Data Storage, Enterprise Resource Planning and .NET & J2EE.
MCA 511
Credit Units: 03
Course Contents:
Module I: Software Reliability and Testing Reliability Basic Concepts, Reliability Analysis, Reliability Models, Testing Concepts. Type of Testing, Levels of Testing, Debugging Tools, Test Case Generation, Manual Testing vs. Automated Testing, Hands on experience on automated testing tools. Module II: Data Storage Storage concepts, storage Techniques, RAID Models, Introduction to DAS, SAN and NAS, Disaster Recovery and Business continuity. Module III: ERP Need of ERP in business, components of ERP, Characteristics of ERP, Direct and Indirect benefits of ERP, Basic overview of SCM, CRM and HRS, Introduction to SAP R/3. Module IV: .NET and J2EE NET Framework / Architecture, .NET and Web Services, VB.NET, ASP.NET Advance JAVA Threads, Enterprise Java Beans, Struts, Servlets and JSP.
Examination Scheme:
Components Weightage (%) CT1 10 CT2 10 A/C/Q 05 Attd 5 EE 70
MCA 503
Credit Units: 04
Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction History of the UNIX operating system, System structure, user perspective, Operating system services, Architecture of the UNIX operating system, Introduction to system concepts, Kernel Data Structure Module II: The Buffer Cache Buffer headers, Structure of the buffer pool, Scenarios for retrieval of a buffer, reading and writing disk blocks, advantages and disadvantages of the buffer cache Module III: Internal Representation of files Inodes, Structure of a regular file, directories, conversion of a path name to an inode, super block, inode assignment to a new file, allocation of disk blocks Module IV: The Structure of a process Process state and transitions, layout of system memory, the context of a process, saving the context of a process, manipulation of the process address space Module V: Process Control Process creation, Signals, Process termination, Awaiting process termination, The user ID of a process, Changing the size of a process, Shell, System boot and init process, process scheduling Module VI: Interprocess Communication and I/O Subsystem Process tracing, System vs IPC, Network Communication, Sockets, Driver interfaces, Disk Drivers, Terminal Drivers, Streams Module VII: UNIX Commands Login, password, hostname; creating an account; Virtual consoles; shell and commands; logout; changing password; Files and Directories; pathname; Directory Tree; current working directory; relative pathname; referring to home directories; Commands to move around; creating new directories; copying files; moving files; Deleting files and directories; looking at files: cat, more; Getting online help; manual pages. Wildcards; hidden files; Standard input and output; redirecting input and output; filter; pipes; file permissions; user and group; Interpreting file permissions; Permission Dependencies; Changing permissions. Managing file links; hard links; symbolic links; jobs and process: process ID; Job control; foreground and background jobs; suspend and interrupt a process; Back grounding and killing jobs; stopping and restarting jobs. Module VIII: VI Editor: Command mode, insert mode and last line mode; command to delete character, insert line; deleting text, command for moving the cursor; including other files; running shell commands; getting vi help; search and replace commands; changing and deleting text, Change word, Change line, Delete current line, Delete n lines, Delete remainder of Lines; copying and moving; Saving and Exiting. Module IX: Shell programming: Shell scripts and execution methods, Users Initialization file, The dot command, Interactive execution and command line arguments, ($1,$2 etc) meta Characters- Syantactic (&&, (), &, ||, ;;, <, > etc), pattern matching, substitute shell variables, Quoting, Test Command, Control Flow, For, If, While, Case. String handling and computation using expr, Setting positional parameters (set command), Shift. Shell functions, Interrupt handling (trap). Let command, Arrays Examination Scheme: Components Weightage (%) CT1 5 CT2 5 ATTD. 5 PR. 15 EE 70
MCA 504
Credit Units: 04
Course Contents:
