Potential Health Effects of Pesticides: Pesticide Toxicity and Exposure
Potential Health Effects of Pesticides: Pesticide Toxicity and Exposure
Potential Health Effects of Pesticides: Pesticide Toxicity and Exposure
or all pesticides to be Exposure toxicity products or the toxicity of
effective against the pests specific formulated products. How-
they are intended to Hazard, or risk, of using pesticides is ever, applicators can minimize or
control, they must be biologically the potential for injury, or the degree nearly eliminate exposure—and thus
active, or toxic. Because pesticides of danger involved in using a pesti- reduce hazard—by following the label
are toxic, they are also potentially cide under a given set of conditions. instructions, using personal protec-
hazardous to humans, animals, Hazard depends on the toxicity of the tive clothing and equipment (PPE),
other organisms, and the environ- pesticide and the amount of exposure and handling the pesticide properly.
ment. Therefore, people who use to the pesticide and is often illustrated For example, more than 95 percent
pesticides or regularly come in con- with the following equation: of all pesticide exposures come from
tact with them must understand dermal exposure, primarily to the
the relative toxicity, potential health Hazard = Toxicity x Exposure
hands and forearms. By wearing a pair
effects, and preventative measures of unlined, chemical-resistant gloves,
The toxicity of a pesticide is a measure
to reduce exposure to the products this type of exposure can be nearly
of its capacity or ability to cause injury
they use. eliminated.
or illness. The toxicity of a particular
pesticide is determined by subjecting
Acute Toxicity and Acute
test animals to varying dosages of the Effects
active ingredient (a.i.) and each of its
formulated products. The active ingre- Acute toxicity of a pesticide refers to
dient is the chemical component in the chemical’s ability to cause injury
the pesticide product that controls the to a person or animal from a single
pest. By understanding the difference exposure, generally of short duration.
in toxicity levels of pesticides, a user The harmful effects that occur from a
can minimize the potential hazard by single exposure by any route of entry
selecting the pesticide with the lowest are termed “acute effects.” The four
toxicity that will control the pest. routes of exposure are dermal (skin),
inhalation (lungs), oral (mouth), and
the eyes. Acute toxicity is determined
by examining the dermal toxicity,
Chronic Toxicity and Chronic Table 1. Toxicity categories for active ingredients.
Toxicity Category
The chronic toxicity of a pesticide is Routes of
Exposure I II III IV
determined by subjecting test animals
to long-term exposure to the active Oral LD50 Up to and 50–500 mg/kg 500– >5,000 mg/kg
including 5,000 mg/kg
ingredient. Any harmful effects that 50 mg/kg
occur from small doses repeated over
Inhalation Up to and 0.2–2 mg/l 2–20 mg/l >20 mg/l
a period of time are termed “chronic LC50 including
effects.” Suspected chronic effects 0.2 mg/l
from exposure to certain pesticides Dermal LD50 Up to and 200– 2,000– >20,000 mg/kg
include birth defects, toxicity to a including 2,000 mg/kg 20,000 mg/kg
200 mg/kg
fetus, production of benign or malig-
Eye Effects Corrosive Corneal opacity No corneal No irritation
nant tumors, genetic changes, blood
corneal opacity reversible within opacity;
disorders, nerve disorders, endocrine not reversible 7 days; irritation irritation
disruption, and reproduction effects. within 7 days persisting for reversible
7 days within 7 days
The chronic toxicity of a pesticide is
more difficult than acute toxicity to Skin Effects Corrosive Severe irritation Moderate Mild or slight
at 72 hours irritation irritation at
determine through laboratory analysis. at 72 hours 72 hours
Adapted from 40 CFR Part 156.
ING signal word. Keep in mind that associated with pesticide exposure. Seeking Medical Attention
an active ingredient may have a high Symptoms of dermatitis range from
LD50 placing it in a Toxicity Category Be alert for the early signs and
reddening of the skin to rashes and/or
II, III, or IV but also have corrosive symptoms of pesticide poisoning in
eye/skin effects that take priority and yourself and others. These often occur
place it in Toxicity Category I. Some individuals tend to cough, immediately after exposure, but they
wheeze, or sneeze when exposed to could be delayed for up to 24 hours.
