A Design Guide For Green Stormwater Infrastructure Best Management Practices"

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A Design Guide for

Green Stormwater
Infrastructure Best
Management Practices
Scalable Solutions to
Local Challenges

Jack Eskin
Delta Institute

Tom Price, P.E.

Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc.

Jason Cooper, PLA, LEED AP

Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc.

William Schleizer
Delta Institute

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This updated design guide was made possible with funding from the Great Lakes Protection Fund
(GLPF) towards Resilient Infrastructure Sustainable Communities (RISC), a Great Lakes basin-wide
initiative to scale up green stormwater infrastructure as a measure of climate resilience. At GLPF,
sincere thanks go to Shannon Donley, Steve Cole, and David Rankin, for their continued support and

The original version of this guide was released by Delta Institute in July 2015 with support from
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, through the Illinois Department of Natural
Resources (IDNR, CFDA Number 11.419), and updated in September 2017. Within this updated
2021 version of the publication, additional green infrastructure designs and multi-regional cost
information have been included to identify applicable areas for best management practices across
different Great Lakes watersheds. The updated Guide information also reflects lessons learned in
planning and implementing green infrastructure across the basin since 2017, particularly around
evolving best practices, and which approaches work best across different contexts.

RISC thanks Thomas Price, PE and Jason Cooper, PLA, LEED AP from Environmental Consulting &
Technology, Inc (ECT)., who contributed towards the Guide’s new design content. The Project Team
also thanks Tim King, P.E., LEED AP BD+C and Luke Leising, AIA, P.E., LEED AP O+M of Guidon
Design, who led the development of the original design content for the 2015 and 2017 publications.

In addition, we acknowledge the work of graduate students Loren Ayala and Liliana Hernandez
Gonzalez, Civil and Environmental Engineering students at Northwestern University and Kimberly
Grey, Chair of Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at Northwestern University in
developing the box tree filter and green roof designs. Additionally, we acknowledge Claire
Costelloe, an undergraduate student at University of Chicago for her assistance reviewing, editing
and preparing additional components for publication. Finally, we are grateful to the following
individuals and organizations, who informed the development of content in 2015 and 2017 versions
of the Guide:
Jodi Prout, City of Blue Island Stan Urban, Village of Dolton
Jason Berry, City of Blue Island Hildy Kingma, Village of Park Forest
Dawn Haley, Village of Riverdale Ernestine Beck-Fulgham, Village of Robbins
Mary Ryan, Village of Calumet Park Josh Ellis of the Metropolitan Planning Council
Bryan Swanson, City of Calumet City Calumet Stormwater Collaborative

For purposes of citation of this guide, please use the following:

“A Design Guide for Green Stormwater Infrastructure Best Management Practices”, Jack Eskin, Tom
Price, Jason Cooper, and William Schleizer, Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc., Report,
119 pp, August 2021.

Lastly, any related communications can be directed to the following.

Sanjiv K. Sinha, P.E., Ph.D. (RISC Project Director)
Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. (ECT)
2200 Commonwealth Blvd, Suite 300
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
[email protected]

SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION......................................................................5
SECTION 2: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT.................................................7
SECTION 3: GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE.....................................................10
GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PRACTICES..................................................................10

SECTION 4: DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS..................................................18

BIO-RETENTION PRACTICES ................................................................................22
NATURALIZED DETENTION PRACTICES...............................................................48
BIO-FILTRATION PRACTICES.................................................................................56
URBAN TREE PLANTING PRACTICES.....................................................................72

GLOSSARY OF TERMS...............................................................................99
APPENDIX A ...........................................................................................100
EPA BROWNFIELDS DECISION FLOW CHART......................................................100

APPENDIX B ...........................................................................................101
ILLINOIS URBAN MANUAL...................................................................................101

APPENDIX C ...........................................................................................116
ENGINEERED SOIL SPECIFICATION.....................................................................116

APPENDIX D ...........................................................................................119

Many municipalities struggle to effectively Why Green Infrastructure?
address stormwater and flooding issues To avoid both riverine and surface flooding,
that impact their communities, and they are water must be drained from impermeable
increasingly interested in green infrastructure surfaces, often using “gray infrastructure”
as a tool for stormwater management and like gutters and underground pipe networks
for meeting regulatory requirements around that discharge to local sewers or water bodies.
water quality. However, there are often barriers Green infrastructure is a valuable supplemental
to green infrastructure installation, such as tool to manage stormwater using natural
the lack of capacity and technical expertise processes to slow the movement of water, treat
for implementation. These barriers can be runoff, manage the flow, and mitigate flooding
particularly significant for municipalities with issues. In many instances, green infrastructure
constrained human and financial resources. To is also necessary to help municipalities and
help municipal managers and decision-makers sewer districts comply with state and federal
begin the process of exploring and implementing requirements, regulations, and consent
green infrastructure, RISC has updated Delta decrees, that are centered around issues like
Institute’s original toolkit to feature scalable tools pollutant loading and sewer discharges. Due
and design templates for green infrastructure to the spatial and financial constraints around
on different landscapes. The target audience expanding and enlarging gray infrastructure
for this toolkit includes public sector managers, like sewer lines, green infrastructure can often
planners, and decision makers, particularly those serve as a compact, distributed, and economical
at the municipal level. This toolkit aims to: solution for meeting water quality improvement
• Provide users with a clearer understanding
of how to identify opportunities for green Green infrastructure can also deliver a variety
infrastructure implementation. of co-benefits to the surrounding community.
• Illustrate which practices are most suitable For example, rocks and soil can assist with
for a specific site or purpose, and; stormwater infiltration and groundwater
• How to make informed decisions based on recharge. Simultaneously, the plant life and
reasonable cost estimates. microorganisms that exist in green infrastructure
sites can purify the water by consuming
These tools are designed to be applicable to a contaminants, and assisting with decomposition.
variety of sites and decision-makers, but focus Additionally, green infrastructure can mitigate
on addressing issues and constraints that are flooding, and help to alleviate stress on aging
specific to resource constrained municipal gray infrastructure systems. See Table 1 on
managers and decision-makers. All of the the following page for more co-benefits of the
green infrastructure treatments in this guide included designs. Green infrastructure supports
are particularly well-suited to the Midwestern community planning objectives and provides
climate but can be scaled to sites across a wide additional benefits. These benefits include more
geography. Importantly, the practices identified aesthetically pleasing uses of blighted parcels
in this guide are best suited for stormwater or brownfields, which can create economic
management issues in urban and suburban development opportunities while providing
locations on properties, parks, and rights of habitat or recreational improvements. Overall
way, etc. While these techniques share similar green infrastructure installations can enhance
goals, they differ from the practices suitable neighborhood vitality and increase property
for agricultural locations. More information on values.
those practices can be found at the following site

Co-Benefits of Green Infrastructure Practices

Filter Strip/
Stormwater Bioswale/ Box Tree Permeable Underground Naturalized Vegetated Urban Tree
Rain Garden Green Roof Level
Planter Hybrid Ditch Filter Pavement Storage Detention Swale Planting

Reduce Pests

Reduce Urban
Heat Island

Improve Water

Improve Air

Increase and
Improve Green

Energy Costs

Benefit Applies to GI Practice

Benefit Does Not Apply to GI Practice

Stormwater management is paramount (BMPs) in their designs, as a part of the permitting
to the design and function of any human process. Importantly, and increasingly, green
development. The natural water cycle includes infrastructure serves as an example of an
infiltration of stormwater into the ground and effective stormwater BMP that can be integrated
absorption and evapotranspiration of water by with gray infrastructure on site.
vegetation. Impervious surfaces from pavement
and buildings fulfill our need for shelter and Integrating Green and Gray Infrastructure
commerce, but they also impede opportunities
When rain falls on an impervious surface, it
for infiltration and natural plant processes. This
must be drained to avoid flooding of streets
causes more rainfall to flow from impervious
and buildings. The traditional approach to
surfaces, and the increased rainfall runoff causes
draining runoff has been to remove it from
flooding and accelerates erosion. Rainfall runoff
the area as quickly as possible. This is known
also collects pollutants and sediment as it flows
as conveyance. Embedded below the street
over impervious surfaces, causing increased
system is an underground network of pipes
water quality issues. To limit the impacts that
and structures that are designed to move
pollutant runoff has on watersheds, state and
stormwater quickly from the streets, parking
federal agencies maintain requirements on
lots, and buildings. This method conveys runoff
many communities around phenomena like Total
and discharges it into nearby water bodies, and is
Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) and combined
referred to as “gray” infrastructure because the
sewer discharges. To ensure that these state
curb, gutter and concrete pipe are often gray.
and federal standards are met, and that runoff
Green infrastructure aims to mimic natural, pre-
volume and pollution is reduced, municipalities
development conditions by slowing runoff from
oftentimes require land development projects to
precipitation down, collecting and treating it as
include stormwater management best practices

close as possible to the point where it falls. This management capacity. In response to this
allows for the natural processes of infiltration problem, local and regional stormwater quality
and evapotranspiration to occur and minimizes regulations are becoming increasingly more
stormwater runoff. There are multiple ways stringent. As previously mentioned however,
that this can be integrated into the design of expanding and enhancing gray infrastructure
the urban fabric. For example, a strategically- as the sole solution to address this problem is
placed planting bed can function as a pocket cost-prohibitive. In turn, green infrastructure is
storage area for rainwater. This allows rainwater a method of handling stormwater that can be
to infiltrate directly into the ground water table cost-effective and aesthetically-pleasing and
and allows for uptake into plants. can improve the capacity of the existing gray
infrastructure by adding storage volume, both
The green infrastructure approach mitigates above and below ground. Green infrastructure
flooding of receiving waters and aging also improves water quality by creating
infrastructure, which can get overwhelmed with opportunities to filter and settle sediment out
urban runoff during even moderate storms. of the stormwater. It has the additional benefit
Municipalities face a growing need for effective of reducing the temperature of surface runoff,
stormwater management because of localized which is increased due to the warming of dark,
flooding, due to inadequate gray infrastructure impervious surfaces.
and more extreme weather events caused by
climate change. Specifically, the National Climate While green infrastructure can serve in a
Assessment projects that within the Midwest, standalone manner, it is most effective and
climate change will produce “increased flooding impactful when it is integrated with gray
and extreme rainfall, causing erosion, a decline in infrastructure improvements. Integrating green
water quality, and producing negative impacts on and gray infrastructure achieves efficiencies
transportation, agriculture, human health, and in design, project cost, and even assists with
infrastructure.” As the acreage of impervious satisfying regulatory requirements around
surfaces grows with the population within the upgrading infrastructure. Examples of how green
Midwest, the simultaneous pattern of wetter infrastructure techniques can be integrated into
and more extreme climate in the region creates conventional gray infrastructure are provided in
a pressing need to improve its stormwater Figure 1.

Figure 1: Methods for retrofitting gray infrastructure with green infrastructure


When incorporated into existing gray stormwater systems, green infrastructure can help manage water
volume and velocity entering into the sewer; improve water quality in runoff, pre and post sewer conveyance;
and reduce the impact on existing infrastructure, communities, and ecosystems.

Where When
Sewer and drainage areas located on For new construction
roads, parking lots, office buildings, or retrofitting or
and lawns. existing systems.

How: Green Infrastructure Techniques

Infiltration Water Treatment Detention
Improve inflitration by Reduce non-point source Store excess
using bioretention to pollution in runoff before stormwater to control
reduce runoff velocity it enters sewers and runoff volume and
and volume, and other water bodies. velocity before it moves
recharge groundwater. downstream.

Benefits: Reduce CSO Benefits: Remove pollut- Benefits: Reduce erosion,

events, flooding, and ants, contaminants and water levels,
coastal erosion. nutrients in runoff. wear on infrastructure
and pollution in runoff.

Upstream BMPs: Upstream BMPs: Upstream BMPs: Under-

Bioswale, Rain Garden, Bioswale, Rain Garden, ground Storage, Green
Stormwater Planter, Stormwater Planter, Roof
Permeable Pavement Box Tree Filter, Filter
Box, Tree Filter, Filter Strip/Level Spreader, Downstream BMPs:
Strip/Level Spreader, Stormwater Trees, Wet Pond, Semi-wet
Stormwater Trees Green Roof Pond

Downstream BMPs: Downstream BMPs:

Semi-wet Pond Wet Pond, Semi-wet

Green Infrastructure Practices
There are numerous green infrastructure Green infrastructure practices are readily
techniques that can be incorporated into a site adaptable to a range of conditions, including
and many resources available on the design contaminated sites, and the clean-up
criteria of those techniques. See Appendix requirements for contaminated sites often
D (Resources) for a full list of resources. In present green infrastructure opportunities. As
2015, Guidon Design conducted a charrette the practices rely heavily on the capture and
to holistically evaluate green infrastructure infiltration of rainwater where it lands, which
techniques that are available on the market. could be on the ground, within a planter or on
This evaluation process led to the identification a roof. Potentially contaminated parcels or
of three purposes that green infrastructure brownfields need to be evaluated on a case-by-
addresses: conveyance, detention, and case basis to determine the appropriate use of
infiltration. From this charrette, Guidon selected these techniques.
the most appropriate techniques that could
be chosen for use on a parcel-by-parcel basis. • Bioswale/Hybrid Ditch
In this initial phase, very urban practices (like • Rain Garden
stormwater planters and permeable pavement) • Stormwater Planters
were the primary techniques that were explored • Naturalized Detention Basin
and illustrated. As part of the 2021 update, ECT • Vegetated Filter Strip/Level Spreaders
added additional practices, such as naturalized • Vegetated Swales
detention, that are applicable to more suburban • Urban Tree Planting
and rural areas. This section of the Guide will • Box Tree Filter
serve to introduce the specific practices, • Stormwater Trees
components, and design considerations for • Green Roof
green infrastructure, as well as summarize the • Permeable Pavement
resources for green infrastructure that are • Underground Storage
provided in the Guide.

Table 1: Green infrastructure practices featured in this guide

Practice Location Stormwater Primary Challenges
Bioswale/Hybrid Upstream Bio-retention Appropriate growing area, $
Ditch Building Parking Infiltration Intensive maintenance
Lots, Setbacks, Water treatment
Rain Garden Campuses and
Stormwater Upstream Right of way space $$
Planters Streets, Salt-tolerant plant selection

Practice Location Stormwater Primary Challenges
Naturalized Downstream Water treatment Expensive, $$$
Detention Subdivisions Detention Large
BasinA Campuses and
Vegetated Filter Upstream/ Water treatment Appropriate growing area, $
Strip/Level Downstream Velocity control Intensive maintenance
Spreaders B Roadway
Vegetated corridors Expensive $$
Swales C Campuses and Large
Urban Tree Upstream/ Infiltration Available space, $
Planting Downstream Water treatment Time to maturity
All locations Velocity control
Box Tree Filter D
Streets, Infiltration Available space, $$
Sidewalks Water treatment Uncommon technique
Green Roof E
Large building Infiltration Heavy, $$$
roofs Expensive
Permeable Parking lots, Infiltration Expensive, $$
Pavement driveways, alleys Maintenance intensive
Underground Parking lots, Infiltration Expensive $$$
Storage driveways, alleys Detention
These techniques were added as part of ECT’s work in the 2021 update, to reflect commonly used prac-
tices in rural and suburban locations.
These techniques were added after Guidon’s process and were selected by Northwestern for inclusion
because of their relevance to the Chicago metropolitan region’s built environment.

Standard Green Infrastructure fine and coarse grained soils can also lead to
Components the subsidence (or the caving in) of the system,
as the mixed material begins to be displaced by
Particularly below the surface, there are
the separated materials. The selection of the
numerous components to a green infrastructure
particular geotextile by the design engineer is a
installation, that dictate its performance.
critical factor for the success of the installation.
Major components include engineered soil and
Woven monofilament fabrics provide good
geotextile fabric.
soil separation, and are less subject to blinding
and clogging than non-woven, needle punch
Engineered Soil fabrics. For this reason, woven monofilament
Several of the green infrastructure practices fabrics should be used in most cases. However,
include the use of engineered soil, also known as non-woven needle punch fabrics provide
amended soil for bioretention soil. Engineered superior filtration, and a four foot wide strip is
soil creates a layer that filters stormwater runoff recommended between the engineered soil and
at a consistent rate to a subgrade or a layer of gravel layers that can be installed specifically
aggregate beneath. Where used, the aggregate over the length of perforated pipes, where
layer provides stormwater volume storage that present (a requirement in Wisconsin). Due to
holds runoff until it infiltrates into the native soil their high potential for clogging, filter socks
beneath and (or) slowly drains to downstream should never be placed on perforated pipes and
stormwater systems. Engineered soil is critical instead the fabric should wrap around the entire
to the functionality of the green infrastructure gravel layer that the perforated pipe is contained
practices, because it provides a growing medium within. For bioretention systems (like bioswales
for plant material and filters out pollutants as the and rain gardens), some jurisdictions (notably
runoff flows through the layer. There are a range Iowa and Wisconsin) require a choker layer of
of mixes specified in various stormwater ASTM #8 stone between the bioretention soil
manuals and ordinances around the region and and gravel storage layers, instead of fabric.
country, but most specify varying amounts of
coarse sand, topsoil, and compost. Due to the Green Infrastructure Design
highly variable nature of topsoil (particularly in Considerations
regards to clay content), this guide recommends
limiting the engineered soil mix to coarse sand Beyond these standard subsurface design
and well-aged compost. Although compost can elements however, there numerous design
also be variable, a mix of sand and compost has considerations in a green infrastructure
reliably low clay content and high organic matter installation, namely planting approach and
content, providing a good growing medium plant selection, depth to the groundwater
with relatively high permeability. Example table, and the soil infiltration rate.
specifications for engineered soil are included in
Appendix C (Engineered Soil Specification). Planting Approach and Plant Selection
Several green infrastructure practices rely on
Geotextile Fabric plants as a critical component to their design.
Most of the techniques include the use of Regardless of the planting approach, designers
geotextile fabric to be wrapped around the should rely primarily on perennial herbaceous
drainage aggregate. The fabric acts as a barrier plants for their green infrastructure practices.
between layers of soil and aggregate while Perennial means that the plant lives for multiple
allowing runoff to filter through. It is important, years, and herbaceous means that the plants
because it prevents the migration of particulates have soft above-ground tissues that die-back
from one layer to the next which prevents the each winter. A preference should also be given
loss of runoff storage volume. The mixing of to the use of grasses and grass-like plants in
the design. Herbaceous perennials, especially

grasses, are more effective at stabilizing the natural areas are few and far between. For these
soil from erosion, and maintaining soil organic reasons, a naturalized planting is the approach
carbon and soil permeability than woody plants represented throughout this document and the
like trees and shrubs. one included in the templates.

