Logix 5000 Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions: Reference Manual

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Logix 5000 Advanced

Process Control and Drives

1756 ControlLogix, 1756 GuardLogix, 1769 CompactLogix,
1769 Compact GuardLogix, 1789 SoftLogix, 5069
CompactLogix, Emulate 5570

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Supersedes Publication 1756-RM006L-EN-P - September 2020

Reference Manual Original Instructions

Logix 5000 Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions

Important User Information

Read this document and the documents listed in the additional resources section about installation, configuration, and
operation of this equipment before you install, configure, operate, or maintain this product. Users are required to familiarize
themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to requirements of all applicable codes, laws, and standards.
Activities including installation, adjustments, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance are required to
be carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance with applicable code of practice.
If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be
In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use
or application of this equipment.
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and
requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for
actual use based on the examples and diagrams.
No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software
described in this manual.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is
Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.
WARNING: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment, which may lead to personal injury
or death, property damage, or economic loss.

ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss. Attentions
help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard, and recognize the consequence.

IMPORTANT Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.

Labels may also be on or inside the equipment to provide specific precautions.

SHOCK HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that dangerous voltage may be present.

BURN HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that surfaces may reach dangerous temperatures.

ARC FLASH HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a motor control center, to alert people to potential Arc Flash. Arc Flash will cause
severe injury or death. Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Follow ALL Regulatory requirements for safe work practices and for Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE).

Rockwell Automation recognizes that some of the terms that are currently used in our industry and in this
publication are not in alignment with the movement toward inclusive language in technology. We are
proactively collaborating with industry peers to find alternatives to such terms and making changes to our
products and content. Please excuse the use of such terms in our content while we implement these changes.

2 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Summary of changes
This manual includes new and updated information. Use these reference
tables to locate changed information.

Global changes
None for this release.

New or enhanced features

Subject Reason
Process Analog Input on page 251 Moved the private member HMI_BusObjIndex from the
Private Input Members table to the Private Output
Members table.
Process Dual Sensor Analog Input (PAID) on page Moved the private member HMI_BusObjIndex from the
278 Private Input Members table to the Private Output
Members table.
Process Multi Sensor Analog Input (PAIM) on page Moved the private member HMI_BusObjIndex from the
293 Private Input Members table to the Private Output
Members table.
Process Analog Output on page 314 Moved the private member HMI_BusObjIndex from the
Private Input Members table to the Private Output
Members table.
Process Deadband Controller (PDBC) on page 379 • Moved the private member HMI_BusObjIndex from the
Private Input Members table to the Private Output
Members table.
• Added the CmdSrc member to the Private Input
Members table.
Process Discrete Input (PDI) on page 396 Moved the private member HMI_BusObjIndex from the
Private Input Members table to the Private Output
Members table.
Process Discrete Output (PDO) on page 412 • Moved the private member HMI_BusObjIndex from the
Private Input Members table to the Private Output
Members table.
• Added the CmdSrc member to the Private Input
Members table.
• Updated the Instruction Logic diagram for Interlock
Process Dosing (PDOSE) on page 436 • Moved the private member HMI_BusObjIndex from the
Private Input Members table to the Private Output
Members table.
• Added the CmdSrc member to the Private Input
Members table.
Process Lead Lag Standby Motor Group (PLLS) on • Moved the private member HMI_BusObjIndex from the
page 497 Private Input Members table to the Private Output
Members table.
• Added the CmdSrc member to the Private Input
Members table.
• Updated the Instruction Logic diagram for Interlock

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 3

Summary of changes
Subject Reason
Process Motor (PMTR) on page 526 • Moved the private member HMI_BusObjIndex from the
Private Input Members table to the Private Output
Members table.
• Added the CmdSrc member to the Private Input
Members table.
• Updated the Instruction Logic diagram for Interlock
Process Proportional + Integral + Derivative (PPID) • Moved the private member HMI_BusObjIndex from the
on page 568 Private Input Members table to the Private Output
Members table.
• Added the CmdSrc member to the Private Input
Members table.
Process Valve (PVLV) on page 679 • Moved the private member HMI_BusObjIndex from the
Private Input Members table to the Private Output
Members table.
• Added the CmdSrc member to the Private Input
Members table.
• Updated the Instruction Logic diagram for Interlock
Process Variable Speed Drive (PVSD) on page 720 • Moved the private member HMI_BusObjIndex from the
Private Input Members table to the Private Output
Members table.
• Added the CmdSrc member to the Private Input
Members table.
• Updated the Instruction Logic diagram for Interlock
Moving Average on page 869 In the Description, clarified the equation for the Uniform
averaging method.
Coordinated Control on page 136 In the Input Parameters list, changed PVUEMax and
PVUEMin to PVEUMax and PVEUMin.
Set Dominant on page 896 In the Execution section, changed "Instruction First Run:
Previous Out is set to True" to "Instruction first run: Out bit
is set to true. OutNot is cleared to false."

4 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Instruction Locator
Use this locator to find the applicable Logix5000 controllers instruction
manual for each instruction.
Logix5000 Controllers General Logix5000 Controllers Advanced Process Logix5000 Controllers Motion Instructions
Instructions Reference Manual Control and Drives and Equipment Phase Reference Manual MOTION-RM002
1756-RM003 and Sequence Instructions Reference
Manual 1756-RM006
Absolute Value (ABS) Alarm (ALM) Master Driven Coordinated Control (MDCC)
Add (ADD) Attach to Equipment Phase (PATT) Motion Apply Axis Tuning (MAAT)
Analog Alarm (ALMA) Attach to Equipment Sequence (SATT) Motion Apply Hookup Diagnostics (MAHD)
Always False (AFI) Coordinated Control (CC) Motion Arm Output Cam (MAOC)
Arc Cosine (ACS, ACOS) D Flip-Flop (DFF) Motion Arm Registration (MAR)
Arc Sine (ASN, ASIN) Deadtime (DEDT) Motion Arm Watch (MAW)
Arc Tangent (ATN, ATAN) Derivative (DERV) Motion Axis Fault Reset (MAFR)
ASCII Chars in Buffer (ACB) Detach from Equipment Phase (PDET) Motion Axis Gear (MAG)
ASCII Clear Buffer (ACL) Detach from Equipment Sequence (SDET) Motion Axis Home (MAH)
ASCII Handshake Lines (AHL) Discrete 3-State Device (D3SD) Motion Axis Jog (MAJ)
ASCII Read (ARD) Discrete 2-State Device (D2SD) Motion Axis Move (MAM)
ASCII Read Line (ARL) Enhanced PID (PIDE) Motion Axis Position Cam (MAPC)
ASCII Test for Buffer Line (ABL) Enhanced Select (ESEL) Motion Axis Stop (MAS)
ASCII Write (AWT) Equipment Phase Clear Failure (PCLF) Motion Axis Time Cam (MATC)
ASCII Write Append (AWA) Equipment Phase Command (PCMD) Motion Axis Shutdown (MASD)
Bit Field Distribute (BTD) Equipment Phase External Request (PXRQ) Motion Axis Shutdown Reset (MASR)
Bit Field Distribute with Target (BTDT) Equipment Phase Failure (PFL) Motion Calculate Cam Profile (MCCP)
Bit Shift Left (BSL) Equipment Phase New Parameters (PRNP) Motion Coordinated Path Move (MCPM)

Bit Shift Right (BSR) Equipment Phase Override Command (POVR) Motion Calculate Slave Values (MCSV)
Bitwise And (AND) Equipment Phase Paused (PPD) Motion Coordinated Transform with Orientation
Bitwise (NOT) Equipment Sequence Assign Sequence Motion Calculate Transform Position (MCTP)
Identifier (SASI)
Bitwise (OR) Equipment Sequence Clear Failure (SCLF) Motion Calculate Transform Position with Orientation
Boolean AND (BAND) Equipment Sequence command (SCMD) Motion Change Dynamics (MCD)
Boolean Exclusive OR (BXOR) Equipment Sequence Override (SOVR) Motion Coordinated Change Dynamics (MCCD)
Boolean NOT (BNOT) Function Generator (FGEN) Motion Coordinated Circular Move (MCCM)

Boolean OR (BOR) High Pass Filter (HPF) Motion Coordinated Linear Move (MCLM)
Break (BRK) High/Low Limit (HLL) Motion Coordinated Shutdown (MCSD)
Breakpoints (BPT) HMI Button Control (HMIBC) Motion Coordinated Shutdown Reset (MCSR)
Clear (CLR) Integrator (INTG) Motion Coordinated Stop (MCS)
Compare (CMP) Internal Model Control (IMC) Motion Coordinated Transform (MCT)
Convert to BCD (TOD) JK Flip-Flop (JKFF) Motion Direct Drive Off (MDF)
Convert to Integer (FRD) Lead-Lag (LDLG) Motion Direct Drive On (MDO)
Copy File (COP), Synchronous Copy File (CPS) Low Pass Filter (LPF) Motion Direct Start (MDS)
Cosine (COS) Maximum Capture (MAXC) Motion Disarm Output Cam (MDOC)
Compute (CPT) Minimum Capture (MINC) Motion Disarm Registration (MDR)
Count down (CTD) Modular Multivariable Control (MMC) Motion Disarm Watch (MDW)
Count up (CTU) Moving Average (MAVE) Motion Group Shutdown (MGSD)
Count up/down CTUD Moving Standard Deviation (MSTD) Motion Group Shutdown Reset (MGSR)
Data Transition (DTR) Multiplexer (MUX) Motion Group Stop (MGS)
Degrees (DEG) Notch Filter (NTCH) Motion Group Strobe Position (MGSP)

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 5

Instruction Locator
Logix5000 Controllers General Logix5000 Controllers Advanced Process Logix5000 Controllers Motion Instructions
Instructions Reference Manual Control and Drives and Equipment Phase Reference Manual MOTION-RM002
1756-RM003 and Sequence Instructions Reference
Manual 1756-RM006
Diagnostic Detect (DDT) Phase State Complete (PSC) Motion Redefine Position (MRP)
Digital Alarm (ALMD) Position Proportional (POSP) Motion Run Axis Tuning (MRAT)
DINT To String (DTOS) Process Analog HART (PAH) Motion Run Hookup Diagnostics (MRHD)
Divide (DIV) Process Analog Input (PAI) Motion Servo Off (MSF)
End of Transition (EOT) Process Dual Sensor Analog Input (PAID) Motion Servo On (MSO)
Equal to (EQU) Process Multi Sensor Analog Input (PAIM)
File Arithmetic (FAL) Process Analog Output (PAO)
File Bit Comparison (FBC) Process Boolean Logic (PBL)
FIFO Load (FFL) Process Command Source (PCMDSRC)
FIFO Unload (FFU) Process Deadband Controller (PDBC)
File Average (AVE) Process Discrete Input (PDI)
File Standard Deviation (STD) Process Discrete Output (PDO)
File Fill (FLL) Process Dosing (PDOSE)
File Sort (SRT) Process Analog Fanout (PFO)
Find String (FIND) Process High or Low Selector (PHLS)
For (FOR) Process Interlocks (PINTLK)
File Search and Compare (FSC) Process Lead Lag Standby Motor Group (PLLS)
Get System Value (GSV) and Set System Value Process Motor (PMTR)
Greater Than or Equal to (GEQ) Process Permissives (PPERM)
Greater than (GRT) Process Proportional + Integral + Derivative
Insert String (INSERT) Process Pressure/Temperature Compensated
Flow (PPTC)
Immediate Output (IOT) Process Restart Inhibit (PRI)
Is Infinity (IsINF) Process Run Time and Start Counter (PRT)
Is Not a Number (IsNAN) Process Tank Strapping Table (PTST)
Jump to Label (JMP) and Label (LBL) Process Valve (PVLV)
Jump to Subroutine (JSR), Subroutine (SBR), Process Valve Statistics (PVLVS)
and Return (RET)
Jump to External Routine (JXR) Proportional + Integral (PI)
Less Than (LES) Pulse Multiplier (PMUL)
Less Than or Equal to (LEQ) Ramp/Soak (RMPS)
LIFO Load (LFL) Rate Limiter (RLIM)
LIFO Unload (LFU) Reset Dominant (RESD)
License Validation (LV) Scale (SCL)
Limit (LIM) S-Curve (SCRV)
Log Base (LOG) Second-Order Controller (SOC)
Lower to Case (LOWER) Second-Order Lead Lag (LDL2)
Masked Move (MVM) Select (SEL)
Masked Move with Target (MVMT) Selected Negate (SNEG)
Master Control Reset (MCR) Selected Summer (SSUM)
Masked Equal to (MEQ) Set Dominant (SETD)
Message (MSG) Split Range Time Proportional (SRTP)
Middle String (MID) Totalizer (TOT)
Modulo (MOD) Up/Down Accumulator (UPDN)
Move (MOV)
Multiply (MUL)
Natural Log (LN)
Negate (NEG)

6 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Instruction Locator
Logix5000 Controllers General Logix5000 Controllers Advanced Process Logix5000 Controllers Motion Instructions
Instructions Reference Manual Control and Drives and Equipment Phase Reference Manual MOTION-RM002
1756-RM003 and Sequence Instructions Reference
Manual 1756-RM006
Not Equal to (NEQ)
No Operation (NOP)
One Shot (ONS)
One Shot Falling (OSF)
One Shot Falling with Input (OSFI)
One Shot Rising (OSR)
One Shot Rising with Input (OSRI)
Output Energize (OTE)
Output Latch (OTL)
Output Unlatch (OTU)
Proportional Integral Derivative (PID)
Radian (RAD)
Real to String (RTOS)
Reset (RES)
Reset SFC (SFR)
Return (RET)
Retentive Timer On (RTO)
Retentive Timer On with Reset (RTOR)
Pause SFC (SFP)
Size In Elements (SIZE)
Sequencer Input (SQI)
Sequencer Load (SQL)
Sequencer Output (SQO)
Sine (SIN)
Square Roost (SQR/SQRT)
String Concatenate (CONCAT)
String Delete (DELETE)
String to DINT (STOD)
String to REAL (STOR)
Swap Byte (SWPB)
Subtract (SUB)
Tangent (TAN)
Timer Off Delay (TOF)
Timer Off Delay with Reset (TOFR)
Timer On Delay (TON)
Timer On Delay with Reset (TONR)
Temporary End (TND)
Tracepoints (TPT)
Trigger Event Task (EVENT)
Truncate (TRN)
Unknown Instruction (UNK)
Upper Case (UPPER)
User Interrupt Disable (UID)/User Interrupt
Enable (UIE)

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 7

Instruction Locator
Logix5000 Controllers General Logix5000 Controllers Advanced Process Logix5000 Controllers Motion Instructions
Instructions Reference Manual Control and Drives and Equipment Phase Reference Manual MOTION-RM002
1756-RM003 and Sequence Instructions Reference
Manual 1756-RM006
X to the Power of Y (XPY)
Examine if Closed (XIC)
Examine If Open (XIO)
Bitwise Exclusive (XOR)

8 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Table of Contents
Preface Studio 5000 environment ......................................................................... 15
Additional resources .................................................................................. 16
Purpose of this manual .............................................................................. 16
Legal Notices ............................................................................................... 16

Chapter 1
Process Control Instructions Process Control Instructions .................................................................... 19
Alarm (ALM) ...............................................................................................20
Discrete 3-State Device (D3SD) ................................................................ 25
Discrete 2-State Device (D2SD) .................................................................39
Deadtime (DEDT) .......................................................................................47
Function Generator (FGEN) ...................................................................... 53
Lead-Lag (LDLG)........................................................................................ 58
Enhanced PID (PIDE) ................................................................................63
Position Proportional (POSP)................................................................... 94
Ramp/Soak (RMPS) ..................................................................................102
Scale (SCL) ................................................................................................ 116
Split Range Time Proportional (SRTP) ...................................................120
Totalizer (TOT) ......................................................................................... 127
Coordinated Control (CC) ....................................................................... 136
CC Function Block Configuration .................................................... 167
CC Function Block Model Initialization........................................... 168
CC Function Block Tuning ................................................................ 168
CC Function Block Tuning Errors .................................................... 169
CC Function Block Tuning Procedure .............................................. 169
Internal Model Control (IMC) ................................................................. 169
IMC Function Block Configuration .................................................. 185
IMC Function Block Model Initialization ........................................ 186
IMC Function Block Tuning .............................................................. 186
IMC Function Block Tuning Errors .................................................. 187
IMC Function Block Tuning Procedure ........................................... 187
Modular Multivariable Control (MMC) .................................................. 187
MMC Function Block Configuration ............................................... 220
MMC Function Block Model Initialization ...................................... 221
MMC Function Block Tuning ........................................................... 222
Use an MMC Function Block for Splitter Control .......................... 222
MMC Function Block Tuning Errors ................................................223
MMC Function Block Tuning Procedure .........................................223
Current SP................................................................................................ 224
Use the Coordinated Control Function Block to Control .............. 224
CV High/Low Limiting ............................................................................ 226

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 9

Table of Contents
CV Percent Limiting ................................................................................ 226
CV Rate-of-Change Limiting ...................................................................227
CV Windup Limiting ............................................................................... 228
Execution ................................................................................................. 228
Switch Between Program Control and Operator Control ............. 229
Operating Modes ............................................................................... 229
Convert the PV and SP Values to Percent ....................................... 230
Primary Loop Control ........................................................................ 231
Processing Faults ...............................................................................232
Select the Control Variable ................................................................ 233
Update the CVOper and CVProg Values .......................................... 233
Select the Setpoint .............................................................................234
SP High/Low Limiting .......................................................................234

Chapter 2
PlantPAx PlantPAx instructions.............................................................................. 235
Process Analog HART (PAH) ................................................................... 236
Process Analog Input (PAI) ...................................................................... 251
Process Dual Sensor Analog Input (PAID) ............................................ 278
Process Multi Sensor Analog Input (PAIM) ...........................................293
Process Analog Output (PAO) .................................................................. 314
Process Analog Output feedback processing ................................... 345
Process Boolean Logic (PBL).................................................................... 354
Process Command Source (PCMDSRC) .................................................368
Process Command Source operating model .................................... 377
Process Deadband Controller (PDBC) .................................................... 379
Process Discrete Input (PDI) ................................................................... 396
Process Discrete Output (PDO) ............................................................... 412
Process Dosing (PDOSE) ......................................................................... 436
Process Analog Fanout (PFO) .................................................................. 467
Process High or Low Selector (PHLS) .....................................................478
Process Interlocks (PINTLK) ...................................................................487
Process Lead Lag Standby Motor Group (PLLS) .................................... 497
Motor Sort Algorithm for Process Lead Lag Standby Motor Group
(PLLS) instructions ............................................................................524
Process Motor (PMTR) .............................................................................526
Process Motor (PMTR) Command Source .......................................558
Process Permissives (PPERM) ................................................................ 560
Process Proportional + Integral + Derivative (PPID).............................568
Process Pressure/Temperature Compensated Flow (PPTC) ................. 651
Process Restart Inhibit (PRI) ...................................................................659
Process Run Time and Start Counter (PRT) ...........................................665

10 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Table of Contents
Process Tank Strapping Table (PTST) .....................................................672
Process Valve (PVLV)................................................................................ 679
Process Valve (PVLV) Command Source ......................................... 706
Process Valve Statistics (PVLVS) ............................................................ 708
Process Variable Speed Drive (PVSD) .................................................... 720
Process Variable Speed Drive (PVSD) Command Source ............... 752

Chapter 3
Drives Drives Instructions .................................................................................. 759
Integrator (INTG) .................................................................................... 759
Proportional + Integral (PI) ..................................................................... 765
Pulse Multiplier (PMUL) .......................................................................... 776
S-Curve (SCRV) ........................................................................................ 783
Second-Order Controller (SOC) .............................................................. 791
Up/Down Accumulator (UPDN) ............................................................. 800
HMI Button Control (HMIBC) ............................................................... 804

Chapter 4
Filter Filter Instructions ....................................................................................809
Derivative (DERV)....................................................................................809
High Pass Filter (HPF) ............................................................................. 813
Low Pass Filter (LPF) ................................................................................ 818
Notch Filter (NTCH) ................................................................................ 824
Second-Order Lead Lag (LDL2) .............................................................. 829

Chapter 5
Select_Limit Instructions Select/Limit Instructions ........................................................................ 837
Enhanced Select (ESEL) .......................................................................... 838
High/Low Limit (HLL) .............................................................................845
Multiplexer (MUX) .................................................................................. 849
Rate Limiter (RLIM) ................................................................................ 852
Select (SEL) ...............................................................................................856
Selected Negate (SNEG) ..........................................................................859
Selected Summer (SSUM) ...................................................................... 862

Chapter 6
Statistical Instructions Statistical Instructions ............................................................................ 869
Moving Average (MAVE) ......................................................................... 869
Maximum Capture (MAXC) ....................................................................875
Minimum Capture (MINC) .....................................................................879
Moving Standard Deviation (MSTD) ..................................................... 882

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 11

Table of Contents

Chapter 7
Logical and Move Logical and Move Instructions ............................................................... 887
D Flip-Flop (DFF) ..................................................................................... 887
JK Flip-Flop (JKFF) ................................................................................... 890
Reset Dominant (RESD) ..........................................................................893
Set Dominant (SETD) ............................................................................. 896

Chapter 8
Equipment Phase Instructions Equipment Phase Instructions ............................................................... 901
Attach to Equipment Phase (PATT) ........................................................902
Detach from Equipment Phase (PDET) ................................................. 906
Equipment Phase Clear Failure (PCLF) ................................................. 909
Equipment Phase Command (PCMD) .................................................... 912
Equipment Phase External Request (PXRQ).......................................... 918
Equipment Phase Failure (PFL) ...............................................................927
Equipment Phase New Parameters (PRNP) ...........................................932
Equipment Phase Override Command (POVR) ..................................... 935
Equipment Phase Paused (PPD) ............................................................. 939
Phase State Complete (PSC) .................................................................... 943

Chapter 9
Equipment Sequence Equipment Sequence instructions ......................................................... 949
Attach to Equipment Sequence (SATT) .................................................. 949
Detach from Equipment Sequence (SDET)............................................ 953
Equipment Sequence Assign Sequence Identifier (SASI)..................... 955
Equipment Sequence Clear Failure (SCLF) ............................................958
Equipment Sequence command (SCMD) .............................................. 961
Equipment Sequence Diagram instructions .........................................965
Equipment Sequence Override (SOVR)..................................................965
Guidelines for SATT instructions............................................................969
Guidelines for SCMD instructions .........................................................969
Guidelines for SOVR instructions.......................................................... 970
Result codes for SATT instructions ........................................................ 970
Result codes for SCLF instructions ......................................................... 971
Result codes for SCMD instructions .......................................................972
Result codes for SOVR instructions ........................................................ 973
SASI instruction examples ...................................................................... 973
SATT instruction examples...................................................................... 974
SCLF instruction examples ...................................................................... 974
SCMD instruction examples ................................................................... 975
SDET instruction examples ..................................................................... 976
SOVR instruction examples..................................................................... 976

12 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Table of Contents
When should I use an SOVR instruction instead of an SCMD
instruction? ............................................................................................... 977

Chapter 10
Function Block Attributes Choose the Function Block Elements ..................................................... 979
Latching Data ...........................................................................................980
Function Block Responses to Overflow Conditions .............................. 981
Order of Execution .................................................................................. 982
Timing Modes ...........................................................................................985
Program/Operator Control ..................................................................... 988
Function Block States............................................................................... 991

Chapter 11
Structured Text Programming Structured Text Syntax............................................................................ 993
Structured Text Components: Comments............................................. 994
Structured Text Components: Assignments ..........................................995
Specify a non-retentive assignment .................................................996
Assign an ASCII character to a string data member ....................... 997
Structured Text Components: Expressions ........................................... 997
Use arithmetic operators and functions ......................................... 998
Use bitwise operators.........................................................................999
Use logical operators ....................................................................... 1000
Use relational operators .................................................................. 1001
Structured Text Components: Instructions ........................................ 1002
Structured Text Components: Constructs ...........................................1003
Character string literals ........................................................................ 1004
String Types ......................................................................................1005
CASE_OF .................................................................................................1005
FOR_DO ..................................................................................................1007
IF_THEN ................................................................................................. 1010
REPEAT_UNTIL ..................................................................................... 1013
WHILE_DO............................................................................................. 1015
Structured Text Attributes..................................................................... 1017

Chapter 12
Common Attributes for Common Attributes ................................................................................1019
Advanced Process Control and Math Status Flags....................................................................................1019
Drives Instructions Immediate values ....................................................................................1021
Data Conversions ................................................................................... 1022
Elementary data types ............................................................................ 1025
Floating Point Values ............................................................................. 1027
Index Through Arrays ............................................................................1029

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 13

Table of Contents
Bit Addressing ........................................................................................1030
Function Block Faceplate Controls .......................................................1030
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - General Tab ............................. 1031
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - Display Tab .............................. 1032
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - Font Tab ................................... 1033
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - LocaleTab ................................. 1035
ASCII Character Codes .......................................................................... 1036
ASCII character codes ............................................................................ 1036


14 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

This manual provides a programmer with details about the available General,
Motion, Process, and Drives instruction set for a Logix-based controller.
If you design, program, or troubleshoot safety applications that use
GuardLogix controllers, refer to the GuardLogix Safety Application
Instruction Set Safety Reference Manual, publication 1756-RM095.
This manual is one of a set of related manuals that show common procedures
for programming and operating Logix 5000™ controllers.
For a complete list of common procedures manuals, refer to the Logix 5000
Controllers Common Procedures Programming Manual, publication
The term Logix 5000 controller refers to any controller that is based on the
Logix 5000 operating system.

Studio 5000 environment The Studio 5000 Automation Engineering & Design Environment® combines
engineering and design elements into a common environment. The first
element is the Studio 5000 Logix Designer® application. The Logix Designer
application is the rebranding of RSLogix 5000® software and will continue to
be the product to program Logix 5000™ controllers for discrete, process,
batch, motion, safety, and drive-based solutions.

The Studio 5000® environment is the foundation for the future of

Rockwell Automation® engineering design tools and capabilities. The Studio
5000 environment is the one place for design engineers to develop all
elements of their control system.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 15


Additional resources These documents contain additional information concerning related

Rockwell Automation products.
Resource Description
Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell
publication 1770-4.1 Automation industrial system.

Product Certifications webpage, available at Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and

http://ab.rockwellautomation.com other certification details.

View or download publications at

http://www.rockwellautomation.com/literature. To order paper copies of
technical documentation, contact the local Rockwell Automation distributor
or sales representative.

Purpose of this manual This manual provides a programmer with details about each available
instruction for a Logix-based controller. This manual also gives you guidance
and examples to use equipment phase instructions to transition to different
state, handle faults, set up break points, and so forth.

Rockwell Automation recognizes that some of the terms that are currently
used in our industry and in this publication are not in alignment with the
movement toward inclusive language in technology. We are proactively
collaborating with industry peers to find alternatives to such terms and
making changes to our products and content. Please excuse the use of such
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16 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

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Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 17

Chapter 1

Process Control Instructions

Process Control The Process Control instructions include these instructions:

Available Instructions

Ladder Diagram
Not available

Function Block and Structured Text



If you want to Use this instruction

Provide alarming for any analog signal. ALM
Control discrete devices, such as solenoid valves, pumps, and motors, D2SD
that have only two possible states (e.g., on/off, open/closed, etc.).

Control discrete devices, such as high/low/off feeders that have three D3SD
possible states (e.g., fast/slow/off, forward/stop/reverse, etc.).
Perform a delay of a single input. You select the amount of deadtime DEDT
Convert an input based on a piece-wise linear function. FGEN
Provide a phase lead-lag compensation for an input signal. LDLG
Regulate an analog output to maintain a process variable at a certain PIDE
setpoint, using a PID algorithm.
Raise/lower or open/close a device, such as a motor-operated valve, by POSP
pulsing open or close contacts.
Provide for alternating ramp and soak periods to follow a temperature RMPS
Convert an unscaled input value to a floating point value in engineering SCL
Take the 0-100% output of a PID loop and drive heating and cooling SRTP
digital output contacts with a periodic pulse.

Provide a time-scaled accumulation of an analog input value, such as a TOT

volumetric flow.
Control a single process variable by maintaining a single controller IMC

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 19

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Control a single process variable by manipulating as many as three CC
different control variables.
Control two process variables to their setpoints using up to three control MMC

See also
Filter Instructions on page 809

Logical and Move Instructions on page 887

Drives Instructions on page 759

Select/Limit Instructions on page 837

Statistical Instructions on page 869

Alarm (ALM) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The ALM instruction provides alarming for any analog signal.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

20 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
ALM tag ALARM structure ALM structure

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
ALM tag ALARM structure ALM structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

ALARM Structure
Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does not execute and
outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
In REAL The analog signal input.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
HHLimit REAL The high-high alarm limit for the input.
Valid = any real value
Default = maximum positive value
HLimit REAL The high alarm limit for the input.
Valid = any real value
Default = maximum positive value
LLimit REAL The low alarm limit for the input.
Valid = any real value
Default = maximum negative value
LLLimit REAL The low-low alarm limit for the input.
Valid = any real value
Default = maximum negative value
Deadband REAL The alarm deadband for the high-high to low-low limits
Valid = any real value 0.0
Default = 0.0
ROCPosLimit REAL The rate-of-change alarm limit in units per second for a positive
(increasing) change in the input. Set ROCPosLimit = 0 to disable
ROC positive alarming. If invalid, the instruction assumes a value
of 0.0 and sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any real value 0.0
Default = 0.0

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 21

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
ROCNegLimit REAL The rate-of-change alarm limit in units per second for a negative
(decreasing) change in the input. Set ROCNegLimit = 0 to disable
ROC negative alarming. If invalid, the instruction assumes a value
of 0.0 and sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any real value 0.0
Default = 0.0
ROCPeriod REAL Time period in seconds for calculation (sampling interval) of the
rate of change value. Each time the sampling interval expires, a
new sample of In is stored, and ROC is re-calculated. Instead of
an enable bit like other conditions in the analog alarm, the
rate-of-change detection is enabled by putting any non-zero
value in the ROCPeriod.
Valid = 0.0 to 32767.0
Default = 0.0.

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to false if ROC
HHAlarm BOOL The high-high alarm indicator.
Default = false
HAlarm BOOL The high alarm indicator.
Default = false
LAlarm BOOL The low alarm indicator.
Default = false
LLAlarm BOOL The low-low alarm indicator.
Default = false
ROCPosAlarm BOOL The rate-of-change positive alarm indicator.
Default = false
ROCNegAlarm BOOL The rate-of-change negative alarm indicator.
Default = false
ROC REAL The rate-of-change output.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following execution errors.
This is not a minor or major controller error. Check the
remaining status bits to determine what occurred.
DeadbandInv (Status.1) BOOL Invalid Deadband value.
ROCPosLimitInv (Status.2) BOOL Invalid ROCPosLimit value.
ROCNegLimitInv (Status.3) BOOL Invalid ROCNegLimit value.
ROCPeriodInv (Status.4) BOOL Invalid ROCPeriod value.

The ALM instruction provides alarm indicators for high-high, high, low,
low-low, rate-of-change positive, and rate-of-change negative. An alarm
deadband is available for the high-high to low-low alarms. A user-defined
period for performing rate-of-change alarming is also available.

22 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

High-high to Low-low Alarm

The high-high and low-low alarm algorithms compare the input to the alarm
limit and the alarm limit plus or minus the deadband.

Rate-of-change Alarm
The rate-of-change (ROC) alarm compares the change of the input over the
ROCPeriod to the rate-of-change limits. The ROCPeriod provides a type of
deadband for the rate-of-change alarm. For example, define an ROC alarm
limit of 2OF/second with a period of execution of 100 ms. If you use an analog
input module with a resolution of 1OF, every time the input value changes, an
ROC alarm is generated because the instruction calculates an effective rate of
10°F/second. However, enter an ROCPeriod of 1 sec and the instruction only
generates an alarm if the rate truly exceeds the 2OF/second limit.
The ROC alarm calculates the rate-of-change as:

The instruction performs this calculation when the ROCPeriod expires. Once
the instruction calculates the ROC, it determines alarms as:

Monitoring the ALM Instruction

There is an operator faceplate available for the ALM instruction.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 23

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-in bits are cleared to false.
Rung-condition-in is false Rung-condition-in bits are cleared to false.
Rung-condition-in is true Rung-condition-in bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-in bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Rung-condition-in is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

The ALM instruction is typically used either with analog input modules (such
as 1771 I/O modules) that do not support on-board alarming, or to generate
alarms on a calculated variable. In this example, an analog input from a
1771-IFE module is first scaled to engineering units using the SCL instruction.
The Out of the SCL instruction is an input to the ALM instruction to
determine whether to set an alarm. The resulting alarm output parameters
could then be used in your program and/or viewed on an operator interface

24 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Function Block

Structured Text
SCL_01.IN := Input0From1771IFE;

ALM_01.IN := SCL_01.Out;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993
Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Discrete 3-State Device This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
(D3SD) CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The D3SD instruction controls a discrete device having three possible states,
such as fast/slow/off or forward/stop/reverse.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 25

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Function Block

Structured Text


Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
D3SD tag DISCRETE_3STATE structure D3SD structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
D3SD tag DISCRETE_3STATE structure D3SD structure

Input Parameter Data Type Description

26 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does
not execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
Prog0Command BOOL Program state 0 command. This input
determines the device state when the
device is in Program control. If true, the
device is commanded to the 0 state.
Default is false.
Prog1Command BOOL Program state 1 command. This input
determines the device state when the
device is in Program control. If true, the
device is commanded to the 1 state.
Default is false.
Prog2Command BOOL Program state 2 command. This input
determines the device state when the
device is in Program control. If true, the
device is commanded to the 2 state.
Default is false.
Oper0Req BOOL Operator state 0 request. Set to true by
the operator interface to place the device
into the 0 state when the device is in
Operator control.
Default is false.
Oper1Req BOOL Operator state 1 request. Set true by the
operator interface to place the device into
the 1 state when the device is in Operator
Default is false.
Oper2Req BOOL Operator state 2 request. Set to true by
the operator interface to place the device
into the 2 state when the device is in
Operator control.
Default is false.
State0Perm BOOL State 0 permissive. Unless in Hand or
Override mode, this input must be true for
the device to enter the 0 state. This input
has no effect if the device is already in the
0 state.
Default is true.
State1Perm BOOL State 1 permissive. Unless in Hand or
Override mode, this input must be true for
the device to enter the 1 state. This input
has no effect if the device is already in the
1 state.
Default is true.
State2Perm BOOL State 2 permissive. Unless in Hand or
Override mode, this input must be true for
the device to enter the 2 state. This input
has no effect if the device is already in the
2 state.
Default is true.
FB0 BOOL The first feedback input available to the
Default is false.
FB1 BOOL The second feedback input available to
the instruction.
Default is false.
FB2 BOOL The third feedback input available to the
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 27

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
FB3 BOOL The fourth feedback input available to the
Default is false.
HandFB0 BOOL Hand feedback state 0. This input from a
field hand/off/auto station shows the
requested state of the field device. True
indicates the field device is being
requested to enter the 0 state; false
indicates the field device is being
requested to enter some other state.
Default is false.
HandFB1 BOOL Hand feedback state 1. This input from a
field hand/off/auto station shows the
requested state of the field device. True
indicates the field device is being
requested to enter the 1 state; false
indicates the field device is being
requested to enter some other state.
Default is false.
HandFB2 BOOL Hand feedback state 2. This input from a
field hand/off/auto station shows the
requested state of the field device. True
indicates the field device is being
requested to enter the 2 state; false
indicates the field device is being
requested to enter some other state.
Default is false.
FaultTime REAL Fault time value. Configure the value in
seconds of the time to allow the device to
reach a newly commanded state. Set
FaultTime = 0 to disable the fault timer. If
this value is invalid, the instruction
assumes a value of zero and sets the
appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any float 0.0
Default = 0.0
FaultAlarmLatch BOOL Fault alarm latch input. When true and
FaultAlarm is true, latch FaultAlarm. To
unlatch FaultAlarm, set FaultAlmUnlatch
to true or clear FaultAlarmLatch to false.
Default is false.

FaultAlmUnLatch BOOL Fault alarm unlatch input. Set this input to

true when FaultAlarmLatch is set to
unlatch FaultAlarm. The instruction clears
this input to false.
Default is false.
OverrideOnInit BOOL Override on initialization request. If this bit
is true, then during instruction first scan,
the instruction is placed in Operator
control with Override true and Hand false.
If ProgHandReq is true, then Override is
cleared to false and Hand is set to true.
Default is false.

28 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
OverrideOnFault BOOL Override on fault request. Set this value to
true if the device should go to Override
mode and enter the Override State on a
fault alarm. After the fault alarm is
removed, the instruction is placed in
Operator control.
Default is false.
Out0State0 BOOL Output 0 state 0 input. This value
determines the value of Output0 when the
device is in the 0 state.
Default is false.
Out0State1 BOOL Output 0 state 1 input. This value
determines the value of Output0 when the
device is in the 1 state.
Default is false.
Out0State2 BOOL Output 0 state 2 input. This value
determines the value of Output0 when the
device is in the 2 state.
Default is false.
Out1State0 BOOL Output 1 state 0 input. This value
determines the value of Output1 when the
device is in the 0 state.
Default is false.
Out1State1 BOOL Output 1 state 1 input. This value
determines the value of Output1 when the
device is in the 1 state.
Default is false.
Out1State2 BOOL Output 1 state 2 input. This value
determines the value of Output1 when the
device is in the 2 state.
Default is false.
Out2State0 BOOL Output 2 state 0 input. This value
determines the value of Output2 when the
device is in the 0 state.
Default is false.
Out2State1 BOOL Output 2 state 1 input. This value
determines the value of Output2 when the
device is in the 1 state.
Default is false.
Out2State2 BOOL Output 2 state 2 input. This value
determines the value of Output2 when the
device is in the 2 state.
Default is false.
OverrideState DINT Override state input. Set this input to
indicate the state of the device when in
Override mode.
2 = Device should go to the 2 state
1 = Device should go to the 1 state
0 = Device should go to the 0 state
An invalid value sets the appropriate bit in
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
FB0State0 BOOL Feedback 0 state 0 input. This value
determines the expected value of FB0
when the device is in the 0 state.
Default is false.
FB0State1 BOOL Feedback 0 state 1 input. This value
determines the expected value of FB0
when the device is in the 1 state.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 29

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
FB0State2 BOOL Feedback 0 state 2 input. This value
determines the expected value of FB0
when the device is in the 2 state.
Default is false.
FB1State0 BOOL Feedback 1 state 0 input. This value
determines the expected value of FB1
when the device is in the 0 state.
Default is false.
FB1State1 BOOL Feedback 1 state 1 input. This value
determines the expected value of FB1
when the device is in the 1 state.
Default is false.
FB1State2 BOOL Feedback 1 state 2 input. This value
determines the expected value of FB1
when the device is in the 2 state.
Default is false.
FB2State0 BOOL Feedback 2 state 0 input. This value
determines the expected value of FB2
when the device is in the 0 state.
Default is false.
FB2State1 BOOL Feedback 2 state 1 input. This value
determines the expected value of FB2
when the device is in the 1 state.
Default is false.
FB2State2 BOOL Feedback 2 state 2 input. This value
determines the expected value of FB2
when the device is in the 2 state.
Default is false.
FB3State0 BOOL Feedback 3 state 0 input. This value
determines the expected value of FB3
when the device is in the 0 state.
Default is false.
FB3State1 BOOL Feedback 3 state 1 input. This value
determines the expected value of FB3
when the device is in the 1 state.
Default is false.
FB3State2 BOOL Feedback 3 state 2 input. This value
determines the expected value of FB3
when the device is in the 2 state.
Default is false.
ProgProgReq BOOL Program program request. Set to true by
the user program to request Program
control. Ignored if ProgOperReq is true.
Holding this true and ProgOperReq false
locks the instruction in Program control.
Default is false.
ProgOperReq BOOL Program operator request. Set to true by
the user program to request operator
control. Holding this true locks the
instruction in Operator control.
Default is false.
ProgOverrideReq BOOL Program override request. Set to true by
the user program to request the device to
enter Override mode. Ignored if
ProgHandReq is true.
Default is false.
ProgHandReq BOOL Program hand request. Set to true by the
user program to request the device to
enter Hand mode.
Default is false.

30 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
OperProgReq BOOL Operator program request. Set to true by
the operator interface to request Program
control. The instruction clears this input to
Default is false.
OperOperReq BOOL Operator operator request. Set to true by
the operator interface to request Operator
control. The instruction clears this input to
Default is false.
ProgValueReset BOOL Reset program control values. When true,
all the program request inputs are
cleared to false at each execution of the
Default is false.

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled.
Out0 BOOL The first output of the instruction.
Out1 BOOL The second output of the instruction.
Out2 BOOL The third output of the instruction.
Device0State BOOL Device state 0 output. True when the device
is commanded to the 0 state and the
feedback indicates the device really is in
the 0 state.
Device1State BOOL Device state 1 output. True when the device
is commanded to the 1 state and the
feedback indicates the device really is in
the 1 state.
Device2State BOOL Device state 2 output. True when the device
is commanded to the 2 state and the
feedback indicates the device really is in
the 2 state.
Command0Status BOOL Device state 0 command status. True when
the device is being commanded to the 0
state; false when the device is being
commanded to some other state.
Command1Status BOOL Device state 1 command status. True when
the device is being commanded to the 1
state; false when the device is being
commanded to some other state.
Command2Status BOOL Device state 2 command status. True when
the device is being commanded to the 2
state; false when the device is being
commanded to some other state.
FaultAlarm BOOL Fault alarm output. True if the device has
been commanded to a new state, and the
FaultTime has expired without the feedback
indicating that the new state has actually
been reached. Also set to true if, after
reaching a commanded state, the
feedbacks suddenly indicate that the
device is no longer in the commanded

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 31

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameter Data Type Description
ModeAlarm BOOL Mode alarm output. True if the device is in
operator control and a ProgxCommand
input requests a state which is different
from the state currently commanded by the
operator. This alarm is intended as a
reminder that a device was left in Operator
ProgOper BOOL Program/operator control indicator. True
when in Program control. False when in
Operator control.
Override BOOL Override mode. True when the device is in
the Override mode.
Hand BOOL Hand mode. True when the device is in the
Hand mode.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the
following execution errors. This is not a
minor or major controller error. Check the
remaining status bits to determine what
FaultTimeInv (Status.1) BOOL Invalid FaultTime value. The instruction sets
FaultTime = 0.
OverrideStateInv (Status.2) BOOL The Override value is out of range. It
prevents the instruction from entering the
Override state.
ProgCommandInv (Status.3) BOOL Multiple program state command bits are
set at the same time. Refer to Commanded
State in Program Control section.
OperReqInv (Status.4) BOOL Multiple operator state request bits are set
at the same time. Refer to Commanded
State in Program Control section.

HandCommandInv (Status.5) BOOL Multiple hand feedback state request bits

are set at the same time.

The D3SD instruction controls a discrete device having three possible states,
such as fast/slow/off or forward/stop/reverse. Typical discrete devices of this
nature include feeder systems, and reversible motors.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related

32 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes
Instruction first run Set ProgOper to Operator Mode.
Set Command0Status to True.
Set Command1Status to False.
Set Command2Status to False.
Instruction first scan The fault timer is cleared.
ModeAlarm is cleared to false.
All the operator request inputs are cleared to false.
If ProgValueReset is true, all the program request inputs are
cleared to false.
When OverrideOnInit is true, ProgOper is cleared to
false(Operator control).
If ProgHandReq is false and OverrideOnInit is true, Hand is
cleared to false and Override is set to true (Override mode).
If ProgHandReq is true, Hand is set to true and Override is
cleared to false(Hand mode).
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic it will execute.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

The D3SD instruction is typically used to control 3-state devices such as
high/low/off feed systems. In this example, the D3SD instruction controls a
feed system consisting of a pair of solenoid valves adding vegetable oil to a
batch tank. One of the valves is on a large diameter feed pipe into the batch
tank, and the other valve is plumbed in parallel on a small diameter feed pipe.
When oil is first added, the D3SD instruction is commanded to the fast feed
state (state 2) where both valves are opened. When the oil added approaches
the target amount, the D3SD instruction is commanded to the slow feed state
(state 1) where the "large valve" is closed and the "small valve" is kept open.
When the target is reached, the D3SD instruction is commanded to go to the
off state (state 0) and both valves are closed. As long as the D3SD instruction is
in Program control, the valves open according to the CloseOilFeed,

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 33

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
SlowOilFeed, and FastOilFeed inputs. The operator can also take Operator
control of the feed system if necessary. The solenoid valves in this example
have limit switches which indicate when the valves are fully closed or opened.
These switches are wired into the FB0, FB1, FB2, and FB3 feedback inputs.
This allows the D3SD instruction to generate a FaultAlarm if the solenoid
valves do not reach their commanded states within the configured FaultTime.

Function Block

Structured Text
OilFeedController.Prog0Command := ClosedOilFeed;
OilFeedController.Prog1Command := SlowOilFeed;
OilFeedController.Prog1Command := FastOilFeed;

OilFeedController.FB0 := SmallOilValveClosed;
OilFeedController.FB1 := SmallOilValveOpened;

OilFeedController.FB2 := LargeOilValveClosed;
OilFeedController.FB3 := LargeOilValveOpened;
SmallOilValve := OilFeedController.Out0;

34 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
LargeOilValve := OilFeedController.Out1;

Switch Between Program Control and Operator Control

The following diagram shows how the D3SD instruction changes between
Program control and Operator control.

(1) The instruction remains in Operator control mode when ProgOperReq is


Commanded State in Program Control

The following table shows how the D3SD instruction operates when in
Program control.
Prog0 Prog1 Prog2 State0 State1 State2
Command Command Command Perm Perm Perm Description
false false true either either true Command0Status is cleared to false
Command1Status is cleared to false
Command2Status is set to true
false true false either true either Command0Status is cleared to false
Command1Status is set to true
Command2Status is cleared to false
true false false true either either Command0Status is set to true
Command1Status is cleared to false
Command2Status is cleared to false

If more than one program command input is true:

• The instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status
• If Override and Hand are cleared to false, the instruction holds the
previous state

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 35

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Commanded State in Operator Control

The following table shows how the D3SD instruction operates when in
Operator control.
State0 State1 State2
Oper0Req Oper1Req Oper2Req Perm Perm Perm Description
false false true either either true Command0Status is cleared to false
Command1Status is cleared to false
Command2Status is set to true
false true false either true either Command0Status is cleared to false
Command1Status is set to true
Command2Status is cleared to false
true false false true either either Command0Status is set to true
Command1Status is cleared to false
Command2Status is cleared to false

If more than one operator command input is true:

• The instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status
• If Override and Hand are cleared to false, the instruction holds the
previous state
After every instruction execution, the instruction:
• Clears all the operator request inputs
• If ProgValueReset is true, clears all the program request inputs to false

Hand Mode or Override Mode

The following table describes how the D3SD instruction determines whether
to operate in Hand or Override mode.
ProgHandReq ProgOverrideReq FaultAlarm and Description
true either either Hand mode
Hand is set to true
Override is cleared to false
false true either Override mode
Hand is cleared to false
Override is set to true
false either true Override mode
Hand is cleared to false
Override is set to true

When Override is set, it takes precedence over Program and Operator control.
The following table describes how the Override mode affects the commanded
Override Override State Description
true 2 Command0Status is cleared to false
Command1Status is cleared to false
Command2Status is set to true
true 1 Command0Status is cleared to false
Command1Status is set to true
Command2Status is cleared to false

36 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Override Override State Description
true 0 Command0Status is set to true
Command1Status is cleared to false
Command2Status is cleared to false

If OverrideState is invalid, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status

and does not enter the override state.
When Hand is true, it takes precedence over Program and Operator control.
The following table describes how the Hand mode affects the commanded
Hand HandFB0 HandFB1 HandFB2 Description
true false false true Command0Status is cleared to false
Command1Status is cleared to false
Command2Status is set to true
true false true false Command0Status is cleared to false
Command1Status is set to true
Command2Status is cleared to false
true true false false Command0Status is set to true
Command1Status is cleared to false
Command2Status is cleared to false

If more than one HandFB input is true, the instruction sets the appropriate
bit in Status and, if Hand is true, the instruction holds the previous state.

Output State
The D3SD output state is based on the state of the command status.
CommandStatus Output State
Command0Status is true Out0 = Out0State0
Out1 = Out1State0
Out2 = Out2State0
Command0Status is true and Stop and clear the fault timer.
FB0 = FB0State0 and Device0State is set to true
FB1 = FB1State0 and
FB2 = FB2State0 and
FB3 = FB3State0
Command1Status is true Out0 = Out0State1
Out1 = Out1State1
Out2 = Out2State1
Command1Status is true and Stop and clear the fault timer.
FB0 = FB0State1 and Device1State is set to true
FB1 = FB1State1 and
FB2 = FB2State1 and
FB3 = FB3State1
Command2Status is true Out0 = Out0State2
Out1 = Out1State2
Out2 = Out2State2
Command2Status is true and Stop and clear the fault timer.
FB0 = FB0State2 and Device2State is set to true
FB1 = FB1State2 and
FB2 = FB2State2 and
FB3 = FB3State2

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 37

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Fault Alarm Conditions

The D3SD instruction checks for these fault alarm conditions.
Fault alarm condition resulting
from Rules
Device state was commanded to Start the fault timer when Command0Statusn Command0Statusn-1 or
change, but the feedback did not Command1Statusn Command1Statusn-1 or Command2Statusn Command2Statusn-1
indicate that the desired state was Set FaultAlarm when the fault timer done and FaultTime > 0.0
actually reached within the FaultTime
The device unexpectedly left a state Set FaultAlarm to true when the fault timer is not timing and one of the following
(according to the feedback) without conditions is satisfied:
being commanded to Command0Status is true and Device0State is false
Command1Status is true and Device1State is false
Command2Status is true and Device2State is false

If there is no fault present, FaultAlarm is cleared to false if one of the

following conditions is met:
• Command0Status is true and Device0State is true
• Command1Status is true and Device1State is true
• Command2Status is true and Device2State is true
• FaultTime 0
FaultAlarm cannot be cleared to false when FaultAlarmLatch is true, unless
FaultAlmUnlatch is true and no fault is present.

Mode Alarm Conditions

The mode alarm reminds an operator that a device has been left in Operator
control. The mode alarm only turns on when, in Operator control mode, the
program tries to change the state of the device from the operator’s
commanded state. The alarm does not turn on if an operator places a device in
Operator control mode and changes the state. The D3SD instruction checks
for mode alarm conditions, using these rules.
ModeAlarm is When
true Prog2Command Prog2Commandn-1 and
Prog2Command Command2Status or
Prog1Command Prog1Commandn-1 and
Prog1Command Command1Status or
Prog0Command Prog1Commandn-1 and
Prog0Command Command0Status
false Prog2Command = Command2Status and
Prog1Command = Command1Status and
Prog0Command = Command0Status or
The device is in Override, Hand, or Program control mode

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

38 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Discrete 2-State Device This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
(D2SD) CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The D2SD instruction controls a discrete device which has only two possible
states (such as on/off or open/closed).

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text

There are data conversion rules for mixed data types within an instruction.
See Data Conversion.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 39

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
D2SD tag DISCRETE_2STATE Structure D2SD structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
D2SD tag DISCRETE_2STATE Structure D2SD structure

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does not execute
and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
ProgCommand BOOL Used to determine CommandStatus when the device is
in Program control. When true, the device is
commanded to the 1 state; when false, the device is
commanded to the 0 state.
Default is false.
Oper0Req BOOL Operator state 0 request. Set by the operator interface
to place the device in the 0 state when the device is in
Operator control.
Default is false.
Oper1Req BOOL Operator state 1 request. Set by the operator interface to
place the device in the 1 state when the device is in
Operator control.
Default is false.
State0Perm BOOL State 0 permissive. Unless in Hand or Override mode,
this input must be set for the device to enter the 0 state.
This input has no effect for a device already in the 0
Default is true.
State1Perm BOOL State 1 permissive. Unless in the Hand or Override mode,
this input must be set for the device to enter the 1 state.
This input has no effect for a device already in the 1
Default is true.
FB0 BOOL The first feedback input available to the D2SD
Default is false.
FB1 BOOL The second feedback input available to the D2SD
Default is false.
HandFB BOOL Hand feedback input. This input is from a field
hand/off/auto station and it shows the requested state
of the field device. When true, the field device is being
requested to enter the 1 state; when false, the field
device is being requested to enter the 0 state.
Default is false.

40 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
FaultTime REAL Fault time value. Configure the value in seconds of the
time to allow the device to reach a newly commanded
state. Set FaultTime = 0 to disable the fault timer. If this
value is invalid, the instruction assumes a value of zero
and sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any float 0.0
Default = 0.0
FaultAlarmLatch BOOL Fault alarm latch input. When true and FaultAlarm is
true, latch FaultAlarm. To unlatch FaultAlarm set
FaultAlmUnlatch to true or clear FaultAlarmLatch to
Default is false.
FaultAlmUnLatch BOOL Fault alarm unlatch input. Set FaultAlmUnLatch when
FaultAlarmLatch is set to unlatch FaultAlarm. The
instruction clears this input to false.
Default is false.
OverrideOnInit BOOL Override on initialization request. If this bit is true, then
during instruction first scan, the 2-state device is placed
in Operator control, Override is set to true, and Hand is
cleared to false. If ProgHandReq is true, then Override is
cleared to false and Hand is set to true.
Default is false.
OverrideOnFault BOOL Override on fault request. Set OverrideOnFault to true if
the device should go to Override mode and enter the
OverrideState on a fault alarm. After the fault alarm is
removed, the 2-state device is placed in Operator
Default is false.
OutReverse BOOL Reverse default out state. The default state of Out is
cleared to false when commanded to state 0, and set to
true when commanded to state 1. When OutReverse is
true, Out is set to true when commanded to state 0, and
cleared to false when commanded to state 1.
Default is false.
OverrideState BOOL Override state input. Configure this value to specify the
state of the device when the device is in Override mode.
True indicates the device should go to the 1 state; false
indicates the device should go to the 0 state.
Default is false.
FB0State0 BOOL Feedback 0 state 0 input. Configure the state of the FB0
when the device is in the 0 state.
Default is false.
FB0State1 BOOL Feedback 0 state 1 input. Configure the state of the FB0
when the device is in the 1 state.
Default is false.
FB1State0 BOOL Feedback 1 state 0 input. Configure the state of the FB1
when the device is in the 0 state.
Default is false.
FB1State1 BOOL Feedback 1 state 1 input. Configure the state of the FB1
when the device is in the 1 state.
Default is false.
ProgProgReq BOOL Program program request. Set to true by the user
program to request Program control. Ignored if
ProgOperReq is true. Holding this true and ProgOperReq
false locks the instruction into Program control.
Default is false.
ProgOperReq BOOL Program operator request. Set to true by the user
program to request Operator control. Holding this true
locks the instruction into Operator control.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 41

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
ProgOverrideReq BOOL Program override request. Set to true by the user
program to request the device to enter Override mode.
Ignored if ProgHandReq is true.
Default is false.
ProgHandReq BOOL Program hand request. Set to true by the user program
to request the device to enter Hand mode.
Default is false.
OperProgReq BOOL Operator program request. Set to true by the operator
interface to request Program control. The instruction
clears this input to false.
Default is false.
OperOperReq BOOL Operator operator request. Set to true by the operator
interface to request Operator control. The instruction
clears this input to false.
Default is false.
ProgValueReset BOOL Reset program control values. When true, all the
program request inputs are cleared to false at each
execution of the instruction.
Default is false.

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled.
Out BOOL The output of the 2-state instruction.
Device0State BOOL Device 0 state output. Set to true when the device is
commanded to the 0 state and the feedbacks indicate
the device really is in the 0 state.
Device1State BOOL Device 1 state output. Set to true when the device is
commanded to the 1 state and the feedbacks indicate
the device really is in the 1 state.
CommandStatus BOOL Command status output. Set to true when the device is
being commanded to the 1 state and cleared when the
device is being commanded to the 0 state.
FaultAlarm BOOL Fault alarm output. Set to true if the device was
commanded to a new state and the FaultTime has
expired without the feedbacks indicating that the new
state has actually been reached. Also set to true if, after
reaching a commanded state, the feedbacks suddenly
indicate that the device is no longer in the commanded
ModeAlarm BOOL Mode alarm output. Set to true if the device is in
Operator control and a program command changes to a
state which is different from the state currently
commanded by the operator. This alarm is intended as
a reminder that a device was left in Operator control.
ProgOper BOOL Program/Operator control indicator. True when in
Program control. False when in Operator control.
Override BOOL Override mode. True when the device is in the Override
Hand BOOL Hand mode. True when the device is in the Hand mode.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following execution
errors. This is not a minor or major controller error.
Check the remaining status bits to determine what
FaultTimeInv (Status.1) BOOL Invalid FaultTime value. The instruction sets FaultTime =
OperReqInv (Status.2) BOOL Both operator state request bits are true.

42 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

The D2SD instruction controls a discrete device which has only two possible
states (such as on/off or open/closed). Typical discrete devices of this nature
include motors, pumps, and solenoid valves.

Monitoring the D2SD Instruction

There is an operator faceplate available for the D2SD instruction.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run Set ProgOper to Operator Mode. Set CommandStatus to False.
Instruction first scan Set EnableOut to true.
ModeAlarm and operator request inputs are cleared to false,
If ProgValueReset is true, all the program request inputs are cleared to
When OverrideOnInit is true, ProgOper is cleared to false (Operator
If ProgHandReq is cleared and OverrideOnInit is set, clear Hand and set
Override (Override mode).
If ProgHandReq is set, set Hand and clear Override (Hand mode).
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic it will execute.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 43

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Condition/State Action Taken
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

SD instruction is typically used to control on-off or open-close devices such as
pumps or solenoid valves. In this example, the D2SD instruction controls a
solenoid valve adding corn syrup to a batch tank. As long as the D2SD
instruction is in Program control, the valve opens when the AddSyrup input is
set. The operator can also take Operator control of the valve to open or close it
if necessary The solenoid valve in this example has limit switches that indicate
when the valve is fully closed or opened. These switches are wired into the FB0
and FB1 feedback inputs. This allows the D2SD instruction to generate a
FaultAlarm if the solenoid valve does not reach the commanded state within
the configured FaultTime.

Function Block

Structured Text
SyrupController.ProgCommand := AddSyrup;

SyrupController.FB0 := SyrupValveClosedLimitSwitch;
SyrupController.FB1 := SyrupValveOpenedLimitSwitch;
SyrupValve := SyrupController.Out;

44 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Switch Between Program Control and Operator Control

The following diagram shows how the D2SD instruction changes between
Program control and Operator control.

(1) The instruction remains in Operator control mode when ProgOperReq is


Commanded State in Program Control

The following diagram shows how the D2SD instruction operates when in
Program control.

Commanded State in Operator Control

The following diagram shows how the D2SD instruction operates when in
Operator control.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 45

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

If both Oper0Req and Oper1Req are true:

• The instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status to true
• If Override and Hand are false, the instruction holds the previous
After every instruction execution, the instruction:
• Clears all the operator request inputs to false
• If ProgValueReset is true, clears all the program request inputs to false

Hand Mode or Override Mode

The following table describes how the D2SD instruction determines whether
to operate in Hand or Override mode.
FaultAlarm and
ProgHandReq ProgOverrideReq OverrideOnFault Description
true either either Hand mode
Hand is set to true
Override is cleared to false
false true either Override mode
Hand is cleared to false
Override is set to true
false either true Override mode
Hand is cleared to false
Override is set to true

When the instruction is in Override mode, CommandStatus = OverrideState.

When the instruction is in Hand mode, CommandStatus = HandFB.

Output State
The D2SD output state is based on the state of the command status.
CommandStatus Output State
false If OutReverse is false, Out is cleared to false
If OutReverse is true, Out is set to true
true If OutReverse is false, Out is set to rue
If OutReverse is true, Out is cleared to false
false and The fault timer is stopped and cleared to 0
FB0 = FB0State0 and Device0State is set to true
FB1 = FB1State0
true and The fault timer is stopped and cleared to 0
FB0 = FB0State1 and Device1State is set to true
FB1 = FB1State1

46 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Fault Alarm Conditions

The D2SD instruction checks for these fault alarm conditions.
Fault alarm condition
resulting from Rules
Device state was commanded to change, but Start the fault timer when CommandStatus n CommandStatusn-1
the feedback did not indicate that the desired Set FaultAlarm when faulttimer is done and FaultTime > 0.0
state was actually reached within the
The device unexpectedly left a state (according Set FaultAlarm to true when the fault timer is not timing and one of the
to the feedback) without being commanded to following conditions is satisfied:
CommandStatus is false and Device0State is false
CommandStatus is true and Device1State is false

FaultAlarm is cleared to false if one of the following conditions is met:

• CommandStatus is false and Device0State is true
• CommandStatus is true and Device1State is true
• FaultTime 0
FaultAlarm cannot be cleared to false when FaultAlarmLatch is true, unless
FaultAlmUnlatch is true and no fault is present.

Mode Alarm Conditions

The mode alarm reminds an operator that a device has been left in Operator
control. The mode alarm only turns on when, in Operator control mode, the
program tries to change the state of the device from the operator’s
commanded state. The alarm does not turn on if an operator places a device in
Operator control mode and changes the state. The D2SD instruction checks
for mode alarm conditions, using these rules.
ModeAlarm When
True ProgCommand n ProgCommandn-1 and
ProgCommand n CommandStatus
False ProgCommand = CommandStatus or
the device is in Override, Hand, or Program control mode

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Data Conversions on page 1022

Deadtime (DEDT) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 47

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

The DEDT instruction performs a delay of a single input. You select the
amount of deadtime delay.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text


Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
DEDT tag DEADTIME structure DEDT structure
storage REAL array deadtime buffer

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
DEDT tag DEADTIME structure DEDT structure
storage REAL array deadtime buffer

48 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

DEADTIME Structure
Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does
not execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
InFault BOOL Bad health indicator for the input. If the
input value is read from an analog input,
then InFault is controlled by fault status on
the analog input. If true, InFault indicates
the input signal has an error, the instruction
sets the appropriate bit in Status, the
control algorithm is not executed, and Out
is held.
Default is false.
false = good health
Deadtime REAL Deadtime input to the instruction. Enter the
deadtime in seconds. If this value is invalid,
the instruction assumes a value of zero and
sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0.0 to (StorageArray size * DeltaT)
Default = 0.0
Gain REAL Gain input to the instruction. The value of In
is multiplied by this value. This allows
simulation of a process gain.
Valid = any float
Default = 1.0
Bias REAL Bias input to the instruction. The value of In
multiplied by the Gain is added to this
value. This allows simulation of an ambient
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.
0 = Period mode
1 = oversample mode
2 = real time sampling mode
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
For more information about timing modes,
see Function Block Attributes.
OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample mode.
Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time
sampling mode
Valid = 1 to 32,767ms
Default = 1
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time
sampling mode.
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to
false if Out overflows.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 49

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameter Data Type Description
Out REAL The calculated output of the deadtime
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This is the
elapsed time in seconds used by the control
algorithm to calculate the process output.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault BOOL The instruction detected one of the following
(Status.0) execution errors. This is not a minor or major
controller error. Check the remaining status
bits to determine what occurred.
InFaulted (Status.1) BOOL In health is bad.
DeadtimeInv BOOL Invalid Deadtime value.
TimingMode BOOL Invalid TimingMode value.
(Status.27) For more information about timing modes,
see Function Block Attributes.
RTSMissed (Status.28) BOOL Only used in real time sampling mode. Set
ABS(DeltaT - RTSTime) > 1 millisecond.
RTSTimeInv BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaTInv (Status.31) BOOL Invalid DeltaT value.

The DEDT instruction uses a data buffer to store delayed data, thereby
allowing any length deadtime desired. The DEDT instruction is designed to
execute in a task where the scan rate remains constant.
To use the DEDT instruction, create a storage array to store the deadtime
buffer to hold the samples of (In x Gain) + Bias. The storage array should be
large enough to hold the largest desired deadtime, using this formula:
StorageArray Size Needed = Maximum Deadtime (secs) / DeltaT (secs)

Servicing the Deadtime Buffer

During runtime, the instruction checks for a valid Deadtime. Deadtime must
be between 0.0 and (StorageArray Size x DeltaT).
If the Deadtime is invalid, the instruction sets an appropriate Status bit and
sets Out = (In x Gain) + Bias.
The deadtime buffer functions as a first-in, first-out buffer. Every time the
deadtime algorithm executes, the oldest value in the deadtime buffer is moved
into Out. The remaining values in the buffer shift downward and the value
((In x Gain) + Bias) is moved to the beginning of the deadtime buffer. A new
value that is placed in the deadtime buffer appears in the Out after Deadtime

50 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
The number of array elements required to perform the programmed delay is
calculated by dividing Deadtime by DeltaT. If Deadtime is not evenly divisible
by DeltaT, then the number of array elements and the programmed delay are
rounded to the nearest increment of DeltaT. For example, to find the number
of array elements required to perform the programmed delay given Deadtime
= 4.25s and DeltaT = 0.50s:
4.25s / 0.50s = 8.5
rounds up to 9 array elements required

The actual delay applied to the input in this example is:

number of array elements x DeltaT = programmed delay or
9 x 0.5s = 4.5s
Runtime changes to either Deadtime or DeltaT change the point in which
values are moved out of the buffer. The number of elements required to
perform the programmed delay can either increase or decrease. Prior to
servicing the deadtime buffer, the following updates occur:
If the number of required elements needs to increase, the new buffer
elements are populated with the oldest value in the current deadtime buffer.
If the number of required elements needs to decrease, the oldest elements of
the current deadtime buffer are discarded.

Instruction Behavior on InFault Transition

When InFault is true (bad), the instruction suspends execution, holds the last
output, and sets the appropriate bit in Status.
When InFault transitions from true to false, the instruction sets all values in
the deadtime buffer equal to In x Gain + Bias.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 51

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan N/A
The instruction does not execute, but does validate input
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

In this example, the DEDT instruction simulates a deadtime delay in a
simulated process. The output of the PIDE instruction is passed through a
deadtime delay and a first-order lag to simulate the process. The array
DEDT_01array is a REAL array with 100 elements to support a deadtime of up
to 100 samples. For example, if this routine executes every 100 msec, the array
would support a deadtime of up to 10 seconds.

52 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Function Block

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Generator (FGEN) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The FGEN instruction converts an input based on a piece-wise linear


Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 53

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
FGEN tag FUNCTION_ structure FGEN structure
X1 REAL array X-axis array, table one. Combine with the Y-axis array, table one
to define the points of the first piece-wise linear curve.
Valid = any float
Y1 REAL array Y-axis array, table one. Combine with the X-axis array, table one
to define the points of the first piece-wise linear curve.
Valid = any float
X2 REAL array (optional)
X-axis array, table two. Combine with the Y-axis array, table two to
define the points of the second piece-wise linear curve.
Valid = any float
Y2 REAL array (optional)
Y-axis array, table two. Combine with the X-axis array, table two to
define the points of the second piece-wise linear curve.
Valid = any float

54 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
FGEN tag FUNCTION_ structure FGEN structure
X1 REAL array X-axis array, table one. Combine with the Y-axis array, table one
to define the points of the first piece-wise linear curve.
Valid = any float
Y1 REAL array Y-axis array, table one. Combine with the X-axis array, table one
to define the points of the first piece-wise linear curve.
Valid = any float
X2 REAL array (optional)
X-axis array, table two. Combine with the Y-axis array, table two to
define the points of the second piece-wise linear curve.
Valid = any float
Y2 REAL array (optional)
Y-axis array, table two. Combine with the X-axis array, table two to
define the points of the second piece-wise linear curve.
Valid = any float

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does not execute and
outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
XY1Size DINT Number of points in the piece-wise linear curve to use
from table one. If the value is less than one and Select is
cleared, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status
and the output is not changed.
Valid = 1 to (smallest of X1 and Y1 array sizes)
Default = 1
XY2Size DINT Number of points in the piece-wise linear curve to use
from table two. If the value is less than one and Select is
set, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and
the output is not changed.
Valid = 0 to (smallest of X2 and Y2 array sizes)
Default = 0
Select BOOL This input determines which table to use. When cleared,
the instruction uses table one; when set, the instruction
uses table two.
Default is cleared.

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to false on
Out REAL Output of the instruction.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL Instruction generated a fault.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 55

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameter Data Type Description
XY1SizeInv (Status.1) BOOL Size of table 1 is invalid or not compatible with the array
XY2SizeInv (Status.2) BOOL Size of table 2 is invalid or not compatible with the array
XisOutofOrder (Status.3) BOOL The X parameters are not sorted.

The following illustration shows how the FGEN instruction converts a
twelve-segment curve.

The X-axis parameters must follow the relationship:

X[1] < X[2] < X[3] < ... < X[XY<n>Size],
where XY<n>Size > 1 and is a number of points in the piece-wise linear curve
and where n is 1 or 2 for the table selected. You must create sorted X-axis
elements in the X arrays.
The Select input determines which table to use for the instruction. When the
instruction is executing on one table, you can modify the values in the other
table. Change the state of Select to execute with the other table.
Before calculating Out, the X axis parameters are scanned. If they are not
sorted in ascending order, the appropriate bit in Status is set and Out remains
unchanged. Also, if XY1Size or XY2Size is invalid, the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status and leaves Out unchanged.

The instruction uses this algorithm to calculate Out based on In:

• When In X[1], set Out = Y[1]

56 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
• When In > X[XY<n>Size], set Out = Y[XY<n>Size]
• When X[n] < In X[n+1], calculate Out = ((Y[n+1]-Yn)/

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Fault
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition Function Block Action
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true. The instruction
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan N/A
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true. The instruction

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.


Example 1
In this example, the FGEN instruction characterizes a flow signal which is
then totalized using a TOT instruction. The FGEN_01X1 and FGEN_01Y1
arrays are REAL arrays of 10 elements each to support up to a 9 segment curve.
You can use arrays of any size to support a curve of any desired number of

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 57

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Example 2
This example passes optional parameters to FGEN instruction.

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Lead-Lag (LDLG) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The LDLG instruction provides a phase lead-lag compensation for an input

signal. This instruction is typically used for feedforward PID control or for
process simulations.

58 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
LDLG tag LEAD_LAG Structure LDLG structure

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
LDLG tag LEAD_LAG Structure LDLG structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

LEAD_LAG Structure
Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does not execute and
outputs are not updated.
Default is set.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Initialize BOOL Request to initialize filter control algorithm. When Initialize is
set, Out = (In x Gain) + Bias.
Default = cleared

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 59

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
Lead REAL The lead time in seconds. Set Lead = 0.0 to disable the lead
control algorithm. If Lead < 0.0, the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status and limits Lead to 0.0. If Lead >
maximum positive float, the instruction sets the appropriate
bit in Status.
Valid = any float 0.0
Default = 0.0
Lag REAL The lag time in seconds. The minimum lag time is DeltaT/2. If
Lag < DeltaT/2, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in
Status and limits Lag to DeltaT/2. If Lag > maximum positive
float, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any float DeltaT/2
Default = 0.0
Gain REAL The process gain multiplier. This value allows the simulation
of a process gain. The In signal is multiplied by this value. I =
(In x Gain) + Bias
Valid = any float
Default = 1.0
Bias REAL The process offset level. This value allows the simulation of
an ambient condition. This value is summed with the results
of the multiplication of In times Gain. I = (In x Gain) + Bias
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.
0 = Periodic rate
1 = Oversample mode
2 = Real-time sampling mode
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
For more information about timing modes, see Function
Block Attributes.
OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample mode.
Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time sampling mode
Valid = 1 to 32,767ms
Default = 1
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time sampling mode.
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable output.
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm. Math status flags are
used for this output.
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This is the elapsed time in
seconds used by the control algorithm to calculate the
process output.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following execution
errors. This is not a minor or major controller error. Check
the remaining status bits to determine what occurred.
LeadInv (Status.1) BOOL Lead < minimum value or Lead > maximum value.
LagInv (Status.2) BOOL Lag < minimum value or Lag > maximum value.
TimingModeInv (Status.27) BOOL Invalid TimingMode value.
For more information about timing modes, see Function
Block Attributes.

60 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameter Data Type Description
RTSMissed (Status.28) BOOL Only used in real time sampling mode. Set when
ABS | DeltaT - RTSTime | > 1 (.001 second).
RTSTimeInv (Status.29) BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaTInv (Status.31) BOOL Invalid DeltaT value.

The LDLG instruction supports one lead and lag in series. The instruction also
allows configurable gain and bias factors. The LDLG instruction is designed to
execute in a task where the scan rate remains constant.
The LDLG instruction uses this equation:

with these parameter limits:

Parameter Limitations
Lead LowLimit = 0.0
HighLimit = maximum positive float
Lag LowLimit = DeltaT/2 (DeltaT is in seconds)
HighLimit = maximum positive float

Whenever the value computed for the output is invalid, NAN, or INF, the
instruction sets Out = the invalid value and sets the Math overflow status flag.
When the value computed for the output becomes valid, the instruction
initializes the internal parameters and sets Out = (In x Gain) + Bias.

Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition Function Block Action
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 61

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Condition Function Block Action
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan Execute "Out = (In * Gain) + Bias".
Recalculate Lead/Lag coefficients.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

The LDLG instruction in this example adds a first-order lag to a simulated
process. Optionally, you could enter a Gain on the LDLG instruction to
simulate a process gain, and you could enter a Bias to simulate an ambient

Function Block

62 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Structured Text
DEDT_01.In := SimulatedLoop.CVEU;
LDLG_01.In := DEDT_01.Out;

SimulatedLoop.PV := LDLG_01.Out;

See also
Function Block Attributes on page 979
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Enhanced PID (PIDE) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The PIDE instruction provides enhanced capabilities over the standard PID
instruction. The instruction uses the velocity form of the PID algorithm. The
gain terms are applied to the change in the value of error or PV, not the value
of error or PV.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 63

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
PIDE tag PID_ENHANCED structure PIDE structure
autotune tag PIDE_AUTOTUNE structure (optional)
autotune structure

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
PIDE tag PID_ENHANCED structure PIDE structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

64 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

PIDE Structure
Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does not execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
PV REAL Scaled process variable input. This value is typically read from an analog input module.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
PVFault BOOL PV bad health indicator. If PV is read from an analog input, then PVFault is normally
controlled by the analog input fault status. When PVFault is true, it indicates the input
signal has an error.
Default is false = "good health"
PVEUMax REAL Maximum scaled value for PV. The value of PV and SP which corresponds to 100 percent
span of the Process Variable.
Valid = PVEUMin < PVEUMax maximum positive float
Default = 100.0
PVEUMin REAL Minimum scaled value for PV. The value of PV and SP which corresponds to 0 percent
span of the Process Variable.
Valid = maximum negative float PVEUMin < PVEUMax
Default = 0.0
SPProg REAL SP program value, scaled in PV units. SP is set to this value when in Program control and
not Cascade/Ratio mode. If the value of SPProg < SPLLimit or > SPHLimit, the instruction
sets the appropriate bit in Status and limits the value used for SP.
Valid = SPLLimit to SPHLimit
Default = 0.0
SPOper REAL SP operator value, scaled in PV units. SP is set to this value when in Operator control and
not Cascade/Ratio mode. If the value of SPOper < SPLLimit or > SPHLimit, the instruction
sets the appropriate bit in Status and limits the value used for SP.
Valid = SPLLimit to SPHLimit
Default = 0.0
SPCascade REAL SP Cascade value, scaled in PV units. If CascadeRatio is true and UseRatio is false, then
SP = SPCascade. This is typically the CVEU of a primary loop. If CascadeRatio and
UseRatio are true, then SP = (SPCascade x Ratio). If the value of SPCascade < SPLLimit or
> SPHLimit, set the appropriate bit in Status and limit the value used for SP.
Valid = SPLLimit to SPHLimit
Default = 0.0
SPHLimit REAL SP high limit value, scaled in PV units. If SPHLimit > PVEUMax, the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = SPLLimit to PVEUMax
Default = 100.0
SPLLimit REAL SP low limit value, scaled in PV units. If SPLLimit < PVEUMin, the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status. If SPHLimit < SPLLimit, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in
Status and limits SP using the value of SPLLimit.
Valid = PVEUMin to SPHLimit
Default = 0.0
UseRatio BOOL Allow ratio control permissive. Set to true to enable ratio control when in Cascade/Ratio
Default is false.
RatioProg REAL Ratio program multiplier. Ratio and RatioOper are set equal to this value when in Program
control. If RatioProg < RatioLLimit or > RatioHLimit, the instruction sets the appropriate bit
in Status and limits the value used for Ratio.
Valid = RatioLLimit to RatioHLimit
Default = 1.0
RatioOper REAL Ratio operator multiplier. Ratio is set equal to this value when in Operator control. If
RatioOper < RatioLLimit or > RatioHLimit, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status
and limits the value used for Ratio.
Valid = RatioLLimit to RatioHLimit
Default = 1.0

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 65

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
RatioHLimit REAL Ratio high limit value. Limits the value of Ratio obtained from RatioProg or RatioOper. If
RatioHLimit < RatioLLimit, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and limits
Ratio using the value of RatioLLimit.
Valid = RatioLLimit to maximum positive float
Default = 1.0
RatioLLimit REAL Ratio low limit value. Limits the value of Ratio obtained from RatioProg or RatioOper. If
RatioLLimit < 0, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and limits the value to
zero. If RatioHLimit < RatioLLimit, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and
limits Ratio using the value of RatioLLimit.
Valid = 0.0 to RatioHLimit
Default = 1.0
CVFault BOOL Control variable bad health indicator. If CVEU controls an analog output, then CVFault
normally comes from the analog output’s fault status. When true, CVFault indicates an
error on the output module and the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Default is false = "good health"
CVInitReq BOOL CV initialization request. This signal is normally controlled by the "In Hold" status on the
analog output module controlled by CVEU or from the InitPrimary output of a secondary
PID loop.
Default is false.
CVInitValue REAL CVEU initialization value, scaled in CVEU units. When CVInitializing is true, CVEU =
CVInitValue and CV equals the corresponding percentage value. CVInitValue comes from
the feedback of the analog output controlled by CVEU or from the setpoint of a secondary
loop. Instruction initialization is disabled when CVFaulted or CVEUSpanInv is true.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
CVProg REAL CV program manual value. CV equals this value when in Program Manual mode. If CVProg
< 0 or > 100, or < CVLLimit or > CVHLimit when CVManLimiting is true, the instruction sets
the appropriate bit in Status and limits the CV value.
Valid = 0.0 to 100.0
Default = 0.0
CVOper REAL CV operator manual value. CV equals this value when in Operator Manual mode. If not
Operator Manual mode, the instruction sets CVOper = CV at the end of each instruction
execution. If CVOper < 0 or > 100, or < CVLLimit or > CVHLimit when CVManLimiting is
true, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and limits the CV value.
Valid = 0.0 to 100.0
Default = 0.0
CVOverride REAL CV override value. CV equals this value when in override mode. This value should
correspond to a safe state output of the PID loop. If CVOverride < 0 or >100, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and limits the CV value.
Valid = 0.0 to 100.0
Default = 0.0
CVPrevious REAL CVn-1 value. If CVSetPrevious is set, CVn-1 equals this value. CVn-1 is the value of CV from the
previous execution. CVPrevious is ignored when in manual, override or hand mode or
when CVInitializing is set. If CVPrevious < 0 or > 100, or < CVLLimit or > CVHLimit when in
Auto or cascade/ratio mode, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and limits
the CVn-1 value.
Valid = 0.0 to 100.0
Default = 0.0
CVSetPrevious BOOL Request to use CVPrevious. If true, CVn-1 = CVPrevious
Default is false.
CVManLimiting BOOL Limit CV in manual mode request. If Manual mode and CVManLimiting is true, CV is limited
by the CVHLimit and CVLLimit values.
Default is false.
CVEUMax REAL Maximum value for CVEU. The value of CVEU which corresponds to 100 percent CV. If
CVEUMax = CVEUMin, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any float
Default = 100.0
CVEUMin REAL Minimum value of CVEU. The value of CVEU which corresponds to 0 percent CV. If
CVEUMax = CVEUMin, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0

66 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
CVHLimit REAL CV high limit value. This is used to set the CVHAlarm output. It is also used for limiting CV
when in Auto or Cascade/Ratio mode, or Manual mode if CVManLimiting is true. If CVHLimit
> 100 or < CVLLimit, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status. If CVHLimit <
CVLLimit, the instruction limits CV using the value of CVLLimit.
Valid = CVLLimit < CVHLimit 100.0
Default = 100.0
CVLLimit REAL CV low limit value. This is used to set the CVLAlarm output. It is also used for limiting CV
when in Auto or Cascade/Ratio mode, or Manual mode if CVManLimiting is true. If CVLLimit
< 0 or CVHLimit < CVLLimit, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status. If CVHLimit <
CVLLimit, the instruction limits CV using the value of CVLLimit.
Valid = 0.0 CVLLimit < CVHLimit
Default = 0.0
CVROCLimit REAL CV rate of change limit, in percent per second. Rate of change limiting is only used when
in Auto or Cascade/Ratio modes or Manual mode if CVManLimiting is true. Enter 0 to
disable CV ROC limiting. If CVROCLimit < 0, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in
Status and disables CV ROC limiting.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
FF REAL Feed forward value. The value of feed forward is summed with CV after the zero-crossing
deadband limiting has been applied to CV. Therefore changes in FF are always reflected
in the final output value of CV. If FF < -100 or > 100, the instruction sets the appropriate
bit in Status and limits the value used for FF.
Valid = -100.0 to 100.0
Default = 0.0
FFPrevious REAL FFn-1 value. If FF SetPrevous is set, the instruction sets FFn-1 = FFPrevious. FFn-1 is the valu
eof FF from the previous execution. If FFPrevious < -100 or > 100, the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status and limits value used for FFn-1
Valid = -100.0 to 100.0
Default - 0.0
FFSetPrevious BOOL Request to use FFPrevious. If true, FFn-1 = FFPrevious.
Default is false.
HandFB REAL CV Hand feedback value. CV equals this value when in Hand mode and HandFBFault is
false (good health). This value typically comes from the output of a field mounted hand/
auto station and is used to generate a bumpless transfer out of hand mode. If HandFB <
0 or > 100, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and limits the value used for
Valid = 0.0 to 100.0
Default = 0.0
HandFBFault BOOL HandFB value bad health indicator. If the HandFB value is read from an analog input, then
HandFBFault is typically controlled by the status of the analog input channel. When true,
HandFBFault indicates an error on the input module and the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status.
Default is false = "good health"
WindupHIn BOOL Windup high request. When true, the CV cannot integrate in a positive direction. The
signal is typically obtained from the WindupHOut output from a secondary loop.
Default is false.
WindupLIn BOOL Windup low request. When true, the CV cannot integrate in a negative direction. This
signal is typically obtained from the WindupLOut output from a secondary loop.
Default is false.
ControlAction BOOL Control action request. Set to true to calculate error as E = PV - SP; clear to false to
calculate error as E = SP - PV.
Default is false.
DependIndepend BOOL Dependent/independent control request. When true, use the dependent form of the PID
equation; when false, use the independent form of the equations.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 67

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
PGain REAL Proportional gain. When the independent form of the PID algorithm is selected, enter the
unitless proportional gain into this value. When the dependent PID algorithm is selected,
enter the unitless controller gain into this value. Enter 0 to disable the proportional
control. If PGain < 0, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and uses a value of
PGain = 0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
IGain REAL Integral gain. When the independent form of the PID algorithm is selected, enter the
integral gain in units of 1/minutes into this value. When the dependent PID algorithm is
selected, enter the integral time constant in units of minutes/repeat into this value. Enter
0 to disable the integral control. If IGain < 0, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in
Status and uses a value of IGain = 0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
DGain REAL Derivative gain. When the independent form of the PID algorithm is selected, enter the
derivative gain in units of minutes into this value. When the dependent PID algorithm is
used, enter the derivative time constant in units of minutes into this value. Enter 0 to
disable the derivative control. If DGain < 0, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in
Status and uses a value of DGain = 0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
PVEProportional BOOL Proportional PV control request. When true, calculate the proportional term (DeltaPTerm)
using the change in process variable (PVPercent). When false, use the change in error
Default is false.
PVEDerivative BOOL Derivative PV control request. When true, calculate the derivative term (DeltaDTerm) using
the change in process variable (PVPercent). When false, use the change in error
Default is true.
DSmoothing BOOL Derivative Smoothing request. When true, changes in the derivative term are smoothed.
Derivative smoothing causes less output "jitters" as a result of a noisy PV signal but also
limits the effectiveness of high derivative gains.
Default is false.
PVTracking BOOL SP track PV request. Set to true to cause SP to track PV when in manual mode. Ignored
when in Cascade/Ratio or Auto mode.
Default is false.
ZCDeadband REAL Zero crossing deadband range, scaled in PV units. Defines the zero crossing deadband
range. Enter 0 to disable the zero crossing deadband checking. If ZCDeadband < 0, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and disables zero crossing deadband
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
ZCOff BOOL Zero crossing disable request. Set to true to disable zero crossing for the deadband
Default is false.
PVHHLimit REAL PV high-high alarm limit value, scaled in PV units.
Valid = any float
Default = maximum positive float
PVHLimit REAL PV high alarm limit value, scaled in PV units.
Valid = any float
Default = maximum positive float
PVLLimit REAL PV low alarm limit value, scaled in PV units.
Valid = any float
Default = maximum negative float
PVLLLimit REAL PV low-low alarm limit value, scaled in PV units.
Valid = any float
Default = maximum negative float

68 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
PVDeadband REAL PV alarm limit deadband value, scaled in PV units. Deadband is the delta value between
the turn-on and turn-off value for each of the PV alarm limits. If PVDeadband < 0.0, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and limits PVDeadband to zero.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
PVROCPosLimit REAL PV positive rate of change alarm limit. The limit value for a positive (increasing) change in
PV, scaled in PV units per seconds. Enter 0.0 to disable positive PVROC alarm checking. If
PVROCPosLimit < 0.0, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and disables
positive PVROC checking.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0 PV/second
PVROCNegLimit REAL PV negative rate of change alarm limit. The limit value for a negative (decreasing) change
in PV, scaled in PV units per seconds. Enter 0.0 to disable negative PVROC alarm
checking. If PVROCNegLimit < 0, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and
disables negative PVROC checking.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
PVROCPeriod REAL PV rate of change sample period. The time period, in seconds, over which the rate of
change for PV is evaluated. Enter 0 to disable PVROC alarm checking If PVROCPeriod <
0.0, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status, and disables positive and negative
PVROC checking.
Valid = any float 0.0
Default = 0.0 seconds
DevHHLimit REAL Deviation high-high alarm limit value, scaled in PV units. Deviation is the difference in
value between the process variable (PV) and the setpoint (SP). Deviation alarming alerts
the operator to a discrepancy between the process variable and the setpoint value. If
DevHHLimit < 0.0, the instruction sets the appropriate bits in Status and sets DevHHLimit
= 0.0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = maximum positive float
DevHLimit REAL Deviation high alarm limit value, scaled in PV units. Deviation is the difference in value
between the process variable (PV) and the setpoint (SP). Deviation alarming alerts the
operator to a discrepancy between the process variable and the setpoint value. If
DevHLimit < 0.0, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and sets DevHLimit =
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = maximum positive float
DevLLimit REAL Deviation low alarm limit value, scaled in PV units. Deviation is the difference in value
between the process variable (PV) and the setpoint (SP). Deviation alarming alerts the
operator to a discrepancy between the process variable and the setpoint value. If
DevLLimit < 0.0, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and sets DevLLimit =
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = maximum positive float
DevLLLimit REAL Deviation low-low alarm limit value, scaled in PV units. Deviation is the difference in value
between the process variable (PV) and the setpoint (SP). Deviation alarming alerts the
operator to a discrepancy between the process variable and the setpoint value. If
DevLLLimit < 0.0, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and sets DevLLLimit =
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = maximum positive float
DevDeadband REAL The deadband value for the Deviation alarm limits, scaled in PV units. Deadband is the
delta value between the turn-on and turn-off value for each of the Deviation alarm limits.
If DevDeadband < 0.0, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and sets
DevDeadband = 0.0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
AllowCasRat BOOL Allow cascade/ratio mode permissive. Set to true to allow Cascade/Ratio mode to be
selected using either ProgCasRatReq or OperCasRatReq.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 69

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
ManualAfterInit BOOL Manual mode after initialization request. When true, the instruction is placed in Manual
mode when CVInitializing is true, unless the current mode is Override or Hand. When
ManualAfterInit is false, the instruction’s mode is not changed, unless requested to do so.
Default is false.
ProgProgReq BOOL Program program request. Set to true by the user program to request Program control.
Ignored if ProgOperReq is true. Holding this true and ProgOperReq false locks the
instruction in Program control. When ProgValueReset is true, the instruction clears this
input to false at each execution.
Default is false.
ProgOperReq BOOL Program operator request. Set to true by the user program to request Operator control.
Holding this true locks the instruction in Operator control. When ProgValueReset is true,
the instruction clears this input to false at each execution.
Default is false.
ProgCasRatReq BOOL Program cascade/ratio mode request. Set to true by the user program to request
Cascade/Ratio mode. When ProgValueReset is true, the instruction clears this input to
false at each execution.
Default is false.
ProgAutoReq BOOL Program auto mode request. Set to true by the user program to request Auto mode.
When ProgValueReset is true, the instruction clears this input to false at each execution.
Default is false.
ProgManualReq BOOL Program manual mode request. Set to true by the user program to request Manual mode.
When ProgValueReset is true, the instruction clears this input to false ateach execution.
Default is false.
ProgOverrideReq BOOL Program override mode request. Set to true by the user program to request Override
mode. When ProgValueReset is true, the instruction clears this input to false at each
Default is false.
ProgHandReq BOOL Program hand mode request. Set to true by the user program to request Hand mode.
This value is usually read as a digital input from a hand/auto station. When
ProgValueReset is true, the instruction clears this input to false at each execution.
Default is false.
OperProgReq BOOL Operator program request. Set to true by the operator interface to request Program
control. The instruction clears this input to false at each execution.
Default is false.
OperOperReq BOOL Operator operator request. Set to true by the operator interface to request Operator
control. The instruction clears this input to false at each execution.
Default is false.
OperCasRatReq BOOL Operator cascade/ratio mode request. Set to true by the operator interface to request
Cascade/ Ratio mode. The instruction clears this input to false at each execution.
Default is false.
OperAutoReq BOOL Operator auto mode request. Set to true by the operator interface to request Auto mode.
The instruction clears this input to false at each execution.
Default is false.
OperManualReq BOOL Operator manual mode request. Set to true by the operator interface to request Manual
mode. The instruction clears this input to false at each execution.
Default is false.
ProgValueReset BOOL Reset program control values. When true, all the program request inputs are cleared to
false by the instruction at each execution. When true and in Operator control, the
instruction sets SPProgram = SP and CVProgram = CV.
Default is false.
TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.
0 = Periodic mode
1 = Oversample mode
2 = Real time sampling mode
For more information about timing modes, see Function Block Attributes.
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample mode.
Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0

70 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time sampling mode
Valid = 1 to 32,767ms
Default = 1
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time sampling mode.
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0
AtuneAcquire BOOL Acquire PIDE AtuneData request.
Default is false.
AtuneStart BOOL Start Autotune request.
Default is false.
AtuneUseGains BOOL Use Autotune gains request.
Default is false.
AtuneAbort BOOL Abort Autotune request.
Default is false.
AtuneUnacquire BOOL Unacquire PIDE AtuneData request.
Default is false.

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to false if CVEU overflows.
CVEU REAL Scaled control variable output. Scaled using CVEUMax and CVEUMin, where CVEUMax
corresponds to 100 percent and CVEUMin corresponds to 0 percent. This output typically
controls an analog output module or a secondary loop.
CVEU = (CV x CVEUSpan / 100) + CVEUMin
CVEU span calculation: CVEUSpan = (CVEUMax - CVEUMin)
CV REAL Control variable output. This value is expressed as 0 to 100 percent. CV is limited by
CVHLimit and CVLLimit when in auto or cascade/ratio mode or manual mode if
CVManLimiting is true. Otherwise this value is limited by 0 and 100 percent.
CVInitializing BOOL Initialization mode indicator. CVInitializing is set to true when CVInitReq is true, during
instruction first scan, and on a true to false transition of CVHealth (bad to good).
CVInitializing is cleared to false after the instruction has been initialized and CVInitReq is
CVHAlarm BOOL CV high alarm indicator. Set to true when the calculated value of
CV > 100 or CVHLimit.
CVLAlarm BOOL CV low alarm indicator. Set to true when the calculated value of
CV < 0 or CVLLimit.

CVROCAlarm BOOL CV rate of change alarm indicator. Set to true when the calculated rate of change for CV
exceeds CVROCLimit.
SP REAL Current setpoint value. The value of SP is used to control CV when in Auto or Cascade/
Ratio mode.
SPPercent REAL The value of SP expressed in percent of span of PV.
SPPercent = ((SP - PVEUMin) x 100) / PVSpan
PV Span calculation: PVSpan = (PVEUMax - PVEUMin)
SPHAlarm BOOL SP high alarm indicator.
Set to true when the SP > SPHLimit.
SPLAlarm BOOL SP low alarm indicator.
Set to true when the SP < SPLLimit.
PVPercent REAL PV expressed in percent of span.
PVPercent = ((PV- PVEUMin) x 100) / PVSpan
PV Span calculation: PVSpan = (PVEUMax - PVEUMin)
E REAL Process error. Difference between SP and PV, scaled in PV units.
EPercent REAL The error expressed as a percent of span.
InitPrimary BOOL Initialize primary loop command. Set to true when not in Cascade/Ratio mode or when
CVInitializing is true. This signal is normally used by the CVInitReq input of a primary PID

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Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameter Data Type Description
WindupHOut BOOL Windup high indicator. Set to true when CV high or CV low limit (depending on the control
action) or SP high limit has been reached. This signal is typically used by the WindupHIn
input to prevent the windup of the CV output on a primary loop.
WindupLOut BOOL Windup low indicator. Set to true when CV high or CV low limit (depending on the control
action) or SP low limit has been reached. This signal is typically used by the WindupLIn
input to prevent the windup of the CV output on a primary loop.
Ratio REAL Current ratio multiplier.
RatioHAlarm BOOL Ratio high alarm indicator. Set to true when Ratio > RatioHLimit.
RatioLAlarm BOOL Ratio low alarm indicator. Set to true when Ratio < RatioLLimit.
ZCDeadbandOn BOOL Zero crossing deadband indicator. When true the value of CV does not change. If ZCOff is
true, then ZCDeadbandOn is set to true when | E | is within the ZCDeadband range. If ZCOff
is false, then ZCDeadbandOn is set to true when | E | crosses zero and remains within the
ZCDeadband range. ZCDeadbandOn is cleared to false when | E | exceeds the deadband
range or when ZCDeadband = 0.
PVHHAlarm BOOL PV high-high alarm indicator. Set to true when PV PVHHLimit. Cleared to false when PV
< (PVHHLimit - PVDeadband)
PVHAlarm BOOL PV high alarm indicator. Set to true when PV PVHLimit. Cleared to false when PV <
(PVHLimit - PVDeadband)
PVLAlarm BOOL PV low alarm indicator. Set to true when PV PVLLimit. Cleared to false when PV >
(PVLLimit + PVDeadband)
PVLLAlarm BOOL PV low-low alarm indicator. Set to true when PV PVLLLimit. Cleared to false when PV
> (PVLLLimit + PVDeadband)
PVROCPosAlarm BOOL PV positive rate-of-change alarm indicator. Set to true when calculated PV
rate-of-change PVROCPosLimit.
PVROCNegAlarm BOOL PV negative rate-of-change alarm indicator. Set to true when calculated PV
rate-of-change (PVROCNegLimit x -1).
DevHHAlarm BOOL Deviation high-high alarm indicator. Set to true when
PV (SP + DevHHLimit). Cleared to false when
PV < (SP + DevHHLimit - DevDeadband)
DevHAlarm BOOL Deviation high alarm indicator. Set to true when
PV (SP + DevHLimit). Cleared to false when
PV < (SP + DevHLimit - DevDeadband)
DevLAlarm BOOL Deviation low alarm indicator. Set to true when
PV (SP - DevLLimit). Cleared to false when
PV > (SP - DevLLimit + DevDeadband)
DevLLAlarm BOOL Deviation low-low alarm indicator. Set to true when
PV (SP - DevLLLimit). Cleared to false when
PV > (SP - DevLLLimit + DevDeadband)
ProgOper BOOL Program/operator control indicator. Set to true when in Program control. Cleared to false
when in Operator control.
CasRat BOOL Cascade/ratio mode indicator. Set to true when in the Cascade/Ratio mode.
Auto BOOL Auto mode indicator. Set to true when in the Auto mode.
Manual BOOL Manual mode indicator. Set to true when in the Manual mode.
Override BOOL Override mode indicator. Set to true when in the Override mode.
Hand BOOL Hand mode indicator. Set to true when in the Hand mode.
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This is the elapsed time in seconds used by the control
algorithm to calculate the process output.
AtuneReady BOOL Set to true when the specified AtuneData has been acquired by the PIDE instruction.
AtuneOn BOOL Set to true when auto tuning has been initiated.
AtuneDone BOOL Set to true when auto tuning has completed.
AtuneAborted BOOL Set to true when auto tuning has been aborted by the user or due to errors that occurred
during the auto tuning operation.
AtuneBusy BOOL Set to true when the specified AtuneData could not be acquired because it is currently
acquired by another PIDE instruction.
Status1 DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault BOOL The instruction detected one of the following execution errors. This is not a minor or major
(Status1.0) controller error. Check the remaining status bits to determine what occurred.
PVFaulted (Status1.1) BOOL Process variable (PV) health bad.

72 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameter Data Type Description
CVFaulted (Status1.2) BOOL Control variable (CV) health bad.
HandFBFaulted BOOL HandFB value health bad.
PVSpanInv BOOL Invalid span of PV. PVEUMax £ PVEUMin.
SPProgInv BOOL SPProg < SPLLimit or SPProg > SPHLimit. The instruction uses the limited value for SP.
SPOperInv BOOL SPOper < SPLLimit or SPOper > SPHLimit. The instruction uses the limited value for SP.
SPCascadeInv BOOL SPCascade < SPLLimit or SPCascade > SPHLimit. The instruction uses the limited value for
(Status1.7) SP.
SPLimitsInv BOOL Limits invalid: SPLLimit < PVEUMin, SPHLimit > PVEUMax, or SPHLimit < SPLLimit. If
(Status1.8) SPHLimit < SPLLimit, the instruction limits the value using SPLLimit
RatioProgInv BOOL RatioProg < RatioLLimit or RatioProg > RatioHLimit. The instruction limits the value for
(Status1.9) Ratio.
RatioOperInv BOOL RatioOper < RatioLLimit or RatioOper > RatioHLimit. The instruction limits the value for
(Status1.10) Ratio.
RatioLimitsInv BOOL RatioLLimit < 0 or RatioHLimit < RatioLLimit.
CVProgInv BOOL CVProg < 0 or CVProg > 100, or CVProg < CVLLimit or CVProg > CVHLimit when
(Status1.12) CVManLimiting is true. The instruction limits the value for CV.
CVOperInv BOOL CVOper < 0 or CVOper > 100, or CVOper < CVLLimit or CVOper > CVHLimit when
(Status1.13) CVManLimiting is true. The instruction limits the value for CV.
CVOverrideInv (Status1.14) BOOL CVOverride < 0 or CVOverride > 100. The instruction limits the value for CV.
CVPreviousInv (Status1.15) BOOL CVPrevious < 0 or CVPrevious > 100, or CVPrevious < CVLLimit or CVPrevious > CVHLimit
when in Auto or Cascade/Ratio mode. The instruction limits the value of CVn-1.
CVEUSpanInv BOOL Invalid CVEU span. The instruction uses a value of
(Status1.16) CVEUMax = CVEUMin.
CVLimitsInv BOOL CVLLimit < 0, CVHLimit > 100, or CVHLimit < CVLLimit. If CVHLimit < CVLLimit, the
(Status1.17) instruction limits CV using CVLLimit.
CVROCLimitInv (Status1.18) BOOL CVROCLimit < 0. The instruction disables ROC limiting.
FFInv (Status1.19) BOOL FF < -100 or FF > 100. The instruction uses the limited value for FF.
FFPreviousInv BOOL FFPrevious < - 100 or FFPrevious > 100. The instruction uses the limited value for FFn-1.
HandFBInv BOOL HandFB < 0 or HandFB > 100. The instruction uses the limited value for CV.
PGainInv BOOL PGain < 0. The instruction uses a value of PGain = 0.
IGainInv BOOL IGain < 0. The instruction uses a value of IGain = 0.
DGainInv BOOL DGain < 0. The instruction uses a value of DGain = 0.
ZCDeadbandInv BOOL ZCDeadband < 0. The instruction disables zero crossing deadband.
PVDeadbandInv BOOL PVDeadband < 0. The instruction limits PVDeadband to zero.
PVROCLimitsInv BOOL PVROCPosLimit < 0, PVROCNegLimit < 0, or PVROCPeriod < 0.
DevHLLimitsInv BOOL Deviation high-low limits invalid. Low-low limit < 0,
(Status1.28) low limit < 0, high limit < 0, or high-high limit < 0. The instruction uses 0 for the invalid
DevDeadbandInv BOOL Deviation deadband < 0. The instruction uses a value of DevDeadband = 0.
Status2 DINT Timing status of the function block.
TimingModeInv BOOL Invalid TimingMode value.
(Status2.27) For more information about timing modes, see Function Block Attributes.
RTSMissed BOOL Only used in real time sampling mode. Set to true when
(Status2.28) ABS | DeltaT - RTSTime | > 1 (.001 second).

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Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameter Data Type Description
RTSTimeInv BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaTInv BOOL Invalid DeltaT value.

The PID algorithm regulates the CV output in order to maintain the PV at the
SP when the instruction executes in Cascade/Ratio or Auto modes.
When ControlAction is set, the calculated value of EPercent and
PVPIDPercent is negated before being used by the control algorithm.
The following table describes how the instruction calculates the PID terms.
PID Term Method of Calculation
proportional The proportional term is calculated using:
• PV when PVEProportional is set or
• Error when PVEProportional is cleared
Set PGain = 0 to disable proportional control.
integral The integral term is calculated using Error. Set IGain = 0 to disable integral control.
Also, setting PGain = 0 when DependIndepend is set will disable integral control.
derivative The derivative term is calculated using:
• PV when PVEDerivative is set or
• Error when PVEDerivative is cleared
Set DGain = 0 to disable derivative control. Also, setting PGain = 0 when
DependIndepend is set will disable derivative control.
Derivative smoothing is enabled when DSmoothing is set and disabled when
DSmoothing is cleared. Derivative smoothing causes less CV output "jitter" as a result
of a noisy PV signal but also limits the effectiveness of high derivative gains.

Computing CV
The PID control algorithm computes the value for CV by summing Delta
PTerm, Delta ITerm, Delta
DTerm, and CV from the previous execution of the instruction, for example
CVn-1. When CVsetPrevious is set,
CVn-1 is set equal to CVPrevious. This lets you preset CVn-1 to a specified value
before computing the value of CV.
CalculatedCV = CVn-1 + D PTerm + DITerm + DDTerm

PIDE Algorithms
The PIDE instruction uses a velocity form PID algorithm similar to that used
in most DCS systems. Some advantages to a velocity form algorithm include:

74 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
• Bumpless adaptive gain changes – You can change gains on the fly
without initializing the algorithm.
• Multi-loop control schemes – You can implement cross limiting
between loops by manipulating the CVn-1 term.

Independent Gains Form

In this form of the algorithm, each term of the algorithm (proportional,

integral, and derivative) has a separate gain. Changing one gain only affects
that term and not any of the others, where:
PIDE term: Description:
CV Control variable
E Error in percent of span
∆t Update time in seconds used by the loop
Kp Proportional gain
KI Integral gain in min -1
a larger value of KI causes a faster integral response.
KD Derivative gain in minutes

Dependent Gains Form

This form of the algorithm changes the proportional gain into a controller
gain. By changing the controller gain, you change the action of all three terms
(proportional, integral, and derivative) at the same time, where:
PIDE term: Description:
CV Control variable
E Error in percent of span
∆t Update time in seconds used by the loop
Kc Controller gain
TI Integral time constant in minutes per repeat a larger value of T1
causes a slower integral response
It takes T1 minutes for the integral term to repeat the action of
the proportional term in response to a step change in error.
TD Derivative time in constant in minutes

PIDE term: Description:

CV Control variable
E Error in percent of span
∆t Update time in seconds used by the loop
Kp Proportional gain

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 75

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
PIDE term: Description:
KI Integral gain in min -1
a larger value of KI causes a faster integral response.
KD Derivative gain in minutes

Determining Which Algorithm to Use

The PIDE equations above are representative of the algorithms used by the
PIDE instruction. You can substitute the change in error values for the change
in PV (in percent of span) for the proportional and derivative terms by
manipulating the parameters PVEProportional and PVEDerivative. By
default, the PIDE instruction uses the change in error for the proportional
term and the change in PV for the derivative term. This eliminates large
derivative spikes on changes in setpoint.
You can convert the gains used between the different PIDE algorithm forms
using these equations:

Each algorithm provides identical control with the appropriate gains. Some
people prefer the independent gains style because they can manipulate
individual gains without affecting the other terms. Others prefer the
dependent gains style because they can, at least to a certain extent, change
just the controller gain and cause an overall change in the aggressiveness of
the PID loop without changing each gain separately.

Monitoring the PIDE Instruction

There is an operator faceplate available for the PIDE instruction.

Autotuning the PIDE Instruction

The Logix Designer application PIDE autotuner provides an open-loop
autotuner built into the PIDE instruction. You can autotune from PanelView

76 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
terminal or any other operator interface devices, as well as the Logix Designer
application. The PIDE block has an Autotune Tag (type PIDE_AUTOTUNE)
that you specify for those PIDE blocks that you want to autotune.
The PIDE autotuner is installed with the application, but you need an
activation key to enable it. The autotuner is only supported in function block
programming; it is not available in ladder diagram or structured text
Use the Autotune tab to specify and configure the autotune tag for a PIDE

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan If CVFault and CVEUSpanlnv are set,see Processing Faults later in this
If CVFault and CVEUSpanlnv are cleared:
1. CVInitializing is set
2. If PVFault is set, PVSpanlnv and SPlimitsInv are cleared. See Processing Faults
in this instruction.
3. The PID control algorithm is not executed.
4. The instruction sets CVEU = CVInitValue and CV = corresponding percentage.
5. When CVInitializing and Manual AfterInit are set, the instructions misables auto
and cascade/ratio modes. If the current mode is not Override or Hand mode,
the instruction changes to manual ode.If ManualAfterInit is cleared, the mode
is not changed.

CVEu = CVInitValue

CVn-1 = CV = CVEU - CVEUMin x100

CVOper = CV
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

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Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

When CVInitReq is set, or during instruction first scan, or on a set to cleared

transition of CVFault (bad to good), the instruction initializes the CVEU and
CV outputs to the value of CVInitValue. If the timing mode is not oversample
and EnableIn transitions from cleared to set, the instruction initializes the
CVEU and CV values. CVInitialization is cleared after the initialization and
when CVInitReq is cleared.
The CVInitValue normally comes from the analog output’s readback value.
The CVInitReq value normally comes from the "In Hold" status bit on the
analog output controlled by CVEU. The initialization procedure is performed
to avoid a bump at startup in the output signal being sent to the field device.
When using cascaded PID loops, the primary PID loop can be initialized when
the secondary loop is initialized or when the secondary loop leaves the
Cascade/Ratio mode. In this case, move the state of the InitPrimary output
and SP output from the secondary loop to the CVInitReq input and
CVInitValue input on the primary loop.
The instruction does not initialize and the CVEU and CV values are not
updated if CVFault or CVEUSpanInv is set.


Example 1
The easiest way to implement a PIDE instruction is to create a function block
routine in a program in a periodic task. The default timing mode for the PIDE
instruction is periodic. When the PIDE instruction is used in a periodic task
and in periodic timing mode, it automatically uses the periodic task's update
rate as its delta t update time. All you need to do is wire the process variable
analog input into the PV parameter on the PIDE instruction and wire the
CVEU out of the PIDE instruction into the controlled variable analog output.
Optionally, you can wire the analog input’s fault indicator (if one is available)
into the PVFault parameter on the PIDE instruction. This forces the PIDE into
Manual mode when the analog input is faulted and stops the PIDE CVEU
output from winding up or down when the PV signal is not available.

78 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Function Block

Structured Text
PIDE_01.PV := Local:1:I.Ch0Data;
PIDE_01.PVFault := Local:1:I.Ch0Fault;

Local:2:)O.Ch0Data :=PIDE_01.CVEU;

Example 2
Cascade control is useful when externally-caused upsets to the controlled
variable occur often, which then cause upsets to the process variable you are
trying to control. For example, try to control the temperature of liquid in a
tank by varying the amount of steam fed into a heating jacket around the
tank. If the steam flow suddenly drops because of an upstream process, the
temperature of the liquid in the tank eventually drops and the PIDE
instruction then opens the steam valve to compensate for the drop in

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 79

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
In this example, a cascaded loop provides better control by opening the steam
valve when the steam flow drops before the liquid temperature in the tank
drops. To implement a cascaded loop, use a PIDE instruction to control the
steam valve opening based on a process variable signal from a steam flow
transmitter. This is the secondary loop of the cascaded pair. A second PIDE
instruction (called the primary loop) uses the liquid temperature as a process
variable and sends its CV output into the setpoint of the secondary loop. In
this manner, the primary temperature loop asks for a certain amount of steam
flow from the secondary steam flow loop. The steam flow loop is then
responsible for providing the amount of steam requested by the temperature
loop in order to maintain a constant liquid temperature.

Function Block

Structured Text
PrimaryLoop.PV := Local:1:I.CH0Data;
PrimaryLoop.CVInitReq := SecondaryLoop.InitPrimary;
PrimaryLoop.CVInitValue := SecondaryLoop.SP;
PrimaryLoop.WindupHIn := SecondaryLoop.WindupHOut;
PrimaryLoop.WindupLIn := SecondaryLoop.WindupLOut;

80 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
SecondaryLoop.PV := Local:1:I.Ch1Data;
SecondaryLoop.SPCascade := PrimaryLoop.CVEU;

Local:2:O.Ch0Data:= SecondaryLoop.CVEU;
For a cascaded pair of loops to work correctly, the secondary loop must have a
faster process response than the primary loop. This is because the secondary
loop’s process must be able to compensate for any upsets before these upsets
affect the primary loop’s process. In this example, if steam flow drops, the
steam flow must be able to increase as a result of the secondary controller’s
action before the liquid temperature is affected.
To set up a pair of cascaded PIDE instructions, set the AllowCasRat input
parameter in the secondary loop. This allows the secondary loop to be placed
into Cascade/Ratio mode. Next, wire the CVEU from the primary loop into the
SPCascade parameter on the secondary loop. The SPCascade value is used as the
SP on the secondary loop when the secondary loop is placed into
Cascade/Ratio mode. The engineering unit range of the CVEU on the primary
loop should match the engineering unit range of the PV on the secondary
loop. This lets the primary loop scale its 0-100% value of CV into the matching
engineering units used for the setpoint on the secondary loop.
The PIDE instruction supports several other features to more effectively
support cascade control. Wire the InitPrimary output on the secondary loop
into the CVInitReq input on the primary loop and wire the SP output of the
secondary into the CVInitValue input on the primary. This sets the CVEU value
of the primary loop equal to the SP of the secondary loop when the secondary
loop leaves Cascade/Ratio mode. This allows a bumpless transfer when you
place the secondary loop back into Cascade/Ratio mode. Also, wire the
WindupHOut and WindupLOut outputs on the secondary loop into the
WindupHIn and WindupLIn inputs on the primary loop. This causes the
primary loop to stop increasing or decreasing, as appropriate, its value of
CVEU if the secondary loop hits a SP limit or CV limit and eliminates any
windup on the primary loop if these conditions occur.

Example 3
Ratio control is typically used to add a fluid in a set proportion to another
fluid. For example, if you want to add two reactants (say A and B) to a tank in a
constant ratio, and the flow rate of reactant A may change over time because
of some upstream process upsets, you can use a ratio controller to
automatically adjust the rate of reactant B addition. In this example, reactant
A is often called the "uncontrolled" flow since it is not controlled by the PIDE
instruction. Reactant B is then called the "controlled" flow.

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Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
To perform ratio control with a PIDE instruction, set the AllowCasRat and
UseRatio input parameters. Wire the uncontrolled flow into the SPCascade
input parameter. When in Cascade/Ratio mode, the uncontrolled flow is
multiplied by either the RatioOper (when in Operator control) or the RatioProg
(when in Program control) and the resulting value is used by the PIDE
instruction as the setpoint.

Function Block

Structured Text
PIDE_01.PV := ControlledFlow;
PIDE_01.SPCascade := UncontrolledFlow;

Local:2:O.Ch0Data := PIDE_01.CVEU;

82 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Switching Between Program Control and Operator Control

The PIDE instruction can be controlled by either a user program or an
operator interface. You can change the control mode at any time. Program
and Operator control use the same ProgOper output. When ProgOper is set,
control is Program; when ProgOper is cleared, control is Operator.
The following diagram shows how the PIDE instruction changes between
Program control and Operator control.

(1) The instruction remains in Operator control mode when ProgOperReq is


Operating Modes
The PIDE instruction supports the following PID modes.
PID Operating Mode Description
Cascade/Ratio While in Cascade/Ratio mode the instruction computes the change in CV. The instruction regulates CV to maintain PV at
either the SPCascade value or the SPCascade value multiplied by the Ratio value. SPCascade comes from either the
CVEU of a primary PID loop for cascade control or from the "uncontrolled" flow of a ratio-controlled loop.
Select Cascade/Ratio mode using either OperCasRatReq or ProgCasRatReq:
Set OperCasRatReq to request Cascade/Ratio mode. Ignored when ProgOper, ProgOverrideReq, ProgHandReq,
OperAutoReq, or OperManualReq is set, or when AllowCasRat is cleared.
Set ProgCasRatReq to request Cascade/Ratio mode. Ignored when ProgOper or AllowCasRat is cleared or when
ProgOverrideReq, ProgHandReq, ProgAutoReq, or ProgManualReq is set.
Auto While in Auto mode the instruction computes the change in CV. The instruction regulates CV to maintain PV at the SP
value. If in program control, SP = SPProg; if in Operator control, SP = SPOper.
Select Auto mode using either OperAutoReq or ProgAutoReq:
Set OperAutoReq to request Auto mode. Ignored when ProgOper, ProgOverrideReq, ProgHandReq, or OperManualReq is
Set ProgAutoReq to request Auto mode. Ignored when ProgOper is cleared or when ProgOverrideReq, ProgHandReq, or
ProgManualReq is set.

Manual While in Manual mode the instruction does not compute the change in CV. The value of CV is determined by the control.
If in Program control, CV = CVProg; if in Operator control, CV = CVOper.
Select Manual mode using either OperManualReq or ProgManualReq:
Set OperManualReq to request Manual mode. Ignored when ProgOper, ProgOverrideReq, or ProgHandReq is set.
Set ProgManualReq to request Manual mode. Ignored when ProgOper is cleared or when ProgOverrideReq or
ProgHandReq is set.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 83

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
PID Operating Mode Description
Override While in Override mode the instruction does not compute the change in CV.
CV = CVOverride, regardless of the control mode. Override mode is typically used to set a "safe state" for the PID loop.
Select Override mode using ProgOverrideReq:
Set ProgOverrideReq to request Override mode. Ignored when ProgHandReq is cleared.
Hand While in Hand mode the PID algorithm does not compute the change in CV.
CV = HandFB, regardless of the control mode. Hand mode is typically used to indicate that control of the final control
element was taken over by a field hand/auto station.
Select Hand mode using ProgHandReq:
Set ProgHandReq to request hand mode. This value is usually read as a digital input from a hand/auto station.

The Cascade/Ratio, Auto, and Manual modes can be controlled by a user

program when in Program control or by an operator interface when in
Operator control. The Override and Hand modes have a mode request input
that can only be controlled by a user program; these inputs operate in both
Program and Operator control.

Selecting the Setpoint

Once the instruction determines program or operator control and the PID
mode, the instruction can obtain the proper SP value. You can select the
cascade/ratio SP or the current SP.

Cascade/Ratio SP
The cascade/ratio SP is based on the UseRatio and ProgOper values.

84 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Current SP
The current SP is based on the Cascade/Ratio mode, the PVTracking value,
auto mode, and the ProgOper value.

SP High/Low Limiting
The high-to-low alarming algorithm compares SP to the SPHLimit and
SPLLimit alarm limits. SPHLimit cannot be greater than PVEUMax and
SPLLimit cannot be less than PVEUMin.

Updating the SPOper and SPProg Values

The PIDE instruction makes SPOper = SP or SPProg = SP to obtain bumpless
control switching between Program and Operator control or when switching
from Cascade/Ratio mode.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 85

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

PV High/Low Alarming
The high-high to low-low alarming algorithm compares PV to the PV alarm
limits and the PV alarm limits plus or minus the PV alarm deadband

(1) During instruction first scan, the instruction clears all the PV alarm
outputs. The instruction also clears the PV alarm outputs and disables the
alarming algorithm when PVFaulted is set.

PV Rate-of-Change Alarming
PV rate-of-change (ROC) alarming compares the change in the value of PV
over the PVROCPeriod against the PV positive and negative rate-of-change
limits. The PVROCPeriod provides a type of deadband for the rate-of-change
alarm. For example, if you use a ROC alarm limit of 2°F/second with a period
of execution of 100 ms, and an analog input module with a resolution of 1°F,
then every time the input value changes, a ROC alarm is generated because

86 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
the instruction sees a rate of 10°F/second. However, by entering a
PVROCPeriod of at least 1 sec, the ROC alarm is only generated if the rate truly
exceeds the 2°F/second limit.
The ROC calculation is only performed when the PVROCPeriod has expired.
The rate-of-change is calculated as:

ElapsedROCPeriod = ElapsedROCPeriod + ElapsedTimeSinceLastExecution

If ElapsedROCPeriod ≥ PVROCPeriod then:
This value: Is:

ElapsedROCPeriod ElapsedROCPeriod = 0

Once PVROC has been calculated, the PV ROC alarms are determined as

(1) During instruction first scan, the instruction clears the PV ROC alarm
outputs. The instruction also clears the PVROC alarm outputs and disables the
PV ROC alarming algorithm when PVFaulted is set.

Converting the PV and SP Values to Percent

The instruction converts PV and SP to a percent and calculates the error
before performing the PID control algorithm. The error is the difference
between the PV and SP values. When ControlAction is set, the values of
EPercent, E, and PVPIDPercent are negated before being used by the
PID algorithm.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 87

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

(1) PVPIDPercent and Deviation are internal parameters used by the PID
control algorithm.

Deviation High/Low Alarming

Deviation is the difference in value between the process variable (PV) and
setpoint (SP). Deviation alarming alerts the operator to a discrepancy between
the process variable and the setpoint value.
The high-high to low-low alarming algorithm compares the deviation to
deviation alarm limits and the deviation alarm limits plus or minus the

(1) During instruction first scan, the instruction clears the deviation alarm
outputs. The instruction also clears the deviation alarm outputs and disables
the alarming algorithm when PVFaulted or PVSpanInv is set.

88 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Zero Crossing Deadband Control

You can limit CV such that its value does not change when error remains
within the range specified by ZCDeadband (| E | ≤ ZCDeadband).

When ZCOff is cleared, ZCDeadband > 0, error has crossed zero for the first
time, (i.e. En >= 0 and En-1 < 0 or when En <= 0 and En-1 > 0), and | En | <=
ZCDeadband, the instruction sets ZCDeadbandOn.
On the transition to Auto or Cascade/Ratio mode, the instruction sets En-1 =
The instruction disables the zero crossing algorithm and clears ZCDeadband
under these conditions:
• during instruction first scan
• ZCDeadband ≤ 0
• Auto or Cascade/Ratio is not the current mode
• PVFaulted is set
• PVSpanInv is set

Feedforward Control
Compute CV by summing CV from the zero crossing algorithm with ∆FF. The
value of ∆FF = FF – FFn-1. When FFSetPrevious is set, FFn-1=FFPrevious. This
lets you preset FFn-1 to a specified value before the instruction calculates the
value of ∆FF.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 89

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Selecting the Control Variable

Once the PID algorithm has been executed, select the CV based on program or
operator control and the current PID mode.

CV Windup Limiting
Limit the CV such that its value cannot increase when WindupHIn is set or
decrease when WindupLIn is set. These inputs are typically the WindupHOut
or WindupLOut outputs from a secondary loop. The WindupHIn and
WindupLIn inputs are ignored if CVInitializing, CVFault, or CVEUSpanInv is

CV Percent Limiting
The following diagram illustrates how the instruction determines CV percent

90 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

(1) During instruction first scan, the instruction clears the alarm outputs.

CV High/Low Limiting
The instruction always performs alarming based on CVHLimit and CVLLimit.
Limit CV by CVHLimit and CVLLimit when in auto or cascade/ratio mode.
When in manual mode, limit CV by CVHLimit and CVLLimit when
CVManLimiting is set. Otherwise limit CV by 0 and 100 percent.

(1) During instruction first scan, the instruction clears the alarm outputs.

CV Rate-of-Change Limiting
The PIDE instruction limits the rate-of-change of CV when in Auto or
Cascade/Ratio mode or when in Manual mode and CVManLimiting is set. A
value of zero disables CV rate-of-change limiting.
The CV rate-of-change is calculated as:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 91

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

where DeltaT is in seconds.

Once CV rate-of-change has been calculated, the CV rate-of-change alarms are
determined as follows:

(1) During instruction first scan, the instruction clears the alarm output. The
instruction also clears the alarm output and disables the CV rate-of-change
algorithm when CVInitializing is set.
(2) When in Auto or Cascade/Ratio mode or when in Manual mode and
CVManLimiting is set, the instruction limits the change of CV.

Updating the CVOper and CVProg Values

If not in the Operator Manual mode, the PIDE instruction sets CVOper = CV.
This obtains bumpless mode switching from any control to the Operator
Manual mode.

92 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Primary Loop Control

Primary loop control is typically used by a primary PID loop to obtain
bumpless switching and anti-reset windup when using Cascade/Ratio mode.
The primary loop control includes the initialize primary loop output and the
anti-reset windup outputs. The InitPrimary output is typically used by the
CVInitReq input of a primary PID loop. The windup outputs are typically used
by the windup inputs of a primary loop to limit the windup of its CV output.

(1) During instruction first scan, the instruction sets InitPrimary.

(2) When CVInitializing is set or when not in Cascade/Ratio mode the
instruction sets InitPrimary.
(3) When CVInitializing is cleared and in Cascade/Ratio mode, the instruction
clears InitPrimary.
(4) During instruction first scan, the instruction clears the windup outputs.
The instruction also clears the windup outputs and disables the CV windup
algorithm when CVInitializing is set or if either CVFaulted or CVEUSpanInv
is set.
(5) The instruction sets WindupHOut when SPHAlarm is set, or when
ControlAction is cleared and CVHAlarm is set, or when ControlAction is set
and CVLAlarm is set.
The SP and CV limits operate independently. A SP high limit does not prevent
CV from increasing in value. Likewise, a CV high or low limit does not prevent
SP from increasing in value.
(6) The instruction clears WindupHOut when SPHAlarm is cleared, and not
(ControlAction is cleared and CVHAlarm is set), and not (ControlAction is set
and CVLAlarm is set).
(7) The instruction sets WindupLOut when SPLAlarm is set, or when
ControlAction is cleared and CVLAlarm is set, or when ControlAction is set
and CVHAlarm is set.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 93

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
The SP and CV limits operate independently. A SP low limit does not prevent
CV from increasing in value. likewise a CV low or high limit does not prevent
SP from increasing in value.
(8) The instruction clears WindupLOut when SPLAlarm is cleared and not
(ControlAction is cleared and CVLAlarm is set) and not (ControlAction is set
and CVHAlarm is set).

Processing Faults
The following table describes how the instruction handles execution faults:
Fault Condition Action
CVFaulted is true or Instruction is not initialized, CVInitializing is cleared to false
CVEUSpanInv is true Compute PV and SP percent, calculate error, update internal parameters for EPercent and PVPIDPercent
PID control algorithm is not executed
Disable the Auto and Cascade/Ratio modes. If Override or Hand is not the current mode, set to Manual
Set CV to value determined by Program or Operator control and mode (Manual, Override, or Hand).
PVFaulted is true Disable the Auto and Cascade/Ratio modes. If Override or Hand is not the current mode, set to Manual
PV high-low, PV rate-of-change, and deviation high-low alarm outputs are cleared to false
PID control algorithm is not executed
Set CV to value by determined by Program or Operator control and mode (Manual, Override, or Hand).
PVSpanInv is true or Disable the Auto and Cascade/Ratio modes. If Override or Hand is not the current mode, set to Manual
SPLimitsInv is true mode
Do not compute PV and SP percent
PID control algorithm is not executed
Set CV to value by determined by Program or Operator control and mode (Manual, Override, or Hand).
RatioLimitsInv is true and If not already in Hand or Override, set to Manual model
CasRat is true and Disable the Cascade/Ratio mode
UseRatio is true Set CV to value determined by Program or Operator control and mode (Manual, Override, or Hand).
TimingModeInv is true or If not already in Hand or Override, set to Manual mode
RTSTimeStampInv is true or
DeltaTInv is true

See also
Function Block Attributes on page 979
Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Common Attributes on page 1019

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Position Proportional This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
(POSP) CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

94 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
The POSP instruction opens or closes a device by pulsing open or close
contacts at a user defined cycle time with a pulse width proportional to the
difference between the desired and actual positions.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
POSP tag POSITION_PROP Structure POSP structure

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
block tag POSITION_PROP Structure POSP structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

Input Parameter Data Type Description

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 95

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does not
execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
SP REAL Setpoint. This is the desired value for the position.
This value must use the same engineering units
as Position.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Position REAL Position feedback. This analog input comes from
the position feedback from the device.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
OpenedFB BOOL Opened feedback. This input signals when the
device is fully opened. When true, the open output
is not allowed to turn on.
Default is false.
ClosedFB BOOL Closed feedback. This input signals when the
device is fully closed. When true, the close output
is not allowed to turn on.
Default is false.
PositionEUMax REAL Maximum scaled value of Position and SP.
Valid = any float
Default = 100.0
PositionEUMin REAL Minimum scaled value of Position and SP.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
CycleTime REAL Period of the output pulse in seconds. A value of
zero clears both OpenOut and CloseOut. If this
value is invalid, the instruction assumes a value of
zero and sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any positive float
Default = 0.0
OpenRate REAL Open rate of the device in %/second. A value of
zero clears OpenOut. If this value is invalid, the
instruction assumes a value of zero and sets the
appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any positive float
Default = 0.0
CloseRate REAL Close rate of the device in %/second. A value of
zero clears CloseOut. If this value is invalid, the
instruction assumes a value of zero and sets the
appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any positive float
Default = 0.0
MaxOnTime REAL Maximum time in seconds that an open or close
pulse can be on. If OpenTime or CloseTime is
calculated to be larger than this value, they are
limited to this value. If this value is invalid, the
instruction assumes a value of CycleTime and
sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0.0 to CycleTime
Default = CycleTime
MinOnTime REAL Minimum time in seconds that an open or close
pulse can be on. If OpenTime or CloseTime is
calculated to be less than this value, they are set
to zero. If this value is invalid, the instruction
assumes a value of zero and sets the appropriate
bit in Status.
Valid = 0.0 to MaxOnTime
Default = 0.0

96 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
Deadtime REAL Additional pulse time in seconds to overcome
friction in the device. Deadtime is added to the
OpenTime or CloseTime when the device changes
direction or is stopped. If this value is invalid, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and
uses a value of Deadtime = 0.0.
Valid = 0.0 to MaxOnTime
Default = 0.0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to false if
PositionPercent overflows.
OpenOut BOOL This output is pulsed to open the device.
CloseOut BOOL This output is pulsed to close the device.
PositionPercent REAL Position feedback is expressed as percent of the
Position span.
SPPercent REAL Setpoint is expressed as percent of the Position
OpenTime REAL Pulse time in seconds of OpenOutput for the
current cycle.
CloseTime REAL Pulse time in seconds of CloseOutput for the
current cycle.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following
execution errors. This is not a minor or major
controller error. Check the remaining status bits to
determine what occurred.
CycleTimeInv (Status.1) BOOL Invalid CycleTime value. The instruction uses zero.
OpenRateInv (Status.2) BOOL Invalid OpenRate value. The instruction uses zero.
CloseRateInv (Status.3) BOOL Invalid CloseRate value. The instruction uses zero.
MaxOnTimeInv (Status.4) BOOL Invalid MaxOnTime value. The instruction uses the
CycleTime value.
MinOnTimeInv (Status.5) BOOL Invalid MinOnTime value. The instruction uses zero.
DeadtimeInv (Status.6) BOOL Invalid Deadtime value. The instruction uses zero.
PositionPctInv (Status.7) BOOL The calculated PositionPercent value is out of
SPPercentInv (Status.8) BOOL The calculated SPPercent value is out of range.
PositionSpanInv (Status.9) BOOL PositionEUMax = PositionEUMin.

The POSP instruction usually receives the desired position setpoint from a
PID instruction output.

Scaling the Position and Setpoint Values

The PositionPercent and SPPercent outputs are updated each time the
instruction is executed. If either of these values is out of range (less than 0% or
greater than 100%), the appropriate bit in Status is set, but the values are not
limited. The instruction uses these formulas to calculate whether the values
are in range:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 97

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

How the POSP Instruction Uses the Internal Cycle Timer

The instruction uses CycleTime to determine how often to recalculate the
duration of Open and Close output pulses. An internal timer is maintained
and updated by DeltaT. DeltaT is the elapsed time since the instruction last
executed. Whenever the internal timer equals or exceeds the programmed
CycleTime (cycle time expires) the Open and Close outputs are recalculated.
You can change the CycleTime at any time.
If CycleTime = 0, the internal timer is cleared to 0, OpenOut is cleared to false
and CloseOut is cleared to false.

Producing Output Pulses

The following diagram shows the three primary states of the
POSP instruction.

98 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Calculating Open and Close Pulse Times

OpenOut is pulsed whenever SP > Position feedback. When this occurs, the
instruction sets CloseTime = 0 and the duration for which OpenOut is to be
turned on is calculated as:

If OpenTimen-1 < CycleTime, then add Deadtime to OpenTime.

If OpenTime > MaxOnTime, then limit to MaxOnTime.
If OpenTime < MinOnTime, then set OpenTime = 0.
If any of the following conditions exist, OpenOut is not pulsed and OpenTime
= 0.
OpenFB is true or PositionPercent 100

CycleTime = 0
OpenRate = 0

SPPercent is invalid

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 99

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
The CloseOut is pulsed whenever SP < Position feedback. When this occurs,
the instruction sets OpenTime = 0 and the duration for which CloseOut is to
be turned on is calculated as:

If CloseTimen-1 < CycleTime, then add Deadtime to CloseTime.

If CloseTime > MaxOnTime, then limit to MaxOnTime.
If CloseTime < MinOnTime, then set CloseTime to 0.
If any of the following conditions exist, CloseOut will not be pulsed and
CloseTime will be cleared to 0.0.
ClosedFB is true or PositionPercent 0

CycleTime = 0
CloseRate = 0
SPPercent is invalid
OpenOut and CloseOut will not be pulsed if SPPercent equals
PositionPercent. Both OpenTime and CloseTime will be cleared to false.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan OpenTime and CloseTime are cleared to 0.0.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

100 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.


Example 1
In this example, the POSP instruction opens or closes a motor-operated valve
based on the CVEU output of the PIDE instruction. The actual valve position
is wired into the Position input and optional limit switches, which show if the
valve is fully opened or closed, are wired into the OpenedFB and ClosedFB
inputs. The OpenOut and CloseOut outputs are wired to the open and close
contacts on the motor-operated valve.

Function Block

Structured Text
FlowController.PV := WaterFlowRate;
Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 101
Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
FlowValve.SP := FlowController.CVEU;
FlowValve.Position := FlowValvePosition;
FlowValve.OpenedFB := FlowValveOpened;
FlowValve.ClosedFB := FlowValveClosed;
OpenFlowValveContact := FlowValve.OpenOut;
CloseFlowValveContact := FlowValve.CloseOut;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Ramp/Soak (RMPS) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The RMPS instruction provides for a number of segments of alternating ramp

and soak periods.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

102 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
RMPS tag RAMP_SOAK structure RMPS structure
RampValue REAL array Ramp Value array. Enter a ramp value for
each segment (0 to NumberOfSegs-1).
Ramp values are entered as time in
minutes or as a rate in units/minute. The
TimeRate parameter reflects which method
is used to specify the ramp. If a ramp value
is invalid, the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status and changes to
Operator Manual or Program Hold mode.
The array must be at least as large as
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
SoakValue REAL array Soak Value array. Enter a soak value for
each segment (0 to NumberOfSegs-1). The
array must be at least as large as
Valid = any float

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 103

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Operand Type Format Description
SoakTime REAL array Soak Time array. Enter a soak time for each
segment (0 to NumberOfSegs-1). Soak times
are entered in minutes. If a soak value is
invalid, the instruction sets the appropriate
bit in Status and changes to Operator
Manual or Program Hold mode. The array
must be at least as large as NumberOfSegs.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
RMPS tag RAMP_SOAK structure RMPS structure
RampValue REAL array Ramp Value array. Enter a ramp value for
each segment (0 to NumberOfSegs-1).
Ramp values are entered as time in
minutes or as a rate in units/minute. The
TimeRate parameter reflects which method
is used to specify the ramp. If a ramp value
is invalid, the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status and changes to
Operator Manual or Program Hold mode.
The array must be at least as large as
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
SoakValue REAL array Soak Value array. Enter a soak value for
each segment (0 to NumberOfSegs-1). The
array must be at least as large as
Valid = any float
SoakTime REAL array Soak Time array. Enter a soak time for each
segment (0 to NumberOfSegs-1). Soak times
are entered in minutes. If a soak value is
invalid, the instruction sets the appropriate
bit in Status and changes to Operator
Manual or Program Hold mode. The array
must be at least as large as NumberOfSegs.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

RMPS Structure
Specify a unique RMPS structure for each instruction.
Input Parameter Data Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does not execute and outputs
are not updated.
Default is true.
PV REAL The scaled analog temperature signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
PVFault BOOL Bad health indicator of PV. If true, the input is invalid, the
instruction is placed in Program Hold or Operator Manual mode,
and the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Default is false.

104 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Description
NumberOfSegs DINT Number of segments. Specify the number of ramp/soak
segments used by the instruction. The arrays for RampValue,
SoakValue, and SoakTime must be at least as large as
NumberOfSegs. If this value is invalid, the instruction is placed
into Operator Manual or Program Hold mode and the instruction
sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 1 to (minimum size of RampValue, SoakValue, or SoakTime
Default = 1
ManHoldAftInit BOOL Manual/Hold after initialization. If true, the ramp/soak is in
Operator Manual or Program Hold mode after initialization
completes. Otherwise, the ramp/soak remains is in its previous
mode after initialization completes.
Default is false.
CyclicSingle BOOL Cyclic/single execution. True for cyclic action or false for single
action. Cyclic action continuously repeats the ramp/soak profile.
Single action performs the ramp/ soak profile once and then
Default is false.
TimeRate BOOL Time/rate ramp value configuration. True if the RampValue
parameters are entered as a time in minutes to reach the soak
temperature. False if the RampValue parameters are entered as a
rate in units/minute.
Default is false.
GuarRamp BOOL Guaranteed ramp. If true and the instruction is in Auto, ramping is
temporarily suspended if the PV differs from the Output by more
than RampDeadband.

Default is cleared.
RampDeadband REAL Guaranteed ramp deadband. Specify the amount in engineering
units that PV is allowed to differ from the output when GuarRamp
is on. If this value is invalid, the instruction sets RampDeadband =
0.0 and the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any float 0.0
Default = 0.0
GuarSoak BOOL Guaranteed soak. If true and the instruction is in auto, the soak
timer is cleared if the PV differs from the Output by more than
Default is false.
SoakDeadband REAL Guaranteed soak deadband. Specify the amount in engineering
units that the PV is allowed to differ from the output when
GuarSoak is on. If this value is invalid, the instruction sets
SoakDeadband = 0.0 and the instruction sets the appropriate bit
in Status.
Valid = any float 0.0
Default = 0.0
CurrentSegProg DINT Current segment program. The user program writes a requested
value for the CurrentSeg into this input. This value is used if the
ramp/soak is in Program Manual mode. If this value is invalid, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0 to NumberOfSegs-1
Default = 0
OutProg REAL Output program. The user program writes a requested value for
the Out into this input. This value is used as the Out when the
ramp/soak is in Program Manual mode.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 105

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Description
SoakTimeProg REAL Soak time program. The user program writes a requested value
for the SoakTimeLeft into this input. This value is used if the
ramp/soak is in Program Manual mode. If this value is invalid, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
CurrentSegOper DINT Current segment operator. The operator interface writes a
requested value for the CurrentSeg into this input. This value is
used if the ramp/soak is in Operator Manual mode. If this value is
invalid, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0 to NumberOfSegs-1
Default = 0
OutOper REAL Output operator. The operator interface writes a requested value
for the Out into this input. This value is used as the Out when the
ramp/soak is in Operator Manual mode.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
SoakTimeOper REAL Soak time operator. The operator interface writes a requested
value for the SoakTimeLeft into this input. This value is used if the
ramp/soak is in Operator Manual mode. If this value is invalid, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
ProgProgReq BOOL Program program request. Set to true by the user program to
request Program control. Ignored if ProgOperReq is true. Holding
this true and ProgOperReq false locks the instruction in Program
Default is false.
ProgOperReq BOOL Program operator request. Set to true by the user program to
request Operator control. Holding this true locks the instruction in
Operator control.
Default is false.
ProgAutoReq BOOL Program auto mode request. Set to true by the user program to
request the ramp/soak to enter Auto mode. Ignored if the loop is
in Operator control, if ProgManualReq is true, or if ProgHoldReq is
Default is false.
ProgManualReq BOOL Program manual mode request. Set to true by the user program
to request the ramp/soak to enter Manual mode. Ignored if the
ramp/soak is in Operator control or if ProgHoldReq is true.
Default is false.
ProgHoldReq BOOL Program hold mode request. Set to true by the user program to
request to stop the ramp/ soak without changing the Out,
CurrentSeg, or SoakTimeLeft. Also useful when a PID loop getting
its setpoint from the ramp/soak leaves cascade. An operator can
accomplish the same thing by placing the ramp/soak into
Operator Manual mode.
Default is false.
OperProgReq BOOL Operator program request. Set to true by the operator interface to
request Program control. Ignored if ProgOperReq is true. The
instruction clears this input to false.
Default is false.
OperOperReq BOOL Operator operator request. Set to true by the operator interface to
request Operator control. Ignored if ProgProgReq is true and
ProgOperReq is false. The instruction clears this input to false.
Default is false.

106 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Description
OperAutoReq BOOL Operator auto mode request. Set to true by the operator interface
to request the ramp/soak to enter Auto mode. Ignored if the loop
is in Program control or if OperManualReq is true. The instruction
clears this input to false.
Default is false.
OperManualReq BOOL Operator manual mode request. Set to true by the operator
interface to request the ramp/soak to enter Manual mode.
Ignored if the loop is in Program control. The instruction clears
this input to false.
Default is false.
Initialize BOOL Initialize program and operator values. When true and in manual,
the instruction sets CurrentSegProg = 0, CurrentSegOper = 0,
SoakTimeProg = SoakTime[0], and SoakTimeOper = SoakTime[0].
Initialize is ignored when in Auto or Hold mode. The instruction
clears this parameter to false.
Default is false.
ProgValueReset BOOL Reset program control values. When true, the instruction clears
ProgProgReq, ProgOperReq, ProgAutoReq, ProgHoldReq, and
ProgManualReq to false.
Default is false.

Output Parameter Data Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to false if Out
Out REAL The output of the ramp/soak instruction.
CurrentSeg DINT Current segment number. Displays the current segment number
in the ramp/soak cycle. Segments start numbering at 0.
SoakTimeLeft REAL Soak time left. Displays the soak time remaining for the current
GuarRampOn BOOL Guaranteed ramp status. Set to true if the Guaranteed Ramp
feature is in use and the ramp is temporarily suspended because
the PV differs from the output by more than the RampDeadband.
GuarSoakOn BOOL Guaranteed soak status. Set to true if the Guaranteed Soak
feature is in use and the soak timer is cleared because the PV
differs from the output by more than the SoakDeadband.
ProgOper BOOL Program/Operator control indicator. True when in Program
control. False when in Operator control.
Auto BOOL Auto mode. True when the ramp/soak is in Program Auto or
Operator Auto mode.
Manual BOOL Manual mode. True when the ramp/soak is in Program Manual or
Operator Manual mode.
Hold BOOL Hold mode. True when the ramp/soak is in program Hold mode.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following execution errors.
This is not a minor or major controller error. Check the remaining
status bits to determine what occurred.
PVFaulted (Status.1) BOOL PVHealth is bad.
NumberOfSegsInv (Status.2) BOOL The NumberOfSegs value is invalid value or is not compatible with
an array size.
RampDeadbandInv (Status.3) BOOL Invalid RampDeadband value.
SoakDeadbandInv (Status.4) BOOL Invalid SoakDeadband value.
CurrSegProgInv (Status.5) BOOL Invalid CurrSegProg value.
SoakTimeProgInv (Status.6) BOOL Invalid SoakTimeProg value.
CurrSegOperInv (Status.7) BOOL Invalid CurrSegOper value.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 107

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameter Data Description
SoakTimeOperInv (Status.8) BOOL Invalid SoakTimeOper value.
RampValueInv (Status.9) BOOL Invalid RampValue value.
SoakTimeInv (Status.10) BOOL Invalid SoakTime value

The RMPS instruction is typically used to provide a temperature profile in a
batch heating process. The output of this instruction is typically the input to
the setpoint of a PID loop.
Whenever the value computed for the output is invalid, NAN, or INF, the
instruction sets Out = the invalid value and sets the math overflow status flag.
The internal parameters are not updated. In each subsequent scan, the output
is computed using the internal parameters from the last scan when the output
was valid.

Monitoring the RMPS Instruction

There is an operator faceplate available for the RMPS instruction.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run Clear CurrentSeg to 0.
Mode is set to operator manual mode.
SoakTimeProg and SoakTimeOper are set to
SoakTime[0] if SoakTime[0] is valid.

108 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Condition/State Action Taken
Instruction first scan All the operator request inputs are cleared to false.
If ProgValueReset is true, all the program request inputs
are cleared to false.
The operator control mode is set to manual mode if the
current mode is hold.

Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

Initial Mode Applied on Instruction First Scan

The following table shows the ending control based on the program request
Control at Start of ProgOperReq ProgProgReq ProgValueReset FirstRun Control at End of First
First Scan Scan
Operator Control false true false na Program Control
na false na na Operator Control
Program Control true Na false false Operator Control
na Na true true Operator Control
false false false true Operator Control
false true false na Program Control
na Na true false Program Control
false false false false Program Control

The following table shows the ending control based on the Manual, Auto, and
Hold mode requests.
Control at Oper Oper Prog Prog Prog Man Prog First Control at End
Start of Auto Man Auto Man Hold Hold Value Run of First Scan
First Scan Req Req Req Req Req AftInit Reset

Operator na na na na na false na false Operator Current

Control mode
na na na na na na na Operator Manual
na na na na na true na na
Program na na false false false false na false Program Current
Control mode
na na na na na false true false
na na true false false false false na Program Auto
na na na true false false false na Program Manual
na na na na true false false na Program Hold
na na na na na true na na

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 109

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

In this example, the RMPS instruction drives the setpoint of a PIDE
instruction. When the PIDE instruction is in Cascade/Ratio mode, the output
of the RMPS instruction is used as the setpoint. The PV to the PIDE
instruction can be optionally fed into the PV input of the RMPS instruction if
you want to use guaranteed ramping and/or guaranteed soaking.
In this example, the AutoclaveRSSoakValue, AutoclaveRSSoakTime, and
AutoclaveRSRampValue arrays are REAL arrays with 10 elements to allow up
to a 10 segment RMPS profile.

Function Block

Switching Between Program Control and Operator Control

The RMPS instruction can be controlled by either a user program or through
an operator interface. Control can be changed at any time.

110 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

(1) You can lock the instruction in Operator control by leaving ProgOperReq to
(2) You can lock the instruction in Program control by leaving ProgProgReq to
true while ProgOperReq is false.
When transitioning from Operator control to Program control while the
ProgAutoReq, ProgManualReq, and ProgHoldReq inputs are false, the mode is
determined as follows:
If the instruction was in Operator Auto mode, then the transition is to
Program Auto mode.
If the instruction was in Operator Manual mode, then the transition is to
Program Manual mode.
When transitioning from Program control to Operator control while the
OperAutoReq and OperManualReq inputs are false, the mode is determined
as follows:
If the instruction was in Program Auto mode, then the transition is to
Operator Auto mode.
If the instruction was in Program Manual or Program Hold mode, then the
transition is to Operator Manual mode.

Program Control
The following diagram shows how the RMPS instruction operates when in
Program control.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 111

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

(1) In single (non-cyclic) execution, you must toggle ProgAutoReq from false
to true if one execution of the ramp/soak profile is complete and you want
another execution of the ramp/soak profile.
(2) When the instruction is configured for single execution, and the Auto
mode Ramp-Soak profile completes, the instruction transitions to Hold mode.
(3) The instruction is placed in Hold mode if PVFaulted is true or any of the
following inputs are invalid: NumberOfSegs, CurrentSegProg, or
The following table describes the possible Program modes.
Mode Description
Program Auto Mode While in Auto mode, the instruction sequentially executes the ramp/ soak profile.
Program Manual Mode While in Manual mode the user program directly controls the instruction’s Out. The CurrentSegProg, SoakTimeProg,
and OutProg inputs are transferred to the CurrentSeg, SoakTimeLeft, and Out outputs. When the instruction is
placed in auto mode, the ramp/soak function resumes with the values last input from the user program.
CurrentSegProg and SoakTimeProg are not transferred if they are invalid.
To facilitate a "bumpless" transition into Manual mode, the CurrentSegProg, SoakTimeProg, and OutProg inputs are
continuously updated to the current values of CurrentSeg, SoakTimeLeft, and Out when ProgValueReset is set and
the instruction is not in Program Manual mode.
Program Hold Mode While in Hold mode, the instruction’s outputs are maintained at their current values. If in this mode when
ProgOperReq is set to change to Operator control, the instruction changes to Operator Manual mode.

Operator Control
The following diagram shows how the RMPS instruction operates when in
Operator control.

112 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

(1) When the instruction is configured for Single Execution, and the Auto
mode ramp/soak profile completes, the instruction transitions to manual
(2) The instruction is placed in Manual mode if PVFaulted is true or any of the
following inputs are invalid: NumberOfSegs, CurrentSegOper, or
The following table describes the possible Operator modes.
Mode Description
Operator Auto Mode While in Auto mode, the instruction sequentially executes the ramp/ soak profile.
Operator Manual Mode While in Manual mode the operator directly controls the instruction’s Out. The CurrentSegOper, SoakTimeOper, and
OutOper inputs are transferred to the CurrentSeg, SoakTimeLeft, and Out outputs. When the instruction is placed in
Auto mode, the ramp/soak function resumes with the values last input from the operator. CurrentSegOper and
SoakTimeOper are not transferred if they are invalid.
To facilitate a "bumpless" transition into Manual mode, the CurrentSegOper, SoakTimeOper, and OutOper inputs are
continuously updated to the current values of CurrentSeg, SoakTimeLeft, and Out whenever the instruction is not in
Operator Manual mode.

Executing the Ramp/Soak Profile

The following diagram illustrates how the RMPS instruction executes the
ramp/soak profile.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 113

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

(1) The Ramp is complete when Out = SoakValue. If, during ramp execution,
Out > SoakValue, Out is limited to SoakValue.
(2) Soaking is complete when Out is held for the amount of time specified in
the current segment’s SoakTime. If the segment executed was not the last
segment, CurrentSeg increments by one.
(3) Soaking has completed for the last programmed segment and the
instruction is configured for cyclic execution. The instruction sets CurrentSeg
= 0.
(4) Soaking has completed for the last programmed segment and the
instruction is configured for single execution.
(5) When returning to Auto mode, the instruction determines if ramping or
soaking resumes. What to do next depends on the values of Out,
SoakTimeLeft, and the SoakValue of the current segment. If Out = SoakValue
for the current segment, and SoakTimeLeft = 0, then the current segment has
completed and the next segment starts.

The ramp cycle ramps Out from the previous segment’s SoakValue to the
current segment’s SoakValue. The time in which the ramp is traversed is
defined by the RampValue parameters.
Ramping is positive if Out < target SoakValue of the current segment. If the
ramp equation calculates a new Out which exceeds the target SoakValue, the
Out is set to the target SoakValue.

114 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Ramping is negative if Out > the target SoakValue of the current segment. If
the ramp equation calculates a new Out which is less than the target
SoakValue, the Out is set to the target SoakValue.
Each segment has a ramp value. You have the option of programming the
ramp in units of time or rate. All segments must be programmed in the same
units. The following table describes the ramping options:
Parameter Description
Time-based ramping TimeRate is set to true for time-based ramping (in minutes)
The rate of change for the current segment is calculated and either added or subtracted to Out until Out reaches the
current segment’s soak value. In the following equation, DeltaT is the elapsed time in minutes since the instruction last

Where RampStart is the value of Out at the start of the Current Segment.
Rate-based ramping TimeRate is cleared to false for rate-based ramping (in units/minute)
The programmed rate of change is either added or subtracted to Out until Out reaches the current segment’s soak value. In
the following equation, DeltaT is the elapsed time in minutes since the instruction last executed.

Guaranteed Ramping
Set the input GuarRamp to true to enable guaranteed ramping. When
enabled, the instruction monitors the difference between Out and PV. If the
difference is outside of the programmed RampDeadband, the output is left
unchanged until the difference between PV and Out are within the deadband.
The output GuarRampOn is set to true whenever Out is held due to
guaranteed ramping being in effect.

Soaking is the amount of time the block output is to remain unchanged until
the next ramp-soak segment is started. The soak cycle holds the output at the
SoakValue for a programmed amount of time before proceeding to the next
segment. The amount of time the output is to soak is programmed in the
SoakTime parameters.
Each segment has a SoakValue and SoakTime. Soaking begins when Out is
ramped to the current segment’s SoakValue. SoakTimeLeft represents the
time in minutes remaining for the output to soak. During ramping,
SoakTimeLeft is set to the current segment’s SoakTime. Once ramping is
complete, SoakTimeLeft is decreased to reflect the time in minutes remaining
for the current segment. SoakTimeLeft = 0 when SoakTime expires.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 115

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Guaranteed Soaking
Set the input GuarSoak to true to enable guaranteed soaking. When enabled,
the instruction monitors the difference between Out and PV. If the difference
is outside of the SoakDeadband, timing of the soak cycle is suspended and the
internal soak timer is cleared. When the difference between Out and PV
returns to within the deadband, timing resumes. The output GuarSoakOn is
set to true when timing is held due to guaranteed soaking being in effect.

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Scale (SCL) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The SCL instruction converts an unscaled input value to a floating point value
in engineering units.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text

116 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
SCL tag SCALE Structure SCL structure

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
SCL tag SCALE Structure SCL structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

SCALE Structure
Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does not
execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
In REAL The analog signal input.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
InRawMax REAL The maximum value attainable by the input to
the instruction. If InRawMax InRawMin, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and
stops updating the output.
Valid = InRawMax > InRawMin
Default = 0.0
InRawMin REAL The minimum value attainable by the input to
the instruction. If InRawMin InRawMax, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and
stops updating the output.
Valid = InRawMin < InRawMax
Default = 0.0
InEUMax REAL The scaled value of the input corresponding to
Valid = any real value
Default = 0.0
InEUMin REAL The scaled value of the input corresponding to
Valid = any real value
Default = 0.0
Limiting BOOL Limiting selector. If true, Out is limited to
between InEUMin and InEUMax.
Default is false.

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to
false if Out overflows.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 117

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Out REAL The output that represents scaled value of the
analog input.
Valid = any real value
Default = InEUMin
MaxAlarm BOOL The above maximum input alarm indicator. This
value is set to true when In> InRawMax.
MinAlarm BOOL The below minimum input alarm indicator. This
value is set to true when In < InRawMin.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following
execution errors. This is not a minor or major
controller error. Check the remaining status bits
to determine what occurred.
InRawRangeInv (Status.1) BOOL InRawMin InRawMax.

Use the SCL instruction with analog input modules that do not support
scaling to a full resolution floating point value.
For example, the 1771-IFE module is a 12-bit analog input module that
supports scaling only in integer values. If you use a 1771-IFE module to read a
flow of 0-100 gallons per minute (gpm), you typically do not scale the module
from 0-100 because that limits the resolution of the module. Instead, use the
SCL instruction and configure the module to return an unscaled (0-4095)
value, which the SCL instruction converts to 0-100 gpm (floating point)
without a loss of resolution. This scaled value could then be used as an input
to other instructions.
The SCL instruction uses this algorithm to convert unscaled input into a
scaled value:

Once the instruction calculates Out, the MaxAlarm and MinAlarm are
determined as follows:

118 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Limiting is performed on Out when Limiting is set. The instruction sets Out =
InEUMax when In > InRawMax. The instruction sets Out = InEUMin when In
< InRawMin.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan N/A
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

The SCL instruction is typically used with analog input modules that do not
support on-board scaling to floating point engineering units. In this example,

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 119

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
the SCL instruction scales an analog input from a 1771-IFE module. The
instruction places the result in Out, which is used by an ALM instruction.