All pesticide toxicity values, includ- pesticide sprays. Some individuals If you are having symptoms but are
ing the LD50, can be found on the react to the strong odor and irritat- unsure if they are pesticide related,
product’s Material Safety Data Sheet ing effects of petroleum distillates at least notify someone in case your
(MSDS). Pesticide labels and MSDS used as carriers in pesticide prod- symptoms become worse. But when
can be obtained from retailers or ucts. One symptom is that the eyes, symptoms appear after contact with
manufactures. In addition, most mucous membranes of the nose, pesticides, you should seek medical
products also have information that and even the sensitive linings of the attention immediately. At this time,
can be found on the Internet. The mouth and back of the throat feel raw call the National Poison Center at
following Web page lists some of the and scratchy. This symptom usu- 1-800-222-1222 for guidance on the
more common search engines used ally subsides within a few minutes proper response to your symptoms.
to find pesticide labels and MSDS: after a person is removed from the This number will direct your call to
www.pested.psu.edu/resources/web/ exposure to the irritant. However, a the nearest poison center, which is
labels.shtml. reaction to a pesticide product that staffed on a 24-hour basis.
causes someone not only to sneeze and
If safe to do so, take the pesticide
cough but also to develop severe acute
container to the telephone. (However,
Symptoms of Pesticide respiratory symptoms is more likely
if the pesticide container is contami-
Poisoning to be a true hypersensitivity or allergic
nated, write down the product name,
reaction. Symptoms of a true allergic
active ingredient(s) and percentage,
The symptoms of pesticide poisoning reaction range from reddening and
and the EPA registration number.)
can range from a mild skin irrita- itching of the eyes and skin to respira-
The product label provides medical
tion to coma or even death. Different tory discomfort often resembling an
personnel information such as ac-
classes or families of chemicals cause asthmatic condition.
tive ingredients, an antidote, and an
different types of symptoms. Individu-
Systemic effects are quite different emergency contact number for the
als also vary in their sensitivity to dif-
from topical effects. They often oc- manufacturer. If the Material Safety
ferent levels of these chemicals. Some
cur away from the original point of Data Sheet is available, take this also
people may show no reaction to an
contact as a result of the pesticide because it contains additional infor-
exposure that may cause severe illness
being absorbed into and distributed mation for medical personnel.
in others. Because of potential health
throughout the body. Systemic ef-
concerns, pesticide users and handlers If you must go to the hospital or doc-
fects often include nausea, vomiting,
must recognize the common signs and tor’s office, take the entire pesticide
fatigue, headache, and intestinal dis-
symptoms of pesticide poisoning. container, including the label, with
orders. In advanced poisoning cases,
you. In order to avoid inhaling fumes
The effects, or symptoms, of pesticide the individual may experience changes
or spilling the contents, make sure
poisoning can be broadly defined as in heart rate, difficulty breathing,
the container is tightly sealed and
either topical or systemic. Topical convulsions, and coma, which could
place into a plastic bag if possible. The
effects generally develop at the site of lead to death.
pesticide container should never be
pesticide contact and are a result of
placed in the enclosed passenger sec-
either the pesticide’s irritant properties
tion of your vehicle.
(either the active and/or inert ingre-
dient) or an allergic response by the
victim. Dermatitis, or inflammation
of the skin, is accepted as the most
commonly reported topical effect
Herbicides Insecticides
Harmful Effects of Some
In general, herbicides have a low acute Insecticides cause the greatest number
Pesticide Families
toxicity to humans because the physi- of pesticide poisonings in the United
Fungicides ology of plants is so different than States. The most serious pesticide
that of humans. However, there are poisonings usually result from acute
The acute toxicity of fungicides to exceptions; many can be dermal irri- exposure to organophosphate and car-
humans is generally considered to be tants since they are often strong acids, bamate insecticides. Organophosphate
low, but fungicides can be irritating to amines, esters, and phenols. Inhala- insecticides include chlorpyrifos, diazi-
the skin and eyes. Inhalation of spray tion of spray mist may cause cough- non, dimethoate, disulfoton, mala-
mist or dust from these pesticides may ing and a burning sensation in the thion, methyl parathion, and ethyl
cause throat irritation, sneezing, and nasal passages and chest. Prolonged parathion. The carbamate compounds
coughing. Chronic exposures to lower inhalation sometimes causes dizziness. include carbaryl, carbofuran, meth-
concentrations of fungicides can cause Ingestion will usually cause vomiting, omyl, and oxamyl. Organophosphates
adverse health effects. Most cases of a burning sensation in the stomach, and carbamates inhibit the enzyme
human fungicide poisonings have diarrhea, and muscle twitching. Table cholinesterase, causing a disruption of
been from consumption of seed grain. 3 summarizes the signs and symptoms the nervous system. All life forms with
To prevent these types of poisonings, of acute exposures to commonly used cholinesterase in their nervous system,
fungicide treatment now includes a herbicides. such as insects, fish, birds, humans,
brightly colored dye to clearly indicate and other mammals, can be poisoned
that the seed has been treated. Table 2 by these chemicals.
summarizes the signs and symptoms
of acute exposures to commonly used Table 4 summarizes the signs and
fungicides. symptoms from acute exposures to
commonly used insecticides.