The type of plants used and the arrangement in Native plants can be installed using various
which they are planted is an important design sizes, most commonly seen as “plugs” and
decision as it affects the type of maintenance “gallons.” A plug is a small plant that has grown
that the facility will require. An ornamental in an approximately 2-inch wide by 5-inch deep
planting approach may be more appropriate container. A gallon is a more mature plant that
for small spaces within the urban environment, is larger and fits into a gallon-sized container.
whereas a naturalized approach may be best for Gallons are more expensive than plugs, because
larger and more rural spaces. they take more time and effort for the nursery
to grow prior to installation. They should be
An ornamental landscape is one that most selected in instances where it is important for
people are familiar with. It is what most people the installation to look fully grown from the
use for their home landscapes. Ornamental beginning. Otherwise, plugs are recommended
landscapes rely on the use of plants whose traits because they are more cost-effective and end
are carefully selected by growers to be durable, up producing the same size plant at maturity.
long-lived, and produce bold leaves or flower Both sizes of native plants require consistent
displays. These plants are typically not native watering during an establishment period to
to one specific region, having been originally improve survivability.
imported from all over the world. Since each
selection of plant tends to possess identical Long-term maintenance for the plantings
genes, these landscapes can be relatively sterile, is something that should be considered
and produce few, if any, viable offspring. The when selecting the right planting approach.
arrangement of ornamental plantings usually Naturalized plantings have unique maintenance
displays plants in blocks or groupings. The simple needs that require specialized services, such as
collection of these large masses of individual plant identification and prescribed burning. The
plants is what many people think of when they ornamental approach can be maintained with
imagine a garden. conventional landscape management.

The naturalized landscape approach utilizes Plants should be selected to match the conditions
locally-native plants in arrangements that they will experience at the site. Some of this
attempt to mimic a common regional plant will be determined by the green infrastructure
communities, like a prairie. The placement of practice, but the surrounding environment will
these plants is more dense and diverse than in also play a role. Information to consider when
an ornamental landscape. Unlike its ornamental selecting plants includes:
cousin, the naturalized landscape is designed • Sun Exposure: Most nurseries will
to self-replicate through natural reproduction. provide information on how much direct
Native plants are also adapted to be drought exposure to sunlight each plant prefers
tolerant for their region, and have root systems each day. This is usually described as full
that are deeper and more extensive than most sun (more than 6 hours), part sun (4 to 6
non-native plants. hours), and full shade (less than 4 hours).
One of the greatest benefit of a naturalized • Soil Moisture: Moisture levels in the soil
landscape is the habitat it provides for native will be the result of soil makeup and local
plants and animals. This can be especially drainage patterns. As a general rule,
important in urban areas, where the remaining clay-based soils will hold a lot more water

than sandy soils, while loamy soils will be In addition to the parameters described above,
somewhere in between the two. plants should meet the following requirements:
• Salt Exposure: Salt is very damaging to • Non-invasive, or overly aggressive
the health of plants. Choose salt-tolerant species
plants if green infrastructure measures • Locally available
will receive runoff from roadways and
parking lots that are subject to winter • Relatively long-lived
de-icing. • Not be locally endangered or threatened
• Flood Duration: This is the length of • Not suitable for large landscape
time that the site will be flooded after a applications
major rain event. Most engineered bio- With all of the variables, it can be challenging
retention facilities will be designed to to identify a group of plants suited to a specific
fully drain within 48 hours. If a basin is not site. If these factors are identified, however, local
outfitted with an underdrain, then it may nurseries should be able to provide guidance.
depend solely on infiltration to evacuate Tools that can aid the user with plant selection
water, so flood duration can be more are available online, such as the Milwaukee
variable. Metropolitan Sewerage District’s plant selection
• Soil pH: Plant health is dependent on soil tool for green infrastructure available here:
pH which is a measurement of how acidic h tt p s : / / w w w . f re s h co a s t g u a rd i a n s . co m /
or alkaline the soil is. Soil pH is measured resources/services/plant-selection
on a scale of 1 to 14 with a measurement
of 7.0 considered absolute neutral. Depth to Groundwater Table
Measurements below 7 are increasingly An important consideration for any green
acidic; measurements above 7 are infrastructure practices is the depth to the
increasingly alkaline. Most plants prefer groundwater table. In no case should green
neutral to mildly acidic soil, with a pH infrastructure be located less than 2 feet above
between 6.1 and 7.5. Soil test kits and the groundwater table. This is a safety precaution,
pH meters are available at most home as it ensures proper drainage and prevents the
improvement stores. groundwater table from interfacing with the
• Planting Soil Depth: The root structures bottom of the practice, which would inhibit
of larger woody plants like trees require infiltration. In areas served by combined sewer
deeper soils than many herbaceous systems, maintaining this separated distance
plants. A typical bio-retention facility will also prevents the green infrastructure practice
be constructed of 18 inches of planting from becoming a source of clear water discharge
soil over a gravel drainage layer, which to the sewer system and wastewater treatment
will limit the plantings to small shrubs facility. Many jurisdictions possess existing
and perennial materials. The soil depth ordinances that specify the required distance
of a semi-intensive green roof can be 6 between the bottom of a green infrastructure
to 17 inches which will limit the plantings site and the groundwater table (or seasonal
to perennial grasses and forbs. An high groundwater elevation), and these local
extensive green roof has the shallowest ordinances should be consulted during a project’s
soil depth of all at 3 to 5 inches which will planning stage. The depth to groundwater (and
limit the plantings to hardy succulents seasonal high groundwater elevation) should be
like sedums. determined by a geotechnical engineer, early in
the design process.

Infiltration Rate
The infiltration rate of native soil beneath all of design of green infrastructure. There are several
the green infrastructure practices is an important methods for testing infiltration rates. For large
parameter that affects the performance and undeveloped sites, the best testing method is
design of the feature. Soils have different the Pilot Infiltration Test (PIT) developed by the
infiltration rates based on their composition. State of Washington Department of Ecology.
Sandy and rocky soils have higher infiltration This test involves flooding a 100 square foot test
rates, and silty soils have lower infiltration pit, and measuring the rate at which the water
rates. Clay soils have the lowest rates of all the falls. For smaller sites, in areas experiencing
soil types. Where feasible, green infrastructure redevelopment or infill development, the single
practices should be installed in areas where the ring infiltrometer test specified within the City of
soil composition allows for significant infiltration Chicago stormwater ordinance provides usable
into the groundwater, defined as greater than results with the indicated adjustments and
0.5 inches per hour (in/hr). Below this rate, limitations.
infiltration will still occur, but the volume of
infiltration during an event will be so small that If the in-place test determines that the infiltration
the infiltration outflow should not be considered rate of the native soil is greater than 0.5 in/hr,
as a determining factor, when sizing a green then the soil is able to adequately drain runoff
infrastructure practice. through the system and into the groundwater. If
the tested infiltration rate is less than 0.5 in/hr,
The design engineer should work with a then an underdrain should be used to drain the
geotechnical engineer to determine the actual system between storm events. Even with higher
infiltration rates for the soil at the particular infiltration rates, an underdrain may be
location where the infiltration will occur. An in- warranted, particularly if there is an intention
place test should be conducted at the proposed to use the practice to meet both stormwater
installation at the lowest elevation of the green rate control and runoff volume reduction
infrastructure. If there are a series of techniques goals. For practices intended to be drained
being installed in an area, then multiple tests only by infiltration, a capped underdrain can
throughout the site should be done to create a provide resiliency and adaptability for green
profile of infiltration rates throughout the project infrastructure in the event that stormwater
site. infiltration at the site does occur as forecasted.
Holes can be drilled in the cap to control the
There are several tests available to help runoff out of the system.
determine in-place infiltration rates, but most
were designed for other applications and are not Resources for Green Infrastructure Design
appropriate for use with green infrastructure. To assist municipalities and landowners in
The type of test is an important discussion point implementing green infrastructure projects, that
between the design engineer and the geotechnical effectively key components and considerations,
engineer so that the best data is available for the this guide has included design templates,

specifications, and cost information for each identical to conventional construction, which
green infrastructure practice. Descriptions of makes the standard specifications very useful.
the information provided are as follows: For example, the excavation of a stormwater
planter and the forming and pouring a concrete
Design Templates containment curb for a permeable pavement
would have the same specifications as common
The design templates that are included in Section
excavation and concrete work. The specification
5 are intended to bridge the gap between the
sections from the Illinois Urban Manual that
technical and non-technical user, to promote
are relevant to each of the surface-based
green infrastructure design and implementation.
techniques have been listed by specification
A design template has been developed for each
number and title in Section 5 of the report and
green infrastructure practice, which includes
excerpts. The design engineer can use the
technical drawings (details and cross-sections),
Illinois Urban Manual standard specifications as a
construction notes, and cost and maintenance
starting point for any of the green infrastructure
information. The templates also include photos
techniques in this toolkit. However, the sections
of the green infrastructure technique to help all
should be tailored to be site specific according
users better understand how they fit into the
to the project requirements. Excerpts from the
urban environment.
Manual are included in Appendix B (Illinois Urban
Manual), and the latest revisions and publications
are available online.1
During the design process for a project, the
design engineer will create construction In addition to the specifications presented in
plans that show what will be constructed and the Illinois Urban Manual, this toolkit provides
where it will be located on the site, along with a section for engineered soil, which is a critical
construction details for various elements. The component to several of the green infrastructure
design engineer will also prepare specifications practices ( Appendix C). Other items that are
for the project, a set of sections covering the not covered by the Manual are manufacturer
entire scope of construction. Together, the plans specific, including pervious pavers, underground
and specifications create a visual and written storage, geotextiles, and overflow structures
representation of the designer’s instructions and castings. Specifications for these items
and expectations for the finished product. need to be addressed on a case-by-case basis
When a contractor wins a project, the plans and using the technical background of the design
specifications become a contract that guides engineer and the guidance and requirements of
the construction process. To a degree, the the manufacturer.
language included in specifications reads like a
legal contract and can sometimes be difficult
to understand by the non-technical person. In
general, each specification section has a title
describing the contents of the section, and will
typically include the scope, materials, required
submittals and shop drawings, execution,
warranty, and basis of payment. Each part is very
specific in order to give clear instructions to the

The Illinois Urban Manual contains a set of

standard specifications covering a wide range of
typical construction activities. Many components
of green infrastructure construction are
1 http://www.aiswcd.org/illinois-urban-manual/

Cost Information
This section provides detailed information regarding the costs described for green infrastructure
practices, as well as the inclusion of cost estimates for design engineering and project mobilization,
two line items that are essential prerequisites for initiating construction work, and in turn, should
be considered as part of the overall price for a project. Various line items in the Guide have also now
been associated with the units of measurement through which they are commonly planned and
purchased. The Guide’s cost units are as follows:

Table 2: Common units of measurement

Unit (Abbreviation) Unit (Abbreviation) Unit (Abbreviation)
Lump Sum (LS) Square Foot (SF) Cubic Yards (CY)
Each (EA) Linear Foot (LF) Square Yards (SY)
Acre (ACRE) Cubic Foot (CF) Ton (TON)

Among the various materials that are used within a green infrastructure practice, some units of
measurement for estimating quantities can be three-dimensional in nature (CY and CF), some are
two dimensional(SF and SY), weight (tons, pounds), per piece (EA), or total (LS). Detailed in the table
below are unit conversions for a 5-foot by 20- foot green infrastructure site (with a 6-inch depth),
along with the typical applications for which these units of measurement are used, for planning and

Table 3: Unit conversion tables and applications

*For a 5-foot by 20-foot site with a 6-inch depth
Units Total Equation Formula Typical Applications
Square Feet 100.00 20 x 5 Length x Width Overall site size, seeding,
sod, liner, green roof units,
porous unit pavers
Cubic Feet 600.00 20 x 5 x 6 Length x Width x Height Underground stormwater
chamber, concrete curb
Square 11.11 (20 x 5) ÷ 9 (Length x Width) ÷ 9 Geotextile Fabric, Erosion
Yards Blanket, Grading
Cubic Yards 22.22 (20 x 5 x 6) (Length x Width x Height) ÷ 27 Excavation, Hauling, Mulch,
÷ 27 Soil, Stone, Topsoil
Linear Feet N/A N/A N/A Storm sewer, perforated
piping, backfill, curb, level
Each N/A N/A N/A Plants (plugs, gallons),
trees, shrubs, drainage
basin, splash pad, rip rap,
storm sewer connection,
underdrain cleanout,
outlet control structure,
berm check dam, grate,
encasement access,
driveway culvert

Units Total Equation Formula Typical Applications
Lump Sum N/A N/A N/A Mobilization, Design
Ton N/A N/A N/A Gravel
Acre N/A N/A N/A Invasive species removal

Cost Values Across Regions

There is no clear “discount” or “premium” for delivering green infrastructure projects across different
states and regions. Factors like the month when bids are solicited, or a project’s varying simplicity or
complexity, tend to be the determinant in increasing or decreasing project cost. Projects that are bid
during the height of construction season and entail complex efforts around permitting, site access,
material storage, as well as extensive off-site hauling will prove to be comparatively expensive,
versus projects that secure bids before construction season, are easy to permit, with simple site
access and no issues around where material can be stored, and where offsite hauling is not extensive
or necessary.


When a municipal manager determines that green infrastructure is something they want to pursue,
they can use the Decision Support Tools in this document to select the technique that will be most
appropriate for their subject parcel. Choosing the most appropriate technique can be a challenging
process, which will ultimately be dictated by a project’s location, built environment, topography,
soils, groundwater, budget, and overall feasibility. Figures 2 and 3 provide bird’s eye view drawings
that illustrate green infrastructure practices applied throughout urban and rural settings. The Green
Infrastructure Flow Chart (Figure 4) will assist users in deciding which green infrastructure practice is
the most appropriate.

Figure 2: Bird’s eye view of generic urban area with green infrastructure

Figure 3: Bird’s eye view of generic rural area with green infrastructure










Figure 4: Green infrastructure practice selection decision tree
Is there space available Is the site
See EPA Brownfield
No Is the site vacant? Yes contaminated or a Yes
in the right of way? known browlfield?


Will demolition take

Is there pervious area Is there an existing

in the right of way? Yes storm sewer network? Refer to Municipal
Demolition Ordinance

No Yes No No

Is there a parking lane Stormwater planter / Bioswale / vegetated Rain Rain garden with optional
in the right of way?
Yes box tree filter swale / hybrid ditch garden underground storage

No Ye

Is there curb and Does native soil have

gutter? Yes Permeable pavement adequate infiltration?
( >0.5 in/hr)
No Ye No Yes

Is there curb and

No underdrain
gutter? Underdrain required


Not a good Design engineer to

green infrastructure consider overflow strategy
candidate for large storm events

Bio-Retention Practices have been designed specifically to manage and
filter runoff before it enters the sewer system. In
Many of the common green infrastructure
turn, these practices should be applied in close
techniques serve as examples of bioretention.
proximity to sewer inlets, in places where runoff
Whether installed on rights-of-way or in a
(and runoff pollution) from impervious surfaces
residential backyard, bioretention practices
typically collects, and where it can be managed
focus on capturing stormwater runoff, filtering
and treated before it enters the sewer.
pollutants, and promoting infiltration that
Bio-retention practices tend to be smaller in
recharges the groundwater on-site. All bio-
size than other forms of green stormwater
retention practices consist of a basin-like shape
infrastructure, which is largely a product of the
that encourages the in-flow of runoff from an
urban, developed locations where they are most
adjacent roadway, parking lot, or property. Once
commonly found. In turn, while bio-retention
runoff has entered the basin, it is distributed
practices often are not the only solution needed
evenly across a filtering medium of woody and
to address flooding in an area, they can assist
herbaceous plants, mulch, and engineered
with managing a portion of an area’s stormwater
soil. The intention of this design is to reduce
volumes, as well as treating it before it enters
the velocity of the runoff, and subsequently, to
the sewer, and they can reduce occurrences of
remove pollutants as the runoff slowly infiltrates
combined sewer overflows (CSOs), a priority
the soil. As infiltration occurs, the removal of
water pollution concern for municipalities with
runoff pollutants will be conducted through the
combined sewer systems (CSS).1 Combined
work of the site’s plants and microorganisms
sewer overflows occur when the volume of
through processes like adsorption,
stormwater or wastewater exceed the capacity
decomposition and the uptake of particulate
of the CSS or treatment plant and results in
pollutants by the plant’s root structure.
untreated water discharging directly into nearby
water bodies.2
A bio-retention site’s ability to reduce or halt
the velocity of runoff will greatly increase its
capacity to filter pollutants, as all of the previous Bio-Retention Practices
processes mentioned can only transpire • Bioswale - Hybrid Ditch
effectively once this has occurred. As infiltration • Rain Garden
begins, the absorbed stormwater passes slowly • Stormwater Planter
through layers of engineered soil and stone
aggregate, before it continues through to the Typical Locations
subgrade that lies beneath the bioretention site, • Upstream
or alternatively, exiting through a perforated • Rights of Way (roads, sidewalks)
underdrain that has been included in the • Parking Lots
installation. • Building Sets and Backyards
Bio-retention practices tend to be most
effective when located upstream, and when they 1, 2 https://www.epa.gov/npdes/combined-sewer-

