"Hospital Management System": Submited by

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Department Of Computer Science.

K.K.Wagh Arts, Commerce, Science and Computer Science College. Nashik-


Academic Year2020-2021

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Karmaveer KakasahebWagh Education Society’s
K. K. Wagh Arts Commerce, Science, &Computer Science College Saraswati
Nagar Nashik-422003


This is to certify that, Mr. LAKSHMI YADAV & SAMPRADA

TIBHE Has satisfactory completed his/her/their project on Landlord
Tenant Management System fulfilment in T.Y.B.Sc (Comp Sci)
Department for the academic year 2020-2021

Prof.Pawan Malani Prof. Bendale A.H.

(Project Guide) ( H.O.D. )

Internal Examiner External Examiner

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We own our sincere gratitude to all those people who have given us
their constant support and encouragement without which our project report
would not have reached this stage.
We would like to express our thanks to Prof. Pawan Malani
Sir For her /his advice and encouragement. She/he has been pillared of
strength right through the project till the preparation of this report and
helped by boosting moral, so we could surmount the difficulties that came
across during completion of this project.
We would like to express our gratitude to Dr. A.P.Rajput,
Principal, K.K.Wagh Arts, commerce, science and Computer Science
College. And Prof. Bendale A.H. Head of Computer department for the
support and the infrastructure they have provide, so that we could
successfully complete the project on time.
Last but not the list we would like to express our sincere thanks to all
staff members and our friends for their help and cooperation in all phases of
the project.



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Sr. No Title Page No.

1. Problem Definition. 5

2. Existing System. 6

3. Proposed System. 7

4. Requirement Analysis 8

5. Scope of the system 9

6. Feasibility study 10

7. ERD. 13

8. UML Diagrams. 14

9. Data Dictionary 21

10. Sample I/O Screen 25

11. Conclusion 29

12. Future Enhancement 30

13. Bibliography 31

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• The problem with the convention system is the information was very
difficult to retrieve and to find a particular information like to find about
the patient’s history the user has to go through various registers.

• As Hospital consists of numbers of patient n staff, number of patient

comes to hospital for their treatment so every time there is a need to
update the patient details or insert the details of the patient like from
which diseases they are suffering from which doctor they are consulting
to maintain all this record it’s not possible to search every time for the
patient and specially when all records are kept manually.

• So to manage this huge system there is a requirement of such software

in which all data can be keep safe and upgrade to update the data delete
or insert the records of any of the staff, doctor, patient this system is
easy to use and access the records of all staff and patients of the hospital
by using this system it become more easy to fetch information and it
provides data security too.

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• Hospitals are currently use a manual system for the management and
maintenance of critical information.

• The current system requires numerous paper forms, with data stores
spread throughout the hospital management infrastructure.

• The information on the forms is incomplete, or does not follow

management standards.

• Multiple copies of the same information exist in the hospital and may
lead to inconsistencies in data in various data stores.

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• The Hospital Management System is designed for any Hospital to
replace their existing manual, paper based system.

• The new system is to control the following information they are as

follows as: patient information, room availability, doctor’s information,
and bills information and so on this services are to be provided in an
efficient, cost effective manner, with the goal of reducing the time and
resources currently required for such task.

• Advantages :

• Easy to Use.

• Patients Documents can be stored.

• Patients detail can be stored easily.

• Bills receipt in one click.

• Patients details can be updated easily.

• User can fetch the details of patient in one click.

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1. Software Environment:

• Software Environment is a technical specification of requirement of

software product. This specifies the environment for development,
operation and maintenance of the product.

2. Working Environment:

Hardware Configuration:
Processor: Intel Core
Hard Disk Drive: 40 GB HDD
Keyboard: 104 keys
Monitor: 15” digital colour monitor.

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The proposed software product is the Hospital Management System. The

system will be used in any Hospital, Clinic, Dispensary or Pathology labs in
any Hospital, Clinics, Dispensary or Pathology labs to get the information
from the patient and storing the data for future usage. The current system in
use is a paper based system. It is too slow and cannot provide updated lists of
patients within the reasonable timeframe. The intentions of the system are to
reduce over – time pay and increase the number of patients that can be treated
accurately. Requirements statements in these documents are both functional
and non – functional.
The current project elucidates the following features are as follows a

❑ Registering the Patients.

❑ Updating the Patients Information.

❑ Searching details of Patients.

❑ searching of availability of wards.

❑ Bills of the patients and ward charges.

