Grade 12 Abm Research Paper (S.y. 2019-2020)
Grade 12 Abm Research Paper (S.y. 2019-2020)
Grade 12 Abm Research Paper (S.y. 2019-2020)
A Thesis
Tibiao, Antique
Pablito D. Espanola
Jinny Ann S. Galido
Lorenz Joy O. Berto
Fherzhelle Joy S. Bioncio
Paul Alejandro E. Cardones
Gwyneth B. Dalumpines
Christine E. Francisco
Airalyn Joy F. Mendoza
Ernerstine Y. Recopuerto
March, 2019
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Introduction to the Study
Chapter I has eight parts: (1) Background of the Study, (2) Statement of the Problem, (3)
Hypothesis, (4) Theoretical Framework, (5) Significance of the Study, (6) Scope and Limitations of the
This study aims to determine the level and reasons of teachers’ absenteeism.
1. What is the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different marketing strategies applied by
micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao when taken as a whole and when classified
according to: owner’s/ manager’s age, sex, business structure, line of business, number of years
2. Is there a significant difference in the level of effectiveness and efficiency of marketing strategies
applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao when grouped according to: owner’s/
manager’s age, sex, business structure, line of business, number of years of existence and
strategies applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao when grouped according to: owner’s /
marketing manager’s age, sex, business structure, line of business, number of years of existence and
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Theoretical Framework
This study is grounded on 4P’s marketing strategies of Jeromme McCarthy. The Marketing Mix
“4Ps” theory was born in United States. In 1953, Neil Borden created marketing mix which means that
the marketing demand is more or less largely replying on the marketing variables or selling factor. In
order to find some market impacts, the enterprises must effectively combine these elements to meet
market demand and to maximize profits. McCarthy in 1960 in summarized marketing mix elements as
four categories: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. In 1967, Philip Kotler further confirmed (Jager,
2007), that the most important elements in marketing mix 4Ps is product, which means that the business
should focus on the development of features so that products has the unique selling point. Price means
that the business should accord to different market positioning to develop the pricing strategies. Place
requires the company not to sell directly to consumers but rather focus on training of dealers and the
establishment of sales networks. And the enterprises can communicate with consumers through
distributors. Promotion requires that company to concentrate on changing the distribute behaviors to
encourage consumers and using short-term, such as discount, to promote the growth of consumption.
Conceptual Framework
Level of Effectiveness and
Business structure Efficiency of the Different
Marketing Strategies Applied by
Line of business
Micro-Scale Business
Number of years of existence Establishments in Tibiao
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Figure 1. This shows the relationship and connection between the dependent and independent variables.
The study will focus on explaining the level of effectiveness and efficiency of marketing
strategies applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao. Moreover, the results of the study
Entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs have an awareness on the importance of effective marketing strategies
Teachers/Mentors. The result of the study helped the teachers and professors provide encouragement to
think and give better ideas to the students/mentees. This may also increase their competency.
Community. The result of the study helped the community especially the customers for they aware and
guided in their decisions once they have their business someday that would help them to cope and adjust
with the adversities of business.
Students. The findings of the study enlightened and opened the mind of the students in the world of
business specifically for those who are taking up BS Entrepreneurship in college, and ABM for grade 12.
Future and Other Researchers. The findings of the study served as a reference material and a guide for
future and other researchers who wish to conduct the same study or any study related to effective
This study aimed to determine the level of effectiveness and efficiency of marketing strategies
applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao, Antique. The respondents of the study were
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
composed of randomly selected micro-scale business enterprises in Tibiao. It was conducted on the S.Y.
Definition of terms
The following terms are defined operationally for the purpose of clarification.
Marketing Strategies. In this study, it is defined as the overall action or process that seeks to
maximize and to create a competitive advantage in providing, communicating and delivering value to
customers thereby developing a long-term relationship with them. McCarthy in 1960 in summarized
marketing mix elements as four categories: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. It can be measured using
a 5-point Likert scale with corresponding responses that ranges from 5-Stongly Practiced, 4- Moderately
Practiced, 3- Practiced, 2- Less Practiced and 1-Not Practiced. Also, it can be determined by considering
their scale and quantitative description which described as follows: for between 4.21 – 5.00 - Highly
Effective and Efficient, 3.41 – 4.20 - Moderately Effective and Efficient, 2.61 – 3.40 -Effective and
Efficient, 1.81 – 2.60 - Less Effective and Efficient, and 1.00 – 1.80 - Not Effective and Efficient.
Micro-scale Business Establishments. In this study, it is defined according to the size of assets
and number of employees. This type of business only employs nine people and with an asset of 3 million
and below.
Tibiao. In this study, it refers to the place where the study was conducted.
Owner’s / marketing manager’s age. In this study, it is defined or refers to the length of time
that a person lived or existed. Age was grouped into five categories, from 30 years and below, 31-40
Sex. In this study, it is defined as the characteristics pertaining to and differentiating the
masculinity and femininity of a person. The classification could be either male or female.
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Business Structure. In this study, it is defined as the classification of a business whether it is a
Line of Business. In this study, it is defined as a general category of product or service that the
Number of Years in Existence. In this study, it is defined as the number of years the business
operates. Years of existence was grouped into four brackets: 1-10 years, 11-20 years, 21-30 years, and 31
Location. In this study, it is defined as a specific area or place where the business is located as
follows: Brgy. Lapaz, Bgry. Sta. Justa, Bgry. Importante, Bgry. Tuno, Bgry. Amar, Bgry. Poblacion,
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Chapter II presents the conceptual literature and other studies that are relevant to the present
study. It includes discussion on the topics: (a) Product Strategy, (b) Price Strategy, (c) Promotion
Conceptual Literature
There are numerous definitions of marketing strategy in the literature and such definitions reflect
different perspectives (Liet al, 2016). However, the consensus is that marketing strategy provides the
avenue for utilizing the resources of an organization in order to achieve its set goals and objectives.
Marketing strategy is defined as in a given market area, the proper allocation of resources to support
enterprises to win competitive advantage. Goi of 2005 define marketing strategy as the set of the
marketing tools that firms use to pursue their marketing objectives in the target market; the view which
was earlier expressed by Osuagwu in 2006. Therefore, the function of marketing strategy is to determine
the nature, strength, direction, and interaction between the marketing mix- elements and the
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
According to Owomoyela, et al in 2013, the aim of the development of an organizations
marketing strategy development is to establish, build, defend and maintain its competitive advantage.
Managerial judgment is important in coping with environmental ambiguity and uncertainty in strategic
marketing. Lin (1993) as cited in Long-Yi and Ya – Huei, (2012) proposes that marketing strategy can be
divided into four ways to research that: (1) Dual-oriented marketing strategy: using rational and
emotional product name, easy to remember, and pricing to take into account the cost of service and
quality orientation, psychological factors and competitor’s prices. (2) Rational marketing strategy: the use
of functional demands of a rational position, consider after-sales service, warranties, delivery and
installation attached by the product factors. (3) Emotional marketing strategy: the emotional appeal to
locate, emphasis on physical product shape, color, design, the use of emotional product names, and so on
memory, attention to product packaging and labeling. (4) Maintenance marketing strategy: consumers are
more concerned about price and quality, it is not suitable to use a lot of marketing techniques,
manufacturers can improve product packaging and labeling, give a simple name for remember, consider
Lin in 2006, he divides marketing strategy into four parts, that is dual-oriented, rational,
emotional and low involvement, different product types with different marketing strategy, so the
manufacturer’s marketing strategy can be divided into five parts which is the choice of target market,
product strategy, pricing strategy, channel strategy and marketing strategy. In his study he uses a total of
29 questions to measure new product marketing strategy and seven points Likert scale is used to measure.
When the industry lacks of competition, the business performance would be better even when companies
are not entirely market-driven, the performance will have a more excellent performance. In 2004, the
American Marketing Association (AMA) adopted the following as its official definition of marketing
(Marketing News 2004, p.1):” Marketing is an organizational function and a set of process for creating,
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that
benefit the organization and its stakeholders.” In 2007, the AMA adopted the following as its new official
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating,
delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large
(Gundlach, 2007).
According to Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2011), marketing mix is the set of tactical marketing
tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market. The marketing mix consist
of everything the firm can do to influence the demand for its product. The many possibilities can be
According to Martin in 2014, a product is an item that satisfies a need or a desire. This can be a
physical item, a service or a ritual offering. It is produced at a cost and is subsequently made available to
the right audience at a price. Whatever the nature of the product, it will follow a lifecycle and through
reasonable predictions of this lifecycle, a company can increase its competitive edge. A brand can be
revamped or re-launched to remain relevant in a changing market or at the end of its lifecycle.
Product means the goods-and-services combination the company offers to the target market by
According to Ferrell O.C. and Pride W. (2015) in their book of Marketing, they define product
can be a good, a service, or an idea. The product variable also involves creating or modifying brand
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
names and packaging, and it may also include decisions regarding warranty and repair services. Product
variable decisions and related activities are important because they are directly involving in creating
products that address customers’ needs and wants. To maintain an assortment of products that helps an
organization achieve its goals, marketers must develop new products, modify existing ones, and eliminate
those that no longer satisfy enough buyers or that yield unacceptable profits.
Price is the amount a customer pays for a product or the sum of the values that consumers
exchange for the benefits of having or using a product or service. Price means different things to
different people; it is interest to lenders, COT or service changed by the banker (lenders), premium to
the insurer, fare to the transporter, honorarium to the guest lecturer etc, (Kotler et al 2008). According to
Rosa et al (2011), the importance of price as a purchase stimulus has a key role in price management
since not only does it determine the way prices are perceived and valued, but it also influences consumer
purchase decisions (Rosa, 2001; Simon, 1989; Vanhuele and Dreze, 2002). Studies have shown price as
an important factor in purchase decision, especially for frequently purchased products, affecting choices
The greater the importance of price in purchases decisions, the greater the intensity of
information and the greater amount of comparisons between competing brands (Mazumdar and Monroe,
1990). Pricing strategy is paramount to every organization involved in the production of consumer
goods and services because it gives a cue about the company and its products, a company does not set a
single price but rather a pricing structure that covers different items in its line (Kotler et al, 2001).