Function Block

Structured Text
SCL_01.In := Input0From1771IFE;
ALM_01.In := SCL_01.Out;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Split Range Time This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
Proportional (SRTP) CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The SRTP instruction takes the 0-100% output of a PID loop and drives
heating and cooling digital output contacts with a periodic pulse. This
instruction controls applications such as barrel temperature control on
extrusion machines.

120 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
SRTP tag SPLIT_RANGE Structure SRTP structure

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
SRTP tag SPLIT_RANGE Structure SRTP structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does not
execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 121

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
In REAL The analog signal input asking for heating or
cooling. This input typically comes from the
CVEU of a PID loop.
Valid = any float
CycleTime REAL The period of the output pulses in seconds. A
value of zero turns off both heat and cool
outputs. If this value is invalid, the instruction
assumes a value of zero and sets the
appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any positive float
Default = 0.0
MaxHeatIn REAL Maximum heat input. This value specifies the
percentage of the In which will cause maximum
heating. This is typically 100% for a heat/cool
Valid = any float
Default = 100.0
MinHeatIn REAL Minimum heat input. Specify the percent of In
that represents the start of the heating range
and causes minimum heating. This is typically
50% for a heat/cool loop.
Valid = any float
Default = 50.0
MaxCoolIn REAL Maximum cool input. Specify the percent of In
that causes maximum cooling. This is typically
0% for a heat/cool loop.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
MinCoolIn REAL Minimum cool input. Specify the percent of In
that causes minimum cooling. This is typically
50% for a heat/cool loop.
Valid = any float
Default = 50.0
MaxHeatTime REAL Maximum heat time in seconds. Specify the
maximum time in seconds that a heating pulse
can be on. If the instruction calculates HeatTime
to be greater than this value, HeatTime is limited
to MaxHeatTime. If MaxHeatTime is invalid, the
instruction assumes a value of CycleTime and
sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0.0 to CycleTime
Default = CycleTime
MinHeatTime REAL Minimum heat time in seconds. Specify the
minimum time in seconds that a heating pulse
can be on. If the instruction calculates HeatTime
to be less than this value, HeatTime is set to
zero. If MinHeatTime is invalid, the instruction
assumes a value of zero and sets the
appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0.0 to MaxHeatTime
Default = 0.0
MaxCoolTime REAL Maximum cool time in seconds. Specify the
maximum time in seconds that a cooling pulse
can be on. If the instruction calculates CoolTime
to be larger than this value, CoolTime is limited
to MaxCoolTime. If MaxCoolTime is invalid, the
instruction assumes a value of CycleTime and
sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0.0 to CycleTime
Default = CycleTime

122 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
MinCoolTime REAL Minimum cool time in seconds. Specify the
minimum time in seconds that a cooling pulse
can be on. If the instruction calculates CoolTime
to be less than this value, CoolTime is set to
zero. If MinCoolTime is invalid, the instructions
assumes a value of zero and sets the
appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0.0 to MaxCoolTime
Default = 0.0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to
false if HeatTimePercent or CoolTimePercent
HeatOut BOOL Heating output pulse. The instruction pulses this
output for the heating contact.
CoolOut BOOL Cooling output pulse. The instruction pulses this
output for the cooling contact.
HeatTimePercent REAL Heating output pulse time in percent. This value
is the calculated percent of the current cycle
that the HeatingOutput will be on. This allows
you to use the instruction with an analog output
for heating if required.
CoolTimePercent REAL Cooling output pulse time in percent. This value
is the calculated percent of the current cycle
that the CoolingOutput will be on. This allows you
to use the instruction with an analog output for
cooling if required.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following
execution errors. This is not a minor or major
controller error. Check the remaining status bits
to determine what occurred.
CycleTimeInv (Status.1) BOOL Invalid CycleTime value. The instruction uses
MaxHeatTimeInv (Status.2) BOOL Invalid MaxHeatTime value. The instruction uses
the CycleTime value.
MinHeatTimeInv (Status.3) BOOL Invalid MinHeatTime value. The instruction uses
MaxCoolTimeInv (Status.4) BOOL Invalid MaxCoolTime value. The instruction uses
the CycleTime value.
MinCoolTimeInv (Status.5) BOOL Invalid MinCoolTime value. The instruction uses
HeatSpanInv (Status.6) BOOL MaxHeatIn = MinHeatIn.
CoolSpanInv (Status.7) BOOL MaxCoolIn = MinCoolIn.

The length of the SRTP pulse is proportional to the PID output. The
instruction parameters accommodate heating and cooling applications.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 123

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Using the Internal Cycle Timer

The instruction maintains a free running cycle timer that cycles from zero to
the programmed CycleTime. The internal timer is updated by DeltaT. DeltaT
is the elapsed time since the instruction last executed. This timer determines
if the outputs need to be turned on.
You can change CycleTime at any time. If CycleTime = 0, the internal timer is
cleared and HeatOut and CoolOut are cleared to false.

Calculating Heat and Cool Times

Heat and cool times are calculated every time the instruction is executed.
HeatTime is the amount of time within CycleTime that the heat output is to be
turned on.

If HeatTime < MinHeatTime, set HeatTime = 0.

If HeatTime> MaxHeatTime, limit HeatTime = MaxHeatTime.

HeatTimePercent is the percentage of CycleTime that the HeatOut pulse is

CoolTime is the amount of time within CycleTime that the cool output is to be
turned on.

If CoolTime < MinCoolTime, set CoolTime = 0.

If CoolTime > MaxCoolTime, limit CoolTime = MaxCoolTime.
CoolTimePercent is the percentage of CycleTime that the CoolOut pulse is

The instruction controls heat and cool outputs using these rules:
• Set HeatOut to true if HeatTime the internal cycle time
accumulator. Clear HeatOut to false when the internal cycle timer >

124 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
• Set CoolOut to true if CoolTime the internal cycle time
accumulator. Clear CoolOut to false if the internal cycle
timer > CoolTime.
• Clear HeatOut and CoolOut to false if CycleTime = 0.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan HeatOut and CoolOut are cleared to false.
HeatTimePercent and CoolTimePercent are cleared
to 0.0.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

In this example, a PIDE instruction executes in a slow, lower priority task
because it is a slow, temperature loop. The output of the PIDE instruction is a
controller-scoped tag because it becomes the input to an SRTP instruction.
The SRTP instruction executes in a faster, higher priority task so that the
pulse outputs are more accurate

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 125

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Function Block
Place the PIDE instruction in a slow, lower priority task

Place the SRTP instruction in a faster, higher priority task.

Structured Text
Place the PIDE instruction in a slow, lower priority task.
BarrelTempLoop.PV := BarrelTemp;

LoopOutput := BarrelTempLoop.CVEU;

126 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Place the SRTP instruction in a faster, higher priority task.

SRTP_02.In := LoopOutput;


ResistiveHeater := SRTP_02.HeatOut;
CoolingSolenoid := SRTP_02.CoolOut;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Totalizer (TOT) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The TOT instruction provides a time-scaled accumulation of an analog input


Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 127

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
TOT tag TOTALIZER Structure TOT structure

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
TOT tag TOTALIZER Structure TOT structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does not
execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
InFault BOOL Bad health indicator of In. If true, it indicates
the input signal has an error, the instruction
sets the appropriate bit in Status, the control
algorithm is not executed, and Total is not
Default is false.

128 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
TimeBase DINT The timebase input. The time base of the
totalization based on the In engineering units.
0 = Seconds
1 = Minutes
2 = Hours
3 = Days
For example, use TimeBase = minutes if In has
units of gal/min. If this value is invalid, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status
and does not update the Total.
For more information about timing modes, see
Function Block Attributes.
Valid = 0 to 3
Default = 0
Gain REAL The multiplier of the incremental totalized
value. The user can use the Gain to convert the
units of totalization. For example, use the Gain
to convert gal/min to a total in barrels.
Valid = any float
Default = 1.0
ResetValue REAL The reset value input. The reset value of Total
when OperResetReq or ProgResetReq
transitions from false to true.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Target REAL The target value for the totalized In.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
TargetDev1 REAL The large deviation pre-target value of the
Total compared to the Target. This value is
expressed as a deviation from the Target.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
TargetDev2 REAL The small deviation pre-target value of the
Total compared to the Target. This value is
expressed as a deviation from the Target.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
LowInCutoff REAL The instruction low input cutoff input. When
the In is at or below the LowInCutoff value,
totalization ceases.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
ProgProgReq BOOL Program program request. Set to true to
request Program control. Ignored if
ProgOperReq is true. Holding this true and
ProgOperReq false locks the instruction in
Program control.
Default is false.
ProgOperReq BOOL Program operator request. Set to true to
request Operator control. Holding this true
locks the instruction in Operator control.
Default is false.
ProgStartReq BOOL The program start request input. Set to true to
request totalization to start.
Default is false.
ProgStopReq BOOL The program stop request input. Set to true to
request totalization to stop.
Default is false.

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Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
ProgResetReq BOOL The program reset request input. Set to true to
request the Total to reset to the ResetValue.
Default is false.
OperProgReq BOOL Operator program request. Set to true by the
operator interface to request Program control.
The instruction clears this input to false.
Default is false.
OperOperReq BOOL Operator operator request. Set to true by the
operator interface to request Operator control.
The instruction clears this input to false.
Default is false.
OperStartReq BOOL The operator start request input. Set to true by
the operator interface to request totalization to
start. The instruction clears this input to false.
Default is false.
OperStopReq BOOL The operator stop request input. Set to true by
the operator interface to request totalization to
stop. The instruction clears this input to false.
Default is false.
OperResetReq BOOL The operator reset request input. Set to true by
the operator interface to request totalization to
reset. The instruction clears this input to false.
Default is false.
ProgValueReset BOOL Reset program control values. When true, clear
all the program request inputs to false at each
execution of the instruction.
Default is false.
TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.
0 = Period mode
1 = Oversample mode
2 = Real time sampling mode
For more information about timing modes, see
Function Block Attributes.
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample mode.
Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time sampling
Valid = 1 to 32,767ms
Default = 1
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time
sampling mode.
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to
false if Total overflows.
Total REAL The totalized value if In.
OldTotal REAL The value of the total before a reset occurred.
You can monitor this value to read the exact
total just before the last reset.
ProgOper BOOL Program/operator control indicator. True when
in Program control. False when in Operator

130 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameter Data Type Description
RunStop BOOL The indicator of the operational state of the
totalizer. True when the TOT instruction is
running. False when the TOT instruction is
ProgResetDone BOOL The indicator that the TOT instruction has
completed a program reset request. Set to
true when the instruction resets as a result of
ProgResetReq. You can monitor this to
determine that a reset successfully completed.
Cleared to false when ProgResetReq is false.
TargetFlag BOOL The flag for Total. Set to true when Total
TargetDev1Flag BOOL The flag for TargetDev1. Set to true when Total
Target - TargetDev1.
TargetDev2Flag BOOL The flag for TargetDev2. Set to true when Total
Target - TargetDev2.
LowInCutoffFlag BOOL The instruction low input cutoff flag output. Set
to true when
In £ LowInCutoff.
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This is the
elapsed time in seconds used by the control
algorithm to calculate the process output.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following
execution errors. This is not a minor or major
controller error. Check the remaining status
bits to determine what occurred.
InFaulted (Status.1) BOOL In value faulted.
TimeBaseInv (Status.2) BOOL Invalid TimeBase value.
TimingModeInv (Status.27) BOOL Invalid TimingMode value.
RTSMissed (Status.28) BOOL Only used in real time sampling mode. Set to
true when
ABS(DeltaT – RTSTime) > 1 millisecond.
RTSTimeInv (Status.29) BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaTInv (Status.31) BOOL Invalid DeltaT value. This can occur if
OversampleDT is invalid in oversample timing

This instruction typically totals the amount of a material added over time,
based on a flow signal.
The TOT instruction supports:
• Time base selectable as seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
• You can specify a target value and up to two pre-target values.
Pre-target values are typically used to switch to a slower feed rate.
Digital flags announce the reaching of the target or pre-target values.
• A low flow input cutoff that you can use to eliminate negative
totalization due to slight flow meter calibration inaccuracies when the
flow is shut off.
• Operator or program capability to start/stop/reset.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 131

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
• A user defined reset value.
• Trapezoidal-rule numerical integration to improve accuracy.
• The internal totalization is done with double precision math to
improve accuracy.

Monitoring the TOT Instruction

There is an operator faceplate available for the TOT instruction.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run Total is set to ResetValue.
OldTotal is cleared to 0.0.
ProgOper is cleared to false.
Instruction first scan All operator request inputs are cleared to false. If
ProgValueReset is true then all program request inputs
are cleared to false.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

132 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Check for Low Input Cutoff

If (In <= LowInCutoff), the instruction sets LowInCutoffFlag to true and
makes In(n-1) = 0.0.
Otherwise, the instruction clears LowInCutoffFlag to false.
When the LowInCutoffFlag is true, the operation mode is determined but
totalization ceases.
When LowInCutoffFlag is false, totalization continues that scan.

Operating Modes
The following diagram shows how the TOT instruction changes between
Program control and Operator control.

(1) The instruction remains in operator control mode when ProgOperReq is

The following diagram shows how the TOT instruction changes between Run
and Stop modes.

(1) The stop requests take precedence over start requests

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 133

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
(2) The first scan in run after a stop, the totalization is not evaluated, but in n-1
is updated.
During the next scan, totalization resumes.
All operator request inputs are cleared to false at the end of each scan. If
ProgValueReset is true, all program request inputs are cleared to false at the
end of each scan.

Resetting the TOT Instruction

When ProgResetReq transitions to true while ProgOper is true, the following
• OldTotal = Total
• Total = ResetValue
• ProgResetDone is set to true
If ProgResetReq is false and ProgResetDone is true then ProgResetDone is
cleared to false
When OperResetReq transitions to true while ProgOper is false, the following
• OldTotal = Total
• Total = ResetValue

Calculating the Totalization

When RunStop is true and LowInCutoffFlag is false, the following equation
performs the totalization calculation.

where TimeBase is:

Value Condition
1 TimeBase = 0 (seconds)
60 TimeBase = 1 (minutes)
3600 TimeBase = 2 (hours)
86400 TimeBase = 3 (days)

Determining if Target Values Have Been Reached

Once the totalization has been calculated, these rules determine whether the
target or pre-target values have been reached:
• TargetFlag is true when Total Target
• TargetDev1Flag is true when Total (Target - TargetDev1)

134 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
• TargetDev2Flag is true when Total (Target - TargetDev2)

In this example, the TOT instruction meters a target quantity of water into a
tank and shuts off the flow once the proper amount of water has been added.
When the AddWater pushbutton is pressed, the TOT instruction resets and
starts totalizing the amount of water flowing into the tank. Once the Target
value is reached, the TOT instruction sets the TargetFlag output, which causes
the solenoid valve to close. For this example, the TOT instruction was "locked"
into Program Run by setting the ProgProgReq and ProgStartReq inputs. This
is done for this example because the operator never needs to directly control
the TOT instruction.

Function Block

Structured Text
TotalWaterFlow.In := WaterFlowRate;
TotalWaterFlow.ProgProgReq := 1;
TotalWaterFlow.ProgStartReq := 1;
TotalWaterFlow.ProgResetReq := AddWater;
RESD_01.Set := AddWater;
RESD_01.Reset := TotalWaterFlow.TargetFlag;

WaterSolenoidValve := RESD_01.Out;

See also
Function Block Attributes on page 979

Common Attributes on page 1019

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 135

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Coordinated Control (CC) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The CC instruction controls a single process variable by manipulating as many

as three different control variables. As an option, any of the three outputs can
be used as an input to create feed forward action in the controller. The CC
calculates the control variables (CV1, CV2, and CV3) in the auto mode based on
the PV - SP deviation, internal models, and tuning.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

136 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Structured Text


Structured Text
Operands Type Format Description
CC tag COORDINATED_ CONTROL structure CC Structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.
IMPORTANT Whenever an APC block detects a change in Delta Time (DeltaT), a ModelInit will be
performed. For this reason the blocks should only be run in one of the TimingModes in which
DeltaT will be constant.
• TimingMode = 0 (Periodic) while executing these function blocks in a
Periodic Task
• TimingMode = 1 (Oversample)
In either case, if the Periodic Task time is dynamically changed, or the
OversampleDT is dynamically changed, the block will perform a ModelInit.
The following TimingMode setting are not recommended due to jitter in
• TimingMode = 0 (Periodic) while executing these function blocks in a
Continuous or Event Task
• TimingMode = 2 (RealTimeSample)

Function Block
Operands Type Format Description
CC tag COORDINATED CONTROL structure CC Structure

Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
EnableIn BOOL Enable Input. If False, the function Default=TRUE
block will not execute and outputs
are not updated.
PV REAL Scaled process variable input. This Valid = any float
value is typically read from an Default = 0.0
analog input module.
PVFault BOOL PV bad health indicator. If PV is FALSE = Good Health
read from an analog input, then Default = FALSE
PVFault will normally be controlled
by the analog input fault status.
If PVFault is TRUE, it indicates an
error on the input module, set bit in

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Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
PVEUMax REAL Maximum scaled value for PV. The Valid = PVEUMin < PVEUMax ≤
value of PV and SP that maximum positive float
corresponds to 100% span of the Default = 100.0
Process Variable.
If PVEUMax ≤ PVEUMin, set bit in
PVEUMin REAL Minimum scaled value for PV. The Valid = maximum negative float ≤
value of PV and SP that PVEUMin < PVEUMax
corresponds to 0% span of the Default = 0.0
Process Variable.
If PVEUMax ≤ PVEUMin, set bit in
SPProg REAL SP Program value, scaled in PV Valid = SPLLimit to SPHLimit
units. SP is set to this value when Default = 0.0
the instruction is in Program
SPOper REAL SP Operator value, scaled in PV Valid = SPLLimit to SPHLimit
units. SP set to this value when in Default = 0.0
Operator control.
If value of SPProg or SPOper <
SPLLimit or > SPHLimit, set bit in
Status and limit value used for SP.
SPHLimit REAL SP high limit value, scaled in PV Valid = SPLLimit to PVEUMax
units. Default = 100.0
If SPHLimit < SPLLimit or SPHLimit
> PVEUMax, set bit in Status.
SPLLimit REAL SP low limit value, scaled in PV Valid = PVEUMin to SPHLimit
units. Default = 0.0
If SPLLimit < PVEUMin, or SPHLimit
< SPLLimit, set bit in Status and
limit SP by using the value of
CV1Fault BOOL Control variable 1 bad health Default = FALSE
indicator. If CV1EU controls an FALSE = Good Health
analog output, then CV1Fault will
normally come from the analog
output's fault status.
If CV1Fault is TRUE, it indicates an
error on the output module, set bit
in Status.
CV2Fault BOOL Control variable 2 bad health Default = FALSE
indicator. If CV2EU controls an FALSE = Good Health
analog output, then CV2Fault will
normally come from the analog
output's fault status.
If CV2Fault is TRUE, it indicates an
error on the output module, set bit
in Status.
CV3Fault BOOL Control variable 3 bad health Default = FALSE
indicator. If CV3EU controls an FALSE = Good Health
analog output, then CV3Fault will
normally come from the analog
output's fault status.
If CV3Fault is TRUE, it indicates an
error on the output module, set bit
in Status.

138 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV1InitReq BOOL CV1 initialization request. While Default = FALSE
TRUE, set CV1EU to the value of
CV1InitValue. This signal will
normally be controlled by the In
Hold status on the analog output
module controlled by CV1EU or from
the InitPrimary output of a
secondary loop.
CV2InitReq BOOL CV2 initialization request. While Default = FALSE
TRUE, set CV2EU to the value of
CV2InitValue. This signal will
normally be controlled by the In
Hold status on the analog output
module controlled by CV2EU or
from the InitPrimary output of a
secondary loop.
CV3InitReq BOOL CV3 initialization request. While Default = FALSE
TRUE, set CV3EU to the value of
CV3InitValue. This signal will
normally be controlled by the In
Hold status on the analog output
module controlled by CV32EU or
from the InitPrimary output of a
secondary loop.
CV1InitValue REAL CV1EU initialization value, scaled in Valid = any float
CV1EU units. When CV1Initializing is Default = 0.0
TRUE set CV1EU equal to
CV1InitValue and CV1 to the
corresponding percentage value.
CV1InitValue will normally come
from the feedback of the analog
output controlled by CV1EU or from
the setpoint of a secondary loop.
The instruction initialization is
disabled when CVFaulted or
CVEUSpanInv are TRUE.
CV2InitValue REAL CV2EU initialization value, scaled in Valid = any float
CV2EU units. When CV2Initializing is Default = 0.0
TRUE set CV2EU equal to
CV2InitValue and CV2 to the
corresponding percentage value.
CV2InitValue will normally come
from the feedback of the analog
output controlled by CV2EU or from
the setpoint of a secondary loop.
The instruction initialization is
disabled when CVFaulted or
CVEUSpanInv are TRUE.
CV3InitValue REAL CV3EU initialization value, scaled in Valid = any float
CV3EU units. When CV3Initializing is Default = 0.0
TRUE set CV3EU equal to
CV3InitValue and CV3 to the
corresponding percentage value.
CV3InitValue will normally come
from the feedback of the analog
output controlled by CV3EU or from
the setpoint of a secondary loop.
The instruction initialization is
disabled when CVFaulted or
CVEUSpanInv are TRUE.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 139

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV1Prog REAL CV1 Program-Manual value. CV1 is Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
set to this value when in Program Default = 0.0
control and Manual mode.
CV2Prog REAL CV2 Program-Manual value. CV2 is Valid = 0.0…100.0
set to this value when in Program Default = 0.0
control and Manual mode.
CV3Prog REAL CV3 Program-Manual value. CV3 is Valid = 0.0…100.0
set to this value when in Program Default = 0.0
control and Manual mode.
CV1Oper REAL CV1 Operator-Manual value. CV1 is Valid = 0.0…100.0
set to this value when in Operator Default = 0.0
control and Manual mode. If not
Operator-Manual mode, set CV1Oper
to the value of CV1 at the end of
each function block execution.
If value of CV1Oper < 0 or > 100, or
< CV1LLimit or > CV1HLimit when
CVManLimiting is TRUE, set unique
Status bit and limit value used for
CV2Oper REAL CV2 Operator-Manual value. CV2 is Valid = 0.0…100.0
set to this value when in Operator Default = 0.0
control and Manual mode. If not
Operator-Manual mode, set
CV2Oper to the value of CV2 at the
end of each function block
If value of CV2Oper < 0 or > 100, or
< CV2LLimit or > CV2HLimit when
CVManLimiting is TRUE, set unique
Status bit and limit value used for
CV3Oper REAL CV3 Operator-Manual value. CV3 is Valid = 0.0…100.0
set to this value when in Operator Default = 0.0
control and Manual mode. If not
Operator-Manual mode, set
CV3Oper to the value of CV3 at the
end of each function block
If value of CV3Oper < 0 or > 100, or
< CV3LLimit or > CV3HLimit when
CVManLimiting is TRUE, set unique
Status bit and limit value used for
CV1OverrideValue REAL CV1 Override value. CV1 set to this Valid = 0.0…100.0
value when in Override mode. Default = 0.0
This value should correspond to a
safe state output of the loop.
If value of CV1OverrideValue < 0 or
>100, set unique Status bit and limit
value used for CV.
CV2OverrideValue REAL CV2 Override value. CV2 set to this Valid = 0.0…100.0
value when in Override mode. Default = 0.0
This value should correspond to a
safe state output of the loop.
If value of CV2OverrideValue < 0 or
>100, set unique Status bit and limit
value used for CV.

140 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV3OverrideValue REAL CV3 Override value. CV3 set to this Valid = 0.0…100.0
value when in Override mode. Default = 0.0
This value should correspond to a
safe state output of the loop.
If value of CV3OverrideValue < 0 or
>100, set unique Status bit and limit
value used for CV.
CV1TrackValue REAL CV1 track value. When CVTrackReq Valid = 0.0…100.0
is enabled and the CC function Default = 0.0
block is in Manual mode, the
CV1TrackValue will be ignored, and
the CC internal model will update its
historical data with the CV1Oper or
CV1Prog value. When CVTrackReq is
enabled and the CC function block
is in Auto, the internal model will
update its historical data based on
the value of CV1TrackValue.
The CV1 in this case will be allowed
to move as if the CC function block
was still controlling the process.
This is useful in multiloop selection
schemes where you want the CC
function block to follow the output
of a different controlling algorithm,
where you would connect the
output of the controlling algorithm
into the CV1TrackValue.
CV2TrackValue REAL CV2 track value. When CVTrackReq Valid = 0.0…100.0
is enabled and the CC function Default = 0.0
block is in Manual mode, the
CV2TrackValue will be ignored, and
the CC internal model will update its
historical data with the CV2Oper or
CV2Prog value. When CVTrackReq is
enabled and the CC function block
is in Auto, the internal model will
update its historical data based on
the value of CV2TrackValue.
The CV2 in this case will be allowed
to move as if the CC function block
was still controlling the process.
This is useful in multiloop selection
schemes where you want the CC
function block to follow the output
of a different controlling algorithm,
where you would connect the
output of the controlling algorithm
into the CV2TrackValue.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 141

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV3TrackValue REAL CV3 track value. When CVTrackReq Valid = 0.0…100.0
is enabled and the CC function Default = 0.0
block is in Manual mode, the
CV3TrackValue will be ignored, and
the CC internal model will update its
historical data with the CV3Oper or
CV3Prog value. When CVTrackReq is
enabled and the CC function block
is in Auto, the internal model will
update its historical data based on
the value of CV3TrackValue.
The CV3 in this case will be allowed
to move as if the CC function block
was still controlling the process.
This is useful in multiloop selection
schemes where you want the CC
function block to follow the output
of a different controlling algorithm,
where you would connect the
output of the controlling algorithm
into the CV3TrackValue.
CVManLimiting BOOL Limit CV(n), where (n) can be 1, 2, or Default = FALSE
3, in Manual mode request. If
Manual mode and CVManLimiting is
TRUE, CV will be limited by the
CV(n)HLimit and CV(n)LLimit values.
CV1EUMax REAL Maximum value for CV1EU. The Valid = any float
value of CV1EU that corresponds to Default = 100.0
100% CV1. If CV1EUMax = CV1EUMin,
set bit in Status.
CV2EUMax REAL Maximum value for CV2EU. The Valid = any float
value of CV2EU that corresponds to Default = 100.0
100% CV2. If CV2EUMax =
CV2EUMin, set bit in Status.
CV3EUMax REAL Maximum value for CV3EU. The Valid = any float
value of CV3EU that corresponds to Default = 100.0
100% CV3. If CV3EUMax =
CV3EUMin, set bit in Status.
CV1EUMin REAL Minimum value of CV1EU. The value Valid = any float
of CV1EU that corresponds to 0% Default = 0.0
CV1. If CV1EUMax = CV1EUMin, set bit
in Status.
CV2EUMin REAL Minimum value of CV2EU. The value Valid = any float
of CV2EU that corresponds to 0% Default = 0.0
CV2. If CV2EUMax = CV2EUMin, set
bit in Status.
CV3EUMin REAL Minimum value of CV3EU. The value Valid = any float
of CV3EU that corresponds to 0% Default = 0.0
CV3. If CV3EUMax = CV3EUMin, set
bit in Status.
CV1HLimit REAL CV1 high limit value. This is used to Valid = CV1LLimit < CV1HLimit ≤
set the CV1HAlarm output. It is also 100.0
used for limiting CV1 when in Auto Default = 100.0
mode or in Manual if CVManLimiting
is TRUE.
If CV1HLimit > 100, if CV1HLimit <
CV1LLimit, set bit in Status.
If CV1HLimit < CV1LLimit, limit CV1 by
using the value of CV1LLimit.

142 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV2HLimit REAL CV2 high limit value. This is used to Valid = CV2LLimit < CV2HLimit ≤
set the CV2HAlarm output. It is also 100.0
used for limiting CV2 when in Auto Default = 100.0
mode or in Manual if CVManLimiting
is TRUE.
If CV2HLimit > 100, if CV2HLimit <
CV2LLimit, set bit in Status.
If CV2HLimit < CV2LLimit, limit CV2
by using the value of CV2LLimit.
CV3HLimit REAL CV3 high limit value. This is used to Valid = CV3LLimit < CV3HLimit ≤
set the CV3HAlarm output. It is also 100.0
used for limiting CV3 when in Auto Default = 100.0
mode or in Manual if CVManLimiting
is TRUE.
If CV3HLimit > 100, if CV3HLimit <
CV3LLimit, set bit in Status.
If CV3HLimit < CV3LLimit, limit CV3
by using the value of CV3LLimit.
CV1LLimit REAL CV1 low limit value. This is used to Valid = 0.0 ≤ CV1LLimit <
set the CV1LAlarm output. It is also CV1HLimit
used for limiting CV1 when in Auto Default = 0.0
mode or in Manual mode if
CVManLimiting is TRUE.
If CV1LLimit < 0 set bit in Status. If
CV1HLimit < CV1LLimit, limit CV by
using the value of CV1LLimit.
CV2LLimit REAL CV2 low limit value. This is used to Valid = 0.0 ≤ CV2LLimit <
set the CV2LAlarm output. It is also CV1HLimit
used for limiting CV2 when in Auto Default = 0.0
mode or in Manual mode if
CVManLimiting is TRUE.
If CV2LLimit < 0 set bit in Status. If
CV2HLimit < CV2LLimit, limit CV by
using the value of CV2LLimit.
CV3LLimit REAL CV3 low limit value. This is used to Valid = 0.0 ≤ CV3LLimit <
set the CV3LAlarm output. It is also CV1HLimit
used for limiting CV3 when in Auto Default = 0.0
mode or in Manual mode if
CVManLimiting is TRUE.
If CV3LLimit < 0 set bit in Status. If
CV3HLimit < CV3LLimit, limit CV by
using the value of CVLLimit.
CV1ROCPosLimit REAL CV1 rate of change limit, in percent Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
per second. Rate of change limiting float
is only used when in Auto mode or Default = 0.0
in Manual mode if CVManLimiting is
TRUE. A value of zero disables CV1
ROC limiting. If value of CV1ROCLimit
< 0, set bit in Status and disable CV1
ROC limiting.
CV2ROCPosLimit REAL CV2 rate of change limit, in percent Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
per second. Rate of change limiting float
is only used when in Auto mode or Default = 0.0
in Manual mode if CVManLimiting is
TRUE. A value of zero disables CV2
ROC limiting. If value of
CV2ROCLimit < 0, set bit in Status
and disable CV2 ROC limiting.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 143

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV3ROCPosLimit REAL CV3 rate of change limit, in percent Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
per second. Rate of change limiting float
is only used when in Auto mode or Default = 0.0
in Manual mode if CVManLimiting is
TRUE. A value of zero disables CV3
ROC limiting. If value of
CV3ROCLimit < 0, set bit in Status
and disable CV3 ROC limiting.
CV1ROCNegLimit REAL CV1 rate of change limit, in percent Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
per second. Rate of change limiting float
is only used when in Auto mode or Default = 0.0
in Manual mode if CVManLimiting is
TRUE. A value of zero disables CV1
ROC limiting. If value of CV1ROCLimit
< 0, set bit in Status and disable CV1
ROC limiting.
CV2ROCNegLimit REAL CV2 rate of change limit, in percent Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
per second. Rate of change limiting float
is only used when in Auto mode or Default = 0.0
in Manual mode if CVManLimiting is
TRUE. A value of zero disables CV2
ROC limiting. If value of
CV2ROCLimit < 0, set bit in Status
and disable CV2 ROC limiting.
CV3ROCNegLimit REAL CV3 rate of change limit, in percent Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
per second. Rate of change limiting float
is only used when in Auto mode or Default = 0.0
in Manual mode if CVManLimiting is
TRUE. A value of zero disables CV3
ROC limiting. If value of
CV3ROCLimit < 0, set bit in Status
and disable CV3 ROC limiting.
CV1HandFB REAL CV1 HandFeedback value. CV1 set to Valid = 0.0…100.0
this value when in Hand mode and Default = 0.0
CV1HandFBFault is FALSE (good
health). This value would typically
come from the output of a field
mounted hand/auto station and
would be used to generate a
bumpless transfer out of Hand
mode. If value of CV1HandFB < 0 or
> 100, set unique Status bit and
limit value used for CV1.
CV2HandFB REAL CV2 HandFeedback value. CV2 set Valid = 0.0…100.0
to this value when in Hand mode Default = 0.0
and CV2HandFBFault is FALSE
(good health). This value would
typically come from the output of a
field mounted hand/auto station
and would be used to generate a
bumpless transfer out of Hand
mode. If value of CV2HandFB < 0 or
> 100, set unique Status bit and
limit value used for CV2.

144 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV3HandFB REAL CV3 HandFeedback value. CV3 set Valid = 0.0…100.0
to this value when in Hand mode Default = 0.0
and CV3HandFBFault is FALSE
(good health). This value would
typically come from the output of a
field mounted hand/auto station
and would be used to generate a
bumpless transfer out of Hand
mode. If value of CV3HandFB < 0 or
> 100, set unique Status bit and
limit value used for CV3.
CV1HandFBFault BOOL CV1HandFB value bad health FALSE = Good Health
indicator. If the CV1HandFB value is Default = FALSE
read from an analog input, then
CV1HandFBFault will normally be
controlled by the status of the
analog input channel. If
CV1HandFBFault is TRUE, it indicates
an error on the input module, set bit
in Status.
CV2HandFBFault BOOL CV2HandFB value bad health FALSE = Good Health
indicator. If the CV2HandFB value is Default = FALSE
read from an analog input, then
CV2HandFBFault will normally be
controlled by the status of the
analog input channel. If
CV2HandFBFault is TRUE, it
indicates an error on the input
module, set bit in Status.

CV3HANDFBFault BOOL CV3HandFB value bad health FALSE = Good Health

indicator. If the CV3HandFB value is Default = FALSE
read from an analog input, then
CV3HandFBFault will normally be
controlled by the status of the
analog input channel. If
CV3HandFBFault is TRUE, it
indicates an error on the input
module, set bit in Status.
CV1Target REAL Target value for CV1. Valid = 0.0…100.0
Default = 0.0
CV2Target REAL Target value for CV2. Valid = 0.0…100.0
Default = 0.0
CV3Target REAL Target value for CV3. Valid = 0.0…100.0
Default = 0.0
CV1WindupHIn BOOL CV1Windup high request. When Default = FALSE
TRUE, CV1 will not be allowed to
increase in value. This signal will
typically be the CV1WindupHOut
output from a secondary loop.
CV2WindupHIn BOOL CV2Windup high request. When Default = FALSE
TRUE, CV2 will not be allowed to
increase in value. This signal will
typically be the CV2WindupHOut
output from a secondary loop.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 145

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV3WindupHIn BOOL CV3Windup high request. When Default = FALSE
TRUE, CV3 will not be allowed to
increase in value. This signal will
typically be the CV3WindupHOut
output from a secondary loop.
CV1WindupLIn BOOL CV1 Windup low request. When Default = FALSE
TRUE, CV1 will not be allowed to
decrease in value. This signal will
typically be the CV1WindupLOut
output from a secondary loop.
CV2WindupLIn BOOL CV2 Windup low request. When Default = FALSE
TRUE, CV2 will not be allowed to
decrease in value. This signal will
typically be the CV2WindupLOut
output from a secondary loop.
CV3WindupLIn BOOL CV3 Windup low request. When Default = FALSE
TRUE, CV3 will not be allowed to
decrease in value. This signal will
typically be the CV3WindupLOut
output from a secondary loop.
GainEUSpan BOOL CVxModelGain units can be Default = 0
represented as EU or % of span.
Set to interpret ModelGain as EU,
reset to interpret ModelGain as % of
CV1ProcessGainSign BOOL Used only for Autotuning. Sign of Default = FALSE
the process gain (Delta PV/Delta
Set to indicate a negative process
gain (increase in output causes a
decrease in PV).
Reset to indicate a positive process
gain (increase in output causes an
increase in PV).
CV2ProcessGainSign BOOL Used only for Autotuning. Sign of Default = FALSE
the process gain (Delta PV/Delta
Set to indicate a negative process
gain (increase in output causes a
decrease in PV).
Reset to indicate a positive process
gain (increase in output causes an
increase in PV).
CV3ProcessGainSign BOOL Used only for Autotuning. Sign of Default = FALSE
the process gain (Delta PV/Delta
Set to indicate a negative process
gain (increase in output causes a
decrease in PV).
Reset to indicate a positive process
gain (increase in output causes an
increase in PV).
ProcessType DINT Process type selection Default = 0
(1=Integrating, 0=non-integrating)
CV1ModelGain REAL The internal model gain parameter Valid = maximum negative float
for CV1. Enter a positive or negative −> maximum positive float
gain depending on process Default = 0.0

146 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV2ModelGain REAL The internal model gain parameter Valid = maximum negative float
for CV2. Enter a positive or negative −> maximum positive float
gain depending on process Default = 0.0
CV3ModelGain REAL The internal model gain parameter Valid = maximum negative float
for CV3. Enter a positive or negative −> maximum positive float
gain depending on process Default = 0.0
CV1ModelTC REAL The internal model time constant Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
for CV1 in seconds. float
Default = 0.0
CV2ModelTC REAL The internal model time constant Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
for CV2 in seconds. float
Default = 0.0
CV3ModelTC REAL The internal model time constant Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
for CV3 in seconds. float
Default = 0.0
CV1ModelDT REAL The internal model deadtime for Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
CV1 in seconds. float
Default = 0.0
CV2ModelDT REAL The internal model deadtime for Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
CV2 in seconds. float
Default = 0.0
CV3ModelDT REAL The internal model deadtime for Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
CV3 in seconds. float
Default = 0.0
CV1RespTC REAL The tuning parameter that Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
determines the speed of the control float
variable action for CV1 in seconds. Default = 0.0
CV2RespTC REAL The tuning parameter that Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
determines the speed of the control float
variable action for CV2 in seconds. Default = 0.0
CV3RespTC REAL The tuning parameter that Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
determines the speed of the control float
variable action for CV3 in seconds. Default = 0.0
Act1stCV DINT The first CV to act to compensate Valid = 1-3
for PV-SP deviation. Default = 1
1=CV1, 2=CV2, 3=CV3
Act2ndCV DINT The second CV to act to Valid = 1-3
compensate for PV-SP deviation. Default = 2
1=CV1, 2=CV2, 3=CV3
Act3rdCV DINT The third CV to act to compensate Valid = 1-3
for PV-SP deviation. Default = 3
1=CV1, 2=CV2, 3=CV3
Target1stCV DINT The CV with top priority to be driven Valid = 1-3
to its target value. Default = 1
1=CV1, 2=CV2, 3=CV3
Target2ndCV DINT The CV with second highest priority Valid = 1-3
to be driven to its target value. Default = 2
1=CV1, 2=CV2, 3=CV3
Target3rdCV DINT The CV with third highest priority to Valid = 1-3
be driven to its target value. Default = 3
1=CV1, 2=CV2, 3=CV3
PVTracking BOOL SP track PV request. Set TRUE to Default = FALSE
enable SP to track PV. Ignored
when in Auto modes. SP will only
track PV when all three outputs are
in manual. As soon as any output
returns to Auto, PVTracking stops.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 147

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CVTrackReq BOOL CV Track request. Set true to enable Default = FALSE
CV Tracking when autotune is OFF.
Ignored in Hand and Override
ManualAfterInit BOOL Manual mode after initialization Default = FALSE
When TRUE, the appropriate CV(n),
where (n) can be 1, 2, or 3, will be
placed in Manual mode when
CV(n)Initializing is set TRUE unless
the current mode is Override or
When ManualAfterInit is FALSE, the
CV(n) mode will not be changed.
ProgProgReq BOOL Program Program Request. Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Program control.
Ignored if ProgOperReq is TRUE.
Holding this TRUE and ProgOperReq
FALSE can be used to lock the
function block into program control.
When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the
function block resets the input to
ProgOperReq BOOL Program Operator Request. Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Operator control.
Holding this TRUE can be used to
lock the function block into
operator control.
If value of HandFB < 0 or > 100, set
unique Status bit and limit value
used for CV.
ProgCV1AutoReq BOOL Program-Auto mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Auto mode.
If value of CV1HandFB < 0 or > 100,
set unique Status bit and limit value
used for CV1.
ProgCV2AutoReq BOOL Program-Auto mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Auto mode.
If value of CV2HandFB < 0 or > 100,
set unique Status bit and limit value
used for CV2.
ProgCV3AutoReq BOOL Program-Auto mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Auto mode.
If value of CV3HandFB < 0 or > 100,
set unique Status bit and limit value
used for CV3.

148 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
ProgCV1ManualReq BOOL Program-Manual mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Manual mode.
If value of CV1HandFB < 0 or > 100,
set unique Status bit and limit value
used for CV1.
ProgCV2ManualReq BOOL Program-Manual mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Manual mode.
If value of CV2HandFB < 0 or > 100,
set unique Status bit and limit value
used for CV2.
ProgCV3ManualReq BOOL Program-Manual mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Manual mode.
If value of CV3HandFB < 0 or > 100,
set unique Status bit and limit value
used for CV3.
ProgCV1OverrideReq BOOL Program-Override mode request Default = FALSE
for CV1.
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Override mode.
If value of CV1HandFB < 0 or > 100,
set unique Status bit and limit value
used for CV1.
ProgCV2OverrideReq BOOL Program-Override mode request Default = FALSE
for CV2.
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Override mode.
If value of CV2HandFB < 0 or > 100,
set unique Status bit and limit value
used for CV2.
ProgCV3OverrideReq BOOL Program-Override mode request Default = FALSE
for CV3.
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Override mode.
If value of CV3HandFB < 0 or > 100,
set unique Status bit and limit value
used for CV3.
ProgCV1HandReq BOOL Program-Hand mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Hand mode. This value will
usually be read as a digital input
from a hand/auto station.
ProgCV2HandReq BOOL Program-Hand mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Hand mode. This value will
usually be read as a digital input
from a hand/auto station.
ProgCV3HandReq BOOL Program-Hand mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the user program to
request Hand mode. This value will
usually be read as a digital input
from a hand/auto station.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 149

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
OperProgReq BOOL Operator Program Request. Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface
to request Program control. The
function block resets this
parameter to FALSE.
OperOperReq BOOL Operator Operator Request. Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface
to request Operator control. The
function block will reset this
parameter to FALSE.
OperCV1AutoReq BOOL Operator-Auto mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface
to request Auto mode. The function
block will reset this parameter to
OperCV2AutoReq BOOL Operator-Auto mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface
to request Auto mode. The function
block will reset this parameter to
OperCV3AutoReq BOOL Operator-Auto mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface
to request Auto mode. The function
block will reset this parameter to
OperCV1ManualReq BOOL Operator-Manual mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface
to request Manual mode. The
function block resets this
parameter to FALSE.
OperCV2ManualReq BOOL Operator-Manual mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface
to request Manual mode. The
function block resets this
parameter to FALSE.
OperCV3ManualReq BOOL Operator-Manual mode request for Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface
to request Manual mode. The
function block resets this
parameter to FALSE.
ProgValueReset BOOL Reset Program control values. Default = FALSE
When TRUE, the Prog_xxx_Req
inputs are reset to FALSE.
When TRUE and Program control,
set SPProg equal to SP and CVxProg
equal to CVx.
When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the
instruction sets this input to FALSE.

150 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
TimingMode DINT Selects Time Base Execution mode. Valid = 0…2
Value/Description Default = 0
0 = Periodic mode
1 = Oversample mode
2 = Real time sampling mode
For more information about timing
modes, see Function Block
OverSampleDT REAL Execution time for Oversample Valid = 0…4194.303 seconds
mode. Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for Real Time Valid = 1…32,767
Sampling mode. 1 count = 1 ms
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for Real Valid = 0…32,767
Time Sampling mode. (wraps from 32,767…0)
1 count = 1 ms
PVTuneLimit REAL PV tuning limit scaled in the PV Valid = any float
units. When Autotune is running Default=0
and predicted PV exceeds this limit,
the tuning will be aborted.
AtuneTimeLimit REAL Maximum time for autotune to Valid range: any float > 0.
complete following the CV step Default = 60 minutes
change. When autotune exceeds
this time, tuning will be aborted.
NoiseLevel DINT An estimate of the noise level Range: 0…2
expected on the PV to compensate Default=1
for it during tuning.
The selections are: 0=low,
1=medium, 2=high
CV1StepSize REAL CV1 step size in percent for the Range: -100% … 100%
tuning step test. Step size is Default=10%
directly added to CV1 subject to
high/low limiting.
CV2StepSize REAL CV2 step size in percent for the Range: -100% … 100%
tuning step test. Step size is Default=10%
directly added to CV2 subject to
high/low limiting.
CV3StepSize REAL CV3 step size in percent for the Range: -100% … 100%
tuning step test. Step size is Default=10%
directly added to CV3 subject to
high/low limiting.
CV1ResponseSpeed DINT Desired speed of closed loop Range: 0…2
response for CV1. Default=1
Slow response: ResponseSpeed=0
Medium response:
Fast response: ResponseSpeed=2.
If ResponseSpeed is less than 0,
Slow response is used. If
ResponseSpeed is greater than 2,
Fast response is used.
CV2ResponseSpeed DINT Desired speed of closed loop Range: 0…2
response for CV2. Default=1
Slow response: ResponseSpeed=0
Medium response:
Fast response: ResponseSpeed=2.
If ResponseSpeed is less than 0,
Slow response is used. If
ResponseSpeed is greater than 2,
Fast response is used.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 151

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV3ResponseSpeed DINT Desired speed of closed loop Range: 0…2
response for CV3. Default=1
Slow response: ResponseSpeed=0
Medium response:
Fast response: ResponseSpeed=2.
If ResponseSpeed is less than 0,
Slow response is used. If
ResponseSpeed is greater than 2,
Fast response is used.
CV1ModelInit BOOL Internal model initialization switch Default = FALSE
for CV1. Refer to topic CC Function
Block Model Initialization in CC
Function Block Tuning.
CV2ModelInit BOOL Internal model initialization switch Default = FALSE
for CV2. Refer to topic CC
Function Block Model Initialization in
CC Function Block Tuning.
CV3ModelInit BOOL Internal model initialization switch Default = FALSE
for CV3. Refer to topic CC
Function Block Model Initialization in
CC Function Block Tuning.
Factor REAL Non-integrating model Default = 100
approximation factor. Only used for
integrating process types.
AtuneCV1Start BOOL Start Autotune request for CV1. Set Default = FALSE
True to initiate auto tuning of the
CV1 output. Ignored when CV1 is not
in Manual mode. The function block
resets the input to FALSE.
AtuneCV2Start BOOL Start Autotune request for CV2. Set Default = FALSE
True to initiate auto tuning of the
CV2 output. Ignored when CV2 is
not in Manual mode. The function
block resets the input to FALSE.
AtuneCV3Start BOOL Start Autotune request for CV3. Set Default = FALSE
True to initiate auto tuning of the
CV3 output. Ignored when CV3 is
not in Manual mode. The function
block resets the input to FALSE.
AtuneCV1UseModel BOOL Use Autotune model request for Default = FALSE
CV1. Set True to replace the current
model parameters with the
calculated Autotune model
parameters. The function block
resets the input parameter to
AtuneCV2UseModel BOOL Use Autotune model request for Default = FALSE
CV2. Set True to replace the current
model parameters with the
calculated Autotune model
parameters. The function block
resets the input parameter to
AtuneCV3UseModel BOOL Use Autotune model request for Default = FALSE
CV3. Set True to replace the current
model parameters with the
calculated Autotune model
parameters. The function block
resets the input parameter to

152 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
AtuneCV1Abort BOOL Abort Autotune request for CV1. Set Default = FALSE
True to abort the auto tuning of CV1
output. The function block resets
input parameter to FALSE.
AtuneCV2Abort BOOL Abort Autotune request for CV2. Set Default = FALSE
True to abort the auto tuning of CV2
output. The function block resets
input parameter to FALSE.
AtuneCV3Abort BOOL Abort Autotune request for CV3. Set Default = FALSE
True to abort the auto tuning of CV3
output. The function block resets
input parameter to FALSE.

Output Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled.
Cleared to false if CV1EU, CV2EU or
CV3EU overflows.
CV1EU REAL Scaled control variable output for
CV1. Scaled by using CV1EUMax and
CV1EUMin, where CV1EUMax
corresponds to 100% and CV1EUMin
corresponds to 0%. This output is
typically used to control an analog
output module or a secondary loop.
CV1EU = (CV1 * CV1EUSpan / 100) +
CV1EU span calculation: CV1EUSpan
= (CV1EUMax − CV1EUMin)
CV2EU REAL Scaled control variable output for
CV2. Scaled by using CV2EUMax and
CV2EUMin, where CV2EUMax
corresponds to 100% and
CV2EUMin corresponds to 0%. This
output is typically used to control
an analog output module or a
secondary loop.
CV2EU = (CV2 * CV2EUSpan / 100) +
CV2EU span calculation:
CV2EUSpan = (CV2EUMax −
CV3EU REAL Scaled control variable output for
CV3. Scaled by using CV3EUMax and
CV3EUMin, where CV3EUMax
corresponds to 100% and
CV3EUMin corresponds to 0%. This
output is typically used to control
an analog output module or a
secondary loop.
CV3EU = (CV3 * CV3EUSpan / 100) +
CV3EU span calculation:
CV3EUSpan = (CV3EUMax −
CV1 REAL Control variable 1 output. This value
will always be expressed as
0…100%. CV1 is limited by
CV1HLimit and CV1LLimit when in
Auto mode or in Manual mode if
CVManLimiting is TRUE; otherwise
limited by 0 and 100%.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 153

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV2 REAL Control variable 2 output. This value
will always be expressed as
0…100%. CV2 is limited by
CV2HLimit and CV2LLimit when in
Auto mode or in Manual mode if
CVManLimiting is TRUE; otherwise
limited by 0 and 100%.
CV3 REAL Control variable 3 output. This value
will always be expressed as
0…100%. CV3 is limited by
CV3HLimit and CV3LLimit when in
Auto mode or in Manual mode if
CVManLimiting is TRUE; otherwise
limited by 0 and 100%.
DeltaCV1 REAL Difference between the Current CV1
and the previous CV1 (Current CV1 -
previous CV1).
DeltaCV2 REAL Difference between the Current CV2
and the previous CV2 (Current CV2 -
previous CV2).
DeltaCV3 REAL Difference between the Current CV3
and the previous CV3 (Current CV3 -
previous CV3).
CV1Initializing BOOL Initialization mode indicator for CV1.
Set TRUE when CV1InitReq or
function blockFirstScan are TRUE,
or on a TRUE to FALSE transition of
CV1Fault (bad to good).
CV1Initializing is set FALSE after the
function block has been initialized
and CV1InitReq is no longer TRUE.
CV2nitializing BOOL Initialization mode indicator for CV2.
Set TRUE when CV2InitReq, function
blockFirstScan or OLCFirstRun, are
TRUE, or on a TRUE to FALSE
transition of CV2Fault (bad to good).
CV2Initializing is set FALSE after the
function block has been initialized
and CV2InitReq is no longer TRUE.
CV3initializing BOOL Set TRUE when CV3InitReq, function
blockFirstScan or OLCFirstRun, are
TRUE, or on a TRUE to FALSE
transition of CV3Fault (bad to good).
CV3Initializing is set FALSE after the
function block has been initialized
and CV3InitReq is no longer TRUE.
CV1HAlarm BOOL CV1 high alarm indicator. TRUE
when the calculated value for CV1 >
100 or CV1HLimit.
CV12HAlarm BOOL CV2 high alarm indicator. TRUE
when the calculated value for CV2 >
100 or CV2HLimit.
CV3HAlarm BOOL CV3 high alarm indicator. TRUE
when the calculated value for CV3 >
100 or CV3HLimit.
CV1LAlarm BOOL CV1 low alarm indicator. TRUE when
the calculated value for CV1 < 0 or
CV2LAlarm BOOL CV2 low alarm indicator. TRUE when
the calculated value for CV2 < 0 or

154 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV3LAlarm BOOL CV3 low alarm indicator. TRUE when
the calculated value for CV3 < 0 or
CV1ROCPosAlarm BOOL CV1 rate of change alarm indicator.
TRUE when the calculated rate of
change for CV1 exceeds
CV2ROCPosAlarm BOOL CV2 rate of change alarm indicator.
TRUE when the calculated rate of
change for CV2 exceeds
CV3ROCPosAlarm BOOL CV3 rate of change alarm indicator.
TRUE when the calculated rate of
change for CV3 exceeds
CV1ROCNegAlarm BOOL CV1 rate of change alarm indicator.
TRUE when the calculated rate of
change for CV1 exceeds
CV2ROCNegAlarm BOOL CV2 rate of change alarm indicator.
TRUE when the calculated rate of
change for CV2 exceeds
CV3ROCNegAlarm BOOL CV3 rate of change alarm indicator.
TRUE when the calculated rate of
change for CV3 exceeds
SP REAL Current setpoint value. The value of
SP is used to control CV when in the
Auto or the PV Tracking mode,
scaled in PV units.
SPPercent REAL The value of SP expressed in
percent of span of PV.
SPPercent = ((SP − PVEUMin ) * 100)
/ PVSpan.
PV Span calculation: PVSpan =
( PVEUMax − PVEUMin )
SPHAlarm BOOL SP high alarm indicator. TRUE when
the SP ≥ SPHLimit.
SPLAlarm BOOL SP low alarm indicator. TRUE when
the SP ≤ SPLLimit.
PVPercent REAL PV expressed in percent of span.
PVPercent = (( PV − PVEUMin ) *
100) / PVSpan
PV Span calculation: PVSpan =
( PVEUMax − PVEUMin )
E REAL Process error. Difference between
SP and PV, scaled in PV units.
EPercent REAL The error expressed as a percent of
CV1WindupHOut BOOL CV1 Windup high indicator.
TRUE when either a SP high or CV1
high/low limit has been reached.
This signal will typically be used by
the WindupHIn input to limit the
windup of the CV1 output on a
primary loop.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 155

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV2WindupHOut BOOL CV2 Windup high indicator.
TRUE when either a SP high or CV2
high/low limit has been reached.
This signal will typically be used by
the WindupHIn input to limit the
windup of the CV2 output on a
primary loop.
CV3WindupHOut BOOL CV3 Windup high indicator.
TRUE when either a SP high or CV3
high/low limit has been reached.
This signal will typically be used by
the WindupHIn input to limit the
windup of the CV3 output on a
primary loop.
CV1WindupLOut BOOL CV1 Windup low indicator.
TRUE when either a SP or CV1
high/low limit has been reached.
This signal will typically be used by
the WindupLIn input to limit the
windup of the CV1 output on a
primary loop.
CV2WindupLOut BOOL CV2 Windup low indicator.
TRUE when either a SP or CV2
high/low limit has been reached.
This signal will typically be used by
the WindupLIn input to limit the
windup of the CV2 output on a
primary loop.
CV3WindupLOut BOOL CV3 Windup low indicator.
TRUE when either a SP or CV3
high/low limit has been reached.
This signal will typically be used by
the WindupLIn input to limit the
windup of the CV3 output on a
primary loop.
ProgOper BOOL Program/Operator control indicator.
TRUE when in Program control.
FALSE when in Operator control.
CV1Auto BOOL Auto mode indicator for CV1. TRUE
when CV1 in the Auto mode.
CV2Auto BOOL Auto mode indicator for CV2. TRUE
when CV2 in the Auto mode.
CV2Auto BOOL Auto mode indicator for CV3. TRUE
when CV3 in the Auto mode.
CV1Manual BOOL Manual mode indicator CV1. TRUE
when CV1 in the Manual mode.
CV2Manual BOOL Manual mode indicator CV2. TRUE
when CV2 in the Manual mode.
CV3Manual BOOL Manual mode indicator CV3. TRUE
when CV3 in the Manual mode.
CV1Override BOOL Override mode indicator for CV1.
TRUE when CV1 in the Override
CV2Override BOOL Override mode indicator for CV2.
TRUE when CV2 in the Override
CV3Override BOOL Override mode indicator for CV3.
TRUE when CV3 in the Override

156 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV1Hand BOOL Hand mode indicator for CV1. TRUE
when CV1 in the Hand mode.
CV2Hand BOOL Hand mode indicator for CV2. TRUE
when CV2 in the Hand mode.
CV3Hand BOOL Hand mode indicator for CV3. TRUE
when CV3 in the Hand mode.
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates in
CV1StepSizeUsed REAL Actual CV1 step size used for
CV2StepSizeUsed REAL Actual CV2 step size used for
CV3StepSizeUsed REAL Actual CV3 step size used for
CV1GainTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal
model gain for CV1 after tuning is
CV2GainTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal
model gain for CV2 after tuning is
CV3GainTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal
model gain for CV3 after tuning is
CV1TCTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal
model time constant for CV1 after
tuning is completed.
CV2TCTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal
model time constant for CV2 after
tuning is completed.
CV3TCTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal
model time constant for CV3 after
tuning is completed.
CV1DTTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal
model deadtime for CV1 after tuning
is completed.
CV2DTTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal
model deadtime for CV2 after
tuning is completed.
CV3DTTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal
model deadtime for CV3 after
tuning is completed.
CV1RespTCTunedS REAL The calculated value of the control
variable time constant in slow
response speed for CV1 after tuning
is completed.
CV2RespTCTunedS REAL The calculated value of the control
variable time constant in slow
response speed for CV2 after
tuning is completed.
CV3RespTCTunedS REAL The calculated value of the control
variable time constant in slow
response speed for CV3 after
tuning is completed.
CV1RespTCTunedM REAL The calculated value of the control
variable time constant in medium
response speed for CV1 after tuning
is completed.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 157

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV2RespTCTunedM REAL The calculated value of the control
variable time constant in medium
response speed for CV2 after
tuning is completed.
CV3RespTCTunedM REAL The calculated value of the control
variable time constant in medium
response speed for CV3 after
tuning is completed.
CV1RespTCTunedF REAL The calculated value of the control
variable time constant in fast
response speed for CV1 after tuning
is completed.
CV2RespTCTunedF REAL The calculated value of the control
variable time constant in fast
response speed for CV2 after
tuning is completed.
CV3RespTCTunedF REAL The calculated value of the control
variable time constant in fast
response speed for CV3 after
tuning is completed.
AtuneCV1On BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV1
has been initiated.
AtuneCV2On BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV2
has been initiated.
AtuneCV3On BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV3
has been initiated.
AtuneCV1Done BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV1
has completed successfully.
AtuneCV2Done BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV2
has completed successfully.
AtuneCV3Done BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV3
has completed successfully.
AtuneCV1Aborted BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV1
has been aborted by user or due to
errors that occurred during the
auto tuning operation.
AtuneCV2Aborted BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV2
has been aborted by user or due to
errors that occurred during the
auto tuning operation.
AtuneCV3Aborted BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV3
has been aborted by user or due to
errors that occurred during the
auto tuning operation.
AtuneCV1Status DINT Indicates the tuning status for CV1.
AtuneCV2Status DINT Indicates the tuning status for CV2.
AtuneCV3Status DINT Indicates the tuning status for CV3.
AtuneCV1Fault BOOL CV1 Autotune has generated any of
the following faults.
AtuneCV2Fault BOOL CV2 Autotune has generated any of
the following faults.
AtuneCV3Fault BOOL CV3 Autotune has generated any of
the following faults.
AtuneCV1PVOutOfLimit BOOL Either PV or the deadtime-step
ahead prediction of PV exceeds
PVTuneLimit during CV1 Autotuning.
When True, CV1 Autotuning is

158 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
AtuneCV2PVOutOfLimit BOOL Either PV or the deadtime-step
ahead prediction of PV exceeds
PVTuneLimit during CV2 Autotuning.
When True, CV2 Autotuning is
AtuneCV3PVOutOfLimit BOOL Either PV or the deadtime-step
ahead prediction of PV exceeds
PVTuneLimit during CV3 Autotuning.
When True, CV3 Autotuning is
AtuneCV1ModeInv BOOL The CC mode was not Manual at
start of Autotuning or the CC mode
was changed from Manual during
CV1 Autotuning. When True, CV1
Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV2ModeInv BOOL The CC mode was not Manual at
start of Autotuning or the CC mode
was changed from Manual during
CV2 Autotuning. When True, CV2
Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV3ModeInv BOOL The CC mode was not Manual at
start of Autotuning or the CC mode
was changed from Manual during
CV3 Autotuning. When True, CV3
Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV1WindupFault BOOL CV1WindupHIn or CV1WindupLIn is
True at start of CV1 Autotuning or
during CV1 Autotuning. When True,
CV1 Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV2WindupFault BOOL CV2WindupHIn or CV2WindupLIn is
True at start of CV1 Autotuning or
during CV2 Autotuning. When True,
CV2 Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV3WindupFault BOOL CV3WindupHIn or CV3WindupLIn is
True at start of CV3 Autotuning or
during CV3 Autotuning. When True,
CV3 Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV1StepSize0 BOOL CV1StepSizeUsed = 0 at start of CV1
Autotuning. When True, CV1
Autotuning is not started.
AtuneCV2StepSize0 BOOL CV2StepSizeUsed = 0 at start of CV2
Autotuning. When True, CV2
Autotuning is not started.
AtuneCV3StepSize0 BOOL CV3StepSizeUsed = 0 at start of CV3
Autotuning. When True, CV3
Autotuning is not started.
AtuneCV1LimitsFault BOOL CV1LimitsInv and CVManLimiting are
True at start of CV1 Autotuning or
during CV1 Autotuning. When True,
CV1 Autotuning is not started or is

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 159

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
AtuneCV2LimitsFault BOOL CV2LimitsInv and CVManLimiting
are True at start of CV2 Autotuning
or during CV2 Autotuning. When
True, CV2 Autotuning is not started
or is aborted.
AtuneCV3LimitsFault BOOL CV3LimitsInv and CVManLimiting
are True at start of CV3 Autotuning
or during CV3 Autotuning. When
True, CV3 Autotuning is not started
or is aborted.
AtuneCV1InitFault BOOL CV1Initializing is True at start of CV1
Autotuning or during CV1
Autotuning. When True, CV1
Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV2InitFault BOOL CV2Initializing is True at start of CV2
Autotuning or during CV2
Autotuning. When True, CV2
Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV3InitFault BOOL CV3Initializing is True at start of CV3
Autotuning or during CV3
Autotuning. When True, CV3
Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV1EUSpanChanged BOOL CV1EUSpan or PVEUSpan changes
during CV1 Autotuning. When True,
CV1 Autotuning is aborted.
AtuneCV2EUSpanChanged BOOL CV2EUSpan or PVEUSpan changes
during CV2 Autotuning. When True,
CV2 Autotuning is aborted.
AtuneCV3EUSpanChanged BOOL CV3EUSpan or PVEUSpan changes
during CV3 Autotuning. When True,
CV3 Autotuning is aborted.
AtuneCV1Changed BOOL CV1Oper is changed when in
Operation control or CV1Prog is
changed when in Program control
or CV1 becomes high/low or ROC
limited during CV1 Autotuning. When
True, CV1 Autotuning is aborted.
AtuneCV2Changed BOOL CV2Oper is changed when in
Operation control or CV2Prog is
changed when in Program control
or CV2 becomes high/low or ROC
limited during CV2 Autotuning.
When True, CV2 Autotuning is
AtuneCV3Changed BOOL CV3Oper is changed when in
Operation control or CV3Prog is
changed when in Program control
or CV3 becomes high/low or ROC
limited during CV3 Autotuning.
When True, CV3 Autotuning is
AtuneCV1Timeout BOOL Elapsed time is greater then
AtuneTimeLimit since step test is
started. When True, CV1 Autotuning
is aborted.

160 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
AtuneCV2Timeout BOOL Elapsed time is greater then
AtuneTimeLimit since step test is
started. When True, CV2 Autotuning
is aborted.
AtuneCV3Timeout BOOL Elapsed time is greater then
AtuneTimeLimit since step test is
started. When True, CV3 Autotuning
is aborted.
AtuneCV1PVNotSettled BOOL The PV is changed too much to
Autotune for CV1. When True, CV1
Autotuning is aborted. Wait until PV
is more stable before autotuning
AtuneCV2PVNotSettled BOOL The PV is changed too much to
Autotune for CV2. When True, CV2
Autotuning is aborted. Wait until PV
is more stable before autotuning
AtuneCV3PVNotSettled BOOL The PV is changed too much to
Autotune for CV3. When True, CV3
Autotuning is aborted. Wait until PV
is more stable before autotuning
Status1 DINT Bit mapped status of the function
Status2 DINT Additional bit mapped status for
the function block.
Status3CV1 DINT Additional bit mapped CV1 status
for the function block. A value of 0
indicates that no faults have
Status3CV2 DINT Additional bit mapped CV2 status
for the function block. A value of 0
indicates that no faults have
Status3CV3 DINT Additional bit mapped CV3 status
for the function block. A value of 0
indicates that no faults have
InstructFault BOOL The function block has generated a
fault. Indicates state of bits in
Status1, Status2, and Status3CV(n),
where (n) can be 1, 2, or 3.
A value of 0 indicates that no faults
have occurred. Any parameters
that could be configured with an
invalid value must have a status
parameter to indicate their invalid
PVFaulted BOOL Process variable PV health bad.
PVSpanInv BOOL The span of PV inValid, PVEUMax <
SPProgInv BOOL SPProg < SPLLimit or > SPHLimit.
Limit value used for SP.
SPOperInv BOOL SPOper < SPLLimit or > SPHLimit.
Limit value used for SP.
SPLimitsInv BOOL Limits inValid: SPLLimit < PVEUMin,
SPHLimit > PVEUMax, or SPHLimit <
SPLLimit. If SPHLimit < SPLLimit,
then limit value by using SPLLimit.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 161

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
SampleTimeTooSmall BOOL Model DeadTime / DeltaT must be
less than or equal to 200.
FactorInv BOOL Entered value for Factor < 0.
TimingModeInv BOOL Entered TimingMode inValid. If the
current mode is not Override or
Hand then set to Manual mode.
RTSMissed BOOL Only used when in Real Time
Sampling mode. Is TRUE when
ABS(DeltaT – RTSTime) > 1
RTSTimeInv BOOL Entered RTSTime inValid.
RTSTimeStampInv BOOL RTSTimeStamp inValid. If the
current mode is not Override or
Hand, then set to Manual mode.
DeltaTInv BOOL DeltaT inValid. If the current mode
is not Override or Hand then, set to
Manual mode.
CV1Faulted BOOL Control variable CV1 health bad.
CV2Faulted BOOL Control variable CV2 health bad.
CV3Faulted BOOL Control variable CV3 health bad.
CV1HandFBFaulted BOOL CV1 HandFB value health bad.
CV2HandFBFaulted BOOL CV2 HandFB value health bad.
CV3HandFBFaulted BOOL CV3 HandFB value health bad.
CV1ProgInv BOOL CV1Prog < 0 or > 100, or < CV1LLimit
or > CV1HLimit when CVManLimiting
is TRUE. Limit value used for CV1.
CV2ProgInv BOOL CV2Prog < 0 or > 100, or <
CV2LLimit or > CV2HLimit when
CVManLimiting is TRUE. Limit value
used for CV2.
CV3ProgInv BOOL CV3Prog < 0 or > 100, or <
CV3LLimit or > CV3HLimit when
CVManLimiting is TRUE. Limit value
used for CV3.
CV1OperInv BOOL CV1Oper < 0 or > 100, or <
CV1LLimit or > CV1HLimit when
CVManLimiting is TRUE. Limit value
used for CV1.
CV2OperInv BOOL CV2Oper < 0 or > 100, or <
CV2LLimit or> CV2HLimit when
CVManLimiting is TRUE. Limit value
used for CV2.
CV3OperInv BOOL CV3Oper < 0 or > 100, or <
CV3LLimit or> CV3HLimit when
CVManLimiting is TRUE. Limit value
used for CV3.
CV1OverrideValueInv BOOL CV1OverrideValue < 0 or > 100.
Limit value used for CV1.
CV2OverrideValueInv BOOL CV2OverrideValue < 0 or > 100.
Limit value used for CV2.
CV3OverrideValueInv BOOL CV3OverrideValue < 0 or > 100.
Limit value used for CV3.
CV1TrackValueInv BOOL Entered CV1TrackValue < 0 or >
100. Limit value used for CV1.
CV2TrackValueInv BOOL Entered CV2TrackValue < 0 or >
100. Limit value used for CV2.
CV3TrackValueInv BOOL Entered CV3TrackValue < 0 or >
100. Limit value used for CV3.

162 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Parameters Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CV1EUSpanInv BOOL The span of CV1EU inValid,
CV1EUMax equals CV1EUMin.
CV2EUSpanInv BOOL The span of CV2EU inValid,
CV2EUMax equals CV2EUMin.
CV3EUSpanInv BOOL The span of CV3EU inValid,
CV3EUMax equals CV3EUMin.
CV1LimitsInv BOOL CV1LLimit < 0, CV1HLimit > 100, or
CV1HLimit <= CV1LLimit. If CV1HLimit
<= CV1LLimit, limit CV1 by using
CV2LimitsInv BOOL CV2LLimit < 0, CV2HLimit > 100, or
CV2HLimit <= CV2LLimit. If
CV2HLimit <= CV2LLimit, limit CV2
by using CV2LLimit.
CV3LimitsInv BOOL CV3LLimit < 0, CV3HLimit > 100, or
CV3HLimit <= CV3LLimit. If
CV3HLimit <= CV3LLimit, limit CV3
by using CV3LLimit.
CV1ROCLimitInv BOOL CV1ROCLimit < 0, disables CV1 ROC
CV2ROCLimitInv BOOL CV2ROCLimit < 0, disables CV2 ROC
CV3ROCLimitInv BOOL CV3ROCLimit < 0, disables CV3 ROC
CV1HandFBInv BOOL CV1HandFB < 0 or > 100. Limit value
used for CV1.
CV2HandFBInv BOOL CV2HandFB < 0 or > 100. Limit
value used for CV2.
CV3HandFBInv BOOL CV3HandFB < 0 or > 100. Limit
value used for CV3.
CV1ModelGainInv BOOL CV1ModelGain is 1.#QNAN or -1.#IND
(Not A Number), or ± 1.$ (Infinity ∞ ).
CV2ModelGainInv BOOL CV2ModelGain is 1.#QNAN or -1.#IND
(Not A Number), or ± 1.$ (Infinity ∞ ).
CV3ModelGainInv BOOL CV3ModelGain is 1.#QNAN or -1.#IND
(Not A Number), or ± 1.$ (Infinity ∞ ).
CV1ModelTCInv BOOL CV1ModelTC < 0.
CV2ModelTCInv BOOL CV2ModelTC < 0.
CV3ModelTCInv BOOL CV3ModelTC < 0.
CV1ModelDTInv BOOL CV1ModelDT < 0.
CV2ModelDTInv BOOL CV2ModelDT < 0.
CV3ModelDTInv BOOL CV3ModelDT < 0.
CV1RespTCInv BOOL CV1RespTC < 0.
CV2RespTCInv BOOL CV2RespTC < 0.
CV3RespTCInv BOOL CV3RespTC < 0.
CV1TargetInv BOOL CV1Target < 0. or > 100.
CV2TargetInv BOOL CV2Target < 0. or > 100.
CV3TargetInv BOOL CV3Target < 0. or > 100.

Coordinated Control is a flexible model-based algorithm that can be used in
various configurations, for example:
• Three control variables are used to control one process variable

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 163

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
• Heat-cool split range control
• Feedforward control
• Zone temperature control
• Constraint control
The following illustration is an example of the Coordinated Control closed
loop configuration.

In this example, CV1 is in Manual mode, CV2 is driven to its target value, and
CV3 is the active control. The following table describes this example in detail.
Name Description
CV1 Is in Manual mode
CV2 Is driven to its target value (CV2 = Target1stCV)
CV3 Is the active control (CV3 = Act1stCV)

This example could be a heat cooled system with a feed forward where:
• CV1 is feed forward;
• CV2 is cooling;
• CV3 heating.
Since CV1 is in Manual mode, CV3 target value as the lowest priority goal
cannot be accomplished. PV will be maintained at the setpoint by using CV3,
and at the same time CV2 will be driven to its target value (2nd priority goal).
If the operator changes the CV1 manual value, the control variable will take
the change into account when calculating new CV3 and CV2.
M1 CV1 - PV First order lag with deadtime model
M2 CV2 - PV First order lag with deadtime model
M3 CV3 - PV First order lag with deadtime model
T Target Response
C3 Model based algorithm to control PV by using CV3
Y1, Y2, Y3 Model outputs of M1, M2, M3
Y PV prediction

164 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A.
Instruction first scan N/A
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 165

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions


Function Block

Structured Text
ccTag.PV := ccInput1;
ccTag.SPProg := ccInput2;
ccTag.CV1Prog := ccInput3;

ccTag.CV2Prog := ccInput4;
ccTag.CV3Prog := ccInput5;
ccOutput1 := ccTag.CV1EU;

ccOutput2 := ccTag.CV2EU;
ccOutput3 := ccTag.CV3EU;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019

166 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
CC Function Block Configuration on page 167
Select the Control Variable on page 233
Switch between Program control and Operator control on page 229

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Attributes on page 979

CC Function Block Starting with the default configuration, configure the following parameters:

Configuration Parameter Description

PVEUMax Maximum scaled value for PV.
PVEUMin Minimum scaled value for PV.
SPHLimit SP high limit value, scaled in PV units.
PPLLimit SP low limit value, scaled in PV units.
CV1InitValue An initial value of the control variable CV1 output.
CV2InitValue An initial value of the control variable CV2 output.
CV3InitValue An initial value of the control variable CV3 output.

If you have the process models available, you can intuitively tune the CC
control variable by entering the following parameters:
Parameter Description
ModelGains Nonzero numbers (negative for direct acting control variable,
positive for reverse acting control variable)
ModelTimeConstants Always positive numbers
ModelDeadtimes Always positive numbers
ResponseTimeConstants Always positive numbers
Active 1st, 2nd and 3rd CV Specify the order in which CV's will be used to compensate for PV -
SP error.
Target 1st, 2nd and 3rd CV Specify the priorities in which CV's will be driven to their respective
target values.
CVTargetValues Specify to which values should the control variable drive the
individual CV's
TargetRespTC Specify the speed of CV's to approach the target values

The function block behaves in a defined way for any combination of CV Active
and Target lists and CV Auto-Manual modes. The function block attempts to
accomplish these goals in the following order of priorities:
1. Control PV to SP
2. Control Target1stCV to its target value
3. Control Target2ndCV to its target value
If any CV is put in Manual mode, the CC function block gives up the goal with
priority 3. If two CV's are in Manual mode, the CC function block is reduced to
an IMC, (single input, single output) control variable controlling the PV to its
In addition to this, however, the control variable reads the Manual CV values
from the CV's that are in Manual mode as feedforward signals. Then, the CC
function block predicts the influence of the Manual CV values on the PV by

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 167

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
using the appropriate internal models, and calculates the third CV that
remains in Auto mode.
For integrating process types (such as level control and position control),
internal nonintegrating models are used to approximate the integrating
process. The Factor parameter is used to convert the identified integrating
process models to nonintegrating internal models used for CV calculation.
This is necessary to provide for stable function block execution.

CC Function Block Model A model initialization occurs:

Initialization • During First Scan of the block

• When the ModelInit request parameter is set
• When DeltaT changes
You may need to manually adjust the internal model parameters or the
response time constants. You can do so by changing the appropriate
parameters and setting the appropriate ModelInit bit. The internal states of
the control variable will be initialized, and the bit will automatically reset.
For example, modify the Model Gain for CV2 - PV model. Set the ModelInit2
parameter to TRUE to initialize the CV2 - PV internal model parameters and
for the new model gain to take effect.

CC Function Block Tuning The function block is equipped with an internal tuner (modeler). The purpose
of the tuner is to identify the process model parameters and to use these
parameters as internal model parameters (gain, time constant, and
deadtime). The tuner also calculates an optimal response time constant. Set
the tuner by configuring the following parameters for each CV - PV process.
ProcessType Integral (level, position control) or nonintegrating (flow, pressure control)
ProcessGainSign Set to indicate a negative process gain (increase in output causes a decrease in PV); reset to indicate a positive process
gain (increase in output causes an increase in PV).
ResponseSpeed Slow, medium, or fast, based on control objective.
NoiseLevel An estimate of noise level on PV-low, medium, or high-such that the tuner can distinguish which PV change is a random
noise and which is caused by the CV step change.
StepSize A nonzero positive or negative number defining the magnitude of CV step change in either positive or negative direction,
PVTuneLimit (only for integrating process type) in PV engineering units, defines how much of PV change that is caused by CV change to
tolerate before aborting the tuning test due to exceeding this limit.

The tuner is started by setting the appropriate AtuneStart bit (AtuneCV1Start,

for example). You can stop the tuning by setting the appropriate AtuneAbort
After the tuning is completed successfully, the GainTuned, TCTuned,
DTTuned, and RespTCTuned parameters are updated with the tuning results,
and the AtuneStatus code is set to indicate complete.
You can copy these parameters to the ModelGain, ModelTC, and ResponseTC,
respectively, by setting the AtuneUseModel bit. The control variable will
automatically initialize the internal variables and continue normal operation.
It will automatically reset the AtuneUseModel bit.

168 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

See also
CC Function Block Tuning Procedure on page 169

CC Function Block Tuning If an error occurs during the tuning procedure, the tuning is aborted, and an
appropriate AtuneStatus value is set. Also, a user can abort the tuning by
Errors setting the AtuneAbort parameter.
After an abort, the CV will assume its value before the step change, and the
GainTuned, TCTuned, DTTuned, and RespTCTuned parameters are not
updated. The AtuneStatus parameter identifies the reason for the abort.

CC Function Block Tuning Follow these steps to configure the tuner.

Procedure 1. Put all three CV parameters into Manual mode.

2. Set the AtuneStart parameter.
The tuner starts collecting PV and CV data for noise calculation.
3. After collecting 60 samples (60*DeltaT) period, the tuner adds StepSize
to the CV.
After successfully collecting the PV data as a result of the CV step
change, the CV assumes its value before the step change and the
AtuneStatus, GainTuned, TCTuned, DTTuned, and RespTCTuned
parameters are updated.
4. Set the AtuneUseModel parameter to copy the tuned parameters to the
model parameters
The function block then resets the AtuneUseModel parameter.
After a successful AutoTuneDone, the Atune parameter is set to one (1).
Tuning completed successfully.
To identify models and to calculate response time constants for all three
CV-PV processes, run the tuner up to three times to obtain CV1-PV, CV2-PV,
and CV3-PV models and tuning, respectively.

Internal Model Control (IMC) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The IMC instruction controls a single process variable by manipulating a

single control-variable output. This function block performs an algorithm
where the actual error signal is compared against that of an internal
first-order lag plus deadtime model of the process. The IMC function block
calculates the control variable output (CV) in the Auto mode based on the PV -
SP deviation, internal model, and tuning.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 169

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operands: Type: Format Description:

Structured Text
Operands: Type: Format Description:

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

170 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
IMPORTANT Whenever an APC block detects a change in Delta Time (DeltaT), a ModelInit will be
performed. For this reason the blocks should only be run in one of the TimingModes in which
DeltaT will be constant.
• TimingMode = 0 (Periodic) while executing these function blocks in a Periodic Task
• TimingMode = 1 (Oversample)
In either case, if the Periodic Task time is dynamically changed, or the OversampleDT is
dynamically changed, the block will perform a ModelInit.
The following TimingMode setting are not recommended due to jitter in DeltaT:
• TimingMode = 0 (Periodic) while executing these function blocks in a Continuous or Event
• TimingMode = 2 (RealTimeSample)

Input Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
EnableIn BOOL Enable Input. If False, the function block Default=TRUE
will not execute and outputs are not
PV REAL Scaled process variable input. This value Valid = any float
is typically read from an analog input Default = 0.0
PVFault BOOL PV bad health indicator. If PV is read from Default = FALSE
an analog input, then PVFault will normally FALSE = Good Health
be controlled by the analog input fault
If PVFault is TRUE, it indicates an error on
the input module, set bit in Status.
PVUEMax REAL Maximum scaled value for PV. The value Valid = PVEUMin < PVEUMax
of PV and SP that corresponds to 100% ≤ maximum positive float
span of the Process Variable. If PVEUMax Default = 100.0
≤ PVEUMin, set bit in Status.
PVUEMin REAL Minimum scaled value for PV. The value of Valid = maximum negative
PV and SP that corresponds to 0% span float ≤ PVEUMin < PVEUMax
of the Process Variable. If PVEUMax ≤ Default = 0.0
PVEUMin, set bit in Status.
SPProg REAL SP Program value, scaled in PV units. SP Valid = SPLLimit to SPHLimit
is set to this value when in Program Default = 0.0
If value of SPProg or SPOper < SPLLimit or
> SPHLimit, set bit in Status and limit
value used for SP.
SPOper REAL SP Operator value, scaled in PV units. SP Valid = SPLLimit to SPHLimit
set to this value when in Operator Default = 0.0
If value of SPProg or SPOper < SPLLimit or
> SPHLimit, set bit in Status and limit
value used for SP.
SPCascade REAL SP Cascade value, scaled in PV units. If Valid = SPLLimit to SPHLimit
CascadeRatio mode and UseRatio is Default = 0.0
FALSE, then SP is set to this value,
typically this will be CVEU of a primary
loop. If CascadeRatio mode and UseRatio
is TRUE, then SP is set to this value times
If value of SPCascade < SPLLimit or >
SPHLimit, set bit in Status and limit value
used for SP.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 171

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
SPHLimit REAL SP high limit value, scaled in PV units. Valid = SPLLimit to PVEUMax
If SPHLimit < SPLLimit or SPHLimit > Default = 100.0
PVEUMax, set bit in Status.
SPLLimit REAL SP low limit value, scaled in PV units. Valid = PVEUMin to SPHLimit
If SPLLimit < PVEUMin, or SPHLimit < Default = 0.0
SPLLimit, set bit in Status and limit SP by
using the value of SPLLimit.
UseRatio BOOL Allow Ratio control permissive. Set TRUE Default = FALSE
to enable ratio control when in
CascadeRatio mode.
RatioProg REAL Ratio Program multiplier, no units (for Valid = RatioLLimit to
example, scalar). Ratio and RatioOper are RatioHLimit
set to this value when in Program control. Default = 1.0
If RatioProg or RatioOper < RatioLLimit or
> RatioHLimit, set bit in Status and limit
value used for Ratio.
RatioOper REAL Ratio Operator multiplier, no units (for Valid = RatioLLimit to
example, scalar). Ratio is set to this value RatioHLimit
when in Operator control. Default = 1.0
If RatioProg or RatioOper < RatioLLimit or
> RatioHLimit, set bit in Status and limit
value used for Ratio.
RatioHLimit REAL Ratio high limit value, no units (for Valid = RatioLLimit to
example, scalar). Limits the value of Ratio maximum positive float
obtained from RatioProg or RatioOper. Default = 1.0
If RatioLLimit < 0, set bit in Status and
limit to zero. If RatioHLimit < RatioLLimit,
set bit in Status and limit Ratio by using
the value of RatioLLimit.
RatioLLimit REAL Ratio low limit value, no units (for Valid = 0.0 to RatioHLimit
example, scalar). Limits the value of Ratio Default = 1.0
obtained from RatioProg or RatioOper.
If RatioLLimit < 0, set bit in Status and
limit to zero. If RatioHLimit < RatioLLimit,
set bit in Status and limit Ratio by using
the value of RatioLLimit.
CVFault BOOL Control variable bad health indicator. If Default = FALSE
CVEU controls an analog output, then FALSE = Good Health
CVFault will normally come from the
analog output's fault status.
If CVFault is TRUE, it indicates an error on
the output module, set bit in Status.
CVInitReq BOOL CV initialization request. While TRUE, set Default = FALSE
CVEU to the value of CVInitValue. This
signal will normally be controlled by the In
Hold status on the analog output module
controlled by CVEU or from the InitPrimary
output of a secondary IMC loop.
CVInitValue REAL CVEU initialization value, scaled in CVEU Valid = any float
units. When CVInitializing is TRUE set CVEU Default = 0.0
equal to CVInitValue and CV to the
corresponding percentage value.
CVInitValue will normally come from the
feedback of the analog output controlled
by CVEU or from the setpoint of a
secondary loop. The function block
initialization is disabled when CVFaulted
or CVEUSpanInv are TRUE (bad).

172 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CVProg REAL CV Program-Manual value. CV is set to this Valid = 0.0 to 100.0
value when in Program control and Default = 0.0
Manual mode.
If value of CVProg or CVOper < 0 or > 100,
or < CVLLimit or > CVHLimit when
CVManLimiting is TRUE, set unique Status
bit and limit value used for CV.
CVOper REAL CV Operator-Manual value. CV is set to this Valid = 0.0 to 100.0
value when in Operator control and Default = 0.0
Manual mode. If not Operator-Manual
mode, set CVOper to the value of CV at the
end of each function block execution.
If value of CVProg or CVOper < 0 or > 100,
or < CVLLimit or > CVHLimit when
CVManLimiting is TRUE, set unique Status
bit and limit value used for CV.
CVOverrideValue REAL CV Override value. CV set to this value Valid = 0.0 to 100.0
when in Override mode. Default = 0.0
This value should correspond to a safe
state output of the IMC loop. If value of
CVOverrideValue < 0 or >100, set unique
Status bit and limit value used for CV.
CVTrackValue REAL CV track value. When CVTrackReq is Valid = 0.0 to 100.0
enabled and the IMC function block is in Default = 0.0
Manual, the CVTrackValue will be ignored,
and the IMC internal model will update its
historical data with the CVOper or CVProg
value. When CVTrackReq is enabled and
the IMC function block is in Auto, the
internal model will update its historical
data based on the value of CVTrackValue.
The CV in this case will be allowed to
move as if the IMC function block was still
controlling the process. This is useful in
multiloop selection schemes where you
want the IMC function block to follow the
output of a different controlling algorithm,
where you would connect the output of
the controlling algorithm into the
CVManLimiting BOOL Limit CV in Manual mode request. If Default = FALSE
Manual mode and CVManLimiting is TRUE,
CV will be limited by the CVHLimit and
CVLLimit values.
CVEUMax REAL Maximum value for CVEU. The value of Valid = any float
CVEU that corresponds to 100% CV. If Default = 100.0
CVEUMax = CVEUMin, set bit in Status.
CVEUMin REAL Minimum value of CVEU. The value of Valid = any float
CVEU that corresponds to 0% CV. If Default = 0.0
CVEUMax = CVEUMin, set bit in Status.
CVHLimit REAL CV high limit value. This is used to set the Valid = CVLLimit < CVHLimit ≤
CVHAlarm output. It is also used for 100.0
limiting CV when in Auto or CascadeRatio Default = 100.0
modes or Manual mode if CVManLimiting
is TRUE.
If CVLLimit < 0, if CVHLimit > 100, if
CVHLimit < CVLLimit, set bit in Status. If
CVHLimit < CVLLimit, limit CV by using the
value of CVLLimit.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 173

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
CVLLimit REAL CV low limit value. This is used to set the Valid = 0.0 ≤ CVLLimit <
CVLAlarm output. It is also used for CVHLimit
limiting CV when in Auto or CascadeRatio Default = 0.0
modes or Manual mode if CVManLimiting
is TRUE.
If CVLLimit < 0, if CVHLimit > 100, if
CVHLimit < CVLLimit, set bit in Status.
If CVHLimit < CVLLimit, limit CV by using
the value of CVLLimit.
CVROCPosLimit REAL CV increasing rate of change limit, in Valid = 0.0 to maximum
percent per second. positive float
Rate of change limiting is only used when Default = 0.0
in Auto or CascadeRatio modes or Manual
mode if CVManLimiting is TRUE.
A value of zero disables CV ROC limiting.
If value of CVROCPOSLimit < 0, set bit in
Status and disable CV ROC limiting.
CVROCNegLimit REAL CV decreasing rate of change limit, in Valid = 0.0 to maximum
percent per second. positive float
Rate of change limiting is only used when Default = 0.0
in Auto or CascadeRatio modes or Manual
mode if CVManLimiting is TRUE.
A value of zero disables CV ROC limiting.
If value of CVROCNegLimit < 0, set bit in
Status and disable CV ROC limiting.
HandFB REAL CV HandFeedback value. CV set to this Valid = 0.0…100.0
value when in Hand mode and Default = 0.0
HandFBFault is FALSE (good health). This
value would typically come from the
output of a field mounted hand/auto
station and would be used to generate a
bumpless transfer out of Hand mode.
If value of HandFB < 0 or > 100, set
unique Status bit and limit value used for
HandFBFault BOOL HandFB value bad health indicator. If the Default = FALSE
HandFB value is read from an analog FALSE = Good Health
input, then HandFBFault will normally be
controlled by the status of the analog
input channel.
If HandFBFault is TRUE, it indicates an
error on the input module, set bit in
WindupHIn BOOL Windup high request. When TRUE, CV will Default = FALSE
not be allowed to increase in value. This
signal will typically be the WindupHOut
output from a secondary loop.
WinduplIn BOOL Windup low request. When TRUE, CV will Default = FALSE
not be allowed to decrease in value. This
signal will typically be the WindupLOut
output from a secondary loop.
GainEUSpan BOOL ModelGain units in EU or as % of span. Default = FALSE
CV ModelGain units in EU or % of span. Set TRUE = Gain in EU
to interpret ModelGain as EU, reset to FALSE = Gain in % of span
interpret ModelGain as % of Span.

174 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
ProcessGainSign BOOL Used only for Autotuning. Sign of the Default = FALSE
process gain (Delta PV/Delta CV).
Set to indicate a negative process gain
(increase in output causes a decrease in
Reset to indicate a positive process gain
(increase in output causes an increase in
ProcessType DINT Process type selection (1=Integrating, Default = 0
ModelGain REAL The internal model gain parameter. Enter Valid = maximum negative
a positive or negative gain depending on float −> maximum positive
process direction. float
Default = 0.0
ModelTC REAL The internal model time constant in Valid = 0.0 to maximum
seconds. positive float
Default = 0.0
ModelDT REAL The internal model deadtime in seconds. Valid = 0.0 to maximum
positive float
Default = 0.0
RespTC REAL The tuning parameter that determines the Valid = 0.0 to maximum
speed of the control variable action in positive float
seconds. Default = 0.0
PVTracking BOOL SP track PV request. Set TRUE to enable Default = FALSE
SP to track PV. Ignored when in
CascadeRatio or Auto modes.
CVTrackReq BOOL CV Track request. Set true to enable CV Default = FALSE
Tracking when autotune is OFF. Ignored in
Hand and Override mode.
AllowCasRat BOOL Allow CascadeRatio mode permissive. Set Default = FALSE
TRUE to allow CascadeRatio mode to be
selected by using either ProgCasRatReq
or OperCasRatReq.
ManualAfterInit BOOL Manual mode after initialization request. Default = FALSE
When TRUE, the function block will be
placed in the Manual mode when
CVInitializing is set TRUE unless the
current mode is Override or Hand.
When ManualAfterInit is FALSE, the
function block's mode will not be
ProgProgReq BOOL Program Program Request. Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the user program to request
Program control. Ignored if ProgOperReq
is TRUE. Holding this TRUE and
ProgOperReq FALSE can be used to lock
the function block into program control.
When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the
function block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgOperReq BOOL Program Operator Request. Set TRUE by Default = FALSE
the user program to request Operator
control. Holding this TRUE can be used to
lock the function block into operator
control. When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the
function block resets the input to FALSE.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 175

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
ProgCasRatReq BOOL Program-Cascade/Ratio mode request. Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the user program to request
Cascasde/Ratio mode. When
ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgAutoReq BOOL Program-Auto mode request. Set TRUE by Default = FALSE
the user program to request Auto mode.
When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the
function block resets the input to FALSE.

ProgManualReq BOOL Program-Manual mode request. Set TRUE Default = FALSE

by the user program to request Manual
mode. When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the
function block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgOverrideReq BOOL Program-Override mode request. Set Default = FALSE
TRUE by the user program to request
Override mode. When ProgValueReset is
TRUE, the function block resets the input
ProgHandReq BOOL Program-Hand mode request. Set TRUE Default = FALSE
by the user program to request Hand
mode. This value will usually be read as a
digital input from a hand/auto station.
When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the
function block resets the input to FALSE.
OperProgReq BOOL Operator Program Request. Set TRUE by Default = FALSE
the operator interface to request Program
control. The function block resets this
parameter to FALSE.
OperOperReq Operator Operator Request. Set TRUE by Default = FALSE
the operator interface to request Operator
control. The function block will reset this
parameter to FALSE.
OperCasRatReq BOOL Operator-CascadeRatio mode request. Set Default = FALSE
TRUE by the operator interface to request
CascadeRatio mode. The function block
will reset this parameter to FALSE.
OperAutoReq BOOL Operator-Auto mode request. Set TRUE by Default = FALSE
the operator interface to request Auto
mode. The function block will reset this
parameter to FALSE.
OperManualReq BOOL Operator-Manual mode request. Set TRUE Default = FALSE
by the operator interface to request
Manual mode. The function block will
reset this parameter to FALSE.
ProgValueReset BOOL Reset Program control values. When Default = FALSE
TRUE, the Prog_xxx_Req inputs are reset
When TRUE and Program control, set
SPProg equal to SP and CVProg equal to
When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the
function block resets this parameter to

176 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Type Description Valid and Default Values
TimingMode DINT Selects Time Base Execution mode. Valid = 0…2
Value/Description Default = 0
0 = Periodic mode
1 = Oversample mode
2 = Real time sampling mode
For more information about timing modes,
see Function Block Attributes.
OverSampleDT REAL Execution time for Oversample mode. Valid = 0 to max. TON_Timer
elapsed time (4194.303
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for Real Time Valid = 1 to 32,767
Sampling mode. 1 count = 1 ms
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for Real Time Valid = 0 to 32,767
Sampling mode. (wraps from 32,767 to 0)
1 count = 1 ms
PVTuneLimit REAL PV tuning limit scaled in the PV units. Range: any float
When Autotune is running and predicted Default=0
PV exceeds this limit, the tuning will be
AtuneTimeLimit REAL Maximum time for autotune to complete Valid range: any float > 0.
following the CV step change. When Default = 60 minutes
autotune exceeds this time, tuning will be
NoiseLevel DINT An estimate of the noise level expected on Range: 0 to 2
the PV to compensate for it during tuning. Default=1
The selections are: 0=low, 1=medium,
CVStepSize REAL CV step size in percent for the tuning step Range: -100% … 100%
test. Step size is directly added to CV Default=10%
subject to high/low limiting.
ResponseSpeed DINT Desired speed of closed loop response. Range: 0 to 2
Slow response: ResponseSpeed=0 Default=1
Medium response: ResponseSpeed=1
Fast response: ResponseSpeed=2.
If ResponseSpeed is less than 0, Slow
response is used. If ResponseSpeed is
greater than 2, Fast response is used.
ModelInit BOOL Internal model initialization switch. Default = FALSE
Factor REAL Non-integrating model approximation Default = 100
factor. Only used for integrating process
AtuneStart BOOL Start Autotune request. Set True to initiate Default = FALSE
auto tuning of the function block. Ignored
when IMC is not in Manual mode. The
function block will reset this parameter to
AtuneUseModel BOOL Use Autotune model request. Set True to Default = FALSE
replace the current model parameters
with the calculated Autotune model
parameters. The function block sets the
input parameter to FALSE.
AtuneAbort BOOL Abort Autotune request. Set True to abort Default = FALSE
the auto tuning of the IMC function block.
The function block sets input parameter

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 177

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Type Description Valid and
Parameters Default Values
EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared
to false if CVEU overflows.
CVEU REAL Scaled control variable output. Scaled by
using CVEUMax and CVEUMin, where
CVEUMax corresponds to 100% and
CVEUMin corresponds to 0%. This output
is typically used to control an analog
output module or a secondary loop.
CVEU = (CV * CVEUSpan / 100) + CVEUMin
CVEU span calculation: CVEUSpan = (
CV REAL Control variable output. This value will
always be expressed as 0…100%. CV is
limited by CVHLimit and CVLLimit when in
Auto or CascadeRatio mode or Manual
mode if CVManLimiting is TRUE; otherwise
limited by 0 and 100%.
DeltaCV REAL Difference between the Current CV and
the previous CV (Current CV - previous
CVInitializing BOOL Initialization mode indicator. Set TRUE
when CVInitReq or function block
FirstScan are TRUE, or on a TRUE to FALSE
transition of CVFault (bad to good).
CVInitializing is set FALSE after the
function block has been initialized and
CVInitReq is no longer TRUE.
CVHAlarm BOOL CV high alarm indicator. TRUE when the
calculated value for CV > 100 or CVHLimit.
CVLAlarm BOOL CV low alarm indicator. TRUE when the
calculated value for CV < 0 or CVLLimit.
CVROCPosAlarm BOOL CV rate of change alarm indicator. TRUE
when the calculated rate of change for CV
exceeds CVROCPosLimit.
CVROCNegAlarm REAL CV rate of change alarm indicator. TRUE
when the calculated rate of change for CV
exceeds CVROCNegLimit.
SP REAL Current setpoint value. The value of SP is
used to control CV when in the Auto, the
CascadeRatio, or the PV Tracking mode,
scaled in PV units.
SPPercent REAL The value of SP expressed in percent of
span of PV.
SPPercent = ((SP − PVEUMin ) * 100) /
PVSpan = PVEUMax − PVEUMin
SPHAlarm BOOL SP high alarm indicator. TRUE when the
SP ≥ SPHLimit.
SPLAlarm BOOL SP low alarm indicator. TRUE when the SP
≤ SPLLimit.
PVPercent REAL PV expressed in percent of span.
PVPercent = (( PV − PVEUMin ) * 100) /
PV Span calculation: PVSpan =
( PVEUMax − PVEUMin )
E REAL Process error. Difference between SP and
PV, scaled in PV units.
EPercent REAL The error expressed as a percent of span.

178 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Type Description Valid and
Parameters Default Values
InitPrimary BOOL Initialize primary loop command. TRUE
when not in CasRat mode or when
CVInitializing is TRUE. This signal normally
would be used by the CVInitReq input of a
primary loop.
WindupHOut BOOL Windup high indicator. TRUE when either
a SP high or CV high/low limit has been
reached. This signal will typically be used
by the WindupHIn input to limit the
windup of the CV output on a primary
WindupLOut BOOL Windup low indicator. TRUE when either a
SP or CV high/low limit has been reached.
This signal will typically be used by the
WindupLIn input to limit the windup of the
CV output on a primary loop.
Ratio REAL Current ratio multiplier, no units.
RatioHAlarm BOOL Ratio high alarm indicator. TRUE when
Ratio > RatioHLimit.
RatioLAlarm BOOL Ratio low alarm indicator. TRUE when
Ratio < RatioLLimit.
ProgOper BOOL Program/Operator control indicator. TRUE
when in Program control. FALSE when in
Operator control.
CasRat BOOL CascadeRatio mode indicator. TRUE when
in the CascadeRatio mode.
Auto BOOL Auto mode indicator. TRUE when in the
Auto mode.
Manual BOOL Manual mode indicator. TRUE when in the
Manual mode.
Override BOOL Override mode indicator. TRUE when in
the Override mode.
Hand BOOL Hand mode indicator. TRUE when in the
Hand mode.
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates in
StepSizeUsed REAL Actual CV step size used for tuning.
GainTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model
gain after tuning is completed.
TCTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model
time constant after tuning is completed.
DTTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model
deadtime after tuning is completed.
RespTCTunedS REAL The calculated value of the control
variable time constant in slow response
speed after tuning is completed.
RespTCTunedM REAL The calculated value of the control
variable time constant in medium
response speed after tuning is
RespTCTunedF REAL The calculated value of the control
variable time constant in fast response
speed after tuning is completed.
AtuneOn BOOL Set True when auto tuning has been
AtuneDone BOOL Set True when auto tuning has completed

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 179

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Type Description Valid and
Parameters Default Values
AtuneAborted BOOL Set True when auto tuning has been
aborted by user or due to errors that
occurred during the auto tuning
AtuneStatus DINT Indicates the block tuning status.
AtuneFault BOOL Autotune has generated any of the Bit 0 of
following faults. AtuneStatus
AtunePVOutOfLimi BOOL Either PV or the deadtime-step ahead Bit 1 of
t prediction of PV exceeds PVTuneLimit AtuneStatus
during Autotuning. When True, Autotuning
is aborted.
AtuneModeInv BOOL The IMC mode was not Manual at start of Bit 2 of
Autotuning or the IMC mode was changed AtuneStatus
from Manual during Autotuning. When
True, Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCVWindupFa BOOL WindupHIn or WindupLIn is True at start Bit 3 of
ult of Autotuning or during Autotuning. When AtuneStatus
True, Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneStepSize0 BOOL StepSizeUsed = 0 at start of Autotuning. Bit 4 of
When True, Autotuning is not started. AtuneStatus
AtuneCVLimitsFau BOOL CVLimitsInv and CVManLimiting are True Bit 5 of
lt at start of Autotuning or during AtuneStatus
Autotuning. When True, Autotuning is not
started or is aborted.
AtuneCVInitFault BOOL CVInitializing is True at start of Autotuning Bit 6 of
or during Autotuning. When True, AtuneStatus
Autotuning is not started or is aborted.
AtuneEUSpanCha BOOL CVEUSpan or PVEUSpan changes during Bit 7 of
nged Autotuning. When True, Autotuning is AtuneStatus
AtuneCVChanged BOOL CVOper is changed when in Operatior Bit 8 of
control or CVProg is changed when in AtuneStatus
Program control or CV becomes high/low
or ROC limited during Autotuning. When
True, Autotuning is
AtuneTimeout BOOL Elapsed time is greater then Bit 9 of
AtuneTimeLimit since step test is started. AtuneStatus
When True, Autotuning is aborted.
AtunePVNotSettle BOOL The PV is changed too much to Autotune. Bit 10 of
d When True, Autotuning is aborted. Wait AtuneStatus
until PV is more stable before autotuning.
Status1 DINT Bit mapped status of the function block.
Status2 DINT Additional bit mapped status for the
function block.
InstructFault BOOL Function block has generated a fault. Bit 0 of Status1
Indicates state of bits in Status1 and
A value of 0 indicates that no faults have
occurred. Any parameters that could be
configured with an invalid value must
have a status parameter to indicate their
invalid status.
PVFaulted BOOL Process variable PV health bad. Bit 1 of Status1
CVFaulted BOOL Control variable CV faulted Bit 2 of Status1
HandFBFaulted BOOL HandFB value health bad Bit 3 of Status1

180 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Type Description Valid and
Parameters Default Values
PVSpanInv BOOL The span of PV invalid, PVEUMax < Bit 4 of Status1
SPProgInv BOOL SPProg < SPLLimit or > SPHLimit. Limit Bit 5 of Status1
value used for SP.
SPOperInv BOOL SPOper < SPLLimit or > SPHLimit. Limit Bit 6 of Status1
value used for SP.
SPCascadeInv BOOL SPCascade < SPLLimit or > SPHLimit. Bit 7 of Status1
Limit value used for SP.
SPLimitsInv BOOL Limits invalid: SPLLimit < PVEUMin, Bit 8 of Status1
SPHLimit > PVEUMax, or SPHLimit <
SPLLimit. If SPHLimit < SPLLimit, then limit
value using SPLLimit.
RatioLimitsInv BOOL Ratio high-low limits invalid, low limit < 0 Bit 9 of Status1
or high limit < low limit.
RatioProgInv BOOL RatioProg < RatioLLimit or > RatioHLimit. Bit 10 of Status1
Limit value used for Ratio.
RatioOperInv BOOL RatioOper < RatioLLimit or > RatioHLimit. Bit 11 of Status1
Limit value used for Ratio.
CVProgInv BOOL CVProg < 0 or > 100, or < CVLLimit or > Bit 12 of Status1
CVHLimit when CVManLimiting is TRUE.
Limit value used for CV.
CVOperInv BOOL CVOper < 0 or > 100, or < CVLLimit or > Bit 13 of Status1
CVHLimit when CVManLimiting is TRUE.
Limit value used for CV.
CVOverrideValueIn BOOL CVOverrideValue < 0 or > 100. Limit value Bit 14 of Status1
v used for CV.
CVTrackValueInv BOOL CVTrackValue < 0 or > 100. Limit value Bit 15 of Status1
used for CV.
CVEUSpanInv BOOL The span of CVEU invalid, CVEUMax equals Bit 16 of Status1
CVLimitsInv BOOL CVLLimit < 0, CVHLimit > 100, or CVHLimit Bit 17 of Status1
<= CVLLimit. If CVHLimit <= CVLLimit, limit
CV by using CVLLimit.
CVROCLimitInv BOOL CVROCLimit < 0, disables ROC limiting. Bit 18 of Status1
HandFBInv BOOL HandFB < 0 or > 100. Limit value used for Bit 19 of Status1
SampleTimeTooS BOOL Model DeadTime / DeltaT must be less Bit 20 of Status1
mall than or equal to 200.
FactorInv BOOL Factor < 0. Bit 21 of Status1
ModuleGainInv BOOL ModelGain is 1.#QNAN or -1.#IND (Not A Bit 22 of Status1
Number), or ±1.$ ( Infinity ∞)

ModelTCInv BOOL ModelTC < 0. Bit 23 of Status1

ModelDTInv BOOL ModelDT < 0. Bit 24 of Status1
RespTCInv BOOL RespTC < 0. Bit 25 of Status1
TimingModelInv BOOL TimingMode invalid. If the current mode is Bit 27 of Status2
not Override or Hand then set to Manual
RTSMissed BOOL Only used when in Real Time Sampling Bit 28 of Status2.
mode. Is TRUE when ABS(DeltaT -
RTSTime) > 1 millisecond.
RTSTimeInv BOOL RTSTime invalid. Bit 29 of Status2.
RTSTimeStampInv BOOL RTSTimeStamp invalid. If the current Bit 30 of
mode is not Override or Hand then set to Status2.
Manual mode.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 181

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Type Description Valid and
Parameters Default Values
DeltaTInv BOOL DeltaT invalid. If the current mode is not Bit 31 of Status2.
Override or Hand then set to Manual

The following illustration shows the IMC function block configuration.

At each execution, the IMC function block compares the actual PV

measurement with PV prediction. The result is called disturbance estimate,
which is the effect of unmeasured process disturbances combined with the
modeling imprecision. The disturbance estimate is used as a bias for the
setpoint of the control variable. In the ideal case of no disturbances and
perfect modeling, the disturbance estimate (the feedback signal) becomes
equal to zero.
First Order Model M = K/(T*s+1)*exp(-D*s)
Inverse of Model Inv = (T*s+1)/K
First Order Filter F = 1/(e*s+1)

PV prediction = exp(-D*s)/(e*s+1) * (SP - Dist. estimate)

K... Model gain

T... Model time constant
D... Model deadtime
e... Response time constant
s... Laplace variable

The function block then calculates the CV value (CVHLimit, CVLLimit, and
rate of change limits are imposed) and the PV prediction.
The IMC function block can be used in place of a PID function block with the
advantage over the PID control variable when controlling processes with large

182 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
For an integrating process type (such as level control and position control), an
internal nonintegrating model is used to approximate the integrating process.
The Factor parameter is used to convert the identified integrating-process
model to a nonintegrating internal model that is used for CV calculation. This
is necessary to provide for stable IMC execution.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken

Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and .EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A

Instruction first scan N/A

Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 183

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions


Function Block

Structured Text
imcTag.PV := imcInput1;
imcTag.SPProg := imcInput2;
imcTag.CVProg := imcInput3;
imcOutput1 := imcTag.CVEU;

See also
Processing Faults on page 232
IMC Function Block Tuning on page 186

Common Attributes on page 1019

Structured Text Syntax on page 993
Function Block Attributes on page 979

184 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

IMC Function Block Follow these steps to create a basic IMC configuration.

Configuration 1. Starting with the default configuration, configure the following

Parameter Description
PVEUMax Maximum scaled value for PV.
PVEUMin Minimum scaled value for PV.
SPHLimit SP high limit value, scaled in PV units.
SPLLimit SP low limit value, scaled in PV units.
CVInitValue An initial value of the control variable output.
2. If you have the process model available, you can intuitively tune the
IMC control variable by entering the following four parameters.
Parameter Description
Model Gain A nonzero number (negative for direct acting control variable. positive for reverse acting control
Model Time Constant Always a positive number.
Model Deadtime Always a positive number.
Response Time Constant Always a positive number - used to tune the response of the IMC control variable. A smaller
number gives a faster response.
At this point, you have completed the basic configuration. You did not
configure the built-in tuner. The control variable is ready to be put
online in either Auto or Manual mode. For tuning, use the default
settings. Refer to IMC Function Block Tuning.
3. If you do not know the process model, you need to identify the model
and tune the control variable by using the built-in tuner (modeler) for
the control variable to operate correctly in the Auto mode.
The control variable uses a first order lag with deadtime internal
process model and a first order filter (total of four tuning parameters)
to calculate the CV. The CV is calculated such that the process variable
(PV) follows a first order lag trajectory when approaching the setpoint
Speed of response depends on the value of the response time constant.
The smaller that the response time constant is, the faster the control
variable response will be. The response time constant should be set
such that the PV reaches the setpoint in a reasonable time based on the
process dynamics. The larger that the response time constant is, the
slower the control variable response will be, but the control variable
also becomes more robust. Refer to IMC Function Block Tuning.
In the Manual mode, the CV is set equal to the operator-entered or
program-generated CVOper or CVProg parameter.
For the Manual to Auto mode bumpless transfer and for safe operation
of the control variable, the CV rate of change limiter is implemented
such that the CV cannot change from its current state any faster than
the rate of change limit parameter specified.
4. Set the CVROCPosLimit and CVROCNegLimit to limit the CV rate of
Rate limiting is not imposed when the control variable is in Manual
mode unless CVManLimiting is set.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 185

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

See also
IMC Function Block Tuning on page 186

IMC Function Block Model A Model Initialization occurs:

Initialization • during First Scan of the block

• when the ModelInit request parameter is set
• when DeltaT changes
You may need to manually adjust the internal model parameters or the
response time constants. You can do so by changing the appropriate
parameters and setting the appropriate ModelInit bit. The internal states of
the function block will be initialized, and the bit will automatically reset.
For example, if you modify the IMC function block Model Gain for CV - PV, set
the ModelInit parameter to TRUE to initialize the CV - PV internal model
parameters and for the new model gain to take effect.

IMC Function Block Tuning The function block is equipped with an internal tuner (modeler). The purpose
of the tuner is to identify the process model parameters and to use these
parameters as internal model parameters (gain, time constant, and
deadtime). The tuner also calculates an optimal response-time constant.
Set the tuner by configuring the following parameters.
ProcessType Integral (level, position control) or nonintegrating (flow, pressure control)
ProcessGainSign Set to indicate a negative process gain (increase in output causes a decrease in PV); reset to indicate a positive
process gain (increase in output causes an increase in PV).
ResponseSpeed Slow, medium, or fast, based on control variable.
NoiseLevel An estimate of noise level on PV-low, medium, or high such that the tuner can distinguish which PV change is a
random noise and which is caused by the CV step change.
StepSize A nonzero positive or negative number defining the magnitude of CV step change in either positive or negative
direction, respectively.
PVTuneLimit (Only for integrating process type) in PV engineering units, defines how much of PV change that is caused by CV
change to tolerate before aborting the tuning test due to exceeding this limit.

The tuner is started by setting the AtuneStart bit. You can stop the tuning by
setting the AtuneAbort bit. After the tuning is completed successfully, the
GainTuned, TCTuned, DTTuned, and RespTCTuned parameters are updated
with the tuning results, and the AtuneStatus code is set to indicate complete.
You can copy these parameters to the ModelGain, ModelTC, and ResponseTC,
respectively, by setting the AtuneUseModel bit. The function block will
automatically initialize the internal variables and continue normal operation.
It will automatically reset the AtuneUseModel bit.

See also
IMC Function Block Tuning Procedure on page 187
IMC Function Block Tuning Errors on page 187

186 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

IMC Function Block Tuning If an error occurs during the tuning procedure, the tuning is aborted, and the
AtuneStatus bit is set. You can abort the tuning by setting the AtuneAbort bit.
After an abort, the CV will assume its value before the step change, and the
GainTuned, TCTuned, DTTuned, and RespTCTuned parameters are not
updated. The AtuneStatus parameter identifies the reason for the abort.

IMC Function Block Tuning Follow these steps to configure the tuner.

Procedure 1. Put the CV into Manual mode.

2. Set the AtuneStart parameter.
The tuner starts collecting PV and CV data for noise calculation.
3. After collecting 60 samples (60*DeltaT) period, the tuner adds StepSize
to the CV.
After successfully collecting the PV data as a result of the CV step
change, the CV assumes its value before the step change and the
AtuneStatus, GainTuned, TCTuned, DTTuned, and RespTCTuned
parameters are updated.
4. Set the AtuneUseModel parameter to copy the tuned parameters to the
model parameters.
The function block then resets the AtuneUseModel parameter.
After a successful AutoTuneDone, the Atune parameter is set to one (1).
Tuning completed successfully.
Modular Multivariable This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Control (MMC) Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The MMC instruction controls two process variables to their setpoints using
up to three control variables. The MMC instruction calculates the control
variables (CV1, CV2, and CV3) in the auto mode based on the PV1 -SP1, PV2 -
SP2 deviation, internal model, and tuning.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 187

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operands: Type Format Description

Structured Text
Operands: Type Format Description

The following table describes the input parameters in the MMC function

188 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
EnableIn BOOL Enable Input. If False, the function block will not Default=TRUE
execute and outputs are not updated.
PV1 REAL Scaled process variable input 1. This value is Valid = any float
typically read from an analog input module. Default = 0.0
PV2 REAL Scaled process variable input 2. This value is Valid = any float
typically read from an analog input module. Default = 0.0
PV1Fault BOOL PV1 bad health indicator. If PV1 is read from an Default = FALSE
analog input, then PV1Fault will normally be
controlled by the analog input fault status. If
PVFault is TRUE, it indicates an error on the
input module, set bit in Status.FALSE = Good
PV2Fault BOOL PV2 bad health indicator. If PV2 is read from an Default = FALSE
analog input, then PV2Fault will normally be
controlled by the analog input fault status. If
PVFault is TRUE, it indicates an error on the
input module, set bit in Status.FALSE = Good
PV1EUMax REAL Maximum scaled value for PV1. The value of PV1 Valid = PV1EUMin < PV1EUMax
and SP1 that corresponds to 100% span of the <= maximum positive float
Process Variable. If PV1EUMax ≤ PV1EUMin, set bit Default = 100.0
in Status.
PV2EUMax REAL Maximum scaled value for PV2. The value of PV2 Valid = PV2EUMin <
and SP2 that corresponds to 100% span of the PV2EUMax <= maximum
Process Variable. If PV2EUMax ≤ PV2EUMin, set positive float
bit in Status. Default = 100.0
PV1UEMin REAL Minimum scaled value for PV1. The value of PV1 Valid = maximum negative
and SP1 that corresponds to 0% span of the float <= PV1EUMin <
Process Variable. If PV1EUMax ≤ PV1EUMin, set bit PV1EUMax
in Status. Default = 0.0
PV2UEMin REAL Minimum scaled value for PV2. The value of PV2 Valid = maximum negative
and SP2 that corresponds to 0% span of the float <= PV2EUMin <
Process Variable. If PV1EUMax ≤ PV1EUMin, set bit PV2EUMax
in Status. Default = 0.0
SP1Prog REAL SP1 Program value, scaled in PV units. SP1 is set Valid = SP1LLimit to
to this value when Program control. SP1HLimit
Default = 0.0
SP2Prog REAL SP2 Program value, scaled in PV units. SP2 is set Valid = SP2LLimit to
to this value when Program control. SP2HLimit
Default = 0.0
SP1Oper REAL SP1 Operator value, scaled in PV units. SP1 set to Valid = SP1LLimit to
this value when Operator control. SP1HLimit
If value of SP1Prog or SP1Oper < SP1LLimit or > Default = 0.0
SP1HLimit, set bit in Status and limit value used
for SP.
SP2Oper REAL SP2 Operator value, scaled in PV units. SP2 set Valid = SP2LLimit to
to this value when Operator control. SP2HLimit
If value of SP2Prog or SP2Oper < SP2LLimit or > Default = 0.0
SP2HLimit, set bit in Status and limit value used
for SP.
SP1HLimit REAL SP1 high limit value, scaled in PV units. Valid = SP1LLimit to
• If SP1LLimit < PV1EUMin, or SP1HLimit > PV1EUMax
PV1EUMax, set bit in Status. Default = 100.0
• If SP1HLimit < SP1LLimit, set bit in Status and
limit SP by using the value of S1PLLimit.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 189

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
SP2HLimit REAL SP2 high limit value, scaled in PV units. Valid = SP2LLimit to
• If SP2LLimit < PV2EUMin, or SP2HLimit > PV2EUMax
PV2EUMax, set bit in Status. Default = 100.0
• If SP2HLimit < SP2LLimit, set bit in Status and
limit SP by using the value of SPLLimit.
SP1LLimit REAL SP1 low limit value, scaled in PV units. Valid = PV1EUMin to SP1HLimit
• If SP1LLimit < PV1EUMin, or SP1HLimit > Default = 0.0
PV1EUMax, set bit in Status.
• If SP1HLimit < SP1LLimit, set bit in Status and
limit SP by using the value of SPLLimit.
SP2LLimit REAL SP2 low limit value, scaled in PV units. Valid = PV2EUMin to
• If SP2LLimit < PV2EUMin, or SP2HLimit > SP2HLimit
PV2EUMax, set bit in Status. Default = 0.0
• If SP2HLimit < SP2LLimit, set bit in Status and
limit SP by using the value of SPLLimit.
CV1Fault BOOL Control variable 1 bad health indicator. If CV1EU Default = FALSE
controls an analog output, then CV1Fault will
normally come from the analog output's fault
If CV1Fault is TRUE, it indicates an error on the
output module, set bit in Status.FALSE = Good
CV2Fault BOOL Control variable 2 bad health indicator. If CV2EU Default = FALSE
controls an analog output, then CV2Fault will
normally come from the analog output's fault
If CV2Fault is TRUE, it indicates an error on the
output module, set bit in Status.FALSE = Good
CV3Fault BOOL Control variable 3 bad health indicator. If CV3EU Default = FALSE
controls an analog output, then CV3Fault will
normally come from the analog output's fault
If CV3Fault is TRUE, it indicates an error on the
output module, set bit in Status.FALSE = Good
CV1InitReq BOOL CV1 initialization request. While TRUE, set CV1EU Default = FALSE
to the value of CV1InitValue. This signal will
normally be controlled by the In Hold status on
the analog output module controlled by CV1EU or
from the InitPrimary output of a secondary loop.
The instruction initialization is disabled when
CV1Faulted or CV1EUSpanInv are TRUE.
CV2InitReq BOOL CV2 initialization request. While TRUE, set CV2EU Default = FALSE
to the value of CV2InitValue. This signal will
normally be controlled by the In Hold status on
the analog output module controlled by CV2EU
or from the InitPrimary output of a secondary
The instruction initialization is disabled when
CV2Faulted or CV2EUSpanInv are TRUE.
CV3InitReq BOOL CV3 initialization request. While TRUE, set CV3EU Default = FALSE
to the value of CV3InitValue. This signal will
normally be controlled by the In Hold status on
the analog output module controlled by CV3EU
or from the InitPrimary output of a secondary
The instruction initialization is disabled when
CV3Faulted or CV3EUSpanInv are TRUE.

190 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV1InitValue REAL CV1EU initialization value, scaled in CV1EU units. Valid = any float
When CV1Initializing is TRUE set CV1EU equal to Default = 0.0
CV1InitValue and CV1 to the corresponding
percentage value. CV1InitValue will normally
come from the feedback of the analog output
controlled by CV1EU or from the setpoint of a
secondary loop.
The instruction initialization is disabled when
CV1Faulted or CV1EUSpanInv are TRUE.
CV2InitValue REAL CV2EU initialization value, scaled in CV2EU units. Valid = any float
When CV2Initializing is TRUE set CV2EU equal to Default = 0.0
CV2InitValue and CV2 to the corresponding
percentage value. CV2InitValue will normally
come from the feedback of the analog output
controlled by CV2EU or from the setpoint of a
secondary loop.
The instruction initialization is disabled when
CV2Faulted or CV2EUSpanInv are TRUE.
CV3InitValue REAL CV3EU initialization value, scaled in CV3EU units. Valid = any float
When CV3Initializing is TRUE set CV3EU equal to Default = 0.0
CV3InitValue and CV3 to the corresponding
percentage value. CV3InitValue will normally
come from the feedback of the analog output
controlled by CV3EU or from the setpoint of a
secondary loop.
The instruction initialization is disabled when
CV3Faulted or CV3EUSpanInv are TRUE.
CV1Prog REAL CV1 Program-Manual value. CV1 is set to this Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
value when in Program control and Manual Default = 0.0
CV2Prog REAL CV2 Program-Manual value. CV2 is set to this Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
value when in Program control and Manual Default = 0.0
CV3Prog REAL CV3 Program-Manual value. CV3 is set to this Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
value when in Program control and Manual Default = 0.0
CV1Oper REAL CV1 Operator-Manual value. Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
• CV1 is set to this value when in Operator Default = 0.0
control and Manual mode. If not
Operator-Manual mode, set CV1Oper to the
value of CV1 at the end of each function block
• If value of CV1Prog or CV1Oper < 0 or > 100, or
< CV1LLimit or > CV1HLimit when
CVManLimiting is TRUE, set unique Status bit
and limit value used for CV1.
CV2Oper REAL CV2 Operator-Manual value. Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
• CV2 is set to this value when in Operator Default = 0.0
control and Manual mode. If not
Operator-Manual mode, set CV2Oper to the
value of CV2 at the end of each function block
• If value of CV2Prog or CV2Oper < 0 or > 100,
or < CV2LLimit or > CV2HLimit when
CVManLimiting is TRUE, set unique Status bit
and limit value used for CV2.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 191

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV3Oper REAL CV3 Operator-Manual value. Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
• CV3 is set to this value when in Operator Default = 0.0
control and Manual mode. If not
Operator-Manual mode, set CV3Oper to the
value of CV3 at the end of each function block
• If value of CV3Prog or CV3Oper < 0 or > 100,
or < CV3LLimit or > CV3HLimit when
CVManLimiting is TRUE, set unique Status bit
and limit value used for CV3.
CV1OverrideValue REAL CV1 Override value. Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
• CV1 set to this value when in Override mode. Default = 0.0
This value should correspond to a safe state
output of the loop.
• If value of CV1OverrideValue < 0 or >100, set
unique Status bit and limit value used for CV1.
CV2OverrideValue REAL CV2 Override value. Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
• CV2 set to this value when in Override mode. Default = 0.0
This value should correspond to a safe state
output of the loop.
• If value of CV2OverrideValue < 0 or >100, set
unique Status bit and limit value used for CV2.
CV3OverrideValue REAL CV3 Override value. CV3 set to this value when in Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
Override mode. Default = 0.0
This value should correspond to a safe state
output of the loop.
If value of CV3OverrideValue < 0 or >100, set
unique Status bit and limit value used for CV3.

CVManLimiting BOOL Limit CV(n), where (n) can be 1, 2, or 3, in Manual Default = FALSE
mode. If Manual mode and CVManLimiting is
TRUE, CV(n) will be limited by the CV(n)HLimit and
CV(n)LLimit values.
CV1EUMax REAL Maximum value for CV1EU. The value of CV1EU Valid = any float
that corresponds to 100% CV1. Default = 100.0
If CVEUMax = CVEUMin, set bit in Status.
CV2EUMax REAL Maximum value for CV2EU. The value of CV2EU Valid = any float
that corresponds to 100% CV2. Default = 100.0
If CVEUMax = CVEUMin, set bit in Status.
CV3EUMax REAL Maximum value for CV3EU. The value of CV3EU Valid = any float
that corresponds to 100% CV3. Default = 100.0
If CVEUMax = CVEUMin, set bit in Status.
CV1EUMin REAL Minimum value of CV1EU. The value of CV1EU that Valid = any float
corresponds to 0% CV1. Default = 0.0
If CVEUMax = CVEUMin, set bit in Status.
CV2EUMin REAL Minimum value of CV2EU. The value of CV2EU Valid = any float
that corresponds to 0% CV2. Default = 0.0
If CVEUMax = CVEUMin, set bit in Status.
CV3EUMin REAL Minimum value of CV3EU. The value of CV3EU Valid = any float
that corresponds to 0% CV3. Default = 0.0
If CVEUMax = CVEUMin, set bit in Status.

192 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV1HLimit REAL CV1 high limit value. This is used to set the Valid = CV1LLimit < CV1HLimit
CV1HAlarm output. It is also used for limiting CV1 ≤ 100.0
when in Auto mode or in Manual if Default = 100.0
CVManLimiting is TRUE.
• If CV1LLimit < 0, if CV1HLimit > 100, if
CV1HLimit < CV1LLimit, set bit in Status.
• If CV1HLimit < CV1LLimit, limit CV1 by using the
value of CV1LLimit.
CV2HLimit REAL CV2 high limit value. This is used to set the Valid = CV2LLimit <
CV2HAlarm output. It is also used for limiting CV2 CV2HLimit ≤ 100.0
when in Auto mode or in Manual if Default = 100.0
CVManLimiting is TRUE.
• If CV2LLimit < 0, if CV2HLimit > 100, if
CV2HLimit < CV2LLimit, set bit in Status.
• If CV2HLimit < CV2LLimit, limit CV2 by using
the value of CV2LLimit.
CV3HLimit REAL CV3 high limit value. This is used to set the Valid = CV3LLimit <
CV3HAlarm output. It is also used for limiting CV3 CV3HLimit ≤ 100.0
when in Auto mode or in Manual if Default = 100.0
CVManLimiting is TRUE.
• If CV3LLimit < 0, if CV3HLimit > 100, if
CV3HLimit < CV3LLimit, set bit in Status.
• If CV3HLimit < CV3LLimit, limit CV3 by using
the value of CV3LLimit.
CV1LLimit REAL CV1 low limit value. This is used to set the Valid = 0.0 ≤ CV1LLimit <
CV1LAlarm output. It is also used for limiting CV1 CV1HLimit
when in Auto mode or in Manual mode if Default = 0.0
CVManLimiting is TRUE.
• If CV1LLimit < 0, if CV1HLimit > 100, if
CV1HLimit < CV1LLimit, set bit in Status.
• If CV1HLimit < CV1LLimit, limit CV1 by using the
value of CV1LLimit.
CV2LLimit REAL CV2 low limit value. This is used to set the Valid = 0.0 ≤ CV2LLimit <
CV2LAlarm output. It is also used for limiting CV2 CV1HLimit
when in Auto mode or in Manual mode if Default = 0.0
CVManLimiting is TRUE.
• If CV2LLimit < 0, if CV2HLimit > 100, if
CV2HLimit < CV2LLimit, set bit in Status.
• If CV2HLimit < CV2LLimit, limit CV2 by using
the value of CV2LLimit.
CV3LLimit REAL CV3 low limit value. This is used to set the Valid = 0.0 ≤ CV3LLimit <
CV3LAlarm output. It is also used for limiting CV3 CV1HLimit
when in Auto mode or in Manual mode if Default = 0.0
CVManLimiting is TRUE.
• If CV3LLimit < 0, if CV3HLimit > 100, if
CV3HLimit < CV3LLimit, set bit in Status.
• If CV3HLimit < CV3LLimit, limit CV by using the
value of CV3LLimit.
CV1ROCPosLimit REAL CV1 rate of change limit, in percent per second. Valid = 0.0 to maximum
Rate of change limiting is only used when in positive float
Auto mode or in Manual mode if CVManLimiting Default = 0.0
is TRUE. A value of zero disables CV1 ROC
If value of CV1ROCLimit < 0, set bit in Status and
disable CV1 ROC limiting.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 193

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV2ROCPosLimit REAL CV2 rate of change limit, in percent per second. Valid = 0.0 to maximum
Rate of change limiting is only used when in positive float
Auto mode or in Manual mode if CVManLimiting Default = 0.0
is TRUE. A value of zero disables CV2 ROC
If value of CV2ROCLimit < 0, set bit in Status and
disable CV2 ROC limiting.
CV3ROCPosLimit REAL CV3 rate of change limit, in percent per second. Valid = 0.0 to maximum
Rate of change limiting is only used when in positive float
Auto mode or in Manual mode if CVManLimiting Default = 0.0
is TRUE. A value of zero disables CV3 ROC
If value of CV3ROCLimit < 0, set bit in Status and
disable CV3 ROC limiting.
CV1ROCNegLimit REAL CV1 rate of change limit, in percent per second. Valid = 0.0 to maximum
Rate of change limiting is only used when in positive float
Auto mode or in Manual mode if CVManLimiting Default = 0.0
is TRUE. A value of zero disables CV1 ROC
If value of CV1ROCLimit < 0, set bit in Status and
disable CV1 ROC limiting.
CV2ROCNegLimit REAL CV2 rate of change limit, in percent per second. Valid = 0.0 to maximum
Rate of change limiting is only used when in positive float
Auto mode or in Manual mode if CVManLimiting Default = 0.0
is TRUE. A value of zero disables CV2 ROC
If value of CV2ROCLimit < 0, set bit in Status and
disable CV2 ROC limiting.
CV3ROCNegLimit REAL CV3 rate of change limit, in percent per second. Valid = 0.0 to maximum
Rate of change limiting is only used when in positive float
Auto mode or in Manual mode if CVManLimiting Default = 0.0
is TRUE. A value of zero disables CV3 ROC
If value of CV3ROCLimit < 0, set bit in Status and
disable CV3 ROC limiting.
CV1HandFB REAL CV1 HandFeedback value. CV1 set to this value Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
when in Hand mode and CV1HandFBFault is Default = 0.0
FALSE (good health). This value would typically
come from the output of a field mounted
hand/auto station and would be used to
generate a bumpless transfer out of Hand
If value of CV1HandFB < 0 or > 100, set unique
Status bit and limit value used for CV1.
CV2HandFB REAL CV2 HandFeedback value. CV2 set to this value Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
when in Hand mode and CV2HandFBFault is Default = 0.0
FALSE (good health). This value would typically
come from the output of a field mounted
hand/auto station and would be used to
generate a bumpless transfer out of Hand
If value of CV2HandFB < 0 or > 100, set unique
Status bit and limit value used for CV2.

194 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV3HandFB REAL CV3 HandFeedback value. CV3 set to this value Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
when in Hand mode and CV3HandFBFault is Default = 0.0
FALSE (good health). This value would typically
come from the output of a field mounted
hand/auto station and would be used to
generate a bumpless transfer out of Hand
If value of CV3HandFB < 0 or > 100, set unique
Status bit and limit value used for CV3.
CV1HandFBFault BOOL CV1HandFB value bad health indicator. If the Default = FALSE
CV1HandFB value is read from an analog input,
then CV1HandFBFault will normally be controlled
by the status of the analog input channel.
If CV1HandFBFault is TRUE, it indicates an error
on the input module, set bit in Status.
FALSE = Good Health
CV2HandFBFault BOOL CV2HandFB value bad health indicator. If the Default = FALSE
CV2HandFB value is read from an analog input,
then CV2HandFBFault will normally be controlled
by the status of the analog input channel.
If CV2HandFBFault is TRUE, it indicates an error
on the input module, set bit in Status.
FALSE = Good Health
CV3HANDFBFault BOOL CV3HandFB value bad health indicator. If the Default = FALSE
CV3HandFB value is read from an analog input,
then CV3HandFBFault will normally be controlled
by the status of the analog input channel.
If CV3HandFBFault is TRUE, it indicates an error
on the input module, set bit in Status.
FALSE = Good Health
CV1Target REAL Target value for control variable output 1. Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
Default = 0.0
CV2Target REAL Target value for control variable output 2. Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
Default = 0.0
CV3Target REAL Target value for control variable output 3. Valid = 0.0 through 100.0
Default = 0.0
CV1WindupHIn BOOL CV1Windup high request. When TRUE, CV1 will Default = FALSE
not be allowed to increase in value. This signal
will typically be the CV1WindupHOut output from
a secondary loop.
CV2WindupHIn BOOL CV2Windup high request. When TRUE, CV2 will Default = FALSE
not be allowed to increase in value. This signal
will typically be the CV2WindupHOut output from
a secondary loop.
CV3WindupHIn BOOL CV3Windup high request. When TRUE, CV3 will Default = FALSE
not be allowed to increase in value. This signal
will typically be the CV3WindupHOut output from
a secondary loop.
CV1WindupLIn BOOL CV1 Windup low request. When TRUE, CV1 will not Default = FALSE
be allowed to decrease in value. This signal will
typically be the CV1WindupLOut output from a
secondary loop.
CV2WindupLIn BOOL CV2 Windup low request. When TRUE, CV2 will Default = FALSE
not be allowed to decrease in value. This signal
will typically be the CV2WindupLOut output from
a secondary loop.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 195

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV3WindupLIn BOOL CV3 Windup low request. When TRUE, CV3 will Default = FALSE
not be allowed to decrease in value. This signal
will typically be the CV3WindupLOut output from
a secondary loop.
GainEUSpan BOOL ModelGain units in EU or as % of span. Default = FALSE
FALSE = Gain in % of span

CV1PV1ProcessGain BOOL Used only for Autotuning. Sign of the process Default = FALSE
Sign gain (Delta PV1/Delta CV1).
• Set to indicate a negative process gain
(increase in output causes a decrease in PV1).
• Reset to indicate a positive process gain
(increase in output causes an increase in
CV2PV1ProcessGain BOOL Used only for Autotuning. Sign of the process Default = FALSE
Sign gain (Delta PV1/Delta CV2).
• Set to indicate a negative process gain
(increase in output causes a decrease in PV1).
• Reset to indicate a positive process gain
(increase in output causes an increase in
CV3PV1ProcessGain BOOL Used only for Autotuning. Sign of the process Default = FALSE
Sign gain (Delta PV1/Delta CV3).
• Set to indicate a negative process gain
(increase in output causes a decrease in PV1).
• Reset to indicate a positive process gain
(increase in output causes an increase in
CV1PV2ProcessGain BOOL Used only for Autotuning. Sign of the process Default = FALSE
Sign gain (Delta PV2/Delta CV1).
• Set to indicate a negative process gain
(increase in output causes a decrease in PV2).
• Reset to indicate a positive process gain
(increase in output causes an increase in
CV1PV2ProcessGain BOOL Used only for Autotuning. Sign of the process Default = FALSE
Sign gain (Delta PV2/Delta CV2).
• Set to indicate a negative process gain
(increase in output causes a decrease in PV2).
• Reset to indicate a positive process gain
(increase in output causes an increase in
CV1PV2ProcessGain BOOL Used only for Autotuning. Sign of the process Default = FALSE
Sign gain (Delta PV2/Delta CV3).
• Set to indicate a negative process gain
(increase in output causes a decrease in PV2).
• Reset to indicate a positive process gain
(increase in output causes an increase in
ProcessType DINT Process type selection for both PV1 and PV2 Default = 0
(1=Integrating, 0=non-integrating)
CV1PV1ModelGain REAL The internal model gain parameter for CV1 - PV1. Valid = maximum negative
Enter a positive or negative gain depending on float −> maximum positive
process direction. float
If CV1PV1ModelGain = INF or NAN, set bit in Default = 0.0

196 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV2PV1ModelGain REAL The internal model gain parameter for CV2 - PV1. Valid = maximum negative
Enter a positive or negative gain depending on float −> maximum positive
process direction. float
If CV2PV1ModelGain = INF or NAN, set bit in Default = 0.0
CV3PV1ModelGain REAL The internal model gain parameter for CV3 - PV1. Valid = maximum negative
Enter a positive or negative gain depending on float −> maximum positive
process direction. float
If CV3PV1ModelGain = INF or NAN, set bit in Default = 0.0
CV1PV2ModelGain REAL The internal model gain parameter for CV1 - PV2. Valid = maximum negative
Enter a positive or negative gain depending on float −> maximum positive
process direction. float
If CV1PV2ModelGain = INF or NAN, set bit in Default = 0.0
CV2PV2ModelGain REAL The internal model gain parameter for CV2 - Valid = maximum negative
PV2. Enter a positive or negative gain depending float −> maximum positive
on process direction. float
If CV2PV2ModelGain = INF or NAN, set bit in Default = 0.0
CV3PV2ModelGain REAL The internal model gain parameter for CV3 - Valid = maximum negative
PV2. Enter a positive or negative gain depending float −> maximum positive
on process direction. float
If CV3PV2ModelGain = INF or NAN, set bit in Default = 0.0
CV1PV1ModelTC REAL The internal model time constant for CV1 - PV1 in Valid = 0.0 to maximum
seconds. positive float
Default = 0.0
CV2PV1ModelTC REAL The internal model time constant for CV2 - PV1 in Valid = 0.0 to maximum
seconds. positive float
Default = 0.0
CV3PV1ModelTC REAL The internal model time constant for CV3 - PV1 in Valid = 0.0 to maximum
seconds. positive float
Default = 0.0
CV1PV2ModelTC REAL The internal model time constant for CV1 - PV2 in Valid = 0.0 to maximum
seconds. positive float
Default = 0.0
CV2PV2ModelTC REAL The internal model time constant for CV2 - PV2 Valid = 0.0 to maximum
in seconds. positive float
Default = 0.0
CV3PV2ModelTC REAL The internal model time constant for CV3 - PV2 Valid = 0.0 to maximum
in seconds. positive float
Default = 0.0
CV1PV1ModelDT REAL The internal model deadtime for CV1 - PV1 in Valid = 0.0 to maximum
seconds. positive float
Default = 0.0
CV2PV1ModelDT REAL The internal model deadtime for CV2 - PV1 in Valid = 0.0 to maximum
seconds. positive float
Default = 0.0
CV3PV1ModelDT REAL The internal model deadtime for CV3 - PV1 in Valid = 0.0 to maximum
seconds. positive float
Default = 0.0
CV1PV2ModelDT REAL The internal model deadtime for CV1 - PV2 in Valid = 0.0 to maximum
seconds. positive float
Default = 0.0
CV2PV2ModelDT REAL The internal model deadtime for CV2 - PV2 in Valid = 0.0 to maximum
seconds. positive float
Default = 0.0

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 197

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV3PV2ModelDT REAL The internal model deadtime for CV3 - PV2 in Valid = 0.0 to maximum
seconds. positive float
Default = 0.0
CV1PV1RespTC REAL The tuning parameter that determines the Valid = 0.0 to maximum
speed of the control variable action for CV1 - PV1 positive float
in seconds. Default = 0.0
CV2PV1RespTC REAL The tuning parameter that determines the Valid = 0.0 to maximum
speed of the control variable action for CV2 - PV1 positive float
in seconds. Default = 0.0
CV3PV1RespTC REAL The tuning parameter that determines the Valid = 0.0 to maximum
speed of the control variable action for CV3 - PV1 positive float
in seconds. Default = 0.0
CV1PV2RespTC REAL The tuning parameter that determines the Valid = 0.0 to maximum
speed of the control variable action for CV1 - PV2 positive float
in seconds. Default = 0.0
CV2PV2RespTC REAL The tuning parameter that determines the Valid = 0.0 to maximum
speed of the control variable action for CV2 - positive float
PV2 in seconds. Default = 0.0
CV3PV2RespTC REAL The tuning parameter that determines the Valid = 0.0 to maximum
speed of the control variable action for CV3 - positive float
PV2 in seconds. Default = 0.0
PV1Act1stCV DINT The first CV to act to compensate for PV1-SP1 Valid = 1-3
deviation. Default = 1
1=CV1, 2=CV2, 3=CV3
PV1Act2ndCV DINT The second CV to act to compensate for PV1-SP1 Valid = 1-3
deviation. Default = 2
1=CV1, 2=CV2, 3=CV3
PV1Act3rdCV DINT The third CV to act to compensate for PV1-SP1 Valid = 1-3
deviation. Default = 3
1=CV1, 2=CV2, 3=CV3
PV2Act1stCV DINT The first CV to act to compensate for PV2-SP2 Valid = 1-3
deviation. Default = 1
1=CV1, 2=CV2, 3=CV3
PV2Act2ndCV DINT The second CV to act to compensate for Valid = 1-3
PV2-SP2 deviation. Default = 2
1=CV1, 2=CV2, 3=CV3
PV2Act3rdCV DINT The third CV to act to compensate for PV2-SP2 Valid = 1-3
deviation. Default = 3
1=CV1, 2=CV2, 3=CV3
TargetCV DINT The CV to be driven to its target value. Valid = 1-3
1=CV1, 2=CV2, 3=CV3 Default = 3
TargetRespTC REAL Determines the speed with which the control Valid = 0.0 to maximum
variables approach the target values. positive float
Default = 0.0
PVTracking BOOL SP track PV request. Default = FALSE
Set TRUE to enable SP to track PV. Ignored when
in Auto modes. SP will only track PV when all
three outputs are in manual. As soon as any
output returns to Auto, PVTracking stops.
ManualAfterInit BOOL Manual mode after initialization request. Default = FALSE
• When TRUE, the appropriate CV(n), where (n)
can be 1, 2, or 3, will be placed in Manual
mode when CV(n)Initializing is set TRUE unless
the current mode is Override or Hand.
• When ManualAfterInit is FALSE, the CV(n)
mode will not be changed.

198 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
ProgProgReq BOOL Program Program Request. Default = FALSE
• Set TRUE by the user program to request
Program control. Ignored if ProgOperReq is
TRUE. Holding this TRUE and ProgOperReq
FALSE can be used to lock the function block
into program control.
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgOperReq BOOL Program Operator Request. Default = FALSE
• Set TRUE by the user program to request
Operator control. Holding this TRUE can be
used to lock the function block into operator
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgCV1AutoReq BOOL Program-Auto mode request for CV1. Default = FALSE
• Set TRUE by the user program to request Auto
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgCV2AutoReq BOOL Program-Auto mode request for CV2. Default = FALSE
• Set TRUE by the user program to request Auto
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgCV3AutoReq BOOL Program-Auto mode request for CV3. Default = FALSE
• Set TRUE by the user program to request Auto
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgCV1ManualReq BOOL Program-Manual mode request for CV1. Default = FALSE
• Set TRUE by the user program to request
Manual mode.
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgCV2ManualReq BOOL Program-Manual mode request for CV2. Default = FALSE
• Set TRUE by the user program to request
Manual mode.
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgCV3ManualReq BOOL Program-Manual mode request for CV3. Default = FALSE
• Set TRUE by the user program to request
Manual mode.
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgCV1OverrideRe BOOL Program-Override mode request for CV1. Default = FALSE
q • Set TRUE by the user program to request
Override mode.
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgCV2OverrideRe BOOL Program-Override mode request for CV2. Default = FALSE
q • Set TRUE by the user program to request
Override mode.
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 199

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
ProgCV3OverrideRe BOOL Program-Override mode request for CV3. Default = FALSE
q • Set TRUE by the user program to request
Override mode.
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgCV1HandReq BOOL Program-Hand mode request for CV1. Default = FALSE
• Set TRUE by the user program to request
Hand mode. This value will usually be read as
a digital input from a hand/auto station.
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgCV2HandReq BOOL Program-Hand mode request for CV2. Default = FALSE
• Set TRUE by the user program to request
Hand mode. This value will usually be read as
a digital input from a hand/auto station.
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
ProgCV3HandReq BOOL Program-Hand mode request for CV3. Default = FALSE
• Set TRUE by the user program to request
Hand mode. This value will usually be read as
a digital input from a hand/auto station.
• When ProgValueReset is TRUE, the function
block resets the input to FALSE.
OperProgReq BOOL Operator Program Request. Default = FALSE
• Set TRUE by the operator interface to request
Program control. The function block resets
this parameter to FALSE.
OperOperReq BOOL Operator Operator Request. Default = FALSE
• Set TRUE by the operator interface to request
Operator control. The function block resets
this parameter to FALSE.
OperCV1AutoReq BOOL Operator-Auto mode request for CV1. Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface to request
Auto mode. The function block resets this
parameter to FALSE.
OperCV2AutoReq BOOL Operator-Auto mode request for CV2. Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface to request
Auto mode. The function block resets this
parameter to FALSE.
OperCV3AutoReq BOOL Operator-Auto mode request for CV3. Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface to request
Auto mode. The function block resets this
parameter to FALSE.
OperCV1ManualReq BOOL Operator-Manual mode request for CV1. Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface to request
Manual mode. The function block sets this
parameter to FALSE.
OperCV2ManualReq BOOL Operator-Manual mode request for CV2. Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface to request
Manual mode. The function block sets this
parameter to FALSE.
OperCV3ManualReq BOOL Operator-Manual mode request for CV3. Default = FALSE
Set TRUE by the operator interface to request
Manual mode. The function block sets this
parameter to FALSE.

200 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
ProgValueReset BOOL Reset Program control values. Default = FALSE
When TRUE, the Prog_xxx_Req inputs are reset
to FALSE. When TRUE and Program control, set
SP(x)Prog = SP(x) and CV(y)Prog = CV(y), where x
= 1,2 and y = 1,2,3
TimingMode DINT Selects Time Base Execution mode. Valid = 0 through 2
Value/Description Default = 0
0 = Periodic mode
1 = Oversample mode
2 = Real time sampling mode
For more information about timing modes, see
Function Block Attributes.
OverSampleDT REAL Execution time for Oversample mode. Valid = 0 to max. TON_Timer
elapsed time (4194.303
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for Real Time Sampling Valid = 0 through 32,767
mode. 1 count = 1 ms
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for Real Time Sampling Valid = 0 through 32,767
mode. (wraps from 32,767…0)
1 count = 1 ms
PV1TuneLimit REAL PV1 tuning limit scaled in the PV1 units. When Valid = any float
Autotune is running and predicted PV1 exceeds Default=0
this limit, the tuning will be aborted.
PV2TuneLimit REAL PV2 tuning limit scaled in the PV2 units. When Valid = any float
Autotune is running and predicted PV2 exceeds Default=0
this limit, the tuning will be aborted.
PV1AtuneTimeLimit REAL Maximum time in minutes for PV1 autotune to Valid range: any float > 0.
complete following the CV1 step change. When Default = 60 minutes
PV1 autotune exceeds this time, tuning will be
PV2AtuneTimeLimit REAL Maximum time in minutes for PV2 autotune to Valid range: any float > 0.
complete following the CV2 step change. When Default = 60 minutes
PV2 autotune exceeds this time, tuning will be
PV1NoiseLevel DINT An estimate of the noise level expected on the Range: 0 through 2
PV1 to compensate for it during tuning. Default=1
The selections are: 0=low, 1=medium, 2=high
PV2NoiseLevel DINT An estimate of the noise level expected on the Range: 0 through 2
PV2 to compensate for it during tuning. Default=1
The selections are: 0=low, 1=medium, 2=high
CV1StepSize REAL CV1 step size in percent for the tuning step test. Range: -100% … 100%
Step size is directly added to CV1 subject to Default=10%
high/low limiting.
CV2StepSize REAL CV2 step size in percent for the tuning step test. Range: -100% … 100%
Step size is directly added to CV2 subject to Default=10%
high/low limiting.
CV3StepSize REAL CV3 step size in percent for the tuning step test. Range: -100% … 100%
Step size is directly added to CV3 subject to Default=10%
high/low limiting.
CV1PV1ResponseSp DINT Desired speed of closed loop response for CV1 - Range: 0…2
eed PV1. Default=1
• Slow response: ResponseSpeed=0
• Medium response: ResponseSpeed=1
• Fast response: ResponseSpeed=2
If ResponseSpeed is less than 0, Slow response
is used. If ResponseSpeed is greater than 2, Fast
response is used.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 201

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV2PV1ResponseSp DINT Desired speed of closed loop response for CV2 Range: 0…2
eed PV1. Default=1
• Slow response: ResponseSpeed=0
• Medium response: ResponseSpeed=1
• Fast response: ResponseSpeed=2
If ResponseSpeed is less than 0, Slow response
is used. If ResponseSpeed is greater than 2, Fast
response is used.
CV3PV1ResponseSp DINT Desired speed of closed loop response for CV3 Range: 0 through 2
eed PV1. Default=1
• Slow response: ResponseSpeed=0
• Medium response: ResponseSpeed=1
• Fast response: ResponseSpeed=2
If ResponseSpeed is less than 0, Slow response
is used. If ResponseSpeed is greater than 2, Fast
response is used.
CV1PV2ResponseSp DINT Desired speed of closed loop response for CV1 Range: 0 through 2
eed PV2. Default=1
• Slow response: ResponseSpeed=0
• Medium response: ResponseSpeed=1
• Fast response: ResponseSpeed=2
If ResponseSpeed is less than 0, Slow response
is used. If ResponseSpeed is greater than 2, Fast
response is used.
CV2PV2ResponseSp DINT Desired speed of closed loop response for CV2 Range: 0 through 2
eed PV2. Default=1
• Slow response: ResponseSpeed=0
• Medium response: ResponseSpeed=1
• Fast response: ResponseSpeed=2
If ResponseSpeed is less than 0, Slow response
is used. If ResponseSpeed is greater than 2, Fast
response is used.
CV3PV2ResponseSp DINT Desired speed of closed loop response for CV3 Range: 0 through 2
eed PV2. Default=1
• Slow response: ResponseSpeed=0
• Medium response: ResponseSpeed=1
• Fast response: ResponseSpeed=2
If ResponseSpeed is less than 0, Slow response
is used. If ResponseSpeed is greater than 2, Fast
response is used.
CV1PV1ModelInit BOOL Internal model initialization switch for CV1 - PV1. Default = FALSE
Refer to Function Block Attributes.
CV2PV1ModelInit BOOL Internal model initialization switch for CV2 - PV1. Default = FALSE
Refer to Function Block Attributes.

CV3PV1ModelInit BOOL Internal model initialization switch for CV3 - PV1. Default = FALSE
Refer to Function Block Attributes.
CV1PV2ModelInit BOOL Internal model initialization switch for CV1 - PV2. Default = FALSE
Refer to Function Block Attributes.
CV2PV2ModelInit BOOL Internal model initialization switch for CV2 - PV2. Default = FALSE
Refer to Function Block Attributes.
CV3PV2ModelInit BOOL Internal model initialization switch for CV3 - PV2. Default = FALSE
Refer to Function Block Attributes.
PV1Factor REAL Non-integrating model approximation factor for Default = 100
PV1. Only used for integrating process types.
PV2Factor Non-integrating model approximation factor for Default = 100
PV2. Only used for integrating process types.

202 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Input Data Description Values
Parameters Type
AtuneCV1Start BOOL Start Autotune request for CV1. Set True to Default = FALSE
initiate auto tuning of the CV1 output for both PV1
and PV2. Ignored when CV1 is not in Manual
mode. The function block resets the input to
AtuneCV2Start BOOL Start Autotune request for CV2. Set True to Default = FALSE
initiate auto tuning of the CV2 output for both
PV1 and PV2. Ignored when CV2 is not in Manual
mode. The function block resets the input to
AtuneCV3Start BOOL Start Autotune request for CV3. Set True to Default = FALSE
initiate auto tuning of the CV3 output for both
PV1 and PV2. Ignored when CV3 is not in Manual
mode. The function block resets the input to
AtuneCV1PV1UseMo BOOL Use Autotune model request for CV1 - PV1. Set Default = FALSE
del True to replace the current model parameters
with the calculated Autotune model parameters.
The function block resets the input parameter to
AtuneCV2PV1UseMo BOOL Use Autotune model request for CV2 - PV1. Set Default = FALSE
del True to replace the current model parameters
with the calculated Autotune model parameters.
The function block resets the input parameter to
AtuneCV3PV1UseMo BOOL Use Autotune model request for CV3 - PV1. Set Default = FALSE
del True to replace the current model parameters
with the calculated Autotune model parameters.
The function block resets the input parameter to
AtuneCV1PV2UseMo BOOL Use Autotune model request for CV1 - PV2. Set Default = FALSE
del True to replace the current model parameters
with the calculated Autotune model parameters.
The function block resets the input parameter to
AtuneCV2PV2UseMo BOOL Use Autotune model request for CV2 - PV2. Set Default = FALSE
del True to replace the current model parameters
with the calculated Autotune model parameters.
The function block resets the input parameter to
AtuneCV3PV2UseMo BOOL Use Autotune model request for CV3 - PV2. Set Default = FALSE
del True to replace the current model parameters
with the calculated Autotune model parameters.
The function block resets the input parameter to
AtuneCV1Abort BOOL Abort Autotune request for CV1. Set True to abort Default = FALSE
the auto tuning of CV1 output for both PV1 and
PV2. The function block resets input parameter
AtuneCV2Abort BOOL Abort Autotune request for CV2. Set True to Default = FALSE
abort the auto tuning of CV2 output or both PV1
and PV2. The function block resets input
parameter to FALSE.
AtuneCV3Abort BOOL Abort Autotune request for CV3. Set True to Default = FALSE
abort the auto tuning of CV3 output or both PV1
and PV2. The function block resets input
parameter to FALSE.

