Self-Discovery: Worksheet

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Career Plan Worksheet

Now you have understood the process of career planning. Develop your own career plan by
using this worksheet. While working on your career plan review your values, strength, and
weaknesses from the previous chapter. Regarding your skills, you will find skill assessment
worksheet at the end of the chapter, using the assessment tool identify the skills that you have
and needs to develop.
1. Self-assessment
Skills (to identify
your skills, take
the skillset  Language skill; fluent in Amharic and English
assessment test  Computer skill; I’m good at Microsoft excel, word and power point
below)  communication

Strength (refer to
your SWOT
analysis)  I’m responsible
 Adaptability and flexibility
 I believe in hard working

Weakness (refer
to your SWOT  Lack of resources
analysis)  Lack of experience

Work value
 Achievement
 Cooperation
 creativity

2. Setting Career goals

Short term goal
Enhancing communication skills: As management student I must possess excellent communication
skills to be an effective leader. This can be achieved by practicing and improving public speaking skills,
listening skills, and written communication skills.
Networking: as management students Networking is an essential skill, as it helps me build relationships
with professionals in their field. i can join professional organizations, attend conferences, and engage with
my peers to build my network.
Long term goal
Leadership positions: I aspire to become leaders in my chosen field. I aim to start my own businesses.
Further education: I aim to continue my education by pursuing an MBA or other advanced degrees in
my field.
Global careers: I aspire to work for international companies or to have a global career that involves
travel and exposure to different cultures.
Steps to take now to achieve my goals:

Step Deadline

 Develop an action plan 1-2 years

 Monitor progress 2-4 years

 Review and adjust 1-2 years

3. Exploring Jobs

No My ideal job Education Applicable Skills My Next

Required Step
1. Having my own business BA in  Communication try to attend
management  leadership business
2. Having an executive role in MBA and other  communication Attend
corporations business related  leadership trainings
 computer skill about
 analytical skill leadership
and reading

4. Additional skills I need to meet my Goal

 Effective time management
 Emotional intelligence
 Problem solving
 creativity

Skill Assessment Worksheet

This skillset assessment helps you to identify what skills you have and plan to learn the one you
don’t possess. In the first column, mark each skill in which you feel competent. In the second
column, mark those skills that you really enjoy. In the third column mark skills you like to learn,
acquire or develop further
No Skills Feel Enjoy/ Would
competent favorite like to
1 Communication skills

1.1 Write, edit, translate 

1.2 Speak in public, debate, advocate 
1.3 Present or demonstrate an idea 
1.4 Facilitate a meeting 
1.5 Reading and following directions 
1.6. Comfortably speaking to others, you do not know 
1.7 Listening to others 
1.8 Counsel or advise others Listening to others 
2 Personal skills

2.1 Dependency 
2.2 flexibility 
2.3 persistence 
2.4 Integrity 
2.5 Efficiency and competitiveness 
3 Social skills

3.1 Independent work 

3.2 Teamwork 
3.3 Negotiation 
3.4 Conflict management 
3.5 Working with others 
3.6 Leadership 
3.7 Delegating 
4 Processing skill

4.1 Following procedures 

4.2 Record keeping 
4.3 Attention to detail 
4.4 Verifying information 
5 Leadership skill

5.1 Persuading 
5.2 Confronting 
5.3 Initiating 
5.4 Coordinating 

6 Critical thinking and investigative skills

6.1 Analyze, use logic, examine 

6.2 Conceptualize, adapt, develop 
6.3 Evaluate, assess, test, appraise 
6.4 Observe, reflect, study or notice 
6.5 Research, investigate, read 
6.6 Synthesize, integrate, unify or conceptualize ideas 
7 Problem solving skill

7.1 Information gathering 

7.2 Synthesizing 
7.3 Analyzing 
7.4 Planning 
7.5 Active learning 
7.6 Applying knowledge 
8 Creative/ Artistic skills

8.1 Perceive intuitively, sense, show insight or have 

8.2 Use artistic ability, photograph, decorate, paint or 
8.3 Use creativity, visualize, imagine, brainstorm or 
8.4 Visualizing shapes 
8.5 Drawing, illustrating, sketching 
8.6 Designing 

List top ten skills that you feel competent at (refer to skills marked in column 1)?

1) Present or demonstrate an idea

2) Reading and following directions
3) Listening to others
4) Flexibility
5) Teamwork
6) Working with others
7) Following procedures
8) Initiating
9) Coordinating
10) Observe, reflect, study or notice
Which (top ten) skills would you like to develop, improve and/or learn (refer to skills marked in
column 3)?

1) Speak in public, debate, advocate

2) Conflict management
3) Leadership

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