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
In 1995, Zeithamlet describe promotion as part of specific effort to encourage customers to tell
others about their services. According to Duncan (2005), promotion is the key to the market exchange
process that communicates with present and potential stakeholders, and the general public. Every firm or
store must cast itself into the role of communicator and promoter. Hakansson (2005) also reports that
promotion appears as an issue of how to create an optimal mix of marketing communication tools in order
to get a product's message and brand from the producer to the consumer. Borden, defines promotion as
sales promotion, advertising, personal selling, public relations and direct marketing. Kotler, (2007)
discovers that Promotions have become a critical factor in the product marketing mix which consists of
the specific blend of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing
tools that the company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing objective. Previous researches (Amine
and Cavusgil, 2001; Francis and Collins-Dodd, 2004) have established significant relationship between
Can be redefined in order to include: all of the information that is transmitted among parties
(Yudelson, 1999). This definition includes also the interactive aspects of digital communication. The
Internet is different from other mass communication media according to Morris & Ogan, 2006. Infact he
said that while it is surely a medium which can reach a numerous and dispersed audience, it differentiates
itself from the other media regards interactive and multimedia features. According to Hoffman & Novak
(2004) he said in pointing out in the Web environment, the one-to-many concept loses its cogency, while
the new many-to-many paradigm takes its place. Personal interaction allows to issue messages directed to
a specific individual with a degree of flexibility which no other media can be capable of (Bhatt &
This is also makes it possible to hit the target while he/she is in a situation of relax and
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
confidence (defined as “low involvement” by Krugman, 2004) similar to that of television, but with
higher informative capability, due to the multimedia features of the Web communication. The aim of
online communication is not just to advertise a product, but to build a purchase relation and create a
perception of trust in the customer. Interaction, multimedia and relationship should be included as
In 2007, Jones defines place as any way that the customer can obtain a product or receive a
service. Bowersox and Closs give distribution as another name for place. According to them, it is the third
element of the marketing mix, and it encompasses all decisions and tools which relate to making products
and services available to customers. Kotler and Armstrong (2006), also define place or distribution as a
set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product available for use or
consumption by consumers. Place strategy calls for effective distribution of products among the
marketing channels such as the wholesalers or retailers. Owomoyela et al, (2013); Amine and Cavusgil,
{2001}; and McNaughton, (2002) agree that place has significant effect on business performance.
According to Bhatt & Emdad (2001) he tells that in underline the main contribution of Internet to
business is not the mere possibility of selling products online, rather its capability of building relations
with customers. The interactive capabilities of Internet allow the implementation of more efficient and
effective systems of digital Customer Relationship Management (e-CRM). Internet enables to obtain
information which can be used to manage customers, thanks to the data gathered through the registration
of users to the company’s Web page and the online purchase data for each customer. This helps to
maintain the service level and improve the management of the customer portfolio (Fjermestad & Romano,
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
In dealing distribution variable, a marketing manager makes products available in the quantities
desired to as many target market customers as possible, keeping total inventory, transportation, and
storage costs as low as possible. A marketing manager may also select and motivate intermediaries
(wholesalers and retailers), establish and maintain inventory control procedures, and develop and manage
transportation and storage system. Companies can now make their products available throughout the
Ehmke, Fulton, and Lusk (2018) of Department of Agricultural Economics define the four
elements of marketing in the Agricultural Innovation & Commercialization Center Journal. It states that
marketing your business is about how you position it to satisfy your market’s needs.
2.1 Product
“Product” refers to the goods and services you offer to your customers. Apart from the physical
product itself, there are elements associated with your product that customers may be attracted to, such as
the way it is packaged. Other product attributes include quality, features, options, services, warranties,
2.2 Price
“Price” refers to how much charge your product or service is. Ehmke, Fulton, and Lusk (2018)
stated that determining your product’s price can be tricky and even frightening. Many small business
owners feel they must absolutely have the lowest price around. So they begin their business by creating
an impression of bargain pricing. However, this may be a signal of low quality and not part of the image
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
you want to portray. Your pricing approach should reflect the appropriate positioning of your product in
the market and result in a price that covers your cost per item and includes a profit margin.
They give and show eight alternative pricing strategies to follow and base
2.2.1 Cost-plus
They stated about adding a standard percentage of profit above the cost of producing a product.
Accurately assessing fixed and variable costs is an important part of this pricing method.
2.2.2 Value-based
It is about basing on the buyer’s perception of value (rather than on your costs). The buyer’s
perception depends on all aspects of the product, including non-price factors such as quality,
2.2.3 Competitive
Based on prices charged by competing firms for competing products. This pricing structure is
relatively simple to follow because you maintain your price relative to your competitors’ prices. In some
cases, you can directly observe your competitors’ prices and respond to any price changes. In other cases,
customers will select vendors based on bids submitted simultaneously. In those cases, gathering
2.2.4 Going-rate
A price charged that is the common or going-rate in the marketplace. Going-rate pricing is
common in markets where most firms have little or no control over the market price.
2.2.5 Skimming
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College of Teacher Education
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It Involves the introduction of a product at a high price for affluent consumers. Later, the price is
2.2.6 Discount
2.2.7 Loss-leader
Based on selling at a price lower than the cost of production to attract customers to the store to
2.2.8 Psychological
2.3 Promotion
Promotion refers to the advertising and selling part of marketing. It is how you let people know
what you’ve got for sale according to Ehmke, Fulton, and Lusk (2018). The purpose of promotion is to
get people to understand what the product is all about, what they can use it for, and why they should want
it. To be effective, your promotional efforts should contain a clear message targeted to a specific audience
reached via an appropriate channel. Your target audience will be the people who use or influence the
A key channel in promoting a product or services is advertising. Ehmke, Fulton, and Lusk
introduced different advertising methods in promoting products or services, which are the following.
2.3.1 Radio
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Radio advertisements are relatively inexpensive ways to inform potential local customers about
your business. Mid-to-late week is generally the best time to run your radio ad.
2.3.2 Television
Television allows access to regional or national audiences, but may be more expensive than other
2.3.3 Print
Direct mail and printed materials, including newspapers, consumer and trade magazines, flyers,
and a logo, allow you to explain what, when, where, and why people should buy from you. You can send
letters, fact sheets, contests, coupons, and brochures directly to new or old customers on local, regional,
or national levels.
2.3.4 Electronic
Company Web sites provide useful information to interested consumers and clients. Password-
protected areas allow users to more intimately interact with the other users. Advertisements allow broad
promotion of products.
Word of mouth depends on satisfied customers (or dissatisfied customers) telling their
2.4 Place
Ehmke, Fulton, and Lusk (2018) defined “Place” as the distribution channels used to get product
to customers. What product will greatly influence; it shows how you will distribute it. As for an example,
they used the small retail store, stating that you owned it or offer a service to your local community, then
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
you are at the end of the distribution chain, and so you will be supplying directly to the customer.
Businesses that create or assemble a product will have two options: selling directly to consumers or
selling to a vendor.
Related Study
In the case study of Thabit and Raewf (2018), it aims to investigate the influencing of marketing
mix elements (product, price, place, and promotion) on increasing the effectiveness of product promotion
and their role to reduce the problem within the organization. Their methodology explains the research
According to Kotler (2000) marketing mix is defined as controllable group of variables that the
organization can use to effect on the buyer’s response to product or service. CIM (2009) marketing mix is
used to describe the combination tactics used by a business to realize its goals by marketing its product or
Product refers to goods and services presented by the organization. It can be known as a fact of
advantages which a marketer presents to the customer for a price. According to Singh (2012) it is the
According to Borden and Marshall (1959) Fixing the product's price is a difficult job. The
marketers have to know that while fixing the price, so many factors like the need of a product, cost
involved, consumer’s ability to pay, government restrictions, prices charged by competitors for
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
comparable products, etc. can control this process. In fact, pricing is a very critical decision zone as it has
its impact on the need for the product and also on the profitability of the organization (Singh, 2012).
Goods are produced to be sold to customers; they have to be made ready to the customers at a suitable
place where they can handily make deal. So, it is important that the product is ready at markets in the city.
This includes a chain of persons and organizations like distributors, wholesalers and retailers who shape
the distributing network of the organization (the channel of distribution). The organization must choose
whether to sell directly to the persons or through the distributors. It can even plan to sell it directly to
customers (Burnett, 2008). The four variables of MM are interconnected. By increasing the product's
price, the product demand will be decreased and lesser distribution points will be desired (Singh, 2012).
Finally, the overall MM can result in dynamic modelling based on customer feedback for improving a
product and the same can be launched as the upgraded product, in addition to enhance the quality of
Promotion is one of the strongest elements in the marketing mix. Sales promotion actions are
publicity, public relations, fair and demonstrations etc. (Culliton, 1948). It is marketing manager who
decides the level of marketing expenses on promotion. Promotional actions are mainly meant to
complement personal selling, advertising and publicity (Burnett, 2008). Promotion helps the trader and
sales force to show the product to the customers in an effective manner and encourage them to purchase.