Bioswale/Hybrid Ditch and sediment from runoff, and an excellent
A bioswale / hybrid ditch functions in some ways growing media for herbaceous perennial plants.
like a conventional grass ditch that sits within A specification section for engineered soil
the right-of-way along the road edge. Rainwater that can be incorporated into the construction
runoff flows across the crown of a road and enters documents is located in Appendix C.
at any point along its length. The main difference
between the two is that a bioswale will have In the case of the bioswale, a variety of large
herbaceous perennial plantings and a hybrid herbaceous plants in the engineered soil take
ditch will have turf grass. In addition to providing some of the runoff up through their dense root
biofiltration as discussed in the introductory system. Additionally, an optional perforated
section, a bioswale / hybrid ditch slopes with underdrain within the stone layer can convey
the road to act as a conveyance channel which filtered water that does not infiltrate into the
connects to an existing conventional ditch, subgrade soil.
surface water, or storm sewer.
Customization Options
The significant difference between a bioswale / This practice can be customized in a number of
hybrid ditch and a conventional vegetated swale ways. The aesthetics can be tailored through
(GI 6) is beneath the surface. A bioswale/hybrid plant selection. It is recommended that large
ditch has an engineered soil sub-base, which is herbaceous plugs be used to establish a bioswale.
a mixture of sand, and compost (and sometimes Gallon-sized plants may be used to more quickly
topsoil). The importance of the engineered soil establish plants. Hybrid ditches are typically
cannot be overstated. It provides a sponge to planted with seed, but sod could be chosen for a
absorb and hold runoff for later use by plant more immediate finish.
material, a physical filter for removing pollutants

Figure 5: Bioswale in a suburban setting

Location: Right-of-way
Width: At least 5'
Length: Scalable
Drainage Area: <5 acres

Source: http://water.epa.gov/infrastructure/greeninfrastructure/gi_what.cfm

An erosion control blanket should be used over Maintenance
the surface of the bioswale, to prevent erosion The herbaceous plants in bioswales have an
during vegetation establishment. Seeding establishment period and need to be watered
should be placed under the blanket. Live plant 3 times a week for the first 4 weeks after
material will require cutting through the blanket, installation. The herbaceous plants also need to
for each plant. When live planting, leaf mulch be watered twice a week through October of the
could be used as an alternative to erosion control first year. After that point, the drought tolerant
blanket. When a hybrid ditch is vegetated using plants should withstand normal weather cycles.
sod, no erosion blanket is needed. Other maintenance includes monthly debris
removal, weeding, and pruning. Bioswales would
Other customization options are a function of also require a spring clean-up to remove built up
the site conditions. An overflow structure and debris from the winter, provide pre-emergent
perforated underdrain can connect the bioswale plant care, and installation and replacement of
to the larger storm network, carrying excess mulch. The perennials also need to be cut back in
runoff downstream. An overflow structure or mid-March or November.
culvert must be included at a site with driveway
crossings. A hybrid ditch is maintained like any other
roadside ditch, requiring only regular mowing and
There are several ways to manage driveway debris removal. The maintenance costs for green
crossings. Overflow structures with rim infrastructure practices with large, herbaceous
elevations above the bottom, but below the plants and engineered soil is significant. If the
street, can be provided at each crossing. installation is not maintained properly and on
Depending on the infiltration capacity of the a regular basis, then the functionality of the
ditch, rarer overflow events can conversely be system will become compromised. The specific
allowed to overtop the edge of the ditch, and cost will depend on the scale and complexity of
flow to the street’s curb and gutter section to the installation and the bidding environment for
convey runoff past the driveway. the labor contract. It is possible to self-perform
the maintenance work or to save money by
An underdrain will also be required if the site is flat working with a not-for-profit that provides
or is found to have poor infiltration in its subgrade volunteer labor. The design engineer should
soils. Underdrains do not necessarily need to work to calculate a site-specific life cycle cost
extend the full length of the bioswale and a stub that accounts for maintenance when considering
at the downstream end of the bioswale may the feasibility of the project.
simply be used. With this design, the aggregate
layer serves as the below grade conveyance, but
at a lower rate than through an underdrain. This
provides additional time for runoff infiltration
and utilization by the plant material. Lastly,
optional overflow pipes must be connected to
the larger storm network, either by connecting
to an existing structure, or by installing a new
manhole atop an existing pipe.

Cost Information
Cost information is provided for each green infrastructure practice. The installed costs are based
on project experience, bid tabs, and information from the RS Means Building Construction Costs
Data (2020 edition), which is an industry standard compilation of unit costs for various construction
activities. The costs in the table below can be used to scope a project, but a project-specific cost
estimate should be prepared by the design engineer that takes into account the project scale and
complexity, material cost trends, and the labor and bidding environment.
Table 4: Bioswale/hybrid ditch unit costs1, 2
Item Description Unit Price Unit
GI Technique Bioswale/Hybrid Ditch Design/Engineering 15% of Construction Cost LS
Mobilization $10,000.00 LS
Excavation & Haul $45.00 CY
Leaf Mulch $70.00 CY
Engineered Soil $80.00 CY
Open-Grade Crushed Stone $65.00 CY
Geotextile Fabric $5.00 SY
Erosion Blanket $3.00 SY
Required Component Native Plantings Plugs (12” on center) $5.00 EA
Gallons (36” on center) $15.00 EA
Custom options Outlet Control/ Outlet Control Drainage Basin $2,800.00 EA
Overflow structure (varies by size)
Underdrain 4” HDPE Perforated Pipe $20.00 LF
Storm Sewer 12” HDPE storm sewer $65.00 LF
Underdrain Cleanout $600.00 EA
Connection to existing storm structure $600.00 EA

1 Installed cost include material and labor based on bid tabs from related projects and RS Means.
2 Unit price based on a 1,000 linear foot installation within the right of way in a residential area with 1/8 acre lots. Unit prices for
specific projects will vary based on scale, complexity, labor environment, and material cost trends. A detailed cost estimate should be
prepared by the design engineer.

Specifications are an important component in the design of green infrastructure. Along with the
construction documents, the design engineer should make site-specific customizations to the
following sections of the standard specifications from the Illinois Urban Manual in order to have a full
set of specifications for a bioswale or hybrid ditch. Other sections can be included on an as-needed
basis. Further instructions on the use of specifications are included in Appendix B, and an engineered
soil specification is included in Appendix C.
Construction Specifications
2 - Clearing and Grubbing 26 - Topsoiling Material Specifications
5 - Pollution Control 44 - Corrugated Polyethylene 521 - Aggregates for Drainfill
6 - Seeding, Sprigging and Tubing and Filters
Mulching 46 - Tile Drains 548 - Corrugated
7 - Construction Surveys 94 - Contractor Quality Control Polyethylene Tubing
8 - Mobilization and 95 - Geotextile 592 - Geotextile
Demobilization 707 - Digging, Transporting, 804 - Material for Topsoiling
21 - Excavation Planting, and Establishment of Appendix C - Engineered Soil
23 - Earthfill Trees, Shrubs and Vines
24 - Drainfill 752 - Stripping, Stockpiling, Site
25 - Rockfill Preparation and Spreading Topsoil

Bioswale with Native Plantings (pt. 1)

Bioswale with Native Plantings (pt. 2)






Hybrid Ditch

Bioswale and Hybrid Ditch Notes

Rain Garden Customization Options
Rain gardens present an opportunity for A geotechnical engineer should test the
infiltration in a low spot of a property. The rain infiltration rate of the underlying soil in the
garden acts like a bowl that fills up with water location of the rain garden. The design should
and then drains slowly to the native soil or an consider the infiltration capacity of the subgrade
engineered underdrain system. soils when designing the system and determine
the need for an underdrain. If the infiltration
During rain events, runoff collects inside the rain rate is greater than 0.5 in/ hr, then the volume
garden until it reaches the height of an overflow of runoff infiltrated during the event may be
structure, typically set 6 inches to 1 foot above sufficient, so as to not require an underdrain as
the engineered soil layer. Runoff that doesn’t part of the rain garden’s design for managing
enter the overflow structure filters through runoff volumes. Depending on the specifics of
the engineered soil layer to subgrade or a layer the site, an overflow structure may be warranted
of stone beneath. A rain garden is planted with to prevent flooding of surrounding areas. In
native or large herbaceous plants to encourage certain cases, surface overflow to the adjacent
infiltration and to promote biofiltration. Native landscape and the street may prove to be
plants have a deeper root network than grass, minimal, and therefore acceptable. The design
which draws surface water deeper into the engineer should also select whether plugs or
ground. Native plants are naturally drought and gallons will be used, along with the species
flood tolerant, which allows them to thrive in the mix for the herbaceous plants. Establishment
rain garden. through seeding is also an option, however, it will
take longer for vegetation to establish and more
intensive maintenance will be required during
the establishment period to control weeds.

Figure 6: Rain garden in a suburban setting

Location: Depressed area

Width: At least 5'
Length: Scalable (2L:1W)
Drainage Area: <2 acres

Source: source: http://water.epa.gov/infrastructure/greeninfrastructure/gi_what.cfm

Maintenance Cost Information
Native plants need to be watered 3 times per week Cost information is provided for each green
during an establishment period, typically the first infrastructure practice. The installed costs
4 weeks after installation. During the first year of are based on project experience, bid tabs,
establishment, the plants will need to be watered and information from the RS Means Building
and weeded twice per week through October of Construction Costs Data (2020 edition), which
the first year, and during any subsequent years in is an industry standard compilation of unit costs
which there is a drought. Mulching and mowing for various construction activities. The costs in
will occur annually through the first three years the table below can be used to scope a project,
of establishment. Establishment can take up to but a project-specific cost estimate should be
five years if plants are established by seeding. prepared by the design engineer that takes
Debris removal and weeding will be necessary into account the project scale and complexity,
as needed throughout the life of the rain garden. material cost trends, and the labor and bidding
Trimming, removal, and replacement of dead environment.
plants must occur on an as-needed basis.

Table 5: Rain garden unit costs1,2

Item Description Unit Price Unit
GI Technique Rain Garden Design/Engineering 15% of Construction Cost LS
Mobilization $10,000.00 LS
Excavation & Haul $45.00 CY
Leaf Mulch $70.00 CY
Engineered Soil $80.00 CY
Open-Grade Crushed Stone $65.00 CY
Geotextile Fabric $5.00 SY
Erosion Blanket $3.00 SY
Required Component Splash Pad Cobble Splash Pad $250.00 EA
Native Plantings Plugs (12” on center) $5.00 EA
Gallons (36” on center) $15.00 EA
Custom options Trees Varies by species and size $400.00 EA
Shrub Varies by species and size $60.00 EA
Outlet Control/ Outlet Control Drainage Basin $2,800.00 EA
Overflow structure (varies by size)
Underdrain 4” HDPE Perforated Pipe $20.00 LF
Storm Sewer 12” HDPE storm sewer $65.00 LF
Underdrain Cleanout $600.00 EA
Connection to existing storm structure $600.00 EA

1 Installed cost includes material and labor based on bid tabs from related projects and RS Means.
2 Unit price based on a 2,000 sf rain garden with a 1.0 acre drainage area located within a publicly controlled park. Unit prices will
vary. Unit prices for specific projects will vary based on scale, complexity, labor environment, and material cost trends. A detailed cost
estimate should be prepared by the design engineer.

The construction techniques and materials involved in a rain garden installation are identical to that
of a bioswale. As such, the minimum specification sections required are also the same. For more
information on use of the standard specifications from the Illinois Urban Manual, refer to Appendix B.

Construction Specifications Material Specifications

2 - Clearing and Grubbing 521 - Aggregates for Drainfill and Filters
5 - Pollution Control 548 - Corrugated Polyethylene Tubing
6 - Seeding, Sprigging and Mulching 592 - Geotextile
7 - Construction Surveys 804 - Material for Topsoiling Appendix C –
8 - Mobilization and Demobilization Engineered Soil
21 - Excavation
23 - Earthfill
24 - Drainfill
25 - Rockfill
26 - Topsoiling
44 - Corrugated Polyethylene Tubing
46 - Tile Drains
94 - Contractor Quality Control
95 - Geotextile
707 - Digging, Transporting, Planting, and
Establishment of Trees, Shrubs and Vines
752 - Stripping, Stockpiling, Site Preparation
and Spreading Topsoil

Rain Garden

Native Plantings & Maintenance Guidelines

Rain Garden Notes

Stormwater Planters soil, a layer of stone may be provided between
A stormwater planter is a linear infiltration basin the engineered soil and subgrade. Clean runoff
that typically sits between a street and a sidewalk that has been filtered by the engineered soil
in the right-of-way and is surrounded by vertical and the plantings can infiltrate into the ground,
curbing. Rainwater runoff from the sidewalk eventually recharging the groundwater.
and/or the street drains into the stormwater
planter through openings in the curbing. If the During rain events, runoff collects inside the
planter is designed to manage street runoff the stormwater planter until it reaches the height of
planter surface must be below the street gutter an overflow structure, typically set 6 to 9 inches
elevation. above the engineered soil layer. In other cases,
the planter can be allowed to overflow through a
A cobble or concrete splash pad helps to collect curb cut and continue down the curb and gutter
the bulk of sediment and to prevent erosion of system. Additionally, if the native soil infiltration
the mulch and engineered soil. Runoff is filtered is inadequate, a perforated underdrain is required
through a layer of engineered soil, a mixture of within the stone layer to convey filtered water
sand and compost (and sometimes topsoil). A that does not infiltrate into the soil. The overflow
variety of herbaceous plants in the engineered structure and perforated underdrain connect the
soil take some of the runoff up through their stormwater planter to the larger pipe network,
dense root system. Beneath the engineered carrying excess runoff downstream.

Figure 7: Stormwater planter in a suburban setting

Location: Right-of-way
Width: Scalable
Length: Scalable
Drainage Area: <2 acres

Source: http://water.epa.gov/infrastructure/greeninfrastructure/upload/Pittsburgh-

Customization Options typical concrete splash pad could be substituted
Stormwater planters are scalable by both length with decorative cobbles or glacial boulders for a
and width depending on the space available and different look, but at a higher cost.
the target storage volume. During the design
phase, the design engineer should strive to Another option for the stormwater planter is
integrate the stormwater planters into the to include trees. Urban tree infrastructure is an
surrounding community by considering access important stormwater management technique,
to adjacent homes or businesses. Another because the leaf area and roots can absorb a
option is to include an 18-inch wide courtesy tremendous amount of water when mature.
walk between the pavement curb and the on the Research has shown that street trees survive
street side of the planter to assist individuals longer and grow to be larger and more mature
when they exit their vehicles. The curb height when an adequate volume of planting soil is
surrounding the planter may be increased to provided7. When trees are planted in compacted
18-inches to provide an ad-hoc seat wall. A soil or put in a tree box, the root structure
planting palette with taller vegetation should be is abbreviated. Either the tree will die or the
used with taller curb heights. surrounding infrastructure will be compromised
by the roots. Since trees also cast significant
As previously discussed, a geotechnical engineer shade when mature, the herbaceous species
should test the infiltration rate of the underlying around the tree may need to be modified to
soil in the location of the rain garden. The design account for the increasing levels of shade as the
should consider the infiltration capacity of the tree grows.
subgrade soils when designing the system
and determine the need for an underdrain. If One potential solution for this is to install Cornell
the infiltration rate is greater than 0.5 in/ hr, University (CU) Structural Soil around and
then the volume of runoff infiltrated during the adjacent to the tree location. CU Structural Soil
event may be sufficient, so as to not require an is a proprietary product developed at Cornell
underdrain as part of the rain garden’s design University that combines compacted drainage
for managing runoff volumes. Depending on the aggregate (ASTM No. 57 stone) for structural
specifics of the site, an overflow structure may stability with a proven growing medium, loamy
be warranted to prevent flooding of surrounding soil. In addition to CU soils, there are numerous
areas. In certain cases, surface overflow to the blends of non-proprietary and sand-based
adjacent landscape and the street may prove to and aggregate-based mixes that can be used.
be minimal, and therefore acceptable. Another option for providing soil volume for trees
along with structural support for pavements
The design engineer should also select above is to install a proprietary product like a
whether plugs or gallons will be used, along Silva Cell (www.deeproot.com). Where structural
with the species mix for the native plants. The soil or support cells are provided to expand the
stormwater planter detail GI 3.04 provides a soil volume beyond the planter, openings in
wide selection of herbaceous plants that can the planter walls will be needed to provide root
be selected, including many native species. The access to the soil.
design engineer could choose any combination
and layout to create a custom style. One could Lastly, the shape of a stormwater planter can
even create multiple plant palettes for the same be modified and expanded into a parallel parking
project based on color or ability to attract bees, lane or stalls in a parking lot. This is called a
birds, and butterflies. These palettes could be stormwater bump out, and it can provide larger
presented to property owners to choose the storage volumes as well as give flexibility to the
type of plants that will be installed in the right- aesthetic of an installation.
of-way in front of their home or business, as a
means of community engagement. Also, the

Maintenance Cost Information
The maintenance required for a stormwater Cost information is provided for each green
planter is similar to that of a bioswale. This infrastructure technique in the Green
includes water for plant establishment, watering, Infrastructure Best Practices section of this
trash and debris removal, mulch replacement, report. The installed costs are based on project
weeding and annual trimming of the native experience, bid tabs, and information from the
plants. Within a couple of years, the native plants RS Means trends, and the labor and bidding
will be mature and fill the stormwater planter, environment.
choking out invasive species.

