Estimating Tool
Estimating Tool
Estimating Tool
Deconstruction coupled with aggressive construction and demolition materials recycling are producing cost-savings for pro
$75.00 per ton-deconstruction combined with aggressive material recycling may provide a clear economic advantage over
deconstruction with material processing becomes a better economic option than traditional demolition and disposal will b
cost of disposal, transportation costs, and whether the value (revenue or an avoided cost) produced by deconstruction can
recycling. The Building Material Reuse and Recycling Estimating Tool (Estimating Tool) provides a means for tribes and ru
potential cost or benefit for a single site or multiple sites targeted for deconstruction.
The Building Material Reuse and Recycling Estimating Tool (Estimating Tool) is designed to be used in conjunction with th
Tribes and Rural Communities developed by EPA’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR). The checklist prov
The Estimating Tool is used to guide tribes and rural communities through a five-step process to determine the potential c
traditional building demolition and material disposal:
The Estimating Tool can be used to determine the cost or benefit of deconstruction and material recovery for up to five bu
building, the cost or benefits is automatically calculated. If the estimated deconstruction and material recovery costs are e
recovery, the benefit or cost saving is displayed. If the deconstruction and material recovery costs are greater than the es
is displayed. The summary of cost or benefit per building and for all buildings will automatically be displayed in tabular for
For step by step instructions on how to use the Estimating Tool, please see the Instructions Tab. For assistance converting
material quantities, costs and benefits, please see Appendix A (see Building Material Quantity, Cost, Revenue or Value Calc
by weight for common building materials). For deconstruction project examples, please see Appendix C. For general inform
Building Material Reuse and Recycling Estimating Tool, please email Karen Peycke, EPA Region 6 at:
otection Agency
d Land Revitalization
ucing cost-savings for projects across the U.S. Anywhere that disposal fees start to exceed
conomic advantage over traditional demolition and disposal. The threshold at which
lition and disposal will be largely determined by: the value of the recovered materials, the
ed by deconstruction can offset the added labor costs for material recovery for reuse and
means for tribes and rural communities to evaluate these costs factors and determine the
d in conjunction with the Checklist for Assessing the Feasibility of Building Deconstruction for
BLR). The checklist provides the means to collect the information to enter in the Estimating
etermine the potential cost or benefit of building deconstruction and material recovery vs.
ecovery for up to five buildings. After entering the information for steps 1-4 for each
erial recovery costs are equal to or less than the cost without deconstruction and material
are greater than the estimated cost without deconstruction and material recovery, the cost
e displayed in tabular format and graphed under the Summary Tab.
or assistance converting units of measure for the building materials to tons and aggregating
t, Revenue or Value Calculation Worksheet) and Appendix B (see standard conversion factors
dix C. For general information about the
[email protected]
United States
Environmental Protection Agenc
Office of Brownfields and Land Revitaliz
Step# Field
Categorization of building materials derived fr
materials (see Checklist for Assessing the F
Communities, Step 2 - Building Inventory C
be reused or recycled or should be disposed,
Building Materials
Note: the Reuse category pertains to building
and/or building materials recovered for use on
Field will be automatically populated based on
Est. Total Building Deconstruction Project Cost (Est. Deconstruction Project
building assessed. The total estimated decon
Cost – Est. Total Material Value)
Field will be automatically populated based on
Estimated Total Cost without Building Deconstruction and Material Recovery material recovery per building assessed. The
will be calculated for all buildings assessed.
Field will be automatically populated if estimat
Estimated Benefit or Cost Savings (If estimated Deconstruction cost is equal without building deconstruction and material r
to or less than disposal cost) all buildings assessed.