Promotion depends on many mixtures of its components which are used to realize the organization's
marketing objectives. Advertising is a strong element of promotion mix (Singh, 2012). The main purpose
of the advertising is to make and evolve the image of a product in the market zone. It is one of the
significant tools of competition which saves the dynamism of industry. Promotion mix determines the
positioning of the product in the target market. It should be considered as an expense and hence added to
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
The results of their study shows that the average of customer satisfaction about the product
promotion is good with 85.1% rate. The customers have an excellent idea about the plan of company to
developing the brand of product with 95.8%. The customers have a humble idea about the company
promotion types (64%). The overall policy of company promotion has a very good reflection according to
customers' opinions (between 90.4% - 93.6%). The brand of the product has a good reputation according
2. The Impact of Marketing Mix on the Competitive Advantage of the SME Sector in the Al
In Al Badi (2018) study, he aims to highlight the role of marketing mix (product, price, place, and
promotion) on achieving the competitive advantage in the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector in
the Al Buraimi Governorate in Oman. It states about the significance of competitive advantage in
achieving marketing goals and gaining the satisfaction of customers by using marketing mix concept.
They utilized the descriptive analysis approach to analyze the collected data regarding the level of impact
of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion), on the competitive advantage of the SME
sector in Al Buraimi. The data have been collected through the use of a questionnaire that is distributed to
SMEs in the Al Buraimi region according to the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI).
Al Badi’s (2018) main objective is to determine the impact of the marketing mix on the
competitive advantage of the SME sector in the Al Buraimi Governorate in Oman. To achieve his
objective, this study makes use of a descriptive analysis approach to analyze the collected data regarding
the level of impact of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion), on the competitive
advantage of the SME sector in Al Buraimi. The accessible population in this study (the portion of the
population to which the researcher has reasonable access; a subset of the target population, which is
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
limited to Al Buraimi Governorate) is 211 and the sample size is 100 (almost 50% of the total
Al Badi (2018) uses and defines the 4Ps to support and prove his study.
The product makes up the first element of the marketing mix and affects the other three elements
of the mix due to its nature and attributes. The product can vary in terms of its attributes and features
based on the dissimilarity of the target markets in terms of the variance of the needs and wants that make
The price is the second element in the marketing mix concept. It is affected by the purchasing
power of the customer and considered to be the critical element in the buying decision. Price can be
defined briefly as the amount the consumer must exchange to receive an offering (Singh, 2012). Various
factors affect the pricing strategy of an organization, including the cost of materials, product
differentiation, competition level, market share, and the customer’s perceived value of the product
The place is defined as the mechanism through which goods and services are moved from the
provider or manufacturer to the consumer (Goi, 2009). The place is one of marketing mix elements and
convergence, logistics, and inventory control management (Singh, 2012). The distribution channels
comprise all those activities that contribute to the delivery of the product or service to the customer.
These channels help the organization to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers, such as
resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies, and financial intermediaries (Kotler &
Armstrong, 2012).
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Promotion is one of the most powerful elements in the marketing mix. It means to communicate
and persuade the target market—by identifying the needs of the target segment—to buy the company’s
products. The promotion concept includes all marketing activities used to inform, persuade, and remind
the target market about a firm and its products or services, in such a way as to build a favorable image in
the mind of the customer (Sidhanta & Chakrabarty, 2010). In the same context, Kotler and Armstrong
(2012) defined promotion as human activities based on a communication process that can be directed via
personal selling points or indirectly via advertising messages through the media.
Their study shows that the result of the marketing mix elements has a significant role to play in
achieving a competitive advantage on the part of the SME sector in the Al Buraimi Governorate.
According to the results of their study, the most effective element when it comes to achieving competitive
advantage is price. In fact, price can increase the level of competitive advantage with regard to Al
Buraimi SMEs by 85%. This indicates that Al Buraimi’s SMEs should pay close attention to this element
1. Marketing Practices of Selected Sari-Sari Stores in Barangay Makiling: Basis for Community
Extension Project
Alusen (2018) in her study determine the socio-demographic profile of the sarisari stores owners
in terms of age, sex, civil status, educational attainment, to assess the level of market needs of sari-sari
stores in Barangay Makiling in terms of strategies in marketing mix and other strategies.
The result of her study showed that most of the sari-sari store owners are female, aged 32 to 43,
married, and were high school graduates. Most of them think construed marketing as selling and the least
of them thought marketing as office work. Many of the retailers considered the preferences of their
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
customers when it comes to choosing the products they are going to sell. Many based their pricing based
on quality, value and suggested retail price than cost and competitive based pricing, and only few were
giving discounts. Most of the sari-sari stores were very near the houses and ensures the convenience for
the customers. They did promotions but only limited to personnel or owner informing current customers,
they did not do promotions that can attract new customers. Incentives from their suppliers also affected
the promotions of some other stores. Most of them also considered relationship marketing for current
customers. Lastly, many considered ambience and visual merchandising of the store important, but a few
did not. Many of the sari-sari store owners did not fully understand the practices of marketing. Many were
not aware that they were already practicing it but were not doing it effectively.
In relation to sales, the product variety due to different market creates a significant relationship
with the sales of the sari- sari stores, since it attracts customers to buy knowing that they will not waste
time asking for what they want since they are already aware that the store is selling the kind of product
they are looking for. Meanwhile distance of the houses was negatively significant to the sales due to the
choice of people for the nearer store to their houses, they buy from the nearest stores that will provide
convenience to them, thus affecting the sales of other stores. There were many other strategies they are
practicing but unaware of it, thus it does not really make a significant difference with their sales.
From the data we have gathered in books, magazines, published journals, and recent researches,
we found out that the marketing strategies (price, place, product, and promotion) plays an important role
in a business. The definition of the 4Ps are all the same and the result shows the relationship in each Ps.
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
This chapter presents and discusses the research design, the study locale, respondents of the
study, the sampling technique used, the research instrument, the data gathering procedure and the
Research Design
A quantitative method uses an interrelated set of variables under certain assumptions and aims to
numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-
numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon. A
descriptive research design can use a wide variety of quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate
one or more variables. Unlike in experimental research, the researcher does not control or manipulate any
The descriptive research process helped in collecting data in order to answer questions
concerning the current status of the subjects under investigation. In the study, the design was used to
determine the level of effective and efficient marketing strategies applied by micro-scale business
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Study Locale
This study will be conducted in the Municipality of Tibiao in the province of Antique. The site of this
The population for the study is comprised of 213 micro-scale business establishments that are
found and operate in Tibiao, Antique. One hundred thirty-nine businesses were used as the respondents
who were given a questionnaire where all of the statements in the questionnaire were answered
The questionnaire is to be answerable by encircling on the given boxes which corresponds their
answer and to evaluate the level of effectiveness and efficiency of marketing strategies applied by micro-
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
scale business establishments in Tibiao, Antique. Respondents of this study was informed that their data
will be kept private and their confidentiality will not be compromised. The collected data was then
Table 1
Distribution of Respondents According to Variables
Categories N n f %
Owner’s/ Manager’s
30 years and Below 16 17.8%
31-40 years 20 22.2%
41-50 years 20 22.2%
51-60 years 21 23.3%
61 years and Above 13 14.4%
Male 36 40%
Female 54 60%
Business structure
Sole Proprietorship 84 93.33%
Partnership 2 2.22%
Corporation 1 1.11%
Cooperative 3 3.33%
Line of Business
35 38.89%
39 43.33%
9 8.89%
2 2.22%
Genetic Industries
2 1.11%
Banking and Finance
3 3.33%
Construction Companies
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Tibiao, Antique
No. of Years in Existence
1-10 years 62 68.89%
11-20 years 14 15.56%
21-30 years 7 7.78%
31 years and Above 7 7.78%
G. Location
Brgy. Lapaz 3 3.33%
Bgry. Sta. Justa 2 2.22%
Bgry. Importante 3 3.33%
Bgry. Tuno 2 2.22%
Bgry. Amar 4 4.44%
Bgry. Poblacion 57 63.33%
Bgry. Malabor 11 12.22%
Bgry. Natividad 2 2.22%
Bgry. San Francisco Sur 6 6.67%
Sampling Technique
The researchers utilized the Random Sampling Technique, as well as the Slovin’s formula
n= 2 , where N is the total population, 1 is constant, and 0.05 is set as the margin of error or the
1+ N e
After knowing the sample size, researchers proceed in determining the respondents. Based from
the record given, they come up to use the Lottery Sampling in order to know who are the respondents.
Lottery Sampling because it is the appropriate one for the research that avoid biases because everyone has
Research Instrument
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
In this study, the data was gathered through questionnaire prepared by the researchers. The
instrument is composed of two parts. Part one is the business profile and the part two is the marketing
The part one of the instrument is consist of business profile which contains the name of the
business, owner’s/ manager’s age, sex, business structure, line of business, number of years of existence
and location. The part two is all about the marketing strategies that contains of 40 questions which is
categorized into four subparts: price, place, promotion and product. It can be answered using a 5-point
Likert scale ranges from 5-Stongly Practiced, 4- Moderately Practiced, 3- Practiced, 2- Less Practiced and
1-Not Practiced.
The score of individual respondents in the above instrument was determined by adding the
numerical equivalent of the option chosen and the mean was computed. The mean was transformed into
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
The instrument was validated by reputable faculty of UA TLMC who had broad knowledge and
experience in doing research and have expertise on marketing strategies. After the validation, the
instrument was pilot tested in Barbaza, Antique in order to establish the reliability of the research
instrument and to improve the study questionnaire. The research instrument’s reliability was determined
The result of the pilot tested research questionnaire that was conducted in Barbaza, Antique is
0.98, which is higher to the standard set of 0.7. It means that the research questionnaire was reliable.
The data that was collected to answer specific questions was drawn through questionnaire. This
type of instrument is used because it is an inexpensive way to collect data as well as it is feasible in terms
of convenience. Each respondent was given a questionnaire and requested to answer the statement
completely. The questionnaire was answered by encircling on the given boxes which correspond their
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
evaluation of the level of effectiveness and efficiency of marketing strategies applied by micro-scale
business establishment in Tibiao, Antique. Respondents of this study was informed that their data will be
kept private and their confidentiality will not be compromised. The questionnaire was collected
immediately hereafter. The collected data was then compiled and analyzed.