The following table describes the output parameters in the MMC function

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 203

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to false
if any one of CV1EU, CV2EU or CV3EU overflows.
CV1EU REAL Scaled control variable output for CV1. Scaled by
using CV1EUMax and CV1EUMin, where CV1EUMax
corresponds to 100% and CV1EUMin corresponds
to 0%. This output is typically used to control an
analog output module or a secondary loop.
CV1EU = (CV1 * CV1EUSpan / 100) + CV1EUMin
CV1EU span calculation: CV1EUSpan = (CV1EUMax –
CV2EU REAL Scaled control variable output for CV2. Scaled by
using CV2EUMax and CV2EUMin, where CV2EUMax
corresponds to 100% and CV2EUMin corresponds
to 0%. This output is typically used to control an
analog output module or a secondary loop.
CV2EU = (CV2 * CV2EUSpan / 100) + CV2EUMin
CV2EU span calculation: CV2EUSpan = (CV2EUMax
– CV2EUMin)
CV3EU REAL Scaled control variable output for CV3. Scaled by
using CV3EUMax and CV3EUMin, where CV3EUMax
corresponds to 100% and CV3EUMin corresponds
to 0%. This output is typically used to control an
analog output module or a secondary loop.
CV3EU = (CV3 * CV3EUSpan / 100) + CV3EUMin
CV3EU span calculation: CV3EUSpan = (CV3EUMax
− CV3EUMin)
CV1 REAL Control variable output for CV1. This value will
always be expressed as 0…100%. CV1 is limited
by CV1HLimit and CV1LLimit when in Auto mode or
in Manual mode if CVManLimiting is TRUE;
otherwise limited by 0 and 100%.
CV2 REAL Control variable output for CV2. This value will
always be expressed as 0…100%. CV2 is limited
by CV2HLimit and CV2LLimit when in Auto mode
or in Manual mode if CVManLimiting is TRUE;
otherwise limited by 0 and 100%.
CV3 REAL Control variable output for CV3. This value will
always be expressed as 0…100%. CV3 is limited
by CV3HLimit and CV3LLimit when in Auto mode
or in Manual mode if CVManLimiting is TRUE;
otherwise limited by 0 and 100%.
CV1Initializing BOOL Initialization mode indicator for CV1. Set TRUE
when CV1InitReq, function blockFirstScan or
OLCFirstRun, are TRUE, or on a TRUE to FALSE
transition of CV1Fault (bad to good). CV1Initializing
is set FALSE after the function block has been
initialized and CV1InitReq is no longer TRUE.
CV2nitializing BOOL Initialization mode indicator for CV2. Set TRUE
when CV2InitReq, function blockFirstScan or
OLCFirstRun, are TRUE, or on a TRUE to FALSE
transition of CV2Fault (bad to good). CV2Initializing
is set FALSE after the function block has been
initialized and CV2InitReq is no longer TRUE.
CV3nitializing BOOL Initialization mode indicator for CV3. Set TRUE
when CV3InitReq, function blockFirstScan or
OLCFirstRun, are TRUE, or on a TRUE to FALSE
transition of CV3Fault (bad to good). CV3Initializing
is set FALSE after the function block has been
initialized and CV3InitReq is no longer TRUE.

204 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV1HAlarm BOOL CV1 high alarm indicator. TRUE when the
calculated value for CV1 > 100 or CV1HLimit.
CV2HAlarm BOOL CV2 high alarm indicator. TRUE when the
calculated value for CV2 > 100 or CV2HLimit.
CV3HAlarm BOOL CV3 high alarm indicator. TRUE when the
calculated value for CV3 > 100 or CV3HLimit.
CV1LAlarm BOOL CV1 low alarm indicator. TRUE when the
calculated value for CV1 < 0 or CV1LLimit.
CV2LAlarm BOOL CV2 low alarm indicator. TRUE when the
calculated value for CV2 < 0 or CV2LLimit.
CV3LAlarm BOOL CV3 low alarm indicator. TRUE when the
calculated value for CV3 < 0 or CV3LLimit.
CV1ROCPosAlarm BOOL CV1 rate of change alarm indicator. TRUE when
the calculated rate of change for CV1 exceeds
CV2ROCPosAlarm BOOL CV2 rate of change alarm indicator. TRUE when
the calculated rate of change for CV2 exceeds
CV3ROCPosAlarm BOOL CV3 rate of change alarm indicator. TRUE when
the calculated rate of change for CV3 exceeds
CV1ROCNegAlarm BOOL CV1 rate of change alarm indicator. TRUE when
the calculated rate of change for CV1 exceeds
CV2ROCNegAlarm BOOL CV2 rate of change alarm indicator. TRUE when
the calculated rate of change for CV2 exceeds
CV3ROCNegAlarm BOOL CV3 rate of change alarm indicator. TRUE when
the calculated rate of change for CV3 exceeds
SP1 REAL Current setpoint 1 value. The value of SP1 is used
to control CV when in the Auto or the PV1 Tracking
mode, scaled in PV1 units.
SP2 REAL Current setpoint 2 value. The value of SP2 is used
to control CV when in the Auto or the PV2 Tracking
mode, scaled in PV2 units.
SP1Percent REAL The value of SP1 expressed in percent of span of
SP1Percent = ((SP1 − PV1EUMin ) * 100) / PV1Span
where PV1Span = PV1EUMax – PV1EUMin
SP2Percent The value of SP2 expressed in percent of span of
SP2Percent = ((SP2 − PV2EUMin ) * 100) / PV2Span
where PV2Span = PV2EUMax – PV1EUMin
SP1HAlarm BOOL SP1 high alarm indicator. TRUE when the SP1 >=
SP2HAlarm BOOL SP2 high alarm indicator. TRUE when the SP2 >=
SP1LAlarm BOOL SP1 low alarm indicator. TRUE when the SP1 <=
SP2LAlarm BOOL SP2 low alarm indicator. TRUE when the SP2 <=
PV1Percent REAL PV1 expressed in percent of span.
PV1Percent = (( PV1 − PV1EUMin ) * 100) / PV1Span
PV1 Span calculation: PV1Span =
( PV1EUMax - PV1EUMin )

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 205

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
PV2Percent REAL PV2 expressed in percent of span.
PV2Percent = (( PV2 − PV2EUMin ) * 100) /
PV2 Span calculation: PV2Span =
( PV2EUMax − PV2EUMin )
E1 REAL Process1 error. Difference between SP1 and PV1,
scaled in PV1 units.
E2 REAL Process2 error. Difference between SP2 and PV2,
scaled in PV2 units.
E1Percent REAL The error expressed as a percent of span for
process 1.
E2Percent REAL The error expressed as a percent of span for
process 2.
CV1WindupHOut BOOL CV1 Windup high indicator.
CV1WindupHOut is set to true when
• SP1HAlarm or SP2HAlarm is true or
• ModelGain is positive and CV1HAlarm is true or
• ModelGain is negative and CV1LAlarm is true.
This signal will typically be used by the WindupHIn
input to limit the windup of the CV1 output on a
primary loop.
CV2WindupHOut BOOL CV2 Windup high indicator.
CV2WindupHOut is set to true when
• SP1HAlarm or SP2HAlarm is true or
• ModelGain is positive and CV2HAlarm is true or
• ModelGain is negative and CV2LAlarm is true.
This signal will typically be used by the WindupHIn
input to limit the windup of the CV2 output on a
primary loop.
CV3WindupHOut BOOL CV3 Windup high indicator.
CV3WindupHOut is set to true when
• SP1HAlarm or SP2HAlarm is true or
• ModelGain is positive and CV3HAlarm is true or
• ModelGain is negative and CV3LAlarm is true.
This signal will typically be used by the WindupHIn
input to limit the windup of the CV3 output on a
primary loop.
CV1WindupLOut BOOL CV1 Windup low indicator.
CV1WindupLOut is set to true when
• SP1LAlarm or SP2LAlarm is true or
• ModelGain is positive and CV1LAlarm is true or
• ModelGain is negative and CV1HAlarm is true.
This signal will typically be used by the WindupLIn
input to limit the windup of the CV1 output on a
primary loop.
CV2WindupLOut BOOL CV2 Windup low indicator.
CV2WindupLOut is set to true when
• SP1LAlarm or SP2LAlarm is true or
• ModelGain is positive and CV2LAlarm is true or
• ModelGain is negative and CV2HAlarm is true.
This signal will typically be used by the WindupLIn
input to limit the windup of the CV2 output on a
primary loop.

206 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV3WindupLOut BOOL CV3 Windup low indicator.
CV3WindupLOut is set to true when
• SP1LAlarm or SP2LAlarm is true or
• ModelGain is positive and CV3LAlarm is true or
• ModelGain is negative and CV3HAlarm is true.
This signal will typically be used by the WindupLIn
input to limit the windup of the CV3 output on a
primary loop.
ProgOper BOOL Program/Operator control indicator. TRUE when in
Program control. FALSE when in Operator control.
CV1Auto BOOL Auto mode indicator for CV1. TRUE when CV1 in the
Auto mode.
CV2Auto BOOL Auto mode indicator for CV2. TRUE when CV2 in
the Auto mode.
CV2Auto BOOL Auto mode indicator for CV3. TRUE when CV3 in
the Auto mode.
CV1Manual BOOL Manual mode indicator for CV1. TRUE when CV1 in
the Manual mode.
CV2Manual BOOL Manual mode indicator for CV2. TRUE when CV2 in
the Manual mode.
CV3Manual BOOL Manual mode indicator for CV3. TRUE when CV3 in
the Manual mode.
CV1Override BOOL Override mode indicator for CV1. TRUE when CV1 in
the Override mode.
CV2Override BOOL Override mode indicator for CV2. TRUE when CV2
in the Override mode.
CV3Override BOOL Override mode indicator for CV3. TRUE when CV3
in the Override mode.
CV1Hand BOOL Hand mode indicator for CV1. TRUE when CV1 in
the Hand mode.
CV2Hand BOOL Hand mode indicator for CV2. TRUE when CV2 in
the Hand mode.
CV3Hand BOOL Hand mode indicator for CV3. TRUE when CV3 in
the Hand mode.
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates in seconds.
CV1StepSizeUsed REAL Actual CV1 step size used for tuning.
CV2StepSizeUsed REAL Actual CV2 step size used for tuning.
CV3StepSizeUsed REAL Actual CV3 step size used for tuning.
CV1PV1GainTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model gain for
CV1 - PV1 after tuning is completed.
CV2PV1GainTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model gain for
CV2 - PV1 after tuning is completed.
CV3PV1GainTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model gain for
CV3 - PV1 after tuning is completed.
CV1PV2GainTuned REA: The calculated value of the internal model gain for
CV1 - PV2 after tuning is completed.
CV2PV2GainTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model gain for
CV2 - PV2 after tuning is completed.
CV3PV2GainTuned REA: The calculated value of the internal model gain for
CV3 - PV2 after tuning is completed.
CV1PV1TCTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model time
constant for CV1 - PV1 after tuning is completed.
CV2PV1TCTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model time
constant for CV2 - PV1 after tuning is completed.
CV3PV1TCTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model time
constant for CV3 - PV1 after tuning is completed.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 207

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV1PV2TCTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model time
constant for CV1 - PV2 after tuning is completed.
CV2PV2TCTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model time
constant for CV2 - PV2 after tuning is completed.
CV3PV2TCTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model time
constant for CV3 - PV2 after tuning is completed.
CV1PV1DTTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model
deadtime for CV1 - PV1 after tuning is completed.
CV2PV1DTTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model
deadtime for CV2 - PV1 after tuning is completed.
CV3PV1DTTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model
deadtime for CV3 - PV1 after tuning is completed.
CV1PV2DTTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model
deadtime for CV1 - PV2 after tuning is completed.
CV2PV2DTTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model
deadtime for CV2 - PV2 after tuning is completed.
CV3PV2DTTuned REAL The calculated value of the internal model
deadtime for CV3 - PV2 after tuning is completed.
CV1PV1RespTCTun REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
edS constant in slow response speed for CV1 - PV1
after tuning is completed.
CV2PV1RespTCTun REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
edS constant in slow response speed for CV2 - PV1
after tuning is completed.
CV3PV1RespTCTun REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
edS constant in slow response speed for CV3 - PV1
after tuning is completed.
CV1PV2RespTCTun REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
edS constant in slow response speed for CV1 - PV2
after tuning is completed.
CV2PV2RespTCTu REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
nedS constant in slow response speed for CV2 - PV2
after tuning is completed.
CV3PV2RespTCTu REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
nedS constant in slow response speed for CV3 - PV2
after tuning is completed.
CV1PV1RespTCTun REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
edM constant in medium response speed for CV1 - PV1
after tuning is completed.
CV2PV1RespTCTun REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
edM constant in medium response speed for CV2 - PV1
after tuning is completed.
CV3PV1RespTCTun REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
edM constant in medium response speed for CV3 - PV1
after tuning is completed.
CV1PV2RespTCTun REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
edM constant in medium response speed for CV1 - PV2
after tuning is completed.
CV2PV2RespTCTu REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
nedM constant in medium response speed for CV2 - PV2
after tuning is completed.
CV3PV2RespTCTu REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
nedM constant in medium response speed for CV3 -
PV2 after tuning is completed.
CV1PV1RespTCTun REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
edF constant in fast response speed for CV1 - PV1
after tuning is completed.

208 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV2PV1RespTCTun REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
edF constant in fast response speed for CV2 - PV1
after tuning is completed.
CV3PV1RespTCTun REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
edF constant in fast response speed for CV3 - PV1
after tuning is completed.
CV1PV2RespTCTun REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
edF constant in fast response speed for CV1 - PV2
after tuning is completed.
CV2PV2RespTCTu REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
nedF constant in fast response speed for CV2 - PV2
after tuning is completed.
CV3PV2RespTCTu REAL The calculated value of the control variable time
nedF constant in fast response speed for CV3 - PV2
after tuning is completed.
AtuneCV1PV1On BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV1 - PV1 has been
AtuneCV2PV1On BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV2 - PV1 has been
AtuneCV3PV1On BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV3 - PV1 has been
AtuneCV1PV1Done BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV1 - PV1 has
completed successfully.
AtuneCV2PV1Done BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV2 - PV1 has
completed successfully.
AtuneCV3PV1Done BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV3 - PV1 has
completed successfully.
AtuneCV1PV1Abort BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV1 - PV1 has been
ed aborted by user or due to errors that occurred
during the auto tuning operation.
AtuneCV2PV1Abort BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV2 - PV1 has been
ed aborted by user or due to errors that occurred
during the auto tuning operation.
AtuneCV3PV1Abort BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV3 PV1 has been
ed aborted by user or due to errors that occurred
during the auto tuning operation.
AtuneCV1PV2On BOOL Set True with auto tuning for CV1 - PV2 has be
AtuneCV2PV2On BOOL Set True with auto tuning for CV2 - PV2 has be
AtuneCV3PV2On BOOL Set True with auto tuning for CV3 - PV2 has be
AtuneCV1PV2Done BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV1 - PV2 has
completed successfully.
AtuneCV2PV2Done BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV2 - PV2 has
completed successfully.
AtuneCV3PV2Done BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV3 - PV2 has
completed successfully.
ATuneCV1PV2Abor BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV1-PV2 has been
ted aborted by user or due to errors that occurred
during the auto tuning operation.
ATuneCV2PV2Abor BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV2-PV2 has been
ted aborted by user or due to errors that occurred
during the auto tuning operation.
ATuneCV3PV2Abor BOOL Set True when auto tuning for CV3-PV2 has been
ted aborted by user or due to errors that occurred
during the auto tuning operation.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 209

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
AtuneCV1PV1Statu DINT Bit mapped status for CV1 - PV1. A value of 0
s indicates that no faults have occurred.
AtuneCV2PV1Statu DINT Bit mapped status for CV2 - PV1. A value of 0
s indicates that no faults have occurred.
AtuneCV3PV1Statu DINT Bit mapped status for CV3 - PV1.
s A value of 0 indicates that no faults have
AtuneCV1PV2Statu DINT Bit mapped status for CV1 - PV2. A value of 0
s indicates that no faults have occurred.
AtuneCV2PV2Statu DINT Bit mapped status for CV2 - PV2. A value of 0
s indicates that no faults have occurred.
AtuneCV3PV2Statu DINT Bit mapped status for CV3 - PV2. A value of 0
s indicates that no faults have occurred.
AtuneCV1PV1Fault BOOL CV1 - PV1 Autotune has generated any of the Bit 0 of AtuneCV1PV1Status
following faults.
AtuneCV2PV1Fault BOOL CV2 - PV1 Autotune has generated any of the Bit 0 of AtuneCV2PV1Status
following faults.
AtuneCV3PV1Fault BOOL CV3 - PV1 Autotune has generated any of the Bit 0 of AtuneCV3PV1Status
following faults.
AtuneCV1PV1OutOf BOOL Either PV1 or the deadtime-step ahead prediction Bit 1 of AtuneCV1PV1Status
Limit of PV1 exceeds PV1TuneLimit during CV1 - PV1
Autotuning. When True, CV1 - PV1 Autotuning is
AtuneCV2PV1OutOf BOOL Either PV1 or the deadtime-step ahead prediction Bit 1 of AtuneCV2PV1Status
Limit of PV1 exceeds PV1TuneLimit during CV2 - PV1
Autotuning. When True, CV2 - PV1 Autotuning is
AtuneCV3PV1OutOf BOOL Either PV1 or the deadtime-step ahead prediction Bit 1 of AtuneCV3PV1Status
Limit of PV1 exceeds PV1TuneLimit during CV3 - PV1
Autotuning. When True, CV3 - PV1 Autotuning is
AtuneCV1PV1ModeI BOOL The MMC mode was not Manual at start of Bit 2 of AtuneCV1PV1Status
nv Autotuning or the MMC mode was changed from
Manual during CV1 - PV1 Autotuning. When True,
CV1 - PV1 Autotuning is not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV2PV1Mode BOOL The MMC mode was not Manual at start of Bit 2 of AtuneCV2PV1Status
Inv Autotuning or the MMC mode was changed from
Manual during CV2 - PV1 Autotuning. When True,
CV2 - PV1 Autotuning is not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV3PV1Mode BOOL The MMC mode was not Manual at start of Bit 2 of AtuneCV3PV1Status
Inv Autotuning or the MMC mode was changed from
Manual during CV3 - PV1 Autotuning. When True,
CV3 - PV1 Autotuning is not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV1PV1Wind BOOL CV1WindupHIn or CV1WindupLIn is True at start of Bit 3 of AtuneCV1PV1Status
upFault CV1 - PV1 Autotuning or during CV1 - PV1
Autotuning. When True, CV1 - PV1 Autotuning is not
started or is aborted.
AtuneCV2PV1Wind BOOL CV2WindupHIn or CV2WindupLIn is True at start of Bit 3 of AtuneCV2PV1Status
upFault CV2 - PV1 Autotuning or during CV2 - PV1
Autotuning. When True, CV2 - PV1 Autotuning is
not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV3PV1Wind BOOL CV3WindupHIn or CV3WindupLIn is True at start of Bit 3 of AtuneCV3PV1Status
upFault CV3 - PV1 Autotuning or during CV3 - PV1
Autotuning. When True, CV3 - PV1 Autotuning is
not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV1PV1StepS BOOL CV1StepSizeUsed = 0 at start of CV1 - PV1 Bit 4 of AtuneCV1PV1Status
ize0 Autotuning. When True, CV1 - PV1 Autotuning is not

210 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
AtuneCV2PV1Step BOOL CV2StepSizeUsed = 0 at start of CV2 - PV1 Bit 4 of AtuneCV2PV1Status
Size0 Autotuning. When True, CV2 - PV1 Autotuning is
not started.
AtuneCV3PV1Step BOOL CV3StepSizeUsed = 0 at start of CV3 - PV1 Bit 4 of AtuneCV3PV1Status
Size0 Autotuning. When True, CV3 - PV1 Autotuning is
not started.
AtuneCV1PV1Limits BOOL CV1LimitsInv and CVManLimiting are True at start Bit 5 of AtuneCV1PV1Status
Fault of CV1 - PV1 Autotuning or during CV1 - PV1
Autotuning. When True, CV1 - PV1 Autotuning is not
started or is aborted.
AtuneCV2PV1Limit BOOL CV2LimitsInv and CVManLimiting are True at start Bit 5 of AtuneCV2PV1Status
sFault of CV2 - PV1 Autotuning or during CV2 - PV1
Autotuning. When True, CV2 _PV1 Autotuning is not
started or is aborted.
AtuneCV3PV1Limit BOOL CV3LimitsInv and CVManLimiting are True at start Bit 5 of AtuneCV3PV1Status
sFault of CV3 - PV1 Autotuning or during CV3 - PV1
Autotuning. When True, CV3 - PV1 Autotuning is
not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV1PV1InitFa BOOL CV1Initializing is True at start of CV1 - PV1 Bit 6 of AtuneCV1PV1Status
ult Autotuning or during CV1 - PV1 Autotuning. When
True, CV1 - PV1 Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV2PV1InitFa BOOL CV2Initializing is True at start of CV2 - PV1 Bit 6 of AtuneCV2PV1Status
ult Autotuning or during CV2 - PV1 Autotuning. When
True, CV2 - PV1 Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV3PV1InitFa BOOL CV3Initializing is True at start of CV3 - PV1 Bit 6 of AtuneCV3PV1Status
ult Autotuning or during CV3 - PV1 Autotuning. When
True, CV3 - PV1 Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV1PV1EUSp BOOL CV1EUSpan or PV1EUSpan changes during CV1 - Bit 7 of AtuneCV1PV1Status
anChanged PV1 Autotuning. When True, CV1 - PV1 Autotuning is
AtuneCV2PV1EUSp BOOL CV2EUSpan or PV1EUSpan changes during CV2 - Bit 7 of AtuneCV2PV1Status
anChanged PV1 Autotuning. When True, CV2 - PV1 Autotuning
is aborted.
AtuneCV3PV1EUSp BOOL CV3EUSpan or PV1EUSpan changes during CV3 - Bit 7 of AtuneCV3PV1Status
anChanged PV1 Autotuning. When True, CV3 - PV1 Autotuning
is aborted.
AtuneCV1PV1Chan BOOL CV1Oper is changed when in Operator control or Bit 8 of AtuneCV1PV1Status
ged CV1Prog is changed when in Program control or
CV1 becomes high/low or ROC limited during CV1 -
PV1 Autotuning. When True, CV1 - PV1 Autotuning is
AtuneCV2PV1Chan BOOL CV2Oper is changed when in Operator control or Bit 8 of AtuneCV2PV1Status
ged CV2Prog is changed when in Program control or
CV2 becomes high/low or ROC limited during CV2 -
PV1 Autotuning. When True, CV2 - PV1 Autotuning
is aborted.
AtuneCV3PV1Chan BOOL CV3Oper is changed when in Operator control or Bit 8 of AtuneCV3PV1Status
ged CV3Prog is changed when in Program control or
CV3 becomes high/low or ROC limited during CV3
- PV1 Autotuning. When True, CV3 - PV1 Autotuning
is aborted.
AtuneCV1PV1Time BOOL Elapsed time is greater then PV1AtuneTimeLimit Bit 9 of AtuneCV1PV1Status
out since step test is started. When True, CV1 - PV1
Autotuning is aborted.
AtuneCV2PV1Time BOOL Elapsed time is greater then PV1AtuneTimeLimit Bit 9 of AtuneCV2PV1Status
out since step test is started. When True, CV2 - PV1
Autotuning is aborted.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 211

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
AtuneCV3PV1Time BOOL Elapsed time is greater then PV1AtuneTimeLimit Bit 9 of AtuneCV3PV1Status
out since step test is started. When True, CV3 - PV1
Autotuning is aborted.
AtuneCV1PV1NotSe BOOL The PV1 is changed too much to Autotune for CV1 - Bit 10 of AtuneCV1PV1Status
ttled PV1. When True, CV1 - PV1 Autotuning is aborted.
Wait until PV1 is more stable before autotuning CV1
- PV1.
AtuneCV2PV1NotS BOOL The PV1 is changed too much to Autotune for CV2 Bit 10 of AtuneCV2PV1Status
ettled - PV1. When True, CV2 - PV1 Autotuning is aborted.
Wait until PV1 is more stable before autotuning
CV2 - PV1.
AtuneCV3PV1NotS BOOL The PV1 is changed too much to Autotune for CV3 Bit 10 of AtuneCV3PV1Status
ettled - PV1. When True, CV3 - PV1 Autotuning is aborted.
Wait until PV1 is more stable before autotuning
CV3 - PV1.
AtuneCV1PV2Fault BOOL CV1 - PV2 Autotune has generated any of the Bit 0 of AtuneCV1PV2Status
following faults.
AtuneCV2PV2Faul BOOL CV2 - PV2 Autotune has generated any of the Bit 0 of AtuneCV2PV2Status
following faults.
AtuneCV3PV2Fault BOOL CV3 - PV2 Autotune has generated any of the Bit 0 of AtuneCV3PV2Status
following faults.
AtuneCV1PV2OutOf BOOL Either PV2 or the deadtime-step ahead prediction Bit 1 of AtuneCV1PV2Status
Limit of PV2 exceeds PV2TuneLimit during CV1 - PV2
Autotuning. When True, CV1 - PV2 Autotuning is
AtuneCV2PV2OutO BOOL Either PV2 or the deadtime-step ahead prediction Bit 1 of AtuneCV2PV2Status
fLimit of PV2 exceeds PV2TuneLimit during CV2 - PV2
Autotuning. When True, CV2 - PV2 Autotuning is
AtuneCV3PV2OutO BOOL Either PV2 or the deadtime-step ahead prediction Bit 1 of AtuneCV3PV2Status
fLimit of PV2 exceeds PV2TuneLimit during CV3 - PV2
Autotuning. When True, CV3 - PV2 Autotuning is
AtuneCV1PV2Mode BOOL The MMC mode was not Manual at start of Bit 2 of AtuneCV1PV2Status
Inv Autotuning or the MMC mode was changed from
Manual during CV1-PV2 Autotuning. When True,
CV1-PV2 Autotuning is not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV2PV2Mode BOOL The MMC mode was not Manual at start of Bit 2 of AtuneCV2PV2Status
Inv Autotuning or the MMC mode was changed from
Manual during CV2-PV2 Autotuning. When True,
CV2-PV2 Autotuning is not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV3PV2Mod BOOL The MMC mode was not Manual at start of Bit 2 of AtuneCV3PV2Status
eInv Autotuning or the MMC mode was changed from
Manual during CV3-PV2 Autotuning. When True,
CV3-PV2 Autotuning is not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV1PV2Wind BOOL CV1WindupHIn or CV1WindupLIn is True at start of Bit 3 of AtuneCV1PV2Status
upFault CV1 - PV2 Autotuning or during CV1 - PV2
Autotuning. When True, CV1 - PV2 Autotuning is
not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV2PV2Wind BOOL CV2WindupHIn or CV2WindupLIn is True at start of Bit 3 of AtuneCV2PV2Status
upFault CV2 - PV2 Autotuning or during CV2 - PV2
Autotuning. When True, CV2 - PV2 Autotuning is
not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV3PV2Wind BOOL CV3WindupHIn or CV3WindupLIn is True at start of Bit 3 of AtuneCV3PV2Status
upFault CV3 - PV2 Autotuning or during CV3 - PV2
Autotuning. When True, CV3 - PV2 Autotuning is
not started or is aborted.

212 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
AtuneCV1PV2Step BOOL CV1StepSizeUsed = 0 at start of CV1 - PV2 Bit 4 of AtuneCV1PV2Status
Size0 Autotuning. When True, CV1 - PV2 Autotuning is
not started.
AtuneCV2PV2Step BOOL CV2StepSizeUsed = 0 at start of CV2 - PV2 Bit 4 of AtuneCV2PV2Status
Size0 Autotuning. When True, CV2 - PV2 Autotuning is
not started.
AtuneCV3PV2Step BOOL CV3StepSizeUsed = 0 at start of CV3 - PV2 Bit 4 of AtuneC3PV2Status
Size0 Autotuning. When True, CV3 - PV2 Autotuning is
not started.
AtuneCV1PV2Limit BOOL CV1LimitsInv and CVManLimiting are True at start Bit 5 of AtuneCV1PV2Status
sFault of CV1 - PV2 Autotuning or during CV1 - PV2
Autotuning. When True, CV1 - PV2 Autotuning is
not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV2PV2Limit BOOL CV2LimitsInv and CVManLimiting are True at start Bit 5 of AtuneCV2PV2Status
sFault of CV2 - PV2 Autotuning or during CV2 - PV2
Autotuning. When True, CV2 - PV2 Autotuning is
not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV3PV2Limit BOOL CV3LimitsInv and CVManLimiting are True at start Bit 5 of AtuneCV3PV2Status
sFault of CV3 - PV2 Autotuning or during CV3 - PV2
Autotuning. When True, CV3 - PV2 Autotuning is
not started or is aborted.
AtuneCV1PV2InitFa BOOL CV1Initializing is True at start of CV1 - PV2 Bit 6 of AtuneCV1PV2Status
ult Autotuning or during CV1 - PV2 Autotuning. When
True, CV1 - PV2 Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV2PV2InitF BOOL CV2Initializing is True at start of CV2 - PV2 Bit 6 of AtuneCV2PV2Status
ault Autotuning or during CV2 - PV2 Autotuning. When
True, CV2 - PV2 Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV3PV2InitF BOOL CV3Initializing is True at start of CV3 - PV2 Bit 6 of AtuneCV3PV2Status
ault Autotuning or during CV3 - PV2 Autotuning. When
True, CV3 - PV2 Autotuning is not started or is
AtuneCV1PV2EUSp BOOL CV1EUSpan or PV2EUSpan changes during CV1 - Bit 7 of AtuneCV1PV2Status
anChanged PV2 Autotuning. When True, CV1 - PV2 Autotuning
is aborted.
AtuneCV2PV2EUSp BOOL CV2EUSpan or PV2EUSpan changes during CV2 - Bit 7 of AtuneCV2PV2Status
anChanged PV2 Autotuning. When True, CV2 - PV2 Autotuning
is aborted.
AtuneCV3PV2EUSp BOOL CV3EUSpan or PV2EUSpan changes during CV2 - Bit 7 of AtuneCV3PV2Status
anChanged PV3 Autotuning. When True, CV3 - PV2 Autotuning
is aborted.
AtuneCV1PV2Chan BOOL CV1Oper is changed when in Operator control or Bit 8 of AtuneCV1PV2Status
ged CV1Prog is changed when in Program control or
CV1 becomes high/low or ROC limited during CV1 -
PV2 Autotuning. When True, CV1 - PV2 Autotuning
is aborted.
AtuneCV2PV2Chan BOOL CV2Oper is changed when in Operator control or Bit 8 of AtuneCV2PV2Status
ged CV2Prog is changed when in Program control or
CV2 becomes high/low or ROC limited during CV2 -
PV2 Autotuning. When True, CV2 - PV2 Autotuning
is aborted.
AtuneCV3PV2Chan BOOL CV3Oper is changed when in Operator control or Bit 8 of AtuneCV3PV2Status
ged CV3Prog is changed when in Program control or
CV3 becomes high/low or ROC limited during CV3
- PV2 Autotuning. When True, CV3 - PV2
Autotuning is aborted.
AtuneCV1PV2Time BOOL Elapsed time is greater then PV2AtuneTimeLimit Bit 9 of AtuneCV1PV2Status
out since step test is started. When True, CV1 - PV2
Autotuning is aborted.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 213

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
AtuneCV2PV2Time BOOL Elapsed time is greater then PV2AtuneTimeLimit Bit 9 of AtuneCV2PV2Status
out since step test is started. When True, CV2 - PV2
Autotuning is aborted.
AtuneCV3PV2Time BOOL Elapsed time is greater then PV2AtuneTimeLimit Bit 9 of AtuneCV3PV2Status
out since step test is started. When True, CV3 - PV2
Autotuning is aborted.
AtuneCV1PV2NotS BOOL The PV2 is changed too much to Autotune for Bit 10 of AtuneCV1PV2Status
ettled CV1-PV2. When True, CV1-PV2 Autotuning is
aborted. Wait until PV2 is more stable before
autotuning CV1-PV2.
AtuneCV2PV2NotS BOOL The PV2 is changed too much to Autotune for Bit 10 of AtuneCV2PV2Status
ettled CV2-PV2. When True, CV2-PV2 Autotuning is
aborted. Wait until PV2 is more stable before
autotuning CV2-PV2.
AtuneCV3PV2NotS BOOL The PV2 is changed too much to Autotune for Bit 10 of AtuneCV3PV2Status
ettled CV3-PV2. When True, CV3-PV2 Autotuning is
aborted. Wait until PV2 is more stable before
autotuning CV3-PV2.
Status1 DINT Bit mapped status of the function block. A value
of 0 indicates that no faults have occurred. Any
parameter that could be configured with an
invalid value must have a status parameter bit to
indicate its invalid status.
Status2 DINT Additional bit mapped status for the function
block. A value of 0 indicates that no faults have
occurred. Any parameter that could be configured
with an invalid value must have a status
parameter bit to indicate its invalid status.
Status3CV1 DINT Additional bit mapped CV1 status for the function
block. A value of 0 indicates that no faults have
Status3CV2 DINT Additional bit mapped CV2 status for the function
block. A value of 0 indicates that no faults have
Status3CV3 DINT Additional bit mapped CV3 status for the function
block. A value of 0 indicates that no faults have
InstructFault BOOL The function block has generated a fault. Bit 0 of Status1
Indicates state of bits in Status1, Status2, and
Status3CV(n), where (n) can be 1, 2, or 3.
PV1Faulted BOOL Process variable PV1 health bad. Bit 1 of Status1
PV2Faulted BOOL Process variable PV2 health bad. Bit 2 of Status1
PV1SpanInv BOOL The span of PV1 inValid, PV1EUMax < PV1EUMin. Bit 3 of Status1
PV2SpanInv BOOL The span of PV2 inValid, PV2EUMax < PV2EUMin. Bit 4 of Status1
SP1ProgInv BOOL SP1Prog < SP1LLimit or > SP1HLimit. Limit value Bit 5 of Status1
used for SP1.
SP2ProgInv BOOL SP2Prog < SP2LLimit or > SP2HLimit. Limit value Bit 6 of Status1
used for SP2.
SP1OperInv BOOL SP1Oper < SP1LLimit or > SP1HLimit. Limit value Bit 7 of Status1
used for SP1.
SP2OperInv BOOL SP2Oper < SP2LLimit or > SP2HLimit. Limit value Bit 8 of Status1
used for SP2.
SP1LimitsInv BOOL Limits inValid: SP1LLimit < PV1EUMin, SP1HLimit > Bit 9 of Status1
PV1EUMax, or SP1HLimit < SP1LLimit. If SP1HLimit <
SP1LLimit, then limit value by using SP1LLimit.
SP2LimitsInv BOOL Limits inValid: SP2LLimit < PV2EUMin, SP2HLimit > Bit 10 of Status1
PV2EUMax, or SP2HLimit < SP2LLimit. If SP2HLimit
< SP2LLimit, then limit value by using SP2LLimit.

214 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
SampleTimeTooS BOOL Model DeadTime / DeltaT must be less than or Bit 11 of Status1
mall equal to 200.
PV1FactorInv BOOL Entered value for Factor1 < 0. Bit 12 of Status1
PV2FactorInv BOOL Entered value for Factor2 < 0. Bit 13 of Status1
TimingModeInv BOOL Entered TimingMode inValid. If the current mode Bit 27 of Status2
is not Override or Hand then set to Manual mode.
RTSMissed BOOL Only used when in Real Time Sampling mode. Is Bit 28 of Status2.
TRUE when ABS(DeltaT – RTSTime) > 1 millisecond.
RTSTimeInv BOOL Entered RTSTime inValid. Bit 29 of Status2.
RTSTimeStampInv BOOL RTSTimeStamp inValid. If the current mode is not Bit 30 of Status2.
Override or Hand, then set to Manual mode.
DeltaTInv BOOL DeltaT inValid. If the current mode is not Override Bit 31 of Status2.
or Hand then set to Manual mode.
CV1Faulted BOOL Control variable CV1 health bad. Bit 0 of Status3CV1
CV2Faulted BOOL Control variable CV2 health bad. Bit 0 of Status3CV2
CV3Faulted BOOL Control variable CV3 health bad. Bit 0 of Status3CV3
CV1HandFBFaulte BOOL CV1 HandFB value health bad. Bit 1 of Status3CV1
CV2HandFBFaulte BOOL CV2 HandFB value health bad. Bit 1 of Status3CV2
CV3HandFBFaulte BOOL CV3 HandFB value health bad. Bit 1 of Status3CV3
CV1ProgInv BOOL CV1Prog < 0 or > 100, or < CV1LLimit or > Bit 2 of Status3CV1
CV1HLimit when CVManLimiting is TRUE. Limit
value used for CV1.
CV2ProgInv BOOL CV2Prog < 0 or > 100, or < CV2LLimit or > Bit 2 of Status3CV2
CV2HLimit when CVManLimiting is TRUE. Limit
value used for CV2.
CV3ProgInv BOOL CV3Prog < 0 or > 100, or < CV3LLimit or > Bit 2 of Status3CV3
CV3HLimit when CVManLimiting is TRUE. Limit
value used for CV3.
CV1OperInv BOOL CV1Oper < 0 or > 100, or < CV1LLimit or > Bit 3 of Status3CV1
CV1HLimit when CVManLimiting is TRUE. Limit
value used for CV1.
CV2OperInv BOOL CV2Oper < 0 or > 100, or < CV2LLimit or > Bit 3 of Status3CV2
CV2HLimit when CVManLimiting is TRUE. Limit
value used for CV2.
CV3OperInv BOOL CV3Oper < 0 or > 100, or < CV3LLimit or > Bit 3 of Status3CV3
CV3HLimit when CVManLimiting is TRUE. Limit
value used for CV3.
CV1OverrideValueI BOOL CV1OverrideValue < 0 or > 100. Limit value used Bit 4 of Status3CV1
nv for CV1.
CV2OverrideValueI BOOL CV2OverrideValue < 0 or > 100. Limit value used Bit 4 of Status3CV2
nv for CV2.
CV3OverrideValueI BOOL CV3OverrideValue < 0 or > 100. Limit value used Bit 4 of Status3CV3
nv for CV3.
CV1EUSpanInv BOOL The span of CV1EU invalid, CV1EUMax equals Bit 5 of Status3CV1
CV2EUSpanInv BOOL The span of CV2EU invalid, CV2EUMax equals Bit 5 of Status3CV2
CV3EUSpanInv BOOL The span of CV3EU invalid, CV3EUMax equals Bit 5 of Status3CV3
CV1LimitsInv BOOL CV1LLimit < 0, CV1HLimit > 100, or CV1HLimit <= Bit 6 of Status3CV1
CV1LLimit. If CV1HLimit <= CV1LLimit, limit CV1 by
using CV1LLimit.
CV2LimitsInv BOOL CV2LLimit < 0, CV2HLimit > 100, or CV2HLimit <= Bit 6 of Status3CV2
CV2LLimit. If CV2HLimit <= CV2LLimit, limit CV2 by
using CV2LLimit.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 215

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV3LimitsInv BOOL CV3LLimit < 0, CV3HLimit > 100, or CV3HLimit <= Bit 6 of Status3CV3
CV3LLimit. If CV3HLimit <= CV3LLimit, limit CV3 by
using CV3LLimit.
CV1ROCLimitInv BOOL Entered value for CV1ROCLimit < 0, disables CV1 Bit 7 of Status3CV1
ROC limiting.
CV2ROCLimitInv BOOL Entered value for CV2ROCLimit < 0, disables CV2 Bit 7 of Status3CV2
ROC limiting.
CV3ROCLimitInv BOOL Entered value for CV3ROCLimit < 0, disables CV3 Bit 7 of Status3CV3
ROC limiting.
CV1HandFBInv BOOL CV1 HandFB < 0 or > 100. Limit value used for CV1. Bit 8 of Status3CV1
CV2HandFBInv BOOL CV2 HandFB < 0 or > 100. Limit value used for Bit 8 of Status3CV2
CV3HandFBInv BOOL CV3 HandFB < 0 or > 100. Limit value used for Bit 8 of Status3CV3
CV1PV1ModelGainI BOOL CV1PV1ModelGain is 1.#QNAN or -1.#IND. (Not A Bit 9 of Status3CV1
nv Number), or ± 1.$ ( Infinity ∞ ).
CV2PV1ModelGainI BOOL Entered value for CV2 - PV1 Model Gain is 1.#QNAN Bit 9 of Status3CV2
nv or -1.#IND. (Not A Number), or ± 1.$ ( Infinity ∞ ).
CV3PV1ModelGainI BOOL Entered value for CV3 - PV1 Model Gain is 1.#QNAN Bit 9 of Status3CV3
nv or -1.#IND. (Not A Number), or ± 1.$
(Infinity ∞).
CV1PV2ModelGainI BOOL CV1PV2ModelGain is 1.#QNAN or -1.#IND. (Not A Bit 10 of Status3CV1
nv Number), or ± 1.$ ( Infinity ∞ ).
CV2PV2ModelGainI BOOL Entered value for CV2 - PV2 Model Gain is 1.#QNAN Bit 10 of Status3CV2
nv or -1.#IND. (Not A Number), or ± 1.$ ( Infinity ∞ ).
CV3PV2ModelGainI BOOL Entered value for CV3 - PV2 Model Gain is 1.#QNAN Bit 10 of Status3CV3
nv or -1.#IND. (Not A Number), or ± 1.$
(Infinity ∞).
CV1PV1ModelTCInv BOOL Entered value for CV1 - PV1 Model Time Constant < Bit 11 of Status3CV1
CV2PV1ModelTCInv BOOL Entered value for CV2 - PV1 Model Time Constant Bit 11 of Status3CV2
< 0.
CV3PV1ModelTCInv BOOL Entered value for CV3 - PV1 Model Time Constant Bit 11 of Status3CV3
< 0.
CV1PV2ModelTCInv BOOL Entered value for CV1 - PV2 Model Time Constant Bit 12 of Status3CV1
< 0.
CV2PV2ModelTCIn BOOL Entered value for CV2 - PV2 Model Time Constant Bit 12 of Status3CV2
v < 0.
CV3PV2ModelTCIn BOOL Entered value for CV3 - PV2 Model Time Constant Bit 12 of Status3CV3
v < 0.
CV1PV1ModelDTInv BOOL Entered value for CV1-PV1 Model Deadtime < 0. Bit 13 of Status3CV1
CV2PV1ModelDTInv BOOL Entered value for CV2-PV1 Model Deadtime < 0. Bit 13 of Status3CV2
CV3PV1ModelDTInv BOOL Entered value for CV3 - PV1 Model Deadtime < 0. Bit 13 of Status3CV3
CV1PV2ModelDTInv BOOL Entered value for CV1-PV2 Model Deadtime < 0. Bit 14 of Status3CV1
CV2PV2ModelDTIn BOOL Entered value for CV2-PV2 Model Deadtime < 0. Bit 14 of Status3CV2
CV3PV2ModelDTIn BOOL Entered value for CV3 - PV2 Model Deadtime < 0. Bit 14 of Status3CV3
CV1PV1RespTCInv BOOL Entered value for CV1-PV1 Response Time Bit 15 of Status3CV1
Constant < 0.
CV2PV1RespTCInv BOOL Entered value for CV2-PV1 Response Time Bit 15 of Status3CV2
Constant < 0.
CV3PV1RespTCInv BOOL Entered value for CV3 - PV1 Response Time Bit 15 of Status3CV3
Constant < 0.
CV1PV2RespTCInv BOOL Entered value for CV1-PV2 Response Time Bit 16 of Status3CV1
Constant < 0.

216 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Output Data Description Values
Parameters Type
CV2PV2RespTCInv BOOL Entered value for CV2-PV2 Response Time Bit 16 of Status3CV2
Constant < 0.
CV3PV2RespTCInv BOOL Entered value for CV3 - PV2 Response Time Bit 16 of Status3CV3
Constant < 0.
CV1TargetInv BOOL Entered value for CV1 Target < 0. or > 100. Bit 17 of Status3CV1
CV2TargetInv BOOL Entered value for CV2 Target < 0. or > 100. Bit 17 of Status3CV2
CV3TargetInv BOOL Entered value for CV3 Target < 0. or > 100. Bit 17 of Status3CV3

The MMC is a flexible model-based algorithm that can be used in two basic
configuration modes:
• Three control variables used to control two interacting process
• Two control variables used to control two interacting process variables
Following is an MMC function block splitter example configuration.

Item Description
M11 Internal model CV1 - PV1
M21 Internal model CV2 - PV1
M31 Internal model CV3 - PV1
M12 Internal model CV1 - PV2

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 217

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Item Description
M22 Internal model CV2 - PV2
M32 Internal model CV3 - PV2
T Target response
C11, C22 Model-predictive function blocks (IMC) currently controlling PV1 and
PV2 to SP1 and SP2, respectively
Y11, Y21, Y31, Y12, Y22, Y32 Model outputs of M11, M21, M31, M12, M22, M32
Y1 PV1 prediction
Y2 PV2 prediction
CV1 (Reflux ratio) Controls PV1 (Top composition) in Coordinated Control (CC1).
CV2 (Stream Flow) Controls PV2 (Bottom composition) in Coordinated Control (CC2)
CV3 Drives the Target value through a target response.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
Array-Indexing Faults

Note that iin Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during a normal scan.
Therefore, if the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic, it will
Refer to Refer to Function Block Attributes.for more details including
definitions and general behavior for all Function Block instructions.
All conditions below the shaded area can only occur during Normal Scan
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan .EnableIn and .EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Postscan .EnableIn and .EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
EnableIn is false .EnableIn and .EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Instruction first run No state specific action taken.
Primary algorithm not executed, however will validate input
Instruction first scan No state specific action taken.
Primary algorithm not executed, however will validate input
EnableIn is true .EnableIn and .EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction's main algorithm will be executed and outputs will
be updated.

218 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Native Implementation
Platform Intrinsics/Main Function
ABRisc / ARM ABRisc assembly code
void FB_ModularMultivariableControl(UINT32 *pulArg0Ptr)
RCA MMC(instance)
void FB_ModularMultivariableControl(UINT32 *pulArg0Ptr)
SoftLogix (X86) void rts$MMC(UINT32 *pFbdBlock)


Function Block

Structured Text
mmcTag.PV1 := mmcInput1;
mmcTag.PV2 := mmcInput2;
mmcTag.SP1Prog := mmcInput3;
mmcTag.SP2Prog := mmcInput4;

mmcTag.CV1Prog := mmcInput5;

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 219

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
mmcTag.CV2Prog := mmcInput6;

mmcTag.CV3Prog := mmcInput7;

mmcOutput1 := mmcTag.CV1EU;

mmcOutput2 := mmcTag.CV2EU;
mmcOutput3 := mmcTag.CV3EU;

See also
Convert the PV and SP Values to Percent on page 230
Instruction First Scan on page 228

Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Structured Text Syntax on page 993
Function Block Attributes on page 979

MMC Function Block Starting with the default configuration, configure the following parameters.

Configuration Parameter Description

PV1EUMax Maximum scaled value for PV1.
PV1EUMin Minimum scaled value for PV1.
PV2EUMax Maximum scaled value for PV2.
PV2EUMin Minimum scaled value for PV2.
SP1HLimit SP1 high limit value, scaled in PV units.
SP1LLimit SP1 low limit value, scaled in PV units.
SP2HLimit SP2 high limit value, scaled in PV units.
SP2LLimit SP2 low limit value, scaled in PV units.
CV1InitValue An initial value of the control variable CV1 output.
CV2InitValue An initial value of the control variable CV2 output.
CV3InitValue An initial value of the control variable CV3 output.

If you have the process models available, you can intuitively tune the MMC
function block by entering the following parameters. At this point, you have
completed the basic configuration. You did not configure the built-in tuner.
The function block variables are ready to be put on-line in either auto or
Manual mode. For tuning, the default settings will be used.
If you do not know the process models, you need to identify the models and
tune the function block by using the built-in tuner (modeler) for the function
block to operate correctly in the Auto mode.
Parameter Description
ModelGains Nonzero numbers (negative for direct acting control variable, positive
for reverse acting control variable)
ModelTimeConstants Always positive numbers
ModelDeadtimes Always positive numbers

220 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Parameter Description
RespTimeConstants Always positive numbers
Active 1st, 2nd and 3rd CV for PV1 and PV2 Specify the order in which CV's will be used to compensate for PV -
SP error.
TargetCV Specify which CV will be driven to its target value.
CVTargetValues Specify to which values should the control variable drive the
individual CV's if selected as the TargetCV.
TargetRespTC Specify the speed of CV's to approach the target values.

For integrating process types (such as level control and position control),
internal nonintegrating models are used to approximate the integrating
process. The Factor parameters are used to convert the identified integrating
process models to nonintegrating internal models used for CV calculation.
This is necessary to provide for stable MMC execution. The MMC function
block can handle any combinations of PV1 and PV2 that are integrating or
nonintegrating process types.
The function block uses first order lag with deadtime internal process models
and first order filters (total of up to 24 tuning parameters-6 models, 4
parameters each) to calculate the CV's. Each CV is calculated such that each
process variable (PV) follows a first order lag trajectory when approaching the
setpoint value.
Speed of response depends on the value of the response time constants. The
smaller the response time constants, the faster the control variable response
will be. The response time constants should be set such that the PV's reach the
setpoints in reasonable time based on the process dynamics. The larger that
the response time constants, the slower the control variable response will be,
but the control variable also becomes more robust.
In the Manual mode, the control variables (CV) are set equal to the
operator-entered Manual CV parameters. For the Manual to Auto mode
bumpless transfer and for safe operation of the control variable, the CV rate of
change limiters are implemented such that CV's cannot move from current
states by more than specified CV units at each scan.
Set the CVROCPosLimit and CVROCNegLimit to limit the CV rate of change.
Rate limiting is not imposed when control variable is in Manual mode unless
CVManLimiting is set.

MMC Function Block Model A model initialization occurs:

Initialization • During First Scan of the block

• When the ModelInit request parameter is set
• When DeltaT changes
You may need to manually adjust the internal model parameters or the
response time constants. You can do so by changing the appropriate
parameters and setting the appropriate ModelInit bit. The internal states of
the function block will be initialized, and the bit will automatically reset.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 221

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
For example, if you modify the model for CV2 - PV1 model, set the
CV2PV1ModelInit parameter to TRUE to initialize the CV2 - PV1 internal
model parameters and for the new model to take effect.

MMC Function Block Tuning The MMC function block is equipped with an internal tuner (modeler). The
purpose of the tuner is to identify the process model parameters and to use
these parameters as internal model parameters (gain, time constant, and
deadtime). The tuner also calculates an optimal response time constant.
Set the tuner by configuring the following parameters for each CV - PV
ProcessType Integrating (level, position control) or nonintegrating (flow, pressure control)
ProcessGainSign Set to indicate a negative process gain (increase in output causes a decrease in PV); reset to
indicate a positive process gain (increase in output causes an increase in PV).
ResponseSpeed Slow, medium, or fast, based on control objective
NoiseLevel An estimate of noise level on PV-low, medium, or high-such that the tuner can distinguish which
PV change is a random noise and which is caused by the CV step change
StepSize A nonzero positive or negative number defining the magnitude of CV step change in either
positive or negative direction, respectively
PVTuneLimit (only for integrating process type) in PV engineering units, defines how much of PV change that
is caused by CV change to tolerate before aborting the tuning test due to exceeding this limit

The tuner is started by setting the AtuneStart bit (AtuneCV1Start, for

example). You can stop the tuning by setting the appropriate AtuneAbort bit.
After the tuning is completed successfully, the appropriate GainTuned,
TCTuned, DTTuned, and RespTCTuned parameters are updated with the
tuning results, and the AtuneStatus code is set to indicate complete.
You can copy these parameters to the ModelGain, ModelTC, ModelDT, and
RespTC, respectively, by setting the AtuneUseModel bit. The MMC function
block automatically initializes the internal variables and continue normal
operation. It automatically resets the AtuneUseModel bit.

See also
MMC Function Block Tuning Procedure on page 223
MMC Function Block Tuning Errors on page 223

Use an MMC Function Block The following example describes using an MMC function block to control a
splitter. Refer to the MMC Function Block Splitter Example Configuration in
for Splitter Control Module Multivariable Control ( MMC).

Item Description
PV1 Top composition (more important)
PV2 Bottom composition (less important)
Active 1st CV for PV1 CV1 (reflux ratio)
Active 2nd CV for PV1 CV3 (pressure setpoint)
Active 3rd CV for PV1 CV2 (steam (flow)

222 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Item Description
Active 1st CV for PV2 CV2
Active 2nd CV for PV2 CV3
Active 3rd CV for PV2 CV1
TargetCV CV3 (pressure should be held constant if possible)
CV3Target 60% (of pressure range)

The MMC calculates CV1, CV2, and CV3 so that the control goals are
accomplished in the following order of importance:
1. Control PV1 to SP1 (PV1 is always considered more important than
2. Control PV2 to SP2
3. Control CV3 to its target value
CV1 is selected as the most active control for PV1 and CV2 as the most active
for PV2. If either CV1 or CV2 saturates or is put in Manual mode, the control
variable will use CV3 to maintain PV1 and PV2 at the setpoints.

See also
Module Multivariable Control ( MMC) on page 187

MMC Function Block Tuning If an error occurs during the tuning procedure, the tuning is aborted, and an
appropriate AtuneStatus bit is set. Also, a user can abort the tuning by setting
Errors the AtuneAbort parameter.
After an abort, the CV assumes its value before the step change, and the
GainTuned, TCTuned, DTTuned, and RespTCTuned parameters are not
updated. The AtuneStatus parameter identifies the reason for the abort.

MMC Function Block Tuning Follow these steps to configure the tuner.

Procedure 1. Put all three CV parameters into Manual mode.

2. Set the appropriate AtuneStart parameter.
The tuner starts collecting PV and CV data for noise calculation.
3. After collecting 60 samples (60*DeltaT) period, the tuner adds StepSize
to the CV.
After successfully collecting the PV data as a result of the CV step
change, the CV assumes its value before the step change and the
AtuneStatus, GainTuned, TCTuned, DTTuned, and RespTCTuned
parameters are updated.
4. Set the appropriate AtuneUseModel parameter to copy the tuned
parameters to the model parameters
The function block then resets the AtuneUseModel parameter.
After a successful AutoTuneDone, the Atune parameter is set to one (1).
Tuning completed successfully.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 223

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
To identify models and to calculate response time constants for all six CV - PV
processes, run the tuner up to three times to obtain CV1 - PV2, CV2 - PV2, and
CV3 - PV2 models and tuning, respectively. After each run, two process models
are identified: CV - PV1 and CV - PV2 (two process variables respond as a
result of one CV step change)

Current SP The current SP is based on the Cascade/Ratio mode, the PVTracking value,
auto mode, and the ProgOper value.

Use the Coordinated Control This is an example of how you could use the Coordinated Control function
block to control the temperature in a process.
Function Block to Control
Name Description
PV Temperature
Act1stCV CV3 (high pressure steam)
Act2ndCV CV2 (cooling)
Act3rdCV CV1 (low pressure steam)
Target1stCV CV2
Target2ndCV CV3
Target3rdCV CV1
CV1Target 0%
This value is irrelevant since in the target list setup, CV1 has the lowest priority, and will assume the steady
state load to maintain PV at the setpoint.
CV2Target 0%
CV3Target 10%

Temperature Example Explanation

Manipulating the PV at the setpoint is the top priority. The high pressure
steam and cooling are selected as the most active actuators. At steady state,
the same two controls should assume their target values: CV3 at 10% and CV2

224 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
at 0%. CV1 will assume any value needed to maintain PV at the setpoint;
therefore, its target value is irrelevant since manipulating the PV at the
setpoint is a higher priority control objective. Target CV priorities and target
CV values can be changed on-line.
The CC function block calculates CV1, CV2 and CV3 such that the control goals
are accomplished in the following order of importance:
1. Control PV to SP
2. Control CV2 to its target value
3. Control CV3 to its target value
At this point, you have completed the basic configuration. You did not
configure the built-in tuner. The control variable is ready to be put on-line in
either auto or Manual mode. For tuning, the default settings will be used.
Refer to CC Function Block Tuning.
If you do not know the process models, you need to identify the models and
tune the function block by using the built-in tuner (modeler) for the function
block to operate correctly in the Auto mode.
The function block uses first order lag with deadtime internal process models
and first order filters (total of up to twelve tuning parameters) to calculate the
CV's. Each CV is calculated such that the process variable (PV) follows a first
order lag trajectory when approaching the setpoint value.
Speed of response depends on the value of the response time constants. The
smaller the response time constants, the faster the control variable response
will be. The response time constants should be set such that the PV reaches the
setpoint in reasonable time based on the process dynamics. The larger the
response time constants are, the slower the control variable response will be,
but the control variable also becomes more robust. See the tuning section for
more details.
In the Manual mode, the control variables (CV) are set equal to the
operator-entered or program-generated CVnOper or CVnProg parameters.
For the Manual to Auto mode bumpless transfer and for safe operation of the
control variable, the CV rate of change limiters are implemented such that
CV's cannot move from current states by more than specified CV units at each

To limit the CV rate of change:

• Set the CVnROCPosLimit and CVnROCNegLimit
Rate limiting is not imposed when control variable is in Manual mode unless
CVManLimiting is set.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 225

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

See also
CC Function Block Tuning on page 168

CV High/Low Limiting The instruction always performs alarming based on CVHLimit and CVLLimit.
Limit CV by CVHLimit and CVLLimit when in auto or cascade/ratio mode.
When in manual mode, limit CV by CVHLimit and CVLLimit when
CVManLimiting is set. Otherwise limit CV by 0 and 100%.

Follow the guidelines in this diagram:

Item Description
CVHAlarm is cleared(1)
CVLAlarm is cleared(1)
CVHAlarm is set
CVLAlarm is set
CV is greater than CVHLimit
CV is less than or equal to CVHLimit
CV is less than CVLLimit
CV is greater than or equal to CVLLimit

If CVHAlarm is set
CV = CVHLimit
If CVLAlarm is set
CV = CVLLimit
CV from 0 to 100% limit algorithm
CVHAlarm is set and auto or cascasde/ratio or
(manual and CVManLimiting is set)
CVLAlarm is set and auto or cascasde/ratio or
(manual and CVManLimiting is set).
CV limited to CV high/low limits.

(1) During instruction first scan, the instruction clears the alarm outputs.

CV Percent Limiting The following diagram illustrates how the instruction determines CV percent

226 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Item Description
CVHAlarm is cleared(1)
CVLAlarm is cleared(1)
CVHAlarm is set
CVLAlarm is set
CV is greater than 100
CV is less than or equal to 0
CV is less than 0
CV is greater than or equal to 0

If CVHAlarm is set
CV = 100
If CVLAlarm is set
CV = 100
CV from windup algorithm
CV limited to 0 to 100%

(1) During instruction first scan, the instruction clears the alarm outputs.

CV Rate-of-Change Limiting The PIDE instruction limits the rate-of-change of CV when in Auto or
Cascade/Ratio mode or when in Manual mode and CVManLimiting is set. A
value of zero disables CV rate-of-change limiting.

The CV rate-of-change is calculated as:

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Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
where DeltaT is in seconds.

CV Windup Limiting Limit the CV such that its value cannot increase when WindupHIn is set or
decrease when WindupLIn is set. These inputs are typically the WindupHOut
or WindupLOut outputs from a secondary loop. The WindupHIn and
WindupLIn inputs are ignored if CVInitializing, CVFault, or CVEUSpanInv is

Item Description
selected CV
if WindupHIn and CV is greater than CVn-1
CV = CVn-1
if WindupHIn and CV is less than CVn-1
CV = CVn-1
CV from windup algorithm

Execution Math status flags are set for the CV output.

Condition Function Block Action Structured Text Action
Prescan InstructionFirstScan is set InstructionFirstScan is set
Instruction First Scan If CVFault and CVEUSpanInv are set, see Processing Faults. If CVFault and CVEUSpanInv are cleared:
1. CVInitializing is set.
2. If PVFault is set, PVSpanInv and SPLimitsInv are cleared. See Processing Faults.
3. The PID control algorithm is not executed.
4. The instruction sets CVEU = CVInitValue and CV = corresponding percentage.
CVInitValue is not limited by CVEUmaximum or CVEUMin. When the instruction calculates CV as the corresponding
percentage, it is limited to 0-100.

5. When CVInitializing and ManualAfterInit are set, the instruction disables auto and cascade/ratio modes. If the
current mode is not Override or Hand mode, the instruction changes to Manual mode. If ManualAfterInit is cleared
the mode is not changed.
6. All the operator request inputs are cleared.
7. If ProgValueReset set, all the program request inputs are cleared
8. All the PV high-low, PV rate-of-change, and deviation high-low alarm outputs are cleared.
9. If CVInitReq is cleared, CVInitializing is cleared.
Instruction first run ProgOper is cleared. ProgOper is cleared.
The instruction changes to manual mode. The instruction changes to manual mode.

228 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Condition Function Block Action Structured Text Action
EnableIn is cleared EnableOut is cleared, the instruction does nothing, and the N/A
outputs are not updated.
EnableIn is set The instruction executes. EnableIn is always set.
EnableOut is set. The instruction executes.
Postscan No action taken. No action taken.

See also
Processing Faults on page 232

Switch Between Program The PIDE instruction can be controlled by either a user program or an
operator interface. You can change the control mode at any time. Program
Control and Operator and
Operator control use the same ProgOper output. When ProgOper is set,
control is Program; when ProgOper is cleared, control is Operator.
The following diagram shows how the PIDE instruction changes between
Program control and Operator control.

For more information on program and operator control, refer to

Program/Operator Control.

See also
Program/Operator Control on page 988

Operating Modes The Cascade/Ratio, Auto, and Manual modes can be controlled by a user
program when in Program control or by an operator interface when in
Operator control. The Override and Hand modes have a mode request input
that can only be controlled by a user program; these inputs operate in both
Program and Operator control.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 229

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Operating Mode Description

Cascade/Ratio While in Cascade/Ratio mode the instruction computes the change in CV. The instruction regulates CV to maintain PV at
either the SPCascade value or the SPCascade value multiplied by the Ratio value. SPCascade comes from either the
CVEU of a primary PID loop for cascade control or from the “uncontrolled” flow of a ratio-controlled loop.
Select Cascade/Ratio mode using either OperCasRatReq or ProgCasRatReq:
Set OperCasRatReq to request Cascade/Ratio mode. Ignored when ProgOper, ProgOverrideReq, ProgHandReq,
OperAutoReq, or OperManualReq is set, or when AllowCasRat is cleared.
Set ProgCasRatReq to request Cascade/Ratio mode. Ignored when ProgOper or AllowCasRat is cleared or when
ProgOverrideReq, ProgHandReq, ProgAutoReq, or ProgManualReq is set.
Auto While in Auto mode the instruction computes the change in CV. The instruction regulates CV to maintain PV at the SP
value. If in program control, SP = SPProg; if in Operator control, SP = SPOper.
Select Auto mode using either OperAutoReq or ProgAutoReq:
Set OperAutoReq to request Auto mode. Ignored when ProgOper, ProgOverrideReq, ProgHandReq, or OperManualReq
is set.
Set ProgAutoReq to request Auto mode. Ignored when ProgOper is cleared or when ProgOverrideReq, ProgHandReq,
or ProgManualReq is set.
Manual While in Manual mode the instruction does not compute the change in CV. The value of CV is determined by the control.
If in Program control, CV = CVProg; if in Operator control, CV = CVOper.
Select Manual mode using either OperManualReq or ProgManualReq:
Set OperManualReq to request Manual mode. Ignored when ProgOper, ProgOverrideReq, or ProgHandReq is set.
Set ProgManualReq to request Manual mode. Ignored when ProgOper is cleared or when ProgOverrideReq or
ProgHandReq is set.
Override While in Override mode the instruction does not compute the change in CV. CV = CVOverride, regardless of the control
mode. Override mode is typically used to set a “safe state” for the PID loop.
Select Override mode using ProgOverrideReq:
Set ProgOverrideReq to request Override mode. Ignored when ProgHandReq is cleared.
Hand While in Hand mode the PID algorithm does not compute the change in CV. CV = HandFB, regardless of the control mode.
Hand mode is typically used to indicate that control of the final control element was taken over by a field hand/auto
Select Hand mode using ProgHandReq:
Set ProgHandReq to request hand mode. This value is usually read as a digital input from a hand/auto station.

Convert the PV and SP The instruction converts PV and SP to a percent and calculates the error
before performing the PID control algorithm. The error is the difference
Values to Percent between the PV and SP values. When ControlAction is set, the values of
EPercent, E, and PVPIDPercent are negated before being used by the PID

230 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Primary Loop Control Primary loop control is typically used by a primary PID loop to obtain
bumpless switching and anti-reset windup when using Cascade/Ratio mode.
The primary loop control includes the initialize primary loop output and the
anti-reset windup outputs. The InitPrimary output is typically used by the
CVInitReq input of a primary PID loop. The windup outputs are typically used
by the windup inputs of a primary loop to limit the windup of its CV output.

Item Description
InitPrimary is cleared
WindupHOut is cleared(4)
WindupLOut is cleared(4)
InitPrimary is set(1)
WindupHOut is set
WindupLOut is set
CVInitializing is set or not Cascade/Ratio mode(2)
CVInitializing is cleared and Cascade/Ration mode(3)
SHPAlarm is set or appropriate Cv alarm(5)
SHPAlarm is cleared and no CV alarm(6)

SPAlarm is set or appropriate CV alarm(7)

SPAlarm is cleared and no CV alarm(8)

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 231

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

1. During first scan, the instruction sets InitPrimary

2. When CVInitializing is set or when not in Cascade/Ratio mode, the
instruction sets InitPrimary.
3. When CVInitializing is cleared and in Cascasde/Ratio mode, the
instruction clears InitPrimary.
4. During instruction first scan, the instruction clears the windup
outputs. The instruction also clears the windup outputs and disables
the CV windup algorithm when CVInitializing is set or if either
CVFaulted or CVEUSpanlnv is set.
5. The instruction sets WindupHOut when SPHalarm is set, or when
ControlAction is cleared and CVHAlarm is set, or when ControlAction
is set and CVLAarm is set.
The SP and CV limits operate independently. A SP high limit does not
prevent CV from increasing in value. Likewise, a CV high or low limit
does not prevent SP from increasing in value.
6. The instruction clears WindupHOut when SPHalarm is cleared, and
not (ControlAction is cleared and CVHAlarm is set), and not
(ControlAction is set and CVLAlarm is set).
7. The instruction sets WinindupLOut when SPLAlarm is set, or when
ControlAction is cleared and CVLAlarm is set or when ControlAction is
set and CVHAlarm is set.
The SP and CV limits operate independently. A SP low limit does not
prevent CV from increasing in value likewise a CV low or high limit
does not prevent SP from increasing in value.
8. The instruction clears WindupLOut when SPLAlarm is cleared and not
(ControlAction is cleared and CVLAlarm is set) and not (ControlAction
is set and CVHAlarm is set).
Processing Faults The following table describes how the instruction handles execution faults:
Fault Condition Action
CVFaulted • Instruction is not initialized, CVInitializing is cleared.
or • Compute PV and SP percent, calculate error, update internal parameters for EPercent and PVPIDPercent
CVEUSpanInv • PID control algorithm is not executed.
is set • Disable the Auto and Cascade/Ratio modes. If Override or Hand is not the current mode, set to Manual
• Set CV to value determined by Program or Operator control and mode (Manual, Override, or Hand).
CVinitRequest Refer to Execution.
PV Health Bad • Disable the Auto and CasRat modes. If Override or Hand is not the current mode then set to the Manual
• Set PV high-low, PV rate-of-change, and deviation high-low alarm outputs FALSE
• PID control algorithm is not executed.
• Set CV to value by determined by Program or Operator control and mode (Manual, Override or Hand).
PVFaulted is set • Disable the Auto and Cascade/Ratio modes. If Override or Hand is not the current mode, set to Manual
• PV high-low, PV rate-of-change, and deviation high-low alarm outputs are cleared
• PID control algorithm is not executed.
• Set CV to value by determined by Program or Operator control and mode (Manual, Override, or Hand).

232 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions
Fault Condition Action
PVSpanInv is set or • Disable the Auto and Cascade/Ratio modes. If Override or Hand is not the current mode, set to Manual
SPLimitsInv is set mode.
• Do not compute PV and SP percent.
• PID control algorithm is not executed.
• Set CV to value by determined by Program or Operator control and mode (Manual, Override, or Hand).
RatioLimitsInv is set and • If not already in Hand or Override, set to Manual mode.
CasRat is set and UseRatio • Disable the Cascade/Ratio mode.
is set • Set CV to value determined by Program or Operator control and mode (Manual, Override, or Hand).
TimingModeInv is set or • If not already in Hand or Override, set to Manual mode.
RTSTimeStampInv is set or
DeltaTInv is set

See also
Execution on page 228

Select the Control Variable Once the PID algorithm has been executed, select the CV based on program or
operator control and the current PID mode.

Update the CVOper and If not in the Operator Manual mode, the PIDE instruction sets CVOper = CV.
This obtains bumpless mode switching from any control to the Operator
CVProg Values Manual mode.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 233

Chapter 1 Process Control Instructions

Select the Setpoint Once the instruction determines program or operator control and the PID
mode, the instruction can obtain the proper SP value.
• Enhanced PID on page 63
• Current SP on page 224
• SP High/Low Limiting on page 234
SP High/Low Limiting The high-to-low alarming algorithm compares SP to the SPHLimit and
SPLLimit alarm limits. SPHLimit cannot be greater than PVEUmaximum and
SPLLimit cannot be less than PVEUMin.

234 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2


PlantPAx instructions The PlantPAx built-in instructions monitor and process discrete and analog
inputs and outputs for controlling devices.

Available Instructions

Ladder Diagram, Function Block, Structured Text





To: Use this instruction:

Provide HART digital data for an intelligent analog Process Analog HART (PAH)
device alongside the analog input (PAI) or analog
output (PAO) instruction for that device.
Monitor one analog value, such as from a channel Process Analog Input (PAI)
of analog input module.
Monitor one analog Process Variable (PV) by using Process Dual Sensor Analog Input (PAID)
two analog input signals.
Monitors one analog process variable (PV) by using Process Multi Sensor Analog Input (PAIM)
up to eight analog input signals.
Manipulate an analog output to control a field Process Analog Output (PAO)
Executes up to eight gates of configurable Boolean Process Boolean Logic (PBL)
Select the Command Source for a device. Process Command Source (PCMDSRC)

Generate outputs to provide data and alarms on Process Deadband Controller (PDBC)
deadbands and thresholds.
Monitor one discrete condition, such as from a Process Discrete Input (PDI)
channel of a discrete input module.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 235

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
To: Use this instruction:
Manipulate a discrete output to control a field Process Discrete Output (PDO)
Control an ingredient addition that uses a flow Process Dosing (PDOSE)
meter to measure the quantity of ingredient added.

Send one primary analog output signal to multiple Process Analog Fanout (PFO)
secondary users or devices.
Select the highest or the lowest of up to six Process High or Low Selector (PHLS)
incoming controlled variables (CVs) and send the
selected CV as output.
Collect, or sum up, the interlock conditions that stop Process Interlocks (PINTLK)
or de-energize a running or energized piece of
Control a parallel group of motors, such as a set of Process Lead Lag Standby Motor Group (PLLS)
pumps with a common intake source and
discharge destination.
Monitor and control a fixed single-speed, Process Motor (PMTR)
two-speed, or reversing motor.
Collect, or sum up, the permissive conditions that Process Permissives (PPERM)
allow a piece of equipment to energize.
Manipulate the Control Variable (CV) in regulatory Process Proportional + Integral + Derivative (PPID)
control loops in response to Process Variable (PV)
readings and Setpoint (SP, the target PV) settings.
Calculate a flow at standard temperature and Process Pressure/Temperature Compensated Flow
pressure. (PPTC)
Prevent large motors from starting repeatedly. Process Restart Inhibit (PRI)
Record the total run time and number of instances Process Run Time and Start Counter (PRT)
the motor or other equipment starts.

Calculate the volume of product in an upright Process Tank Strapping Table (PTST)
cylindrical tank, given the level of the product and
the tank calibration table.
Operate a two-position, single-solenoid operated Process Valve (PVLV)
valve, a dual-solenoid operated valve, or a
motor-operated valve in various modes; monitor
hand-operated two-position valves.
Monitor a two-state (open and close) valve and Process Valve Statistics (PVLVS)
record statistics for stroke times and stroke counts.

See also
Drives Instructions on page 759
Filter Instructions on page 809

Move/Logical Process Instructions on page 887

Process Analog HART (PAH) This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.
The Process Analog HART (PAH) instruction is used to provide HART digital
data for an intelligent analog device alongside the analog input (PAI) or
analog output (PAO) instruction for that device. It provides:

236 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• HART Dynamic Variables (PV, SV, TV and QV) values with engineering
units and variable status, and the digital value of the device’s analog
loop current (in milliamps DC).
• Analog range (min, at 4 mA, and max, at 20 mA).
• Analog units of measure.
• Device information such as Tag and Description text.
• Additional device status (HART “Command 48 additional status” bit
• Lookup of diagnostic message and severity based on the Command 48
bits that are set (for the first three diagnostics found in the array).
• Additional status information received from the device via HART, such
as Field Device Status bits.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 237

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Structured Text
PAH(PAH_tag, Ref_HARTData, Ref_DiagTable, Ref_UnitsTable)

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx P_ANALOG_HART tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.
ControlPlantPAx Control

Ref_HARTData PAX_HART_DEVICE:I:0 tag HART device data for PlantPAx.

Ref_DiagTable P_HART_CODE_DESC_STATUS[2] tag Lookup table for diagnostic bit number (to message and status).
Ref_UnitsTable RAC_CODE_DESCRIPTION[2] tag Lookup table for units of measure code (to units text).

The PAX_HART_DEVICE:I:0 data type is associated with the Add-On Profile

for Highly Integrated HART modules such as the 5094-IF8IH.

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableIn BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Enable input. Ladder Diagram: Corresponds to the
rung condition.
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction
is normally initialized in instruction first run. Use this
request to re-initialize. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasHARTPV BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Has a HART digital PV, display on faceplate; 0 =
HART digital PV not used.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasHARTSV BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Has a HART digital SV, display on faceplate; 0 =
HART digital SV not used.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasHARTTV BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Has a HART digital TV, display on faceplate; 0 =
HART digital TV not used.
Default is false.

238 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_HasHARTQV BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Has a HART digital QV, display on faceplate; 0 =
HART digital QV not used.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseHARTVarSts BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Use HART Communication Status to generate SrcQ,
0 = assume good.
Default is true.
Cfg_UseHARTText BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Use text received from HART device, 0 = use
extended properties for text.
Default is false.
Cfg_HARTPVDecPlcs SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Number of decimal places for HART PV display. Valid
= 0,1,2,3,4,5,6.
Default is 2.
Cfg_HARTSVDecPlcs SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Number of decimal places for HART SV display. Valid
= 0,1,2,3,4,5,6.
Default is 2.
Cfg_HARTTVDecPlcs SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Number of decimal places for HART TV display. Valid =
Default is 2.
Cfg_HARTQVDecPlcs SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Number of decimal places for HART QV display. Valid
= 0,1,2,3,4,5,6.
Default is 2.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object with more information is
available for navigation.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI a related analog input or output object is
available for navigation.
Default is false.
Set_VirtualHARTPV REAL Not Visible Not Required Input HART PV used in Virtual (when Sts_Virtual = 1) (PV
engineering units).
Default is 0.0.
Set_VirtualHARTSV REAL Not Visible Not Required Input HART SV used in Virtual (when Sts_Virtual = 1) (SV
engineering units).
Default is 0.0.
Set_VirtualHARTTV REAL Not Visible Not Required Input HART TV used in Virtual (when Sts_Virtual = 1) (TV
engineering units).
Default is 0.0.
Set_VirtualHARTQV REAL Not Visible Not Required Input HART QV used in Virtual (when Sts_Virtual = 1) (QV
engineering units).
Default is 0.0.
PCmd_Virtual BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Virtual (simulated)
device operation. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Physical BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Physical device
operation (not simulated). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableOut BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output This output state always reflects EnableIn input state.
Val_HARTPV REAL Visible Not Required Output Digital HART PV value in PV engineering units (after
Substitution, if used).
Val_HARTSV REAL Visible Not Required Output Digital HART SV value in SV engineering units (after
Substitution, if used).
Val_HARTTV REAL Visible Not Required Output Digital HART TV value in TV engineering units (after
Substitution, if used).

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 239

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Val_HARTQV REAL Visible Not Required Output Digital HART QV value in QV engineering units (after
Substitution, if used).
Val_HARTLoopCurrent REAL Visible Not Required Output Digital HART value for Loop Current in milliamps.
Val_InpRawMinFromHART REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Analog input unscaled signal minimum from HART
module (in module units).
Val_InpRawMaxFromHART REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Analog input unscaled signal maximum from HART
module (in module units).
Val_PVEUMinFromHART REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Analog input scaled range minimum from HART
device (in engineering units).
Val_PVEUMaxFromHART REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Analog input scaled range maximum from HART
device (in engineering units).
Sts_eHARTDiagCode1 INT Not Visible Not Required Output HART Diagnostic Code #1 (bit number in Command
48, 255 = none).
Sts_eHARTDiagCode2 INT Not Visible Not Required Output HART Diagnostic Code #2 (bit number in Command
48, 255 = none).
Sts_eHARTDiagCode3 INT Not Visible Not Required Output HART Diagnostic Code #3 (bit number in Command
48, 255 = none).
Sts_bHARTDiagSts SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Overall HART diagnostic status,
.0 = Info,
.1 = Maintenance Required,
.2 = Off Specification,
.3 = Function Check,
.4 = Failed.
Sts_bHARTDiagSts1 SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Diagnostic status for HART Diagnostic Code #1,
.0 = Info,
.1 = Maintenance Required,
.2 = Off Specification,
.3 = Function Check,
.4 = Failed.
Sts_bHARTDiagSts2 SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Diagnostic status for HART Diagnostic Code #2,
.0 = Info,
.1 = Maintenance Required,
.2 = Off Specification,
.3 = Function Check,
.4 = Failed.
Sts_bHARTDiagSts3 SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Diagnostic status for HART Diagnostic Code #3,
.0 = Info,
.1 = Maintenance Required,
.2 = Off Specification,
.3 = Function Check,
.4 = Failed.
Sts_Initialized BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to
Sts_Virtual BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Using virtual PV instead of the input from the
device (Inp_PVData) to calculate output. 0 = The
instruction uses input parameter Inp_PVData to
calculate output. Sts_Virtual is a copy of Inp_Virtual.
Sts_ConnectionFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = HART data input connection fault, 0 = connection
Sts_DvcMalfunction BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = HART device reports it has a malfunction.
Sts_CurrentSaturated BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = HART reports analog current is limited.
Sts_CurrentFixed BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Loop Current set to fixed value via HART
Sts_CurrentMismatch BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Loop Current reported via HART does not match
analog signal.
Sts_DiagnosticActive BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = HART data input diagnostic active.

240 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Val_DiagnosticSeqCount SINT Not Visible Not Required Output HART data input diagnostic sequence count (per
change in diagnostic data, wraps).
SrcQ_IO SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of primary input or output
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration
SrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of primary value or status
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration
SrcQ_HARTPV SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of HART digital PV (enumerated):
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 241

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
SrcQ_HARTSV SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of HART digital SV (enumerated):
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration
SrcQ_HARTTV SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of HART digital TV (enumerated):
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration
SrcQ_HARTQV SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of HART digital QV (enumerated):
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration

242 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
SrcQ_HARTLoopCurrent SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of HART loop current value
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration
Sts_eSts SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Device confirmed status:
0 = Live,
1 = diagnostic information,
2 = maintenance required,
3 = off-spec (uncertain),
4 = function check (substituted),
5 = failure,
6 = HART communication lost,
7 = Virtualized.
Sts_eFault INT Not Visible Not Required Output Device fault status:
0 = None,
1 = a dynamic variable is bad,
2 = device diagnostic indicates a failure,
3 = HART communication lost,
4 = module connection fault,
5 = device reports malfunction.
Val_HARTRevision SINT Not Visible Not Required Output HART Spec major revision received from device.

Private Input Members Data Type Description

MCmd_Physical BOOL Maintenance command to select Physical device operation (not simulated). The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Virtual BOOL Maintenance command to select Virtual (simulated) device operation. The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

MRdy_Physical BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Physical, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Virtual BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Virtual, enable HMI button.
Sts_sHARTDesc String_16 Description text from HART device.
Sts_sHARTDiagMsg1 String_32 HART device diagnostic message #1.
Sts_sHARTDiagMsg2 String_32 HART device diagnostic message #2.
Sts_sHARTDiagMsg3 String_32 HART device diagnostic message #3.
Sts_sHARTPVEU String_16 Text of HART digital PV's engineering units.
Sts_sHARTQVEU String_16 Text of HART digital QV's engineering units.
Sts_sHARTSVEU String_16 Text of HART digital SV's engineering units.
Sts_sHARTTag String_32 Tag text from HART device.
Sts_sHARTTVEU String_16 Text of HART digital TV's engineering units.
Sts_sPVEU String_16 Text of analog PV's engineering units.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 243

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Public InOut Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required

Ref_HARTData PAX_HART_DEVI Visible Required InOut HART data from I/O module assembly.
Ref_DiagTable P_HART_CODE_ Visible Required InOut Lookup table for diagnostic bit number (to message
DESC_STATUS[2 and status).
Ref_UnitsTable RAC_CODE_DES Visible Required InOut Lookup table for units of measure code (to units
CRIPTION[2] text).

The PAX_HART_DEVICE:I:O structure is the input assembly subtype used by
Highly-Integrated HART I/O modules to provide all the HART data required
for this instruction:
Members Data Type Description
RunMode BOOL Always 0, not used by this instruction
ConnectionFaulted BOOL The network connection to the I/O module has been lost
DiagnosticActive BOOL I/O module has at least one diagnostic available
DiagnosticSequenceCount SINT This count increments each time the diagnostic information from the I/O module changes.
It counts to +127, then loops back to -128, skipping zero.
CurrentSaturated BOOL The analog signal has reached its minimum or maximum value and does not represent
the actual process variable
CurrentFixed BOOL The analog signal has been fixed by command and does not represent the actual process
MoreStatusAvailable BOOL At least one Command 48 (additional device status) bit is set and diagnostics should be
CurrentMismatch BOOL I/O module reports digital value for loop current and actual analog loop current disagree
ConfigurationChanged BOOL Device reports configuration data (scaling, text, units) have changed
Malfunction BOOL Device reports malfunction detected
LoopCurrent CHANNEL_AI:I:O HART digital value for device analog loop current (mA DC)
PV CHANNEL_AI_HART:I:O HART dynamic Primary Variable with units and status
SV CHANNEL_AI_HART:I:O HART dynamic Secondary Variable with units and status
TV CHANNEL_AI_HART:I:O HART dynamic Tertiary Variable with units and status
QV CHANNEL_AI_HART:I:O HART dynamic Quaternary Variable with units and status
Static AB_5000_HART_Static_Stru HART "static" data, such as device scale range, analog signal units of measure, and device
ct:I:O text strings for description and tag name
ChDataAtSignal4 REAL The value provided by the I/O module analog channel when a 4.0 mA DC signal is
received, provided for scaling use by an associated PAI or PAO instruction

ChDataAtSignal20 REAL The value provided by the I/O module analog channel when a 20.0 mA DC signal is
received, provided for scaling use by an associated PAI or PAO instruction

The P_HART_CODE_DESC_STATUS structure is used to look up the
diagnostic text and device status associated with a particular Command 48
diagnostic bit. The device provides a 200-bit (25 byte) array of data, where
each bit set indicates a particular diagnostic condition. An array of members

244 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
of this type is used to allow the instruction to display a text description and
status for a given bit.
This parameter links the instruction to an external tag that contains necessary
data for the instruction to operate. The external tag must be of the data type
shown, or may be NULL. If NULL, the diagnostic bit lookup function is not
Members Data Type Description
Code DINT Diagnostic code. This is the diagnostic bit number (0 to 199) in the array of 200 bits
returned in HART Command 48 (Additional Device Status), or -1 if no diagnostic bit is set.
Desc STRING_32 Diagnostic text.
bSts SINT Device Status (bitmapped):
.0 = Information
.1 = Maintenance Required
.2 = Off Specification
.3 = Function Check
.4 = Failed

The RAC_CODE_DESCRIPTION[x] structure is an array of engineering unit
code numbers and corresponding engineering units text pairs, used as a
lookup table. The instruction searches the table for the engineering units
code received from the device and displays the corresponding engineering
unit text for the variable. This parameter links the instruction to an external
tag that contains necessary data for the instruction to operate. The external
tag must be of the data type shown, or may be NULL. If NULL, the unit code
lookup function is not performed.
Members Data Type Description
Code DINT Code for which to look up Description.
Desc STRING Description for given Code.

This diagram illustrates functionality of the PAH instruction:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 245

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Use virtualization for instruction testing and operator training. Command
virtual operation using program command PCmd_Virtual or maintenance
command MCmd_Virtual. After finishing virtual operation, use program
command PCmd_Physical or maintenance command MCmd_Physical to
return to normal physical device operation.
When Virtualization is active, the output dynamic variable (PV, SV, TV, QV)
values of the PAH instruction are set using Virtual value settings
(Set_VirtualPV, etc.) and I/O faults are ignored. Manipulate the instruction to
operate as if a working HART process device were present.

The instruction is normally initialized in the instruction first run. Request
re-initialization by setting Inp_InitializeReq = 1. For proper initialization,
when adding the instruction while performing an online edit of the code,
make sure that Inp_InitializeReq = 1, the default value.

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FT View) and for the Logix Designer
configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties of tag
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up

246 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• Engineering units for raw analog signal
• Engineering units for analog signal PV
• Engineering units for HART PV
• Engineering units for HART SV
• Engineering units for HART TV
• Engineering units for HART QV
• Label for HART PV
• Label for HART SV

Monitor the PAH Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Instruction flagged for initialization on first scan / first run
Instruction first run Internal data such as pointers and timers are initialized
Rung-condition-in is false Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes. HART data, units and status are provided.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes. HART data, units and status are provided.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Instruction flagged for initialization on first scan / first run
Instruction first run Internal data such as pointers and timers are initialized
Instruction first scan Internal data such as pointers and timers are initialized

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 247

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
EnableIn is false EnableOut is set to false.
The instruction executes. HART data, units and status are provided.
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes. HART data, units and status are provided.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic it will execute.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

In the following example, the PAH instruction is used alongside a PAI
(Process Analog Input) instruction. The PAI provides processing for the
analog (4 to 20 mA DC) signal from the HART analog input module, and the
PAH instruction provides processing for the digital HART data overlaid upon
the analog signal, received from the same field device. As a result, an analog
real-time signal is provided for closed-loop control (not shown), and four
digital dynamic variables are provided for additional process monitoring.

248 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 249

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PAH(TI_301_Dvc, ProMag400_I:I.PAxDevice, HART_DiagTable_Flow,


PAI(TI_301, 0);

250 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Analog Input (PAI) This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.
The Process Analog Input (PAI) instruction monitors an analog input and
checks for alarm conditions. Use the PAI instruction to process a signal from a
channel of an analog input module. Use the PAI instruction with any analog
(REAL) signal.

The PAI instruction:

• Monitors one analog input channel.
• Scales the input Process Value (PV) from raw, input card units to
engineering display units.
• Filters PV to reduce signal noise.
• Monitors PV source, PV quality and PV out-of-range condition.
• Overrides input PV in maintenance.
• Supports virtual PV for use in instruction testing, demonstration, or
operator training.
• Calculates the PV deviation from reference, or setpoint, value.
• Calculates the PV rate of change.
• Captures Min and Max PV excursion values.
• Triggers alarms on PV failure, PV level, and PV deviation from the
reference and PV rate of change.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 251

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PAI(PAI tag, BusObj);

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_ANALOG_INPUT tag Data structure required for proper
operation of the instruction.
BusObj BUS_OBJ tag Bus component

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, or hidden, members are used in HMI faceplates and are

252 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
not programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. Ladder Diagram: Corresponds to the rung condition.
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction first run. Use
this request to re-initialize. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is true.
Inp_PVData REAL PV signal from sensor or input (PV units). Valid = any float.
Default is 4.0.
Inp_SmartDvcSts DINT Current code provided by SMART device on Inp_PVData. The code is copied to Out_SmartDvcSts allowing a
user to monitor the device status on HMI for diagnostic lookup purposes. Valid = 0 to maximum positive
Default is 0.
Inp_SmartDvcDiagAvailable BOOL 1 = SMART Device diagnostics is available. Typically used to indicate device requires action to keep
operating as expected.
Default is false.
Inp_ModFault BOOL 1 = I/O module failure or module communication status bad,
0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_ChanFault BOOL 1 = I/O channel fault or failure,
0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_OutOfSpec BOOL 1 = PV out of specification (PV uncertain, from device).
Default is false.
Inp_FuncCheck BOOL 1 = Function check (PV substituted, from device).
Default is false.
Inp_MaintReqd BOOL 1 = Maintenance required (from device).
Default is false.
Inp_PVUncertain BOOL Indicates the channel data accuracy is undetermined. 1 = The channel data is uncertain. This input sets
Sts_PVUncertain if not in Virtual.
Default is false.
Inp_PVNotify SINT Related PV object alarm priority and acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_HiHiGate BOOL The gate input used for status detection.
1 = The corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled,
0 = detection is disabled and the corresponding status output is forced off.
Default is true.
Inp_HiGate BOOL The gate input used for status detection.
1 = The corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled,
0 = detection is disabled and the corresponding status output is forced off.
Default is true.
Inp_LoGate BOOL The gate input used for status detection.
1 = The corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled,
0 = detection is disabled and the corresponding status output is forced off.
Default is true.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 253

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Inp_LoLoGate BOOL The gate input used for status detection.
1 = The corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled,
0 = detection is disabled and the corresponding status output is forced off.
Default is true.
Inp_HiRoCGate BOOL The gate input used for status detection.
1 = The corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled,
0 = detection is disabled and the corresponding status output is forced off.
Default is true.
Inp_HiDevGate BOOL The gate input used for status detection.
1 = The corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled,
0 = detection is disabled and the corresponding status output is forced off.
Default is true.
Inp_LoDevGate BOOL The gate input used for status detection.
1 = The corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled,
0 = detection is disabled and the corresponding status output is forced off.
Default is true.
Inp_OoRGate BOOL The gate input used for status detection.
1 = The corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled,
0 = detection is disabled and the corresponding status output is forced off.
Default is true.
Inp_Reset BOOL 1 = Reset shed latches and cleared alarms.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowDisable BOOL 1 = Allow maintenance to disable alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_AllowShelve BOOL 1 = Allow operator to shelve alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_ClampSB REAL Clamping snap-to band, to clamp when PV gets near to limit (% of PV span). Valid = 0.0 to 100.0 percent
of span.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_InpRawMin REAL Input (unscaled) minimum for scaling. Must be set to the range of the signal connected to the Inp_PVData
(raw PV) input. The input is then scaled to the values set by Cfg_PVEUMin and Cfg_PVEUMax. Valid = any
float not equal to Cfg_InpRawMax
Default is 4.0.
Cfg_InpRawMax REAL Input (unscaled) maximum for scaling. Must be set to the range of the signal connected to the Inp_PVData
(raw PV) input. The input is then scaled to the values set by Cfg_PVEUMin and Cfg_PVEUMax. Valid = any
float not equal to Cfg_InpRawMin
Default is 20.0.
Cfg_PVEUMin REAL PV (output) minimum for scaling to engineering units. Valid = any float not equal to Cfg_PVEUMax
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_PVEUMax REAL PV (output) maximum for scaling to engineering units. Valid = any float not equal to Cfg_PVEUMin. Tip: The
analog input instruction supports reverse scaling. Either the raw (Input) or engineering (Scaled) range can
be reversed (maximum less than minimum).
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_Ref REAL Reference setting for deviation alarms (engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_FiltWLag REAL Filter cutoff frequency (radian/second). Valid = any float >= 0.0.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_FiltOrder DINT Filter order: 0 = no filtering, 1 = 1st order low-pass filter, 2 = 2nd order low-pass filter.
Default is 0.
Cfg_RateTime REAL PV Rate of Change time base (seconds), 1 = /second, 60 = /minute, 3600 = /hour, 86400 = /day.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_PVHiLim REAL PV High clamping threshold (engineering units). Valid = any float between Cfg_PVEUMax and Cfg_PVEUMin.
Default is 1.50E+38.
Cfg_PVLoLim REAL PV Low clamping threshold (engineering units). Valid = any float between Cfg_PVEUMax and Cfg_PVEUMin.
Default is - 1.5E+38.
Cfg_PVReplaceVal REAL Value to use to replace PV when action = replace (engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.

254 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_HiHiLim REAL High-High status threshold (engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 1.50E+38.
Cfg_HiHiDB REAL The deadband that is applied to the alarm limit. This is used to prevent a noisy signal from generating
spurious alarms. Valid = any float >= 0.0. Tip: If the High-High alarm limit (Cfg_HiHiLim) is 90 and the
High-High alarm deadband (Cfg_HiHiDB) is 5, the High-High alarm is generated when the output (PV
filtered, Val) rises above 90 and is cleared once the output (Val) falls below 85 (90 minus 5).
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_HiHiGateDly REAL The time (seconds) after the gate input activates before the threshold detection is enabled. Valid = 0.0 to
2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_HiLim REAL High status threshold (engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 1.50E+38.
Cfg_HiDB REAL The deadband that is applied to the alarm limit (engineering units).
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_HiGateDly REAL The time (seconds) after the gate input activates before the threshold detection is enabled. Valid = 0.0 to
2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_LoLim REAL Low status threshold (engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is -1.5E+38.
Cfg_LoDB REAL The deadband that is applied to the alarm limit (engineering units). Valid = any float >= 0.0.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_LoGateDly REAL The time (seconds) after the gate input activates before the threshold detection is enabled. Valid = 0.0 to
2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_LoLoLim REAL Low-Low status threshold (engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is -1.5E+38.
Cfg_LoLoDB REAL The deadband that is applied to the alarm limit (engineering units).
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_LoLoGateDly REAL The time (seconds) after the gate input activates before the threshold detection is enabled. Valid = 0.0 to
2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_HiRoCLim REAL High rate of change status threshold (engineering units). Valid = any float >= 0.0.
Default is 1.50E+38.
Cfg_HiRoCDB REAL The deadband that is applied to the alarm limit (engineering units). Valid any float >= 0.0 and
<Cfg_HiRoCLim. If Cfg_HiRoCLim=0.0 then the only valid setting is Cfg_HiRoCDB=0.0.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_HiRoCGateDly REAL The time (seconds) after the gate input activates before the threshold detection is enabled. Valid = 0.0 to
2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_HiDevLim REAL High deviation status threshold (engineering units). Valid = any float >= 0.0.
Default is 1.50E+38.
Cfg_HiDevDB REAL The deadband that is applied to the alarm limit (engineering units). Valid = any float >= 0.0.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_HiDevGateDly REAL The time (seconds) after the gate input activates before the threshold detection is enabled. Valid = 0.0 to
2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_LoDevLim REAL Low Deviation status threshold (engineering units). Valid = any float <= 0.0.
Default is -1.5E+38.
Cfg_LoDevDB REAL The deadband that is applied to the alarm limit (engineering units). Valid = any float >= 0.0.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_LoDevGateDly REAL The time (seconds) after the gate input activates before the threshold detection is enabled. Valid = 0.0 to
2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_OoRHiLim REAL High out of range status threshold (raw units). Valid = any float.
Default is 20.733334.
Cfg_OoRLoLim REAL Low out of range status threshold (raw units). Valid = any float.
Default is 3.6666667.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 255

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_OoRDB REAL The deadband that is applied to the alarm limit (raw units). Valid = any float >= 0.0.
Default is 0.06666667.
Cfg_OoRGateDly REAL The time (seconds) after the gate input activates before the threshold detection is enabled. Valid = 0.0 to
2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_OoROnDly REAL The minimum time (seconds) the gated raw PV must remain above the upper (Cfg_OoRHiLim) or below the
lower (Cfg_OoRLoLim) limit for the status Sts_OoR to be set. On-delay time is used to avoid unnecessary
alarm when the raw PV only briefly overshoots Cfg_OoRHiLim or undershoots Cfg_OoRLoLim. Valid = 0.0
to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_OoROffDly REAL The time (second) the gated raw PV must stay within each status threshold to clear the status. Off-delay
time is used to reduce chattering alarm. Tip: If Cfg_OoROffDly is five seconds, the gated raw PV must be
below the status limit (Cfg_OoRHiLim) minus deadband (Cfg_OoRDB) for five seconds before the status is
returned to normal. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_StuckTime REAL Time with no change in input to raise stuck status (second). Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 60.0.
Cfg_InpOoRAction SINT PV action on out of range:
1 = Pass input PV through unchanged,
2 = Hold last good PV value,
3 = Replace PV value with Cfg_PVReplaceVal.
Default is 1.
Cfg_InpOoRQual SINT Out of range flag as:
1 = Good,
2 = Uncertain,
3 = Bad.
Default is 3.
Cfg_InpStuckAction SINT PV action on stuck (unchanging):
1 = Pass input PV through unchanged,
2 = Hold last good PV value,
3 = Replace PV value with Cfg_PVReplaceVal.
Default is 1.
Cfg_InpStuckQual SINT Stuck (unchanging) flag as:
1 = Good,
2 = Uncertain,
3 = Bad.
Default is 1.
Cfg_InpNaNAction SINT PV action on not a number:
1 = Pass input PV through unchanged,
2 = Hold last good PV value,
3 = Replace PV value with Cfg_PVReplaceVal.
Default is 2.
Cfg_InpNaNQual SINT PV not a number flag as:
1 = Good,
2 = Uncertain,
3 = Bad.
Default is 3.
Cfg_ModFaultAction SINT PV action on I/O module fault:
1 = Pass input PV through unchanged,
2 = Hold last good PV value,
3 = Replace PV value with Cfg_PVReplaceVal.
Default is 2.
Cfg_ModFaultQual SINT I/O module fault Flag as:
1 = Good,
2= Uncertain,
3 = Bad.
Default is 3.

256 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_ChanFaultAction SINT PV action on channel fault:
1 = Pass input PV through unchanged,
2 = Hold last good PV value,
3 = Replace PV value with Cfg_PVReplaceVal.
Default is 2.
Cfg_ChanFaultQual SINT I/O channel fault flag as:
1 = Good,
2 = Uncertain,
3 = Bad.
Default is 3.
Cfg_OutOfSpecAction SINT PV action on out of spec (from device):
1 = Pass input PV through unchanged,
2 = Hold last good PV value,
3 = Replace PV value with Cfg_PVReplaceVal.
Default is 1.
Cfg_OutOfSpecQual SINT Inp_PVUncertain flag as:
1 = Good,
2 = Uncertain,
3 = Bad.
Default is 2.
Cfg_FuncCheckAction SINT PV action on function check (from device):
1 = Pass input PV through unchanged,
2 = Hold last good PV value,
3 = Replace PV value with Cfg_PVReplaceVal.
Default is 3.
Cfg_FuncCheckQual SINT Function check flag as:
1 = Good,
2 = Uncertain,
3 = Bad.
Default is 3.
Cfg_MaintReqdAction SINT PV action on maintenance required (from device):
1 = Pass input PV through unchanged,
2 = Hold last good PV value,
3 = Replace PV value with Cfg_PVReplaceVal.
Default is 3.
Cfg_MaintReqdQual SINT Maintenance required flag as:
1 = Good,
2 = Uncertain,
3 = Bad.
Default is 3.
Cfg_CfgErrAction SINT PV action on Instruction configuration error:
1 = Pass input PV through unchanged,
2 = Hold last good PV value,
3 = Replace PV value with Cfg_PVReplaceVal.
Default is 3.
Cfg_CfgErrQual SINT Instruction configuration error flag as:
1 = Good,
2 = Uncertain,
3 = Bad.
Default is 3.
Cfg_CtrlHiHiLim REAL Current high-high control threshold (engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 1.50E+38.
Cfg_CtrlHiHiDB REAL High-High control deadband (engineering units). Valid = any float >= 0.0.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CtrlHiLim REAL Current high control threshold (engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 1.50E+38.
Cfg_CtrlHiDB REAL High control deadband (engineering units). Valid = any float >= 0.0.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CtrlLoLim REAL Current low control threshold (engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is -1.5E+38.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 257

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_CtrlLoDB REAL Low control deadband (engineering units). Valid = any float >= 0.0.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CtrlLoLoLim REAL Current low-low control threshold (engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is -1.5E+38.
Cfg_CtrlLoLoDB REAL Low-Low control deadband (engineering units). Valid = any float >= 0.0.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_HasSmartDvc BOOL 1 = Enable a button on the HMI that could be used to call up a SMART Device faceplate (diagnostics).
Default is false.
Cfg_HasRoC BOOL 1 = PV rate of change made visible in HMI.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasDev BOOL 1 = PV Deviation made visible in HMI.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL 1 = Tells HMI an object with more info is available.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasOutNav BOOL 1 = Tells HMI to enable navigation to a connected output object,
0 = No connected output object.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPVNav BOOL 1 = Tells HMI to enable navigation to a connected process variable object.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasHistTrend SINT Has Historical Trend. This enables navigation to the Device Historical Trend Faceplate from the HMI.
0 = No external historical trend,
1 = Datalog historical trend,
2 = Historian historical trend.
Default is 0.
Cfg_FailOnUncertain BOOL 1 = Raise Sts_Fail (and fail alarm) if PV quality is uncertain,
0 = Raise Sts_Fail (and fail alarm) only if PV quality is bad (scaling configuration error, PV is NaN or Inf, I/O
fault or raw PV is out of range.
Default is false.
Cfg_NoSubstPV BOOL Disables the maintenance substitution feature.
0 = The Substitute PV Maintenance function is enabled,
1 = The Substitute PV Maintenance function is disabled.
When Cfg_NoSubstPV is 0, the commands MCmd_SubstPV and MCmd_InpPV are used to select the input
PV or the substitute PV. Sts_SubstPV is set to 1 when the substitute PV is selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_SetTrack BOOL 1 = Set_VirtualPV tracks Val_InpPV in virtual. MSet_SubstPV tracks Val_InpPV when substitution is not
active. 0 = No tracking.
Default is true.
Cfg_SclngTyp SINT Scaling Type
0 = none,
1 = Linear,
2 = Square Root.
Default is 1.
Cfg_PVDecPlcs SINT Number of decimal places for process variable display. Valid = 0 to 6.
Default is 2.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT Operator command confirmation required. Represents the type of command confirmation required.
0 = None,
1 = Command confirmation required,
2 = Performer e-signature required,
3 = Performer and approver e-signature required.
Default is 0.
PSet_Owner DINT Program owner request ID (non-zero) or release (zero).
Default is 0.
Set_VirtualPV REAL PV used in virtual (Sts_Virtual = 1) (engineering units).
Default is 0.0.
PCmd_ClearCapt BOOL Set PCmd_ClearCapt to 1 to clear the captured minimum/maximum PV excursion values. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

258 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
PCmd_Reset BOOL Program command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions requiring reset. The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Physical BOOL Program command to select Physical device operation (not simulated). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Virtual BOOL Program command to select Virtual (simulated) device operation. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_ClearCapt BOOL External command to clear the captured minimum/maximum PV excursion values. The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Reset BOOL External command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL External command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Description

EnableOut BOOL This output state always reflects EnableIn input state.
Val REAL Analog input value in engineering units (after Substitute PV, if used).
Extended Properties of this member:
Units - Engineering units (text) used for the analog input.
Val_InpPV REAL Analog input value in engineering units (actual, before Substitute PV selection).
Val_RoC REAL Analog value Rate of Change (engineering units/rate time).
Val_Dev REAL Calculated deviation from reference (engineering units).
Val_PVMinCapt REAL Captured PV minimum (excursion) since last cleared (engineering units). Default is 1.5E+38.
Val_PVMaxCapt REAL Captured PV maximum (excursion) since last cleared (engineering units). Default is -1.5E+38.
Val_PVEUMin REAL Minimum of scaled range = MIN (Cfg_PVEUMin, Cfg_PVEUMax).
Val_PVEUMax REAL Maximum of scaled range = MAX (Cfg_PVEUMin, Cfg_PVEUMax).
Out_SmartDvcSts DINT Status code of a SMART Device provided by Inp_SmartDvcSts. Out_SmartDvcSts is a copy of
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
Sts_SmartDvcDiagAvailable BOOL 1 = Diagnostics of a SMART Device is currently available. Typically used to indicate device requires
action to keep operating as expected. Sts_SmartDvcDiagAvailable is a copy of
Sts_PVGood BOOL 1 = PV quality is Good (not flagged as Bad or Uncertain).
Sts_PVUncertain BOOL Indicates the channel data accuracy is undetermined. 1 = The channel data is uncertain. This
output is set by Inp_PVUncertain (if not in Virtual).
Sts_PVBad BOOL 1 = PV quality is flagged as Bad.
Sts_InpStuck BOOL 1 = Input is stuck (unchanging).
Sts_InpNaN BOOL 1 = Input is not a number (floating point exception).
Sts_OutOfSpec BOOL 1 = Working outside specifications (from device).
Sts_FuncCheck BOOL 1 = Function check (PV simulated/replaced at device).
Sts_MaintReqd BOOL 1 = Maintenance is required (from device).
Sts_UseInp BOOL 1 = Using input to calculate PV (not replaced or held).
Sts_HoldLast BOOL 1 = Analog PV being held at last good value.
Sts_Clamped BOOL 1 = Analog PV being clamped at Low or High Limit.
Sts_Replaced BOOL 1 = Analog PV being replaced with configured value.
Sts_SubstPV BOOL 1 = Using substitute PV (Override).
Sts_InpPV BOOL 1 = Using input PV (Normal).

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 259

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Description
Sts_Virtual BOOL 1 = Using virtual PV instead of the input from the device (Inp_PVData) to calculate output.
0 = The instruction uses input operand Inp_PVData to calculate output.
Sts_Virtual is a copy of Inp_Virtual.
SrcQ_IO SINT Source and quality of primary input or output (enumerated):
0 = Good, live, confirmed good,
1 = Good, live, assumed good,
2 = Good, no feedback, assumed good,
8 = Test, virtualized,
9 = Test, loopback,
10 = Test, manually entered,
16 = Uncertain, live, off-spec,
17 = Uncertain, substituted at device or bus,
18 = Uncertain, substituted at instruction,
19 = Uncertain, using last known good,
20 = Uncertain, using replacement value,
32 = Bad, signal failure,
33 = Bad, channel fault,
34 = Bad, module or communication fault,
35 = Bad, invalid configuration.
SrcQ SINT Source and quality of primary value or status (enumerated):
0 = Good, live, confirmed good,
1 = Good, live, assumed good,
2 = Good, no feedback, assumed good,
8 = Test, virtualized,
9 = Test, loopback,
10 = Test, manually entered,
16 = Uncertain, live, off-spec,
17 = Uncertain, substituted at device or bus,
18 = Uncertain, substituted at instruction,
19 = Uncertain, using last known good,
20 = Uncertain, using replacement value,
32 = Bad, signal failure,
33 = Bad, channel fault,
34 = Bad, module or communication fault,
35 = Bad, invalid configuration.
Sts_bSts SINT Device confirmed status:
0 = PV Good,
Sts_bSts.0: PV Uncertain,
Sts_bSts.1: PV Bad,
Sts_bSts.2: PV Substituted.
PV is Good if Sts_PVUncertain = 0 and Sts_PVBad = 0,
PV is Uncertain if Sts_PVUncertain = 1,
PV is Bad if Sts_PVBad = 1,
PV is Substituted if Sts_SubstPV or Sts_Virtual = 1.
Sts_bFault INT Device fault status:
0 = None,
Sts_bFault.0: Low,
Sts_bFault.1: High,
Sts_bFault.2: Low Deviation,
Sts_bFault.3: High Deviation,
Sts_bFault.4: Low Low,
Sts_bFault.5: High High,
Sts_bFault.6: High Rate of Change,
Sts_bFault.7: Fail,
Sts_bFault.8: Configuration Error.

260 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Description
Sts_eNotify SINT All alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyAll SINT All alarm status enumerated values including related objects:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyHiHi SINT HiHi alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyHi SINT Hi alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyLo SINT Lo alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 261

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Description
Sts_eNotifyLoLo SINT LoLo alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyHiRoC SINT HiRoC alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyHiDev SINT HiDev alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyLoDev SINT LoDev alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyFail SINT Fail alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_UnackAlmCount DINT Count of unacknowledged alarms.
Sts_MaintByp BOOL 1 = The Device has a maintenance bypass function active.

262 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Description
Sts_Err BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: See detail bits (Sts_Errxxx) for reason.
Sts_ErrRaw BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Raw input scaling Min = Max.
Sts_ErrEU BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Scaled EU Min = Max.
Sts_ErrFiltWLag BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Filter cutoff frequency.
Sts_ErrFiltOrder BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Filter order.
Sts_ErrRateTime BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: PV Rate of Change time base.
Sts_ErrHiHiDB BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_HiHiDB deadband is < 0.0.
Sts_ErrHiHiGateDly BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrHiDB BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_HiDB deadband is < 0.0.
Sts_ErrHiGateDly BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrLoDB BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_LoDB deadband is < 0.0.
Sts_ErrLoGateDly BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrLoLoDB BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_LoLoDB deadband is < 0.0.
Sts_ErrLoLoGateDly BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrHiRoCDB BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_HiRoCDB deadband is invalid.
Sts_ErrHiRoCGateDly BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrHiDevDB BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_HiDevDB deadband is < 0.0.
Sts_ErrHiDevGateDly BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrLoDevDB BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_LoDevDB deadband is < 0.0.
Sts_ErrLoDevGateDly BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrOoRDB BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_OoRDB deadband is < 0.0.
Sts_ErrOoRGateDly BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrOoROnDly BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrOoROffDly BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrStuckTime BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrCmdCnfrmTimeOutTime BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Command confirmation timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrAlm BOOL 1 = Error in tag-based alarm settings.
Sts_Alm BOOL 1 = An alarm is active.
Sts_AlmInh BOOL 1 = An alarm is shelved or disabled.
Sts_IOFault BOOL IO Fault status is set to 1 if there is a Module fault (Inp_ModFault = 1) or Channel fault (Inp_ChanFault
= 1) and PV is not virtual.
Sts_HiHiCmp BOOL PV comparison result, 1 = High-High.
Sts_HiHiGate BOOL PV High-High gate delay status, 1 = done.
Sts_HiHi BOOL 1 = Analog input is above High-High limit.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_HiHi.AlarmElement
Sts_HiCmp BOOL PV comparison result 1 = High.
Sts_HiGate BOOL PV High gate delay status, 1 = done.
Sts_Hi BOOL 1 = Analog input is above High limit.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_Hi.AlarmElement
Sts_LoCmp BOOL PV comparison result 1 = Low.
Sts_LoGate BOOL PV Low gate delay status, 1 = done.
Sts_Lo BOOL 1 = Analog input is below Low limit.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_Lo.AlarmElement
Sts_LoLoCmp BOOL PV comparison result 1 = Low-Low.
Sts_LoLoGate BOOL PV Low-Low gate delay, status 1 = done.
Sts_LoLo BOOL 1 = Analog input is below Low-Low limit.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_LoLo.AlarmElement

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 263

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Description
Sts_HiRoCCmp BOOL PV comparison result 1 = High Rate of Change.
Sts_HiRoCGate BOOL PV High Rate of Change gate delay status, 1 = done.
Sts_HiRoC BOOL 1 = Analog input Rate of Change is above High limit.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_HiRoC.AlarmElement
Sts_HiDevCmp BOOL PV comparison result 1 = High Deviation.
Sts_HiDevGate BOOL PV High Deviation gate delay, status 1 = done.
Sts_HiDev BOOL 1 = Analog input Deviation is above High limit.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_HiDev.AlarmElement
Sts_LoDevCmp BOOL PV comparison result, 1 = Low Deviation.
Sts_LoDevGate BOOL PV Low Deviation delay status, 1 = done.
Sts_LoDev BOOL 1 = Analog input Deviation is below Low limit.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_LoDev.AlarmElement
Sts_OoRHiCmp BOOL PV comparison result, 1 = High Out of Range.
Sts_OoRLoCmp BOOL PV comparison result, 1 = Low Out of Range.
Sts_OoRCmp BOOL PV comparison result, 1 = Out of Range.
Sts_OoRGate BOOL PV Out of Range gate delay status, 1 = done.
Sts_OoR BOOL 1 = Analog raw input is above High raw limit or below Low raw limit.
Sts_Fail BOOL 1 = Analog input failed. At least one of the following conditions holds: PV scaling configuration error,
raw PV is out of range or not a number, input module or input channel fault, device reports PV
uncertain (if configured for).
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_Fail.AlarmElement
Sts_CnfrmOperCmdReq BOOL 1 = Operator command request is awaiting confirmation.
Sts_RdyAck BOOL 1 = An alarm is ready to be acknowledged.
Sts_RdyReset BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset.
XRdy_ClearCapt BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_ClearCapt, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Reset, enable HMI button.
XRdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_ResetAckAll, enable HMI button.
Val_Owner DINT Current object owner ID (0 = not owned).

Private Input Members Data Type Description

MSet_SubstPV REAL Maintenance-entered substitute PV in engineering units that
overrides input PV when MCmd_SubstPV is 1. If not using the
substitute (MCmd_SubstPV is false), the MSet_SubstPV setting
tracks the Out value for bumpless transfer from input PV to
substitute PV.
Default = 0.0.
MCmd_SubstPV BOOL Maintenance command to use Substitute PV. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_InpPV BOOL Maintenance command to use Input PV (normal). The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_ClearCapt BOOL Operator command to clear the captured minimum/maximum
PV excursion values. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.

264 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Input Members Data Type Description
OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms and latched shed
conditions. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Operator command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and
latched shed conditions. The use of OCmd_ResetAckAll is
restricted to HMI. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_CmdCncl BOOL Operator command to cancel command request. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_CmdCnfrm BOOL Operator command to confirm command request. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

HMI_BusObjIndex DINT HMI bus object index.
MRdy_SubstPV BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_SubstPV.
MRdy_InpPV BOOL 1 = The instruction is ready for MCmd_InpPV command.
ORdy_ClearCapt BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_ClearCapt, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset.
ORdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset or

Discrete tag-based alarms are defined for these members.
Member Alarm Name Description

Sts_Fail Alm_Fail Raised when any of the following is true:

• The PV quality is bad. The PV quality is bad if either Inp_ChanFault
or Inp_ModFault input is 1. The PV bad quality check is skipped in
• The Inp_PVUncertain input is true and the instruction is configured
for PV uncertain status taking effect on failure. The PV uncertain
check is skipped in Virtual.
• The PV is outside the configured failure limits.
• The PV is infinite or not a number (floating-point exception).
• The raw or engineering unit range configuration used in scaling is
Sts_HiHi Alm_HiHi Raised when the PV is above the High-High threshold and the
associated gate is opened (Inp_HiHiGate = 1). The threshold,
deadband, and gate delay are set in alarm configuration.
Sts_Hi Alm_Hi Raised when the PV is above the High threshold and the associated
gate is opened (Inp_HiGate = 1). The threshold, deadband, and gate
delay are set in alarm configuration.
Sts_Lo Alm_Lo Raised when the PV is below the Low threshold and the associated
gate is opened (Inp_LoGate = 1). The threshold, deadband, and gate
delay are set in alarm configuration.
Sts_LoLo Alm_LoLo Raised when the PV is below the Low-Low threshold and the
associated gate is opened (Inp_LoLoGate = 1). The threshold,
deadband, and gate delay are set in alarm configuration.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 265

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Member Alarm Name Description

Sts_HiDev Alm_HiDev Raised when the amount by which the PV exceeds the setpoint or
reference is above the High Deviation threshold while the associated
gate is opened (Inp_HiDevGate = 1). The threshold, deadband, and
gate delay are set in alarm configuration.
Sts_LoDev Alm_LoDev Raised when the amount by which the PV exceeds the setpoint or
reference is below the Low Deviation threshold while the associated
gate is opened (Inp_LoDevGate = 1). Since the threshold is a negative
number, this is the amount the PV falls below the setpoint or
reference. The threshold, deadband, and gate delay are set in alarm
Sts_HiRoC Alm_HiRoC Raised when the amount by which the absolute value of PV rate of
change exceeds High Rate of Change limit while the associated gate
is opened (Inp_HiRoCGate = 1). The threshold, deadband, and gate
delay are set in alarm configuration.

Mark the alarm as used or unused and set standard configuration members of
the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]
• There is a Program command that enables to Reset all alarms of the
instruction (Alarm Set) at the same time.
• There are Operator commands that enable to Reset, and
Reset&Acknowledge all alarms of the instruction (Alarm Set) at the
same time.

266 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• There are External commands that enable to Reset, and
Reset&Acknowledge all alarms of the instruction (Alarm Set) at the
same time.

These diagrams show how Fail, High High, High, Low, Low Low, High
Deviation, Low Deviation and High Rate of Change alarm conditions are
calculated in the PAI instruction.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 267

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

268 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 269

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

270 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

The PAI instruction:
• Monitors one analog input channel for the following conditions:
• Invalid configuration of the instruction (scaling configuration
• I/O channel fault
• I/O module fault
• Input not-a-number (floating-point exception)
• Raw input out of range
• Input stuck (unchanging)
• Out of specification (uncertain) – reported from the device
• Function check (substitute PV entered manually) - reported from
the device
• Maintenance required - reported from the device
• For each condition, takes these actions:
• Pass the PV through unchanged
• Use the last good PV value
• Apply a configured replacement PV value
• Scales the input value from raw (input card) units to engineering
(display) units:
• Linear scaling (optional)
• Square root characterized scaling (optional).
Tip: Square root characterized scaling is typically used with orifice plates or other
pressure-differential elements for flow measurement when the transmitter does not provide
square root characterization. The square root scaling in the instruction works with
pressure differential to provide positive or negative flow values.
• Filters PV (optional) to reduce signal noise.
• Monitors PV Source, PV Quality and PV out-of-range condition.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 271

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Supports maintenance selection of the substitute PV function to allow
manual override of the input PV.
• Supports virtual PV for use in instruction testing, demonstration, or
operator training.
• Provides entry of a reference (setpoint) value and calculates PV
deviation from the reference value.
• Calculates the PV rate of change (RoC).
• Captures Min and Max PV excursion values.
These diagrams illustrate the functionality of the PAI instruction:

272 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 273

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Use virtualization for instruction testing and operator training. Set the
Inp_Virtual operand to 1 to enable virtualization. After finishing
virtualization, set the Inp_Virtual operand to 0 to return to normal operation.
Virtualization enables processing the virtual input instead of normal (scaled)
input PV. The instruction has operand (Set_VirtualPV) for entering virtual PV
in EU. When the instruction is not in Virtual, the virtual PV setting
(Set_VirtualPV) tracks the selected PV for bumpless transfer into Virtual.

The instruction is normally initialized in the instruction first run.
Re-initialization can be requested any time by setting Inp_InitializeReq = 1.

274 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
For proper initialization, when adding the instruction while performing an
online edit of the code, make sure that Inp_InitializeReq = 1, the default value.

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates, as seen in FactoryTalk View, and for the
Logix Designer configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended
properties of tag items. Configure the strings in the Logix Designer
application only.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• PV raw units
• PV engineering units

Monitor the PAI Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
The state of using raw input or maintenance substitute PV is not modified and persists
through a controller powerup or PROG-to-RUN transition.
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared each execution are cleared and ignored.
Filter is initialized. Internal timers are reset.
The instruction executes normally.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 275

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
Rung-condition-in is false Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction shows a status of IO fault (Sts_IOFault). The calculation of the scaled
input PV value (Val_InpPV) is executed to indicate to the operator the actual input
value, even though the primary PV (Val) is not updated (holds last value).
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
The state of using raw input or maintenance substitute PV is not modified and persists
through a controller powerup or PROG-to-RUN transition.
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
Filter is initialized. Internal timers are reset.
The instruction executes normally.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
The instruction shows a status of IO fault (Sts_IOFault). The calculation of the scaled
input PV value (Val_InpPV) is executed to indicate to the operator the actual input
value, even though the primary PV (Val) is not updated (holds last value).
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

The following example shows the processing of raw analog input by the PAI
instruction. The raw input value (Local:1:I.Ch0Data) from the analog input
card is used as the raw input value (Inp_PVData) for the PAI instruction. The
final output process value (Feedwater_Flow) is the fully converted, scaled, and
filtered analog value that is propagated through the system. The instruction
also uses the Channel Fault and Module Fault parameters taken from the
same analog input module as the process value. The Inp_ChanFault is the tag
value for the channel (Local:1:I.Ch0Fault). The Inp_ModFault is the tag value

276 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
for the Local:1:I.AnalogGroupFault tag, which is set when any bits in the
Channel Fault word are set.

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
FI_103.Inp_PVData := Local:1:I.Ch0Data;
FI_103.Inp_ModFault := Local:1:I.AnalogGroupFault;

FI_103.Inp_ChanFault := Local:1:I.Ch0Fault;
Feedwater_Flow := FI_103.Out;

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 277

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Dual Sensor Analog This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

Input (PAID) The Process Dual Sensor Analog Input (PAID) instruction monitors one
analog Process Variable (PV) by using two analog input signals, from sources
such as dual sensors, dual transmitters, and dual input channels. The PAID
instruction monitors conditions of the channels and reports configured PV
quality. The PAID instruction has functions for input selection, averaging,
and failure detection. Additional functions, such as for filtering and alarming,
are done by a downstream PAI block.
The PAID Instruction provides:
• Selection of the sensor or input A value, the sensor or input B value, the
average of the two, the lesser of the two, or the greater of the two as the
PV value.
• Input Source and Quality monitoring for uncertain or bad input for
each sensor, transmitter, or input, plus monitoring of each signal for
out-of-range condition. If one PV is bad, failed, or out or range, the
other PV is automatically selected.
• Warning alarm if the difference between the two sensor PVs exceeds a
configured limit.
• Warning alarm if only one PV has good quality.
• Warning alarm if neither PV has good quality; for example, if both are
• Failure alarm if both PVs are bad; for example, each PV has bad quality
(Inp_PVABad or Inp_PVBBad) or is outside the configured failure

278 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PAID (PAIDTag, 0);

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 279

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_ANALOG_INPUT_DUAL tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.
BusObj BUS_OBJ tag Bus component

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable Input - System Defined Parameter
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction first
run. Use this request when reinitialization is needed. The instruction clears this operand
Default is true.
Inp_PVAData REAL PV signal from sensor or input A (PV units). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PVASrcQ SINT Input source and quality, from channel A object, if available (enumeration).
Default is 0.
Inp_PVANotify SINT Related PV object alarm priority and acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_SmartDvcASts DINT Current code provided by SMART Device on Inp_PVAData. The code is copied to
Out_SmartDvcSts allowing a user to monitor the device status on HMI for diagnostic lookup
purposes. Valid = 0 to maximum positive number.
Default is 0.
Inp_PVBData REAL PV signal from sensor or input B (PV units). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PVBSrcQ SINT Input source and quality, from channel B object, if available (enumeration).
Default is 0.

280 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Inp_PVBNotify SINT Related PV object alarm priority and acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_SmartDvcBSts DINT Current code provided by SMART Device on Inp_PVBData. The code is copied to
Out_SmartDvcSts allowing a user to monitor the device status on HMI for diagnostic lookup
purposes. Valid = 0 to maximum positive number.
Default is 0.
Inp_PVABad BOOL Signal quality or communication status for input A: 1 = Bad, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVAUncertain BOOL Signal quality for input A: 1 = Uncertain, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_SmartDvcADiagAvailable BOOL 1 = SMART Device on Inp_PVAData diagnostics available. Typically used to indicate device
requires action to keep operating as expected.
Default is false.
Inp_PVBBad BOOL Signal quality or communication status for input B: 1 = Bad, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVBUncertain BOOL Signal quality for input B: 1 = Uncertain, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_SmartDvcBDiagAvailable BOOL 1 = SMART device on Inp_PVBData diagnostics available. Typically used to indicate device
requires action to keep operating as expected.
Default is false.
Inp_DiffGate BOOL The gate input used for status detection. 1 = The corresponding analog input threshold
monitoring is enabled. 0 = detection is disabled and the corresponding status output is forced
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowDisable BOOL 1 = Allow maintenance to disable alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_AllowShelve BOOL 1 = Allow operator to shelve alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_UseInpSrcQPVA BOOL 1 = Use PVA SrcQ input for rejection decisions.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseInpSrcQPVB BOOL 1 = Use PVB SrcQ input for rejection decisions.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPVNav BOOL 1 = Tells HMI to enable navigation to a connected PV (Val) object.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL 1 = Tells HMI an object with more information is available for navigation.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav SINT Set bits indicate which navigation buttons are enabled .0=PVA, .1=PVB
Default is 0.
Cfg_PVEUMin REAL PV (Output) minimum for display PV units. Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_PVEUMax REAL PV (Output) maximum for display PV units. Valid = any float.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_DiffLim REAL Signal difference status limit for PV units, difference. Valid = any nonnegative float.
Default is 1.50E+38.
Cfg_DiffDB REAL Signal difference status deadband for PV units, difference. Valid = any nonnegative float.
Default is 1.0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 281

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_DiffGateDly REAL The time (seconds) after the gate input activates before the threshold detection is enabled.
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_OoRHiLim REAL Out-of-range (fail) high limit for input units. Valid = any float.
Default is 103.958336.
Cfg_OoRLoLim REAL Out-of-range (fail) low limit for input units. Valid = any float.
Default is -2.0833333.
Cfg_OoRDB REAL Out-of-range (fail) high or low deadband for input units. Valid = any nonnegative float.
Default is 0.41666666.
Cfg_AllowOper BOOL 1 = Oper is allowed to control PV selection.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowProg BOOL 1 = Prog is allowed to control PV selection.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowExt BOOL 1 = Ext is allowed to control PV selection.
Default is false.
Cfg_PVDecPlcs SINT Number of decimal places for PV display. Valid = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6.
Default is 2.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT Operator command confirmation required. Represents the type of command confirmation
0 = None,
1 = Command confirmation required,
2 = Performer e-signature required,
3 = Performer and approver e-signature required.
Default is 0.
PSet_Owner DINT Program owner request ID (non-zero) or release (zero) (Valid = any integer).
Default is 0.
PCmd_SelA BOOL Program command to select sensor A PV.
Default is false.
PCmd_SelB BOOL Program command to select sensor B PV.
Default is false.
PCmd_SelAvg BOOL Program command to select average (A,B) PV.
Default is false.
PCmd_SelMin BOOL Program command to select minimum (A,B) PV.
Default is false.
PCmd_SelMax BOOL Program command to select maximum (A,B) PV.
Default is false.
PCmd_Reset BOOL Program command to reset all alarms requiring reset.
Default is false.
XCmd_SelA BOOL External command to select sensor A PV.
Default is false.
XCmd_SelB BOOL External command to select sensor B PV.
Default is false.
XCmd_SelAvg BOOL External command to select average (A,B) PV.
Default is false.
XCmd_SelMin BOOL External command to select minimum (A,B) PV.
Default is false.
XCmd_SelMax BOOL External command to select maximum (A,B) PV.
Default is false.
XCmd_Reset BOOL External command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL External command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

282 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Public Output Members Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable Output - System Defined Parameter
Val REAL Selected analog PV , including substitute PV, if used (PV units).
Val_PVA REAL Analog value (actual) from input A (PV units).
Val_PVB REAL Analog value (actual) from input B (PV units).
Val_AvgPV REAL Analog value average of input A and input B (PV units).
Val_MinPV REAL Analog value minimum of input A and input B (PV units).
Val_MaxPV REAL Analog value maximum of input A and input B (PV units).
Val_InpPV REAL Selected PV, before substitution, for example (PV units).
Val_Diff REAL Difference between input A and input B PVs (PV units).
Val_PVEUMin REAL Minimum of PV range = minimum (Cfg_PVEUMin, Cfg_PVEUMax) (PV units).
Val_PVEUMax REAL Maximum of PV range = maximum (Cfg_PVEUMin, Cfg_PVEUMax) (PV units).
Out_SmartDvcSts DINT Status code of a SMART device provided by Inp_SmartDvcASts or Inp_SmartDvcBSts. Highest
status code selected.
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
Sts_SmartDvcDiagAvailable BOOL 1 = Diagnostics of a SMART device is currently available. Typically used to indicate one of the
devices requires action to keep operating as expected.
Sts_PVASel BOOL 1 = Input A selected for PV.
Sts_PVBSel BOOL 1 = Input B selected as PV.
Sts_AvgSel BOOL 1 = Average (A,B) selected as PV.
Sts_MinSel BOOL 1 = Minimum (A,B) selected as PV.
Sts_MaxSel BOOL 1 = Maximum (A,B) selected as PV.
Sts_PVBad BOOL 1 = PV bad quality or out of range.
Sts_PVUncertain BOOL 1 = PV value is uncertain (quality).
SrcQ_IOA SINT Source and quality of primary I/O (enumeration).
SrcQ_IOB SINT Source and quality of primary I/O (enumeration).
SrcQ_IO SINT Source and quality of primary I/O (enumeration).
SrcQ SINT Source and quality of primary Val or Sts (enumeration).
Sts_eSts SINT Device confirmed status (enum): 0 = PV Good, 1: PV Uncertain, 2: PV Bad.
Sts_eFault INT Device fault status (enum): 0 = None, ........ 32 = Fail, 34 = Bad Config.
Sts_eNotify SINT All alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyAll SINT All alarm status enumerated values including related objects:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 283

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_eNotifyOneGood SINT Only one good PV alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyNoneGood SINT No good PV alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyDiff SINT Input Difference alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyFail SINT Fail alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_UnackAlmCount DINT Count of unacknowledged alarms.
Sts_Err BOOL 1 = Error in config, see detail bits for reason.
Sts_ErrEU BOOL 1 = Error in config: Cfg_PVEUMax cannot equal Cfg_PVEUMin.
Sts_ErrDiffDB BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_LoDevDB deadband is < 0.0.
Sts_ErrDiffGateDly BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrOoRDB BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_OoRDB deadband is < 0.0.
Sts_ErrAlm BOOL 1 = Error in logix tag-based alarm settings.
Sts_Alm BOOL 1 = An alarm is active.
Sts_AlmInh BOOL 1 = An alarm is shelved or disabled.
Sts_OneGood BOOL 1 = Only one good PV (other is bad or uncertain).
Sts_NoneGood BOOL 1 = No good PV (both bad, or one bad or one uncertain).
Sts_DiffCmp BOOL Signal difference comparison result 1 = high difference.
Sts_DiffGate BOOL Signal difference gate delay status, 1 = done.

284 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_Diff BOOL 1 = High signal difference detected.
Sts_Fail BOOL 1 = Total signal failure (both bad or out of range).
Sts_RdyAck BOOL 1 = An alarm is ready to be acknowledged.
Sts_RdyReset BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset.
XRdy_SelA BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_SelA, enable HMI button.
XRdy_SelB BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_SelB, enable HMI button.
XRdy_SelAvg BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_SelAvg, enable HMI button.
XRdy_SelMin BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_SelMin, enable HMI button.
XRdy_SelMax BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_SelMax, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Reset, enable HMI button.
XRdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_ResetAckAll, enable HMI button.
Val_Owner DINT Current object owner ID (0 = not owned).

Private Input Members Data Type Description

OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms requiring reset.
Default is false.
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Operator command to reset and acknowledge all alarms.
Default is false.
OCmd_SelA BOOL Operator command to select sensor A PV.
Default is false.
OCmd_SelAvg BOOL Operator command to select average(A,B) PV.
Default is false.
OCmd_SelB BOOL Operator command to select sensor B PV.
Default is false.
OCmd_SelMax BOOL Operator command to select maximum(A,B) PV.
Default is false.
OCmd_SelMin BOOL Operator command to select minimum(A,B) PV.
Default is false.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

HMI_BusObjIndex DINT HMI bus object index.
Default is 0.
ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Reset (enables HMI button).
ORdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_ResetAckAll (enables HMI button).
ORdy_SelA BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_SelA (enables HMI button).
ORdy_SelAvg BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_SelAvg.
ORdy_SelB BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_SelB (enables HMI button).
ORdy_SelMax BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_SelMax (enables HMI button).
ORdy_SelMin BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_SelMin (enables HMI button).

Public InOut Members Data Type Description

BusObj BUS_OBJ Bus component

BUS_OBJ Structure
Members Data Type Description
Inp_Cmd DINT Input to assert commands
Out_Cmd DINT Resultant commands
Inp_CmdLLH DINT Input for level normally high commands
Out_CmdLLH DINT Resultant line level high commands
Inp_Sts DINT Input to assert status

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 285

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Members Data Type Description
Out_Sts DINT Resultant status
Inp_CmdAck DINT Input to assert a command acknowledgement
Out_CmdAck DINT Resultant command acknowledgements
Inp_SeverityMax DINT Input: maximum alarm severity
Out_SeverityMax DINT Resultant of maximum alarm severity
Cfg_CmdMask DINT Propagation mask for commands
Cfg_CmdLLHMask DINT Propagation mask for line level high commands
Cfg_StsMask DINT Propagation mask for status
Ref_Index DINT Bus array index

This diagram illustrates the functionality of the PAID instruction:

286 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Discrete tag-based alarms are defined for these members.
Member Alarm Name Description
Sts_Fail Alm_Fail Raised when the two sensor PVs are bad or out of range.
Sts_Diff Alm_Diff Raised when a high signal difference is detected between the two sensors PVs
exceeds a configured limit.
Sts_NoneGood Alm_NoneGood Raised when neither PV has good quality (for example, if both are uncertain).
Sts_OneGood Alm_OneGood Raised when only one PV has a good quality.

Mark the alarm as used or unused and set standard configuration members of
the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]
There are Program, Operator, and External commands that enable the Reset
and Reset & Acknowledge of all alarms of the instruction (Alarm Set) at the
same time. This diagram shows how the commands interact with the PDO

The instruction is normally initialized in the instruction first run. Request
re-initialization by setting Inp_InitializeReq = 1. For proper initialization,
when adding the instruction while performing an online edit of the code,
make sure that Inp_InitializeReq = 1, the default value.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 287

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates, as seen in FactoryTalk View, and for the
Logix Designer configuration dialog box.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• More Information
• Selected Analog PV engineering units – Units metadata of Val
member, Val.@Units.
• Analog input A description – Label metadata of Inp_PVAData member,
• Analog input B description – Label metadata of Inp_PVBData member,
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name Output – Navigation metadata of
PAID member Val tag.
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name Input A – Navigation metadata of
PAID member Inp_PVAData tag.
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name Input B – Navigation metadata of
PAID member Inp_PVBData tag

Monitor the PAID Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.

288 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out clears to false.
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
PSet_Owner and Val_Owner are set to 0.
The instruction executes normally.
Rung-condition-in is false Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
PSet_Owner and Val_Owner are set to 0.
Latched alarms are reset.
Clear Bus Object commands and HMI Bus Object Index
Execute Bus command on receipt for Disable, Enable, Suppress, Unsuppress all
Execute Bus command status propagation.
Internal timers are reset.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
PSet_Owner and Val_Owner are set to 0.
The instruction executes normally.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
PSet_Owner and Val_Owner are set to 0.
Latched alarms are reset.
Clear Bus Object commands and HMI Bus Object Index
Execute Bus command on receipt for Disable, Enable, Suppress, Unsuppress all
Execute Bus command status propagation.
Internal timers are reset.
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 289

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

This example uses the PAID instruction to monitor one analog Process
Variable (PV) using two analog input signals (dual sensors, dual transmitters).
The PAID instruction allows you to select one sensor, the other sensor, or the
average, minimum or maximum of either sensors. If difference between the
two input signals exceeds a configured limit, an Alarm is generated.
In this example, an application uses two analog sensors (A, B). The average of
these analogs is used elsewhere in logic to control a separate application
The Inp_PVAData and Inp_PVBData parameters are connected to the values
from the two analog transmitters. The fault status of each of these sensors is
tied to the bad input of the instruction (for example, Inp_PVABad). The
output parameters Val, Sts_PVBad and Sts_PVUncertain, can then be
connected to the Inp_PVData, Inp_PVUncertain and Inp_ChanFault for

290 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 291

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text


292 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
AY_201.Inp_PVAData := AIT_201A.Val;

AY_201.Inp_PVASrcQ := AIT_201A.SrcQ;
AY_201.Inp_PVANotify := AIT_201A.Sts_eNotify;

AY_201.Inp_PVBData := AIT_201B.Val;

AY_201.Inp_PVBSrcQ := AIT_201B.SrcQ;
AY_201.Inp_PVBNotify := AIT_201B.Sts_eNotify;

AI_201.Inp_PVData := AY_201.Val;
AI_201.Inp_ChanFault := AY_201.Sts_PVBad;
AI_201.Inp_PVUncertain := AY_201.Sts_PVUncertain;


See also
Data Conversions on page 1022

Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Structured Text Syntax on page 993
Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Multi Sensor Analog This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

Input (PAIM) The Process Multi Sensor Analog Input (PAIM) instruction monitors one
analog process variable (PV) by using up to eight analog input signals from
sources such as sensors, transmitters, and input channels. The PAIM
instruction has functions for input selection, averaging, and failure detection.
Additional functions, such as filtering and alarming, are done by a
downstream PAI block.
The PAIM instruction provides:
• Configuration to use between two and eight input signals.
• Input Source and Quality monitoring of inputs, plus monitoring of
each signal for out of range condition. Rejection from the PV
calculation of inputs that are out of range, flagged as bad, infinite, or
not a number (floating-point exception values).
• Calculation of the average (mean) or median of the inputs in use as the
PV value.
• Selectable rejection from the PV calculation of inputs that are outside
tau standard deviations from the mean, with a minimum of four

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 293

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
required inputs, or inputs that are outside a user-defined deviation
from the mean.
• Configuration of the minimum number of good, unrejected input
signals required to have a good PV value, and an alarm if the required
number of good inputs is not met.
• Configuration of which PV to use if there are only two unrejected
signals remaining: the lesser, the greater, or the average of the two.
• An alarm if any inputs configured to be used are rejected.
• An alarm if the number of unrejected inputs is equal to the minimum
number required to be good, meaning the next input failure results in
a PV failure.
• Display elements, plus a faceplate with bar graph PV indication, mode
selection, alarm limit entry and alarm display, configuration,
acknowledgment, trending, and maintenance and engineering
configuration and setup.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

294 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PAIM (PAIMTag, 0);

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_ANALOG_INPUT_MULTI tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.
BusObj BUS_OBJ tag Bus component

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableIn BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Enable Input - System Defined Parameter
Default is true.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 295

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction
is normally initialized in instruction first run. Use this
request when reinitialization is needed. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is true.
Inp_PVAData REAL Visible Not Required Input PV signal from sensor or input A (PV units). Valid = any
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PVASrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Input source and quality, from channel A object, if
available (enumeration).
Default is 0.
Inp_PVANotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Related PV object alarm priority and
acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_SmartDvcASts DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Current code provided by SMART device on
Inp_PVAData. The code is copied to Out_SmartDvcSts
allowing a user to monitor the device status on HMI for
diagnostic lookup purposes. Valid = 0 to maximum
positive number.
Default is 0.
Inp_PVBData REAL Visible Not Required Input PV signal from sensor or input B (PV units). Valid = any
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PVBSrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Input source and quality, from channel B object, if
available (enumeration).
Default is 0.
Inp_PVBNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Related PV object alarm priority and
acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_SmartDvcBSts DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Current code provided by SMART device on
Inp_PVBData. The code is copied to Out_SmartDvcSts
allowing a user to monitor the device status on HMI for
diagnostic lookup purposes. Valid = 0 to maximum
positive number.
Default is 0.
Inp_PVCData REAL Visible Not Required Input PV signal from sensor or input C (PV units). Valid = any
Default is 0.0.

296 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_PVCSrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Input source and quality, from channel C object, if
available (enumeration).
Default is 0.
Inp_PVCNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Related PV object alarm priority and
acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_SmartDvcCSts DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Current code provided by SMART device on
Inp_PVCData. The code is copied to Out_SmartDvcSts
allowing a user to monitor the device status on HMI for
diagnostic lookup purposes. Valid = 0 to maximum
positive number.
Default is 0.
Inp_PVDData REAL Not Visible Not Required Input PV signal from sensor or input D (PV units). Valid =
any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PVDSrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Input source and quality, from channel D object, if
available (enumeration).
Default is 0.
Inp_PVDNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Related PV object alarm priority and
acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_SmartDvcDSts DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Current code provided by SMART device on
Inp_PVDData. The code is copied to Out_SmartDvcSts
allowing a user to monitor the device status on HMI for
diagnostic lookup purposes. Valid = 0 to maximum
positive number.
Default is 0.
Inp_PVEData REAL Not Visible Not Required Input PV signal from sensor or input E (PV units). Valid = any
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PVESrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Input source and quality, from channel E object, if
available (enumeration).
Default is 0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 297

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_PVENotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Related PV object alarm priority and
acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_SmartDvcESts DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Current code provided by SMART device on
Inp_PVEData. The code is copied to Out_SmartDvcSts
allowing a user to monitor the device status on HMI for
diagnostic lookup purposes. Valid = 0 to maximum
positive number.
Default is 0.
Inp_PVFData REAL Not Visible Not Required Input PV signal from sensor or input F (PV units). Valid = any
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PVFSrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Input source and quality, from channel F object, if
available (enumeration).
Default is 0.
Inp_PVFNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Related PV object alarm priority and
acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_SmartDvcFSts DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Current code provided by SMART device on
Inp_PVFData. The code is copied to Out_SmartDvcSts
allowing a user to monitor the device status on HMI for
diagnostic lookup purposes. Valid = 0 to maximum
positive number.
Default is 0.
Inp_PVGData REAL Not Visible Not Required Input PV signal from sensor or input G (PV units). Valid = any
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PVGSrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Input source and quality, from channel G object, if
available (enumeration).
Default is 0.

298 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_PVGNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Related PV object alarm priority and
acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_SmartDvcGSts DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Current code provided by SMART device on
Inp_PVGData. The code is copied to Out_SmartDvcSts
allowing a user to monitor the device status on HMI for
diagnostic lookup purposes. Valid = 0 to maximum
positive number.
Default is 0.
Inp_PVHData REAL Not Visible Not Required Input PV signal from sensor or input H (PV units). Valid =
any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PVHSrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Input source and quality, from channel H object, if
available (enumeration).
Default is 0.
Inp_PVHNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Related PV object alarm priority and
acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_SmartDvcHSts DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Current code provided by SMART device on
Inp_PVHData. The code is copied to Out_SmartDvcSts
allowing a user to monitor the device status on HMI for
diagnostic lookup purposes. Valid = 0 to maximum
positive number.
Default is 0.
Inp_PVABad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality or communication status for input A 1 =
Bad, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVAUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality for input A, 1 = Uncertain, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_SmartDvcADiagAvailable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = SMART device on Inp_PVAData diagnostics
available. Typically used to indicate device requires
action to keep operating as expected.
Default is false.
Inp_PVBBad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality or communication status for input B 1 =
Bad, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVBUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality for input B, 1 = Uncertain, 0 = OK.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 299

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_SmartDvcBDiagAvailable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = SMART device on Inp_PVBData diagnostics
available. Typically used to indicate device requires
action to keep operating as expected.
Default is false.
Inp_PVCBad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality or communication status for input C 1 =
Bad, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVCUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality for input C, 1 = Uncertain, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_SmartDvcCDiagAvailable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = SMART device on Inp_PVCData diagnostics
available. Typically used to indicate device requires
action to keep operating as expected.
Default is false.
Inp_PVDBad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality or communication status for input D 1 =
Bad, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVDUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality for input D, 1 = Uncertain, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_SmartDvcDDiagAvailable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = SMART device on Inp_PVDData diagnostics
available. Typically used to indicate device requires
action to keep operating as expected.
Default is false.
Inp_PVEBad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality or communication status for input E 1 =
Bad, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVEUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality for input E, 1 = Uncertain, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_SmartDvcEDiagAvailable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = SMART device on Inp_PVEData diagnostics
available. Typically used to indicate device requires
action to keep operating as expected.
Default is false.
Inp_PVFBad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality or communication status for input F 1 =
Bad, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVFUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality for input F, 1 = Uncertain, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_SmartDvcFDiagAvailable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = SMART device on Inp_PVFData diagnostics
available. Typically used to indicate device requires
action to keep operating as expected.
Default is false.
Inp_PVGBad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality or communication status for input G 1 =
Bad, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVGUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality for input G, 1 = Uncertain, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_SmartDvcGDiagAvailable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = SMART device on Inp_PVGData diagnostics
available. Typically used to indicate device requires
action to keep operating as expected.
Default is false.
Inp_PVHBad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality or communication status for input H 1 =
Bad, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVHUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Signal quality for input H, 1 = Uncertain, 0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_SmartDvcHDiagAvailable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = SMART device on Inp_PVHData diagnostics
available. Typically used to indicate device requires
action to keep operating as expected.
Default is false.

300 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_AllowDisable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow maintenance to disable alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_AllowShelve BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow operator to shelve alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasPVA BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVAData is connected in logic.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasPVB BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVBData is connected in logic.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasPVC BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVCData is connected in logic.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasPVD BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVDData is connected in logic.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPVE BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVEData is connected in logic.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPVF BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVFData is connected in logic.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPVG BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVGData is connected in logic.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPVH BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVHData is connected in logic.
Default is false.
Cfg_UsePVA BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVAData should be used in PV calculation if
Default is true.
Cfg_UsePVB BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVBData should be used in PV calculation if
Default is true.
Cfg_UsePVC BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVCData should be used in PV calculation if
Default is true.
Cfg_UsePVD BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVDData should be used in PV calculation if
Default is false.
Cfg_UsePVE BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVEData should be used in PV calculation if
Default is false.
Cfg_UsePVF BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVFData should be used in PV calculation if
Default is false.
Cfg_UsePVG BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVGData should be used in PV calculation if
Default is false.
Cfg_UsePVH BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inp_PVHData should be used in PV calculation if
Default is false.
Cfg_RejectUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Reject an input if its quality is uncertain.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseStdDev BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Reject outside tau standard deviations; 0 = Reject
ouside Cfg_AbsDev from mean.
Default is false.
Cfg_CalcAvg BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Calculate average of good inputs; 0 = calculate
median of good inputs.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseInpSrcQPVA BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Use PVA SrcQ input for rejection decisions.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseInpSrcQPVB BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Use PVB SrcQ input for rejection decisions.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 301

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_UseInpSrcQPVC BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Use PVC SrcQ input for rejection decisions.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseInpSrcQPVD BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Use PVD SrcQ input for rejection decisions.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseInpSrcQPVE BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Use PVE SrcQ input for rejection decisions.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseInpSrcQPVF BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Use PVF SrcQ input for rejection decisions.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseInpSrcQPVG BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Use PVG SrcQ input for rejection decisions.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseInpSrcQPVH BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Use PVH SrcQ input for rejection decisions.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPVNav BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI to enable navigation to a connected PV
(Val) object.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object with more information is
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Set bits indicate which navigation buttons are enabled
.0=PVA, .1=PVB, ..., .7=PVH
Default is 0.
Cfg_MinGood DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Minimum good inputs for good PV [1..number of
"Cfg_Has" inputs].
Default is 2.
Cfg_CalcWhen2 DINT Not Visible Not Required Input PV calculation when only 2 good inputs: 0 = average, 1
= minimum, 2 = maximum.
Default is 0.
Cfg_PVEUMin REAL Not Visible Not Required Input PV (Output) minimum for display PV units. Valid = any
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_PVEUMax REAL Not Visible Not Required Input PV (Output) maximum for display PV units. Valid = any
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_AbsDevLim REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Absolute deviation threshold for PV units. Valid = any
nonnegative float: reject ouside this deviation from
Default is 10.0.
Cfg_OoRHiLim REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Out-of-range (fail) high limit for PV units. Valid = any
Default is 103.958336.
Cfg_OoRLoLim REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Out-of-range (fail) low limit for PV units. Valid = any
Default is -2.0833333.
Cfg_OoRDB REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Out-of-range (fail) deadbandfor PV units. Valid = any
nonnegative float.
Default is 0.41666666.
Cfg_PVDecPlcs SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Number of decimal places for PV display. Valid =
Default is 2.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Operator Command Confirmation Required.
Represents the type of command confirmation
required. 0 = None, 1 = Command confirmation
required, 2 = Performer e-signature required, 3 =
Performer and approver e-signature required.
Default is 0.
PSet_Owner DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Program owner request ID (non-zero) or release (zero)
(Valid = any integer).
Default is 0.

302 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
PCmd_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to reset all alarms requiring
Default is false.
XCmd_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to reset all alarms and latched
shed conditions. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to acknowledge and reset all
alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableOut BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Enable Output - System Defined Parameter
Val REAL Visible Not Required Output Selected analog PV (including substitute PV, if used)
(PV units).
Val_PVA REAL Visible Not Required Output Analog value (actual) from input A (PV units).
Val_PVB REAL Visible Not Required Output Analog value (actual) from input B (PV units).
Val_PVC REAL Visible Not Required Output Analog value (actual) from input C (PV units).
Val_PVD REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Analog value (actual) from input D (PV units).
Val_PVE REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Analog value (actual) from input E (PV units).

Val_PVF REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Analog value (actual) from input F (PV units).
Val_PVG REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Analog value (actual) from input G (PV units).
Val_PVH REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Analog value (actual) from input H (PV units).
Val_InpPV REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Selected PV (PV units).
Val_PVEUMin REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Minimum of PV range = Min (Cfg_PVEUMin,
Cfg_PVEUMax) (PV units).
Val_PVEUMax REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Maximum of PV range = Max (Cfg_PVEUMin,
Cfg_PVEUMax) (PV units).
Out_SmartDvcSts DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Status code of a SMART device provided by
Inp_SmartDvcASts or Inp_SmartDvcBSts or
Inp_SmartDvcCSts or Inp_SmartDvcDSts or
Inp_SmartDvcESts or Inp_SmartDvcFSts or
Inp_SmartDvcGSts or Inp_SmartDvcHSts. Highest
status code selected.
Val_NumPVs DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Number of PVs that are currently used in calculating
Sts_Initialized BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to
Sts_SmartDvcDiagAvailable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Diagnostics of a SMART device is currently
available. Typically used to indicate one of the
devices requires action to keep operating as
Sts_PVBad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = At least one input channel PV is bad quality or out
of range.
Sts_PVUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = At least one input channel PV value is uncertain
Sts_PVAReject BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Input A rejected, not used to calculate PV.
Sts_PVBReject BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Input B rejected, not used to calculate PV.
Sts_PVCReject BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Input C rejected, not used to calculate PV.
Sts_PVDReject BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Input D rejected, not used to calculate PV.
Sts_PVEReject BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Input E rejected, not used to calculate PV.
Sts_PVFReject BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Input F rejected, not used to calculate PV.
Sts_PVGReject BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Input G rejected, not used to calculate PV.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 303

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_PVHReject BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Input H rejected, not used to calculate PV.
SrcQ_IOA SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of Input A (enumeration).
SrcQ_IOB SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of Input B (enumeration).
SrcQ_IOC SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of Input C (enumeration).
SrcQ_IOD SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of Input D (enumeration).
SrcQ_IOE SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of Input E (enumeration).
SrcQ_IOF SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of Input F (enumeration).
SrcQ_IOG SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of Input G (enumeration).
SrcQ_IOH SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of Input H (enumeration).
SrcQ_IO SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of calculated PV (enumeration).
SrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of primary Val/Sts (enumeration).
Sts_eSts SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Device confirmed status (enum): 0 = PV Good, 1: PV
Uncertain, 2: PV Bad.
Sts_eFault INT Not Visible Not Required Output Device fault status (enum):
0 = None,
17 = Any Reject,
18 = Min Good,
32 = Fail,
34 = Bad Config.
Sts_eNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Output All alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyAll SINT Not Visible Not Required Output All alarm status enumerated values including related
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyAnyReject SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Any Reject alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.

304 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eNotifyMinGood SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Min Good alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyFail SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Fail alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_UnackAlmCount DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Count of unacknowledged alarms.
Sts_MaintByp BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device has a maintenance bypass function active.
Sts_Err BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in config, see detail bits for reason.
Sts_ErrEU BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in config: Cfg_PVEUMax cannot equal
Sts_ErrHas BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in config: at least one Cfg_HasPVx must be
Sts_ErrUse BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in config: at least one Cfg_UsePVx must be
Sts_ErrMinGood BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in config: Cfg_MinGood must be in the range
Sts_ErrOoRDB BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_OoRDB deadband is <
Sts_ErrAlm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in logix tag-based alarm settings.
Sts_Alm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is active.
Sts_AlmInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is shelved, disabled or suppressed:
display icon.
Sts_AnyReject BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = At least one input has been rejected.
Sts_MinGood BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = At minimum required number of good inputs, next
reject/fail will result in bad PV.
Sts_Fail BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Total signal failure (too many inputs rejected).
Sts_RdyAck BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is ready to be acknowledged.
Sts_RdyReset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be
XRdy_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Reset, enable HMI button.
XRdy_ResetAckAll BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_ResetAckAll, enable HMI button.
Val_Owner DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Current object owner ID (0 = not owned).

Private Input Members Data Type Description

OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms requiring reset.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 305

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Input Members Data Type Description
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Operator command to reset and acknowledge all alarms.
Default is false.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

HMI_BusObjIndex DINT HMI bus object index.
Default is 0.
ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Reset (enables HMI button).
ORdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_ResetAckAll (enables HMI button).

Public InOut Members Data Type Description

BusObj BUS_OBJ Bus component

Public InOut Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
BusObj BUS_OBJ Visible Required InOut Bus component

BUS_OBJ Structure
Members Data Type Description
Inp_Cmd DINT Input to assert commands
Out_Cmd DINT Resultant commands
Inp_CmdLLH DINT Input for level normally high commands
Out_CmdLLH DINT Resultant line level high commands
Inp_Sts DINT Input to assert status
Out_Sts DINT Resultant status
Inp_CmdAck DINT Input to assert a command acknowledgment
Out_CmdAck DINT Resultant command acknowledgments
Inp_SeverityMax DINT Input: maximum alarm severity
Out_SeverityMax DINT Resultant of maximum alarm severity
Cfg_CmdMask DINT Propagation mask for commands
Cfg_CmdLLHMask DINT Propagation mask for line level high commands
Cfg_StsMask DINT Propagation mask for status
Ref_Index DINT Bus array index

Discrete tag-based alarms are defined for these members.
Member Alarm name Description
Sts_Fail Alm_Fail Raised when the two sensor PVs are bad or out of range.
Sts_AnyReject Alm_AnyReject Raised when any inputs configured to be used are rejected.
Sts_MinGood Alm_MinGood Raised when the number of unrejected input is equal to the minimum number required to be
good, meaning the next input failure results in a PV failure.