Field will be automatically calculated if the dec
Estimated Benefit or Cost Savings (If estimated Deconstruction cost is building deconstruction and material recovery
greater than disposal cost) buildings assessed.
rotection Agency
and Land Revitalization
in the Estimating Cost Benefit (Building) worksheets, it is important to ensure that the Excel file
cally calculate the data. To do so, go to the Formulas Tab and select Calculation Options. In the
appears, ensure that Automatic is selected. In Excel 2007, this is found by clicking the Microsoft
licking the Excel Options button. Select the Formulas category and verify that the "Automatic"
ted under the Calculation Options: Workbook Calculation section.
timating Tool, the various units of measure for the building materials (e.g., board feet, cubic feet,
unds) must be converted to tons; and the estimated quantities (tons) aggregated for recovery
) and disposal. (See Appendix B for a table of standard conversion factors by weight for common
Users can also contact local reuse and recycling vendors to determine appropriate quantity
nd units to use in calculations. The associated costs (e.g., labor, disposal/transportation,
use and recycling markets and disposal facilities, traditional demolition) and potential benefits
ided costs) must be carefully estimated and aggregated. Users should contact waste
ments or vendors to determine appropriate quantity conversion factors and units to use in
tions. Reuse and recycling vendors should be able to provide assistance with determining the
eusable materials* (e.g., material reuse stores such as Habitat ReStores), and value of recyclable
etals as well as any fees and other specific conditions for accepting reuse or recyclable materials.
ppropriate calculations in the Checklist for assistance with estimating the total above-mentioned
egated the total material quantities, costs and benefits, please see the Building Material
nue or Value Calculation Worksheet provided in Appendix A.
rule of thumb is that used material values are 25-50% of the price of new materials. However,
e estimations of value, it is recommended that you contact used building materials wholesale or
ain value estimates. Regarding donation values, any in-kind donation (that is, anything other
at $500 or greater requires the donor or the donor’s professional tax preparer, to
lding materials derived from information recorded during the visual field inventory of the building
klist for Assessing the Feasibility of Building Deconstruction for Tribes and Rural
2 - Building Inventory Checklist): For example, condition and whether building material could
d or should be disposed, (e.g., MSW, C&D, or hazardous landfill).
egory pertains to building materials recovered for sale through used building materials markets
rials recovered for use onsite or local construction projects.
imated quantity for recoverable building materials (reuse and recycling) and non-recoverable
sposal) in tons. The total estimated building materials in tons will be automatically calculated
y (tons) entered for recoverable building materials and non-recoverable building materials.
imated unskilled and skilled labor cost for deconstruction (uninstall materials), onsite sorting,
building materials for reuse and recycling (e.g., cleaning, denailing, bundling)
or hours is derived from the following equation provided in the Checklist for Assessing the
ng Deconstruction for Tribes and Rural Communities, Step 3 – Economic Assessment
imated disposal and transportation cost for non-reusable or non-recyclable materials. Total
SW, C&D, industrial and/or hazardous waste disposal cost.
disposal and transportation cost is derived from the following equations (self-haul or commercial
Checklist for Assessing the Feasibility of Building Deconstruction for Tribes and Rural
3 – Economic Assessment Checklist:
ost = (travel time to disposal) X (Labor rate and/or cost to operate hauling vehicle per hour) + (tip
) X (number of tons or cubic yards)
sposal Cost = Disposal Cost = (number of tons or cubic yards) X (tip fee) + (number of loads) X
ost of transporting reused or recycled building materials to markets is derived from one or more of
ns provided in the Checklist for Assessing the Feasibility of Building Deconstruction for
ommunities, Step 3 – Economic Assessment Checklist:
essor or end user. Transportation Cost = (cost to operate hauling vehicle by distance or travel
fee per ton) X (number of tons) + (other costs e.g. labor, loading and unloading deconstruction
a processor or end user. Transportation Cost = (hauling charge per ton) + (other costs e.g. labor,
g deconstruction materials)
to processor or end user. Transportation Cost = (cost to operate hauling vehicle by distance or
sor or end user ) + (other costs e.g. labor, loading and unloading deconstruction materials)
matically calculated based on the information entered for 1) total estimated unskilled and skilled
truction, 2) total estimated disposal and transportation cost, and 3) total estimated cost
or recycled building materials to markets.
imated resale value for reusable buildings materials. Estimated total value includes resale of used
reuse of materials onsite or local construction projects.
imated donation value of materials.
aste management departments in your area to determine who will accept recyclable materials from
project and compare rate/tipping fees.