In this study, quantitative statistical analysis was used in order to analyze the data which were
gathered through questionnaire. The statistical tools in the study will be the frequency distribution,
percentage, means and standard deviation for descriptive questionnaire. Mean was used to describe the
level of effectiveness and efficiency of marketing strategies based on the ratings of the respondents when
the respondents will be taken as a whole and classified according to categories of selected variables.
The inferential tools will be Mann-Whitney U Test and Kruskal Wallis Test. To determine the
significance difference between two means, Mann-Whitney U Test will be used. To determine the
significance difference of more than two means, Kruskal Wallis Test will be used. All tests are set at 0.05
alpha level of significance. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 will be used to
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
This chapter presents the findings of the investigation. It also presents the descriptive and
Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of the 4P’s Marketing Strategies Applied by Micro-Scale
As a whole, the effectiveness and efficiency of the different 4P’s marketing strategies applied by
micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao was “Less Effective and Efficient” with the mean of 3.17
and standard deviation of 0.46 as shown in Table 2. When grouped according to manager’s or owner’s
age, for 30 years and below (M=3.25, SD=0.29), for 31-40 years (M=3.51, SD=0.97), for 41-50 years
(M=3.18, SD=0.45), for 51-60 years (M=2.91, SD=0.41), and for 61 years and up (M=2.97, SD=0.62).
Four had the same level of effectiveness and efficiency which is effective and efficient, and it shows that
manager’s and owner’s ages from 31-40 years are more active where the level of effectiveness and
efficiency of the different marketing strategies applied on their business establishments was moderately
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
effective and efficient. When grouped according to their sex, male has the mean of 3.21 and standard
deviation of 0.31 while female has the mean of 3.15 and standard deviation of 0.57. Both male and female
had the same level of effectiveness and efficiency of the marketing strategies applied which is effective
and efficient. When the business establishment grouped according to its business structure, Sole
Proprietorship (M= 3.06, SD= 0.46), Partnership (M= 1.89, SD= 4.22), Corporation (M= 4.1, SD= 0.72),
and Cooperative (M= 3.51, SD= 0.32). Both corporation and cooperative had the same level of
effectiveness and efficiency which is moderately effective and efficient, sole proprietorship’s level of
effectiveness was effective and efficient and only for the partnership’s level of effectiveness was less
effective and efficient. Also when the business establishment grouped according to their line of business,
service (M= 3.16, SD= 0.26), merchandising (M= 3.10, SD= 0.76), manufacturing (M= 3.56, SD= 0.50),
genetic industries (M= 3.09, SD= 2.36), banking and finance (M= 3.40, SD= 0.34), and construction
companies (M= 2.98, SD= 4.54). Result shows that only the manufacturing has moderately effective and
efficient level of effectiveness and efficiency and the rest had the same level of effectiveness, effective
and efficient. When grouped based on the number of years in existence, 1-10 years (M= 3.16, SD= 0.52),
11-20 years, (M= 3.22, SD= 0.04), 21-30 years (M= 3.16, SD= 0.76), and for those business
establishment operate for about 31 years and above (M= 3.25, SD= 1.12). All of them had the same level
of effectiveness and efficiency which is effective and efficient. When grouped by location, Barangay
Lapaz (M= 1.75, SD= 4.30), and Barangay Sta. Justa (M= 1.64, SD= 1.18) are both not effective and
efficient, Barangay Importante (M= 2.94, SD= 4.93), and Barangay Tuno (M= 1.98, SD= 5.84) described
effective and efficient, Barangay Amar (M= 2.32, SD= 3.74), Barangay Poblacion (M= 2.33., SD= 3.15),
and Barangay Malabor (M= 2.43, SD= 4.88) described as less effective and efficient, Barangay Natividad
(M= 2.19, SD= 3.12), and the Barangay San Francisco Sur (M= 2.64, SD= 2.97) both level of
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
This implies that the business establishment regardless of the owner’s or manager’s age, sex,
business structure, line of business, no. of years in existence and location are good in business. For
owner’s and manager’s age, 31-40 are seems to be active, business minded and strategic thinker. In terms
of sex, female seems to be more strategic than that of male counterparts. As to business structure, sole
proprietorship is perceived to be the most business to be in. Both merchandising and service are both
common line of business that are most chose to build. And in the terms of existence, almost establishment
are newly build which under 1-10 years of age, and for its location, central part is where business
Table 2
Level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different 4P’s marketing strategies applied by micro-scale
B. Owner’s/ Manager’s
30 years and Below 16 3.25 0.29 “Effective and Efficient”
31-40 years 20 3.51 0.97 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
41-50 years 20 3.18 0.45 “Effective and Efficient”
51-60 years 21 2.91 0.41 “Effective and Efficient”
61 years and Above 13 2.97 0.62 “Effective and Efficient”
C. Sex
Male 36 3.21 0.31 “Effective and Efficient”
Female 54 3.15 0.57 “Effective and Efficient”
D. Business structure
Sole Proprietorship 84 3.06 0.46 “Effective and Efficient”
Partnership 2 1.89 4.22 “Less Effective and Efficient”
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Corporation 1 4.1 0.72 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
Cooperative 3 3.51 0.32 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
E. Line of Business
Service 35 3.16 0.26 “Effective and Efficient”
Merchandising 39 3.10 0.76 “Effective and Efficient”
Manufacturing 9 3.56 0.50 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
Genetic Industries 2 3.09 2.36 “Effective and Efficient”
Banking and Finance 2 3.40 0.34 “Effective and Efficient”
Construction Companies 3 2.98 4.24 “Effective and Efficient”
G. Location
Brgy. Lapaz 3 1.75 4.30 “Not Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Sta. Justa 2 1.64 1.18 “Not Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Importante 3 2.94 4.93 “Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Tuno 2 1.98 5.84 “Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Amar 4 2.32 3.74 “Less Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Poblacion 57 2.33 3.15 “Less Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Malabor 11 2.43 4.88 “Less Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Natividad 2 2.19 3.12 “Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. San Francisco Sur 6 2.64 2.97 “Effective and Efficient”
As a whole, the effectiveness and efficiency of product marketing strategies applied by micro-
scale business establishments in Tibiao was “Moderately Effective and Efficient” with the mean of 3.52
and standard deviation of 0.13 as shown in Table 3. When grouped according to manager’s or owner’s
age, for 30 years and below (M=3.49, SD=0.06), for 31-40 years (M=4.05, SD=0.63), for 41-50 years
(M=3.58, SD=0.16), for 51-60 years (M=3.12, SD=0.04), and for 61 years and up (M=3.37, SD=0.16).
Four had the same level of effectiveness and efficiency which is effective and efficient, and it shows that
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
manager’s and owner’s ages from 31-40 years are more active where the level of effectiveness and
efficiency of the different marketing strategies applied on their business establishments was moderately
effective and efficient. When grouped according to their sex, male has the mean of 3.47 and standard
deviation of 0.07 while female has the mean of 3.57 and standard deviation of 0.17. Both male and female
had the same level of effectiveness and efficiency of the product marketing strategies applied which is
When the business establishment product marketing strategies is grouped according to its
business structure, Sole Proprietorship (M= 3.42, SD= 0.13), Partnership (M= 3.55, SD= 2.76),
Corporation (M= 4.50, SD= 0.16), and Cooperative (M= 3.83, SD= 0.10). Both sole proprietorship,
partnership and cooperative had the same level of effectiveness and efficiency which is moderately
effective and efficient, only for the corporation’s level of effectiveness was highly effective and efficient.
Also when the business establishment grouped according to their line of business, service (M= 3.47, SD=
0.09), merchandising (M= 3.53, SD= 0.18), manufacturing (M= 3.79, SD= 0.05), genetic industries (M=
3.50, SD= 0.17), banking and finance (M= 3.75, SD= 0.12), and construction companies (M= 3.33, SD=
0.68). Result shows that only the construction companies have effective and efficient level of
effectiveness and efficiency and the rest had the same level of effectiveness which is moderately effective
and efficient. If grouped based on the number of years in existence, 1-10 years (M= 3.52, SD= 0.13), 11-
20 years, (M= 3.29, SD= 0.004), 21-30 years (M= 3.71, SD= 0.31), and for those business establishment
operate for about 31 years and above (M= 3.87, SD= 0.39). Three of them had the same level of
effectiveness and efficiency which is moderately effective and efficient. Only those who are ages from
11-20 years who got the level of effectiveness and efficiency which is effective and efficient. In grouped
according by location, Barangay Lapaz (M= 3.20, SD= 2.70), product strategy was effective and efficient,
Barangay Sta. Justa (M= 2.00, SD= 0.13) is less effective and efficient. Barangay Importante (M= 4.30,
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
SD= 1.86) which the product strategy was highly effective and efficient, and Barangay Tuno (M= 3.63,
SD= 2.72), Barangay Amar (M=3.61, SD= 1.66), Barangay Poblacion (M= 3.45., SD= 1.26), and
Barangay Malabor (M= 3.80, SD= 1.29) described as moderately effective and efficient, Barangay
Natividad (M= 3.23, SD= 1.09), and the Barangay San Francisco Sur (M= 3.33, SD= 0.45) both level of
This implies that the business establishment regardless of the owner’s or manager’s age, sex,
business structure, line of business, no. of years in existence and location are good in business. For
owner’s and manager’s age, 31-40 are seems to be active, business minded and strategic thinker. In terms
of sex, female seems to be more product strategic than that of male counterparts. As to business structure,
sole proprietorship is perceived to be the most business to be in. Both merchandising and service are both
common line of business that are most chose to build. And in the terms of existence, almost establishment
are newly build which under 1-10 years of age, and for its location, central part is where business
Table 3
Level of effectiveness and efficiency of Product Marketing Strategies applied by micro-scale business
establishments in Tibiao.