Mark the alarm as used or unused and set standard configuration members of
the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:

[email protected]

306 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
There are Program, Operator, and External commands that enable the Reset
and Reset & Acknowledge of all alarms of the instruction (Alarm Set) at the
same time. This diagram shows how the commands interact with the PAIM

This diagram illustrates the functionality of the PAIM instruction:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 307

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

The instruction is normally initialized in the instruction first run. Request
re-initialization by setting Inp_InitializeReq = 1. For proper initialization,
when adding the instruction while performing an online edit of the code,
make sure that Inp_InitializeReq = 1, the default value.

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates, as seen in FactoryTalk View, and for the
Logix Designer configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended
properties of tag items. Configure the strings in Logix Designer only.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• More Information
• Selected Analog PV engineering units – Units of Val member,

308 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Analog input A description – Description of Inp_PVAData member,
• Analog input B description – Description of Inp_PVBData member,
• Analog input C description – Description of Inp_PVCData member,
• Analog input D description – Description of Inp_PVDData member,
• Analog input E description – Description of Inp_PVEData member,
• Analog input F description – Description of Inp_PVFData member,
• Analog input G description – Description of Inp_PVGData member,
• Analog input H description – Description of Inp_PVHData member,

Monitor the PAIM Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out clears to false.
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
PSet_Owner and Val_Owner are set to 0.
Ensure the constants for the Thompson Tau test logic have not been zeroed out.
The instruction executes normally.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 309

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
Rung-condition-in is false Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
PSet_Owner and Val_Owner are set to 0.
Latched alarms are reset.
Clear Bus Object commands and HMI Bus Object Index
Execute Bus command on receipt for Disable, Enable, Suppress, Unsuppress all
Execute Bus command status propagation.
Internal timers are reset.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
PSet_Owner and Val_Owner are set to 0.
Ensure the constants for the Thompson Tau test logic have not been zeroed out.
The instruction executes normally.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
PSet_Owner and Val_Owner are set to 0.
Latched alarms are reset.
Clear Bus Object commands and HMI Bus Object Index
Execute Bus command on receipt for Disable, Enable, Suppress, Unsuppress all
Execute Bus command status propagation.
Internal timers are reset.
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

310 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

The example uses the PAIM instruction to monitor one analog Process
Variable (PV) by using up to eight analog input signals (sensors, transmitters).
The PAIM instruction allows you to display a temperature, pressure, level, or
other PV on a user interface or use the PV in control logic, and the following
• Have three or more sensors for that PV, for example, six
• Calculate a PV with the mean or median of the sensor input values.
The example uses the PAIM instruction to average multiple sensors for a
single PV. In this example, an application uses three analog sensors (A, B, C).
The average of these analogs is used elsewhere in logic to control a separate
application element.
The Inp_PVAData, Inp_PVBData, and Inp_PVCData parameters are
connected to the values from the three analog transmitters. The fault status of
each sensor is tied to the bad input of the PAIM (for example, Inp_PVABad).
The output parameters Val, Sts_PVBad and Sts_PVUncertain, can then be
connected to the Inp_PVData, Inp_PVUncertain and Inp_ChanFault for

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 311

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Ladder Diagram

312 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 313

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

AY_301.Inp_PVAData := AIT_301A.Val;

AY_301.Inp_PVASrcQ := AIT_301A.SrcQ;

AY_301.Inp_PVANotify := AIT_301A.Sts_eNotify;
AY_301.Inp_PVBData := AIT_301B.Val;

AY_301.Inp_PVBSrcQ := AIT_301B.SrcQ;
AY_301.Inp_PVBNotify := AIT_301B.Sts_eNotify;
AY_301.Inp_PVCData := AIT_301C.Val;
AY_301.Inp_PVCSrcQ := AIT_301C.SrcQ;

AY_301.Inp_PVCNotify := AIT_301C.Sts_eNotify;
AI_301.Inp_PVData := AY_301.Val;
AI_301.Inp_ChanFault := AY_301.Sts_PVBad;
AI_301.Inp_PVUncertain := AY_301.Sts_PVUncertain;


See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Analog Output This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

(PAO) The Process Analog Output (PAO) instruction drives an analog output and
checks for alarm conditions. Use the PAO instruction for a channel of an
analog output module. Use the PAO instruction with any analog (REAL)
The PAO instruction:
• Monitors one analog output channel for I/O fault input and raises
alarm on an I/O fault.
• Operates in Hand, Out of Service, Maintenance, Override, Program,
and Operator modes.

314 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Provides Operator and Program commands to set an Analog Control
Variable (CV, or output) to a specific value. The entered CV is scaled
from engineering units to raw (output module) units.
• Monitors bypassable and non-bypassable Interlocks that force the
analog output to a specific configured (safe) value or to maintain the
current value (configurable).
Tip: An alarm initiates when an interlock causes the Analog Output CV to change. The PAO
instruction enables bypassing interlocks.
• Allows overriding CV in Override mode.
• Allows analog output ramping with configurable rate of change limits.
• Reads Tieback input (REAL) and a Hand mode request input (BOOL).
When Hand mode is asserted, the CV is forced to follow the Tieback
• Provides an Available status, when in Program mode and operating
normally, for use by higher-level automation logic to determine
• if the logic is able to manipulate the analog output.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 315

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PAO(PAO tag, BusObj);

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_ANALOG_OUTPUT tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.
BusObj BUS_OBJ tag Bus component

316 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, or hidden, members are used in HMI faceplates and are
not programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. Ladder Diagram: Corresponds to the rung condition.
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction first run. Use this
request to re-initialize. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is true.
Inp_OwnerCmd DINT Owner device command.
0 = None,
Inp_OwnerCmd.10 = Operator Lock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.11 = Operator Unlock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.12 = Program Lock, Inp_OwnerCmd.13 = Program Unlock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
Inp_OwnerCmd.15 = Release Maintenance,
Inp_OwnerCmd.16 = Acquire External,
Inp_OwnerCmd.17 = Release External.
Default is 0.
Inp_OpenedFdbkData BOOL Feedback from opened limit switch of the device. 1 = Device confirmed opened.
Default is false.
Inp_ClosedFdbkData BOOL Feedback from closed limit switch of the device. 1 = Device confirmed closed.
Default is false.
Inp_PosFdbk REAL Feedback from actual device position PV (CV engineering units). Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_HandFdbk REAL CV feedback used in Hand source (CV engineering units). Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_IntlkOK BOOL 1 = Bypassable and non-bypassable interlocks OK, analog output can be set.
Default is true.
Inp_NBIntlkOK BOOL 1 = Non-bypassable interlocks OK, analog output can be set if bypassable interlocks are bypassed.
Default is true.
Inp_IntlkAvailable BOOL 1 = Interlock availability OK.
Default is false.
Inp_IntlkTripInh BOOL 1 = Inhibit interlock trip status.
Default is false.
Inp_SmartDvcSts DINT Current code provided by SMART device on Inp_PosFdbk. The code is copied to Out_SmartDvcSts allowing a
user to monitor the device status on HMI for diagnostic lookup purposes. Valid = 0 to maximum positive
Default is 0.
Inp_SmartDvcDiagAvailable BOOL 1 = SMART Device diagnostics is available. Typically used to indicate device requires action to keep
operating as expected.
Default is false.
Inp_IOFault BOOL Indicates the IO data is inaccurate.
0 = The IO data is good,
1 = The IO data is bad, causing fault.
This input sets Sts_IOFault, if the device is not virtual, which raises IOFault Alarm.
Default is false.
Inp_DeviceFault BOOL Indicates the device fault (overload, etc.).
0 = The device is good,
1 = The device is bad, causing fault.
This input sets Sts_DeviceFault (if the device is not virtual) which raises Device alarm (if the device is not
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 317

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Inp_Hand BOOL 1 = Acquire Hand (typically permanently set to local),
0 = Release Hand.
Default is false.
Inp_Ovrd BOOL 1 = Acquire Override (higher priority program logic),
0 = Release Override.
Default is false.
Inp_OvrdCV REAL CV target in Override (engineering units). Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_ExtInh BOOL 1 = Inhibit External acquisition,
0 = Allow External acquisition.
Default is false.
Inp_RdyReset BOOL 1 = Related object, reset by this object, is ready to be reset.
Default is false.
Inp_Reset BOOL 1 = Reset shed latches and cleared alarms.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowDisable BOOL 1 = Allow Maintenance to disable alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_AllowShelve BOOL 1 = Allow Operator to shelve alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_StuckTime REAL Time with no change in input position while neither feedback from limit switch Closed nor Opened is on to
raise stuck status (second). Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 60.0.
Cfg_HasSmartDvc BOOL 1 = Enable a button on the HMI that could be used to call up a SMART Device faceplate (Diagnostics).
Default is false.
Cfg_SetTrack BOOL 1 = When the owner is Program the operator settings track the program settings. When the owner is
Operator the program settings track the operator settings; and the virtual inputs match the output values
(transitions are bumpless),
0 = No tracking.
Default is true.
Cfg_ShedHold BOOL 1 = Hold output on interlock.
0 = Go to Cfg_CVIntlk on interlock.
Default is false.
Cfg_SkipRoCLim BOOL 1 = Skip rate of change limiting in Maintenance or Override and on interlock.
Default is false.
Cfg_SetTrackOvrdHand BOOL 1 = Program/Operator settings track Override/Hand CV.
Default is false.
Cfg_FdbkFail BOOL 1 = Feedback from limit switches is invalid if both feedback inputs are set.
0 = Feedback from limit switches is invalid if both feedback inputs are cleared.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasOpenedFdbk BOOL 1 = Device provides opened feedback signal.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasClosedFdbk BOOL 1 = Device provides closed feedback signal.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPosFdbk BOOL 1 = Device provides position PV feedback signal.
Default is true.
Cfg_UseOpenedFdbk BOOL 1 = Use device opened feedback for failure checking.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseClosedFdbk BOOL 1 = Use device closed feedback for failure checking.
Default is false.
Cfg_UsePosFdbk BOOL 1 = Use device position PV feedback signal.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasCombinedFdbk BOOL 1 = Device provides opened, closed and position feedback signals to be used.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseCombinedFdbk BOOL 1 = Use device opened, closed and position feedback signals to determine the opened and closed status.
The combined signals will be used for the position status.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPulseOut BOOL 1 = Device provides pulse output (Open, Close).
Default is false.

318 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_HasOutNav BOOL 1 = Tells HMI to enable navigation to a connected output object.
Default is false.
Cfg_OvrdIntlk BOOL 1 = Override bypasses (ignores) bypassable interlocks.
0 = Override abides by all interlock conditions.
Default is false.
Cfg_ShedOnDeviceFault BOOL 1 = Set output to interlock CV and alarm on Device fault. 0 = Alarm only on Device fault.
Default is true.
Cfg_ShedOnIOFault BOOL 1 = Set output to interlock CV and alarm on I/O fault.
0 = Alarm only on I/O fault.
Default is true.
Cfg_CVLoLim REAL Minimum CV for limiting (engineering units). Valid any float less than or equal to Cfg_CVHiLim.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CVHiLim REAL Maximum CV for limiting (engineering units). Valid any float greater than or equal to Cfg_CVLoLim.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CVRoCIncrLim REAL Maximum allowed CV rate of change increasing value (CVEU/second). The CV rate of change is unlimited
when increasing if Cfg_CVRoCIncrLim = 0.0. Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CVRoCDecrLim REAL Maximum allowed CV rate of change decreasing value (engineering units/second). The CV rate of change is
unlimited when decreasing if Cfg_CVRoCDecrLim = 0.0. Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CVIntlk REAL CV target when interlocked, if not Cfg_ShedHold (engineering units). Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CVEUMin REAL CV minimum for scaling (engineering units). Valid any float not equal to Cfg_CVEUMax.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CVEUMax REAL CV maximum for scaling (engineering units). Valid any float not equal to Cfg_CVEUMin.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CVRawMin REAL CV minimum for scaling (I/O raw units). Valid any float not equal to Cfg_CVRawMax.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CVRawMax REAL CV maximum for scaling (I/O raw units). Valid any float not equal to Cfg_CVRawMin.
Default is 20.0.
Cfg_MaxInactiveCV REAL When Val_CVOut is greater than this value (CV engineering units) set Sts_Active (for HMI). Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_HiDevLim REAL High deviation (CV-PV) deadband limit (engineering units). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.50E+38.
Cfg_LoDevLim REAL Low deviation (CV-PV) deadband limit (engineering units). Valid = -maximum positive float to 0.0.
Default is -1.50E+38.
Cfg_DevDly REAL The minimum time (seconds) the deviation must remain above the upper (Cfg_HiDevLim) or below the lower
(Cfg_LoDevLim) limit for the status Sts_Dev to be set. On-delay time is used to avoid unnecessary alarm
when the deviation only briefly overshoots Cfg_HiDevLim or undershoots Cfg_LoDevLim. Valid = 0.0 to
2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CycleTime REAL Open and Close pulse output overall period (seconds). Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 10.0.
Cfg_OpenRate REAL Rate at which device moves when opening (engineering units/second). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CloseRate REAL Rate at which device moves when closing (engineering units/second). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_MaxOnTime REAL Open and Close pulse output maximum On time (seconds). Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 5.0.
Cfg_MinOnTime REAL Open and Close pulse output minimum On time (seconds). Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_BumpTime REAL Time to bump device open or close (used when device position (PV) feedback is not available) (seconds).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 319

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_DeadTime REAL Additional time on first pulse after stop or direction change. Additional pulse time in seconds to overcome
friction in the device. Deadtime is added to the open time or close time when the device changes direction
or is stopped. Valid = 0.0 to Cfg_MaxOnTime seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_MaxClosedPos REAL Position (PV value) above which device (valve) is assumed open if feedback from Opened limit switch is not
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_HasIntlkObj BOOL 1 = Tells HMI an interlock object (for example, P_Intlk) is used for Inp_IntlkOK and navigation to the interlock
objects faceplate is enabled. Important: The name of the interlock object in the controller must be this PAO
object's name with the suffix _Intlk. For example, if the PAO instruction has the name PAOut123, then its
interlock object must be named PAOut123_Intlk.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasOper BOOL 1 = Operator (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasOperLocked BOOL 1 = Operator Locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProg BOOL 1 = Program (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProgLocked BOOL 1 = Program Locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasExt BOOL 1 = External exists, can be selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMaint BOOL 1 = Maintenance exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasMaintOoS BOOL 1 = Maintenance Out of Service exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_OvrdOverLock BOOL 1 = Override supersedes Program/Operator Lock,
0 = Do not override Lock.
Default is true.
Cfg_ExtOverLock BOOL 1 = External supersedes Program/Operator Lock,
0 = Do not override Lock.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgPwrUp BOOL 1 = Power up to Program,
0 = Power up to Operator.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgNormal BOOL Normal Source:
1 = Program if no requests;
0 = Operator if no requests.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdPriority BOOL Command priority.
1 = Program commands win,
0 = Operator commands win.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdProgAsLevel BOOL 1 = PCmd_Prog used as a Level.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel BOOL 1 = PCmd_Lock used as a Level
(1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock).
Default is false.
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel BOOL 1 = XCmd_Acq used as Level
(1 = Acquire, 0 = Release).
Default is false.
Cfg_CVDecPlcs SINT Number of decimal places for control variable display. Valid = 0 to 6.
Default is 2.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT Operator command confirmation required. Represents the type of command confirmation required.
0 = None,
1 = Command confirmation required,
2 = Performer e-signature required, 3 = Performer and approver e-signature required.
Default is 0.

320 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_CVPwrUpSel SINT Selection of power up CV.
0 = Use Cfg_CVPwrUp,
1 = No change (from last power down),
2 = Use Inp_PosFdbk if available (Cfg_CVPwrUp otherwise).
Default is 0.
Cfg_CVPwrUp REAL CV initial value used on power up (engineering units). Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL 1 = Tells HMI an object with more info is available.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPosFdbkNav BOOL 1 = Tells HMI to enable navigation to a connected positive feedback object.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasHistTrend SINT Has historical trend. This enables navigation to the device historical trend faceplate from the HMI.
0 = No external historical trend,
1 = Datalog historical trend,
2 = Historian historical trend.
Default is 0.
PSet_CV REAL Program setting of controlled variable, output (engineering units). Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
PSet_Owner DINT Program owner request ID (non-zero) or release (zero).
Default is 0.
PCmd_Oper BOOL Program command to select Operator (Program to Operator). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Prog BOOL Program command to select Program (Operator to Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Lock BOOL Program command to lock Program (disallow Operator). The instruction clears this operand automatically if
Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
PCmd_Unlock BOOL Program command to unlock Program (allow Operator to acquire). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Normal BOOL Program command to select Normal command source (Operator or Program). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Reset BOOL Program command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions requiring reset. The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Physical BOOL Program command to select Physical device operation (not simulated). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Virtual BOOL Program command to select Virtual (simulated) device operation. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XSet_CV REAL External setting of controlled variable, output (engineering units).
Default is 0.0.
XCmd_Acq BOOL External command to acquire ownership (Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance to External). The
instruction clears this operand automatically if Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
XCmd_BumpClose BOOL External command to bump device closed (used when device position feedback is not available).
Default is false.
XCmd_BumpOpen BOOL External command to bump device open (used when device position feedback is not available).
Default is false.
XCmd_Rel BOOL External command to release ownership if Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0 (External to
Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 321

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
XCmd_Reset BOOL External command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL External command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable Output. This output state always reflects EnableIn input state.
Out_CVData REAL CV output in raw (I/O Card) units.
Extended properties of this member:
Engineering Unit - Raw units (text) used for the analog output.
Out_CVOpenData BOOL 1 = Pulse output to drive device open.
Out_CVCloseData BOOL 1 = Pulse output to drive device closed.
Val_Dev REAL Calculated deviation value (CV-PV) (in engineering units).
Val_Pos REAL Device actual position (PV) from feedback (in engineering units).
Val_CVSet REAL Value of selected CV setting before rate limiting, in engineering units.
Val_CVOut REAL Value of CV Output after optional rate limiting, in engineering units.
Extended Properties of this member:
Engineering Unit - Engineering units (text) used for the analog output.
Val_CVEUMin REAL Minimum of scaled range in engineering units = MIN (Cfg_CVEUMin, Cfg_CVEUMax).
Val_CVEUMax REAL Maximum of scaled range in engineering units = MAX (Cfg_CVEUMin, Cfg_CVEUMax).
Out_SmartDvcSts DINT Status code of a SMART Device provided by Inp_SmartDvcSts. Out_SmartDevSts is a copy of
Out_OwnerSts DINT Status of command source, owner command handshake and ready status.
0 = None,
Out_OwnerSts.10 = Operator Lock,
Out_OwnerSts.11 = Operator Unlock,
Out_OwnerSts.12 = Program Lock,
Out_OwnerSts.13 = Program Unlock,
Out_OwnerSts.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
Out_OwnerSts.15 = Release Maintenance,
Out_OwnerSts.16 = Acquire External,
Out_OwnerSts.17 = Release External,
Out_OwnerSts.18 = Has Maintenance,
Out_OwnerSts.19 = External Override Lock,
Out_OwnerSts.20 = Has External,
Out_OwnerSts.21 = Has Operator,
Out_OwnerSts.22 = Has Program,
Out_OwnerSts.30 = Not Ready.
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized.
Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
Sts_SmartDvcDiagAvailable BOOL 1 = Diagnostics of a SMART Device is currently available. Typically used to indicate device requires
action to keep operating as expected. Sts_SmartDvcDiagAvailable is a copy of
Sts_CVInfNaN BOOL 1 = Selected CV is infinite or not a number (1.$, 1.#NaN).
Sts_PosInfNaN BOOL 1 = Inp_PosFdbk is infinite or not a number (1.$, 1.#NaN).
Sts_BumpOpen BOOL 1 = Bump Open requested or active.
Sts_BumpClose BOOL 1 = Bump Close requested or active.
Sts_PosStuck BOOL 1 = Position is stuck (unchanging) while neither feedback from limit switch Closed nor Opened is on.
Sts_Ramping BOOL 1 = CV is ramping to target.
Sts_Clamped BOOL 1 = CV set being clamped at Low or High Limit.
Sts_WindupHi BOOL 1 = Analog output winding up High, to Inp_WindupHi of the master controller.
Sts_WindupLo BOOL 1 = Analog output winding up Low, to Inp_WindupLo of the master controller.
Sts_SkipRoCLim BOOL 1 = Rate of change limiting was skipped this scan (Maintenance, Override, Interlock, Hand).

322 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_Active BOOL 1 = CV is greater than Cfg_MaxInactiveCV, show graphic symbol as Active.
Sts_FdbkFail BOOL 1 = Feedbacks are in an invalid state.
Sts_Virtual BOOL 1 = The instruction treats the device as virtual. The instruction acts as normal but the output is kept
de-energized (Out_CVData=0).
0 = The instruction operates the device normally.
Sts_Virtual is a copy of Inp_Virtual.
SrcQ_IO SINT Source and quality of primary input or output (enumerated):
0 = Good, live, confirmed good,
1 = Good, live, assumed good,
2 = Good, no feedback, assumed good,
8 = Test, virtualized,
9 = Test, loopback,
10 = Test, manually entered,
16 = Uncertain, live, off-spec,
17 = Uncertain, substituted at device or bus,
18 = Uncertain, substituted at instruction,
19 = Uncertain, using last known good,
20 = Uncertain, using replacement value,
32 = Bad, signal failure,
33 = Bad, channel fault,
34 = Bad, module or communication fault,
35 = Bad, invalid configuration.
SrcQ SINT Source and quality of primary value or status (enumerated):
0 = Good, live, confirmed good,
1 = Good, live, assumed good,
2 = Good, no feedback, assumed good,
8 = Test, virtualized,
9 = Test, loopback,
10 = Test, manually entered,
16 = Uncertain, live, off-spec,
17 = Uncertain, substituted at device or bus,
18 = Uncertain, substituted at instruction,
19 = Uncertain, using last known good,
20 = Uncertain, using replacement value,
32 = Bad, signal failure,
33 = Bad, channel fault,
34 = Bad, module or communication fault,
35 = Bad, invalid configuration.
Sts_bFdbk SINT Device feedback:
0 = None,
Sts_bFdbk.0: Moving,
Sts_bFdbk.1: Closed,
Sts_bFdbk.2: Opened,
Sts_bFdbk.3: Failure,
Sts_bFdbk.4: Stuck.
Sts_bSts SINT Device status:
0 = At target,
Sts_bSts.0: Ramping down,
Sts_bSts.1: Ramping up,
Sts_bSts.2: Clamped at minimum,
Sts_bSts.3: Clamped at maximum,
Sts_bSts.4: Out of Service,
Sts_bSts.5: Bump open,
Sts_bSts.6: Bump close.

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_bFault SINT Device fault status:
0 = None,
Sts_bFault.0: Feedback fault,
Sts_bFault.1: IO fault,
Sts_bFault.2: Device fault,
Sts_bFault.3: Configuration error.
Sts_eNotify SINT Alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyAll SINT Alarm status enumerated values including related objects:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyIOFault SINT IOFault alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyDeviceFault SINT DeviceFault alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.

324 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_eNotifyDev SINT Deviation alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyIntlkTrip SINT IntlkTrip alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_UnackAlmCount DINT Count of unacknowledged alarms.
Sts_eSrc INT The current command source enumerated values:
0 = Logic not in use,
4 = Hand,
8 = Maintenance,
16 = Override,
32 = Program,
33 = Program locked,
34 = Program by default (Normal),
64 = Operator,
65 = Operator locked,
66 = Operator by default (Normal),
128 = Maintenance Out of Service,
129 = Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
256 = External.
Sts_bSrc INT Active selection bitmap for HMI totem pole with command source request selection:
Sts_bSrc.0: Hand,
Sts_bSrc.1: Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
Sts_bSrc.2: Maintenance Out of Service,
Sts_bSrc.3: Maintenance,
Sts_bSrc.4: Override,
Sts_bSrc.5: External,
Sts_bSrc.6: Program locked,
Sts_bSrc.7: Program,
Sts_bSrc.8: Operator locked,
Sts_bSrc.9: Operator.
Sts_Available BOOL 1 = Analog output available for control by automation (Program).
Sts_Bypass BOOL 1 = Bypassable interlocks are bypassed.
Sts_BypActive BOOL 1 = Interlock bypassing active (bypassed or maintenance).
Sts_MaintByp BOOL 1 = Device has a maintenance bypass function active.
Sts_NotRdy BOOL 1 = Device is not ready, see detail bits (Sts_Nrdyxxx) for reason.
Sts_NrdyOoS BOOL 1 = Device is not ready: Device disabled by Maintenance.
Sts_NrdyCfgErr BOOL 1 = Device is not ready: Configuration Error.
Sts_NrdyIntlk BOOL 1 = Device is not ready: Interlock Not OK.
Sts_NrdyIOFault BOOL 1 = Device is not ready: IO Fault (Shed requires Reset).

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_Err BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: see detail bits (Sts_Errxxx) for reason.
Sts_ErrCVRaw BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Raw output scaling Min = Max.
Sts_ErrCVEU BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Scaled CV EU Min = Max.
Sts_ErrCVRoCDecrLim BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Invalid decreasing rate of change.
Sts_ErrCVRoCIncrLim BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Invalid increasing rate of change.
Sts_ErrLimit BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: CV High Limit < CV Low Limit.
Sts_ErrHiDevLim BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_HiDevLim.
Sts_ErrLoDevLim BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_LoDevLim.
Sts_ErrDevDly BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrCycleTime BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrOpenRate BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrCloseRate BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrStuckTime BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrMaxOnTime BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrMinOnTime BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrBumpTime BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrDeadTime BOOL 1 = Invalid timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrCmdCnfrmTimeOutTime BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Command confirmation timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrAlm BOOL 1 = Error in Logix Tag-based alarm settings.
Sts_Hand BOOL 1 = Hand is selected (supersedes OoS, Maintenance, Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_OoS BOOL 1 = Out of Service is selected (supersedes Maintenance, Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Maint BOOL 1 = Maintenance is selected (supersedes Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Ovrd BOOL 1 = Override is selected (supersedes External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Ext BOOL 1 = External is selected (supersedes Program, Operator).
Sts_Prog BOOL 1 = Program is selected.
Sts_ProgLocked BOOL 1 = Program is selected and locked.
Sts_Oper BOOL 1 = Operator is selected.
Sts_OperLocked BOOL 1 = Operator is selected and locked.
Sts_ProgOperSel BOOL Program/Operator selection (latch) state: 1 = Program, 0 = Operator.
Sts_ProgOperLock BOOL Program/Operator lock (latch) state, 1 = Locked, 0 = Unlocked.
Sts_Normal BOOL 1 = Selection equals the Normal (Program or Operator).
Sts_ExtReqInh BOOL 1 = External request inhibited, cannot get to External from current state.
Sts_ProgReqInh BOOL 1 = Program request inhibited, cannot get to Program from current state.
Sts_MAcqRcvd BOOL 1 = Maintenance acquire command received this scan.
Sts_Alm BOOL 1 = An alarm is active.
Sts_AlmInh BOOL 1 = An alarm is shelved or disabled.
Sts_IOFault BOOL 1 = IO Fault Status Bad.
0 = OK.
There is a predefined default discrete Logix tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete Logix tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_IOFault.AlarmElement
Device Fault status:
1 = Bad,
0 = OK.
Sts_DeviceFault BOOL
There is a predefined default discrete Logix tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete Logix tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_DeviceFault.AlarmElement
1 = Deviation (CV-PV) out of limits,
0 = Deviation within limits.
There is a predefined default discrete Logix tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete Logix tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
Sts_Dev BOOL [email protected]_Dev.AlarmElement
Sts_IntlkTrip BOOL 1 = Status: CV held or forced by interlock NOT OK.
There is a predefined default discrete Logix Tag based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete Logix Tag based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_IntlkTrip.AlarmElement

326 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_CnfrmOperCmdReq BOOL 1 = Operator command request is awaiting confirmation.
Sts_CnfrmOperSPReq BOOL 1 = Operator set point request is awaiting confirmation.
Sts_RdyAck BOOL 1 = An alarm is ready to be acknowledged.
Sts_RdyReset BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset.
XRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Reset, enable HMI button.
XRdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_ResetAckAll, enable HMI button.
Val_Owner DINT Current Object Owner ID (0 = not owned).

Private Input Members Data Type Description

CmdSrc P_COMMAND_ Control / Command Source Selection
OSet_CV REAL Operator setting of controlled variable (output) in engineering units.
Default = 0.
MCmd_Bypass BOOL Maintenance command to bypass all bypassable interlocks. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
MCmd_Check BOOL Maintenance command to check (not bypass) all interlocks. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
MCmd_OoS BOOL Maintenance command to select Out of Service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_IS BOOL Maintenance command to select In Service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Acq BOOL Maintenance command to acquire ownership (Operator/Program/External/Override to Maintenance).
The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Rel BOOL Maintenance command to release ownership (Maintenance to Operator/Program/External/Override).
The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_BumpClose BOOL Operator Command to bump device closed (used when device position feedback is not available).
OCmd_BumpOpen BOOL Operator Command to bump device open (used when device position feedback is not available).
OCmd_Oper BOOL Operator command to select Operator (Program to Operator). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Prog BOOL Operator command to select Program (Operator to Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Lock BOOL Operator command to lock Operator (disallow Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Unlock BOOL Operator command to unlock or release (allow Program to acquire) ownership. The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Normal BOOL Operator command to select Normal (Operator or Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Operator command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The use of
OCmd_ResetAckAll is restricted to HMI. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_CmdCncl BOOL Operator command to cancel command request. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Input Members Data Type Description
OCmd_CmdCnfrm BOOL Operator command to confirm command request. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

HMI_BusObjIndex DINT HMI bus object index.
MRdy_Bypass BOOL 1 = Ready to receive MCmd_Bypass, enable data entry field.
MRdy_Check BOOL 1 = Ready to receive MCmd_Check, enable data entry field.
MRdy_OoS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_OoS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_IS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_IS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Oper BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Oper, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Prog BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Prog, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Lock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Lock, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Unlock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Unlock, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Normal BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Normal, enable HMI button.
ORdy_BumpClose BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_BumpClose, enable HMI button.
ORdy_BumpOpen BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_BumpOpen, enable HMI button.
ORdy_CV BOOL 1 = Ready to receive OSet_CV (enables data entry field).
ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = At least one alarm or shed condition requires reset.
ORdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = At least one alarm or latched shed condition requires reset or acknowledgement.

Discrete Logix Tag based alarms are defined for the following members.
Member Alarm Name Description
Sts_IOFault Alm_IOFault IO Failure.
Raised when the Inp_IOFault input is true. Use this input to indicate to the instruction that a connection
with the module is in fault. This input also indicates if a module reports field power loss/no load/short
circuit is occurring for its I/O. If the I/O Fault is configured as a shed fault, the device is commanded
Off and cannot be commanded to another state until reset. The alarm condition is not raised when in
Sts_DeviceFault Alm_DeviceFault Device Confirmed Failure.
Raised when the Inp_DeviceFault input is true. The Device fault alarm condition is not raised when in
Sts_Dev Alm_Dev Deviation alarm.
Raised when the difference between desired device position and actual device position is greater than
High limit or lower than Low limit., i.e. if the following is true:
((Val_CVOut-Val_Pos) > Cfg_HiDevLim) OR ((Val_CVOut-Val_Pos) < Cfg_LoDevLim)
Sts_IntlkTrip Alm_IntlkTrip Interlock Trip alarm.
Raised when an interlock not-OK condition causes the device to transition from the On state or a
pulsing state to the Off state.
If interlocks are not bypassed, a bypassable interlock or a non-bypassable interlock not-OK condition
initiates an interlock trip. If interlocks are bypassed, only a non-bypassable interlock not-OK condition
initiates an interlock trip.

Mark the alarm as used or unused and set standard configuration members of
the discrete Logix Tag based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:

[email protected]
The Program commands for each alarm enable users to Acknowledge,
Suppress, Unsupress and Unshelve the Alarm. These commands are

328 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
propagated to corresponding commands (ProgAck, ProgSuppress,
ProgUnsupress, ProgUnshelve) of the tag-based alarm.
There are also Program commands that enable users to Acknowledge, Reset,
Suppress and Unsuppress all alarms of the instruction or an alarm set at the
same time.

The following diagram illustrates the functionality of the PAO instruction:

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx

330 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
The following diagram explains logic for Interlock trip status:

The following diagram illustrates the functionality of the PAO instruction for
a pulsed device:

When Virtualization is active, the output of the analog output holds at zero
and I/O faults are ignored. Manipulate the instruction to operate as if a

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 331

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
working analog output is present. Do this for instruction testing and operator
training. Set the Inp_Virtual operand to 1 to enable virtualization. After
finishing virtualization, set the Inp_Virtual operand to 0 to return to normal

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates, as seen in FactoryTalk View, and for the
Logix Designer configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended
properties of tag items. Configure the strings in the Logix Designer
application only.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Tag name
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• CV raw units – EngineeringUnit information from Out_CVData tag
• CV engineering units – EngineeringUnit information from Val_CVOut
• Path to an object with more information – Navigation information
from Cfg_HasMoreObj member of P_ANALOG_INPUT structure,
• Path to an object with output CV information – Navigation
information from Val_CVOut member of P_ANALOG_INPUT
structure, Val_CVOut.@Navigation
• Path to an object with output data information - Navigation
information from Inp_PosFdbk member of P_ANALOG_INPUT
structure, Inp_PosFdbk.@Navigation

Command Source
The instruction uses the following command sources. The command sources
are prioritized in order from highest to lowest in this table.
Command Source Description
Hand Logic outside the instruction owns control of the device. The instruction
tracks the state of the device for bumpless transfer back to one of the
other command sources.
(Highest Priority command source)
Out-of-Service The instruction is disabled and has no owner.
Maintenance Maintenance owns control of the device and supersedes Operator,
Program, and Override control. Operator commands and settings from the
HMI are accepted. Bypassable interlocks and permissives are bypassed,
and device timeout checks are not processed.

332 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Command Source Description
Override Priority logic owns control of the device and supersedes Operator and
Program control. Override Input (Inp_OvrdCmd) is accepted. If so
configured, bypassable interlocks and permissives are bypassed.
Program locked Program logic owns control of the device. Program commands (PCmd_)
are accepted. Operator cannot take control from the Program. Override
cannot take control from the Program unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Program Program logic owns control of the device. Program commands (PCmd_)
are accepted.
Operator locked The Operator owns control of the device. Operator commands (OCmd_)
from the HMI are accepted. Program cannot take control from Operator.
Override cannot take control from Operator unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Operator The Operator owns control of the device. Operator commands (OCmd_)
from the HMI are accepted.
(Lowest Priority command source)

The instruction is able to enable/disable the following operations:

• Maintenance Out-of-Service exists
• Maintenance exists
• External exists
• Program (unlocked) exists
• Program locked exists
• Operator (unlocked) exists
• Operator locked exists
• PCmd_Lock used as a Level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock)
The instruction checks for invalid configurations on control forcing the
nearest valid configuration.
The core control model deals specifically with the arbitration of the source of
the commands and parameters currently being accepted by the receiving
function. More specifically, whether the source is:
• A programmatic entity, one which resides entirely within the
processing environment, or
• An external interface entity, one which issues commands and
parameters external and asynchronously to the processing
These sources are known as Prog (Program) and Oper (Operator) control,
The optional ability to lock into one control source or the other is required to
ensure that the other control source cannot acquire privilege when the
designer wants to prevent it.

Core Command Source Model

The core control model consists of the following control sources: Oper,
OperLocked, Prog, ProgLocked. The control model defaults to this
configuration. Other control sources may be present in the model but act as

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx
overriding control sources acting independent of the base Operator/Program
state machine.

Enabling control sources as Configuration

The individual control sources may be enabled or disabled by the user. The
default configuration utilizes the entire base model. The differentiation being
that upon power-up of the processing environment the control source will be
the designated default. Some combinations of enabled control sources are
disallowed as they are either unnecessary or could create unintended changes.

Prog Power Up
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program will be
the power-up default.

Prog Priority
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program
commands will win when simultaneously asserted.

Automatic reset of commands

All commands are treated as ‘one-shot-latched.’ This means that all commands
are automatically cleared when the instruction executes and processes them.

Change Destination States

Under certain configurations the destination command source for some
commands may change. This is in keeping with the intent of the command.
Example: If the Prog is disabled, the destination of the OCmd_Prog command
is directed to the ProgLocked state instead of the Prog state. This is done to
maintain the intent of the OCmd_Prog command: the operator entity wishes
to place the function in control of the program. If the command was
eliminated then there would be no way to accomplish this. This is only done in
configurations where it would cause no conflict or race condition. But
serves to preserve as much user functionality as is practical.

Higher Priority Command Sources

Higher priority command sources which operate independently within the
model: Override, Maintenance, Out-of-Service, In-Service and Hand.

334 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Monitoring the PAO Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for array-indexing


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Sts_eSrc is set to 0. Sts_bSrc is set to 1 (never scanned).
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared each execution are
cleared and ignored.
The Program/Operator selection is set based on the configuration
The Program or Operator lock selection is set to unlocked.
The Maintenance acquired/released state is not modified and
persists through a controller powerup or PROG-to-RUN transition.
PSet_Owner and Sts_Owner are set to 0.
Rung-condition-in is false The instruction is put Out of Service if Inp_Hand=0. The output is
de-energized. All alarms are cleared.
Command source selection processing proceeds as normal except
that all ownership status bits (Sts_Maint, Sts_Ovrd, Sts_Prog and
Sts_Oper) are cleared to 0. Commands are still received for
Maintenance, Operator, and Program and are processed behind the
scenes, just as they are in Hand mode.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
EnableIn is false See Rung-condition-in is false in the Ladder Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See Rung-condition-in is true in the Ladder Diagram table.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 335

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic it will execute.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See Rung-condition-in is true in the Ladder Diagram table.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Example 1: Analog valve

The following example provides a demonstration of using a PAO instruction
to control a valve. During normal operation, the operator sets the valve
position using PAO through the HMI faceplate. This example also includes
interlock conditions low-low level and high-high temperature provided by
outputs of PAI instructions. The interlock conditions are used as inputs by
PAO to set the valve (Local:0:O.Ch0Data = Out_CVData) to an interlock
position (for example, closed). This is done by setting the PAO configuration
parameter Cfg_Intlk to 0.

336 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 337

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
FCV_103.Inp_NBIntlkOK := NOT(TT_103.Sts_HiHi OR LT_103.Sts_LoLo);
FCV_103.Inp_IOFault := Local:0:I.Ch0Fault;

PAO(FCV_103, 0);
Local:1:O.Ch0Data := FCV_103.Out_CVData;

Example 2: Manual loading station

This example uses the PAO instruction to implement a manual loading station
for a pressure control valve that is used to regulate gas supply to a process. The
control valve in our example has opened and closed limit switches and a
position feedback. The desired valve position is provided by the operator
through the HMI faceplate.
The field inputs for position feedback, opened limit switch, and closed limit
switch are connected to the instruction inputs Inp_PosFdbk,
Inp_OpenedFdbkData, and Inp_ClosedFdbkData. The Out_CVData is
connected to the field output going to the valve.

338 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
The parameters Cfg_HasOpenedFdbk and Cfg_HasClosedFdbk are both set to
1 so the instruction knows the field is providing opened and closed limit
switches. The parameters Cfg_UseOpenedFdbk and Cfg_UseClosedFdbk are
set to 1 so that these limit switches are used to determine device status.
The analog output card is expecting an output in units of 4…20 mA; however,
the faceplate shows the value in terms of 0…100% open. Therefore, the scaling
parameters are set as follows. Cfg_CVEUMin=0, Cfg_CVEUMax=100,
Cfg_CVRawMin=4, Cfg_CVRawMax=20.
The valve position feedback is provided in CV engineering units, percent in
our particular case, via PAI instruction.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 339

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Ladder Diagram

340 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PCV_110812.Inp_OpenedFdbkData := I_PSO110812;
PCV_110812.Inp_ClosedFdbkData := I_PSC110812;

PCV_110812.Inp_PosFdbk := I_PZV110812.Val;
PAO(PCV_110812, 0);
O_PV110812 := PCV_103.Out_CVData;

Example 3: Ratchet valve

This example uses the PAO instruction to automate a ratcheting valve that is
driven open or closed by using two discrete outputs to control flow. The flow
valve in our example has a position feedback. The desired valve position is
provided by an output of a control algorithm that is elsewhere in logic.
In this example, the field inputs for position feedback are wired (or
connected) to the instruction input Inp_PosFdbk. Out_CVOpenData and
Out_CVCloseData are connected to the field outputs going to the valve. The
input to the instruction to set valve position is wired to PSet_CV.
Cfg_ProgNormal is set to 1 so the instruction defaults to Program mode.
Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 341
Chapter 2 PlantPAx
The analog output is not used; however, the faceplate shows the value of
Val_CVOut in terms of 0…100% open, CV in engineering units. Therefore, the
scaling parameters are set as follows. Cfg_CVEUMin=0, Cfg_CVEUMax=100,
Cfg_CVRawMin=0 (default), Cfg_CVRawMax=100 (default)
The feedback signal is provided in CV engineering units via PAI instruction
which scales the signal from feedback raw units to CV engineering units.
In this example, the ratcheting control valve is to be adjusted by cycling the
open or close valve command for a period of time proportional to the amount
the valve is to be moved. Cfg_CycleTime is set to 10, to define the overall
period of the cycle to cycle on and off the open or close output. Cfg_OpenRate
and Cfg_CloseRate are both set to 1, which means the required valve output is
energized 1 second for every 1% difference between the target position and the
actual position provided by feedback.
Cfg_MaxOnTime is set to 5 so that the output is energized for no more than 5
seconds of the 10-second cycle time to allow for the valve to move, and the
feedback to be verified before the next cycle. Cfg_MinOnTime is set to 1 so
that the output does not pulse if the calculated pulse time is less than 1 second.

342 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 343

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
FCV_110813.PSet_CV := FIC_110813_Out;
FCV_110813.Inp_PosFdbk := I_FVZ110813;

PAO(FCV_110813, 0);
O_FYO110813 := FCV_110813.Out_CVOpenData;
O_FYC110813 := FCV_110813.Out_CVCloseData;

See also
Process Analog Output feedback processing on page 345
Data Conversions on page 1022

Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Structured Text Syntax on page 993
Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

344 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Process Analog Output The PAO instruction evaluates feedback signals from limit switches provided
by the device. The instruction reports device Open in one of these conditions:
feedback processing
• Instruction is in virtual and Open limit switch is used and activated.
• Instruction is not in virtual, Open limit switch is not used, Closed limit
is used but not activated.
• Instruction is in virtual, and Val_Pos > Cfg_MaxClosedPos.
• No limit switch in use and Val_Pos > Cfg_MaxClosedPos.
The instruction reports device Closed in one of these conditions:
• Instruction is not in virtual, Closed limit switch is used and activated.
• Instruction is not in virtual, Open limit switch used and not activated,
Closed limit switch not used.
• Instruction is in virtual and Val_Pos ≤ Cfg_MaxClosedPos.
• No limit switch in use and Val_Pos ≤ Cfg_MaxClosedPos.
Instruction logic used in processing of feedback from limit switches and
device/actuator confirmed position is shown in this diagram.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 345

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

These diagrams show logic involved in IO fault, device fault, and deviation out
of range alarm conditions:

346 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Pulse Output
The PAO instruction can be used in connection with a pulse-driven device,
typically a valve, if the instruction is configured for pulse outputs
(Cfg_HasPulseOut=1). The instruction generates pulses with duration
modulated by the position error, difference (Val_Dev) between desired
position calculated by the instruction (Val_CVOut), and device confirmed
actual position (Val_Pos). Actual position is either provided by the device via
feedback (Inp_PosFdbk) or simulated by the instruction if the physical
feedback is not available or used.
Pulses are generated in cycles, one pulse per cycle. Pulses cannot be too short
and too long to minimize wear of the equipment, device, or actuator. These
time constraints are user defined as Cfg_MinOnTime and Cfg_MaxOnTime.
Cycle duration Cfg_CycleTime is also user defined.
The instruction uses three parameters associated with assumed behavior of
the device or actuator, rate at which the device moves when opening
Cfg_OpenRate, rate at which the device moves when closing Cfg_CloseRate,
and delay Cfg_DeadTime in device or actuator reaction when the device or
actuator is commanded to open or close. If the device or actuator responds to
the Open/Close pulse with delay, e.g. due to stiction, compensate for the delay
by entering Cfg_DeadTime. Uncompensated delay results in steady state
position error.
IMPORTANT Failure to set correct values for Cfg_OpenRate, Cfg_CloseRate, and Cfg_DeadTime can result
in undesired moves of the device or actuator.

The pulsing logic provides functionality of a position control loop. Pulse width
is calculated for a cycle.
For Val_Dev /DIAGRAM_PATH_SPECIFIER>0 open pulse time is calculated

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 347

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
PulseDuration = min(Val_Dev/Cfg_OpenRate + Cfg_DeadTime,
Val_OpenTime = PulseDuration, for PulseDuration ≥ Cfg_MinOnTime,

Val_OpenTime = 0, for PulseDuration < Cfg_MinOnTime.

For Val_Dev <0 pulse close time is calculated as:
PulseDuration = min(-Val_Dev/Cfg_CloseRate + Cfg_DeadTime,
Val_CloseTime = PulseDuration, for PulseDuration ≥ Cfg_MinOnTime,
Val_CloseTime = 0, for PulseDuration < Cfg_MinOnTime.
These diagrams provide examples of device/actuator response to step in
desired position, Val_CVOut, for different settings of configuration
This diagram demonstrates OpenTime for a cycle resulting from actual
setting of instruction parameters. Three cases are shown for different
relations between entered Cfg_OpenRate compared to the real open rate of
the device/actuator.

348 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

When the device starts to move or reverses direction, the instruction delays
calculated Val_Pos by configured dead time (Cfg_DeadTime).
This figure demonstrates OpenTime for a cycle resulting from actual setting
of instruction parameters and a device or actuator responding to the
command with delay. The diagram shows two cases: delay ignored and delay

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 349

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

The following figures show a sequence of pulses for various instruction

parameter settings and actuator behavior. In this diagram, the constant speed
of the actuator is equal to Cfg_OpenRate or Cfg_CloseRate when in move.

350 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
When configured rate Cfg_OpenRate is faster than the physical rate of the
device, and position feedback is provided by the device, the position response
differs. The Open pulse gets shorter when approaching the desired position
until it violates the configured minimal On time (Cfg_MinOnTime),
preventing the instruction from continuing pulsing.
Do not use the pulsing function of the instruction when position feedback is
not used, Val_Pos is calculated by the instruction, and configured rate
Cfg_OpenRate differs from physical rate of the device.

IMPORTANT Scan time of the instruction must be much shorter than Cfg_CycleTime. Failure to follow this
recommendation can result in undesired movement of the device or actuator.

These figures show how larger scan time affects moves of the device or
actuator driven by instruction pulse outputs.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 351

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

The relationship between limit settings associated with device or actuator

position is shown in the figure below for signals provided by normally open
limit switches.

Position feedback simulation

When position feedback Inp_PosFdbk is not available, position Val_Pos is
calculated. In virtual, or if the position feedback is not available, the position
feedback is calculated from the last scan position, actual scan time, and
configured open (closed) rate:
Val_Pos = Val_Pos + ScanTime*Cfg_OpenRate when opening,
Val_Pos = Val_Pos - ScanTime*Cfg_CloseRate when closing,

352 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Val_Pos = max(min(Val_Pos,Cfg_CVEUMax),Cfg_CVEUMin).
When not in virtual and when position feedback is not available, the
instruction relies on limit switch availability to reset the calculated position
when limits are reached. Val_Pos is set to Cfg_CVEUMax if Open limit switch
is activated and Closed limit switch is not active or not used. Val_Pos is set to
Cfg_CVEUMin if Closed limit switch is activated and Open limit switch is not
active or not used.

The instruction can request the device to increment its position without
position feedback. The user requests a bump to pulse the output. The pulse
output is energized for configurable duration of time Cfg_BumpTime ≤
Cfg_CycleTime, as shown in the figure below.
The instruction is ready to execute bump open or bump close command when:
• Bump timer is greater than zero (zero disables the bump function),
• Position feedback is infinite, not a number, or there is an I/O fault, or
there is a device fault, and
• Device is in Operator or Maintenance mode, and
• Previous bump operation is not active, and
• Device is not at the end of travel, or limit switch is not being used, for
the target direction of travel.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 353

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Operator command request confirmation

The PAO instruction allows an operator to use operator setting OSet_CV and
command requests OCmd_BumpOpen, OCmd_BumpClose. Enforced security
might require the request to be confirmed or canceled before the selected
command executes. The instruction checks the security rules inspecting
Cfg_CnfrmReqd. If Cfg_CnfrmReqd=0, no confirmation is required and the
request executes immediately. If Cfg_CnfrmReqd=1 the instruction waits for
confirmation OCmd_CmdCnfrm=1 and/or cancellation OCmd_CmdCncl=1.
For Cfg_CnfrmReqd=2 or 3, eSignature is needed before the confirmation and
cancellation is enabled.

See also
Process Analog Output

PlantPAx instructions on page 235

Process Boolean Logic This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

(PBL) The Process Boolean Logic with Snapshot (PBL) instruction executes up to
eight gates of configurable Boolean logic. Gate types available include AND,
OR, XOR (Exclusive-OR), Set/Reset, Select, and Majority. Each gate provides
up to four input conditions that are individually invertible using a
configuration setting.
The PBL Instruction can record its current state:
• After a change in output state.
• On Operator or Program command.
• Based on a logic loopback input.

354 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PBL(PBL tag);

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 355

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PBL P_BOOLEAN_LOGIC tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are in separate tables after
public members.
Public Input Members Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. Ladder Diagram: Corresponds to the rung condition.
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction first
run. Use this request when reinitialization is needed. The instruction clears this operand
Default is true.
Inp_0 BOOL Logic input 0.
Default is false.
Inp_1 BOOL Logic input 1.
Default is false.
Inp_2 BOOL Logic input 2.
Default is false.
Inp_3 BOOL Logic input 3.
Default is false.
Inp_4 BOOL Logic input 4.
Default is false.
Inp_5 BOOL Logic input 5.
Default is false.
Inp_6 BOOL Logic input 6.
Default is false.
Inp_7 BOOL Logic input 7.
Default is false.
Inp_Hold BOOL 1 = Hold previous states in snapshot; 0 = Pass live states to snapshot.
Default is false.
Inp_Reset BOOL 1 = Reset snapshot latch, show live states.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseInpHold BOOL 1 = Use Inp_Hold to snap state; 0 = Use Cmds or Output transition to snap.
Default is false.
Cfg_UsePCmd BOOL 1 = Enable snapshot on PCmd_Snap 0 --> 1 (edge).
Default is true.
Cfg_UseOCmd BOOL 1 = Enable snapshot on OCmd_Snap 0 --> 1 (edge).
Default is true.
Cfg_UseOut01 BOOL 1 = Enable snapshot on Output 0 --> 1 (rising edge).
Default is true.
Cfg_UseOut10 BOOL 1 = Enable snapshot on Output 1 --> 0 (falling edge).
Default is false.
Cfg_TimestampOnSnap BOOL 1 = Generate a timestamp when snapshot occurs.
Default is false.

356 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_SnapOver BOOL 1 = New snapshot overwrites without reset, 0 = Save first snapshot until reset.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL 1 = Tells HMI an object with more information is available.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav SINT Set bits indicate which navigation buttons are enabled.
Default is 2#0000_0000.
Cfg_OnDly REAL Output ON delay time (seconds). Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_OffDly REAL Output OFF delay time (seconds). Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT Operator Command Confirmation Required. Represents the type of command confirmation
required. 0 = None, 1 = Command confirmation required, 2 = Performer e-signature required, 3
= Performer and approver e-signature required.
Default is 0.
PCmd_Snap BOOL Program command to capture Input, Gate states in snapshot.
Default is false.
PCmd_Reset BOOL Program command to reset (re-arm) snapshot latch.
Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable Output. This output state always reflects EnableIn input state.
Out_Live BOOL Condition logic output (result) after delay.
Out_Snap BOOL Condition logic output (result) at snapshot.
Val_DlyPctLive DINT Output OnDelay or OffDelay percent complete: live.
Val_DlyPctSnap DINT Output OnDelay or OffDelay percent complete: snapshot.
Val_SnapInit DINT Snapshot initiator: 1 = OCmd, 2 = PCmd, 3 = Out 0-->1, 4 = Out 1-->0, 5 = Inp_Hold.
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
Sts_Snapped BOOL 1 = Snapshot has been triggered, 0 = Snapshot showing live states.
Sts_RdyReset BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset.
Sts_InpLive SINT Live input status bits: .0 to .7 = Inp_0 to Inp_7.
Sts_GateLive SINT Live gate result status bits: .0 to .7 = Gate 0 to 7.
Sts_InpSnap SINT Snapshot of input status bits: .0 to .7 = Inp_0 to Inp_7.
Sts_GateSnap SINT Snapshot of gate result status bits: .0 to .7 = Gate 0 to 7.
Sts_GateSrc1Live SINT Live wire state for source 1 of each gate (bit# = gate#).
Sts_GateSrc2Live SINT Live wire state for source 2 of each gate (bit# = gate#).
Sts_GateSrc3Live SINT Live wire state for source 3 of each gate (bit# = gate#).
Sts_GateSrc4Live SINT Live wire state for source 4 of each gate (bit# = gate#).
Sts_GateSrc1Snap SINT Snapshot of wire state for source 1 of each gate (bit# = gate#).
Sts_GateSrc2Snap SINT Snapshot of wire state for source 2 of each gate (bit# = gate#).
Sts_GateSrc3Snap SINT Snapshot of wire state for source 3 of each gate (bit# = gate#).
Sts_GateSrc4Snap SINT Snapshot of wire state for source 4 of each gate (bit# = gate#).
Sts_OutInvertLive BOOL Output after inverter but before TON/TOF timers.
Sts_OutInvertSnap BOOL Snapshot of output after inverter but before TON/TOF.
Sts_Err BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: See detail bits (Sts_Errxxx) for reason.
Sts_ErrGateFunc SINT 1 = Error in each gate's function code (use 0 to 6).
Sts_ErrGateSrcPtr SINT 1 = Error in each gate's source pointer (use 0 to 15).
Sts_ErrGateSrcMask SINT 1 = Error in each gate's mask (source used) configuration (qty, choice).
Sts_ErrOutSrcPtr BOOL 1 = Error in output's source pointer (use 0 to 15).
Sts_ErrTimer BOOL 1 = Error in output's On Delay or Off Delay preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).

Private Input Members Data Type Description

Cfg_GateFunc DINT[8] Function code for gate M (1 = AND, 2 = OR, 3 = XOR, 4 = 2oo3, 5 = Set-Reset).

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 357

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_GateSrc1Invert SINT Gate M Source #1 is Inverted (M by bit) (1 = invert).
Default is 2#0000_0000.
Cfg_GateSrc1Mask SINT Gate M Source #1 is Used (M by bit) (1 = used).
Default is 2#0000_0000.
Cfg_GateSrc1Ptr DINT[8] Pointer to Gate M Source #1 (0...7 = inputs, 8...15 = gate outputs).
Cfg_GateSrc2Invert SINT Gate M Source #2 is Inverted (M by bit) (1 = invert).
Default is 2#0000_0000.
Cfg_GateSrc2Mask SINT Gate M Source #2 is Used (M by bit) (1 = used).
Default is 2#0000_0000.
Cfg_GateSrc2Ptr DINT[8] Pointer to Gate M Source #2 (0...7 = inputs, 8...15 = gate outputs).
Cfg_GateSrc3Invert SINT Gate M Source #3 is Inverted (M by bit) (1 = invert).
Default is 2#0000_0000.
Cfg_GateSrc3Mask SINT Gate M Source #3 is Used (M by bit) (1 = used).
Default is 2#0000_0000.
Cfg_GateSrc3Ptr DINT[8] Pointer to Gate M Source #3 (0...7 = inputs, 8...15 = gate outputs).
Cfg_GateSrc4Invert SINT Gate M Source #4 is Inverted (M by bit) (1 = invert).
Default is 2#0000_0000.
Cfg_GateSrc4Mask SINT Gate M Source #4 is Used (M by bit) (1 = used).
Default is 2#0000_0000.
Cfg_GateSrc4Ptr DINT[8] Pointer to Gate M Source #4 (0...7 = inputs, 8...15 = gate outputs).
Cfg_HasNav SINT Set bits indicate which navigation buttons are enabled.
Default is 2#0000_0000.
Cfg_OutSrcInvert BOOL Out source (before minimum duration timer) is inverted (1 = invert).
Default is false.
Cfg_OutSrcPtr DINT Source bit for Output (0...7 = inputs, 8...15 = gates).
Default is 0.
HMI_Const SINT[9] Constants (for use in HMI indirection of parameters).
OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset (re-arm) snapshot latch.
Default is false.
OCmd_Snap BOOL Operator Command to capture input, gate states in snapshot.
Default is false.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Reset (enables button).
ORdy_Snap BOOL 1 =Ready for OCmd_Snap (enables button).
Val_LastGate DINT[8] Last gate pin which uses this gate result (0 = not used, 1...32 = gates, 33 = output).
Val_LastInp DINT[8] Last gate pin which uses this input (0 = not used, 1...32 = gates, 33 = output) For animation.
Val_SnapTimestamp DINT[7] Snapshot timestamp [0] = year, [1] = month, [2] = day, [3] = hour, [4] = minute, [5] = second,
[6] = usecond.

The PBL instruction:
• Provides up to eight Boolean inputs and eight logic gates.
• Each gate has four inputs. Each input can be enabled or disabled and
can be normal or inverted. Each enabled gate input can be linked to a
source, which is an instruction input or the result of a preceding gate
• Use one of these methods to configure the eight gates:
• Logical AND: The gate's output is true if all of the enabled gate
inputs, after configured inversions, are true. An AND gate can have
up to four inputs enabled.

358 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Logical OR: The gate's output is true if any of the enabled gate
inputs, after configured inversions, are true. An OR gate can have
up to four inputs enabled.
• Logical XOR (Exclusive OR): The gate's output is true if an odd
number of the enabled gate inputs, after configured inversions, are
true. An XOR gate can have up to four inputs enabled.
• Set-Reset: The gate's output is set true if one of its Set inputs is true,
and is cleared to false if one of its Reset inputs is true. The gate's
four inputs are:
Input 1: SET (dominant)
Input 2: RESET (dominant)
Input 3: SET
Input 4: RESET
• Select: If input 3 is false, the state of input 1 is passed to the gate
output. If input 3 is true, the state of input 2 is passed to the gate
output. A Select gate must have input 3 enabled and either or both of
inputs 1 and 2 enabled.
• Majority (labeled ‘MooN’ for ‘M out of N’): The gate’s output is set
true if a majority of its inputs, after configured inversions, are true.
A majority would consist of 2 out of 2, 2 out of 3, or 3 out of 4. A
Majority gate can have two, three, or four inputs enabled.
• Provides a snapshot capability that captures the state of the instruction
for use later, until reset: all input states, gate states, and output state.
The snapshot capability captures the state of the logic at the time that
it tripped or shut down equipment, even if the logic states change after
the shutdown. The snapshot is optionally timestamped from the
controller clock with the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, or
• Provides options to enable these following snapshot trigger
• Capture snapshot on Operator Command (OCmd_Snap).
• Capture snapshot on Program Command (PCmd_Snap).
• Capture snapshot when the output transitions from 0 to 1.
• Capture snapshot when the output transitions from 1 to 0.
• Capture snapshot of previous scan's state when a loopback input
becomes true. This capability captures the snapshot when the PBL
output condition is the first-out condition in a downstream PINTLK
block. The first-out indication from the PINTLK instruction can be
looped back to the PBL instruction's Inp_Hold input to hold the
last-scan state in the snapshot, including last scan's time stamp.

Use the PBL instruction in these situations:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 359

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• A project requires an Interlock or Permissive condition that is more
complicated than the simple OR-ing or AND-ing provided by the
PINTLK (Interlocks) or PPERM (Permissives) Add-On Instructions.
• A project requires some Boolean (combination) logic that can be
reconfigured from the HMI online, or which requires the snapshot
capability for saving a copy of the logic state with a timestamp.
• A project contains more than the 16 interlock conditions or permissive
conditions provided by the PINTLK and PPERM Add-On Instructions,
but some of the conditions can be grouped together under one
identification. For example, all of the bearing overtemperature signals
for a pump and motor (Pump Inboard Bearing, Pump Outboard
Bearing, Motor Inboard Bearing, and Motor Outboard Bearing) can be
ORed together in a PBL instruction and the result presented to a
PINTLK instruction as a single Bearing Overtemp condition.
Do not use this instruction in these situations:
• A project requires simple interlocks and permissives that can be
handled by the PINTLK and PPERM instructions directly. These
instructions can permit operation or trip operation.
• A project requires logic that is beyond the PBL Add-On Instruction
capabilities or which is extremely time critical. The PBL instruction
provides only eight inputs, eight gates, and one output with on-delay
and off-delay timing, and it is implemented with table-driven code.
Use hard-coded logic in native controller languages instead. The native
programming languages are faster and provide functionality beyond
what the PBL instruction can do.
This diagram illustrates the functionality of the PBL instruction:

360 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

A maximum of eight gates can be configured using these tags:
Cfg_GateFunc[M] – This configuration is an array which defines the
gate function. M = the gate number, 0-7.
• 1 = Logical AND Gate

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 361

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• 2 = Logical OR Gate
• 3 = Logical XOR Gate
• 4 = Majority of Outputs are true
• 5 = Set/Reset
• 6 = A/B Selector
Each gate has four input pins. Each input pin can be enabled or disabled using
this tag:
Cfg_GateSrc#Mask: This configuration is a SINT value that masks the
gates (0-7) that are enabled for that input pin in a binary format. # =
the input pin number (1-4). If the mask bit is high then the gate for that
particular input pin is enabled.

• Cfg_GateSrc1Mask.0 = 1 input pin 1 of gate 0 is enabled
• Cfg_GateSrc2Mask.1 = 1 input pin 2 of gate 1 is enabled
• Cfg_GateSrc3Mask.3 = 1 input pin 3 of gate 3 is enabled
• Cfg_GateSrc4Mask.0 = 1 input pin 4 of gate 0 is enabled
Each gate input pin can be normal or inverted.
Cfg_GateSrc#Invert: This configuration is a SINT value which inverts
an input. # = the input pin number (1-4).
• Cfg_GateSrc1Invert.0 = 1 input pin 1 of gate 0 is inverted.
• Cfg_GateSrc2Invert.2 = 1 input pin 2 of gate 2 is inverted
• Cfg_GateSrc3Invert.3 = 1 input pin 3 of gate 3 is inverted
• Cfg_GateSrc4Invert.6 = 1 input pin 4 of gate 6 is inverted
Each enabled gate input pin can be linked to a source, either an instruction
input or the result of a preceding gate.
Cfg_GateSrc#Ptr[M] - This configuration is an array that defines the
source for the input pin on each gate. Where # = the input pin number
(1-4), and M = the gate number (0-7). A value of 0-7 represents an
instruction input. A value of 8-15 represents the result of a preceding
gate. Tip: A gate can only be used as an input into another gate with a
higher gate value.
• Cfg_GateSrc1Ptr[0] = 2 states that Inp_2 is configured in Gate 0 on
pin 1.
• Cfg_GateSrc2Ptr[0] = 3 states that Inp_3 is configured in Gate 0 on
pin 2.
• Cfg_GateSrc3Ptr[2] = 8 states that Gate 0 result is configured
in Gate 2 on pin 3.
• Cfg_GateSrc4Ptr[7] = 12 states that Gate 4 result is configured
in Gate 7 on pin 4.

362 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Configure the output using these tags:
• Cfg_OutSrcPtr – This configuration determines which input/gate will
be the output. A value of 0-7 represents an instruction input. A value
of 8-15 represents the result of a gate.
• Cfg_OutSrcInvert – This configuration determines if the output will be

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FT View) and for the Logix Designer
configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties of tag
items. Configure the strings in Logix Designer only.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• State name strings for 0-state and 1-state
• More Information

Monitor the PBL Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Resets the output on-delay and off-delay timers; clears the snapshot time stamp
and data; clears any commands received while controller was in Program mode.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 363

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
Instruction first run Resets the output on-delay and off-delay timers; clears the snapshot time stamp
and data; clears any commands received while controller was in Program mode.
Rung-condition-in is false Clears output to false (off) and resets the output on-delay and off-delay timers.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Resets the output on-delay and off-delay timers; clears the snapshot time
stamp and data; clears any commands received while controller was in
Program mode.
Instruction first run Resets the output on-delay and off-delay timers; clears the snapshot time
stamp and data; clears any commands received while controller was in
Program mode.
Instruction first scan See instruction first run in the function block diagram table.
EnableIn is false Clears output to false (off) and resets the output on-delay and off-delay timers.
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

This example uses the PBL instruction to perform advanced interlocking logic
that is based on the winding temperatures of a motor. This example navigates
the parameter settings to fully illustrate the example.
In this example, there is a motor with three RTDs measuring temperature of
the windings. To prevent damage to the windings, the motor must be
interlocked if:
• Any of the windings are above the high-high temperature limit.
• The majority of the windings are above the high temperature limit.
PBL performs this function. The output of this logic feeds the interlock of the
motor elsewhere in logic.

364 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 365

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

In this example, there is a motor with three RTDs measuring temperature of

the windings. To prevent damage to the windings, the motor must be
interlocked if any of the three windings are above the high-high temperature
limit, or if the majority of the windings are above the high temperature limit.
PBL is being used to perform this function. The output of this logic feeds the
interlock of the motor elsewhere in logic.
The input parameters (Inp_0, Inp_1, Inp_2, Inp_3, Inp_4, Inp_5) are
connected to the status outputs of the three winding temperature inputs.
Three of the eight gates (0…7) in PBL are used in this example (1, 5, 6). Gate 1 is
the OR of the three high-high status bits. Gate 5 checks if the majority of the
high status bits are true. Gate 6 ORs the outputs of Gates 1 and 5 to set the
output of PBL.
To set up the gate functions (Gates 1 and 6 as OR and Gate 5 as Majority), use
these settings:
• Cfg_GateFunc[1] = 2
• Cfg_GateFunc[5] = 6
• Cfg_GateFunc[6] = 2
Gate 1 is set up to look at the three high-high status inputs (Inp_0, Inp_2, and
Inp_4) by using these settings:

366 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Cfg_GateSrc1Mask.1 = 1, Cfg_GateSrc1Ptr[1] = 0
• Cfg_GateSrc2Mask.1 = 1, Cfg_GateSrc2Ptr[1] = 2
• Cfg_GateSrc3Mask.1 = 1, Cfg_GateSrc3Ptr[1] = 4
Gate 5 is set up to look at the three high status inputs (Inp_1, Inp_4, and Inp_5)
by using these settings:
• Cfg_GateSrc1Mask.5 = 1, Cfg_GateSrc1Ptr[5] = 1
• Cfg_GateSrc2Mask.5 = 1, Cfg_GateSrc2Ptr[5] = 3
• Cfg_GateSrc3Mask.5 = 1, Cfg_GateSrc3Ptr[5] = 5
Lastly, Gate 6 is set up to look at the outputs of gates 1 and 5 by using these
• Cfg_GateSrc1Mask.6 = 1, Cfg_GateSrc1Ptr[6] = 9
• Cfg_GateSrc2Mask.6 = 1, Cfg_GateSrc2Ptr[6] = 13
Cfg_OutSrcPtr needs to be set to 14 to take the output from Gate 6 and make it
the output (Out_Live) of the PBL block. The on-delay time is then set to 5
seconds to prevent spurious trips of the output (Cfg_OnDly = 5).
Lastly, the descriptions provide documentation on the faceplate. In this
example, these are the description settings:
• Out_Live.@State0 = OK
• Out_Live.@State1 = Tripped
• Inp_0.@Label = Winding A Hi-Hi Temp
• Inp_1.@Label = Winding A Hi Temp
• Inp_2.@Label = Winding B Hi-Hi Temp
• Inp_3.@Label = Winding B Hi Temp
• Inp_4.@Label = Winding C Hi-Hi Temp
• Inp_5.@Label = Winding C Hi Temp
This diagram illustrates the functionality of the example:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 367

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Structured Text
TI1_P50.Inp_PVData := I_TE1_P50;
TI1_P50.Inp_PVUncertain := (CAF_117[12] OR Local_12_I_CH0Fault);

TI2_P50.Inp_PVData := I_TE2_P50;
TI2_P50.Inp_PVUncertain := (CAF_117[12] OR Local_12_I_CH1Fault);
TI3_P50.Inp_PVData := I_TE3_P50;

TI3_P50.Inp_PVUncertain := (CAF_117[12] OR Local_12_I_CH2Fault);


TI1_P50.Sts_HiHi := NG_PBL.Inp_0;
TI1_P50.Sts_Hi := NG_PBL.Inp_1;
TI2_P50.Sts_HiHi := NG_PBL.Inp_2;
TI2_P50.Sts_Hi := NG_PBL.Inp_3;
TI3_P50.Sts_HiHi := NG_PBL.Inp_4;
TI3_P50.Sts_Hi := NG_PBL.Inp_5;

See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Command Source This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

(PCMDSRC) The Process Command Source (PCMDSRC) instruction selects the command
source for a device.

The instruction includes these command sources:

• Hand
• Out-of-Service
• Maintenance
• Override
• External

368 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Program locked
• Program
• Operator locked
• Operator

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 369

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_COMMAND_SOURCE tag Data structure required for proper
operation of the instruction.

Input Members Data Type Description
EnableIn Enable input.
Ladder Diagram:
Corresponds to the rung condition.
BOOL Default is true.
Inp_OwnerCmd DINT Owner device command:
0 = None,
Inp_OwnerCmd.10 = Operator Lock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.11 = Operator Unlock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.12 = Program Lock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.13 = Program Unlock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
Inp_OwnerCmd.15 = Release Maintenance,
Inp_OwnerCmd.16 = Acquire External,
Inp_OwnerCmd.17 = Release External,
Inp_OwnerCmd.29 = Echo.
Default is 0.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in
instruction first run. Use this request when re-initialization is needed. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is true.
Inp_Hand 1 = Acquire Hand (typically permanently set to local),
0 = Release Hand.
BOOL Default is false.
Inp_Ovrd 1 = Acquire Override (higher priority program logic),
0 = Release Override.
BOOL Default is false.
Inp_ExtInh 1 = Inhibit External acquisition,
0 = Allow External acquisition.
BOOL Default is true.
Cfg_HasOper 1 = Operator (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
BOOL Default is true.
Cfg_HasOperLocked 1 = Operator Locked exists, can be selected.
BOOL Default is true.
Cfg_HasProg 1 = Program (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
BOOL Default is true.
Cfg_HasProgLocked 1 = Program Locked exists, can be selected.
BOOL Default is true.
Cfg_HasExt 1 = External exists, can be selected.
BOOL Default is false.
Cfg_HasMaint 1 = Maintenance exists, can be selected.
BOOL Default is true.
Cfg_HasMaintOoS 1 = Maintenance Out of Service exists, can be selected.
BOOL Default is true.

370 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_OvrdOverLock 1 = Override supersedes Program/Operator Lock,
0 = Do not override Lock.
BOOL Default is true.
Cfg_ExtOverLock 1 = External supersedes Program/Operator Lock,
0 = Do not override Lock.
BOOL Default is false.
Cfg_ProgPwrUp 1 = Power up to Program,
0 = Power up to Operator.
BOOL Default is false.
Cfg_ProgNormal Normal Source:
1 = Program if no requests,
0 = Operator if no requests.
BOOL Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdPriority Command priority.
1 = Program commands win,
0 = Operator commands win.
BOOL Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdProgAsLevel 1 = PCmd_Prog used as a Level.
BOOL Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel 1 = PCmd_Lock used as a Level (1=Lock, 0=Unlock).
BOOL Default is false.
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel 1 = XCmd_Acq used as Level (1 = Acquire, 0 = Release).
BOOL Default is false.
PCmd_Oper Program command to select Operator (Program to Operator). The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
BOOL Default is false.
PCmd_Prog Program command to select Program (Operator to Program). The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
BOOL Default is false.
PCmd_Lock Program command to lock Program (disallow Operator). The instruction clears this
parameter automatically if Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel = 0.
BOOL Default is false.
PCmd_Unlock Program command to unlock Program (allow Operator to acquire). The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
BOOL Default is false.
PCmd_Normal Program command to select Normal (Operator or Program). The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
BOOL Default is false.
MCmd_OoS Maintenance command to select Out of Service. The instruction clears this operand
BOOL Default is false.
MCmd_IS Maintenance command to select In Service. The instruction clears this operand
BOOL Default is false.
MCmd_Acq Maintenance command to acquire ownership (Operator/Program/External/Override
to Maintenance). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
BOOL Default is false.
MCmd_Rel Maintenance command to release ownership (Maintenance to
Operator/Program/External/Override). The instruction clears this operand
BOOL Default is false.
XCmd_Acq External command to acquire ownership (Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance
to External). The instruction clears this operand automatically if Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel
= 0.
BOOL Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 371

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Input Members Data Type Description
XCmd_Rel External command to release ownership if Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0 (External to
Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance). The instruction clears this operand
BOOL Default is false.
OCmd_Oper Operator command to select Operator (Program to Operator). The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
BOOL Default is false.
OCmd_Prog Operator command to select Program (Operator to Program). The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
BOOL Default is false.
OCmd_Lock Operator command to lock Operator (disallow Program). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
BOOL Default is false.
OCmd_Unlock Operator command to unlock / release (allow Program to acquire) ownership. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
BOOL Default is false.
OCmd_Normal Operator command to select Normal (Operator or Program). The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
BOOL Default is false.

Output Members Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable output. This output state always reflects EnableIn input state.
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
The current command source is shown with status bits:
Sts_eSrc.0: Lock,
Sts_eSrc.1: Normal,
Sts_eSrc.2: Hand,
Sts_eSrc.3: Maintenance,
Sts_eSrc.4: Override,
Sts_eSrc.5: Program,
Sts_eSrc.6: Operator,
Sts_eSrc.7: Out of Service,
Sts_eSrc INT Sts_eSrc.8: External.
Active selection bitmap (for HMI totem pole with command source request selection)
Sts_bSrc.0: Hand,
Sts_bSrc.1: Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
Sts_bSrc.2: Maintenance Out of Service,
Sts_bSrc.3: Maintenance,
Sts_bSrc INT Sts_bSrc.4: Override,
Sts_bSrc.5: External,
Sts_bSrc.6: Program locked,
Sts_bSrc.7: Program,
Sts_bSrc.8: Operator locked,
Sts_bSrc.9: Operator.
Sts_Hand BOOL 1 = Hand is selected (supersedes OoS, Maintenance, Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_OoS BOOL 1 = Out of Service is selected (supersedes Maintenance, Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Maint BOOL 1 = Maintenance is selected (supersedes Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Ovrd BOOL 1 = Override is selected (supersedes External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Ext BOOL 1 = External is selected (supersedes Program, Operator).
Sts_Prog BOOL 1 = Program is selected.
Sts_ProgLocked BOOL 1 = Program is selected and Locked.
Sts_Oper BOOL 1 = Operator is selected.
Sts_OperLocked BOOL 1 = Operator is selected and Locked.
Sts_ProgOperSel BOOL Program/Operator selection (latch) state: 1 = Program, 0=Operator.
Sts_ProgOperLock BOOL Program/Operator lock (latch) state, 1 = Locked, 0=Unlocked.
Sts_Normal BOOL 1 = Selection equals the Normal (Program or Operator).

372 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_ExtReqInh BOOL 1 = External request inhibited, cannot get to External from current state.
Sts_ProgReqInh BOOL 1 = Program request inhibited, cannot get to Program from current state.
Sts_MAcqRcvd BOOL 1 = Maintenance Acquire command received this scan.
MRdy_OoS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_OoS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_IS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_IS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Oper BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Oper, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Prog BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Prog, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Lock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Lock, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Unlock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Unlock, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Normal BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Normal, enable HMI button.
Out_OwnerSts DINT Status of command source, owner command handshake and ready status:
0 = None,
.10 = Operator Lock,
.11 = Operator Unlock,
.12 = Program Lock,
.13 = Program Unlock,
.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
.15 = Release Maintenance,
.16 = Acquire External,
.17 = Release External,
.18 = Has Maintenance,
.19 = External Override Lock,
.20 = Has External,
.21 = Has Operator,
.22 = Has Operator Locked,
.23 = Has Program,
.24 = Has Program Locked,
.29 = Echo,
.30 = Not Ready

The instruction uses these command sources. The command sources are
prioritized in order from highest to lowest in this table.
Command Source Description
Hand Hardwired logic or other logic outside the instruction controls the device. The instruction tracks the state of the device for bumpless
transfer back to one of the other command sources.
(Highest priority command source)
Out-of-Service The instruction is disabled and has no owner.
Maintenance Maintenance controls the device and supersedes Operator, Program, External and Override control. Operator commands and settings
from the HMI are accepted.
Override Priority logic controls the device and supersedes Operator, Program and External control. Override Input (Inp_Ovrd) is accepted.
External External logic (e.g. field pilot control or upstream SCADA) controls the device. External commands (XCmd_) are accepted.
Program locked Program logic controls the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted. Operator cannot take control from the Program.
Override cannot take control from the Program unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Program Program logic controls the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted.
Operator locked The Operator controls the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted. Program cannot take control from
Operator. Override cannot take control from Operator unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Operator The Operator controls the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted.
(Lowest priority command source)

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 373

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
The instruction enables or disablesthese operations:
• Maintenance Out-of-Service exists
• Maintenance exists
• External exists
• Program (unlocked) exists
• Program locked exists
• Operator (unlocked) exists
• Operator locked exists
• PCmd_Lock used as a Level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock)
The instruction checks for invalid configurations of control and forces the
nearest valid configuration.
The core control model arbitrates the source of the commands and
parameters that the receiving function accepts. The core control model
determines if the source is:
• A programmatic entity which resides entirely within the processing
environment, or
• An external interface entity which issues commands and parameters
external and asynchronously to the processing environment.
Locking a command source prevents the other command source from
acquiring privilege.

Core command source model

The core control model consists of these command sources:
• Oper
• OperLocked
• Prog
• ProgLocked
The control model defaults to this configuration. Other command sources
may be present in the model but act as overriding command sources, acting
independent of the base Operator/Program state machine.

Enabling command sources as configuration

The individual command sources may be enabled or disabled by the user. The
default configuration uses the entire base model; upon power-up of the
processing environment the command source will be the designated default.
Some combinations of enabled command sources are disallowed as they are
either unnecessary or could create unintended changes.

374 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Prog Power Up
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program is the
power-up default.

Prog Priority
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program
commands take priority when simultaneously asserted.

Automatic reset of commands

All commands are treated as one-shot-latched. This means that all commands
are automatically cleared when the instruction executes and processes them.

Changing Destination States

Under certain configurations the destination command source for some
commands may change. This is in keeping with the intent of the command.
For example, if the Prog is disabled, the destination of the OCmd_Prog
command is directed to the ProgLocked state instead of the Prog state. This
maintains the intent of the OCmd_Prog command: the operator entity wishes
to place the function in control of the program. If the command was
eliminated there would be no way to accomplish this. This is only done in
configurations where it would cause no conflict or race condition, but serves
to preserve as much user functionality as is practical.

Higher Priority Command Sources

These Higher priority command sources operate independently within the
• External
• Override
• Maintenance
• Out-of-Service
• In-Service
• Hand

The instruction is normally initialized in the instruction first run.
Re-initialization can be requested any time by setting Inp_InitializeReq = 1.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 375

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
For proper initialization, when adding the instruction while performing an
online edit of the code, make sure that Inp_InitializeReq = 1 (default value).

Monitor the PCMDSRC Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out clears to false.
Sts_eSrc is set to 0. Sts_bSrc is set to 0.
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
The Program/Operator selection is set based on the configuration (Cfg_ProgPwrUp).
The Program or Operator lock selection is set to unlocked.
The Maintenance acquired/released state is not modified and persists through a
controller powerup or PROG-to-RUN transition.
Rung-condition-in is false The instruction is put Out of Service if Inp_Hand=0. The output is de-energized.
Command source selection processing proceeds except that Program and
Operators commands are ignored and cleared and all ownership status bits
(Sts_Maint, Sts_Ovrd, Sts_Ext, Sts_Prog and Sts_Oper) are cleared to 0. When
rung-condition-in becomes true, the Program/Operator selection is set based on
the configuration (Cfg_ProgPwrUp).
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
Sts_eSrc is set to 0. Sts_bSrc is set to 0.

376 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
The Program/Operator selection is set based on the configuration (Cfg_ProgPwrUp).
The Program or Operator lock selection is set to unlocked.
The Maintenance acquired/released state is not modified and persists through a
controller powerup or PROG-to-RUN transition.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
The instruction is put Out of Service if Inp_Hand=0. The output is de-energized.
Command source selection processing proceeds except that Program and
Operators commands are ignored and cleared and all ownership status bits
(Sts_Maint, Sts_Ovrd, Sts_Ext, Sts_Prog and Sts_Oper) are cleared to 0. When
rung-condition-in becomes true, the Program/Operator selection is set based on
the configuration (Cfg_ProgPwrUp).
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic it will execute.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See Rung-condition-in is true in the Ladder Diagram table.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

See also
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Structured Text Syntax on page 993
Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030
Data Conversions on page 1022

Process Command Source The core control model for the Process Command Source (PCMDSRC)
instruction consists of these control sources:
operating model
• Oper
• OperLocked
• Prog
• ProgLocked
The control model defaults to this configuration. Other control sources may
be present in the model but act as overriding control sources, acting
independent of the base Operator/Program state machine.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 377

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Enabling control sources as Configuration

The individual control sources can be enabled or disabled by the user. The
default configuration uses the entire base model; upon power-up of the
processing environment the control source will be the designated default.
Some combinations of enabled control sources are disallowed as they are
either unnecessary or could create unintended changes.

Prog Power Up
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program is the
power-up default.

Prog Priority
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program
commands take priority when simultaneously asserted.

Automatic reset of commands

All commands are treated as one-shot latched. This means that all commands
are automatically cleared when the instruction executes and processes them.

Changing Destination States

Under certain configurations the destination command source for some
commands may change. This is in keeping with the intent of the command.
Example: If the Prog is disabled, the destination of the OCmd_Prog command
is directed to the ProgLocked state instead of the Prog state. This change of
destination maintains the intent of the OCmd_Prog command: the operator
entity wishes to place the function in control of the program. If the command
was eliminated, there would be no way to accomplish this. This change of
destination is only done in configurations where it would cause no conflict or
race condition. It preserves as much user functionality as is practical.

Higher Priority Command Sources

These Higher priority command sources operate independently within the
• External
• Override
• Maintenance
• Out-of-Service

378 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• In-Service
• Hand

See also
Process Command Source (PCMDSRC)
PlantPAx instructions on page 235

Process Deadband This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

Controller (PDBC) The Process Deadband Controller (PDBC) provides:

• A Raise output, which is activated when the PV is less than the entered
Raise threshold, and a Lower output, which is activated when the PV is
greater than the entered Lower threshold.
• Q and Q-Not outputs. Q is set when the PV falls below the Raise
threshold and cleared when the PV rises above the Lower threshold;
Q-Not is the inverse of Q.
• High and Low Deviation alarms with configurable thresholds and
deadbands. These alarms can provide notification that the PV is
approaching an out-of-control condition.
• Alarms for High PV Rate of Change Increasing and High PV Rate of
Change Decreasing. These alarms can provide notification that the PV
is changing faster than expected.
• Operation in Manual and Automatic Loop Modes. In Automatic Loop
Mode, the outputs are triggered by the control algorithm to keep the
PV within limits. In Manual Loop Mode, the operator directly
manipulates the Raise and Lower outputs from the HMI.
• Operation in Operator, Program, Override, and Maintenance
command sources.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 379

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

380 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Structured Text

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_DEADBAND tag PDBC structure
BusObj BUS_OBJ tag Bus component

P_ DEADBAND Structure
Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Enable input. Ladder Diagram: Corresponds to the rung condition.
EnableIn BOOL Default is true.
Use this request when reinitializing.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL Default is true.
Process variable being controlled (engineering units). Valid = Any float.
Inp_PV REAL Default is 0.0.
Input source and quality from channel object, if available (enumerator). Valid = 0 to 32.
Inp_PVSrcQ SINT Default is 0.
Related process variable object alarm priority and acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Inp_PVNotify SINT Default is 0.
1 = Process variable or input/output communications status bad, 0 = Process variable and
input/output communications healthy.
Inp_PVBad BOOL Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 381

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Override command: 0 = No command, 1 = Raise, 2 = Lower, 3 = None, 4 = Manual, 5 = Auto.
Inp_OvrdCmd SINT Default is 0.
Override mode raise setpoint (engineering units). Valid = Any float.
Inp_OvrdRaiseSP REAL Default is 0.0.
Override mode lower setpoint (engineering units). Valid = Any float.
Inp_OvrdLowerSP REAL Default is 0.0.
The gate input used for high deviation status detection. 1 = The corresponding analog input
threshold monitoring is enabled. 0 = detection is disabled and the corresponding status output
is forced off.
Inp_HiDevGate BOOL Default is false.
The gate input used for low deviation status detection. 1 = The corresponding analog input
threshold monitoring is enabled. 0 = detection is disabled and the corresponding status output
is forced off.
Inp_LoDevGate BOOL Default is false.
The gate input used for high rate of change (increasing) status detection. 1 = The
corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled. 0 = detection is disabled and the
corresponding status output is forced off.
Inp_HiRoCIncrGate BOOL Default is false.
The gate input used for high rate of change (decreasing) status detection. 1 = The
corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled. 0 = detection is disabled and the
corresponding status output is forced off.
Inp_HiRoCDecrGate BOOL Default is false.
Owner device command:
Inp_OwnerCmd.0 = None,
Inp_OwnerCmd.10 = Operator lock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.11 = Operator unlock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.12 = Program lock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.13 = Program unlock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.14 = Acquire maintenance,
Inp_OwnerCmd.15 = Release maintenance,
Inp_OwnerCmd.16 = Acquire external,
Inp_OwnerCmd.17 = Release external.
Inp_OwnerCmd DINT Default is 0.
1 = Inhibit external acquisition, 0 = Allow external acquisition.
Inp_ExtInh BOOL Default is false.
1 = Acquire hand (typically hardwired local), 0 = Release hand.
Inp_Hand BOOL Default is false.
1 = Acquire override (higher priority program logic), 0 = Release override.
Inp_Ovrd BOOL Default is false.
Number of decimal places for process variable display. Valid = 0 to 6.
Cfg_PVDecPlcs SINT Default is 2.
1 = PSets track OSets in operator, OSets track PSets in program, 0 = no tracking.
Cfg_SetTrack BOOL Default is false.
1 = Tells HMI an object with more info is available.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL Default is false.
1 = Tells HMI to enable navigation to a connected process variable object.
Cfg_HasPVNav BOOL Default is false.
1 = Tells HMI to enable navigation to a connected output object, 0 = No connected output
Cfg_HasOutNav BOOL Default is false.
Input process variable range minimum (engineering units). Valid = Any float.
Cfg_PVEUMin REAL Default is 0.0.
Input process variable range maximum (engineering units). Valid = Any float.
Cfg_PVEUMax REAL Default is 100.0.
Setpoint high limit clamp (engineering units). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Cfg_SPHiLim REAL Default is 100.0.
Setpoint low limit clamp (engineering units). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Cfg_SPLoLim REAL Default is 0.0.

382 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Deadband for the raise output (above raise limit). Valid = 0.0 to (Cfg_SPHiLim - Cfg_SPLoLim).
Cfg_RaiseDB REAL Default is 1.0.
Deadband for the lower output (below lower limit). Valid = 0.0 to (Cfg_SPHiLim - Cfg_SPLoLim).
Cfg_LowerDB REAL Default is 1.0.
Process variable rate of change time base (seconds), 1.0 = /second, 60.0 = /minute, 3600.0 =
/hour. Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Cfg_RateTime REAL Default is 1.0.
High deviation status threshold (engineering units). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Cfg_HiDevLim REAL Default is 100.0.
High deviation status deadband (engineering units). Valid = 0.0 to high deviation threshold.
Cfg_HiDevDB REAL Default is 1.0.
Low deviation status threshold (engineering units). Valid = minimum negative float to 0.0.
Cfg_LoDevLim REAL Default is -99.0.
Low deviation status deadband (engineering units). Valid = 0.0 to -(low deviation threshold).
Cfg_LoDevDB REAL Default is 1.0.
High deviation status gate delay (seconds). Time .Inp_HiDev must be 1 before high deviation
condition is checked. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Cfg_HiDevGateDly REAL Default is 0.0.
Low deviation status gate delay (seconds). Time .Inp_LoDev must be 1 before low deviation
condition is checked. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Cfg_LoDevGateDly REAL Default is 0.0.
Program - entered high rate of change (increasing) status threshold (engineering units / rate
time). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Cfg_HiRoCIncrLim REAL Default is 100.0.
High rate of change (increasing) status deadband (engineering units / rate time). Valid = 0.0 to
Cfg_HiRoCIncrDB REAL Default is 1.0.
High rate of change (increasing) status gate delay (seconds). Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0.
Cfg_HiRoCIncrGateDly REAL Default is 0.0.
Program - entered high rate of change (decreasing) status threshold (engineering units / rate
time). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Cfg_HiRoCDecrLim REAL Default is 100.0.
High rate of change (decreasing) status deadband (engineering units / rate time). Valid = 0.0 to
Cfg_HiRoCDecrDB REAL Default is 1.0.
High rate of change (decreasing) status gate delay (seconds). Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0.
Cfg_HiRoCDecrGateDly REAL Default is 0.0.
1 = XCmd_Acq used as level (1 = Acquire, 0 = Release).
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel BOOL Default is false.
1 = External supersedes program / Operator Lock, 0 = Don't override Lock.
Cfg_ExtOverLock BOOL Default is false.
1 = External exists, can be selected.
Cfg_HasExt BOOL Default is false.
1 = Maintenance exists, can be selected.
Cfg_HasMaint BOOL Default is true.
1 = Maintenance out of service exists, can be selected.
Cfg_HasMaintOoS BOOL Default is true.
1 = Operator (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Cfg_HasOper BOOL Default is true.
1 = Operator locked exists, can be selected.
Cfg_HasOperLocked BOOL Default is true.
1 = Program (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Cfg_HasProg BOOL Default is true.
1 = Program locked exists, can be selected.
Cfg_HasProgLocked BOOL Default is true.
1 = Override supersedes program / operator lock, 0 = Don't override lock.
Cfg_OvrdOverLock BOOL Default is true.
1 = .PCmd_Lock used as a Level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock).
Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel BOOL Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 383

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
1 = Allow maintenance to disable alarms.
Cfg_AllowDisable BOOL Default is true.
1 = Allow operator to shelve alarms.
Cfg_AllowShelve BOOL Default is true.
1 = Program commands take priority, 0 = Operator commands take priority.
Cfg_PCmdPriority BOOL Default is false.
1 = PCmd_Prog used as a level.
Cfg_PCmdProgAsLevel BOOL Default is false.
Normal source: 1 = Program if no requests, 0 = Operator if no requests.
Cfg_ProgNormal BOOL Default is false.
1 = Power up to program mode, 0 = Power up to operator mode.
Cfg_ProgPwrUp BOOL Default is false.
Operator Command Confirmation Required. Represents the type of command confirmation
0 = None,
1 = Command confirmation required,
2 = Performer e-signature required,
3 = Performer and approver e-signature required.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT Default is 0.
Program setting for raise setpoint (engineering units). Valid = Any float.
PSet_LowerSP REAL Default is 30.0.
Program setting for raise setpoint (engineering units). Valid = Any float.
PSet_RaiseSP REAL Default is 20.0.
Program owner request ID (non-zero) or release (zero). Valid = Any integer greater or equal to
PSet_Owner DINT Default is 0.
External setting for lower setpoint (engineering units). Valid = Any float.
XSet_LowerSP REAL Default is 30.0.
External setting for raise setpoint (engineering units). Valid = Any float.
XSet_RaiseSP REAL Default is 20.0.
Program command to set output to raise, when in program manual. 1 = Raise. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
PCmd_Raise BOOL Default is false.
Program command to set output to lower, when in program manual. 1 = Lower. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
PCmd_Lower BOOL Default is false.
Program command to clear raise, lower outputs, when in program manual. 1 = Clear
.PCmd_Raise and PCmd_Lower. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
PCmd_None BOOL Default is false.
Program command to select automatic loop mode. 1 = Select automatic loop mode. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
PCmd_Auto BOOL Default is false.
Program command to select manual loop mode. 1 = Select manual loop mode. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
PCmd_Man BOOL Default is false.
Program Command to reset shed latches and cleared alarms. 1 = Reset shed latches and
cleared alarms. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
PCmd_Reset BOOL Default is false.
Program command to lock program (disallow operator). The instruction clears this operand
automatically if Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel = 0.
PCmd_Lock BOOL Default is false.
Program command to select normal command source (operator or program). The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
PCmd_Normal BOOL Default is false.
Program command to select operator (program to operator). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
PCmd_Oper BOOL Default is false.
Program command to select program (operator to program). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
PCmd_Prog BOOL Default is false.

384 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Program command to unlock Program (allow Operator to acquire). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
PCmd_Unlock BOOL Default is false.
External command to set output to raise, when in external manual. 1 = Lower. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
XCmd_Raise BOOL Default is false.
External command to set output to lower, when in external manual. 1 = Lower. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
XCmd_Lower BOOL Default is false.
External command to clear raise, lower outputs, when in external manual. 1 = Clear
XCmd_Raise and XCmd_Lower. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
XCmd_None BOOL Default is false.
External command to select automatic loop mode. 1 = select automatic loop mode. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
XCmd_Auto BOOL Default is false.
External command to select manual loop mode. 1 = Select manual loop mode. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
XCmd_Man BOOL Default is false.
External command to reset shed latches and cleared alarms. 1 = Reset shed latches and
cleared alarms. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
XCmd_Reset BOOL Default is false.
External command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
XCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Default is false.
External command to acquire ownership (operator/program/override/maintenance to
external). The instruction clears this operand automatically if Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0.
XCmd_Acq BOOL Default is false.
External command to release ownership, if Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0 (external to
operator/program/override/maintenance). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
XCmd_Rel BOOL Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable Output - This output state always reflects EnableIn input state.
Out_Raise BOOL Output to drive process variable to raise.
Out_Lower BOOL Output to drive process variable to lower.
Out_Q BOOL 1 = Setpoint raised, 0 = Setpoint lowered.
Out_QNot BOOL 1 = Setpoint lowered, 0 = Setpoint raised.
Out_OwnerSts DINT Status of command source, owner command handshake and ready status:
Out_OwnerSts.0 = None,
Out_OwnerSts.10 = Operator lock,
Out_OwnerSts.11 = Operator unlock,
Out_OwnerSts.12 = Program lock,
Out_OwnerSts.13 = Program unlock,
Out_OwnerSts.14 = Acquire maintenance,
Out_OwnerSts.15 = Release maintenance ,
Out_OwnerSts.16 = Acquire external,
Out_OwnerSts.17 = Release external,
Out_OwnerSts.18 = Has maintenance,
Out_OwnerSts.19 = External override lock,
Out_OwnerSts.20 = Has External,
Out_OwnerSts.21 = Has operator,
Out_OwnerSts.22 = Has program,
Out_OwnerSts.30 = Not ready.
Val_PV REAL Process variable value (engineering units). (scaled range between minimum and maximum).
Val_RoC REAL Process variable rate of change value (engineering units / rate time).
Val_LowerSP REAL Accepted value for lower setpoint (engineering units).
Val_RaiseSP REAL Accepted value for raise setpoint (engineering units).
Val_PVEUMin REAL Minimum of scaled range, minimum between Cfg_PVEUMin and Cfg_PVEUMax.
Val_PVEUMax REAL Maximum of scaled range, maximum between Cfg_PVEUMin and Cfg_PVEUMax.
Val_Owner DINT Current object owner ID, 0 = Not owned.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 385

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
SrcQ_IO DINT Source and quality of primary input / output (enumeration).
SrcQ DINT Source and quality of primary value / status (enumeration).
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
Sts_Raise BOOL 1 = Process variable below raise setpoint, Out_Raise = 1.
Sts_Lower BOOL 1 = Process variable above lower setpoint, Out_Lower = 1.
Sts_Auto BOOL 1 = Current loop mode is automatic.
Sts_Man BOOL 1 = Current loop mode is manual.
Sts_Q BOOL 1 = Out_Q = 1, Out_QNot = 0.
Sts_Available BOOL 1 = Loop available for manipulation in program mode.
Sts_NotRdy BOOL 1 = Device not ready, see detail bits for reason.
Sts_NrdyCfgErr BOOL 1 = Device not ready: Configuration error.
Sts_NrdyOoS BOOL 1 = Device is not ready: Device disabled by maintenance.
Sts_AlmInh BOOL 1 = An alarm is inhibited, disabled or suppressed (Display icon on HMI).
Sts_Err BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: See detail bits (Sts_ErrXXX) for reason.
Sts_ErrEU BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Scaled engineering units Cfg_PVEUMin = Cfg_PVEUMax.
Sts_ErrRateTime BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Process variable rate of change time base.
Sts_ErrAlm BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Alarm minimum on time or severity.
Sts_OoS BOOL 1 = Out of service is selected (supersedes maintenance, override, external, program, operator).
Sts_Prog BOOL 1 = Program mode is selected.
Sts_RdyReset BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset.
Sts_RdyAck BOOL 1 = An alarm is ready to be acknowledged.
Sts_HiDevCmp BOOL Process variable high deviation comparison result = 1.
Sts_HiDevGate BOOL Process variable high deviation gate delay status, 1 = Done.
Sts_HiDev BOOL 1 = Analog input deviation is above high limit. There is a predefined default discrete Logix
tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration members of the discrete Logix
tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements in this format:
[email protected]_HiDev.AlarmElement.
Sts_LoDevCmp BOOL Process variable low deviation comparison result = 1.
Sts_LoDevGate BOOL Process variable low deviation gate delay status, 1 = Done.
Sts_LoDev BOOL 1 = Analog input deviation is below low limit. There is a predefined default discrete Logix
tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration members of the discrete Logix
tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements in this format:
[email protected]_HiRoCIncr.AlarmElement.
Sts_HiRoCIncrCmp BOOL Process variable high rate of change (increasing) comparison result = 1.
Sts_HiRoCIncrGate BOOL Process variable high rate of change (increasing) gate delay status, 1 = Done.
Sts_HiRoCIncr BOOL 1 = Analog input PV rate of change (increasing) is above high limit. There is a predefined
default discrete Logix tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration members of
the discrete Logix tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements in this format:
[email protected]_HiRocIncr.AlarmElement.
Sts_HiRoCDecrCmp BOOL Process variable high rate of change (decreasing) comparison result = 1.
Sts_HiRoCDecrGate BOOL Process variable high rate of change (decreasing) gate delay status, 1 = Done.
Sts_HiRoCDecr BOOL 1 = Analog input PV rate of change (decreasing) is above high limit. There is a predefined
default discrete Logix tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration members of
the discrete Logix tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements in this format:
[email protected]_HiRocDecr.AlarmElement.
Sts_eNotify SINT All alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.

386 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_eNotifyAll SINT All alarm status enumerated values including related objects:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyHiDev SINT High Deviation Gate alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyHiRoCDecr SINT High Rate of Change (Decreasing) alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyHiRoCIncr SINT High Rate of Change (Increasing) alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyLoDev SINT Low Deviation alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_UnackAlmCount DINT Count of unacknowledged alarms.
Sts_Alm BOOL 1 = An alarm is active.
Sts_ErrHiDevGateDly BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_HiDevGateDly value is invalid.
Sts_ErrLoDevGateDly BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_LoDevGateDly value is invalid.
Sts_ErrHiRoCIncrGateDly BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_HiRoCIncrGateDly value is invalid.
Sts_ErrHiRoCDecrGateDly BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_HiRoCDecrGateDly value is invalid.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 387

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_Oper BOOL 1 = Operator mode is selected.
Sts_Maint BOOL 1 = Maintenance is selected (supersedes override, external, program, operator).
Sts_Ext BOOL 1 = External is selected (supersedes program and operator).
Sts_Ovrd BOOL 1 = Override is selected (supersedes external, program, operator).
Sts_eFault INT Device Fault Status:
0 = None,
1 = Low deviation,
2 = High deviation,
3 = High rate of change (decreasing),
4 = High rate of change (increasing),
5 = Input source bad,
6 = Configuration error.
Sts_eSts INT Device status:
0 = Deadband, Q is off,
1 = Deadband Q is on,
2 = Above lower SP,
3 = Below lower SP,
4-7 = same, in manual,
8 = Out of service
Sts_bSrc INT Active selection bitmap (for HMI totem pole with command source request selection):
Sts_bSrc.0 = Hand,
Sts_bSrc.1 = Programmed out of service (rung false), Sts_bSrc.2 = Maintenance out of service,
Sts_bSrc.3 = Maintenance,
Sts_bSrc.4 = Override,
Sts_bSrc.5 = External,
Sts_bSrc.6 = Program locked,
Sts_bSrc.7 = Program,
Sts_bSrc.8 = Operator locked,
Sts_bSrc.9 = Operator.
Sts_eSrc INT The current command source enumerated values:
0 = Logic not in use,
4 = Hand,
8 = Maintenance,
16 = Override,
32 = Program,
33 = Program locked,
34 = Program by default (Normal),
64 = Operator,
65 = Operator locked,
66 = Operator by default (Normal),
128 = Maintenance Out of Service,
129 = Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
256 = External.
Sts_ExtReqInh BOOL 1 = External request inhibited, cannot get to external from current state.
Sts_Hand BOOL 1 = Hand is selected (supersedes out of service, maintenance, override, external, program,
Sts_MAcqRcvd BOOL 1 = Maintenance acquire command received this scan (Read only).
Sts_Normal BOOL 1 = Selection equals the normal (program or operator).
Sts_OperLocked BOOL 1 = Operator is selected and locked.
Sts_ProgLocked BOOL 1 = Program is selected and locked.
Sts_ProgOperLock BOOL Program/operator lock (latch) state,
1 = Locked,
0 = Unlocked.
Sts_ProgOperSel BOOL Program/operator selection (latch) state:
1 = Program,
0 = Operator.
Sts_ProgReqInh BOOL 1 = Program request inhibited, cannot get to program from current state.
XRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Rel, enable HMI button (Read Only).

388 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
XRdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Reset, enable HMI button.
Rdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_ResetAckAll, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Auto BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Auto.
XRdy_Lower BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Lower.
XRdy_Man BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Man.
XRdy_None BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_None.
XRdy_Raise BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Raise.
Private Input Members Data Type Description
HMI_BusObjIndex DINT HMI bus object index
Default is 0.
MCmd_Acq BOOL Maintenance command to acquire ownership (operator / program / external / override to
maintenance). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_IS BOOL Maintenance command to select in service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_OoS BOOL Maintenance command to select out of service. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
MCmd_Rel BOOL Maintenance command to release ownership (maintenance to operator / program / external /
override). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Auto BOOL Operator command to select automatic loop mode.
Default is false.
OCmd_Lock BOOL Operator command to lock operator (disallow program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Lower BOOL Operator command to set output to lower (in manual).
Default is false.
OCmd_Man BOOL Operator command to select manual loop mode.
Default is false.
OCmd_None BOOL Operator command to clear raise, lower outputs (in manual).
Default is false.
OCmd_Normal BOOL Operator command to select normal (operator or program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Oper BOOL Operator command to select operator (program to operator). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Prog BOOL Operator command to select program (operator to program). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Raise BOOL Operator command to set output to raise (in manual).
Default is false.
OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset shed latches and cleared alarms.
Default is false.
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Operator command to reset shed latches and cleared alarms, plus acknowledge alarms.
Default is false.
OCmd_Unlock BOOL Operator command to unlock or release ownership and allow program to acquire ownership.
The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OSet_LowerSP REAL Operator setting for lower setpoint (engineering units).
Default is 30.0.
OSet_RaiseSP REAL Operator setting for raise setpoint (engineering units).
Default is 20.0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 389

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Input Members Data Type Description
CmdSrc P_COMMAND_SOURCE Control / Command Source Selection
Maintenance command to acquire ownership (operator / program / external / override to
maintenance). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
MCmd_Acq BOOL Default is false.
Maintenance command to select in service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
MCmd_IS BOOL Default is false.
Maintenance command to select out of service. The instruction clears this operand
MCmd_OoS BOOL Default is false.
Maintenance command to release ownership (maintenance to operator / program / external /
override). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
MCmd_Rel BOOL Default is false.
Operator command to select automatic loop mode.
OCmd_Auto BOOL Default is false.
Operator command to lock operator (disallow program). The instruction clears this operand
OCmd_Lock BOOL Default is false.
Operator command to set output to lower (in manual).
OCmd_Lower BOOL Default is false.
Operator command to select manual loop mode.
OCmd_Man BOOL Default is false.
Operator command to clear raise, lower outputs (in manual).
OCmd_None BOOL Default is false.
Operator command to select normal (operator or program). The instruction clears this operand
OCmd_Normal BOOL Default is false.
Operator command to select operator (program to operator). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
OCmd_Oper BOOL Default is false.
Operator command to select program (operator to program). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
OCmd_Prog BOOL Default is false.
Operator command to set output to raise (in manual).
OCmd_Raise BOOL Default is false.
Operator command to reset shed latches and cleared alarms.
OCmd_Reset BOOL Default is false.
Operator command to reset shed latches and cleared alarms, plus acknowledge alarms.
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Default is false.
Operator command to unlock or release ownership and allow program to acquire ownership.
The instruction clears this operand automatically.
OCmd_Unlock BOOL Default is false.
Operator setting for lower setpoint (engineering units).
OSet_LowerSP REAL Default is 30.0.
Operator setting for raise setpoint (engineering units).
OSet_RaiseSP REAL Default is 20.0.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

HMI_BusObjIndex DINT HMI bus object index.
MRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
MRdy_IS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_IS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_OoS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_OoS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Auto BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Auto.
ORdy_Lock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Lock, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Lower BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Lower.
ORdy_Man BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Man.
ORdy_None BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_None.
ORdy_Normal BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Normal, enable HMI button.

390 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Output Members Data Type Description
ORdy_Oper BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Oper, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Prog BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Prog, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Raise BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Raise.
ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Reset (enables HMI button).
ORdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_ResetAckAll (enables HMI button).
ORdy_SP BOOL 1 = Ready for Setpoint OSets (enables data entry fields).
ORdy_Unlock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Unlock, enable HMI button.

Public InOut Members Data Type Description

BusObj BUS_OBJ Bus component

BUS_OBJ Structure
Members Data Type Description
Inp_Cmd DINT Input to assert commands
Out_Cmd DINT Resultant commands
Inp_CmdLLH DINT Input for level normally high commands
Out_CmdLLH DINT Resultant line level high commands
Inp_Sts DINT Input to assert status
Out_Sts DINT Resultant status
Inp_CmdAck DINT Input to assert a command acknowledgement
Out_CmdAck DINT Resultant command acknowledgements
Inp_SeverityMax DINT Input: maximum alarm severity
Out_SeverityMax DINT Resultant of maximum alarm severity
Cfg_CmdMask DINT Propagation mask for commands
Cfg_CmdLLHMask DINT Propagation mask for line level high commands
Cfg_StsMask DINT Propagation mask for status
Ref_Index DINT Bus array index

This diagram illustrates the functionality of the PDBC instruction:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 391

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FT View) and for the Logix Designer
configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties of tag
items. Configure the strings in Logix Designer only.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• More Information
• Number of decimal places
• Output Units
• Input Units
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name Output
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name Input

392 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

This illustration shows normal implementation with the input condition
mapped to Inp_PV on a separate branch. This approach controls an analog
process variable (PV), such as temperature, level or pressure, between upper
and lower control limits by triggering one or two discrete outputs.

Monitor the PDBC Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Sts_eSrc is set to 0. Sts_bSrc is set to 0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 393

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared each execution are cleared and
Inp_OvrdCmd is set to 0 (no command).
The Program/Operator selection is set based on the configuration
The Program or Operator lock selection is set to unlocked.
The Maintenance acquired/released state is not modified and persists through a
controller powerup or PROG-to-RUN transition.
PSet_Owner and Out_OwnerSts are set to 0.
Rung-condition-in is false Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
The instruction is put Out of Service if Inp_Hand=0. The output is set to Interlock
CV and all alarm conditions are cleared.
Latched alarms are reset.
Command source selection processing proceeds except that Program and
Operators commands are ignored and cleared and all ownership status bits
(Sts_Maint, Sts_Ovrd, Sts_Ext, Sts_Prog and Sts_Oper) are cleared to 0. When
rung-condition-in becomes true, the Program/Operator selection is set based on
the configuration (Cfg_ProgPwrUp).
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
Sts_eSrc is set to 0. Sts_bSrc is set to 0.
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
Inp_OvrdCmd is set to 0 (no command).
The Program/Operator selection is set based on the configuration
The Program or Operator lock selection is set to unlocked.
The Maintenance acquired/released state is not modified and persists through a
controller powerup or PROG-to-RUN transition.
PSet_Owner and Val_Owner are set to 0.

Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
The instruction is put Out of Service if Inp_Hand=0. The output is set to Interlock
CV and all alarm conditions are cleared.
Latched alarms are reset.
Command source selection processing proceeds except that Program and
Operators commands are ignored and cleared and all ownership status bits
(Sts_Maint, Sts_Ovrd, Sts_Ext, Sts_Prog and Sts_Oper) are cleared to 0. When
rung-condition-in becomes true, the Program/Operator selection is set based on
the configuration (Cfg_ProgPwrUp).
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.

394 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

In this example, tag TI1_P50 is the temperature value monitored by the PDBC
instruction. This tag provides a real indication of analog PV value.
Inp_PV is connected to the analog values tag (TI1_P50.Val) that comes from
the Value output of the PAI instruction instance.

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 395

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PDBC01.Inp_PV := TI1_P50.Out;
PDBC(PDBC_01, 0);

See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Discrete Input (PDI) This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.
The Process Discrete Input (PDI) instruction monitors a discrete (true or
false) input, and checks for alarm conditions. Use the PDI instruction to
process a signal from a channel of a discrete input module. Use the PDI
instruction with any discrete (BOOL) signal.
The PDI instruction provides these capabilities:

396 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• De-bounce of the discrete input signal to filter out fast status changes
by specifying a minimum time status must maintain state.
• Display of the input state; the 0-state and 1-state names are
configurable. The input state is also displayed independently, even
when the input is substituted.
• Target Disagree status based on comparing the input state against a
target, or normal, state. The Target Disagree status is enabled by a
gating input signal with a configurable gate delay. The Target Disagree
status on and off delays are configurable. The Target Disagree status
has an associated tag-based alarm.
• Handle a process variable (PV) fault input by displaying the fault to the
operator. The PV fault has an associated tag-based alarm.
• The operator can select and manually enter a substitute PV. This
manual override is made clearly visible to the operator. Optionally, the
user can configure the substitute PV signal to track the Target input so
that no Target Disagree status or alarm is generated.
• Support for a virtual PV for use in instruction testing, demonstration,
or operator training.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 397

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PDI(PDI tag, BusObj);

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PDI P_DISCRETE_INPUT tag Data structure required for
proper operation of
BusObj BUS_OBJ tag Bus component. May be

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, or hidden, members are used in HMI faceplates and are
not programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.

398 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input.
Ladder Diagram:
Corresponds to the rung condition.
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction first run. Use this
request to re-initialize. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is true.
Inp_PVData BOOL Input signal (process variable) from device.
When EnableIn is false the instruction executes and uses the inverse of the Inp_PVData signal for processing.
Default is true.
Inp_ModFault BOOL 1 = I/O module failure or module communication status bad,
0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_ChanFault BOOL 1 = I/O channel fault or failure,
0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVUncertain BOOL Indicates the channel data accuracy is undetermined.
1 = The channel data is uncertain.
This input sets Sts_PVUncertain if not in Virtual.
Default is false.
Inp_PVNotify SINT Related PV object alarm priority and acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default = 0.
Inp_Target BOOL Target state of input. Input Inp_PVData is compared with the target state using Gate function. If not in target
state, the Target Disagree status (Sts_TgtDisagree) is set to 1 and Target Disagree tag-based alarm is raised (if
Default is true.
Inp_Gate BOOL The gate input used for status detection.
1 = Target Disagree monitoring is enabled.
0 = Target Disagree detection is disabled and the Target Disagree status output is forced off.
Default is true.
Inp_Reset BOOL 1 = Reset Shed Latches and Cleared Alarms.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowDisable BOOL 1 = Allow Maintenance to disable alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_AllowShelve BOOL 1 = Allow Operator to shelve alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_NoSubstPV BOOL Disables the maintenance substitution feature.
0 = The Substitute PV Maintenance function is enabled,
1 = The Substitute PV Maintenance function is disabled.
When Cfg_NoSubstPV is 0, the commands MCmd_SubstPV and MCmd_InpPV are used to select the input PV or
the substitute PV. Sts_SubstPV is set to 1 when the substitute PV is selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_SubstTracksTarget BOOL 1 = The substitute PV tracks Inp_Target, 0 = The substitute PV is set by MSet_SubstPV.
Default is false.
Cfg_NormTextVis BOOL 1 = The state text is displayed in Normal state,
0 = The state text is hidden in Normal state.
Default is true.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 399

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Description
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL 1 = Tells HMI an object with more info is available.
Default is false.
Cfg_Debounce REAL Minimum time status must maintain state (seconds). Debounces the input PV, ensuring that the status stays in
each state a minimum time.
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default = 0.0.
Cfg_GateDly REAL Target Disagree Gate delay (seconds). Time Inp_Gate must be 1 before Target Disagree condition is checked.
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default = 0.0.
Cfg_TgtDisagreeOffDly REAL Minimum time for input to agree with target to clear status (seconds).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_TgtDisagreeOnDly REAL Minimum time for input to disagree with target to raise status (seconds).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT Operator command confirmation required. Represents the type of command confirmation required.
0 = None,
1 = Command confirmation required,
2 = Performer e-signature required,
3 = Performer and approver e-signature required.
Default is 0.
Set_VirtualPV BOOL PV used in Virtual (Sts_Virtual is 1). If the instruction is not in Virtual (Inp_Virtual is 0), the Set_VirtualPV input
tracks the input PV (Inp_PVData) for bumpless transfer into Virtual.
Default is false.
PCmd_Virtual BOOL Program command to select Virtual (simulated) device operation. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Physical BOOL Program command to select Physical device operation (not simulated). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Reset BOOL Program command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions requiring reset. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Reset BOOL External command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL External command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable output. This output state always reflects EnableIn input state.
Out BOOL Discrete input status (including de-bounce and manual override, if used).
0 = The discrete input is Off,
1 = The discrete input is On.
Out_InpPV BOOL Echo of Inp_PVData (actual raw or virtual input).
Out_Reset BOOL 1 = Reset command has been received and accepted.
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
Sts_PVUncertain BOOL Indicates the channel data accuracy is undetermined. 1 = The channel data is uncertain. This output is set by
Inp_PVUncertain (if not in Virtual).
Sts_SubstPV BOOL 1 = Using substitute PV (Override).
Sts_InpPV BOOL 1 = Using input PV (Normal).

400 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Description
Sts_Virtual BOOL 1 = Using virtual PV instead of the input from the device (Inp_PVData) to calculate output.
0 = The instruction uses input operand Inp_PVData to calculate output.
SrcQ_IO SINT Source and quality of primary input or output (enumerated):
0 = Good, live, confirmed good,
1 = Good, live, assumed good,
2 = Good, no feedback, assumed good,
8 = Test, virtualized,
9 = Test, loopback,
10 = Test, manually entered,
16 = Uncertain, live, off-spec,
17 = Uncertain, substituted at device or bus,
18 = Uncertain, substituted at instruction,
19 = Uncertain, using last known good,
20 = Uncertain, using replacement value,
32 = Bad, signal failure,
33 = Bad, channel fault,
34 = Bad, module or communication fault,
35 = Bad, invalid configuration.
SrcQ SINT Source and quality of primary value or status (enumerated):
0 = Good, live, confirmed good,
1 = Good, live, assumed good,
2 = Good, no feedback, assumed good,
8 = Test, virtualized,
9 = Test, loopback,
10 = Test, manually entered,
16 = Uncertain, live, off-spec,
17 = Uncertain, substituted at device or bus,
18 = Uncertain, substituted at instruction,
19 = Uncertain, using last known good,
20 = Uncertain, using replacement value,
32 = Bad, signal failure,
33 = Bad, channel fault,
34 = Bad, module or communication fault,
35 = Bad, invalid configuration.
Sts_eSts SINT Device confirmed status values:
0 = PV Good,
1 = PV uncertain,
2 = PV bad,
3 = PV substituted.
Sts_eFault SINT Device fault status values:
0 = None,
1 = Target disagree,
2 = Configuration error.
Sts_eNotify SINT All alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 401

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Description
Sts_eNotifyAll SINT All alarm status enumerated values including related objects:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyIOFault SINT IOFault alarm status enumerated values.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyTgtDisagree SINT TgtDisagree alarm status enumerated values.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_UnackAlmCount DINT Count of unacknowledged alarms.
Sts_MaintByp BOOL 1 = The device has a Maintenance Bypass function active.
Sts_Err BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: See detail bits (Sts_Errxxx) for reason.
Sts_ErrGateDly BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_GateDly value is invalid.
Sts_ErrTgtDisagreeOffDly BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_TgtDisagreeOffDly value is invalid.
Sts_ErrTgtDisagreeOnDly BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_TgtDisagreeOnDly value is invalid.
Sts_ErrDebounce BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Cfg_Debounce value is invalid.
Sts_ErrAlm BOOL 1 = Error in tag-based alarm settings.
Sts_Alm BOOL 1 = An alarm is active.
Sts_AlmInh BOOL 1 = An alarm is shelved or disabled.
Sts_IOFault BOOL IO Fault Status (0 = OK, 1 = Bad). 1 = Channel data is inaccurate. This output is set by Inp_IOFault if not in
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration members of
the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_IOFault.AlarmElement
Sts_TgtDisagreeCmp BOOL Input versus Target comparison result before gating. 1 = The input does not match its target.
Sts_TgtDisagreeGate BOOL Target Disagree Gate Delay Status. 1 = The target disagree gate is open.
Sts_TgtDisagree BOOL Gated input versus target comparison result. 1 = Input is not in target state.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration members of
the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_TgtDisagree.AlarmElement
Sts_RdyAck BOOL 1 = An alarm is ready to be acknowledged.
Sts_RdyReset BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset.

402 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Description
XRdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Reset, enable HMI button.
XRdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_ResetAckAll, enable HMI button.

Private Input Members Data Description

MSet_SubstPV BOOL Maintenance-entered substitute PV that overrides input PV when Sts_SubstPV is 1. If not using the substitute
(Sts_SubstPV is false), the MSet_SubstPV setting tracks the Out value for bumpless transfer from input PV to
substitute PV.
Default is false.
MCmd_SubstPV BOOL Maintenance command to use Substitute PV (Override input). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_InpPV BOOL Maintenance command to use Input PV (Normal). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Physical BOOL Maintenance command to select Physical device operation (not simulated). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
MCmd_Virtual BOOL Maintenance command to select Virtual (simulated) device operation. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Operator command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The use of
OCmd_ResetAckAll is restricted to HMI. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

HMI_BusObjIndex DINT This object's index in the bus array, for use by HMI display.
Default is 0.
MRdy_SubstPV BOOL 1 = The instruction is ready for SubstPV command.
MRdy_InpPV BOOL 1 = The instruction is ready for InpPV command.
MRdy_Physical BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Physical, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Virtual BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Virtual, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset.
ORdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset or acknowledged.

Public InOut Members Data Type Description

BusObj BUS_OBJ Bus component

Discrete tag-based alarms are defined for these members.
Member Alarm Name Description
Sts_TgtDisagree Alm_TgtDisagree Target Disagree status.
Sts_IOFault Alm_IOFault I/O Fault status (not generated when PV Substitution is

Mark the alarm as used or unused and set standard configuration members of
the discrete Logix Tag based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 403

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
[email protected]
There are Program, Operator, and External commands that enable the Reset
and Reset & Acknowledge of all alarms of the instruction (Alarm Set) at the
same time. This diagram shows how the commands interact with the

The Gate function provides the ability to raise an abnormal condition (alarm
condition) when another condition is true. For example, a high vibration
switch should only generate an alarm when the associated motor is running
long enough to stabilize. The Inp_Gate input must be set to 1 (its default value)
and the tag-based alarm for Sts_TgtDisagree enabled for alarm to occur. The
alarm will not occur until the Inp_Gate input has been set for the Gate Delay
(Cfg_GateDly) time.
The alarm is generated when the Inp_PVData (process variable) input is
different from the Inp_Target (target) input. The Target indicates the normal
condition. For example, a flow switch should indicate flow when a pump is
running and should not indicate flow when a pump is stopped. The pump run
status is used as the Target input, and when the switch does not match the
target (within the allotted time), the Alarm (Flow Loss / Switch Failure) is

404 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Tip: In Ladder Diagram if the rung-condition-in is false, the instruction uses the inverse of the Inp_PVData
signal for processing. This allows the input to be a condition on the rung with PDI rather than mapped into
Inp_PVData. To use the rung-condition-in mapping method, set Inp_PVData to 1, its default value.
This instruction includes a substitute PV capability for a manually-entered state. This is useful when a
sensor is out of order or for simulation and testing.
The Discrete Input instruction and its input, target and gate signals handle alarm conditions described by
these use cases:
• Raises an alarm when the input is in a given alarm state for a configurable amount of time, such as a low
level alarm from a float level switch.
• Raises an alarm when the input does not follow another given signal within a configurable amount of
time, such as a flow switch which should indicate flow when an associated pump has been running for a
period of time and which should indicate NO flow when the associated pump has been stopped for a
period of time.
• Raises an alarm when the input is in a given alarm state for a configurable amount of time after enabled
by a gating signal, such as a vibration switch on a motor, which should only alarm when the motor has
been running long enough for startup vibration to have settled out.

This diagram illustrates the functionality of the PDI instruction:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 405

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

406 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

A bounce is a reversal of state that occurs immediately after a deliberate
transition. When filtering bounces you should acknowledge the very first
transition as early as possible and ignore subsequent changes until the end of
a hold-off period. Use Cfg_Debouncing to specify the hold-off period in
For example, as soon as the Input PV changes state from 0 to 1, the output
changes to 1 and will not then follow the Input PV back to 0 until the
Cfg_Debounce time has expired. If Cfg_Debounce is set to 1 second, the
output remains at 1 for at least 1 second. After 1 second, if the Input PV was
then 0, the output would change to 0 and would remain at 0 for at least 1
This illustration shows the Debounce operation.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 407

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Virtualization in PDI provides a virtual 0-state or 1-state input (Set_VirtualPV)
that processes like an input. Use virtualization for instruction testing and
operator training. Use PCmd_Virtual or MCmd_Virtual to enable
virtualization. After finishing virtualization, use PCmd_Physical or
MCmd_Physical to return to normal (physical device) operation.

The instruction is normally initialized in the instruction first run.
Re-initialization can be requested any time by setting Inp_InitializeReq = 1.
For proper initialization, when adding the instruction while performing an
online edit of the code, make sure that Inp_InitializeReq = 1, the default value.

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates, as seen in FactoryTalk View, and for the
Logix Designer configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended
properties of tag items. Configure the strings in the Logix Designer
application only.
• Description
• State name strings for 0-state and 1-state
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• More Information

This illustration shows normal implementation with the input condition
mapped to Inp_PVData on a separate branch.

408 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

This illustration shows the implementation with the input condition mapped
to the PDI instruction using the rung-condition-in.

Monitor the PDI Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 409

Chapter 2 PlantPAx


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
The state of using raw input or maintenance substitute PV is not modified and persists
through a controller powerup or PROG-to-RUN transition.
The state of the physical/virtual selection persists through a control power or
PROG-to-Run transition.
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared each execution are cleared and ignored.
The instruction executes normally.
Rung-condition-in is false Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
The instruction executes normally, except it uses the inverse of the Inp_PVData signal
for processing.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
The state of using raw input or maintenance substitute PV is not modified and persists
through a controller powerup or PROG-to-RUN transition.
The state of the physical/virtual selection persists through a control power or
PROG-to-Run transition.
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
The instruction executes normally.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
The instruction executes normally, except it uses the inverse of the Inp_PVData signal
for processing.
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

410 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

In this example, tag I_VSH_P50 is the digital process value monitored by the
PDI instruction. This tag provides a Boolean indication of High Vibration. The
bad quality indication for the value of the process variable (Inp_ChanFault)
comes from the connection status indication on the input module.
Inp_Target is defaulted to 1 indicating that the normal condition for
I_VSH_P50 is also 1, and tag comments confirm that 1=OK for this process
value. Inp_Gate is connected to the Motor Running status tag (P50_Running)
that comes from the Sts_Running output of the P_Motor instruction instance
for this motor (P50_Motor). The gate delay is configured to give the motor
sufficient time after starting to settle into full normal speed run before
enabling the high vibration indication (Sts_TgtDisagree) and alarm. The
tag-based alarm for Target Disagree status (Sts_TgtDisagree) applies On
Delay timing so the alarm will not raise until after delay time has expired.
Finally, P50_HighVibr is the output tag that indicates the status of I_VSH_P50
with appropriate gate delays based on whether the motor is running.

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 411

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
VAH_50.Inp_PV_Data := I_VSH_P50;
VAH_50.Inp_ChanFault := CAF_117[5];
VAH_50.Inp_Gate := P50_Running;

P50_HighVibr := VAH_P50.Sts_TgtDisagree;

See also
Data Conversions on page 1022

Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Discrete Output This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

(PDO) The Process Discrete Output (PDO) instruction drives a discrete (true / false)
output, monitors discrete inputs serving as feedbacks from a device driven by
the discrete output, and checks for alarm conditions. Use the PDO instruction
for a channel of a discrete output module. Use the PDO instruction with any
discrete (BOOL) signal.
The PDO instruction:

412 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Controls one discrete output, with configurable text labels for the On
and Off states of the output.
• Provides Operator, Program and External commands to set the output
state to On or Off, to pulse the output On once, to pulse the output Off
once, or to set the output to a continuous pulsing operation. Pulse
times (on-time and off-time) are configurable.
• Monitors two discrete feedback inputs, monitoring the actual position
of the device.
• Detects failure to reach the target state, after a configurable time, and
alarms the failure when the feedback inputs are used. Optionally sheds
to the de-energized state on a feedback failure.
• Monitors Permissive conditions that enable commanding the device to
the On state.
• Monitors Interlock conditions that return the device to its
de-energized Off state.
• Provides virtualization of a normally working device, while holding the
output to the real device de-energized, for use in testing or operator
• Monitors I/O status and alarms on an I/O fault. Optionally sheds to the
de-energized state on an I/O fault condition.
• Operates in Operator, Program, External, Override, Maintenance, Out
of Service and Hand command sources.
• Provides an Available status, when in Program command source and
operating normally, for use by higher-level automation logic to
determine if the logic is able to manipulate the discrete output.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 413

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PDO(PDO tag, BusObj);

Important: Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_DISCRETE_OUTPUT tag Data structure required for proper
operation of instruction.
BusObj BUS_OBJ tag Bus component. May be null.

414 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, or hidden, members are used in HMI faceplates and are
not programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input.
Ladder Diagram:
Corresponds to the rung condition.
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction first run. Use
this request to re-initialize. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is true.
Inp_OwnerCmd DINT Owner device command.
0 = None,
Inp_OwnerCmd.10 = Operator Lock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.11 = Operator Unlock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.12 = Program Lock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.13 = Program Unlock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
Inp_OwnerCmd.15 = Release Maintenance,
Inp_OwnerCmd.16 = Acquire External,
Inp_OwnerCmd.17 = Release External,
Inp_OwnerCmd.29 = Echo.
Default is 0.
Inp_OnFdbkData BOOL On feedback from device. 1 = Device confirmed On.
Default is false.
Inp_OffFdbkData BOOL Off feedback from device. 1 = Device confirmed Off.
Default is false.
Inp_IOFault BOOL Indicates the IO data is inaccurate.
0 = The IO data is good,
1 = The IO data is bad, causing fault.
This input sets Sts_IOFault, if the device is not virtual, which raises IOFault Alarm.
Default is false.
Inp_PermOK BOOL 1 = On permissives OK, device can turn On.
Default is true.
Inp_NBPermOK BOOL 1 = Non-bypassable On permissives OK, device can turn On.
Default is true.
Inp_IntlkOK BOOL 1 = Interlocks OK, device can turn On and stay On.
Default is true.
Inp_NBIntlkOK BOOL 1 = Non-bypassable interlocks OK, device can turn On and stay On.
Default is true.
Inp_IntlkAvailable BOOL 1 = Interlock Availability OK.
Default is false.
Inp_IntlkTripInh BOOL 1 = Inhibit Interlock Trip Status
Default is false.
Inp_RdyReset BOOL 1 = Related object, reset by this object, is ready to be reset.
Default is false.
Inp_Hand BOOL 1 = Acquire Hand (typically permanently set to local),
0 = Release Hand.
Default is false.
Inp_Ovrd BOOL 1 = Acquire Override (higher priority program logic),
0 = Release Override
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 415

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Inp_OvrdCmd SINT Override device command:
0 = None,
1 = Off,
2 = On,
3 = Pulse off,
4 = Pulse on,
5 = Pulse continuously.
Default is 0.
Inp_ExtInh BOOL 1 = Inhibit External acquisition,
0 = Allow External acquisition.
Default is false.
Inp_HornInh BOOL 1 = Inhibit audible alert, 0 = Allow audible alert.
Default is false.
Inp_Reset BOOL 1 = Reset shed latches and cleared alarms.
Default is false.
Cfg_HornOnChange BOOL 0 = Horn on energize only. 1 = Horn on any state change.
Default is false.
Cfg_ExtOffPrio BOOL 1 = XCmd_Off any time, 0 = XCmd_Off only when External selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_XCmdResets BOOL 1 = New device XCmd resets shed latches and cleared alarms,
0 = XCmdReset required.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowDisable BOOL 1 = Allow Maintenance to disable alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_AllowShelve BOOL 1 = Allow Operator to shelve alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasPulse BOOL 1 = Enable pulsing functions,
0 = On/Off only.
Default is false.
Cfg_CompletePulse BOOL 1 = Finish pulse in progress when commanded On or Off,
0 = Switch immediately to On or Off state when commanded.
Default is false.
Cfg_FdbkFail BOOL 1 = Both feedbacks On are invalid,
0 = Both feedbacks Off are invalid.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasOnFdbk BOOL 1 = Device provides an On feedback signal.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasOffFdbk BOOL 1 = Device provides an Off feedback signal.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseOnFdbk BOOL 1 = Use Device On feedback for failure checking.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseOffFdbk BOOL 1 = Use Device Off feedback for failure checking.
Default is false.
Cfg_OperOffPrio BOOL 1 = OCmd_Off has priority, accepted any time,
0 = OCmd_Off only in Operator and Maintenance command sources.
Default is false.
Cfg_OCmdResets BOOL 1 = New Operator state command resets fault,
0 = Reset required to clear fault.
Default is false.
Cfg_ShedOnIOFault BOOL 1 = Go to Off state and alarm on IO fault,
0 = Alarm only on IO fault.
Important: If a condition is configured to shed the device to the Off state on a fault, a reset is required
to clear the shed fault to command the device to a state other than Off.
Default is true.

416 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_ShedOnFail BOOL 1 = Go to Off state and alarm on Fail to reach position,
0 = Alarm only on Fail.
Important: If a condition is configured to shed the device to the Off state on a fault, a reset is required
to clear the shed fault to command the device to a state other than Off.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasPermObj BOOL 1 = Tells HMI a permissive object (for example, P_Perm) is used for Inp_PermOK and navigation to the
permissive object’s faceplate is enabled.
Important: The name of the Permissive object in the controller must be this instruction’s name with the
suffix _Perm. For example, if the PDO instruction has the name PDOut123, then its Permissive object
must be named PDOut123_Perm.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasIntlkObj BOOL 1 = Tells HMI an interlock object (for example, P_Intlk) is used for Inp_IntlkOK and navigation to the
interlock object’s faceplate is enabled.
Important: The name of the interlock object in the controller must be this PDO object’s name with the
suffix _Intlk. For example, if the PDO instruction has the name PDOut123, then its interlock object must
be named PDOut123_Intlk.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL 1 = Tells HMI an object with more info is available.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasOper BOOL 1 = Operator (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasOperLocked BOOL 1 = Operator Locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProg BOOL 1 = Program (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProgLocked BOOL 1 = Program Locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasExt BOOL 1 = External exists, can be selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMaint BOOL 1 = Maintenance exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasMaintOoS BOOL 1 = Maintenance Out of Service exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_OvrdOverLock BOOL 1 = Override supersedes Program/Operator Lock,
0 = Do not override Lock.
Default is true.
Cfg_ExtOverLock BOOL 1 = External supersedes Program/Operator Lock,
0 = Do not override Lock.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgPwrUp BOOL 1 = Power Up to Program, 0 = Power Up to Operator.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgNormal BOOL Normal Source: 1= Program if no requests; 0 = Operator if no requests.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdPriority BOOL Command priority.
1 = Program commands win,
0 = Operator commands win.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdProgAsLevel BOOL 1 = PCmd_Prog used as a Level.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel BOOL 1 = PCmd_Lock used as a Level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock).
Default is false.
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel BOOL 1 = XCmd_Acq used as Level (1 = Acquire, 0 = Release).
Default is false.
Cfg_OvrdPermIntlk BOOL 1 = Override ignores bypassable permissives/interlocks,
0 = Always use permissives/interlocks.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 417

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_OnDly REAL Delay before initially turning output On (seconds).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.
Cfg_OffDly REAL Delay before initially turning output Off (seconds).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_OnPulseTime REAL Output On time for pulse On or pulse continuous (seconds).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.5.
Cfg_OffPulseTime REAL Output Off time for pulse Off or pulse continuous (seconds).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.5.
Cfg_OnFailTime REAL Time after output On to get On feedback before fault (seconds).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 10.0.
Cfg_OffFailTime REAL Time after output Off to get Off feedback before fault (seconds).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 10.0
Cfg_StartHornTime REAL Time in seconds to sound audible on commanded energize. Valid = 0.0 to 1000.0 seconds, 0.0 =
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_VirtualFdbkTime REAL Delay to echo back of On/Off status when the device is treated as virtual (seconds).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 2.0.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT Operator command confirmation required. Represents the type of command confirmation required.
0 = None,
1 = Command confirmation required,
2 = Performer e-signature required,
3 = Performer and approver e-signature required.
Default is 0.
PSet_Owner DINT Program owner request ID (non-zero) or release (zero).
Default is 0.
PCmd_Virtual BOOL Program command to select Virtual (simulated) device operation. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Physical BOOL Program command to select Physical device operation (not simulated). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_On BOOL Program command to turn device On. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Off BOOL Program command to turn device Off. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_OnPulse BOOL Program command to pulse device (which is Off) On once. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_OffPulse BOOL Program command to pulse device (which is On) Off once. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_ContPulse BOOL Program command to pulse device continuously (blink). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Oper BOOL Program command to select Operator (Program to Operator). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Prog BOOL Program command to select Program (Operator to Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.

418 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
PCmd_Lock BOOL Program command to lock Program (disallow Operator). The instruction clears this operand
automatically if Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
PCmd_Unlock BOOL Program command to unlock Program (allow Operator to acquire). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Normal BOOL Program command to select Normal (Operator or Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Reset BOOL Program command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions requiring reset. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Acq BOOL External command to acquire ownership (Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance to External). The
instruction clears this operand automatically if Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
XCmd_Rel BOOL External command to release ownership if Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0 (External to
Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_On BOOL External command to turn device On. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
XCmd_Off BOOL External command to turn device Off. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_OnPulse BOOL External command to pulse device (which is Off) On once. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_OffPulse BOOL External command to pulse device (which is On) Off once. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_ContPulse BOOL External command to pulse device continuously (blink). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_Reset BOOL External command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL External command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable output. This output state always reflects EnableIn input state.
Out_CVData BOOL Primary output.
1 = On,
0 = Off.
Out_HornData BOOL 1 = Sound audible prior to commanded state change.
Out_Reset BOOL 1 = Reset command has been received and accepted.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 419

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Out_OwnerSts DINT Status of command source, owner command handshake and ready status.
0 = None,
Out_OwnerSts.10 = Operator Lock,
Out_OwnerSts.11 = Operator Unlock,
Out_OwnerSts.12 = Program Lock,
Out_OwnerSts.13 = Program Unlock,
Out_OwnerSts.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
Out_OwnerSts.15 = Release Maintenance,
Out_OwnerSts.16 = Acquire External,
Out_OwnerSts.17 = Release External,
Out_OwnerSts.18 = Has Maintenance,
Out_OwnerSts.19 = External Override Lock,
Out_OwnerSts.20 = Has External.
Out_OwnerSts.21 = Has Operator
Out_OwnerSts.22 = Has Operator Locked
Out_OwnerSts.23 = Has Program
Out_OwnerSts.24 = Has Program Locked
Out_OwnerSts.29 = Echo
Out_OwnerSts.30 = Not Ready.
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
Sts_Out BOOL 1 = Output is On (energized),
0 = Output is Off (de-energized).
Sts_Pulsing BOOL 1 = Output is in a pulsing sequence.
Sts_FdbkOff BOOL 1 = Device feedback shows device in Off state.
Sts_FdbkOn BOOL 1 = Device feedback shows device in On state.
Sts_FdbkFail BOOL 1 = Feedbacks are in an Invalid state (not On, Off, or Transition).
Sts_Horn BOOL 1 = Audible alert (horn) is active.
Sts_Virtual BOOL 1 = The instruction treats the device as virtual. The instruction acts as normal but the output is kept
de-energized (Out_CVData = 0).
0 = The instruction operates the device normally.
SrcQ_IO SINT Source and quality of primary input or output enumerated value:
0 = Good, live, confirmed good,
1 = Good, live, assumed good,
2 = Good, no feedback, assumed good,
8 = Test, virtualized,
9 = Test, loopback,
10 = Test, manually entered,
16 = Uncertain, live, off-spec,
17 = Uncertain, substituted at device or bus,
18 = Uncertain, substituted at instruction,
19 = Uncertain, using last known good,
20 = Uncertain, using replacement value,
32 = Bad, signal failure,
33 = Bad, channel fault,
34 = Bad, module or communication fault,
35 = Bad, invalid configuration.

420 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
SrcQ SINT Source and quality of primary value or status enumerated value:
0 = Good, live, confirmed good,
1 = Good, live, assumed good,
2 = Good, no feedback, assumed good,
8 = Test, virtualized,
9 = Test, loopback,
10 = Test, manually entered,
16 = Uncertain, live, off-spec,
17 = Uncertain, substituted at device or bus,
18 = Uncertain, substituted at instruction,
19 = Uncertain, using last known good,
20 = Uncertain, using replacement value,
32 = Bad, signal failure,
33 = Bad, channel fault,
34 = Bad, module or communication fault,
35 = Bad, invalid configuration.
Sts_eCmd SINT Device command:
0 = None,
1 = Off,
2 = On,
3 = Pulse off,
4 = Pulse on,
5 = Pulse continuously.
Sts_eFdbk SINT Device feedback:
0 = Transition,
1 = Off,
2 = On,
3 = Invalid.
Sts_eSts SINT Device status:
0 = Off,
1= On,
2 = Pulse off,
3 = Pulse on,
4 = Pulse continuously,
5 = Turning off,
6 = Turning on,
7 = Horn
8 = Out of Service.
Sts_eFault SINT Device fault status:
0 = None,
1 = Feedback fault,
2 = IO fault,
3 = Configuration error.
Sts_eState SINT Internal Logic State (for animating STD on faceplate).
Sts_eNotify SINT Alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 421

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_eNotifyAll SINT All alarm status enumerated values including related objects:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyIOFault SINT IOFault alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyOnFail SINT OnFail alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyOffFail SINT OffFail alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyIntlkTrip SINT IntlkTrip alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_UnackAlmCount DINT Count of unacknowledged alarms.

422 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_eSrc INT The current command source enumerated values:
0 = Logic not in use,
4 = Hand,
8 = Maintenance,
16 = Override,
32 = Program,
33 = Program locked,
34 = Program by default (Normal),
64 = Operator,
65 = Operator locked,
66 = Operator by default (Normal),
128 = Maintenance Out of Service,
129 = Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
256 = External.
Sts_bSrc INT Active selection bitmap (for HMI totem pole with command source request selection):
Sts_bSrc.0: Hand,
Sts_bSrc.1: Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
Sts_bSrc.2: Maintenance Out of Service,
Sts_bSrc.3: Maintenance,
Sts_bSrc.4: Override,
Sts_bSrc.5: External,
Sts_bSrc.6: Program locked,
Sts_bSrc.7: Program,
Sts_bSrc.8: Operator locked,
Sts_bSrc.9: Operator.
Sts_Available BOOL 1 = Discrete output available for control by automation (Program).
Sts_IntlkAvailable BOOL 1 = Interlock availability OK. Device can be acquired by program and is available for control when
interlocks are OK.
Sts_Bypass BOOL 1 = Bypassable interlocks are bypassed.
Sts_BypActive BOOL 1 = Interlock bypassing active (bypassed or maintenance).
Sts_MaintByp BOOL 1 = Device has a maintenance bypass function active.
Sts_NotRdy BOOL 1 = Device is not ready, for HMI use hidden detail bits (Sts_Nrdyxxx) for reason.
Sts_NrdyOoS BOOL 1 = Device is not ready: Device disabled by Maintenance.
Sts_NrdyCfgErr BOOL 1 = Device is not ready: Configuration error.
Sts_NrdyIntlk BOOL 1 = Device is not ready: Interlock not OK.
Sts_NrdyPerm BOOL 1 = Device is not ready: Permissive not OK.
Sts_NrdyPrioOff BOOL 1 = Device is not ready: Operator or External priority Off command requires reset.
Sts_NrdyFail BOOL 1 = Device is not ready: Device failure (Shed requires Reset).
Sts_NrdyIOFault BOOL 1 = Device is not ready: IO Fault (Shed requires Reset).
Sts_Err BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: See detail bits (Sts_Errxxx) for reason.
Sts_ErrOnDly BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Invalid OnDelay timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrOffDly BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Invalid OffDelay timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrOnPulseTime BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Invalid OnPulse timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrOffPulseTime BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Invalid OffPulse timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrOnFailTime BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Invalid OnFail timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrOffFailTime BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Invalid OffFail timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrStartHornTime BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Invalid start horn timer (use 0.0 to 1000.0).
Sts_ErrVirtualFdbkTime BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Invalid virtual feedback timer (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrAlm BOOL 1 = Error in tag-based alarm settings.
Sts_Hand BOOL 1 = Hand is selected (supersedes OoS, Maintenance, Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_OoS BOOL 1 = Out of Service is selected (supersedes Maintenance, Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Maint BOOL 1 = Maintenance is selected (supersedes Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Ovrd BOOL 1 = Override is selected (supersedes External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Ext BOOL 1 = External is selected (supersedes Program and Operator).
Sts_Prog BOOL 1 = Program is selected.
Sts_ProgLocked BOOL 1 = Program is selected and Locked.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 423

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_Oper BOOL 1 = Operator is selected.
Sts_OperLocked BOOL 1 = Operator is selected and Locked.
Sts_ProgOperSel BOOL Program/Operator selection (latch) state: 1 = Program, 0 = Operator.
Sts_ProgOperLock BOOL Program/Operator lock (latch) state, 1 = Locked, 0 = Unlocked.
Sts_Normal BOOL 1 = Selection equals the Normal (Program or Operator).
Sts_ExtReqInh BOOL 1 = External request inhibited, cannot get to External from current state.
Sts_ProgReqInh BOOL 1 = Program request inhibited, cannot get to Program from current state.
Sts_MAcqRcvd BOOL 1 = Maintenance Acquire command received this scan.
Sts_Alm BOOL 1 = An alarm is active.
Sts_AlmInh BOOL 1 = One or more alarms shelved, disabled or suppressed.
Sts_IOFault BOOL IO Fault status:
0 = OK,
1 = Bad.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_IOFault.AlarmElement
Sts_OnFail BOOL 1 = Device failed to turn On.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_OnFail.AlarmElement
Sts_OffFail BOOL 1 = Device failed to turn Off.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_OffFail.AlarmElement
Sts_IntlkTrip BOOL 1 = Device turned Off by an interlock Not OK.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_IntlkTrip.AlarmElement
Sts_RdyAck BOOL 1 = An alarm is ready to be acknowledged.
Sts_RdyReset BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset.
XRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
XRdy_On BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_On, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Off BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Off, enable HMI button.
XRdy_OnPulse BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_OnPulse, enable HMI button.
XRdy_OffPulse BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_OffPulse, enable HMI button.
XRdy_ContPulse BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_ContPulse, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Reset, enable HMI button.
XRdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_ResetAckAll, enable HMI button.
Val_Owner DINT Current object owner ID (0 = not owned).

Private Input Members Data Type Description

CmdSrc P_COMMAND_SOU Control / Command Source Selection.
MCmd_Bypass BOOL Maintenance command to bypass all bypassable interlocks and permissives. The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Check BOOL Maintenance command to check (not bypass) all interlocks. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
MCmd_OoS BOOL Maintenance command to select Out of Service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_IS BOOL Maintenance command to select In Service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Acq BOOL Maintenance command to acquire ownership (Operator/Program/Override to Maintenance). The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

424 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Input Members Data Type Description
MCmd_Rel BOOL Maintenance command to release ownership (Maintenance to
Operator/Program/External/Override). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Physical BOOL Maintenance command to select Physical device operation (not simulated). The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Virtual BOOL Maintenance command to select Virtual (simulated) device operation. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_On BOOL Operator command to turn device On. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Off BOOL Operator Command to turn device Off. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_OnPulse BOOL Operator command to pulse device that is Off, On once. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_OffPulse BOOL Operator command to pulse device that is On, Off once. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_ContPulse BOOL Operator command to pulse device continuously (blink). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Oper BOOL Operator command to select Operator (Program to Operator). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Prog BOOL Operator command to select Program (Operator to Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Lock BOOL Operator command to lock Operator (disallow Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Unlock BOOL Operator command to unlock / release (allow Program to acquire) ownership. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Normal BOOL Operator command to select Normal (Operator or Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms requiring reset. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The use of OCmd_ResetAckAll
is restricted to HMI. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

HMI_BusObjIndex DINT This object's index in the bus array, for use by HMI display.
Default is 0.
MRdy_Bypass BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Bypass, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Check BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Check, enable HMI button.
MRdy_OoS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_OoS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_IS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_IS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Physical BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Physical, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Virtual BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Virtual, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Oper BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Oper, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Prog BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Prog, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Lock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Lock, enable HMI button.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 425

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Output Members Data Type Description
ORdy_Unlock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Unlock, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Normal BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Normal, enable HMI button.
ORdy_On BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_On, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Off BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Off, enable HMI button.
ORdy_OnPulse BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_OnPulse, enable HMI button.
ORdy_OffPulse BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_OffPulse, enable HMI button.
ORdy_ContPulse BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_ContPulse, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset.
ORdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset or acknowledged.

Public InOut Members Data Type Description

BusObj BUS_OBJ Bus component

Discrete tag-based alarms are defined for these members.
Member Alarm Name Description
Sts_IOFault Alm_IOFault IO Failure.
Raised when the Inp_IOFault input is true. Use this input to indicate to the instruction that a connection with the
module is in fault. This input also indicates if a module reports field power loss/no load/short circuit is
occurring for its I/O. If the I/O Fault is configured as a shed fault, the device is commanded Off and cannot be
commanded to another state until reset.
Sts_OnFail Alm_OnFail Device failed to turn on (On Feedback not confirmed within configured period of time).
Raised when the device is commanded On, but the device feedback does not confirm that the device is actually
On within the configured failure time (Cfg_OnFailTime). If the Failure is configured as a shed fault, the device is
commanded Off and cannot be commanded On until reset.
Sts_OffFail Alm_OffFail Device failed to turn off (Off Feedback not confirmed within configured period of time).
Raised when the device is commanded Off, but the device feedback does not confirm that the device is
actually Off within the configured failure time (Cfg_OffFailTime).
Sts_IntlkTrip Alm_IntlkTrip Interlock Trip alarm.
Raised when an interlock not-OK condition causes the device to transition from the On state or a pulsing state
to the Off state.
If interlocks are not bypassed, a bypassable interlock or a non-bypassable interlock not-OK condition initiates
an interlock trip. If interlocks are bypassed, only a non-bypassable interlock not-OK condition initiates an
interlock trip.

Mark the alarm as used or unused and set standard configuration members of
the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]
The PDO instruction handles alarm conditions described by these four use
cases and conditions:
• I/O Fault Status - raised when the I/O Fault input is true. This input
usually indicates to the instruction that I/O data is inaccurate and
cannot be trusted for use in the application. If the I/O Fault is
configured as a shed fault, the device is commanded Off and cannot be
commanded to another state until reset.
• Interlock Trip Status - if interlocks are not bypassed, a bypassable
interlock or a non-bypassable interlock not-OK condition initiates an
interlock trip. If interlocks are bypassed, only a non-bypassable
interlock not-OK condition initiates an interlock trip.
426 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022
Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Off Feedback Fail Status - raised when the device is commanded Off,
but the device feedback does not confirm that the device is actually Off
within the configured failure time.
• On Feedback Fail Status - raised when the device is commanded On,
but the device feedback does not confirm that the device is actually On
within the configured failure time. If the Failure is configured as a
shed fault, the device is commanded Off and cannot be commanded
On until reset.
There are Program, Operator, and External commands that enable the Reset
and Reset & Acknowledge of all alarms of the instruction (Alarm Set) at the
same time. This diagram shows how the commands interact with the PDO

The following diagram illustrates functionality of the PDO instruction:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 427

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

428 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Operator command request confirmation

The PDO instruction enables operator command requests OCmd_Off,
OCmd_On, OCmd_OffPulse, OCmd_OnPulse and OCmd_ContPulse.
Enforced security might require the request to be confirmed or canceled
before the selected command executes. The instruction checks the security
rules inspecting Cfg_CnfrmReqd. If Cfg_CnfrmReqd=0 no confirmation is
required and the request executes immediately. If Cfg_CnfrmReqd=1 the
instruction waits for confirmation before executing. For Cfg_CnfrmReqd=2
or 3 eSignature is needed before the confirmation and cancellation is enabled.

Use virtualization for instruction testing and operator training. Set the
Inp_Virtual operand to 1 to enable virtualization. After finishing
virtualization, set the Inp_Virtual operand to 0 to return to normal operation.
When Virtualization is active, the output of the discrete output holds at 0,
virtual feedback of a device is provided and I/O faults are ignored. Setting of
Cfg_VirtualFdbkTime operand delays the echo of the On/Off status of the
device. Manipulate the instruction to operate as if a working discrete output is

The instruction is normally initialized in the instruction first run. Request
re-initialization by setting Inp_InitializeReq = 1. For proper initialization,
when adding the instruction while performing an online edit of the code,
make sure that Inp_InitializeReq = 1, the default value.

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates, as seen in FactoryTalk View, and for the
configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties of tag
items. Configure the strings in the Logix Designer application only.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 429

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• Path to an object with more information
• Target state 0
• Target state 1
• Transition state 0
• Transition state 1
• Command button off
• Command button on
• Command button pulse off
• Command button pulse on
• Command button pulse continuously
• IOFault alarm name
• IntlkTrip alarm name
• On Fail alarm name
• Off Fail alarm name

Command Source
The instruction uses these command sources. The command sources are
prioritized in order from highest to lowest in this table.
Command Source Description
Hand Hardwired logic or other logic outside the instruction controls the device. The instruction tracks the state of the device for bumpless
transfer back to one of the other command sources.
(Highest priority command source)
Out-of-Service The instruction is disabled and has no owner.
Maintenance Maintenance controls the device and supersedes Operator, Program, External and Override control. Operator commands and settings
from the HMI are accepted.
Override Priority logic controls the device and supersedes Operator, Program and External control. Override Input (Inp_Ovrd) is accepted.
External External logic (e.g. field pilot control or upstream SCADA) controls the device. External commands (XCmd_) are accepted.
Program locked Program logic controls the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted. Operator cannot take control from the Program.
Override cannot take control from theProgram unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Program Program logic controls the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted.
Operator locked The Operator controls the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted. Program cannot take control from
Operator. Override cannot take control from Operator unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Operator The Operator controls the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted.
(Lowest priority command source)

The instruction enables or disables these operations:

• Maintenance Out-of-Service exists
• Maintenance exists
• External exists
• Program (unlocked) exists
• Program locked exists
• Operator (unlocked) exists

430 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Operator locked exists
• PCmd_Lock used as a Level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock)
The instruction checks for invalid configurations of control and forces the
nearest valid configuration.
The core control model arbitrates the source of the commands and
parameters that the receiving function accepts. The core control model
determines if the source is:
• A programmatic entity which resides entirely within the processing
environment, or
• An external interface entity which issues commands and parameters
external and asynchronously to the processing environment.
Locking a control source prevents the other control source from acquiring

Core Command Source Model

The core control model consists of these control sources:
• Oper
• OperLocked
• Prog
• ProgLocked
The control model defaults to this configuration. Other control sources may
be present in the model but act as overriding control sources, acting
independent of the base Operator/Program state machine.

Enabling control sources as Configuration

The individual control sources may be enabled or disabled by the user. The
default configuration uses the entire base model; upon power-up of the
processing environment the control source will be the designated default.
Some combinations of enabled control sources are disallowed as they are
either unnecessary or could create unintended changes.

Prog Power Up
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program will be
the power-up default.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 431

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Prog Priority
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program
commands take priority when simultaneously asserted.

Automatic reset of commands

All commands are treated as one-shot-latched. This means that all commands
are automatically cleared when the instruction executes and processes them.

Changing Destination States

Under certain configurations the destination command source for some
commands may change. This is in keeping with the intent of the command.
Example: If the Prog is disabled, the destination of the OCmd_Prog command
is directed to the ProgLocked state instead of the Prog state. This maintains
the intent of the OCmd_Prog command: the operator entity wishes to place
the function in control of the program. If the command was eliminated then
there would be no way to accomplish this. This is only done in configurations
where it would cause no conflict or race condition, but serves to preserve as
much user functionality as is practical.

