Fläkt Marine AB: Design Conditions
Fläkt Marine AB: Design Conditions
Fläkt Marine AB: Design Conditions
Summer Outside: +32C and 70% relative humidity.
Inside: +22°C and 40 - 60% relative
When dimensioning the system calculations are executed in accordance with the
recommendations in ISO 7547.
The following internal loads have been applied as provided by the client.
None supplied
Electric supply: 3 x440 V and 1 x 220 V, 60 Hz
Heating medium: Electricity (Pre / Re)
Cooling medium: 134a
0 Date: 12-11-30 Rev:2012-11-30 DATA-SHEET M FLÄKT MARINE AB
Our ref : 512010 Customer : Nordica Engineering
Your ref: Ship/projekt : Amsterdam
Unit/ Fan Motor Remarks.
Fan/ AHU Capacity
Item Type Flow p static Speed Power Type Speed Size Curr. Cool. Heat Freq
0 [m3/s] [Pa] [rpm] [kW] [rpm] [kW] [A] kW kW HZ
AC1:1 Cabin FOR Silver 12H 4,90 2028 1662 16.9 1760 25,3 41,50 163,2 127,4 44,0 42,5+42,5+42,5
E-1:1 Exhaust 3,70 1827 1757 11,0 1760 17,3 28,00 47,0
R-1:1 Enthalpy wheel 1656 0,44 1,01
AR-1.2 Cabin Stb side Silver 11H 3,70 2983 2132 11,4 1760 17,3 28,00 109,3 96,2 65,0 29,6+29,6+37
E-2 Exhaust 3,20 1877 2189 8.9 1760 12,6 21,00 77,0
R-1:2 Enthalpy wheel 1656 0,44 1,01
AC-2 Cabin Port side Silver 12H 4,50 2072 1900 14,4 1765 21,3 36,50 132,3 117 55,0 39+39+39
E-2 Exhaust 4,10 1871 1958 11,4 1760 17,3 28,00 57,0
R-2 Enthalpy wheel 1656 0,44 1,01
AC-3 Galley Supply Silver 09 2,00 1570 2000 5,0 1755 8,6 14,80 110 98,8 69,0 24,7+24,7+24,7+24,7
E-3 Galley Exhaust GTHB-3-063 3,60 1138 1132 3,6 1160 4,6 9,30 direct driven
AC-4 Cellar dk Silver09 1,80 1859 2456 5,3 1755 8,6 14,80 125,2 84,2 84,0 21,1+21,1+21,1+21,1
ES4 Cellar dk toil GTHB-1-028 0,50 800 2670 3460 1,3 2,40 47,0
E-4 Cellar dk GTLB-030 1,30 1000 2249 1,7 1680 2,5 4,80
1180 3,6 8,50
E-5 Hospital Exhaust CK200B 0,15 200 2630 0,2 2730 0,2 0,98 1X230 V
E-6 Smoke Exhaust CK315C 3,50 600 1362 3,1 1690 0,3 1,40
E-7 Smoke Exhaust CK315C 3,50 200 2562 3,1 2562 0,3 1,40 1X230 V
E-8 Smoke fwd CK200B 0,25 200 2562 2,2 2562 0,2 0,98 1X230 V
AC5 Welding room EUMM-20 1,00 900 3705 1,5 3420 2,5 4,70 60,0
E9 Welding room GTHB-1-031 1,00 865 2938 3505 2,5 4,30 51,0