Module I: Query Processing Basic concepts of query processing, converting SQL queries into Relational Algebra, Basic Algorithms for executing query operations, Query tree and query graph, Heuristic optimization of query tree. Module II: Transaction & Concurrency Control Basic definitions, ACID properties, schedules, Serializability of schedules, deadlocks, and concurrency control techniques, locking techniques, time-stamp based techniques, Multi-version techniques, validation techniques. Module III: Object Oriented and Extended Relational Database Technologies Overview of Object oriented database, OO Concepts, Encapsulation of Operations and methods, Inheritance, Object Model, Object definition language, object Query Language, Object Relational Concepts. Module IV: Distributed Database Introduction, Distributed databases principles, architectures, design, implementation. Fragmentation, Transparencies in Distributed Databases, Transaction control in Distributed Database, Query Processing in Distributed Database Module V: Emerging Database Trends Object oriented databases, Data warehousing and Data Mining, Active database, Spatial Database, Deductive database, Temporal database, Multimedia database, Distributed Database. Examination Scheme: Components Weightage (%) CT1 5 CT2 5 ATTD. 5 PR. 15 EE 70
Course Code: Course Objective:
To furnish some basic knowledge of French culture and civilization for understanding an authentic document and information relating to political and administrative life
MCA 544
Credit Units: 02
Course Contents:
Module D: pp. 131 156 Units 10, 11 Contenu lexical : Unit 10 : Prendre des dcisions 1. Faire des comparaisons 2. dcrire un lieu, le temps, les gens, l'ambiance 3. rdiger une carte postale Unit 11 : faire face aux problmes 1. Exposer un problme. 2. parler de la sant, de la maladie 3. interdire/demander/donner une autorisation 4. connatre la vie politique franaise Contenu grammatical: 1. 2. 3. 4. comparatif - comparer des qualits/ quantits/actions supposition : Si + prsent, futur adverbe - caractriser une action pronom "Y"
Examination Scheme:
Components Weightage (%) CT1 20 CT2 20 C 20 I 20 V 15 A 5
Course Code: Guidelines:
There are certain phases of every Interns professional development that cannot be effectively taught in the academic environment. These facets can only be learned through direct, on-the-job experience working with successful professionals and experts in the field. The internship program can best be described as an attempt to institutionalize efforts to bridge the gap between the professional world and the academic institutions. Entire effort in internship is in terms of extending the program of education and evaluation beyond the classroom of a university or institution. The educational process in the internship course seeks out and focuses attention on many latent attributes, which do not surface in the normal classroom situations. These attributes are intellectual ability, professional judgment and decision-making ability, inter-disciplinary approach, skills for data handling, ability in written and oral presentation, sense of responsibility etc. In order to achieve these objectives, each student will maintain a file (Internship File). The Internship File aims to encourage students to keep a personal record of their learning and achievement throughout the Programme. It can be used as the basis for lifelong learning and for job applications. Items can be drawn from activities completed in the course modules and from the workplace to demonstrate learning and personal development. The File will assess the students analytical skills and ability to present supportive evidence, whilst demonstrating understanding of their organization, its needs and their own personal contribution to the organization. The layout guidelines for the Project & Seminar Report: 1. File should be in the following specification: A4 size paper Font: Arial (10 points) or Times New Roman (12 points) Line spacing: 1.5 Top & bottom margins: 1 inch/ 2.5 cm Left & right margins: 1.25 inches/ 3 cm 2. Report Layout: The report should contain the following components: Front Page Table of Content Acknowledgement Student Certificate Company Profile (optional) Introduction Main Body References / Bibliography The File will include five sections in the order described below. The content and comprehensiveness of the main body and appendices of the report should include the following: 1. The Title Page--Title - An Internship Experience Report For (Your Name), name of internship organization, name of the Supervisor/Guide and his/her designation, date started and completed, and number of credits for which the report is submitted. 