Higher Priority Command Sources

These Higher priority command sources operate independently within the
• External
• Override
• Maintenance
• Out-of-Service
• In-Service
• Hand

Monitor the PDO Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


432 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Sts_eSrc is set to 0. Sts_bSrc is set to 0.
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
Inp_OvrdCmd is set to 0 (no command).
The Program/Operator selection is set based on the configuration
The Program or Operator lock selection is set to unlocked.
The Maintenance acquired/released state is not modified and persists through a
controller powerup or PROG-to-RUN transition.
PSet_Owner and Val_Owner are set to 0.
If feedback is provided, Out_CVData and Sts_Out are set accordingly or cleared

Rung-condition-in is false Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

The instruction is put Out of Service if Inp_Hand=0. The output is de-energized
and all alarm conditions are cleared.
Latched alarms are reset.
Command source selection processing proceeds except that Program and
Operators commands are ignored and cleared and all ownership status bits
(Sts_Maint, Sts_Ovrd, Sts_Ext, Sts_Prog and Sts_Oper) are cleared to 0. When
rung-condition-in becomes true, the Program/Operator selection is set based on
the configuration (Cfg_ProgPwrUp).
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
Sts_eSrc is set to 0. Sts_bSrc is set to 0.
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared on each execution are cleared and
Inp_OvrdCmd is set to 0 (no command).
The Program/Operator selection is set based on the configuration
The Program or Operator lock selection is set to unlocked.
The Maintenance acquired/released state is not modified and persists through a
controller powerup or PROG-to-RUN transition.
PSet_Owner and Val_Owner are set to 0.
If feedback is provided, Out_CVData and Sts_Out are set accordingly or cleared
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 433

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
The instruction is put Out of Service if Inp_Hand=0. The output is de-energized
and all alarm conditions are cleared.
Latched alarms are reset.
Command source selection processing proceeds except that Program and
Operators commands are ignored and cleared and all ownership status bits
(Sts_Maint, Sts_Ovrd, Sts_Ext, Sts_Prog and Sts_Oper) are cleared to 0. When
rung-condition-in becomes true, the Program/Operator selection is set based on
the configuration (Cfg_ProgPwrUp).
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

Use the PDO instruction to control a heating jacket on a vent filter. The
heating jacket is being used in this case to keep the vent filter dry when there
is potential for condensate buildup. The vent filter heater jacket does not
provide the feedback on its status. In normal operating conditions, the vent
filter heater jacket is being commanded on or off by the control sequence
configured in the controller. Always command the vent filter off on interlock
associated with the status of the controlling sequence of the heating jacket.
The controlling sequence issues a single bit for the desired state of the vent
filter heater. The operand PCmd_On is connected to this bit to command the
vent filter heater on and off. The operand Cfg_PCmdOnAsLevel is set to 1,
indicating that the instruction acts upon PCmd_On based on value (level)
instead of acting only on transition to true (edge) so that PCmd_On can be
used to command both the On and Off states. The controlling sequence could
be written to set the command bits PCmd_On and PCmd_Off directly (for
example, by using structured text within an SFC), in which case
Cfg_PCmdOnAsLevel could be left at its default of 0 to cause the instruction to
clear the commands once they have been acted upon. The operand
Cfg_ProgNormal is set to 1 to indicate that the normal operating state of the
controller is Program, meaning it is normally commanded by the control
sequence. The status of the sequence is connected to the Inp_IntlkOK operand
so that the output to the vent filter heater jacket is always off when the skid is

434 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
not operating properly, even if the instruction is not in Program mode. The
operands Cfg_HasOnFdbk and Cfg_HasOffFdbk are both set to 0 to indicate
that the vent filter heater jacket does not provide feedback on its status.

The example is shown in all three languages.

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 435

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
JV9010.Inp_IntlkOK := Status_OK;
JV9010.PCmd_On := YV9010;

PDO(JV9010, 0);
O_JV9010 := JV9010.Out_CVData;

See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Dosing (PDOSE) This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.
The Process Dosing (PDOSE) instruction controls an ingredient addition that
uses a flow meter to measure the quantity of ingredient added. The flow
meter can be an analog flow meter (signal proportional to flow), a pulse
generating flow meter (pulse count proportional to quantity delivered), or a

436 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
digital flow meter providing flow rate or quantity (totalized flow)
information. The instruction also controls an ingredient addition that uses a
weigh scale to measure the quantity of ingredient added. The weigh scale can
be on the receiving vessel, indicating gain in weight, or on the sourcing vessel,
indicating loss in weight. The weigh scale can be connected using an analog
input, device network, or other connection.

Use the PDOSE instruction to:

• Provide inputs for rate (flow rate or quantity per time) and quantity
(total or pulse count).
• Use a pulse count as the Quantity process variable (PV), with
configurable rollover count.
• Totalize the flow rate PV to determine the quantity delivered when the
flowmeter provides a rate signal but no quantity.
• Calculate the flow rate given the quantity by differentiating with
respect to time when the meter provides a total or pulse count but no
rate. If the rate PV is calculated from an input quantity, the PDOSE
instruction uses a first-order, lag filter on the calculated rate PV signal
to reduce the impact of jitter, scan time, quantization error, or input
signal noise.
• Provide a low rate cutoff function, used to ignore flow rate values near
zero to deal with noise or zero calibration error in the rate signal.
• Use a flowmeter with built-in totalizer. Forwards the totalizer clear
command to the flowmeter and checks that the flowmeter's total was
• Provide outputs to control associated equipment, such as pumps and
valves, to start and stop flow.
• Monitor the status of controlled equipment, such as pumps and valves.
• Monitor rate or quantity input communication status and provide
indication of uncertain or bad rate PV or quantity PV.
• Provide program or operator entry of a quantity to deliver (setpoint)
and calculate the quantity remaining to deliver and percent complete
during delivery.
• Provide program or operator entry of high and low tolerance limits.
Lets the program or operator initiate a tolerance check after delivery is
complete. Provides a warning if under tolerance and lets the operator
bump the flow to make up the shortage. The bump can be set up as a
timed bump or as an operator jog-like function. Provides an alarm if
over tolerance and inhibits further flow.
• Automatically switch to a lower dribble flow rate as the quantity
delivered approaches setpoint. Provides operator or program entry of
the dribble quantity. Provides run, dribble, and stop outputs to
controlled equipment.
• Use a preact value to stop flow to account for material in the pipe, time
for equipment to stop, and delays in measurement, scan,
communication, and so forth. Provides operator or program entry of

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 437

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
the preact value. Provides an optional automatic preact correction
based on the error in delivery when tolerance is checked. The auto
correction lets the preact learn the correct value over time.
• Use the standard command source (PCMDSRC) instruction to provide
ownership for entry of settings and acceptance of commands.
• Provide linear scaling of the input weight value from raw, input card
units to engineering, display units.
• Provide a rate of weight change calculation (differentiation with
respect to time) to generate an inferred flow rate. The calculated rate is
filtered and has a low cutoff, so the rate is reported as zero when the
change in weight is only from noise on the input weight signal.
• Provide outputs to control associated equipment, such as pumps and
valves to start and stop flow. The operator or the program can start the
ingredient addition, then pause and resume as needed.
• Monitor the status of controlled equipment, such as pumps and valves.
Flow is stopped and an alarm is raised on an equipment fault or if the
equipment fails to respond as commanded.
• Monitor the weight PV input quality and communication status and
provides indication of uncertain or bad weight PV. Flow is stopped and
an alarm is raised on a bad PV or communication loss.
• Provide a continuous monitoring function which allow continuous
monitoring without SP requirement.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

438 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PDOSE (PDOSE tag, Inp_QtyPV, Inp_RatePV, BusObj);

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 439

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_DOSING tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.
Inp_QtyPV REAL tag Quantity from weigh scale or flowmeter (EU or pulse count).
Inp_RatePV REAL tag Flow rate from flowmeter (EU/Time, see Cfg_RateTime).
BusObj BUS_OBJ tag Bus component.

P_DOSING Structure
Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableIn BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Enable Input - System Defined Parameter
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction
is normally initialized in instruction first run. use this
request when reinitialization is needed. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is true.
Inp_OwnerCmd DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Owner device command. 0 = None, Inp_OwnerCmd.10
= Operator lock, Inp_OwnerCmd.11 = Operator unlock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.12 = Program lock, Inp_OwnerCmd.13
= Program unlock, Inp_OwnerCmd.14 = acquire
Maintenance, Inp_OwnerCmd.15 = release
Maintenance, Inp_OwnerCmd.16 = acquire External,
Inp_OwnerCmd.17 = release External.
Default is 0.
Inp_RatePVBad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Rate PV input quality = Bad (Fail).
Default is false.
Inp_RatePVUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Rate PV input quality = Uncertain.
Default is false.
Inp_QtyPVBad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Quantity PV input quality = Bad (Fail).
Default is false.
Inp_QtyPVUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Quantity PV input quality = Uncertain.
Default is false.
Inp_RunFdbk BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Controlled equipment is delivering (running).
Default is false.
Inp_DribbleFdbk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Controlled equipment is delivering at dribble.
Default is false.
Inp_StopFdbk BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Controlled equipment is confirmed stopped.
Default is false.
Inp_CtrldEqpFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Controlled equipment object or I/O status 0 = Ok, 1 =
Default is false.
Inp_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Reset shed latches and cleared alarms.
Default is false.

440 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_eRatePVSrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Flow rate signal source and quality (enumerated):
0=Good, live, confirmed good 1=Good, live, assumed
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good 8=Test,
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered 16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good 20=Uncertain,
using replacement value 32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration.
Default is 0.
Inp_eRatePVNotify Rate PV object alarm priority and acknowledgement
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_eQtyPVSrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Quantity signal source and quality (enumerated):
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration.
Default is 0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 441

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_eQtyPVNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Quantity PV object alarm priority and
acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_Hand BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Acquire hand (typically hardwired local), 0 =
Release hand.
Default is false.
Inp_Ovrd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Acquire Override (higher priority Program logic), 0
= Release Override.
Default is false.
Inp_ExtInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inhibit External acquisition, 0 = Allow External
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowDisable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow Operator alarm disable, 0 = Disallow
Operator alarm disable.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowShelve BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow Operator alarm shelve, 0 = Disallow Operator
alarm shelve.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasEqpFdbk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Controlled equipment provides run (dribble if
used) and stop feedback.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseEqpFdbk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Use run / dribble / stop feedback, 0 = Assume
equipment state.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasDribble BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Slow to dribble before complete, 0 = Run full flow
until complete.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasRatePVNav BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an analog object (pai, etc.) is used for
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMonitoring BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allows continuous monitoring without setpoint
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object with more info is available.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasQtyPVNav BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an analog object (pai, etc.) is used for
Default is false.
Cfg_AutoAdjPreact BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Enable automatic adjustment of preact after each
Default is false.
Cfg_LossInQty BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Flow reduces quantity (Transfer out), 0 = Flow
increases quantity (Transfer in).
Default is false.

442 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_SetTrack BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = When the owner is Program the operator settings
track the program settings. When the owner is
Operator the program settings track the operator
settings; and the virtual inputs match the output
values (transitions are bumpless) 0 = No tracking.
Default is true.
Cfg_ShedOnEqpFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Stop delivery and alarm on equipment fault; 0 =
Alarm only on equipment fault.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasOper BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Operator (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasOperLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Operator locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProg BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Program (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProgLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Program locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasExt BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = External exists, can be selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMaint BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Maintenance exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_OvrdOverLock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Override supersedes Program/Operator Lock, 0 =
Don't Override lock.
Default is true.
Cfg_ExtOverLock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = External supersedes Program/Operator Lock, 0 =
Don't Override lock.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgPwrUp BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Power up to Program, 0 = Power up to Operator.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgNormal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Normal source: 1 = Program if no requests; 0 =
Operator if no requests.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdPriority BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Command priority. 1 = Program commands win, 0 =
Operator commands win.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdProgAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = PCmd_Prog used as a level.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = PCmd_Lock used as a level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock).
Default is false.
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = XCmd_Acq used as level (1 = Acquire, 0 = Release).
Default is false.
Cfg_AutoAdjPercent REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Percentage of delivery error to auto-adjust preact.
Valid = 0.0 to 100.0 (%)
Default is 10.0.
Cfg_CountsPerEU REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Number of counts in Inp_QtyPV which equal 1.0
Engineering Units. Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_EUQtyMult REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Rate to quantity Engineering Units multiplier (e.g., gal
to bbl.). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_BumpTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Bump (manual top-off) time. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_ClearPulseTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time to pulse Out_ClearTot to clear External totalizer.
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 1.0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 443

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_FaultTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time for equipment feedback to follow output before
fault. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 10.0.
Cfg_HiFlowRateLim REAL Not Visible Not Required Input High flow rate alarm limit. Valid = 0.0 to maximum
positive float.
Default is 3.40E+38.
Cfg_LoFlowRateLim REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Low flow rate alarm limit. Valid = 0.0 to maximum
negative float.
Default is -3.40E+38.
Cfg_LoRateCutoff REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Rate below which to report zero flow (Inp_RatePV in
engineering unit/time, see Cfg_RateTime). Valid = 0.0
to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_MaxQty REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Maximum allowed quantity to deliver (setpoint).Valid =
0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.50E+38.
Cfg_RateFiltTimeConst REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Filter time constant (sec) for calculated rate. Valid =
0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.1.
Cfg_RateTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time factor for rate (60 for /min, 3600 for /hr) (sec).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_Rollover REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Quantity rollover (e.g., max count for pulse input).
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_SettleTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time to allow flow to stop before allowing tolerance
check.Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_VirtualRate REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Rate at which to deliver when running in virtual
(Engineering Units/rate time). Valid = 0.0 to maximum
positive float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_VirtualDribbleRate REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Rate at which to dribble when running in virtual
(Engineering Units/rate time). Valid = 0.0 to maximum
positive float.
Default is 0.1.
Cfg_eKeepSP SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Ownership of Setpoint (enumeration): 0 = follows
CmdSrc, 1 = Operator, 2 = Program, 3 = External.
Default is 0.
Cfg_eKeepStart SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Ownership of Start commands (enumeration): 0 =
follows CmdSrc, 1 = Operator, 2 = Program, 3 =
Default is 0.
Cfg_eKeepTol SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Ownership of Tolerance commands (enumeration): 0
= follows CmdSrc, 1 = Operator, 3 = External.
Default is 0.
Cfg_eKeepDribblePreact SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Ownership of Dribble\Preact (enumeration): 0 =
follows CmdSrc, 1 = Operator, 2 = Program, 3 =
Default is 0.
Cfg_HasHistTrend SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Has Historical Trend. This enables navigation to the
Device Historical Trend Faceplate from the HMI. Value
of 0 = No External historical trend, 1 = Datalog
historical trend, 2 = Historian histrical trend.
Default is 0.
Cfg_QtyDecPlcs SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Number of decimal places for quantity display. Valid
= 0,1,2,3,4,5,6.
Default is 2.

444 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_RateDecPlcs SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Number of decimal places for rate display. Valid =
Default is 2.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Operator Command Confirmation Required.
Represents the type of command confirmation
0 = None,
1 = Command confirmation required,
2 = Performer e-signature required,
3 = Performer and approver e-signature required.
Default is 0.
PCmd_Bump BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to bump delivery for under
tolerance. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_ClearTot BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to clear totalizer quantity. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_StartTot BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to start totalizer. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_StopTot BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to stop totalizer. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_StartFlow BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to start delivery. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_StopFlow BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to stop/pause delivery. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_CheckTol BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to check tolerances. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Lock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to lock Program (disallow
Operator). The instruction clears this operand
automatically if Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
PCmd_Normal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select normal command
source (Operator or Program). The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Oper BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Operator (Program to
Operator). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Prog BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Program (Operator to
Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Unlock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to unlock Program (allow Operator
to acquire). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to reset all alarms requiring reset.
The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 445

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
PCmd_Virtual BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Virtual (virtualized)
device operation. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Physical BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Physical device
operation (not virtualized). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
PSet_Owner DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Program owner request ID (non-zero) or release
Default is 0.
PSet_DribbleQty REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Program setting of quantity to dribble (Engineering
Units). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
PSet_Preact REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Program setting of amount before total to stop flow
(Engineering Units). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
Default is 0.0.
PSet_SP REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Program setting of total quantity to deliver in
Engineering Units. Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
Default is 0.0.
PSet_TolHi REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Program setting of high tolerance limit (ok amount >
SP). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
PSet_TolLo REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Program setting of low tolerance limit (ok amount <
SP). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
XCmd_Bump BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to bump delivery for under
tolerance.The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_ClearTot BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to clear totalizer Quantity. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_StartTot BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to start totalizer.The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_StopTot BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to stop totalizer.The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_StartFlow BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to start deliver.The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_StopFlow BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to stop/pause delivery.The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_CheckTol BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to check tolerances.The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to clear shed latches and cleared
Default is false.
XCmd_Acq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to Acquire ownership
(Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance to External).
The instruction clears this operand automatically if
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.

446 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
XCmd_Rel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to release ownership if
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0 (External to
Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance). The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to acknowledge and reset all
alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XSet_DribbleQty REAL Not Visible Not Required Input External setting of quantity to dribble (Engineering
Default is 0.0.
XSet_Preact REAL Not Visible Not Required Input External setting of amount before total to stop flow
(Engineering Units).
Default is 0.0.
XSet_SP REAL Not Visible Not Required Input External setting of total quantity to deliver
(Engineering Units).
Default is 0.0.
XSet_TolHi REAL Not Visible Not Required Input External setting of high tolerance limit (ok amount >
Default is 0.0.
XSet_TolLo REAL Not Visible Not Required Input External setting of low tolerance limit (ok amount <
Default is 0.0.

Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableOut BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Enable Output - System Defined Parameter
Out_ClearTot BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Reset external totalizer (e.g. onboard flowmeter).
Out_RunTot BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Run External totalizer (e.g. onboard flowmeter).
Out_RunFlow BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Deliver at full (fast) flow.
Out_StopFlow BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Stop delivery equipment.
Out_DribbleFlow BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Deliver at dribble (slow) flow.
Out_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Reset command has been received and
Out_OwnerSts DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Status of command source, owner command
handshake and ready status.
0 = None,
.10 = Operator lock,
.11 = Operator unlock,
.12 = Program lock,
.13 = Program unlock,
.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
.15 = Release Maintenance,
.16 = Acquire External,
.17 = Release External,
.18 = Has Maintenance,
.19 = External Override lock,
.20 = Has External,
.21 = Has Operator,
.22 = Has Program,
.30 = Not ready.
Sts_Initialized BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Instruction is initialized. use Inp_InitializeReq to
Sts_CalcQty BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Integrate Inp_RatePV to get quantity, 0 = Use

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 447

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_CalcRate BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Differentiate Inp_QtyPV to get rate, 0 = Use
Sts_Cleared BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Totalizer clear completed.
Sts_TotRunning BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Totalizer running, 0 = Totalizer stopped.
Sts_FlowStarting BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Flow is starting (Out_Run is on, feedback not
showing run).
Sts_FlowRunning BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Flow is running (Out_Run is on, feedback shows
Sts_FlowStopping BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Flow is stopping (Out_Stop is on, feedback not
showing stopped).
Sts_FlowStopped BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Flow is stopped (Out_Stop is on, feedback shows
Sts_DribbleStarting BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Dribble starting (Out_Dribble is on, feedback not
showing dribble).
Sts_FlowDribble BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Flow is dribbling (Out_Dribble is on, feedback
shows dribble).
Sts_Bumping BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Bump flow is active.
Sts_InTol BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Total delivered is within tolerances.
Sts_Complete BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Total delivered > (setpoint - preact).
Sts_Virtual BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = The instruction treats the device as virtual. The
instruction acts as normal but the output is kept
de-energized (Out_(x)=0). 0 = The instruction
operates the device normally. Sts_Virtual is a copy of
Sts_bSrc INT Not Visible Not Required Output Active selection bitmap (for HMI totem pole with
command source request selection):
Sts_bSrc.0: Hand,
Sts_bSrc.1: Programmed out of service (rung false),
Sts_bSrc.2: Maintenance out of service,
Sts_bSrc.3: Maintenance,
Sts_bSrc.4: Override,
Sts_bSrc.5: External,
Sts_bSrc.6: Program locked,
Sts_bSrc.7: Program,
Sts_bSrc.8: Operator locked,
Sts_bSrc.9: Operator.
Sts_eCmd SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Dosing command
0 = None,
1 = Clear Totalizer,
2 = Start Totalizer,
3 = Start Flow,
4 = Start Dribble,
5 = Bump,
6 = Stop Flow,
7 = Stop Totalizer.
Sts_eFdbk SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Equipment feedback
0 = None/transition,
1 = Flow stopped,
2 = Flow running,
3 = Flow dribbling,
4 = Virtualized.
Sts_eFault SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Object fault status 0 = None, 1 = Error: bad
configuration, 15 = Equipment fault.

448 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eNotifyAll SINT Not Visible Not Required Output All alarm status enumerated values including related
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Output All alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyEqpFault SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Equipment Fault alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyHiFlowRate SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Hi Flow Rate alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyLoFlowRate SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Lo Flow Rate alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 449

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eNotifyOverTol SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Over Tolerance alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyUnderTol SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Under Tolerance alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyZeroFault SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Zero Fault alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eSrc INT Not Visible Not Required Output The current command source enumerated values:
0 = Logic not in use,
4 = Hand,
8 = Maintenance,
16 = Override,
32 = Program,
33 = Program locked,
34 = Program by default (Normal),
64 = Operator,
65 = Operator locked,
66 = Operator by default (Normal),
128 = Maintenance Out of Service,
129 = Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
256 = External.

450 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eSts SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Dosing confirmed Status
1 = Stop,
2 = Totalizer run,
3 = Flow run,
4 = Dribble,
5 = Bump
6 = Start flow,
7 = Start dribble,
8 = Stopping,
15 = Out of Service.
Sts_UnackAlmCount SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Count of unacknowledged alarms.
Sts_Available BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Dosing available for control by automation
Sts_MaintByp BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = A Maintenance bypass is active, display icon.
Sts_NotRdy BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Object not ready, see detail bits for reason.
Sts_NrdyCfgErr BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Object not ready: configuration error.
Sts_NrdyEqpFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Object not ready: External equipment fault (fault
or shed requires reset).
Sts_NrdyOoS BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Object not ready: out of service.
Sts_NrdyPVBad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Object not ready: PV bad quality or comm failure.
Sts_Err BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in configuration: See detail bits (Sts_Errxxx)
for reason.
Sts_ErrAlm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in config: alarm minimum on time, shelf
time, severity.
Sts_ErrBumpTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error: Cfg_BumpTime invalid.
Sts_ErrClearPulseTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error: Cfg_ClearPulseTime invalid.
Sts_ErrCountsPerEU BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error: Cfg_CountsPerEU invalid.
Sts_ErrCutoff BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error: Cfg_Cutoff invalid.
Sts_ErrEUQtyMult BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error: Cfg_EUQtyMult invalid.
Sts_ErrFaultTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error: Cfg_FaultTime invalid.
Sts_ErrRateTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error: Cfg_RateTime invalid.
Sts_ErrLim BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error: Cfg_MaxQty invalid.
Sts_ErrRollover BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error: Cfg_Rollover invalid.
Sts_ErrRateFiltTimeConst BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error: Cfg_RateFiltTimeConst invalid.
Sts_ErrSettleTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error: Cfg_SettleTime invalid.
Sts_ErrVirtual BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error: Cfg_VirtualDribbleRate or Cfg_VirtualRate
Sts_Hand BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Hand is selected (supersedes Out of Service,
Maintenance, Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_OoS BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Out of service is selected (supersedes
Maintenance, Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Maint BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Maintenance is selected (supersedes Override,
External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Ovrd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Override is selected (supersedes External,
Program, Operator).
Sts_Ext BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = External is selected (supersedes Program and
Sts_Prog BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Program is selected.
Sts_ProgLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Program is selected and locked.
Sts_Oper BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Operator is selected.
Sts_OperLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Operator is selected and locked.
Sts_ProgOperSel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Program/Operator selection (latch) state: 1 =
Program, 0 = Operator.
Sts_ProgOperLock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Program/Operator lock (latch) state, 1 = Locked, 0 =

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 451

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_Normal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Selection equals the normal (Program or
Sts_ExtReqInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = External request inhibited, cannot get to External
from current state.
Sts_ProgReqInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Program request inhibited, cannot get to Program
from current state.
Sts_MAcqRcvd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Maintenance acquire command received this
Sts_Alm BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is active.
Sts_AlmInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = One or more alarms shelved, disabled or
Sts_EqpFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Equipment fault detected.
Sts_HiFlowRate BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Hi flow rate alarm.
Sts_LoFlowRate BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Lo flow rate alarm.
Sts_LoRateCutoff BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Rate PV below low rate cutoff, flow assumed to be
Sts_OverTol BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Delivery out of tolerance high.
Sts_UnderTol BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Delivery out of tolerance low.
Sts_ZeroFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Totalizer did not clear or unexpected flow.
Sts_QtyBad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Quantity value is Bad (PV Fail).
Sts_QtyUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Quantity value is Uncertain.
Sts_RateBad BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Rate value is Bad (PV Fail).
Sts_RateUncertain BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Rate value is Uncertain.
Sts_RdyAck BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is ready to be acknowledged.
Sts_RdyReset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be
Val_SP REAL Visible Not Required Output Amount to be delivered (setpoint) (Engineering Units).
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Val_Remain REAL Visible Not Required Output Amount yet to deliver to reach setpoint (Engineering
Units). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Val_PercentComplete REAL Visible Not Required Output Percent complete (for progress bar on HMI) Valid =
0.0 to 100.0.
Val_QtyPV REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Quantity from weigh scale or flowmeter (Engineering
Units or pulse count). Valid = 0.0 to maximum
positive float.
Val_Qty REAL Visible Not Required Output Quantity actually delivered (totalizer output)
(Engineering Units). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
Val_RatePV REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Flow rate from flowmeter (Engineering Units/time,
see Cfg_RateTime). Valid = 0.0 to maximum
positive float.
Val_Rate REAL Visible Not Required Output Current delivery rate (Engineering Units/time) (see
Cfg_RateTime). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Val_DribbleQty REAL Visible Not Required Output Amount to be delivered at slow rate (Engineering
Units). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Val_Preact REAL Visible Not Required Output Amount before setpoit at which flow will be stopped
(Engineering Units). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
Val_TolHi REAL Visible Not Required Output Allowed amount > Setpoint (Engineering Units). Valid
= 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Val_TolLo REAL Visible Not Required Output Allowed amount < Setpoint (Engineering Units). Valid
= 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Val_Owner DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Current object owner ID (0 = Not owned).

452 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
SrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of primary value or status
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration
SrcQ_IO SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of primary input or output
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration
XRdy_Acq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Rel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Reset, enable HMI button.
XRdy_ResetAckAll BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_ResetAckAll, enable HMI button.

Private Input Members Data Type Description

CmdSrc P_COMMAND_SOURC Control / Command Source Selection.
MCmd_Acq BOOL Maintenance command to acquire ownership (Operator/Program/External/Override to
Maintenance). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_IS BOOL Maintenance command to select in service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_OoS BOOL Maintenance command to select out of service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Physical BOOL Maintenance command to select Physical device operation (not virtualized)
Default is false.
MCmd_Rel BOOL Maintenance command to release ownership (Maintenance to
Operator/Program/External/Override). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Virtual BOOL Maintenance command to select Virtual (virtualized) device operation
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 453

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Input Members Data Type Description
OCmd_Bump BOOL Operator command to bump delivery for under tolerance. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_CheckTol BOOL Operator command to check tolerances. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_ClearTot BOOL Operator command to clear totalizer quantity. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Lock BOOL Operator command to lock Operator (disallow Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Normal BOOL Operator command to select normal (Operator or Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Oper BOOL Operator command to select Operator (Program to Operator). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Prog BOOL Operator command to select Program (Operator to Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms requiring reset. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_StartFlow BOOL Operator command to start deliver. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_StartTot BOOL Operator command to start totalizer. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_StopFlow BOOL Operator command to stop/pause delivery. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_StopTot BOOL Operator command to stop totalizer. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Unlock BOOL Operator command to unlock / release (allow Program to acquire) ownership. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OSet_DribbleQty REAL Operator setting of quantity to dribble (Engineering Units). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
OSet_Preact REAL Operator setting of amount before total to stop flow (Engineering Units). Valid = 0.0 to maximum
positive float.
Default is 0.0.
OSet_SP REAL Operator setting of total quantity to deliver (Engineering Units). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
Default is 0.0.
OSet_TolHi REAL Operator setting of high tolerance limit (ok amount > SP). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
OSet_TolLo REAL Operator setting of low tolerance limit (ok amount < SP). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

HMI_BusObjIndex DINT HMI bus object index
Default is 0.
MRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
MRdy_IS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_IS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_OoS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_OoS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Physical BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Physical, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Virtual BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Virtual, enable HMI button.

454 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Output Members Data Type Description
ORdy_Bump BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Bump (enables HMI button).
ORdy_CheckTol BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_CheckTol (enables HMI button).
ORdy_ClearTot BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_ClearTot (enables HMI button).
ORdy_DribblePreact BOOL 1 = Ready for OSet_DribblePreact (enables HMI entry field).
ORdy_Lock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Lock, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Normal BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Normal, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Oper BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Oper, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Prog BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Prog, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Reset (enables HMI button).
ORdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_ResetAckAll (enables HMI button).
ORdy_SP BOOL 1 = Ready for OSet_SP (enables HMI entry field).
ORdy_StartFlow BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_StartFlow (enables HMI button).
ORdy_StartTot BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_StartTot (enables HMI button).
ORdy_StopFlow BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_StopFlow (enables HMI button).
ORdy_StopTot BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_StopTot (enables HMI button).
ORdy_Tol BOOL 1 = Ready for OSet_Tol (enables HMI entry field).
ORdy_Unlock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Unlock, enable HMI button.
Sts_ErrInpSrc BOOL 1 = Error: Input Source invalid. No Rate or Quantity PV connected

Public InOut Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_QtyPV REAL Visible Required InOut Quantity from weigh scale or flowmeter (Engineering
Units or pulse count). Valid = 0.0 to maximum
positive float.
Inp_RatePV REAL Visible Required InOut Flow rate from flowmeter (Engineering Units/time,
see Cfg_RateTime). Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
BusObj BUS_OBJ Visible Required InOut Bus component

BUS_OBJ Structure
Use InOut parameters to link the Instruction to external tags that contain
necessary data for the instruction to operate. These external tags must be of
the data type shown, or NULL. All public InOut parameters for this instruction
may be NULL.
Members Data Type Description
Inp_Cmd DINT Input to assert commands
Out_Cmd DINT Resultant commands
Inp_CmdLLH DINT Input for level normally high commands
Out_CmdLLH DINT Resultant line level high commands
Inp_Sts DINT Input to assert status
Out_Sts DINT Resultant status
Inp_CmdAck DINT Input to assert a command acknowledgement
Out_CmdAck DINT Resultant command acknowledgements
Inp_SeverityMax DINT Input: maximum alarm severity
Out_SeverityMax DINT Resultant of maximum alarm severity
Cfg_CmdMask DINT Propagation mask for commands
Cfg_CmdLLHMask DINT Propagation mask for line level high commands
Cfg_StsMask DINT Propagation mask for status
Ref_Index DINT Bus array index

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 455

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Discrete tag-based alarms are defined for these members.
Member Alarm Name Description
Sts_EqpFault Alm_EqpFault Equipment fault. Raised when the Inp_CtrldEqpFault input is true, or when equipment feedback signals fail
to track the commanded state of the equipment within the configured time. If an equipment fault is
configured as a shed fault, the flow is stopped and a reset is required to resume flow.
Sts_HiFlowRate Alm_HiFlowRate Above high limit. Raised when the flow rate exceeds the High Flow Rate limit, for a configured period of time.
Sts_LoFlowRate Alm_LoFlowRate Below low limit. Raised when the flow rate falls short of the Low Flow Rate limit, for a configured period of
Sts_OverTol Alm_OverTol Above over tolerance limit. Raised when the tolerance check is performed and the quantity delivered
exceeds the setpoint by more than the High Tolerance threshold.
Sts_UnderTol Alm_UnderTol Below under tolerance limit. Raised when the tolerance check is performed and the quantity delivered falls
short of the setpoint by more than the Low Tolerance threshold.
Sts_ZeroFault Alm_ZeroFault Zero fault. Raised if the dosing fails to clear, or if the dosing is cleared but then registers flow before flow is
commanded to start.

Mark the alarm as used or unused and set standard configuration members of
the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]

[email protected]
The PDOSE instruction handles alarm conditions described by these use cases
and conditions:
• Equipment fault - raised when the Inp_CtrldEqpFault input is true, or
when equipment feedback signals fail to track the commanded state of
the equipment within the configured time. If an equipment fault is
configured as a shed fault, the flow is stopped and a reset is required to
resume flow.
• Above high limit - raised when the flow rate exceeds the High Flow
Rate limit, for a configured period of time.
• Below low limit - raised when the flow rate falls short of the Low Flow
Rate limit, for a configured period of time.
• Above over tolerance limit - raised when the tolerance check is
performed and the quantity delivered exceeds the setpoint by more
than the High Tolerance threshold.
• Below under tolerance limit - raised when the tolerance check is
performed and the quantity delivered falls short of the setpoint by
more than the Low Tolerance threshold.
• Zero fault - raised if the dosing fails to clear, or if the dosing is cleared
but then registers flow before flow is commanded to start.
There are Program, Operator, and External commands that enable the Reset
and Reset & Acknowledge of all alarms of the instruction (Alarm Set) at the
same time. This diagram shows how the commands interact with the PDOSE

456 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

This diagram illustrates the functionality of the PDOSE instruction:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 457

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Operator command request confirmation

The PDOSE instruction enables these operator command requests:
• OCmd _Bump
• OCmd_CheckTol
• OCmd_ClearTot
• OCmd_StartFlow
• OCmd_StartTot
• OCmd_StopFlow

458 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• OCmd_StopTot
• OSet_DribbleQty
• OSet_Preact
• OSet_SP
• OSet_TolHi
• OSetTolLo
Enforced security might require the request to be confirmed or canceled
before the selected command executes. The instruction checks the security
rules inspecting Cfg_CnfrmReqd. If Cfg_CnfrmReqd=0 no confirmation is
required and the request executes immediately. If Cfg_CnfrmReqd=1 the
instruction waits for confirmation OCmd_CmdCnfrm=1 and/or cancellation
For Cfg_CnfrmReqd=2 or 3 eSignature is needed before the confirmation and
cancellation is enabled.

Use virtualization for instruction testing and operator training. Use
PCmd_Virtual or MCmd_Virtual to enable virtualization. After finishing
virtualization, use PCmd_Physical or MCmd_Physical to return to normal
(physical device) operation.
When Virtualization is active, the instruction treats the object as virtual. The
instruction acts as normal but the output is kept de-energized. The
instruction can emulate a rate at which to dribble and a rate at which to
deliver when running in virtual.

The instruction is normally initialized in the instruction first run. Request
re-initialization by setting Inp_InitializeReq = 1. For proper initialization,
when adding the instruction while performing an online edit of the code,
make sure that Inp_InitializeReq = 1, the default value.

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FactoryTalk View) and for Logix
Designer configuration dialog. The strings are set to extended properties of
tag items. Configure the strings in Logix Designer only.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 459

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• More Information
• Input Quantity PV
• Input Rate PV
• Quantity PV Units
• Rate PV Units
• Alarm Equipment Fault Text
• Alarm Hi Flow Rate Text
• Alarm Lo Flow Rate Text
• Alarm Over Tolerance Text
• Alarm Under Tolerance Text
• Alarm Zero Fault Text

Command Source
The instruction uses these command sources. The command sources are
prioritized in order from highest to lowest in this table.
Command Source Description
Hand Hardwired logic or other logic outside the instruction controls the device. The instruction tracks the state of the device for bumpless
transfer back to one of the other command sources.
This is the highest priority command source.
Out-of-Service The instruction is disabled and has no owner.
Maintenance Maintenance controls the device and supersedes Operator, Program, External and Override control. Operator commands and settings
from the HMI are accepted.
Override Priority logic controls the device and supersedes Operator, Program and External control. Override Input (Inp_Ovrd) is accepted.
External External logic (e.g. field pilot control or upstream SCADA) controls the device. External commands (XCmd_) are accepted.
Program locked Program logic controls the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted. Operator cannot take control from the Program.
Override cannot take control from theProgram unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Program Program logic controls the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted.

Operator locked The Operator controls the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted. Program cannot take control from
Operator. Override cannot take control from Operator unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.

Operator The Operator controls the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted.
This is the lowest priority command source.

The instruction enables or disables these operations:

• Maintenance Out-of-Service exists
• Maintenance exists
• External exists
• Program (unlocked) exists
• Program locked exists
• Operator (unlocked) exists
• Operator locked exists
• PCmd_Lock used as a Level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock)
The instruction checks for invalid configurations of control and forces the
nearest valid configuration.

460 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
The core control model arbitrates the source of the commands and
parameters that the receiving function accepts. The core control model
determines if the source is:
• A programmatic entity which resides entirely within the processing
environment, or
• An external interface entity which issues commands and parameters
external and asynchronously to the processing environment.
Locking a control source prevents the other control source from acquiring

Core Command Source Model

The core control model consists of these control sources:
• Oper
• OperLocked
• Prog
• ProgLocked
The control model defaults to this configuration. Other control sources may
be present in the model but act as overriding control sources, acting
independent of the base Operator/Program state machine.

Enabling control sources as Configuration

The individual control sources may be enabled or disabled by the user. The
default configuration uses the entire base model; upon power-up of the
processing environment the control source will be the designated default.
Some combinations of enabled control sources are disallowed as they are
either unnecessary or could create unintended changes.

Prog Power Up
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program is the
power-up default.

Prog Priority
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program
commands take priority when simultaneously asserted.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 461

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Automatic reset of commands

All commands are treated as one-shot-latched. This means that all commands
are automatically cleared when the instruction executes and processes them.

Changing Destination States

Under certain configurations the destination command source for some
commands may change. This is in keeping with the intent of the command.
For example, if the Prog is disabled, the destination of the OCmd_Prog
command is directed to the ProgLocked state instead of the Prog state. This
maintains the intent of the OCmd_Prog command: the operator entity wishes
to place the function in control of the program. If the command was
eliminated there would be no way to accomplish this. This is only done in
configurations where it would cause no conflict or race condition, but serves
to preserve as much user functionality as is practical.

Higher Priority Command Sources

These Higher priority command sources operate independently within the
• External
• Override
• Maintenance
• Out-of-Service
• In-Service
• Hand

Monitor the PDOSE Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.

462 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Any commands that are received before first scan are
Instruction first run Any commands received before first scan are discarded.
Rung-condition-in is false Any commands that are received are discarded. All
alarms are cleared. The command source is reported as
Program Out of Service. The displayed rate is zeroed.
Outputs to controlled equipment are de-energized.
Other output parameters (values and status) hold their
last value.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
Any commands that are received before first scan are
Instruction first run Any commands received before first scan are discarded.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
Latched alarms are reset.
Command source selection processing proceeds except that Program and
Operators commands are ignored and cleared and all ownership status bits
(Sts_Maint, Sts_Ovrd, Sts_Ext, Sts_Prog and Sts_Oper) are cleared to 0. When
rung-condition-in becomes true, the Program/Operator selection is set based on
the configuration (Cfg_ProgPwrUp).
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 463

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

This example shows an input from a flowmeter (I_PDT_2) connected to a
P_AInAdv block for the conversion of differential pressure to flow. The PV
representing flow (Val from P_AInAdv) is the input for the PDOSE instruction
(Inp_RatePV). The Sts_PVBad for the flow value is also used by the PDOSE
instruction (Inp_RatePVBad). The outputs of the PDOSE instruction
(Out_RunFlow and Out_DribbleFLow) are used as inputs to a two-speed
motor (P_Motor2Spd). RunFlow and DribbleFlow are connected to
PCmd_RunFast and PCmd_RunSlow, respectively. The status outputs of the
motor for stopped (Sts_Stopped), running slow (Sts_RunningSlow), and
running fast (Sts_RunningFast) are connected back to the PDOSE block as
inputs Inp_StopFdbk, Inp_DribbleFdbk, and Inp_RunFdbk.

Ladder Diagram

464 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 465

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Structured Text

PDOSE(FQIC_01, 0, FI_01.Val, 0);

PMTR(PMTR_01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);


See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

466 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Structured Text Syntax on page 993
Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Analog Fanout This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

(PFO) The Analog Fanout (PFO) instruction sends one primary analog output signal
to multiple secondary users or devices. Each secondary output has
configurable gain, offset, and clamping limits.
The Process Analog Fanout (PFO) instruction:
• Receives an input-controlled variable (CV) from a primary PID loop or
analog output.
• Applies rate-of-change limiting to the input signal.
• Calculates outputs for up to eight secondary devices. Each secondary
output has its own ratio (slope) and offset (intercept) from the
rate-limited primary input. The ratios and offsets are configured
• Applies minimum and maximum clamping limits to each output
(secondary) CV.
• Provides for initialization of each of its secondary CV outputs based on
a request bit and a requested value from the secondary. When a
particular output CV comes out of initialization, it is ramped from the
initialization value to its calculated value using a configured takeup
• Provides for initialization of the primary when all secondaries have
requested initialization. The initialization value sent to the primary
can be a fixed, configured value or a calculated value based on the CV1
(Output 1) requested initialization value, accounting for the CV1 gain
and offset. Thus CV1 is the priority output.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 467

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PFO (PFO tag);

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_ANALOG_FANOUT tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. Ladder Diagram: Corresponds to the rung condition.
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction first
run. Use this request when reinitialization is needed. The instruction clears this operand
Default is true.
Inp_CV REAL Input CV from upstream block's output (engineering units).
Default is 0.0.
Inp_CV1InitializationVal REAL Initialization value from downstream block #1 (Out 1 engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.

468 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Inp_CV2InitializationVal REAL Initialization value from downstream block #2 (Out 2 engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_CV3InitializationVal REAL Initialization value from downstream block #3 (Out 3 engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_CV4InitializationVal REAL Initialization value from downstream block #4 (Out 4 engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_CV5InitializationVal REAL Initialization value from downstream block #5 (Out 5 engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_CV6InitializationVal REAL Initialization value from downstream block #6 (Out 6 engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_CV7InitializationVal REAL Initialization value from downstream block #7 (Out 7 engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_CV8InitializationVal REAL Initialization value from downstream block #8 (Out 8 engineering units). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_CV1InitializeReq BOOL Initialize request from downstream block #1 1 = set Out_CV1 to Inp_CV1InitializationVal.
Default is false.
Inp_CV2InitializeReq BOOL Initialize request from downstream block #2 1 = set Out_CV2 to Inp_CV2InitializationVal.
Default is false.
Inp_CV3InitializeReq BOOL Initialize request from downstream block #3 1 = set Out_CV3 to Inp_CV3InitializationVal.
Default is false.
Inp_CV4InitializeReq BOOL Initialize request from downstream block #4 1 = set Out_CV4 to Inp_CV4InitializationVal.
Default is false.
Inp_CV5InitializeReq BOOL Initialize request from downstream block #5 1 = set Out_CV5 to Inp_CV5InitializationVal.
Default is false.
Inp_CV6InitializeReq BOOL Initialize request from downstream block #6 1 = set Out_CV6 to Inp_CV6InitializationVal.
Default is false.
Inp_CV7InitializeReq BOOL Initialize request from downstream block #7 1 = set Out_CV7 to Inp_CV7InitializationVal.
Default is false.
Inp_CV8InitializeReq BOOL Initialize request from downstream block #8 1 = set Out_CV8 to Inp_CV8InitializationVal.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasCV2 BOOL 1 = Output CV #2 is connected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasCV3 BOOL 1 = Output CV #3 is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasCV4 BOOL 1 = Output CV #4 is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasCV5 BOOL 1 = Output CV #5 is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasCV6 BOOL 1 = Output CV #6 is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasCV7 BOOL 1 = Output CV #7 is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasCV8 BOOL 1 = Output CV #8 is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_FixedInitializationVal REAL Fixed initialization value (in Inp_CV engineering units), used if Cfg_UseFixedInitialization = 1.
Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_UseFixedInitialization BOOL 1 = Use Cfg_UseFixedInitialization to initialize primary, 0 = use Inp_CV1InitializationVal.
Default is false.
Cfg_ShedHold BOOL 1 = Hold output on Inf / NaN input, 0 = copy Inf / NaN through.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL 1 = Tells HMI an object with more information is available.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasCVNav BOOL 1 = Tells HMI to enable navigation to a connected CV object.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav SINT Set bits indicate which navigation buttons are enabled .0=CV1, .1=CV2, ... .7=CV8.
Default is 0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 469

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_CVEUMin REAL Input CV minimum in engineering units (for scaling). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float,
Cfg_CVEUMin <> Cfg_CVEUMax.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CVEUMax REAL Input CV maximum in engineering units (for scaling). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float,
Cfg_CVEUMin <> Cfg_CVEUMax.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CVLoLim REAL Input CV minimum, Lo clamp (Inp engineering units). Valid = any float, Cfg_CVLoLim<=
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CVHiLim REAL Input CV maximum, Hi clamp (Inp engineering units). Valid = any float, Cfg_CVHiLim>=
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CVRoCLim REAL Program setting for input CV rate of change limit, increase or decrease (Inp engineering
units/seconds). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV1Ratio REAL Configuration for CV1 ratio (m in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is -2.0.
Cfg_CV1Offset REAL Configuration for CV1 offset (b in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CV1LoLim REAL Output CV #1 minimum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV1LoLim<=
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV1HiLim REAL Output CV #1 maximum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV1HiLim>=
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CV1TakeupRate REAL Rate (engineering units/seconds) at which CV1 bias is taken up after Inp_CV1InitializeReq = 0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CV2Ratio REAL Configuration for CV2 ratio (m in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 2.0.
Cfg_CV2Offset REAL Configuration for CV2 offset (b in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is -100.0.
Cfg_CV2LoLim REAL Output CV #2 minimum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV2LoLim<=
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV2HiLim REAL Output CV #2 maximum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV2HiLim>=
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CV2TakeupRate REAL Rate (engineering units/seconds) at which CV2 bias is taken up after Inp_CV2InitializeReq = 0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CV3Ratio REAL Configuration for CV3 ratio (m in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CV3Offset REAL Configuration for CV3 offset (b in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV3LoLim REAL Output CV #3 minimum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV3LoLim<=
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV3HiLim REAL Output CV #3 maximum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV3HiLim>=
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CV3TakeupRate REAL Rate (engineering units/seconds) at which CV3 bias is taken up after Inp_CV3InitializeReq = 0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CV4Ratio REAL Configuration for CV4 ratio (m in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CV4Offset REAL Configuration for CV4 offset (b in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.

470 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_CV4LoLim REAL Output CV #4 minimum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV4LoLim<=
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV4HiLim REAL Output CV #4 maximum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV4HiLim>=
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CV4TakeupRate REAL Rate (engineering units/seconds) at which CV4 bias is taken up after Inp_CV4InitializeReq = 0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CV5Ratio REAL Configuration for CV5 ratio (m in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CV5Offset REAL Configuration for CV5 offset (b in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV5LoLim REAL Output CV #5 minimum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV5LoLim<=
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV5HiLim REAL Output CV #5 maximum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV5HiLim>=
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CV5TakeupRate REAL Rate (engineering units/seconds) at which CV5 bias is taken up after Inp_CV5InitializeReq = 0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CV6Ratio REAL Configuration for CV6 ratio (m in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CV6Offset REAL Configuration for CV6 offset (b in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV6LoLim REAL Output CV #6 minimum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV6LoLim<=
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV6HiLim REAL Output CV #6 maximum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV6HiLim>=
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CV6TakeupRate REAL Rate (engineering units/seconds) at which CV6 bias is taken up after Inp_CV6InitializeReq = 0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CV7Ratio REAL Configuration for CV7 ratio (m in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CV7Offset REAL Configuration for CV7 offset (b in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV7LoLim REAL Output CV #7 minimum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV7LoLim<=
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV7HiLim REAL Output CV #7 maximum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV7HiLim>=
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CV7TakeupRate REAL Rate (engineering units/seconds) at which CV7 bias is taken up after Inp_CV7InitializeReq = 0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CV8Ratio REAL Configuration for CV8 ratio (m in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CV8Offset REAL Configuration for CV8 offset (b in mx+b). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV8LoLim REAL Output CV #8 minimum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV8LoLim<=
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CV8HiLim REAL Output CV #8 maximum in engineering units (for clamping). Valid = any float, Cfg_CV8HiLim>=
Default is 100.0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 471

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_CV8TakeupRate REAL Rate (engineering units/seconds) at which CV8 bias is taken up after Inp_CV8InitializeReq = 0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_CVDecPlcs SINT Number of decimal places for CV display (0...6).
Default is 0.

Public Output Members Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable output. This output state always reflects EnableIn input state.
Out_CV1 REAL Output to downstream block #1 (out 1 engineering units).
Out_CV2 REAL Output to downstream block #2 (out 2 engineering units).
Out_CV3 REAL Output to downstream block #3 (out 3 engineering units).
Out_CV4 REAL Output to downstream block #4 (out 4 engineering units).
Out_CV5 REAL Output to downstream block #5 (out 5 engineering units).
Out_CV6 REAL Output to downstream block #6 (out 6 engineering units).
Out_CV7 REAL Output to downstream block #7 (out 7 engineering units).
Out_CV8 REAL Output to downstream block #8 (out 8 engineering units).
Out_CVInitializationVal REAL Initialization value to upstream block (Inp_CV engineering units).
Out_CVInitializeReq BOOL Initialization request to upstream block (1 = initialize).
Val_CVEUMin REAL Minimum of scaled range = minimum (Cfg_CVEUMin, Cfg_CVEUMax).
Val_CVEUMax REAL Maximum of scaled range = maximum (Cfg_CVEUMin, Cfg_CVEUMax).
Val_InpCV REAL Value of Inp_CV, not clamped or ramped (engineering units).
Val_CV REAL Value of CV after clamping and ramping (engineering units).
Val_MinCVIn1 REAL Input CV at minimum of CV1 output (for HMI use).
Val_MaxCVIn1 REAL Input CV at maximum of CV1 output (for HMI use).
Val_MinCVIn2 REAL Input CV at minimum of CV2 output (for HMI use).
Val_MaxCVIn2 REAL Input CV at maximum of CV2 output (for HMI use).
Val_MinCVIn3 REAL Input CV at minimum of CV3 output (for HMI use).
Val_MaxCVIn3 REAL Input CV at maximum of CV3 output (for HMI use).
Val_MinCVIn4 REAL Input CV at minimum of CV4 output (for HMI use).
Val_MaxCVIn4 REAL Input CV at maximum of CV4 output (for HMI use).
Val_MinCVIn5 REAL Input CV at minimum of CV5 output (for HMI use).
Val_MaxCVIn5 REAL Input CV at maximum of CV5 output (for HMI use).
Val_MinCVIn6 REAL Input CV at minimum of CV6 output (for HMI use).
Val_MaxCVIn6 REAL Input CV at maximum of CV6 output (for HMI use).
Val_MinCVIn7 REAL Input CV at minimum of CV7 output (for HMI use).
Val_MaxCVIn7 REAL Input CV at maximum of CV7 output (for HMI use).
Val_MinCVIn8 REAL Input CV at minimum of CV8 output (for HMI use).
Val_MaxCVIn8 REAL Input CV at maximum of CV8 output (for HMI use).
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
Sts_CVInfNaN BOOL 1 = Inp_CV is infinite or not a number (1.$, 1.#NaN).
Sts_CVLimited BOOL 1 = Output CV clamped at configured maximum/minimum.
Sts_CV1InitializationInfNaN BOOL 1 = Inp_CV1InitializationVal is infinite or not a number (1.$, 1.#NaN).
Sts_CV1Limited BOOL 1 = Output CV1 clamped at configured maximum/minimum.
Sts_CV2InitializationInfNaN BOOL 1 = Inp_CV2InitializationVal is infinite or not a number (1.$, 1.#NaN).
Sts_CV2Limited BOOL 1 = Output CV2 clamped at configured maximum/minimum.
Sts_CV3InitializationInfNaN BOOL 1 = Inp_CV3InitializationVal is infinite or not a number (1.$, 1.#NaN).
Sts_CV3Limited BOOL 1 = Output CV3 clamped at configured maximum/minimum.
Sts_CV4InitializationInfNaN BOOL 1 = Inp_CV4InitializationVal is infinite or not a number (1.$, 1.#NaN).
Sts_CV4Limited BOOL 1 = Output CV4 clamped at configured maximum/minimum.
Sts_CV5InitializationInfNaN BOOL 1 = Inp_CV5InitializationVal is infinite or not a number (1.$, 1.#NaN).
Sts_CV5Limited BOOL 1 = Output CV5 clamped at configured maximum/minimum.
Sts_CV6InitializationInfNaN BOOL 1 = Inp_CV6InitializationVal is infinite or not a number (1.$, 1.#NaN).
Sts_CV6Limited BOOL 1 = Output CV6 clamped at configured maximum/minimum.
Sts_CV7InitializationInfNaN BOOL 1 = Inp_CV7InitializationVal is infinite or not a number (1.$, 1.#NaN).

472 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_CV7Limited BOOL 1 = Output CV7 clamped at configured maximum/minimum.
Sts_CV8InitializationInfNaN BOOL 1 = Inp_CV8InitializationVal is infinite or not a number (1.$, 1.#NaN).
Sts_CV8Limited BOOL 1 = Output CV8 clamped at configured maximum/minimum.
Sts_Err BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: See detail bits (Sts_Errxxx) for reason.
Sts_ErrLim BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: CV clamp limits crossed (maximum<minimum).
Sts_ErrEU BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: CV scale EU minimum = maximum.
Sts_ErrCV1Lim BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: CV1 clamp limits crossed (maximum<minimum).
Sts_ErrCV2Lim BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: CV2 clamp limits crossed (maximum<minimum).
Sts_ErrCV3Lim BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: CV3 clamp limits crossed (maximum<minimum).
Sts_ErrCV4Lim BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: CV4 clamp limits crossed (maximum<minimum).
Sts_ErrCV5Lim BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: CV5 clamp limits crossed (maximum<minimum).
Sts_ErrCV6Lim BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: CV6 clamp limits crossed (maximum<minimum).
Sts_ErrCV7Lim BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: CV7 clamp limits crossed (maximum<minimum).
Sts_ErrCV8Lim BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: CV8 clamp limits crossed (maximum<minimum).

The instruction is normally initialized in the instruction first run. Request
re-initialization by setting Inp_InitializeReq = 1. For proper initialization,
when adding the instruction while performing an online edit of the code,
make sure that Inp_InitializeReq = 1, the default value.

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FT View) and for the Logix Designer
configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties of tag
items. Configure the strings in Logix Designer only.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• CV Units
• Output CV Label CV1
• Output CV Label CV2
• Output CV Label CV3
• Output CV Label CV4
• Output CV Label CV5
• Output CV Label CV6
• Output CV Label CV7
• Output CV Label CV8
• CV1 EU (Engineering Units)
• CV2 EU
• CV3 EU
• CV4 EU

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 473

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• CV5 EU
• CV6 EU
• CV7 EU
• CV8 EU
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name Input CV
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name CV1
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name CV2
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name CV3
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name CV4
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name CV5
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name CV6
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name CV7
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name CV8

Monitor the PFO Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Instruction first run The instruction executes normally.
Rung-condition-in is false Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
Instruction first run The instruction executes normally.

474 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

In this example, the PFO instruction to implement a split range PID control
strategy to control temperature of a processing vessel. The heat exchanger to
the vessel jacket is fed by a steam valve to heat or a glycol valve to cool. One
PID controls the temperature. The example assumes that the relative process
gain between each valve and the temperature is the same.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 475

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Ladder Diagram

476 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text

TIC0921.PV:= TI0921.Val;



See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 477

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Process High or Low This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

Selector (PHLS) The Process High or Low Selector (PHLS) instruction selects the highest or
the lowest of up to six incoming controlled variables (CVs). The instruction
sends the selected CV as output and flags the unselected CVs to track the
selected CV.
To avoid problems with ever-decreasing or ever-increasing output, offset the
tracking value by an amount equal to the upstream PID/PIDE gain time’s
error value.
Use the PHLS instruction to implement an Override Select control strategy.
An Override Select strategy provides control of a primary process variable
while allowing other process variables to override the output on the final
control element, which avoids exceeding constraints.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

478 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Structured Text

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description

PHLS Input Structure

Input Members Data Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input.
Ladder Diagram:
Corresponds to the rung-condition-in.
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL Use this request when reinitializing.
Default is false.
Inp_1 REAL Input #1. Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_E1 REAL Loop error from primary #1 (optional, used for offset calculation). Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PGain1 REAL Proportional gain from primary #1 (optional, used for offset calculation). Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_2 REAL Input #2. Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_E2 REAL Loop error from primary #2 (optional, used for offset calculation). Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PGain2 REAL Proportional gain from primary #2 (optional, used for offset calculation). Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_3 REAL Input #3. Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_E3 REAL Loop error from primary #3 (optional, used for offset calculation). Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PGain3 REAL Proportional gain from primary #3 (optional, used for offset calculation). Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_4 REAL Input #4. Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_E4 REAL Loop error from primary #4 (optional, used for offset calculation). Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PGain4 REAL Proportional gain from primary #4 (optional, used for offset calculation). Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_5 REAL Input #5. Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 479

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Input Members Data Description
Inp_E5 REAL Loop error from primary #5 (optional, used for offset calculation). Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PGain5 REAL Proportional gain from primary #5 (optional, used for offset calculation). Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_6 REAL Input #6. Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_E6 REAL Loop error from primary #6 (optional, used for offset calculation). Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PGain6 REAL Proportional gain from primary #6 (optional, used for offset calculation). Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_InitializeVal REAL Initialization value from downstream block. Valid = Any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_HiLoSel BOOL Selection: 1 = High - Select, 0 = Low - Select.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasInp1 BOOL 1 = Inp_1 is connected.
Default is true.
Cfg_UseInp1 BOOL 1 = Inp_1 is included in selection (for maintenance use).
Default is true.
Cfg_Inp1Offset BOOL 1 = Offset Inp_1, Offset = Val +/- Inp_PGain1 * Inp_E1.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasInp2 BOOL 1 = Inp_2 is connected.
Default is true.
Cfg_UseInp2 BOOL 1 = Inp_2 is included in selection (for maintenance use).
Default is true.
Cfg_Inp2Offset BOOL 1 = Offset Inp_2, Offset = Val +/- Inp_PGain2 * Inp_E2.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasInp3 BOOL 1 = Inp_3 is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseInp3 BOOL 1 = Inp_3 is included in selection (for maintenance use).
Default is false.
Cfg_Inp3Offset BOOL 1 = Offset Inp_3, Offset = Val +/- Inp_PGain3 * Inp_E3.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasInp4 BOOL 1 = Inp_4 is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseInp4 BOOL 1 = Inp_4 is included in selection (for maintenance use).
Default is false.
Cfg_Inp4Offset BOOL 1 = Offset Inp_4, Offset = Val +/- Inp_PGain4 * Inp_E4.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasInp5 BOOL 1 = Inp_5 is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseInp5 BOOL 1 = Inp_5 is included in selection (for maintenance use).
Default is false.
Cfg_Inp5Offset BOOL 1 = Offset Inp_5, Offset = Val +/- Inp_PGain5 * Inp_E5.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasInp6 BOOL 1 = Inp_6 is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseInp6 BOOL 1 = Inp_6 is included in selection (for maintenance use).
Default is false.
Cfg_Inp6Offset BOOL 1 = Offset Inp_6, Offset = Val +/- Inp_PGain6 * Inp_E6.
Default is false.
Cfg_DecPlcs SINT Number of decimal places for display. Valid = 0 to 6.
Default is 2.
Cfg_HasOutNav BOOL 1 = Tells HMI to enable navigation to a connected output object.
Default is false.

480 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Input Members Data Description
Cfg_HasNav SINT Set bits to indicate which navigation buttons are enabled:
Cfg_HasNav.0 = Inp_1,
Cfg_HasNav.1 = Inp_2,
Cfg_HasNav.2 = Inp_3,
Cfg_HasNav.3 = Inp_4,
Cfg_HasNav.4 = Inp_5,
Cfg_HasNav.5 = Inp_6.
Default is 0.
Cfg_OutLoLim REAL Output low clamping (engineering units).
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_OutHiLim REAL Output high clamping (engineering units).
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL 1 = Tells HMI an object with more info is available.
Default is false.

Output Members Data Description

EnableOut BOOL This output state always reflects EnableIn input state.
Val REAL Output value (selected minimum or maximum) for downstream block.
Val_Inp1Prev REAL Previous (Feedback) input value for primary #1.
Sts_UseInp1Prev BOOL Request for primary #1 to use feedback Val_Inp1Prev.
Val_Inp2Prev REAL Previous (Feedback) input value for primary #2.
Sts_UseInp2Prev BOOL Request for primary #2 to use feedback Val_Inp2Prev.
Val_Inp3Prev REAL Previous (Feedback) input value for primary #3.
Sts_UseInp3Prev BOOL Request for primary #3 to use feedback Val_Inp3Prev.
Val_Inp4Prev REAL Previous (Feedback) input value for primary #4.
Sts_UseInp4Prev BOOL Request for primary #4 to use feedback Val_Inp4Prev.
Val_Inp5Prev REAL Previous (Feedback) input value for primary #5.
Sts_UseInp5Prev BOOL Request for primary #5 to use feedback Val_Inp5Prev.
Val_Inp6Prev REAL Previous (Feedback) input value for primary #6.
Sts_UseInp6Prev BOOL Request for primary #6 to use feedback Val_Inp6Prev.
Val_Out REAL Output value (selected minimum or maximum Input) for HMI.
Val_Sel DINT Selected input:
0 = Minimum,
1 = Inp_1,
2 = Inp_2,
3 = Inp_3,
4 = Inp_4,
5 = Inp_5,
6 = Inp_6,
7 = Maximum,
8 = Inp_InitializeVal.
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized.
Sts_MaintByp BOOL 1 = A maintenance bypass is active (display icon on HMI)
Sts_Err BOOL 1 = Error in configuration, check Sts_ErrHas or Sts_ErrLim for reason.
Sts_ErrHas BOOL 1 = Configuration error: must HAVE at least one Input.
Sts_ErrLim BOOL 1 = Configuration error: Cfg_OutHiLim less than or equal to Cfg_OutLoLim.

The PHLS instruction does not have any alarms.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 481

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

The PHLS instruction does not have any virtualization capability.

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FT View) and for the Logix Designer
configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties of tag
items. Configure the strings in Logix Designer only.
• Description - Description of PHLS Tag
• Label for graphic symbol – Label metadata of PHLS tag
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up - Library metadata of PHLS
• Instruction name - Instruction metadata of PHLS tag
• Area name - Area metadata of PHLS tag
• URL link - URL metadata of PHLS tag
• Output Units – Engineering Unit metadata of PHLS member Val_Out
• Input Label Input1 – Description metadata of PHLS member Inp_1 tag
• Input Label Input2 – Description metadata of PHLS member Inp_2 tag
• Input Label Input3 – Description metadata of PHLS member Inp_3 tag
• Input Label Input4 – Description metadata of PHLS member Inp_4 tag
• Input Label Input5 – Description metadata of PHLS member Inp_5 tag
• Input Label Input6 – Description metadata of PHLS member Inp_6 tag
• Input1 EU – Engineering Unit metadata of PHLS member Inp_1 tag
• Input2 EU – Engineering Unit metadata of PHLS member Inp_2 tag
• Input3 EU – Engineering Unit metadata of PHLS member Inp_3 tag
• Input4 EU – Engineering Unit metadata of PHLS member Inp_4 tag
• Input5 EU – Engineering Unit metadata of PHLS member Inp_5 tag
• Input6 EU – Engineering Unit metadata of PHLS member Inp_6 tag
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name Output - Navigation metadata of
PHLS member Out_Val tag
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name Input1 - Navigation metadata of
PHLS member Inp_1 tag
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name Input2 - Navigation metadata of
PHLS member Inp_2 tag
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name Input3 - Navigation metadata of
PHLS member Inp_3 tag
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name Input4 - Navigation metadata of
PHLS member Inp_4 tag
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name Input5 - Navigation metadata of
PHLS member Inp_5 tag
• Allow Navigation Object Tag Name Input6 - Navigation metadata of
PHLS member Inp_6 tag

482 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Monitor the PHLS Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Instruction first run All configurations has input, use input and input offset are cleared.
All previous feedback, loop error, gain values is set to 0.
The instruction executes normally.
Rung-condition-in is false Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
All configurations has input, use input and input offset are cleared.
All previous feedback, loop error, gain values is set to 0.
The instruction is kept in its last state.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
Instruction first run All configurations has input, use input and input offset are cleared.
All previous feedback, loop error, gain values is set to 0.
The instruction executes normally.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
The instruction will hold its last selection state and output value (Val) is not
updated (holds last value).
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 483

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

The example uses the PHLS instruction to implements part of the pressure
control strategy. In this case, two PIDE instructions are used as inputs. The
PIDE instructions are for Suction Pressure Override Control and Discharge
Pressure Control. The PIDE output values CV (CV to final control element)
and E (Loop Error) are used as inputs to the PHLS instruction.
This example also shows PHLS inputs for Initial Value (Inp_InitializeVal) and
initialization request (Inp_InitializeReq). In this case, the Initial Value is
taken from the speed reference to the pump motor drive. The Initialization
In this example the instruction initialization request flag is set based on the
motor’s running and availability status.

484 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 485

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured text
PHLS.Inp_1 := PIDE_01.CV;
PHLS.Inp_E1 := PIDE_01.E;
PHLS.Inp_2 := PIDE_02.CV;

PHLS.Inp_E2 := PIDE_02.E;
PHLS.Inp_InitializeVal := P50_Motor.Val_SpeedRef;
PHLS.Inp_InitializeReq := NOT(P50_Motor.Sts_RunningFwd AND


486 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Interlocks (PINTLK) This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.
The Process Interlocks (PINTLK) instruction collects, or sums up, the
interlock conditions that stop or de-energize a running or energized piece of
equipment. This instruction can also help prevent equipment from starting or
being energized. Interlocks are always evaluated to de-energize equipment.
For permissive conditions that must be made to start the equipment, but are
ignored once the equipment is running, use the Process Permissive (PPERM)
The PINTLK instruction provides:
• Interlock input OK check: Each input is compared with its configured
OK state. If the input is not in its OK state, it raises an interlock
condition unless bypassed.
• Interlock Condition Latching: If the input is configured as latched, the
interlock condition is latched until reset, unless the latch defeat input
is true. If the input is not configured as latched, the interlock condition
clears when the input returns to it’s OK state.
• Interlock Bypass: If the input is configured as able to be bypassed and
interlocks are bypassed, the input does not raise an interlock
condition, even if it is not in its OK state. If the input is configured as
not able to be bypassed or if interlocks are not bypassed, the input
raises an interlock condition. Engineering configures which interlocks
are allowed to be bypassed. Maintenance chooses which inputs to
bypass from the interlocks that are allowed by engineering.
• First Out: If no interlock conditions are raised (OK to run), the first
interlock condition to be raised is marked as the first out. If multiple
interlock conditions are raised in the same scan, they are all marked as
first out.
• Latch Defeat: A latch defeat function reduces the number of operator
actions that are required to start equipment. The latch defeat input is
set when the equipment is not running. When the latch defeat input is
true, the latched configuration of inputs is ignored, and all interlock
conditions clear when their corresponding inputs are in their OK
states. This action saves the operator from having to reset before
starting the equipment. When the equipment starts, the latch defeat
input is turned off. Then, if an interlock condition configured as
latched shuts down the equipment, it remains latched until reset.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 487

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Summary Status: Summarizes its 32 interlock input conditions into
two primary status bits:
• Sts_IntlkOK. Indicates all interlock conditions are clear and ready to
• Sts_NBIntlkOK. Indicates all interlock conditions that cannot be
bypassed are clear and ready to run if interlocks are bypassed.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

488 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Structured Text
PINTLK (PINTLK tag, Ref_IntlkBankSts);

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.
Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx P_INTERLOCK tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.
Ref_IntlkBankSts P_INTERLOCK_BANK_STATUS tag Reference interlock bank status.

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Enable Input - System Defined Parameter
EnableIn Default is true.
1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction
first run. Use this request when reinitialization is needed. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Inp_InitializeReq Default is true.
Interlock condition 00, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk00 Default is false.
Interlock condition 01, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk01 Default is false.
Interlock condition 02, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk02 Default is false.
Interlock condition 03, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk03 Default is false.
Interlock condition 04, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk04 Default is false.
Interlock condition 05, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk05 Default is false.
Interlock condition 06, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk06 Default is false.
Interlock condition 07, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk07 Default is false.
Interlock condition 08, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk08 Default is false.
Interlock condition 09, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk09 Default is false.
Interlock condition 10, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk10 Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 489

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Interlock condition 11, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk11 Default is false.
Interlock condition 12, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk12 Default is false.
Interlock condition 13, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk13 Default is false.
Interlock condition 14, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk14 Default is false.
Interlock condition 15, de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk15 Default is false.
Interlock condition 16 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk16 Default is false.
Interlock condition 17 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk17 Default is false.
Interlock condition 18 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk18 Default is false.
Interlock condition 19 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk19 Default is false.
Interlock condition 20 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk20 Default is false.
Interlock condition 21 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk21 Default is false.
Interlock condition 22 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk22 Default is false.
Interlock condition 23 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk23 Default is false.
Interlock condition 24 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk24 Default is false.
Interlock condition 25 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk25 Default is false.
Interlock condition 26 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk26 Default is false.
Interlock condition 27 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk27 Default is false.
Interlock condition 28 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk28 Default is false.
Interlock condition 29 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk29 Default is false.
Interlock condition 30 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk30 Default is false.
Interlock condition 31 , de-energize if not in configured OK state.
Inp_Intlk31 Default is false.
Input register for IO fault logic.
Inp_IOFault Default is 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000.
External availability input.
Inp_Available Default is true.
1 = Interlock Bypassing is currently active.
Inp_BypActive Default is false.
Set when device is de-energized. 1 =Do not latch inputs, even if configured for latching,
BOOL and do not capture a new first-out.
Inp_LatchDefeat Default is false.
1 = Reset latched interlocks and first-out.
Inp_Reset Default is false.
Bits indicate which state (0 or 1) of each input is OK to run.
Cfg_OKState Default is 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000.
Set bits indicate which conditions are latched (sealed in).
Cfg_Latched Default is 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000.
Set bits indicate which conditions cause a stop - do not trip.
Cfg_StopOnly Default is 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000.

490 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Set bits indicate which conditions can be bypassed.
Cfg_Bypassable Default is 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000.
Set bits indicate which navigation buttons are enabled.
Cfg_HasNav Default is 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000.
Enumerated type of Interlock 0.
Cfg_eType00 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 1.
Cfg_eType01 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 2.
Cfg_eType02 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 3.
Cfg_eType03 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 4.
Cfg_eType04 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 5.
Cfg_eType05 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 6.
Cfg_eType06 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 7.
Cfg_eType07 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 8.
Cfg_eType08 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 9.
Cfg_eType09 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 10.
Cfg_eType10 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 11.
Cfg_eType11 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 12.
Cfg_eType12 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 13.
Cfg_eType13 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 14.
Cfg_eType14 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 15.
Cfg_eType15 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 16.
Cfg_eType16 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 17.
Cfg_eType17 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 18.
Cfg_eType18 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 19.
Cfg_eType19 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 20.
Cfg_eType20 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 21.
Cfg_eType21 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 22.
Cfg_eType22 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 23.
Cfg_eType23 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 24.
Cfg_eType24 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 25.
Cfg_eType25 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 26.
Cfg_eType26 Default is 6.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 491

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Enumerated type of Interlock 27.
Cfg_eType27 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 28.
Cfg_eType28 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 29.
Cfg_eType29 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 30.
Cfg_eType30 Default is 6.
Enumerated type of Interlock 31.
Cfg_eType31 Default is 6.
Enable selection for types from HMI.
Cfg_HasType Default is 2#1111_1111.
Interlock type 00 description.
Cfg_TypeDesc00 Default is false.
Interlock type 01 description.
Cfg_TypeDesc01 Default is false.
Interlock type 02 description.
Cfg_TypeDesc02 Default is false.
Interlock type 03 description.
Cfg_TypeDesc03 Default is false.
Interlock type 04 description.
Cfg_TypeDesc04 Default is false.
Interlock type 05 description.
Cfg_TypeDesc05 Default is false.
Interlock type 06 description.
Cfg_TypeDesc06 Default is false.
Interlock type 07description.
Cfg_TypeDesc07 Default is false.
Bank ID for use with multiple banks (0 to 7).
Cfg_BankID Default is 0.
1 = Tells HMI an object with more information is available.
Cfg_HasMoreObj Default is false.

SINT Operator command confirmation required. Represents the type of command confirmation
required. 0 = None, 1 = Command confirmation required, 2 = Performer e-signature
required, 3 = Performer and approver e-signature required.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd Default is 0.
Program command to reset latched interlocks.
PCmd_Reset Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable Output - System Defined Parameter
Out_Reset BOOL 1 = Reset external devices.
Val_FirstUpBankID INT Bank ID number of first up interlock.
Val_FirstUpIndex INT Index number of first up interlock.
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
Sts_IntlkOK BOOL 1 = OK to run, 0 = Stop.
Sts_NBIntlkOK BOOL 1 = All non-bypassable interlocks OK to run.
Sts_Available BOOL 1 = Available.
Sts_IntlkTripInh BOOL 1 = Interlock trip inhibit - stops equipment but does not trip.
Sts_BypActive BOOL 1 = Interlock bypassing is active (ignore bypassable interlocks).
Sts_FirstUpDetect BOOL 1 = First up interlock detected.
Sts_BankIDError BOOL 1 = Error in bank ID's, each bank ID must be unique.
Sts_LatchDefeat BOOL 1 = Do not latch inputs even if configured for latching.
Sts_RdyReset BOOL 1 = A latched interlock (returned to OK) is ready to be reset.

492 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_LatchMask DINT Latch mask- always latch based on type.
Sts_BypassMask DINT Bypass mask- bypass based on type.
Sts_Intlk DINT Individual interlock status (1 = stop, 0 = OK).
Sts_FirstOut DINT Interlock first out status (bit 1 is first not-OK condition).

Private Input Members Data Type Description

HMI_Tab SINT Tab to display (FTView ME).
Default is 0.
MSet_Bypass DINT Individual condition maintenance bypass toggles.
Default is 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000.
OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset latched interlocks.
Default is false.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Reset (enables HMI button).
Val_BankMap DINT Map of interlock banks detected.
Val_BankSts DINT Map of interlock banks statuses.

Members Data Type Description
Val_FirstUpIndex INT Index number of first up interlock.
Val_FirstUpBankID INT Bank ID number of first up interlock.
Val_BankMap DINT Map of interlock banks detected.
Val_BankSts DINT Map of interlock banks statuses.
Inp_Reset BOOL 1 = Reset trip and first up.
Inp_BypActive BOOL 1 = Interlock bypassing is currently active.
Inp_LatchDefeat BOOL 1 = Do not latch.
Inp_Available BOOL 1 = Available from preceding equipment.
Sts_BankIDError BOOL 1 = Duplicate or invalid bank ID.
Sts_IntlkOK BOOL Interlocks bypassable interlock status (1 = all interlocks OK to energize).
Sts_NBIntlkOK BOOL Interlocks non-bypassable interlock status (1=all non-bypassable interlocks OK to
Sts_IntlkTripInh BOOL 1 = Interlock trip inhibit – stops equipment but does not trip.
Sts_Available BOOL Availability status.(1 = Available).
Sts_FirstUpDetect BOOL 1=First up interlock detected.
Sts_RdyReset BOOL 1=A latched interlock (returned to OK) is ready to be reset.
Sts_PrevIntlkOK BOOL Previous interlocks bypassable interlock status (1 = all interlocks OK to energize).
Sts_PrevNBIntlkOK BOOL Previous interlocks non-bypassable interlock status (1 = all non-bypassable interlocks OK
to energize).

This diagram illustrates the functionality of the PINTLK instruction:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 493

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FT View) and for the Logix Designer
configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties of tag
items. Configure the strings in Logix Designer only.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• Input Conditional Text
• Navigation Path
• Interlock Type
• More Information

Monitor the PINTLK Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


494 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Instruction first run The instruction executes normally.
Rung-condition-in is false Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
If this instruction is off-scan, then set the summary interlock OK status bits to
Only set individual interlock bypasses for conditions that are configured for
bypassing. All the MSets for inputs that are NOT bypassable will be cleared.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
Instruction first run The instruction executes normally.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
If this instruction is off-scan, then set the summary interlock OK status bits to
Only set individual interlock bypasses for conditions that are configured for
bypassing. All the MSets for inputs that are NOT bypassable will be cleared.
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 495

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

This example uses the PINTLK instruction to concentrate the interlock
conditions that allow the functioning of the refiner plates that are used for
grinding wood as part of the pulp manufacturing process.

Ladder Diagram

496 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
P182_Motor_INTLK.Inp_BypActive := P182_Motor.Sts_BypActive;
P182_Motor_INTLK.Inp_Intlk00 := Zone_1_Light_Curtain;
P182_Motor_INTLK.Inp_Intlk01 := Coolant_Pressure_OK;
PINTLK(P182_Motor_INTLK, 0);
P182_Motor.Inp_IntlkOK := P182_Motor_INTLK.Sts_IntlkOK;
P182_Motor.Inp_NBIntlkOK := P182_Motor_INTLK.Sts_NBIntlkOK;
PMTR(P182_Motor,P182_CtrlSet,P182_CtrlCmd,P182_CtrlSts, 0, 0);

See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Lead Lag Standby This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

Motor Group (PLLS) The Process Lead Lag Standby Motor Group (PLLS) instruction provides
control of a parallel group of motors, such as a set of pumps with a common

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 497

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
intake source and discharge destination. The number of motors to run
depends on the demand on the system. The group can be configured to
consist of as few as two or as many as 30 motors. The minimum demand can
be set as low as 0, so that all motors are stopped at minimum demand. The
maximum demand can be set as high as the number of pumps in the group.
Use the PLLS instruction to:
• Control and monitor a group of 2 to 30 motors.
• Start and stop a group using Operator, Program, and Override
• Allow the Operator or Program to enter a demand (the number of
motors to run).
• Configure maximum demand (1 to number of motors in group).
• Configure minimum demand (0 to maximum demand).
• Configure stopping the last started motor or the first started motor
(first-on-last-off or last-on-last-off).
• Configure delay between starts and configure delay between stops.
• Use start and stop commands to start or stop the motors as a group.
The delay between starts or stops can be configured to sequence the
• Start or stop motors as required to meet the entered demand.
• Identify (and optionally alarm) when there are not enough motors
available to start (in Program Mode and ready to run) to meet the given
• Identify (and optionally alarm) when there are not enough motors
available to stop (in Program Mode and ready to stop) to meet the
given demand.
• Ability to rotate the list of motors (demote the lead, promote the
• Monitor Permissive conditions to allow starting the motor group.
• Monitor Interlock conditions to stop or prevent starting the motor
• Alarm if interlock conditions cause the group to be stopped.
• Use HMI breadcrumbs for Alarm Inhibited, Bad Configuration, Not
Ready, and Maintenance Bypass Active.
• Use Available status in automation logic to determine whether the
motor group can be controlled by other objects.

498 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PLLS (PLLS tag, Ref_Motors tag, BusObj tag);

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 499

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
This table describes the PLLS configuration operands.
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_LEAD_LAG_STANDBY tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.
Ref_Motors P_LEAD_LAG_STANDBY_MOTOR tag Motor interface array.
BusObj BUS_OBJ tag Bus component.

Use InOut parameters to link the instruction to external tags that contain
necessary data for the instruction to operate. These external tags must be of
the data type shown.
Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableIn BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Enable Input. Ladder Diagram. Corresponds to the
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction
is normally initialized in instruction first run. Use this
request when reinitialization is needed. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is true.
Inp_OwnerCmd DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Owner device command. 0 = None, Inp_OwnerCmd.10
= Operator Lock, Inp_OwnerCmd.11 = Operator Unlock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.12 = Program Lock, Inp_OwnerCmd.13
= Program Unlock, Inp_OwnerCmd.14 = Acquire
Inp_OwnerCmd.15 = Release Maintenance,
Inp_OwnerCmd.16 = Acquire External,
Inp_OwnerCmd.17 = Release External.
Default is 0.
Inp_PermOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Start permissives OK, group can start.
Default is true.
Inp_NBPermOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Non-bypassable start permissives OK, group can
Default is true.

500 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_IntlkOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Interlocks OK, group can start/run.
Default is true.
Inp_NBIntlkOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Non-bypassable interlocks OK, group can
Default is true.
Inp_IntlkAvailable BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Interlock availability OK.
Default is false.
Inp_IntlkTripInh BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inhibit interlock trip status.
Default is false.
Inp_RdyReset BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Related object, reset by this object, is ready to be
Default is false.
Inp_Hand BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
Inp_Ovrd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
Inp_OvrdDemand DINT Visible Not Required Input Override Mode setting for number of motors to run
Default is 0.
Inp_OvrdCmd DINT Visible Not Required Input Override Mode Command: 0 = None, 1 = Stop Group, 2
= Start Group, 3 = Rotate Assignments.
Default is 0.
Inp_ExtInh BOOL Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
Inp_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Reset all fault conditions and latched alarms.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowDisable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow maintenance to disable alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_AllowShelve BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow operator to shelve alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_NumMotors DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Number of motors in this Lead / Lag / Standby Group.
Valid = 2 to 30.
Default is 3.
Cfg_MaxDemand DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Maximum number of motors to run. Valid = 1 to
Default is 2.
Cfg_MinDemand DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Minimum number of motors to run. Valid = 0 to
Default is 0.
Cfg_StartDly REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time (seconds) after start or stop until next start is
allowed (0..2M seconds). Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0.
Default is 10.0.
Cfg_StopDly REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time (seconds) after start or stop until next stop is
allowed (0..2M seconds). Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0.
Default is 10.0.
Cfg_FirstOnFirstOff BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = First started is first stopped, 0 = First started is
last stopped.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowRotate BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow rotate (cycle lead) command to rotate motor
Default is true.
Cfg_RotateOnStop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Rotate (cycle lead to end of list) upon stopping all
Default is true.
Cfg_HasPermObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object is connected to permissive
Default is false.

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_HasIntlkObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object is connected to interlock
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object with more information is
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav01 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #1.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav02 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #2.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav03 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #3.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav04 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #4.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav05 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #5.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav06 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #6.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav07 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #7.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav08 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #8.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav09 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #9.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav10 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #10.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav11 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #11.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav12 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #12.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav13 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #13.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav14 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #14.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav15 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #15.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav16 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #16.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav17 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #17.
Default is false.

502 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_HasNav18 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #18.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav19 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #19.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav20 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #20.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav21 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #21.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav22 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #22.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav23 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #23.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav24 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #24.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav25 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #25.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav26 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #26.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav27 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #27.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav28 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #28.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav29 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #29.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav30 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = enable a button on the HMI that is used to call up
the faceplate for motor #30.
Default is false.
Cfg_SetTrack BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = When the owner is program the operator settings
track the program settings. When the owner is
operator the program settings track the operator
settings, and the virtual inputs match the output
values (transitions are bumpless), 0 = No tracking.
Default is false.
Cfg_SetTrackOvrdHand BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = program/operator settings track override/hand
speed reference.
Default is false.
Cfg_OperStopPrio BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = OCmd_Stop any time, 0 = OCmd_Stop only when
operator selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_ExtStopPrio BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = XCmd_Stop any time, 0 = XCmd_Stop only when
external selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_OCmdResets BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = New group OCmd resets shed latches and cleared
alarms, 0 = OCmdReset required.
Default is false.

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_XCmdResets BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = New group XCmd resets shed latches and cleared
alarms, 0 = OCmdReset required.
Default is false.
Cfg_OvrdPermIntlk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Override ignores bypassable
permissives/interlocks, 0 = Always use
Default is false.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Operator command confirmation required.
Represents the type of command confirmation
0 = None,
1 = Command confirmation required,
2 = Performer e-signature required,
3 = Performer and approver e-signature required.
Default is 0.
PSet_Demand DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Program setting for number of motors to run
Default is 0.
PSet_Owner DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Program owner request ID (non-zero) or release
Default is 0.
XSet_Demand DINT Not Visible Not Required Input External setting for number of motors to run
Default is 0.
PCmd_Start BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to start motor group.
Default is false.
PCmd_Stop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to stop motor group.
Default is false.
PCmd_Rotate BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to rotate assignments (cycle lead
to end of list).
Default is false.
PCmd_Prog BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
PCmd_Oper BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
PCmd_Lock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
PCmd_Unlock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
PCmd_Normal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
PCmd_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to reset all alarms requiring reset.
Default is false.
XCmd_Start BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to start motor group.
Default is false.
XCmd_Stop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to stop motor group.
Default is false.
XCmd_Rotate BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to rotate assignments (cycle lead
to end of list).
Default is false.
XCmd_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to reset all alarms requiring reset.
The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to acknowledge and reset all
alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

504 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_HasOper BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasOperLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProg BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProgLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasExt BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMaint BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasMaintOoS BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is true.
Cfg_OvrdOverLock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is true.
Cfg_ExtOverLock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgPwrUp BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgNormal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdPriority BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdProgAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
XCmd_Acq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.
XCmd_Rel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Control / command source selection.
Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableOut BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Enable Output. This output state always reflects
EnableIn input state.
Val_Demand DINT Visible Not Required Output Number of motors requested to run.
Val_RotateRank DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Motor rank (0 = Lead, etc.) which will be demoted on
Val_RotateID DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Motor number which will be demoted on rotate.
Sts_eCmd SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Group command 0 = None, 1 = Stop, 2 = Start.
Sts_Fdbk SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Group Feedback 0...31 = Number of motors actually
Sts_eSts INT Not Visible Not Required Output Group confirmed status: 0 = ?,
1 = Stopped,
2 = Running,
3 = Stopping,
4 = Decreasing,
5 = Increasing.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 505

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eFault INT Not Visible Not Required Output Group fault status:
0 = None,
1 = Configuration error,
12 = Fail to start,
13 = Fail to stop.
Sts_eNotifyAll SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Highest alarm priority and acknowledge status this
object + motors (enumeration).
Sts_Initialized BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to
Sts_Stopped BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor group requested to stop and all motors
confirmed stopped.
Sts_Running BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor group requested to run.
Sts_Stopping BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor group requested to stop and not all motors
confirmed stopped.
Sts_Incr BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Group is starting motors in sequence to get up to
Sts_Decr BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Group is stopping motors in sequence to get
down to demand.
Sts_Available BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Group available for control by automation
Sts_IntlkAvailable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device can be acquired by program and is
available for start/stop control when interlocks are
Sts_Bypass BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Bypassable interlocks and permissives are
Sts_BypActive BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Interlock bypassing active (bypassed or
Sts_NotRdy BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Group is not ready, for HMI use hidden detail bits
(Sts_Nrdyxxx) for reason.
Sts_NrdyCfgErr BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Group is not ready: Configuration error.
Sts_NrdyIntlk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Group is not ready: Interlock not OK.
Sts_NrdyOoS BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Group is not ready: Group is out of service.
Sts_NrdyPrioStop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Group is not ready: Operator/external priority stop
requires reset.
Sts_NrdyPerm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Group is not ready: Permissive not OK.
Sts_MaintByp BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = A maintenance bypass function is active.
Sts_Alm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is active.
Sts_AlmInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = One or more alarms shelved, disabled, or
Sts_Err BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in configuration: See detail bits (Sts_Errxxx)
for reason.
Sts_ErrStartDly BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in configuration: Start check timer preset
(use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrStopDly BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in configuration: Stop check timer preset
(use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrAlm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in configuration: Alarm throttle time or
Val_Owner DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Current object owner ID (0 = not owned).
Sts_MotorAvailable DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Set bits indicate which motors are available for
program control.
Sts_MotorStopped DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Set bits indicate which motors are confirmed
Sts_MotorStarting DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Set bits indicate which motors are starting.
Sts_MotorRunning DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Set bits indicate which motors are confirmed
Sts_MotorStopping DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Set bits indicate which motors are confirmed

506 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_Hand BOOL Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_OoS BOOL Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_Maint BOOL Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_Ovrd BOOL Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_Ext BOOL Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_Prog BOOL Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_ProgLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_Oper BOOL Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_OperLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_Normal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_ExtReqInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_ProgReqInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_MAcqRcvd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_CantStart BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor failed to start (one-shot).
Sts_CantStop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor failed to stop.
Sts_IntlkTrip BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Group stopped by an interlock NOT OK (one-shot).
Sts_RdyReset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be
Sts_RdyAck BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is ready to be acknowledged.
Sts_UnackAlmCount DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Count of unacknowledged alarms.
Out_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Reset command has been received and
Out_OwnerSts DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Status of command source, owner command
handshake and ready status. 0 = None,
.10 = Operator Lock,
.11 = Operator Unlock,
.12 = Program Lock,
.13 = Program Unlock,
.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
.15 = Release Maintenance,
.16 = Acquire External,
.17 = Release External,
.18 = Has Maintenance,
.19 = External Override Lock,
.20 = Has External,
.21 = Has Operator,
.22 = Has Program,
.30 = Not Ready.
Sts_eSrc INT Not Visible Not Required Output The current command source enumerated values:
0 = Logic not in use,
4 = Hand,
8 = Maintenance,
16 = Override,
32 = Program,
33 = Program locked,
34 = Program by default (Normal),
64 = Operator,
65 = Operator locked,
66 = Operator by default (Normal),
128 = Maintenance Out of Service,
129 = Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
256 = External.
Sts_bSrc INT Not Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_ProgOperSel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
Sts_ProgOperLock BOOL Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
XRdy_Acq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 507

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
XRdy_Rel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Control / command source selection.
XRdy_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Reset, enable HMI button.
XRdy_ResetAckAll BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_ResetAckAll, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Stop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Stop, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Start BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Start, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Rotate BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Rotate, enable HMI button.

Private Input Members Data Type Description

CmdSrc P_COMMAND_SOURC Control or Command Source Selection.
MCmd_Acq BOOL Maintenance command to acquire ownership (Operator/Program/External/Override to
Maintenance). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Bypass BOOL Maintenance command to bypass all bypassable interlocks and permissives.
Default is false.
MCmd_Check BOOL Maintenance command to check (not bypass) all interlocks and permissives.
Default is false.
MCmd_IS BOOL Maintenance command to select In Service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_OoS BOOL Maintenance command to select Out of Service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Rel BOOL Maintenance command to release ownership (Maintenance to
Operator/Program/External/Override). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MSet_MotorOoS DINT Set bits indicate which motors have been taken out of service by maintenance.
Default is 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000.
OCmd_CmdCncl BOOL Operator command to cancel command request. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Lock BOOL Operator command to lock Operator (disallow Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Normal BOOL Operator command to select Normal (Operator or Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Oper BOOL Operator command to select Operator (Program to Operator). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Prog BOOL Operator command to select Program (Operator to Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms requiring reset.
Default is false.
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions.
Default is false.
OCmd_ResetPrefs BOOL Operator command to reset all motor preferences to 0.
Default is false.
OCmd_Rotate BOOL Operator command to rotate assignments (cycle lead to end of list).
Default is false.
OCmd_SetPrefs BOOL Operator command to set motor preferences.
Default is false.
OCmd_Start BOOL Operator command to start motor group.
Default is false.
OCmd_Stop BOOL Operator command to stop motor group.
Default is false.

508 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Input Members Data Type Description
OCmd_Unlock BOOL Operator command to unlock / release (allow Program to acquire) ownership. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OSet_Demand DINT Operator setting for number of motors to run (MinDemand.. MaxDemand).
Default is 0.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

HMI_BusObjIndex DINT HMI bus object index.
Default is 0.
MRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Bypass BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Bypass (enables HMI button).
MRdy_Check BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Check (enables HMI button).
MRdy_IS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_IS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_OoS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_OoS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Demand BOOL 1 = Ready for OSet_Demand (enables numeric entry).
ORdy_Lock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Lock, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Normal BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Normal, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Oper BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Oper, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Prog BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Prog, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Reset (enables HMI button).
ORdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_ResetAckAll (enables HMI button).
ORdy_Rotate BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Rotate (enables HMI button).
ORdy_Start BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Start (enables HMI button).
ORdy_Stop BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Stop (enables HMI button).
ORdy_Unlock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Unlock, enable HMI button.
Sts_bStsList SINT[32] Rank list of motor status:
[1]=lag, etc.;
.0 = Avaiable,
.1 = Stopped,
.2 = Starting,
.3 = Running,
.4 = Stopping,
.5 = Out of Service (Maint).
Sts_eNotify SINT Current alarm level and acknowledgement (enumeration).
Sts_eNotifyCantStart SINT Current alarm level and acknowledgement (enumeration).
Sts_eNotifyCantStop SINT Current alarm level and acknowledgement (enumeration).
Sts_eNotifyIntlkTrip SINT Current alarm level and acknowledgement (enumeration).
Val_PrefList SINT[32] Rank list of motor preferences: [0] = lead, [1] = lag, etc...
Val_PrioList SINT[32] Rank list of motor priorities: [0] = lead, [1] = lag, etc...
Val_RankList SINT[32] Rank list of motor numbers: [0] = lead, [1] = lag, etc...
Val_UsrList INT[32] Rank list of user sort criteria: [0] = lead, [1] = lag, etc...

Public InOut Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Ref_Motors P_LEAD_LAG_STAND Visible Required InOut Motor interface array (link to 2 to 30 motors).
BusObj BUS_OBJ Visible Optional InOut Bus component.

Discrete tag-based alarms are defined for these members.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 509

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Member Alarm Name Description
Sts_CantStart Alm_CantStart Motor can’t start alarm.
Raised when there are not enough motors available to start to satisfy the entered demand. Too many
motors are faulted or stopped in a mode other than program.
Sts_CantStop Alm_CantStop Motor can’t stop alarm.
Raised when there are not enough motors available to stop to satisfy the entered demand. Too many
motors are running in a mode other than program.
Sts_IntlkTrip Alm_IntlkTrip Interlock Trip alarm.
Raised when the motor is running and an interlock not-OK condition causes the motor to stop.
If interlocks are not bypassed, a bypassable interlock or a non-bypassable interlock not-OK condition
initiates an interlock trip. If interlocks are bypassed, only a non-bypassable interlock not-OK condition
initiates an interlock trip.

Mark an alarm as used or unused and set standard configuration members of

the discrete tag-based alarm. Use this format to access alarm elements:
[email protected]
There are Program commands for each Alarm that are available to
Acknowledge, Suppress, Unsupress and Unshelve the Alarm. These
commands are propagated to corresponding commands (ProgAck,
ProgSuppress, ProgUnsupress, ProgUnshelve) of the tag-based alarm.
There are Program, Operator, and External commands available that
Acknowledge, Reset, Suppress and Unsuppress all alarms of the instruction
(Alarm Set) at the same time.

510 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

This diagram illustrates the functionality of the PLLS instruction:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 511

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FactoryTalk View) and for the Logix
Designer configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties
of tag items.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link

512 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• More Information

An operator or other logic determines the demand for motors. The PLLS
instruction determines which motors to run to meet demand. For the PLLS
instruction to start and stop motors in the group, they must be available. A
motor is available when it has no faults and is in Program Mode.
The PLLS instruction uses a sorting algorithm to deal with motors that are not
available. If a motor is running and not available (perhaps running in
Operator Mode), the motor is forced to the top of the sort. If a motor is
stopped and not available (perhaps faulted), the motor is forced to the bottom
of the sort. The motors that are available to start and stop are controlled to
meet the demand. If the demand cannot be met because of unavailable
motors, a status/alarm is provided.
The PLLS instruction uses an array of structures of the type
P_LEAD_LAG_STANDBY_Motor to interface to the motors. Each interface
element in the array provides the signals that are required between the PLLS
instruction and one motor. Configuration data for the motor is also provided
in the array. This data includes Priority and Preference values that can be used
to affect the sorting of the motors. A Maintenance out of service flag that
removes a motor from consideration in the sort is also included. The interface
also includes a user sort value that can be used, for example, to push motors
up or down the sort based on accumulated runtime or other criteria.


This table describes the array members.
Members Data Type Description
Inp_OtherSel DINT Other motor selection criteria (0...255) (input to PLLS).
Inp_Demote BOOL Demote this motor to bottom of list (for example, on high runtime) (input to PLLS).
Cfg_Prio DINT Motor priority in list (0...31 -- if unused, set to 0).
OSet_Pref DINT Operator setting for motor preference in list (0 to 31), all else being equal.
PCmd_Start BOOL Program Command to start motor (output from PLLS).
PCmd_Stop BOOL Program Command to stop motor (output from PLLS).
PCmd_Lock BOOL Command to acquire and lock motor in Program (output from PLLS).
PCmd_Unlock BOOL Command to unlock motor from Program (output from PLLS).
Sts_Available BOOL Motor is in Program mode and ready to operate (input to PLLS).
Sts_Stopped BOOL Motor is currently confirmed stopped (input to PLLS).
Sts_Starting BOOL Motor is currently starting (input to PLLS).
Sts_Running BOOL Motor is currently confirmed running (input to PLLS).
Sts_Stopping BOOL Motor is currently stopping (input to PLLS).
Val_Pref DINT This motor’s current preference in list (1 = Lead, 2 = Lag, …).
Val_Rank DINT This motor’s current rank in list (1 = Lead, 2 = Lag, …)

This image shows the relationship between the PLLS instruction,

Ref_Motors(interface), and the PMTR instruction.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 513

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

These images show an example of the ladder logic for transferring commands
and motor status for one motor.
The process for forwarding each of the commands (PCmd_Lock,
PCmd_Unlock, PCmd_Start, and PCmd_Stop) is:
• Test the appropriate bit in the interface to see if it is set.
• If the bit is set, the bit is cleared and the corresponding program
command on the motor is set.

514 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Execute the PLLS to select which motors to run.

• Next, the motor logic is executed. The motor logic uses the program
commands to control the physical motor. The motor logic also receives
feedback from the motor.

• The status (available, stopped, starting, running, and stopping) is read

from the motor and written to the interface.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 515

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Monitor the PLLS Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor is
de-energized and treated as if it were commanded to stop.
Instruction first run Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor is
de-energized and treated as if it were commanded to stop.
Rung-condition-in is false Handled the same as if the group is disabled by command. The motor outputs
are de-energized, and the group is shown as disabled on the HMI. The mode is
shown as No mode. All alarms are cleared.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor is
de-energized and treated as if it were commanded to stop.
Instruction first run Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor is
de-energized and treated as if it were commanded to stop.
Instruction first scan See instruction first run in the function block diagram table.
EnableIn is false Handled the same as if the group is disabled by command. The motor outputs
are de-energized, and the group is shown as disabled on the HMI. The mode is
shown as No mode. All alarms are cleared.
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

516 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic it will execute.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor is
de-energized and treated as if it were commanded to stop.
Instruction first run Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor is
de-energized and treated as if it were commanded to stop.
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

This example shows a PLLS instruction being used to control three process

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 517

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Ladder Diagram

518 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 519

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

520 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 521

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

522 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Structured Text




Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 523

Chapter 2 PlantPAx







See also
Motor Sort Algorithm for Process Lead Lag Standby Motor Group
(PLLS) instructions on page 524
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Motor Sort Algorithm for To determine the order in which the motors (pumps) are started when using a
Process Lead Lag Standby Motor Group (PLLS) instruction, signed integer bit
Process Lead Lag Standby patterns for each motor are sorted by numeric value. During sorting, bit
Motor Group (PLLS) patterns are evaluated in this order:
instructions • Out of service bit
• Status value
• Priority value

524 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• User-input value
• Preference value
• Current position value

Out of Service (Bit 31)

This bit is used to flag the motor out of service (value = 1) and automatically
send it to the bottom of the list. If this bit = 0, the motor is free to operate and
bits 5…30 determine its start order.
If multiple motors are out of service, bits 5…30 determine their position at the
bottom of the list.
Out of service motors are not commanded and are not counted as running
even if actually running.

Status Value (Bits 30…28)

The status of the motor determines the value of these bits:
• 100 - The motor is in Hand and is not available to stop
• 010 - The motor is in Auto and is free to start or stop
• 001 - The motor is Off and is not available to start
If all motors have the same value, these bits do not affect the sort; the next set
of bits become the determining factor in the sort.

Priority Value (Bits 27…23)

These bits are next in the order of precedence for sorting the array list. The
value of these bits corresponds to the number entered in the Motor Priority
field in the Motor Configuration dialog box.
The highest priority value has a pattern of 11111 (31), the next highest priority
value is 11110 (30), and so forth.
If this priority is not to be used for the sort, set the priority value to zero for
every motor.
If all motors have the same value, these bits do not affect the sort; the next set
of bits become the determining factor in the sort.

User-input Values (Bits 22…15)

If the Status Values are equal and the Priority values are equal, enter values in
these bits to sort the motors in the array list to the desired order.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 525

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
The highest user-input value has a pattern of 11111111 (255), the next highest
user-input value is 11111110 (254), and so forth.
If this value is not to be used for the sort, set the value to zero for every motor.
If all motors have the same value, these bits do not affect the sort; the next set
of bits become the determining factor in the sort.

Preference Value (Bits 14…10)

These bits are next in the order of precedence for determining the order of the
motors in the array list. The value of these bits corresponds to the number
entered in the Motor Preference box in the Motor Configuration dialog box.
The highest preference value has a pattern of 11111 (31), the next preference
value is 11110 (30), and so forth.
If this value is not to be used for the sort, set the value to zero for every motor.
If all motors have the same value, these bits do not affect the sort; the next set
of bits become the determining factor in the sort.

Current Position (Bits 9…5)

IMPORTANT The current position bits are the only set of bits that cannot be equal.

These bits are next in the order of precedence for determining the order of the
motors in the array list. The value of these bits corresponds to the value of the
current position of the motor in the list, and the value is established by the
PLLS instruction. There is no user entry for this field.
• Lead motor - 11111 (31)
• First Lag motor - 11110 (30)
• Second Lag motor - 11101 (29) and so on
The Status value, Priority value, User-input value, and Preference value must
be equal for all motors for the Current Position to be a determining factor in
the sort.

See also
Process Lead Lag Standby Motor Group (PLLS)

Process Motor (PMTR) This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.
The Process Motor (PMTR) instruction monitors and controls a fixed
single-speed, two-speed, or reversing motor using a full-voltage contactor or
intelligent motor controller (soft starter). The motor can be run or jogged,

526 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
including jogging reverse or jogging fast, as configured by the user. The
interface to the hardware motor controller can be through a Device Object
Interface or through individual pins. The object is a configurable, built-in
combination of the existing PlantPAx P_Motor (single speed), P_Motor2Spd
(two speed), P_MotorRev (reversing), and P_MotorHO (hand-operated or
monitor-only) Add-on instructions in the Rockwell Automation Library of
Process Objects.
Use the PMTR instruction to:
• Monitor and control a single speed, two speed, or reversing motor
using a full voltage contactor (or contactor pair) or a smart motor
control (soft starter). This instruction is not used with variable speed
drives controlling velocity or position, and it does not use any motion
• Select Operator, Program, External, Override, Maintenance, Out of
Service, or Hand as the source of motor commands.
• Use the selected command source to start the motor forward.
• Use the selected command source to start the motor reverse, if
configured for reversing, or start the motor at high speed, if
configured for two-speed operation.
• Use the selected command source to jog the motor forward. Only
Operator, External and Maintenance command sources are permitted
to jog the motor.
• Use the selected command source to jog the motor reverse, if
configured for reversing, or jog the motor at high speed, if configured
for two-speed operation. Only Operator, External and Maintenance
command sources are permitted to jog the motor.
• Monitor actual motor status, including:
• Run feedback (including separate feedback for slow and fast for two
speed operation or forward and reverse for reversing operation)
• Motor controller ready
• Commanded direction / speed
• Actual direction / speed
• Motor controller warning
• Motor controller faulted (with fault code and description)
• Interface to a motor Device Object using a set of Power Discrete
interface tags. If the interface tags are not linked (optional InOut
parameters), a set of input and output parameters are used to interface
to the starter or motor controller signal-by-signal.
• Search a linked Fault Code Lookup Table to provide textual motor
controller fault information, or use text provided via the Power
Discrete interface fault record.
• Participate in a control strategy bus (BUS_OBJ) with other devices and
process instructions.
• Configure an output to pre-start warning audible (horn) with
configurable alert time before starting or jogging.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 527

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Configure virtualization, providing simulated feedback of a working
motor while disabling outputs to the physical device.
• Monitor run feedback and status or alarms for failure to start in the
configured time and failure to stop in the configured time.
• Monitor Permissive conditions to allow starting or jogging the motor
forward / slow.
• Monitor Permissive conditions to allow starting or jogging the motor
reverse / fast.
• Monitor Interlock conditions to stop and prevent starting or jogging
the motor.
• Monitor I/O communication faults.
• Trigger an alarm if interlock conditions cause the motor to be stopped.
• Automatically clear latched alarms and motor controller faults when an
Operator Command (Start, Stop, Jog) is received.
• Automatically clear latched alarms and motor controller faults when an
External Command (Start, Stop, Jog) is received.
• Use HMI breadcrumbs for Alarm Inhibited, Bad Configuration, Not
Ready, and Maintenance Bypass Active.
• Use Available status for use by automation logic to indicate whether a
motor can be controlled by other objects.
• Use Alarms for Fail to Start, Fail to Stop, Interlock Trip, I/O Fault, and
Motor Fault.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

528 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PMTR (PMTRTag, Ref_Ctrl_Set tag, Ref_Ctrl_Cmd tag, Ref_Ctrl_Sts tag,
BusObj tag, Ref_FaultCodeList tag);

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_MOTOR_DISCRETE tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 529

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Operand Type Format Description
Ref_Ctrl_Set RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRDISCRETE_SE tag Power Discrete Device Object Settings Interface.
Ref_Ctrl_Cmd RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRDISCRETE_CM tag Power Discrete Device Object Command Interface.
Ref_Ctrl_Sts RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRDISCRETE_ST tag Power Discrete Device Object Status Interface.
BusObj BUS_OBJ tag Bus component.
Ref_FaultCodeList RAC_CODE_DESCRIPTION[x] tag Fault Code to Fault Description lookup table for intelligent motor controller.

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableIn BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Enable Input - System Defined Parameter
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is
normally initialized in instruction first run. Use this request
when reinitialization is needed. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is true.
Inp_OwnerCmd DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Owner device command.
0 = None,
.10 = Operator Lock,
.11 = Operator Unlock,
.12 = Program Lock,
.13 = Program Unlock,
.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
.15 = Release Maintenance,
.16 = Acquire External,
.17 = Release External,
.29 = Echo.
Default is 0.
Inp_LastFaultCodeData DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Most recent intelligent motor controller Fault Code
Default is 0.
Inp_ReadyData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1=Intelligent motor controller is ready to run.
Default is true.
Inp_1RunFdbkData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1=Motor is Running Forward or Slow.
Default is false.
Inp_2RunFdbkData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1=Motor is Running Reverse or Fast.
Default is false.
Inp_AlarmData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1=Intelligent motor controller has a Warning or Alarm. See
controller display or manual.
Default is false.
Inp_FaultedData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1=Intelligent motor controller has Faulted. See controller
display or manual.
Default is false.

530 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_DvcNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Related device object alarm priority and acknowledgement
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Inp_IOFault BOOL Visible Not Required Input Indicates the IO data are inaccurate.
0 = The IO data are good,
1 = The IO data are bad, causing fault.
If the Motor is not virtual, this input sets Sts_IOFault, which
raises IOFault Alarm.
Default is false.
Inp_1PermOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Permissives OK, motor can start or jog Forward / Slow.
Default is true.
Inp_1NBPermOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Non-Bypassable Permissives OK, motor can start or jog
Forward / Slow.
Default is true.
Inp_2PermOK BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Permissives OK, motor can start or jog Reverse / Fast.
Default is true.
Inp_2NBPermOK BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Non-Bypassable Permissives OK, motor can start or jog
Reverse / Fast.
Default is true.
Inp_IntlkOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Interlocks OK, motor can start or jog and keep running.
Default is true.
Inp_NBIntlkOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Non-bypassable interlocks OK, motor can start or jog and
keep running.
Default is true.
Inp_IntlkAvailable BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Interlock Availibility OK.
Default is false.
Inp_IntlkTripInh BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inhibit Interlock Trip Status
Default is false.
Inp_RdyReset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Related object, reset by this object, is ready to be reset.
Default is false.
Inp_Hand BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Acquire Hand (typically hardwired local), 0 = Release
Default is false.
Inp_Ovrd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Acquire Override (higher priority program logic), 0 =
Release Override.
Default is false.
Inp_OvrdCmd SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Override Command:
0 = None,
1 = Stop,
2 = Start 1 (Forward / Slow),
3 = Start2 (Reverse / Fast).
Default is 0.
Inp_ExtInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inhibit External acquisition, 0 = Allow External
Default is false.
Inp_HornInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inhibit audible alert, 0 = Alllow audible alert.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 531

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Reset Shed Latches and Cleared Alarms.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowDisable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow Maintenance to disable alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_AllowShelve BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow Operator to shelve alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_eObjType SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Type of Motor:
0 = single-speed,
1 = reversing,
2 = 2-speed (enumeration).
Default is 0.
Cfg_HasStart1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Motor Start1 (Forward / Slow) Command enabled and
visible, 0 = Motor Start1 Command not allowed.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasStart2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Motor Start2 (Reverse / Fast) Command enabled and
visible, 0 = Motor Start2 Command not allowed.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasJog1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Motor Jog1 (Forward / Slow) Command enabled and
visible, 0 = Motor Jog1 Command not allowed.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasJog2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Motor Jog2 (Reverse / Fast) Command enabled and
visible, 0 = Motor Jog2 Command not allowed.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasStop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Motor Stop Command enabled and visible, 0 = Instruction
has no control, only monitors Motor.
Default is true.
Cfg_AllowLocal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow Local Start/Stop without alarm, 0 = Start/Stop by
command only.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasRunFdbk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Motor provides feedback signal when running.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseRunFdbk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Motor run feedback should be used for failure checking.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasDvcObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI a Device (e.g., overload relay) object is
Default is false.
Cfg_Has1PermObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object is connected to Inp_1Perm inputs.
Default is false.
Cfg_Has2PermObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object is connected to Inp_2Perm inputs.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasIntlkObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object is connected to Inp_Intlk inputs.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasResInhObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI a Restart Inhibit object is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasRunTimeObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI a Run Time / Starts object is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object with more info is available.
Default is false.
Cfg_OperStopPrio BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = OCmd_Stop accepted any time;
0 = OCmd_Stop accepted only when Oper is selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_ExtStopPrio BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = XCmd_Stop accepted any time; 0 = XCmd_Stop accepted
only when Ext is selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_OCmdResets BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Any Motor OCmd resets shed latches and cleared alarms;
0 = OCmdReset is required.
Default is false.

532 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_XCmdResets BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Any Motor XCmd resets shed latches and cleared alarms;
0 = XCmdReset is required.
Default is false.
Cfg_OvrdPermIntlk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Override ignores Bypassable Perm/ Intlk; 0 = Override
uses all Perm/Intlk.
Default is false.
Cfg_ShedOnFailToStart BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Stop Motor and Alarm on Fail to Start; 0 = Alarm only on
Fail to Start.
Default is true.
Cfg_ShedOnIOFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Stop Motor and Alarm on I/O Fault; 0 = Alarm only on I/O
Default is true.
Cfg_HasOper BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Operator (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasOperLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Operator Locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProg BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Program (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProgLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Program Locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasExt BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = External exists, can be selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMaint BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Maintenance exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasMaintOoS BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Maintenance Out of Service exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_OvrdOverLock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Override supersedes Program/Operator Lock, 0 = Don't
override Lock.
Default is true.
Cfg_ExtOverLock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = External supersedes Program/Operator Lock, 0 = Don't
override Lock.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgPwrUp BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Power up to Program, 0 = Power up to Operator.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgNormal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Normal Source: 1 = Program if no requests; 0 = Operator if
no requests.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdPriority BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Command priority. 1 = Program commands win, 0 =
Operator commands win.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdProgAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = PCmd_Prog used as Level (1 = Acquire, 0 = Release).
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = PCmd_Lock used as a Level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock).
Default is false.
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = XCmd_Acq used as Level (1 = Acquire, 0 = Release).
Default is false.
Cfg_PauseTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Delay in seconds with contactors open when changing
speed or direction. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 3.0.
Cfg_StartHornTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time in seconds to sound audible on commanded start.
Valid = 0.0 to 1000.0 seconds, 0.0 = disabled.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_VirtualFdbkTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time in seconds to echo run feedback when Virtualized.
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 10.0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 533

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_FailToStartTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time in seconds after Start to receive Run Feedback before
Fault. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 15.0.
Cfg_FailToStopTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time in seconds after Stop to drop Run Feedback before
Fault. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483,0 seconds.
Default is 15.0.
Cfg_ResetPulseTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time in seconds to pulse Out_Reset to clear Motor fault.
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 2.0.
Cfg_MaxJogTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Maximum jog time in seconds. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0
seconds, 0.0 = unlimited).
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_eKeepStart SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Ownership of Start commands (enumeration):
0 = follows CmdSrc,
1 = Operator,
2 = Program,
3 = External.
Default is 0.
Cfg_eKeepJog SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Ownership of Jog commands (enumeration):
0 = follows CmdSrc,
1 = Operator,
3 = External.
Default is 0.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Operator Command Confirmation Required. Represents the
type of command confirmation required.
0 = None,
1 = Command confirmation required,
2 = Performer e-signature required,
3 = Performer and approver e-signature required.
Default is 0.
Cfg_HasHistTrend SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Has Historical Trend. This enables navigation to the Device
Historical Trend Faceplate from the HMI.
0 = No external historical trend,
1 = Datalog historical trend,
2 = Historian historical trend.
Default is 0.
PSet_Owner DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Program owner request ID (non-zero) or release (zero).
Default is 0.
PCmd_Virtual BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Virtual (simulated) device
operation. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Physical BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Physical device operation (not
simulated). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Start1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to Start Motor Forward / Slow. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Start2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to Start Motor Reverse / Fast. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Stop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to Stop Motor. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.

534 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
PCmd_Prog BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Program (Operator to
Program). The instruction clears this operand automatically
if Cfg_PCmdProgAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
PCmd_Oper BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Operator (Program to
Operator). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Lock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to lock Program (disallow Operator). The
instruction clears this operand automatically if
Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
PCmd_Unlock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to unlock Program (allow Operator to
acquire). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Normal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Normal command source
(Operator or Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to reset all alarms and latched shed
conditions requiring reset. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Rel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Maintenance command to release ownership (Maintenance
to Operator/Program/External/Override). The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Unlock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Operator command to unlock / release (allow Program to
acquire) ownership. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_Start1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to Start Motor Forward / Slow. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Start2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to Start Motor Reverse / Fast. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Stop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to Stop Motor. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Jog1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to Jog Motor Forward / Slow. The
instruction clears this operand automatically if max jog time
is reached.
Default is false.
XCmd_Jog2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to Jog Motor Reverse / Fast. The
instruction clears this operand automatically if max jog time
is reached.
Default is false.
XCmd_Acq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to acquire ownership
(Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance to External). The
instruction clears this operand automatically if
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
XCmd_Rel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to release ownership if
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0 (External to
Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance). The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 535

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
XCmd_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to clear shed latches and cleared
alarms. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and
latched shed conditions. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableOut BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Enable Output - System Defined Parameter
Out_Run1Data BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1=Start/Run Motor Forward or Slow, 0=Stop Motor (for
held starter type).
Out_Run2Data BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1=Start/Run Motor Reverse or Fast, 0=Stop Motor (for
held starter type).
Out_Start1Data BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1=Start Motor Forward or Slow, 0=Motor left in current
Out_Start2Data BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1=Start Motor Reverse or Fast, 0=Motor left in current
Out_StopData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1=Stop Motor, 0=Motor left in current state.
Out_ClearFaultData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1=Attempt to clear Fault on intelligent motor
Out_HornData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Sound audible prior to commanded motor start.
Out_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Reset command has been received and
Out_OwnerSts DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Status of command source, owner command
handshake and ready status.
0 = None,
.10 = Operator Lock,
.11 = Operator Unlock,
.12 = Program Lock,
.13 = Program Unlock,
.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
.15 = Release Maintenance,
.16 = Acquire External,
.17 = Release External,
.18 = Has Maintenance,
.19 = External Override Lock,
.20 = Has External,
.21 = Has Operator,
.22 = Has Operator Locked,
.23 = Has Program,
.24 = Has Program Locked,
.29 = Echo,
.30 = Not Ready.
Sts_Initialized BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to
Sts_Stopped BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor requested to stop and is confirmed
Sts_Starting1 BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor requested to run forward and awaiting run
Sts_Starting2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor requested to run reverse and awaiting run
Sts_Running1 BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor requested to run and is confirmed running
Sts_Running2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor requested to run and is confirmed running

536 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_Stopping BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor running / jogging requested to stop and
awaiting stopped feedback.
Sts_Jogging1 BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor requested to Jog Forward.
Sts_Jogging2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor requested to Jog Reverse.
Sts_Horn BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor Audible Alert (Horn) is Active.
Sts_NotReady BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor is Not Ready (cannot be started) Check
alarms, stops, faults.
Sts_Alarm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Intelligent motor controller has an Alarm (see
controller display or manual).
Sts_Virtual BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = The instruction treats the Motor as virtual. The
instruction acts as normal but the output is kept
de-energized; 0 = The instruction operates the Motor
normally. Sts_Virtual is a copy of Sts_Virtual.
SrcQ_IO SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of primary input or output
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration
SrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of primary value or status
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration
Sts_eCmd SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Motor Command:
0 = None,
1 = Stop,
2 = Start 1,
3 = Start 2,
4 = Jog 1,
5 = Jog 2.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 537

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eFdbk SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Motor Feedback:
0 = Stopped,
1 = Running Forward,
2 = Running Reverse,
3 = Running Slow,
4 = Running Fast.
Sts_eSts SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Motor Status:
0 = Unknown,
1 = Stopped,
2 = Running 1,
3 = Running 2,
4 = Starting 1,
5 = Starting 2,
6 = Jogging 1,
7 = Jogging 2,
8 = Stopping,
14 = Horn,
15 = Out of Service.
Sts_eFault SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Motor Fault Status:
0 = None,
15 = Interlock Trip,
16 = Fail to Start,
17 = Fail to Stop,
18 = Motor Fault,
32 = I/O Fault,
34 = Config Error.
Sts_eNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Output All alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyAll SINT Not Visible Not Required Output All alarm status enumerated values including related
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.

538 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eNotifyIOFault SINT Not Visible Not Required Output IOFault alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyFailToStart SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Fail to Start alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyFailToStop SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Fail to Stop alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyIntlkTrip SINT Not Visible Not Required Output IntlkTrip alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyMotorFault SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Motor Fault alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged
Sts_UnackAlmCount DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Count of unacknowledged alarms.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 539

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eFaultCode DINT Not Visible Not Required Output First Trip Code after reset. See Motor manual or
Power Discrete Object for description.
Sts_eSrc INT Not Visible Not Required Output The current command source enumerated values:
0 = Logic not in use,
4 = Hand,
8 = Maintenance,
16 = Override,
32 = Program,
33 = Program locked,
34 = Program by default (Normal),
64 = Operator,
65 = Operator locked,
66 = Operator by default (Normal),
128 = Maintenance Out of Service,
129 = Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
256 = External.
Sts_bSrc INT Not Visible Not Required Output Active selection bitmap (for HMI totem pole with
command source request selection):
Sts_bSrc.0: Hand,
Sts_bSrc.1: Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
Sts_bSrc.2: Maintenance Out of Service,
Sts_bSrc.3: Maintenance,
Sts_bSrc.4: Override,
Sts_bSrc.5: External,
Sts_bSrc.6: Program locked,
Sts_bSrc.7: Program,
Sts_bSrc.8: Operator locked,
Sts_bSrc.9: Operator.
Sts_Available BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor has been acquired by Program and is now
available for start/stop control.
Sts_IntlkAvailable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor can be acquired by Program and is
available for start/stop control when interlocks are
Sts_Bypass BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Bypassable interlocks are bypassed.
Sts_BypActive BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Interlock bypassing active (bypassed or
Sts_MaintByp BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device has a maintenance bypass function active.
Sts_NotRdy BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready, see detail bits (Sts_Nrdyxxx)
for reason.
Sts_NrdyCfgErr BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Configuration error.
Sts_NrdyDvcNotReady BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Intelligent motor controller
Not Ready.
Sts_NrdyFail BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Device failure (Shed requires
Sts_NrdyIntlk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Interlock not OK.
Sts_NrdyIOFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: IO Fault (Shed requires
Sts_NrdyOoS BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Device disabled by
Sts_Nrdy1Perm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Permissive 1 not OK.
Sts_Nrdy2Perm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Permissive 2 not OK.
Sts_NrdyPrioStop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Operator or External priority
Stop command requires reset.
Sts_NrdyTrip BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Device Tripped, intelligent
motor controller fault requires Reset.
Sts_Err BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in configuration: See detail bits (Sts_Errxxx)
for reason.

540 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_ErrAlm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Logix tag-based alarm settings.
Sts_ErrPauseTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Invalid Pause time: use 0 to
Sts_ErrVirtualFdbkTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Virtual feedback echo time: use 0
to 2147483.
Sts_ErrFailToStartTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Fail to Start timer preset: use 0 to
Sts_ErrFailToStopTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Fail to Stop timer preset: use 0 to
Sts_ErrResetPulseTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Reset Pulse timer preset: use 0 to
Sts_ErrMaxJogTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Maximum Jog Time timer preset:
use 0 to 2147483.
Sts_Hand BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Hand is selected (supersedes OoS, Maintenance,
Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_OoS BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Out of Service is selected (supersedes
Maintenance, Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Maint BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Maintenance is selected (supersedes Override,
External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Ovrd BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Override is selected (supersedes External,
Program, Operator).
Sts_Ext BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = External is selected (supersedes Program and
Sts_Prog BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Program is selected.
Sts_ProgLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Program is selected and Locked.
Sts_Oper BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Operator is selected.
Sts_OperLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Operator is selected and Locked.
Sts_ProgOperSel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Program/Operator selection (latch) state: 1 =
Program, 0 = Operator.
Sts_ProgOperLock BOOL Visible Not Required Output Program/Operator lock (latch) state, 1 = Locked, 0 =
Sts_Normal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Selection equals the Normal (Program or
Sts_ExtReqInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = External request inhibited, cannot get to External
from current state.
Sts_ProgReqInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Program request inhibited, cannot get to Program
from current state.
Sts_MAcqRcvd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Program request inhibited, cannot get to Program
from current state.
Sts_CmdConflict BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Conflicting commands received this scan.
Sts_Alm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is active.
Sts_AlmInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is shelved or disabled.
Sts_IOFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output I/O Fault status: 1 = Bad, 0 = OK. There is a
predefined default discrete Logix tag-based alarm
for the status. Set standard configuration members
of the discrete Logix tag-based alarm. Alarm
elements can be accessed as follows:
[email protected]_IOFault.AlarmElement.
Sts_FailToStart BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor failed to Start. There is a predefined default
discrete Logix tag-based alarm for the status. Set
standard configuration members of the discrete
Logix tag-based alarm. Alarm elements can be
accessed as follows:
[email protected]_FailToStart.AlarmElement.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 541

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_FailToStop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor failed to Stop. There is a predefined default
discrete Logix tag-based alarm for the status. Set
standard configuration members of the discrete
Logix tag-based alarm. Alarm elements can be
accessed as follows:
[email protected]_FailToStop.AlarmElement.
Sts_IntlkTrip BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor stopped by an interlock Not OK. There is a
predefined default discrete Logix tag-based alarm
for the status. Set standard configuration members
of the discrete Logix tag-based alarm. Alarm
elements can be accessed as follows:
[email protected]_IntlkTrip.AlarmElement.
Sts_MotorFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Intelligent Motor Control Fault. See control device
display or user manual.
Sts_RdyAck BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is ready to be acknowledged.
Sts_RdyReset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be
XRdy_Acq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Rel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Start1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Start1, enable button.
XRdy_Start2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Start2, enable button.
XRdy_Jog1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Jog1, enable button.
XRdy_Jog2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Jog2, enable button.
XRdy_Stop BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Stop, enable button.
XRdy_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Reset, enable button.
XRdy_ResetAckAll BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_ResetAckAll, enable button.
Val_Owner DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Current object owner ID (0 = not owned).

Private Input Members Data Type Description

CmdSrc P_COMMAND_SOURC Control or Command Source Selection.
MCmd_Acq BOOL Maintenance command to acquire ownership (Operator/Program/External/Override to
Maintenance). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Bypass BOOL Maintenance command to bypass all bypassable interlocks and permissives. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Check BOOL Maintenance command to check (not bypass) all interlocks and permissives. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_IS BOOL Maintenance command to select In Service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_OoS BOOL Maintenance command to select Out of Service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Physical BOOL Maintenance command to select Physical device operation (not simulated). The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Virtual BOOL Maintenance command to select Virtual (simulated) device operation. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Jog1 BOOL Operator command to Jog Motor Forward / Slow. The instruction clears this operand
automatically if max jog time is reached.
Default is false.
OCmd_Jog2 BOOL Operator command to Jog Motor Reverse / Fast. The instruction clears this operand automatically
if max jog time is reached.
Default is false.

542 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Input Members Data Type Description
OCmd_Lock BOOL Operator command to lock Operator (disallow Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Normal BOOL Operator command to select Normal (Operator or Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Oper BOOL Operator command to select Operator (Program to Operator). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Prog BOOL Operator command to select Program (Operator to Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Operator command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The use of
OCmd_ResetAckAll is restricted to HMI. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Start1 BOOL Operator command to Start Motor Forward / Slow. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Start2 BOOL Operator command to Start Motor Reverse / Fast. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Stop BOOL Operator command to Stop Motor. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

HMI_BusObjIndex DINT This object's index in the bus array, for use by HMI display.
Default is 0.
MRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Bypass BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Bypass, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Check BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Check, enable HMI button.
MRdy_IS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_IS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_OoS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_OoS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Physical BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Physical, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Virtual BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Virtual, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Jog1 BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Jog1, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Jog2 BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Jog2, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Lock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Lock, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Normal BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Normal, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Oper BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Oper, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Prog BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Prog, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset.
ORdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset or acknowledged.
ORdy_Start1 BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Start1, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Start2 BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Start2, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Stop BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Stop, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Unlock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Unlock, enable HMI button.
Sts_FaultDesc STRING Description of intelligent motor controller fault, lookup from last fault code.

Public InOut Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Ref_Ctrl_Set RAC_ITF_DVC_PWR Visible Required InOut Discrete Power Automation Device Object Settings

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 543

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public InOut Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Ref_Ctrl_Cmd RAC_ITF_DVC_PWR Visible Required InOut Discrete Power Automation Device Object Command
Ref_Ctrl_Sts RAC_ITF_DVC_PWR Visible Required InOut Discrete Power Automation Device Object Status
BusObj BUS_OBJ Visible Required InOut Bus component
Ref_FaultCodeList RAC_CODE_DESCRI Visible Required InOut Fault Code to Fault Description lookup table for
PTION[1] intelligent motor controller.

The RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRDISCRETE_SET structure is the first of three
structures exchanged with the associated Power Discrete Device Object to
interface with the intelligent motor control device. This structure handles
settings, such as the Command Inhibit, sent to the motor controller.
This parameter is used to link the instruction to an external tag that contains
necessary data for the instruction to operate. The external tag must be of the
data type shown, or may be NULL. If NULL, other pins on the instruction are
used to link the necessary data.
Members Data Type Description
InhibitCmd BOOL 1=Inhibit user Commands from external sources; 0=AllowControl
InhibitSet BOOL 1=Inhibit user Settings from external sources; 0=Allow

The RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRDISCRETE_CMD structure is the second of three
structures exchanged with the associated Power Discrete Device Object to
interface with the intelligent motor control device. This structure handles
commands, such as the start, stop, direction, and speed, sent to the motor
controller. It is an InOut parameter configured as optional (May Be Null).
This parameter is used to link the instruction to an external tag that contains
necessary data for the instruction to operate. The external tag must be of the
data type shown, or may be NULL. If NULL, other pins on the instruction are
used to link the necessary data.
Members Data Type Description
bCmd INT Commands (Bit Overlay)
Physical BOOL Operate as a physical device
Virtual BOOL Operate as a virtual device
ResetWarn BOOL Reset Warning Status
ResetFault BOOL Reset Fault Status
Activate BOOL Activate Output Power Structure
Deactivate BOOL DeActivate Output Power Structure
CmdDir BOOL Command Direction; 0=Forward, 1=Reverse
Jog BOOL Jog Command
Fast BOOL Fast speed of a two-speed device

544 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Members Data Type Description
Slow BOOL Slow Speed of a two-speed device

The RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRDISCRETE_STS structure is the third of three
structures exchanged with the associated Power Discrete Device Object to
interface with the intelligent motor control device. This structure handles
status, such as the run feedback, connection status, commanded and actual
direction, received from the motor controller. It is an InOut parameter
configured as optional (May Be Null).
This parameter is used to link the instruction to an external tag that contains
necessary data for the instruction to operate. The external tag must be of the
data type shown, or may be NULL. If NULL, other pins on the instruction are
used to link the necessary data.
Members Data Type Description
Enumerated state value:
eState DINT 7=Available
FirstWarning RAC_UDT_EVENT First Warning
FirstFault RAC_UDT_EVENT First Fault
eCmdFail DINT Enumerated command failure code
bSts INT Status (Bit Overlay)
Physical BOOL 1=Operating as a physical device
Virtual BOOL 1=Operating as a virtual device
Connected BOOL Connected Status
Available BOOL Available Status
Warning BOOL Warning
Faulted BOOL Faulted
Ready BOOL 1=Device is active (Power Structure Active)
Active BOOL 1=Device is active (Power Structure Active)
CmdDir BOOL Command direction; 1=Reverse, 0=Forward
ActDir BOOL Actual direction; 1=Reverse, 0=Forward
CmdSpd BOOL 1 = Motor is Commanded to run fast 0 = slow
Fast BOOL Fast speed selected (two-speed device)
Slow BOOL Slow speed selected (two-speed device)

BUS_OBJ Structure
The BUS_OBJ structure is used to link the motor to other devices and
instructions in a complex control strategy, typically into a hierarchy. A Bus
Object rolls up status and alarm information from lower level devices to

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 545

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
higher level control and fans out commands from higher level control to lower
level devices, and items link to the bus by referencing a single member of the
BUS_OBJ array associated with the bus.
This parameter is used to link the instruction to an external tag that contains
necessary data for the instruction to operate. The external tag must be of the
data type shown, or may be NULL. If NULL, the Bus functions of this
instruction are not available.
Members Data Type Description
Inp_Cmd DINT Input to assert commands
Out_Cmd DINT Resultant commands
Inp_CmdLLH DINT Input for level normally high commands
Out_CmdLLH DINT Resultant line level high commands
Inp_Sts DINT Input to assert status
Out_Sts DINT Resultant status
Inp_CmdAck DINT Input to assert a command acknowledgement
Out_CmdAck DINT Resultant command acknowledgements
Inp_SeverityMax DINT Input: maximum alarm severity
Out_SeverityMax DINT Resultant of maximum alarm severity
Cfg_CmdMask DINT Propagation mask for commands
Cfg_CmdLLHMask DINT Propagation mask for line level high commands
Cfg_StsMask DINT Propagation mask for status
Ref_Index DINT Bus array index

The RAC_CODE_DESCRIPTION[x] structure is an array of intelligent motor
controller fault code number and fault code description pairs, used as a
lookup table. The instruction searches the table for the fault code received
from the motor controller and displays the corresponding fault description
This parameter is used to link the instruction to an external tag that contains
necessary data for the instruction to operate. The external tag must be of the
data type shown, or may be NULL. If NULL, the fault code lookup function is
not performed. Fault descriptions will only be shown if provided through the
Device Object Status interface.
Members Data Type Description
Code DINT Code for which to look up Description
Desc STRING Description for given Code

RAC_EVENTstructures are used by the FirstFault and FirstWarning members
in the RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRDISCRETE_STS structure. These items hold the
event data received from the intelligent motor controller for the first fault and
first warning records in the motor controller event history.

546 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Members Data Type Description
1 = Status
2 = Warning
3 = Fault
Type DINT 4 ...n = User
ID DINT User definable event ID
Category DINT User definable category (Electrical,Mechanical,Materials,Utility,etc.)
Action DINT User definable event action code
Value DINT User definable event value or fault code
Message STRING Event message text
EventTime_L LINT Timestamp
EventTime_D DINT[7] Timestamp (Y,M,D,h,m,s,us)

Discrete Logix tag-based alarms are defined for these members.
Member Alarm Name Description
Sts_FailToStart Alm_FailToStart Motor failed to start within the allotted time when commanded to start
Sts_FailToStop Alm_FailToStop Motor failed to stop within the allotted time when commanded to stop
Sts_IntlkTrip Alm_IntlkTrip Motor stopped by an Interlock Not OK
Sts_IOFault Alm_IOFault Motor communication with controller failed
Sts_MotorFault Alm_MotorFault The motor controller is reporting it has a fault condition

Mark the alarm as used or unused and set standard configuration members of
the discrete tag-based alarm. Use this format to access alarm elements:
[email protected]
The PMTR instruction uses these alarms:
• Raises the Fail to Start alarm when the motor is commanded to start
but run feedback is not received within the configured failure time.
• Raises the Fail to Stop alarm when the motor is commanded to stop
but run feedback does not drop within the configured failure time.
• Raises the Interlock Trip alarm when the motor is running and an
interlock not-OK condition causes the motor to stop. If interlocks are
not bypassed, a bypassable interlock or a non-bypassable interlock
not-OK condition initiates an interlock trip. If interlocks are bypassed,
only a non-bypassable interlock not-OK condition initiates an interlock
• Raises the I/O Fault alarm when I/O communication with the motor
controller or other I/O device is lost. For the Power Discrete Device
interface, this is detected when the Ref_Ctrl_Sts.Connected bit goes
false (to 0). For the discrete signal interface, used when Ref_Ctrl_Sts
is NULL, this is detected when Inp_IOFault goes true (to 1).
• Raises the Motor Fault alarm when the motor controller reports a
faulted condition. For the Power Discrete Device interface, this is
detected when the Ref_Ctrl_Sts.Faulted bit goes true (to 1). For the
discrete signal interface, which is used when Ref_Ctrl_Sts is NULL,
this is detected when Inp_Faulted goes true (to 1).

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 547

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Program, Operator, and External commands enable the Reset of latched
alarms, and Reset & Acknowledge of all alarms of the instruction (Alarm Set)
at the same time. This diagram shows how the commands interact with the
PMTR instruction.

548 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

This diagram illustrates functionality of the PMTR instruction:

Operator command request confirmation

The PMTR instruction enables these operator command requests:
• OCmd_Jog1
• OCmd_Jog2

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 549

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• OCmd_Start1
• OCmd_Start2
• OCmd_Stop
Enforced security might require the request to be confirmed or canceled
before the selected command executes. The instruction checks the security
rules inspecting Cfg_CnfrmReqd. If Cfg_CnfrmReqd=0 no confirmation is
required and the request executes immediately. If Cfg_CnfrmReqd=1 the
instruction waits for confirmation OCmd_CmdCnfrm=1 and/or cancellation.
For Cfg_CnfrmReqd=2 or 3, eSignature is needed before the confirmation and
cancellation is enabled.
For more information on command sources, see Process Motor (PMTR)
Command Source.

Use virtualization for instruction testing and operator training. Command to
virtual operation using program command PCmd_Virtual or maintenance
command MCmd_Virtual. After finishing virtual operation, use program
command PCmd_Physical or maintenance command MCmd_Physical to
return to normal physical device operation.
When Virtualization is active, the outputs of the PMTR instruction hold at 0,
virtual feedback of a working device is provided, and I/O faults are ignored.
The setting of Cfg_VirtualFdbkTime operand determines the time delay
between a command to start or stop the device and the echo of the running or
stopped status. Manipulate the instruction to operate as if a working motor is

The instruction is normally initialized in the instruction first run. Request
re-initialization by setting Inp_InitializeReq = 1. For proper initialization,
when adding the instruction while performing an online edit of the code,
make sure that Inp_InitializeReq = 1, the default value.

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FactoryTalk View) and for the Logix
Designer configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties
of tag items.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name

550 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Area name
• URL link
• More Information
• Running 1 Text
• Running 2 Text
• Name of Fail to Start Alarm
• Name of Fail to Stop Alarm
• Name of Interlock Trip Alarm
• Name of I/O Fault Alarm
• Name of Motor Fault Alarm

The PMTR instruction monitors and controls a discrete motor. The start, stop
and jog commands to the motor can come from a variety of sources,
determined by an embedded instance of PCMDSRC. Available command
sources are:
• Operator, through the HMI
• Program, through logic connected to the block
• External, through logic connected to the block
• Override, through logic connected to the block
• Maintenance, through the HMI
• Out of Service
• Hand (assumes the block has no control of the motor, so aligns with
the actual motor status in order to achieve bumpless transfer from
Hand back to one of the other command sources)
The PMTR instruction has two aspects, which can be kept by a particular
command source whenever the command source selection is Operator,
Program or External. Either or both of the aspects can be kept at any given
time, or can follow the selection of the PCMDSRC. The aspects are:
• Start1 and Start2 commands
• Jog1 and Jog2 commands
The Jog commands cannot be kept by the Program command source.
The PMTR instruction supports virtualization. When selected to Virtual, the
instruction provides status to the operator and other blocks as if a working
motor were connected while keeping the outputs to the physical motor
de-energized (zero). When selected to Physical, the instruction monitors and
controls the physical motor device. Use Virtualization to provide off-process
functional testing of higher-level control strategies or simulation for operator
The PMTR instruction supports interlocks, conditions that must be OK for the
motor to run and which stop the motor if not OK, and permissives, conditions
that must be OK for the motor to start but which are ignored once the motor

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 551

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
is running. Bypassable permissives and interlocks can be bypassed for
maintenance, while non-bypassble interlocks and permissives are always
The PMTR instruction supports a bus for forwarding commands (fanout) and
gathering status (rollup) in a hierarchy of objects. Refer to the Bus Object for
more information on the commands and status (including alarm status) sent
on the bus.
The PMTR instruction optionally supports the ability to look up the text to
display for the most recent intelligent motor controller fault code, given a
provided fault code lookup table. This table is an array of Code and
Description pairs and is searched whenever the last fault code from the motor
controller changes.
The PMTR instruction interface to the physical motor can be through a Power
Discrete Device Object interface or by connecting individual motor controller
signals to input and output pins of the instruction. Details on the Power
Discrete Device Object interface are given below. Three interface tags are
used, provided as InOut Parameters. These tags provide motor Settings,
motor Commands, such as start forward, jog reverse and stop, and retrieve
motor Status, such as connected, active (running), commanded direction and
speed, actual direction and speed, warning, faulted, and extended motor
controller warning and fault information.

PMTR Motor Settings: Ref_Ctrl_Set InOut Parameter

Private Input Members Data Type Description
InhibitCmd BOOL 1 = Inhibit user Commands from external sources; 0 = Allow control.
InhibitSet BOOL 1 = Inhibit user Settings from external source, 0 = Allow.

PMTR Motor Commands: Ref_Ctrl_Cmd InOut Parameter

Private Input Members Data Type Description
bCmd INT Commands (bit overlay), consisting of:
Physical BOOL Operate as a Physical device
Virtual BOOL Operate as a Virtual device
ResetWarn BOOL Reset Warning status
ResetFault BOOL Reset Fault status
Activate BOOL Activate Output Power Structure (if speed reference is not zero, the motor will run)
Deactivate BOOL Deactivate Output Power Structure (motor will stop)
CmdDir BOOL Commanded Direction, 0 = Forward
Jog BOOL Jog Command
Fast BOOL Fast speed of a two-speed device
Slow BOOL Slow Speed of a two-speed device

552 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

PMTR Motor Status: Ref_Ctrl_Sts InOut Parameter

Private Input Members Data Type Description
eState DINT Enumerated state value:
0 = unused,
1 = Initializing,
2 = Disconnected,
3 = Disconnecting,
4 = Connecting,
5 = Idle,
6 = Configuring,
7 = Available
FirstWarning RAC_ITF_EVENT First Warning, consisting of:
Type DINT 1 = Status, 2 = Warning, 3 = Fault, 4 … n = User
ID DINT User definable event ID
Category DINT User definable category (electrical, mechanical, materials, utility, etc.)
Action DINT User definable event action code
Value DINT User definable event value or fault code
Message STRING Event message text
EventTime_L LINT Timestamp
EventTime_D DINT[7] Timestamp (Yr, Mo, Da, Hr, Min, Sec, Microsec)
FirstFault RAC_ITF_EVENT First Fault, consisting of:
Type DINT 1 = Status, 2 = Warning, 3 = Fault, 4 … n = User
ID DINT User definable event ID
Category DINT User definable category (electrical, mechanical, materials, utility, etc.)
Action DINT User definable event action code
Value DINT User definable event value or fault code
Message STRING Event message text
EventTime_L LINT Timestamp
EventTime_D DINT[7] Timestamp (Yr, Mo, Da, Hr, Min, Sec, Microsec)
eCmdFail DINT Enumerated command failure code
bSts INT Status, consisting of:
Physical BOOL 1 = Operating as a physical device
Virtual BOOL 1 = Operating as a virtual device
Connected BOOL Connected status
Available BOOL Available status
Warning BOOL Device Warning
Faulted BOOL Device Faulted
Ready BOOL 1 = Device is ready (can be activated)
Active BOOL 1 = Device is active (power structure active, running)
CmdDir BOOL Commanded direction: 1 = reverse, 0 = forward
ActDir BOOL Actual direction (of rotation): 1 = reverse, 0 = forward
CmdSpd BOOL 1 = Motor is Commanded to run fast 0 = slow
Fast BOOL Fast speed selected (two-speed device)
Slow BOOL Slow speed selected (two-speed device)

This illustration shows the relationship between a PMTR instance and its
associated Power Discrete Device Object.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 553

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Monitor the PMTR Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for array-indexing

554 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor is
de-energized and treated as if it were commanded to stop.
Instruction first run Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor state is
evaluated and the instruction aligns with the current state of the motor, as if the
Hand command source were selected.
Rung-condition-in is false Handled the same as if the motor is taken Out of Service by command. The motor
outputs are de-energized, and the motor Command Source is shown as Program
Out of Service on the HMI. All alarms are cleared. The rung-condition-out
continues as false.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.

The instruction executes.

Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor is
de-energized and treated as if it were commanded to stop.
Instruction first run Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor state is
evaluated and the instruction aligns with the current state of the motor, as if the
Hand command source were selected.
Instruction first scan See instruction first run in the function block diagram table.
EnableIn is false Handled the same as if the motor is taken Out of Service by command. The
motor outputs are de-energized, and the motor Command Source is shown as
Program Out of Service on the HMI. All alarms are cleared. EnableOut is set to
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic it will execute.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 555

Chapter 2 PlantPAx


Ladder Diagram

556 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
MyNG_PMTR_Ref_Ctrl_Cmd, MyNG_PMTR_Ref_Ctrl_Sts, MyNG_Bus[23], 0)

See also
Process Motor (PMTR) Command Source on page 558
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030
Data Conversions on page 1022

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 557

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Process Motor (PMTR) The Process Motor (PMTR) instruction uses these command sources. The
command sources are prioritized in order from highest to lowest in this table.
Command Source

Command Source Description

Hand Hardwired logic or other logic outside the instruction controls the device. The instruction tracks the state of the device for bumpless
transfer back to one of the other command sources.
This is the highest priority command source.
Out-of-Service The instruction is disabled and accepts no device commands.
Maintenance Maintenance controls the device and supersedes Operator, Program, External and Override control. Operator commands and settings
from the HMI are accepted.
Override Priority logic controls the device and supersedes Operator, Program and External control. Override Input (Inp_Ovrd) is accepted.
External External logic (for exapmle, field pilot control or upstream SCADA) controls the device. External commands (XCmd_) are accepted.
Program locked Program logic controls the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted. Operator cannot take control from the Program.
Override cannot take control from theProgram unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Program Program logic controls the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted.
Operator locked The Operator controls the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted. Program cannot take control from
Operator. Override cannot take control from Operator unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Operator The Operator controls the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted.
This is the lowest priority command source.

The instruction enables or disables these operations:

• Maintenance Out-of-Service exists
• Maintenance exists
• External exists
• Program (unlocked) exists
• Program locked exists
• Operator (unlocked) exists
• Operator locked exists
• PCmd_Lock used as a Level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock)
• XCmd_Acq used as a Level (1 = Acquire, 0 = release)
The instruction checks for invalid configurations of control and forces the
nearest valid configuration.
The core control model arbitrates the source of the commands and
parameters that the receiving function accepts. The core control model
determines if the source is:
• A programmatic entity which resides entirely within the processing
environment, or
• An external interface entity which issues commands and parameters
external and asynchronously to the processing environment.
Locking a control source prevents the other control source from acquiring

Core Command Source Model

The core control model consists of these control sources:
• Oper

558 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• OperLocked
• Prog
• ProgLocked
The control model defaults to this configuration. Other control sources may
be present in the model but act as overriding control sources, acting
independent of the base Operator/Program state machine.

Enable control sources as Configuration

The user can enable and disable individual control sources. The default
configuration uses the entire base model; upon power-up of the processing
environment the control source will be the designated default. Some
combinations of enabled control sources are disallowed as they are either
unnecessary or could create unintended changes.

Prog Power Up
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program is the
power-up default.

Prog Priority
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program
commands take priority when simultaneously asserted.

Automatic reset of commands

Unless specifically configured as Level, above, all commands are treated as
one-shot-latched (Edge). Commands are automatically cleared when the
instruction executes and processes them.

Change Destination States

Under certain configurations the destination command source for some
commands may change. This is in keeping with the intent of the command.
For example, if the Program state is disabled, the destination of the
OCmd_Prog command becomes the Program Locked state instead of the
Program state. This maintains the intent of the OCmd_Prog command: the
operator entity wishes to place the function in control of the program. If the
command was eliminated then there would be no way to accomplish this. This
is only done in configurations where it would cause no conflict or race
condition, but serves to preserve as much user functionality as is practical.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 559

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Higher Priority Command Sources

These Higher priority command sources operate independently within the
• External
• Override
• Maintenance
• Out-of-Service
• In-Service
• Hand

See also
Process Motor (PMTR)

Process Permissives This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

(PPERM) The Process Permissives (PPERM) instruction collects, or sums up, the
permissive conditions that allow a piece of equipment to energize. In most
cases, permissive conditions must be true to energize equipment. Once the
equipment is energized, permissives are ignored.
The PPERM instruction provides:
• Permissive input OK Check. Evaluates the inputs. If all inputs are in
the configured OK state, the instruction sets the All Permissives OK
status to true.
• Permissive bypass. Evaluates the non-permissive inputs to bypass. If
all inputs are in their configured OK state, the instruction sets the All
Non-Bypassable Permissives OK status to true.
• Summary status. Summarizes its 32 permissive input conditions into
two primary status bits:
• Sts_PermOK. Indicates all permissive conditions are clear, or ready
to energize.
• Sts_NBPermOK. Indicates all permissive conditions that cannot be
bypassed are clear, or ready to energize after bypassing permissive

560 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 561

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_PERMISSIVE tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable Input - System Defined Parameter
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction first
run. Use this request when reinitializing. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm00 BOOL Permissive condition 00, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm01 BOOL Permissive condition 01, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm02 BOOL Permissive condition 02, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm03 BOOL Permissive condition 03, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm04 BOOL Permissive condition 04, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm05 BOOL Permissive condition 05, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm06 BOOL Permissive condition 06, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm07 BOOL Permissive condition 07, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm08 BOOL Permissive condition 08, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm09 BOOL Permissive condition 09, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm10 BOOL Permissive condition 10, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm11 BOOL Permissive condition 11, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm12 BOOL Permissive condition 12, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm13 BOOL Permissive condition 13, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm14 BOOL Permissive condition 14, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm15 BOOL Permissive condition 15, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm16 BOOL Permissive condition 16, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm17 BOOL Permissive condition 17, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm18 BOOL Permissive condition 18, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.

562 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Inp_Perm19 BOOL Permissive condition 19, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm20 BOOL Permissive condition 20, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm21 BOOL Permissive condition 21, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm22 BOOL Permissive condition 22, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm23 BOOL Permissive condition 23, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm24 BOOL Permissive condition 24, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm25 BOOL Permissive condition 25, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm26 BOOL Permissive condition 26, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm27 BOOL Permissive condition 27, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm28 BOOL Permissive condition 28, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm29 BOOL Permissive condition 29, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm30 BOOL Permissive condition 30, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_Perm31 BOOL Permissive condition 31, OK to energize if in configured OK state.
Default is true.
Inp_BypassActive BOOL 1 = Permissive bypassing is currently active.
Default is false.
Cfg_OKState DINT Bits indicate which state (0 or 1) of each input is OK to energize.
Default is 2#1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111.
Cfg_Bypassable DINT Set bits indicate which conditions can be bypassed.
Default is 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL 1 = Tells HMI an object with more information is available.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasNav DINT Set bits indicate which navigation buttons are enabled.
Default is 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000.

Public Output Members Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable Output - System Defined Parameter
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
Sts_PermOK BOOL Overall permissive status (1 = OK to energize).
Sts_NBPermOK BOOL Non-Bypassable permissive status (1 = all non-bypassable permissives OK to energize).
Sts_BypActive BOOL 1 = Permissive bypassing is active (ignore bypassable permissives).
Sts_Perm DINT Individual permissive status (1 = OK, 0 = don't energize).

Private Input Members Data Type Description

MSet_Bypass DINT Individual condition maintenance bypass toggles.
Default is 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000.

Private Output Members Data Type Description


Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 563

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

This diagram illustrates the functionality of the PPERM instruction:

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FT View) and for the Logix Designer
configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties of tag
items. Configure the strings in Logix Designer only.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• Input Conditional Text
• Navigation Path
• More Information

Monitor the PPERM Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

564 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Instruction first run The instruction executes normally.
Rung-condition-in is false Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
If this instruction is off-scan, then set the summary Permissive OK status bits to
Only set individual permissive bypasses for conditions that are configured for
bypassing. All the MSets for inputs that are NOT bypassable will be cleared.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
Instruction first run The instruction executes normally.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
If this instruction is off-scan, then set the summary Permissive OK status bits to
Only set individual permissive bypasses for conditions that are configured for
bypassing. All the MSets for inputs that are NOT bypassable will be cleared.
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 565

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.


