An Assessment of The Knowledge and Practices Towards Water Resource Protection A Case Study of Ng'Ombe Residents

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

An Assessment of the Knowledge and Practices

Towards Water Resource Protection: A Case Study of
Ng’ombe Residents
Iza Chimbo Mukwavi
University of Zambia, Lusaka Zambia

Abstract:- The goal of this study was to determine Keywords: Water Resource Protection, Riparian Buffer
whether there was a relationship between knowledge Zone, Knowledge, Practices.
and practices regarding the protection of water
resources among Ng'ombe residents who lived within I. INTRODUCTION
the buffer zone around the Chamba stream. This was
done in order to determine why buffer zone  Background:
encroachment and degradation appear to be common in Many rivers have been adversely affected globally by
Zambia despite the country's laws and policies that anthropogenic activities such as urbanization, agriculture
have been in existence since 1964. The three key and mining & industry. Some of the effects of these
objectives were (1) To establish whether the residents of activities are the weakening of the river beds; sedimentation;
Ng’ombe were aware of the existing laws and policies on compromising of water quality of the resource; shrinking of
water resource protection in Zambia; (2) To determine river areas; channel hardening which has reduced
the relationship between knowledge on IWRM and the groundwater recharge; including the destruction of the river
practices of the Ng’ombe residents within the river ecosystem.
buffer zone. (3)To determine the role the mandated
authorities play in sensitizing local communities on The creation of riparian buffer zones is one of the ways
water resource protection. The data collection was done used in water resource protection. A riparian buffer zone
using random sampling for the collection of quantitative refers to “land that is directly adjacent to water bodies like
data from households living within the Chamba stream lakes, reservoirs, rivers, streams and wetlands” [17]. Buffer
buffer zone in Ng’ombe. The qualitative data was zones are created to act as barriers between human activities
collected from three significant Zambian government and sensitive water resources to curb negative impacts
organizations that are mandated by law to protect the which could be adverse on the resource [9]. Some of the key
Zambian water resources. These were The Water functions of buffer zones include the maintenance of basic
Resource Management Authority (WARMA) The aquatic processes, services and values like flood attenuation
Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) and control of micro climate and temperature of water; they
and the Lusaka City Council (LCC). This research help reduce impacts from upstream activities and adjourning
found that the majority of the Ng'ombe residents who land uses on water resources such as the removal of toxins
lived within the riparian buffer zone of the Chamba and sediment; they also provide habitats for various
Stream had little understanding of the current laws and organisms; and lastly but not the least they provide some
regulations in Zambia, according to this study. In other ancillary benefits to the society such as economic benefits,
instances, it was found that those who had knowledge enhancement of visual quality, improved air quality and
on water resource protection still practiced negatively reduction in the flood risk [9].
impacting activities within the riparian buffer zone.
This was mostly related to the legal interactions on Reference [19] cited a number of issues China had
matters pertaining to the protection of water resources with river management, including the conflict of interest
between the communities and the pertinent authorities. brought on by the fragmentation of the management of
The results of this study also showed that a variety of water resources and water environment, which has resulted
other elements, including behavioral modification, the in ineffective river management and flawed planning
introduction of environmentally friendly alternative systems. The lack of public awareness for participation in
livelihoods, and improved educational levels, are crucial river protection was also listed as one of the problems faced
for assuring the protection of water resources in in river management. “The public plays an important role in
communities. In summary, taking into account the the management of urban rivers because they are the
aforementioned explanations, the findings demonstrated ultimate consumers, governor and the governed of the urban
that there was an inverse link between knowledge and ecological environment”[19]. Additionally, the public if
practices within the Chamba stream buffer zone. engaged can also make up for the drawbacks of the
mandated government institutions and supplement
government‘s efforts as well.