matically calculated based on the information entered for 1) Est. Material Reuse Resale Value, 2)
Donation Value, and 3) Est. Material Recycling Value.
imated cost of disposal and transportation for the estimated quantity of recoverable building
entered for “Est. Quantity (Tons)” for recoverable materials in the following equations provided in
sessing the Feasibility of Building Deconstruction for Tribes and Rural Communities, Step
ssment Checklist to estimate avoided disposal and transportation costs with building
materials recovery:
ost = (travel time to disposal) X (Labor rate and/or cost to operate hauling vehicle
y volume or ton) X (number of tons or cubic yards)
sposal Cost = Disposal Cost = (number of tons or cubic yards) X (tip fee) + (number of loads) X
matically populated based on the value provided for Est. Material Disposal and Transportation
matically populated based on the information entered for Est. Avoided Material Disposal and
with Deconstruction (equal to the cost for disposal of recoverable materials).
imated labor cost for demolition. This estimate can be obtained from a demolition contactor or by
building department.
ed in the Checklist for Assessing the Feasibility of Building Deconstruction for Tribes and
, Step 3 – Economic Assessment Checklist may be used to calculate labor cost if an estimate
nskilled labors can be ascertained.
matically calculated. The estimated total cost without building deconstruction = Est.
ion Cost with Building Deconstruction + Est. Avoided Material Disposal + Transportation Cost +
Labor Cost
matically calculated based on the Est. Deconstruction Project Cost - Est. Total Material Value.
matically populated based on value calculated for the Est. Total Cost without Building
tomatically calculated if the deconstruction project is equal to or less than the estimated
ng deconstruction and material recovery.
tomatically calculated if the deconstruction project is equal to or less than the estimated
ng deconstruction and material recovery.
tomatically calculated if the deconstruction project is greater than the estimated cost
construction and material recovery.
tomatically calculated if the deconstruction project is greater than the estimated cost
construction and material recovery.
ically populated based on the calculated estimated total building deconstruction project cost per
he total estimated deconstruction project cost will be calculated for all buildings assessed.
ically populated based on the calculated estimated total cost without building deconstruction and
r building assessed. The total estimated cost with building deconstruction and material recovery
all buildings assessed.
ically populated if estimated deconstruction cost is equal to or less than total estimated cost
onstruction and material recovery. The total estimated benefit or cost savings will be calculated for
ically calculated if the deconstruction project cost is greater than the estimated cost without
on and material recovery per building assessed. The total estimated costs will be calculated for all
United States
Environmental Protection Agen
Office of Brownfields and Land Revitali
Date (dd/mm/yy):
Estimate Prepared by:
APN, tax acct #, or lot #:
Building/Property Owner:
Physical Address:
Step 3: Estimated Avoided Disposal and Transportation Costs with Building Deconstruction ( Estimated Cos
Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Transportation Cost with Deconstruction (equal to the
cost for disposal of recoverable materials)
Step 4: Estimated Potential Total Cost without Building Deconstruction (Disposal + Transportation + Labor C
Est. Disposal/Transportation Cost with Building Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Est. Total Demolition Labor Cost
Deconstruction Transportation Cost
$0.00 $0.00
or Benefit: Building A
Date (dd/mm/yy):
Estimate Prepared by:
APN, tax acct #, or lot #:
Building/Property Owner:
Physical Address:
Step 3: Estimated Avoided Disposal and Transportation Costs with Building Deconstruction ( Estimated Cos
Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Transportation Cost with Deconstruction (equal to the
cost for disposal of recoverable materials)
Step 4: Estimated Potential Total Cost without Building Deconstruction (Disposal + Transportation + Labor C
Est. Disposal/Transportation Cost with Building Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Est. Total Demolition Labor Cost