B. Owner’s/ Manager’s
30 years and Below 16 3.49 0.06 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
31-40 years 20 4.05 0.63 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
20 3.58 0.16 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
41-50 years 21 3.12 0.04 “Effective and Efficient”
51-60 years 13 3.37 0.16 “Effective and Efficient”
61 years and Above
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
As a whole, the effectiveness and efficiency of pricing marketing strategies applied by micro-
scale business establishments in Tibiao was “Moderately Effective and Efficient” with the mean of 3.52
and standard deviation of 0.13 as shown in Table 4. When grouped according to manager’s or owner’s
age, for 30 years and below (M=3.39, SD=0.01), for 31-40 years (M=3.70, SD=0.20), for 41-50 years
(M=3. When grouped according to their sex, male has the mean of 3.40 and standard deviation of 0.04
while female has the mean of 3.37 and standard deviation of 0.05. Both male and female had the same
level of effectiveness and efficiency of the pricing marketing strategies applied which is effective and
When the business establishment product marketing strategies is grouped according to its
business structure, Sole Proprietorship (M= 3.32, SD= 0.07), Partnership (M= 2.65, SD= 0.59),
Corporation (M= 3.90, SD= 0.04), and Cooperative (M= 3.13, SD= 0.15). Both sole proprietorship,
partnership and corporation had the same level of effectiveness and efficiency which is effective and
efficient, only for the cooperative has the level of effectiveness was moderately effective and efficient.
When the business establishment grouped according to their line of business, service (M= 3.27, SD=
0.00), merchandising (M= 3.50, SD= 0.16), manufacturing (M= 3.62, SD= 0.00), genetic industries (M=
3.90, SD= 0.66), banking and finance (M= 2.95, SD= 0.20), and construction companies (M= 2.97, SD=
0.95). Result shows that service, banking and finance and the construction companies have effective and
efficient level of pricing marketing strategies effectiveness and efficiency and the rest had the same level
of effectiveness which is moderately effective and efficient. If grouped based on the number of years in
existence, 1-10 years (M= 3.39, SD= 0.05), 11-20 years, (M= 3.30, SD= 0.004), 21-30 years (M= 3.40,
SD= 0.31), and for those business establishment operate for about 31 years and above (M= 3.49, SD=
0.06). All of them had the same level of effectiveness and efficiency which is only effective and efficient.
In grouped according by location, Barangay Lapaz (M= 3.10, SD= 1.82), Barangay Amar (M=3.40, SD=
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
1.17), Barangay Poblacion (M= 3.25, SD= 0.83) and Barangay Natividad (M= 3.30, SD= 1.24) the
pricing strategy was effective and efficient, Barangay Sta. Justa (M= 2.45, SD= 0.66) is less effective and
efficient. Barangay Importante (M= 3.55, SD= 0.38) and Barangay Tuno (M= 3.78, SD= 2.25) the pricing
strategy was moderately effective and efficient, and Barangay Malabor (M= 4.05, SD= 2.64) described as
moderately effective and efficient, and the Barangay San Francisco Sur (M= 3.83, SD= 1.42) both level
Table 4
Level of effectiveness and efficiency of Pricing Marketing Strategies applied by micro-scale business
establishments in Tibiao.
B. Owner’s/ Manager’s
30 years and Below 16 3.39 0.01 “Effective and Efficient”
31-40 years 20 3.70 0.20 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
41-50 years 20 3.37 0.03 “Effective and Efficient”
51-60 years 21 3.16 0.06 “Effective and Efficient”
61 years and Above 13 3.32 0.12 “Effective and Efficient”
C. Sex
Male 36 3.40 0.04 “Effective and Efficient”
Female 54 3.37 0.05 “Effective and Efficient”
D. Business structure
84 3.32 0.07 “Effective and Efficient”
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Sole Proprietorship 2 2.65 0.59 “Effective and Efficient”
Partnership 1 3.90 0.04 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
Corporation 3 3.13 0.15 “Effective and Efficient”
As a whole, the effectiveness and efficiency of promotion marketing strategies applied by micro-
scale business establishments in Tibiao was “Moderately Effective and Efficient” with the mean of 2.64
and standard deviation of 0.29 as shown in Table 5. When grouped according to manager’s or owner’s
age, for 30 years and below (M=2.79, SD=0.21), for 31-40 years (M=2.90, SD=0.21), for 41-50 years
(M=2.68, SD=0.25), for 51-60 years (M=2.37, SD=0.30), and for 61 years and up (M=2.42, SD=0.31).
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Four had the same level effectiveness and efficiency for promotion marketing strategy which is effective
and efficient, and it shows that manager’s and owner’s ages from 51-60 years are where the level of
effectiveness and efficiency of the promotion marketing strategies applied on their business
establishments was less effective and efficient. When grouped according to their sex, male has the mean
of 2.75 and standard deviation of 0.21 while female has the mean of 2.56 and standard deviation of 0.34.
Males are moderately effective and efficient in terms of promotion marketing strategy compare to
When the business establishment product marketing strategies is grouped according to its
business structure, Sole Proprietorship (M= 2.55, SD= 0.26), Partnership (M= 2.10, SD= 0.05),
Corporation (M= 3.50, SD= 0.36), and Cooperative (M= 3.37, SD= 0.02). Both sole proprietorship, and
cooperative had the same level of effectiveness and efficiency which is effective and efficient,
corporation’s level of effectiveness was moderately effective and efficient and partnership was less
effective and efficient. Also when the business establishment grouped according to their line of business,
service (M= 2.76, SD= 0.16), merchandising (M= 2.48, SD= 0.38), manufacturing (M= 2.97, SD= 0.35),
genetic industries (M= 1.85, SD= 1.53), banking and finance (M= 3.40, SD= 0.00), and construction
companies (M= 3.27, SD= 2.48). Result shows that service, manufacturing, and banking and finance have
an effective and efficient level of effectiveness and efficiency in terms of promotion marketing strategy
and the rest had the same level of effectiveness which is less effective and efficient. If grouped based on
the number of years in existence, 1-10 years (M= 2.58, SD= 0.34), 11-20 years, (M= 3.06, SD= 0.03), 21-
30 years (M= 3.56, SD= 0.36), and for those business establishment operate for about 31 years and above
(M= 2.43, SD= 0.67). Three of them had the same level of effectiveness and efficiency which is
moderately effective and efficient. Only those who are ages from 11-20 years who got the level of
effectiveness and efficiency which is effective and efficient. In grouped according by location, Barangay
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Lapaz (M= 1.57, SD= 0.03), product strategy was effective and efficient, Barangay Sta. Justa (M= 1.90,
SD= 0.07) is less effective and efficient. Barangay Importante (M= 4.10, SD= 1.35) which the product
strategy was highly effective and efficient, and Barangay Tuno (M= 1.60, SD= 0.14), Barangay Amar
(M=2.69, SD= 0.13), Barangay Poblacion (M= 2.88., SD= 0.32), and Barangay Malabor (M= 2.70, SD=
0.08) described as moderately effective and efficient, Barangay Natividad (M= 2.40, SD= 0.05), and the
Barangay San Francisco Sur (M= 3.27, SD= 0.39) both level of effectiveness and efficiency was Effective
and Efficient.
This implies that the business establishment regardless of the owner’s or manager’s age, sex,
business structure, line of business, no. of years in existence and location are good in business. For
owner’s and manager’s age, 31-40 are seems to be active, business minded and strategic thinker. In terms
of sex, male seems to be more promotional strategic than that of female counterparts. As to business
structure, corporation perceived to be the most business to be in. banking and finance is the common line
of business that are most chose to build. And in the terms of existence, almost establishment are newly
build which under 11-20 years of age, and for its location, Barangay Importante is where business
Table 5
Level of effectiveness and efficiency of Promotion Marketing Strategies applied by micro-scale business
establishments in Tibiao.
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
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Tibiao, Antique
A. Entire group 90 2.64 0.29 “Effective and Efficient”
B. Owner’s/ Manager’s
30 years and Below 16 2.79 0.21 “Effective and Efficient”
31-40 years 20 2.90 0.12 “Effective and Efficient”
41-50 years 20 2.68 0.25 “Effective and Efficient”
51-60 years 21 2.37 0.30 “Less Effective and Efficient”
61 years and Above 13 2.42 0.31 “Less Effective and Efficient”
C. Sex
Male 36 2.75 0.21 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
Female 54 2.56 0.34 “Less Effective and Efficient”
D. Business structure
Sole Proprietorship 84 2.55 0.26 “Effective and Efficient”
Partnership 2 2.10 0.05 “Less Effective and Efficient”
Corporation 1 3.50 0.36 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
Cooperative 3 3.37 0.02 “Effective and Efficient”
E. Line of Business
35 2.76 0.16 “Effective and Efficient”
39 2.48 0.38 “Less Effective and Efficient”
9 2.97 0.35 “Effective and Efficient”
2 1.85 1.53 “Less Effective and Efficient”
Genetic Industries
2 3.40 0 “Effective and Efficient”
Banking and Finance
3 2.27 2.48 “Less Effective and Efficient”
Construction Companies
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Tibiao, Antique
Level of effectiveness and efficiency of Place Marketing Strategies applied by micro-scale business
establishments in Tibiao.
As a whole, the effectiveness and efficiency of place marketing strategies applied by micro-scale
business establishments in Tibiao was “Moderately Effective and Efficient” with the mean of 3.15 and
standard deviation of 0.001 as shown in Table 6. When grouped according to manager’s or owner’s age,
for 30 years and below (M=3.37, SD=0.01), for 31-40 years (M=3.40, SD=0.02), for 41-50 years
(M=3.10, SD=0.01), for 51-60 years (M=3.01, SD=0.01), and for 61 years and up (M=2.78, SD=0.04).