Ladder Diagram

566 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
P182_Motor_1Perm.Inp_BypActive := P182_Motor.Sts_BypActive;

P182_Motor.Inp_1PermOK := P182_Motor_1Perm.Sts_PermOK;
P182_Motor.Inp_1NBPermOK := P182_Motor_1Perm.Sts_NBPermOK;

P182_Motor.Inp_Hand := E300_P182:I.OperatorStationLocalLEDReadback;
P182_Motor.XCmd_Start1 := E300_P182:I.Pt03Data;
P182_Motor.XCmd_Start2 := E300_P182:I.Pt04Data;
P182_Motor.XCmd_Stop := NOT(E300_P182:I.Pt05Data);

P182_Motor.XCmd_Acq := E300_P182:I.Pt02Data;

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 567

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Proportional + This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

Integral + Derivative (PPID) Use the Process Proportional + Integral + Derivative (PPID) instruction to
manipulate the Control Variable (CV) in regulatory control loops in response
to Process Variable (PV) readings and Setpoint (SP, the target PV) settings.
The CV is typically used as a cascade setpoint for a secondary, or inner, control
loop or is sent to an Analog Output channel on an IO card.
The PPID instruction integrates functions of the existing PID, PIDE, and
P_PIDE AOI into a single built-in instruction and adds additional features.
The PPID instruction:
• Calculates CV with velocity PID algorithm. Velocity algorithm is also
known as incremental algorithm. Velocity algorithm computes the CV
value by summing ∆PTerm, ∆ITerm, ∆DTerm, ∆FF, and CV from the
previous execution of the instruction. When Inp_UseCVPrev is set, CV
previous is set equal to Inp_CVPrev. When Inp_UseFFPrev is set,
previous FF is set equal to Inp_FFPrev. This lets you preset CV to a
specified value before output CV value is computed, CV = CV previous
+ ∆PTerm + ∆ITerm + ∆DTerm + ∆FF. Velocity form of the PID
algorithm supports bumpless transfer in parameter change.
• Provides an option to suppress bumpless transfer in gain change.
When this option is selected the PID calculation behaves as a position
PID algorithm where control action changes with loop error and not
error change.
• Uses a two degrees of freedom PID formula for calculating CV with
proportional PTerm action derived from weighted SP and PV
difference (b*SP-PV), integral ITerm action derived from control error
(SP-PV), and derivative DTerm action derived from change in
weighted SP and PV difference (c*SP-PV). The change in weight
setting in run-time is bumpless.
• Uses an error-squared (option) algorithm with CV more aggressive
when error rises. The use of error square is restricted to PTerm.
• Provides Direct/Reverse action (option). The action is Direct when CV
rises with PV increase (Cfg_CtrlAction=1). The action is Reverse if CV
decreases with PV increase (Cfg_CtrlAction=0).
• Allows deviation deadband. CV is not sensitive to loop error variation
when within the band around zero error. Configured band levels allow

568 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
for additional hysteresis. The deadband level for PV approaching SP
(Cfg_DevDBEnter) may be set lower than deadband level for PV going
away from SP (Cfg_DevDB). The active deadband status is set for PV
within deadband. Provides an option to stop CV moves or just stop the
integration while leaving proportional and derivative action live when
in deadband (Cfg_UseIntegDevDB).
• Displays engineering units on the Logix Designer application
interface. SP and PV values are displayed and entered in PV
engineering units. Val_CVSet for CV target and Val_CVOut for CV
output are displayed and entered in CV engineering units. The PID
algorithm uses all variables scaled to percent of span internally and
these values are also available as outputs Val_PVPercent,
Val_SPPercent, Val_EPercent, and Val_CVPercent.
• Is configurable for Independent and Dependent gains. Interpretation
of values stored in PGain, IGain and DGain tags depends on the
instruction configuration.
• Independent gains configuration: PGain = Kp … proportional gain,
IGain = Ki … integral gain [1/minute], DGain = Kd … derivative gain
• Dependent gains configuration: PGain = K … controller gain, IGain
= Ti … reset time [minutes], DGain = Td … rate time [minutes].
Use independent gains when you want the three gains for the
proportional, integral, and derivative terms to operate independently.
Use dependent gains when you want an overall controller gain that
affects all three terms (P, I, and D).
• Provides optional derivative smoothing (derivative limit at high
frequencies). A pure derivative gives a very large amplification of
measurement noise. Both dependent and independent PID algorithms
can be configured for limiting the derivative term gain at high
• Guarantees anti-windup. The PID algorithm is equipped with integral
(reset) windup prevention (reset feedback). Internal windup when CV
saturates is treated automatically. External windup of the inner loop
indicated by Inp_WindupHi or Inp_WindupLo is also treated if the
inputs are in use.
• Allows external CV tracking (option). When Cfg_UseCVTrack is set or
the inner loop is not available for the PPID instruction
(Inp_InnerAvailable is false), the CV tracks Inp_CVTrack value. The
option is useful when the inner (secondary) loop in cascade is not able
to follow CV value calculated by this outer (primary) loop PID, and
Inp_WindupHi or Inp_WindupLo is either not used or not true.
Tracking is allowed with configured dynamics specified in
Cfg_CVTrackGain. CVTrackGain is treated as tracking gain Kt
(1/minute) for independent or tracking time constant Tt (minutes) for
dependent gains.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 569

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Provides configured SP clamping and ramping: clamping (in PVEU)
and ramping (in PVEU/second) of the setpoint at specified limits
(separate increase and decrease rate of change limits).
• Provides configured CV clamping and ramping: clamping (in CVEU)
and ramping (in CVEU/second) of CV at specified limits (separate
increase and decrease rate of change limits).
• Enables CV Hand feedback.
• Supports operation from these command sources: Hand,
Maintenance, Override, and full loop control (Cascade, Auto with
Setpoint, Manual with CV) from External, Program, and Operator.
• Supports three automatic (Auto, Cascade, Cascade/Ratio) loop modes
and one manual (Manual) loop mode.
• In Auto loop mode, setpoint (SP) in engineering units (PVEU) is read
from the Program, Operator, Override or External entry. You can also
enter a setpoint target in PV engineering units (PVEU) and ramp time
(seconds) and use a command to trigger a built-in setpoint ramp.
• In Manual loop mode the control variable (CV) in engineering units is
read from the Program, Operator, Override, or External entry.
• Monitors interlock conditions which cause output CV and SP to shed.
CV shed can be configured to hold the last good CV value or to use the
configured safe value. SP is shed to current PV.
• Monitors I/O communication faults.
• Supports Power-up and Initialize operations. In Power-up, the SP, CV,
and Loop modes are set to configured values.
• Monitors alarm conditions for Interlock Trip, Loop Failure, High-High
Deviation, High Deviation, Low Deviation, and Low-Low Deviation
from the setpoint.
• High-High Deviation status is raised when the difference between
the setpoint and the process variable calculated as PV-SP exceeds
configured thresholds.
• High Deviation status is raised when the difference between the
setpoint and the process variable calculated as PV-SP exceeds
configured thresholds.
• Low Deviation status is raised when the difference between the
setpoint and the process variable calculated as PV-SP exceeds
configured thresholds.
• Low-Low Deviation status is raised when the difference between the
setpoint and the process variable calculated as PV-SP exceeds
configured thresholds.
• Loop Failure status is raised when the PPID indicates a severe
configuration error, such as invalid clamping limits, scaling limits,
and deadbands. This status is also raised when PV quality is not
good enough for the PID loop to work with, and when the I/O Fault
input/status is true. This status is also raised when the hand
feedback input is reported bad in hand.

570 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Interlock Trip status is raised when an interlock not-OK condition
causes the output CV to be changed to the configured Interlock CV
value or held at its last value. If interlocks are not bypassed, a
bypassable interlock or a non-bypassable interlock not-OK
condition initiates an interlock trip. If interlocks are bypassed, only
a non-bypassable interlock not-OK condition initiates an interlock

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 571

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PPID(PPID tag, BusObj);

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_PID tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.
BusObj BUS_OBJ tag Bus component. May be null.

P_PID Structure
Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, or hidden, members are used in HMI faceplates and are

572 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
not programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public input member Data Default Value Description
EnableIn BOOL True Enable input.
Ladder Diagram:
Corresponds to the rung condition.
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL True 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction
first run. Use this request to re-initialize. When Inp_InitializeReq = 1, power up configuration
values are used. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is true.
Inp_OwnerCmd DINT 0 Owner device command:
0 = None,
Inp_OwnerCmd.10 = Operator Lock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.11 = Operator Unlock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.12 = Program Lock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.13 = Program Unlock,
Inp_OwnerCmd.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
Inp_OwnerCmd.15 = Release Maintenance,
Inp_OwnerCmd.16 = Acquire External,
Inp_OwnerCmd.17 = Release External,
Inp_OwnerCmd.29 = Echo.
Default is 0.
Inp_PV REAL 0.0 Process Variable (PVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_CascSP REAL 0.0 SP in Cascade loop mode, independent PV in Ratio loop mode (PVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_FF REAL 0.0 FeedForward term (CVEU).
Valid any float between -(Cfg_CVEUMax-Cfg_CVEUMin) and (Cfg_CVEUMax-Cfg_CVEUMin).
Default is 0.0.
Inp_FFPrev REAL 0.0 Previous scan FeedForward (CVEU) when Inp_UseFFPrev = 1.
Valid any float between -(Cfg_CVEUMax-Cfg_CVEUMin) and (Cfg_CVEUMax-Cfg_CVEUMin).
Default is 0.0.
Inp_CVTrack REAL 0.0 CV to track if Cfg_UseCVTrack = 1 or if Inp_InnerAvailable = 0 (CVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_CVInitialVal PVREAL 0.0 Value to initialize the CV to per request Inp_UseCVInitialVal=1 (CVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_CVPrev REAL 0.0 Previous scan CV, Val_CVOut (CVEU).
Valid any float between Cfg_CVEUMin and Cfg_CVEUMax.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_UseFFPrev BOOL False 1 = Use Inp_FFPrev as previous FF value,
0 = Use last scan Inp_FF value as previous FF value.
Default is false.
Inp_UseCVInitialVal BOOL False 1 = Initialize CV to Inp_CVInitialVal.
Default is false.
Inp_UseCVPrev BOOL False 1 = Use Inp_CVPrev as previous CV value,
0 = Use last scan value.
Default is false.
Inp_WindupHi BOOL False Windup high signal. When true, the CV cannot integrate in a positive direction. The signal is
typically obtained from the Windup hi output from a inner loop.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 573

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public input member Data Default Value Description
Inp_WindupLo BOOL False Windup low signal. When true, the CV cannot integrate in a negative direction. The signal is
typically obtained from the Windup low output from a inner loop.
Default is false.
Inp_InnerAvailable BOOL True 1 = Inner loop (slave object) is available.
0 = Inner loop is not available, PPID tracks Inp_CVTrack, typically inner loop SP or actuator
Default is true.
Inp_IntlkOK BOOL True 1 = Bypassable interlocks OK, CV can be set.
Default is true.
Inp_NBIntlkOK BOOL True 1 = Non-Bypassable interlocks OK, CV can be set.
Default is true.
Inp_IntlkAvailable BOOL False 1 = Interlock availability OK.
Default is false.
Inp_IntlkTripInh BOOL False 1 = Inhibit interlock trip status.
Default is false.
Inp_RdyReset BOOL False 1 = Related object, reset by this object, is ready to be reset. Ready for ORdy_Reset, enables
HMI button.
Default is false.
Inp_CVIOFault BOOL False 1 = CV I/O communications status bad,
0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVBad BOOL False 1 = PV quality or PV I/O communications status bad,
0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVUncertain BOOL False 1 = PV value not reliable,
0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_PVSrcQ SINT 0 Inp_PV source status and quality:
0 = Good, live, confirmed good,
1 = Good, live, assumed good,
2 = Good, no feedback, assumed good,
8 = Test, simulated,
9 = Test, loopback,
10 = Test, manually entered,
16 = Uncertain, live, off-spec,
17 = Uncertain, substituted at device,
18 = Uncertain, substituted at instruction,
19 = Uncertain, using last known good,
20 = Uncertain, using replacement value,
32 = Bad, signal failure,
33 = Bad, channel fault,
34 = Bad, module/communications fault,
35 = Bad, invalid configuration.
Default is 0.
Inp_PVNotify SINT 0 Related PV object alarm priority and acknowledgement status:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.

574 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public input member Data Default Value Description
Inp_CVNotify SINT 0 Related CV object alarm priority and acknowledgement status:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_CascSPNotify SINT 0 Related Cascade SP object alarm priority and acknowledgement status:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Default is 0.
Inp_HiHiDevGate BOOL True The gate input used for HiHi deviation status detection:
1 = The corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled,
0 = Detection is disabled and the corresponding status output is forced off.
Default is true.
Inp_HiDevGate BOOL True The gate input used for Hi deviation status detection:
1 = The corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled,
0 = Detection is disabled and the corresponding status output is forced off.
Default is true.
Inp_LoDevGate BOOL True The gate input used for Lo deviation status detection:
1 = The corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled,
0 = Detection is disabled and the corresponding status output is forced off.
Default is true.
Inp_LoLoDevGate BOOL True The gate input used for LoLo deviation status detection:
1 = The corresponding analog input threshold monitoring is enabled,
0 = Detection is disabled and the corresponding status output is forced off.
Default is true.
Inp_Hand BOOL False 1 = Acquire Hand,
0 = Release Hand.
Default is false.
Inp_HandFdbk REAL 0.0 CV feedback used when owner is Hand (CVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Default is false.
Inp_HandFdbkBad BOOL False 1 = CV hand feedback quality or CV hand feedback I/O communications status bad,
0 = OK.
Default is false.
Inp_Ovrd BOOL False 1 = Acquire Override (higher priority program logic),
0 = Release Override.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 575

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public input member Data Default Value Description
Inp_OvrdCmd SINT 0 Loop mode command in Override:
0 = None,
1 = Manual,
2 = Auto,
3 = Cascade,
4 = Normal,
5 = Start SP ramp,
6 = Stop SP ramp.
Default is 0.
Inp_OvrdSP REAL 0.0 Loop Auto SP in Override (PVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_OvrdSPTarget REAL 0.0 Override setting for SP target in ramp wizard (PVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_OvrdSPRampTime REAL 0.0 Override setting for time to reach SP target in ramp wizard (second).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_OvrdRatio REAL 1.0 Loop Ratio in Override (unitless).
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
Inp_OvrdCV REAL 0.0 Loop Manual CV in Override (CVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_ExtInh BOOL False 1 = Inhibit External acquisition,
0 = Allow External acquisition.
Default is false.
Inp_Reset BOOL False 1 = Reset shed latches and latched alarms whose conditions have returned to normal.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowDisable BOOL True 1 = Allow Maintenance to disable alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_AllowShelve BOOL True 1 = Allow Operator to shelve alarms.
Cfg_HasRatio BOOL False 1 = Cascade loop mode is Ratio,
0 = Cascade loop mode is Cascade.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasCasc BOOL False 1 = Enable the loop to be placed into Cascade/Ratio mode.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasAuto BOOL True 1 = Enable the loop to be placed into Auto mode.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasMan BOOL True 1 = Enable the loop to be placed into Manual mode.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasSPRamp BOOL False 1 = Enable the SP ramp wizard function.
Default is false.
Cfg_ExecTime REAL 0.0 Execution period for PID algorithm (second).
Configuring the instruction for execution period = 0.0 (default) or period shorter than
instruction scan time has no effect and the PID algorithm executes every scan. For the real
execution period check Val_ExecTime.
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_PGain REAL 0.0 Proportional gain Kp for independent gains or loop gain Kc for dependent gains (unitless).
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_IGain REAL 0.0 Integral gain Ki (1/minute) for independent or reset time Ti (minutes/repeat) for dependent
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.

576 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public input member Data Default Value Description
Cfg_DGain REAL 0.0 Derivative gain Kd (minute) for independent or rate time Td (minute) for dependent gains.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CVTrackGain REAL 0.0 Tracking gain Kt (1/minute) for independent or tracking time constant Tt (minutes) for
dependent gains for CV to track Inp_CVTrack if Cfg_UseCVTrack = 1.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_UseCVTrack BOOL False 1 = Use Inp_CVTrack reset feedback in tracking, e.g. if PPID output is significantly faster
than actuator or inner loop or in override select control.
Cfg_PSPWeight REAL 1.0 Weight on SP in proportional term in 2DOF PID, beta gain.
Valid = 0.0 to 1.5.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_DSPWeight REAL 0.0 Weight on SP in derivative term in 2DOF PID, gamma gain.
Valid = 0.0 to 1.5.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_PVTrack BOOL False 1 = SP tracks PV in Manual,
0 = No PV tracking.
Default is false.
Cfg_GainBumpless BOOL True 1 = CV response to PGain and DGain change is bumpless,
0 = CV response to PGain and DGain change is not bumpless (like in position algorithm).
Default is true.
Cfg_PositionBump BOOL False 1 = Position form of PD algorithm without bumpless transfer from Manual to Auto or
Cascade. Enabled only when Cfg_IGain = 0. Change of proportional gain is not bumpless.
0 = Velocity form of PID algorithm with bumpless transfer from Manual to Auto or Cascade.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseESquared BOOL False 1 = Use error squared for proportional action.
Default is false.
Cfg_CtrlAction BOOL False 1 = Control action on E = PV-SP, direct action
0 = Control action on E = SP-PV, reverse action.
Default is false.
Cfg_Dependent BOOL False 1 = Dependent gains equation,
0 = Independent gains equation.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseDSmoothing BOOL False 1 = Use derivative smoothing.
Default is false.
Cfg_DevDB REAL 0.0 PV deviation deadband for PV going away from SP (PVEU).
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Cfg_DevDBEnter REAL 0.0 PV deviation deadband for PV approaching SP (PVEU).
Valid = 0.0 to Cfg_DevDB.
Cfg_UseIntegDevDB BOOL False 1 = Only integral term is suspended when PV deviation deadband status is active,
proportional and derivative terms remain operational,
0 = All PID terms are suspended and CV does not move when PV deviation deadband status
is active.
Default is false.
Cfg_SkipCVManLim BOOL True 1 = Skip CV clamping in Manual loop mode and for CV from shed,
0 = Always apply CV clamping.
Cfg_SkipCVManRoC BOOL True 1 = Skip CV rate-of-change limiting in Manual loop mode and for CV from shed,
0 = Always apply CV rate-of-change limiting.
Cfg_InitializeToMan BOOL False 1 = Go to Manual loop mode when initialization is requested (Inp_UseCVInitialVal=1).
Default is false.
Cfg_SetTrack BOOL True 1 = Program/Operator/External settings tracking,
0 = No settings tracking.
Default is true.
Cfg_SetTrackOvrdHand BOOL False 1 = Program/Operator/External settings track Override/Hand inputs (CV, SP, Ratio).
Default is false.
Cfg_HasIntlkObj BOOL False 1 = Tells HMI an interlock object (PINTLK) is connected to Inp_IntlkOK, InpNBIntlkOK,
Inp_IntlkAvailable, Inp_IntlkTripInh and Inp_RdyReset.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 577

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public input member Data Default Value Description
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL False 1 = Tells HMI an object with more info is available.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasHistTrend SINT 0 Has historical trend. This enables navigation to the device historical trend faceplate from
the HMI.
0 = No external historical trend,
1 = Datalog historical trend,
2 = Historian historical trend.
Default is 0.
Cfg_HasCascSPNav BOOL False 1 = Tells HMI to enable navigation to a connected cascade SP object.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPVNav BOOL False 1 = Tells HMI to enable navigation to a connected PV object.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasCVNav BOOL False 1 = Tells HMI to enable navigation to a connected CV object.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasOper BOOL True 1 = Operator (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasOperLocked BOOL True 1 = Operator Locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProg BOOL True 1 = Program (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProgLocked BOOL True 1 = Program Locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasExt BOOL False 1 = External exists, can be selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMaint BOOL True 1 = Maintenance exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasMaintOoS BOOL True 1 = Maintenance Out of Service exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_OvrdOverLock BOOL True 1 = Override supersedes Program/Operator Lock,
0 = Do not override Lock.
Default is true.
Cfg_ExtOverLock BOOL False 1 = External supersedes Program/Operator Lock,
0 = Do not override Lock.
Default is false.
Cfg_eKeepLM SINT 0 Loop mode ownership:
0 = Follows command source,
1 = Operator,
2 = Program,
3 = External.
Default is 0.
Cfg_eKeepCV SINT 0 CV ownership:
0 = Follows command source,
1 = Operator,
2 = Program,
3 = External.
Default is 0.
Cfg_eKeepSP SINT 0 SP ownership:
0 = Follows command source,
1 = Operator,
2 = Program,
3 = External.
Default is 0.
Cfg_eKeepRatio SINT 0 Ratio ownership:
0 = Follows command source,
1 = Operator,
2 = Program,
3 = External.
Default is 0.

578 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public input member Data Default Value Description
Cfg_ProgPwrUp BOOL False 1 = Power up to Program,
0 = Power up to Operator.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgNormal BOOL False Normal source:
1 = Program if no requests,
0 = Operator if no requests.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdPriority BOOL False Command priority:
1 = Program commands win,
0 = Operator commands win.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdProgAsLevel BOOL False 1 = PCmd_Prog used as Level (1 = Prog, 0 = Oper).
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel BOOL False 1 = PCmd_Lock used as Level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock).
Default is false.
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel BOOL False 1 = XCmd_Acq used as Level (XCmd_Acq = 1 acquire external command, XCmd_Acq = 0
release external command).
Default is false.
Cfg_OvrdIntlk BOOL False 1 = Override bypasses (ignores) bypassable interlocks.
0 = Override abides by all interlock conditions.
Default is false.
Cfg_SPFailLatch BOOL False 1 = Latch in SP fail shed action until Reset,
0 = Return when SP is good.
Default is false.
Cfg_PVFailLatch BOOL False 1 = Latch in PV fail shed action until Reset,
0 = Return when PV is good.
Default is false.
Cfg_CVFailLatch BOOL False 1 = Latch in CV fail shed action until Reset,
0 = Return when CV is good.
Default is false.
Cfg_LockLM BOOL False Lock loop mode:
1 = Locked in loop mode configured as Normal (see Cfg_NormLM),
0 = Not locked.
Default is false.
Cfg_NormLM SINT 1 Loop mode defined as Normal:
0 = Disable Normal selection,
1 = Manual,
2 = Auto,
3 = Cascade.
Default is 1.
Cfg_PwrUpLM SINT 4 Loop mode defined for Powerup:
0 = No change - loop mode, CV and SP are initialized using last (powerdown) values,
1 = Manual,
2 = Auto,
3 = Cascade,
4 = Normal.
Default is 4.
Cfg_PVFailTrigger SINT 1 PV fail status response on PV quality:
0 = PV fail response on Inp_PVBad OR Inp_PVSrcQ >= 32 (PV bad),
1 = PV fail response on Inp_PVBad OR Inp_PVSrcQ >= 17 AND Inp_PVSrcQ <> 18,
2 = PV fail response on Inp_PVBad OR Inp_PVUncertain OR Inp_PVSrcQ >= 16 AND
Inp_PVSrcQ <> 18.
Default is 1.
Cfg_IntlkTripSPAction SINT 0 Interlock Trip SP action:
0 = None,
1 = Hold last good,
2 = Use Cfg_SPIntlk,
3 = Set SP to current PV.
Default is 0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 579

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public input member Data Default Value Description
Cfg_SPFailSPAction SINT 1 SP Fail SP action:
1 = Hold last good,
2 = Use Cfg_SPIntlk,
3 = Set SP to current PV.
Default is 1.
Cfg_PVFailSPAction SINT 0 PV Fail SP action:
0 = None,
1 = Hold last good,
2 = Use Cfg_SPIntlk.
Default is 0.
Cfg_CVFailSPAction SINT 0 CV Fail SP action:
0 = None,
1 = Hold last good,
2 = Use Cfg_SPIntlk,
3 = Set SP to current PV.
Default is 0.
Cfg_IntlkTripCVAction SINT 2 Interlock trip CV action:
0 = None,
1 = Hold last good,
2 = Use Cfg_CVIntlk.
Default is 2.
Cfg_SPFailCVAction SINT 1 SP Fail CV action:
0 = None,
1 = Hold last good,
2 = Use Cfg_CVIntlk.
Default is 1.
Cfg_PVFailCVAction SINT 1 PV Fail CV action:
1 = Hold last CV,
2 = Use Cfg_CVIntlk.
Default is 1.
Cfg_CVFailCVAction SINT 1 CV Fail CV action:
1 = Hold last good,
2 = Use Cfg_CVIntlk.
Default is 1.
Cfg_IntlkTripLMAction SINT 0 Interlock trip loop mode action:
0 = None,
1 = Manual only,
2 = Auto or Manual only.
Default is 0.
Cfg_SPFailLMAction SINT 0 SP Fail loop mode action:
0 = None,
1 = Manual only,
2 = Auto or Manual only.
Default is 0.
Cfg_PVFailLMAction SINT 0 PV Fail loop mode action:
0 = none,
1 = Manual only,
2 =Auto or Manual only.
Default is 0.
Cfg_CVFailLMAction SINT 0 CV Fail loop mode action:
0 = None,
1 = Manual only,
2 = Auto or Manual only.
Default is 0.
Cfg_PVDecPlcs SINT 2 Number of decimal places for display of PV / SP (up to six).
Default is 2.
Cfg_CVDecPlcs SINT 2 Number of decimal places for display of CV (up to six).
Default is 2.

580 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public input member Data Default Value Description
Cfg_RatioDecPlcs SINT 2 Number of decimal places for display of Ratio (up to six).
Default is 2.
Cfg_RatioLoLim REAL 0.0 Minimum allowed Ratio value (unitless).
Valid any float less than or equal to Cfg_RatioHiLim.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_RatioHiLim REAL 1.0 Maximum allowed Ratio value (unitless).
Valid any float greater than or equal to Cfg_RatioLoLim.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_SPLoLim REAL 0.0 Minimum allowed SP value (PVEU).
Valid any float less than or equal to Cfg_SPHiLim and greater than or equal to Cfg_PVEUMin.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_SPHiLim REAL 100.0 Maximum allowed SP value (PVEU).
Valid any float greater than or equal to Cfg_SPLoLim and less than or equal to
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_SPRoCIncrLim REAL 0.0 Maximum allowed SP rate of change increasing value (PVEU/second). The SP rate of change
is unlimited when increasing if Cfg_SPRoCIncrLim = 0.0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_SPRoCDecrLim REAL 0.0 Maximum allowed SP rate of change decreasing value (PVEU/second). The SP rate of
change is unlimited when decreasing if Cfg_SPRoCDecrLim = 0.0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_SkipSPRoCLim BOOL False 1 = Skip setpoint RoC limiting in interlock, maintenance and override.
Default is false.
Cfg_SPRampMaxDev REAL 100.0 If absolute value of deviation exceeds this value, pause SP ramp, 0.0 = Never pause (PVEU).
Valid any nonnegative float.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_PVEUMin REAL 0.0 PV minimum value for scaling from engineering units to %, PV at 0% (PVEU).
Valid any float less than Cfg_PVEUMax.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_PVEUMax REAL 100.0 PV maximum value for scaling from engineering units to %, PV at 100% (PVEU).
Valid any float greater than Cfg_PVEUMin.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CVEUMin REAL 0.0 CV minimum value for scaling from % to engineering units (CVEU).
Valid any float less than Cfg_CVEUMax.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CVEUMax REAL 100.0 CV maximum value for scaling from % to engineering units (CVEU).
Valid any float greater than Cfg_CVEUMin.
Cfg_CVLoLim REAL 0.0 Minimum allowed CV value (CVEU).
Valid any float less than or equal to Cfg_CVHiLim and greater than or equal to Cfg_CVEUMin.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CVHiLim REAL 100.0 Maximum allowed CV value (CVEU).
Valid any float greater than or equal to Cfg_CVLoLim and less than or equal to
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_CVRoCIncrLim REAL 0.0 Maximum allowed CV rate of change increasing value (CVEU/second). The CV rate of change
is unlimited when increasing if Cfg_CVRoCIncrLim = 0.0
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_CVRoCDecrLim REAL 0.0 Maximum allowed CV rate of change decreasing value (CVEU/second). The CV rate of
change is unlimited when decreasing if Cfg_CVRoCDecrLim = 0.0.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_MaxInactiveCV REAL 0.0 When Val_CVOut is greater than this value, set Sts_Active for HMI (CVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 581

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public input member Data Default Value Description
Cfg_SPIntlk REAL 0.0 SP value to use with interlock / bad value SP action (PVEU). Valid any float between
Cfg_PVEUMin and Cfg_PVEUMax.
Cfg_CVIntlk REAL 0.0 CV value to use with interlock / bad value CV action (CVEU). Valid any float between
Cfg_CVEUMin and Cfg_CVEUMax.
Cfg_SPPwrUp REAL 0.0 Loop SP on Powerup (PVEU) used when Cfg_PwrUpLM is not 0. The value is clamped to the
SP range (Cfg_SPLoLim, Cfg_SPHiLim).
Valid any float between Cfg_PVEUMin and Cfg_PVEUMax.
Cfg_CVPwrUp REAL 0.0 Loop CV on Powerup (CVEU) used when Cfg_PwrUpLM is not 0. Value may be clamped to
the configured limits (Cfg_CVLoLim, CfgHiLim) in cascade or auto, and in manual if so
Valid any float between Cfg_CVEUMin and Cfg_CVEUMax.
Cfg_CVPwrUpSel SINT 0 Selection of Powerup (first run) CV in Auto or Cascade.
0 = Ignore Inp_InnerAvailable and always use Cfg_CVPwrUp or last (Powerdown) CV (if
Cfg_PwrpUpLM = 0),
1 = Process Inp_InnerAvailable.
Default is false.
Cfg_HiHiDevLim REAL 1.5e+38 High-High PV deviation status threshold (PVEU).
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.5e+38.
Cfg_HiHiDevDB REAL 0.0 High-High PV deviation status deadband (PVEU).
Valid = 0.0 to Cfg_HiHiDevLim.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_HiHiDevGateDly REAL 0.0 High-High PV deviation status gate delay (second).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_HiDevLim REAL 1.5e+38 High PV deviation status threshold (PVEU).
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.5e+38.
Cfg_HiDevDB REAL 0.0 High PV deviation status deadband (PVEU).
Valid = 0.0 to Cfg_HiDevLim.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_HiDevGateDly REAL 0.0 High PV deviation status gate delay (second).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_LoDevLim REAL -1.5e+38 Low PV deviation status threshold (PVEU).
Valid = -maximum positive float to 0.0.
Default is -1.5e+38.
Cfg_LoDevDB REAL 0.0 Low PV deviation status deadband (PVEU).
Valid = 0.0 to abs(Cfg_LoDevLim).
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_LoDevGateDly REAL 0.0 Low PV deviation status gate delay (second).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_LoLoDevLim REAL -1.5e+38 Low-Low PV deviation status threshold (PVEU).
Valid = -maximum positive float to 0.0.
Default is -1.5e+38.
Cfg_LoLoDevDB REAL 0.0 Low-Low PV deviation status deadband (PVEU).
Valid = 0.0 to abs(Cfg_LoLoDevLim).
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_LoLoDevGateDly REAL 0.0 Low-Low PV deviation status gate delay (second).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.

582 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public input member Data Default Value Description
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT 0 Operator command confirmation required. Represents the type of command confirmation
0 = None,
1 = Command confirmation required,
2 = Performer e-signature required,
3 = Performer and approver e-signature required.
Default is 0.
PSet_Ratio REAL 1.0 Program setting for Ratio, loop mode Cascade/Ratio and Ratio enabled (unitless).
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
PSet_SP REAL 0.0 Program setting for SP, loop mode Auto (PVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
PSet_SPTarget REAL 0.0 Program setting for SP target in ramp wizard (PVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
PSet_SPRampTime REAL 0.0 Program setting for time to reach SP target in ramp wizard (second).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
PSet_CV REAL 0.0 Program setting for CV when loop mode is Manual (CVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
PSet_Owner DINT 0 Program owner request ID (non-zero) or release (zero).
Default is 0.
XSet_Ratio REAL 1.0 External setting for Ratio, loop mode Cascade/Ratio and Ratio enabled (unitless).
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
XSet_SP REAL 0.0 External setting for SP, loop mode Auto (PVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
XSet_SPTarget REAL 0.0 External setting for SP target in ramp wizard (PVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
XSet_SPRampTime REAL 0.0 External setting for time to reach SP target in ramp wizard (second).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
XSet_CV REAL 0.0 External setting for CV, loop mode Manual (CVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
PCmd_Casc BOOL False Program command to select Cascade/Ratio loop mode. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Auto BOOL False Program command to select Auto loop mode. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Man BOOL False Program command to select Manual loop mode. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_NormLM BOOL False Program command to select loop mode defined as Normal, see Cfg_NormLM. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_SPRampStart BOOL False Program command to initiate SP ramping. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_SPRampStop BOOL False Program command to stop SP ramping. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 583

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public input member Data Default Value Description
PCmd_Oper BOOL False Program command to select Operator (Program to Operator). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Prog BOOL False Program command to select Program (Operator to Program). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Lock BOOL False Program command to lock Program (disallow Operator). The instruction clears this operand
automatically if Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
PCmd_Unlock BOOL False Program command to unlock Program (allow Operator to acquire). The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Normal BOOL False Program command to select Normal command source (Operator or Program). The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Reset BOOL False Program command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions requiring reset. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Casc BOOL False External command to select Cascade/Ratio loop mode. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_Auto BOOL False External command to select Auto loop mode. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_Man BOOL False External command to select Manual loop mode. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_NormLM BOOL False External command to select loop mode defined as Normal, see Cfg_NormLM. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_SPRampStart BOOL False External command to initiate SP ramping. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_SPRampStop BOOL False External command to stop SP ramping. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Acq BOOL False External command to acquire ownership (Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance to
External). The instruction clears this operand automatically if Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
XCmd_Rel BOOL False External command to release ownership if Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0 (External to
Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_Reset BOOL False External command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL False External command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Public output member Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable output. This output state always reflects EnableIn input state.
Val_PV REAL Value of loop PV (PVEU).
Val_Ratio REAL Value of loop Ratio (unitless).
Val_SPSet REAL Value of selected SP after clamping and before ramping (PVEU).
Val_SP REAL Value of SP being used after clamping and ramping (PVEU).
Val_SPTarget REAL Accepted setting for SP ramp target, endpoint for ramp wizard (PVEU).
Val_SPRampTime REAL Accepted setting for SP ramp time, time to reach target for ramp wizard (second).

584 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public output member Data Type Description
Val_SPRampRoC REAL Calculated value of SP rate of change for ramping, from ramp wizard (PVEU/second).
Val_SPRoCIncr REAL Current value of SP rate of change limit increasing (PVEU/second). 0.0 = rate of change not limited.
Val_SPRoCDecr REAL Current value of SP rate of change limit decreasing (PVEU/second). 0.0 = rate of change not limited.
Val_E REAL Loop error, SP-PV for reverse action Cfg_CtrlAction = 0, PV-SP for direct action Cfg_CtrlAction = 1 (PVEU).
Val_CVSet REAL Loop CV after clamping and before ramping (CVEU).
Val_CVOut REAL Loop CV after clamping and ramping (CVEU).
Val_PVPercent REAL Loop PV (percent of span).
Val_SPPercent REAL Loop SP (percent of span).
Val_EPercent REAL Loop error, SP-PV for reverse action Cfg_CtrlAction = 0, PV-SP for direct action Cfg_CtrlAction = 1 (percent
of span).
Val_CVOutPercent REAL Loop CV after ramping and clamping (percent of span).
Val_ExecTime REAL Actual PID algorithm execution period (second).
Out_Reset BOOL 1 = Reset command has been received and accepted.
Out_OwnerSts DINT Status of command source, owner command handshake and ready status:
0 = None,
.10 = Operator Lock,
.11 = Operator Unlock,
.12 = Program Lock,
.13 = Program Unlock,
.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
.15 = Release Maintenance,
.16 = Acquire External,
.17 = Release External,
.18 = Has Maintenance,
.19 = External Override Lock,
.20 = Has External,
.21 = Has Operator,
.22 = Has Operator Locked,
.23 = Has Program,
.24 = Has Program Locked,
.29 = Echo,
.30 = Not Ready.
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
SrcQ_IO SINT Source and quality of primary I/O PV quality (enumerated):
0 = Good, live, confirmed good,
1 = Good, live, assumed good,
2 = Good, no feedback, assumed good,
8 = Test, virtualized,
9 = Test, loopback,
10 = Test, manually entered,
16 = Uncertain, live, off-spec,
17 = Uncertain, substituted at device or bus,
18 = Uncertain, substituted at instruction,
19 = Uncertain, using last known good,
20 = Uncertain, using replacement value,
32 = Bad, signal failure,
33 = Bad, channel fault,
34 = Bad, module or communication fault,
35 = Bad, invalid configuration.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 585

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public output member Data Type Description
SrcQ SINT Source and quality of primary PV and CV value or status (enumerated):
0 = Good, live, confirmed good
1 = Good, live, assumed good
2 = Good, no feedback, assumed good
8 = Test, virtualized
9 = Test, loopback
10 = Test, manually entered
16 = Uncertain, live, off-spec
17 = Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18 = Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19 = Uncertain, using last known good
20 = Uncertain, using replacement value
32 = Bad, signal failure
33 = Bad, channel fault
34 = Bad, module or communication fault
35 = Bad, invalid configuration
Sts_eSts SINT Loop mode:
0 = Unknown,
1 = Manual,
2 = Auto,
3 = Cascade (no Ratio),
4 = Ratio.
Sts_eFault SINT Loop fault:
0 = none,
1 = PV uncertain,
2 = Low PV deviation,
3 = High PV deviation,
4 = Low-Low PV deviation,
5 = High-High PV deviation,
6 = PV substituted,
7 = Interlock trip,
8 = SP fail,
9 = PV fail,
10 = CV fail,
11 = Configuration error.
Sts_eState SINT Internal logic state for animating state diagram on faceplate.
0 = Manual,
1 = PV deviation in deadband,
2 = PV deviation not in deadband,
3 = SP ramping,
4 = CV ramping,
5 = Ratio clamped,
6 = SP clamped,
7 = CV clamped,
8 = Windup Lo,
9 = Windup Hi,
10 = SP held,
11 = SP set to IntlkSP,
12 = CV held,
13 = CV set to IntlkCV,
14 = Hand,
15 = Initializing.

586 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public output member Data Type Description
Sts_eNotify SINT Highest severity alarm status. All alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyAll SINT Highest severity alarm status. All alarm status enumerated values including related objects for CV, PV, SP,
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyHiHiDev SINT High-High PV deviation alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyHiDev SINT High PV deviation alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyLoDev SINT Low PV deviation alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 587

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public output member Data Type Description
Sts_eNotifyLoLoDev SINT Low-Low PV deviation alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyFail SINT Fail alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyIntlkTrip SINT Interlock trip alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_UnackAlmCount DINT Count of unacknowledged alarms.
Sts_Casc BOOL 1 = Loop is in Cascade/Ratio mode.
Sts_Auto BOOL 1 = Loop is in Auto mode.
Sts_Man BOOL 1 = Loop is in Manual mode.
Sts_NormLM BOOL 1 = Loop is in Normal loop mode configured in Cfg_NormLM.
Sts_Initializing BOOL 1 = CV is initializing because of request Inp_UseCVInitialVal or when Inp_InnerAvailable=0.
Sts_WindupHi BOOL 1 = This loop winding up High, usually connects to Inp_WindupHi of outer loop.
Sts_WindupLo BOOL 1 = This loop winding up Low, usually connects to Inp_WindupLo of outer loop.
Sts_RatioClamped BOOL 1 = Selected Ratio (PSet/OSet_Ratio or Inp_OvrdRatio) has been clamped.
Sts_IntlkSP BOOL 1 = SP value is being set by shed to Interlock SP.
Sts_SPHeld BOOL 1 = SP value is being set by shed to hold last good SP.
Sts_SPShedPV BOOL 1 = SP value is being set by shed to current PV.
Sts_SPShed BOOL 1 = SP value from Shed, 0 = SP from Program, Operator, Override (Auto), Casc SP Input (Cascade) or PV
Track (Manual).
Sts_SPTrackPV BOOL 1 = SP value is being set by PV tracking in Manual loop mode.
Sts_SPHiClamped BOOL 1 = Selected SP is being clamped at high limit.
Sts_SPLoClamped BOOL 1 = Selected SP is being clamped at low limit.
Sts_SPClamped BOOL 1 = Selected SP is being clamped, for faceplate animation.
Sts_SPRampingUp BOOL 1 = SP is ramping up toward Val_SPSet.
Sts_SPRampingDown BOOL 1 = SP is ramping down toward Val_SPSet.
Sts_SPRamping BOOL 1 = SP is ramping toward Val_SPSet, 0 = Ramp complete.
Sts_SPRampWizardInProgress BOOL 1 = SP is ramping toward SP target set by the owner in ramp wizard, 0 = Ramp complete.
Sts_SkipSPRoCLim BOOL 1 = SP rate limiting is being skipped, for faceplate animation.
Sts_DevDBAct BOOL 1 = PV deviation deadband active.
Sts_PVUncertain BOOL 1 = PV input value quality is uncertain.
Sts_PVBad BOOL 1 = PV input value, communications, quality or EU limit is bad.

588 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public output member Data Type Description
Sts_SPBad BOOL 1 = Cascade SP input value quality is bad.
Sts_FFBad BOOL 1 = Feedforward term Inp_FF value is invalid.
Sts_FFPrevBad BOOL 1 = Feedforward term Inp_FFPrev value is invalid.
Sts_CVInfNaN BOOL 1 = CV value equal to +/- infinity or NaN detected.
Sts_CVBad BOOL 1 = CV value quality is bad or invalid or CV comms fault.
Sts_CVPrevBad BOOL 1 = Inp_CVPrev value is invalid.
Sts_HandFdbkBad BOOL 1 = Hand FB (Tieback) value quality is bad or invalid or communication fault.
Sts_IntlkCV BOOL 1 = CV value is being set by shed to Interlock CV.
Sts_CVHeld BOOL 1 = CV value is being set by shed to hold last good CV.
Sts_CVShed BOOL 1 = CV from shed, 0 = CV from Program, Operator, Override (Manual), or PID (Auto, Cascade).
Sts_CVHiClamped BOOL 1 = CV is being clamped at high limit.
Sts_CVLoClamped BOOL 1 = CV is being clamped at low limit.
Sts_CVClamped BOOL 1 = Selected CV is being clamped, used in faceplate animation.
Sts_CVRampingUp BOOL 1 = CV is ramping up toward Val_CVSet.
Sts_CVRampingDown BOOL 1 = CV is ramping down toward Val_CVSet.
Sts_CVRamping BOOL 1 = CV is ramping toward Val_CVSet, 0 = Ramp complete.
Sts_Active BOOL 1 = CV is greater than Cfg_MaxInactiveCV, show graphic symbol as active.
Sts_Available BOOL 1 = PID loop can be acquired by Program and is available for control.
Sts_CascAvailable BOOL 1 = PID inner loop is available for cascade control with an outer loop. 0 = PID inner loop is not available,
initialize outer loop to Val_SP.
Sts_ExtAvailable BOOL 1 = PID is available for external control. 0 = PID is not available, initialize outer loop to Val_SP.
Sts_IntlkAvailable BOOL 1 = Interlock availability OK. Device can be acquired by program and is available for control when interlocks
are OK.
Sts_Bypass BOOL 1 = Bypassable interlocks are bypassed.
Sts_BypActive BOOL 1 = Interlock bypassing is active (bypassed or Maintenance).
Sts_NotRdy BOOL 1 = PPID is not ready, see detail bits for reason.
Sts_NrdyCfgErr BOOL 1 = PPID is not ready: Configuration error.
Sts_NrdyInit BOOL 1 = PPID is not ready while CV is initialized (Inp_UseCVInitVal = 1).
Sts_NrdyIntlk BOOL 1 = PPID is not ready: Interlock Not OK (Shed requires reset).
Sts_NrdyFail BOOL 1 = PPID is not ready: Fail status is on (Shed requires reset).
Sts_NrdyCVFail BOOL 1 = PPID is not ready: CV Fail (Shed requires reset).
Sts_NrdyPVFail BOOL 1 = PPID is not ready: PV Fail (Shed requires reset).
Sts_NrdySPFail BOOL 1 = PPID is not ready: SP Fail (Shed requires reset).
Sts_NrdyOoS BOOL 1 = PPID is not ready: Out of Service.
Sts_MaintByp BOOL 1 = Device has a Maintenance bypass function active.
Sts_NrdyInner BOOL 1 = Inner loop object is not available (Inp_InnerAvailable = 0) for this PPID.
Sts_Err BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: see detail Err bits for reason.
Sts_ErrRatioLim BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Ratio clamping limits invalid.
Cfg_RatioLoLim > Cfg_RatioHiLim.
Sts_ErrSPLim BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: SP clamping limits invalid.
Cfg_SPLoLim < Cfg_PVEUMin or
Cfg_SPHiLim > Cfg_PVEUMax or
Cfg_SPLoLim > Cfg_SPHiLim.
Sts_ErrCVLim BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: CV clamping limits invalid.
Cfg_CVLoLim < Cfg_CVEUMin or
Cfg_CVHiLim > Cfg_CVEUMax or
Cfg_CVLoLim > Cfg_CVHiLim.
Sts_ErrPVEU BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: PV scaling limits invalid. Cfg_PVEUMin >= Cfg_PVEUMax or Cfg_PVEUMin is
Sts_ErrCVEU BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: CV scaling limits invalid. Cfg_CVEUMin >= Cfg_CVEUMax or Cfg_CVEUMin is
Sts_ErrDevDB BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: PV deviation deadband invalid. Cfg_DevDBEnter > Cfg_DevDB, or Cfg_DevDB
< 0, or Cfg_DevDBEnter < 0.
Sts_ErrExecTime BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Execution time invalid, Cfg_ExecTime < 0.0 or Cfg_ExecTime > 2147483.0
Sts_ErrPGain BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: PGain invalid, Cfg_PGain < 0.
Sts_ErrIGain BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: IGain invalid, Cfg_IGain < 0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 589

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public output member Data Type Description
Sts_ErrDGain BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: DGain invalid, Cfg_DGain < 0.
Sts_ErrCVTrackGain BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: CV TrackGain invalid, Cfg_CVTrackGain < 0.
Sts_ErrPSPWeight BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: SP weight in proportional term invalid, Cfg_PSPWeight < 0 or
Cfg_PSPWeight > 1.5.
Sts_ErrDSPWeight BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: SP weight in derivative term invalid, Cfg_DSPWeight < 0 or
Cfg_DSPWeight > 1.5.
Sts_ErrSPRoCIncrLim BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Maximum allowed SP rate of change increasing value invalid,
Cfg_SPRoCIncrLim < 0.
Sts_ErrSPRoCDecrLim BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Maximum allowed SP rate of change decreasing value invalid,
Cfg_SPRoCDecrLim < 0.
Sts_ErrCVRoCIncrLim BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Maximum allowed CV rate of change increasing value invalid,
Cfg_CVRoCIncrLim < 0.
Sts_ErrCVRoCDecrLim BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Maximum allowed CV rate of change decreasing value invalid,
Cfg_CVRoCDecrLim < 0.
Sts_ErrSPIntlk BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: SP value to use with Interlock or bad value SP action invalid, value out of
scale, Cfg_SPIntlk > Cfg_PVEUMax or < Cfg_PVEUMin.
Sts_ErrCVIntlk BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: CV value to use with Interlock or bad value CV action invalid, value out of
scale, Cfg_CVIntlk > Cfg_CVEUMax or < Cfg_CVEUMin.
Sts_ErrSPPwrUp BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: SP value to use in Powerup invalid, value out of scale, Cfg_SPPwrUp >
Cfg_PVEUMax or < Cfg_PVEUMin.
Sts_ErrCVPwrUp BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: CV value to use in Powerup invalid, value out of scale, Cfg_CVIntlk >
Cfg_CVEUMax or < Cfg_CVEUMin.
Sts_ErrAlm BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: At least one Logix tag-based alarm has invalid settings.
Sts_ErrHiHiDevLim BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: High-High PV deviation threshold invalid, Cfg_HiHiDevLim < 0.
Sts_ErrHiHiDevGateDly BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Invalid High-High PV deviation gate delay timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrHiHiDevDB BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: High-High PV deviation deadband invalid, Cfg_HiHiDevDB < 0 or
Cfg_HiHiDevDB > Cfg_HiHiDevLim.
Sts_ErrHiDevLim BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: High PV deviation threshold invalid, Cfg_HiDevLim < 0.0.
Sts_ErrHiDevGateDly BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Invalid High PV deviation gate delay timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrHiDevDB BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: High PV deviation deadband invalid, Cfg_HiDevDB < 0 or Cfg_HiDevDB >
Sts_ErrLoDevLim BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Low PV deviation threshold invalid, Cfg_LoDevLim > 0.
Sts_ErrLoDevGateDly BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Invalid Low PV deviation gate delay timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrLoDevDB BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Low PV deviation deadband invalid, Cfg_LoDevDB < 0, or > -Cfg_LoDevLim.
Sts_ErrLoLoDevLim BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Low-Low PV deviation threshold invalid, Cfg_LoLoDevLim > 0.0.
Sts_ErrLoLoDevGateDly BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Invalid Low-Low PV deviation gate delay timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrLoLoDevDB BOOL 1 = Error in PPID configuration: Low-Low PV deviation deadband invalid, Cfg_LoLoDevDB < 0, or >
Sts_eSrc INT The current command source enumerated values:
0 = Logic not in use,
4 = Hand,
8 = Maintenance,
16 = Override,
32 = Program,
33 = Program locked,
34 = Program by default (Normal),
64 = Operator,
65 = Operator locked,
66 = Operator by default (Normal),
128 = Maintenance Out of Service,
129 = Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
256 = External.

590 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public output member Data Type Description
Sts_bSrc INT Active selection bitmap (for HMI totem pole with command source request selection):
Sts_bSrc.0: Hand,
Sts_bSrc.1: Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
Sts_bSrc.2: Maintenance Out of Service,
Sts_bSrc.3: Maintenance,
Sts_bSrc.4: Override,
Sts_bSrc.5: External,
Sts_bSrc.6: Program locked,
Sts_bSrc.7: Program,
Sts_bSrc.8: Operator locked,
Sts_bSrc.9: Operator.
Sts_Hand BOOL 1 = Hand is selected, supersedes OoS, Maint, Ovrd, Ext, Prog, Oper.
Sts_OoS BOOL 1 = Out of Service is selected, supersedes Maint, Ovrd, Ext, Prog, Oper.
Sts_Maint BOOL 1 = Maintenance is selected, supersedes Ovrd, Ext, Prog, Oper.
Sts_Ovrd BOOL 1 = Override is selected, supersedes Ext, Prog, Oper.
Sts_Ext BOOL 1 = External is selected, supersedes Prog, Oper.
Sts_Prog BOOL 1 = Program is selected.
Sts_ProgLocked BOOL 1 = Program is selected and locked.
Sts_Oper BOOL 1 = Operator is selected.
Sts_OperLocked BOOL 1 = Operator is selected and locked.
Sts_ProgOperSel BOOL Program/Operator selection (latch) state: 1 = Program, 0 = Operator.
Sts_ProgOperLock BOOL Program/Operator lock (latch) state: 1 = Locked, 0 = Unlocked.
Sts_Normal BOOL 1 = Owner selection equals what is configured as Normal (Prog or Oper).
Sts_ExtReqInh BOOL 1 = External request inhibited.
Sts_ProgReqInh BOOL 1 = Program request inhibited, cannot get to Program from current owner.
Sts_MAcqRcvd BOOL 1 = Maintenance acquire command received this scan.
Sts_Alm BOOL 1 = An alarm is active.
Sts_AlmInh BOOL 1 = An alarm is shelved or disabled.
Sts_HiHiDevCmp BOOL 1 = PV deviation is above High-High limit, (Val_PV-Val_SP)>Cfg_HiHiDevLim.
Sts_HiHiDevGate BOOL 1 = PV deviation High-High gate is open.
Sts_HiHiDev BOOL 1 = PV deviation is above High-High limit, (Val_PV-Val_SP)>Cfg_HiHiDevLim, for gate open.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration members
of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_HiHiDev.AlarmElement
Sts_HiDevCmp BOOL 1 = PV deviation is above High limit, (Val_PV-Val_SP)>Cfg_HiDevLim.
Sts_HiDevGate BOOL 1 = PV deviation High gate is open.
Sts_HiDev BOOL 1 = PV deviation is above High limit, (Val_PV-Val_SP)>Cfg_HiDevLim, for gate open.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration members
of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_HiDev.AlarmElement
Sts_LoDevCmp BOOL 1 = PV deviation is below Low limit, (Val_PV-Val_SP)<Cfg_LoDevLim.
Sts_LoDevGate BOOL 1 = PV deviation Low gate is open.
Sts_LoDev BOOL 1 = PV deviation (loop error) is below Low limit, (Val_PV-Val_SP)<Cfg_LoDevLim, for gate open.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration members
of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_LoDev.AlarmElement
Sts_LoLoDevCmp BOOL 1 = PV deviation is below Low-Low limit, (Val_PV-Val_SP)<Cfg_LoLoDevLim.
Sts_LoLoDevGate BOOL 1 = PV deviation Low-Low gate is open.
Sts_LoLoDev BOOL 1 = PV deviation (loop error) is below Low-Low limit, (Val_PV-Val_SP)<Cfg_LoLoDevLim, for gate open.
There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration members
of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_LoLoDev.AlarmElement
Sts_Fail BOOL 1 = Loop failure: PV bad, SP bad, CV bad or Hand feedback bad statuses are on or are latched on without
reset. There is a predefined default discrete tag-based alarm for the status. Set standard configuration
members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected]_Fail.AlarmElement

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 591

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public output member Data Type Description
Sts_IntlkTrip BOOL 1 = Interlock Not OK caused loop output to hold or change. There is a predefined default discrete tag-based
alarm for the status. Set standard configuration members of the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm
elements using this format:
[email protected]_IntlkTrip.AlarmElement
Sts_RdyReset BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset.
Sts_RdyAck BOOL 1 = An alarm is ready to be acknowledged.
XRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Casc BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Casc, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Auto BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Auto, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Man BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Man, enable HMI button.
XRdy_NormLM BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_NormLM, enable HMI button.
XRdy_SPRampStart BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_SPRampStart, enable HMI button.
XRdy_SPRampStop BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_SPRampStop, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_Reset, enable HMI button.
XRdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = Ready for XCmd_ResetAckAll, enable HMI button.
Val_Owner DINT Current object owner ID, 0 = Not owned.

Private input member Data Type Default Description

CmdSrc P_COMMAND_SOU Control or Command Source Selection.
OCmd_SPRampStart BOOL 0 Operator command to initiate SP ramping. The instruction clears this operand
Default is 0.
OCmd_SPRampStop BOOL 0 Operator command to stop SP ramping. The instruction clears this operand
Default is 0.
OSet_Ratio REAL 1.0 Operator setting for Ratio, loop mode Cascade/Ratio and Ratio enabled (unitless).
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
OSet_SP REAL 0.0 Operator setting for Setpoint, loop mode Auto (PVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
OSet_SPTarget REAL 0.0 Operator setting for Setpoint ramp target, endpoint for ramp wizard (PVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
OSet_SPRampTime REAL 0.0 Operator setting for Setpoint ramp time, time to reach target for ramp wizard (second).
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
OSet_CV REAL 0.0 Operator setting for CV, loop mode Manual (CVEU).
Valid any float.
Default is 0.0.
MCmd_Bypass BOOL 0 Maintenance command to bypass all bypassable interlocks. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is 0.
MCmd_Check BOOL 0 Maintenance command to check, not bypass, all interlocks. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is 0.
MCmd_OoS BOOL 0 Maintenance command to select Out of Service. The instruction clears this operand
Default is 0.
MCmd_IS BOOL 0 Maintenance command to select In Service. The instruction clears this operand
Default is 0.

592 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private input member Data Type Default Description
MCmd_Acq BOOL 0 Maintenance command to acquire ownership (Operator/Program/External/Override to
Maintenance). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is 0.
MCmd_Rel BOOL 0 Maintenance command to release ownership (Maintenance to
Operator/Program/External/Override). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is 0.
OCmd_Oper BOOL 0 Operator command to select Operator (Program to Operator). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is 0.
OCmd_Prog BOOL 0 Operator command to select Program (Operator to Program). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is 0.
OCmd_Lock BOOL 0 Operator command to lock Operator (disallow Program). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is 0.
OCmd_Unlock BOOL 0 Operator command to unlock or release (allow Program to acquire) ownership. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is 0.
OCmd_Normal BOOL 0 Operator command to select Normal (Operator or Program). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is 0.
OCmd_Auto BOOL 0 Operator command to select Automatic loop mode. The instruction clears this operand
Default is 0.
OCmd_Casc BOOL 0 Operator command to select Cascade/Ratio loop mode. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is 0.
OCmd_Man BOOL 0 Operator command to select Manual loop mode. The instruction clears this operand
Default is 0.
OCmd_NormLM BOOL 0 Operator command to select loop mode configured as Normal (see Cfg_NormLM). The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is 0.
OCmd_Reset BOOL 0 Operator command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is 0.
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL 0 Operator command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and latched shed conditions.
The use of OCmd_ResetAckAll is restricted to HMI. The instruction clears this operand
Default is 0.

Private output member Data Type Description

HMI_BusObjIndex HMI bus object index.
DINT Default is 0.
MRdy_Bypass BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Bypass, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Check BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Check, enable HMI button.
MRdy_OoS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_OoS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_IS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_IS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Oper BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Oper, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Prog BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Prog, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Lock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Lock, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Unlock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Unlock, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Normal BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Normal, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Auto BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Auto, enables HMI button.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 593

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private output member Data Type Description
ORdy_Casc BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Casc, enables HMI button.
ORdy_CV BOOL 1 = Ready for OSet_CV, enables data entry field.
ORdy_Man BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Man, enables HMI button.
ORdy_NormLM BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_NormLM, enables HMI button.
ORdy_Ratio BOOL 1 = Ready for OSet_Ratio, enables data entry field.
ORdy_SP BOOL 1 = Ready for OSet_SP, enables data entry field.
ORdy_SPRampStart BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_SPRampStart, enables HMI button.
ORdy_SPRampStop BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_SPRampStop, enables HMI button.
ORdy_SPTarget BOOL 1 = Ready for OSet_SPTarget, enables data entry field.
ORdy_SPRampTime BOOL 1 = Ready for OSet_SPRampTime, enables data entry field.
ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Reset, enables HMI button.
ORdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = At least one alarm or latched shed condition requires Reset or Acknowledgement.

Public InOut member Data Type Description

BusObj BUS_OBJ Bus component

Discrete tag-based alarms are defined for these members.
Member Alarm Name Description
Sts_Fail Alm_Fail Instruction Failure.
Raised when the PPID instruction reports an Instruction Fault. The Fault is reported under any of these conditions:
• Setpoint (SP) bad quality, Sts_SPBad = 1,
• Process variable (PV) bad quality, Sts_PVBad = 1,
• Control variable (CV) bad quality, Sts_CVBad = 1,
• Hand feedback (HandFdbk) bad quality, Sts_HandFdbkBad = 1.
Sts_IntlkTrip Alm_IntlkTrip Interlock Trip alarm.
Raised when non-bypassable interlocks are not OK or bypassable interlocks are not OK when not bypassed.
Sts_HiHiDev Alm_HiHiDev High-High Deviation.
Raised when the amount by which the PV exceeds the setpoint or reference is above the High-High Deviation
threshold. The threshold, deadband, gating, and timing are set in configuration.
Sts_HiDev Alm_HiDev High Deviation.
Raised when the amount by which the PV exceeds the setpoint or reference is above the High Deviation threshold.
The threshold, deadband, gating, and timing are set in configuration.
Sts_LoDev Alm_LoDev Low Deviation.
Raised when the amount by which the PV exceeds the setpoint or reference is below the Low Deviation threshold.
(Since the threshold is a negative number, this reading is the amount the PV falls below the setpoint or reference.)
The threshold, deadband, gating, and timing are set in configuration.
Sts_LoLoDev Alm_LoLoDev Low-Low Deviation.
Raised when the amount by which the PV exceeds the setpoint or reference is below the Low-Low Deviation
threshold. (Since the threshold is a negative number, this reading is the amount the PV falls below the setpoint or
reference.) The threshold, deadband, gating, and timing are set in configuration.

Mark the alarm as used or unused and set standard configuration members of
the discrete tag-based alarm. Access alarm elements using this format:
[email protected].
There are Program, Operator, and External commands that enable the Reset
and Reset & Acknowledge of all alarms of the instruction (Alarm Set) at the
same time. This diagram shows how alarm condition interact with alarm

594 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

These diagrams explain how alarm condition high-high deviation, high

deviation, low deviation, low-low deviation, interlock trip and fail are derived.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 595

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

596 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

In principle the PID core algorithm calculates CV with a formula configured
for dependent gains,

where K is controller gain [-], Ti is reset time [minutes], Td is rate time

[minutes]. Alternatively the instruction is configured for independent gains,

where KP is proportional gain [-], KI is integral gain [1/minute], and KD is

derivative gain [minutes]. Use independent gains when you want the three

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 597

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
gains for the proportional, integral and derivative terms to operate
This principle diagram illustrates additional configuration options with
derivative smoothing and weighted setpoint used in error calculations
entering proportional and derivative term, and error squared in proportional
term and CV tracking:

The following section uses exact tag names from P_PID structure. Variables
without a prefix, such as SP, PV, CVPrev, CVTrack, FF, FFPrev, and CtrlAction,
are internal variables used in calculation. Variables with prefix Inp_, Val_, of
data type REAL are in engineering units. Variables without prefix of data type
REAL are in % of span.
Ts [second] is a current period of PID algorithm execution, i.e. time elapsing
from the previous scan of the PPID instruction.
d is a one-scan delay operator. For example:

Variables entering the PID formula must be in percent of span so the PID
gains do not depend on engineering units used for PV and CV. Scaling of
these parameters is calculated as
• Val_SP,

598 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Inp_PV,
• Inp_CVPrev,
• Inp_CVTrack,
• Cfg_CVHiLim,
• Cfg_LoLim,
• Cfg_CVRoCIncrLim,
• Cfg_CVRoCDecrLim
Scaling of Inp_FF and Inp_FFPrev is calculated as
Reverse/Direct control action affects loop error sign that will be used in
further calculations:

Loop error calculations:

Velocity PID algorithm

This diagram of the velocity PID algorithm describes the CV calculation.
Additional detailed diagrams in this section describe all PPID configuration

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 599

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

600 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Calculation of derivative term:

Modified error calculation:

Ec(k) = Cfg_DSPCoef(k) * SP(k) – PV(k)

Ec(k) = Cfg_DSPCoef(k) * SP(k–1) – PV(k–1)

∆Ec (k) = Ec(k) – Ec(k–1)

= (Cfg_DSPCoef(k) * SP(k) – PV(k)) – (Cfg_DSPCoef(k) * SP(k–1) – PV(k–
∆Ec (k–1) = Ec(k–1) – Ec(k–2)
= (Cfg_DSPCoef(k) * SP(k–1) – PV(k–1)) – (Cfg_DSPCoef(k) * SP(k–2) –

Contribution of derivative term if Cfg_UseDSmooting=0, Cfg_Dependent=1

and Cfg_GainBumpless=1.

dD(k) = Cfg_PGain(k) * Cfg_DGain(k) * (∆Ec(k) – ∆Ec(k–1))

Contribution of derivative term if Cfg_UseDSmooting=0, Cfg_Dependent=1

and Cfg_GainBumpless=0.
dD(k) = Cfg_PGain(k) * Cfg_DGain(k) * ∆Ec(k) – Cfg_PGain(k–1) *
Cfg_DGain(k–1) * ∆Ec(k–1)

Contribution of derivative term if Cfg_UseDSmooting=0, Cfg_Dependent=0

and Cfg_GainBumpless=1.
dD(k) = Cfg_DGain(k) * (∆Ec(k) – ∆Ec(k–1))

Contribution of derivative term if Cfg_UseDSmooting=0, Cfg_Dependent=0
and Cfg_GainBumpless=0.
dD(k) = Cfg_DGain(k) * ∆Ec(k) – Cfg_DGain(k–1) * ∆Ec(k–1)

If derivative filter is enabled (Cfg_UseDSmooting=1), the calculation is as

DCoef parameter for dependent gains Cfg_Dependent=1.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 601

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
For independent gains Cfg_Dependent=0.

Contribution of derivative term if Cfg_UseDSmooting=1 and


Contribution of derivative term if Cfg_UseDSmooting=1 and


Feedforward term.

602 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

The windup prevention mechanism monitors the internal CV value and drives
the integral term. The windup prevention mechanism uses these rules:
• If the internal CV is above the currently applied upper limit, do not
integrate upward.
• If the internal CV is within the currently applied limits, integrate but
do not violate limits.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 603

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• If the internal CV is below the currently applied lower limit, do not
integrate downward.

604 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Position PID algorithm

The PPID instruction is configured for the position form of the PD algorithm
without bumpless transfer from Manual to Auto or Cascade if
Cfg_PositionBump = 1. This option is selected when Cfg_PositionBump = 1
and Cfg_IGain = 0 and change of proportional gain is not bumpless even if
Cfg_GainBumpless =1. This feature can also be applied to the velocity PID
algorithm to behave as it would work on error and not error change.

Deviation deadband
CV is not sensitive to loop error variation when within the band around zero
error. Configured band levels allow for additional hysteresis. Deadband level
for PV approaching SP (Cfg_DevDBEnter) may be set lower than deadband
level for PV going away from SP (Cfg_DevDB). Active deadband status
(Sts_DevDBAct) is set for PV within deadband. An option to stop CV moves or
just stop the integration while leaving proportional and derivative action live
when in deadband is provided (Cfg_UseIntegDevDB).

SP handling
The PPID instruction checks the setpoint for validity before the SP value is
provided to the PID algorithm for processing. SP fails if:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 605

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• SP clamping limits are invalid (Sts_ErrSPLim=1), or
• PV scaling limits are invalid (Sts_ErrPVEU=1), or
• The loop mode is Cascade and cascade SP is NaN or Inf, or
• Cascade is Ratio (Cfg_HasRatio=1) and ratio clamping limits are
SP value (Val_SPSet) is shed to the configured setpoint value Cfg_SPIntlk and
the status flag is set (Sts_IntlkSP=1) if:
• Interlock trips and the follow up action is to use Cfg_SPIntlk as the
setpoint value(Cfg_IntlkTripSPAction=2), or
• SP fails and the instruction is configured to follow with using
Cfg_SPIntlk as the setpoint (Cfg_SPFailSPAction=2), or
• PV fails and the instruction is configured to use Cfg_SPIntlk as the
setpoint value (Cfg_PVFailSPAction=2), or
• CV fails and the instruction is configured to use Cfg_SPIntlk as the
setpoint value (Cfg_CVFailSPAction=2).

SP value holds, shed to the current SP value and the status flag is set
(Sts_SPHeld=1), if:
• Interlock trips and the follow up action is to leave the value unchanged
(Cfg_IntlkTripSPAction=1), or
• SP fails and the instruction is configured to follow with the setpoint
not changed (Cfg_SPFailSPAction=1), or
• PV fails and the instruction is configured to follow with the setpoint
not changed (Cfg_PVFailSPAction=1), or

606 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• CV fails and the instruction is configured to follow with the setpoint
not changed (Cfg_CVFailSPAction=1) and higher shed priority is not
applied (Sts_IntlkSP=0).

SP value sets to the current PV value (Val_SPSet=Val_PV) and the status flag is
set (Sts_SPShedPV=1) if:
• Interlock trips and the follow up action is to leave the value unchanged
(Cfg_IntlkTripSPAction=3), or
• SP fails and the instruction is configured to follow with the setpoint
not changed (Cfg_SPFailSPAction=3), or
• CV fails and the instruction is configured to follow with the setpoint
not changed (Cfg_CVFailSPAction=3) and higher shed priority is not
applied (Sts_IntlkSP=0 & Sts_SPHeld=0) and PV is good

Shed conditions win over other SP selections, in Auto from Program,

Operator, Override SP, in Cascade from CascSP, in Manual from PV to track.
If SP is not from shed and SP clamping limits are valid, other sources for SP
value are checked.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 607

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
If the loop is not Cascade and Operator has SP, OSet_SP is used.

If the loop is not Cascade and Program has SP, PSet_SP is used.
If the loop is not Cascade and External has SP, XSet_SP is used.

If the loop is not Cascade and Override is selected, Inp_OvrdSP is used.

For the loop in Cascade Inp_CascSP × Val_Ratio is used. If Cascade is not
Ratio Val_Ratio=1.
The instruction is ready to receive a new SP from the operator (ORdy_SP) if:
• Tracking is not enabled (Cfg_SetTrack=0), or
• Operator has loop mode in Auto, or Operator has loop mode in Manual
and SP does not track PV in Manual (Cfg_PVTrack=0), or
• Command source is Hand in Auto, or command source is Hand in
Manual and SP does not track PV in Manual (Cfg_PVTrack=0), or
• Command source is Override and SP is not configured for tracking in
Override (Cfg_SetTrackOvrdHand=0).
SP tracks PV value (Val_PV) and sets tracking status Sts_SPTrackPV=1 if loop
mode is Manual, and instruction is configured for tracking in Manual
(Cfg_PVTrack=1), and no SP shed condition is active (Sts_SPShed=0), and PV
is not bad (Sts_PVBad=0).
SP is clamped at Cfg_SPHiLim and Cfg_SPLoLim and clamping status is set
when clamped (Sts_SPClamped=1) if SP is not held by shed (Sts_SPHeld=0),
and SP is not set to interlock SP by shed (Sts_IntlkSP=0), and SP clamping
limits are valid (Sts_ErrSPLim=0).

SP ramp wizard
SP ramp wizard allows Operator/Program/External/Override to enter the SP
target and time to reach target (ramp time) and calculate SP moves to reach
entered target in entered time when starting from current SP when the
wizard is commanded to start. Ramping characteristic is defined by the SP
ramp target (SPTarget) and SP ramp time (SPRampTime) as described below.
SP target and ramp time entry is permitted (ORdy_SPTarget=1,
ORdy_SPRampTime=1) and Val_SPTarget copied to Val_SPSet if:
• Setpoint ramp wizard is permitted (Cfg_HasSPRamp=1), and
Program/Operator/External setting is not tracked (Cfg_SetTrack=0),

608 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Operator has SP in Auto, or command source is Hand in Auto loop

SP ramping
Setpoint ramping prevents both CV spikes and bumps by eliminating sudden
setpoint changes. Although setpoint ramping can be an advantage for single
loop control or for the primary (outer) controller of a cascade configuration,
neither setpoint ramping nor proportional-on-PV should be used on the
secondary (inner) controller of a cascade loop, as that would degrade the
responsiveness of the secondary loop.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 609

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
SP ramping is skipped, SP target (Val_SPSet) is used directly for final setpoint
(Val_SP), skip status is set Sts_SkipSPRoCLim=1, and ramp reported complete
Sts_SPRamping=0 under these conditions:
• Setpoint clamping limits are invalid, Sts_ErrSPLim=1, or
• PPID is Out of Service, or
• PPID is configured to skip RoC limiting Cfg_SkipSPRoCLim=1 and the
PPID is in Interlock/Maintenance/Override, or
• SP value tracks PV value in Manual loop mode (Sts_SPTrackPV=1), or
• Current value of SP rate of change limit increasing is zero
(Val_SPRoCIncr=0) and current SP target (Val_SPSet) is above current
SP, or
• Current value of SP rate of change limit decreasing is zero
(Val_SPRoCDecr=0) and current SP target (Val_SPSet) is below current
SP ramping executes if these bullets are all true:
• not skipped (Sts_SkipSPRoCLim=0),
• the setpoint has not reached its target Val_SPSet,
• absolute value of loop deviation (|Val_E|) does not exceed configured
maximum ramp deviation, |Val_E|≤ Cfg_SPRampMaxDev.
If |Val_E|> Cfg_SPRampMaxDev, then actual RoC limits Val_SPRoCDecr and
Val_SPRoCIncr are set to zero and the SP does not change.

610 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

SP scaling
If PV scaling limits are valid (Sts_ErrPVEU=0) SP in PVEU is scaled to percent
used in PID calculation, SP =

Ratio selection and clamping

The PPID instruction is ready for the Operator to enter a Ratio if the Cascade
loop mode is Ratio (Cfg_HasRatio=1), ratio clamping limits are not invalid,
and the PPID instruction is not configured for tracking, or Operator has
Ratio, or in Hand.
If the PPID instruction allows Cascade-Ratio (Cfg_HasRatio=1) and ratio
clamping limits are not invalid, then the source for Ratio is selected based on
the command source:
• PSet_Ratio if Program has Ratio,
• OSet_Ratio if Operator has Ratio,
• XSet_Ratio if External has Ratio,
• Inp_OvrdRatio if Override is selected.
If the PPID instruction allows Cascade-Ratio (Cfg_HasRatio=1) and ratio
clamping limits are not invalid, Ratio is clamped at Cfg_RatioHiLim and
Cfg_RatioLoLim. If clamping is active Sts_RatioClamped is set.
If the loop does not have Ratio or Ratio clamping limits are invalid, the Ratio
is set to 1.0 (Val_Ratio = 1.0).

SP and Ratio tracking for bumpless transfer

Val_SPSet is copied back to all inactive SP settings to allow bumpless transfer
when the SP owner changes.

SP tracking is applied if PPID is configured for it (Cfg_SetTrack=1) and:

• Loop mode is not in Override nor Hand, or
• Loop mode is in Override or Hand and PPID is configured to track in
Override and Hand loop mode (Cfg_SetTrackOvrdHand=1), or
• Loop mode is in Cascade, or
• Loop mode is in Manual and Cfg_PVTrack=1.
This diagram shows the main steps in SP processing before the SP value
enters the PID formula for calculating CV.

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx

CV handling

CV selection in Manual
In Manual loop mode, if CV clamping limits are valid, the CV is selected from
the active source (Program/ Operator/ External/ Override). If Program has
CV, PSet_CV is selected, and so on. The PPID instruction is ready for OSet_CV
(ORdy_CV=1) under the following conditions: operator entry is not configured
for tracking in Program/Operator/External (Cfg_SetTrack=0), or command
source is Hand or Override and operator entry is not configured for tracking
in Hand or Override (Cfg_SetTrackOvrdHand=0).

CV shed
Val_CVSet holds the last good CV value and the CV value replacement status is
set (Sts_CVHeld=1) when
• Interlock trips and CV action is configured for last good CV value
(Cfg_IntlkTripCVAction=1), or
• SP fails and follow up action on CV is configured for last good CV value
(Cfg_SPFailCVAction=1) and the loop mode is Auto or Cascade or SP
did not fail in previous scan (SP fail rising edge), or
• PV fails and follow up action on CV is configured for last good CV
value (Cfg_PVFailCVAction=1) and the loop mode is Auto or Cascade or
PV did not fail in previous scan (PV fail rising edge), or
• PV substituted at PAI (Inp_PVSrcQ=18) and the loop mode is Auto or
Cascade, or
• CV fails and follow up action on CV is configured for last good CV
value (Cfg_CVFailCVAction=1) and the loop mode is Auto or Cascade or
CV did not fail in previous scan (CV fail rising edge).
For Sts_CVHeld=1 the CV is not updated.
Note: When PV, CV, or SP fails, the last good CV value stays at output, but it can be still overwritten in Manual
loop mode.

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Val_CVSet sets to Cfg_CVIntlk and the CV value replacement status is set

(Sts_IntlkCV=1) when:
• Interlock trips and CV action is configured for Cfg_CVIntlk
(Cfg_IntlkTripCVAction=2), or
• SP fails and follow up action on CV is configured for Cfg_CVIntlk
(Cfg_SPFailCVAction=2) and loop mode is Auto or Cascade or SP did
not fail in previous scan (SP fail rising edge), or
• PV fails and follow up action on CV is configured for Cfg_CVIntlk
(Cfg_PVFailCVAction=2) and loop mode is Auto or Cascade or PV did
not fail in previous scan (PV fail rising edge), or
• CV fails and follow up action on CV is configured for Cfg_CVIntlk
(Cfg_CVFailCVAction=2), and loop mode is Auto or Cascade or CV did
not fail in previous scan (CV fail rising edge), or
• PPID is out of service.

614 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Note: When PV, CV, or SP fails, the Cfg_CVIntlk value stays at output, but it can be still overwritten in
Manual loop mode.

If CV value is being set by shed, to interlock CV or hold last good CV value,


CV clamping
If CV clamping limits are valid (Sts_ErrCVLim=0) and the loop mode is not
Manual, or is Manual but the configuration is set not to skip CV clamping
(Cfg_SkipCVManLim=0), the calculated or set value of CV (CVSet) is clamped
at Cfg_CVHiLim and Cfg_CVLoLim. The corresponding status bits
(Sts_CVHiClamped, Sts_CVLoClamped, and Sts_CVClamped) are set if the CV
is clamped.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 615

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

CV rate of change limiting

If the PPID instruction is not configured to skip CV RoC limiting in Manual
(Cfg_SkipCVManRoC=0) and the loop mode is Manual and PPID is
configured for RoC limiting (Cfg_CVRoCIncrLim>0, Cfg_CVRoCDecrLim>0)
and the target value of CV is greater than
CVOut_previous+Cfg_CVRoCIncrLim*Ts (Ts is current PPID scan time), the
CVOut is calculated as CVOut= CVOut_previous+Cfg_CVRoCIncrLim*Ts. If
the target value of CV is lower than CVOut_previous-Cfg_CVRoCDecrLim*Ts
(Ts is current PPID scan time) then CVOut=
CVOut_previous-Cfg_CVRoCDecrLim*Ts. If ramping is active, status bits are
set (Sts_CVRampingUp/Sts_CVRampingDown=1, Sts_CVRamping=1). The
status bits are cleared if CVOut reaches the target. If ramping is not active the
CV target is copied to CVOut.

CV output in percent
CVOut, which is calculated in Auto/Cascade or entered from various sources
in Manual, is scaled to percent and made available as Val_CVOutPercent.
Val_CVOutPercent=0 if CV scaling limits are invalid.

This diagram shows the main steps in CV processing.

616 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 617

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Interlock handling
Maintenance commands to bypass or check bypassable interlocks are
processed. Interlock bypassing is active if requested (MCmd_Bypass=1). The
bypassing request remains active (Sts_Bypass=1) until a maintenance
command to check bypassable alarms (MCmd_Check=1) is received.
Bypassing is active (Sts_BypActive=1) if requested (Sts_Bypass=1), or in
Maintenance (Sts_Maint=1), or in Override (Sts_Ovrd) if the instruction is
configured for bypassing interlocks in Override (Cfg_OvrdIntlk). If an
Interlock is NOT OK (bypassable or not), and if any action is configured on the
Interlock, the Interlock NOT OK latch is shed.

Initialization and Powerup

The instruction must be initialized to execute properly. The instruction is
normally initialized automatically in the instruction first run (for example,
after power up). Re-initialization can be requested any time by setting
Inp_InitializeReq = 1. This operand is cleared in the instruction automatically.
For proper initialization, when adding the instruction while performing an
online edit of the code, make sure that Inp_InitializeReq = 1 (default value).
Action performed in initialization:
• Owner command set to None,
• Override command set to None,
• Maintenance commands to bypass and check interlocks are cleared,
• Operator, Program and External commands are cleared,
• latched shed faults are cleared,
• all timers are reset.
This section defines PPID actions on Loop mode, SP and CV in initialization
(Power up).
Loop mode handling in Power up Normal:
• Normal loop mode is disabled (Cfg_NormLM=0) if loop mode defined
as normal is invalid (Cfg_NormLM<0 | >3), or normal loop mode is set
Cascade but the instruction does not allow Cascade in configuration
(Cfg_HasCasc ≠ 1 & Cfg_NormLM = 3),
• Loop mode is set to Manual if loop mode for Power up (Cfg_PwrUpLM)
is Normal and normal loop mode is Manual, or loop mode for Power up
in Manual,
• Loop mode is set to Auto if normal loop mode for Power up is Normal
and normal loop mode is Auto, or loop mode for Power up in Auto,
• Loop mode is set to Cascade if normal loop mode for Power up is
Normal and normal loop mode is Cascade, or loop mode for Power up
in Cascade.
Cascade SP handling in Power up:

618 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Inp_CascSP = Cfg_SPPwrUp if loop mode in Powerup (Cfg_PwrUpLM)
is explicitly provided as Manual/ Auto/ Cascade/ Normal and the
Cascade loop mode is not Ratio, or Val_Ratio = 0,
• Inp_CascSP = Cfg_SPPwrUp × Val_Ratio if loop mode in Powerup is
explicitly provided as Manual/ Auto/ Cascade/ Normal and the Cascade
loop mode is Ratio and Val_Ratio ≠ 0.
SP handling in Power up. All SP inputs, interval SP values, and output SP
values are overwritten by SP value configured for Power up:
• Cfg_SPPwrUp → PSet_SP, OSet_SP, XSet_SP, Inp_OvrdSP,
• Cfg_SPPwrUp → PSet_SPTarget, OSet_SPTarget, XSet_SPTarget,
• Cfg_SPPwrUp → Val_SPTarget, Val_SPSet, Val_SP.

CV handling in Power up. All CV inputs, internal CV values, and output CV

values are overwritten by CV value configured for Power up:
• Cfg_CVPwrUp → PSet_CV, OSet_CV, XSet_CV, Inp_OvrdCV,

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 619

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Cfg_CVPwrUp → Val_CVSet, Val_CVOut.

When in Auto or Cascade, CV can be initialized by inner loop CV set in

Inp_CVTrack if Inp_InnerAvailable=0 and Cfg_CVPwrupSel=1. If
Cfg_CVPwrupSel=0 then Inp_InnerAvailable is ignored in first run and
Cfg_CVPwrup is used as initial CV.
If the loop mode was not zero for Power up (Cfg_PwrUpLM) and multiple loop
modes were set internally, the instruction makes sure only one loop mode is
set at a time, using this order of priority: Manual, then Auto, then Cascade. If
the Powerup loop mode is 0, the loop mode, CV, and SP are left in their last
(powerdown) states. Once initialization is complete the initialization request
is cleared and the instruction is reported initialized (Sts_Initialized = 1).

Configuration error report

Selected parameters with Cfg_ prefix and data type REAL are examined in a
validity check to prevent false actions. An error bit specific to a particular
parameter is set if the value is not valid. If an error bit is set, the global error
(Sts_Err) is reported and a Fail alarm is raised.

620 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

The PPID instruction ensures a valid number of decimal places for PV and CV
display in the HMI. Cfg_xxDecPlcs =2 if an invalid number is entered. The
PPID instruction ensures valid action on SP/PV/CV fail. Cfg_SPFailSPAction =
1, Cfg_PVFailPVAction = 1, and Cfg_CVFailCVAction = 1 for any invalid
number entered. The PPID instruction ensures valid Keep configuration on
eKeepLM, CV, Ratio and SP. Cfg_eKeepxx = 0 (follows command source) if an
invalid value is entered.

CV, SP, Ratio, Loop Mode ownership

Owned by Operator
The CV is owned by Operator if:
• The current command source is Operator (Sts_Oper=1) and the
configuration is set to follow the command source (Cfg_eKeepCV=0),
• the command source is Operator/Program/External and the
configuration keeps the CV for Operator (Cfg_eKeepCV=1),
• or the command source is Maintenance (Sts_Maint=1).
The loop mode is owned by Operator if:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 621

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• The current owner is Operator (Sts_Oper=1) and the configuration is
set to follow the command source (Cfg_eKeepLM=0), or
• the owner is Operator/Program/External and the configuration keepd
the loop mode for Operator (Cfg_eKeepLM=1), or
• the owner is Maintenance (Sts_Maint=1).
The Ratio is owned by Operator if:
• The current owner is Operator (Sts_Oper=1) and the configuration is
set to follow the command source (Cfg_eKeepRatio=0), or
• the owner is Operator/Program/External and the configuration keeps
the Ratio for Operator (Cfg_eKeepRatio=1), or
• the owner is Maintenance (Sts_Maint=1).
The SP is owned by Operator if:
• The current owner is Operator (Sts_Oper=1) and the configuration is
set to follow the command source (Cfg_eKeepSP=0), or
• the owner is Operator/Program/External and the configuration keeps
the SP for Operator (Cfg_eKeepSP=1), or
• the owner is Maintenance (Sts_Maint=1).

Owned by Program
The CV is owned by Program if:
• The current owner is Program (Sts_Prog=1) and the configuration is
set to follow the command source (Cfg_eKeepCV=0), or
• the owner is Operator/Program/External and the configuration keeps
the CV for Program (Cfg_eKeepCV=2).
The loop mode is owned by Program if:
• The current owner is Program (Sts_Prog=1) and the configuration is
set to follow the command source (Cfg_eKeepLM=0), or
• the owner is Operator/Program/External and the configuration keeps
the loop mode for Program (Cfg_eKeepLM=2).
The Ratio is owned by Program if:
• The current owner is Program (Sts_Prog=1) and the configuration is
set to follow the command source (Cfg_eKeepRatio=0), or
• the owner is Operator/Program/External and the configuration keeps
the Ratio for Program (Cfg_eKeepRatio=2).
The SP is owned by Program if:
• The current owner is Program (Sts_Prog=1) and the configuration is
set to follow the command source (Cfg_eKeepSP=0), or
• the owner is Operator/Program/External and the configuration keeps
the SP for Program (Cfg_eKeepSP=2).

622 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Owned by External
The CV is owned by External if:
• The current owner is External (Sts_Ext=1) and the configuration is set
to follow the command source (Cfg_eKeepCV=0), or
• the owner is Operator/Program/External and the configuration keeps
the CV for External (Cfg_eKeepCV=3).
The Loop mode is owned by External if:
• The current owner is External (Sts_Ext=1) and the configuration is set
to follow the command source (Cfg_eKeepLM=0), or
• the owner is Operator/Program/External and the configuration keeps
the loop mode for External (Cfg_eKeepLM=3).
The Ratio is owned by External if:
• The current owner is External (Sts_Ext=1) and the configuration is set
to follow the command source (Cfg_eKeepRatio=0), or
• the owner is Operator/Program/External and the configuration keeps
the Ratio for External (Cfg_eKeepRatio=3).
The SP is owned by External if:
• The current owner is Program (Sts_Prog=1) and the configuration is
set to follow the command source (Cfg_eKeepSP=0), or
• the owner is Operator/Program/External and the configuration keeps
the SP for External (Cfg_eKeepSP=3).

PPID statuses

PV bad status
The Process variable fails in case of invalid PV scaling limits, and the PV is
reported bad at source via Inp_PVBad input or quality index Inp_PVSrcQ. The
PV cannot be used in PID calculations if the source quality is bad. The PV is
also treated as failing if the PV is live but reported uncertain or just off-spec
and the PPID is configured for treating this situation as unacceptable
(Cfg_PVFailTrigger=1 or 2).

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 623

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

SP bad status
Setpoint fails if:
• SP clamping limits are invalid (Sts_ErrSPLim=1), or
• PV limits used in scaling are invalid (Sts_ErrPVEU=1, Max<=Min).
The failure occurs because SP is derived from PV if the loop mode is Ratio, or
ratio clamping limits are invalid when the loop mode is Ratio
(Sts_ErrRatioLim=1 & Cfg_HasRatio=1 & loop mode is Cascade).

CV bad status
CV is bad if:
• Inp_CVIOFault=1, or
• CV clamping limits are invalid (Sts_ErrCVLim=1), or
• CV scaling limits are invalid (Sts_ErrCVEU=1),or

624 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Hand feedback is bad and the PPID is in Hand mode.

Loop failure status

Loop failure (Sts_Fail) is set if SP, PV, or CV fails and failure shed is latched. If
Sts_Fail is set the loop cannot operate normally.

Windup status
Windup status High (Sts_WindupHi) is set if:
• Selected SP is clamped at high limit (Sts_SPHiClamped=1), or
• CV is clamped at high limit (Sts_CVHiClamped=1) if the PPID is
configured for reverse control action (Cfg_CtrlAction=0), or
• CV is clamped at low limit (Sts_CVLoClamped=1) if the PPID is
configured for direct control action (Cfg_CtrlAction=1).

Windup status Low (Sts_WindupLo) is set if:

• Selected SP is clamped at low limit (Sts_SPLoClamped=1), or
• CV is clamped at low limit (Sts_CVLoClamped=1) if the PPID is
configured for reverse control action (Cfg_CtrlAction=0), or

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 625

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• CV is clamped at high limit (Sts_CVHiClamped=1) if the PPID is
configured for direct control action (Cfg_CtrlAction=1).

Active status
Status CV active (Sts_Active) is set if Val_CVOut is greater than
Cfg_MaxInactiveCV. The HMI graphic symbol, for example, valve open, is
shown for Sts_Active=1, and the inactive HMI graphic symbol, for example,
valve closed, is shown when Sts_Active=0.

Not ready status

The PPID instruction is not ready (Sts_NotRdy=1) under these conditions:
• PPID is out of service (Sts_NrdyOoS=1), or
• PPID goes to Manual loop mode when initialized and Inp_CVInitialVal
is used to initialize CV (Sts_NrdyInit=1), or
• PPID configuration error (Sts_NRdyCfgErr=1), or Interlock not
OK (Sts_NrdyIntlk=1), or
• Inner object to this PPID, typically PID of the secondary loop, is not
available (Inp_InnerAvailable=0) for Auto or Cascade mode of the
PPID (Sts_Auto=1 | Sts_Casc=1), or
• Loop fails (Sts_Fail=1) because of PV/SP/CV bad value or
communication failure, or Hand feedback value is invalid.

626 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Available statuses
The PPID instruction is available (Sts_Available=1) to other objects when in
Program mode, not in the first scan, and generally ready for control.
Inner loop is available for cascade control (Sts_CascAvailable=1) when in
Cascade mode, not in the first scan, and generally ready for control.
Inner loop is available for external control (Sts_ExtAvailable=1) when in
External mode, not in the first scan, and generally ready for control.
This diagram shows the conditions required for the instruction to be generally
ready for control.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 627

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Configuration of strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates, as seen in FactoryTalk View, and for the
Logix Designer configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended
properties of tag items. Configure strings in the Logix Designer application
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• Path to an object with more information
• Path to an object providing Cascade SP
• Path to an object providing PV
• Path to an object consuming CV
• PV/SP engineering units
• CV engineering units

Command source
The instruction uses these command sources. The command sources are
prioritized in order from highest to lowest in this table.
Command source Description
Hand Hardwired logic or other logic outside the instruction owns control of the device. The instruction tracks the state of the device for
bumpless transfer back to one of the other command sources.
While in Hand mode the PID algorithm does not compute the change in CV.
Val_CVOut = Inp_HandFdbk (Inp_Tieback), regardless of the control mode. Hand mode is typically used to indicate that control of the
final control element was taken over by a field hand/auto station.
Set Inp_Hand to request hand mode. This value is usually read as a digital input from a hand/auto station.
(Highest Priority command source)
Out-of-Service The instruction is disabled and has no owner.
Maintenance Maintenance owns control of the device and supersedes Operator, Program, External and Override control. Operator commands and
settings from the HMI are accepted. Bypassable interlocks are bypassed, and device timeout checks are not processed.
Override Priority logic owns control of the device and supersedes Operator, Program and External control. Override Input (Inp_OvrdCmd) is
accepted. If so configured, bypassable interlocks are bypassed.
External External logic owns control of the device. External commands (XCmd_) are accepted.
Program locked Program logic owns control of the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted. Operator cannot take from Program. Override
cannot take from Program unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Program Program logic owns control of the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted.
Operator locked The Operator owns control of the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted. Program cannot take from
Operator. Override cannot take from Operator unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Operator The Operator owns control of the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted.
(Lowest Priority command source)

The instruction enables or disables these operations:

• Maintenance Out-of-Service exists
• Maintenance exists
• External exists
• Program (unlocked) exists

628 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Program locked exists
• Operator (unlocked) exists
• Operator locked exists
• PCmd_Lock used as a Level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock)
• XCmd_Acq used as a Level (1 = Acquire External, 0 = Release External)
The instruction checks for invalid configurations of control and forces the
nearest valid configuration.
The core control model arbitrates the source of the commands and
parameters that the receiving function accepts. The core control model
determines if the source is:
• A programmatic entity which resides entirely within the processing
environment, or
• An external interface entity which issues commands and parameters
external and asynchronously to the processing environment.
Locking a control source prevents the other control source from acquiring

Core command source model

The core command source model consists of these control sources:
• Oper
• OperLocked
• Prog
• ProgLocked
The control model defaults to this configuration. Other control sources may
be present in the model but act as overriding control sources, acting
independent of the base Operator/Program state machine.

Enabling control sources in configuration

The individual control sources may be enabled or disabled by the user. The
default configuration uses the entire base model; upon power-up of the
processing environment the control source will be the designated default.
Some combinations of enabled control sources are disallowed as they are
either unnecessary or could create unintended changes.

Ownership default and priority

Configuration allows a user to specify whether Operator or Program will be
the power-up default and specify whether Operator or Program commands
will win when simultaneously asserted.

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Automatic reset of commands

All commands are treated as one-shot-latched. This means that all commands
are automatically cleared when the instruction executes and processes them.

Changing destination states

Under certain configurations the destination command source for some
commands may change. This is in keeping with the intent of the command.
For example, if the Prog is disabled, the destination of the OCmd_Prog
command is directed to the ProgLocked state instead of the Prog state. This
maintains the intent of the OCmd_Prog command: the operator entity wishes
to place the function in control of the program. If the command was
eliminated then there would be no way to accomplish this. This is only done in
configurations where it would cause no conflict or race condition, but serves
to preserve as much user functionality as is practical.

Higher priority command sources

These higher priority command sources operate independently within the
model: External, Override, Maintenance, Out-of-Service, In-Service, and

Command source processing and ownership arbitration

Maintenance and operator commands (MCmd_OoS, MCmd_IS, MCmd_Acq,
MCmd_Rel, OCmd_Oper, OCmd_Prog, Ocmd_Lock, OCmd_Unlock,
OCmd_Normal) are forwarded to the contained PCmdSrc instruction.
Maintenance and ready bits (MRdy_OoS, MRdy_IS, MRdy_Acq, MRdy_Rel,
ORdy_Oper, ORdy_Prog, ORdy_Lock, ORdy_Unlock, ORdy_Normal) are
copied from the contained PCmdSrc instruction in response.
The instruction sets ownership (Val_Owner) according to the order in which
requests are received. If the requestor supplies a non-zero owner ID
(PSet_Owner) and the current owner is none (Val_Owner = 0), the instruction
assigns ownership to the requesting ID.

Monitor the PPID Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

630 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.

The PID algorithm is only scanned at the configured execution rate
Cfg_ExecTime. Configuring the instruction for execution period = 0.0
(default) or for a period shorter than the instruction scan time has no effect
and the PID algorithm executes every scan. For the real execution period
check Val_ExecTime.

Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Sts_eSrc is set to 0. Sts_bSrc is set to 0.
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared each execution are cleared and
The Program/Operator selection is set based on the configuration
The Program or Operator lock selection is set to unlocked.
Loop mode is set according to configuration (Cfg_PwrUpLM). Initial value pf SP
and CV are set according to Cfg_SPPwrUp and Cfg_CVPwrUp and selected loop
mode. If Cfg_PwrUpLM=0 (no change), SP and CV initial values are equal to
values from last scan (e.g. before power down).
PSet_Owner and Sts_Owner are set to 0.
Rung-condition-in is false The instruction is put Out of Service if Inp_Hand=0. The output is de-energized.
All alarms are cleared.
Command source selection processing proceeds as normal except that all
ownership status bits (Sts_Maint, Sts_Ovrd, Sts_Ext, Sts_Prog and Sts_Oper) are
cleared to 0. When rung-condition-in becomes true, the instruction takes into
account the commands received and sets the active command source
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false See Rung-condition-in is false in the Ladder Diagram table.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 631

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
EnableIn is true See Rung-condition-in is true in the Ladder Diagram table.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See Rung-condition-in is true in the Ladder Diagram table.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.


Example 1: PID feedback control

This example demonstrates wiring analog input and analog output
instructions with a PPID instruction.
Pressure system tank level control is considered as an example of wiring
analog input and analog output instruction(s) with a PPID instruction.
Consider a section of water distribution system with a station pumping water
from a collector tank to a tank maintaining system pressure at distribution
nodes. Due to demand variation water level fluctuates so the system pressure
varies. The PPID instruction helps stabilize the pressure by measuring and
processing the water level as a process variable. PPID calculates the reference
speed for a motor driving a pump to compensate for demand variations. The
actual motor rpm is measured and fed back to the controller. This feedback
enables the control scheme to read the actual motor speed when the service
personnel takes over the control and manipulates with pump directly from the
control panel (motor is in Hand). Components of the PID loop should track
the actual rpm and be ready to take over control without any bump.
Analog input module provides level in raw units and fault signals processed by
the PAI instruction (LI_30). Level in engineering units (LI_30.Val), level signal
quality (LI_30.SrcQ) and alarm notification (LI_30.Sts_eNotifyAll) are wired to
corresponding inputs of a PPID (LIC_31.Inp_PV, LIC_31.Inp_PVSrcQ,
LIC_31.Inp_PVNotify). PPID is configured so the proper response occurs
when the level signal is not reliable and should not enter PID formula for CV
calculation. Set Cfg_PVFailTrigger to properly classify PV source quality. Use
Cfg_PVFailSPAction, Cfg_PVFailCVAction, and Cfg_PVFailLMAction to

632 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
specify the setpoint value, the value of the control variable, and the loop mode
the PPID instruction uses if the PV source quality is reported as bad.
The PPID instruction should receive a signal indicating whether the
downstream object driven by the PPID (the analog output instruction SZ_31
driving a motor) is active and is responding properly to the PPID instruction
CV. In other words, the PPID instruction should receive a signal if the control
loop is not open.
If the CV output of SZ_31 saturates (SZ_31.Sts_WindupHi=1 or
SZ_31.Sts_WindupLo=1), the PPID instruction is out of control. To prevent
windup, SZ_31.Sts_WindupHi and SZ_31.Sts_WindupLo are wired to
LIC_31.Inp_WindupHi and LIC_31.Inp_WindupLo.
If the pump motor, the device driven by SZ_31, is in failure (M31_Fail=1), the
loop is also open and both SZ_31 and LIC_31 should follow the actual device
status to avoid any bump when put back in control. Actual motor rpm is
measured, the rpm raw signal is scaled to engineering units by analog input
instruction SI_31, and scaled value of rpm (SI_31.Val) is wired as a feedback
signal to SZ_31.Inp_PosFdbk.
If service personnel have the pump motor in hand mode (M31_Hand=1), actual
speed is provided separately in the M31_Fdbk tag, wired to
Device status is collected in analog output instruction SZ_31 and
communicated upstream to the PPID instruction. The PPID instruction
should be informed that the control loop is open somewhere downstream and
thus the SZ_31 is not available for LIC_31. Wire SZ_31.Sts_Available to
LIC_31.Inp_InnerAvailable to pass the information to the PPID. Actual speed
reference should be provided to PPID for tracking purposes when control loop
opens. Wire SZ_31.Val_CVOut to LIC_31.Inp_CVTrack. Other downstream
problems like communication or device fault should also be fed back to the
PPID so the instruction takes a configured action in response. Merge
SZ_31.Sts_IOFault with SZ_31.Sts_DeviceFault, wire the result to
LIC_31.Inp_CVIOFault and use LIC_31.Cfg_CVFailSPAction and
LIC_31.Cfg_CVFailCVAction to configure the PPID for the follow up action.
Finally update the alarm notification for the PPID and propagate the highest
severity notification from SZ_31 upstream. Wire SZ_31.Sts_eNotifyAll to

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 633

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

The example is shown in all three language editors.

634 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Ladder Diagram

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx

636 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
LI_30.Inp_PVData := LI_30_raw;

638 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
LI_30.Inp_ModFault := LevelAnalogModuleFault;

LI_30.Inp_OutOfSpec := LevelOutOfSpec;

LIC_31.Inp_PV := LI_30.Val;

LIC_31.Inp_CVTrack := SZ_31.Val_CVOut;
LIC_31.Inp_PVSrcQ := LIC_31.Inp_PVSrcQ;

LIC_31.Inp_PVNotify := LI_30.Sts_eNotifyAll;
LIC_31.Inp_CVNotify := SZ_31.Sts_eNotifyAll;
LIC_31.PSet_SP := LIC_31_SP;
LIC_31.Inp_WindupHi := SZ_31.Sts_WindupHi;

LIC_31.Inp_WindupLo := SZ_31.Sts_WindupLo;
LIC_31.Inp_CVIOFault := SZ_31.Sts_IOFault OR SZ_31.Sts_DeviceFault;
SI_31.Inp_PVData := SI_31_raw;

SZ_31.PSet_CV := LIC_31.Val_CVOut;
SZ_31.Inp_PosFdbk := SI_31.Val;

SZ_31.Inp_HandFdbk := M31_Fdbk;
SZ_31.Inp_DeviceFault := M31_Fail;

SZ_31.Inp_Hand := M31_Hand;

SZ_31_raw := SZ_31.Out_CVData;

Example 2: Cascade control

Cascade control is useful when externally-caused upsets to the controlled
variable occur often, which then cause upsets to the process variable you are
trying to control. For example, try to control the temperature of liquid in a
tank by varying the amount of steam fed into a heating jacket around the
tank. If the steam flow suddenly drops because of an upstream process, the
temperature of the liquid in the tank eventually drops and the PPID
instruction then opens the steam valve to compensate for the drop in

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx

In this example, a cascaded loop provides better control by opening the steam
valve when the steam flow drops before the liquid temperature in the tank
drops. To implement a cascaded loop, use a PPID instruction to control the
steam valve opening based on a process variable signal from a steam flow
transmitter. This is the inner loop of the cascaded pair. A second PPID
instruction (called the outer or primary loop) uses the liquid temperature as a
process variable and sends its CV output into the setpoint of the inner loop. In
this manner, the outer temperature loop asks for a certain amount of steam
flow from the inner steam flow loop. The steam flow loop is then responsible
for providing the amount of steam requested by the temperature loop in order
to maintain a constant liquid temperature.
For a cascaded pair of loops to work correctly, the inner loop must have a
faster process response than the primary loop. This is because the inner loop’s
process must be able to compensate for any upsets before these upsets affect
the outer loop’s process. In this example, if steam flow drops, the steam flow
must be able to increase as a result of the inner controller’s action before the
liquid temperature is affected.
To set up a pair of cascaded PPID instructions, set the Cfg_HasCasc input
parameter in the inner loop. This allows the inner loop to be placed into
Cascade/Ratio mode. Next, wire the Val_CVOut from the outer loop into the
Inp_CascSP parameter on the inner loop. The Inp_CascSP value is used as the
SP on the inner loop when the inner loop is placed into Cascade/Ratio mode.
The engineering unit range of the Val_CVOut on the outer loop should match
the engineering unit range of the PV on the inner loop. This lets the outer loop
scale its 0-100% value of CV into the matching engineering units used for the
setpoint on the inner loop.
The PPID instruction has several other features to more effectively support
cascade control. Wire the Sts_CascAvailable output on the inner loop PPID
into the Inp_InnerAvailable input on the outer loop PPID and wire the Val_SP
output of the inner into the Inp_CVTrack input on the outer. This sets the
Val_CVOut value of the outer loop to track the SP of the inner loop when the
inner loop is not in Cascade/Ratio mode. This allows a bumpless transfer

640 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
when you place the inner loop back into Cascade/Ratio mode. Also, wire the
Sts_WindupHi and Sts_WindupLo outputs on the inner loop into the
Inp_WindupHi and Inp_WindupLo inputs on the outer loop. This causes the
outer loop to stop increasing or decreasing, as appropriate, its Val_CVOut
value if the inner loop hits a SP limit or CV limit and eliminates any windup
on the outer loop if these conditions occur.
The example is shown in FBD in two versions, with minimum wiring and
extended wiring. The extended wiring shows passing alarm notification
between outer and inner PID and makes signal quality input pins visible for
immediate use in the application.

Function Block Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 641

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Example 3: Ratio control

Ratio control is typically used to add a fluid in a set proportion to another
fluid. For example, if you want to add two reactants (say A and B) to a tank in a
constant ratio, and the flow rate of reactant A may change over time because
of some upstream process upsets, you can use a ratio controller to
automatically adjust the rate of reactant B addition. In this example, reactant
A is often called the uncontrolled or wild flow since it is not controlled by the
PPID instruction. The flow of reactant B is then called the controlled flow.

642 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

To perform ratio control with a PPID instruction, set the Cfg_HasCasc and
Cfg_HasRatio input parameters. Wire the uncontrolled flow into the
Inp_CascSP input parameter. When in Cascade/Ratio mode, the uncontrolled
flow is multiplied by either the OSet_Ratio, when in Operator control, or the
PSet_Ratio, when in Program control, and the resulting value is used by the
PPID instruction as the setpoint.
The example is shown in FBD.

Function Block Diagram

Example 4: Feedforward control

Feedforward control is a disturbance rejection strategy to deal with load
change. Rather than rely on feedback to make corrective changes to a process
only after some load change has driven the process variable away from
setpoint, control schemes with feedforward monitor the relevant load(s) and
use that information to preemptively make stabilizing changes to the final
control element such that the process variable will not be affected.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 643

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Consider a control system manipulating steam flow to the heat exchanger to
maintain the discharge temperature of the oil at a constant setpoint value.
The outlet temperature will suffer temporary deviations from setpoint if load
conditions change. The feedback control system may be able to eventually
bring the exiting oil’s temperature back to setpoint, but it cannot begin
corrective action until after a load has driven the oil temperature off setpoint.
To improve control, build feedforward action and feedback action into the
design. The feedforward action allows the control system to take corrective
action in response to load changes before the process variable is affected.
In this example, the dominant load in the system is oil flow rate, caused by
changes in demand at the combustion furnace where the oil is being used as
fuel. Adapting this control system to include feedforward requires installing
an oil flow transmitter and a gain/bias function providing feedforward action
to the PID controller maintaining temperature. With feedforward control
action in place, the steam flow rate immediately changes with oil flow rate,
preemptively compensating for the increased or decreased heat demand of
the oil. The time constant of the process with regard to steam flow changes is
greater than the time constant of the process with regard to oil flow changes.
Oil flow is a wild variable. The feedforward control system can only
manipulate the steam valve position in response to oil flow. The best method
to help control it is to speed up the time constant of the steam flow variable,
which the system can influence. The solution is to wire the output of the
user-specified lead function FY_32 to Inp_FF of the PPID.

Now, when the oil flow rate to this heat exchanger suddenly increases, the
lead function will add a surge to the feedforward signal, quickly opening the
steam valve and sending a surge of steam to the exchanger to help overcome
the naturally sluggish response of the oil temperature to changes in steam
flow. The feedforward action won’t be perfect with this lead function added,
but it will be substantially better than if there was no dynamic compensation
added to the feedforward signal.
The example is shown in FBD.

644 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Example 5: Split-range control

Split-range control allows using a single PID Control Variable to drive more
than one final control element. An application example is shown in the
following figure.

At CV=0 (Val_CVOut=0), both valves are closed. When the CV is positive, the
pressurizing valve is open and the vent valve is kept closed. If the PPID
instruction is configured with CV scaling limits Cfg_CVEUMax=100 and
Cfg_CVEUMin=-100, then at CV=100 the pressurizing valve is wide open.
When the CV is negative, the vent valve is open and the pressurizing valve is

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Chapter 2 PlantPAx
closed. At CV=-100, vent is wide open. CV splitting is done with the Process
Analog Fanout (PFO) instruction.
Configure PPID with Cfg_CVEUMin=-100, Cfg_CVEUMax=100 and PFO with
Cfg_CVEUMin=-100, Cfg_CVEUMax=100, Cfg_CV1Ratio=1, Cfg_CV1Offset=0,
Cfg_CV1HiLim=100, Cfg_CV1LoLim=0, Cfg_CV2Ratio=-1, Cfg_CV2Offset=0,
Cfg_CV2HiLim=100, Cfg_CV2LoLim=0.
The PPID instruction must receive an indication whether its downstream
object can be controlled. If the downstream object is not ready for the PPID
instruction, the instruction should track what the downstream block defines
for the situation. Wire the negation of the initialization request
(Out_CVInitializeReq) received by the PFO instruction from its downstream
object to Inp_InnerAvailable of the PPID instruction. In addition, wire the
PFO instruction’s Out_CVInitializationVal to Inp_CVTrack of the PPID
instruction. The PPID instruction will track this value when the downstream
block is not ready for PPID control. The PPID instruction goes back to control
without any bump if the downstream object becomes available again.
The example is shown in FBD.

646 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Example 6: Override-select control

Consider the oil pipeline pump station in the figure below. In this example,
the system measures suction pressure (41) and discharges pressure (73) and
motor current (60). To control discharge pressure, use the variable-speed
drive on the pump. The challenge is that if the suction pressure goes low, the
pump cavitates. If the motor current goes too high, the drive trips and
pressure upset is sent down the line. Both constraints act in the same
direction. If the suction pressure goes low, the pump needs to slow down until
it recovers. If the motor current goes high, slowing down the pump reduces
the power, and so reduces the motor current.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 647

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

The Primary loop is the station discharge pressure. Suction pressure and
motor current are Override loops. The low-select picks the lowest CV to send
to the drive speed reference. Suction pressure and motor current loops’
setpoints are set to the constraint threshold (where to start acting). When a
constraint is approached, that loop’s error gets small, its output drops, and it
is selected. The selected CV is fed back to all three loops. The control scheme
takes the advantage of using Inp_CVTrack for tracking final CV.

Recommended setting of the tracking parameter:

• Dependent gains (Cfg_Dependent = 1). Set Cfg_CVTrackGain =
• Independent gains (Cfg_Dependent = 0). Set Cfg_CVTrackGain =
This setting leads to a steady state difference between selected (active) CV and
unselected (tracking) CV equal to Cfg_PGain x Error which keeps proper
leeway for the selected controller to control without unnecessarily frequent
switching to another controller.
The example is shown in FBD.

648 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 649

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Example 7: PID gain scheduling

Consider the oil pipeline pump station in the figure below. In this example,
the system measures suction pressure (41) and discharges pressure (73) and
motor current (60). To control discharge pressure, use the variable-speed
drive on the pump. The challenge is that if the suction pressure goes low, the
pump cavitates. If the motor current goes too high, the drive trips and
pressure upset is sent down the line. Both constraints act in the same
direction. If the suction pressure goes low, the pump needs to slow down until
it recovers. If the motor current goes high, slowing down the pump reduces
the power, and so reduces the motor current.
In this example the gain scheduling technique is used to compensate for
changes in process dynamics on-the-fly. Standard temperature controller
TIC_41 reads outlet temperature TT_41 (PV) and calculates reference for steam
flow control loop (CV) to keep product temperature at the setpoint. PPID is
configured with dependent gains (TIC_41.Cfg_Dependent=1) and the overall
gain TIC_41.Cfg_PGain changes with product flow FT_40. Formula for PGain
calculation is application specific. In this example PGain is calculated in
PIDGainScheduler AOI as a linear function of product flowrate with bias.

The example is shown in FBD.

650 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

See also
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Structured Text Syntax on page 993
Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030
Data Conversions on page 1022

Process This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

Pressure/Temperature The Pressure/Temperature Compensated Flow (PPTC) instruction calculates a

Compensated Flow (PPTC) flow at standard temperature and pressure, essentially a mass flow rate, given
a volumetric flow rate or differential pressure measurement. This instruction
requires measurements of the actual temperature and pressure of the flowing

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 651

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_PRESS_TEMP_COMPENSATE tag Data structure required for proper operation of the instruction.

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. Ladder Diagram: Corresponds to the rung-condition-in.
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction first
run. Use this request when reinitialization is needed. The instruction clears this operand
Default is true.
Inp_TAct REAL Actual (measured) temperature, can be absolute or common units. Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_PAct REAL Actual (measured) pressure, can be absolute or common units. Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_DPAct REAL Actual (measured) differential pressure. Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_FAct REAL Actual (measured) uncompensated flow in volumetric units. Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.

652 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Cfg_LoFlowCutoff REAL If Out_Flow is less than this cutoff value, it is shown as 0.0. Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_TStd REAL Standard temperature in Inp_TAct units. Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_PStd REAL Standard pressure in Inp_PAct units. Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_TOffset REAL Zero input-units temperature in absolute units. Typically 273.15 Kelvins or 459.67 Rankine. Valid
= 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 273.15.
Cfg_POffset REAL Zero input-units pressure in absolute units. Typically 14.696 PSIA. Valid = 0.0 to maximum
positive float.
Default is 14.696.
Cfg_DPRef REAL Reference (full-scale) differential pressure. Common value 100.0 inches WC. Valid = 0.0 to
maximum positive float.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_FRef REAL Reference flow in volumetric units at reference dp. Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Default is 1.0.
Cfg_UseDP BOOL 1 = Use Inp_DPAct (square root curve) to calculate flow. 0 = use Inp_FAct (linear).
Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable Output. This output state always reflects EnableIn input state.
Out_Flow REAL Compensated flow (at standard temperature and pressure: mass flow).
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
Sts_Err BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: See detail bits (Sts_Errxxx) for reason.
Sts_ErrTStd BOOL 1 = Invalid standard temperature (Cfg_TStd + Cfg_TOffset must be > 0.0).
Sts_ErrPStd BOOL 1 = Invalid standard pressure (Cfg_PStd + Cfg_PStd must be > 0.0).
Sts_ErrDPRef BOOL 1 = Invalid reference differential pressure (must be > 0.0 if DP used).
Sts_ErrFRef BOOL 1 = Invalid reference flow (at reference DP) (must be > 0.0).

The PPTC instruction is intended as a calculation function only, between
other blocks. If a faceplate or alarms are needed, the calculated output from
the instruction can be sent to a PAI (analog input) instruction for alarming
and display.
The PPTC instruction:
• Takes as its primary input either a volumetric flow rate or a differential
pressure across a flow element, such as an orifice plate or pitot tube.
When a differential pressure is used, the PPTC instruction allows
configuration of the volumetric flow rate for a given differential
• Accepts a temperature in common units (Fahrenheit or Celsius
degrees) or in absolute units (Rankine degrees or Kelvins).
• Accepts a pressure in common units (PSIG, kPa Gauge, or MPa Gauge)
or in absolute units (PSIA, kPa Absolute, MPa Absolute).
• Has user-configurable standard conditions, such as 14.696 PSIA and 60
°F, or 101.325 kPa and 0 °C.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 653

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Determines flow at the specified standard conditions by using the
Ideal Gas Law (PV = nRT) to adjust from the given temperature and
pressure to the standard temperature and pressure.

Virtualization is not applicable to the PPTC instruction.

The instruction is normally initialized in the instruction first run.
Re-initialization can be requested any time by setting Inp_InitializeReq = 1.
For proper initialization, when adding the instruction while performing an
online edit of the code, make sure that Inp_InitializeReq = 1, the default value.

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FT View) and for the Logix Designer
configuration dialog box.
• Description – Description of PPTC tag
• Label for graphic symbol – Label metadata of PPTC tag
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up – Library metadata of PPTC
• Instruction name – Instruction metadata of PPTC tag
• Area name – Area metadata of PPTC tag
• URL link – URL metadata of PPTC tag
• Actual differential pressure units – Engineering Unit metadata of
• Actual uncompensated flow in volumetric units – Engineering Unit
metadata of .Inp_FAct
• Actual pressure, can be abs or common units – Engineering Unit
metadata of .Inp_PAct
• Actual temperature, can be abs. or common units – Engineering Unit
metadata of .Inp_TAct
• Compensated flow (at standard temperature and pressure: mass Flow)
units – Engineering Unit metadata of .Out_Flow

Monitor the PPTC Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

654 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Instruction first run The instruction executes normally.
Rung-condition-in is false Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

In this example, the PPTC instruction to determine the flow rate of
compressed nitrogen at a standard pressure and flow. This can provide a

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 655

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
more accurate measurement for custody transfer or control calculations
where there is variability in environmental conditions and the flow
transmitter is not capable of performing the compensation.
In this case, the PPTC instruction measures flow from a dp-transmitter. The
transmitter provides the controller with a value that has been scaled to
volumetric flow but not compensated for environmental temperature and
pressure. We also have temperature and pressure measurements from where
the flow is measured. In this example, the desired standard pressure and flow
is 0 psig and 15 °C.

Ladder Diagram

656 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 657

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text





658 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Restart Inhibit This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

(PRI) Use the Process Restart Inhibit instruction for Large Motor (PRI) instruction
to prevent large motors from starting repeatedly. The high starting current
for a large motor causes heating. Continual starts or start attempts in a short
period overheat the motor windings and damage the motor.
The PRI instruction provides a rule-based state model for restarts. Do not use
the instruction to model or monitor heating and replace sensor-based motor
monitoring devices. Use the instruction to avoid overstressing a motor.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PRI (PRI tag);

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 659

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if one of the Cold or Hot timers are set to 0.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_RESTART_INHIBIT tag PRI structure

Public members are standard (visible) Tag members that are
programmatically accessible. Private (hidden) members are used in HMI
faceplates and are not programmatically accessible. Private members are
listed in separate tables after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Enable Input - System Defined Parameter
EnableIn BOOL Default is true.
Equipment is confirmed Stopped
Inp_Stopped BOOL Default is false.
Equipment is Starting, indicating a start attempt
Inp_Starting BOOL Default is false.
Equipment is confirmed Running
Inp_Running BOOL Default is true.
Time within which three starts are allowed if cold (hr)
Cfg_ThreeColdStarts REAL Default is 0.0.
Time for cold motor to wait after 1st start failure before ready to start (hr)
Cfg_FirstFailCold REAL Default is 0.0.
Time for cold motor to wait after 2nd and subsequent start failure before ready (hr)
Cfg_SubseqFailCold REAL Default is 0.2.
Time for hot motor to wait after 1st start failure before ready to start (hr)
Cfg_FirstFailHot REAL Default is 0.0.
Time for hot motor to wait after 2nd and subsequent start failure before ready (hr)
Cfg_SubseqFailHot REAL Default is 0.2.
Time for hot motor to run so it can immediately restart after stop (hr)
Cfg_HotRestartOK REAL Default is 0.0.
Time for hot motor to wait after stop if stopped before Hot Restart OK time (hr)
Cfg_RestartHot REAL Default is 0.0.
Time for a stopped hot motor to become cold (hr)
Cfg_HotToCold REAL Default is 0.7.
1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction first
run. Use this request when reinitialization is needed. The instruction clears this operand
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL Default is true.

Public Output Members Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable Output - System Defined Parameter
Val_MinToReady DINT Minutes yet inhibited before ready to start (mmm:ss)
Val_SecToReady DINT Seconds yet inhibited before ready to start (mmm:ss)
Sts_bFdbk SINT Device Feedback 0 =None/Multiple, 1 = Stopped, 2 = Starting, 3 = Running
Sts_State SINT State Number (see State Diagram in docs) for HMI
Sts_Ready BOOL Permissive for unit to start 1 = ready, 0 = not ready
Sts_Err BOOL 1 = Error in Config: Invalid Time (use 0.0 to 2147483)

660 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.

The PRI instruction provides these capabilities:
• Provides a rule-based state model for restarts and is not intended to
model or monitor the motor heating.
• Display of the time before ready state; the time is displayed in minutes
and seconds and is configurable. The ready state is also displayed
independently of the time.
• Ready status is determent by the cold ready to start time (First start)
and the hot ready to start time.
• The cold ready to start time will be determent by the cold first fail time
and the cold subsequent fail time.
• The hot ready to start time will be determent by the hot first fail time,
the cold subsequent fail time and the hot restart delay time.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 661

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates and for the Logix Designer
configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties of tag
items. Configure the strings in the Logix Designer application only.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link

This illustration shows normal implementation with the input condition
mapped to Inp_Running, Inp_Starting, and Inp_Stopped on a separate

This illustration shows the implementation with the input condition mapped
to the PRI instruction using the rung-condition-in. When the
rung-condition-in is false (EnableIn is false) the instruction executes
normally. To use the rung-condition-in mapping method, set Inp_Running to
1, its default value.

662 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Monitor the PRI Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Instruction first run The instruction executes normally.
Rung-condition-in is false Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 663

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic it will execute.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

In this example, tag A100_MR_001 is the motor value monitored by the PRI
Inp_Running is connected to the Motor Running status tag
(A100_MR_001.Sts_Running) that comes from the Sts_Running output of the
P_Motor instruction instance for this motor (A100_MR_001). Inp_Starting is
connected to the Motor Starting status tag (A100_MR_001.Sts_Starting) that
comes from the Sts_Starting output of the P_Motor instruction instance for
this motor (A100_MR_001). Inp_Stopped is connected to the Motor Stopped
status tag (A100_MR_001.Sts_Stopped) that comes from the Sts_Stopped
output of the P_Motor instruction instance for this motor (A100_MR_001).
Finally, PRI_01 is the output tag that will indicate the status of A100_MR_001
with appropriate delays and number of running and starts/attempts based on
whether the motor is allowed to start again.

Ladder Diagram

664 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PRI_01.Inp_Stopped := A100_MR_001.Sts_Stopped;
PRI_01.Inp_Starting := A100_MR_001.Sts_Stopped;
PRI_01.Inp_Running := A100_MR_001.Sts_Running;

See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Run Time and Start This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

Counter (PRT) The Process Run Time and Start Counter (PRT) instruction records the total
run time and number of instances the motor or other equipment starts. The
PRT is a software implementation of the mechanical hour meter that displays
the total motor runtime. Maintenance personnel use the run time and
equipment start variables to create a maintenance schedule for the applicable

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 665

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PRT P_RUN_TIME tag PRT structure

666 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

P_RUN_TIME Structure
Public Input Members Data Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable Input – System Defined Parameter.
Inp_Starting BOOL 1 = Equipment is starting.
Default = false.
Inp_Running BOOL 1 = Equipment is confirmed running.
Default = true.
PCmd_ClearStarts BOOL Program Command to clear count of starts. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default = false.
PCmd_ClearMaxHrs BOOL Program Command to clear the maximum, continuous runtime for any start. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default = false.
PCmd_ClearTotHrs BOOL Program Command to clear the total run time. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default = false.

Public Output Members Data Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable Output – System Defined Parameter.
Val_Starts DINT Total number of equipment starts or attempts.
Val_CurRunHrs REAL Current running time this start (hours).
Val_MaxRunHrs REAL Maximum continuous running time for a given start (hours).
Val_TotRunHrs REAL Total accumulated running time (hours).

Private Input Members Data Description

MCmd_ClearStarts BOOL Maintenance Command to clear count of starts. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default = false.
MCmd_ClearMaxHrs BOOL Maintenance Command to clear the maximum, continuous runtime for any start. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default = false.
MCmd_ClearTotHrs BOOL Maintenance Command to clear the total run time. The instruction clears this operand
Default = false.

The PRT instruction:
• Accumulates and displays the total running time for the associated
• Accumulates and displays the count of starts or start attempts for the
associated equipment.
• Shows the amount of run time since the last start, or the length of the
current run. This total is held after the equipment is stopped, until the
next start, when it is reset to zero.
• Shows the maximum amount of time for any single run; this is the
highest value achieved by the previous total.
• Allows maintenance personnel, but not operators, to clear individually
the total run time, starts count, or maximum single run time. This lets

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 667

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
the times be reset when the motor or other equipment is serviced,
rebuilt or replaced.
This diagram illustrates the functionality of the PRT instruction:

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FactoryTalk View) and for the Logix
Designer configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties
of tag items. Configure the strings in the Logix Designer application only.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link

This illustration shows normal implementation with the input condition
mapped to Inp_Running and Inp_Starting on a separate branch.

668 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

This illustration shows the implementation with the input condition mapped
to the PRT instruction by using the rung-condition-in.

When the rung-condition-in is false (EnableIn is false) the instruction

executes normally. To use the rung-condition-in mapping method, set
Inp_Running to 1, its default value.

Monitor the PRT instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 669

Chapter 2 PlantPAx


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Total run time, Maximum run time and starts count are retained through a power
cycle. Current run time is reset (internally only, Val_CurHours is maintained for
All Prog, Maint, commands that are automatically cleared each execution are
Instruction first run Total run time, Maximum run time and starts count are retained through a power
cycle. Current run time is reset (internally only, Val_CurHours is maintained for
All Prog, Maint, commands that are automatically cleared each execution are
Rung-condition-in is false EnableIn False is treated the same as Motor Stopped: Commands are still
processed, total run time is held (RTO), the Starts counter is prepared for the next
start (.CU clears on CTU with AFI), and the Current Run Time is cleared (TON
Command Processing:
• This object has no Command Source and
• Commands are accepted regardless of Source. Commands should be
restricted to authorized personnel (typically at a maintenance level).
• PCmd_ClearTotHrs: Program Command to Clear Total Runtime Hours
• MCmd_ClearTotHrs: Maintenance Command to Clear Total Runtime Hours
• PCmd_ClearStarts: Program Command to Clear Count of Starts
• MCmd_ClearStarts: Maintenance Command to Clear Count of Starts
• PCmd_ClearMaxHrs: Program Command to Clear Maximum Single Run Hours
• MCmd_ClearMaxHrs: Maintenance Command to Clear Maximum Single Run
• The number of starts is directly reported as an integer Value.
• The current hours working register is cleared, but the Value is left in place for
display until the next run begins.
• The Total Running Time is reported as a REAL number of Hours. (This will
always be in completed tenths of an hour, like a mechanical hours counter.)
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
EnableIn is false See Rung-condition-in is false in the Ladder Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See Rung-condition-in is true in the Ladder Diagram table.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic, it will execute.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.

670 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
EnableIn is true See Rung-condition-in is true in the Ladder Diagram table.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

In the following example, tag A100_MR_001 is the motor value monitored by
the PRT instruction. This tag provides a Boolean indication of motor run time
Inp_Runnung is connected to the Motor Running status tag
(A100_MR_001.Sts_Running) that comes from the Sts_Running output of the
P_Motor instruction instance for this motor (A100_MR_001). Inp_Starting is
connected to the Motor Starting status tag (A100_MR_001.Sts_Starting) that
comes from the Sts_Starting output of the P_Motor instruction instance for
this motor (A100_MR_001).
Finally, A100_MR_001_RT.Val_TotRunHrs is the output tag that will indicate
the total running hours of A100_MR_001. There is also current running hours
(A100_MR_001_RT.Val_CurRunHrs) of the motor and maximum running
hours (A100_MR_001_RT.Val_MaxRunHrs) of the motor available.

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 671

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Structured Text

See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Tank Strapping This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

Table (PTST) The Process Tank Strapping Table (PTST) instruction calculates the volume of
product in an upright cylindrical tank, given the level of the product and the
tank calibration table. The instruction can compensate for:
• Free water at the bottom of the tank, given a product/water interface
• Thermal expansion of the tank shell, given the coefficient of linear
expansion of the shell material and product and ambient
• A floating tank roof, given the product density is provided.
The Process Tank Strapping Table (PTST) instruction is a calculation function,
between blocks.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

672 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PTST(PTST_tag, Cfg_CalTbl);

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_TANK_STRAPPING_TABLE tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.
Cfg_CalTbl P_STRAPPING_TABLE_ROW tag Tank calibration table, level to volume.

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. Ladder Diagram: Corresponds to the rung-condition-in.
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction first
run. Use this request when reinitialization is needed. The instruction clears this operand
Default is true.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 673

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type Description
Inp_Level REAL Tank innage level, in feet or meters. Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_FreeWaterLevel REAL Tank innage free water interface level, in feet or meters. Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_ObsAPI REAL Observed density, or degrees API, at product temperature. This is used for floating roof
compensation to calculate displacement based on weight of roof. Valid = any float.
Default is 30.5.
Inp_AvgProdTemp REAL Average product temperature input in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. Valid = any float.
Default is 60.0.
Inp_AmbTemp REAL Ambient temperature input in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. Valid = any float.
Default is 60.0.
Cfg_MinorPerMajor REAL Table minor units, in inches, centimeters, millimeters, per major unit, in feet or meters. Type
0.0 if minor units not used. Valid = any float.
Default is 12.0.
Cfg_HasCorrTempShell BOOL 0 = No correction for temperature of tank shell. 1 = Include correction for temperature of tank
Default is false.
Cfg_HasFloatRoofAdj BOOL 0 = Do not use floating roof adjustment. 1 = Include floating roof adjustment to account for
displacement of fluid level.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL 1 = Tells HMI an object with more info is available.
Default is false.
Cfg_CalTemp REAL Temperature of tank calibration (typically 60 °F or 15 °C). Valid = any float.
Default is 60.0.
Cfg_ShellCoefOfExp REAL Tank shell linear coefficient of thermal expansion (1 per degree Fahrenheit or 1 per Celsius).
Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0000062.
Cfg_K REAL Temperature weighting (type 0.0 for insulated tank). See API MPMS 2.2A Appendix D. Valid =
any float.
Default is 7.0.
Cfg_FloatRoofLevel REAL Lowest level at which to add or subtract floating roof compensation (feet). Valid = any float.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_FloatRoofCalAPI REAL Degrees API for which table includes floating roof data. Valid = any float.
Default is 30.5.
Cfg_FloatRoofVolPerAPI REAL Adjustment to table values for API <> CalAPI (volume/degrees API, typically a negative
number). Valid = any float.
Default is -2.5.

Public Output Members Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable Output. This output state always reflects EnableIn input state.
Val_TotObsVol REAL Raw total observed volume from Calibration Table (barrels, gallons, liters).
Val_FreeWater REAL Free water volume (barrels, gallons, liters).
Val_TempShell REAL Calculated tank shell temperature in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius.
Val_CorrTempShell REAL Correction for temperature of tank shell (multiplier).
Val_FloatRoofAdj REAL Floating roof adjustment volume (barrels, gallons, liters).
Val_GrossObsVol REAL Primary value: Gross observed volume (see API MPMS 12.1.1).
Sts_Initialized BOOL 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to reinitialize.
Sts_UnderMin BOOL Inp_Level is below lowest level in strapping table.
Sts_OverMax BOOL Inp_Level is above highest level in strapping table.

Public InOut Members Data Type Description

Cfg_CalTbl P_STRAPPING_TABLE_ Tank calibration table (level to volume).

674 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Members Data Description
Major REAL Number of major units (feet, meters). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Minor REAL Number of minor units (inches, centimeters, or millimeters). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float.
Volume REAL Tank volume (oil barrels, gallons, liters) at given level (feet, inches). Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive


Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FT View) and for the Logix Designer
configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties of tag
items. Configure the strings in Logix Designer only.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• More Information
• Gross volume units
• Free water volume units
• Raw volume units
• Calculated tank temperature units
• Correction for tank temperature units
• Floating roof adjustments volume units
• Temperature for tank calibration units
• Temperature for API units
• Level units
• Volume units
• Temperature for tank shell linear coefficient units

Monitor the PTST Instruction

Monitor from within Logix Designer. The PTST does not have an associated
operator faceplate.

Affects Math Status Flags


Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 675

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Instruction first run All internal statuses and calculations are reset.
The instruction executes normally.
Rung-condition-in is false Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Calculation values is not updated (holds last value).
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableOut is cleared to false.
Instruction first run All internal statuses and calculations are reset.
The instruction executes normally.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is false EnableOut is cleared to false.
Calculation values is not updated (holds last value).
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. The
instruction executes when it is in the control path activated by the logic.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

In this example, the PTST instruction calculates the volume of product in a
storage tank based on the measured storage tank level and storage tank
strapping table information. There is no floating roof and no compensation

676 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
for displacement. There are no adjustments based on temperature to account
for thermal expansion of the tank.

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 677

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

The measured storage tank level connects to the PTST instruction by using the
input Inp_Level. The level is in units of feet. The storage tank is four feet tall.
In this example, data is in six-inch increments. The strapping table has nine
Level (ft-in.) Volume (barrels)
0-00 3.1
0-06 136.6
1-00 264.2
1-06 402.7
2-00 541.4
2-06 692.7
3-00 844.1
3-06 990.8
4-00 1137.5

To store the strapping table information in the controller, the tag

MyP_StrapTbl_CalTable is created as type P_STRAPPING_TABLE_ROW [9], a
nine-element array.
.Major .Minor .Volume
MyP_StrapTbl_CalTable[0] 0 0 3.1
MyP_StrapTbl_CalTable[1] 0 6 136.6
MyP_StrapTbl_CalTable[2] 1 0 264.2
MyP_StrapTbl_CalTable[3] 1 6 402.7
MyP_StrapTbl_CalTable[4] 2 0 541.4
MyP_StrapTbl_CalTable[5] 2 6 692.7
MyP_StrapTbl_CalTable[6] 3 0 844.1
MyP_StrapTbl_CalTable[7] 3 6 990.8
MyP_StrapTbl_CalTable[8] 4 0 1137.5

The InOut tag Cfg_CalTbl of the PTST instruction is modified to point to the
new array MyP_StrapTbl_CalTable to provide the instruction with the

678 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
strapping table information. The output of PTST is then connected to another
PAI instruction. The output is the calculated volume of the storage tank.

Structured Text
MyPTST.Inp_Level := MyLevel.Val;

MyVolume.Inp_PVUncertain := MyLevel.Sts_PVUncertain;
MyVolume.Inp_PVData := MyPTST.Val_TotObsVol;


See also
Data Conversions on page 1022
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Structured Text Syntax on page 993
Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Valve (PVLV) This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.
The Process Valve (PVLV) instruction operates a two-position, single-solenoid
operated valve, a dual-solenoid operated valve, or a motor-operated valve in
various modes, monitoring for fault conditions. It also monitors
hand-operated two-position valves. It is a built-in analogy of the existing
PlantPAx P_ValveSO, P_ValveMO, and P_ValveHO add-on instructions in the
Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects.
The PVLV instruction:
• Allows ownership of the valve through the PCMDSRC instruction.
• Provides for configuration of the de-energized state of the valve: Fail
Position 2 (energize to Position 1), Fail Position 1 (energize to Position
2) or Fail Last Position.
• Allows a valve to be set to Position 2 or Position 1. If the valve is so
equipped, monitor Position 2/Position 1 limit switch feedback to verify
that the valve is Position 2 or Position 1. Whether the valve has each of
the feedback limit switches can be configured at the engineer level.
Whether to use each of the feedback limit switches can be configured
at the Maintenance level.
• Stops the motion of a Motor-operated Valve. Also provides a Stop
Output, which is typically used to break the valve motor seal-in circuit

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 679

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
and stop the actuating motor. If the option to allow stopping the valve
is enabled, the instruction lets the operator reverse travel. For example,
an operator can select Position 2 while closing, which stops the valve,
then moves it in the opposite direction.
• Provides an alarm for Full Stall if the valve feedback indicates it did not
move off the original position within a configured amount of time
when commanded to the other position. Provides an alarm for Transit
Stall if the valve feedback indicates the valve moved from the original
position but did not reach the target position within a configured
amount of time. The Transit Stall or Full Stall condition can optionally
de-energize the output to the valve, requiring a reset.
• Provides a limit switch Failure indication if the limit switches indicate
the valve is not Position 1, not Position 2, and not moving. Provides a
configuration for the failure state: whether both switches are ON or
both switches are OFF to indicate limit switch failure.
• Provide for Permissives (those that can be bypassed and those that
cannot be bypassed) which are conditions that allow the valve to
• Permissive to energize (solenoid-operated valve)
• Position 2 permissives (motor-operated valve)
• Position 1 permissives (motor-operated valve)
• Provides for Interlocks (those that can be bypassed and those that
cannot be bypassed) which are conditions that de-energize the valve
and prevent energizing. Provides an alarm when an interlock
de-energizes the valve. Allows maintenance personnel to bypass the
Permissives and Interlocks.
• Allows maintenance personnel to disable, or force to remain
de-energized, the solenoid valve.
• Monitors an I/O Fault input and alarm on an I/O Fault. The I/O Fault
condition can de-energize the output to the valve, requiring a reset.
• In Override mode, provides an Override State input that determines
whether the Override is to set the valve to Position 2 or Position 1
(default = Position 1).
• Provides a Simulation capability, where the output to the valve
remains de-energized, but the instruction can be manipulated as if a
working valve were present. The response delay is configurable
between a command to Position 2 or Position 1 and the simulated
Position 2 or Position 1 response. This same delay is used if the valve is
configured with no Position 2/Position 1 feedback. This capability is
often used for activities such as instruction testing and operator
• Provides an output for holding the valve coil energized (to Position 2 or
Position 1, based on the configured fail state).
• Provides an actuator fault input for use by valves that generate a fault
contact, such as actuator motor overload trip. The actuator fault
condition can de-energize the outputs to the valve, requiring a reset.

680 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Provides the ability to trip the valve (de-energize it or drive it to a
default trip position). The program (through program commands) or
the operator (through the HMI faceplate) can trip the valve any time.
The trip function provides these capabilities:
• Detect failure to reach the configured trip position when tripped
and generate an appropriate alarm.
• Monitor interlock conditions to trip the valve and alarm when an
interlock initiates moving the valve to its trip position.
• Provide for simulation of a working valve while disabling the trip
output, for use in off-process training, testing, or simulation.
• Monitor I/O communication, and alarm and trip if the shed on I/O
fault function is enabled on a communication fault.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 681

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PVLV(PVLVTag, BusObj);

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx P_VALVE_DISCRETE tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.
ControlPlantPAx Control
BusObj BUS_OBJ tag Bus component

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.

682 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableIn BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Enable input. Ladder Diagram: Corresponds to the
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction
is normally initialized in instruction first run. use this
request when reinitialization is needed. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is true.
Inp_OvrdCmd SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Override valve command:
0 = None,
1 = Position 1,
2 = Position 2,
3 = Stop,
4 = Pulse Position 1,
5 = Pulse Position 2,
6 = Pulse continuously.
Default is 0.
Inp_Pos1FdbkData BOOL Visible Not Required Input Feedback from Position 1 limit switch of the device. 1
= Device confirmed Position 1.
Default is false.
Inp_Pos2FdbkData BOOL Visible Not Required Input Feedback from Position 2 limit switch of the device. 1
= Device confirmed Position 2.
Default is false.
Inp_ActuatorFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Valve actuator fault (overload, etc.), 0 = Ok, 1 = Fault).
Default is false.
Inp_IOFault BOOL Visible Not Required Input Indicates the IO data are inaccurate.
0 = The IO data are good,
1 = The IO data are bad, causing fault. If the Valve is
not virtual, this input sets Sts_IOFault, which raises
IOFault Alarm.
Default is false.
Inp_Pos1PermOK BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Position 1 Permissives OK, valve can move to
Position 1.
Default is true.
Inp_Pos1NBPermOK BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Non-bypassable Position 1 Permissives OK, valve
can move to Position 1.
Default is true.
Inp_Pos2PermOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Position 2 Permissives OK, valve can move to
Position 2.
Default is true.
Inp_Pos2NBPermOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Non-bypassable Position 2 Permissives OK, valve
can move to Position 2.
Default is true.
Inp_IntlkOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Interlocks ok, valve can energize outputs.
Default is true.
Inp_NBIntlkOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Non-bypassable interlocks ok, valve can energize
Default is true.
Inp_IntlkAvailable BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Interlock availibility ok.
Default is true.
Inp_IntlkTripInh BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inhibit Interlock Trip Status.
Default is false.
Inp_RdyReset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Related object, reset by this valve, is ready to be
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 683

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_Hand BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Acquire hand (typically hardwired local), 0 =
Release hand.
Default is false.
Inp_Ovrd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Acquire Override (higher priority Program logic), 0
= Release Override.
Default is false.
Inp_OwnerCmd DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Owner device command.
0 = None,
.10 = Operator Lock,
.11 = Operator Unlock,
.12 = Program Lock,
.13 = Program Unlock,
.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
.15 = Release Maintenance,
.16 = Acquire External,
.17 = Release External,
.29 = Echo.
Default is 0.
Inp_ExtInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inhibit External acquisition, 0 = Allow External
Default is false.
Inp_HornInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inhibit audible alert, 0 = Alllow audible alert.
Default is false.
Inp_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Reset Shed Latches and Cleared Alarms.
Default is false.
Inp_VirtualPos1HO BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Sets virtualized valve HO state to Position 1, 0 = No
Default is false.
Inp_VirtualPos2HO BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Sets virtualized valve HO state to Position 2, 0 = No
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowDisable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow Operator alarm disable, 0 = Disallow
Operator alarm disable.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowShelve BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow Operator alarm shelve, 0 = Disallow Operator
alarm shelve.
Default is false.
Cfg_eObjType SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Valve object type
0 = Solenoid Operated
1 = Motor Operated
2 = Hand Operated.
Default is 0.
Cfg_HasPos1Fdbk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Device provides Position 1 feedback signal.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPos2Fdbk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Device provides Position 2 feedback signal.
Default is false.
Cfg_UsePos1Fdbk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Use device Position 1 feedback for failure
Default is false.
Cfg_UsePos2Fdbk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Use device Position 2 feedback for failure
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPos1PermObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI a valve is connected to Inp_Pos1Perm
Default is false.

684 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_HasPos2PermObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI a valve is connected to Inp_Pos2Perm
Default is false.
Cfg_HasIntlkObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI a valve is connected to Inp_Intlk inputs.
Default is false.
Cfg_FailPos2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Fail Position 2 (energize to Position 1), 0 = Fail
Position 1 (energize to Position 2).
Default is false.
Cfg_FdbkFail BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Both feedbacks Position 1/2 are ON is invalid, 0 =
Both feedbacks Position 1/2 are OFF is invalid.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasStop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Stop output can be used to break local seal-in and
stop valve motion.
Default is false.
Cfg_MntnOut BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Maintain Output when requested state reached.
Default is false.
Cfg_MntnOutAlm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Maintain Output when requested state reached is
true and when alarm active
Default is false.
Cfg_MntnStop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Maintain Stop Output when stopped state reached.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasTrip BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Trip output is connected to valve, 0 = Monitor only.
Default is false.
Cfg_TripPos2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Trip moves valve to Position 2, 0 = Trip moves
valve to Position 1.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPulse BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Enable pulsing functions, 0 = Position 1/2 only.
Default is false.
Cfg_CompletePulse BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Finish pulse in progress when Commanded to
Position 2 or Position 1, 0 = Switch immediately to
Position 2 or Position 1 state when Commanded to.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasPulseToState BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Enable pulsing functions to state, 0 = Enable
pulsing functions to time.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI a valve with more info is available.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasStatsObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Enable stats valve function, 0 = Position 1/2 only.
Default is false.
Cfg_CoastToLS BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Coasting into Limit Switch when stopped changes
state, 0 = Stop is independent.
Default is true.
Cfg_OperPos1Prio BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = OCmd_Pos1 has priority, accepted any time, 0 =
OCmd_Pos1 openly in Operator and Maintenance
command sources.
Default is false.
Cfg_OCmdResets BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = New Operator state command resets fault, 0 =
Reset required to clear fault.
Default is false.
Cfg_XCmdResets BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = New valve XCmd resets shed latches and cleared
alarms, 0 = XCmd_Reset req'd.
Default is false.
Cfg_OvrdPermIntlk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Override ignores bypassable
permissives/interlocks, 0 = Always use
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 685

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_PCmdPos2AsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = PCmd_Pos2 used as a level (1 = Position 2, 0 =
Position 1), 0 = The instruction clears PCmd_Pos2
operand automatically.
Default is false.
Cfg_ShedOnActuatorFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Stop valve and alarm on Actuator fault; 0 = alarm
only on Actuator fault.
Default is true.
Cfg_ShedOnIOFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Stop Valve and Alarm on I/O Fault; 0 = Alarm only
on I/O Fault.
Default is true.
Cfg_ShedOnFailToTrip BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Continue trip and alarm on Fail to Trip; 0 = Alarm
only on Fail to Trip.
Default is true.
Cfg_ShedOnFullStall BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Stop valve and alarm on Full Stall; 0 = Alarm only
on Full Stall.
Default is true.
Cfg_ShedOnLossPos1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Stop valve and alarm on Loss Position 1; 0 = Alarm
only on Loss Position 1 feedback.
Default is false.
Cfg_ShedOnLossPos2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Stop valve and alarm on Loss Position 2; 0 = Alarm
only on Loss Position 2 feedback.
Default is false.
Cfg_ShedOnTransitStall BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Stop valve and alarm on Transit stall; 0 = Alarm
only on Transit stall.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasOper BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Operator (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasOperLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Operator locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProg BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Program (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProgLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Program locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasExt BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = External exists, can be selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMaint BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Maintenance exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_OvrdOverLock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Override supersedes Program/Operator lock, 0 =
Don't Override lock.
Default is true.
Cfg_ExtOverLock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = External supersedes Program/Operator lock, 0 =
Don't Override lock.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgPwrUp BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Power up to Program, 0 = Power up to Operator.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgNormal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Normal source: 1 = Program if no requests; 0 =
Operator if no requests.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdPriority BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Command priority. 1 = Program commands win, 0 =
Operator commands win.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdProgAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = PCmd_Prog used as a level.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = PCmd_Lock used as a level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock).
Default is false.
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = XCmd_Acq used as level (1 = Acquire, 0 = Release).
Default is false.

686 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_Pos1Dly REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Delay before initially activating output Position 1 Valid
= 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 2.0.
Cfg_Pos2Dly REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Delay before initially activating output Position 2. Valid
= 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 2.0.
Cfg_Pos1PulseTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Output Position 1 time for pulse Position 1 or pulse
continuous. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 5.0.
Cfg_Pos2PulseTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Output Position 2 time for pulse Position 2 or pulse
continuous. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 5.0.
Cfg_OutPulseTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time to pulse valve outputs (0 = Outputs maintained
on). Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 5.0.
Cfg_StartHornTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time to sound audible after command request. (0 =
Disabled). Valid = 0.0 to 1000.0 seconds.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_FullStallTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time after output Position 1 to get Position 1 feedback
before fault. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 15.0.
Cfg_TransitStallTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time after output Position 1/2 to get Position 1/2
feedback before fault. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0
Default is 60.0.
Cfg_TripFailTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input After tripped, time to reach trip position before alarm.
Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 10.0.
Cfg_VirtualFdbkTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Delay to echo back of Position 1/2 status when the
valve is treated as virtual (seconds).
Default is 3.0.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Operator Command Confirmation Required.
Represents the type of command confirmation
0 = None,
1 = Command confirmation required,
2 = Performer e-signature required,
3 = Performer and approver e-signature required.
Default is 0.
PCmd_Pos1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to move valve to Position 1. The
Position 1 command is ignored when
Cfg_PCmdPosition 2 as level is 1. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Pos2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to move valve to Position 2. The
Position 2 command is ignored when
Cfg_PCmdPosition 2 as level is 1. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Pos1Pulse BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to pulse valve that is in Position 2,
to Position 1 once. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Pos2Pulse BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to pulse valve that is in Position 1,
to Position 2 once. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 687

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
PCmd_ContPulse BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to pulse valve continuously. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Trip BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to trip valve.
Default is false.
PCmd_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to reset all alarms requiring reset.
The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Stop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to stop valve. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PSet_Owner DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Program owner request ID (non-zero) or release
Default is 0.
PCmd_Lock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to lock Program (disallow
Operator). The instruction clears this operand
automatically if Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
PCmd_Normal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select normal command
source (Operator or Program). The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Oper BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Operator (Program to
Operator). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Prog BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Program (Operator to
Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Unlock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to unlock Program (allow Operator
to acquire). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Virtual BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program Command to select Virtual (simulated)
device operation
Default is false.
PCmd_Physical BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program Command to select Physical device
operation (not simulated)
Default is false.
XCmd_Pos1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to turn object Position 1. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Pos2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to turn object Position 2. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Pos1Pulse BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to pulse valve that is in Position 2,
to Position 1 once. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_Pos2Pulse BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to pulse valve that is in Position 1,
to Position 2 once. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_ContPulse BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to pulse object continuously
(blink). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.

688 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
XCmd_Trip BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to trip valve.
Default is false.
XCmd_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to clear shed latches and cleared
Default is false.
XCmd_Stop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to stop valve motion.the
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to acknowledge and reset all
alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Acq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to acquire ownership
(Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance to External).
The instruction clears this operand automatically if
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
XCmd_Rel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to release ownership if
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0 (External to
Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance). The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableOut BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Enable output. This output state always reflects
EnableIn input state.
Out_Pos1Data BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Activate to move valve to Position 1.
Out_Pos2Data BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Activate to move valve to Position 2.
Out_StopData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Break seal-in circuit in actuator to stop valve
Out_TripData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Trip valve to safe/fail state.
Out_HornData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Sound audible prior to commanded valve start.
Out_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Reset command has been received and
Out_OwnerSts DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Status of command source, owner command
handshake and ready status. 0 = None,
.10 = Operator Lock,
.11 = Operator Unlock,
.12 = Program Lock,
.13 = Program Unlock,
.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
.15 = Release Maintenance,
.16 = Acquire External,
.17 = Release External,
.18 = Has Maintenance,
.19 = External Override Lock,
.20 = Has External,
.21 = Has Operator,
.22 = Has Operator Locked,
.23 = Has Program,
.24 = Has Program Locked,
.29 = Echo,
.30 = Not Ready.
Sts_Initialized BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Instruction is initialized. use Inp_initializereq to
Sts_Available BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve available for control by automation

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 689

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_IntlkAvailable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve can be acquired by Program and is
available for start/stop control when interlocks are
Sts_Bypass BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Bypassable interlocks are bypassed.
Sts_BypActive BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Interlock bypassing active (bypassed or
Sts_MaintByp BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve has a Maintenance bypass function active.
Sts_NotRdy BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve is not ready, for HMI use hidden detail bits
(Sts_nrdyxxx) for reason.
Sts_NrdyCfgErr BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve is not ready: configuration error.
Sts_NrdyIntlk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve is not ready: interlock not ok.
Sts_NrdyOoS BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve is not ready: object disabled by
Sts_NrdyPos1Perm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve is not ready: Position 1 permissive not ok.
Sts_NrdyPos2Perm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve is not ready: Position 2 permissive not ok.
Sts_NrdyPerm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve is not ready: permissive not ok.
Sts_NrdyStopPerm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve is not ready: stop permissive not ok.
Sts_Err BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in configuration: See detail bits (Sts_Errxxx)
for reason.
Sts_ErrAlm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in logix tag-based alarm settings.
Sts_ErrFullStallTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Invalid Position 1 fail timer preset (use 0.0 to
Sts_ErrHas BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: must have at least one Limit
Sts_ErrOutPulseTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Invalid outpulse timer preset (use 0.0 to
Sts_ErrPos1Dly BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Invalid Position 1 delay timer preset (use 0 to
Sts_ErrPos1PulseTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Invalid Position 1 pulse timer preset (use 0.0 to
Sts_ErrPos2Dly BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Invalid Position 2 delay timer preset (use 0 to
Sts_ErrPos2PulseTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Invalid Position 2 pulse timer preset (use 0.0 to
Sts_ErrTransitStallTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Invalid Position 2 fail timer preset (use 0.0 to
Sts_ErrTripFailTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Invalid virtual feedback timer (use 0.0 to
Sts_Hand BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Hand is selected (supersedes OoS, Maintenance,
Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_OoS BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Out of service is selected (supersedes
Maintenance, Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Maint BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Maintenance is selected (supersedes Override,
External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Ovrd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Override is selected (supersedes External,
Program, Operator).
Sts_Ext BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = External is selected (supersedes Program and
Sts_Prog BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Program is selected.
Sts_ProgLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Program is selected and locked.
Sts_Oper BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Operator is selected.
Sts_OperLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Operator is selected and locked.
Sts_ProgOperSel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Program/Operator selection (latch) state: 1 =
Program, 0 = Operator.
Sts_ProgOperLock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Program/Operator lock (latch) state, 1 = Locked, 0 =

690 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_Normal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Selection equals the normal (Program or
Sts_ExtReqInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = External request inhibited, cannot get to External
from current state.
Sts_ProgReqInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Program request inhibited, cannot get to Program
from current state.
Sts_MAcqRcvd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Maintenance acquire command received this
Sts_CmdConflict BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Conflicting commands received this scan.
Sts_Alm BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is active.
Sts_AlmInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = One or more alarms shelved, disabled or
Sts_ActuatorFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Actuator fault detected (input).
Sts_CmdToPos1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve commanded to Position 1, has not yet
moved off Position 1 Limit Switch.
Sts_CmdToPos2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve commanded to Position 2, has not yet
moved off Position 2 Limit Switch.
Sts_ErrUse BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: must use at least one Limit Switch
Sts_ErrVirtualFdbkTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Invalid virtual feedback timer (use 0.0 to
Sts_FdbkPos1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve feedback shows valve in Position 1 state.
Sts_FdbkPos2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve feedback shows valve in Position 2 state.
Sts_FdbkFail BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Feedbacks are in an invalid state (not Position 1,
Position 2, or transition).
Sts_FullStall BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve full stall (failed to move at all) (one-shot).
Sts_Horn BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve horn active.
Sts_LossPos1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Loss of Position 1 position alarm.
Sts_LossPos2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Loss of Position 2 position alarm.
Sts_IOFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output I/O comm fault status (0 = Ok, 1 = Bad).
Sts_Moving BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve not requested to trip and is not confirmed
Position 1 or Position 2.
Sts_MovingToPos1 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve requested to Position 1 and awaiting
Position 1 feedback.
Sts_MovingToPos2 BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve requested to Position 2 and awaiting
Position 2 feedback.
Sts_Pos1 BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve requested to Position 1 and is confirmed
Position 1.
Sts_Pos2 BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve requested to Position 2 and is confirmed
Position 2.
Sts_Pulsing BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Output is in a pulsing sequence.
Sts_Stopped BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve requested to stop and is not at either end of
Sts_TransitStall BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve transit stall (did not reach target position)
Sts_TripFail BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve failed to trip (did not reach trip position).
Sts_Tripping BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve requested to trip and has not reached trip
Sts_UnackAlmCount DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Count of unacknowledged alarms.
Sts_NrdyTrip BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve not ready: tripped (at object or by
Sts_NrdyIOFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve is not ready: io fault (shed requires reset).
Sts_NrdyActuatorFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve not ready:actuator fault (fault or shed
requires reset).
Sts_IntlkTrip BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve tripped by an interlock not ok.
Sts_NrdyFail BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Valve is not ready: object failure (shed requires
Sts_RdyAck BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is ready to be acknowledged.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 691

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_RdyReset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be
Sts_Virtual BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = The instruction treats the object as virtual. The
instruction acts as normal but the output is kept
de-energized (Out_ = 0). 0 = the instruction operates
the object normally.
Sts_bSrc INT Not Visible Not Required Output Active selection bitmap (for HMI totem pole with
command source request selection):
Sts_bSrc.0: hand,
Sts_bSrc.1: Programmed out of service (rung false),
Sts_bSrc.2: Maintenance out of service,
Sts_bSrc.3: Maintenance,
Sts_bSrc.4: Override,
Sts_bSrc.5: External,
Sts_bSrc.6: Program locked,
Sts_bSrc.7: Program,
Sts_bSrc.8: Operator locked,
Sts_bSrc.9: Operator.
Sts_eSrc INT Not Visible Not Required Output The current command source enumerated values:
0 = Logic not in use,
4 = Hand,
8 = Maintenance,
16 = Override,
32 = Program,
33 = Program locked,
34 = Program by default (Normal),
64 = Operator,
65 = Operator locked,
66 = Operator by default (Normal),
128 = Maintenance Out of Service,
129 = Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
256 = External.
Sts_eCmd SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Valve command: 0=None,
1=Position 1,
2=Position 2,
8=Pulse Position 1,
16=Pulse Position 2,
32=Pulse continuously,
Sts_eFdbk SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Valve feedback:
0 = transition,
1 = Position 1,
2 = Position 2,
3 = invalid.

692 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eFault SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Valve fault status:
0 =None,
2 = Feedback fault,
7 = Transit stall,
8 = Full stall,
11 = Loss Position 1,
12 = Loss Position 2,
13 = Actuator fault,
14 = Trip fail,
15 = Interlock trip,
16 = Not ready fail,
18 = Not ready trip,
32 = I/O Fault,
34 = Config Error.
Sts_eNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Output All alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyAll SINT Not Visible Not Required Output All alarm status enumerated values including related
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eState DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Internal logic state
1 = Position 1
2 = Position 2
9 = Position 2 command ON-DELAY
10 = Position 1 command OFF-DELAY 17 = PULSE
Position 2 command ON-DELAY
18 = PULSE Position 1 command OFF-DELAY
33 = PULSE Position 2 command ON PULSE time
34 = PULSE Position 1 command OFF PULSE time
130 = PULSE CONTINUOUS command ON PULSE time
257 = Position 1 PULSE completion time

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 693

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eSts SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Valve status:
0 = ?,
1 = Position 1,
2 = Position 2,
3 = cmd to Position 1,
4 = cmd to Position 2,
5 = moving to Position 1,
6 = moving to Position 2,
7 = stopped,
8 = tripping,
9 = pulse Position 1,
10 = pulse Position 2,
11 = pulse continuously, 12 = moving, 14 = Horn, 15 =
out of service.
Sts_eNotifyActuatorFault SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Fail alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyFullStall SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Full Stall alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyIntlkTrip SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Interlock Trip alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.