Table 6: Stormwater planter unit costs1, 2

Item Description Unit Price Unit
GI Technique Stormwater planter Design/Engineering 15% of Construction Cost LS
Mobilization $10,000.00 LS
Excavation & Haul $45.00 CY
Leaf Mulch $70.00 CY
Engineered Soil $80.00 CY
Open-Grade Crushed Stone $65.00 CY
Geotextile Fabric $5.00 SY
Erosion Control Blanket $3.00 SY
Required Component Stormwater Planter Curb, stormwater planter (6” barrier $50.00 LF
Curb curb with 24” total height)
Splash Pad Cobble Splash Pad $250.00 EA
Required Selection Native Plantings Plugs (12” on center) $5.00 EA
Gallons (36” on center) $15.00 EA
Custom options Trees Varies by species and size $400.00 EA
Shrub Varies by species and size $60.00 EA
Structured Soil CU Structural Soil $120.00 CY
Outlet Control/ Outlet Control Drainage Basin $2,800.00 EA
Overflow Structure (varies by size)
Underdrain 4” HDPE Perforated Pipe $20.00 LF
Storm Sewer 12” HDPE storm sewer $65.00 LF
Underdrain Cleanout $600.00 EA
Connection to existing storm structure $600.00 EA

1 Installed cost include material and labor based on bid tabs from related projects and RS Means.
2 Unit price based on a 2,400 linear foot installation within the right of way in a residential area with 1/8 acre lots. Unit prices for
specific projects will vary based on scale, complexity, labor environment, and material cost trends. A detailed cost estimate should be
prepared by the design engineer.

Since a stormwater planter is like an enclosed bioswale, the specification sections required closely
align to that of bioswales. The main difference is that stormwater planters also include concrete
construction for the surrounding curbs and splash pad. Oftentimes existing concrete sidewalks or
curbs will need to be repaired as a result of incidental damage during construction. The specification
sections listed below are the standard sections from the Illinois Urban Manual (see Appendix B) that
the design engineer should customize when creating construction documents for a stormwater
planter, along with the engineered soil section (see Appendix C).
Construction Specifications Material Specifications
2 - Clearing and Grubbing 521 - Aggregates for Drainfill and Filters
5 - Pollution Control 522 - Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete
6 - Seeding, Sprigging and Mulching 531 - Portland Cement
7 - Construction Surveys 534 - Concrete Curing Compound
8 - Mobilization and Demobilization 535 - Preformed Expansion Joint Filler
10 - Water for Construction 536 - Sealing Compound for Joints in Concrete
21 - Excavation and Concrete Pipe
23 - Earthfill 539 - Steel Reinforcement (for Concrete)
24 - Drainfill 548 - Corrugated Polyethylene Tubing
25 - Rockfill 592 - Geotextile
26 - Topsoiling 804 - Material for Topsoiling Appendix C –
32 - Structure Concrete Engineered Soil
34 - Steel Reinforcement
35 - Concrete Repair
44 - Corrugated Polyethylene Tubing
46 - Tile Drains
94 - Contractor Quality Control
95 - Geotextile
707 - Digging, Transporting, Planting, and
Establishment of Trees, Shrubs and Vines
752 - Stripping, Stockpiling, Site Preparation
and Spreading Topsoil

Stormwater Planter

Stormwater Planter Curb Detail and Cut

Stormwater Planter with Overflow Structure

Native Plantings





4 OF 8

Tree Species for Stormwater Planters




Stormwater Planter with Tree




Stormwater Planter with Tree Plan View

Stormwater Planter Notes

Naturalized Detention Practices detention basin. Herbaceous plants consist of
flowering perennials, grasses, and grass-like
Detention basins are constructed depressions,
plants that have soft vascular structures which
with discharge sufficiently restricted to
die back each winter, as opposed to woody plants
store stormwater, and gradually release it to
that have persistent above-ground trunks and
the downstream drainage system. Control
of stormwater discharge rates from new
development has been required since the early
Detention basins rely primarily on settling to
1980s in many parts of the Great Lakes region
remove pollutants. However, additional removal
and detention basins have been used in the vast
can occur via biologic uptake and transformation
majority of cases to meet this requirement.
by aquatic organisms and wetland vegetation.
Settling efficiency and biologic uptake and
The earliest detention basins were dry bottom
transformation are dependent on the amount of
basins that completely drained between events.
time that runoff resides in the basin (also known
The basins were typically vegetated with turf
as residence time). Wet ponds and shallow marsh
grass and designed to control only the largest
basins increase the runoff residence time from
events to prevent flooding. Beginning in the
the short period of the event to the extended
middle 1990’s detention basins began to be
period between events, and are therefore much
designed as wet ponds or shallow wetlands to
more effective at pollutant removal than dry turf
improve pollutant removal performance and that
bottom basins.
practice continues today, as required by Federal,
State, and local requirements. Simultaneously,
Many jurisdictions in the Great Lakes region
the allowable stormwater release rate from
require control of large events to protect against
urban developments has been reduced over
flooding, as well as for more moderate sized
the years in an attempt to mitigate both runoff
events to protect against accelerated stream
volume and rate increases. As a result, detention
bank erosion and “flashy” hydrology that can
times have increased and it has become
impair stream, lake, and wetland ecology.
increasingly difficult to prevent dry, turf bottom
detention basins from becoming very muddy
and unusable, as active recreational space. Due Bio-Retention Practices
to the wet conditions and the need to provide • Wet-Bottom Detention Ponds
water quality benefits, modern detention basins • Shallow Marsh Basins
are typically designed as wet ponds or as shallow • Dry Bottom Detention
wetland basins, with vegetation that is suited to • Typical Locations
the wet conditions. The vegetation is maintained • Downstream
in a naturalized fashion and is usually comprised • Subdivisions
of native herbaceous plants from habitats that • Campuses and Parks
have growing conditions similar to those of the

Customization Options Wet Bottom Detention Ponds
Detention basins are relatively large facilities Detention ponds have a permanent pool of open
that occupy significant land area and therefore water that is typically four to six feet deep or
are best suited for larger developments located greater below the outlet structure. Historically,
in suburban and rural areas where there is many detention ponds were vegetated with
adequate space. In some cases, detention basins turf side slopes down to the water’s edge or to
can be integrated into parks and other open a rip rap edge. Naturalized basins should include
space to provide passive and active recreational flat slopes around the perimeter of the pond
opportunities, in addition to stormwater to support emergent wetland vegetation that
management. In many larger developments, will provide aquatic and terrestrial habitat and
detention basins are designed as landscape improve water quality. Large ponds may also
features that act as both visual and recreational include islands and other features to increase
amenities, particularly when combined with visual and habitat diversity.
trails, outlooks, boardwalks, and other features.
Shallow Marsh Basins
Where dry bottom detention basins may be
Shallow marsh detention basins feature a
desired to provide active recreational space,
shallow depression below the outlet structure
surface detention can be combined with
such that the bottom area is fully vegetated with
upstream green infrastructure practices to
emergent vegetation. The residence time is less
meet water quality and runoff volume control
with shallow marsh basins than with ponds, and
requirements. The upstream green infrastructure
therefore fewer pollutants are removed through
will typically reduce the volume and frequency of
settling. Greater interaction between runoff and
runoff reaching the surface detention basin and
native plants and their root systems increases
therefore better support active use turf areas.
the potential for biological uptake of nutrients.
Upstream green infrastructure will also improve
the quality of runoff discharging to detention
Dry Bottom Detention
ponds, reducing the potential for algae blooms
or other conditions in detention ponds that Dry bottom basins either have a flat bottom or
can sometimes be considered objectionable by positive slope along their floor leading to the
residents. outlet structure which results in much drier soils
between rain events. They can be naturalized
Detention basins can often be located and with native plants, like wet bottom and marsh
designed as regional facilities, serving multiple basins are, though these plants will come from
developments (or multiple phases of a planned drier, mesic soil environments. Turf grass can
development) to improve space efficiency, also be used in dry bottom basins. Basins with
and allow for larger ponds or basins that can turf grass will need minimum bottom slopes
serve as regional amenities. When the tributary of 2% toward the outlet structure to ensure
developments are new, they should typically adequate drainage between events. Dry bottom
include on-site green infrastructure to improve basins with turf alone cannot meet the water
the quality of runoff entering the regional basin, quality and/or retention requirements of most
and to potentially reduce the size of stormwater stormwater ordinances, and therefore must
conveyance infrastructure between the be paired with upstream or downstream green
development and the detention basin. infrastructure. Dry bottom basins with only
turf provide little water quality benefit and are
For categorization purposes, there are three therefore not the focus of this document.
detention basin configurations as described
below. However, there are infinite variations of
basins that can be designed to include aspects
and components of these three basic types.

Maintenance basin should be inspected monthly and after
Inspection and maintenance activities for significant rainfall events that could cause
naturalized detention basins should focus erosion. After the first year and after issues
on vegetative management, erosion repair, have been resolved, annual inspection should be
and sediment and debris removal. Inspection adequate.
and maintenance activities will be most
intensive during the first one to three years Intensive landscape maintenance should
and can typically be reduced once initial design occur during the first three years to ensure
and construction issues are addressed and proper establishment of the landscape.
vegetation is established. Seeded landscapes may take up to five years
to establish. At the end of the establishment
The outlet structure of detention basins should period and in perpetuity after that, annual
be inspected for debris that may be obstructing vegetative maintenance should occur. Annual
the outlet control orifice or weir. Detention prescribed burning is the preferred long term
basins should also be inspected to identify vegetative maintenance strategy for native
significant erosion at inlet structures, along the grass-dominated landscapes. Mowing may be
shoreline of wet ponds, and between the inlet an alternative for areas where prescribed burn
and outlet of dry basins. Erosion potential is is not feasible. During the first year before the
greatest prior to full vegetation establishment, soil is fully stabilized, repair of gully erosion
but will continue through the life of the basin. and scour holes may be necessary at points of
concentrated inflow.
Detention basins should also be inspected
for sedimentation that is most likely to occur Cost Information
near inlets to the basin. The rate of sediment Cost information is provided for each green
accumulation may be significant if the tributary infrastructure technique in Section 5 of this
area is not stabilized and proper sediment report. The installed costs are based on project
control is not provided. Once the tributary area experience, bid tabs, and information from the
is stabilized the rate of sediment accumulation RS Means trends, and the labor and bidding
should slow. During the first year, the detention environment.

Table 7: Naturalized detention practices unit costs1

Item Description Unit Price Unit
GI Technique Naturalized detention Design/Engineering 15% of Construction Cost LS
basin Mobilization $10,000.00 LS
Excavation & Haul $45.00 CY
Grading $12.00 SY
Topsoil (6”) $25.00 CY
Erosion Control Blanket $3.00 SY
Required Component Native Plantings Seeding $0.50 SF
Plugs (12” on center) $5.00 EA
Gallons (36” on center) $15.00 EA
Inlet Protection Rip Rap $500.00 EA
Outlet Control Structure 48” Manhole with Outlet Control $2,800.00 EA
Storm Sewer 12” HDPE storm sewer $65.00 LF
Connection to existing manhole $600.00 EA
Custom Options Impermeable Liner $0.00 SF

1 Installed cost include material and labor based on bid tabs from related projects and RS Means.

Specifications are an important component in the design of green infrastructure. Along with the
construction documents, the design engineer should modify the following Illinois Urban Manual
specifications for the specific conditions present at the site. Other sections can be included on an
as-needed basis.

Construction Specifications 21 - Excavation

2 - Clearing and Grubbing 23 - Earthfill
5 - Pollution Control 25 - Rockfill
6 - Seeding, Sprigging and Mulching 26 - Topsoiling
7 - Construction Surveys 44 - Corrugated Polyethylene Tubing
8 - Mobilization and Demobilization

Wet Bottom Detention Pond




Shallow Marsh and Dry Bottom Detention Basin


Naturalized Detention Planting





Naturalized Detention Notes



Bio-Filtration Practices spreaders is to convert faster, concentrated
stormwater flow into a slower, more evenly
Biofiltration practices are primarily focused on
distributed sheet flow. Vegetated swales are
utilizing a site’s blend of plant species, soils,
also an example of a biofiltration practice. Similar
and microorganisms to remove particulates
to bioswales, vegetated swale treat stormwater
from stormwater runoff, thereby improving
runoff as it moves through a site, assisted by the
water quality. While biofiltration is among the
site’s herbaceous plants and microorganisms, as
benefits provided by a bioretention practice
it ultimately travels downstream.
(like a rain garden), bioretention practices are
also designed to absorb stormwater on-site,
While biofiltration is a valuable ecological service
in addition to treating it. Conversely, instead
across all land uses, techniques that more
of absorbing the stormwater that it captures,
exclusively focus on bio-filtration are common
biofiltration practices focus primarily on treating
in rural, low density areas. Since rural areas tend
runoff as it moves through the site, in addition
to have less development, a greater abundance
to reducing its velocity (which reduces erosion
of pervious surfaces, and more flexibility around
and sedimentation downstream). Improved
where to locate improvements on site, practices
stormwater infiltration may be the result of a
that are specifically focused on improving
biofiltration project, but it serves as a secondary
infiltration on site are not needed as greatly
benefit to its primary purpose, which is to clean
as they are in dense, urban areas with lots of
and slow the flow of stormwater as it moves
impervious surfaces, where routine flooding
is more directly related to poor drainage. Rural
areas however can produce a great number
Unlike bioretention and naturalized detention
of stressors on regional water quality, which
practices, which require a flat site grade,
oftentimes derive from agricultural land uses.
biofiltration sites are often applied on a slope,
Fertilizers, pesticides, equipment chemicals, and
or at the crest of a sloping site, to help treat and
exposed soils (related to agriculture) can result
slow stormwater runoff as it drains into a riparian
in the significant loading of nutrients, pollutants,
body, basin, or storm sewer outfall. “Vegetated
and sediment into rural water bodies, which serve
filter strips” are of the most common examples
to harm water quality and habitat throughout an
of a bio-filtration practice, which utilize a
entire watershed. In turn, biofiltration techniques
mixture of herbaceous plants to treat, slow, and
serve as critical methods for treating runoff in
evenly distribute stormwater runoff as it moves
rural locations before it enters into water bodies.
downstream. To enhance their ability to address
flow velocity and distribution, vegetated filter
strips are commonly implemented in tandem
with level spreaders. An excavated depression
installed at flat grade directly above or upstream
from vegetated filter strips, the purpose of level

Filter Strip/Level Spreader When planned in tandem with filter strips, level
Vegetated filter strips are broad vegetated spreaders must be installed in a manner that is
areas used to filter and absorb sheet runoff level with the land contour, so that the runoff
from adjacent land areas. Filter strips have is uniformly distributed over the width of the
long been used in agricultural areas to capture receiving filter strip. Level spreaders must be
sediment runoff from agricultural fields, before designed to accommodate a wide range of flows
it discharges into drainage-ways, streams, and from the smallest events to the 100-year storm
other water bodies. They can also be used in event, without erosion or damage.
urban applications to filter sheet runoff from
parking lots and other broad impervious areas. Customization Options
Particularly in instances, where the rate of runoff While filter strips mostly vary based on plant
may be large and long, a level spreader is often selection, level spreaders come in two basic
installed upstream from a filter strip, to reduce forms: Berm Level Spreaders and Trench Level
the velocity of runoff and distribute it over the Spreaders. Although the appearance of these
width of the filter strip (ultimately, converting two forms differs greatly, both must be laid
concentrated flow into sheet flow). level along the contour to be successful. Berm
level spreaders are berms constructed of open
Filter strips may be used as a standalone BMP or graded stone, typically placed downstream from
as an upstream pre-treatment to downstream a flared end section storm sewer discharge. The
BMPs. For instance, a well-vegetated lawn can runoff from the storm sewer ponds behind the
function as a filter strip, to “disconnect” roof berm and uniformly seeps through the berm for
runoff from the storm sewer system. In many most events. For large events, runoff can weir
cases, newly-graded landscapes may be used as flow (or spill) over the top of the level berm. To
locations for filter strips, particularly new lawns prevent short circuiting and erosion at the ends
and freshly-graded areas that are adjacent to of the level spreader, the level spreader must
parking lots. In these cases, care must be taken be tied into higher ground at the ends such that
during grading to provide proper conditions for the ground elevation at the ends of the berm is
sheet flow across the landscape. Proper soil and higher than the level top of the berm.
vegetative conditions should also be provided
to allow new landscapes to thrive, protecting Trench level spreaders are similar to infiltration
against erosion and providing high levels of trenches, but operate in reverse, with the runoff
filtration. This includes proper site preparation, seeping out of the top of the level spreader and
use of a topsoil with low clay content, an erosion distributing as gentler sheet flow over the width
blanket, and intensive vegetation establishment of the filter strip, after the trench’s total volume
measures. After installation, care must be taken has been filled by runoff. Trench level spreaders
to ensure that the filter strip is adequately can be used to intercept surface runoff that is
stabilized prior to receiving runoff. coming from an upstream location, or can be
introduced via a perforated pipe receiving runoff
Combined level spreader-filter strip systems from a detention basin. (See the detail 6.02 in this
can also be used as a final step in a “treatment section.) As with a berm level spreader, the trench
train,” to avoid concentrated discharges to local level spreader must be able to accommodate a
water bodies and aquatic areas, while providing broad range of flows.
final “polishing” and absorption of runoff. In this
case, existing undisturbed landscapes can also The choice of selecting a berm or trench level
serve as locations for filter strips, where the spreader will depend on site-specific conditions
vegetation and soil structure is well established, such as topography, storm sewer depth, visual
soil health is high, and the topography is free of access, and flow rates. Berm level spreaders
rills or gullies. will typically be able to manage a larger range of
flow rates than trench types, since large events

can flow over the top of the berm. Trench level be subject to erosion or areas of weed growth. In
spreaders will be more appropriate downstream Year 1, the level spreader and filter strip should
of detention storage where discharge rates be inspected monthly and after significant
are moderated. Trench level spreaders are also rainfall events, which can cause erosion. After
much less visible in the landscape, being mostly Year 1 (and any corrective measures), annual
below grade. In many cases, vegetation will tend inspection is adequate.
to migrate into trench level spreaders, making
them less visible over time. Soil should not Maintenance will be most intensive during the
be introduced into the level spreader to avoid site’s first three years during the filter strip’s
loss of hydraulic capacity, however, a modest vegetation’s establishment period. For filter
amount of plant growth within the trench will not strips located on newly graded and/or vegetated
significantly affect performance. areas, intensive landscape maintenance should
occur in the first three years to ensure proper
Maintenance establishment of the landscape. After the first
three years, annual vegetative maintenance
Inspection and maintenance activities will be
should occur. Annual prescribed burning is the
most intensive during the site’s first three
preferred long term vegetative maintenance
years, and typically may be reduced once initial
strategy for native prairie-type landscapes.
design and construction issues are addressed,
However, mowing may be an alternative for
and landscapes are established. Inspections
areas where a prescribed burn is not feasible.
should identify whether significant erosion
Level spreaders should be kept free of woody
and sedimentation has transpired, along with
vegetation that could displace stone or affect
assessing vegetative health. The ends of the level
hydraulic performance. However, fine rooted
spreaders, particularly trench level spreaders,
herbaceous vegetation should not affect
should be marked with permanent stand-posts
performance and need not be removed.
(or other markers), since they can be difficult to
locate as vegetation grows within and around the
level spreader. Inspections on level spreaders, Cost Information
particularly in Year 1 should identify areas where Cost information is provided for each green
the stone has shifted or obvious low points where infrastructure practice in Section 5 of this
most of the runoff is discharging. Filter strip report. The installed costs are based on project
inspections should identify whether rill or gully experience, bid tabs, and information from the
erosion has transpired. The vegetation should RS Means trends, and the labor and bidding
also be inspected to identify bare areas that could environment.
Table 8: Bio-filtration practices unit costs1
Item Description Unit Price Unit
GI Technique Vegetated filter strip Design/Engineering 15% of Construction Cost LS
Mobilization $10,000.00 LS
Excavation & Haul $45.00 CY
Grading $12.00 SY
Erosion Control Blanket $3.00 SY
Required Component Vegetation Establishment Seeding & Sod $0.50 SF
Plugs (12” on center) $5.00 EA
Gallons (36” on center) $15.00 EA
Custom Options Berm Level Spreader $200.00 LF
Trench Level Spreader $100.00 LF
Invasive Species Removal Herbacide Application $1,000.00 ACRE

