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Connectivity | Vineeta Garg


1. What is MySQL Connector/Python?

MySQL Connector/Python is a standardized database driver provided by MySQL.
It is used to access the MySQL database from Python.

2. What are the five major steps for connecting MySQL and Python?

There are five major steps for connecting MySQL and Python.

• Import MySQL connector

• Open a connection to a database
• Create a cursor object
• Execute a query
• Close the connection

3. How do we create a connection object?

Connection object is created with the help of connect() function. The connect()
function of mysql.connector package is used to establish a connection to MySQL
database. For example:

conn1 = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost', database='test', user='root',


Here, mysql.connector.connect is a MySQL-python library function that creates

the connection and returns a connection object, conn1. It connects to a specific
MySQL database (test in this case) using the given host (localhost in this case),
username (root in this case) and password (tiger in this case).

4. How do we create a cursor object?

The connection object returned by the connect() method is used to create
a cursor object. You can create a cursor object using the cursor() method of the
connection object/class. The cursor object is used to execute statements to perform
database operations. Foe example:

cursor1 = conn1.cursor()

Here, cursor1 is a cursor object created using connection object conn1 using
cursor() method.

Connectivity | Vineeta Garg

5. How do we execute SQL query through Python?

To execute SQL queries through Python, cursor object is used along with execute()
method. For example:

cursor1.execute("select * from emp;")

Here, cursor1 is a cursor object which uses execute method to run the SQL query.
The sql query is given in the form of a string. The output of the SQL query is stored
in the cursor object in the form of a result set.

6. What is the difference between fetchall() and fetchnone() methods?

The fetchall() method fetches all rows of a result set and returns a list of tuples.
The fetchnone() method returns a single record as a list/ tuple and None if no more
rows are available.

7. What is the purpose of rowcount parameter?

It returns the number of rows affected by the last execute method for the same cur

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