Eponymous Fracture

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Eponymous Fracture

Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Hill Sachs Posterior lateral Anterior shoulder Axillary nerve Recurrent

impaction fracture aspect of humeral dislocation Musculocutaneous dislocation will
head nerve need surgery
Barkart lesion
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Bankart fracture Soft tissue Bankart Anterior dislocation Axillary nerve MRI
- Anterior or Musculocutaneous Surgical repair
anteoinferior nerve
glanoid labrum Hill Sachs fracture
Bony Bankart - Joint instability
chip fracture
anterior inferior
glenoid rim
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Disruption of Lateral traction Orthopedics: ORIF and urgent

scapulothoracic injury to shoulder scapular fracture, exploration
Scapulothoracic articulation girdle Clavicle fracture
dissociation Edge of scapula AC disruption
displaced >1cm Sternoclavicular
from spinous dislocation
fracture compared Flail extremity
to other side Vascular:
Significant trauma Subclavian artery
to heart, chest wall Axillary artery
and lungs Neurology:
Brachial plexus
More common
than vascular
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Holstein-Lewis Spiral fracture of Blunt trauma Radial nerve palsy Extensive neuro
fracture distal ⅓ of assessment
humerus Refer ortho -
Fragment conservative vs
displaced such surgical (still
that the proximal debating)
aspect is deviated
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Galeazzi fracture Fracture of middle Outstretch Widening of DRUJ ORIF with plating
dislocation to distal ⅓ of pronated hand Child - separation and screw fixation
radius of distal ulnar
Disruption of epiphysis without
DRUJ disruption of DRUJ
Sometimes radial
nerve injury, ulnar
nerve injury
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Nightstick fracture Isolated ulnar Direct blow with in Delayed union Non displaced -
fracture defense position Non union cast and
Displaced - ORIF
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Monteggia fracture Fracture of Direct blow to Chronic ORIF

dislocation proximal ulnar ulnar radiocapitellar
Dislocation of FOOSH instability
proximal radioulnar Non/malunion of
or radiocapitellar ulnar
joint Radial nerve: PIN
injury (pure motor)
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Hume fracture Olecranon fracture Fall and arm A variant of Undisplaced -

with associated trapped under the Monteggia CMR of radial
anterior dislocation body, result in Occurs in children head
of radial head hyperextension of Anterior dislocation Displaced - ORIF
elbow and of radial head and CMR
pronation of
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Essex-Lopresti Comminuted Axial force on DRUJ instability, ORIF

fracture dislocation fracture of radial forearm and similar to Galeazzi Replacement of
head elbow- FOOSH radial head might
Dislocation of be required
Disruption of
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Greenstick fracture One side bone Bending fall after In young children Conversative
broken, the other fall Usually in
side only bent mid-diaphyseal
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Torus fracture Incomplete Trabecular Usually in children Conversative, self

fracture of long compression due Usually at distal limiting
bones to axial load along radial metaphysis CMR if angulation
characterized by bon axis and casting
bulging of cortex
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Moore’s fracture Distal radius FOOSH Associated with Open reduction

fracture with ulnar Colles fracture and plating
dislocation and
entrapment of
styloid process
under annular
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Colles fracture Extra-articular Forward FOOSH Radial shortening CMR and splinting
transverse fracture Dorsal angulation
of distal radius with Ulnar variance
displacement of
distal radial
Dinner fork
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Smith fracture Transverse Fall in a flexed Ulnar styloid Usually non

fracture of distal wrist fracture surgical
radius with volar Subluxation or If complicated with
displacement dislocation of severe
and/or angulation DRUJ communition,
of distal fracture surgical
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Barton fracture Oblique fracture Forward FOOSH OA ORIF, especially

that extended to Malunion reverse Barton
articular surface of Instability
distal radius
Dislocation of
radiocarpal joint
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Chauffeur fracture Fracture of radial Forced ulnar Scapholunate Percutaneous

styloid process deviation of wrist dissociation screw fixation
due to causing avulsion of Transscaphoid
compression of radial styloid perilunate
scaphoid bone dislocation
against distal Ulnar styloid
radius fracture
Scaphoid fracture
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Bennett fracture Oblique Axial load along Malunion If significant step

intrarticular MCP with partially Post traumatic off >2mm, ORIF
fracture of base of flexed thumb arthritis with percutaneous
first MCP, Decreased ROM pinning
volar-ulnar aspect
of MCP base from
remaining distal
metacarpal shaft
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Rolando fracture Intraarticular Axial load along Malunion Surgical

fracture at the MCP with partially Post traumatic
base of first MCP flexed thumb arthritis
3 major fragment - Decreased ROM
MCP shaft, volar
fragment, dorsal
fragment, creating
T or Y shaped
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Boxer fracture Transverse Punching solid Tear of Ulnar block