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
According to reports, Kenya's two largest industries— and behaviors, enhanced awareness, and focused extension
agriculture and business—are responsible for over 80% of support.
the country's water body contamination and solid waste
(plastic) pollution[12]. Reference [12] also cited It is crucial to manage water resources for both the
deforestation and poor farming methods as factors in current and future generations since rivers offer ecological
Kenya's degraded water catchment areas. Policies have been advantages to both the environment and the human
implemented at both the national and regional levels to help population. Unfortunately, encroachment on many water
guide the conservation and management of water resources resources caused by harmful human activity has resulted in
in Kenya [13]. One such policy is the Water Resource User severe consequences including pollution and sedimentation,
Association, which manages water at the local level and has among other negative consequences that have contributed to
reduced illegal water abstraction, catchment encroachments, the degradation of water resources.
rehabilitation of catchment areas, and the protection of river
banks [13]. Even though Zambia has had laws and procedures in
place since 1964 to prevent encroachment on water
Deforestation to create arable land and to obtain logs resources, many rivers nevertheless appear to have been
for the production of charcoal are the two major invaded, particularly those in townships. One such stream
anthropogenic activities that have had an impact on that has been negatively impacted by anthropogenic
Zambia's water resources [10]. The Water Resources activities is the Chamba stream in Lusaka, which has been
Management Act no 21 of 2011 (WRM Act) was enacted in subject to infrastructure construction and river bank
2011 replacing the Water Act of 1964 in order to improve cultivation.
the pit falls of the previous Act as highlighted in the water
policy such as the improved institutional and legal This study was created because it appears that there is
framework for water management [10]. not enough information in the study area about whether
these vices are caused by a lack of understanding that
This research is based on the Zambian regulations continues to have an impact on the negative practices of the
prescribed to protect the riparian buffer zones which read as residents who live within river buffer zones. The researcher
follows “(3). A person shall not, on any area of land within also agrees that there may be a connection between the
a distance of fifty meters of a bank of any public stream, widespread incidents of river encroachment and the
cultivate or permit the cultivation of any crops, cut any tree, mandated authorities' failure to adequately regulate the vice
excavate any sand or in any manner conduct any activity by executing the law. With reference to the IWRM
likely to loosen the soil or diminish the quantity of water Principles as well as the current Zambian laws and policies,
flowing in any part of a public stream” [18]. this research will solely analyze the knowledge and
practices of the Ng'ombe locals who live within the Chamba
This entails that no activities should be done within stream buffer zone with regard to the protection of water
50m of any water resource. However, despite the presence resources.
of these laws, there are a lot of public streams that have been
encroached and are being degraded by communities living It is hoped that this research will assist the appropriate
within these areas. authorities in creating strategies to promote stakeholder
engagement, which will lead to better water management
The WRM Act has embedded within its laws the and governance at the local level as a result of an increase in
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) the communities' understanding of why these laws and
principles which are based on 3 principles namely social policies are in place.
equity, economic efficiency and environmental
sustainability [8]. The IWRM principles have been defined  Research Aim:
as “a process which promotes the coordinated development This research aims to determine whether there is a
and management of water and related resources in order to relationship between knowledge and practices regarding
maximize economic and social welfare in an equitable water resource protection among the residents of Ng'ombe
manner without compromising the sustainability of vital living within the Chamba river buffer zone.
ecosystems and the environment” [6].
 Specific Objectives:
Previous research has shown that enhanced knowledge  To establish whether the residents of Ng’ombe are aware
of IWRM coupled with effective implementation of existing of the existing laws and policies on water resource
laws and policies improves the attitudes and practices of protection in Zambia.
communities towards water resource protection [1][13]  To determine the relationship between knowledge on
which is the premise of this research. IWRM and the practices of the Ng’ombe residents
within the river buffer zone.
 Statement of the Problem:  To determine the role the mandated authorities play in
Reference [13] stated in their research that the sensitizing local communities on water resource
development and implementation of policy decisions on protection.
water resource management depend on informed attitudes

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Research Questions:  Study Area:
 How knowledgeable are the residents of Ng’ombe on the The research was carried out on households with
existing laws and policies on water resource protection activities within 50m of the Chamba Stream buffer zone in
in Zambia? Ng’ombe Township. Ng’ombe Township is a high density
 How does knowledge on IWRM principles relate to community located within Lusaka province, Zambia. The
sustainable practices of the residents of Ng’ombe Chamba valley stream lies within the Chongwe river
towards water resource protection? catchment. The stream is a tributary of the Ngwerere River
 How proactive are the existing relevant authorities in the which in turn is a main tributary to the Chongwe River
sensitization and disseminating of knowledge to contributing about 52 % of water [15].
encourage sustainable attitudes and practices towards
water resources amongst communities? The Chamba stream sub catchment is approximately
11.54Km in length and has an area of approximately 87.182
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS Km2 (please see Fig. 1). The Chamba stream originated at
the University of Zambia (UNZA), and it flowed through
 Introduction: the neighborhoods of Marshlands, Chudleigh, Chamba
The research design, the study region, the study Valley, and Ng'ombe in the province of Lusaka. The stream
population, the study sample characteristics, the sampling buffer zone in Ng'ombe Township, as depicted in Fig. 2,
methodologies, and the data collection and analysis methods was the study area's primary emphasis.
that were employed will all be covered in detail in this

 Research Design:
This study employed a mixed-methods strategy that
combined qualitative and quantitative techniques. The
mixed method approach was used in order to triangulate the
information that was collected.

Fig 1 Location of the Chamba Stream

Source: Author

The length of the river within the area of interest is 43.2024", 28° 20' 0.006" East. The Google maps images
approximately 4Km long according to measurements taken showed that the study area was characterized mainly by
from Google earth pro (start point being - 15° 22' 32.6496", houses constructed within the stream buffer zone as well as
28° 19' 39.9936" East and end point being - 15° 20' river bank cultivation (see map Fig. 2).

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Source: Google Earth Pro

Fig 2 Estimation of Sampled Chamba Stream Buffer Zone

 Study Population: A sample size of a minimum of 147 households based on

The study population was calculated using the number the calculation above was interviewed in order to collect
of households within the study area because population quantitative data.
information of only the households within the buffer zone
area was not available at the time of the study. The  Sampling Techniques:
calculation was done remotely using Google earth pro as a Random sampling was used which gave each
proxy measure by measuring distances of households within household within the buffer zone an equal chance of being
50m from the stream using a bearing of 270 degrees. The selected.
households within the estimated buffer zone were then
counted and were approximately 233 households from the  Data Collection Instruments:
Google earth imagery of October, 2021.The study 156 respondents who made up the sample population
population was chosen from households in Ng’ombe that were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire to
were within 50m from the Chamba stream because the gather data for objectives one and two. The questionnaire
study‘s interested in assessing the knowledge and practices primarily focused on the demographic and economic
of the people that are living within the stream buffer zones information as well as the sample population's knowledge
contrary to the laws of Zambia [18]. and practices regarding the protection of water resources.