1 Installed cost include material and labor based on bid tabs from related projects and RS Means.

Specifications are an important component in the design of green infrastructure. Along with the
construction documents, the design engineer should modify the following Illinois Urban Manual
specifications for the specific conditions present at the site. Other sections can be included on an
as-needed basis.
Construction Specifications 21 - Excavation
2 - Clearing and Grubbing 23 - Earthfill
5 - Pollution Control 25 - Rockfill
6 - Seeding, Sprigging and Mulching 26 - Topsoiling
7 - Construction Surveys 44 - Corrugated Polyethylene Tubing
8 - Mobilization and Demobilization

Berm Level Spreader





Trench Level Spreader




Vegetated Filter Strip




Filter Strip Planting




Filter Strip/Level Spreader Notes

” ”

” ”

” ”




Vegetated Swale Customization Options
Swales are constructed open channel There are many customization options for
drainageways. Swales are used as an alternative vegetated swales, including selection of
to, or an element of, conventional storm sewer vegetation, use of check dams, and integration
drainage systems. Swales vegetated with with bioretention. Vegetated swales can be
grass or other suitable vegetation provide planted with traditional turf grass or can be
natural conveyance and at the same time filter naturalized to enhance infiltration and filtration.
pollutants and allow for modest infiltration. Naturalized vegetation may also be better suited
Naturalized vegetation is comprised of native to swales that receive significant runoff and/or
herbaceous plants from habitats that have are located on low gradient slopes.
growing conditions similar to those of the
swale, and can provide greater benefits than The water quality and runoff volume reduction
standard turf grass. Herbaceous plants consist performance of vegetated swales can be further
of flowering perennials, grasses, and grass-like enhanced by inclusion of shallow check dams
plants that have soft vascular structures which to retain and filter runoff. Check dams can take
die back each winter, as opposed to woody plants many forms, including low soil berms, permeable
that have persistent above-ground trunks and rock berms, and porous soil berms. Low soil
branches. Where possible, natural drainageways berms retain runoff behind them, infiltrating
on the development site should be maintained the runoff ponded upstream. Permeable rock
and used as part of the swale drainage system. berms generally pass low flows, but slow runoff
This requires that locations of structures and from larger events, reducing the potential for
lots be based on site topography and natural scour and modestly reducing flow rates. Porous
features. Where man-made swales are installed, soil berms allow slow drainage through them,
the guidelines in this section should be used providing time for infiltration and also providing
to aid in their design, maximize their pollutant physical filtration as runoff slowly passes through
removal, and minimize the potential for erosion the berm. Vegetated porous soil berms put
problems. filtered runoff into contact with the root systems,
enhancing uptake of nutrients. Through spacing
Vegetated swales are typically used as an and armoring, soil check dams must be protected
alternative to storm sewers and can be used for from scour, as runoff cascades over the crest of
drainage along roadways, between homes, and the dam.
other local runoff management applications.
Vegetated swales can also be used for more Vegetated swales can also be designed as
regional applications to manage runoff from bioretention, featuring bioretention soil and
whole neighborhoods and larger geographies. gravel storage to further improve infiltration and
filtration. Many local jurisdictions will not provide
Properly designed vegetated swales provide credit toward runoff reduction requirements for
water quality and runoff volume reduction swales unless they include check dams or are
benefits, as well as conveyance, but do not designed as hybrid swale/bioretention systems.
significantly reduce discharge rates. Thus,
vegetated swales are often part of a system of
green infrastructure that also includes detention
(at a minimum) to provide rate control.

Maintenance annual inspection should be adequate.
Inspection and maintenance activities for Maintenance will be most intensive during the
vegetated swales should focus on vegetative first year when scour protection at culverts and
management, erosion repair, and sediment and storm inflows may need adjustment. For swales
debris removal. Inspection and maintenance vegetated with native vegetation, intensive
activities will be most intensive during the first vegetative maintenance should occur during
one to three years and typically may be reduced the first three to five years to ensure proper
once initial design and construction issues are establishment of the landscape and control of
addressed and vegetation is established. weeds. At the end of the establishment period
and in perpetuity after that, annual vegetative
Vegetated swales should be inspected to identify maintenance should occur. Annual prescribed
significant erosion and sedimentation as well as burning is the preferred long term vegetative
to assess vegetative health. The swale and soil maintenance strategy for native landscapes.
check dams should be inspected to identify scour However, mowing may be an alternative for areas
in need of repair, with particular focus on culvert where prescribed burning is not feasible.
crossings and stormwater inlets. Extended
periods of low flow can lead to formation of pilot Cost Information
channels that may need repair or stabilization. Cost information is provided for each green
The vegetation should be inspected to identify infrastructure technique in Section 5 of this
bare areas that could be subject to erosion or report. The installed costs are based on project
significant weeds. During the first year, the swale experience, bid tabs, and information from the
should be inspected monthly and after significant RS Means trends, and the labor and bidding
rainfall events that could cause erosion. After the environment.
first year and after issues have been resolved,

Table 9: Vegetated swale practices unit costs

Item Description Unit Price Unit
GI Technique Vegetated swale Design/Engineering 15% of Construction Cost LS
Mobilization $10,000.00 LS
Excavation & Haul $45.00 CY
Grading $12.00 SY
Erosion Control Blanket $3.00 SY
Required Component Vegetation Establishment Seeding & Sod $0.50 SF
Plugs (12” on center) $5.00 EA
Gallons (36” on center) $15.00 EA
Custom Options Berm Check Dam $600.00 EA
Driveway Culvert 12” RCP w/ end sections $2,500.00 EA

Specifications are an important component in the design of green infrastructure. Along with the
construction documents, the design engineer should modify the following Illinois Urban Manual
specifications for the specific conditions present at the site. Other sections can be included on an
as-needed basis.
Construction Specifications 21 - Excavation
2 - Clearing and Grubbing 23 - Earthfill
5 - Pollution Control 25 - Rock Riprap
6 - Seeding, Sprigging and Mulching 26 - Topsoiling
7 - Construction Surveys 27 - Diversions and Waterways
8 - Mobilization and Demobilization

Vegetated Swale

Swale Check Dam

Vegetated Swale Planting




Vegetated Swale and Check Dam Notes

Urban Tree Planting Practices While trees can provide benefits for stormwater
management on their own, combining tree
Urban forestry provides communities with
planting with bioretention practices will serve
improved aesthetics, habitat, shade, carbon
to increase the volume of stormwater captured
sequestration, and a reduced urban heat island
and treated, particularly in urban areas where
effect. In addition to these benefits, planting
impervious surfaces and compacted soils can
urban trees can also assist a community with
often outweigh the positive impact that trees
stormwater management.
can make on reducing runoff volume and velocity.
Box tree filters serve as an example of combining
Urban trees can reduce runoff velocity and
tree planting with bioretention practices. Much
volumes, by intercepting rainfall, spurring
like a stormwater planter, box tree filters provide
evapotranspiration, and encouraging infiltration
various layers of filtering media, including mulch,
and groundwater recharge, while simultaneously
engineered soil and gravel, which serves to assist
consuming infiltrated water through its root
with the capture and treatment of runoff, in
system. However, as with all green infrastructure
addition to supporting the tree’s root structure.
practices, planting locations serve as critical both
for maximizing a tree’s targeted stormwater
The decision around whether to pursue basic
benefits, as well as for ensuring its ongoing health
urban tree planting or a combined tree planting-
and survival. Species selection is particularly
bioretention approach will largely be a product
critical when planting in urban rights-of-way,
of a project’s scope, location, surrounding
where flooding can occur routinely, where
land uses, and budget. As trees are larger than
tolerance to road salt is a necessity for survival,
any other plant used in green infrastructure
and where a parkway’s size and dimension can
practices, they bring a wide range of benefits,
serve to constrain the growth of a tree’s root
considerations, and complications beyond those
related to stormwater management.

Urban Stormwater Tree Planting
Location & Spacing Methods Planting Methods
Planting trees for stormwater management Irrespective of the species or delivery method,
requires making deliberate choices around site it is critical to keep the roots moist before the
location and spacing in addition to species. planting process begins. When digging a hole
Generally speaking, species planted for for tree planting, it should be sized twice as wide
stormwater management should be planted as the root ball. Once the tree is placed in the
where runoff collects, near the bottom of hole, the top-most root should be within 1” of
slopes, and close to the right of way. Planting soil’s surface. If planting a bare root tree, roots
locations that are close to the right of way mean should be distributed evenly, making sure roots
that species which are tolerant to road salt, are straight, and not bent, crossed, or “J” rooted.
sediment, and runoff inundation should also Once the backfilling of soil begins, the tree must
be selected, which often means species that be kept standing straight, and the backfilled soil
grow naturally in lowland, floodplain locations. must cover the top of the highest-most woody
Different species also require different soil types root. The backfilled soil should then be heel over
(ranging from sandy to clay-based) and different with a boot or pressed with a shovel to remove
soil pH levels (ranging from acidic to alkaline). air pockets. The entire backfilled area must then
Planting locations must also avoid disruptions to be watered, and layered with 2–4” of mulch. The
above and below ground utilities, in addition to mulch should be kept away from the trunk, and
providing shade (based on the site’s existing sun the mulching should not take on a volcano-like
exposure) and protection from wind. Generally shape around the tree.
speaking, the spacing for an urban tree should be
equivalent to its expected width at full maturity Customization Options
with the understanding that urban trees planted
Recommended Species
in small parkways seldom reach the full size of
Varying species will serve to be appropriate green
a naturally growing specimen. In other words, a
stormwater infrastructure installations, based
tree that is expected to reach a full crown width
on soil moisture, planting location, salt tolerance,
of 30 feet should be planted approximately 30
and their ability to be included in a bioretention
feet from a tree of the same species.
practice, amongst other considerations. Table 10
provides a summary of preferable tree species
for green stormwater infrastructure throughout
the Great Lakes region.
Table 10: Recommended tree species for green stormwater infrastructure
Scientific Name Common Name Soils Compatible Street Floodplain Salt
BMPs Tree Tree Tolerant
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Mesic/Wet Rain Garden, Yes No Low
Box Tree
Acer freemanii Freeman Maple Mesic/Wet Rain Garden, Yes No Low
Box Tree
Acer rubrum Red Maple Mesic/Wet Rain Garden, Yes Yes Low
Box Tree

Scientific Name Common Name Soils Compatible Street Floodplain Salt
BMPs Tree Tree Tolerant
Betula nigra River Birch Mesic/Wet Rain Garden, Yes Yes Low
Box Tree
Celtis Hackberry Mesic/Wet Rain Garden, Yes Yes Medium
occidentalis Box Tree
Ostrya virginiana American Mesic/Wet Rain Garden, Yes Yes Low
Hophornbeam Box Tree
Tilia americana American Mesic/Wet Rain Garden, Yes No Low
Basswood Box Tree
(Linden) Filter
Populus Quaking Aspen Dry/Mesic Bioswale No No High
Prunus serotina Black Cherry Mesic/Wet Rain Garden No No High
Quercus alba White Oak Dry/Mesic Rain Garden No No High
Quercus Bicolor Swamp White Dry/Mesic Bioswale, Yes Yes High
Oak Rain Garden,
Box Tree
Quercus Bur Oak Mesic/Wet Bioswale, Yes No Medium
macrocarpa Rain Garden,
Box Tree
Quercus Rubra Red Oak Mesic/Wet Bioswale, Yes No High
Rain Garden,
Box Tree
Quercus Pin Oak Mesic/Wet Yes Yes Low
Ulmus americana Hybrid American Mesic/Wet Rain Garden, Yes Yes High
Elm Box Tree
Metasequoia Dawn Redwood Mesic/Wet Rain Garden, Yes Yes Low
glyptostroboides Box Tree
Taxodium Common Bald Mesic/Wet Rain Garden, Yes Yes Medium
distichum Cyprus Box Tree
Thuja Northern White Mesic/Wet Rain Garden No No Medium
occidentalis Cedar

Scientific Name Common Name Soils Compatible Street Floodplain Salt
BMPs Tree Tree Tolerant
Amelanchier Allegheny Dry/Mesic Rain Garden No Yes Low
laevis Serviceberry
Juniperus Eastern Red Dry/Mesic Bioswale No No Low
virginiana Cedar
Gymnocladus Kentucky Mesic/Wet Rain Garden, Yes Yes High
Coffeetree Storm.
Box Tree

Liquidanbar Sweetgum Mesic/Wet Rain Garden, Yes Yes Medium

Stiraciflua Happidaze Box Tree
Platanus American Mesic/Wet Yes Yes Medium
occidentalis Sycamore
Platanus x London Mesic/We Yes Yes Medium
acerifolia Planetree
Populus Eastern Mesic/Wet Yes Yes Medium
deltoides Cottonwood
Gleditsia Honeylocust Mesic/Wet Yes Yes High
Acer saccarinium Silver Maple Mesic/Wet Yes Yes Medium
Catalpa speciosa Northern Catalpa Mesic/Wet Yes Yes Medium

Planting Formats leaves appear, or after its leaves fall (but before
Irrespective of the species or the location, a the ground freezes). The tree’s roots must be
defining choice in undertaking urban tree planting kept moist at all times, because if the roots dry
will be selecting a bare root tree, a container tree, out, the tree dies. In turn, preserving moisture
or a balled-and-burlap tree, all of which present in the root system and a shorter planting season
varying strengths and weaknesses. window are the primary constraints of bare root
Bare Root Trees
“Bare root” tree stock is oftentimes the most Container Trees
inexpensive choice for planting, as they are the “Container tree” stock (trees grown in plastic
smallest and lightest option, making them the containers) tend to be slightly more expensive
easiest format to transport. In turn, bare root to plant than bare root stock (on account of their
trees are an economical choice for planting size and weight), but are widely available, can be
projects that include a large number of trees. sourced year round, and can be planted while
Instead of being cultivated in a soil mixture, bare dormant or leafing. While in the containers, trees
root trees are typically cultivated by wrapping require intensive watering (1-2 times a day) to
the root system in a moisture-retaining material, prevent the root system from drying out. Root
such as sphagnum moss peat, sawdust or wet girdling (when the roots grow in a circular form)
paper. Bare root tree stock must be planted can also be a problem with container trees, if the
when they are completely dormant, and this can tree is kept for too long in its container, which can
only occur in the Spring or Fall, before the tree’s ultimately lead to the tree’s death.

Balled and Burlap Trees Staking and Tying Trees
Balled and Burlap stock (B&B) is grown with a firm Trees that are planted near large open areas
ball of soil surrounding its roots, and wrapped and are subject to high winds must be staked
with burlap with twine, nails or wiring. B&B to improve firmness against the wind. This is
stock is very heavy, making it more expensive to particularly important for larger, “balled and
transport than bare root or container stock. They burlapped” trees. One year after planting, trees
are structurally very sound however, making must be evaluated for firmness, and if trees are
them an ideal planting choice for large caliper stable, stakes can be removed. Upon completion
trees. They can also be planted during any time of the second growing season, all stakes must be
in the growing season, though supplemental removed.
watering after planting is critical during hot and
dry weather. Pruning
Newly-planted trees should need little pruning
Maintenance if they were properly cared for in the nursery. In
the first year after planting, the contractor must
remove only dead or broken branches. After
Watering bags (i.e., tree gators, either donut-
then, weakly-attached limbs and co-dominant
shaped or other types) should be installed at
leaders (a tree that has more than one main trunk
the time of planting. Watering bags should be
that is similar in diameter) should be removed to
checked weekly, and filled with water as needed
promote healthy trees with good form.
during the first growing season. Bags should be
removed during the dormant season to protect
Tree Protection
the tree from fungus and molds. After the first
Tree mulch should help protect the base of
year, the bags should be checked every two
newly-planted trees from lawn mower damage,
weeks, and should be filled as needed. Watering
by keeping mowers away from the tree base.
bags can be completely removed after two
However, to protect the newly-planted trees in
growing seasons.
areas where wildlife browsing may be an issue,
trees must be protected using plastic mesh
Mulching Trees
fencing or other tree guard products (such
Trees must be mulched, at a depth of 2-4 inches,
as tubes). After tree establishment, these
at the time of planting. Mulch must be maintained
structures can be removed.
in a level circular area around the base of each
tree. Mulch must not be piled or mounded near
Cost Information
the tree trunk. One year after planting, mulch
Cost information is provided for each green
should be evaluated, and if needed, additional
infrastructure technique in Section 5 of this
mulch must be added to maintain 2-4 inches of
report. The Installed costs are based on project
experience, bid tabs, and information from the
RS Means trends, and the labor and bidding

Table 11: Urban stormwater tree planting practice unit costs
Item Description Unit Price Unit
GI Technique Urban Tree Planting Tree (varies by tree species) $400.00 EA
Planting (varies by method) $250.00 LS
Custom Options Warranty Planting Warranty $60.00 EA

Along with the construction documents, the design engineer should make site-specific
customizations to the following sections of the standard specifications from the Illinois Urban
Manual in order to have a full set of specifications for a green roof. Other sections can be included
on an as-needed basis. Further instructions on the use of specifications are included in Appendix B.
Specifications for engineered soil differ from those outlined in Appendix C.