2. Table of Content--an outline of the contents by topics and subtopics with the page number and location of each section. 3. Introduction--short, but should include how and why you obtained the internship experience position and the relationship it has to your professional and career goals. 4. Main Body--should include but not be limited to daily tasks performed. Major projects contributed to, dates, hours on task, observations and feelings, meetings attended and their purposes, listing of tools and materials and their suppliers, and photographs if possible of projects, buildings and co-workers. 5. References / Bibliography --This should include papers and books referred to in the body of the report. These should be ordered alphabetically on the author's surname. The titles of journals preferably should not be abbreviated; if they are, abbreviations must comply with an internationally recognised system
MCA 560
Credit Units: 06
ASSESSMENT OF THE INTERNSHIP FILE The student will be provided with the Student Assessment Record (SAR) to be placed in front of the Internship File. Each item in the SAR is ticked off when it is completed successfully. The faculty will also assess each item
as it is completed. The SAR will be signed by the student and by the faculty to indicate that the File is the students own work. It will also ensure regularity and meeting the delaines. STUDENT ASSESSMENT RECORD (SAR) 1. 2. 3. Range of Research Methods used to obtain information Execution of Research Data Analysis Analyse Quantitative/ Qualitative information Control Quality Draw Conclusions
Examination Scheme:
Components Weightage (%) V 20 S 20 R 20 FP 40
Course Code: Course Objective:
The primary objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the basic principles, techniques, and applications of Artificial Intelligence. The emphasis of the course is on teaching the fundamentals and not on providing a mastery of specific commercially available software tools or programming environments. Upon successful completion of the course, you will have an understanding of the basic areas of artificial intelligence search, knowledge representation, learning and their applications in design and implementation of intelligent agents for a variety of tasks in analysis, design, and problem-solving. You will also be able to design and implement key components of intelligent agents of moderate complexity in Java and/or Lisp or Prolog and evaluate their performance. Graduate students are expected to develop some familiarity with current research problems and research methods in AI by working on a research or design project.
MCA 501
Credit Units: 03
Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction AI and its importance, AI Problem, Application area. Module II: Problem Representations State space representation, problem-reduction representation, production system, production system characteristics, and types of production system. Module III: Heuristic Search Techniques AI and search process, brute force search, depth-first search, breadth-first search, time and space complexities, heuristics search, hill climbing, best first search, A* algorithm and beam search. Module IV: Game Playing AI and game playing, plausible move generator, static evaluation move generator, game playing strategies, problems in game playing. Module V: Structured Knowledge Associative networks, frame structures, conceptual dependencies and scripts. Module VI: Logic Prepositional logic: syntax and semantics, First Order Predicate Logic (FOPL): Syntax and semantics, conversion to clausal form, inference rules, unification, and the resolution principles. Module VII: Object Oriented Representation Overview of object oriented systems, object classes, messages and methods. Rule-based knowledge representation- procedural and declarative knowledge, forward and backward reasoning, matching, control knowledge. Module VIII: Knowledge Acquisitions Type of learning, Knowledge Acquisition, Early work in machine learning, learning by induction. Module IX: Expert System Introduction to expert system, Phases of expert system, characteristics of expert system and a case study. Introduction to Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic, Robotics, LISP and Prolog.