 Study Sample: Qualitative data was obtained using key informant

The sample size was calculated based on the Slovin interview guides to get information from the Water
formula because little was known about the study population Resources Management Authority (WARMA), the Zambia
(Glen, 2021). The researcher used a confidence level of Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) and the
95% and a marginal error of 0.05. The formula is stated Lusaka City Council (LCC) because of their mandates to
below: protect the environment. One official from each of the 3
institutions was be interviewed. The qualitative data was
n= N/ (1+Ne2) obtained to answer objective three, however, information
Where: n= number if samples; N= total population from the household questionnaires was also used to
(233), E= error tolerance (level) (0.05) supplement the qualitative data obtained.
The sample size was calculated as:
n= 233/1+233(0.05)2  Data Analysis:
= 233/ 1+233(0.0025) The researcher used Statistical Package for Social
= 233/ 1+0.5825 Sciences (SPSS) as well as Microsoft Excel to analyse the
=233/ 1.5825 quantitative data. The qualitative data was analysed using
= 147 households. Microsoft excel.

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Objective one was analyzed using descriptive analysis III. RESULTS
to determine how knowledgeable the sample population was
on existing Zambian laws and policies. The mode was  Introduction:
determined to show the highest result. Tables and graphs The outcomes of data collecting and data analysis are
were generated to show the results. presented in the following sections. To provide the reader a
quick overview of the sample population, the first section
Objective two was analyzed using descriptive analysis. will present the demographics of the sample that was
This was done using contingency tables which showed interviewed. The analysis of data based on the three
different relationships between variables. The analysis was objectives and their associated research questions will come
done in SPSS. after the demographics.

Objective three was analyzed using both thematic and  Demographics:

descriptive analysis. The data collected was put into themes The social and economic characteristics of the sample
and then graphs were used to show the results. The analysis population surveyed in Ng'ombe, Lusaka, are displayed in
was done using Microsoft Excel. Table 1 below. 156 people in all were contacted for
interviews using semi-structured questionnaires.

Table 1 Social and Economic Demographic Information of Sample Size

Variable Count Percent (%)
Sex of respondent
Male 55 35.3
Female 101 64.7
Head of house
Yes 56 35.9
No 100 64.1
Marital Status
Single 47 30.1
Married 94 60.3
Separated 2 1.3
Divorced 2 1.3
Widowed 11 7.1
Age of respondent
11- 23 years 35 22.4
24-29 years 31 19.9
30- 35 years 22 14.1
36- 41 years 18 11.5
42- 47 years 18 11.5
48-53 years 7 4.5
above 54 years 25 16
Level of education
Tertiary 9 5.8
Secondary school 81 51.9
primary school 59 37.8
never been to school 7 4.5
Source of livelihood
Formal 24 15.4
Informal 88 56.4
None 44 28.2
Land lord of the house
Yes 61 39.1
No 95 60.9
# of years lived in Ng’ombe
Less than a year 9 5.8
1 to 5 years 36 23.1
6 to 10 years 24 15.4
above 10 years 87 55.8
Sample population (n)= 156
Source: Author

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Among the 156 individuals interviewed, 65% of the  Research Question 1: How knowledgeable are the
participants were women and 35% were men. Most of the residents of Ng’ombe on the existing laws and policies
participants, as seen in Table 1 above, were between the on water resource protection in Zambia?
ages of 18 and 29. The majority of the people shown in
Table 1 claimed to have completed primary school (37.8%) The data showed that of the total respondents, 74%
and secondary education (51.9%). Informally employed said they had heard of the term ‘river buffer zone’ while
respondents made up 56.4% of the sample, while formally 26% said they had not as shown in Table 2. Table 3 shows
employed respondents made up 15.4% and unemployed that of the 156 sample population interviewed, 13% had
respondents made up 28.2%. good knowledge on the importance of river buffer zone
protection, while 87% of the sample had sparse knowledge
60.9% of the 156 respondents said they rented the on its importance. Most of the respondents mentioned that
homes they lived in, as compared to 39.1% who said they they were supposed to keep the stream clean by not
owned the homes they occupied. throwing in garbage and sewer. However, when asked why
they thought a buffer zone was important, only 13% of the
The majority of those surveyed (55.8%) said they had respondents indicated reasons that protect the buffer zone as
resided in Ng'ombe for more than ten years. shown in Fig. 3. Table 4 shows that 60% of the 115
respondents that said they had heard of a river buffer zone
 Analysis Of Data By Objectives: reported that it was important because it helped prevent
houses from collapsing due to the stream overflowing into
 Specific Objective 1: To establish whether the residents people‘s houses thereby weakening the house structure.
of Ng’ombe are aware of the existing laws and policies Only 4.3%, 1.7% and 6.1% of the 115 respondents gave
on water resource protection in Zambia. reasons that related to the conservation of the environment
which is to prevent the eroding of the river bed, to avoid
household waste from polluting the stream and to allow
water in the stream to flow undisturbed respectively.

