The Essentials of Traditional and 21st Century Literacies

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The Essentials of Traditional

and 21st Century Literacies

Changing Definition of Literacy
• Literacy is denoted to be the ability to read and write print
• Rintaningrum (2009) highlighted that the concept of literacy
and illiteracy differs from one context to another.


Linking the Traditional Literacies and
Literacies in the 21st Century

“do you think this means traditional

literacies are no longer in demand
and has to be replaced by the new
Of course no!
New Literacies
Writing Reading

Traditional Literacies 21st Century Literacies

-Reading -Global and Multicultural

-Writing Literacy
-Arithmetic -Social Literacy
-Argument -Media Literacy
-Authority and Dogma -Digital/Cyber Literacy
-Mono-Cultural Cannon -Financial Literacy
-Mono-Cultural Knowledge -Eco-literacy
-Art and Creativity Literacy
21st Century Literacies
1. Globalization and Multicultural Literacy
2. Social/Emotional Literacies
3. Media Literacy
4. Financial Literacy
5. Cyberliteracy/Digital Literacy (ICT knowledge)
6. Eco-literacy
7. The Arts and Creativity
Globalization and Multicultural Literacy
• You and your students need to develop a culture of
respect for cultural diversity. There is value in having a
perspective as a global citizen whose local actions can
have an impact on the wider global arena.
Social/Emotional Literacies
• You and your students need to acquire social skills that
are attuned to the norms of your current society.
Emotional intelligence must also be developed to be
able to effectively manage the stresses of a fast-paced
21st century society.
Media Literacy
• Teachers and students are expected to be
knowledgeable and skilled in the area of
communications particularly the media
Financial Literacy
• Teachers and students are expected to be
knowledgeable about the basics of economics and
financial management.
Cyberliteracy/Digital Literacy
(ICT knowledge)
• This competency is based on the reality that
societies and workplaces have now become more
information-driven. Workplaces of the 21st
century rely heavily on electronic (digital) forms
of data storage and management as well as in the
area of communications.
• This entails acquiring knowledge about climate
change, pollution, loss of natural habitats and
biodiversity as well as the impacts of
environmental problems on human lives
The Arts and Creativity
• This literacy can be manifested in creative ways
of problem-solving and expressed through the
production of various art works.
1. Learning to know
- Learning to Know involves the acquisition and development of
knowledge and skills that are needed to function in the world.
2. Learning to live together
- Learning to Live Together involves the development of social skills
and values such as respect and concern for others, social and
interpersonal skills and an appreciation of the diversity among
3. Learning to do
- Learning to Do involves the acquisition of skills that would enable
individuals to effectively participate in the global economy and
4. Learning to be
- Learning to Be involves activities that promote holistic personal
development (body, mind and spirit), for an all-round ‘complete
Thank you for listening.
God bless you always! ^_^

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