Four had the same level effectiveness and efficiency for place marketing strategy which is effective and
efficient, and it shows that manager’s and owner’s ages from 51-60 years are where the level of
effectiveness and efficiency of the place marketing strategies applied on their business establishments was
less effective and efficient. When grouped according to their sex, male has the mean of 2.78 and standard
deviation of 1.74 while female has the mean of 3.21 and standard deviation of 0.002. Males are
moderately effective and efficient in terms of place marketing strategy compare to females.
When the business establishment place marketing strategies is grouped according to its business
structure, Sole Proprietorship (M= 3.04, SD= 0.002), Partnership (M= 2.80, SD= 0.83), Corporation
(M=4.50, SD= 0.16), and Cooperative (M= 3.73, SD= 0.05). For Sole proprietorship it is effective and
efficient, partnership is less effective and efficient, corporation is highly effective and efficient and
cooperative had the level of effectiveness and efficiency which is moderately effective and efficient. Also
when the business establishment grouped according to their line of business, service (M= 3.20, SD=
0.001), merchandising (M= 2.90, SD= 0.04), manufacturing (M= 3.87, SD= 0.09), genetic industries (M=
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Tibiao, Antique
3.10, SD= 0.00), banking and finance (M= 3.50, SD= 0.01), and construction companies (M= 3.33, SD=
0.13). Result shows that service, merchandising, genetic industries, and construction companies have an
effective and efficient level of effectiveness and efficiency in terms of place marketing strategy and the
rest had the same level of effectiveness which is moderately effective and efficient. If grouped based on
the number of years in existence, 1-10 years (M= 3.14, SD= 0.0002), 11-20 years, (M= 3.23, SD=
0.0001), 21-30 years (M= 2.97, SD= 0.40), and for those business establishment operate for about 31
years and above (M= 3.20, SD= 0.001). All of them had the same level of effectiveness and efficiency
which is effective and efficient. In grouped according by location, Barangay Lapaz (M= 2.33, SD= 0.34)
and Barangay Sta. Justa (M= 2.20, SD= 0.32) both are less effective and efficient. Barangay Importante
(M= 4.10, SD= 1.35) place strategy was moderately effective and efficient, and Barangay Tuno (M= 2.83,
SD= 0.72), Barangay Amar (M=3.20, SD= 0.77), Barangay Poblacion (M= 3.20., SD= 0.75), and
Barangay Malabor (M= 2.95, SD= 0.28), Barangay Natividad (M= 3.05, SD= 0.74), place strategy is
effective and efficient and the Barangay San Francisco Sur (M= 3.47, SD= 0.68) place strategy was
This implies that the business establishment regardless of the owner’s or manager’s age, sex,
business structure, line of business, no. of years in existence and location are good in business. For
owner’s and manager’s age, 31-40 are seems to be active, business minded and strategic thinker. In terms
of sex, female seems to be more product strategic than that of male counterparts. As to business structure,
corporation is perceived to be the most business to be in. Manufacturing is the common line of business
that are most chose to build. And in the terms of existence, almost establishment are newly build which
under 11-20 years of age, and for its location, Barangay Importante is where business establishment could
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Table 6
Level of effectiveness and efficiency of Place Marketing Strategies applied by micro-scale business
establishments in Tibiao.
B. Owner’s/ Manager’s
30 years and Below 16 3.37 0.01 “Effective and Efficient”
31-40 years 20 3.40 0.02 “Effective and Efficient”
41-50 years 20 3.10 0.01 “Effective and Efficient”
51-60 years 21 3.01 0.01 “Effective and Efficient”
61 years and Above 13 2.78 0.04 “Effective and Efficient”
C. Sex
Male 36 3.21 1.74 “Effective and Efficient”
Female 54 3.10 0.00 “Effective and Efficient”
D. Business structure
Sole Proprietorship 84 3.04 0.00 “Effective and Efficient”
Partnership 2 2.80 0.83 “Less Effective and Efficient”
Corporation 1 4.50 0.16 “Highly Effective and Efficient”
Cooperative 3 3.73 0.05 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
E. Line of Business
35 3.20 0.00 “Effective and Efficient”
39 2.90 0.04 “Effective and Efficient”
9 3.87 0.09 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
2 3.10 0.00 “Effective and Efficient”
Genetic Industries
2 3.50 0.01 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
Banking and Finance
3 3.33 0.13 “Effective and Efficient”
Construction Companies
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
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Tibiao, Antique
Brgy. Lapaz 2 2.20 0.32 “Less Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Sta. Justa 3 4.10 1.35 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Importante 2 2.83 0.72 “Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Tuno 4 3.20 0.77 “Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Amar 57 3.20 0.75 “Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Poblacion 11 2.95 0.28 “Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Malabor 2 3.05 0.74 “Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. Natividad 6 3.47 0.68 “Moderately Effective and Efficient”
Bgry. San Francisco Sur
Difference in the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Different 4P’s Marketing Strategies
Using Mann Whitney U test, it was found out that there was no significant difference in the level
of effectiveness and efficiency of the different 4P’s marketing strategies applied by micro-scale business
establishments in Tibiao when they were grouped as to sex which have a (U= .951, Sig. > 0.05) These
results were shown in Table 7. This means that the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different
4P’s marketing strategies applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao is the same for the
male and female, also both are concerned on the marketing strategies that they have to apply. Moreover,
female owners/ managers are concerned on the outcome of their business, while male owners/ managers
are less concerns, which affirms the result of the study of Alusen (2018) that majority of female are in
Table 7
Mann Whitney U Test Results of the difference in the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
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Tibiao, Antique
Difference in the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Different 4P’s Marketing Strategies
Using the Kruskal Wallis Test, as reflected in Table 8, it shows that there was no significant
difference in the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different 4P’s marketing strategies applied by
micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao when the respondents were grouped by age which have a
(x2= .371, Sig. > 0.05 ), business structure have a (x2= .455, Sig. > 0.05 ), line of business have a
(x2= .534, Sig. > 0.05 ), no. of years in existence have a (x2= .896, Sig. > 0.05 ), and location (x2= .439,
Sig. > 0.05 ). This implies that the level of effectiveness of the different 4P’s marketing strategies applied
by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao is almost the same for all of the variables.
Table 8
Kruskal Wallis Results of the Level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different 4P’s marketing
B. Business structure
Sole Proprietorship
Partnership . 455 No Significant
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Corporation 4.1
Cooperative 3.51
C. Line of Business
Service 3.16
Merchandising 3.10
Manufacturing 3.56 . 534 No Significant
Genetic Industries 3.09
Banking and Finance 3.40
Construction Companies 2.98
Difference in the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of Product Marketing Strategies Applied by
Using Mann Whitney U test, it was found out that there was no significant difference in the level
establishments in Tibiao when they were grouped as to sex which have a (U= .326, Sig. > 0.05) These
results were shown in Table 8. This means that the level of effectiveness and efficiency of product
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
marketing strategies applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao is the same for the male
and female, also both are concerned on the product marketing strategies that they have to apply.
Moreover, female owners/ managers are concerned on the outcome of their business, while male owners/
managers are less concerns, which affirms the result of the study of Alusen (2018) that majority of female
Table 9
Mann Whitney U Test Results of the difference in the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the product
Difference in the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Different Product Marketing
Using the Kruskal Wallis Test, as reflected in Table 9, it shows that there was no significant
difference in the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different product marketing strategies applied
by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao when the respondents were grouped by age which have
a (x2=0.068 , Sig. > 0.05 ), business structure have a (x2= .608, Sig. > 0.05 ), line of business have a
(x2= .747, Sig. > 0.05 ), no. of years in existence have a (x2= .412, Sig. > 0.05 ), and location (x2= .603,
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
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Tibiao, Antique
Sig. > 0.05 ). This implies that the level of effectiveness of the different product marketing strategies
applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao is almost the same for all of the variables.
Table 10
Kruskal Wallis Results of the Level of effectiveness and efficiency of the product marketing strategies
B. Business structure
Sole Proprietorship
Partnership . 608 No Significant
C. Line of Business
3.56 . 747 No Significant
Genetic Industries
Banking and Finance
Construction Companies
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
21-30 years 3.16
31 years and Above 3.25
G. Location
Brgy. Lapaz 1.75
Bgry. Sta. Justa 1.64
Bgry. Importante 2.94
. 603 No Significant
Bgry. Tuno 1.98
Bgry. Amar 2.32
Bgry. Poblacion 2.33
Bgry. Malabor 2.43
Bgry. Natividad 2.19
Bgry. San Francisco Sur 2.64
Difference in the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Pricing Marketing Strategies Applied
Using Mann Whitney U test, it was found out that there was no significant difference in the level
of effectiveness and efficiency of the pricing marketing strategies applied by micro-scale business
establishments in Tibiao when they were grouped as to sex which have a (U= .980, Sig. > 0.05) These
results were shown in Table 10. This means that the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different
pricing marketing strategies applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao is the same for the
male and female, also both are concerned on the marketing strategies that they have to apply. Moreover,
female owners/ managers are concerned on the outcome of their business, while male owners/ managers
are less concerns, which affirms the result of the study of Alusen (2018) that majority of female are in
Table 11
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
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Tibiao, Antique
Mann Whitney U Test Results of the difference in the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the pricing
Difference in the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Different Pricing Marketing Strategies
Using the Kruskal Wallis Test, as reflected in Table 11, it shows that there was no significant
difference in the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different pricing marketing strategies applied
by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao when the respondents were grouped by age which have
a (x2= .392, Sig. > 0.05 ), business structure have a (x2= .632,Sig. > 0.05 ), line of business have a
(x2= .243, Sig. > 0.05 ), no. of years in existence have a (x2= .929, Sig. > 0.05 ), and location (x2= .460,
Sig. > 0.05 ). This implies that the level of effectiveness of the different pricing marketing strategies
applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao is almost the same for all of the variables.