fracture of neck of object metacarpophalang Ulnar gutter but
5th MCP eal joint, relatively unstable
subluxation of K-wire
extensor tendon
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Perilunate Capitate not sitting Fall on a Rupture of Open reduction

dislocation within distal dorsiflexed wrist radioscaphocapitat and ligament
articular cup of e, scapholunate, repair
lunate interosseous,
Line draw through lunotriquetral
radius and lunate interosseous
fails to intersect ligament
capilunate angle
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Lunate dislocation Increased FOOSH Rupture of Open reduction

radiolunate space radioscaphocapitat and ligament
“Piece of pie” sign e, scapholunate, repair
(AP view) interosseous,
Spilled cup lunotriquetral
appearance interosseous
(lateral view) ligament
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Gamekeeper’s Insufficiency of the Repetitive injury of Avulsion/rupture of Can consider

thumb ulnar collateral ulnar collateral UCL surgical repair
Skier thumb ligament (UCL) of ligament
the MCP joint of the (hyperextension of
thumb thumb due to ski
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Scapho-lunate Complete tear of Sudden impact Dorsal intercalated Acute, undisplaced

dissociation dorsal component force on hand and segmental - conversative and
of scapholunate wrist instability pain management
ligament Casting is
Terry Thomas sign insufficient
Surgical repair of
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Scaphoid fracture Scaphoid fracture FOOSH AVN Undisplaced -

Scaphoid fat pad Scapholunate thumb spica
sign dissociation Unstable -
Pain at anatomical percutaneous
snuffbox screw fixation
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Triquetrum fracture 3 patterns: FOOSH in ulnar Perilunate Mostly

Dorsal avulsion deviation dissociation conversative
fracture Radial-ulnar Symptomatic chip
Triquetral body fractures fracture need to
fracture remove
Volar avulsion

Pooping duck sign-

dorsal cortical
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Jefferson fracture Burst fracture of Axial compression Isolated C1 Hard collar

C1 of C1 fracture unlikely to Unstable - surgery
Displacement of Diving head first have neuro deficit
lateral mass away Hyperextension Higher risk if
from odontoid associated with C2
dens Vertebral artery
Usually combined injury
anterior and C2 nerve palsy
posterior arch
Unstable if
ligament disrupted
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Hangman fracture Bilateral fracture of C-spine 30% have C-collar

posterior arch of hyperextension concomitant immobilization
C2 with vertical c-spine fracture Halo immobilizer
Disruption of compression of Surgical
C2-C3 junction posterior column immobilizer if
Posterior displaced
ligament may be
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Clay-shoveller’s Fracture of Avulsion fracture Lamina fracture Rest and pain

fracture spinous process, by supraspinous Facet dislocation control
usually C7 ligament of
Stable spinous process
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Chance Compression Flexion-distraction Intrabdo injuries Stable, no neuro -

fracture/Seatbelt fracture of anterior type injuries of (50%) conversative
fracture portion of spine that extend If unstable,
thoraco-lumbar the 3 columns posterior +/-
spine anterior fusion
Empty vertebral
body sign - vertical
separation of the
posterior elements
displacing spinous
processes or
spinous process
fracture fragments
of vertebral body
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Burst fracture A type of High energy axial Compression of Bracing and

compression load, much like spinal cord surgical
fracture Jefferson fracture Long bone decompressio
Disruption of fractures
vertebral body Chest and intrabdo
cortex with injuries
retropulsion into
spinal canal
Lost of vertebral
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Wedge Fracture of anterior Hyperextension Usually stable Usually rest and

fracture/compressi aspect of vertebral from axial load pain management
on fracture body - single
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

SCIWORA X-ray can be MVA/fall Usually in MRI

normal pediatrics (<8y/o) Spine
Diagnosis of due to elasticity of immobilization
exclusion spine
Pseudosublaxation Central cord
- anterior syndrome
displacement up to Disk prolapse
4mm Transverse atlantal
ligament injury
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Duverney fracture Isolated iliac wing Direct blow to ilium Bowel entrapment Conversative if not
fracture Tissue degloving displaced
Internal iliac artery If displaced,
injury surgery
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Malgaigne fracture Involved 2 Vertical shear Diastatsis of pubic Surgery

ipsilateral pelvic energy vector symphysis
rings fracture Lumbosacral
Most common - plexus injury
Ipsilateral superior
and inferior pubic
rami fracture and
iliosacral joint
ral wing
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

Straddle Both pubic rami Vertical shearing Genitourinary Surgery

fracture/four pillar fracture bilaterally, injury, up to 40%
fracture causing butterfly
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment
Name Damage Mechanism Associated injuries Treatment

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