Table 2. Signs and symptoms of acute exposure for several fungicide active ingredients.
Table 3. Signs and symptoms of acute exposure for several herbicide active ingredients.
To understand how the organophos- When an impulse reaches the synapse, the continual transmission of impulses
phate and carbamate insecticides the chemical acetylcholine is released across the synapses.
affect the nervous system, one needs to carry the message on to the next
to understand how the nervous system cell. Acetylcholine is the primary The effects of organophosphate or
actually works. The nervous system, chemical responsible for the trans- carbamate poisoning can result in
which includes the brain, is the most mission of nerve impulses across the both systemic and topical symptoms.
complex system in the body consist- synapse of two neurons. After the im- Direct exposure of the eye, for exam-
ing of millions of cells that make up pulse is transmitted across the synapse, ple, can cause topical symptoms such
a communications system within the the acetylcholine is broken down by as constriction of the pupils, blurry
organism. Messages or electrical im- the enzyme cholinesterase. Once this vision, an eyebrow headache, and
pulses (stimuli) travel along this com- occurs, the synapse is “cleared” and severe irritation and reddening of the
plex network of cells. Nerve cells or ready to receive a new transmission. eyes. Symptoms and signs of systemic
neurons do not physically touch each poisonings are almost entirely due to
other; rather there is a gap or synapse Organophosphate and carbamate the accumulation of acetylcholine at
between cells. The impulses must cross insecticides inhibit the activity of the nerve endings.
or “bridge” the synapse between nerve cholinesterase, resulting in a buildup
of acetylcholine in the body. An The onset of symptoms depends on
cells in order to keep the message the route of entry and the severity of
moving along the entire network. increase in acetylcholine results in the
uncontrolled flow of nerve transmis- the poisoning. Gastric symptoms such
sions between nerve cells. The ner- as stomach cramps, nausea, vomit-
vous system becomes “poisoned”; the ing, and diarrhea appear early if the
accumulation of acetylcholine causes material has been ingested. Similarly,
salivation, headache, dizziness, and
excessive secretions that cause breath- Cholinesterase Testing least 30 days from the most recent
ing difficulties are initial symptoms if Those who regularly work with exposure. Establishing a baseline value
the material has been inhaled. Involve- organophosphates and carbamates often requires two tests performed
ment of the respiratory muscles can should consider having periodic at least 72 hours apart but within 14
result in respiratory failure. Stomach, cholinesterase tests. The blood cho- days of each other. If the test results
intestinal, and respiratory symptoms linesterase test measures the effect of differ by as much as 20 percent, a
usually appear at the same time if exposure to organophosphate and third test is often recommended.
the pesticide is absorbed through the carbamate insecticides. Since cholin-
skin. In children, the first symptom of esterase levels can vary considerably Cholinesterase tests can be repeated
poisoning may be a convulsion. among individuals, a “baseline” must during times when organophosphate
be established for each person. In and carbamate insecticides are being
In advanced poisonings, the victim fact, a small percentage of the popula- used and then compared with the
is pale, sweating, and frothing at the tion has a genetically determined low baseline level. The purpose of routine
mouth. The pupils are constricted and level of cholinesterase. Even minimal cholinesterase monitoring is to enable
unresponsive to light. Other symp- exposure to cholinesterase inhibitors a physician to recognize the occur-
toms include changes in heart rate, can present a substantial risk to these rence of excessive exposure to or-
muscle weakness, mental confusion, people. Baseline testing should always ganophosphates and carbamates. If a
convulsions, and/or coma. The victim be done during the time of year when laboratory test shows a cholinesterase
may die if not treated. pesticides are not being used, or at drop of 30 percent below the estab-
Table 4. Signs and symptoms of acute exposure for several insecticide active ingredients.