Examination Scheme:
Components Weightage (%) CT1 10 CT2 10 A/C/Q 05 Attd 5 EE 70
MCA 543
Credit Units: 01
Course Contents:
Module I: Individual differences & Personality Personality: Definition& Relevance Importance of nature & nurture in Personality Development Importance and Recognition of Individual differences in Personality Accepting and Managing Individual differences (Adjustment Mechanisms) Module II: Socialization Nature of Socialization Social Interaction Interaction of Socialization Process Contributions to Society & Nation Module III: Patriotism and National Pride Sense of Pride and Patriotism Importance of Discipline and hard work Integrity and accountability Module IV: Human Rights, Values and Ethics Meaning of Human Rights Human Rights Awareness Importance of human rights Values and Ethics Module V: Workforce Diversity & Peace Globalization and workforce Gender Sensitization Respect for diversity Power of peace Module VI: End-of-Semester Appraisal Viva based on personal journal Assessment of Behavioural change as a result of training Exit Level Rating by Self and Observer
MCA 510
Credit Units: 04
Course Contents:
Module I: LAN Design Switched LAN Architecture, Principles of Hierarchical Network Design, Matching Switches to Specific LAN Function Module II: Basic Switch Concepts and Configuration Introduction to Ethernet/ 802.3 LAN, Forward Frame Using a Switch, Switch Management Configuration, Configuring Switch Security, Module III: VLANs Introducing VLAN, VLAN Trunking, Configuring VLAN and Trunks, Trouble Shooting VLANs and Trunks Module IV: VTP VTP Concept, VTP Operation, Configure VTP Module V: STP Redundant Layer 2 Topology, Introduction To STP, STP Convergence, PVSTP+, RSTP And Paired PVSTP+ Module VI: Inter-VLAN Routing Inter- VLAN Routing, Configuring Inter-VLAN Routing, Trouble Shooting Inter-VLAN Rioting Module VII: Basic Wireless Concepts and Configuration The Wireless LAN, Wireless LAN Security, Configuring Wireless LAN Access, Trouble Shooting Simple WLAN Problems Module VIII: Introduction to WAN Providing Integrated Services to Enterprise, WAN Technology Concept, WAN Connection Option Module IX: PPP Serial Point to Point Links, PPP Concept, Configuring PPP, Configuring PPP With Authentication, Module X: Frame Relay Basic Frame Relay Concepts, Configuring Frame Relay, Advanced Frame Relay Concept, Configuring Advanced Frame Relay Concept Module XI: Network Security Introduction to Network Security, Securing Cisco Routers, Secure Router Network Services, Using Cisco SDM, Secure Router Management Module XII: ACLs Using ACL to Secure Network, Configuring Standard ACLs, Configuring Extended ACLs, Configuring Complex ACLs Module XIII: Teleworker Services Business Requirement for Teleworker Services, Broadband Services, VPN Technology Module XIV: IP addressing Services DHCP, Scaling Network with NAT, Ipv6 Module XV: Network Troubleshooting Establishing Network Performance Base Line, Troubleshooting Methodology And Tools, Common WAN Implementation Issues, Network Troubleshooting
Examination Scheme:
Components Weightage (%) CT1 10 CT2 10 A/C/Q 05 Attd 5 EE 70
Course Code: Course Objective:
This course studies the principles of programming languages with an emphasis on programming language implementation and compiler design. This includes various techniques for describing and defining a language, as well as techniques for implementing compilers. The course is centered on a large programming project-the construction of a complete compiler for a small programming language.
MCA 502
Credit Units: 04
Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction Introduction to Compliers, Classification of grammars, Context free grammars, Regular grammars, Deterministic finite State Automata (DFA) & Non-DFA. Module II: Syntax Analysis Scanners, Top down parsing, LL grammars, Bottom up parsing, Polish expression Operator Precedence grammar, IR grammars, Comparison of parsing methods, Error handling. Module III: Symbol Table Symbol table handling techniques, Organization for non-block and block structured languages. Module IV: Code Generation/Intermediate Code Generation Run time storage administration, Static and dynamic allocation, Intermediate forms of source program, Polish N-tuple and syntax trees, Semantic analysis and code generation. Module V: Code Optimization Code optimization, Folding, redundant sub-expression evaluation, Optimization within iterative loops.
Examination Scheme:
Components Weightage (%) CT1 10 CT2 10 A/C/Q 05 Attd 5 EE 70
Course Code: Course Objective:
The modules are designed to enhance the communicative competence of the learners to equip them with efficient interpersonal communication.
MCA 541
Credit Units: 01
Course Contents:
Module I: Essentials of Workplace Conversation Language: registers (formal vs. informal) and usage Job description and evaluation; Relations with superiors, peers, and subordinates Team building Conversation Management Non Verbal Aids Module II: Dynamics of Group Discussion Introduction, Methodology Role Functions Mannerism Guidelines Module III: Communication through Electronic Channels Introduction Technology based Communication Tools Video Conferencing Web Conferencing Selection of the Effective Tool E-mails, Fax etc.
Examination Scheme:
Components Weightage (%) CT1 20 CT2 20 CAF 25 V 10 GD 10 GP 10 A 5