Nursing Role and Nursing Care During Pregnancy Complications
Nursing Role and Nursing Care During Pregnancy Complications
Nursing Role and Nursing Care During Pregnancy Complications
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7. Inevitable Abor- Vacuum curettage or dilation & curettage (D&C)
tion (Miscar-
11. Cerclage Suturing of the cervix closed until patient is ready to give
birth to term baby
When the patient goes into labor, the suture is removed
for vaginal delivery
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15. Classic Signs Missed menstrual period
of Ectopic Preg- Positive pregnancy test
nancy Abdominal *pain*
Vaginal spotting
16. Other Assess- History of missed periods & symptoms of early pregnan-
ment Findings cy
of Ectopic Preg- Abdominal *pain*, may be localized to one side
nancy Rigid, tender abdomen, sometimes abnormal pelvic
Bleeding, if severe may lead to shock
Low hemoglobin & hematocrit, rising WBC
HCG titers usually lower than in intrauterine pregnancy
18. Methotrexate Folic acid antagonist that interferes with the proliferation
of trophoblastic cells
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Gestational Tro- Absence of fetal heart sounds in the presence of other
phoblastic Dis- signs of pregnancy is a classic sign
ease (Hydatidi- A uterus that is larger than expected for gestational age
form Mole or High levels of HCG with excessive nausea & vomiting
Molar Pregnan- (also seen in twins)
cy) Assessment Dark red to brownish vaginal bleeding (common signs)
Findings after 12th weeks (resembles prune juice)
Anemia often accompanies bleeding
Symptoms of preeclampsia before usual time of onset
No palpation of normal fetal parts
Ultrasound shows no fetal skeleton
23. Second There are few unique causes of bleeding in the second
Trimester trimester
25. Preterm Labor Labor that occurs before the end of the 37th week of
Cause is frequently unknown
26. Preterm La- Minimize or stop smoking (a major factor of preterm labor
bor Prevention & birth)
(Causes) Minimize or stop substance abuse/chemical dependency
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Early & consistent prenatal care
Appropriate weight gain
Minimize psychological stressors
Learn to recognize signs & symptoms of preterm labor
27. Medical Manage- Unless labor is irreversible, or a condition exists which the
ment of Preterm mother or fetus would be jeopardized by the continuing
Labor of the pregnancy, or the membranes have ruptured, the
usual medical intervention is to attempt to arrest the pre-
mature labor
30. Magnesium Sul- Stops uterine contractions with fewer side effects than
fate beta-adrenergic drugs & interferes with muscle contrac-
Magnesium sulfate acts upon the myoneural junction,
diminishing neuromuscular transmission
It promotes maternal vasodilation, better tissue perfusion
& have anticonvulsant effect
33. Magnesium Sul- Monitor patients respirations, blood pressure & reflexes
fate Nursing Re- as well as I&O, flushing & other signs and symptoms of
sponsibilities magnesium sulfate toxicity
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35. Magnesium Toxi- Monitor respiratory rate *(<12 breaths/minute)* & hourly
city urine output *(<30 mL/hr)*
39. nifedipine Action Relax smooth muscles including the uterus by blocking
calcium entry
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Only beta-adrenergic approved by the FDA for tocolysis
but it is infrequently used because of side effects & mini-
mal increase in length of pregnancy
47. terbutaline Not approved by the FDA for tocolysis but is more widely
(Brethine) used
58. Neonatal Bartter The condition is caused by a defect in the kidney's ability
Syndrome to reabsorb sodium
In most cases, Neonatal Bartter syndrome is seen be-
tween 24 & 30 weeks of gestation with excess amniotic
60. Rupture of Mem- Loss of amniotic fluid, prior to term, unconnected with
branes labor
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Dangers of Rup- Prolapsed cord
ture of Mem- Infection
branes Potential need for premature delivery
65. Ferning Wiping fluid on slide to see if "ferns" appear when dried
67. Placenta Previa Low implantation of the placenta so that it overlays some
or all of the internal cervical OS
Amount of cervical OS involved classifies placental previa
as marginal, partial or complete
68. Placenta Previa Cause is uncertain but uterine factors may be involved
Etiology (scaring)
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69. Placenta Pre- *Bright red* vaginal bleeding after 7th month is cardinal
via Assessment indicator
Findings Bleeding may be intermitten, in gushes or continuous
Uterus remains soft
Fetal heart rate usually stable unless maternal shock
No vaginal exam by nurse
Diagnosed by sonography
