RPG Consent Checklist TF
RPG Consent Checklist TF
RPG Consent Checklist TF
This is a supplemental consent checklist that provides greater precision for its particular subject matter and does not cov-
er all bases by itself. It is intended to be used in conjunction with other consent tools.
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GM Name:______________________________________ Player Name (optional):___________________________
Planned Game Theme:_____________________________________________________________________________
If this game were a movie, its movie rating would be: PG-13 R NC-17 Other:_____________________
Mark the option which best matches your comfort level as a player with each subject matter, story element, or theme.
Green = Completely fine with this.
Blue = I’m fine with this in the game, just not for my character(s).
Yellow = Okay if it is offstage or veiled; more would require discussion ahead of time; or uncertain.
Red = No, hard limit.
Focus Inanimate, Limited Senses.................................
Veiled........................................................................ Inanimate, Unconscious......................................
Explicit..................................................................... Painless Transformation......................................
Gratuitous............................................................... Uncomfortable Transformation..........................
Context Pleasurable Transformation................................
Combat Buff (e.g. Werewolf or Ultraman)........ Painful Transformation........................................
Combat Debuff (e.g. Shrink Ray)........................ Body Horror............................................................
Utility (e.g. Bird Shape or Disguise).................. Mental Changes Corresponding to Physical...
Share Body (e.g. Agent Smith, Fusion).............
Changes in Capability
Same................................................................. Would you like the GM to follow up with you about any of
Reduced........................................................... these, and if so, which?
Little or None..................................................
Little or None..................................................
Copyright 2021 Malachite Idol. Permission Granted to Reproduce For Personal Use.