Table 2 Responses to Whether Respondents had Heard of a River Buffer Zone

Heard of the term River buffer zone
Count %
Yes 115 74
No 41 26
Total 156 100
Source: Author

Table 3 Percentage Distribution of Respondents who had Knowledge on the Importance of a River Buffer Zone
Have knowledge about importance of river buffer zone protection
Response Frequency %
Yes 20 13
No 136 87
Total 156 100
Source: Author

Source: Author
Fig 3 Percentage Distribution of the Respondents who Understood the Importance of a River Buffer
Zone in Water Resource Protection

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 4 Responses to why a River Buffer Zone is Important
Why do you think a river buffer zone is important
No. Response Count %
1 To allow for space to build bridges 1 0.9
2 To avoid waterborne diseases 4 3.5
3 To avoid household waste from polluting the stream 2 1.7
4 To allow water to flow freely 7 6.1
5 Not sure why it is important 12 10.4
6 To leave space for people to pass 4 3.5
7 To avoid people drowning in the stream 16 13.6
8 To prevent the eroding of the river bed 5 4.3
9 To avoid the collapse of houses due to floods 69 60
Sampled population that indicated knowing what a river buffer zone was (n)=115
Source: Author

Table 5 shows that 62% of the respondents indicated should be, the respondents' responses are depicted in Fig. 4
that they knew what the minimum the distance from either below. Of those who said they knew what the legal
side of a river that is required to be left undisturbed minimum distance was, 42% said it should be less than 50
according to Zambian law while 38% indicated that they did meters, 11% said it should be 50 meters, and 10% said it
not know. When the 62% were asked what they believed the should be more than 50 meters.
legal minimum distance for a river buffer zone in Zambia

Table 5 Percentage Distribution of Respondents who Indicated that they knew the Prescribed Buffer Zone Distance
By Zambian law, do you know the distance from either side of a river that is required to be left undisturbed?
Response Count Percent (%)
Yes 97 62
No 59 38
Total 156 100
Source: Author

Source: Author
Fig 4 Percentage Distribution of Responses to what the Respondents thought the Prescribed Minimum Distance for a Buffer
Zone Was

Table 6 compares the level of education of the education and 5.9% had never been to school. Of the 65
respondents with the responses given on what they thought who had indicated that the prescribed distance is below
the prescribed distance for a buffer zone is according to 50m, the majority which was 50.8% had attained a
Zambian law. The results showed that of the 17 respondents secondary level of education. For the respondents who had
who had indicated that the prescribed distance is 50m, indicated that the prescribed distance is above 50m, the
70.6% had attained a secondary level of education, and majority being 66.7% of the 59 had attained a secondary
11.8% tertiary level of education, 11.8% primary level of level of education.

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 6 If Yes, what is the Distance * Highest Level of Education Cross Tabulation
Highest Level Of Education
Tertiary Education Secondary Level Primary Level Never Been Total
To School

If yes, Below 50m Count 2 33 27 3 65

what is % 3.10% 50.80% 41.50% 4.60% 100.00%
the 50m Count 2 12 2 1 17
distance % 11.80% 70.60% 11.80% 5.90% 100.00%
Above 50m Count 0 10 5 0 15
% 0.00% 66.70% 33.30% 0.00% 100.00%
N/A Count 5 26 25 3 59
% 8.50% 44.10% 42.40% 5.10% 100.00%
Total Count 9 81 59 7 156
% 5.80% 51.90% 37.80% 4.50% 100.00%
Source: Author

Fig. 5 further shows that most of the respondents (69.2%) did not have knowledge on WRM shared with them by anyone or
organisations while 30.8% indicated that they had knowledge on WRM shared with them.

Source: Author
Fig 5 Response to Whether Respondents had Knowledge on WRM Shared with them

Based on the responses above, the majority of the  Principle 1: Freshwater is a finite and vulnerable
respondents who were residents of Ng’ombe were not aware resource, essential to sustain life, development and the
of the existing laws and policies on water resource environment.
protection as only 13% had an idea of the importance of a
buffer zone and 11% had an idea on the prescribed Table 7 below shows which activities in this research
minimum distance of 50m for a river buffer zone according will be considered non-impacting and those that are
to the Zambian law. negatively impacting to the river buffer zone. Based on
Table 1, the researcher found that 39.1% of the respondents
 Specific Objective 2: To determine the relationship interviewed were the land lords of the households they lived
between knowledge on IWRM and the practices of the in and 60.9% were renting households they lived in.
Ng’ombe residents within the river buffer zone. Therefore for the purpose of this research, ‘None’ will refer
to households that have a house within the river buffer zone
 Research Question: How does knowledge on IWRM but do not do any other activity within the buffer zone. It is
principles relate to sustainable practices of the residents assumed that since the majority of the respondents are
of Ng’ombe towards water resource protection? renting, they may not be considered as having had built
within the river buffer zone. For the purpose of this
research, only the items listed under negatively impacting
will be considered as bad practices.