Construction Specifications
707 - Digging, Transporting, Planting, and Establishment of Trees, Shrubs and Vines

Box Tree Filter Customization Options
Box tree filters take in curbside runoff and treat Box tree filter encasements have a range of
it through physical and biological methods standardized sizes, and an appropriate size can
that are similar to other bioretention systems, be determined by assessing the runoff reduction
before discharging it into existing storm sewer needs and physical constraints of the area. A
infrastructure. As a result, water that enters variety of trees can be used in these units, with
the storm sewers is cleaner, while trees and tree selection dependent on the climate, species
microbial communities uptake nutrients that native to the area, and the size of the installation.
would otherwise be washed into local streams, Slow growing, medium-sized trees will prevent
lakes, or wetlands. degradation of the concrete encasement by
the tree’s root system. A manhole cover can be
Stormwater enters the unit through a curbside installed directly adjacent to the planted tree to
inlet into a concrete-encased area. Mulch, soil, allow easier access for future maintenance.
engineered soil, and gravel filter out particulates
and associated nutrients along with heavy metals Maintenance
and other inorganic compounds prevalent in
Typically, box tree filters need to be watered
urban runoff. Microbial communities in the root
three times per week for the first four weeks
system of the tree remove organic carbon,
after installation. Box tree filters require annual
nitrogen, and phosphorus to use them as part of
mulching through the first three years of
their life cycle processes, while trees incorporate
establishment. Pruning and trimming of the
these nutrients into their biomass. From there,
tree as needed improves its health, growth, and
water flows through a surface inlet or external
appearance. Debris and litter caught in the tree
system connection to the existing stormwater
grate should be removed monthly for the life of
the installation.
Figure 8: Box tree filter in suburban setting

Location: Right of way

Width: At least 3'
Length: At least 4'
Drainage Area: 0.25 acres

Source: http://actrees.org/news/trees-in-the-news/newsroom/rhode-island-case­

Cost Information
Cost information is provided for each green infrastructure technique in Section 5 of this report. The
Installed costs are based on project experience, bid tabs, and information from the RS Means trends,
and the labor and bidding environment.

Table 12: Box tree filter practice unit costs

Item Description Unit Price Unit
GI Technique Box Tree Filter Design/Engineering 15% of Construction Cost LS
Mobilization $10,000.00 LS
Excavation & Haul $45.00 CY
Hardwood Mulch $45.00 CY
Engineered Soil $60.00 CY
Gravel Subgrade $45.00 CY
Required Component Concrete Encasement Curb installation, box tree filter $45.00 CF
Grate Varies by size $600.00 EA
Underdrain 3” perforated PVC pipe, irrigation port or $0.00 LF
external system connection
Perforated Pipe Cleanout $1,000.00 LF
Connection to existing storm infrastructure $600.00 EA
Required Selection Tree Varies by species $400.00 EA
Custom Options Access to Concrete Varies by species $300.00 EA

Along with the construction documents, the design engineer should make site-specific
customizations to the following sections of the standard specifications from the Illinois Urban
Manual in order to have a full set of specifications for a green roof. Other sections can be included
on an as-needed basis. Further instructions on the use of specifications are included in Appendix B.
Specifications for engineered soil differ from those outlined in Appendix C.

Construction Specifications Material Specifications

2 - Clearing and Grubbing 45 - Plastic Pipe 521 - Aggregates for Drainfill and
5 - Pollution Control 94 - Contractor Quality Control Filters
7 - Construction Surveys 592 - Geotextile 522 - Aggregates for Portland
8 - Mobilization and 707 - Digging, Transporting, Cement Concrete
Demobilization Planting, and Establishment of 531 - Portland Cement
9 - Traffic Control Trees, Shrubs and Vines 534 - Concrete Curing Compound
10 - Water for construction 752 - Stripping, Stockpiling, 535 - Preformed Expansion Joint
21 - Excavation Site Preparation and Spreading Filler
23 - Earthfill Topsoil 536 - Sealing Compound for
24 - Drainfill Joints in Concrete and Concrete
25 - Rockfill Pipe
26 - Topsoiling 539 - Steel Reinforcement (for
27 - Diversion and Waterways Concrete)
32 - Structure Concrete 547 - Plastic Pipe
34 - Steel Reinforcement 592 - Geotextile
35 - Concrete Repair 804 - Material for Topsoiling

Box Tree Filter


SEE GI 7.03


3-4" MULCH










1 OF 3 F:\CBD_CADD\nu-logo.png


Box Tree Filter Size Selection





F:\CBD_CADD\Kristar Table.jpg






Box Tree Filter Notes







3 OF 3

Green Roof A green roof can be installed on a new or existing
A green roof transforms an otherwise impervious structure with the load bearing capacity to
surface into one capable of retaining and filtering support it. A green roof adds a considerable
stormwater. A substrate of growing media is amount of weight to a building compared to a
planted with vegetation and absorbs stormwater gray roof. It is necessary to consider factors of
that would otherwise flow through a traditional human traffic, weather and climatic conditions,
system of gutters and sewers. By retaining and temporary installations in addition to the
the stormwater, green roofs allow for natural saturated weight of the green roof itself when
processes like evaporation and transpiration to calculating the maximum load capacity.
occur, slowly releasing water to the atmosphere.
The system also reduces the rate of runoff for Customization Options
water that cannot be absorbed, especially for There are two primary types of green roofs. The
smaller and more frequent rain events. first and most common is a layered system which
is built in place on the roof. The second type of
The primary stormwater benefit of a green roof green roof uses a modular system containing
is the reduction in runoff rates it provides for an pre-vegetated plastic trays. The modular trays
otherwise impervious roof. Most green roofs are tend to be more expensive than a layered green
not designed to store the volume of rainwater roof, but can be cost competitive on smaller roofs
that a typical detention basin can accommodate. or on roofs where building the layers in place is
Even still, a modest amount of retention can be problematic, such as on top of very tall buildings.
anticipated. The capacity of the green roof will The modular trays also offer the instant appeal of
be determined by the thickness of the substrate mature vegetation on the day of installation.
layer, the slope of the roof, the amount and time
of rainfall, and antecedent rainfall.
Figure 9: Green roof in urban setting

Location: Building Rooftop

Width: Scalable
Length: Scalable
Drainage Area: Equivalent to size of roof

Source: https://www.epa.gov/heatislands/using-green-roofs-reduce-heat-islands

The deck is the structural portion of the roof such as those available from Hydrotech and
that supports everything above it. It can be Carlisle, use manufactured drainage boards.
constructed from concrete, wood, metal, No matter the type of drainage layer used, a
plastic, gypsum, or composite, though concrete separation fabric is placed over it to contain the
is recommended when a green roof is involved. growing media above it. The separation fabric
Corrugated metal decks require an additional is usually a thin, non-woven, needle-punched,
support and insulation layer. There is usually poly-propylene sheet. It is designed specifically
a division in trades and in the responsibility to allow water to pass through it, but not soil
for designing the roof and the green roof particles. The growing media above it is also
components. The building’s roof deck and specially designed. Green roof soils are generally
waterproofing layer (roof membrane) are almost light-weight and composed of a mixture of
always designed by an architect and constructed drainage aggregate and organic material. They
by trained roofers. The design of the green roof are manufactured to limit the amount of fines
components on the other hand can come from a that might otherwise clog the separation fabric
variety of sources, such as a landscape architect below. A layered green roof also needs edges
or a manufacturer. They are also frequently to contain the material in the system. This can
installed by companies specializing in green be as simple as a parapet wall extension, or may
roofs. The waterproofing layer of the roof should involve the use of aluminum or stainless steel
be protected at all times during the construction angled edge restraints.
of a green roof. This can be especially important
when multiple trades and designers are involved. The thickness of the growing media can vary
Because the construction can require large and does not need to be uniform across the
buckets of material to be deposited onto the entire area. Intensive green roofs have a thicker
roof, a thick spongy protection fabric is often the layer of substrate (greater than 6 inches), which
first thing to be put down. allows for greater variety in plant selection, but
require more maintenance, are more costly, and
A layered green roof is built as its name implies weigh more. Semi Intensive green roofs with
- by stacking its components in layers. The 4 to 6 inches of soil and extensive green roofs
protection fabric protects the membrane from with 2 to 3 inches of soil have thinner substrate
the minor impacts of placing and moving green layers that can only support drought-tolerant
roof components around. It is often a non- and self-seeding plants but require fewer labor
woven, synthetic poly-propylene fiber mat and financial investments and weigh less. Along
similar in appearance to the felt blankets movers with the thickness of the substrate layer, plant
use to protect furniture. Additional protection, selection depends on climate, locality, plant
however, is required when a bitumen-based growth rate, and size at maturity. Modules, plugs,
membrane is used or when the roots could be vegetated mats, seeds, nursery containers, and
in contact with polystyrene insulation. In these cuttings are all viable planting options, each
applications a root barrier made of polyethylene with their own benefits and disadvantages. The
sheets is placed over the protection fabric. maximum width and length are scalable, limited
The drainage layer is one of the most critical by the area and design constraints of the roof.
components of a green roof system.
The type of drainage layer further divides a layered
green roof into two sub-types. Layered systems A green roof needs to be watered usually 3 times
can use aggregate drainage layers made of light- per week during the first 4 weeks after installation.
weight expanded clay, or pumice. Alternatively, During the first year of establishment, the plants
they can use manufactured drainage boards will need to be watered and weeded regularly
which can be molded plastic sheets or composite through October and during any subsequent
geotextiles. Proprietary green roof systems, years in which there is a drought. If mulch is

used it may need to be supplemented annually Cost Information
through the first three years of establishment. Green roofs are unique compared to the other
Debris removal must occur monthly for the green infrastructure techniques found in this
life of the roof garden. Trimming, removal, and toolkit due to the diverse range of customization
replacement of dead plants must occur on an as- options and the role their building’s design
needed basis. plays in their development. Due to this, the
cost for installing a green roof is highly variable.
A reasonable budget for an extensive layered
green roof would be $25-40 per square foot;
a semi intensive layered green roof would be
$35-50 per square foot; and an intensive layered
green roof would be $45-100 per square foot.

Specifications are an important component in 5 - Pollution Control
the design of green infrastructure. Along with the 7 - Construction Surveys
construction documents, the design engineer 8 - Mobilization and Demobilization
should make site-specific customizations to the 9 - Water for Construction
following sections of the standard specifications 26 - Topsoiling
from the Illinois Urban Manual in order to have a 32 - Structure Concrete
full set of specifications for a green roof. Other 34 - Steel Reinforcement
sections can be included on an as-needed basis. 35 - Concrete Repair
National standards for the design of green roofs 97 - Flexible Membrane Liner
have been developed and should be considered.
ANSI/SPRI RP-14 establishes wind design Material Specifications
standards and ANSI/SPRI VF-1 established fire 531 - Portland Cement
design standards. Further instructions on the 804 - Material for Topsoiling
use of specifications are included in Appendix B.
Specifications for engineered soil used in green
roofs differ from those outlined in Appendix C.

Construction Specifications

Extensive Green Roof

Northwestern University


1 OF 3

Native Plantings










Northwestern University


2 OF 3

Extensive Green Roof Notes

Northwestern University


3 OF 3

Permeable Pavement greater than 0.5 in/ hr, then the volume of runoff
Permeable pavement allows the infiltration infiltrated during the event may be sufficient,
of rainwater through the jointing material so as to not require an underdrain as part of the
placed in the spaces between the pavers. permeable pavement’s design for managing
Permeable pavers are ideal for right-of-way runoff volumes. Concrete containment curbs are
applications, such as parallel parking lanes or placed around the installation to prevent lateral
gutter retrofits. This technique can also be used movement.
for green alley applications, parking areas, and
pedestrian pavements. Permeable pavements Customization Options
are ideal retrofitting existing pavements and Permeable pavement can be located anywhere
for redevelopment sites where it can often be there is existing impervious surface area,
difficult to provide adequate space for other including residential, commercial and industrial
green infrastructure practices. locations. The minimum width of a permeable
pavement design is 2 feet, and the maximum
When runoff flows over a surface of permeable length and width are scalable. Oftentimes the
pavement, it infiltrates through open graded pavers will be used on the edge of a road or in the
stone layers that have a porosity of approximately parallel parking lane adjacent to the drive lane.
40%. Porosity is an expression indicating the Large storm events can discharge to an existing
ratio of open void space that is available to or proposed storm sewer inlet. There are many
hold the total the total volume of the soil and manufacturers for permeable pavers, allowing for
gravel material. Larger, open-graded aggregate many size, color and layout pattern configurations.
will have a higher rate of porosity than sand or
dense-graded aggregate (which can possess a “Permeable pavement” systems can be topped
broader range of aggregate size within its mix). with other permeable surfaces such as artificial
Many jurisdictions require porosity values of 30- turf and rubber-surfaces (both commonly used
36% during design, to provide a factor of safety. in playgrounds) to accommodate a range of site
After rainwater is stored in the stone layer, it uses. Permeable pavement systems can be sized
can then infiltrate into the subgrade soil. The to provide both storage for infiltration, water
design should consider the infiltration capacity quality, and detention purposes. Depending on
of the subgrade soils when designing the system the run-on area that drains to the permeable
and determine whether there is a need for an paving, an 18-inch section of open graded base
underdrain that is connected to the storm sewer aggregate will be sufficient to provide detention
network or other outlet. If the infiltration rate is storage.

Location: Parking lot

Width: At least 2'
Length: Scalable
Drainage Area: Varies

Source: http://water.epa.gov/infrastructure/greeninfrastructure/gi_what.cfm

The engineer should resist the temptation to permeable paving systems, since the sand will
“overdrain” the pavement system, which can clog the openings. When infiltration through the
lead to reduced time for infiltration and less pavers becomes unacceptable, a vacuum truck is
efficient detention for larger storms. In many required to remove joint material and sediment
cases underdrains will only be necessary at accumulated between the pavers. The joint
the downstream end of the pavement slope. material will then need to be replaced. Frequency
Underdrains can utilize the resistance to flow of replacement will depend on site conditions
from the aggregate to slow drainage within and sediment loading. Maintenance costs from
the aggregate base, to improve detention manufacturers is estimated to be approximately
performance. The engineer should design the $0.60 per square foot a year.
underdrain system, including underdrain spacing
and sizing, to meet the desired performance Cost Information
goals. In most cases, the system should be
Cost information is provided for each green
designed to avoid upflow runoff out of the surface
infrastructure technique in Section 5 of this
of the permeable pavers at the downstream end,
report. The installed costs are based on project
to avoid the flowing water from washing out the
experience, bid tabs, and information from the
aggregate in the paver joints.
RS Means trends, and the labor and bidding
Care should be taken to avoid the runoff
of sediment from adjacent areas onto the
permeable pavers as much as possible. Sand
should not be used for winter traction on

Table 13: Permeable pavement practices unit costs 1,2, 3

Item Description Unit Price Unit
GI Technique Permeable Pavement Design/Engineering 15% of Construction Cost LS
Mobilization $10,000.00 LS
Excavation & Haul $45.00 CY
Porous unit Pavers (Machine Installed) $10.00 SF
Geotextile Fabric $5.00 SY
ASTM No. 8 Stone bedding $95.00 CY
ASTM No. 57 Stone base $65.00 CY
Required Component Curb Flush Curb $25.00 LF
Curb Curb & Gutter section $25.00 LF
Custom Options Subbase Layer ASTM No.2 Stone $65.00 CY
Underdrain 4” HDPE perforated storm pipe $20.00 LF
Perforated Pipe Cleanout $600.00 EA
Storm Sewer 12” HDPE storm sewer $65.00 LF
Connection to existing storm sewer $600.00 EA

1 Installed cost include material and labor based on bid tabs from related projects and RS Means.
2 Unit price based on a small (500 sf) urban alley retrofit project with hand placement of the permeable pavers. For larger
installations, pavers can be machine installed, which increases efficiency and reduces the unit price. Unit prices for specific projects
will vary based on scale, complexity, labor environment, and material cost trends. A detailed estimate should be prepared by the design
3 The system storage capacity can be increased by enlarging the stone envelope. Stone void space ratio is 40% and the unit
weight is 100 lb/cf. 4 Multiply permeable pavement perimeter length by the unit price.

Although permeable pavers function differently than stormwater planters, the construction required
to build them is very similar to a stormwater planter, because they are both surrounded by concrete
curbing. The main difference is that permeable pavers do not use engineered soil or plants. Refer to
Appendix C for more information on how to customize the standard specifications from the Illinois
Urban Manual.