Deconstruction Transportation Cost
$0.00 $0.00
or Benefit: Building B
Date (dd/mm/yy):
Estimate Prepared by:
APN, tax acct #, or lot #:
Building/Property Owner:
Physical Address:
Step 3: Estimated Avoided Disposal and Transportation Costs with Building Deconstruction ( Estimated Cos
Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Transportation Cost with Deconstruction (equal to the
cost for disposal of recoverable materials)
Step 4: Estimated Potential Total Cost without Building Deconstruction (Disposal + Transportation + Labor C
Est. Disposal/Transportation Cost with Building Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Est. Total Demolition Labor Cost
Deconstruction Transportation Cost
$0.00 $0.00
or Benefit: Building C
Date (dd/mm/yy):
Estimate Prepared by:
APN, tax acct #, or lot #:
Building/Property Owner:
Physical Address:
Step 3: Estimated Avoided Disposal and Transportation Costs with Building Deconstruction ( Estimated Cos
Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Transportation Cost with Deconstruction (equal to the
cost for disposal of recoverable materials)
Step 4: Estimated Potential Total Cost without Building Deconstruction (Disposal + Transportation + Labor C
Est. Disposal/Transportation Cost with Building Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Est. Total Demolition Labor Cost
Deconstruction Transportation Cost
$0.00 $0.00
or Benefit: Building D
Date (dd/mm/yy):
Estimate Prepared by:
APN, tax acct #, or lot #:
Building/Property Owner:
Physical Address:
Step 3: Estimated Avoided Disposal and Transportation Costs with Building Deconstruction ( Estimated Cos
Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Transportation Cost with Deconstruction (equal to the
cost for disposal of recoverable materials)
Step 4: Estimated Potential Total Cost without Building Deconstruction (Disposal + Transportation + Labor C
Est. Disposal/Transportation Cost with Building Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Est. Total Demolition Labor Cost
Deconstruction Transportation Cost
$0 $0
$0 $0 $0
ted States
l Protection Agency
ds and Land Revitalization
or Benefit: Building E
$0 $0 $0
Building A $0
Building B $0
Building C $0
Building D $0
Building E $0
All Buildings $0
Building A Building B Building C
Est. Total Building Deconstruction Project Cost (Est. Deconstruction Project Cost - Est T
Estimated Benefit or Cost Savings (If estimated Deconstruction cost is equal to or less t
Building A Building B Building C
Est. Total Building Deconstruction Project Cost (Est. Deconstruction Project Cost - Est T
Estimated Benefit or Cost Savings (If estimated Deconstruction cost is equal to or less t
United States
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
lding Deconstruction Project Cost (Est. Deconstruction Project Cost - Est Total Material Value) Estimated Total Cost without Building Deconstruction
nefit or Cost Savings (If estimated Deconstruction cost is equal to or less than disposal cost)
Building B Building C Building D Building E
lding Deconstruction Project Cost (Est. Deconstruction Project Cost - Est Total Material Value) Estimated Total Cost without Building Deconstruction
nefit or Cost Savings (If estimated Deconstruction cost is equal to or less than disposal cost)
ut Building Deconstruction
ding E All Buildings
ut Building Deconstruction
Area or Est.
Item No. Material Dimensions Units
Component Quantity
United States
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization
tion Worksheet
$0.00 TOTALS
board feet
cubic feet
cubic yard
linear feet
United Sta
Environmental Prote
Office of Brownfields and
Standard Conversion Fa
Recovered Materials
Range/oven - countertop
Washing Machine or Dryer
Water heater - 30 gallon
Water heater - 40 gallon
Window air-conditioner
Range Hood
Microwave oven
Mechanical, Plumbing, Electric Fixtures
1x 6 trim
Base cabinet
Wall cabinet
Vanity with sink
Railing with balusters
§ Asphalt shingles
§ Tin roof
§ Copper roof
§ Metal rook
§ Wood shakes
§ built-up roof w/ gravel
§ 4-ply felt with gravel
§ Cement roof tile
§ Clay tile
§ Clay tile with mortar bed
§ 1x6 fascia board, rake
§ Metal gutters
[1] Resource Management Group, Inc.
# = pounds
l.f. = linear feet
s.f. = square feet
b.f. = board feet = 12"x12"x1"
v.l.f. = vertical linear feet
c.f. = cubic feet = 12"x12"x12" = 144 cubic inches
C.Y. = cubic yards = 3'x3'x3' = 27 c.f.