Table 12
Kruskal Wallis Results of the Level of effectiveness and efficiency of the pricing marketing strategies
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
51-60 years 2.91
61 years and Above 2.97
B. Business structure
Sole Proprietorship 3.06
Partnership 1.89 . 632 No Significant
Corporation 4.1
Cooperative 3.51
C. Line of Business
3.56 . 243 No Significant
Genetic Industries
Banking and Finance
Construction Companies
Difference in the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Promotion Marketing Strategies
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Using Mann Whitney U test, it was found out that there was no significant difference in the level
of effectiveness and efficiency of the promotion marketing strategies applied by micro-scale business
establishments in Tibiao when they were grouped as to sex which have a (U= .911, Sig. > 0.05) These
results were shown in Table 12. This means that the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different
promotion marketing strategies applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao is the same for
the male and female, also both are concerned on the marketing strategies that they have to apply.
Moreover, female owners/ managers are concerned on the outcome of their business, while male owners/
managers are less concerns, which affirms the result of the study of Alusen (2018) that majority of female
Table 13
Mann Whitney U Test Results of the difference in the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different
Difference in the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Different Promotion Marketing
Using the Kruskal Wallis Test, as reflected in Table 13, it shows that there was no significant
difference in the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different promotion marketing strategies
applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao when the respondents were grouped by age
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
which have a (x2= .793, Sig. > 0.05 ), business structure have a (x2= .636, Sig. > 0.05 ), line of business
have a (x2= .661, Sig. > 0.05 ), no. of years in existence have a (x 2= .787, Sig. > 0.05 ), and location
(x2= .196, Sig. > 0.05 ). This implies that the level of effectiveness of the different promotion marketing
strategies applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao is almost the same for all of the
Table 14
Kruskal Wallis Results of the Level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different promotion marketing
B. Business structure
Sole Proprietorship
Partnership . 636 No Significant
C. Line of Business
3.56 . 661 No Significant
Genetic Industries
Banking and Finance
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Construction Companies 2.98
Difference in the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Different Marketing Strategies
Using Mann Whitney U test, it was found out that there was no significant difference in the level
of effectiveness and efficiency of the different place marketing strategies applied by micro-scale business
establishments in Tibiao when they were grouped as to sex which have a (U= .898, Sig. > 0.05) These
results were shown in Table 14. This means that the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different
place marketing strategies applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao is the same for the
male and female, also both are concerned on the marketing strategies that they have to apply. Moreover,
female owners/ managers are concerned on the outcome of their business, while male owners/ managers
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
are less concerns, which affirms the result of the study of Alusen (2018) that majority of female are in
Table 15
Mann Whitney U Test Results of the difference in the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different
Difference in the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Different Place Marketing Strategies
Using the Kruskal Wallis Test, as reflected in Table 15, it shows that there was no significant
difference in the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different place marketing strategies applied
by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao when the respondents were grouped by age which have
a (x2= .530, Sig. > 0.05 ), business structure have a (x2= .458, Sig. > 0.05 ), line of business have a
(x2= .281, Sig. > 0.05 ), no. of years in existence have a (x2= .926, Sig. > 0.05 ), and location (x2= .763,
Sig. > 0.05 ). This implies that the level of effectiveness of the different place marketing strategies
applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao is almost the same for all of the variables.
Table 16
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
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Tibiao, Antique
Kruskal Wallis Results of the Level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different place marketing
B. Business structure
Sole Proprietorship
Partnership . 458 No Significant
C. Line of Business
3.56 . 281 No Significant
Genetic Industries
Banking and Finance
Construction Companies
G. Location
Brgy. Lapaz 1.75
Bgry. Sta. Justa 1.64
Bgry. Importante 2.94 . 763 No Significant
Bgry. Tuno 1.98
Bgry. Amar 2.32
Bgry. Poblacion 2.33
Bgry. Malabor 2.43
Bgry. Natividad 2.19
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
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Tibiao, Antique
Bgry. San Francisco Sur 2.64
This chapter presents the summary of the findings, the conclusions, and the recommendations
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
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Tibiao, Antique
This study used the descriptive research design to determine the level of effectiveness and
efficiency of the different marketing strategies applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao,
Supposed, there were 139 respondents to be covered, however, due to many reasons: bankruptcy
results to dissolved of a business, same owner of two or more businesses, and to privacy of the business
establishment to kept their strategy resulted to the deduction of total respondents. The respondents were
turned to 90 business establishments randomly selected in different barangay in Tibiao. The lottery
This study utilized a researcher-made questionnaire to gather the data needed for the study. The
instrument consists of two parts: The Part I of the instrument is consisting of business profile which
contains the name of business name, owner’s/ manager’s age, sex, business structure, line of business,
number of years of existence and location. The Part II is all about the marketing strategies that contains of
40 questions which is categorized into four subparts: price, place, promotion and product. The
questionnaire was subjected to expert validation to assure its validity and the Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 was used to determine its reliability. The statistical tools employed
were the frequency distribution, percentage, means and standard deviation. Mann Whitney U Test and
Kruskal Wallis were used for inferential tests, set at 0.05 alpha.
1. The level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different 4 P’s marketing strategies applied by
micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao as a whole was “Effective and Efficient”, with
the average mean was 3.17. As to product, pricing, promotion, and place it was “Moderately
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
2. In the test for significant difference in the effectiveness and efficiency of the different
the business owners and managers age, business structure, line of business, number of years
in existence and location revealed that there was no significant difference as attested to by the
significant level value of 0. 371, 0. 455, 0.534, 0.896. and 0.439, respectively which were
higher than 0.05 alpha level of significance. As to sex, also there was no significant
difference. This was attested to by the significant level value of 0.460 which was greater than
1. The level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different marketing strategies applied by
2. The level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different marketing strategies applied by
by their manager’s or owner’s age, sex, business structure, line of business, no. of years in
3. Result of this study is similar to the result of Alusen (2018) in her study about “Marketing
Practices of Selected Sari-Sari Stores in Barangay Makiling: Basis for Community Extension
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Based on the findings and conclusions made, the researchers offer the following
recommendations although the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the different marketing strategies
applied by micro-scale business establishments in Tibiao as perceived was less effective and efficient:
1. The business establishment may observe and apply any strategic plan or marketing strategies,
2. The business establishment may focus on what the customers wants and needs.
3. The business owners and managers may ask feedback from the loyal customer.
4. To attain a highly effective business growth in Tibiao, the owners may improve on marketing
5. The managers or business owners must encourage the employee and staff as well as the
No researcher can cover everything in one research study, thus, considering the limitations of the
present study, the researcher offers the following researchable areas to be explored by future researchers
who wish to conduct similar studies and to validate the present findings:
1. A study on the effect of leadership behavior of business owner and quality of work life of
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
4. Other P’s of Marketing Strategy in improving the growth of business entity in Tibiao should
be explored.
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College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Appendix A
Dear Madam,
We, the Grade 12 students of Laboratory High School taking ABM (Accountancy, Business and
Management) strand at the University of Antique Tario-Lim Memorial Campus, are currently working on
our research titled: “Marketing Strategies Applied by Micro-Scale Business Establishments in Tibiao”.
Anent to this, may we seek permission from your good office to allow us to have a copy of the
list of names and number of students for the academic year 2018-2019 of all Laboratory High School
student. We are asking for your assistance for us to gather the data needed.
We are looking forward for your favourable action on this request.
Thank you very much. God bless
Truly Yours,
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Appendix B
Letter to Validators
August 15, 2019
Dear Madam,
We, the Grade 12 students of Laboratory High School taking ABM (Accountancy Business and
Management) strand at the University of Antique Tario-Lim Memorial Campus, are currently working on
our research titled: “Marketing Strategies Applied by Micro-Scale Business Establishments in Tibiao”.
An essential part of this undertaking is the validation of our research instrument. Considering
your expertise in test construction and research, we are earnestly requesting your kind assistance in the
validation of the attached questionnaire. Kindly list down any suggestions and/or detected flaws on the
instrument in terms of wording, format, and content. The options to be used in the evaluation of this
instrument are INCLUDE, IMPROVE or EXCLUDE. The items evaluated as Include and Improve will
be included while items evaluated as Exclude will be totally rejected. However, if Improve option is
chosen, kindly indicate your suggestions in the blank provided.
We know you are quite busy but I shall consider it a personal favor for which I shall be very
grateful, if you could spare time and effort for this request.
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
August 15, 2019
Dear Sir,
We, the Grade 12 students of Laboratory High School taking ABM (Accountancy Business and
Management) strand at the University of Antique Tario-Lim Memorial Campus, are currently working on
our research titled: “Marketing Strategies Applied by Micro-Scale Business Establishments in Tibiao”.
An essential part of this undertaking is the validation of our research instrument. Considering
your expertise in test construction and research, we are earnestly requesting your kind assistance in the
validation of the attached questionnaire. Kindly list down any suggestions and/or detected flaws on the
instrument in terms of wording, format, and content. The options to be used in the evaluation of this
instrument are INCLUDE, IMPROVE or EXCLUDE. The items evaluated as Include and Improve will
be included while items evaluated as Exclude will be totally rejected. However, if Improve option is
chosen, kindly indicate your suggestions in the blank provided.
We know you are quite busy but I shall consider it a personal favor for which I shall be very
grateful, if you could spare time and effort for this request.
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Tibiao, Antique
We, the Grade 12 students of Laboratory High School taking ABM (Accountancy Business and
Management) strand at the University of Antique Tario-Lim Memorial Campus, are currently working on
our research titled: “Marketing Strategies Applied by Micro-Scale Business Establishments in Tibiao”.