694 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eNotifyIOFault SINT Not Visible Not Required Output IO Fault alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyLossPos1 SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Loss Position 1 alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyLossPos2 SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Loss Position 2 alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyTransitStall SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Transit Stall alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyTripFail SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Trip Fail alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 695

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
SrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of primary value or status
0=Good, live, confirmed good,
1=Good, live, assumed good,
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good,
8=Test, virtualized,
9=Test, loopback,
10=Test, manually entered,
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec,
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus,
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction,
19=Uncertain, using last known good,
20=Uncertain, using replacement value,
32=Bad, signal failure,
33=Bad, channel fault,
34=Bad, module or communication fault,
35=Bad, invalid configuration.
SrcQ_IO SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of primary input or output
0=Good, live, confirmed good,
1=Good, live, assumed good,
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good,
8=Test, virtualized,
9=Test, loopback,
10=Test, manually entered,
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec,
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus,
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction,
19=Uncertain, using last known good,
20=Uncertain, using replacement value,
32=Bad, signal failure,
33=Bad, channel fault,
34=Bad, module or communication fault,
35=Bad, invalid configuration.
Val_Owner DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Current object owner ID (0 = Not owned).
XRdy_Acq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Rel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Reset, enable HMI button.
XRdy_ResetAckAll BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Resetackall, enable HMI button.

Private Input Members Data Type Description

CmdSrc P_COMMAND_SOURC Control or Command Source Selection.
MCmd_Acq BOOL Maintenance command to acquire ownership (Operator/Program/External/Override to
Maintenance). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Bypass BOOL Maintenance command to bypass all bypassable interlocks. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
MCmd_Check BOOL Maintenance command to check (not bypass) all interlocks. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
MCmd_IS BOOL Maintenance command to select in service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_OoS BOOL Maintenance command to select out of service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

696 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Input Members Data Type Description
MCmd_Physical BOOL Maintenance Command to select Physical device operation (not simulated)
Default is false.
MCmd_Rel BOOL Maintenance command to release ownership (Maintenance to
Operator/Program/External/Override). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Virtual BOOL Maintenance Command to select Virtual (simulated) device operation
Default is false.
OCmd_ContPulse BOOL Operator command to pulse valve continuously. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Lock BOOL Operator command to lock Operator (disallow Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Normal BOOL Operator command to select normal (Operator or Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Oper BOOL Operator command to select Operator (Program to Operator). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Pos1 BOOL Operator command to move valve to Position 1. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Pos1Pulse BOOL Operator command to pulse valve that is in Position 2, to Position 1 once. The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Pos2 BOOL Operator command to move valve to Position 2. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Pos2Pulse BOOL Operator command to pulse valve that is in Position 1, to Position 2 once. The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Prog BOOL Operator command to select Program (Operator to Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms requiring reset. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The use of OCmd_Resetackall
is restricted to HMI. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Stop BOOL Operator command to stop valve motion. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Trip BOOL Operator command to trip valve.
Default is false.
OCmd_Unlock BOOL Operator command to unlock / release (allow Program to acquire) ownership. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

HMI_BusObjIndex DINT HMI bus object index
Default is 0.
MRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Bypass BOOL 1 = Ready to receive OCmd_Bypass, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Check BOOL 1 = Ready to receive OCmd_Check, enable HMI button.
MRdy_IS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_IS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_OoS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_OoS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Physical BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Physical, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Virtual BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Virtual, enable HMI button.
ORdy_ContPulse BOOL 1 = Ready to receive OCmd_Contpulse, enable HMI button.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 697

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Output Members Data Type Description
ORdy_Lock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Lock, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Normal BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Normal, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Oper BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Oper, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Pos1 BOOL 1 = Ready to receive OCmd_Pos1, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Pos1Pulse BOOL 1 = Ready to receive OCmd_Pos1pulse, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Pos2 BOOL 1 = Ready to receive OCmd_Pos2, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Pos2Pulse BOOL 1 = Ready to receive OCmd_Pos2pulse, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Prog BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Prog, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = At least one alarm or shed condition requires reset.
ORdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = At least one alarm or latched shed condition requires reset or acknowledgement.
ORdy_Stop BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Stop (enables HMI button).
ORdy_Trip BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_trip (enables HMI button).
ORdy_Unlock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Unlock, enable HMI button.

Public InOut Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
BusObj BUS_OBJ Visible Required InOut Bus component

BUS_OBJ Structure
The BUS_OBJ structure is used to link the valve to other devices and
instructions in a complex control strategy, typically into a hierarchy. A Bus
Object rolls up status and alarm information from lower level devices to
higher level control and fans out commands from higher level control to lower
level devices. Items link to the bus by referencing a single member of the
BUS_OBJ array associated with the bus.
This parameter links the instruction to an external tag that contains necessary
data for the instruction to operate. The external tag must be of the data type
shown, or may be NULL. If NULL, the Bus functions of this instruction are not
Members Data Type Description
Inp_Cmd DINT Input to assert commands
Out_Cmd DINT Resultant commands
Inp_CmdLLH DINT Input for level normally high commands
Out_CmdLLH DINT Resultant line level high commands
Inp_Sts DINT Input to assert status
Out_Sts DINT Resultant status
Inp_CmdAck DINT Input to assert a command acknowledgement
Out_CmdAck DINT Resultant command acknowledgements
Inp_SeverityMax DINT Input: maximum alarm severity
Out_SeverityMax DINT Resultant of maximum alarm severity
Cfg_CmdMask DINT Propagation mask for commands
Cfg_CmdLLHMask DINT Propagation mask for line level high commands
Cfg_StsMask DINT Propagation mask for status
Ref_Index DINT Bus array index

698 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Discrete Logix tag-based alarms are defined for these members:
Member Alarm Name Description
Sts_AcuatorFault Alm_AcuatorFault Raised if the Inp_ActuatorFault input is true. This alarm is provided for use by valves
that generate a fault contact, such as actuator motor overload trip.
Sts_FullStall Alm_FullStall Raised when the valve has and is using Position 2 and/or Position 1 limit switches, an
attempt is made to Position 2 or Position 1 the valve, and the limit switches indicate
that the valve did not move from its original position at all within the configured time.
Sts_IOFault Alm_IOFault Raised when the Inp_IOFault input is true. This input is usually used to indicate to the
instruction that a communication failure has occurred for its I/O. If the I/O Fault is
configured as a shed fault, the valve is commanded to Stop motion and cannot be
commanded to either position until reset.
Sts_IntlkTrip Alm_IntlkTrip Raised when the valve is energized and an interlock Not-OK condition causes the
valve to be de-energized. If interlocks are not bypassed, a bypassable interlock or a
non-bypassable interlock Not-OK condition initiates an interlock trip. If interlocks are
bypassed, only a non-bypassable interlock Not-OK condition initiates an interlock
Sts_LossPos1 Alm_LossPos1 Raised when the valve has reached the confirmed Position 1 state and the Position 1
confirmation feedback is lost.
Sts_LossPos2 Alm_LossPos2 Raised when the valve has reached the confirmed Position 2 state and the Position 2
confirmation feedback is lost.
Sts_TransitStall Alm_TransitStall Raised when the valve has and is using both Position 2 and Position 1 position
feedback, an attempt is made to Position 2 or Position 1 the valve, and the position
feedback indicates that the valve moved off the original position but did not reach
the target position within the configured transit stall time.
Sts_TripFail Alm_TripFail Raised when the valve has and is using the optional trip feature, an attempt is made
to trip the valve, and the limit switch feedbacks show that the valve did not reach the
configured tripped position (Position 2 or Position 1) within the configured fail to trip

Mark the alarm as used or unused and set standard configuration members of
the discrete Logix tag-based alarm. Use this format to access alarm elements:
[email protected]
Program, Operator, and External commands reset latched alarms, and reset
and acknowledge all alarms of the instruction (Alarm Set) at the same time.
This diagram shows how the commands interact with the PVLV instruction.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 699

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

700 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

This diagram illustrates the functionality of the PVLV instruction:

Operator command request confirmation

The PVLV instruction enables these operator commands and settings:
• OCmd_ContPulse

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 701

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• OCmd_Pos1
• OCmd_Pos1Pulse
• OCmd_Pos2
• OCmd_Pos2Pulse
• OCmd_Stop
• OCmd_Trip
Enforced security might require the request to be confirmed or canceled
before the selected command executes or setting is accepted. The instruction
checks the security rules inspecting Cfg_CnfrmReqd. If Cfg_CnfrmReqd=0 no
confirmation is required and the request executes immediately. If
Cfg_CnfrmReqd=1 the instruction waits for confirmation
OCmd_CmdCnfrm=1 and/or cancellation. For Cfg_CnfrmReqd=2 or 3
eSignature is needed before the confirmation and cancellation is enabled.

Use virtualization for instruction testing and operator training. Use
PCmd_Virtual or MCmd_Virtual to enable virtualization. After finishing
virtualization, use PCmd_Physical or MCmd_Physical to return to normal
(physical device) operation.
When Virtualization is active, the outputs of the PVLV instruction hold at 0,
virtual feedback of a working device is provided and I/O faults are ignored.
Manipulate the instruction to operate as if a working valve is present.

The instruction is normally initialized in the instruction first run. Request
re-initialization by setting Inp_InitializeReq = 1. For proper initialization,
when adding the instruction while performing an online edit of the code,
make sure that Inp_InitializeReq = 1, the default value.

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FT View) and for the Logix Designer
configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties of tag
items. Configure the strings in Logix Designer only.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link
• More Information

702 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Position 2 Command button
• Position 1 Command button
• Stop Command button
• Pulse Position 2 Command button
• Pulse Position 1 button
• Pulse button
• Position 2 Target state
• Position 1 Target state
• Stop Target state
• Pulse Position 2 Target state
• Pulse Position 1 Target state
• Position 2 Transition state
• Position 1 Transition state
• Stop Transition state
• Pulse Position 2 Transition state
• Pulse Position 1 Transition state
• Actuator Alarm
• IO Fault Alarm
• Full Stall Alarm
• Transit Stall Alarm
• Interlock Trip Alarm
• Loss of Position 1 Alarm
• Loss of Position 2 Alarm
• Trip Fail Alarm

Monitor the PVLV Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 703

Chapter 2 PlantPAx


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The valve is
de-energized and treated as if it were commanded to safe position.
Instruction first run Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The valve state is
evaluated and the instruction aligns with the current state of the valve, as if the
Hand command source were selected.
Rung-condition-in is false Handled the same as if the valve is taken Out of Service by command. The valve
outputs are de-energized, and the valve Command Source is shown as Program
Out of Service on the HMI. All alarms are cleared. The rung-condition-out
continues as false.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The valve is
de-energized and treated as if it were commanded to safe position.
Instruction first run Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The valve state is
evaluated and the instruction aligns with the current state of the valve, as if the
Hand command source were selected.
Instruction first scan See instruction first run in the function block diagram table.
EnableIn is false Handled the same as if the valve is taken Out of Service by command. The valve
outputs are de-energized, and the valve Command Source is shown as Program
Out of Service on the HMI. All alarms are cleared. EnableOut is set to false.
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic it will execute.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

704 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx


Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 705

Chapter 2 PlantPAx


See also
Process Valve (PVLV) Command Source on page 706

Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Data Conversions on page 1022

Process Valve (PVLV) The Process Valve (PVLV) instruction uses these command sources. The
command sources are prioritized in order from highest to lowest in this table.
Command Source

Command Source Description

Hand Hardwired logic or other logic outside the instruction controls the device. The instruction tracks the state of the device for bumpless
transfer back to one of the other command sources.
This is the highest priority command source.
Out-of-Service The instruction is disabled. Drive commands and settings from any source are not accepted.
Maintenance Maintenance controls the device and supersedes Operator, Program, External and Override control. Operator commands and settings
from the HMI are accepted.
Override Priority logic controls the device and supersedes Operator, Program and External control. Override Input (Inp_Ovrd) is accepted.
External External logic (for example, field pilot control or upstream SCADA) controls the device. External commands (XCmd_) are accepted.
Program locked Program logic controls the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted. Operator cannot take control from the Program.
Override cannot take control from theProgram unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Program Program logic controls the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted.
Operator locked The Operator controls the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted. Program cannot take control from
Operator. Override cannot take control from Operator unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Operator The Operator controls the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted.
This is the lowest priority command source.

The instruction enables or disables these operations:

• Maintenance Out-of-Service exists
• Maintenance exists
• External exists
• Program (unlocked) exists
• Program locked exists
• Operator (unlocked) exists
• Operator locked exists
• PCmd_Lock used as a Level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock)
The instruction checks for invalid configurations of control and forces the
nearest valid configuration.

706 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
The core control model arbitrates the source of the commands and
parameters that the receiving function accepts. The core control model
determines if the source is:
• A programmatic entity which resides entirely within the processing
environment, or
• An external interface entity which issues commands and parameters
external and asynchronously to the processing environment.
Locking a control source prevents the other control source from acquiring

Core Command Source Model

The core control model consists of these control sources:
• Oper
• OperLocked
• Prog
• ProgLocked
The control model defaults to this configuration. Other control sources may
be present in the model but act as overriding control sources, acting
independent of the base Operator/Program state machine.

Enable control sources as Configuration

The user can enable and disable individual control sources. The default
configuration uses the entire base model; upon power-up of the processing
environment the control source will be the designated default. Some
combinations of enabled control sources are disallowed as they are either
unnecessary or could create unintended changes.

Prog Power Up
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program is the
power-up default.

Prog Priority
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program
commands take priority when simultaneously asserted.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 707

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Automatic reset of commands

All commands are treated as one-shot-latched. Commands are automatically
cleared when the instruction executes and processes them.

Change Destination States

Under certain configurations the destination command source for some
commands may change. This is in keeping with the intent of the command.
For example, if the Program state is disabled, the destination of the
OCmd_Prog command becomes the Program Locked state instead of the
Program state. This maintains the intent of the OCmd_Prog command: the
operator entity wishes to place the function in control of the program. If the
command was eliminated then there would be no way to accomplish this. This
is only done in configurations where it would cause no conflict or race
condition, but serves to preserve as much user functionality as is practical.

Higher Priority Command Sources

These Higher priority command sources operate independently within the
• External
• Override
• Maintenance
• Out-of-Service
• In-Service
• Hand

See also
Process Valve (PVLV)

Process Valve Statistics This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

(PVLVS) The Process Valve Statistics Object (PVLVS) instruction monitors a two-state
(open and close) valve and records statistics for stroke times and stroke
counts to aid in planning maintenance or diagnosing valve and actuator
problems. The PVLVS instruction is designed to work with the PVLV
(solenoid, motor, and hand operated) valve instruction.
The PVLVS instruction records these statistics:
• Amount of time in the current state (closed, opening, opened, closing,

708 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Amount of time the valve was in each state the last time it was in that
state (closed, opening, opened, closing, stopped/other)
• Maximum amount of time spent in each state (closed, opening,
opened, closing, and stopped/other); these are the highest values
achieved by the previous statistics
• Total amount of time spent in each state (closed, opening, opened,
closing, stopped/other)
• Moving average of the last 10 closing (close stroke) times
• Moving average of the last 10 opening (open stroke) times
• Number of completed open strokes (from closed to opened)
• Number of completed close strokes (from opened to closed)
• Number of incomplete open strokes (from closed to opening and back
to closed)
• Number of incomplete close strokes (from opened to closing and back
to opened)
• Number of times the valve was in the stopped/other state
• Number of open strokes that took longer than the configured Slow
Open Time
• Number of close strokes that took longer than the configured Slow
Close Time

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 709

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

710 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_VALVE_STATISTICS tag Data structure required for proper
operation of the instruction.

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable Input - System Defined Parameter
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction is normally initialized in instruction first
run. Use this request when reinitialization is needed. The instruction clears this operand
Inp_Closed BOOL 1 = Device is confirmed Closed.
Default is false.
Inp_Opened BOOL 1 = Device is confirmed Opened.
Default is false.
Inp_StopOther BOOL 1 = Device is confirmed Stopped / Other.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasStopOther BOOL 1 = Device has Stopped or other state(s) to be monitored.
Default is false.
Cfg_SlowOpenTime REAL Maximum time Opening (seconds) before raising Sts_SlowOpen. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0
Default is 10.0.
Cfg_SlowCloseTime REAL Maximum time Closing (seconds) before raising Sts_SlowClose. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0
Default is 10.0.
PCmd_ClearTotTimes BOOL Program command to clear total time statistics.
Default is false.
PCmd_ClearMaxTimes BOOL Program command to clear maximum time statistics.
Default is false.
PCmd_ClearStrokeCounts BOOL Program command to clear stroke count statistics.
Default is false.
PCmd_ClearSlowCounts BOOL Program command to clear device slow count statistics.
Default is false.
PCmd_ClearMAvgs BOOL Program command to clear moving average stroke times.
Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable Output - System Defined Parameter
Val_CurrClosedTime REAL Current time in Closed state (seconds).
Val_LastClosedTime REAL Time in Closed state (seconds) last time device was closed.
Val_TotClosedTime REAL Accumulated time in Closed state (hours).
Val_MaxClosedTime REAL Maximum time in Closed state (hours) of any occurrence.
Val_CurrOpeningTime REAL Current time in Opening state (seconds).
Val_LastOpeningTime REAL Time in Opening state (seconds) last time device was opening.
Val_TotOpeningTime REAL Accumulated time in Opening state (hours).
Val_MaxOpeningTime REAL Maximum time in Opening state (hours) of any occurrence.
Val_MAvgOpeningTime REAL Moving average Open stroke time, last 10 complete open strokes (seconds).

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 711

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type Description
Val_CurrOpenedTime REAL Current time in Opened state (seconds).
Val_LastOpenedTime REAL Time in Opened state (seconds) last time device was opened.
Val_TotOpenedTime REAL Accumulated time in Opened state (hours).
Val_MaxOpenedTime REAL Maximum time in Opened state (hours) of any occurrence.
Val_CurrClosingTime REAL Current time in Closing state (seconds).
Val_LastClosingTime REAL Time in Closing state (seconds) last time device was closing.
Val_TotClosingTime REAL Accumulated time in Closing state (hours).
Val_MaxClosingTime REAL Maximum time in Closing state (hours) of any occurrence.
Val_MAvgClosingTime REAL Maximum time in Closing state (seconds) of any occurrence.
Val_CurrStopOtherTime REAL Current time in Stopped / Other state (seconds).
Val_LastStopOtherTime REAL Time in Stopped / Other state (seconds) last time device was stopped (or other).
Val_TotStopOtherTime REAL Accumulated time in Stopped / Other state (hours).
Val_MaxStopOtherTime REAL Maximum time in Stopped / Other state (hours) of any occurrence.
Val_CpltOpenCount DINT Count of complete device Open strokes (Closed to Opened).
Val_CpltCloseCount DINT Count of complete device Close strokes (Opened to Closed).
Val_IncpltOpenCount DINT Count of incomplete device Open strokes (Closed - Moving - Closed).
Val_IncpltCloseCount DINT Count of incomplete device Close strokes (Opened - Moving - Opened).
Val_StopOtherCount DINT Count of device Stopped / Other occurrences.
Val_SlowOpenCount DINT Count of device Slow to Open occurrences.
Val_SlowCloseCount DINT Count of device Slow to Close occurrences.
Sts_SlowOpen BOOL 1 = Last Closed to Opened stroke exceeded configured time threshold.
Sts_SlowClose BOOL 1 = Last Opened to Closed stroke exceeded configured time threshold.
Sts_Err BOOL 1 = Configuration Error: invalid Slow Open Time or Slow Close Time.
Sts_ErrSlowCloseTime BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Invalid SlowCloseTime timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).
Sts_ErrSlowOpenTime BOOL 1 = Error in configuration: Invalid SlowOpenTime timer preset (use 0.0 to 2147483.0).

Private Input Members Data Type Description

MCmd_ClearMAvgs BOOL Maintenance command to clear moving average stroke times.
Default is false.
MCmd_ClearMaxTimes BOOL Maintenance command to clear maximum time statistics.
Default is false.
MCmd_ClearSlowCounts BOOL Maintenance command to clear device slow count statistics.
Default is false.
MCmd_ClearStrokeCounts BOOL Maintenance command to clear stroke count statistics.
Default is false.
MCmd_ClearTotTimes BOOL Maintenance command to clear total time statistics.
Default is false.

These diagrams illustrate the functionality of the PVLVS instruction:

712 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 713

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

714 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Configuration of Strings for HMI

Configure strings for HMI faceplates (FT View) and for the Logix Designer
configuration dialog box. The strings are set to extended properties of tag
items. Configure the strings in Logix Designer only.
• Valve is confirmed Stopped / Other (in Logix Designer dialog box) –
Description of Inp_StopOther item.
• Description
• Label for graphic symbol
• Display Library for HMI Faceplate call-up
• Instruction name
• Area name
• URL link

Monitor the PVLVS instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 715

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.
Total times, stroke counts and slow counts are maintained through a
power cycle. Current times are cleared.
The internal state is set to unknown. When an input shows the valve
in a known condition, the main logic transitions to the corresponding
Instruction first run All commands that are automatically cleared each execution are
cleared and ignored.
The instruction executes normally.
Rung-condition-in is false Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
If this instruction is on a false rung, or if EnableIn is false in FBD, Total
times, stroke counts, and slow counts are maintained, but Current
times are cleared.
The internal state is set to unknown.
Copies the current time of the previous state to its last time and
resets the current time (and accumulated 10ths of hours, if
The internal state is set to unknown (disabled).
When normal execution (Logic routine) is resumed, when an input
shows the valve in a known condition, a transition to the
corresponding state occurs.
Should scan all the retentive timers FALSE to stop them.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.
The instruction executes.
Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first scan See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
EnableIn is false See Rung-condition-in is false in the Ladder Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See Rung-condition-in is true in the Ladder Diagram table.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic it will execute.

716 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Ladder Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Ladder Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See Rung-condition-in is true in the Ladder Diagram table.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

This section shows how the PVLVS instruction collects statistics on a
motor-operated valve. In this example, the motor-operated valve is controlled
by using the PVLVS instruction. By naming the PVLVS instance tag the same
as the PVLV tag plus ValveStats, the PVLVS instance tag is automatically
linked at the HMI to the valve instance. In this example, the motor-operated
valve is opened, closed, or the motor could stop moving while in travel before
reaching either position. Statistics for all of these three states can be tracked
by using the PVLVS instruction. In this example, the parameters Inp_Closed,
Inp_Opened, and Inp_StopOther are connected to the parameters Sts_Closed,
Sts_Opened, and Sts_Stopped of the PVLV instruction. The PVLVS instruction
keeps track of completed strokes, plus open and close strokes that are slower
than expected. The parameters Cfg_SlowOpenTime and Cfg_SlowCloseTime
are set to 10, to indicate that any transition longer than 10 seconds is
considered slow.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 717

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Ladder Diagram

718 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PVLVMO_ValveStat.Inp_Closed := PVLVMO.Sts_Closed;

PVLVMO_ValveStat.Inp_Opened := PVLVMO.Sts_Opened;
PVLVMO_ValveStat.Inp_StopOther := PVLVMO.Sts_Stopped;

See also
Data Conversions on page 1022

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 719

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Structured Text Syntax on page 993
Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Process Variable Speed This information applies to the ControlLogix 5380P and 5580P controllers.

Drive (PVSD) The Process Variable Speed Drive (PVSD) instruction monitors and controls a
variable speed motor using an AC (variable frequency) or DC drive. Use the
instruction to run or jog the motor, forward or reverse. The drive interface can
be through a Device Object Interface or through individual pins. The object is
a built-in version of the existing P_VSD add-on instruction in the Rockwell
Automation Library of Process Objects.

Use the PVSD instruction to:

• Control and monitor a variable speed motor using an AC or DC drive.
This instruction is used with drives controlling velocity, not position,
and it does not use any motion axes.
• Select Operator, Program, External, Override, Maintenance, Out of
Service, or Hand as the source of drive commands and settings.
• Use the selected command source to enter a speed reference (setpoint).
• Use the selected command source to start the drive forward.
• Use the selected command source to start the drive reverse, if
configured for reversing.
• Use the selected command source to jog the drive forward, if
configured for jogging forward. Only Operator, External and
Maintenance command sources are permitted to jog the drive forward.
• Use the selected command source to jog the drive reverse, if
configured for jogging reverse. Only Operator, External and
Maintenance command sources are permitted to jog the drive reverse.
• Monitor actual drive status, including:
• Speed feedback
• Drive ready
• Drive active (run feedback)
• Commanded direction
• Actual direction
• Accelerating
• Decelerating
• At speed
• Drive warning
• Drive faulted (with fault code and description)
• Interface to a drive Device Object using a set of Power Velocity
interface tags. If the interface tags are not linked (optional InOut
parameters), a set of input and output parameters are used to interface
to the drive signal-by-signal.

720 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• Search a linked Fault Code Lookup Table to provide textual drive fault
information, or use text provided through the Power Velocity interface
fault record.
• Participate in a control strategy bus (BUS_OBJ) with other devices and
process instructions.
• Configure an output to provide a pre-start audible warning (horn). The
time the alert sounds before starting or jogging is configurable.
• Configure virtualization, providing simulated feedback of a working
drive while disabling outputs to the physical device.
• Configure scaling of the speed reference from application engineering
units to drive interface units.
• Configure scaling of the speed feedback from drive interface units to
application engineering units.
• Configure limiting (clamping) of the speed reference.
• Monitor run feedback and provide status and alarms for failure to start
in the configured time and failure to stop in the configured time.
• Monitor permissive conditions to allow starting or jogging the motor
• Monitor permissive conditions to allow starting or jogging the motor
• Monitor interlock conditions to stop and prevent starting or jogging
the motor. Trigger an alarm if interlock conditions cause the motor to
• Monitor I/O communication faults.
• Automatically clear latched alarms and drive faults when an Operator
Command (Start, Stop, Jog) is received.
• Automatically clear latched alarms and drive faults when an External
Command (Start, Stop, Jog) is received.
• Use HMI breadcrumbs for Alarm Inhibited, Bad Configuration, Not
Ready, and Maintenance Bypass Active.
• Use Available status for use by automation logic to indicate whether
the motor can be controlled by other objects.
• Use Alarms for Fail to Start, Fail to Stop, Interlock Trip, I/O Fault and
Drive Fault conditions.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 721

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

722 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
PVSD(PlantPAx Control, Ref_Ctrl_Set, Ref_Ctrl_Cmd, Ref_Ctrl_Sts, BusObj,

IMPORTANT Unexpected operation may occur if:
• Output tag operands are overwritten.
• Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
• Except when specified, structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.

There are data conversion rules for mixing numeric data types within an
instruction. See Data Conversions.

Configuration Operands
Operand Type Format Description
PlantPAx Control P_VARIABLE_SPEED_DRIVE tag Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.
Ref_Ctrl_Set RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRVELOCITY_SET tag Velocity Automation Device Object Settings Interface.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 723

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Operand Type Format Description
Ref_Ctrl_Cmd RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRVELOCITY_CMD tag Velocity Automation Device Object Command Interface.
Ref_Ctrl_Sts RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRVELOCITY_STS tag Velocity Automation Device Object Status Interface.
BusObj BUS_OBJ tag Bus component.
Ref_FaultCodeList RAC_CODE_DESCRIPTION[x] tag Fault Code to Fault Description lookup table for intelligent
motor controller.

Public members are standard, visible tag members that are programmatically
accessible. Private, hidden members are used in HMI faceplates and are not
programmatically accessible. Private members are listed in separate tables
after public members.
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableIn BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Enable Input - System Defined Parameter
Default is true.
Inp_InitializeReq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Request to initialize the instruction. The instruction
is normally initialized in instruction first run. Use this
request when reinitialization is needed. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is true.
Inp_OwnerCmd DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Owner device command.
0 = None,
.10 = Operator Lock,
.11 = Operator Unlock,
.12 = Program Lock,
.13 = Program Unlock,
.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
.15 = Release Maintenance,
.16 = Acquire External,
.17 = Release External,
.29 = Echo.
Default is 0.
Inp_SpeedFdbkData REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Speed feedback in drive (raw) units (example: 0 to
32767 in drive units represents 0 to max frequency).
Default is 0.0.
Inp_DatalinkData REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Auxiliary signal (datalink) input in drive (raw) units.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_LastFaultCodeData DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Most recent drive fault code (enumeration).
Default is 0.
Inp_ReadyData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive is ready to run.
Default is true.
Inp_RunningData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive is running (active).
Default is false.
Inp_CommandDirData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive is commanded forward, 0 = drive is
commanded reverse.
Default is true.
Inp_ActualDirData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive is running forward, 0 = drive is running
Default is true.
Inp_AcceleratingData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive is accelerating.
Default is false.
Inp_DeceleratingData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive is decelerating.
Default is false.

724 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_AtSpeedData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive is at commanded speed.
Default is false.
Inp_AlarmData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive has an alarm (warning) condition. See drive
display or manual for detail.
Default is false.
Inp_FaultedData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive has faulted. See drive display or manual for
Default is false.
Inp_DvcNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Related device object alarm priority and
acknowledgement status.
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Inp_IOFault BOOL Visible Not Required Input Indicates the IO data are inaccurate.
0 = The IO data are good, 1 = The IO data are bad,
causing fault. If the drive is not virtual, this input sets
Sts_IOFault, which raises IOFault Alarm.
Default is false.
Inp_FwdPermOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Permissives OK, drive can start or jog forward.
Default is true.
Inp_FwdNBPermOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Non-Bypassable Permissives OK, drive can start or
jog forward.
Default is true.
Inp_RevPermOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Permissives OK, drive can start or jog reverse.
Default is true.
Inp_RevNBPermOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Non-Bypassable Permissives OK, drive can start or
jog reverse.
Default is true.
Inp_IntlkOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Interlocks OK, drive can start or jog and keep
Default is true.
Inp_NBIntlkOK BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Non-bypassable interlocks OK, drive can start or
jog and keep running.
Default is true.
Inp_IntlkAvailable BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Interlock Availibility OK.
Default is false.
Inp_IntlkTripInh BOOL Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inhibit Interlock Trip Status.
Default is false.
Inp_RdyReset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Related object, reset by this object, is ready to be
Default is false.
Inp_Hand BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Acquire Hand (typically hardwired local), 0 =
Release Hand.
Default is false.
Inp_Ovrd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Acquire Override (higher priority program logic), 0
= Release Override.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 725

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Inp_OvrdCmd SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Override Command:
0 = None,
1 = Stop,
2 = Start Forward,
3 = Start Reverse.
Default is 0.
Inp_OvrdSpeed REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Value to set Speed Reference in Override, in speed
reference engineering units.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_OvrdOutDatalink REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Value to set Output Datalink in Override, in output
datalink engineering units.
Default is 0.0.
Inp_ExtInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inhibit External acquisition, 0 = Allow External
Default is false.
Inp_HornInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Inhibit audible alert, 0 = Alllow audible alert.
Default is false.
Inp_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Reset Shed Latches and Cleared Alarms.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowDisable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow Maintenance to disable alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_AllowShelve BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow Operator to shelve alarms.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasReverse BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive can run or jog reverse, 0 = only allow
forward operation.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasJog BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive jog command enabled and visible, 0 = drive
jog command not allowed.
Default is false.
Cfg_AllowLocal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Allow Local Start and Stop without alarm, 0 = Start
or Stop by command only.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasRunFdbk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive provides feedback signal when running.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseRunFdbk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive run feedback should be used for failure
Default is false.
Cfg_HasSpeedFdbk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive provides speed feedback.
Default is false.
Cfg_UseSpeedFdbk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Drive speed determines running state, 0 = state
determined by drive active feedback.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasInpDatalink BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = A signal is connected to Inp_DatalinkData.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasOutDatalink BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = A signal is connected to Out_DatalinkData.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasDvcObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI a device (e.g., drive) object is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasFwdPermObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object is connected to forward
permissive inputs.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasRevPermObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object is connected to reverse
permissive inputs.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasIntlkObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object is connected to interlock inputs.
Default is false.

726 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_HasResInhObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI a Restart Inhibit object is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasRunTimeObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI a Run Time / Starts object is connected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMoreObj BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Tells HMI an object with more information is
Default is false.
Cfg_SetTrack BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Settings track for unselected sources, 0 = no
tracking of settings.
Default is true.
Cfg_SetTrackOvrdHand BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Program, Operator and External settings track
when Override or Hand is selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_OperStopPrio BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = OCmd_Stop accepted any time;
0 = OCmd_Stop accepted only when Oper is selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_ExtStopPrio BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = XCmd_Stop accepted any time;
0 = XCmd_Stop accepted only when Ext is selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_OCmdResets BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Any drive OCmd resets shed latches and cleared
0 = OCmdReset is required.
Default is false.
Cfg_XCmdResets BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Any drive XCmd resets shed latches and cleared
0 = XCmdReset is required.
Default is false.
Cfg_OvrdPermIntlk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Override ignores Bypassable Perm/ Intlk; 0 =
Override uses all Perm/Intlk.
Default is false.
Cfg_ShedOnFailToStart BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Stop Motor and Alarm on Fail to Start; 0 = Alarm
only on Fail to Start.
Default is true.
Cfg_ShedOnIOFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Stop Motor and Alarm on I/O Fault; 0 = Alarm only
on I/O Fault.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasOper BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Operator (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasOperLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Operator Locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProg BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Program (unlocked) exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasProgLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Program Locked exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasExt BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = External exists, can be selected.
Default is false.
Cfg_HasMaint BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Maintenance exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_HasMaintOoS BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Maintenance Out of Service exists, can be selected.
Default is true.
Cfg_OvrdOverLock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Override supersedes Program/Operator Lock, 0 =
Don't override Lock.
Default is true.
Cfg_ExtOverLock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = External supersedes Program/Operator Lock, 0 =
Don't override Lock.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 727

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_ProgPwrUp BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = Power up to Program, 0 = Power up to Operator.
Default is false.
Cfg_ProgNormal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Normal Source: 1 = Program if no requests; 0 =
Operator if no requests.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdPriority BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Command priority. 1 = Program commands win, 0 =
Operator commands win.
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdProgAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = PCmd_Prog used as a Level (1 = Prog, 0 = Oper).
Default is false.
Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = PCmd_Lock used as a Level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock).
Default is false.
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input 1 = XCmd_Acq used as Level (1 = Acquire, 0 =
Default is false.
Cfg_DecPlcs SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Number of decimal places for speed ref/fdbk display
(0 to 6).
Default is 2.
Cfg_InpDatalinkDecPlcs SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Number of decimal places for Input Datalink display
(0 to 6).
Default is 2.
Cfg_OutDatalinkDecPlcs SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Number of decimal places for Output Datalink display
(0 to 6).
Default is 2.
Cfg_MinSpeedRef REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Minimum Speed Reference in EU (for limiting). Valid =
any float less than or equal to Max.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_MaxSpeedRef REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Maximum Speed Reference in EU (for limiting). Valid =
any float greater than or equal to Min.
Default is 60.0.
Cfg_JogSpeedRef REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Speed Reference to use when Jogging (EU). Valid =
any float (will be clamped).
Default is 10.0.
Cfg_SpeedRefRawMin REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Speed Reference Minimum in Drive (raw) Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float not equal to Max.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_SpeedRefRawMax REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Speed Reference Maximum in Drive (raw) Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float not equal to Min.
Default is 60.0.
Cfg_SpeedRefEUMin REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Speed Reference Minimum in Engineering Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float less than Max.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_SpeedRefEUMax REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Speed Reference Maximum in Engineering Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float greater than Min.
Default is 60.0.
Cfg_SpeedFdbkRawMin REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Speed Feedback Minimum in Drive (raw) Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float not equal to Max.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_SpeedFdbkRawMax REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Speed Feedback Maximum in Drive (raw) Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float not equal to Min.
Default is 60.0.
Cfg_SpeedFdbkEUMin REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Speed Feedback Minimum in Engineering Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float less than Max.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_SpeedFdbkEUMax REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Speed Feedback Maximum in Engineering Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float greater than Min.
Default is 60.0.

728 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_InpDatalinkRawMin REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Input Datalink Minimum in Drive (raw) Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float not equal to Max.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_InpDatalinkRawMax REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Input Datalink Maximum in Drive (raw) Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float not equal to Min.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_InpDatalinkEUMin REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Input Datalink Minimum in Engineering Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float less than Max.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_InpDatalinkEUMax REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Input Datalink Maximum in Engineering Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float greater than Min.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_OutDatalinkMin REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Minimum Output Datalink in EU (for limiting). Valid =
any float less than or equal to Max.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_OutDatalinkMax REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Maximum Output Datalink in EU (for limiting). Valid =
any float greater than or equal to Min.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_OutDatalinkRawMin REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Output Datalink Minimum in Drive (raw) Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float not equal to Max.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_OutDatalinkRawMax REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Output Datalink Maximum in Drive (raw) Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float not equal to Min.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_OutDatalinkEUMin REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Output Datalink Minimum in Engineering Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float less than Max.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_OutDatalinkEUMax REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Output Datalink Maximum in Engineering Units (for
scaling). Valid = any float greater than Min.
Default is 100.0.
Cfg_StartHornTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time in seconds to sound audible on commanded
start. Valid = 0.0 to 1000.0 seconds, 0.0 = disabled.
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_VirtualRampTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time in seconds to ramp speed feedback when
Virtualized. Valid = 0.0 to max float.
Default is 10.0.
Cfg_FailToStartTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time in seconds after Start to receive Run Feedback
before Fault. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 15.0.
Cfg_FailToStopTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time in seconds after Stop to drop Run Feedback
before Fault. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483,0 seconds.
Default is 15.0.
Cfg_ResetPulseTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Time in seconds to pulse Out_Reset to clear Motor
fault. Valid = 0.0 to 2147483.0 seconds.
Default is 2.0.
Cfg_MaxJogTime REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Maximum jog time in seconds. Valid = 0.0 to
2147483.0 seconds, 0.0 = unlimited).
Default is 0.0.
Cfg_eKeepRef SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Ownership of Speed Reference (enumeration):
0 = follows CmdSrc,
1 = Operator,
2 = Program,
3 = External.
Default is 0.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 729

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Cfg_eKeepStart SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Ownership of Start commands (enumeration):
0 = follows CmdSrc,
1 = Operator,
2 = Program,
3 = External.
Default is 0.
Cfg_eKeepJog SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Ownership of Jog commands (enumeration):
0 = follows CmdSrc,
1 = Operator,
3 = External.
Default is 0.
Cfg_eKeepOutDatalink SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Ownership of Output Datalink (enumeration):
0 = follows CmdSrc,
1 = Operator,
2 = Program,
3 = External.
Default is 0.
Cfg_CnfrmReqd SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Operator Command Confirmation Required.
Represents the type of command confirmation
0 = None,
1 = Command confirmation required,
2 = Performer e-signature required,
3 = Performer and approver e-signature required.
Default is 0.
Cfg_HasHistTrend SINT Not Visible Not Required Input Has Historical Trend. This enables navigation to the
Device Historical Trend Faceplate from the HMI.
0 = No external historical trend,
1 = Datalog historical trend,
2 = Historian historical trend.
Default is 0.
PSet_SpeedRef REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Program Setting of Run Speed Reference (speed
reference engineering units). Valid = any real, will be
Default is 0.0.
PSet_OutDatalink REAL Not Visible Not Required Input Program Setting of Output Datalink (output datalink
engineering units). Valid = any real, will be clamped.
Default is 0.0.
PSet_Owner DINT Not Visible Not Required Input Program owner request ID (non-zero) or release
Default is 0.
XSet_SpeedRef REAL Not Visible Not Required Input External setting of Run Speed Reference (speed
reference engineering units). Valid = any real, will be
Default is 0.0.
XSet_OutDatalink REAL Not Visible Not Required Input External setting of Output Datalink (output datalink
engineering units). Valid = any real, will be clamped.
Default is 0.0.
PCmd_Virtual BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Virtual (simulated)
device operation. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Physical BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Physical device
operation (not simulated). The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.

730 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
PCmd_StartFwd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to Start Drive Forward. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_StartRev BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to Start Drive Reverse. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Stop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to Stop Drive. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Prog BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Program (Operator to
Program). The instruction clears this operand
automatically if Cfg_PCmdProgAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
PCmd_Oper BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Operator (Program to
Operator). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Lock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to lock Program (disallow
Operator). The instruction clears this operand
automatically if Cfg_PCmdLockAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
PCmd_Unlock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to unlock Program (allow Operator
to acquire). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
PCmd_Normal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to select Normal command
source (Operator or Program). The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
PCmd_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Program command to reset all alarms and latched
shed conditions requiring reset. The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Rel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Maintenance command to release ownership
(Maintenance to Operator/Program/External/Override).
The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Unlock BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input Operator command to unlock / release (allow
Program to acquire) ownership. The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_StartFwd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to Start Drive Forward. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_StartRev BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to Start Drive Reverse. The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Stop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to Stop Drive. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_JogFwd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to Jog Drive Forward. The
instruction clears this operand automatically if max
jog time is reached.
Default is false.
XCmd_JogRev BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to Jog Drive Reverse. The
instruction clears this operand automatically if max
jog time is reached..
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 731

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Input Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
XCmd_Acq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to acquire ownership
(Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance to External).
The instruction clears this operand automatically if
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0.
Default is false.
XCmd_Rel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to release ownership if
Cfg_ExtAcqAsLevel = 0 (External to
Operator/Program/Override/Maintenance). The
instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
XCmd_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to clear shed latches and cleared
alarms. The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
XCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Not Visible Not Required Input External command to acknowledge and reset all
alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.

Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
EnableOut BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Enable Output - System Defined Parameter
Out_SpeedRefData REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Speed reference in drive (raw) units (example: 0 to
32767 in drive units represents 0 to max frequency).
Out_DatalinkData REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Auxiliary signal (datalink) output in drive (raw) units.
Out_RunData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Start/Run Drive, 0 = Stop Drive (for held starter
Out_StopData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Stop Drive, 0 = drive left in current state.
Out_StartData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Start Drive, 0 = drive left in current state.
Out_ClearFaultData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Attempt to clear Drive Fault.
Out_FwdData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Set drive direction to Forward.
Out_RevData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Set drive direction to Reverse.
Out_HornData BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Sound audible prior to commanded motor start.
Out_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Reset command has been received and
Out_OwnerSts DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Status of command source, owner command
handshake and ready status.
0 = None,
.10 = Operator Lock,
.11 = Operator Unlock,
.12 = Program Lock,
.13 = Program Unlock,
.14 = Acquire Maintenance,
.15 = Release Maintenance,
.16 = Acquire External,
.17 = Release External,
.18 = Has Maintenance,
.19 = External Override Lock,
.20 = Has External,
.21 = Has Operator,
.22 = Has Operator Locked,
.23 = Has Program,
.24 = Has Program Locked,
.29 = Echo,
.30 = Not Ready.
Val_SpeedRef REAL Visible Not Required Output Speed Reference (target) to drive.
Val_SpeedFdbk REAL Visible Not Required Output Speed Feedback (actual) from drive.

732 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Val_InpDatalink REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Input Datalink value from drive.
Val_OutDatalink REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Output Datalink value to drive.
Val_SpeedRefEUMin REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Minimum of Speed Reference = MIN
(Cfg_SpeedFdbkEUMin, Cfg_SpeedFdbkEUMax).
Val_SpeedRefEUMax REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Maximum of Speed Reference = MAX
(Cfg_SpeedFdbkEUMin, Cfg_SpeedFdbkEUMax).
Val_SpeedFdbkEUMin REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Minimum of Speed Feedback = MIN
(Cfg_SpeedFdbkEUMin, Cfg_SpeedFdbkEUMax).
Val_SpeedFdbkEUMax REAL Not Visible Not Required Output Maximum of Speed Feedback = MAX
(Cfg_SpeedFdbkEUMin, Cfg_SpeedFdbkEUMax).
Sts_Initialized BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Instruction is initialized. Use Inp_InitializeReq to
Sts_Stopped BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive requested to stop and is confirmed
Sts_StartingFwd BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive requested to run forward and awaiting run
Sts_StartingRev BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive requested to run reverse and awaiting run
Sts_RunningFwd BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive requested to run and is confirmed running
Sts_RunningRev BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive requested to run and is confirmed running
Sts_StoppingFwd BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive running forward requested to stop and
awaiting stopped feedback.
Sts_StoppingRev BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive running reverse requested to stop and
awaiting stopped feedback.
Sts_JoggingFwd BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive requested to Jog Forward.
Sts_JoggingRev BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive requested to Jog Reverse.
Sts_Horn BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor Audible Alert (Horn) is Active.
Sts_CommandDir BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive commanded to Forward, 0 = Reverse.
Sts_ActualDir BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Motor rotation (actual direction) is Forward, 0 =
Sts_Accel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive is Accelerating.
Sts_Decel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive is Decelerating.
Sts_NotReady BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive is Not Ready (cannot be started) Check
alarms, stops, faults.
Sts_Alarm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive has an Alarm (see drive display or manual).
Sts_AtSpeed BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive is running at reference speed.
Sts_SpeedLimited BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Speed Reference Setting exceeds configured
Max/Min limit.
Sts_Virtual BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = The instruction treats the drive as virtual. The
instruction acts as normal but the output is kept
de-energized; 0 = The instruction operates the drive
normally. Sts_Virtual is a copy of Sts_Virtual.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 733

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
SrcQ_IO SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of primary input or output
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration
SrcQ SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Source and quality of primary value or status
0=Good, live, confirmed good
1=Good, live, assumed good
2=Good, no feedback, assumed good
8=Test, virtualized
9=Test, loopback
10=Test, manually entered
16=Uncertain, live, off-spec
17=Uncertain, substituted at device or bus
18=Uncertain, substituted at instruction
19=Uncertain, using last known good
20=Uncertain, using replacement value
32=Bad, signal failure
33=Bad, channel fault
34=Bad, module or communication fault
35=Bad, invalid configuration
Sts_eCmd SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Drive Command:
0 = None,
1 = Stop,
2 = Start Forward,
3 = Start Reverse,
4 = Jog Forward,
5 = Jog Reverse.
Sts_eFdbk SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Drive Feedback:
0 = Stopped,
1 = Running Forward,
2 = Running Reverse,
3 = Accelerating,
4 = Decelerating.

734 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eSts SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Drive Status:
0 = Powerup / Unknown,
1 = Stopped,
2 = Running Forward,
3 = Running Reverse,
4 = Starting Forward,
5 = Starting Reverse,
6 = Jogging Forward,
7 = Jogging Reverse,
8 = Stopping,
14 = Horn,
15 = Out Of Service.
Sts_eFault SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Drive Fault Status:
0 = None,
15 = Interlock Trip,
16 = Fail to Start,
17 = Fail to Stop,
18 = Drive Fault,
32 = I/O Fault,
34 = Config Error.
Sts_eNotify SINT Not Visible Not Required Output All alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyAll SINT Not Visible Not Required Output All alarm status enumerated values including related
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyIOFault SINT Not Visible Not Required Output IOFault alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 735

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eNotifyFailToStart SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Fail to Start alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyFailToStop SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Fail to Stop alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyIntlkTrip SINT Not Visible Not Required Output IntlkTrip alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowledged.
Sts_eNotifyDriveFault SINT Not Visible Not Required Output Drive Fault alarm status enumerated values:
0 = Not in alarm, acknowledged,
1 = Not in alarm, unacknowledged or reset required,
2 = Low severity alarm, acknowledged,
3 = Low severity alarm, unacknowledged,
4 = Medium severity alarm, acknowledged,
5 = Medium severity alarm, unacknowledged,
6 = High severity alarm, acknowledged,
7 = High severity alarm, unacknowledged,
8 = Urgent severity alarm, acknowledged,
9 = Urgent severity alarm, unacknowl
Sts_UnackAlmCount DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Count of unacknowledged alarms.
Sts_eFaultCode DINT Not Visible Not Required Output First Drive Fault Code after reset. See drive manual or
Drive Object for description.

736 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_eSrc INT Not Visible Not Required Output The current command source is shown with status
Sts_eSrc.0: Lock,
Sts_eSrc.1: Normal,
Sts_eSrc.2: Hand,
Sts_eSrc.3: Maintenance,
Sts_eSrc.4: Override,
Sts_eSrc.5: Program,
Sts_eSrc.6: Operator,
Sts_eSrc.7: Out of Service,
Sts_eSrc.8: External.
Sts_bSrc INT Not Visible Not Required Output Active selection bitmap (for HMI totem pole with
command source request selection):
Sts_bSrc.0: Hand,
Sts_bSrc.1: Programmed Out of Service (rung false),
Sts_bSrc.2: Maintenance Out of Service,
Sts_bSrc.3: Maintenance,
Sts_bSrc.4: Override,
Sts_bSrc.5: External,
Sts_bSrc.6: Program locked,
Sts_bSrc.7: Program,
Sts_bSrc.8: Operator locked,
Sts_bSrc.9: Operator.
Sts_Available BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device has been acquired by Program and is now
available for start/stop control.
Sts_IntlkAvailable BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device can be acquired by Program and is
available for start/stop control when interlocks are
Sts_Bypass BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Bypassable interlocks are bypassed.
Sts_BypActive BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Interlock bypassing active (bypassed or
Sts_MaintByp BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device has a maintenance bypass function active.
Sts_NotRdy BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready, see detail bits (Sts_Nrdyxxx)
for reason.
Sts_NrdyCfgErr BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Configuration error.
Sts_NrdyDriveNotReady BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Drive Not Ready.
Sts_NrdyFail BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Device failure (Shed requires
Sts_NrdyIntlk BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Interlock not OK.
Sts_NrdyIOFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: IO Fault (Shed requires
Sts_NrdyOoS BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Device disabled by
Sts_NrdyFwdPerm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Forward permissive not OK.
Sts_NrdyRevPerm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Reverse permissive not OK.
Sts_NrdyPrioStop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Operator or External priority
Stop command requires reset.
Sts_NrdyTrip BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Device is not ready: Device Tripped (Drive Fault
requires Reset).
Sts_Err BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in configuration: See detail bits (Sts_ErrXxx)
for reason.
Sts_ErrAlm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Logix tag-based alarm settings.
Sts_ErrSpeedFdbkRaw BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Speed Fdbk Raw Min = Max.
Sts_ErrSpeedFdbkEU BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Speed Fdbk EU Min = Max.

Sts_ErrSpeedRefLim BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Speed Ref Limit Min > Max.
Sts_ErrSpeedRefEU BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Speed Ref EU Min = Max.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 737

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_ErrSpeedRefRaw BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Speed Ref Raw Min = Max.
Sts_ErrInpDatalinkRaw BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Input Datalink Raw Min = Max.
Sts_ErrInpDatalinkEU BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Input Datalink EU Min = Max.
Sts_ErrOutDatalinkLim BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Output Datalink Limits Min > Max.
Sts_ErrOutDatalinkEU BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Output Datalink EU Min = Max.
Sts_ErrOutDatalinkRaw BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Output Datalink Raw Min = Max.
Sts_ErrVirtualRampTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Virtual speed accel / decel time:
use 0 to 2147483.
Sts_ErrFailToStartTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Fail to Start timer preset: use 0 to
Sts_ErrFailToStopTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Fail to Stop timer preset: use 0 to
Sts_ErrResetPulseTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Reset Pulse timer preset: use 0 to
Sts_ErrMaxJogTime BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Error in Config: Maximum Jog Time timer preset:
use 0 to 2147483.
Sts_Hand BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Hand is selected (supersedes OoS, Maintenance,
Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_OoS BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Out of Service is selected (supersedes
Maintenance, Override, External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Maint BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Maintenance is selected (supersedes Override,
External, Program, Operator).
Sts_Ovrd BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Override is selected (supersedes External,
Program, Operator).
Sts_Ext BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = External is selected (supersedes Program and
Sts_Prog BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Program is selected.
Sts_ProgLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Program is selected and Locked.
Sts_Oper BOOL Visible Not Required Output 1 = Operator is selected.
Sts_OperLocked BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Operator is selected and Locked.
Sts_ProgOperSel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output Program/Operator selection (latch) state: 1 =
Program, 0 = Operator.
Sts_ProgOperLock BOOL Visible Not Required Output Program/Operator lock (latch) state, 1 = Locked, 0 =
Sts_Normal BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Selection equals the Normal (Program or
Sts_ExtReqInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = External request inhibited, cannot get to External
from current state.
Sts_ProgReqInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Program request inhibited, cannot get to Program
from current state.
Sts_MAcqRcvd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Maintenance Acquire command received this
Sts_CmdConflict BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Conflicting commands received this scan.
Sts_Alm BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is active.
Sts_AlmInh BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is shelved or disabled.
Sts_IOFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output IO Fault status: 1 = Bad, 0 = OK. There is a predefined
default discrete Logix tag-based alarm for the status.
Set standard configuration members of the discrete
Logix tag-based alarm. Alarm elements can be
accessed as follows:
[email protected]_IOFault.AlarmElement.
Sts_FailToStart BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive failed to Start. There is a predefined default
discrete Logix tag-based alarm for the status. Set
standard configuration members of the discrete
Logix tag-based alarm. Alarm elements can be
accessed as follows:
[email protected]_FailToStart.AlarmElement.

738 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Public Output Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Sts_FailToStop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive failed to Stop. There is a predefined default
discrete Logix tag-based alarm for the status. Set
standard configuration members of the discrete
Logix tag-based alarm. Alarm elements can be
accessed as follows:
[email protected]_FailToStop.AlarmElement.
Sts_IntlkTrip BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive stopped by an interlock Not OK. There is a
predefined default discrete Logix tag-based alarm
for the status. Set standard configuration members
of the discrete Logix tag-based alarm. Alarm
elements can be accessed as follows:
[email protected]_IntlkTrip.AlarmElement.
Sts_DriveFault BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Drive Fault, see drive display or manual for detail.
Sts_RdyAck BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = An alarm is ready to be acknowledged.
Sts_RdyReset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be
XRdy_Acq BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
XRdy_Rel BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
XRdy_StartFwd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_StartFwd, enable button.
XRdy_StartRev BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_StartRev, enable button.
XRdy_JogFwd BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_JogFwd, enable button.
XRdy_JogRev BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_JogRev, enable button.
XRdy_Stop BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Stop, enable button.
XRdy_Reset BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_Reset, enable button.
XRdy_ResetAckAll BOOL Not Visible Not Required Output 1 = Ready for XCmd_ResetAckAll, enable button.
Val_Owner DINT Not Visible Not Required Output Current object owner ID (0 = not owned).

Private Input Members Data Type Description

CmdSrc P_COMMAND_SOURC Control or Command Source Selection.
MCmd_Acq BOOL Maintenance command to acquire ownership (Operator/Program/External/Override to
Maintenance). The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Bypass BOOL Maintenance command to bypass all bypassable interlocks and permissives. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Check BOOL Maintenance command to check (not bypass) all interlocks and permissives. The instruction
clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_IS BOOL Maintenance command to select In Service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_OoS BOOL Maintenance command to select Out of Service. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Physical BOOL Maintenance command to select Physical device operation (not simulated). The instruction clears
this operand automatically.
Default is false.
MCmd_Virtual BOOL Maintenance command to select Virtual (simulated) device operation. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_JogFwd BOOL Operator command to Jog Drive Forward. The instruction clears this operand automatically if
max jog time is reached.
Default is false.
OCmd_JogRev BOOL Operator command to Jog Drive Reverse. The instruction clears this operand automatically if
max jog time is reached.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 739

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Input Members Data Type Description
OCmd_Lock BOOL Operator command to lock Operator (disallow Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Normal BOOL Operator command to select Normal (Operator or Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Oper BOOL Operator command to select Operator (Program to Operator). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Prog BOOL Operator command to select Program (Operator to Program). The instruction clears this operand
Default is false.
OCmd_Reset BOOL Operator command to reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The instruction clears this
operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_ResetAckAll BOOL Operator command to acknowledge and reset all alarms and latched shed conditions. The use of
OCmd_ResetAckAll is restricted to HMI. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_StartFwd BOOL Operator command to Start Drive Forward. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_StartRev BOOL Operator command to Start Drive Reverse. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OCmd_Stop BOOL Operator command to Stop Drive. The instruction clears this operand automatically.
Default is false.
OSet_OutDatalink REAL Operator Setting of Output Datalink, in output datalink engineering units. Valid = any float
Default is 0.0.
OSet_SpeedRef REAL Operator Setting of Speed Reference, in speed reference engineering units. Valid = any float
Default is 0.0.

Private Output Members Data Type Description

HMI_BusObjIndex DINT This object's index in the bus array, for use by HMI display.
Default is 0.
MRdy_Acq BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Acq, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Bypass BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Bypass, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Check BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Check, enable HMI button.
MRdy_IS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_IS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_OoS BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_OoS, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Physical BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Physical, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Rel BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Rel, enable HMI button.
MRdy_Virtual BOOL 1 = Ready for MCmd_Virtual, enable HMI button.
ORdy_JogFwd BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_JogFwd, enable HMI button.
ORdy_JogRev BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_JogRev, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Lock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Lock, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Normal BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Normal, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Oper BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Oper, enable HMI button.
ORdy_OutDatalink BOOL 1 = Ready for OSet_OutDatalink, enable data entry field.
ORdy_Prog BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Prog, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Reset BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset.
ORdy_ResetAckAll BOOL 1 = A latched alarm or shed condition is ready to be reset or acknowledged.
ORdy_SpeedRef BOOL 1 = Ready for OSet_SpeedRef, enable data entry field.
ORdy_StartFwd BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_StartFwd, enable HMI button.
ORdy_StartRev BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_StartRev, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Stop BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Stop, enable HMI button.
ORdy_Unlock BOOL 1 = Ready for OCmd_Unlock, enable HMI button.
Sts_FaultDesc STRING Description of motor controller fault, lookup from last fault code.

740 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Public InOut Members Data Type FBD Default FBD Wiring Usage Description
Visibility required
Ref_Ctrl_Set RAC_ITF_DVC_P Visible Required InOut Velocity Automation Device Object Settings Interface.
Ref_Ctrl_Cmd RAC_ITF_DVC_P Visible Required InOut Velocity Automation Device Object Command
Ref_Ctrl_Sts RAC_ITF_DVC_P Visible Required InOut Velocity Automation Device Object Status Interface.
BusObj BUS_OBJ Visible Required InOut Bus component.
Ref_FaultCodeList RAC_CODE_DES Visible Required InOut Fault Code to Fault Description lookup table for
CRIPTION[1] intelligent motor controller.

The RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRVELOCITY_SET structure is the first of three
structures exchanged with the associated Power Velocity Device Object to
interface with the variable speed drive device. This structure handles
settings, such as the speed reference, sent to the drive.
This parameter links the instruction to an external tag that contains necessary
data for the instruction to operate. The external tag must be of the data type
shown, or may be NULL. If NULL, other pins on the instruction are used to
link the necessary data.
Members Data Type Description
InhibitCmd BOOL 1 = Inhibit user Commands from external sources, 0 = Allow Commands.
InhibitSet BOOL 1 = Inhibit user Settings from external sources, 0 = Allow Settings.
Speed REAL Speed reference (Hz). Valid = 0.0 to maximum drive frequency.

The RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRVELOCITY_CMD structure is the second of three
structures exchanged with the associated Power Velocity Device Object to
interface with the variable speed drive device. This structure handles
commands, such as start, stop and jog, sent to the drive. It is an InOut
parameter configured as optional (May Be Null).
This parameter links the instruction to an external tag that contains necessary
data for the instruction to operate. The external tag must be of the data type
shown, or may be NULL. If NULL, other pins on the instruction are used to
link the necessary data.
Members Data Type Description
bCmd INT Commands (Bit Overlay):
Physical BOOL Operate as a physical device.
Virtual BOOL Operate as a virtual device.
ResetWarn BOOL Reset warning status.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 741

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Members Data Type Description
ResetFault BOOL Reset fault status.
Activate BOOL Activate output power structure.
Deactivate BOOL Deactivate output power structure.
CmdDir BOOL Select direction: 0 = Forward, 1 = Reverse.

The RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRVELOCITY_STS structure is the third of three
structures exchanged with the associated Power Velocity Device Object to
interface with the variable speed drive device. This structure handles status,
such as the speed feedback, active status, commanded and actual direction,
received from the drive. It is an InOut parameter configured as optional
(May Be Null).
This parameter links the instruction to an external tag that contains necessary
data for the instruction to operate. The external tag must be of the data type
shown, or may be NULL. If NULL, other pins on the instruction are used to
link the necessary data.
Members Data Type Description
eState DINT Enumerated state of the device object:
0 = Unused,
1 = Initializing,
2 = Disconnected,
3 = Disconnecting,
4 = Connecting,
5 = Idle,
6 = Configuring,
7 = Available.
FirstWarning RAC_ITF_EVENT First warning.
FirstFault RAC_ITF_EVENT First fault.
eCmdFail DINT Enumerated command failure code.
Speed REAL Actual Speed (Hz).
bSts INT Status (Bit Overlay):
Physical BOOL 1 = Operating as a physical device.
Virtual BOOL 1 = Operating as a virtual device.
Connected BOOL 1 = Connected and communicating.
Available BOOL 1 = Device is configured and can be operated.
Warning BOOL 1 = Device has a warning.
Faulted BOOL 1 = Device is faulted.
Ready BOOL 1 = Device is ready to be activated.
Active BOOL 1 = Device is active (power structure active, drive running).
ZeroSpeed BOOL 1 = Motor is at zero speed (not rotating).
ObjCtrl BOOL 0 = Object has control of this device, 1 = Object does not have control of this device (for
example, local HIM or I/O has control).
CmdDir BOOL Commanded direction: 1 = Reverse, 0 = Forward
ActDir BOOL Actual (rotation) direction: 1 = Reverse, 0 = Forward
Accelerating BOOL 1 = Motor is accelerating.
Decelerating BOOL 1 = Motor is decelerating.
AtSpeed BOOL 1 = Motor actual speed has reached speed reference.

742 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

BUS_OBJ Structure
The BUS_OBJ structure links the variable speed drive to other devices and
instructions in a complex control strategy, typically into a hierarchy. A Bus
Object rolls up status and alarm information from lower level devices to
higher level control and fans out commands from higher level control to lower
level devices, and items link to the bus by referencing a single member of the
BUS_OBJ array associated with the bus.
This parameter links the instruction to an external tag that contains necessary
data for the instruction to operate. The external tag must be of the data type
shown, or may be NULL. If NULL, the Bus functions of this instruction are not
Members Data Type Description
Inp_Cmd DINT Input to assert commands
Out_Cmd DINT Resultant commands
Inp_CmdLLH DINT Input for level normally high commands
Out_CmdLLH DINT Resultant line level high commands
Inp_Sts DINT Input to assert status
Out_Sts DINT Resultant status
Inp_CmdAck DINT Input to assert a command acknowledgement
Out_CmdAck DINT Resultant command acknowledgements
Inp_SeverityMax DINT Input: maximum alarm severity
Out_SeverityMax DINT Resultant of maximum alarm severity
Cfg_CmdMask DINT Propagation mask for commands
Cfg_CmdLLHMask DINT Propagation mask for line level high commands
Cfg_StsMask DINT Propagation mask for status
Ref_Index DINT Bus array index

The RAC_CODE_DESCRIPTION[x] structure is an array of drive fault code
number and fault code description pairs, used as a lookup table. The
instruction searches the table for the fault code received from the drive and
displays the corresponding fault description text.
This parameter links the instruction to an external tag that contains necessary
data for the instruction to operate. The external tag must be of the data type
shown, or may be NULL. If NULL, the fault code lookup function is not
performed. Fault descriptions will only be shown if provided through the
Device Object Status interface.
Members Data Type Description
Code DINT Code for which to look up Description.
Desc STRING Description for given Code.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 743

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

RAC_EVENTstructures are used by the FirstFault and FirstWarning members
in the RAC_ITF_DVC_PWRVELOCITY_STS structure. These items hold the
event data received from the drive for the first drive fault and first drive
warning records in the drive event history.
Members Data Type Description
Type DINT Event type:
1 = Status,
2 = Warning,
3 = Fault,
4 ...n = User.
ID DINT User-definable event ID.
Category DINT User-definable category (Electrical, Mechanical, Materials, Utility, etc.).
Action DINT User-definable event action code.
Value DINT User-definable event value or fault code.
Message STRING Event message text.
EventTime_L LINT Event timestamp (64-bit microseconds format).
EventTime_D DINT[7] Event timestamp (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond format).

Discrete Logix tag-based alarms are defined for these members:
Member Alarm Name Description
Sts_FailToStart Alm_FailToStart Drive failed to start within the allotted time when commanded to start.
Sts_FailToStop Alm_FailToStop Drive failed to stop within the allotted time when commanded to stop.
Sts_IntlkTrip Alm_IntlkTrip Drive stopped by an Interlock Not OK.
Sts_IOFault Alm_IOFault Drive communication with controller failed.
Sts_DriveFault Alm_DriveFault The variable speed drive is reporting it has a fault condition.

Mark the alarm as used or unused and set standard configuration members of
the discrete Logix Tag based alarm. Use this format to access alarm elements:
[email protected]

The PVSD instruction uses these alarms:

• Raises the Fail to Start alarm when the drive is commanded to start but
run feedback is not received within the configured failure time.
• Raises the Fail to Stop alarm when the drive is commanded to stop but
run feedback does not drop within the configured failure time.
• Raises the Interlock Trip alarm when the motor is running and an
interlock not-OK condition causes the motor to stop. If interlocks are
not bypassed, a bypassable interlock or a non-bypassable interlock
not-OK condition initiates an interlock trip. If interlocks are bypassed,
only a non-bypassable interlock not-OK condition initiates an interlock
• Raises the I/O Fault alarm when I/O communication with the variable
speed drive is lost. For the Power Velocity Device interface, this is
detected when the Ref_Ctrl_Sts.Connected bit goes false (to 0). For

744 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
the discrete signal interface, used when Ref_Ctrl_Sts is NULL, this is
detected when Inp_IOFault goes true (to 1).
• Raises the Drive Fault alarm when the drive reports a drive faulted
condition. For the Power Velocity Device interface, this is detected
when the Ref_Ctrl_Sts.Faulted bit goes true (to 1). For the discrete
signal interface, which is used when Ref_Ctrl_Sts is NULL, this is
detected when Inp_Faulted goes true (to 1).
Program, Operator, and External commands reset latched alarms, and reset
and acknowledge all alarms of the instruction (Alarm Set) at the same time.
This diagram shows how the commands interact with the PVSD instruction.

This diagram illustrates functionality of the PVSD instruction:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 745

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

The second diagram illustrates the handling of the drive speed reference
(setpoint) and drive speed feedback:

746 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

The third diagram illustrates the handling of the optional input datalink and
output datalink functions:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 747

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Monitor the PVSD Instruction

Use the operator faceplate from the PlantPAx library of Process objects for

Affects Math Status Flags


748 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor is
de-energized and treated as if it were commanded to stop.
Instruction first run Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor state is
evaluated and the instruction aligns with the current state of the motor, as if the
Hand command source were selected.
Rung-condition-in is false Handled the same as if the motor is taken Out of Service by command. The motor
outputs are de-energized, and the motor Command Source is shown as Program
Out of Service on the HMI. All alarms are cleared. The rung-condition-out
continues as false.
Rung-condition-in is true Set rung-condition-out to rung-condition-in.

The instruction executes.

Postscan Rung-condition-out is cleared to false.

Function Block Diagram

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor is
de-energized and treated as if it were commanded to stop.
Instruction first run Any commands received before first scan are discarded. The motor state is
evaluated and the instruction aligns with the current state of the motor, as if the
Hand command source were selected.
Instruction first scan See instruction first run in the function block diagram table.
EnableIn is false Handled the same as if the motor is taken Out of Service by command. The
motor outputs are de-energized, and the motor Command Source is shown as
Program Out of Service on the HMI. All alarms are cleared. EnableOut is set to
EnableIn is true EnableOut is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
In Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic it will execute.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block Diagram table.
Instruction first run See Instruction first run in the Function Block Diagram table.
EnableIn is true See EnableIn is true in the Function Block Diagram table.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 749

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Condition/State Action Taken
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block Diagram table.

In the following example, the first three reference (InOut parameter) tags are
used to interface to a Power Velocity Device object, provided by Commercial
Engineering. These tags provide the Speed Reference setting to the drive,
the various activate (start), deactivate (stop), and clear fault commands to the
drive, and drive status from the drive, including status such as active
(running), actual speed, commanded and actual direction, and fault and
warning information and test. The next InOut parameter links this drive to
a bus of related devices, control modules, equipment modules and unit(s) in a
hierarchy used to fan out commands and roll up status and alarm information
for use in complex control strategies and sequences.
In this example, the Fault Code List parameter is not used because the textual
fault information is received from the Power Velocity Device object, and no
lookup from a fault code is required in this instance.

Ladder Diagram

750 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Function Block Diagram

Structured Text
MyNG_PVSD_Ctrl_Sts, MyNG_Bus[19], 0)

See also
Process Variable Speed Drive (PVSD) Command Source on page 752

Data Conversions on page 1022

Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 751

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Process Variable Speed The Process Variable Speed Drive (PVSD) instruction uses these command
sources. The command sources are prioritized in order from highest to
Drive (PVSD) Command lowest.
Command Source Description
Hand Hardwired logic or other logic outside the instruction controls the device. The instruction tracks the state of the device for bumpless
transfer back to one of the other command sources.
This is the highest priority command source.
Out-of-Service The instruction is disabled. Drive commands and settings from any source are not accepted.
Maintenance Maintenance controls the device and supersedes Operator, Program, External and Override control. Operator commands and settings
from the HMI are accepted.
Override Priority logic controls the device and supersedes Operator, Program and External control. Override Input (Inp_Ovrd) is accepted.
External External logic (for example, field pilot control or upstream SCADA) controls the device. External commands (XCmd_) are accepted.
Program locked Program logic controls the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted. Operator cannot take control from the Program.
Override cannot take control from theProgram unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Program Program logic controls the device. Program commands (PCmd_) are accepted.
Operator locked The Operator controls the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted. Program cannot take control from
Operator. Override cannot take control from Operator unless Cfg_OvrdOverLock = 1.
Operator The Operator controls the device. Operator commands (OCmd_) from the HMI are accepted.
This is the lowest priority command source.

The instruction enables or disables these operations:

• Maintenance Out-of-Service exists
• Maintenance exists
• External exists
• Program (unlocked) exists
• Program locked exists
• Operator (unlocked) exists
• Operator locked exists
• PCmd_Lock used as a Level (1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock)
The instruction checks for invalid configurations of control and forces the
nearest valid configuration.
The core control model arbitrates the source of the commands and
parameters that the receiving function accepts. The core control model
determines if the source is:
• A programmatic entity which resides entirely within the processing
environment, or
• An external interface entity which issues commands and parameters
external and asynchronously to the processing environment.
Locking a control source prevents the other control source from acquiring

Core Command Source Model

The core control model consists of these control sources:
• Oper

752 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
• OperLocked
• Prog
• ProgLocked
The control model defaults to this configuration. Other control sources may
be present in the model but act as overriding control sources, acting
independent of the base Operator/Program state machine.

Enable control sources as Configuration

The user can enable and disable individual control sources. The default
configuration uses the entire base model; upon power-up of the processing
environment the control source will be the designated default. Some
combinations of enabled control sources are disallowed as they are either
unnecessary or could create unintended changes.

Prog Power Up
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program is the
power-up default.

Prog Priority
Configuration allows the user to specify whether Operator or Program
commands take priority when simultaneously asserted.

Automatic reset of commands

All commands are treated as one-shot-latched. Commands are automatically
cleared when the instruction executes and processes them.

Change Destination States

Under certain configurations the destination command source for some
commands may change. This is in keeping with the intent of the command.
For example, if the Program state is disabled, the destination of the
OCmd_Prog command becomes the Program Locked state instead of the
Program state. This maintains the intent of the OCmd_Prog command: the
operator entity wishes to place the function in control of the program. If the
command was eliminated then there would be no way to accomplish this. This
is only done in configurations where it would cause no conflict or race
condition, but serves to preserve as much user functionality as is practical.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 753

Chapter 2 PlantPAx

Higher Priority Command Sources

These Higher priority command sources operate independently within the
• External
• Override
• Maintenance
• Out-of-Service
• In-Service
• Hand

The PVSD instruction monitors and controls a variable speed drive. The
speed reference and the start, stop and jog commands to the drive can come
from a variety of sources, determined by an embedded instance of PCMDSRC.
Available command sources are:
• Operator, through the HMI
• Program, through logic connected to the block
• External, through logic connected to the block
• Override, through logic connected to the block
• Maintenance, through the HMI
• Out of Service
• Hand (assumes the block has no control of the drive, so aligns with the
actual drive status in order to achieve bumpless transfer from Hand
back to one of the other command sources)
The PVSD instruction has four aspects, which can be kept by a particular
command source whenever the command source selection is Operator,
Program or External. Any or all of the aspects can be kept at any given time,
or can follow the selection of the PCMDSRC. The aspects are:
• The Speed Reference setting
• Start (forward and reverse) commands
• Jog (forward and reverse) commands
• The Output Datalink setting
The Jog commands cannot be kept by the Program command source.
The PVSD instruction supports virtualization. When selected to Virtual, the
instruction provides status to the operator and other blocks as if a working
drive were connected while keeping the outputs to the physical drive
de-energized (zero). When selected to Physical, the instruction monitors and
controls the physical variable speed drive device. Use Virtualization to provide
off-process functional testing of higher-level control strategies or simulation
for operator training.

754 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
The PVSD instruction supports interlocks, conditions that must be OK for the
motor to run and which stop the motor if not OK, and permissives, conditions
that must be OK for the motor to start but which are ignored once the motor
is running. Bypassable permissives and interlocks can be bypassed for
maintenance, while non-bypassble interlocks and permissives are always
Analog values (speed reference, speed feedback, input datalink, output
datalink) associated with the drive are displayed and entered in engineering
units, and linear scaling is used to provide these values in raw (drive) units at
the drive interface. The speed reference to the drive has rate limiting and
clamping limits; the output datalink to the drive has clamping limits.
The PVSD instruction supports a bus for forwarding commands (fanout) and
gathering status (rollup) in a hierarchy of objects. Refer to the Bus Object for
more information on the commands and status (including alarm status) sent
on the bus.
The PVSD instruction optionally supports the ability to look up the text to
display for the most recent drive fault code, given a provided fault code lookup
table. This table is an array of Code and Description pairs and is searched
whenever the last fault code from the drive changes.
The PVSD instruction’s interface to the physical drive can be through a Power
Velocity Device Object interface or by connecting individual drive signals to
input and output pins of the instruction. Details on the Power Velocity Device
Object interface are given below. Three interface tags are used, provided as
InOut Parameters. These tags provide drive Settings, such as the Speed
Reference, drive Commands, such as start forward, jog reverse and stop, and
retrieve drive Status, such as connected, active (running), commanded
direction, actual direction, accelerating, decelerating, at speed, warning,
faulted, and extended drive warning and fault information.

PVSD Drive Settings: Ref_Ctrl_Set InOut Parameter

Private Input Members Data Type Description
InhibitCmd BOOL 1 = Inhibit user Commands from external sources, 0 = allow Commands.
InhibitSet BOOL 1 = Inhibit user Settings from external sources, 0 = Allow Settings.
Speed REAL Speed reference (Hz). Valid = 0.0 to maximum drive frequency.

PVSD Drive Commands: Ref_Ctrl_Cmd InOut Parameter

Private Input Members Data Type Description
bCmd INT Commands (bit overlay), consisting of:
Physical BOOL Operate as a physical device
Virtual BOOL Operate as a virtual device
ResetWarn BOOL Reset warning status

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 755

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Input Members Data Type Description
ResetFault BOOL Reset fault status
Activate BOOL Activate output power structure (if speed reference is not zero, the motor will run)
Deactivate BOOL Deactivate output power structure (motor will stop)
CmdDir BOOL Select direction: 0 = Forward, 1 = Reverse

PVSD Drive Status: Ref_Ctrl_Sts InOut Parameter

Private Input Members Data Type Description
eState DINT Enumerated state of the device object:
0 = Unused
1 = Initializing
2 = Disconnected
3 = Disconnecting
4 = Connecting
5 = Idle
6 = Configuring
7 = Available
FirstWarning RAC_ITF_EVENT First Warning, consisting of:
Type DINT Event type: 1 = Status, 2 = Warning, 3 = Fault, 4 … n = User
ID DINT User-definable event ID
Category DINT User-definable category (electrical, mechanical, materials, utility, etc.)
Action DINT User-definable event action code
Value DINT User-definable event value or fault code
Message STRING Event message text
EventTime_L LINT Event timestamp (64-bit microseconds format)
EventTime_D DINT[7] Event timestamp (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond format)
FirstFault RAC_ITF_EVENT First Fault, consisting of:
Type DINT Event type: 1 = Status, 2 = Warning, 3 = Fault, 4 … n = User
ID DINT User-definable event ID
Category DINT User-definable category (electrical, mechanical, materials, utility, etc.)
Action DINT User-definable event action code
Value DINT User-definable event value or fault code
Message STRING Event message text
EventTime_L LINT Event timestamp (64-bit microseconds format)
EventTime_D DINT[7] Event timestamp (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond format)
eCmdFail DINT Enumerated command failure code
Speed REAL Actual speed (Hz)
bSts INT Status, consisting of:
Physical BOOL 1 = Operating as a physical device
Virtual BOOL 1 = Operating as a virtual device
Connected BOOL 1 = Connected and communicating
Available BOOL 1 = Device is configured and can be operated
Warning BOOL 1 = Device has a warning
Faulted BOOL 1 = Device is faulted
Ready BOOL 1 = Device is ready to be activated
Active BOOL 1 = Device is active (power structure active, drive running)
ZeroSpeed BOOL 1 = Motor is at zero speed (not rotating)
ObjCtrl BOOL 0 = Object has control of this device, 1 = Object does not have control of this device (for
example, local HIM or I/O has control)
CmdDir BOOL Commanded direction: 1 = reverse, 0 = forward
ActDir BOOL Actual direction (of rotation): 1 = reverse, 0 = forward
Accelerating BOOL 1 = Motor is accelerating
Decelerating BOOL 1 = Motor is decelerating

756 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 2 PlantPAx
Private Input Members Data Type Description
AtSpeed BOOL 1 = Motor is at commanded speed

This illustration shows the relationship between a PVSD instance and its
associated Power Velocity Device Object.

See also
Process Variable Speed Drive (PVSD)

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 757

Chapter 3


Drives Instructions The Drives instructions include the following information.

Available Instructions

Ladder Diagram

Function Block and Structured Text


If you want to Use this instruction

Execute an integral operation. INTG
Execute a PI algorithm. PI
Provide an interface from a position input module, such as a resolver or encoder feedback PMUL
module, to the digital system by computing the change in input from one scan to the next.
Perform a ramp function with an added jerk rate SCRV
Use a gain term, a first order lag, and a second order lead. SOC
Add and subtract two inputs into an accumulated value. UPDN
Enable operators to initiate machine control operations, such as jogging a motor or HMIBC
enabling a valve, with a high degree of accuracy and determinism.

See also
Filter Instructions on page 809
Logical and Move Instructions on page 887

Process Control Instructions on page 19

Select/Limit Instructions on page 837
Statistical Instructions on page 869

Integrator (INTG) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 759

Chapter 3 Drives
The INTG instruction implements an integral operation. This instruction is
designed to execute in a task where the scan rate remains constant.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
INTG tag INTEGRATOR Structure INTG structure

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does
not execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is set.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Initialize BOOL Request to initialize control algorithm. Output
= InitialValue as long as Initialize is set.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
InitialValue REAL The initial value for instruction. Output =
InitialValue as long as Initialize is set.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0

760 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives
Input Parameter Data Type Description
IGain REAL The integral gain multiplier. If IGain < 0; the
instruction sets IGain = 0.0, sets the
appropriate bit in Status, and leaves the
Output unchanged.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
HighLimit REAL The high limit value for Out. If HighLimit
LowLimit, the instruction sets HighAlarm and
LowAlarm, sets the appropriate bit in Status,
and sets Out = LowLimit.
Valid = any float
Default = maximum positive float
LowLimit REAL The low limit value for Out. If HighLimit
LowLimit, the instruction sets HighAlarm and
LowAlarm, sets the appropriate bit in Status,
and sets Out = LowLimit.
Valid = any float
Default = maximum negative float
HoldHigh BOOL Hold output high request. When set, Out is
not allowed to increase in value.
Default is cleared.
HoldLow BOOL Hold output low request. When set, Out is not
allowed to decrease in value.
Default is cleared.

TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.

0 = Periodic mode
1 = Oversample mode
2 = Real time sampling mode
For more information about timing modes,
see Function Block Attributes.
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample mode.
Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time sampling
Valid = 1 to 32,767ms
Default = 1
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time
sampling mode.
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to
false if Out overflows.
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.
HighAlarm BOOL High limit alarm indicator. When Out
HighLimit, HighAlarm is set and the output is
limited to the value of HighLimit.
LowAlarm BOOL Low limit alarm indicator. When Out
LowLimit, LowAlarm is set and the output is
limited to the value of LowLimit.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 761

Chapter 3 Drives
Output Parameter Data Type Description
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This is the
elapsed time in seconds used by the control
algorithm to calculate the process output.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following
execution errors. This is not a minor or major
controller error. Check the remaining status
bits to determine what occurred.
IGainInv (Status.1) BOOL IGain > maximum or IGain < minimum.
HighLowLimsInv (Status.2) BOOL HighLimit LowLimit.
TimingModeInv (Status.27) BOOL Invalid TimingMode value.
For more information about timing modes,
see Function Block Attributes.
RTSMissed (Status.28) BOOL Only used in real time sampling mode. Set
ABS | DeltaT - RTSTime | > 1 (.001 second).
RTSTimeInv (Status.29) BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv (Status.30) BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaTInv (Status.31) BOOL Invalid DeltaT value.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
INTG tag INTEGRATOR Structure INTG structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The INTG instruction is designed to execute in a task where the scan rate
remains constant.
The INTG instruction executes this control algorithm when Initialize is
cleared and DeltaT > 0.

Whenever the value computed for the output is invalid, NAN, or INF, the
instruction sets Out = the invalid value. The internal parameters are not
updated. In each subsequent scan, the output is computed using the internal
parameters from the last scan when the output was valid.

Affects Math Status Flags


762 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan The internal parameters and Out are set to 0.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

In many applications an integral gain component is included in the closed
loop regulator design in order to eliminate or minimize error in the system
being regulated. A straight proportional-only regulator will not tend to drive
error in the system to zero. A regulator that uses proportional and integral
gain, however, tends to drive the error signal to zero over a period of time. The
INTG instruction uses the following equation to calculate its output.

In the chart below, the input to the block moves from 0 to +200 units. During
this period, the output of the block integrates to 2800 units. As In changes
from +200 units to 0 units, Out maintains at 2800 units. When In transitions
from 0 to -300 units, Out slowly integrates down to -1400 units until In
transitions back to 0. Finally, as In moves from 0 to +100, Out integrates back
to 0 where In is set to 0 coincidentally with Out reaching 0.
This characteristic of the integrator - continually driving in a specific
direction while any input to the function is present or holding at any level

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 763

Chapter 3 Drives
during the point where the input is at zero - is what causes a regulator using
integral gain to drive toward zero error over a period of time.

The following example shows how the INTG instruction can be used. In many
instances, the HighLimit and LowLimit inputs limit the total percentage of
control that the integral gain element might have as a function of the
regulator’s total output. The HoldHigh and HoldLow inputs, on the other
hand, can be used to prevent the output from moving further in either the
positive or negative direction. The HoldHigh and HoldLow inputs prevent the
INTG instruction from "winding-up" in a direction which is already beyond
the limits of the controlled variable.

Function Block
This example is the minimal legal programming of the INTG function block
and is only used to show the neutral text and generated code for this
instruction. This is for internal purposes only and is not a testable case.

764 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

Structured Text
INTG_01.In := Input_Value;
INTG_01.Initialize := Initialize_flag;
INTG_01.InitialValue := Int_Init_Val;
INTG_01.IGain := I_Gain;
INTG_01.HighLimit := Int_saturate_high;
INTG_01.LowLimit := Int_saturate_low;
INTG_01.HoldHigh :=HAlarm_Status;

INTG_01.HoldLow := LAlarm_Status;

See also
Function Block Attributes on page 979
Common Attributes on page 1019

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Proportional + Integral (PI) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 765

Chapter 3 Drives
The PI instruction provides two methods of operation. The first method
follows the conventional PI algorithm in that the proportional and integral
gains remain constant over the range of the input signal (error). The second
method uses a non-linear algorithm where the proportional and integral gains
vary over the range of the input signal. The input signal is the deviation
between the setpoint and feedback of the process.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
PI tag PROP_INT structure PI structure

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
PI tag PROP_INT structure PI structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

766 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

PROP_INT Structure
Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does not execute and outputs are not
Default is set.
In REAL The process error signal input. This is the difference between setpoint and
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Initialize BOOL The instruction initialization command. When set, Out and internal integrator are
set equal to the value of InitialValue.
Default is cleared.
InitialValue REAL The initial value input. When Initialize is set, Out and integrator are set to the
value of InitialValue. The value of InitialValue is limited using HighLimit and
Valid = any float
Default = 0
Kp REAL The proportional gain. This affects the calculated value for both the proportional
and integral control algorithms. If invalid, the instruction clamps Kp at the limits
and sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any float > 0.0
Default = minimum positive float
Wld REAL The lead frequency in radians/second. This affects the calculated value of the
integral control algorithm. If invalid, the instruction clamps Wld at the limits and
sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = see the Description section below for valid ranges
Default = 0.0
HighLimit REAL The high limit value. This is the maximum value for Out. If HighLimit
LowLimit, the instruction sets HighAlarm and LowAlarm, sets the appropriate bit
in Status, and sets Out = LowLimit.
Valid = LowLimit < HighLimit maximum positive float
Default = maximum positive float
LowLimit REAL The low limit value. This is the minimum value for Out. If HighLimit LowLimit,
the instruction sets HighAlarm and LowAlarm, sets the appropriate bit in Status,
and sets Out = LowLimit.
Valid = maximum negative float LowLimit < HighLimit
Default = maximum negative float
HoldHigh BOOL The hold high command. When set, the value of the internal integrator is not
allowed to increase in value.
Default is cleared.
HoldLow BOOL The hold low command. When set, the value of the internal integrator is not
allowed to decrease in value.
Default is cleared.
ShapeKpPlus REAL The positive Kp shaping gain multiplier. Used when In is 0. If invalid, the
instruction clamps ShapeKpPlus at the limits and sets the appropriate bit in
Status. Not used when NonLinearMode is cleared.
Valid = 0.1 to 10.0
Default = 1.0
ShapeKpMinus REAL The negative Kp shaping gain multiplier. Used when In is < 0. If invalid, the
instruction clamps ShapeKpMinus at the limits and sets the appropriate bit in
Status. Not used when NonLinearMode is cleared.
Valid = 0.1 to 10.0
Default = 1.0
KpInRange REAL The proportional gain shaping range. Defines the range of In (error) over which
the proportional gain increases or decreases as a function of the ratio of | In | /
KpInRange. When | In | > KpInRange, the instruction calculates the change in
proportional error using entered the Kp shaping gain x (In - KpInRange). If
invalid, the instruction clamps KpInRange at the limits and sets the appropriate
bit in Status. Not used when NonLinearMode is cleared.
Valid = any float > 0.0
Default = maximum positive float

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 767

Chapter 3 Drives
Input Parameter Data Type Description
ShapeWldPlus REAL The positive Wld shaping gain multiplier. Used when In is 0. If invalid, the
instruction clamps ShapeWldPlus at the limits and sets the appropriate bit in
Status. Not used when NonLinearMode is cleared.
Valid = 0.0 to 10.0
Default = 1.0
ShapeWldMinus REAL The negative Wld shaping gain multiplier. Used when In is < 0. If invalid, the
instruction clamps ShapeWldMinus at the limits and sets the appropriate bit in
Status. Not used when NonLinearMode is cleared.
Valid = 0.0 to 10.0
Default = 1.0
WldInRange REAL The integral gain shaping range. Defines the range of In (error) over which
integral gain increases or decreases as a function of the ratio of | In | /
WldInRange. When
|In| > WldInRange, the instruction limits In to WldInRange when calculating
integral error. If invalid, the instruction clamps WldInRange at the limits and sets
the appropriate bit in Status. Not used when NonLinearMode is cleared.
Valid = any float > 0.0
Default = maximum positive float
NonLinearMode BOOL Enable the non-linear gain mode. When set, the instruction uses the non-linear
gain mode selected by ParabolicLinear to compute the actual proportional and
integral gains. When cleared, the instruction disables the non-linear gain mode
and uses the Kp and Wld values as the proportional and integral gains.
Default is cleared.
ParabolicLinear BOOL Selects the non-linear gain mode. The modes are linear or parabolic. When set,
the instruction uses the parabolic gain method of y=a * x2 + b to calculate the
actual proportional and integral gains. If cleared, the instruction uses the linear
gain method of y=a * x + b.
Default is cleared.
TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.
0 = Periodic mode
1 = Oversample mode
2 = Real time sampling mode
For more information about timing modes, see Function Block Attributes.
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample mode.
Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time sampling mode
Valid = 1 to 32,767ms
Default = 1
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time sampling mode.
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates the execution status of the instruction.
Out REAL The calculated output of the PI algorithm. Math status flags are set for this
HighAlarm BOOL The maximum limit alarm indicator. Set when the calculated value for Out
HighLimit and the output and integrator are clamped at HighLimit.
LowAlarm BOOL The minimum limit alarm indicator. Set when the calculated value for Out
LowLimit and output and integrator are clamped at LowLimit.

DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This is the elapsed time in seconds used by
the control algorithm to calculate the process output.
Status DINT Status of the function block.

768 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives
Output Parameter Data Type Description
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following execution errors. This is not a
minor or major controller error. Check the remaining status bits to determine
what occurred.
KpInv (Status.1) BOOL Kp < minimum or Kp > maximum.
WldInv (Status.2) BOOL Wld < minimum or Wld > maximum.
HighLowLimsInv BOOL HighLimit LowLimit.
ShapeKpPlusInv BOOL ShapeKpPlus < minimum or ShapeKpPlus > maximum.
ShapeKpMinusInv BOOL ShapeKpMinus < minimum or ShapeKpMinus > maximum.
KpInRangeInv BOOL KpInRange < minimum or KpInRange > maximum.
ShapeWldPlusInv BOOL ShapeWldPlus < minimum or ShapeWldPlus > maximum.
ShapeWldMinusInv BOOL ShapeWldMinus < minimum or ShapeWldMinus > maximum.
WldInRangeInv BOOL WldInRange < minimum or WldInRange > maximum.
TimingModeInv BOOL Invalid TimingMode.
(Status.27) For more information about timing modes, see Function Block Attributes.
RTSMissed (Status.28) BOOL Only used in real time sampling mode. Set when
ABS | DeltaT - RTSTime | > 1 (.001 second).
RTSTimeInv (Status.29) BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaT (Status.31) BOOL Invalid DeltaT value.

The PI instruction uses the position form of the PI algorithm. This means the
gain terms are applied directly to the input signal, rather than to the change in
the input signal. The PI instruction is designed to execute in a task where the
scan rate remains constant.
In the non-linear algorithm, the proportional and integral gains vary as the
magnitude of the input signal changes. The PI instruction supports two
non-linear gain modes: linear and parabolic. In the linear algorithm, the gains
vary linearly as the magnitude of input changes. In the parabolic algorithm,
the gains vary according to a parabolic curve as the magnitude of input
The PI instruction calculates Out using this equation:

Whenever the value computed for the output is invalid, NAN, or INF, the
instruction sets Out = the invalid value and sets the math overflow status flag.
The internal parameters are not updated. In each subsequent scan, the output
is computed using the internal parameters from the last scan when the output
was valid.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 769

Chapter 3 Drives

Operating in Linear Mode

In linear mode, the non-linear gain mode is disabled. The Kp and Wld values
are the proportional and integral gains used by the instruction. The
instruction calculates the value for Out using these equations:
Value Equation

where DeltaT is in seconds

PTerm Kp x In
Out ITerm + PTerm

with these limits on Wld:

• Low Limit > 0.0
• High Limit = 0.7π/DeltaT
• WldInput = In

Operating in Non-Linear Mode

In non-linear mode, the instruction uses the non-linear gain mode selected by
ParabolicLinear to compute the actual proportional and integral gains.
The gains specified by Kp and Wld are multiplied by 1.0 when In = 0. Separate
proportional and integral algorithms increase or decrease the proportional or
integral gain as the magnitude of error changes. These algorithms use the
input range and shaping gain parameters to compute the actual proportional
and integral gains. Input range defines the range of In (i.e. error) over which
the gain is shaped. Input ranges are set by the two KpInRange and
WldInRange. Shaping gain defines the gain multiplier for the quadrant
controlled by the shaping gain parameter. Shaping gains are set by
ShapeKpPlus, ShapeKpMinus, ShapeWldPlus and ShapeWldMinus.
The ParabolicLinear input selects the non-linear gain mode. If
ParabolicLinear is cleared, linear mode is selected. If ParabolicLinear is set,
parabolic mode is selected.
To configure a particular shaping gain curve, enter a shaping gain 0.0-10.0 for
integral shaping, a shaping gain 0.1-10.0 for proportional shaping, and the
input range over which shaping is to be applied. Kp and Wld are multiplied by
the calculated ShapeMultiplier to obtain the actual proportional and integral
gains. Entering a shaping gain of 1.0 disables the non-linear algorithm that
calculates the proportional or integral gain for the quadrant.
When the magnitude of In (error) is greater then InRange then the
ShapeMultiplier equals the value computed when | In | was equal to InRange.
The following diagram illustrates the maximum and minimum gain curves
that represent the parabolic and linear gain equations.

770 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

The instruction calculates the value for Out using these equations:
Value Equation
Kp shaping gain multiplier

Kp input ratio

Kp ratio

Kps shaping gain

Proportional output

Wld shaping gain

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 771

Chapter 3 Drives
Wld input

Wld input ratio

Wld ratio

Wlds shaping gain

Wlds limits

Integral output


The instruction stops the ITerm windup based on the state of the hold inputs.
Condition Action

The instruction also stops integrator windup based on the HighLimit and
LowLimit values.
Condition Action
Integrator > HighLimit Integrator = HighLimit
Integrator > LowLimit Integrator = LowLimit

The instructions limits the value of Out based on the HighLimit and LowLimit
Condition Action
HighLimit LowLimit Out = LowLimit
ITerm = LowLimit
HighLowLimsInv is set
HighAlarm is set
LowAlarm is set
WldInput = 0

772 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives
Condition Action
Out HighLimit Out = HighLimit
ITerm = ITerm n-1
HighAlarm is set
ITerm > HighLimit ITerm = HighLimit
Out LowLimit Out = LowLimit
ITerm = ITerm n-1
LowAlarm is set
ITerm < LowLimit ITerm = LowLimit

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bit is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run Out n-1 = 0
The algorithm used to calculate Out will not be
Instruction first scan Out n-1 = 0
The algorithm used to calculate Out will not be
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

The PI instruction is a regulating instruction with proportional and integral
gain components. The integral gain component is set by the user in
radians/sec; this sets the basic frequency response of the PI regulator. The

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 773

Chapter 3 Drives
proportional gain sets the overall gain of the block, including the proportional
AND integral gain of the block.
Excluding initialization and holding/clamping functionality, the following
diagram shows the PI block’s basic regulating loop while in the linear mode.

PI Instruction: Linear Mode

The following example shows the PI instruction used as a velocity regulator.

In this example, velocity error is created by subtracting the velocity feedback
signal (see the PMUL instruction example) from the system’s velocity
reference (through the SCRV instruction). Velocity error is driven directly into
the PI instruction, which acts on this signal according to the function shown
in the diagram above.

774 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

Function Block

Structured Text
Reference_Select.In1 := Master_Machine_Ref;
Reference_Select.Select1 := Master_Machine_Select;
Reference_Select.In2 := Section_Jog;
Reference_Select.Select2 := Jog_Select;
S_Curve.In := Reference_Select.Out;
S_Curve.AccelRate := accel_rate;
S_Curve.DecelRate := accel_rate;
PMUL_01.In := Resolver_Feedback;
PMUL_01.WordSize := 12;
PMUL_01.Multiplier := 100000;
Speed_Feedback := PMUL_01.Out;
Velocity_Error := S_Curve.Out - Speed_Feedback;
PI_01.In := Velocity_Error;
PI_01.Initialize := Enable_Regulator;
PI_01.Kp := Velocity_Proportional_Gain;
PI_01.Wld := Velocity_Integral_Gain;
Torque_Reference := PI_01.Out;

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 775

Chapter 3 Drives

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Pulse Multiplier (PMUL) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The PMUL instruction provides an interface from a position input module,

such as a resolver or encoder feedback module, to the digital system by
computing the change in input from one scan to the next. By selecting a
specific word size, you configure the PMUL instruction to differentiate
through the rollover boundary in a continuous and linear fashion.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
PMUL tag PULSE_MULTIPLIER Structure PMUL structure

776 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
PMUL tag PULSE_MULTIPLIER Structure PMUL structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

Input Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does not execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is set.
In DINT The analog input signal to the instruction.
Valid = any DINT
Default = 0
Initialize BOOL The initialize input. When set, Out is held at 0.0 and all the internal registers are set to 0. On a set to cleared transition of
initialize, Inn-1 = InitialValue (not valid for Absolute mode). When cleared, the instruction executes normally.

InitialValue DINT The initial value input. On a set to cleared transition of initialize, Inn-1 = InitialValue
Valid= any DINT
Default = 0.
Mode BOOL The mode input. Set to enable Relative mode. Clear to enable Absolute mode.
Default is set.
WordSize DINT The word size in bits. Specify the number of bits to use when computing (Inn-Inn-1) in Relative mode.
WordSize is not used in Absolute mode.
When the change in In is greater than 1/2 * 2(Wordsize-1), Out changes sign.
When WordSize is invalid,Out is held and the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 2 to 32
Default = 14
Multiplier DINT The multiplier. Divide this value by 100,000 to control the ratio of In to Out. If invalid, the instruction limits the value and
sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = -1,000,000 to 1,000,000
Default = 100,000

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable output.
Out REAL The instruction’s Out. If the Out calculation overflows, Out is forced to +/- and the appropriate bit in Status is set.
Math status flags are set for this output.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault BOOL The instruction detected one of the following execution errors. This is not a minor or major controller error. Check the
(Status.0) remaining status bits to determine what occurred.
WordSizeInv BOOL Invalid WordSize value.
OutOverflow BOOL The internal output calculation overflowed.
LostPrecision BOOL Out < -224 or Out > 224. When the instruction converts Out from an integer to a real value, data is lost if the result is
(Status.3) greater than |224| because the REAL data type is limited to 224.
MultiplierInv BOOL Invalid Multiplier value.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 777

Chapter 3 Drives

The PMUL instruction operates in Relative or Absolute mode.
In Relative mode, the instruction’s output is the differentiation of the input
from scan to scan, multiplied by the (Multiplier/100,000). In Relative mode,
the instruction saves any remainder after the divide operation in a scan and
adds it back in during the next scan. In this manner, position information is
not lost over the course of the operation.

In the Absolute mode, the instruction can scale an input, such as position,
without losing any information from one scan to the next.

Calculating the Output and Remainder

The PMUL instruction uses these equations to calculate Out in either relative
or absolute mode:
Ans = ((DiffInput x Multiplier) + INT_Remainder)
INT_Out = Ans / 100,000
INT_Remainder= Ans - (INT_Out * 100,000)
Out = INT_Out

Affects Math Status Flags


778 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition Function Block Action
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan Inn-1 = In. Outn-1 =0. Reminder = 0.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.


Example 1
The most common use of the PMUL instruction is in the relative mode of
operation. In this mode, the PMUL instruction serves several purposes. First,
in the relative mode, the PMUL instruction differentiates the information that
it receives at its input from scan to scan. As data is received, the instruction
outputs the difference of the input from one scan to the next. This means that
if In = 500 at scan "n", and then In = 600 at scan "n+1", Out = 100 at scan "n+1."
Secondly, while in this mode of operation, the PMUL instruction also
compensates for "rollover" values of binary data originating from a feedback
module. For example, a resolver feedback module may have 12 bits of
resolution, represented as a binary value, with sign, ranging from -2048 to
2047. In terms of raw data coming from the feedback module, the rotation of
the feedback device might be represented as shown below:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 779

Chapter 3 Drives

In this example, as the value of the feedback data moves from 2047 to -2048,
the effective change in position is equivalent to a jump of 4095 counts in
position. In reality, however, this change in position is only 1 part in 4096 in
terms of the rotation of the resolver feedback device. By understanding the
true word size of the data that is being input from the feedback module, the
PMUL instruction views the data in a rotary fashion as shown in the following

By knowing the word size of the data that is input to this block, the PMUL
instruction differentiates an output of 1 count as the input to the block moves
from 2047 to -2048, instead of the mathematically calculated 4095.
Tip: When applying this block, it is important to note that the feedback data should not change by more
than one-half of the word size from one scan to the next, if rotational direction is to be properly

In the example above, if the feedback device is moving in a clockwise direction

such that at scan 'A' it reads 0 and then scan 'B' it reads -2000, actual change
in position is equivalent to +2096 counts in the clockwise direction. However,
since these two values are more than one half the words size, (or more than
one half the rotation of the physical device,) the PMUL instruction calculates
that the feedback device rotated in the opposite direction and returns a value
of -2000 instead of +2096.
The third attribute of the pulse multiplier block is that it retains the fractional
components from one scan to the next of any remainders that exist as a result
of the Multiplier/100,000 scaling factor. As each execution of the block is
completed, the remainder from the previous scan is added back into the total
of the current value so that all counts or "pulses" are ultimately accounted for

780 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives
and no data is lost in the system. The output of the block, Out always yields a
whole number in a floating point data type.

Function Block

Assuming Initial_Position = 0 and Multiplier = 2500 => (25,000/100,000)

Scan Position_Feedback PMUL_02.Out Total_Position
n 0 0 0
n+1 1 0 0
n+2 2 0 0
n+3 3 0 0
n+4 4 1 1
n+5 5 0 1

Structured Text
MUL_02.In := Position_feedback;
PMUL_02.Initalize := Initialize_Position;
PMUL_02.WordSize := 12;
PMUL_02.Multiplier := 25000;
UPDN_02.Initialize := Initialize_Position;
UPDN_02.InPlus := PMUL_02.Out;

Total_Position := UPDN_02.Out;

Example 2
In this electronic line shaft application, motor A’s feedback acts as a master
reference which motor B needs to follow. Motor A’s feedback is aliased to
"Position_feedback." Motor B’s feedback is aliased to "Follower_Position." Due
to the multipliers of both instructions being a ratio of 1/4, motor B needs to
rotate once for every four revolutions of Motor A in order to maintain an
accumulated value of zero in the UPDN accumulator. Any value other than

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 781

Chapter 3 Drives
zero on the output of the UPDN instruction is viewed as Position_error and
can be regulated and driven back out to motor B in order to maintain a
phase-lock between the two motors.

Function Block

Structured Text
PMUL_02.In := Position_feedback;
PMUL_02.Initalize := Initialize_Position;
PMUL_02.WordSize := 12;
PMUL_02.Multiplier := 25000;
PMUL_03.In := Follower_Position;
PMUL_03.Initalize := Initialize_Position;
PMUL_03.WordSize := 12;
PMUL_03.Multiplier := 100000;
UPDN_02.Initialize := Initialize_Position;
UPDN_02.InPlus := PMUL_02.Out;
UPDN_02.InMinus := PMUL_03.Out;
Position_error := UPDN_02.Out;

782 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

S-Curve (SCRV) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The SCRV instruction performs a ramp function with an added jerk rate. The
jerk rate is the maximum rate of change of the rate used to ramp output to

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
SCRV tag S_CURVE Structure SCRV structure

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 783

Chapter 3 Drives

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
SCRV tag S_CURVE Structure SCRV structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information of the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

S_CURVE Structure
Input Parameter Data Type Description

EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does not execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is set.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Initialize BOOL The Initialize input to the instruction. When set, the instruction holds Out = InitialValue
Default is cleared.
InitialValue REAL Initial value of S-Curve. When Initialize is set, Out = InitialValue.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
AbsAlgRamp BOOL Ramp type. If set, the instruction functions as an absolute value ramp. If cleared, the instruction functions as an
algebraic ramp.
Default is set
AccelRate REAL Acceleration rate in input units per second2. A value of zero prevents Out form accelerating. When AccelRate < 0, the
instruction assumes AccelRate = 0 and sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
DecelRate REAL Deceleration rate in input units per second2. A value of zero prevents Out form decelerating. When the DecelRate < 0,
the instruction assumes DecelRate = 0 and sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
JerkRate REAL Deceleration rate in input units per second2. A value of zero prevents Out form decelerating. When the DecelRate < 0,
the instruction assumes DecelRate = 0 and sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0.0 to maximum positive float
Default = 0.0
HoldMode BOOL S-Curve hold mode parameter. This parameter is used with the HoldEnable parameter. If HoldMode is set when
HoldEnable is set and Rate = 0, the instruction holds Out constant. In this situation, the instruction holds Out as soon as
HoldEnable is set, the JerkRate is ignored, and Out produces a "corner" in its profile. If HoldMode is cleared when
HoldEnable is set, the instruction uses the JerkRate to bring Out to a constant value. Out is held when Rate = 0. Do not
change HoldMode once HoldEnable is set because the instruction will ignore the change.
Default is cleared.
HoldEnable BOOL S-Curve hold enable parameter. When set, Out is held. When cleared, Out moves from its current value until it equals
Default is cleared.
TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.
0 = periodic mode
1 = oversample mode
2 = real time sampling mode
For more information about timing modes, see Function Block Attributes.
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample mode.
Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time sampling mode
Valid = 1 to 32,767ms
Default = 1

784 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives
Input Parameter Data Type Description

RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time sampling mode.
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable output.
S_Mode BOOL S_Mode Output. When (Jerk * DeltaT) Rate and
Rate < Accel or Decel, S_Mode is set. Otherwise, S_Mode is cleared.
Out REAL The output of the S-Curve instruction. Math status flags are set for this output.
Rate REAL Internal change in the Out in units per second.
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This is the elapsed time in seconds used by the control algorithm to calculate the
process output.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following execution errors. This is not a minor or major controller error. Check the
remaining status bits to determine what occurred.
AcceRateInv (Status.1) BOOL AccelRate is negative.
DecelRateInv (Status.2) BOOL DecelRate is negative.
JerkRateInv (Status.3) BOOL JerkRate is negative.

TimingModeInv BOOL Invalid timing mode.

(Status.27) For more information about timing modes, see Function Block Attributes.
RTSMissed (Status.28) BOOL Only used in real time sampling mode. Set when
ABS | DeltaT - RTSTime | > 1 (.001 second).
RTSTimeInv (Status.29) BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaT (Status.31) BOOL Invalid DeltaT value.

The primary requirement of the SCRV instruction is to ensure that the rate
never changes by more than the specified jerk rate.
You can configure the SCRV instruction to produce an S-Curve profile or a
Ramp profile for a step input.

S-Curve Profile
To produce an S-Curve profile, set JerkRate such that (JerkRate * DeltaT) <
AccelRate and/or DecelRate.
In S-Curve profile mode, the SCRV instruction ensures that the rate never
changes more than the specified JerkRate. The algorithm used to produce the
S-Curve profile is designed to produce a smooth, symmetric S-Curve for a step
input. A trapezoidal integration of Out is incorporated to facilitate this. As a
result, changes in Rate will be less than JerkRate during portions of the

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 785

Chapter 3 Drives
When a step change occurs on the input, rate is increased to the programmed
AccelRate or DecelRate. The AccelRate or DecelRate is maintained until a
point at which rate must begin decreasing in order for the output to reach
input when rate reaches zero.
In some cases, depending on the values of acceleration, deceleration, and jerk,
the acceleration rate or deceleration rate might not be reached before the rate
must begin decreasing by jerk rate.
For very small step changes, the SCRV instruction will not attempt to produce
an 'S' profile. In this mode the entire step will be output and Rate will reflect
the change in output. This behavior will occur if Out = In and the next step
change to In can be output with a rate less than or equal to the programmed
The SCRV instruction supports an algebraic ramp and an absolute value
ramp. For an algebraic ramp, the acceleration condition is defined by an input
that is becoming more positive, and the deceleration condition is defined by
an input that is becoming more negative. For an absolute value ramp, the
acceleration condition is defined by an input moving away from zero, and the
deceleration condition is defined by an input moving towards zero.

Ramp Profile
To produce a Ramp profile, set JerkRate such that (JerkRate * DeltaT)
AccelRate and/or DecelRate.
In Ramp Profile mode, the SCRV instruction always produces a rate of change
equal to the programmed AccelRate or DecelRate until the difference between
Out and In requires less then AccelRate or DecelRate to reach endpoint.
HoldMode = 0 operates the same as HoldMode = 1. When HoldEnable is set,
Out is immediately held and Rate becomes zero.
The following diagram illustrates how the instruction modifies Out.

786 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives
When Initialize is set, the instruction sets the following:

Outn = InitialValue
Outn-1 = Outn

Raten = 0

Raten-1 = 0
When HoldMode is cleared, Out is moving toward In, and HoldEnable is
set, the rate begins decreasing towards zero at the jerk rate. Due to the
JerkRate, Out is held at whatever value it had when the rate reached zero.
When the Out is finally held constant, it has a value that is different from the
value it had the instant that HoldEnable was set.
When HoldMode is set, Out is moving toward In, and HoldEnable is set, the
rate is immediately set to zero. Out is held at whatever value it had when
HoldEnable was set.
Reducing the JerkRate during a transition might cause Out to overshoot the
In. If overshoot occurs, it is the result of enforcing the entered JerkRate. You
can avoid an overshoot by decreasing JerkRate in small steps while tuning or
by changing JerkRate while Out = In (not during a transition).
The time that is required for Out to equal a change in the input is a function of
AccelRate, JerkRate, and the difference between In and Out.

Calculating Output and Rate Values

In transition from an initial value to final value, Out goes through three
regions. In region 1 and region 3, the rate of change of Out is based on
JerkRate. In region 2, the rate of change of Out is based on AccelRate or

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 787

Chapter 3 Drives

The Out is calculated for each region as follows:

with these equations for each region:

Region Equation
region 1

region 2

region 3


the SCRV block does not reach the AccelRate or DecelRate. The Out does the

788 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives


Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition Function Block Action
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bit bits are set to true
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan Clear previous scan data.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 789

Chapter 3 Drives
Condition Function Block Action
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

In most coordinated drive applications, a master reference commands line
speed for an entire group of drives. As various references are selected, the
drives cannot be presented with "step" changes in speed reference because
differences in load inertia, motor torque, and tuning would not allow the
individual drive sections to react in a coordinated manner. The SCRV
instruction is designed to ramp and shape the reference signal to the drive
sections so that acceleration, deceleration, and jerk, (derivative of
acceleration,) are controlled. This instruction provides a mechanism to allow
the reference to the drives to reach the designated reference setpoint in a
manner that eliminates excessive forces and excessive impact on connected
machinery and equipment.

Function Block

790 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

Structured Text
SSUM_01.In1 := Master_reference;
SSUM_01.Select1 := master_select;
SSUM_01.In2 := Jog_reference;
SSUM_01.Select2 := jog_select;

select_out := SSUM_01.Out;
SCRV_01.In := select_out;
SCRV_01.AccelRate := accel;
SCRV_01.DecelRate := accel;
SCRV_01.JerkRate := jerk_rate;
scurve_out := SCRV_01.Out

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Second-Order Controller This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
(SOC) CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The SOC instruction is designed for use in closed loop control systems in a
similar manner to the PI instruction. The SOC instruction provides a gain
term, a first order lag, and a second order lead.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 791

Chapter 3 Drives

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
SOC tag SEC_ORDER_CONTROLLER Structure SOC structure

Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does not execute and
outputs are not updated.
Default is set.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Initialize BOOL The instruction initialization command. When set, Out and
internal integrator are set equal to the value of InitialValue.
Default is cleared.
InitialValue REAL The initial value input. When Initialize is set, Out and integrator
are set to the value of InitialValue. The value of InitialValue is
limited using HighLimit and LowLimit.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Gain REAL The proportional gain for the instruction. If the value is out of
range, the instruction limits the value and sets the appropriate
bit in Status.
Valid = any float > 0.0
Default = minimum positive float
WLag REAL First order lag corner frequency in radians/second. If the value
is out of range, the instruction limits the value and sets the
appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = see the Description section below for valid ranges
Default = 0.0
WLead REAL Second order lead corner frequency in radians/second. If the
value is out of range, the instruction limits the value and sets the
appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = see the Description section below for valid ranges
Default = 0.0

792 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives
Parameter Data Type Description
ZetaLead REAL Second order lead damping factor. If the value is out of range,
the instruction limits the value and sets the appropriate bit in
Valid = 0.0 to 10.0
Default = 0.0
HighLimit REAL The high limit value. This is the maximum value for Out. If
HighLimit LowLimit, the instruction sets HighAlarm and
LowAlarm, sets the appropriate bit in Status, and sets Out =
Valid = LowLimit < HighLimit maximum positive float
Default = maximum positive float
LowLimit REAL The low limit value. This is the minimum value for Out. If
HighLimit LowLimit, the instruction sets HighAlarm and
LowAlarm, sets the appropriate bit in Status, and sets Out =
Valid = maximum negative float LowLimit < HighLimit
Default = maximum negative float
HoldHigh BOOL The hold high command. When set, the value of the internal
integrator is not allowed to increase in value.
Default is cleared.
HoldLow BOOL The hold low command. When set, the value of the internal
integrator is not allowed to decrease in value.
Default is cleared.
TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.
0 = Periodic mode
1 = Oversample mode
2 = Real time sampling mode
For more information about timing modes, see Function Block
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample mode.
Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time sampling mode
Valid = 1 to 32,767ms
Default = 1
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time sampling mode.
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0

Output Parameter Type Description
EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to false
if Out overflows.
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.

HighAlarm BOOL The maximum limit alarm indicator. Set when the
calculated value for Out HighLimit and the
output is clamped at HighLimit.

LowAlarm BOOL The minimum limit alarm indicator. Set when the
calculated value for Out LowLimit and the
output is clamped at LowLimit.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 793

Chapter 3 Drives
Output Parameter Type Description
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This is the
elapsed time in seconds used by the control
algorithm to calculate the process output.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following
execution errors. This is not a minor or major
controller error. Check the remaining status bits
to determine what occurred.
GainInv (Status.1) BOOL Gain < minimum positive float.
WLagInv (Status.2) BOOL WLag > maximum or WLag < minimum.
WLeadInv (Status.3) BOOL WLead > maximum or WLead < minimum.
ZetaLeadInv (Status.4) BOOL ZetaLead > maximum or ZetaLead < minimum.
HighLowLimsInv (Status.5) BOOL HighLimit LowLimit.
TimingModeInv (Status.27) BOOL Invalid timing mode.
For more information about timing modes, see
Function Block Attributes.
RTSMissed (Status.28) BOOL Only used in real time sampling mode. Set when
ABS | DeltaT - RTSTime | > 1 (.001 second).
RTSTimeInv (Satus.29) BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv (Status.30) BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaT (Status.31) BOOL Invalid DeltaT value.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
SOC tag SEC_ORDER_CONTROLLER structure SOC structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information of the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The SOC instruction provides a gain term, a first order lag, and a second order
lead. The frequency of the lag is adjustable and the frequency and damping of
the lead is adjustable. The zero pair for the second order lead can be complex
(damping is less than unity) or real (damping to unity). The SOC
instruction is designed to execute in a task where the scan rate remains

The SOC instruction uses the following Laplace Transfer equation.

794 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

Parameter Limitations
The following SOC parameters have these limits on valid values.
Parameter Limit

where DeltaT is in seconds


where DeltaT is in seconds

ZetaLead LowLimit = 0.0
HighLimit = 10.0

Whenever the value computed for the output is invalid or NAN, the
instruction sets Out = the invalid value. The internal parameters are not
updated. In each subsequent scan, the output is computed using the internal
parameters from the last scan when the output was valid.

The instruction stops wind-up based on state of the Hold inputs.
If: Then:
HoldHigh is set and Integrator > Integrator n-1 Integrator = Integratorn-1

HoldLow is set and Integrator < Integratorn-1 Integrator = Integratorn-1

The instruction also stops integrator windup based on the HighLimit and
LowLimit values.
If: Then:
Integrator > IntegratorHighLimit Integrator = IntegratorHighLimit

Integrator < IntegratorLowLimit Integrator = IntegratorLowLimit


The instruction also limits the value of Out based on the HighLimit and
LowLimit values.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 795

Chapter 3 Drives
If: Then:
HighLimit LowLimit Out = LowLimit
Integrator = IntegratorLowLimit
HighLowLimsInv is set
HighAlarm is set
LowAlarm is set
Out HighLimit Out = HighLimit
HighAlarm is set
Out LowLimit Out = LowLimit
Integrator = Integratorn-1
LowAlarm is set

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bit is set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan The internal parameters and Out are set to 0. Force
recalculation of equation coefficients.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

The SOC instruction is a specialized function block that is used in applications
where energy is transferred between two sections through a spring-mass

796 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives
system. Typically in these types of applications, the frequency response of the
process itself can be characterized as shown in the bode diagram A below:

The SOC instruction implements a first order lag filter followed by a PID
controller to implement a transfer function with an integration, a second
order zero, (lead,) and a first order pole (lag.) With this instruction, PID
tuning is simplified because the regulating terms are arranged so that you
have WLead and ZLead as inputs to the SOC instruction, rather than Kp, Ki,
and Kd values. The transfer function for the SOC instruction is:

Its corresponding bode diagram is shown in Diagram B below.

The SOC instruction can be used in a torque or tension regulating application

where a load cell or force transducer is used as feedback and the output of the
regulating scheme operates directly on the torque (current) minor loop of the
drive. In many such applications, the controlled system may be mechanically
under-damped and have a natural frequency which is difficult to stabilize as it
becomes reflected through the feedback device itself.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 797

Chapter 3 Drives

Using the SOC instruction, PID tuning is simplified because the regulating
terms can be arranged so that you have WLead and ZLead as inputs to the
SOC instruction, rather than Kp, Ki, and Kd values. In this manner, the corner
frequencies of the controller/regulator are easier to adjust and setup against
the real world process. During startup, the natural frequency of the system
and the damping factor can be measured empirically or on-site. Afterward,
the parameters of the regulator can be adjusted to match the characteristics of
the process, allowing more gain and more stable control of the final process.

In the system above, if Wlead is set equal to the system natural frequency, and
if Wlag is set substantially above the desired crossover frequency, (> 5 times
crossover), the resulting system response would look like the following:

798 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives
In an actual application, the steps in using and setting up this instruction
Recognize the type of process that is being controlled. If the system’s response
to a step function results in a high degree of ringing or can be characterized
by the process curve shown above, this block may provide the regulating
characteristics required for stable control.
Determine the natural frequency of the system/process. This can may be
arrived at empirically - or it might be measured on-site. Adjust WLead so that
it corresponds with, or is slightly ahead of, the natural frequency of the
process itself.
Tune damping factor, Zlead, so that it cancels out any of the overshoot in the
Move WLag out far enough past the system crossover frequency (>5 times)
and begin increasing overall Gain to achieve

Function Block

Structured Text
SOC_01.In := Process_Error;
SOC_01.Initialize := Regulator_Enable_Not;
SOC_01.Gain := Gain;
SOC_01.WLag := Lag_Radians_per_sec;
SOC_01.WLead := Lead_radians_per_sec;
SOC_01.ZetaLead := Damping_Factor;
SOC_01.HighLimit := Max_Out;
SOC_01.LowLimit := Min_Out;
SOC_Out := SOC_01.Out;

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 799

Chapter 3 Drives

See also
Function Block Attributes on page 979
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Up/Down Accumulator This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
(UPDN) CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The UPDN instruction adds and subtracts two inputs into an accumulated

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available for ladder diagram diagram.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
UPDN tag UP_DOWN_ACCUM Structure UPDN structure

800 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

UPDN Structure
Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction
does not execute and outputs are not
Default is set.
Initialize BOOL The initialize input request for the
instruction. When Initialize is set, the
instruction sets Out and the internal
accumulator to InitialValue.
Default is cleared.
InitialValue REAL The initialize value of the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
InPlus REAL The input added to the accumulator.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
InMinus REAL The input subtracted from the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Hold BOOL The hold input request for the
instruction. When Hold is set and
Initialize is cleared, Out is held.
Default is cleared.

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled.
Cleared to false if Out overflows.
Out REAL The output of the instruction.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
UPDN tag UP_DOWN_ACCUM Structure UPDN structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information of the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The UPDN instruction follows these algorithms.
Condition Action
Hold is cleared AccumValuen = AccumValue n-1 + InPlus - InMinus
and Out = AccumValuen
Initialize is
Hold is set and AccumValuen = AccumValuen-1
Initialize is Out = AccumValuen
Initialize is set AccumValuen = InitialValue
Out = AccumValuen

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 801

Chapter 3 Drives

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run Internal accumulator is set to zero.
Instruction first scan N/A

Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

The UPDN instruction integrates counts from one scan to the next. This
instruction can be used for simple positioning applications or for other types
of applications where simple integration is required to create an accumulated
value from a process’s differentiated feedback signal. In the example below,
Initial_Position is set to zero, while Differential_Position_Plus and
Differential_Position_Minus take varying values over a period of time. With
this instruction, InPlus and InMinus could also accept negative values.

802 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

Function Block
The derivative instruction calculates the amount of change of a signal over
time in per-second units. This instruction is often used in closed loop control
to create a feed forward path in the regulator to compensate for processes that
have a high degree of inertia.

Structured Text
UPDN_01.Initialize := Initialize_Position;
UPDN_01.InitialValue := Initial_Position;
UPDN_01.InPlus := Differential_Position_Plus;
UPDN_01.InMinus := Differential_Position_Minus;
Position_Integrated := UPDN_01.Out;

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 803

Chapter 3 Drives

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

HMI Button Control (HMIBC) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.
Use the HMI Button Control (HMIBC) instruction with a PanelView 5500
Human Machine Interface (HMI) to enable operators to initiate machine
control operations, such as jogging a motor or enabling a valve, with a high
degree of accuracy and determinism. The HMIBC instruction also provides
built-in communications diagnostics that permit the instruction to
automatically reset if the communications from the controlling HMI become
Each Logix controller supports up to 256 HMIBC tags and up to 32 PanelView
5500 HMI's to simultaneously communicate and control the instruction.The
HMIBC instruction goes active and enables its output when a PanelView 5500
HMI device initiates a button control operation associated with the instance
tag of the instruction.
IMPORTANT A PanelView 5500 module is required to use the HMIBC instruction.

To function, the Logix controller I/O configuration must include all of the
PanelView 5500 HMIs that need to interact with the HMIBC instruction.
Additionally, the application created for each PanelView 5500 HMI must
include button actions configured to reference each tag associated with the
HMIBC instructions.
ATTENTION: Execute this instruction at least once per scan, and do not jump over.

The HMIBC data type:

• Is available at Controller and Program scope.
• Is not available within Add-On Instruction scope.
• Is used in a Jump to Subroutine (JSR).
• Cannot be used with input and output program parameters
• Is not available within a safety program.
• Must have an external access value of Read/Write. You are not given
the option to choose other external access values.
The HMIBC tag has import and export formats for .L5K, .L5X, and .CSV.

804 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

Available Language

Ladder Diagram

Function Block

Tip: For the HMIBC tag, use only the Out parameter, and optionally, the ProgFB parameter in Function Block

Structured Text

These operands are located on the instruction.
Operand Type Format Description
HMIBC tag HMIBC tag Goes active when the data bit is

HMIBC Structure
Input parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does not
Prog FB BOOL Program Feedback. This value is not processed by
the instruction, but transmitted to all registered HMI
devices. The purpose or meaning of this value is
user defined. For example, use this to determine if
the expected action actually executes when
pressing the button and displays that status on the
HMI device.

Output parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 805

Chapter 3 Drives
Output parameter Data Type Description
Button State BOOL Cleared to false when no registered HMI device
buttons are pressed.
Set to true when at least one registered HMI button
is pressed.
Default value is false.
Out BOOL When EnableIn is true:
Cleared to false when none of the registered HMI
devices buttons are pressed.
Set to true when at least one registered HMI button
is pressed.
When EnableIn is false :
Cleared to false
Default value is false.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for
array-indexing faults.


Ladder Diagram
Condition Action Taken
Prescan The rung-condition-out is set to false.
Rung-condition-in is false The rung-condition-out is set to false.
Rung-condition-in is true The rung-condition-out is set to true if any HMI device buttons
control operation associated with the instruction instance tag
are pressed. Otherwise, rung-condition-out is set to false.
Postscan The rung-condition-out is set to false.

Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan N/A
Tag.EnableIn is false The instruction does not execute.
Tag.EnableIn is true The instruction does not execute.
Instruction first scan N/A
Instruction first run N/A
Postscan N/A

806 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 3 Drives

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan The instruction executes.
Normal Execution The instruction executes.
Postscan The instruction executes.


Ladder Diagram

• An HMIBC instruction is an input instruction and cannot be placed on

a rung by itself.
• An HMIBC instruction is highlighted when active.

Function Block
The following example shows the HMIBC instruction as it appears in a
function block diagram.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 807

Chapter 3 Drives

Structured Text
IF(((Auto AND Run_Conv) Or (NOT Auto AND HMIBC_Conv.Out)) AND NOT
THEN Conv_Motor: = 1;

ELSE Conv_Motor : = 0;

See also
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

808 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4


Filter Instructions The Filter instructions include these instructions:

Available Instructions

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in Ladder Diagram

Function Block and Structured Text


If you want to Use this instruction

Calculate the amount of change of a signal over time in DERV
per-second units.
Filter input frequencies that are below the cutoff frequency. HPF
Filter with a pole pair and a zero pair. LDL2
Filter input frequencies that are above the cutoff frequency. LPF
Filter input frequencies that are at the notch frequency. NTCH

See also
Drives Instructions on page 759
Logical and Move Instructions on page 887
Process Control Instructions on page 19

Select/Limit Instructions on page 837

Statistical Instructions on page 869

Derivative (DERV) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 809

Chapter 4 Filter
The DERV instruction calculates the amount of change of a signal over time in
per-second units.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available for ladder diagram.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
DERV tag DERIVATIVE structure DERV structure

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does
not execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Gain REAL Derivative multiplier
Valid = any float
Default = 1.0
ByPass BOOL Request to bypass the algorithm. When
ByPass is true, the instruction sets Out = In.
Default is false.

810 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4 Filter
Input Parameter Data Type Description
TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.
0 = periodic mode
1 = oversampling mode
2 = Real time sampling mode
For more information about timing modes,
see Function Block Attributes
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample mode.
Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time
sampling mode
Valid = 1 to 32,767ms
Default = 1
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time
sampling mode.
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared
to false if Out overflows.
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This is the
elapsed time in seconds used by the
control algorithm to calculate the process
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the
following execution errors. This is not a
minor or major controller error. Check the
remaining status bits to determine what
TimingModeInv (Status.27) BOOL Invalid TimingMode value.
For more information about timing modes,
see Function Block Attributes.
RTSMissed (Status.28) BOOL Only used in real time sampling mode. Set
to true when
ABS (DeltaT - RTSTime) > 1 millisecond.
RTSTimeInv (Status.29) BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaTInv (Status.31) BOOL Invalid DeltaT value.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
DERV tag DERIVATIVE structure DERV structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 811

Chapter 4 Filter

The DERV instruction supports a bypass input that lets you stop calculating
the derivative and pass the signal directly to the output.
When Bypass is The instruction uses this equation
Cleared and DeltaT > 0

where DeltaT is in seconds


Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Structured Text: NA
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan Recalculate coefficients.

Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

812 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4 Filter

This example is the minimal legal programming of the DERV function block
and is only used to show the neutral text and generated code for this
instruction. This is for internal purposes only and is not a testable case.

Function Block

Structured Text
DERV_01.In := Speed_Reference;
DERV_01.Gain := Feedforward_Gain;
PI_01.In := Speed_Reference - Speed_feedback;
PI_01.Kp := Proportional_Gain;
PI_01.Wld := Integral_Gain;
regulator_out := DERV_01.Out + PI_01.Out;

See also
Function Block Attributes on page 979
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

High Pass Filter (HPF) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The HPF instruction provides a filter to attenuate input frequencies that are
below the cutoff frequency.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 813

Chapter 4 Filter

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
HPF tag FILTER_HIGH_PASS structure HPF structure

Input Parameter Data Type Description

EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does not
execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Initialize BOOL Request to initialize filter control algorithm.
When true, the instruction sets Out = In.
Default is false.
WLead REAL The lead frequency in radians/second. If WLead
< minimum or WLead > maximum, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and
limits WLead.
Valid = see Description section below for valid
Default = 0.0
Order REAL Order of the filter. Order controls the sharpness
of the cutoff. If Order is invalid, the instruction
sets the appropriate bit in Status and uses Order
= 1.
Valid = 1 to 3
Default = 1

814 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4 Filter
Input Parameter Data Type Description
OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample mode.
Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time sampling
Valid = 1 to 32,767ms
Default = 1
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time sampling
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to
false if Out overflows.
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.

DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This is the

elapsed time in seconds used by the control
algorithm to calculate the process output.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following
execution errors. This is not a minor or major
controller error. Check the remaining status bits
to determine what occurred.
WLeadInv (Status.1) BOOL WLead < minimum value or WLead > maximum
OrderInv (Status.2) BOOL Invalid Order value.
TimingModeInv BOOL Invalid TimingMode value.
(Status.27) For more information about timing modes, see
Function Block Attributes.
RTSMissed (Status.28) BOOL Only used in real time sampling mode. Set to
true when
ABS (DeltaT - RTSTime) > 1 millisecond.
RTSTimeInv (Status.29) BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaTInv (Status.31) BOOL Invalid DeltaT value.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
HPF tag FILTER_HIGH_PASS Structure HPF structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The HPF instruction uses the Order parameter to control the sharpness of the
cutoff. The HPF instruction is designed to execute in a task where the scan
rate remains constant.
The HPF instruction uses these equations:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 815

Chapter 4 Filter
When: The instruction uses this transfer function:
Order = 1

Order = 2

Order = 3

with these parameter limits (where DeltaT is in seconds):

Parameter Limitations
WLead first order
WLead second order

WLead third order


Whenever the value computed for the output is invalid, NAN, or INF, the
instruction sets Out = the invalid value. When the value computed for the
output becomes valid, the instruction initializes the internal parameters and
sets Out = In.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan Recalculate coefficients.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

816 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4 Filter

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

The HPF instruction attenuates signals that occur below the configured cutoff
frequency. This instruction is typically used to filter low frequency "noise" or
disturbances that originate from either electrical or mechanical sources. You
can select a specific order of the filter to achieve various degrees of
attenuation. Note that higher orders increase the execution time for the filter
The following graphs illustrate the effect of the various orders of the filter for
a given cutoff frequency. For each graph, ideal asymptotic approximations are
given with gain and frequency in logarithmic scales. The actual response of
the filter approaches these curves but does not exactly match these curves.
This example is the minimal legal programming of the HPF function block
and is only used to show the neutral text and generated code for this
instruction. This is for internal purposes only and is not a testable case.
Filter Graph
1st order filter

2nd order filter

3rd order filter

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 817

Chapter 4 Filter

Function Block

Structured Text
HPF_01.In := Velocity_Feedback;
HPF_01.WLead := Cutoff_frequency;
HPF_01.Order := 2;

filtered_velocity_output := HPF_01.Out

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Low Pass Filter (LPF) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The LPF instruction provides a filter to attenuate input frequencies that are
above the cutoff frequency.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

818 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4 Filter

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
LPF tag FILTER_LOW_PASS Structure LPF structure

Input Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does not
execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Initialize BOOL Request to initialize filter control algorithm.
When true, the instruction sets Out = In.
Default is false.

WLag REAL The lag frequency in radians/second. If WLag

< minimum or WLag > maximum, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status
and limits WLag.
Valid = see Description section below for
valid ranges
Default = 0.0
Order REAL Order of the filter. Order controls the
sharpness of the cutoff. If Order is invalid,
the instruction sets the appropriate bit in
Status and uses Order = 1.
Valid = 1 to 3
Default = 1

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 819

Chapter 4 Filter
Input Data Type Description
TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.
0 = Period mode
1 = Oversample mode
2 = Real-time sampling mode
For more information about timing modes,
see Function Block Attributes.
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample mode.
Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time sampling
Valid = 1 to 32,767ms
Default = 1
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time
sampling mode.
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled Cleared to
false if Out overflows.
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This is the
elapsed time in seconds used by the control
algorithm to calculate the process output.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following
execution errors. This is not a minor or major
controller error. Check the remaining status
bits to determine what occurred.
WLagInv (Status.1) BOOL WLag < minimum value or WLag > maximum
OrderInv (Status.2) BOOL Invalid Order value.
TimingModeInv (Status.27) BOOL Invalid TimingMode value.
RTSMissed (Status.28) BOOL Only used in real time sampling mode. Set to
true when
ABS(DeltaT – RTSTime) > 1 millisecond.
RTSTimeInv (Status.29) BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv (Status.30) BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaTInv (Status.31) BOOL Invalid DeltaT value.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
LPF tag FILTER_LOW_PASS structure LPF structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

820 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4 Filter

The LPF instruction uses the Order parameter to control the sharpness of the
cutoff. The LPF instruction is designed to execute in a task where the scan rate
remains constant.
The LPF instruction uses these equations:
When: The instruction uses this Laplace transfer function:
Order = 1

Order = 2

Order = 3

with these parameters limits (where DeltaT is in seconds):

Parameter Limitations
WLag first order
WLag second order

WLag third order


Whenever the value computed for the output is invalid, NAN, or INF, the
instruction sets Out = the invalid value. When the value computed for the
output becomes valid, the instruction initializes the internal parameters and
sets Out = In.

Affects Math Status Flags

Controllers Affects Math Status Flags
ControlLogix 5580 No
CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix Yes for the output

Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 821

Chapter 4 Filter


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan Recalculate coefficients.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

The LPF instruction attenuates signals that occur above the configured cutoff
frequency. This instruction is typically used to filter out high frequency "noise"
or disturbances that originate from either electrical or mechanical sources.
You can select a specific order of the filter to achieve various degrees of
attenuation. Note that higher orders increase the execution time for the
The following graphs illustrate the effect of the various orders of the filter for
a given cutoff frequency. For each graph, ideal asymptotic approximations are
given with gain and frequency in logarithmic scales. The actual response of
the filter approaches these curves but does not exactly match these curves.
This example is the minimal legal programming of the LPF function block and
is only used to show the neutral text and generated code for this instruction.
This is for internal purposes only and is not a testable case.
Filter Graph
1st order filter

822 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4 Filter
Filter Graph
2nd order filter

3rd order filter

Function Block

Structured Text
LPF_01.In := Velocity_Feedback;
LPF_01.WLag := Cutoff_frequency;
filtered_velocity_output := LPF_01.Out;

See also
Function Block Attributes on page 979
Common Attributes on page 1019

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 823

Chapter 4 Filter

Notch Filter (NTCH) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.
The NTCH instruction provides a filter to attenuate input frequencies that are
at the notch frequency.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
NTCH tag FILTER_NOTCH Structure NTCH structure

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction
does not execute and outputs are not
Default is true.
In REAL The analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0

824 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4 Filter
Input Parameter Data Type Description
Initialize BOOL Request to initialize filter control
algorithm. When true, the instruction
sets Out = In.
Default is false.
WNotch REAL The filter center frequency in
radians/second. If WNotch < minimum
or WNotch > maximum, the instruction
sets the appropriate bit in status and
limits WNotch.
Valid = see Description section below
for valid ranges
Default = maximum positive float
QFactor REAL Controls the width and depth ratio. Set
QFactor = 1 / (2*desired damping
factor). If QFactor < minimum or
QFactor > maximum value, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in
Status and limits QFactor.
Valid = 0.5 to 100.0
Default = 0.5
Order REAL Order of the filter. Order controls the
sharpness of the cutoff. If Order is
invalid, the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status and uses
Order = 2.
Valid = 2 or 4
Default = 2
TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.
0 = Periodic mode
1 = Oversample mode
2 = Real time sampling mode2
For more information about timing
modes, see Function Block Attributes.
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample mode.
Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time
sampling mode
Valid = 1 to 32,767ms
Default = 1
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time
sampling mode.
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled.
Cleared to false if Out overflows.
Out REAL The calculated output of the
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This
is the elapsed time in seconds used
by the control algorithm to calculate
the process output.
Status DINT Status of the function block.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 825

Chapter 4 Filter
Output Parameter Data Type Description
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the
following execution errors. This is not
a minor or major controller error.
Check the remaining status bits to
determine what occurred.
WNotchInv (Status.1) BOOL WNotch < minimum or WNotch >
QFactorInv (Status.2) BOOL QFactor < minimum or QFactor >
OrderInv (Status.3) BOOL Invalid Order value.
TimingModeInv (Status.27) BOOL Invalid TimingMode value.
For more information about timing
modes, see Function Block Attributes.
RTSMissed (Status.28) BOOL Only used in real time sampling
mode. Set to true when
ABS (DeltaT - RTSTime) > 1
RTSTimeInv (Status.29) BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv (Status.30) BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaTInv (Status.31) BOOL Invalid DeltaT value.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
NTCH tag FILTER_NOTCH structure NTCH structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The NTCH instruction uses the Order parameter to control the sharpness of
the cutoff. The QFactor parameter controls the width and the depth ratio of
the notch. The NTCH instruction is designed to execute in a task where the
scan rate remains constant.
The NTCH instruction uses this equation:

where i is the Order operator with these parameters limits (where DeltaT is in
Parameter Limitations
WNotch second order

WNotch fourth order


826 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4 Filter
Parameter Limitations

QFactor LowLimit = 0.5

HighLimit = 100.0

Whenever the value computed for the output is invalid, NAN, or INF, the
instruction sets Out = the invalid value. When the value computed for the
output becomes valid, the instruction initializes the internal parameters and
sets Out = In.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A

Instruction first scan Recalculate coefficients.

Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

The NTCH instruction attenuates a specific resonance frequency. Typically,
these resonance frequencies are directly in the range of response being
regulated by the closed loop control system. Often, they are generated by loose

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 827

Chapter 4 Filter
mechanical linkages that cause backlash and vibration in the system.
Although the best solution is to correct the mechanical compliance in the
machinery, the notch filter can be used to soften the effects of these signals in
the closed loop regulating scheme.
The following diagram shows the ideal gain curve over a frequency range for a
specific center frequency and Q factor. As increases, the notch becomes wider
and shallower. As decreases; the notch becomes deeper and narrower. The
instruction may be set for an order of 2 or an order of 4. Higher orders take
more execution time.
This example is the minimal legal programming of the NTCH function block
and is only used to show the neutral text and generated code for this
instruction. This is for internal purposes only and is not a testable case.

Function Block

Structured Text
NTCH_01.In := frequency_input;
NTCH_01.WNotch := center_frequency;
NTCH_01.QFactor := Notch_width_depth;

Notch_output := NTCH_01.Out;

828 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4 Filter

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Second-Order Lead Lag This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
(LDL2) CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.
The LDL2 instruction provides a filter with a pole pair and a zero pair. The
frequency and damping of the pole and zero pairs are adjustable. The pole or
zero pairs can be either complex (damping less than unity) or real (damping
greater than or equal to unity).

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
LDL2 tag LEAD_LAG_SEC_ORDER Structure LDL2 structure

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 829

Chapter 4 Filter

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction
does not execute and outputs are not
Default is true.
In REAL The analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Initialize BOOL Request to initialize filter control
algorithm. When true, the instruction
sets Out = In.
Default is cleared.
WLead REAL The lead corner frequency in
radians/second. If WLead < minimum or
WLead > maximum, the instruction sets
the appropriate bit to true in Status and
limits WLead. If the WLag:WLead ratio >
maximum ratio, the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status to true and
limits WLag
Valid = see Description section below for
valid ranges.
Default = 0.0
WLag REAL The lag corner frequency in
radians/second. If WLag < minimum or
WLag > maximum, the instruction sets
the appropriate bit to true in Status and
limits WLag. If the WLag:WLead ratio >
maximum ratio, the instruction sets the
appropriate bit to true in Status and
limits WLag.
Valid = see Description section below for
valid ranges
Default = 0.0
ZetaLead REAL Second order lead damping factor. Only
used when Order = 2. If ZetaLead <
minimum or ZetaLead > maximum, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit to
true in Status and limits ZetaLead.
Valid = 0.0 to 4.0
Default = 0.0
ZetaLag REAL Second order lag-damping factor. Only
used when Order = 2. If ZetaLag <
minimum or ZetaLag > maximum, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit to
true in Status and limits ZetaLag.
Valid = 0.05 to 4.0
Default = 0.05
Order REAL Order of the filter. Selects the first or
second order filter algorithm. If invalid,
the instruction sets the appropriate bit
to true in Status and uses Order = 2.
Valid = 1 to 2
Default = 2

830 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4 Filter
Input Parameter Data Type Description
TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.
0 = Periodic mode
1 = Oversample mode
2 = Real time sampling mode
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time
sampling mode.
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled.
Cleared to false if Out overflows.
Out REAL The calculated output of the
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates.
This is the elapsed time in
seconds used by the control
algorithm to calculate the process
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of
the following execution errors.
This is not a minor or major
controller error. Check the
remaining status bits to
determine what occurred.
WLeadInv (Status.1) BOOL WLead < minimum value or
WLead > maximum value.
WLagInv (Status.2) BOOL WLag < minimum value or WLag
> maximum value.
ZetaLeadInv (Status.3) BOOL Lead damping factor < minimum
value or lead damping factor >
maximum value.
ZetaLagInv (Status.4) BOOL Lag damping factor < minimum
value or lag damping factor >
maximum value.
OrderInv (Status.5) BOOL Invalid Order value.
WLagRatioInv (Status.6) BOOL WLag:WLead ratio greater than
maximum value.
TimingModeInv (Status.27) BOOL Invalid TimingMode value.
For more information about timing
modes, see Function Block
RTSMissed (Status.28) BOOL Only used in real time sampling
mode. Set when
ABS (DeltaT - RTSTime) > 1
RTSTimeInv (Status.29) BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv (Status.30) BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaTInv (Status.31) BOOL Invalid DeltaT value.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 831

Chapter 4 Filter

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
LDL2 tag LEAD_LAG_SEC_ORDER structure LDL2 structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The LDL2 instruction filter is used in reference forcing and feedback forcing
control methodologies. The LDL2 instruction is designed to execute in a task
where the scan rate remains constant.

The LDL2 instruction uses these equations:

When: The instruction uses this Laplace transfer function:
Order = 1

Order = 2

with these parameter limits (where DeltaT is in seconds):

Parameter Limitations
WLead first order
WLead second order

WLead:WLag ratio If WLead > WLag, no limitations

If WLag > WLead:
• No minimum limitation for WLag:WLead
• First order maximum for WLag:WLead = 40:1 and the
instruction limits WLag to enforce this ratio
• Second order maximum for WLag:WLead = 10:1 and the
instruction limits WLag to enforce this ratio
ZetaLead second order only LowLimit = 0.0
HighLimit = 4.0
ZetaLag second order only LowLimit = 0.05
HighLimit = 4.0

832 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4 Filter
Whenever the value computed for the output is invalid, NAN, or INF, the
instruction sets Out = the invalid value. When the value computed for the
output becomes valid, the instruction initializes the internal parameters and
sets Out = In.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan Recalculate coefficients.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

The LDL2 instruction can attenuate between two frequencies or can amplify
between two frequencies, depending on how you configure the instruction.
Since the Lead and Lag frequencies can be set to values that are larger or
smaller than each other, this instruction may behave as a Lead-Lag block, or,
as a Lag-Lead block, depending on which frequency is configured first. Note
that higher orders increase the execution time for the filter instruction.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 833

Chapter 4 Filter
This example is the minimal legal programming of the LDL2 function block
and is only used to show the neutral text and generated code for this
instruction. This is for internal purposes only and is not a testable case.
Filter Graph
1st order lead-lag
(wLead < wLag)

2nd order lead-lag

(wLead < wLag)

1st order lead-lag

(wLag < wLead)

2nd order lead-lag

(wLag < wLead)

Function Block

834 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 4 Filter

Structured Text
LDL2_01.In := frequency_input;
LDL2_01.WLead :=
LDL2_01.WLag := Lag_frequency;
Lead_lag_output := LDL2_01.Out;

See also
Function Block Attributes on page 979
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 835

Chapter 5

Select_Limit Instructions

Select/Limit Instructions
The Select/Limit instructions include these instructions:

Available Instructions

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in Ladder Diagram.

Function Block and Structured Text


If you want to Use this instruction

Select one of as many as six inputs. ESEL
Limit an analog input between two values. HLL
Select one of eight inputs. MUX
Limit the amount of change of a signal over time. RLIM
Select one of two inputs. SEL
Select between the input value and the negative of the input value. SNEG
Select real inputs to be summed. SSUM

See also
Filter Instructions on page 809
Logical and Move Instructions on page 887
Process Control Instructions on page 19

Drives Instructions on page 759

Statistical Instructions on page 869

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 837

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

Enhanced Select (ESEL) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The ESEL instruction lets you select one of as many as six inputs. Selection
options include:
• Manual select (by operator or by program)
• High select
• Low select
• Median select
• Average (mean) select

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text

838 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
ESEL tag SELECT_ENHANCED Structure ESEL structure

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does not
execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
In1 REAL The first analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In2 REAL The second analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In3 REAL The third analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In4 REAL The fourth analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In5 REAL The fifth analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In6 REAL The sixth analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In1Fault BOOL Bad health indicator for In1. If In1 is read from
an analog input, then In1Fault is normally
controlled by the fault status on the analog
input. If all the InnFault inputs are true, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status,
the control algorithm is not executed, and Out
is not updated.
Default = false
In2Fault BOOL Bad health indicator for In2. If In2 is read from
an analog input, then In2Fault is normally
controlled by the fault status on the analog
input. If all the InnFault inputs are true, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status,
the control algorithm is not executed, and Out
is not updated.
Default = false
In3Fault BOOL Bad health indicator for In3. If In3 is read from
an analog input, then In3Fault is normally
controlled by the fault status on the analog
input. If all the InnFault inputs are true, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status,
the control algorithm is not executed, and Out
is not updated.
Default = false

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 839

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
In4Fault BOOL Bad health indicator for In4. If In4 is read from
an analog input, then In4Fault is normally
controlled by the fault status on the analog
input. If all the InnFault inputs are true, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status,
the control algorithm is not executed, and Out
is not updated.
Default = false
In5Fault BOOL Bad health indicator for In5. If In5 is read from
an analog input, then In5Fault is normally
controlled by the fault status on the analog
input. If all the InnFault inputs are true, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status,
the control algorithm is not executed, and Out
is not updated.
Default = false
In6Fault BOOL Bad health indicator for In6. If In6 is read from
an analog input, then In6Fault is normally
controlled by the fault status on the analog
input. If all the InnFault inputs are true, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status,
the control algorithm is not executed, and Out
is not updated.
Default = false
InsUsed DINT Number of inputs used. This defines the
number of inputs the instruction uses. The
instruction considers only In1 through InInsUsed
in high select, low select, median select, and
average select modes. If this value is invalid,
the instruction sets the appropriate bit in
status. The instruction does not update Out if
InsUsed is invalid and if the instruction is not
in manual select mode and if Override is
Valid =1 to 6
Default = 1
Selector Mode DINT Selector mode input. This value determines
the action of the instruction.
0 = manual select
1 = High select
2 = Low select
3 = Median select
4 = Average select
If this value is invalid, the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status and does not update
Valid = 0 to 4
Default = 0

840 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
ProgSelector DINT Program selector input. When the selector
mode is manual select and the instruction is
in Program control, ProgSelector determines
which input (In1-In6) to move into Out. If
ProgSelector = 0, the instruction does not
update Out. If ProgSelector is invalid, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
If invalid and the instruction is in Program
control, and the selector mode is manual
select or Override is set, the instruction does
not update. Out.
Valid = 0 to 6
Default = 0
OperSelector DINT Operator selector input. When the selector
mode is manual select and the instruction is
in Operator control, OperSelector determines
which input (In1-In6) to move into Out. If
OperSelector = 0, the instruction does not
update Out. If OperSelector is invalid, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
If invalid and the instruction is in Operator
control, and the selector mode is manual
select or Override is set, the instruction does
not update Out.
Valid = 0 to 6
Default = 0
ProgProgReq BOOL Program program request. Set to true by the
user program to request Program control.
Ignored if ProgOperReq is true. Holding this
true and ProgOperReq false locks the
instruction into Program control.
Default is false.
ProgOperReq BOOL Program operator request. Set to true by the
user program to request Operator control.
Holding this true locks the instruction into
Operator control.
Default is false.
ProgOverrideReq BOOL Program override request. Set to true by the
user program to request the device to enter
Override mode. In Override mode, the
instruction will act as a manual select.
Default is false.
OperProgReq BOOL Operator program request. Set to true by the
operator interface to request Program
control. The instruction clears this input to
Default is false.
OperOperReq BOOL Operator operator request. Set to true by the
operator interface to request Operator
control. The instruction clears this input to
Default is false.
ProgValueReset BOOL Reset program control values. When true, all
the program request inputs are cleared to
false on each execution of the instruction.
Default is false.

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to
false if Out overflows.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 841

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions
Output Parameter Data Type Description
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.
SelectedIn DINT Number of input selected. The instruction uses
this value to display the number of the input
currently being placed into the output. If the
selector mode is average select, the
instruction sets SelectedIn = 0.
ProgOper BOOL Program/Operator control indicator. Set to true
when in Program control. Cleared to false
when in Operator control.
Override BOOL Override mode. Set to true when the
instruction is in Override mode.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following
execution errors. This is not a minor or major
controller error. Check the remaining status
bits to determine what occurred.
InsFaulted (Status.1) BOOL InnFault inputs for all the used Inn inputs are
InsUsedInv (Status.2) BOOL Invalid InsUsed value.
SelectorModeInv (Status.3) BOOL Invalid SelectorMode value.
ProgSelectorInv (Status.4) BOOL Invalid ProgSelector value.
OperSelectorInv (Status.5) BOOL Invalid OperSelector value.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
ESEL tag SELECT_ENHANCED structure ESEL structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The ESEL instruction operates as follows
Condition Action
SelectorMode = 0 (manual select) or Out = In[OperSelector]
Override is true, ProgOper is false and SelectedIn = OperSelector
OperSelector is not equal to 0
SelectorMode = 0 (manual select) or Out = In[ProgSelector]
Override is true, ProgOper is true and SelectedIn = ProgSelector
ProgSelector is not equal to 0
SelectorMode = 1 (high select) and Out = maximum of In[InsUsed]
Override is false SelectedIn = index to the maximum input value
SelectorMode = 2 (low select) and Out = minimum of In[InsUsed]
Override is false SelectedIn = index to the minimum input value
SelectorMode = 3 (median select) and Out = median of In[InsUsed]
Override is false SelectedIn = index to the median input value
SelectorMode = 4 (average select) and Out = average of In[InsUsed]
Override is false SelectedIn = 0

For SelectorMode 1 through 4, a bad health indication for any of the inputs
causes that bad input to be disregarded in the selection. For example, if
SelectorMode = 1 (high select) and if In6 had the highest value but had bad
health, then the next highest input with good health is moved into the output.

842 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions
For high or low select mode, if two inputs are equal and are high or low, the
instruction outputs the first found input. For median select mode, the median
value always represents a value selected from the available inputs. If more
than one value could be the median, the instruction outputs the first found

Switch Between Program Control and Operator Control

The following diagram shows how the ESEL instruction changes between
Program control and Operator control.

(1) You can lock the instruction in Operator control mode by leaving
ProgOperReq true.
(2) You can lock the instruction in Program control mode by leaving
ProgProgReq true while ProgOperReq is false.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 843

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions
Condition/State Action Taken
Instruction first run The instruction is set to Operator control.
Instruction first scan N/A
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

This ESEL instruction selects In1, In2, or In3, based on the SelectorMode. In
this example, SelectorMode = 1, which means high select. The instruction
determines which input value is the greatest and sets Out = greatest In.

Function Block

Structured Text
ESEL_01.In1 := analog_input1;
ESEL_01.In2 := analog_input2;
ESEL_01.In3 := analog_input3;
ESEL_01.SelectorMode := 1;
selected_value := ESEL_01.Out;

844 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

See also
Function Block Attributes on page 979
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Function Block Faceplate Controls on page 1030

High/Low Limit (HLL) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.
The HLL instruction limits an analog input between two values. You can select
high/low, high, or low limits.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 845

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
HLL tag HL_LIMIT structure HLL structure

HL_LIMIT Structure
Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does
not execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
HighLimit REAL The high limit for the Input. If SelectLimit
= 0 and HighLimit LowLimit, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in
Status and sets Out = LowLimit.
Valid = HighLimit > LowLimit
Default = 0.0
LowLimit REAL The low limit for the Input. If SelectLimit =
0 and LowLimit HighLimit, the
instruction sets the appropriate bit in
Status and sets Out = LowLimit.
Valid = LowLimit < HighLimit
Default = 0.0
SelectLimit DINT Select limit input. This input has three
0 = Use both limits
1= Use high limit
2 = Use low limit
If SelectLimit is invalid, the instruction
assumes SelectLimit = 0 and sets the
appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared
to false if Out overflows.
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.
HighAlarm BOOL The high alarm indicator. Set to true when
In HighLimit. The HighAlarm is
disabled when SelectLimit is set to 2.
LowAlarm BOOL The low alarm indicator. Set to true when
In LowLimit. The LowAlarm is
disabled when SelectLimit is set to 1.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the
following execution errors. This is not a
minor or major controller error. Check the
remaining status bits to determine what
LimitsInv (Status.1) BOOL HighLimit LowLimit.