Construction Specifications Material Specifications

2 - Clearing and Grubbing 521 - Aggregates for Drainfill and Filters
5 - Pollution Control 522 - Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete
7 - Construction Surveys 531 - Portland Cement
8 - Mobilization and Demobilization 534 - Concrete Curing Compound
10 - Water for Construction 535 - Preformed Expansion Joint Filler
21 - Excavation 536 - Sealing Compound for Joints in Concrete
23 - Earthfill and Concrete Pipe
24 - Drainfill 539 - Steel Reinforcement (for Concrete)
25 - Rockfill 548 - Corrugated Polyethylene Tubing
32 - Structure Concrete 592 - Geotextile Permeable Pavers -
34 - Steel Reinforcement Manufacturer specific
35 - Concrete Repair
44 - Corrugated Polyethylene Tubing
46 - Tile Drains
94 - Contractor Quality Control
95 - Geotextile
752 - Stripping, Stockpiling, Site Preparation
and Spreading Topsoil

Permeable Pavement



1 OF 2

Permeable Pavement Notes



2 OF 2

Underground Storage must infiltrate stormwater into the ground,
Underground storage can be an effective green or be paired with other green infrastructure
infrastructure technique in situations when practices such as permeable pavement and/or
large storage volumes are required, in areas bioretention systems.
with routine localized flooding and combined
sewer overflows, to reduce the volume and Customization Options
rate of stormwater entering the sewer system.
The layout options for underground storage are
Underground storage can provide an effective
both flexible and scalable. A design engineer can
detention solution in areas where surface
arrange the system to fit a desired shape and can
level detention basins are spatially infeasible,
select the height of the storage chambers and
particularly in urban areas. Generally, runoff
length of the system to meet the required storage
enters the system and fills up a stone base
volume. There are several manufacturers of
beneath the chambers. Once the voids in the
underground chamber systems, as well as other
stone base are filled, then the open area of the
underground storage solutions available. The
chamber acts as efficient open storage, holding
technical designer should consider the particular
a high volume of water per unit of footprint area.
requirements of the chosen system.
Depending on the infiltration rate of the
The system can be paired with other green
underlying native soil, the underground storage
infrastructure techniques. When placed under
system will either discharge directly into the
bioretention, runoff is filtered through the
groundwater or slowly through a perforated
engineered soil layer and flows directly into
underdrain connected to an outlet. A weir
the underground storage through the stone
or orifice within the outlet structure can be
layer. Large storm events enter through the
designed to control the storage depth within
overflow structure that can be connected to
the system, allowing for higher infiltration
the chambers. Permeable pavers filter runoff as
volumes. The discharge of stored stormwater
well and direct flow through the underlying stone
(above or below ground) to the existing storm
layer that is hydraulically connected to the stone
network is a traditional approach to stormwater
envelope around the underground storage.
management, with the rate controlled using
orifices or other devices. For the underground
storage system to be truly a green system, it

Figure 10: Underground storage chambers for stormwater

Location: Vacant lots

Width: Scalable
Length: Scalable
Drainage Area: Varies

Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AParking_lot_stormwater_

Maintenance Cost Information
The underground storage system should include Cost information is provided for each green
inspection ports that are used to observe the infrastructure practice in Section 5 of this
amount of accumulated sediment within the report. The installed costs are based on project
system. Once the accumulation has reached experience, bid tabs and information from the
a level indicated by the manufacturer, the RS Means Building Construction Costs Data
system needs to be cleaned via JetVac, which (2012 edition), which is an industry standard
sprays water on the inside of the chambers, compilation of unit costs for various construction
loosens the sediment, and vacuums it out of the activities. The costs in the table below can be
system. Maintenance of the system is accessed used to scope a project, but a project specific
using a manhole structure and distribution cost estimate should be prepared by the design
pipe manifold. The inspection port should be engineer that takes into account the project
inspected semi-annually or per manufacturer scale and complexity, material cost trends, and
guidelines. Maintenance costs will vary based on the labor and bidding environment.
the size of the installation and ease of access.
A standard JetVac maintenance should cost
$1,500 -$ 2,500.

Table 14: Underground storage practices unit costs1,2,3,4

Item Description Unit Price Unit
GI Technique Underground Storage Design/Engineering 15% of Construction Cost LS
Mobilization $10,000.00 LS
Excavation & Haul $45.00 CY
Chamber System $7.50 CF
Geotextile Fabric $5.00 SY
Custom Options Underdrain 4” HDPE Perforated underdrain $20.00 LF
Surface restoration $3.00 SF
Outlet Control/Overflow Structure $3,500.00 EA
Storm Sewer 12” HDPE storm sewer $65.00 LF
Connecting to existing storm structure $600.00 EA

1 Installed cost include material and labor based on bid tabs from related projects and RS Means.
2 Unit price based on an 8,500 cubic foot installation beneath a commercial parking area (see GI 11.01). Pricing
from various manufacturer’s range from $5-7. Unit prices for specific projects will vary based on scale, complexity, labor
environment, and material cost trends. A detailed cost estimate should be prepared by the design engineer.
3 The system storage capacity can be increased by enlarging the stone envelope. Stone void space ratio is 40% and the unit
weight is 100 lb/cf.
4 Surface treatment costs will vary based on chosen surface application

The underground storage technique utilizes many of the same construction techniques and materials
as the other green infrastructure techniques, but it does not inherently include concrete or plantings.
Please note that the underground storage technique can be paired with various surface treatments,
including any of the other green infrastructure techniques. The design engineer should customize
the specifications included in the construction documents to reflect all the items included in the
design. Refer to the instructions on using the Illinois Urban Manual standard specifications included
in Appendix B.
Construction Specifications Material Specifications
2 - Clearing and Grubbing 521 - Aggregates for Drainfill and Filters
5 - Pollution Control 536 - Sealing Compound for Joints in Concrete
7 - Construction Surveys and Concrete Pipe
8 - Mobilization and Demobilization 548 - Corrugated Polyethylene Tubing
21 - Excavation 592 - Geotextile Underground Storage –
23 - Earthfill Manufacturer specific
24 - Drainfill
25 - Rockfill
44 - Corrugated Polyethylene Tubing
46 - Tile Drains
94 - Contractor Quality Control
95 - Geotextile
752 - Stripping, Stockpiling, Site Preparation
and Spreading Topsoil

Underground Storage



1 OF 2

Underground Storage Notes



2 OF 2

Aggregate: a clustered mass of individual soil particles varied in shape, ranging in size from a
microscopic granule to a small crumb, and considered the basic structural unit of soil

Caliper: The diameter of a tree’s trunk at breast height itself. The measurement is generally
made at 4.5 feet above the soil.

Conveyance: The action of transferring water from one location to another, commonly through
sewer systems.

Concentrated Flow: The movement of surface water which, resulting from its length and
velocity, takes the form of a channel. Concentrated flow tend to exhibit higher velocity, and can
be responsible for inducing soil erosion.

Evapotranspiration: The loss of water from the soil both, by evaporation and by transpiration
from the plants growing thereon.

Forbs: An herbaceous flowering plant, separate from grasses and sedges.

Gully: A trench or ravine that has formed in the earth, as a result of running water, and where
running water often runs after rainfall.

Herbaceous Plants: Species that have little to no woody tissue in their stem structure.

Infiltration: The process by which surface water enters the soil.

Perennial Plants: Species that live beyond two growing seasons.

Porosity: The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the volume of the pores in a rock or rock
stratum, to the total volume of the mass.

Residence Time: The duration or period that water remains in a particular medium or place.

Rill: A small brook or stream.

Sheet Runoff: A form of flow that is produced when runoff travels over a surface in such a
manner that its resulting distribution becomes more even, less concentrated, and with a lower
level of velocity.

Subgrade: Native soil material existing beneath surface materials, such as pavement, etc.

Substrate: A layer of soil beneath the surface, upon which an organism grows.

Underdrain: A concealed drain with openings through which the water enters when the water
table reaches the level of the drain.

EPA Brownfields Decision Flow Chart

Illinois Urban Manual
The Illinois Urban Manual was created to provide guidance for the design and construction of best
management practices (BMPs) in both urban and rural communities. The compilation continues to
evolve,and the latest revisions and publications are available online: http://www.aiswcd.org/illinois-

Two major components of the Illinois Urban Manual are comprehensive construction and material
specification sections. The intent of these standard specifications is to provide common specification
language that is streamlined for use by design engineers in contract documents. Most of the sections
included in the Manual were taken from the NRCS’s National Engineering Handbook Part 642.

Portions of the Illinois Urban Manual are included in this Appendix for reference, including an
explanation of how to use the specifications and a table of contents showing all of the sections

Illinois Urban Manual June 2013

Section 1
Introduction to Illinois Urban Manual


This manual is intended for use as a technical reference by developers, planners,

engineers, government officials and others involved in land use planning, building site
development, and natural resource conservation in rural and urban communities and
developing areas.

The standards and associated materials describe best management practices (BMPs)
for controlling non-point source pollution impacts that affect ecosystems in existing
communities and developing areas. The manual includes an array of BMPs in the
following broad categories:

 soil erosion and sediment control;

 stormwater management; and
 special area protection.

Beyond conventional BMP considerations, the manual addresses fish and wildlife
habitat improvement, visual and environmental quality and other relevant ecosystem
enhancement applications. Where previous BMP manuals have tended to focus on
limited aspects of construction site erosion or stormwater runoff control, this manual is
designed for more comprehensive, multi-objective ecosystem protection and

This manual supersedes the Illinois EPA’s 1987 “Standards and Specifications for Soil
Erosion and Sediment Control” (commonly known as the “Yellowbook”) and the original
"1995 Illinois Urban Manual." It also replaces Chapter 6, entitled “Procedures and
Specifications”, of the Association of Illinois Soil and Water Conservation District’s 1988
“Procedures and Standards for Urban Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control in Illinois”
(commonly known as the “Greenbook”). This manual was prepared for the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by the United States Department of
Agriculture’s (USDA) - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Illinois. The
NRCS was formerly known and recognized as the Soil Conservation Service (SCS).
Initially released in 1995, the manual is being revised by a committee made up of
federal and state resource agencies, regional planning commissions, local units of
government, and the private sector.

Funding in part for the development and maintenance of this manual was provided by
Section 319 of the Clean Water Act through Illinois EPA.

Section revised June 2009

Illinois Urban Manual June 2013


This manual is intended to be a dynamic document. Several sections may stay static for
long periods of time. Others, such as sections 4, 5, 6, and 7, will likely be expanded on
a regular basis to include additional conservation practice standards, construction
specifications, material specifications and standard drawings not yet developed.

This manual sets no policy, rules, regulations or restrictions. However, it is anticipated

that various units of government and local, state, or federal agencies would use these
technical materials to guide development of policy, ordinances, restrictions, or
regulations. If adopted by reference in a regulatory program, such as in a Soil Erosion
and Sediment Control Ordinance adopted by a local jurisdiction, the contents of the
manual have the force of law.

No individual section of this manual will contain all the guidance or material necessary
to fully assist users to develop or implement site specific plans. Other references or
sections of other manuals or handbooks that supplement this publication should be
utilized as appropriate. Other primary reference materials to support this manual are
listed in the References section of the practice standards or in Section 9 - References.
All references to IDOT in the practice standards and on the standard drawings refer to
the Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge
Construction, adopted 2007 or the latest version. The standard drawings use an 'RR'
designation in place of a gradation number. Assume the 'RR' to be synonymous with

Users of the manual are encouraged to contact the following if you have any questions
or additional information or assistance is needed:

1. NRCS/SWCD County Office (in the phone book under U.S. Government, Department
of Agriculture, the Illinois NRCS website www.il.nrcs.usda.gov under "Directories", or
the AISWCD website http://aiswcd.org, or

2. Illinois EPA, Bureau of Water - Watershed Management Section, 1021 North Grand
Avenue East, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276 (phone 217-782-3362),
website: www.epa.state.il.us/water/index.html, or

3. Kelly Thompson, AISWCD Program Coordinator, at 4285 North Walnut Street Road
Springfield, IL 62707 (phone 217-744-3414), Email at [email protected]

Revised June 2009


Illinois Urban Manual June 2013

Section 5
Construction Specifications


This section contains construction specifications and instructions for their use. The
construction specifications along with material specifications (see Section 6) make up
the contract specifications and can be used as the requirements in construction
contracts. To make the construction specifications complete the last section must be
written to identify the specific methods that apply, identify and describe bid items, and
list any specific instructions that pertain to the job under construction. This last section is
normally shown with the heading ITEMS OF WORK AND CONSTRUCTION DETAILS.

The construction specifications and instructions for use are from NRCS’s National
Engineering Handbook Series (NEH) Part 642 (formerly referred to as NEH Section 20)
as well as several state interim specifications. The interim specifications are numbered
starting at 200 and do not usually have a corresponding instruction for use.

A general discussion is included that describes how a bid schedule is set up, how
construction specifications are compiled, and how construction details and bid items are
set up in the specifications. Some examples are included in the discussion. The
discussion is an abridged version from NEH Part 642.

Current updates of construction specifications from NRCS's National Engineering

Handbook Series Part 642 can be found at http://www.ftw.nrcs.usda.gov/nehcs.html.
The notice for the May 2001 release of the construction specifications in Part 642
identified revisions to Construction Specification 51 - Corrugated Metal Pipe and
Construction Specification 94 - Contractor Quality Control. These changes are reflected
in this release of Chapter 5 of the Illinois Urban Manual. The dates on the other
construction specifications have not been updated; however, the technical content of all
other construction specifications has not likely changed.

General Discussion

The body of a construction contract consists of general provisions, a bid schedule,

specifications, drawings, inspection requirements, performance time, contract
administration data and, when applicable, special provisions and wage rate decisions.
Typically the general provisions are administrative and technical requirements that
apply to all items of construction and to all contracts. The bid schedule tabulates the
items of work for which direct payment will be made, shows the estimated quantities of
work and the units of measurement, and provides space for the entry of contract prices.
The specifications and drawings include the technical details and requirements of the
contract. The office responsible for the design of the work develops the drawings and
specifications and, in cooperation with the responsible administrative office, the bid

Illinois Urban Manual June 2013

schedule. The special provisions are administrative instructions and requirements that
apply to the specific contract and are prepared by the responsible administrative office.

Terms and Definitions

The following terms and definitions are used relative to specifications for construction

National Standard Construction Specifications state the technical and

workmanship requirements for the various operations required in the construction
of the works, the methods of measurement, and the basis of payment.

National Standard Material Specifications state the quality of materials to be

incorporated in the permanent works. The material specifications make up
Section 6 of this manual.

Interim Specifications are specifications prepared for use in contracts that

include construction items or materials not covered by National Standard

Standard Specifications are National Standard and Interim specifications.

Construction Details are prepared by the design office and state the special
requirements peculiar to a specific work of construction. They may take the form
of written addenda to the standard construction specifications or notes on the

Contract Specifications are the complete specifications prepared for a specific

contract and consist of construction and material specifications supplemented by
lists and descriptions of items of work and construction details.

National Standard Construction Specifications

National standard construction specifications are to be used verbatim. Some national

standard specifications have sections that contain alternative methods of achieving
work. The specification writer may delete the methods not used in the contract;
however, the method selected must be used verbatim. Only methods identified in the
specification may be deleted from the national standard construction specification. Each
of the national standard construction specifications is supplemented by instructions for
its use. These instructions state the applicability of the specification and discuss the
items of information that must be included in the contract specifications and drawings in
order to completely define the specified item. They also discuss the conditions under
which it may be appropriate to use any of the various methods listed. These instructions
are included for use by design personnel and are not to be included in contract

Illinois Urban Manual June 2013

National Standard Material Specifications

National standard material specifications have been prepared for those materials whose
quality must be uniform in all areas of applicability. National standard material
specifications are to be used verbatim. They are not supplemented by instructions for
use. Items of information that must be included in the contract specifications in order to
completely describe the materials required for a specific contract are listed in the
instructions for use of the construction specifications to which the material specifications
are complementary.

Reference to material specifications may be in national standard construction

specifications or may be placed in the construction details (either written in the
specifications or noted on the contract drawings).

Interim Specifications

Interim specifications are for items that are not covered by national standard
construction and material specifications. Interim specifications follow the same format
as the national standard specifications. They are typically unique to a specific locality
and therefore are not national in scope.

Selecting Appropriate Standard Specifications

The type of work to be done or the type of structural detail required will often dictate the
construction method or sequence. The specification requirements must be compatible
with the methods that must be used. The specification writer must also make sure that
the methods selected in one specification are compatible with those selected in another.
For example, the method of designating pay limits for excavation and earthfill.

Bid Schedule

The bid schedule forms the basis for payments to the Contractor and must list all items
of work for which direct payment will be made. Since the efficiency of contract
administration is directly affected by the manner in which the schedule is organized, the
preparation of the bid schedule requires the close cooperation of the responsible design
engineer and the contracting officer. Operating procedures must include provision for
administrative review of the bid schedule in the early stages of its development as well
as upon completion.

Designating the Items of Work

Considerable judgment based on design, construction, and contracting experience is

required to divide the work into items for inclusion in the bid schedule. The schedule
must be sufficiently comprehensive to allow the Contractor to make reasonably accurate
estimates of the cost of doing the work and to enable the Contracting Officer to keep
orderly records of work progress and to accurately compute progress and final

Illinois Urban Manual June 2013

payments due; on the other hand, the number of scheduled items should be held to the
minimum needed to accomplish these purposes. The practicable extent to which the
work should be divided into scheduled items must be judged in light of the quantities of
work involved and local construction practices and procedures. The bid schedule should
include those items necessary to result in fair and equitable treatment of the owner(s)
and the Contractor.

Division of the Work into Items For maximum efficiency of contract administration, the
work should be divided into items on the basis of the following principles:

1. The work should be divided into items in a manner that will insure
reasonable refinement of unit prices. The cost of any given type of work will
vary according to its complexity and the complicating effects of the conditions
under which it must be done. Generally, the scope of a bid item should be limited
to a given type of work of a particular order of complexity and cost. Exceptions to
this rule may be justified on small jobs involving relatively small quantities of

2. The work should be divided into items in a manner that will prevent
confusion of supplemental job requirements. Similar types of work may
involve different sizes of components or different qualities of materials. To
prevent confusion, each variation of a given type of work should be established
as a separate item of work. Also, the grouping of non-related items or similar
components of separate works of improvement should be avoided.