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 7 Impact of Activities on the River Buffer Zone
No. Activity Impact
1 None non- impacting
2 River bank cultivation negatively impacting
3 brick making negatively impacting
4 water used for irrigation non- impacting
5 washing in the stream negatively impacting
6 fish ponds negatively impacting
Source: Author

Table 8 below shows that 48% of the respondents that water from natural water bodies was an infinite
indicated that water in natural water bodies like rivers can resource, 12% were practicing negatively impacting
deplete if not properly managed while 52% reported that it activities. The ratio of the respondents that had knowledge
was an infinite resource. However, despite the 48% on IWRM principle one but still practiced negatively
acknowledging that water in natural water bodies is a finite impacting activities to those that did not have the knowledge
resource, 17% of the respondents were still practicing and practiced negatively impacting activities was 0.4 to 0.2.
negatively impacting practices. Of the 52% that indicated

Table 8 Cross Tabulation Showing the Responses to Whether Respondents Considered Water from Natural Water Bodies as Finite
Resources Against the Practices
Do you consider water from natural bodies like rivers as a resource that can be depleted? * What type of activities are done
within the river buffer zone other than infrastructure development Cross tabulation
What type of activities are done within the river buffer zone other than
infrastructure development
Water used Washing
River bank Bri-ck for in the Fish
None cultivation making irrigation stream ponds Total
Do you Count 48 15 0 0 11 1 75
consider % of Total 31 10 0 0 7 1 48
water from Count 63 11 1 1 5 0 81
natural % of Total 40 7 1 1 3 0 52
bodies like
rivers as a no
that can be
Count 111 26 1 1 16 1 156
% of Total 71 17 1 1 10 1 100
Source: Author

 Principle 2: Water development and management the management should be done by all stakeholders while
should be based on a participatory approach, involving 16% indicated that it should be done by the government and
users, planners and policy-makers at all levels. the community and 15% that it should be done by the
government only. The results showed that the majority of
Table 9 shows that the majority of respondents (61%) the respondents were aware that the community needed to
thought there was no participatory approach in managing the take part in management of the stream and 13% said it
Chamba stream. 44% of the respondents who were the should be managed by all stakeholders. The respondents did
majority indicated that they thought the management of the not seem to have an understanding of what a participatory
stream should be done by the community because they are approach was in managing water resources.
the ones close to the stream. 13% of the respondents thought

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 9 Cross tabulation showing who they respondents thought should manage water against whether there is a participatory
approach in managing the steam
Who do you think should manage water?
The The Water All of People GOVT GOVT GOVT and
Governme communi users the who and and water NGOs
nt (GOVT) ty above leave commu users
near the nity
Is there a Yes Count 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
participato % of Total 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
ry No Count 23 61 12 20 2 25 3 2
approach % of Total 15 39 8 13 1 16 2 1
the stream
Total Count 23 68 12 20 2 25 3 2
% of Total 15 44 8 13 1 16 2 1
Source: Author

 Principle 3: Women play a central part in the provision, Some of the reasons that were given are that women
management and safeguarding of water. were reported to pollute the stream more than men by
throwing in garbage and washing in the stream. In addition,
Table 10 shows that the majority (94.9%) of the those who said they did clean the stream indicated that they
respondents indicated that they thought women could play cleaned the portions near their homes which proved futile as
an important role in managing water resources in Zambia unknown people still dumped garbage during the night
while 5.1% indicated that they did not think women could which discourages them. Those who thought women could
play a role in managing water. Of the respondents that not play a role gave reasons that it was a man‘s job and the
indicated that they thought women could play a role, only job of the government.
13.5% indicated that they actually played a role and 81.4%
indicated that women did not play a role in the community.

Table 10 Do Women Play a Role in Managing Water Resources * Do you think Women can Play an Important Role in Managing
Water Resources in Zambia Cross Tabulation
Do you think women can play an important role
in managing water resources in Zambia
Yes No Total
Do women play a role in managing Yes Count 21 0 21
water resources % of Total 13.5% .0% 13.5%
No Count 127 8 135
% of Total 81.4% 5.1% 86.5%
Total Count 148 8 156
% of Total 94.9% 5.1% 100.0%
Source: Author

 Principle 4: Water has an economic value in all its between IWRM principle 4 and the practice at the time
competing uses and should be recognized as an because there was no practice or requirement of paying for
economic good. water in the stream at the time.

Table 11 shows that 79% of the respondents agreed Despite having knowledge on the integrated water
that they could pay for water in the streams in order to resource principles, the residents of Ng’ombe did not
ensure it was managed well while 21% said they would not practice them. The results have shown that irrespective of
pay for it. Using the water in the stream at the time of the knowledge or lack of knowledge on the respective IWRM
research was free to the public to use at no cost. Mainly principles, the respondents still involved themselves in
because the stream is in a deteriorated state and most of the practices that were against the principle except for principle
respondents indicated that it was too dirty to be used. four which could not be analysed against any practice.
Therefore the researcher could not ascertain the relationship

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 11 Percentage Distribution of Response to Whether the Respondents Thought Water Should be Paid
for in Order to Manage it Better
Do you think water from natural resources should be paid for in order to help manage it properly
Response Count Percent
Yes 124 79
No 32 21
Total 156 100
Source: Author