CMU = concrete masonry unit = 8"x8"x16"
demo = demolition
labor hrs/unit = hand labor
In-Place and Salvage Mass = actual mass
Recycle/Waste Mass = broken mass in container
Example calculation:
1,000 square feet of acoustic ceiling tile (ACT) at 1 pound (#) per square foot is 1,000 S.F. x 1 #/S.F. = 1,000 #s x 1 ton per 2,000 #s = 0.5 tons
Assume 90% of the ACT is recoverable, 0.5 tons x 0.9 = 0.45 tons recoverable
Assume 10% of the ACT is not recoverable, 0.5 tons x 0.10 = 0.05 tons disposal
United States
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization
Inventory Deconstruction
Unit Unit #/each
ea 0.5 ea 30
ea 0.5 ea 40
ea 0.5 ea 60
ea 0.5 ea 30
ea 0.6 ea 50
s.f. 0.04 s.f.
ea 0.25 ea 1
ea 0.4 ea 80
ea 0.4 ea 45
ea 0.25 ea 30
ea 0.75 ea 80
ea 0.5 ea 20
ea 0.5 ea 50
ea 0.5 ea 20
ea 0.3 ea 200
ea 0.3 ea 100
ea 0.3 ea 100
ea 0.3 ea 100
ea 0.5 ea 50
ea 0.5 ea 75
ea 0.5 ea 50
ea 0.6 ea 25
ea 0.3 ea 50
ea 0.3 ea 90
ea 0.25 ea 15
ea 0.25 ea 25
ea 0.25 ea 5
ea 0.25 ea 15
ea 0.2 ea 5
ea 0.55 ea 20
ea 0.55 ea 10
ea 0.55 ea 40
ea 0.55 ea 300
ea 0.55 ea 75
ea 0.75 ea 80
ea 0.75 ea 75
California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB)
Tellus Institute
Glass, plastic, paper, and
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
Office Furniture
California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB)
C&D -
1 #/S.F. = 1,000 #s x 1 ton per 2,000 #s = 0.5 tons Glass, plastic, paper, and cardboard –
Organics –
Metals -
Tellus Institute -
Office Furniture
#/C.Y. C.Y./#
350 0.0029
350 0.0029
350 0.0029
500 0.002
500 0.002
500 0.002
500 0.002
350 0.0029
500 0.002
900 0.0011
500 0.002
300 0.0033
300 0.0033
300 0.0033
600 0.0017
600 0.0017
600 0.0017
600 0.0017
600 0.0017
600 0.0017
500 0.002
750 0.0013
500 0.002
600 0.0017
800 0.0013
800 0.0013
800 0.0013
800 0.0013
800 0.0013
800 0.0013
900 0.0011
500 0.002
1500 0.0007
900 0.0011
135 0.0074
135 0.0074
323 0.0031
350 0.0029
350 0.0029
350 0.0029
350 0.0029
350 0.0029
425 0.0024
1000 0.001
1000 0.001
1000 0.001
250 0.004
2000 0.0005
2000 0.0005
1500 0.0007
1500 0.0007
1500 0.0007
300 0.0033
900 0.0011
United States
Environmental Protection Agen
Office of Brownfields and Land Revitali
Step 3: Estimated Avoided Disposal and Transportation Costs with Building Deconstruction ( Estimated Cos
Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Transportation Cost with Deconstruction (equal to the
cost for disposal of recoverable materials)7
Step 4: Estimated Potential Total Cost without Building Deconstruction (Disposal + Transportation + Labor C
Est. Disposal/Transportation Cost with Building Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Est. Total Demolition Labor Cost
Deconstruction Transportation Cost
$1,376.00 $4,014.00 $5,000.00
Labor rate based on a total of 725 hours including 434 hours for building disassembly and 291 hours for material processing, and 181.25 (25%) skilled labor hours @ $15 per hour and 543
Disposal cost based on a tipping fee of $25.00 X 24 tons/transportation cost based on self-haul option ($300 per day to rent/operate truck for a total of 2 days + 16 u
Assumes 40.8 tons or 40% of the 102 tons of recovered materials were self transported to reuse or recylcing markets within a 50 mile ranage ($300 dollars per day
Value based on 3000 board feet of lumber recovered @ $0.60 per board feet for reuse in local construction projects
Donation value based on appraised value of total materials to be salvaged (lumber, cabinets, plumbing and electrical fixtures, doors, windows, etc.). Assuming a com
Recycled value based on 4,700 pounds of steel @ $7.00 per 100 pounds
Disposal cost based on a tipping fee of $25.00 X 102 tons + transportation cost based on self-haul option ($300 per day to rent/operate truck for a total of 3 days + 2
ted States
l Protection Agency
ds and Land Revitalization
Example Building
se deconstruction projects with a typical “smash and dash” demolition and estimates the benefit or cost savings at
quare-foot house, composition roofing, masonary exterior walls, drywall, raised foundation, single-pane wood
or other metals. This example assumes a 80 percent material recovery rate. The numbers shown in this example
e of construction and materials used, the condition of the materials, market value for recoverable materials, landfill
other factors.