71. Abruptio Placen- Separation of placenta from part or all of the normal
ta implantation site, usually accompanied by *pain*
Usually occurs after 20th week of pregnancy
Seen frequently in women with hypertension, previous
abruptio placentae, late pregnancies & multigravidas but
cause essentially unknown
85. Nursing Inter- Promote bed rest as long as signs of edema or proteinuria
ventions for Mild are minimal, preferably side-lying
Preeclampsia Provide well balanced diet with adequate protein &
roughage, no sodium restrictions
Explain need for close follow up weekly or twice weekly
visits to physician
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Epigastric or right quadrant pain
Growth restriction, reduced amniotic fluid & fluid volume
94. Clonus With a normal response, the foot returns to its normal
position of plantar flexion
Clonus is present if the foot "jerks" or "taps" against the
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examiner's hand
Record the number of taps or beats of clonus, if none than
indicate: no clonus
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Chronic Hy-
pertension Treat-
102. aldomet (Methyl- Most often recommended for chronic hypertension after
dopa) lifestyle changes
105. Gestational Hy- Transient elevation of blood pressure occurs for the first
pertension time after mid pregnancy without proteinuria or other
signs of preeclampsia
If preeclampsia does not develop & blood pressure re-
turns to normal by 12 weeks post partum
If blood pressure elevation persists after 12 weeks post
partum, the women is diagnosed with chronic hyperten-
107. Gestational Di- Onset during pregnancy & reversal after termination of
abetes Mellitus pregnancy
Onset & Reversal
108. Gestational Di- Increased risk of adult onset diabetes later in life
abetes Mellitus
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109. Significance of Interaction of estrogen, progesterone & cortisol raise ma-
Diabetes in Preg- ternal resistance to insulin
nancy If the pancreas cannot respond by producing additional
insulin, excess glucose moves across the placenta to
fetus where fetal insulin metabolizes it & acts as growth
hormone, promoting macrosomia
Maternal insulin needs to be carefully monitored during
pregnancy to avoid widely fluctuating levels of blood glu-
Dose may drop during first trimester then rise during
second & third trimesters
Higher incidence of fetal anomalies & maternal hypo-
111. Gestational Di- Teach patient the effects & interactions of diabetes &
abetes Mellitus pregnancy & signs of hyper & hypoglycemia
Nursing Inter- Teach patient how to control diabetes in pregnancy
ventions Monitor fetal status throughout pregnancy & usually will
be referred to endocrinologist
Assess status of mother & baby frequently
Monitor carefully fluids, calories, glucose & insulin during
labor & delivery
May start on insulin drip during labor & delivery
Continue careful observation in post delivery period
High risk for hypoglycemia for newborn
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Devastating to the fetus causing abortions, malformations
& even fetal death
113. Infections Nurs- Instruct the pregnant woman in signs & symptoms that
ing Interventions indicate infections
Caution women to avoid obviously infected persons &
other sources of infections
May affect delivery options
115. Succenturiate One or more accessory lobes of fetal villi will develop on
Placenta the placenta
118. Circumvallate A double fold of chorion & amnion form a ring around the
Placenta umbilical cord, on the fetal side of the placenta
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Circumvallate Intrauterine growth restriction
Placenta Fetal Prematurity and/or fetal death
121. Battledore Pla- The umbilical cord is inserted at or near the placental
centa margin
122. Battledore Pla- Increased incidence of preterm labor & bleeding compli-
centa Maternal cations
124. Velamentous In- The vessels of the umbilical cord divide some distance
sertion of the from the placenta in the placental membranes
Umbilical Cord
131. Erythroblasto- The antibodies from the mom cross the placenta & attach
sisi Fetaslis to fetal red blood cells & destroy them
133. Rh Sensitization All pregnant women should be tested for blood group,
Assessment Rh factor & antibody screening, a history of previous
miscarriage, blood transfusions or infants experiencing
jaundice should be noted
135. Kleihauer-Betke Test to see if there has been any maternal & fetal blood
Test mixing
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misoprostol (Cy- Intravaginal tablets for 2nd & 3rd trimester fetal demises
totec) & for termination of 2nd & 3rd trimester pregnancies
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