 Objective 3: To determine the role the mandated Additionally, a Memorandum of Understanding

authorities play in sensitizing local communities on (MOU) had been established between WARMA and LCC in
water resource protection. order to ensure that communities are deterred from building
within the river buffer zones.
 Research Question: How proactive are the existing
relevant authorities in the sensitization and Furthermore, The LCC reported that their organization
disseminating of knowledge to encourage sustainable provided garbage collection services to the communities at a
attitudes and practices towards water resources amongst monthly fee of 75 Zambian Kwacha (ZMW) per household
communities? to deter them from disposing garbage into the stream. This
was affirmed by the respondents who indicated that people
The researcher had separate key informant interviews who were seen throwing garbage in the stream were
with officials from the WARMA, LCC and ZEMA. In reported to the police and fined.
contrast to LCC, ZEMA and WARMA were not extremely
active in the research area. However, according to both However, despite this effort by the council, people still
WARMA and ZEMA, the main initiatives carried out in threw garbage into the stream during the night when they
local areas to safeguard water bodies included penalizing could not be seen easily. Despite the reported efforts made
offenders, raising awareness among the public via radio, and by the authorities questioned, they acknowledged that they
conducting compliance checks to ensure that the legislation face a variety of difficulties, as shown in Fig. 7. According
is adhered to. ZEMA also indicated that they integrated to all three authorities, ineffective enforcement, poor
their laws into the Zambian School curriculum. coordination between the various parties, and political
involvement were the main obstacles to ensuring the
protection of water resources in communities. Inadequate
sensitization caused by a lack of radio frequency in rural
areas was also reported as a constraint.

Source: Author
Fig 6 Activities Reportedly Done by the Agencies Responsible for Water Resource Management

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Source: Author
Fig 7 Challenges Reportedly Faced by the Responsible Agencies in Charge of Water Resource Management

The quotes below show some of the responses from the representatives from the three organisations on the major constraints
they face in protection of riparian buffer zones.

Table 12 below shows that 55% of the respondents indicated that they knew who was responsible for the management of water
resources in Zambia while 45% said they did not know who was responsible.

Table 12 Percentage Distribution Showing Responses to who is Responsible for WRM in Zambia.
Do you know who is responsible for ensuring the management of water resources in Zambia
Response Count Percent
yes 86 55
no 70 45
Total 156 100
Source: Author

Table 13 indicates that the majority of the respondents who indicated that they knew who was responsible for WRM reported
that it was the LCC followed by the Lusaka Water and Sewerage company (LWSC) shown in Table 14.

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 13 Response to who is Responsible for WRM in Zambia
If yes, Please state who is responsible for the management of water resources in Zambia
Count Percent
The Lusaka City Council 43 28
The Department of Water Affairs 3 2
ZEMA 1 1
other (specify) 37 24
N/A 70 45
Total 156 100
Sample population=156
Source: Author

Table 14 Response to other Specify on the Agencies Responsible for WRM

Specify other responsible agency/ person
Count Percent
Community chairperson 7 4
Food and fisheries 2 1
LWSC 21 13
Ministry of Health 5 3
N/A 119 76
Police 1 1
Water and fisheries 1 1
Total 156 100
Source: Author

IV. DISCUSSION level of education. Furthermore, some of the respondents

who knew about the prescribed distance of 50m indicated
 Introduction: that they were educated on water resource protection
This section will interpret and discuss the results through television, the Ministry of Health (MOH), The
presented in the previous chapter. The discussion will be LWSC, CARE International and the Ng’ombe Development
done in sub sections by objective. community project.

 Objective 1: To establish whether the residents of The results show that there are low awareness levels on
Ng’ombe were aware of the existing laws and policies water resource protection, as the majority of the respondents
on water resource protection in Zambia. indicated that they had not had anyone share with them any
knowledge on the topic.
This research indicated that the majority of the
respondents who were residents of Ng’ombe were not aware This was in line with findings from the research done
of the existing laws and policies on water resource by [7] whose study showed that there was a lack of
protection as very few of them had an idea of the awareness on environmental protection of buffer zones
importance of a buffer zone and on the prescribed minimum which resulted into the degradation of the water quality and
distance of 50m for a river buffer zone according to the quantity of water resources in Zambia. Most of the
Zambian law. respondents who indicated that they knew the importance of
a river buffer zone reported that it was necessary in order to
Some of the respondents who reported that the prevent their houses from flooding and collapsing, very few
prescribed minimum distance of a river should be 50m, of the respondents gave examples that directly related to
based their response by comparing it to that of the distance water resource protection. Most of the research done in the
prescribed as a buffer during road and railway lines Chongwe River catchment had shown that the leading cause
construction while others gave a good guess. The of degradation of the catchment had been as a result of
knowledge on the prescribed distance was compared to the anthropogenic activities [2], [11], [16]. References [7] [2]
level of education attained by the respondents, the results have attributed the prevalence in the vice to the lack of
reviewed that the majority of the respondents who knew the environmental management awareness of the communities.
prescribed distance had attained secondary level of A study by [1]) showed that environmental education can
education. However, some of the respondents who knew the enhance the behavioral intention of the public to willingly
prescribed distance of 50m indicated that they had never participate in water management as well as positively
been to school yet they were able to give a correct answer. change their attitudes and perceptions about water quality
Similarly, most of the respondents who did not know the and its management.
prescribed distance of 50m had also attained a secondary