An essential part of this undertaking is the validation of our research instrument. Considering
your expertise in test construction and research, we are earnestly requesting your kind assistance in the
validation of the attached questionnaire. Kindly list down any suggestions and/or detected flaws on the
instrument in terms of wording, format, and content. The options to be used in the evaluation of this
instrument are INCLUDE, IMPROVE or EXCLUDE. The items evaluated as Include and Improve will
be included while items evaluated as Exclude will be totally rejected. However, if Improve option is
chosen, kindly indicate your suggestions in the blank provided.
We know you are quite busy but I shall consider it a personal favor for which I shall be very
grateful, if you could spare time and effort for this request.
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Appendix C
Research Instrument
Dear Respondents:
We, the Grade 12 ABM students of the University of Antique Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
Laboratory High School, are currently conducting a study titled “Marketing Strategies Applied by Micro-
Scale Business Establishments in Tibiao”. In order to know this marketing strategies, you are chosen to
be part of our research as our respondent. Kindly answer all the items in this questionnaire honestly in
order for this study to be valid and reliable. Rest assured that whatever information you will give will be
kept in strictest confidentiality.
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
3. Changing the product that have unacceptable profit. 1 2 3 4 5
4. Selling the products that has a lower profit margin but fast 1 2 3 4 5
5. Selling the products that has a higher profit margin though 1 2 3 4 5
slow moving.
6. Changing or replacing the “defective” product to a new 1 2 3 4 5
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
16. Compressing multiple products for a lower rate than 1 2 3 4 5
purchasing each items individually.
17. Pricing the product based on the quality or value. 1 2 3 4 5
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
goods or services.
30. Immersing business in direct marketing like house-to- 1 2 3 4 5
house advertisingi.
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Appendix D
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
4. Include Include Include 100% Accept
5. Include Include Include 100% Accept
6 Include Include Include 100% Accept
7. Exclude Include Include 66.67% Revise
8. Exclude Include Exclude 66.67% Reject
9. Include Include Include 100% Accept
10. Include Include Include 100% Accept
11. Include Include Include 100% Revise
12. Exclude Include Include 66.67% Revise
13. Exclude Include Exclude 66.67% Reject
14. Include Include Include 100% Accept
15. Include Include Include 100% Accept
16. Include Include Include 100% Accept
17. Include Include Include 100% Accept
18. Include Include Include 100% Accept
19. Include Include Include 100% Accept
20. Exclude Include Include 66.67% Revise
21. Include Include Include 100% Accept
22. Include Include Include 100% Accept
23. Include Include Include 100% Accept
24. Include Include Include 100% Accept
25. Include Include Include 100% Accept
26. Include Include Include 100% Accept
27. Include Include Include 100% Accept
28. Include Include Include 100% Accept
29. Include Include Include 100% Accept
30. Include Include Include 100% Accept
31. Include Include Include 100% Accept
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Appendix E
Profile of Jury Members
Assistant Professor II
Doctor of Business and Management –Hotel Management
Associate Dean of College of Business and Management
University of Antique
Professor III
Dean of College of Fisheries and Environmental Studies
University of Antique
Certified Public Accountant
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Owner of Chowhut’z Restaurant
Retired Instructor I
University of Antique
Appendix F
Letter to the Principal for the Pilot Testing
December 04, 2019
Principal, Laboratory High School
University of Antique
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
We, the Grade 12 students of Laboratory High School taking ABM (Accountancy, Business and
Management) strand at the University of Antique Tario-Lim Memorial Campus, are currently working on
our research titled: “Marketing Strategies Applied by Micro-Scale Business Establishments in Tibiao”.
Anent to this, we would like to request permission from your good office to allow us to conduct
our research questionnaire in the Municipality of Tibiao, Antique on December 5-7, 2019. Rest assured
that the data gathered will be strictly for research purposes only and will be kept with utmost
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Group Leade
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Research Instructor
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Research Adviser
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
SHS Coordinator, LHS Principal, LHS
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Barangay Captain, Jinalinan
November 21, 2019
Office of the Barangay Captain
Ipil, Barbaza, Antique
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Office of the Barangay Captain
Palma, Barbaza, Antique
Group Leader
Appendix I
Parents Permits and Waiver for the Pilot Testing
Parents Consent
Parents Consent
I, (Name of Parent/Guardian)______________________________________________ allowing my
(son/daughter) _________________________________ enrolled in _________taking the__________program of
the University of Antique Tario-Lim Memomorial Campus Laboratory High School -
__________________________________, to attend and conduct their pilot testing of their research instrument in
Barbaza, Antique on November ____-_____, 2019 as part of their requirement in Research in Daily life 2.
I understand that I will not hold the school liabe for any untoward incident that may occur during the
duration of the said activity.
_____________________ __________________
____________________ WAIVER
Name of Parent/ Guardian Research Adviser Principal, LHS
We are the graduating students of Laboratory High School taking ABM (Accountancy, Business
and Management) strand of the University of Antique Tario-Lim Memorial Campus. We are currently
working on our research titled “Marketing Strategies Applied by Micro-Scale Business Establishments in
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Anent to this, we will be having our pilot testing to be conducted in Barbaza, Antique on
November 22-24, 2019. This pilot testing will help us on our research instrument to evaluate the
feasibility of our instrument and to further improve it.
Undergoing this pilot testing is our free will hence, we will not hold the UA-TLMC for any
outward incident that may happen beyond their control.
Prayerfully wishing that this pilot testing for our research will be safe and successful.
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
We, the Grade 12 students of Laboratory High School taking ABM (Accountancy, Business and
Management) strand at the University of Antique Tario-Lim Memorial Campus, are currently working on
our research titled: “Marketing Strategies Applied by Micro-Scale Business Establishments in Tibiao”.
Anent to this, we would like to request permission from your good office to allow us to conduct
our research questionnaire in the Municipality of Tibiao, Antique on December 5-7, 2019. Rest assured
that the data gathered will be strictly for research purposes only and will be kept with utmost
Group Leader
Appendix K
Letter to the Office of Tibiao’s Municipal Mayor
December 04, 2019
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Dear Mr. Bandoja,
We, the Grade 12 students of Laboratory High School taking ABM (Accountancy, Business and
Management) strand at the University of Antique Tario-Lim Memorial Campus, are currently working on
our research titled: “Marketing Strategies Applied by Micro-Scale Business Establishments in Tibiao”.
Anent to this, we would like to request permission from your good office to allow us to conduct
our research questionnaire in the different business establishment in your municipality, Tibiao, Antique
on December 5-7, 2019. Rest assured that the data gathered will be strictly for research purposes only and
will be kept with utmost confidentiality.
Your generous support in this academic exercises is highly appreciated.
Thank you very much. God bless!
Truly Yours,
Group Leader
Dear Respondent,
Good day!
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
We, the Grade 12 students of Laboratory High School taking ABM (Accountancy Business and
Management) strand at the University of Antique Tario-Lim Memorial Campus, are currently working on
our research titled: “Marketing Strategies Applied by Micro-scale Business Establishments in Tibiao”. At
this time, we are here to pilot test our research instrument for our study.
You, along with the rest of the micro-scale establishments in this municipality, were chosen to
become part of our study as our respondent. We, the researchers are humbly requesting some of your time
to answer the instrument. We hope that you can help us by answering the instrument truthfully. Rest
assured that the data gathered will be strictly for research purposes only and will be kept with utmost
Thank you very much for your cooperation. Your effort and sincerity in answering the research
instrument is highly appreciated.
Group Leader
Municipal Mayor, Tibiao
Appendix M
Letter to the Office of Tibiao’s Barangay Captain to Conduct the Study
December 04, 2019
Office of the Barangay Captain
Poblacion, Tibiao, Antique
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
We, the Grade 12 students of Laboratory High School taking ABM (Accountancy, Business and
Management) strand at the University of Antique Tario-Lim Memorial Campus, are currently working on
our research titled: “Marketing Strategies Applied by Micro-Scale Business Establishments in Tibiao”.
Anent to this, we would like to request permission from your good office to allow us to conduct
our research questionnaire in the different business establishment in your barangay on December 5-7,
2019. Rest assured that the data gathered will be strictly for research purposes only and will be kept with
utmost confidentiality.
Your generous support in this academic exercises is highly appreciated.
Thank you very much. God bless!
Truly Yours,
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Your generous support in this academic exercises is highly appreciated.
Thank you very much. God bless!
Truly Yours,
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Group Leader
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Principal, LHS
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Barangay Captain, Natividad
Group Leader
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
December 04, 2019
Office of the Barangay Captain
Tuno, Tibiao, Antique
Group Leader
Republic of the Philippines Document Code: LHS_SHS –EC-101
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus Effectivity Date: July 1, 2017
Tibiao, Antique Page: 1
E-mail: [email protected]
Parents Consent
ent/Guardian) allowing my
ersity of Antique Tario-Lim Memorial
___ program/ strand of the -
o, Antique on December ____-_____,
We, the graduating students of Laboratory High School taking ABM (Accountancy, Business and
r Management) strand of the University of Antique Tario-Lim Memorial Campus, are currently working on
our research titled “Marketing Strategies Applied by Micro-Scale Business Establishments in Tibiao”.
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Anent to this, we will be conducting our study in Tibiao, Antique on December 5-7, 2019.
Undergoing this activity is our free will; hence, we will not hold the UA-TLMC for any untoward
incident that may happen beyond their control.
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Sending Letters to Mayor’s Office and Barangay Captains during Pilot Testing of the Research
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Sending Letters to Mayor’s Office and Office of Barangay Captains to Conduct the Study
Distribution of Research Questionnaire to the Respondents for the Conduct of the Study
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Data Analysis
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique
Tario-Lim Memorial Campus
College of Teacher Education
Tibiao, Antique