killed labor hours @ $15 per hour and 543.75 (75%) unskilled labor @ $11.00 per hour.
rate truck for a total of 2 days + 16 unskilled labor hours@$11.00 per hour).
0 mile ranage ($300 dollars per day to rent/operate truck for three days + 48 unskilled labor hours @11.00 per hour). Assumes 61.2 tons or 60% of the 102 tons of recovered materials wer
ors, windows, etc.). Assuming a combined federal and state tax bracket of 35% and an approximate appraisal-estimate average of $7,000 the after-tax cash value is $35,000.
operate truck for a total of 3 days + 24 unskilled labor hours@$11.00 per hour).
he 102 tons of recovered materials were reused onsite or in local construction projects.
Step 3: Estimated Avoided Disposal and Transportation Costs with Building Deconstruction ( Estimated Cos
Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Transportation Cost with Deconstruction (equal to the
cost for disposal of recoverable materials)*****
Step 4: Estimated Potential Total Cost without Building Deconstruction (Disposal + Transportation + Labor C
Est. Disposal/Transportation Cost with Building Est. Avoided Material Disposal and Est. Total Demolition Labor Cost
Deconstruction Transportation Cost
$2,943.00 $2,319.00 $5,000.00
$13,314.00 $10,262.00
*Labor rate based on a total of 725 hours including 291 hours for building disassembly and 434 hours for material processing, and 181.25 (25%) skilled labor hours @ $15 per hour and 543
**Disposal cost based on a C&D tipping fee of $15.00 X 49 tons + a hazardous materials tipping fee of $40.00 x 20 tons/transportation cost based on self-haul option (
***Assumes 57 tons or 45% of the 102 tons of recovered materials were self transported to recylcing markets within a 100 mile ranage ($350 dollars per day to rent/o
****Recycled value based on 4,700 pounds of steel @ $7.00 per 100 pounds
*****Disposal cost based on a C&D tipping fee of $15.00 X 57 tons/transportation cost based on self-haul option ($300 per day to rent/operate truck for a total of 3 da
ted States
l Protection Agency
ds and Land Revitalization
se deconstruction projects with a typical “smash and dash” demolition and estimates the cost of deconstruction at
The composite assumes a 2,000 square-foot house, composition roofing, masonary exterior walls, drywall, raised
ve hardwood floors, and steel or other metals. A 80 percent material recovery rate was expected, but only a 45
or condition of the recoverable materials (e.g., water damage, asbestos, lead-based paint, etc.). The example also
ecycled. The numbers shown in this example will vary depending upon the location, age, style, the type of
erials, market value for recoverable materials, landfill rates, labor rates, environmental and permit factors, and other
$3,052.00 23%
killed labor hours @ $15 per hour and 543.75 (75%) unskilled labor @ $11.00 per hour.
tation cost based on self-haul option ($300 per day to rent/operate truck for a total of 3 days + 24 unskilled labor hours@$11.00 per hour).
anage ($350 dollars per day to rent/operate truck for three days + 48 unskilled labor hours @11.00 per hour).
rent/operate truck for a total of 3 days + 24 unskilled labor hours@$11.00 per hour).