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
This research suggests that there is need for deliberate zone. Most of the respondents indicated that they were in
efforts to ensure that the public is senstised on water informal employment thus may have depended on making a
resource protection through various media. Reference [14] living from the activities indicated. Others used the stream
showed that an increase in the level of education would for washing because they had no money to pay for the
influence the level of environmental education, this was also alternative source of water provided by the LWSC at a cost.
alluded to by [13]. However, the level of education alone
cannot guarantee that the public will have knowledge on  Principle 2: Water development and management
water resource protection. The low awareness on water should be based on a participatory approach, involving
resource protection if not addressed could lead to more users, planners and policy-makers at all levels.
degradation to the water resources Zambia owns and thereby
reduce the resource base which will affect the livelihood of The research showed that the majority of respondents
many adversely. were aware that they are supposed to manage the stream
since it is in their community but they did not indicate that a
 Objective 2: To determine the relationship between participatory approach should be employed. The major
knowledge on IWRM and the practices of the Ng’ombe responses indicated that there was no participatory approach
residents within the river buffer zone. that was being undertaken in the community towards the
protection of the Chamba stream. Given that most
This section will be further sub divided into the respondents did not know which organization was in charge
analysis done for the four IWRM principles respectively. of protecting water resources, as shown by the results in
The discussion will be based on if the respondents had Tables 13 and 14, it is possible that the relevant authorities
knowledge on the IWRM principles and if they practiced the are not doing as much to inform the community about water
knowledge, if any. resource protection. The one’s that said they knew which
organization was responsible indicated that it was the LCC
 Principle 1: Freshwater is a finite and vulnerable seconded by the LWSC. Most of the respondents pointed
resource, essential to sustain life, development and the out that they did not know where to go to report matters on
environment. water resources.

The results showed that the majority of the respondents “The public plays an important role in the
indicated that water resources like rivers were infinite management of urban rivers because they are the ultimate
resources whether managed or not. Some of the reasons that consumers, governor and the governed of the urban
were given as to why the Chamba Stream was considered to ecological environment” [19]. Therefore it is important to
be a stream that could not deplete were that streams are engage the grassroots for effective management. WARMA
created by God; because the source being the UNZA Goma has a provision to create Water User Associations (WUAs)
lakes does not deplete; because its replenished by the rains; in its current Act of parliament. However, these have mostly
because it’s been in existence for years thus they have never been created in farming blocks or where agriculture is done.
seen it dry and because of the continuous flow of water from It would be imperative to create these associations in
people‘s homes and sewer into the stream. These responses communities living along township streams and rivers like
indicate that there is little knowledge and understanding on Chamba Stream also even if the livelihood is not
water resource protection with regards to IWRM principle predominately agriculture because they are tributaries to
one which would definitely affect the practices of the major rivers that if not taken care of can affect the quantity
community towards natural water sources. and quality of water in the major rivers. This is an approach
that has been employed in Kenya which has resulted in the
Additionally, the research showed that some of the reduction of the degradation to river catchments and
respondents who had knowledge on IWRM principle one, increased their protection as well as the rehabilitation of the
were still practicing negatively impacting activities within buffer zones [13].
the buffer zone. The ratio showed that the practice of
negatively impacting activities by the knowledgeable This research suggests that the lack of both knowledge
respondents to those who were not so knowledgeable on the on principle two and the proactivity by the relevant
principle was 2 to 1. This basically shows that irrespective authorities responsible for water resource protection in
of the knowledge on IWRM principle one, respondents working with the community could have led to the lack of a
would still practice negatively impacting activates. This participatory approach in the protection of the Chamba
could be as a result of lack of an alternative source of Stream.
income. The research by [14] attributed poverty as the
leading cause of environmental degradation while [7] found  Principle 3: Women play a central part in the provision,
that the lack of alternative livelihoods were also reported to management and safeguarding of water.
cause the degradation of buffer zones. The results affirm the
findings of [14] and [7] in that some of the negative The research showed that the majority of the
activities reported were river bank cultivation, brick making respondents thought that women could play a role in
and fish ponds which provided a livelihood for some of the managing water resources because they were the ones that
respondents which were negative impacting to the buffer used water the most to do house chores and were the ones