lished baseline, the worker should be Use the respirator as designed for its
retested immediately. If a second test Exposure and Preventa- intended use, and always follow the
confirms the drop in cholinesterase, tive Measures manufacturer’s instructions. Select only
the pesticide handler or agricultural equipment approved by the National
worker should be removed from fur- As mentioned earlier, the hazard or risk Institute of Occupational Safety and
ther contact with organophosphate involved with using a pesticide depends Health (NIOSH) and the Mine Safety
and carbamate insecticides until on both the toxicity of the product and and Health Administration (MSHA).
cholinesterase levels return to the pre- the amount of exposure to the product
exposure baseline range. Your primary (Hazard = Toxicity x Exposure). Ide- Oral
care physician can help to establish the ally, use a low-toxicity product when
Accidental oral exposure most fre-
frequency of this testing program. possible, but even they can be harmful
quently occurs when pesticides have
if your exposure level is high. However,
been taken from the original container
regardless of the product’s toxicity,
and put into an unlabeled bottle or
if the exposure level is low, then the
food container. Unfortunately, chil-
hazard will also be low. To reduce the
dren are the most common victims
possibility of exposure and to protect
in these situations. Store pesticides
your health, always wear the personal
only in their original containers, and
protective equipment (PPE) as indicat-
keep the original label attached to
ed on the product label. The following
the container. Store pesticides only in
are general PPE guidelines to protect
their original containers and keep the
against the four routes of entry.
original label attached to the contain-
Dermal er. Store in a locked cabinet and/or on
a high shelf to keep out of the reach
More than 95 percent of all exposures of children. Never use your mouth to
are dermal. Dermal absorption may clear a spray line or to siphon a pes-
occur as the result of a splash, spill, ticide from a tank or container. After
or drift or when cleaning or repairing handling or working with pesticides,
equipment. Wear unlined, chemical- wash your hands and face thoroughly
resistant gloves to eliminate most with soap and water before eating,
dermal exposures. Minimum dermal drinking, or smoking.
protection for most pesticides consists
of a long-sleeved shirt, long trousers, Eyes
gloves, and proper footwear. For extra
Eyes are very sensitive to many
precaution, consider wearing coveralls,
pesticides and, considering their size,
a waterproof hat, and unlined rubber
are able to absorb large amounts of
boots. Additionally, wearing a liquid-
chemical. Serious eye exposure can
proof apron or rain suit is recom-
result from a splash, spill, or drift or
mended when mixing and pouring
by rubbing the eyes with contami-
concentrates or when using highly
nated hands or clothing. Tight-fitting
toxic products.
chemical splash goggles or a full-face
Inhalation shield should be worn if there is any
chance of getting pesticides in the
For many toxic chemicals, the respira- eyes, especially when pouring or mix-
tory (breathing) system is the quickest ing concentrates and handling dusts.
and most direct route of entry into the When pouring from a container, keep
circulatory system. Respiratory protec- the container below eye level to avoid
tion is especially important when splashing or spilling chemicals on your
pesticide powders, dusts, gases, vapors, face or protective clothing.
or small spray droplets can be inhaled.
Summary References Prepared by Eric S. Lorenz, senior exten-
sion associate of the Pesticide Education
All pesticides have the potential to be Reigart, J. R., and J. R. Roberts. Rec- Program.
harmful to humans, animals, other ognition and Management of Pesticide Visit Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences on
the Web: agsci.psu.edu
living organisms, and the environment Poisoning. 5th ed. U.S. EPA Office of
if used incorrectly. The key to reduc- Pesticide Programs. Available at www Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences research,
extension, and resident education programs are
ing health hazards when using pesti- .epa.gov/pesticides/safety/healthcare/ funded in part by Pennsylvania counties, the Com-
cides is to always limit your exposure handbook/handbook.htm. monwealth of Pennsylvania, and the U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture.
by wearing PPE and use a low-toxicity
pesticide when available. Reading the EXTOXNET: Extension Toxicology This publication is available from the Publications
Distribution Center, The Pennsylvania State Univer-
label and practicing safe work habits Network. Oregon State University. sity, 112 Agricultural Administration Building, Uni-
will minimize hazards from the use of Available at extoxnet.orst.edu/pips/ versity Park, PA 16802. For information telephone
pesticides. ghindex.html. Accessed September 20,
Where trade names appear, no discrimination is
2006. intended, and no endorsement by the Penn State
College of Agricultural Sciences is implied.