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Preliminary investigation examines project feasibility, the likelihood

the system will be useful to the organization. The main objective of the
feasibility study is to test the Technical, Operational and Economical
feasibility for adding new modules and debugging old running system. All
system is feasible if they are unlimited resources and infinite time. There
are aspects in the feasibility study portion of the preliminary investigation:

• Technical Feasibility
• Operation Feasibility
• Economical Feasibility

1.Technical Feasibility:

The technical issue usually raised during the feasibility stage of the
investigation includes the following:

• Does the necessary technology exist to do what is suggested?

• Do the proposed equipment’s have the technical capacity to hold the data
required to use the new system?
• Will the proposed system provide adequate response to inquiries,
regardless of the number or location of users?
• Can the system be upgraded if developed?
• Are there technical guarantees of accuracy, reliability, ease of access and
data security?
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Earlier no system existed to cater to the needs of ‘Hospital Management
System’. The current system developed is technically feasible. It is a
application based user interface. Thus, it provides an easy access to the

The database’s purpose is to create, establish and maintain a

workflow among various entities in order to facilitate all concerned users in
their various capacities or roles. Permission to the users would be granted
based on the roles specified. Therefore, it provides the technical guarantee
of accuracy, reliability and security.

The software and hardware requirements for the development of this project
are not many and are already available or are available as free as open
source. The work for the project is done with the current equipment and
existing software technology.

2.Operational Feasibility:

Proposed projects are beneficial only if they can be turned out into
information system. That will meet the organization’s operating
requirements. Operational feasibility aspects of the project are to be taken
as an important part of the project implementation. Some of the important
issues raised are to test the operational feasibility of a project includes the
following: -

• Is there sufficient support for the management from the users?

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• Will the system be used and work properly if it is being developed and
• Will there be any resistance from the user that will undermine the
possible application benefits?
This system is targeted to be in accordance with the abovementioned
issues. Beforehand, the management issues and user requirements have
been taken into consideration. So there is no question of resistance from the
users that can undermine the possible application benefits.

The well-planned design would ensure the optimal utilization of the

computer resources and would help in the improvement of performance

3.Economic Feasibility:

A system can be developed technically and that will be used if installed

must still be a good investment for the organization. In the economical
feasibility, the development cost in creating the system is evaluated
against the ultimate benefit derived from the new systems. Financial
benefits must equal or exceed the costs.

The system is economically feasible. It does not require any

addition hardware or software. Since the interface for this system is
developed using the existing resources and technologies, there is
nominal expenditure and economic feasibility for certain.

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Activity Diagram:

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Collaboration Diagram:

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Component Diagram:

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Deployment Diagram:

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POSTGRESQL Table Structure

• Table Name: Register

Description: - This Table is store info about admin login details

Column | Type |Constraints |

username | character varying(20) | not null |
password | character varying(20) | not null |

• Table Name: Patient

Description: - This Table stores patient information
Column | Type | Collation |
pid | integer | not null |
name | character varying(30) |not null |
mob | numeric(10,0) |not null |
age | numeric(3,0) |not null |
gender | character varying(7) |not null |
blood | text |not null |
address | text |not null |
des | text |not null |

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"patient_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (pid)
Referenced by:
TABLE "diagonosis" CONSTRAINT "diagonosis_pid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY
(pid) REFERENCES patient(pid)

• Table Name: doctor

Column | Type | Collation |
did | integer |not null |
dname | character varying(20) |not null |
contact | numeric(10,0) |not null |
age | integer |not null |
gender | character varying(10) |not null |
qualification | character varying(20)|not null |
address | text | not null |
specialist | character varying(20) |not null |
"doctor_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (did)

• Table Name: diagonosis

Description: - This Table is store rents information
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Column | Type | Collation |
pid | integer |not null |
symptoms | text |not null |
doctor | text |not null |
date | text |not null |
ward | text | |
type | text | |
Foreign-key constraints:
"diagonosis_pid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (pid) REFERENCES patient(pid)
• Table Name: bill
Column | Type | Collation |
rno | integer |not null |
medical_charge | integer |not null |
ward_charge | integer |not null |
testing_charge | integer |not null |
other_charge | integer |not null |
total | integer |not null |
pid | integer |not null |
date | text | |
"bill_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (rno)

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This project has given me an ample opportunity to design, code, test

and implements an application. This has helped in putting into practice of
various Software Engineering principles and Database Management concepts
like maintaining integrity and consistency of data. Further, this has helped me
to learn more about POSTGRESQL, JAVA, Adobe Photoshop

I thank my guide for his invaluable contribution in guiding me

throughout the project. I also thank my parents and friends who have
supported and motivated me to complete this project successfully.

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• The proposed system is Hospital Management System.

• We can enhance this system by including more facilities like

pharmacy system for the stock details of medicines in the pharmacy.

• Providing such features enable the users to include more comments

into the system.50

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Referring online manual from website



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