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
mostly home when men go out for work. Others said that more than just raising community awareness through
women were also responsible for instilling morals in environmental education. Aspects of behavioral change,
children so that they take care of their environment. provision of environmentally sustainable alternative
However, despite this knowledge, the research showed that livelihoods, and enforcement by the appropriate authorities
the leading polluters of the Chamba Stream were purported are imperative in WRM in communities.
to be the women. This was because they washed in the
streams and threw garbage in the streams from their  Objective 3: To determine the role the mandated
households. Some women interviewed indicated that they authorities play in sensitizing local communities on
did not have enough money to pay for water provided by the water resource protection.
LWSC and perhaps also for garbage collection provided by
the LCC though this was not mentioned. Another reason The research showed that the authorities interviewed
could be the attitude and lack of knowledge of these vices were working towards being proactive in their mandates to
and there effects on the environment as well as their health. engage the communities living in river buffer zones but
Reference [1] further indicated that the participation of the perhaps their efforts have not been sufficient. This research
public in water management platforms depended on the suggests that they need to coordinate more with other
public‘s perception and attitude towards water resources relevant stakeholders who have similar mandates and
protection. This implies that it is necessary to look at the engage the communities more so that the communities are
behavioral change of a community in addition to providing able to understand their mandates and role to ensure an
environmental education. Some of the female respondents IWRM approach is achieved.
indicated that they used the water to clean their homes and
also for cooking despite the water not being potable. This In addition, there would be need to increase the
also points to the lack of alternative solutions and perhaps enforcement of the laws that surround WRM in the
poverty as attributed by [7]. communities because as the results have shown, despite
having knowledge, the respondents still engaged in negative
This research suggests that despite the majority of the practices. References [7] and [1] support the results
respondents having knowledge on principle three of the suggested by indicating that the lack of law enforcement
IWRM, most of the women were not actually involved in may also contribute to the continued degradation of water
the management of water resources in the community and resources.
were the one ‘s reported to be contributing the most to the
poor quality of the water in the stream. This research has shown that majority of the
respondents did not know WARMA and ZEMA as
 Principle 4: Water has an economic value in all its institutions responsible for WRM. Most of the respondents
competing uses and should be recognized as an indicated that the LCC was responsible for WRM as most of
economic good. them mentioned that the LCC provides garbage collection
services and prohibited people from throwing garbage into
Most of the respondents indicated that if they had to the stream who also fine culprits who are seen throwing in
pay for the water in the stream to be clean, they would do garbage in the stream. It is hoped that since a MOU was
that because it is within their community and its imperative signed between WARMA and LCC, more engagement will
that it is clean so that it can provide water for those that are be done with the communities to ensure that enforcement is
unable to pay for water provided by the LWSC; to prevent improved.
water borne diseases and to help those who depend on it for
irrigation of cash crops. However, this principle could not be ZEMA had indicated that they had incorporated the
analyzed against any practice because the water in the aspect of environmental management into the Zambian
stream was a public good that could be consumed for free school curriculum, however despite most of the respondents
and did not seem potable for human consumption. having attained a secondary and primary school level of
education, they had very little knowledge on the topic of
 Conclusion on objective 2: WRM. Perhaps ZEMA may consider revisiting the
This research suggests that that irrespective of curriculum to ensure it adequately addresses the
knowledge or lack of knowledge on the IWRM principles environmental knowledge imparted in the pupils in primary
one and three, communities would still involve themselves and secondary school.
in practices that were against the principles by undertaking
activities that would negatively affect the river buffer zone. Some recommendations that were made by the
IWRM principle two showed that the relevant mandated representatives of the authorities interviewed in order to
authorities are necessary to ensure that communities are improve the enforcement of the relevant authorities are that
aware of their existence and their mandates so that they can the approval of activities should be decentralized so that
work with communities who are on the ground. Principle 4 decisions are made at a local level as opposed to from the
could not be analysed against any practice because the headquarters who are not on the ground.
stream was a public good that did not require anyone to pay
for it to in order to use the water in it. This suggests that
increasing actions for protecting water resources involves

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
It was suggested that the traditional leadership‘s  Recommendations:
influence on informal set ups should be controlled as they
tend to allocate areas of land in places designated for other  Include Households that are not within the Buffer Zone
uses and there is usually no proper plan in place. of the Chamba Stream:
For further research, one may consider including even
Lastly, the allocation of plots in protected areas should the households that were not within the river buffer zone to
be curtailed so as to curb the degradation of river buffer determine if they had built away from the buffer zone due to
zones. knowledge on water resource protection or it was due to
coincidence. Other factors such as level of education;
V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS livelihoods and attitudes can be included in the research to
determine which major factor affects the degradation of
 Conclusion: buffer zones the most.
The overall aim of this research was to assess whether
there was a relationship between knowledge and practices  Determine the Effectiveness of the Aspect of
towards water resource protection amongst the residents of Environmental Management in the Zambian
Ng’ombe living within the Chamba river buffer zone. This Curriculum:
was done in order to establish why riparian buffer zone Future researchers may consider determining the
encroachment and degradation seem to be prevalent in spite effectiveness of the aspect of environmental management in
of existing laws and policies in Zambia. the Zambian curriculum particularly the water resource
aspect. The researcher may consider checking the level of
This research found that, there was sparse knowledge understanding of both the teachers and the pupils on the
on the existing Zambian laws and policies amongst the topic.
Ng’ombe residents living within the river buffer zone of the
Chamba Stream. Most respondents did not know what a  Determine the Efficiency of the Current Water user
river buffer zone was and for those that did, most were of Associations (WUAS):
the view that the prescribed distance was below 50m. The Future researchers may consider conducting a study to
low level of knowledge in WRM was mainly attributed to determine the effectiveness of the current water user
the low interaction between the community and the relevant association in improving WRM in Zambia. This can be done
authorities responsible for water resource protection in by comparing how the compliance levels regarding the
Zambia. WRM Act have improved after its implementation as well
as if the degradation to the buffer zone has also improved.
This research also suggested that knowledge alone
may not be sufficient to improve water resource protection  Incorporating all Relevant Stakeholders in the IWRM
in order to protect riparian buffer zones. This is because in Plan:
some instances, despite some respondents having An the integrated water resource management plan
knowledge on the IWRM principles, the practice of the should also include working with not only the organisations
residents was negative. Therefore in most instances there whose core purpose is to manage the environment but also
was an inverse relationship between the knowledge and the organisations that look at the social and economic aspect of
practices. a community. Most importantly the communities should
understand why they are being required to protect buffer
This research further established that there are many zones and the relevant authorities should enforce the law in
other factors involved in ensuring water resource protection order for the protection to be effective.
in communities such as behavioral change of the
communities, ensuring the communities are empowered REFERENCES
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