3. The work should be divided into items in a manner consistent with the cost
sharing arrangements established in the work plan and the project
agreement. For many projects, certain works of improvement may be paid for
entirely or partially by different sponsoring organizations. To facilitate accounting
of project costs, the work for such improvements should be established as
separate items of work in the bid schedule.

Numbering and Titling

Bid items must be numbered consecutively beginning with the number one (1). Sub-
item numbers shall not be used. Each bid item shall be given a descriptive title that
distinctly identifies the work to be done. All items that involve significant quantities
of work (or significant procurement cost in the case of prefabricated units)
should be designated as separate bid items.

Pay Items

Measurable items whose quantities may be subject to variation should be designated

for payment on a unit price basis, and the estimated quantity of work and units of
measurement must be shown in the schedule. Items that involve significant quantities of
work, but are not conveniently measurable or whose quantities are not subject to

Illinois Urban Manual June 2013

variation, may be designated for payment on a lump-sum basis. An item involving a

relatively insignificant quantity of work that is subject to only very minor variation
may be designated as a subsidiary item, compensation for which is included in the
payment for another item which has a logical relationship to the subsidiary item.
Subsidiary items will not be numbered nor listed in the bid schedule, but must be
designated and described in the “Items of Work and Construction Details” of the item
and also referenced in the “Items of Work and Construction Details” Section of the
specification for the pay item to which it is subsidiary.

Units of measurement must be compatible with the measurement and payment clauses
of the specifications.

Example 1
A typical bid schedule format is demonstrated by the following:

Bid Schedule

Clearing, Class A
1 1 12.5 ac.
Mobilization & Demobilization xxxx_
2 8 1 Job
Excavation, Common cu.
3 21 300
Loose Rock Riprap
4 61 500 ton

Contract Specifications

Contract specifications shall consist of an assembly of the appropriate standard

construction and material specifications. Each construction specification will be
supplemented by a Section entitled: “Items of Work and Construction Details”. The
supplemental Section of each construction specification shall: (1) be prepared
especially for each invitation; (2) designate by number and title all of the bid items
(exactly as numbered and titled in the bid schedule) to be performed in conformance
with the requirements of the specification; (3) designate all subsidiary items to be
performed in conformance with the requirements of the specification; (4) for each
designated item of work, state such supplemental requirements and items of information
as are needed to relate the construction specification to the job at hand; (5) bear the
number that is next in sequence after the number of the last Section of the standard
specification; and (6) be inserted into the contract specification as the last page(s) of the
construction specification.


Illinois Urban Manual June 2013

A contract specification must conform verbatim to the standard construction or material

specification except, in a Section for which the standard specification offers methods,
not all of the methods need to be included in that Section of the contract specification or
be a one-time-use specification. The methods selected must be compatible with one
another and with the conditions, materials and methods prevalent in the area of
applicability and the requirements of the specified structural element.

More than one method may be included in any Section of a construction specification, in
which case, the methods shall be numbered sequentially (i.e., Method 1, Method 2,
etc.). The method applicable to each respective item of work, material, measurement
and payment shall be identified in the construction detail Section. The instruction for
each construction specification identifies the optional methods and provides guidance
on their use.


The title of each contract specification shall be the same as that of the standard
construction or material specification.

When a construction specification is modified for a specific job by deleting specific

methods from the standard specification, the state abbreviation and project name shall
be added below “NRCS-IL-URB” in the lower left corner to indicate to the user and
reviewers that the standard specification has been modified. The date at the bottom of
the pages of the national standard specification shall not be changed. The pages should
be renumbered consecutively.

When a construction specification is not modified by deleting specific methods from the
standard specification, the numbering and footer information on the standard
specification shall not be changed.

The Items of Work and Construction Details pages shall have the state abbreviation and
the project name below “NRCS-IL-URB” in the lower left corner, the same page
numbering format as the standard specification centered at the bottom of the page, and
the date of compilation in the lower right corner.

Measurement and Payment

Each construction specification contains a Section that describes the method

measurement to be used for the work performed or the material furnished and the
manner of payment to be made in full compensation of the work described. The basis
for designating separate work items was described earlier under the “Bid Schedule”
Section. Within the conditions described therein, each of the construction specifications
may be modified to include a lump sum payment method. The format and working of the
method will generally be as follows:

Illinois Urban Manual June 2013

For items of work for which specific lump sum prices are established in the
contract, the quantity of work will not be measured for payment. Payment for this
item will be made at the contract lump sum price for the item and will constitute
full compensation for completion of the work.

Preparing Construction Details

The construction details for each item of work should be concise and will normally
contain (see individual instruction for use of each construction specification):

1. Such definitions and descriptions as are needed to define the scope of work;
2. The information required to define the types and qualities of materials to be used
in the work;
3. Special requirements such as foundation preparation, grading tolerances,
provisions for coordinating with other work, obtaining “As Built” geology data,
etc.; and
4. Other items of instruction necessary to define the construction requirements
peculiar to the item of work.

The construction details should contain only such information and instructions as are
needed to relate the construction specification to the job at hand. It is neither necessary
nor desirable to emphasize or attempt to interpret provisions of the specification by
repetition of the provisions in the construction details in the same or similar words.

In preparing construction details, it must be recognized that notes on the drawings have
the effect of specifications in defining the type and quality of materials to be furnished
and in defining the scope of the work. Supplemental information or requirements that
are directly related to details shown on the drawings may be stated in notes on the
drawings rather that in the specifications if that arrangement will more conveniently and
effectively convey the information to the appropriate individuals that will benefit from this
data. The engineer responsible for the design must use good judgment in deciding
where various supplemental data should be located for maximum effectiveness.
Usually, information shown by notes on the drawings need not be repeated in the
specifications; however, if there is a compelling reason for doing so, great care must be
taken to prevent conflicts between the notes and the specifications.

Construction details should not conflict with or interpret the general terms and
conditions of the contract. They may modify a clause in the standard specifications if the
standard specification contains the phrase “unless otherwise specified

Example 2
The following example demonstrates a typical construction detail for excavation that
would be prepared for a specific contract and inserted at the end of Construction
Specification 21, Excavation:

(Numerical and Topical)
Instruction Specification
Site Preparation
1. Clearing 5/01 5/01
2. Clearing and Grubbing 5/01 5/01
3. Structure Removal 5/01 5/01
4. Channel Clearing and Snagging 5/01 5/01
5. Pollution Control 5/01 5/01
6. Seeding, Sprigging and Mulching 5/01 5/01
7. Construction Surveys 5/01 5/01
8. Mobilization and Demobilization 5/01 5/01
9. Traffic Control 5/01 5/01
10. Water for Construction 5/01 5/01

Foundation Work
11. Removal of Water 5/01 5/01
12. Relief Wells 5/01 5/01
13. Piling 5/01 5/01
14. Pressure Grouting 5/01 5/01

21. Excavation 5/01 5/01
23. Earthfill 5/01 5/01
24. Drainfill 5/01 5/01
25. Rockfill 5/01 5/01
26. Topsoiling 5/01 5/01
27. Diversions and Waterways 5/01 5/01
28. Lime-Treated Earthfill 5/01 5/01
29. Soil-Cement 5/01 5/01

Concrete and Reinforcement

31. Concrete for Major Structures 5/01 11/05
32. Structure Concrete 5/01 5/01
33. Shotcrete 5/01 5/01
34. Steel Reinforcement 5/01 11/05
35. Concrete Repair 5/01 5/01

Non-Metal Pipe Conduits and Drains

41. Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe Conduits 5/01 5/01
42. Concrete Pipe Conduits and Drains 5/01 5/01
43. Clay Pipe 5/01 5/01
44. Corrugated Polyethylene Tubing 5/01 5/01
45. Plastic Pipe 5/01 5/01
46. Tile Drains 5/01 11/05

111 5 - 13
(Numerical and Topical)
Instruction Specification
Metal Pipe Conduits
51. Corrugated Metal Pipe 5/01 5/01
52. Steel Pipe 5/01 5/01
53. Ductile-Iron Pipe 5/01 5/01

Riprap and Slope Protection

61. Rock Riprap 5/01 11/05
62. Grouted Rock Riprap 5/01 5/01
63. Treatment of Rock Surfaces 5/01 5/01
64. Wire Mesh Gabions and Mattresses
Twisted (Woven) or Welded Mesh 5/01 11/05

Water Control Gates and Valves

71. Water Control Gates 5/01 5/01

Miscellaneous Structural Work

81. Metal Fabrication and Installation 5/01 5/01
82. Painting Metalwork 5/01 11/05
83. Timber Fabrication and Installation 5/01 5/01
84. Painting Wood 11/05 11/05

Miscellaneous Construction
91. Chain Link Fence 5/01 5/01
92. Field Fence 5/01 5/01
93. Identification Markers or Plaques 5/01 5/01
94. Contractor Quality Control 5/01 5/01
95. Geotextile 5/01 5/01
96. Field Office 5/01 5/01
97. Flexible Membrane Liner 11/05 11/05
98. Geosynthetic Clay Liner 11/05 11/05
760. Temporary Stream Diversion N/A 9/2011

204. Sodding 4/00
707. Digging, Transporting, Planting, and 8/94
Establishment of Trees, Shrubs and Vines
750. Use of Woody Plantings for Streambank 4/00
751. Use of Grasses for Streambank Stabilization 4/00
752. Stripping, Stockpiling, Site Preparation and 8/94
Spreading Topsoil

IUM June 2011

5 - 14
(Numerical and Topical)
Foundation Materials
511. Steel Piles 10/98
512. Wood Piles 10/98
513. Precast Concrete Piles 10/98
514. Cast-in-Place Concrete Piles 10/98

Aggregates and Rock

521. Aggregates for Drainfill and Filters 10/98
522. Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete 10/98
523. Rock for Riprap 1/97

Concrete Materials
531. Portland Cement 10/98
532. Mineral Admixtures for Concrete 10/98
533. Chemical Admixtures for Concrete 10/98
534. Concrete Curing Compound 10/98
535. Preformed Expansion Joint Filler 11/97
536. Sealing Compound for Joints in Concrete and Concrete Pipe 11/97
537. Non-Metallic Waterstops 10/98
538. Metal Waterstops 10/98
539. Steel Reinforcement (for Concrete) 1/97

Non-metal Pipe and Fittings

541. Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe 11/97
542. Concrete Culvert Pipe 11/97
543. Non-Reinforced Concrete Pipe 10/98
544. Clay Pipe and Drain Tile 10/98
545. (Reserved)
546. (Reserved)
547. Plastic Pipe 10/98
548. Corrugated Polyethylene Tubing 10/98

Metal Pipe and Fittings

551. Metallic-Coated Corrugated Steel Pipe 10/98
552. Aluminum Corrugated Pipe 10/98
553. Ductile-Iron Pipe 10/98
554. Steel Pipe 10/98

Water Control Gates and Valves

571. Slide Gates 10/98
572. Flap Gates, Metal 10/98
573. Radial Gates 10/98

(Numerical and Topical)
Miscellaneous Structural Materials
581. Metal 10/98
582. Galvanizing 10/98
583. Coal Tar-Epoxy Paint 10/98
584. Structural Timber and Lumber 10/98
585. Wood Preservatives and Treatment 11/97

Miscellaneous Construction Materials

591. Field Fencing Materials 11/97
592. Geotextile 4/12
593. Lime 11/97

Miscellaneous Materials
800. Paper and Plastic Netting 4/08
801. Jute Netting 4/08
802. Erosion Control Blankets 4/08
803. Straw Blankets 4/08
804. Material for Topsoiling 4/08
805 Erosion Control Blanket – Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM) 2/11

IUM April 2012


114 6-4
Illinois Urban Manual June 2013

A contract specification must conform verbatim to the standard construction or material

specification except, in a Section for which the standard specification offers methods,
not all of the methods need to be included in that Section of the contract specification or
be a one-time-use specification. The methods selected must be compatible with one
another and with the conditions, materials and methods prevalent in the area of
applicability and the requirements of the specified structural element.

More than one method may be included in any Section of a construction specification, in
which case, the methods shall be numbered sequentially (i.e., Method 1, Method 2,
etc.). The method applicable to each respective item of work, material, measurement
and payment shall be identified in the construction detail Section. The instruction for
each construction specification identifies the optional methods and provides guidance
on their use.


The title of each contract specification shall be the same as that of the standard
construction or material specification.

When a construction specification is modified for a specific job by deleting specific

methods from the standard specification, the state abbreviation and project name shall
be added below “NRCS-IL-URB” in the lower left corner to indicate to the user and
reviewers that the standard specification has been modified. The date at the bottom of
the pages of the national standard specification shall not be changed. The pages should
be renumbered consecutively.

When a construction specification is not modified by deleting specific methods from the
standard specification, the numbering and footer information on the standard
specification shall not be changed.

The Items of Work and Construction Details pages shall have the state abbreviation and
the project name below “NRCS-IL-URB” in the lower left corner, the same page
numbering format as the standard specification centered at the bottom of the page, and
the date of compilation in the lower right corner.

Measurement and Payment

Each construction specification contains a Section that describes the method

measurement to be used for the work performed or the material furnished and the
manner of payment to be made in full compensation of the work described. The basis
for designating separate work items was described earlier under the “Bid Schedule”
Section. Within the conditions described therein, each of the construction specifications
may be modified to include a lump sum payment method. The format and working of the
method will generally be as follows:

Engineered Soil Specification
Engineered soil is a critically important green infrastructure component. The functionality and
effectiveness of the technique is in jeopardy if the engineered soil is specified, manufactured,
or installed incorrectly. The following engineered soil specification section was created based
on the standard engineered soil composition prescribed in the City of Chicago’s Stormwater
Management Manual. The specification goes beyond the mix of the soil to dictate submittal and
construction requirements and the basis of payment. The format was designed to match
the standard specifications in the Illinois Urban Manual (Appendix B).



This work shall consist of providing and placing Engineered Soil for the green infrastructure
indicated on the plans. This work shall include the preservation from injury or defacement of all
vegetation and objects designated to remain.


Engineered soil shall be protected from all sources of additional moisture at the Supplier, in
covered conveyance, and at the Project Site until incorporated into the Work. Soil placement
and compaction will not be allowed when the ground is frozen or excessively wet, or when the
weather is too wet.


Engineered Soil shall consist of the following components, mixed in equal parts by volume by
the Supplier prior to delivery to the project site:

1) 40% Sand
2) 30% Topsoil
3) 30% Compost

The mixture shall be well-blended to produce a homogeneous mix. Efforts should be made to
incorporate organic matter content to 8 to 10 percent by weight, with the final mix to be
determined by the engineer based on samples and material testing results submitted.

Engineered soil shall contain 0%-5% mineral fines content.

Engineered Soil Gradation Requirements:

US Standard Percent
Sieve Size Passing
3/8” 100
#4 95-100
#10 75-90
#40 25-40
#100 4-10
#200 0-5

Compost products shall be the result of the biological degradation and transformation of Type
I or III Feedstocks under controlled conditions designed to promote aerobic decomposition.
Compost shall be stable with regard to oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide generation.
Compost shall be mature with regard to its suitability for serving as a soil amendment or an
erosion control BMP. The compost shall have a moisture content that has no visible free water
or dust produced when handling the material.



1) Standard Test Particle Size Analysis for Engineered Soil;

2) ASTM D 1557 Results
3) Material source certification
4) Quality analysis results for compost performed in accordance with Seal of Testing Assurance
(STA) standards


Contractor shall not start hybrid ditch construction until the site draining to hybrid ditch area
has been stabilized and authorization is given by Engineer.

At the locations shown on the drawings, excavate, grade, and shape to the contours indicated to
accommodate placing of Engineered Soil to the thicknesses required. Dispose of excavated soil
or reuse elsewhere as the Contract or Engineer will allow. Scarify the subgrade soil a minimum
of 3 inches deep where slopes allow, as determined by the Engineer prior to placing Engineered

Mixing or placing Engineered Soil will not be allowed if the area receiving Engineered Soil is wet
or saturated or has been subjected to more than ½-inch of precipitation within 48-hours prior to
mixing or placement. Engineer shall have final authority to determine if wet or saturated
conditions exist.

Place Engineered Soil loosely. Final grade shall be measured only after the soil has been water
or boot compacted, which requires filling the cell with water, without creating any scour or
erosion, to at least 1 inches of ponding. If water compaction is not an option, final grade shall
be measured at X inches above the grade specified on the plans to allow for settling after the
first storm. X is calculated by depth of soil x 0.85 and rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Place Engineered Soil in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches. Compact to a relative compaction of
85 percent of Modified maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557), where slopes allow, as
determined by the Engineer.


Measurement for Engineered Soil will be by the cubic yard.


Compensation for the cost necessary to complete the work described in this Section will be
made at the Bid item prices Bid only for the Bid items listed or referenced as follows:

1) "Engineered Soil" per cubic yard.

The Bid item price for "Engineered Soil" shall include all costs for the work necessary to furnish,
place, compact, excavate, grade, shape, mix, dispose of, and as necessary.

Iowa Stormwater Management Manual. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. April 2010.
Illinois Urban Manual: A Technical Manual Designed for Urban Ecosystem Protection and
Enhancement. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Revised December 2002.
Implementing Stormwater Infiltration Practices at Vacant Parcels and Brownfield Sites.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Office of Solid
Waste and Emergency Response, 2013.
Flashcards: Urban Trees as a Stormwater Utility. James Urban, FASLA. http://www.
Oregon State University, Water and Watershed Education, and Stormwater Solutions.
Santamour, F.S., JR. Trees for Urban Planting: Diversity Uniformity, and Common Sense.
Trees for the Nineties: Landscape Tree Selection, Testing, Evaluation, and Introduction;
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the Metropolitan Tree Improvement Alliance. PP
Stormwater Management Ordinance Manual. City of Chicago. Department of Water
Management. March 2014.
GSA Green Roof Benefits and Challenges, Cost Benefit Analysis. https://app_gsagov_prod_



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