846 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions
Output Parameter Data Type Description
SelectLimitInv (Status.2) BOOL The value of SelectLimit is not a 0, 1, or 2.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
HLL tag HL_LIMIT structure HLL structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The HLL instruction determines the value of the Out using these rules:
Selection Condition Action
SelectLimit = 0 In < HighLimit and Out = In
(use high and low limits) In > LowLimit
In HighLimit Out = HighLimit
In LowLimit Out = LowLimit
HighLimit LowLimit Out = LowLimit
SelectLimit = 1 In < HighLimit Out = In
(use high limit only) In HighLimit Out = HighLimit
SelectLimit = 2 In > LowLimit Out = In
(use low limit only)
In LowLimit Out = LowLimit

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.

Instruction first run N/A

Instruction first scan N/A
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 847

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

This HLL instruction limits In between two values and sets HighAlarm or
LowAlarm, if needed when In is outside the limits. The instruction sets Out =
limited value of In.

Function Block

Structured Text
HLL_01.In := value;
HLL_01.HighLimit := high_limit;
HLL_01.LowLimit := low_limit;

limited_value := HLL_01.Out;
high_alarm := HLL_01.HighAlarm;
low_alarm := HLL_01.LowAlarm;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

848 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

Multiplexer (MUX) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The MUX instruction selects one of eight inputs based on the selector input.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram.

Function Block

Structured Text
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 849

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
Block tag MULTIPLEXER Structure MUX structure

MUX Structure
Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does
not execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is set.
In1 REAL The first analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In2 REAL The second analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In3 REAL The third analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In4 REAL The fourth analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In5 REAL The fifth analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In6 REAL The sixth analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In7 REAL The seventh analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In8 REAL The eighth analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Selector DINT The selector input to the instruction. This
input determines which of the inputs (1-8) is
moved into Out. If this value is invalid
(which includes 0), the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status and holds Out at
its current value.
Valid = 1 to 8
Default = 0

850 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if the instruction is enabled.
Cleared on overflow.
Out REAL The selected output of the algorithm. Math
status flags are set for this output.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the
following execution errors. This is not a
minor or major controller error. Check the
remaining status bits to determine what
SelectorInv (Status.1) BOOL Invalid Selector value.

Based on the Selector value, the MUX instruction sets Out equal to one of
eight inputs.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition Action
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.

Instruction first run N/A

Instruction first scan Set internal value of Out to zero.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 851

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions


Function Block

This MUX instruction selects In1, In2, or In3, In4, In5, In6, In7, or In8 based
on the Selector. The instruction sets Out = Inn, which becomes an input
parameter for function_block_C. For example, if select_value = 2, the
instruction sets Out = analog_input2.

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019

Rate Limiter (RLIM) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The RLIM instruction limits the amount of change of a signal over time.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

852 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
RLIM tag RATE_LIMITER structure RLIM structure

Input Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does
not execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
IncRate REAL Maximum output increment rate in
per-second units. If invalid, the instruction
sets IncRate = 0.0 and sets the
appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any float 0.0
Default = 0.0
DecRate REAL Maximum output decrement rate in
per-second units. If invalid, the instruction
sets DecRate = 0.0 and sets the
appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = any float 0.0
Default = 0.0
ByPass BOOL Request to bypass the algorithm. When
true, Out = In.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 853

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions
Input Data Type Description
TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.
0 = Period mode
1 = oversample mode
2 = real time sampling mode
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0

OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample mode.

Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time
sampling mode
Valid = 1 to 32,767ms
Default = 1
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time
sampling mode.
Valid = 0 to 32,767ms
Default = 0

Output Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared
to false if Out overflows.
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This is the
elapsed time in seconds used by the
control algorithm to calculate the process
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault BOOL The instruction detected one of the
(Status.0) following execution errors. This is not a
minor or major controller error. Check the
remaining status bits to determine what
IncRateInv (Status.1) BOOL IncRate < 0. The instruction uses 0.
DecRateInv BOOL DecRate < 0. The instruction uses 0.
TimingModeInv BOOL Invalid TimingMode value.
(Status.27) For more information about timing modes,
see Function Block Attributes.
RTSMissed BOOL Only used in real time sampling mode. Set
(Status.28) to true when
ABS(DeltaT – RTSTime) > 1 millisecond.
RTSTimeInv BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.
DeltaTInv (Status.31) BOOL Set to true in oversample mode if either
DeltaT <= 0 or DeltaT > 4194.303.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
RLIM tag RATE_LIMITER structure RLIM structure

854 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions
See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The RLIM instruction provides separate increment and decrement rates in
per-second units. The ByPass input lets you stop rate limiting and pass the
signal directly to the output.
Condition Action
ByPass is true Outn = Inn
Outn-1 = Inn
ByPass is false and
DeltaT > 0

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A

Instruction first scan Initialize Out with the value of In.

Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 855

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.


Function Block
The RLIM instruction limits In by IncRate. If analog_input1 changes at a rate
greater than the IncRate value, the instruction limits In. The instruction sets
Out = rate limited value of In.

Structured Text
RLIM_01.In := analog_input1;
RLIM_01.IncRate := value;

rate_limited := RLIM_01.Out;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Select (SEL) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The SEL instruction uses a digital input to select one of two inputs.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

856 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

Function Block

Structured Text
This instruction is not available in structured text.


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
SEL tag SELECT structure SEL structure

SELECT Structure
Input Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the
instruction does not execute and
outputs are not updated.
Default is set.
In1 REAL The first analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
In2 REAL The second analog signal input to
the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
SelectorIn BOOL The input that selects between In1
and In2.
Default is cleared.

Output Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled.
Cleared on overflow.
Out REAL The calculated output of the

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 857

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

The SEL instruction operates as follows:
Condition Action
SelectorIn is set Out = In2
SelectorIn is cleared Out = In1

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan Out n-1 is set to 0.
Postscan N/A

The SEL instruction selects In1 or In2 based on SelectorIn. If SelectorIn is set,
the instruction sets Out = In2. If SelectorIn is cleared, the instruction sets Out
= In1. Out becomes an input parameter for function_block_C.

858 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

Function Block

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019

Selected Negate (SNEG) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The SNEG instruction uses a digital input to select between the input value
and the negative of the input value.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 859

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
SNEG tag SELECTABLE_NEGATE Structure SNEG structure

SNEG Structure
Input Parameter Data Type Description

EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction

does not execute and outputs are not
Default is true.
Structured Text:
No effect. The instruction executes.
In REAL The analog signal input to the
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
NegateEnable BOOL Negate enable. When NegateEnable
is true, the instruction sets Out to the
negative value of In.
Default is true.

Output Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled.
Cleared to false if Out overflows.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
SNEG tag SELECTABLE_NEGATE Structure SNEG structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The SNEG instruction operates as follows:
Condition Action
NegateEnable is true Out = - In

860 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions
Condition Action
NegateEnable is false Out = In

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan N/A
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

The negate_enable input determines whether to negate In or not. The
instruction sets Out = In if NegateEnable is false. The instruction sets Out =
-In if NegateEnable is true.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 861

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

Function Block

Structured Text
SNEG_01.In := analog_input1;
SNEG_01.NegateEnable := negate_enable;

output_value := SNEG_01.Out;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Selected Summer (SSUM) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The SSUM instruction uses Boolean inputs to select real inputs to be

algebraically summed.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

862 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
SSUM tag SELECTED_SUMMER Structure SSUM structure

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If false, the instruction does
not execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is true.
In1 REAL The first input to be summed.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Gain1 REAL Gain for the first input.
Valid = any float
Default = 1.0
Select1 BOOL Selector signal for the first input.
Default is false.
In2 REAL The second input to be summed.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Gain2 REAL Gain for the second input.
Valid = any float
Default = 1.0
Select2 BOOL Selector signal for the second input.
Default is false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 863

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
In3 REAL The third input to be summed.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Gain3 REAL Gain for the third input.
Valid = any float
Default = 1.0
Select3 BOOL Selector signal for the third input.
Default is false.
In4 REAL The fourth input to be summed.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Gain4 REAL Gain for the fourth input.
Valid = any float
Default = 1.0
Select4 BOOL Selector signal for the fourth input.
Default is false.
In5 REAL The fifth input to be summed.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Gain5 REAL Gain for the fifth input.
Valid = any float
Default = 1.0
Select5 BOOL Selector signal for the fifth input.
Default is false.
In6 REAL The sixth input to be summed.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Gain6 REAL Gain for the sixth input.
Valid = any float
Default = 1.0
Select6 BOOL Selector signal for the sixth input.
Default is false.
In7 REAL The seventh input to be summed.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Gain7 REAL Gain for the seventh input.
Valid = any float
Default = 1.0
Select7 BOOL Selector signal for the seventh input.
Default is false.
In8 REAL The eighth input to be summed.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Gain8 REAL Gain for the eighth input.
Valid = any float
Default = 1.0
Select8 BOOL Selector signal for the eighth input.
Default is false.
Bias REAL Bias signal input. The instruction adds the
Bias to the sum of the inputs.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0

864 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

Output Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared
to false if Out overflows.
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
SSUM tag SELECTED_SUMMER Structure SSUM structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The SSUM instruction operates as follows:
Condition Action
No In is selected Out = Bias
One or more In are selected For all n where Selectn is true
Out = ∑ (Inn x Gainn) + Bias

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 865

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions
Condition/State Action Taken
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.

Instruction first run N/A

Instruction first scan N/A
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

The values of select1 and select 2 determine whether to select analog_input1
and analog_input2, respectively. The instruction then adds the selected inputs
and places the result in Out.

Function Block

Structured Text
SSUM_01.In1 := analog_input1;
SSUM_01.Select1 := select1;
SSUM_01.In2 := analog_input2;
SSUM_01.Select2 := select2;
selected_add := SSUM_01.Out;

866 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 5 Select_Limit Instructions

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 867

Chapter 6

Statistical Instructions

Statistical Instructions
The Statistical instructions include these instructions:

Available Instructions

Ladder Diagram

Not available

Function Block and Structured Text


If you want to Use this instruction

Calculate a time average value. MAVE
Find the maximum signal in time. MAXC
Find the minimum signal in time. MINC
Calculate a moving standard deviation. MSTD

See also
Filter Instructions on page 809
Logical and Move Instructions on page 887
Drives Instructions on page 759
Select/Limit Instructions on page 837

Process Control Instructions on page 19

Moving Average (MAVE) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 869

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions

The MAVE instruction calculates a time average value for the In signal. This
instruction optionally supports user-specified weights.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
MAVE tag MOVING_AVERAGE structure MAVE structure
storage REAL array Holds the moving average
samples. This array must be at
least as large as
weight REAL array (optional)
Used for weighted averages.
This array must be at least as
large as NumberOfSamples.
Element [0] is used for the
newest sample; element [n] is
used for the oldest sample.

870 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does not execute
and outputs are not updated.
Default is set.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
InFault BOOL Bad health indicator for the input. If In is read from an
analog input, then InFault is normally controlled by fault
status on the analog input. When set, InFault indicates the
input signal has an error, the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status, and the instruction holds Out at
its current value. When InFault transitions from set to
cleared, the instruction initializes the averaging algorithm
and continues executing.
Default is cleared.
Initialize BOOL Initialize input to the instruction. When set, the instruction
holds Out = In, except when InFault is set, in which case,
the instruction holds Out at its current value. When
Initialize transitions from set to cleared, the instruction
initializes the averaging algorithm and continues
Default is cleared.
SampleEnable BOOL Enable for taking a sample of In. When set, the instruction
enters the value of In into the storage array and
calculates a new Out value. When SampleEnable is
cleared and Initialize is cleared, the instruction holds Out
at its current value.
Default is set.
NumberOfSamples DINT The number of samples to be used in the calculation. If
this value is invalid, the instruction sets the appropriate
bit in Status and holds Out at its current value. When
NumberOfSamples becomes valid again, the instruction
initializes the averaging algorithm and continues
Valid = 1 to (minimum size of StorageArray or WeightArray,
if used)
Default = 1
UseWeights BOOL Averaging scheme input to the instruction. When set, the
instruction uses the weighted method to calculate the
Out. When cleared, the instruction uses the uniform
method to calculate Out.
Default is cleared.

Output Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to false if Out
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault BOOL The instruction detected one of the following execution
(Status.0) errors. This is not a minor or major controller error. Check
the remaining status bits to determine what occurred.
InFaulted (Status.1) BOOL In health is bad (InFault is set).
NumberOfSampInv BOOL NumberOfSamples invalid or not compatible with array
(Status.2) size.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 871

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
MAVE tag MOVING_AVERAGE structure MAVE structure
storage REAL array Holds the moving average
samples. This array must be at
least as large as
weight REAL array (optional)
Used for weighted averages.
This array must be at least as
large as NumberOfSamples.
Element [0] is used for the
newest sample; element [n] is
used for the oldest sample.

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does not execute
and outputs are not updated.
Default is set.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
InFault BOOL Bad health indicator for the input. If In is read from an
analog input, then InFault is normally controlled by fault
status on the analog input. When set, InFault indicates the
input signal has an error, the instruction sets the
appropriate bit in Status, and the instruction holds Out at
its current value. When InFault transitions from set to
cleared, the instruction initializes the averaging algorithm
and continues executing.
Default is cleared.
Initialize BOOL Initialize input to the instruction. When set, the instruction
holds Out = In, except when InFault is set, in which case,
the instruction holds Out at its current value. When
Initialize transitions from set to cleared, the instruction
initializes the averaging algorithm and continues
Default is cleared.
SampleEnable BOOL Enable for taking a sample of In. When set, the instruction
enters the value of In into the storage array and
calculates a new Out value. When SampleEnable is
cleared and Initialize is cleared, the instruction holds Out
at its current value.
Default is set.
NumberOfSamples DINT The number of samples to be used in the calculation. If
this value is invalid, the instruction sets the appropriate
bit in Status and holds Out at its current value. When
NumberOfSamples becomes valid again, the instruction
initializes the averaging algorithm and continues
Valid = 1 to (minimum size of StorageArray or WeightArray,
if used)
Default = 1
UseWeights BOOL Averaging scheme input to the instruction. When set, the
instruction uses the weighted method to calculate the
Out. When cleared, the instruction uses the uniform
method to calculate Out.
Default is cleared.

872 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions

Output Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to false if Out
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault BOOL The instruction detected one of the following execution
(Status.0) errors. This is not a minor or major controller error. Check
the remaining status bits to determine what occurred.
InFaulted (Status.1) BOOL In health is bad (InFault is set).
NumberOfSampInv BOOL NumberOfSamples invalid or not compatible with array
(Status.2) size.

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The MAVE instruction calculates a weighted or non-weighted moving average
of the input signal. The NumberOfSamples specifies the length of the moving
average span. At every scan of the block when Sample Enable is set, the
instruction moves the value of In into the storage array and discards the
oldest value. Each Inn has a user-configured Weightn, which is used if
UseWeights is set.
Condition Action
Weighted averaging method
UseWeights is set.

Uniform averaging method

UseWeights is cleared.

The instruction will not place an invalid In value (NAN or ± INF) into the
storage array. When In is invalid, the instruction sets Out = In and logs an
overflow minor fault, if this reporting is enabled. When In becomes valid, the
instruction initializes the averaging algorithm and continues executing.
You can make runtime changes to the NumberOfSamples parameter. If you
increase the number, the instruction incrementally averages new data from
the current sample size to the new sample size. If you decrease the number,
the instruction recalculates the average from the beginning of the sample
array to the new NumberOfSamples value.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 873

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions

Initializing the Averaging Algorithm

Certain conditions, such as instruction first scan and instruction first run,
require the instruction to initialize the moving average algorithm. When this
occurs, the instruction considers the sample StorageArray empty and
incrementally averages samples from 1 to the NumberOfSamples value. For

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Tag.EnableIn is false Request re-initialization of Storage array the next time

the instruction executes.

Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.

The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan Initialize Out to zero.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.

874 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions
Condition/State Action Taken
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

Each scan, the instruction places input_value in array storage. The instruction
calculates the average of the values in array storage, optionally using the
weight values in array weight, and places the result in Out.

Function Block

Structured Text
MAVE_01.In := input_value;
output_value := MAVE_01.Out;

See also
Function Block Attributes on page 979

Common Attributes on page 1019

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Maximum Capture (MAXC) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The MAXC instruction retains the maximum value of the input over time and
allows the user to re-establish a maximum as needed.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 875

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
MAXC tag MAXIMUM_CAPTURE Structure MAXC structure

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does not execute and outputs are not
Default is set.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Reset BOOL Request to reset control algorithm. The instruction sets Out = ResetValue as
long as Reset is set.
Default is cleared.
ResetValue REAL The reset value for the instruction. The instruction sets Out = ResetValue as
long as Reset is set.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0

876 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions

Output Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable output.
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
MAXC tag MAXIMUM_CAPTURE Structure MAXC structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The MAXC instruction executes this algorithm:
Condition Action
Reset is set LastMaximum = Reset value
Out = LastMaximum
Reset is cleared If In > LastMaximum then update LastMaximum.
Out = LastMaximum.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan Set request to initialize the Maximum value with the current input.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 877

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

If Reset is set, the instruction sets Out=ResetValue. If Reset is cleared, the
instruction sets Out=In when In> LastMaximum. Otherwise, the instruction
sets Out= LastMaximum.

Function Block

Structured Text
MAXCTag.In := input_value;
MAXCTag.Reset := reset_input;

MAXCTag.ResetValue := reset_value;

result := MAXCTag.Out;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

878 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions

Minimum Capture (MINC) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The MINC instruction retains the minimum value of the input over time and
allows the user to re-establish a minimum as needed.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
MINC tag MINIMUM_CAPTURE structure MINC structure

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does not execute and outputs are not
Default is set.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 879

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions
Input Parameter Data Type Description
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
Reset BOOL Request to reset control algorithm. The instruction sets Out = ResetValue as
long as Reset is set.
Default is cleared.
ResetValue REAL The reset value for the instruction. The instruction sets Out = ResetValue as
long as Reset is set.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0

Output Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable output.
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
MINC tag MINIMUM _CAPTURE structure MINC structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The MINC instruction executes this algorithm:
Condition Action
Reset is set LastMinimum = ResetValue
Out = ResetValue
Reset is cleared If In < LastMinimum then update LastMinimum.
Out = LastMinimum.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related

880 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run N/A
Instruction first scan Set request to initialize the Maximum value with the current input.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

If Reset is set, the instruction set Out=ResetValue. If Reset is cleared, the
instruction set Out=In when In < LastMinimum. Otherwise, the instruction
sets Out= LastMinimum.

Function Block

Structured Text
MINCTag.In := input_value;
MINCTag.Reset := reset_input;

MINCTag.ResetValue := reset_value;

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 881

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions

result := MINCTag.Out;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Moving Standard Deviation This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
(MSTD) CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The MSTD instruction calculates a moving standard deviation and average for
the In signal.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text
MSTD(MSTD_tag, StorageArray);

882 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
block tag MOVING_STD_DEV structure MSTD structure
StorageArray REAL array Holds the In samples. This
array must be at least as large
as NumberOfSamples.

Input Parameter Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does not
execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is set.
In REAL The analog signal input to the instruction.
Valid = any float
Default = 0.0
InFault BOOL Bad health indicator for the input. If In is read
from an analog input, then InFault is normally
controlled by fault status on the analog input.
When set, InFault indicates the input signal has
an error, the instruction sets the appropriate bit
in Status, and the instruction holds Out and
Average at their current values. When InFault
transitions from set to cleared, the instruction
initializes the averaging algorithm and continues
Default is cleared.
Initialize BOOL Initialize input to the instruction. When set, the
instruction sets Out = 0.0 and Average = In,
except when InFault is set, in which case, the
instruction holds both Out and Average at their
current values. When Initialize transitions from
set to cleared, the instruction initializes the
standard deviation algorithm and continues
Default is cleared.
SampleEnable BOOL Enable for taking a sample of In. When set, the
instruction enters the value of In into the storage
array and calculates a new Out and Average
value. When SampleEnable is cleared and
Initialize is cleared, the instruction holds Out and
Average at their current values.
Default is cleared.
NumberOfSamples DINT The number of samples to be used in the
calculation. If this value is invalid, the instruction
sets the appropriate bit in Status and the
instruction holds Out and Average at their
current values. When NumberOfSamples
becomes valid again, the instruction initializes
the standard deviation algorithm and continues
Valid = 1 to size of the storage array
Default = 1

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 883

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions

Output Parameter Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled. Cleared to
false if Out overflows
Out REAL The calculated output of the algorithm.
Average REAL The calculated average of the algorithm.
Status DINT Status of the function block.
InstructFault (Status.0) BOOL The instruction detected one of the following
execution errors. This is not a minor or major
controller error. Check the remaining status bits
to determine what occurred.
InFaulted (Status.1) BOOL In health is bad. InFault is set.
NumberOfSampInv (Status.2) BOOL NumberOfSamples invalid or not compatible
with array size.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
block tag MOVING_STD_DEV structure MSTD structure
StorageArray REAL array Holds the In samples. This
array must be at least as
large as NumberOfSamples.

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The MSTD instruction supports any input queue length. Each scan, if
SampleEnable is set, the instruction enters the value of In into a storage array.
When the storage array is full, each new value of In causes the oldest entry to
be deleted.

The MSTD instructions uses these equations for the outputs:

Condition Action


The instruction will not place an invalid In value (NAN or INF) into the
storage array. When In is invalid, the instruction sets Out = In, sets Average =
In, and logs an overflow minor fault, if this reporting is enabled. When In
becomes valid, the instruction initializes the standard deviation algorithm
and continues executing.
You can make runtime changes to the NumberOfSamples parameter. If you
increase the number, the instruction incrementally processes new data from
the current sample size to the new sample size. If you decrease the number,

884 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions
the instruction re-calculates the standard deviation from the beginning of the
sample array to the new NumberOfSamples value.

Initializing the Standard Deviation Algorithm

Certain conditions, such as instruction first scan and instruction first run,
require the instruction to initialize the standard deviation algorithm. When
this occurs, the instruction considers the StorageArray empty and
incrementally processes samples from 1 to the NumberOfSamples value. For

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run Initialize the previous Output and Average.
Instruction first scan Initialize Out to zero.
Initialize Average to Input
Initialize the instruction algorithm.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 885

Chapter 6 Statistical Instructions

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

Each scan that SampleEnable is set, the instruction places the value of In into
array storage, calculates the standard deviation of the values in array storage,
and places the result in Out. Out becomes an input parameter for

Function Block

Structured Text
MSTD_01.In := input_value;
MSTD_01.SampleEnable := enable_sample;
deviation := MSTD_01.Out;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

886 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 7

Logical and Move

Logical and Move Instructions

These instructions are used to perform logical operations on and move output

Available Instructions

Ladder Diagram and Structured Text


Function Block
Not available

Structured Text

See also
Filter Instructions on page 809
Drives Instructions on page 759
Process Control Instructions on page 19

Select/Limit Instructions on page 837

Statistical Instructions on page 869

D Flip-Flop (DFF) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.
The DFF instruction sets the Q output to the state of the D input on a cleared
to set transition of the Clock input. The QNot output is set to the opposite
state of the Q output.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 887

Chapter 7 Logical and Move

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
DFF tag FLIP_FLOP_D structure DFF structure

FLIP_FLOP_D Structure
Input Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the
instruction does not execute and
outputs are not updated.
Default is set.
D BOOL The input to the instruction.
Default is cleared.
Clear BOOL Clear input to the instruction. If set,
the instruction clears Q and sets
Clock BOOL Clock input to the instruction.
Default is cleared.

888 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 7 Logical and Move

Output Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled.
Q BOOL The output of the instruction.
QNot BOOL The complement of the Q output.

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
DFF tag FLIP_FLOP_D structure DFF structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

When Clear is set, the instructions clears Q and sets QNot. Otherwise, if Clock
is set and Clockn-1 is cleared, the instruction sets Q=D and sets QNot = NOT

The instruction sets Clockn-1 = Clock state every scan.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.

Instruction first run Clockn-1 is set to 1.

Qn-1 is cleared to 0.
Instruction first scan Previous input Clock state is set True.
Previous output Q state is set False.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 889

Chapter 7 Logical and Move

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

When Clock goes from cleared to set, the DFF instruction sets Q = D. When
Clear is set, Q is cleared. The DFF instruction sets QNot to the opposite state
of Q.

Function Block

Structured Text
DFF_03.D := d_input;
DFF_03.Clear := clear_input;
DFF_03.Clock := clock_input;
q_output := DFF_03.Q;
qNot_output := DFF_03.QNot;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

JK Flip-Flop (JKFF) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.
The JKFF instruction complements the Q and QNot outputs when the Clock
input transitions from cleared to set.

890 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 7 Logical and Move

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
JKFF tag FLIP_FLOP_JK Structure JKFF structure

FLIP_FLOP_JK Structure
Input Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction
does not execute and outputs are not
Default is set.
Clear BOOL Clear input to the instruction. If set, the
clears Q and sets QNot.
Clock BOOL Clock input to the instruction.
Default is cleared.

Output Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled.
Q BOOL The output of the instruction.
QNot BOOL The complement of the Q output.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 891

Chapter 7 Logical and Move

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
JKFF tag FLIP_FLOP_JK Structure JKFF structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

When Clear is set, the instructions clears Q and sets QNot. Otherwise, if Clock
is set and Clockn-1 is cleared, the instruction toggles Q and QNot.
The instruction sets Clockn-1 = Clock state every scan.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run Clockn-1 is set to 1.
Qn-1 is cleared to 0.
Instruction first scan Previous input Clock states is set to True.
Previous output Q state is False.
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

892 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 7 Logical and Move

When Clock goes from cleared to set, the JKFF instruction toggles Q. If Clear
is set, Q is always cleared. The JKFF instruction sets QNot to the opposite state
of Q.

Function Block

Structured Text
JKFF_01.Clear := clear_input;
JKFF_01.Clock := clock_input;
q_output := JKFF_01.Q;
qNot_output := JKFF_01.QNot;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Reset Dominant (RESD) This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers.

The RESD instruction uses Set and Reset inputs to control latched outputs.
The Reset input has precedence over the Set input.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 893

Chapter 7 Logical and Move

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available for ladder diagram.

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
RESD tag DOMINANT_RESET structure RESD structure

Input Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does
not execute and outputs are not updated.
Default is set.
Set BOOL Set input to the instruction.
Default is cleared.
Reset BOOL Reset input to the instruction.
Default is cleared.

Output Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled.

Out BOOL The output of the instruction.

OutNot BOOL The inverted output of the instruction.

894 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 7 Logical and Move

Structured text
See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

The Reset Dominant instruction uses the Set and Reset input parameters to
control latched output parameters Out and OutNot. The Reset input has
precedence over the Set input.
Out will be latched true whenever the Set input parameter is set true. Setting
the Reset parameter to true will override the current state of Out, setting Out
to false.
When Reset returns to false, Out will be latched to the current state of the Set
input parameter. OutNot will be set to the opposite state of Out.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for fault related


Function Block
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run Out bit is set to false. OutNot is set to true.
Instruction first scan N/A
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 895

Chapter 7 Logical and Move

When Set is true and Reset is false, Out is set true. When Reset is true, Out is
cleared. The Reset input has precedence over the Set input. The RESD
instruction sets OutNot to the opposite state of Out.

Function Block

Structured Text
RESD_01.Set := set_input;
RESD_01.Reset := reset_input;
out_output := RESD_01.Out;
outNot_output := RESD_01.OutNot;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Set Dominant (SETD) This instruction applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570, and
ControlLogix 5580 controllers.
The SETD instruction uses Set and Reset inputs to control latched outputs.
The Set input has precedence over the Reset input.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram
This instruction is not available in ladder diagram logic.

896 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 7 Logical and Move

Function Block

Structured Text


Function Block
Operand Type Format Description
SETD tag DOMINANT_SET structure SETD structure

Structured text
Operand Type Format Description
SETD tag DOMINANT_SET structure SETD structure

See Structured Text Syntax for more information on the syntax of expressions
within structured text.

Input Data Type Description
EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction does not execute
and outputs are not updated.
Default is set.
Set BOOL Set input to the instruction.
Default is cleared.
Reset BOOL Reset input to the instruction.
Default is cleared.

Output Data Type Description

EnableOut BOOL Indicates if instruction is enabled.
Out BOOL The output of the instruction.
OutNot BOOL The inverted output of the instruction.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 897

Chapter 7 Logical and Move

The Set Dominant instruction uses the Set and Reset input parameters to
control latched output parameters Out and OutNot. The Set input has
precedence over the Reset input.
Out will be latched true whenever the Set input parameter is set true. Setting
the Reset parameter to true will set Out to false only if the Set input is false.
OutNot will be set to the opposite state of Out.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Common Attributes for operand-related

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is false EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.
Tag.EnableIn is true EnableIn and EnableOut bits are set to true.
The instruction executes.
Instruction first run Out bit is set to true. OutNot is cleared to false.
Instruction first scan N/A
Postscan EnableIn and EnableOut bits are cleared to false.

Structured Text
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan See Prescan in the Function Block table.
Normal Execution See Tag.EnableIn is true in the Function Block table.
Postscan See Postscan in the Function Block table.

When Set is true, Out is set true. When Set is false and Reset is true, Out is
cleared. The Set input has precedence over the Reset input. The SETD
instruction sets OutNot to the opposite state of Out.

898 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 7 Logical and Move

Function Block

Structured Text
SETD_01.Set := set_input;
SETD_01.Reset := reset_input;
out_output := SETD_01.Out;
outNot_output := SETD_01.OutNot;

See also
Common Attributes on page 1019
Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 899

Chapter 8

Equipment Phase Instructions

Equipment Phase Instructions

The Equipment Phase instructions include:

Available Instructions

Ladder Diagram and Structured Text


Function Block
These instructions are not available in function block.
If want to: Use this instruction:
Signal an equipment phase that the state routine is complete to indicate that it PSC
should go to the next state
Change the state or substate of an equipment phase PCMD
Give a Hold, Stop, or Abort command to an equipment phase, regardless of POVR
Signal a failure for an equipment phase PFL
Clear the failure code of an equipment phase PCLF
Initiate communication with FactoryTalk Batch software. PXRQ

Clear the NewInputParameters bit of an equipment phase PRNP

Set up breakpoints within the logic of an equipment phase PPD

Take ownership of an equipment phase to either: PATT

• Prevent another program or FactoryTalk Batch software from commanding
an equipment phase
• Make sure another program or FactoryTalk Batch software does not already
own an equipment phase

Relinquish ownership of an equipment phase PDET

See also
Equipment Sequence Diagram instructions on page 965

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 901

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Attach to Equipment Phase This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
(PATT) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the PATT instruction to take ownership of an equipment phase to either:
• Prevent another program or FactoryTalk Batch software from
commanding an equipment phase.
• Make sure another program or FactoryTalk Batch software does not
already own an equipment phase.
The PATT instruction lets a program take ownership of an equipment phase.
• Ownership is optional. As long as an equipment phase has no owners,
any sequencer (program in the controller, FactoryTalk Batch software)
can command an equipment phase.
• FactoryTalk Batch software always takes ownership of an equipment
• Once a sequencer owns an equipment phase, no other sequencer can
command the equipment phase.
This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.

Structured Text

902 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions


Ladder Diagram
Operand Type Format Description
Phase Name PHASE Name of the equipment Equipment phase to own.
Result DINT immediate To let the instruction return a code
tag for its success or failure, enter a
DINT tag in which to store the result
code. Otherwise, enter 0.

Structured Text
The operands are the same as those for the Ladder Diagram PATT instruction.

Guidelines for using the PATT Instruction

Guideline Details
Consider ownership if have multiple Ownership makes sure that a program can command all
sequencers that use a common equipment the equipment phases it needs and locks out any other
phase. sequencers.
If using: Then:
FactoryTalk Batch software to Before executing the
also run sequences within this sequence (process),
controller take ownership of all the
equipment phases that
the sequence uses.
Multiple programs to command
the same equipment phase
None of the above No need to own the
equipment phases.
Remember that Logix Designer overrides the Regardless of whether a program or FactoryTalk Batch
controller. software owns an equipment phase, the option exists to
use Logix Designer to override ownership and command
the equipment phase to a different state.
This: Overrides this:
Logix Designer Controller (internal
sequencer), FactoryTalk
Batch software (external
Controller (internal sequencer) None
FactoryTalk Batch software None
(external sequencer)
Use the Result operand to validate ownership. Use the Result operand to get a code that shows the
success or failure of the PATT instruction. To interpret the
result code, see the PATT Result Codes section below.
Avoid or plan for a result code = 24582. On each execution, the PATT instruction tries to take
ownership of the equipment phase. Once a program owns
an equipment phase, another execution of the PATT
instruction produces a result code = 24582. When using a
PATT instruction, either:
• Limit its execution to a single scan to avoid the 24582
result code.
• Include a result code = 24582 in conditions for

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 903

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
Guideline Details
When the sequence is done, relinquish To relinquish ownership, use a Detach from Equipment
ownership. Phase (PDET) instruction.

PATT Result Codes

If assigning a tag to store the result of a PATT instruction, the instruction
returns one of these codes when it executes:
Code (Dec) Description
0 The command was successful.
24579 Logix Designer or HMI already owns equipment phase. The caller is attached to the
equipment phase, but it is not the current commanding owner.
• This program now also owns the equipment phase.
• Since the Logix Designer or HMI is higher priority than a program, the program
cannot command the equipment phase.
• High priority HMI ownership is specific only to CompactLogix 5370 and
ControlLogix 5570 controllers.
24582 The program already owns the equipment phase.
24593 One of these already owns the equipment phase:
• External sequencer (FactoryTalk Batch software)
• Another program in the controller
24594 The equipment phase is unscheduled, inhibited, or in a task that is inhibited.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None. See Index Through Arrays for operand-related faults.

For Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic, it will execute. All
Conditions below the thick solid line can only occur during Normal Scan
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan No action taken.
Postscan No action taken.
EnableIn is false No action taken.
EnableIn is true The instruction executes as described above.

904 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions


Ladder Diagram
If Step.1 = 1 (first step in the sequence) then
Each PATT instruction tries to take ownership of an equipment phase.
If the Result of a PATT instruction = 0 or 24582 (the program owns
the equipment phase), then
A bit within the Ownership tag = 1. (In the Ownership tag, each
equipment phase is assigned a bit.)
If Ownership = 3 (The program owns both equipment phases as shown
by bits 0 and 1), then
Done = 1. (This signals the sequence to go to the next step.)

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 905

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Structured Text

Number Description
At the first step in the sequence, the Take_Ownership action tries to take ownership of two
equipment phases that the sequence uses.
Action_009 checks that the program owns the equipment phases. If the Result of each PATT
instruction = 0 or 24282 (the program owns the equipment phase), then a bit within the Ownership
tag = 1. (In the Ownership tag, each equipment phase is assigned a bit.)
If the Ownership = 3 (The program owns both equipment phases as shown by bits 0 and 1.), then
the SFC goes to the next step.

See also
Equipment Phase Instructions on page 901
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Detach from Equipment This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
Phase (PDET) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the PDET instruction to relinquish ownership of an equipment phase.
After a program executes a PDET instruction, the program no longer owns the
equipment phase. This frees the equipment phase for ownership by another
program or by FactoryTalk Batch software. Use the PDET instruction only if
the program previously took ownership of an equipment phase via an Attach
to Equipment Phase (PATT) instruction.

906 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.

Structured Text


Ladder Diagram
Operand Type Format Description
Phase Name PHASE Name of the Equipment phase no
equipment phase longer to own.

Structured Text
The operands are the same as those for the Ladder Diagram PDET instruction.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None. See Index Through Arrays for operand-related faults.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 907

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

For Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic, it will execute.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan No action taken.
Postscan No action taken.
EnableIn is false No action taken.
EnableIn is true The instruction executes.


Ladder Diagram
If Step.6 = 1 (step 6 in the sequence) then
Each PDET instruction relinquishes ownership of the phases that the
sequence owned.
Each Ownership bit = 0. (In the Ownership tag, each equipment phase is
assigned a bit.)
Done = 1. (This signals the sequence to go to the next step.)

Structured Text

908 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
When the sequence executes, the Relinquish_Ownership action:
• Relinquishes ownership of the equipment phase.
• Clears the ownership flags (bits that the SFC set when it took
ownership of the equipment phases).
Using an action Qualifier of type P1 limits the action execution to the first
scan of that step.

See also
Equipment Phase Instructions on page 901

Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Equipment Phase Clear This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
Failure (PCLF) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the PCLF instruction to clear the failure code of an equipment phase.

The PCLF instruction clears the failure code for an equipment phase.
• Use only a PCLF instruction to clear the failure code of an equipment
• A CLR instruction, MOV instruction, or assignment (:=) does not change
the failure code of an equipment phase.
Make sure the equipment phase does not have other owners when using the
PCLF instruction. The PCLF instruction will not clear the failure code if Logix
Designer, HMI, FactoryTalk Batch software, or another program owns the
equipment phase.
• High priority HMI ownership is specific only to the CompactLogix
5370 and ControlLogix 5570 controllers.
This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 909

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.

Structured Text


Ladder Diagram
Operand Type Format Description
Phase Name PHASE Name of the Equipment phase whose failure
equipment phase code to clear.

Structured Text
The operands are the same as those for the Ladder Diagram PCLF instruction.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None. See Index Through Arrays below for operand-related faults.

For Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic, it executes.

910 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan No action taken.
Postscan No action taken.
EnableIn is false No action taken.
EnableIn is true The instruction executes as described above.


Ladder Diagram
If Drain_Tank_Restart = 1 (restart the Drain_Tank equipment phase) then
Clear the failure code of the Drain_Tank equipment phase
Change the state of the Drain_Tank equipment phase to restarting via
the restart command.
Drain_Tank_Restart = 0;

Structured Text
(*If Drain_Tank_Restart = on, then
Clear the failure code for the Drain_Tank equipment phase.
Restart the Drain_Tank equipment phase.
Turn off Drain_Tank_Restart.*)
If Drain_Tank_Restart Then
Drain_Tank_Restart := 0;

See also
Equipment Phase Instructions on page 901

Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 911

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Equipment Phase Command This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
(PCMD) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
The PCMD instruction transitions an equipment phase to the next state or
Use the PCMD instruction to change the state or sub-state of an equipment
In the running state routine, use the PSC instructions to transition the
equipment phase to the complete state. For more information about Paused
functionality, please see the PPD phase instruction.
This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.
Tip: The PPD instruction is necessary for using pause functionality.

Number Description
Some states need a command to go to the next state. If the equipment phase is in the idle state, a start
command transitions the equipment phase to the running state. Once in the running state, the
equipment phase executes its running state routine.
Other states use a Phase State Complete (PSC) instruction to go to the next state. If the equipment phase
is in the holding state, a PSC instruction transitions the equipment phase to the held state. Once in the
held state, the equipment phase needs a restart command to go to the restarting state.

912 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
Number Description
Use Auto Pause, Pause, and Resume to test and debug a state routine. The sub-states require the
Equipment Phase Paused (PPD) instruction to create breakpoints in the logic.
Use the auto pause, pause, and resume commands to step through the breakpoints.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.

Structured Text
PCMD (PhaseName,Command,Result);


Ladder Diagram
Operand Type Format Description
Phase Name PHASE Name of the Equipment phase to change to a different
equipment phase state.
Command command Command Command to send to the equipment
enumeration value phase to change its state. For available
commands, refer to the illustration above.
Result DINT immediate To let the instruction return a code for its
tag success or failure, enter a DINT tag in
which to store the result code. Otherwise,
enter 0.

Structured Text
The operands are the same as those for the Ladder Diagram PCMD

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 913

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Guidelines for using the PCMD Instruction

Guideline Details
Limit execution of a PCMD Limit the execution of the PCMD instruction to a single scan. Each
instruction to a single scan. command applies to only a specific state or states. Once the equipment
phase changes state, the command is no longer valid. To limit execution,
use methods such as:
• Execute the PCMD instruction within a P1 Pulse (Rising Edge) or P0 Pulse
(Falling Edge) action.
• Place a one shot instruction before the PCMD instruction.
• Execute the PCMD instruction and then advance to the next step.
Determine if need ownership of the As an option, a program can own an equipment phase. This prevents
equipment phase. another program or FactoryTalk Batch software from also commanding
the equipment phase.
If using: Then:
FactoryTalk Batch software to also run Also run procedures (recipes)
procedures (recipes) within this within this controller. Before
controller using a PCMD instruction, use an
Attach to Equipment Phase
(PATT) instruction to take
ownership of the equipment
Multiple programs to command the Use an Attach to Equipment
same equipment phase Phase (PATT) instruction to take
ownership of the equipment
None of the above There is no need to own the
equipment phase.
Using a POVR instruction instead of 1. Giving the hold, stop, or abort command?
a PCMD instruction. • No - Use the PCMD instruction.
• Yes - Go to step 2.
2. Must the command work even if the equipment phase is under manual
control via Logix Designer?
• Yes - Use the POVR instruction instead.
• No - Go to step 3.
3. Must the command work even if FactoryTalk Batch software or another
program owns the equipment phase?
• Yes - Use the POVR instruction instead.
• No - Use the PCMD instruction.
For example, suppose the equipment checks for jammed material. And if
there is a jam, the equipment should always abort. In that case, use the
POVR instruction. This way, the equipment aborts even if under manual
control via Logix Designer.
Determine if need a return code. Use the Result operand to get a code that shows the success or failure of
the PCMD instruction.
If: Then in the Result operand,
enter a:
Anticipate ownership conflicts or other DINT tag, in which to store a
possible errors code for the result of the
execution of the instruction.
Do not anticipate ownership conflicts 0
or other possible errors
Want to interpret the result code, refer
to the Result Codes table below.

PCMD Result Codes

If assigning a tag to store the result of a PCMD instruction, the instruction
returns one of these codes when it executes:

914 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
Code (Dec) Description
0 Successful command.
24577 Valid command.
24578 Invalid command for the current state of the equipment phase. For example, if the
equipment phase is in the running state, then a start command is not valid.
24579 Cannot command the equipment phase. One of these already owns the equipment
• Logix Designer
• external sequencer (for example, FactoryTalk Batch software)
• another program in the controller
24594 Unscheduled or inhibited equipment phase or in an inhibited task.

Tip: High priority HMI ownership is specific only to CompactLogix 5370 and ControlLogix 5570 controllers.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None. See Index Through Arrays for operand-related faults.

For Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic, it will execute. All
conditions below the think solid line can only occur during Normal Scan
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan No action taken.
Postscan No action taken.
EnableIn is false No action taken.
EnableIn is true The instruction executes as described above.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 915

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Example 1

Ladder Diagram

Number Description
If ProcedureB_Stepindex = 20 (the routine is at step 20)
And this is the transition to step 20 (the ONS instruction signals that the EQU instruction went from false to true.)
Change the state of the Add_Water equipment phase to running via the start command.
If ProcedureB_Stepindex = 20 (the routine is at step 20)
And the Add_Water equipment phase is complete (Add_Water.Complete = 1)
Change the state of the Add_Water equipment phase to resetting via the reset command. Advance to step 30.

916 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Structured Text

Number Description
When the SFC enters Add_Water_Step, change ADD_Water equipment phase to running via the start command, The P1 qualifier
limits this to the first scan of the step.
Before the SFC leaves Add_Water_Step (Add_Water_Complete = 1), change Add_Water equipment phase to resetting via the
reset command. The P0 qualifier limits this to the last scan of the step.

Example 2

Ladder Diagram

Number Description
If ProcedureB_Stepindex = 30 (the routine is at step 30)
And this is the transition to step 30 (the ONS instruction signals that the EQU instruction went from false to true.)
Change the state of the Add_Water equipment phase to running via the start command.
Verify that the command was successful and store the result code in PCMD_Result[1] [DINT Tag].

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 917

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Structured Text

Number Description
When the SFC enters Add_Ingredient_Step
• Change Add_Ingredient equipment phase to running via the start commend.
• Verify that the command was successful and store the result code in PCDM_Result[2] (DINT tag).
The P1 qualifier limits this to the first scan of the step.

See also
Equipment Phase Instructions on page 901

Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Equipment Phase Paused (PPD)

Equipment Phase External This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
Request (PXRQ) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the PXRQ instruction to initiate communication with FactoryTalk® Batch
IMPORTANT When the PXRQ instruction is used in an Equipment Sequence, only the Download All (1000)
request and the Upload All (2000) request are supported. All other PXRQ instruction requests
are ignored.

The PXRQ instruction sends a request to FactoryTalk Batch software.

This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

918 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.

Structured Text
PXRQ (Phase_Instruction, External_Request, Data_Value);


Ladder Diagram
Operand Type Format Description
Phase Instruction PHASE_INSTRUCTION tag Tag that controls the operation.
External Request request enumeration value Type of request.
Data Value DINT array tag Parameters of the request.

Structured Text
The operands are the same as those for the Ladder Diagram PXRQ


Then check
or set this
If want to: member: Data type Notes
Determine if a false-to-true transition caused EN BOOL Refer to the timing diagram below.
the instruction to execute
Determine if the request failed ER BOOL Refer to the timing diagram below.
To diagnose the error, refer to the ERR and
EXERR values.
Determine if the FactoryTalk Batch software PC BOOL Refer to the timing diagram below.
completed its processing of the request
Determine if the FactoryTalk Batch software is IP BOOL Refer to the timing diagram below.
processing the request

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 919

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
Then check
or set this
If want to: member: Data type Notes
Determine if the instruction sent the request WA BOOL Refer to the timing diagram below.
but FactoryTalk Batch software has not yet WA also = 0 if:
acknowledged it • The connection times out
• A network error occurs
• ABORT = 1
Cancel the request ABORT BOOL To abort (cancel) the request, set the ABORT
bit = 1. When the controller aborts the
• ER = 1
• ERR shows the result of the abort
• Diagnose the cause of an error ERR INT If ER = 1, the error code gives diagnostic
information. To interpret the error code, see
PXRQ Error Codes.
• Write logic to respond to specific errors EXERR INT If ER = 1, the extended error code gives
additional diagnostic information for some
errors. To interpret the extended error code,
see PXRQ Error Codes.
Use one member for the various status bits of STATUS DINT For this member: Use this bit:
the tag EN 31
ER 28
PC 27
IP 26
WA 25

Timing Diagram

Guidelines for using the PXRQ Instruction

Guideline Details
Make sure to use an array for the Data Values operand. The Data Values operand requires a DINT array, even if the array contains
only 1 element (that is, the data type is DINT[1]).
In Ladder Diagram, condition the instruction to execute This is a transitional instruction. Each time the instruction executes, toggle
on a transition. the EnableIn from false to true

920 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
Guideline Details
In Structured Text, use a construct to condition the When programming a PXRQ instruction in structured text, consider:
execution of the instruction. • In structured text, instructions execute each time they are scanned.
• The PXRQ instruction updates its status bits only when it is scanned.
• To keep the instruction from repeatedly executing but ensure that the
status bits update, enclose the instruction in a construct that:
• Initiates the execution of the instruction only on a transition (change in
• Remains true until either PC = 1 or ER = 1

Configure the PXRQ Instruction

If want to: Then configure the PXRQ instruction as follows:
External Request Data Value Array Value
Download all input parameters Download Input DINT[0] 0
Download a single input parameter Download Input DINT[0] parameter ID
Download a range of input parameters Download Input DINT[0] parameter ID of the first
Parameters parameter
DINT[1] Number of parameters to
Download the input parameters configured Download Input DINT[0] start = 1
for automatic download on start or transfer Parameters Subset transfer of control = 2
of control
Download all output parameters Download Output DINT[0] 0
Parameter Limits
Download a single output parameter Download Output DINT[0] parameter ID
Parameter Limits
Upload all reports Upload Output DINT[0] 0
Upload a single report Upload Output DINT[0] report ID
Upload a range of reports Upload Output DINT[0] report ID of the first report
DINT[1] Number of reports to
Upload the output parameters configured for Upload Output DINT[0] terminal = 1
automatic upload on terminal state or Parameters Subset transfer of control = 2
transfer of control
Send a message to an operator Send Message to Operator DINT[0] message ID
Clear a message from an operator Clear Message to Operator DINT[0] 0
Acquire a resource Acquire Resources DINT[0] equipment ID
Acquire multiple resources Acquire Resources DINT[0] equipment ID
DINT[1] equipment ID


Release a single resource Release Resources DINT[0] equipment ID

Release multiple resources Release Resources DINT[0] equipment ID
DINT[1] equipment ID


Release all resources Release Resources DINT[0] 0

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 921

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
If want to: Then configure the PXRQ instruction as follows:
External Request Data Value Array Value
Send a message (and optional data) to Send Message to Linked DINT[0] message ID
another phase Phase
Number of phases to receive
DINT[1] message
DINT[2] Message Value

DINT[3] Message Value


Send a message (and optional data) to Send Message to Linked DINT[0] message ID
another phase and wait for the phase to Phase and Wait DINT[1] Number of phases to receive
receive the message message
DINT[2] Message Value

DINT[3] Message Value


Wait to receive a message from another Receive Message From DINT[0] message ID
phase Linked Phase
DINT[1] Message Value

DINT[2] Message Value


Cancel a message to another phase Cancel Message to Linked DINT[0] message ID

Cancel all messages to another phase Cancel Message to Linked DINT[0] 0
Download customer's batch ID Download Batch Data DINT[0] 1
DINT[1] parameter ID in which to store
the value
Download unique batch ID Download Batch Data DINT[0] 2
DINT[1] parameter ID in which to store
the value
Download phase ID Download Batch Data DINT[0] 3
DINT[1] parameter ID in which to store
the value
Download recipe control versus manual Download Batch Data DINT[0] 4
phase control DINT[1] parameter ID in which to store
the value
Download current mode of the phase Download Batch Data DINT[0] 5
DINT[1] parameter ID in which to store
the value
Download the low limit of an input parameter Download Batch Data DINT[0] 6
The input parameter tag stores
the low limit.
Download the high limit of an input Download Batch Data DINT[0] 7
parameter The input parameter tag stores
the high limit.

922 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
If want to: Then configure the PXRQ instruction as follows:
External Request Data Value Array Value
Download data about the container currently Download Material DINT[0] 1
in use Manager Data Container In DINT[1] Attribute ID (specify the single
Use attribute).

DINT[2] Phase parameter ID (specify

the parameter tag to download
the value to)
Download data about the current material Download Material DINT[0] 2
inside the container currently in use Manager Data Container In DINT[1] Attribute ID (specify the single
Use attribute).

DINT[2] Phase parameter ID (specify

the parameter tag to which to
download the value)
Download data about the current lot inside Download Material DINT[0] 3
the container currently in use Manager Data Container In DINT[1] Attribute ID (specify the single
Use attribute).

DINT[2] Phase parameter ID (specify

the parameter tag to which to
download the value)
Upload data about the container currently in Upload Material Manager DINT[0] 1
use Data Container In Use DINT[1] Attribute ID (specify the single

DINT[2] Phase parameter ID (specify

the parameter tag from which
to upload the value)
Upload data about the current material Upload Material Manager DINT[0] 2
inside the container currently in use Data Container In Use DINT[1] Attribute ID (specify the single

DINT[2] Phase parameter ID (specify

the parameter tag from which
to upload the value)
Upload data about the current lot inside the Upload Material Manager DINT[0] 3
container currently in use Data Container In Use DINT[1] Attribute ID (specify the single

DINT[2] Phase parameter ID (specify

the parameter)
Download the current binding's container Download Container DINT[0] parameter ID in which to store
priority Binding Priority the value
Upload a new container priority for the Upload Container Binding DINT[0] parameter ID that has value
current binding Priority
Download information regarding the Download Sufficient DINT[0] parameter ID in which to store
availability of sufficient material Material the value
In the result value:
• 0 = insufficient material
• 1 = sufficient material
Generate a signature Generate E Signature DINT[0] ID of the signature template

Download material attribute Download Material DINT[0] 0

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 923

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
If want to: Then configure the PXRQ instruction as follows:
External Request Data Value Array Value
Manager Database Data DINT[1] Phase parameter ID (specify
the parameter tag to which to
download the value)
DINT[2] Material controller ID

DINT[3] Attribute ID (specify the single

Download lot attribute Download Material DINT[0] 1
Manager Database Data DINT[1] Phase parameter ID (specify
the parameter tag to which to
download the value)
DINT[2] Material controller ID

DINT[3] Attribute ID (specify the single

Download container attribute Download Material DINT[0] 3
Manager Database Data DINT[1] Phase parameter ID (specify
the parameter tag to which to
download the value)
Material controller ID
DINT[3] Attribute ID (specify the single
Download container priority assignment Download Material DINT[0] 4
Manager Database Data DINT[1] Phase parameter ID (specify
the parameter tag to which to
download the value)
DINT[2] Material controller ID

DINT[3] Attribute ID (specify the single


Upload material attribute Upload Material Manager DINT[0] 5

Database Data DINT[1] Phase report ID (specify the
phase report tag from which to
DINT[2] Material controller ID

DINT[3] Attribute ID (specify the single

Upload lot attribute Upload Material Manager DINT[0] 6
Database Data DINT[1] Phase report ID (specify the
phase report tag from which to
DINT[2] Material controller ID

DINT[3] Attribute ID (specify the single

Upload container attribute Upload Material Manager DINT[0] 8
Database Data DINT[1] Phase report ID (specify the
phase report tag from which to

924 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
If want to: Then configure the PXRQ instruction as follows:
External Request Data Value Array Value
DINT[2] Material controller ID

DINT[3] Attribute ID (specify the single

Download container priority assignment Download Material DINT[0] 9
Manager Database Data DINT[1] Phase parameter ID (specify
the parameter tag to which to
download the value)
DINT[2] Material controller ID

DINT[3] Attribute ID (specify the single


PXRQ Error Codes

ERR (hex) EXERR (hex) Description Recommended Action
00 0000 The PXRQ instruction was aborted None
before it sent the request to
FactoryTalk Batch software.
01 0000 The PXRQ instruction was aborted None
after it sent the request to
FactoryTalk Batch software
02 0000 Two or more PXRQ instructions Limit execution to one PXRQ instruction at a time.
executed at the same time using the
same request type
03 0110 Communication error. The request Check that FactoryTalk Batch software is connected
was not delivered because there is and running.
no subscriber to the phase
0210 Communication error. The request
was not delivered because there is
no connection to the Notify object.
0410 Communication error. Delivery failed.
1010 Communication error. The request
was not delivered because
FactoryTalk Batch software does not
subscribe to receive the external
1020 FactoryTalk Batch software is not
attached to the phase.
04 0002 The FactoryTalk Batch software Check the connection and communication path to
encountered an error while FactoryTalk Batch software.
processing the request.
0003 The PXRQ instruction contains an
invalid value.
0004 FactoryTalk Batch software is not in
the proper state to process the
0005 Two or more PXRQ instructions
executed at the same time using
different request types
0006 Error storing to parameter tags at
end of request processing.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 925

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
ERR (hex) EXERR (hex) Description Recommended Action
05 0000 FactoryTalk Batch software received Check the connection and communication path to
the request but passed back an FactoryTalk Batch software.
invalid cookie.
06 0000 PXRQ instruction sent an invalid Check the connection and communication path to
parameter to FactoryTalk Batch FactoryTalk Batch software.
07 0000 Communication lost while PXRQ is Check the connection and communication path to
waiting for response from the FactoryTalk Batch software.
external sequencer.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None. See Index Through Arrays for operand-related faults.

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan No action taken.
Postscan No action taken.
EnableIn is false No action taken.
EnableIn is true The instruction executes.


Ladder Diagram

926 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Structured Text

See also
Equipment Phase Instructions on page 901
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Equipment Phase Failure This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
(PFL) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the PFL instruction as an optional method to signal a failure for an
equipment phase.
The PFL instruction sets the value of the failure code for an equipment phase.
Use the instruction to signal a specific failure for an equipment phase, such as
a specific device has faulted. The PFL instruction sets the failure code only to a
value greater than its current value.

This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:

• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 927

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.

Structured Text
PFL (Failure_Code);

928 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions


Ladder Diagram
Operand Type Format Description
Failure_Code DINT immediate Value to set the failure code for the equipment phase.
tag If a negative failure code given, it evaluates as 0.

Structured Text
The operands are the same as those for the Ladder Diagram PFL instruction.

Guidelines for using the PFL Instruction

Guideline Details
Put the PFL The PFL instruction sets the failure code for the equipment phase in which the instruction is put.
instruction in the There is no operand to identify a specific equipment phase.
equipment Typically, put the PFL instruction in a prestate routine for the equipment phase.
phase. • The controller always scans the prestate routine, even when an equipment phase is in the idle
• The controller scans the prestate routine before each scan of a state.

Number Description
Prestate routine
Current state routine
Use the progress routine to continuously monitor the health of an equipment phase as it
progresses through its states.
Prioritize failure The PFL instruction sets the failure code only to a value greater than its current value.
codes. • For example, if a PFL instruction sets the failure code = 102, another PFL instruction can only set
the failure code > 102.
• Make sure to assign higher values to exceptions that require higher priority in their handling.
Otherwise, a lower priority exception may overwrite a more critical exception.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 929

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
Guideline Details
To take action The PFL instruction writes its value to the Failure member of the PHASE tag for the equipment
when a failure phase.
occurs, monitor
the Failure
member of the
PHASE tag.

Number Description
When creating an equipment phase, the Logix Designer application
creates a tag for the status of the equipment phase.
controller scope
Name = phase_name
PHASE data type
The PFL instruction writes its value to the failure member for the
equipment phase.
To clear the Use a PCLF instruction to clear the failure code of an equipment phase. Instructions such as a CLR
failure code, use or MOV will not change the failure code.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
A major fault will occur if: Fault type Fault code
Instruction is called from outside an Equipment Phase 4 91

See Index Through Arrays below for array-index faults.

For Structured Text, EnableIn is always true during normal scan. Therefore, if
the instruction is in the control path activated by the logic, it will execute. All
conditions below the thick solid line can only occur during Normal Scan

930 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan No action taken.
Postscan No action taken.
EnableIn is false No action taken.
EnableIn is true The instruction executes as described above.


Ladder Diagram
In the prestate routine of an equipment phase...
If the Drain_Valve.FaultAlarm = 1 (The valve did not go to the commander
state.) then

Failure code for the equipment phase = 102.

If Drain_Tank.Running = 1 (The Drain_Tank equipment phase is in the running

And Drain_Tank.Failure = 102 (failure code for the equipment phase)
Change the state of the Drain_Tank equipment phase to holding via the hold

Structured Text
In the prestate routine of an equipment phase...

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 931

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

See also
Equipment Phase Instructions on page 901
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Equipment Phase New This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
Parameters (PRNP) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the PRNP instruction to clear the NewInputParameters bit of an
equipment phase.
The PRNP instruction clears the NewInputParameters bit of the equipment
This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

Number Description
When FactoryTalk Batch software has new parameters for an equipment phase, it
sets the NewInputParameters bit for the phase.
After downloading the parameters, use the PRNP instruction to clear the bit.

932 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.

Structured Text
PRNP ( );


Ladder Diagram

Structured Text
Enter the parentheses ( ) after the instruction mnemonic, even though there
are no operands.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None. See Index Through Arrays for operand-related faults.

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan No action taken.
Postscan No action taken.
EnableIn is false No action taken.
EnableIn is true The instruction executes.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 933

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions


Ladder Diagram

Structured Text

If PRNPTest.NewInputParameters = 1 (FactoryTalk Batch software has new

input parameter for the equipment phase), then
If Enable_PXRQ = 1 (Let the PXRQ instruction execute.)
Or RQ_Control[0].PC = 0 (The PXRQ instruction is in process.), then
Datavalues[0] = this set the PXRQ instruction for transfer of
Send the Download Input Parameters Subset request to FactoryTalk
Batch software.
Send DataValues[0] = 2, the instruction is set for transfer of control.
Enable_PXRQ = 0 (Do no let the PXRQ instruction restart after the
request completes)
If RQ_Control[0].PC = 1 (The request is complete.), then

934 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
ThisPhase.NewInputParameters = 0 via the PRNP instruction
Enable_PXRQ = 1 (Let the PXRQ instruction execute the next time new
input parameters are available.)

See also
Equipment Phase Instructions on page 901
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Equipment Phase Override This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
Command (POVR) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the POVR instruction to give a Hold, Stop, or Abort command to an
equipment phase, regardless of ownership.

The POVR instruction:

• Gives the Hold, Stop, or Abort command to an equipment phase.
• Overrides all owners of the equipment phase. The command works
even if Logix Designer software, HMI, FactoryTalk Batch software, or
another program already owns the equipment phase. This instruction
does not change the ownership of the equipment phase.
• High priority HMI ownership is specific only to CompactLogix 5370
and ControlLogix 5570 controllers.
This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 935

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.

Structured Text
POVR (PhaseName, Command, Result);


Ladder Diagram
Operand Type Format Description
Phase Name phase Name of the Equipment phase to change to a
equipment phase different state
Command command Name of the One of these commands for the
command equipment phase:
• Hold
• Stop
• Abort
Result DINT immediate To let the instruction return a code
tag for its success or failure, enter a
DINT tag in which to store the result
code. Otherwise, enter 0.

Structured Text
The operands are the same as those for the Ladder Diagram POVR

Guidelines for using the POVR Instruction

Guideline Details
If want to override other owners. Want the equipment to hold, stop, or abort even if have manual
control of the equipment phase via Logix Designer software?
• Yes - Use the POVR instruction
• No - Use the PCMD instruction
This also applies to HMI, FactoryTalk Batch software or other
programs. Use the POVR only to hold, stop, or abort, regardless
of ownership.
For example, suppose the equipment checks for jammed
material. If there is a jam, always abort the equipment. In that
case, use the POVR instruction. This way, the equipment aborts
even under manual control via Logix Designer software.

936 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
Guideline Details
Limit execution of a POVR instruction to Limit the execution of the POVR instruction to a single scan.
a single scan. Each command applies to only a specific state or states. Once
the equipment phase changes state, the command is no longer
valid. To limit execution, use methods such as:
• Execute the POVR instruction within a P1 Pulse (Rising Edge)
or P0 Pulse (Falling Edge) action.
• Place a one shot instruction before the POVR instruction.
• Execute the POVR instruction and then advance to the next

POVR Result Codes

If assigning a tag to store the result of a POVR instruction, the instruction
returns one of these codes when it executes:
Code (Dec) Description
0 Successful command.

24577 Invalid command.

24578 Invalid command for the current state of the equipment phase. For example, if
the equipment phase is in the stopping state, then a hold command is not valid.
24594 Unscheduled or inhibited equipment phase or in an inhibited task.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None. See Index Through Arrays for operand-related faults.

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan No action taken.
Postscan No action taken.
EnableIn is false No action taken.
EnableIn is true The instruction executes.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 937

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions


Number Description
The equipment program watches for the these faults:
• Faulted axis
• Jammed material
If there is a fault, then
Local_Interface.Equipment_Faults_Cleared = 0. This tag is an alias for the controller-scoped tag Shear_1.
The prestate routine of the equipment phase watches for the equipment program to signal a fault.
• If Interface_To_Equipment.Equipment_Faults_Cleared=0 then there is a fault.
• Both Interface_To_Equipment and Local_Interface as aliases for Shear_1, so they have the same values.
If there is a fault, then
Give the Shear_One_Phase equipment phase the abort command. The POVR instruction makes sure the command works,
even if someone has manual control of the equipment phase through Logix Designer software.
The PFL instruction sets the failure code for Shear_One_Phase = 333.
The Fault_Strobe keeps these actions to a single scan.

Ladder Diagram

938 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Example 2

Structured Text
If NOT Equipment_Faults_Cleared And NOT Fault_Strobe then
POVR(POVRTest,Abort, 0);
Fault_Strobe := NOT Equipment_Faults_Cleared;

See also
Equipment Phase Instructions on page 901
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Equipment Phase Paused This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
(PPD) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the PPD instruction to set up breakpoints within the logic of an
equipment phase.
Pausing an equipment phase requires configuring break points by coding a
PPD instruction in a phase's state routine logic. The phase state routine
pauses when the PPD instruction executes and the phase receives a command
to pause at its next opportunity.
This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 939

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

Three operator commands relate to the pause functionality:

• Pause: The Pause command enables or disables pausing execution of
the phase when the next PPD instruction executes. The Pause
command toggles the PauseEnabled bit ON (1) or OFF (0).
• AutoPause: The AutoPause command enables or disables automatically
enabling pausing the phase after processing a Resume command. The
AutoPause command toggles the AutoPauseEnabled bit ON (1) or OFF
• Resume: The Resume command directs the firmware to resume
executing the phase state routine logic. Resume sets the PauseEnabled
and Paused bits OFF (0).
The Pause substate uses these three bits:
• PauseEnabled: The PauseEnabled bit maintains the status of
processing a Pause command. This is bit 0 of the Pause substate.
When Paused is ON (1), execution of a PPD instruction pauses
execution of the state routine's logic. This bit updates when it receives
a Pause command (toggling the bit's value). Additionally, a Resume
command sets PauseEnabled OFF (0), if the AutoPauseEnabled bit is
ON (1).
• AutoPauseEnabled: The AutoPauseEnabled bit maintains the status of
automatically enabling pausing immediately after a Resume
command. This is bit 2 of the Pause substate.

940 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
This bit updates when it receives an AutoPause command (toggling the
bit's value). When AutoPauseEnabled is ON (1) and the phase is
Paused, the Resume command leaves PauseEnabled ON (1).
• Paused: The Paused bit maintains the pause-state of the phase, Paused
(1) or not-Paused (0). This is bit 1 of the Pause substate. The Paused bit
also disables the rest of the rung (RLL), it does not terminate or
suspend the execution of the routine.
This bit is only set by the phase's firmware. When the PauseEnabled bit
is ON, execution of a PPD instruction causes the Paused bit to be set to
Paused (1) and firmware pauses execution of the phase state routine
suspends. A Resume command sets the Paused bit to not-Paused (0)
and the phase executes its logic.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.

Structured Text
PPD( );


Ladder Diagram

Structured Text
Enter the parentheses ( ) after the instruction mnemonic, even though there
are no operands.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 941

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Guidelines for using the PPD Instruction

Guideline Details
Organize logic as a series of steps. PPD instructions (breakpoints) are easiest to use if the logic moves
through defined steps, such as a state machine or SFC.
• A breakpoint only signals that specific conditions are met. It does not
stop the execution of the equipment phase.
• To have logic actually break (pause) at a breakpoint, organize the logic
so that it stays at the step at which the breakpoint occurred until it
receives the resume command.
Do not use a PPD instruction as a temporary Even when an equipment phase pauses, it continues to execute all its
end of the routine. logic.
• When a PPD instruction executes, it only sets the Paused bit for the
equipment phase.
• If programing the PPD instruction in RLL, it disables only the rest of the
logic on its rung. It does not terminate or suspend the execution of the
• Think of the PPD instruction as a condition that applies or is ignored
based on the auto pause and pause commands.
Use PPD instruction to pause at the same When the PauseEnabled bit is TRUE, an equipment phase goes to Paused
breakpoint over several scans. at the first PPD instruction whose conditions are true. If the PPD
instruction executes over several scans, the equipment phase may
continually pause at the same breakpoint.
Make sure only 1 PPD instruction at a time is A PPD instruction does not have a control tag to remember whether it
true. executed.
• Anytime its conditions are true (and the equipment phase is in a
substate with PauseEnabled True), the PPD instruction acts as a
breakpoint (and pauses the phase by disabling the rest of the logic on
the rung).
• Limiting logic to one possible breakpoint at a time ensures a pause at
the required breakpoint.
Choose the substate to use. PPD instructions (breakpoints) work only when the equipment phase
PauseEnabled bit is True.
To pause at: Give this command:
Each true breakpoint Auto Pause
First true breakpoint Pause

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
A major fault occurs if: Fault type Fault code
Instruction is called from outside an Equipment Phase 4 91

If an Add-On Instruction uses a PPD instruction, and a non-equipment phase

program calls the Add-On Instruction, Logix Designer gives a warning. Check
the Add-On Instruction for this instruction to disallow it. See Index Through
Arrays for operand-related faults.

942 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan No action taken.
Postscan No action taken.
EnableIn is false No action taken.
EnableIn is true The instruction executes.


Ladder Diagram

See also
Equipment Phase Instructions on page 901
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Equipment Phase Command on page 912

Phase State Complete (PSC) This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the PSC instruction to signal an equipment phase that the state routine is
complete to indicate that it should go to the next state.
The PSC instruction signals the completion of a phase state routine.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 943

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

In the running state routine, use the PSC instruction to transition the
equipment phase to the complete state.
This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.

Structured Text
PSC( );


Ladder Diagram

944 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

Structured Text
Enter the parentheses ( ) after the instruction mnemonic, even though there
are no operands.

Guidelines for using the PSC Instruction

Guideline Details
Use the PSC instruction in each phase state routine that is added to an equipment phase. Without a PSC instruction, the
equipment phase remains in the
state and does not go to the next
• Place the PSC instruction as the
last step in the phase state
• When the state is done (complete),
execute the PSC instruction.
In the holding state routine, use the
PSC instruction to let the equipment
phase go to the Held state

Remember that the PSC instruction does not stop the current scan of a routine. When the PSC instruction executes,
the controller scans the rest of the
routine and then transitions the
equipment phase to the next state.
The PSC instruction does not
terminate the execution of the
Do not use a PSC instruction in a prestate routine. Use the PSC instruction only to signal
the transition from one state to

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
A major fault will occur if: Fault type Fault code
Instruction is called from outside an equipment phase 4 91

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 945

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions
If an Add-On Instruction used a PSC instruction and a non-equipment phase
program calls the Add-On Instruction, Logix Designer gives a warning. Check
the Add-On Instruction for this instruction and disallow it. See Index Through
Arrays for operand-related faults.

In structured text, instructions execute each time they are scanned. To limit
the scan of an instruction, use a qualifier of an SFC action, a structured text
construct, or both.
Condition/State Action Taken
Prescan No action taken.
Postscan No action taken.
EnableIn is false No action taken.
EnableIn is true The instruction executes.

946 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions


Ladder Diagram

Structured Text
If TagEnableRunning
And PSCTest.Running Then


Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 947

Chapter 8 Equipment Phase Instructions

See also
Equipment Phase Instructions on page 901
Index Through Arrays on page 1029
Equipment Phase Override Command (POVR) on page 935

948 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9

Equipment Sequence

Equipment Sequence instructions

The following table lists the command instructions for Equipment Sequences.
The instructions are available for routines that use the Ladder Diagram and
the Structured Text programming languages. They are not available for use in
routines that use the Function Block and the Sequential Function Chart
programming languages.
Instruction Description Structured Text format
Attach to Equipment Sequence (SATT) Request that the parent program of the user SequenceName, Result
routine be the owner of the Equipment
Detach from Equipment Sequence Release ownership of an Equipment Sequence. SequenceName
Equipment Sequence Command Send a command to the Equipment Sequence. SequenceName, Command, Result
Equipment Sequence Clear Failure Clear the failure code of an Equipment SequenceName
(SCLF) Sequence.
Equipment Sequence Override (SOVR) Send a HOLD, STOP, or ABORT command to an SequenceName, Command, Result
Equipment Sequence, regardless of ownership.
Equipment Sequence Assign Assign an ID string to the Equipment Sequence. SequenceName, Sequence ID, Result
Sequence Identifier (SASI)

See also
Equipment Sequence Diagram instructions on page 965
SATT on page 949, SDET on page 953
SCMD on page 961, SCLF on page 958
SOVR on page 965, SASI on page 955

Attach to Equipment This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
Sequence (SATT) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the Attach to Equipment Sequence (SATT) instruction to take ownership
of an Equipment Sequence. An Equipment Sequence may be commanded by a
program if the program either owns the Equipment Sequence or the
Equipment Sequence has no owners. A tag must be assigned to store the
result code of an SATT instruction.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 949

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence
The SATT instruction returns one of five result codes. Result code 0 indicates
that the SATT instruction ran successfully. The other four codes indicate that
the instruction did not run successfully and provide additional information
about the reason for the instruction failure.
This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

This instruction is not available in function block.

Structured Text:
SATT(Sequence Name, Result)


Ladder Diagram
Operand Data Type Format Description
Sequence Name SEQUENCE name of the Equipment Sequence that you want to change to own (attach)
Equipment Sequence to command.
Result DINT Tag For the instruction to return a success or failure code, enter a
DINT tag where the result code is to be stored. Otherwise, enter

Structured Text
The operands are the same as for the Ladder Diagram.

950 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

Guidelines for using the SATT Instruction

Guideline Details
Remember that the Logix Designer application Regardless of whether a program or FactoryTalk Batch
overrides ownership of the Equipment Sequence. software owns an Equipment Sequence, the option exists to
use Logix Designer to override ownership and command the
Equipment Sequence.
The Equipment Sequence must be either owned by the The ownership instructions are Attach (SATT) and Detach
program to command it or have no owners for the (SDET).
program to command it. Internal Sequencers (programs), external sequencers
(FactoryTalk Batch), and operators use an Attach command to
command an Equipment Sequence.
When the Equipment Sequence is done, relinquish To relinquish ownership, use a Detach from Equipment
ownership. Sequence (SDET) instruction.
Avoid making unnecessary command requests if the Unnecessary command requests can flood the event
Equipment Sequence is generating sequence events. processing buffers and cause you to miss significant events.
Use the Result code to verify ownership, and include Use the Result operand to get a code that shows the success
steps that should take place if the attachment fails or failure of the SATT instruction.
because the Equipment Sequence is owned by another On each execution, the SATT instruction tries to take ownership
program or operator. of the Equipment Sequence. When a program or operator
owns an Equipment Sequence, another execution of the SATT
instruction fails and produces result code 24582. When you
use the SATT instruction, either:
• Limit its execution to a single scan to avoid the 24582
result code
• Include the following in your conditions for ownership:
result code = 24582

SATT Result Codes

Code (Dec) Description
0 The command was successful.
24579 The Equipment Sequence cannot be commended.
Logix Designer already owns the Equipment Sequence. The
caller attached to the Equipment Sequence, but it is not the
current commanding owner.
• This program now also owns the Equipment Sequence.
• Since the Logix Designer is a higher priority, the program
cannot command the Equipment Sequence.
24582 The program already owns the Equipment Sequence.
24593 One of the following already owns the Equipment Sequence.
• An external Sequencer such as FactoryTalk Batch
• Another program in the controller.
• An HMI operator
24594 The Equipment Sequence is unscheduled, inhibited, or in a
task that is inhibited.

Affects Math Status Flags


Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 951

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays[1] for operand
related faults.

At instruction execution, the SATT instruction attempts to take ownership of
the Equipment Sequence.

Ladder Diagram
Condition Action Taken
Prescan No action taken
Rung-condition-in is false No action taken
Rung-condition-in is true • The instruction executes
• The rung-condition-out is set to true
Postscan No action taken

Structured Text
Condition Action Taken
Prescan No action taken
Rung-condition-in is false No action taken
Rung-condition-in is true The instruction executes
Postscan No action taken


Structured Text
if (AttachControl) then
SATT(Make_Product_101, Result);

See also
Guidelines for SATT instructions on page 969

952 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence
Result codes for SATT instructions on page 970
SATT instruction examples on page 974
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

Detach from Equipment This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
Sequence (SDET) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the Detach from Equipment Sequence (SDET) instruction to relinquish
ownership of an Equipment Sequence. After a program executes an SDET
instruction, the program no longer owns the Equipment Sequence. The
Equipment Sequence is then available for ownership by another program or
by FactoryTalk Batch software. Use the SDET instruction only if the program
previously took ownership of an Equipment Sequence through an Attach to
Equipment Sequence (SATT) instruction.
This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

Available Languages

Ladder diagram

Function Block Diagram

This instruction is not available in Function Block.

Structured text
SDET(Sequence Name)

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 953

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence


Ladder Diagram
Operand Data Type Format Description
Sequence Name SEQUENCE Name of the Equipment Sequence for which which to detach.
Equipment Sequence

Structured Text
The operands are the same as for the Ladder Diagram.

Guidelines for using the SDET Instruction

Guideline Details
Remember that the Logix Designer application Regardless of whether a program or FactoryTalk Batch
overrides ownership of the Equipment Sequence. software owns an Equipment Sequence, the option exists to
use Logix Designer to override ownership and command the
Equipment Sequence.
The Equipment Sequence must be either owned by the The ownership instructions are Attach (SDET) and Detach
program to command it or have no owners for the (SDET).
program to command it. Internal Sequencers (programs), external sequencers
(FactoryTalk Batch), and operators use an Attach command in
order to gain ownership to command an Equipment Sequence.
When the Equipment Sequence is done, relinquish To relinquish ownership, use a Detach from Equipment
ownership. Sequence (SDET) instruction.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
The SDET instruction cannot trigger a fault, so there are no fault conditions
for this instruction.


Ladder Diagram
Condition Action Taken
Prescan No action taken
Rung-condition-in is false No action taken
Rung-condition-in is true The instruction executes
Scan of structured text The instruction tries to relinquish ownership of the specified Equipment

954 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence
Condition Action Taken
Postscan No action taken

Structured Text
Condition Action Taken
Prescan No action taken
Rung-condition-in is false No action taken
Rung-condition-in is true No instruction executes
Instruction execution The instruction tries to relinquish ownership of the specified Equipment
Postscan No action taken


Ladder Diagram

Structured Text
if (DetachControl) then

See also
SDET instruction examples on page 976
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

Equipment Sequence Assign This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
Sequence Identifier (SASI) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the Assign Sequence Identifier (SASI) instruction to assign a sequence ID
to the Equipment Sequence. You can only set the sequence ID when the
following prerequisites are met:
• The controller is online.
• The Equipment Sequence is in the IDLE state.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 955

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence
• You have taken ownership of the Equipment Sequence, or there is no
other owner of the Equipment Sequence.
The sequence ID can be up to 82 characters in length, using the following
printable ASCII characters:
a-z, A-Z, 0-9, !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\] ^_`{|}~ and space
This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.
When a tag is assigned to store the result of an SASI instruction, the
instruction returns a result code when it runs. Result code 0 indicates that the
SASI instruction ran successfully. The other codes indicate that the
instruction did not run successfully and provide additional information about
the reason for the instruction failure.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block Diagram

This instruction is not available in Function Block.

Structured Text
SASI(Sequence Name, Sequence Id, Result)


Ladder Diagram
Operand Data Type Format Description
Sequence Name SEQUENCE name of the Equipment Sequence to which you want to assign an identifier.

956 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence
Operand Data Type Format Description
Sequence Id STRING Tag Enter a STRING tag in which the identifier is stored, or a quoted
string containing up to 82 characters.
Result DINT Tag For an instruction to return a success or failure code, enter a
DINT tag where the result code is to be stored. Otherwise, enter

Structured Text
The operands are the same as for the Ladder Diagram.

SASI Result Codes

Code (Dec) Description
0 the Sequence Id was successfully assigned.
24578 The Sequence state is not IDLE or there presently is a
Sequence failure.
24579 Sequence is attached by another owner.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays[1] for operand
related faults.

At instruction execution, the SASI instruction attempts to assign a string
identifier to the specified Equipment Sequence.

Ladder Diagram
Condition Action Taken
Prescan No action taken
Rung-condition-in is false No action taken
Rung-condition-in is true The instruction executes
Postscan No action taken

Structured Text
Condition Action Taken
Prescan No action taken
Rung-condition-in is false No action taken

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 957

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence
Condition Action Taken
Rung-condition-in is true The instruction executes
Postscan No action taken


Ladder Diagram

Tip: The Sequence ID parameter can be a STRING tag in which the identifier is stored, or a quoted string
containing up to 82 characters

Structured Text
if (SasiControl) then
SASI(Make_Product_101, IdString, Result);

See also
SASI instruction examples on page 973
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

Equipment Sequence Clear This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
Failure (SCLF) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the Equipment Sequence Clear Failure (SCLF) instruction to clear the
failure code of an Equipment Sequence. Keep the following in mind when
using the SCLF instruction:
• The Equipment Sequence cannot have other owners when you use the
SCLF instruction. The SCLF instruction does not clear the failure code
if the Logix Designer application, FactoryTalk Batch software, or
another program owns the Equipment Sequence.
• An Equipment Sequence refuses a RESUME command until it is
cleared of failures.
This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:

958 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

Available Languages

Ladder diagram

Function Block Diagram

This instruction is not available in function block.

Structured text
SCLF(Sequence Name, Result)


Ladder Diagram
Operand Data Type Format Description
Sequence Name SEQUENCE name of the Equipment Sequence to clear failure code.
Equipment Sequence
Result DINT Tag For an instruction to return a success or failure code, enter a
DINT tag where the result code is to be stored. Otherwise, enter

Structured Text
The operands are the same as for the Ladder Diagram.

Guidelines for using the SCLF Instruction

Guideline Details
The Equipment Sequence must be either owned by the The ownership instructions are Attach (SATT) and Detach
program or have no owners for the program to (SDET).
instruct it to clear failures.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 959

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

SCLF Result Codes

Code (Dec Description
0 The command was successful.
24579 The caller is attached to this Sequence, but it is not the current
Owner of it. A higher priority application is currently the Owner
of this sequence.
24580 The caller is not attached to the Sequence.
24594 The Equipment Sequence is unscheduled, inhibited, or in a
task that is inhibited.
24604 An equal or higher priority command is being processed.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays[1] for operand
related faults.

At instruction execution, the SCLF instruction attempts to clear the failure
code of the specified Equipment Sequence.

Ladder Diagram
Condition Action Taken
Prescan No action taken
Rung-condition-in is false No action taken
Rung-condition-in is true The instruction executes
Postscan No action taken

Structured Text
Condition Action Taken
Prescan No action taken
Rung-condition-in is false No action taken
Rung-condition-in is true The instruction executes
Postscan No action taken

960 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence


Ladder Diagram

Structured Text
if (CommandControl) then
SCLF(Make_Product_101, Result);

See also
Result codes for SCLF instructions on page 971
SDET instruction examples on page 976
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

Equipment Sequence This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
command (SCMD) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the Equipment Sequence command (SCMD) instruction to change the
state of an Equipment Sequence. The SCMD instruction can send the
following commands to an Equipment Sequence: START, RESTART, HOLD,
program must either be attached as owner to the Equipment Sequence or
there is no owner of the Equipment Sequence before the SCMD instruction
can run. Use the SATT instruction to attach to an Equipment Sequence. In
addition, the Equipment Sequence must be in the correct state (see chart
below) for the command to execute successfully.
Like the SCMD instruction, the Equipment Sequence Override instruction
(SOVR) also changes the state of an Equipment Sequence, but it changes the
state regardless of ownership. If the SCMD instruction must execute
regardless of ownership, use an SOVR instruction instead of an SCMD
IMPORTANT The SOVR instruction is intended for emergencies only. Control Engineers should use caution
when deciding to use it.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 961

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence
When a tag is assigned to store the result of an SCMD instruction, the
instruction returns one of five result codes when it runs. Result code 0
indicates that the SCMD instruction ran successfully. The other four codes
indicate that the instruction did not run successfully and provide additional
information about the reason for the instruction failure.
This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:
• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

Valid command states for the SCMD instruction

The SCMD instruction command transitions an Equipment Sequence to
another state. SCMD instruction commands may only be processed in certain
states, with the exceptions of PAUSE, RESUME, and AUTOPAUSE, which are
valid in all states. The following table lists the states in which commands are
Command Valid in these states
START Valid in the IDLE state.
RESTART Valid in the HELD state.
HOLD Valid in the RUNNING and RESTARTING states.
HELD states.
RESET Valid in the ABORTED, STOPPED, and COMPLETE states.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.

962 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

Structured Text
SCMD(Sequence Name, Sequence Command, Result)


Ladder Diagram
Operand Data Type Format Description
Sequence Name SEQUENCE Name of the Equipment Equipment Sequence to perform the command.
Command Command Enum Enumeration of the command Command to send to the Equipment Sequence. Send one of
these commands: START, RESTART, HOLD, STOP, ABORT,
Result DINT Tag For an instruction to return a success or failure code, enter
a DINT tag where the result code is stored. Otherwise, enter

Structured Text
The operands are the same as for the Ladder Diagram.

Guidelines for using the SCMD Instruction

Guideline Details
Limit execution of the SCMD instruction to a singleLimit the execution of the SCMD instruction to a single scan.
scan. Each command applies to only a specific state or states. Once
the Equipment Sequence changes state, the command is no
longer valid. To limit execution, use methods such as:
Run the SCMD instruction within a P1 Pulse (Rising Edge) or P0
Pulse (Falling Edge) action.
Place a one-shot instruction before the SCMD instruction.
Run the SCMD instruction and then advance to the next step.
The Equipment Sequence must be either owned by the The ownership instructions are Attach (SATT) and Detach
program to command it or have no owners for the (SDET).
program to command it.

SCMD Result Codes

Code (Desc) Description
0 The command was successful.
24578 The command is not valid for the current state of the
24579 The caller is attached to this Sequence, but it is not the current
Owner of it. A higher priority application is currently the Owner
of this sequence.
24580 The caller is not attached to the Sequence.
24594 The Equipment Sequence is unscheduled, inhibited, or in a
task that is inhibited.
24604 An equal or higher priority command is being processed.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 963

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence
Code (Desc) Description
24631 Too many sequence parameter or step tags are defined per
step, so events cannot be handled and the START command

Arithmetic Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for operand
related faults.

At instruction execution, the SCMD instruction commands the specified
Equipment Sequence.

Ladder Diagram
Condition Action Taken
Prescan No action taken
Rung-condition-in is false No action taken
Rung-condition-in is true The instruction executes.
Postscan No action taken

Structured Text
Condition Action Taken
Prescan No action taken
Rung-condition-in is false No action taken
Rung-condition-in is true The instruction executes.
Postscan No action taken


Ladder Diagram

964 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

Structured Text
if (CommandControl) then
SCMD(Make_Product_101, Start, Result);

See also
SCMD instruction examples on page 975

Use an SOVR instruction instead of an SCMD instruction on page 977

Result codes for SCMD instructions on page 972
Guidelines for SCMD instructions on page 969

Equipment Sequence The following table describes the Equipment Sequence Diagram instructions.

Diagram instructions
Icon Icon Name Description
Add Step and Transition Pair Use Add Step and Transition Pair to add a step and transition pair. Although
added as a pair, you can select and edit each element separately.
Add Disconnected Step Use the Add Disconnected Step to add a step without adding a transition.
Add Disconnected Transition Use Add Disconnected Transition to add a transition without adding a step.
Add Simultaneous Divergence Use Add Simultaneous Divergence to create a branch where all linked
steps execute simultaneously.
Add Selective Divergence Use Add Selective Divergence to create a divergence for a selective
branch. In a selective divergence, only one of multiple paths is executed--the
path containing the transition that first evaluates as TRUE.
Add Simultaneous Convergence Use Add Simultaneous Convergence to merge simultaneous execution
paths back together.

Add Selective Convergence Use Add Selective Convergence to merge selective divergent paths back
into one execution path in the selective branch.

See also
Equipment Sequence instructions on page 949

Equipment Sequence This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370 and Compact
GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5370, CompactLogix 5380, and
Override (SOVR) CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5570 and ControlLogix 5580, and
GuardLogix 5570 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Use the Equipment Sequence Override (SOVR) instruction to send a HOLD,
STOP, or ABORT command to an Equipment Sequence, regardless of

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 965

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence
IMPORTANT The SOVR instruction is intended for emergencies only. Control Engineers should use caution
when deciding to use it.

When a tag is assigned to store the result of an SOVR instruction, the

instruction returns one of five result codes when it runs. Result code 0
indicates that the SOVR instruction ran successfully. The other four codes
indicate that the instruction did not run successfully and provide additional
information about the reason for the instruction failure.

This is a transitional instruction. Follow these steps when using it:

• In ladder logic, insert an instruction to toggle the rung-condition-in
from false to true each time the instruction should execute.
• In a Structured Text routine, insert a condition for the instruction to
cause it to execute only on a transition.

Available Languages

Ladder Diagram

Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.

Structured Text
SOVR(SequenceName, Sequence Command, Result)


Ladder Diagram
Operand Data Type Format Description
Sequence Name SEQUENCE Name of the Equipment Equipment Sequence to perform the command.
Command Command Enum Name of the command Command to send to the Equipment Sequence. Send one of
these commands: HOLD, STOP, or ABORT
Result DINT Tag For an instruction to return a success or failure code, enter
a DINT tag whhere the result code is to be stored.
Otherwise, enter 0.

966 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

Structured Text
The operands are the same as the Ladder Diagram.

Guidelines for using the SOVR Instruction

Guideline Details
Make sure you want to override other owners. Under most circumstances, use the SCMD instruction to
programmatically command an Equipment Sequence.
However, use the SOVR instruction to command an Equipment
Sequenceunder the following conditions:
• When you are giving the HOLD, STOP, or ABORT command,
and the command must always execute under all ownership
• If the HOLD, STOP, or ABORT command must execute even
when you have manual control of the Equipment Sequence
through the Logix Designer application or when another
program, such as the FactoryTalk Batch software, owns the
Equipment Sequence.
Limit execution of the SOVR instruction to a single Limit the execution of the SOVR instruction to a single scan.
scan. Each command applies to only a specific state or states. Once
the Equipment Sequence changes state, the command is no
longer valid. To limit execution, use methods such as:
• Run the SOVR instruction within a P1 Pulse (Rising Edge) or
P0 Pulse (Falling Edge) action.
• Place a one-shot instruction before the SOVR instruction.
• Run the SOVR instruction and then advance to the next step.
Avoid making unnecessary command requests if the Unnecessary command requests can flood the event
Equipment Sequence is generating sequence events. processing buffers and cause you to miss significant events.

SOVR Result Codes

Code (Desc) Description
0 The command was successful.
24579 The caller is attached to this Sequence, but it is not the current
Owner of it. A higher priority application is currently the
Owner of this sequence.
24582 The caller already has override ownership of this Sequence.
24583 This sequence’s attachment table is full.
24606 The caller has already established an external attachment or
override as a different owner type.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays[1] for operand
related faults.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 967

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

At instruction execution, the SOVR instruction attempts to command the
specified Equipment Sequence.

Ladder Diagram
Condition Action Taken
Prescan No action taken
Rung-condition-in is false No action taken
Rung-condition-in is true The instruction executes.
Postscan No action taken

Structured Text
Condition Action Taken
Prescan No action taken
Rung-condition-in is false No action taken
Rung-condition-in is true The instruction executes
Postscan No action taken


Ladder Diagram

Structured Text
if (OverrideControl) then
SOVR(Make_Product_101, Abort, Result);

See also
Guidelines for SOVR instructions on page 970

Result codes for SOVR instructions on page 973

SOVR instruction examples on page 976
When should I use an SOVR instruction instead of an SCMD
instruction? on page 977

968 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

Guidelines for SATT Keep the following guidelines in mind when using the Attach to Equipment
Sequence (SATT) instruction.
Guideline Details
Remember that the Logix Designer application Ownership makes sure that a program can command the
overrides ownership of the Equipment Sequence. Equipment Sequence, and it locks out any other sequencers.
The Equipment Sequence must be owned by the Both Equipment Sequences and Equipment Phases must be
program to command it. owned to be commanded. The ownership commands are Attach
(SATT) and Detach (SDET).
Internal sequencers (programs), external sequencers
(FactoryTalk Batch), and operators use an Attach instruction to
command an Equipment Sequence.

When the sequence is done, relinquish ownership. To relinquish ownership, use a Detach from Equipment
Sequence (SDET) instruction.

Avoid making unnecessary command requests if the Unnecessary command requests can flood the event processing
equipment sequence is generating sequence events. buffers and cause you to miss significant events.

Use the Result code to verify ownership, and include Use the Result operand to get a code that shows the success or
steps that should take place if the attachment fails failure of the SATT instruction.
because the Equipment Sequence is owned by On each execution, the SATT instruction tries to take ownership
another program or by the operator. of the Equipment Sequence. When a program or operator owns
an Equipment Sequence, another execution of the SATT
instruction fails and produces result code 24582. When you use
the SATT instruction, either:
• Limit its execution to a single scan to avoid the 24582 result
• Include the following in your conditions for ownership: result
code = 24582.

See also
Attach to Equipment Sequence on page 949
Result codes for SATT instructions on page 970
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

Guidelines for SCMD Keep the following guidelines in mind when using the Equipment Sequence
Command (SCMD) instruction. The SCMD instruction can send the following
instructions commands: START, RESTART, HOLD, STOP, ABORT, and RESET.
Guideline Details
Limit execution of the SCMD instruction to a Limit the execution of the SCMD instruction to a single scan. Each command applies to only a
single scan. specific state or states. Once the Equipment Sequence changes state, the command is no
longer valid. To limit execution, use methods such as:
• Run the SCMD instruction within a P1 Pulse (Rising Edge) or P0 Pulse (Falling Edge) action.
• Place a one-shot instruction before the SCMD instruction.
• Run the SCMD instruction and then advance to the next step.
The Equipment Sequence must be owned Both Equipment Sequences and Equipment Phases must be owned to be commanded. The
by the program to command it. ownership commands are Attach (SATT) and Detach (SDET).
Internal sequencers (programs), external sequencers (FactoryTalk Batch), and operators use
an Attach instruction to command an Equipment Sequence.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 969

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

See also
Equipment Sequence command (SCMD) on page 961
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949
When should I use an SOVR instruction instead of an SCMD
instruction? on page 977

Guidelines for SOVR Use the Equipment Sequence Override (SOVR) instruction to send a HOLD,
STOP, or ABORT command to an Equipment Sequence, regardless of
instructions ownership.
IMPORTANT The SOVR instruction is intended for emergencies only. Control Engineers should use caution
when deciding to use it.

Keep the following guidelines in mind when using the Equipment Sequence
Override (SOVR) instruction.
Guideline Details
Make sure you want to override other Under most circumstances, use the SCMD instruction to programmatically command an
owners. Equipment Sequence. However, use the SOVR instruction to command an Equipment
Sequence under the following conditions:
• When you are giving the HOLD, STOP, or ABORT command, and the command must always
execute under all ownership circumstances.
• If the HOLD, STOP, or ABORT command must execute even when you have manual control
of the Equipment Sequence through the Logix Designer application or when another
program, such as the FactoryTalk Batch software, owns the Equipment Sequence.
Limit execution of the SOVR instruction to a Limit the execution of the SOVR instruction to a single scan. Each command applies to only a
single scan. specific state or states. Once the Equipment Sequence changes state, the command is no
longer valid. To limit execution, use methods such as:
• Run the SOVR instruction within a P1 Pulse (Rising Edge) or P0 Pulse (Falling Edge) action.
• Place a one-shot instruction before the SOVR instruction.
• Run the SOVR instruction and then advance to the next step.
Avoid making unnecessary command Unnecessary command requests can flood the event processing buffers and cause you to
requests if the Equipment Sequence is miss significant events.
generating sequence events.

See also
Equipment Sequence Override command on page 965
Result codes for SOVR instructions on page 973
When should I use an SOVR instruction instead of an SCMD
instruction? on page 977

Result codes for SATT When a tag is assigned to store the result of an Attach to Equipment
Sequence (SATT) instruction, the instruction returns one of the following
instructions codes when it runs.
Code (Dec) Description
0 The command was successful.

970 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence
Code (Dec) Description
24579 The Equipment Sequence cannot be commanded for the following reason:
The program successfully attached to the Equipment Sequence, but it cannot command the sequence because
Logix Designer, a higher priority application, has overridden ownership.
24582 The program already owns the Equipment Sequence.
24593 One of the following already owns the equipment phase.
• An external sequencer such as FactoryTalk Batch software.
• Another program in the controller.
24594 The Equipment Sequence is unscheduled, inhibited, or in a task that is inhibited.

Use the Result operand to get a code that shows the success or failure of the
SATT instruction. The Result operand should contain either 0 or a DINT tag,
depending on whether ownership conflicts or other errors are likely to occur.
• If ownership conflicts or other errors are not likely, enter 0 in the
Result operand.
• If ownership conflicts or other errors are likely, enter a DINT tag in the
Result operand. The DINT tag stores a code for the result of the
execution of the instruction.

See also
Attach to Equipment Sequence on page 949
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

Result codes for SCLF When a tag is assigned to store the result of an Equipment Sequence Clear
Failure (SCLF) instruction, the instruction returns one of the following codes
instructions when it executes.
Code (Dec) Description
0 The command was successful.
48 The command was not executed because it was not possible at the time to generate an event to record the
• If the command was an ABORT command, the ABORT command is still executed even if the event could not be
• This code only occurs if event generation has been enabled in the Equipment Sequence Properties -
Configuration tab.
24578 The command is not valid for the current state of the Equipment Sequence. For example, if the Equipment
Sequence is stopped, then a stop command is not valid.
24594 The Equipment Sequence is unscheduled, inhibited, or in a task that is inhibited.

Use the Result operand to get a code that shows the success or failure of the
SCLF instruction. The Result operand should contain either 0 or a DINT tag,
depending on whether ownership conflicts or other errors are likely to occur.
• If ownership conflicts or other errors are not likely, enter 0 in the
Result operand.
• If ownership conflicts or other errors are likely, enter a DINT tag in the
Result operand. The DINT tag stores a code for the result of the
execution of the instruction.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 971

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

See also
Equipment Sequence Clear Failure on page 958
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

Result codes for SCMD When a tag is assigned to store the result of an Equipment Sequence
command (SCMD) instruction, the instruction returns one of the following
instructions codes when it runs.
Code (Dec) Description
0 The command was successful.
48 The command was not executed because it was not possible at the time to generate an event to record the
• If the command was an ABORT command, the ABORT command is still executed even if the event could not be
• This code only occurs if event generation has been enabled in the Equipment Sequence Properties -
Configuration tab.
24577 The command is not valid.
24578 The command is not valid for the current state of the Equipment Sequence. For example, if the Equipment
Sequence is in the running state, then a start command is not valid.
24579 The Equipment Sequence cannot be commanded for the following reason:
• The program successfully attached to the Equipment Sequence, but it cannot command the sequence because
Logix Designer, a higher priority application, has overridden ownership.

24582 Attachment to the Equipment Sequence failed because the sequence was previously attached to one of the
following users:
• An external sequencer, such as FactoryTalk Batch software, has ownership.
• Another program in the controller (an internal sequencer) has ownership.
• An operator using the Sequence Manager ActiveX Controls has ownership.
24580 The caller of the instruction is attached, but is not the current owner of the Equipment Sequence. A higher priority
owner, such as Logix Designer, is commanding the Equipment Sequence.
24594 The Equipment Sequence is unscheduled, inhibited, or in a task that is inhibited.
24604 An equal or higher priority command is being processed.
24631 Too many sequence parameter or step tags are defined per step, so events cannot be handled and the START
command failed.

Use the Result operand to get a code that shows the success or failure of the
SCMD instruction. The Result operand should contain either 0 or a DINT tag,
depending on whether ownership conflicts or other errors are likely to occur.
• If ownership conflicts or other errors are not likely, enter 0 in the
Result operand.
• If ownership conflicts or other errors are likely, enter a DINT tag in the
Result operand. The DINT tag stores a code for the result of the
execution of the instruction.

See also
Equipment Sequence command on page 961
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

972 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

Result codes for SOVR When a tag is assigned to store the result of an Equipment Sequence Override
(SOVR) instruction, the instruction returns one of the following codes when it
instructions executes.
Code (Dec) Description
0 The command was successful.
48 The command was not executed because it was not possible at the time to generate an event to record the
• If the command was an ABORT command, the ABORT command is still executed even if the event could not be
• This code only occurs if event generation has been enabled in the Equipment Sequence Properties -
Configuration tab.
24577 The command is not valid.
24578 The command is not valid for the current state of the Equipment Sequence. For example, if the Equipment
Sequence is stopped, then a stop command is not valid.
24594 The Equipment Sequence is unscheduled, inhibited, or in a task that is inhibited.

Use the Result operand to get a code that shows the success or failure of the
SOVR instruction. The Result operand should contain either 0 or a DINT tag,
depending on whether ownership conflicts or other errors are likely to occur.
• If ownership conflicts or other errors are not likely, enter 0 in the
Result operand.
• If ownership conflicts or other errors are likely, enter a DINT tag in the
Result operand. The DINT tag stores a code for the result of the
execution of the instruction.

See also
Equipment Sequence Override command on page 965
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

SASI instruction examples The following example shows the SASI instruction as it appears in a ladder
diagram and in structured text.

Ladder Diagram Example

Tip: The Sequence ID parameter can be a STRING tag in which the identifier is stored, or a quoted string
containing up to 82 characters.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 973

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

Structured Text Example

if (IdControl) then
SASI (Make_Product_101, NewId, Results);

See also
Equipment Sequence Assign Sequence Identifier on page 955
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

SATT instruction examples The following examples show the SATT instruction as it appears in a Ladder
Diagram and in Structured Text.

Ladder Diagram

Structured Text
if (AttachControl) then
SATT (Make_Product_101, Result);

See also
Attach to Equipment Sequence on page 949
Guidelines for SATT instructions on page 969

Result codes for SATT instructions on page 970

Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

SCLF instruction examples The following examples show the SCLF instruction as it appears in a ladder
diagram and in structured text.

974 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

Ladder Diagram Example

Structured Text Example

if (ClearFailureControl) then
SCLF (Make_Product_101);

See also
Equipment Sequence Clear Failure on page 958
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

SCMD instruction examples The following examples show the Equipment Sequence command (SCMD)
instruction as it appears in a Ladder Diagram and in Structured Text.

Ladder Diagram

Structured Text
if (HoldControl) then
SCMD (Make_Product_101), Hold, Result);

See also
Equipment Sequence command on page 961
Guidelines for SCMD instructions on page 969

Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 975

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

SDET instruction examples The following examples show the SDET instruction as it appears in a ladder
diagram and in structured text.

Ladder Diagram

Structured Text
if (DetachControl) then
SDET (Make_Product_101);

See also
Detach from Equipment Sequence on page 953
Attach to Equipment Sequence on page 949
Equipment Sequence instructions on page 949

SOVR instruction examples The following examples show the SOVR instruction as it appears in a Ladder
Diagram and in Structured Text.

Ladder Diagram

Structured Text
if (StopControl) then
SOVR (Make_Product_101, Stop, Results);


976 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 9 Equipment Sequence

See also
Equipment Sequence command on page 961
Guidelines for SCMD instructions on page 969
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

When should I use an SOVR Under most circumstances, use the SCMD instruction to programmatically
command an Equipment Sequence. However, use the SOVR instruction to
instruction instead of an command an Equipment Sequence under the following conditions:
SCMD instruction?
• When you are giving the HOLD, STOP, or ABORT command, and the
command must always execute under all ownership circumstances.
• If the HOLD, STOP, or ABORT command must execute even when you
have manual control of the Equipment Sequence through the Logix
Designer application or when another program, such as the
FactoryTalk Batch software, owns the Equipment Sequence.
For example, suppose your equipment checks for jammed material. If there is
a jam, you always want the equipment to abort. In that case, use the SOVR
instruction. This way, the equipment aborts even if you have manual control
through the Logix Designer application.

See also
Equipment Sequence command on page 961
Equipment Sequence Override command on page 965
Guidelines for SCMD instructions on page 969
Equipment Sequence Instructions on page 949

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 977

Chapter 10

Function Block Attributes

Click a topic below for more information on issues that are unique to function
block programming. Review this information to make sure you understand
how your function block routines will operate.

See also
Choose the Function Block Elements on page 979
Latching Data on page 980
Order of Execution on page 982
Function Block Responses to Overflow Conditions on page 981
Timing Modes on page 985
Program/Operator Control on page 988

Choose the Function Block Elements

To control a device, use these elements:

Use the following table to help you choose your function block elements:
If you want to supply a value from an input device or tag Then use a input reference (IREF)
Send a value to an output device or tag Output reference (OREF)
Perform an operation on an input value or values and produce an output Function block
value or values.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 979

Chapter 10 Function Block Attributes
If you want to supply a value from an input device or tag Then use a input reference (IREF)
Transfer data between function blocks when they are: Output wire connector (OCON) and an input wire connector (ICON)
• Far apart on the same sheet
• On different sheets within the same routine
Disperse data to several points in the routine Single output wire connector (OCON) and multiple input wire connectors

The function block moves the input references into the block structure. If
necessary, the function block converts those input references to REAL values.
The function block executes and moves the results into the output references.
Again, if necessary, the function block converts those result values from REAL
to the data types for the output references.

Latching Data
If you use an IREF to specify input data for a function block instruction, the
data in that IREF is latched for the scan of the function block routine. The
IREF latches data from program-scoped and controller-scoped tags. The
controller updates all IREF data at the beginning of each scan.

In this example, the value of tagA is stored at the beginning of the routine’s
execution. The stored value is used when Block_01 executes. The same stored
value is also used when Blcock_02 executes. If the value of tagA changes
during execution of the routine, the stored value of tagA in the IREF does not
change until the next execution of the routine.

This example is the same as the one above. The value of tagA is stored only
once at the beginning of the routine’s execution. The routine uses this stored
value throughout the routine.

980 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 10 Function Block Attributes

You can use the same tag in multiple IREFs and an OREF in the same routine.
Because the values of tags in IREFs are latched every scan through the routine,
all IREFs will use the same value, even if an OREF obtains a different tag value
during execution of the routine.
In this example, if tagA has a value of 25.4 when the routine starts executing
this scan, and Block_01 changes the value of tagA to 50.9, the second IREF
wired into Block_02 will still use a value of 25.4 when Block_02 executes this
scan. The new tagA value of 50.9 will not be used by any IREFs in this routine
until the start of the next scan.

Function Block Responses to Overflow Conditions

In general, the function block instructions that maintain history do not
update history with NAN, or INF values when an overflow occurs. Each
instruction has one of these responses to an overflow condition.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 981

Chapter 10 Function Block Attributes
Response Instruction
Response 1 ALM NTCH
Blocks execute their algorithm and check the result for DEDT PMUL
NAN or INF. If NAN or INF, the block outputs DERV POSP
Response 2 HLL, INTG, PI, PIDE, SCL, SOC
Blocks with output limiting execute their algorithm and check the result
for NAN or INF. The output limits are defined by the HighLimit and
LowLimit input parameters. If INF, the block outputs a limited result. If
NAN, the output limits are not used and the block outputs NAN.
The overflow condition does not apply. These instructions typically have RTOR, SETD, TOFR, TONR
a boolean output.

Order of Execution
The Logix Designer programming application automatically determines the
order of execution for the function blocks in a routine when you:
• verify a function block routine
• verify a project that contains a function block routine
• download a project that contains a function block routine
You define execution order by wiring function blocks together and indicating
the data flow of any feedback wires, if necessary.
If function blocks are not wired together, it does not matter which block
executes first. There is no data flow between the blocks

If you wire the blocks sequentially, the execution order moves from input to
output. The inputs of a block require data to be available before the controller
can execute that block. For example, block 2 has to execute before block 3
because the outputs of block 2 feed the inputs of block 3.

982 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 10 Function Block Attributes

Execution order is only relative to the blocks that are wired together. The
following example is fine because the two groups of blocks are not wired
together. The blocks within a specific group execute in the appropriate order
in relation to the blocks in that group.

Resolve a Loop
To create a feedback loop around a block, wire an output pin of the block to an
input pin of the same block. The following example is OK. The loop contains
only a single block, so execution order does not matter.

If a group of blocks are in a loop, the controller cannot determine which block
to execute first. In other words, it cannot resolve the loop.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 983

Chapter 10 Function Block Attributes

To identify which block to execute first, mark the input wire that creates the
loop (the feedback wire) with the Assume Data Available indicator. In the
following example, block 1 uses the output from block 3 that was produced in
the previous execution of the routine.

The Assume Data Available indicator defines the data flow within the loop. The
arrow indicates that the data serves as input to the first block in the loop.
Do not mark all the wires of a loop with the Assume Data Available indicator.

Resolve Data Flow Between Two Blocks

If you use two or more wires to connect two blocks, use the same data flow
indicators for all of the wires between the two blocks.

984 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 10 Function Block Attributes

Create a One Scan Delay

To produce a one scan delay between blocks, use the Assume Data Available
indicator. In the following example, block 1 executes first. It uses the output
from block 2 that was produced in the previous scan of the routine.

In summary, a function block routine executes in this order:
1. The controller latches all data values in IREFs.
2. The controller executes the other function blocks in the order
determined by how they are wired.
3. The controller writes outputs in OREFs.

Timing Modes
These process control and drives instructions support different timing modes.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 985

Chapter 10 Function Block Attributes

There are three different timing modes.

Timing Mode Description
Periodic Periodic mode is the default mode and is suitable for most control applications. We recommend that you place
the instructions that use this mode in a routine that executes in a periodic task. The delta time (DeltaT) for the
instruction is determined as follows:
If the instruction Then DeltaT equals
executes in a
Periodic task Period of the task
Event or continuous task Elapsed time since the previous execution
The controller truncates the elapsed time to whole milliseconds (ms). For
example, if the elapsed time = 10.5 ms, the controller sets DeltaT = 10 ms.
The update of the process input needs to be synchronized with the execution of the task or sampled 5-10 times
faster than the task executes in order to minimize the sampling error between the input and the instruction.
Oversample In oversample mode, the delta time (DeltaT) used by the instruction is the value written into the OversampleDT
parameter of the instruction. If the process input has a time stamp value, use the real time sampling mode
Add logic to your program to control when the instruction executes. For example, you can use a timer set to the
OversampleDeltaT value to control the execution by using the EnableIn input of the instruction.
The process input needs to be sampled 5-10 times faster than the instruction is executed in order to minimize
the sampling error between the input and the instruction.
Real time sampling In the real time sampling mode, the delta time (DeltaT) used by the instruction is the difference between two
time stamp values that correspond to the updates of the process input. Use this mode when the process input
has a time stamp associated with its updates and you need precise coordination.
The time stamp value is read from the tag name entered for the RTSTimeStamp parameter of the instruction.
Normally this tag name is a parameter on the input module associated with the process input.
The instruction compares the configured RTSTime value (expected update period) against the calculated DeltaT
to determine if every update of the process input is being read by the instruction. If DeltaT is not within 1
millisecond of the configuration time, the instruction sets the RTSMissed status bit to indicate that a problem
exists reading updates for the input on the module.

Time-based instructions require a constant value for DeltaT in order for the
control algorithm to properly calculate the process output. If DeltaT varies, a
discontinuity occurs in the process output. The severity of the discontinuity
depends on the instruction and range over which DeltaT varies.

A discontinuity occurs if the following happens:

• Instruction is not executed during a scan.
• Instruction is executed multiple times during a task.
• Task is running and the task scan rate or the sample time of the
process input changes.
• User changes the time-base mode while the task is running.
• Order parameter is changed on a filter block while the task is running.
• Changing the Order parameter selects a different control algorithm
within the instruction.

986 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 10 Function Block Attributes

Common Instruction Parameters for Timing Modes

The instructions that support time-base modes have these input and output

Input Parameters
Input Parameter Data Type Description
TimingMode DINT Selects timing execution mode.
Value: Description:
0 Periodic mode
1 Oversample mode
2 Real time sampling mode
Valid = 0 to 2
Default = 0
When TimingMode = 0 and task is periodic, periodic timing is enabled and DeltaT is set to the
task scan rate. When TimingMode = 0 and task is event or continuous, periodic timing is
enabled and DeltaT is set equal to the elapsed time span since the last time the instruction
was executed.
When TimingMode = 1, oversample timing is enabled and DeltaT is set to the value of the
OversampleDT parameter. When TimingMode = 2, real time sampling timing is enabled and
DeltaT is the difference between the current and previous time stamp values read from the
module associated with the input.
If TimingMode invalid, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status.
OversampleDT REAL Execution time for oversample timing. The value used for DeltaT is in seconds. If TimingMode
= 1, then OversampleDT = 0.0 disables the execution of the control algorithm. If invalid, the
instruction sets DeltaT = 0.0 and sets the appropriate bit in Status.
Valid = 0 to 4194.303 seconds
Default = 0.0
RTSTime DINT Module update period for real time sampling timing. The expected DeltaT update period is in
milliseconds. The update period is normally the value that was used to configure the
module’s update time. If invalid, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status and
disables RTSMissed checking.
Valid = 1…32,767ms
Default = 1
RTSTimeStamp DINT Module time stamp value for real time sampling timing. The time stamp value that
corresponds to the last update of the input signal. This value is used to calculate DeltaT. If
invalid, the instruction sets the appropriate bit in Status, disables execution of the control
algorithm, and disables RTSMissed checking.
Valid =0…32,767ms (wraps from 32767 to 0)
1 count = 1 millisecond
Default = 0

Output Parameters
Output Parameter Data Type Description
DeltaT REAL Elapsed time between updates. This is the elapsed time in seconds used by the control algorithm to calculate the
process output.
Periodic: DeltaT = task scan rate if task is Periodic task, DeltaT = elapsed time since previous instruction execution if
task is Event or Continuous task
Oversample: DeltaT = OversampleDT
Real Time Sampling: DeltaT = (RTSTimeStampn - RTSTimeStampn-1)
Status DINT Status of the function block.
TimingModeInv (Status.27) BOOL Invalid TimingMode value.
RTSMissed (Status.28) BOOL Only used in real time sampling mode. Set when ABS | DeltaT - RTSTime | > 1 (.001 second).
RTSTimeInv (Status.29) BOOL Invalid RTSTime value.
RTSTimeStampInv (Status.30) BOOL Invalid RTSTimeStamp value.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 987

Chapter 10 Function Block Attributes
Output Parameter Data Type Description
DeltaTInv (Status.31) BOOL Invalid DeltaT value.

Overview of Timing Modes

The following diagram shows how an instruction determines the appropriate
timing mode.

Program/Operator Control
The following instructions support the concept of Program/Operator control.
• Enhanced Select (ESEL)
• Totalizer (TOT)
• Enhanced PID (PIDE)
• Ramp/Soak (RMPS)
• Discrete 2-State Device (D2SD)
• Discrete 3-State Device (D3SD)

988 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 10 Function Block Attributes
Program/Operator control lets you control these instructions simultaneously
from both your user program and from an operator interface device. When in
Program control, the instruction is controlled by the Program inputs to the
instruction; when in Operator control, the instruction is controlled by the
Operator inputs to the instruction.
Program or Operator control is determined by using these inputs.
Input Description
.ProgProgReq A program request to go to Program control.
.ProgOperReq A program request to go to Operator control.
.OperProgReq An operator request to go to Program control.
.OperOperReq An operator request to go to Operator control.

To determine whether an instruction is in Program or Operator control,

examine the ProgOper output. If ProgOper is set, the instruction is in
Program control; if ProgOper is cleared, the instruction is in Operator control.
Operator control takes precedence over Program control if both input request
bits are set. For example, if ProgProgReq and ProgOperReq are both set, the
instruction goes to Operator control.
The Program request inputs take precedence over the Operator request
inputs. This provides the capability to use the ProgProgReq and ProgOperReq
inputs to ‘lock’ an instruction in a desired control.
For example, let’s assume that a Totalizer instruction will always be used in
Operator control, and your user program will never control the running or
stopping of the Totalizer. In this case, you could wire a literal value of 1 into
the ProgOperReq. This would prevent the operator from ever putting the
Totalizer into Program control by setting the OperProgReq from an operator
interface device.

Likewise, constantly setting the ProgProgReq can ‘lock’ the instruction into
Program control. This is useful for automatic startup sequences when you
want the program to control the action of the instruction without worrying
about an operator inadvertently taking control of the instruction.
In this example, you have the program set the ProgProgReq input during the
startup, and then clear the ProgProgReq input once the startup was complete.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 989

Chapter 10 Function Block Attributes
Once the ProgProgReq input is cleared, the instruction remains in Program
control until it receives a request to change. For example, the operator could
set the OperOperReq input from a faceplate to take over control of that
The following example shows how to lock an instruction into Program

Operator request inputs to an instruction are always cleared by the

instruction when it executes. This allows operator interfaces to work with
these instructions by merely setting the desired mode request bit. You don’t
have to program the operator interface to reset the request bits. For example,
if an operator interface sets the OperAutoReq input to a PIDE instruction,
when the PIDE instruction executes, it determines what the appropriate
response should be and clears the OperAutoReq.
Program request inputs are not normally cleared by the instruction because
these are normally wired as inputs into the instruction. If the instruction
clears these inputs, the input would just get set again by the wired input.
There might be situations where you want to use other logic to set the
Program requests in such a manner that you want the Program requests to be
cleared by the instruction. In this case, you can set the ProgValueReset input
and the instruction will always clear the Program mode request inputs when it

990 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 10 Function Block Attributes
In this example, a rung of ladder logic in another routine is used to one-shot
latch a ProgAutoReq to a PIDE instruction when a push button is pushed.
When the TIC101AutoReq push button is pressed, one-shot latch ProgAutoReq
for the PIDE instruction TIC101. TIC101 has been configured with the
ProgValueReset input set. ProgAutoReq get reset because ProgValuieReset is
always set.

Function Block States

Logix-based controllers evaluate function block instructions based on the
state of different conditions:
Condition Description
prescan Prescan for function block routines is the same as for ladder diagram routines. The only difference is that the EnableIn
parameter for each function block instruction is cleared during prescan.
instruction first scan Instruction first scan refers to the first time an instruction is executed after prescan. The controller uses instruction
first scan to read current inputs and determine the appropriate state to be in.
instruction first run Instruction first run refers to the first time the instruction executes with a new instance of a data structure. The
controller uses instruction first run to generate coefficients and other data stores that do not change for a function
block after initial download.

Every function block instruction also included EnableIn and EnableOut

• Function block instructions execute normally when EnableIn is set.
• When EnableIn is cleared, the function block instruction either
executes prescan logic, postscan logic, or simply skips normal
algorithm execution.
• EnableOut mirrors EnableIn. However, if Function Block detects an
overflow condition, EnableOut is also cleared.
• Function Block resumes from where it left off when EnableIn toggles
from cleared to set. However, there are some function block
instructions that specify special functionality (for example,
re-initialization) when EnableIn toggles from cleared to set. For
function block instructions with time base parameters, whenever the
timing mode is Oversample, the instruction always resumes from
where it left off when EnableIn toggles from cleared to set.
If the EnableIn parameter is not wired, the instruction always executes as
normal and EnableIn remains set. If you clear EnableIn, it changes to set the
next time the instruction executes.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 991

Chapter 11

Structured Text Programming

These are the issues that are unique with structured text programming.
Review the following topics to make sure you understand how your structured
text programming executes.

Structured Text Syntax on page 993

Structured Text Components: Comments on page 994

Structured Text Components: Assignments on page 995

Structured Text Components: Expressions on page 997
Structured Text Components: Instructions on page 1002
Structured Text Components: Constructs on page 1003

CASE...OF on page 1005

FOR...DO on page 1007
IF...THEN on page 1010

REPEAT_UNTIL on page 1013

WHILE_DO on page 1015

Structured Text Syntax Structured text is a textual programming language that uses statements to
define what to execute.
• Structured text is not case sensitive.
• Use tabs and carriage returns (separate lines) to make your structured
text easier to read. They have no effect on the execution of the
structured text.
Structured text is not case sensitive. Structured text can contain these
Term Definition Examples
Assignment Use an assignment statement to assign values to tags. The := operator is the tag := expression;
assignment operator.
Terminate the assignment with a semi colon ‘;.’
Expression An expression is part of a complete assignment or construct statement. An expression
evaluates to a number (numerical expression), a String (string expression), or to a true or
false state (BOOL expression)
Tag Expression A named area of the memory where data is stored (BOOL, SINT, INT, DINT, REAL, String). value1
Immediate A constant value 4

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 993

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming
Term Definition Examples
Operators A symbol or mnemonic that specifies an operation within an expression. tag1 + tag2
Expression tag1 >= value1
Function When executed, a function yields one value. Use parentheses to contain the operand of function(tag1)
Expression a function.
Even though their syntax is similar, functions differ from instructions in that functions
can be used only in expressions. Instructions cannot be used in expressions.
Instruction An instruction is a standalone statement. instruction();
An instruction uses parentheses to contain its operands.
Depending on the instruction, there can be zero, one, or multiple operands. instruction(operand);
When executed, an instruction yields one or more values that are part of a data
structure. Terminate the instruction with a semi colon(;). instruction(operand1, operand2,operand3);
Even though their syntax is similar, instructions differ from functions in that instructions
cannot be used in expressions. Functions can be used only in expressions.
Construct A conditional statement used to trigger structured text code (that is, other statements). IF...THEN CASE FOR...DO WHILE...DO
Terminate the construct with a semi colon (;). REPEAT...UNTIL
Comment Text that explains or clarifies what a section of structured text does. //comment
Use comments to make it easier to interpret the structured text.
Comments do not affect the execution of the structured text. (*start of comment . . . end of comment*)
Comments can appear anywhere in structured text.
/*start of comment . . . end of comment*/

See also
Structured Text Components: Assignments on page 995
Structured Text Components: Expressions on page 997
Structured Text Components: Instructions on page 1002

Structured Text Components: Constructs on page 1003

Structured Text Components: Comments on page 994

Structured Text To make your structured text easier to interpret, add comments to it.

Components: Comments • Comments let you use plain language to describe how your structured
text works.
• Comments do not affect the execution of the structured text.

To add comments to your structured text:

To add a comment Use one of these formats
on a single line //comment
at the end of a line of structured text /*comment*/
within a line of structured text (*comment*)
that spans more than one line (*start of comment. . .end of comment*)
/*start of comment. . .end of comment*/

For example:

994 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming
Format Example
//comment At the beginning of a line
//Check conveyor belt direction
IF conveyor_direction THEN...
At the end of a line
ELSE //If conveyor isn’t moving, set alarm light
light := 1;

(*comment*) Sugar.Inlet[:=]1;(*open the inlet*)

IF Sugar.Low (*low level LS*)& Sugar.High (*high level LS*)THEN...
(*Controls the speed of the recirculation pump. The speed depends on the temperature in the tank.*)
IF tank.temp > 200 THEN...
/*comment*/ Sugar.Inlet:=0;/*close the inlet*/
IF bar_code=65 /*A*/ THEN...
/*Gets the number of elements in the Inventory array and stores the value in the Inventory_Items tag*/

Structured Text Use an assignment to change the value stored within a tag. An assignment
has this syntax:
Components: Assignments
tag := expression;
Component Description
Tag Represents the tag that is getting the new value; the tag must be a BOOL, SINT, INT, DINT,
Tip: The STRING tag is applicable to CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix
5580, Compact GuardLogix 5380, and GuardLogix 5580 controllers only.
:= Is the assignment symbol
Expression Represents the new value to assign to the tag
If tag is this data type Use this type of expression
SINT Numeric
STRING String type, including string tag and string literal
(CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix (CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480,
5480, ControlLogix 5580, Compact ControlLogix 5580, Compact GuardLogix 5380, and
GuardLogix 5380, and GuardLogix 5580 GuardLogix 5580 controllers only).
controllers only).
; Ends the assignment

The tag retains the assigned value until another assignment changes the
The expression can be simple, such as an immediate value or another tag
name, or the expression can be complex and include several operators and
functions, or both. Refer to Expressions for more information.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 995

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming
Tip: I/O module data updates asynchronously to the execution of logic. If you reference an input multiple
times in your logic, the input could change state between separate references. If you need the input to
have the same state for each reference, buffer the input value and reference that buffer tag. For more
information, see Logix 5000 Controllers Common Procedures, publication 1756-PM001.
You can also use Input and Output program parameters which automatically buffer the data during the
Logix Designer application execution. See LOGIX 5000 Controllers Program Parameters Programming
Manual, publication 1756-PM021.

See also
Assign an ASCII character to a string data member on page 997
Specify a non-retentive assignment on page 996
Structured Text Components: Expressions on page 997

Character string literals on page 1004

Specify a non-retentive The non-retentive assignment is different from the regular assignment
described above in that the tag in a non-retentive assignment is reset to zero
assignment each time the controller:
• Enters the Run mode
• Leaves the step of an SFC if you configure the SFC for Automatic reset.
This applies only if you embed the assignment in the action of the step
or use the action to call a structured text routine by using a JSR
A non-retentive assignment has this syntax:
tag [:=] expression ;

Component Description
tag Represents the tag that is getting the new value; the tag must be a BOOL, SINT, INT,
Tip: The STRING tag is applicable to CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480,
ControlLogix 5580, Compact GuardLogix 5380, and GuardLogix 5580 controllers
[:=] Is the non-retentive assignment symbol.
expression Represents the new value to assign to the tag.
If tag is this data type Use this type of expression

SINT Numeric
STRING String type, including string tag and string
(CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix literal
5480, ControlLogix 5580, Compact CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480,
GuardLogix 5380, and GuardLogix ControlLogix 5580, Compact GuardLogix
5580 controllers only). 5380, and GuardLogix 5580 controllers(

996 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

See also
Assign an ASCII character to a string data member on page 997
Structured Text Components: Assignments on page 995

Assign an ASCII character

to a string data member Assign an ASCII character to a string data member
Use the assignment operator to assign an ASCII character to an element of
the DATA member of a string tag. To assign a character, specify the value of
the character or specify the tag name, DATA member, and element of the
character. For example:
This is OK This is not OK
string1.DATA[0] := 65; string1.DATA[0] := A;
string1.DATA[0]:= string2.DATA[0]; string1 := string2;
Tip: This assigns all content of string2 to string1
instead of just one character.

To add or insert a string of characters to a string tag, use either of these ASCII
string instructions:
To Use this instruction
Add characters to the end of a string CONCAT
Insert characters into a string INSERT

See also
Structured Text Components: Expressions on page 997
Character string literals on page 1004

Structured Text An expression is a tag name, equation, or comparison. To write an expression,

use any of the following:
Components: Expressions
• Tag name that stores the value (variable)
• Number that you enter directly into the expression (immediate value)
• String literal that you enter directly into the expression (CompactLogix
5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, Compact GuardLogix
5380, and GuardLogix 5580 controllers only)
• Functions, such as: ABS, TRUNC
• Operators, such as: +, -, <, >, And, Or
Follow these guidelines for writing expressions:
• Use any combination of upper-case and lower-case letter. For example,
these variations of "AND" are acceptable: AND, And, and.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 997

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming
• For more complex requirements, use parentheses to group expressions
within expressions. This makes the whole expression easier to read,
and ensures that the expression executes in the desired sequence.
Use these expressions for structured text:
BOOL expression: An expression that produces the BOOL value of 1 (true) or 0
• A bool expression uses bool tags, relational operators, and logical
operators to compare values or check if conditions are true or false. For
example, tag1>65.
• A simple bool expression can be a single BOOL tag.
• Typically, use bool expressions to condition the execution of other
Numeric expression: An expression that calculates an integer or
floating-point value.
• A numeric expression uses arithmetic operators, arithmetic functions,
and bitwise operators. For example, tag1+5.
• Nest a numeric expression within a BOOL expression. For example,
String expression: An expression that represents a string
• A simple expression can be a string literal or a string tag
Use this table to select the operators for expressions.
If Use
Calculating an arithmetic value Arithmetic operators and functions
Comparing two values or strings Relational operators
Verifying if conditions are true or false Logical operators
Comparing the bits within values Bitwise operators

See also
Use arithmetic operators and functions on page 998
Use relational operators on page 1001

Use logical operators on page 1000

Use bitwise operators on page 999

Use arithmetic operators Combine multiple operators and functions in arithmetic expressions.

and functions Operators calculate new values.

To Use this operator Optimal data type
Subtract/negate - DINT, REAL
Multiply * DINT, REAL

998 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming
To Use this operator Optimal data type
Exponent (x to the power of y) ** DINT, REAL
Divide / DINT, REAL
Modulo-divide MOD DINT, REAL

Functions perform math operations. Specify a constant, a non-Boolean tag, or

an expression for the function.
For Use this function Optimal data type
Absolute value ABS (numeric_expression) DINT, REAL
Arc cosine ACOS (numeric_expression) REAL

Arc sine ASIN (numeric_expression) REAL

Arc tangent ATAN (numeric_expression) REAL

Cosine COS (numeric_expression) REAL

Radians to degrees DEG (numeric_expression) DINT, REAL
Natural log LN (numeric_expression) REAL
Log base 10 LOG (numeric_expression) REAL
Degrees to radians RAD (numeric_expression) DINT, REAL
Sine SIN (numeric_expression) REAL
Square root SQRT (numeric_expression) DINT, REAL
Tangent TAN (numeric_expression) REAL
Truncate TRUNC (numeric_expression) DINT, REAL

The table provides examples for using arithmetic operators and functions.
Use this format Example
For this situation Write
value1 operator value2 If gain_4 and gain_4_adj are DINT tags and your specification says: gain_4_adj := gain_4+15;
‘Add 15 to gain_4 and store the result in gain_4_adj’"
operator value1 If alarm and high_alarm are DINT tags and your specification says: alarm:= -high_alarm;
‘Negate high_alarm and store the result in alarm.’
function(numeric_expression) If overtravel and overtravel_POS are DINT tags and your specification overtravel_POS := ABS(overtravel);
says: ‘Calculate the absolute value of overtravel and store the result in
value1 operator (function((value2+value3)/2) If adjustment and position are DINT tags and sensor1 and sensor2 are position := adjustment + ABS((sensor1 +
REAL tags and your specification says: ‘Find the absolute value of the sensor2)/2);
average of sensor1 and sensor2, add the adjustment, and store the
result in position.’

See also
Structured Text Components: Expressions on page 997

Use bitwise operators Bitwise operators manipulate the bits within a value based on two values.
The following provides an overview of the bitwise operators.
For Use this operator Optimal data type
bitwise AND &, AND DINT
bitwise OR OR DINT
bitwise exclusive OR XOR DINT
bitwise complement NOT DINT

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 999

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming
This is an example.
Use this format Example
For this situation Use
value1 operator value2 If input1, input2, and result1 are DINT tags and your specification says: result1 := input1 AND input2;
"Calculate the bitwise result of input1 and input2. Store the result in

See also
Structured Text Components: Expressions on page 997

Use logical operators Use logical operators to verify if multiple conditions are true or false. The
result of a logical operation is a BOOL value.
If the comparison is The result is
true 1
false 0

Use these logical operators.

For this comparison Use this operator Optimal data type
logical AND &, AND BOOL
logical OR OR BOOL
logical exclusive OR XOR BOOL
logical complement NOT BOOL

The table provides examples of using logical operators.

Use this format Example
For this situation Use
BOOLtag If photoeye is a BOOL tag and your specification says: "If photoeye_1 is on IF photoeye THEN...
NOT BOOLtag If photoeye is a BOOL tag and your specification says: "If photoeye is off IF NOT photoeye THEN...
expression1 & expression2 If photoeye is a BOOL tag, temp is a DINT tag, and your specification says: IF photoeye & (temp<100) THEN...
"If photoeye is on and temp is less than 100 then..."
expression1 OR expression2 If photoeye is a BOOL tag, temp is a DINT tag, and your specification says: IF photoeye OR (temp<100) THEN...
"If photoeye is on or temp is less than 100 then...".
expression1 XOR expression2 If photoeye1 and photoeye2 are BOOL tags and your specification says: "If: IF photoeye1 XOR photoeye2 THEN...
photoeye1 is on while photoeye2 is off or
photoeye1 is off while photoeye2 is on
BOOLtag := expression1 & If photoeye1 and photoeye2 are BOOL tags, open is a BOOL tag, and your open := photoeye1 & photoeye2;
expression2 specification says: "If photoeye1 and photoeye2 are both on, set open to

See also
Structured Text Components: Expressions on page 997

1000 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

Use relational operators Relational operators compare two values or strings to provide a true or false
result. The result of a relational operation is a BOOL value.
If the comparison is The result is
True 1
False 0

Use these relational operators.

For this comparison Use this operator Optimal data type
Equal = DINT, REAL, String type
Less than < DINT, REAL, String type
Less than or equal <= DINT, REAL, String type
Greater than > DINT, REAL, String type
Greater than or equal >= DINT, REAL, String type
Not equal <> DINT, REAL, String type

The table provides examples of using relational operators

Use this format Example
For this situation Write
value1 operator value2 If temp is a DINT tag and your specification says: ‘If temp is IF temp<100 THEN...
less than 100⋅ then…’
stringtag1 operator stringtag2 If bar_code and dest are string tags and your specification IF bar_code=dest THEN...
says: ‘If bar_code equals dest then…’
stringtag1 operator 'character string literal' If bar_code is a string tag and your specification says: ‘If IF bar_code=’Test PASSED’ THEN...
bar_code equals ’Test PASSED’ then...’
char1 operator char2 If bar_code is a string tag and your specification says: ‘If IF bar_code.DATA[0]=65 THEN...
To enter an ASCII character directly into the bar_code.DATA[0] equals ’A’ then…’
expression, enter the decimal value of the
bool_tag := bool_expressions If count and length are DINT tags, done is a BOOL tag, and Done := (count >= length);
your specification says: ‘If count is greater than or equal to
length, you are done counting.’

How strings are evaluated

The hexadecimal values of the ASCII characters determine if one string is less
than or greater than another string.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1001

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming
• When the two strings are sorted as in a telephone directory, the order
of the strings determines which one is greater.

• Strings are equal if their characters match.

• Characters are case sensitive. Upper case "A" ($41) is not equal to lower
case "a" ($61).

See also
Structured Text Components: Expressions on page 997

Structured Text Structured text statements can also be instructions. A structured text
instruction executes each time it is scanned. A structured text instruction
Components: Instructions within a construct executes every time the conditions of the construct are
true. If the conditions of the construct are false, the statements within the
construct are not scanned. There is no rung-condition or state transition that
triggers execution.
This differs from function block instructions that use EnableIn to trigger
execution. Structured text instructions execute as if EnableIn is always set.
This also differs from ladder diagram instructions that use rung-condition-in
to trigger execution. Some ladder diagram instructions only execute when
rung- condition-in toggles from false to true. These are transitional ladder
diagram instructions. In structured text, instructions execute when they are
scanned unless pre-conditioning the execution of the structured text
For example, the ABL instruction is a transitional instruction in ladder
diagram. In this example, the ABL instruction only executes on a scan when
tag_xic transitions from cleared to set. The ABL instruction does not execute
when tag_xic stays set or when tag_xic clears.

1002 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

In structured text, if writting this example as:

IF tag_xic THEN ABL(0,serial_control);

The ABL instruction will execute every scan that tag_xic is set, not just when
tag_xic transitions from cleared to set.
If you want the ABL instruction to execute only when tag_xic transitions from
cleared to set, you have to condition the structured text instruction. Use a
one-shot to trigger execution.
osri_1.InputBit := tag_xic;


IF (osri_1.OutputBit) THEN

Structured Text Program constructs alone or nest within other constructs.

Components: Constructs If
Doing something if or when specific conditions occur
Use this construct
IF. . . THEN
Selecting what to do based on a numerical value CASE. . . OF
Doing something a specific number of times before doing anything else FOR. . . DO
Continuing doing something when certain conditions are true WHILE. . . DO
Continuing doing something until a condition is true REPEAT. . . UNTIL

Some Key Words are Reserved

These constructs are not available:
Logix Designer application will not let you use them as tag names or

See also
IF_THEN on page 1010
Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1003
Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming
CASE_OF on page 1005
FOR_DO on page 1007
WHILE_DO on page 1015

REPEAT_UNTIL on page 1013

Character string literals Character string literals include single byte or double byte encoded
characters. A single-byte string literal is a sequence of zero or more characters
that are prefixed and terminated by the single quote character ('). In single
byte character strings, the three-character combination of the dollar sign ($)
followed by two hexadecimal digits is interpreted as the hexadecimal
representation of the eight-bit character code as shown in the following table.
Tip: Character string literals are only applicable to the CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480,
ControlLogix 5580, Compact GuardLogix 5380, and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
Studio 5000 only supports single byte characters.

Character string literals

No. Description Example
1a Empty string (length zero) ''
1b String of length one or character CHAR containing a single character 'A'
1c String of length one or character CHAR containing the “space” character ''

1d String of length one or character CHAR containing the “single quote” '$''
1e String of length one or character CHAR containing the “double quote” '"'
1f Support of two character combinations '$R$L'
1g Support of a character representation with ‘$’ and two hexadecimal '$0A'

Two-character combinations in character strings

No. Description Example
1 Dollar sign $$
2 Single quote $'
3 Line feed $L or $I
4 Newline $N or $n
5 Form feed (page) $P or $p
6 Carriage return $R or $r
7 Tabulator $T or $t

Tip: The newline character provides an implementation-independent means of defining the end of a line of
data for both physical and file I/O; for printing, the effect is that of ending a line of data and resuming
printing at the beginning of the next line.
The $' combination is only valid inside single quoted string literals.

See also
Structured Text Components: Assignments on page 995

1004 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

String Types Store ASCII characters in tags that use a string type data type to:
• Use the default STRING data type, which stores up to 82 characters
• Create a new string type that stores less or more characters
To create a new string type, refer to the Logix 5000 Controllers ASCII Strings
Programming Manual publication 1756-PM013.

Each string type contains the following members:

Name Data Type Description Notes
LEN DINT number of characters in The LEN automatically updates to the new count of characters whenever using:
the string • The String Browser to enter characters
• Instructions that read, convert, or manipulate a string
The LEN shows the length of the current string. The DATA member may contain
additional, old characters, which are not included in the LEN count.
DATA SINT array ASCII characters of the To access the characters of the string, address the name of the tag. For example, to
string access the characters of the string_1 tag, enter string_1.
Each element of the DATA array contains one character.
Create new string types that store less or more characters.

See also
Character string literals on page 1004

CASE_OF Use CASE_OF to select what to do based on a numerical value.

CASE numeric_expression OF
selector1: statement;
selectorN: statement; ELSE

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Enter
Numeric_ SINT INT DINT REAL Tag expression Tag or expression that evaluates to a
expression number
(numeric expression)
Selector SINT INT DINT REAL Immediate Same type as numeric_expression

IMPORTANT If using REAL values, use a range of values for a selector because a REAL value is more likely
to be within a range of values than an exact match of one, specific value.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1005

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

The syntax is described in the table.

These are the syntax for entering the selector values.

When selector is Enter
One value value: statement
Multiple, distinct values value1, value2, valueN : <statement>

Use a comma (,) to separate each value.

A range of values value1..valueN : <statement>

Use two periods (..) to identify the range.

Distinct values plus a range of valuea, valueb, value1..valueN : <statement>

The CASE construct is similar to a switch statement in the C or C++

programming languages. With the CASE construct, the controller executes
only the statements that associated with the first matching selector value.
Execution always breaks after the statements of that selector and goes to the
END_CASE statement.

Affects Math Status Flags


1006 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

Major/Minor Faults

If you want this Enter this structured text
If recipe number = 1 then Ingredient A outlet 1 = open (1) Ingredient B CASE recipe_number OF
outlet 4 = open (1) 1:
Ingredient_A.Outlet_1 :=1; Ingredient_B.Outlet_4 :=1;
If recipe number = 2 or 3 then 2,3:
Ingredient_A.Outlet_4 :=1; Ingredient_B.Outlet_2 :=1;
Ingredient A outlet 4 = open (1)
Ingredient B outlet 2 = open (1)
If recipe number = 4, 5, 6, or 7 then Ingredient A outlet 4 = open (1) 4 to 7: Ingredient_A.Outlet_4 :=1; Ingredient_B.Outlet_2 :=1;
Ingredient B outlet 2 = open (1)
If recipe number = 8, 11, 12, or 13 then Ingredient A outlet 1 = open (1) 8,11…13
Ingredient B outlet 4 = open (1) Ingredient_A.Outlet_1 :=1; Ingredient_B.Outlet_4 :=1;
Otherwise all outlets = closed (0) ELSE
Ingredient_A.Outlet_1 [:=]0; Ingredient_A.Outlet_4 [:=]0; Ingredient_B.Outlet_2 [:=]0;
Ingredient_B.Outlet_4 [:=]0;

The [:=] tells the controller to also clear the outlet tags whenever the controller
does the following:
Enters the RUN mode.
Leaves the step of an SFC if configuring the SFC for Automatic reset. This
applies only embedding the assignment in the action of the step or using the
action to call a structured text routine via a JSR instruction.

FOR_DO Use the FOR_DO loop to perform an action a number of times before doing
anything else.
When enabled, the FOR instruction repeatedly executes the Routine until the
Index value exceeds the Terminal value. The step value can be positive or
negative. If it is negative, the loop ends when the index is less than the
terminal value.. If it is positive, the loop ends when the index is greater than
the terminal value.
Each time the FOR instruction executes the routine, it adds the Step size to
the Index.
Do not loop too many times in a single scan. An excessive number of
repetitions causes the controller watchdog to timeout and causes a major

FOR count:= initial_value TO
final_value BY increment DO

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1007

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

Operand Type Format Description
count SINT INT DINT Tag Tag to store count position as the FOR_DO executes
initial_ value SINT INT DINT Tag expression Must evaluate to a number
Immediate Specifies initial value for count
final_ value SINT INT DINT Tag expression Specifies final value for count, which determines
Immediate when to exit the loop
increment SINT INT DINT Tag expression (Optional) amount to increment count each time
Immediate through the loop
If you don’t specify an increment, the count
increments by 1.

IMPORTANT Do not iterate within the loop too many times in a single scan.
The controller does not execute other statements in the routine until it completes the loop.
A major fault occurs when completing the loop takes longer than the watchdog timer for the
Consider using a different construct, such as IF_THEN.

The syntax is described in the table.

This diagram illustrates how a FOR_DO loop executes, and how an EXIT
statement leaves the loop early.

1008 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

The FOR_DO loop executes a specific number of times. To stop the loop before the count reaches the last value, use an
EXIT statement.

Affects Math Status Flags


Major/Minor Faults
A major fault will occur if Fault type Fault code
The construct loops too long. 6 1

Example 1
If performing the following, Enter this structured text
Clear bits 0…31 in an array of BOOLs: For subscript:=0 to 31 by 1 do
Initialize the subscript tag to 0. array[subscript] := 0;
Clear i . For example, when subscript = 5, clear array[5]. End_for;
Add 1 to subscript.
If subscript is ≤ to 31, repeat 2 and 3.
Otherwise, stop.

Example 2
If performing the following, Enter this structured text
A user-defined data type (structure) stores the following information about an SIZE(Inventory,0,Inventory_Items);
item in your inventory: For position:=0 to Inventory_Items - 1 do
• Barcode ID of the item (String data type) If Barcode = Inventory[position].ID then
• Quantity in stock of the item (DINT data type)
Quantity := Inventory[position].Qty;
An array of the above structure contains an element for each different item in
your inventory. You want to search the array for a specific product (use its bar Exit;

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1009

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming
If performing the following, Enter this structured text
code) and determine the quantity that is in stock. End_for;
1. Get the size (number of items) of the Inventory array and store the result in
2. Inventory_Items (DINT tag).
Initialize the position tag to 0.
3. If Barcode matches the ID of an item in the array, then:
Set the Quantity tag = Inventory[position].Qty. This produces the quantity in
stock of the item.
Barcode is a string tag that stores the bar code of the item for which you are
searching. For example, when
position = 5, compare Barcode to Inventory[5].ID.
4. Add 1 to position.
5. If position is ≤ to (Inventory_Items -1), repeat 3 and 4. Since element numbers
start at 0, the last element is 1 less than the number of elements in the array.
Otherwise, stop.

IF_THEN Use IF_THEN to complete an action when specific conditions occur.

IF bool_expression THEN
Operand Type Format Enter
Bool_ BOOL Tag expression BOOL tag or expression that evaluates to a BOOL
expression value
(BOOL expression)

The syntax is described in the table.

1010 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

To use ELSIF or ELSE, follow these guidelines.

To select from several possible groups of statements, add one or more ELSIF
Each ELSIF represents an alternative path.
Specify as many ELSIF paths as you need.
The controller executes the first true IF or ELSIF and skips the rest of the
ELSIFs and the ELSE.
To do something when all of the IF or ELSIF conditions are false, add an ELSE

The table summarizes different combinations of IF, THEN, ELSIF, and ELSE.
If And Use this construct
Doing something if or when conditions are true Do nothing if conditions are false IF_THEN
Do something else if conditions are false IF_THEN_ELSE
Selecting alternative statements or groups of Do nothing if conditions are false IF_THEN_ELSIF
statements based on input conditions Assign default statements if all conditions are false IF_THEN_ELSIF_ELSE

Affects Math Status Flags


Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1011

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

Major/Minor Faults


Example 1
If performing this Enter this structured text
IF rejects > 3 then IF rejects > 3 THEN

conveyor = off (0) conveyor := 0;

alarm = on (1) alarm := 1;

Example 2
If performiing this Enter this structured text
If conveyor direction contact = forward (1) then IF conveyor_direction THEN
light = off light := 0;
Otherwise light = on ELSE
light [:=] 1;

The [:=] tells the controller to clear light whenever the controller does the
following :
Enters the RUN mode.
Leaves the step of an SFC if you configure the SFC for Automatic reset. (This
applies only if you embed the assignment in the action of the step or use the
action to call a structured text routine via a JSR instruction.)

Example 3
If performing this Enter this structured text
If sugar low limit switch = low (on) and sugar high limit switch = not high IF Sugar.Low & Sugar.High THEN
(on) then
inlet valve = open (on) Sugar.Inlet [:=] 1;
Until sugar high limit switch = high (off ) ELSIF NOT(Sugar.High) THEN
Sugar.Inlet := 0;

1012 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming
The [:=] tells the controller to clear Sugar.Inlet whenever the controller does
the following :
Enters the RUN mode.
Leaves the step of an SFC if you configure the SFC for Automatic reset. (This
applies only if you embed the assignment in the action of the step or use the
action to call a structured text routine via a JSR instruction.)

Example 4
If performing this Enter this structured text
If tank temperature > 100 IF tank.temp > 200 THEN
then pump = slow pump.fast :=1; pump.slow :=0; pump.off :=0;
If tank temperature > 200 ELSIF tank.temp > 100 THEN
then pump = fast pump.fast :=0; pump.slow :=1; pump.off :=0;
Otherwise pump = off ELSE
pump.fast :=0; pump.slow :=0; pump.off :=1;

REPEAT_UNTIL Use the REPEAT_UNTIL loop to continue performing an action until

conditions are true.


Structured Text
Operand Type Format Enter
bool_ BOOL Tag expression BOOL tag or expression that evaluates to a BOOL
expression value
(BOOL expression)

IMPORTANT Do not iterate within the loop too many times in a single scan.
The controller does not execute other statements in the routine until it completes the loop.
A major fault occurs when completing the loop takes longer than the watchdog timer for the
Consider using a different construct, such as IF_THEN.

The syntax is:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1013

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

The following diagrams show how a REPEAT_UNTIL loop executes and how
an EXIT statement leaves the loop early.
While the bool_expression is false, the controller executes only the statements
within the REPEAT_UNTIL loop.

To stop the loop before the conditions are false, use an EXIT statement.

Affects Math Status Flags


1014 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

Fault Conditions
A major fault will occur if Fault type Fault code

The construct loops too long 6 1

Example 1
If performing the following, Enter this structured text
The REPEAT_UNTIL loop executes the statements in the construct and then pos := -1;
determines if the conditions are true before executing the statements again. REPEAT
This differs from the WHILE_DO loop because the WHILE_DO The WHILE_DO loop pos := pos + 2;
evaluates its conditions first.
UNTIL ((pos = 101) OR (structarray[pos].value = targetvalue))
If the conditions are true, the controller then executes the statements within the
loop. The statements in a REPEAT_UNTIL loop are always executed at least
once. The statements in a WHILE_DO loop might never be executed.

Example 2
If performing the following, Enter this structured text
Move ASCII characters from a SINT array into a string tag. (In a SINT array, each element_number := 0;
element holds one character.) Stop when you reach the carriage return. SIZE(SINT_array, 0, SINT_array_size);
Initialize Element_number to 0. Repeat
Count the number of elements in SINT_array (array that contains the ASCII String_tag.DATA[element_number] := SINT_array[element_number];
characters) and store the result in SINT_array_size (DINT tag).
element_number := element_number + 1;
Set String_tag[element_number] = the character at
String_tag.LEN := element_number;
Add 1 to element_number. This lets the controller check the next character in If element_number = SINT_array_size then
SINT_array. exit;
Set the Length member of String_tag = element_number. (This records the end_if;
number of characters in String_tag so far.) Until SINT_array[element_number] = 13
If element_number = SINT_array_size, then stop. (You are at the end of the end_repeat;
array and it does not contain a carriage return.)
If the character at SINT_array[element_number] = 13 (decimal value of the
carriage return), then stop.

WHILE_DO Use the WHILE_DO loop to continue performing an action while certain
conditions are true.

WHILE bool_expression DO


Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1015

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

Structured Text
Operand Type Format Description
bool_expression BOOL tag BOOL tag or expression that
expression evaluates to a BOOL value

IMPORTANT Do not iterate within the loop too many times in a single scan.
The controller does not execute any other statements in the routine until it completes the
A major fault occurs when completing the loop takes longer than the watchdog timer for the
Consider using a different construct, such as IF_THEN.

The syntax is:

The following diagrams illustrate how a WHILE_DO loop executes, and how
an EXIT statement leaves the loop early.

While the bool_expression is true, the controller To stop the loop before the conditions are true, use an EXIT statement.
executes only the statements within the WHILE_DO loop.

Affects Math Status Flags


1016 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 11 Structured Text Programming

Fault Conditions
A major fault will occur if Fault type Fault code
the construct loops too long 6 1

Example 1
If performing the following, Enter this structured text
The WHILE_DO loop evaluates its conditions first. If the conditions are true, the pos := 0;
controller then executes the statements within the loop. While ((pos <= 100) & structarray[pos].value <> targetvalue)) do
This differs from the REPEAT_UNTIL loop because the REPEAT_UNTIL loop pos := pos + 2;
executes the statements in the construct and then determines if the conditions
are true before executing the statements again. The statements in a String_tag.DATA[pos] := SINT_array[pos];
REPEAT_UNTIL loop are always executed at least once. The statements in a end_while;
WHILE_DO loop might never be executed.

Example 2
If performing the following, Enter this structured text
Move ASCII characters from a SINT array into a string tag. (In a SINT array, each element_number := 0;
element holds one character.) Stop when you reach the carriage return. SIZE(SINT_array, 0, SINT_array_size);
Initialize Element_number to 0. While SINT_array[element_number] <> 13 do
Count the number of elements in SINT_array (array that contains the ASCII String_tag.DATA[element_number] := SINT_array[element_number];
characters) and store the result in SINT_array_size (DINT tag).
element_number := element_number + 1;
If the character at SINT_array[element_number] = 13 (decimal value of the
String_tag.LEN := element_number;
carriage return), then stop.
Set String_tag[element_number] = the character at If element_number = SINT_array_size then
SINT_array[element_number]. exit;
Add 1 to element_number. This lets the controller check the next character in end_if;
SINT_array. end_while;
Set the Length member of String_tag = element_number. (This records the
number of characters in String_tag so far.)
If element_number = SINT_array_size, then stop. (You are at the end of the
array and it does not contain a carriage return.)

Structured Text Attributes

Click a topic below for more information on issues that are unique to
structured text programming. Review this information to make sure you
understand how your structured text programming will execute.

See also
Structured Text Components: Assignments on page 995

Structured Text Components: Expressions on page 997

Structured Text Instructions on page 1002

Structured Text Components: Constructs on page 1003

Structured Text Components: Comments on page 994

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1017

Chapter 12

Common Attributes for Advanced Process

Control and Drives Instructions

Follow the guidelines in this chapter for the common attributes for the
Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions.

Common Attributes For more information on attributes that are common to the Logix 5000™
instructions, click any of the topics below.
Math Status Flags on page 1019

Immediate Values on page 1021

Data Conversions on page 1022
Elementary data types on page 1025
Floating Point Values on page 1027

Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Bit Addressing on page 1030

Math Status Flags Follow the guidelines in this topic for Math Status Flags.

Controllers Description

CompactLogix 5380, A set of Math Status Flags for accessing directly with instructions. These flags are only updated in ladder
CompactLogix 5480, diagram routines, and are not tags, and flag aliases are not applicable.
ControlLogix 5580, Compact
GuardLogix 5380, and
GuardLogix 5580
CompactLogix 5370, A set of Math Status Flags for accessing directly with instructions. These flags are updated in all routine types,
ControlLogix 5570, Compact but are not tags, and flag aliases are not applicable.
GuardLogix 5370, and
GuardLogix 5570

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1019

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions

Status Flags
Status Flag Description Description
(For CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, (For CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570, Compact
ControlLogix 5580, Compact GuardLogix 5380, and GuardLogix 5370, and GuardLogix 5570 controllers)
GuardLogix 5580 controllers)
S:FS The first scan flag is set by the controller: The first scan flag is set by the controller:
First scan flag • The first time a program is scanned after the controller goes to • The first time a program is scanned after the controller goes to Run
Run mode mode
• The first time a program is scanned after the program is • The first time a program is scanned after the program is uninhibited
uninhibited • When a routine is called from an SFC Action and the Step that owns
• When a routine is called from an SFC Action and the step that that Action is first scanned.
owns that Action is first scanned. Use this flag to initialize data for use in later scans. It is also referred to as
Use the first scan flag to initialize data for use in later scans. It is the first pass bit.
also referred to as the first pass bit.
S:N The controller sets the negative flag when the result of a math or The controller sets the negative flag when the result of a math or logical
Negative flag logical operation is a negative value. Use this flag as a quick test for operation is a negative value. Use this flag as a quick test for a negative
a negative value. value.
Using S:N is more efficient than using the CMP instruction.
S:Z The zero flag is set by the controller when the result of a math or The controller sets the zero flag when the result of a math or logical
Zero flag logical operation is zero. Use this flag as a quick test for a zero operation is zero. Use this flag as a quick test for a zero value.
The zero flag clears at the start of executing an instruction capable
of setting this flag.
S:V The controller sets the overflow flag when: The controller sets the overflow flag when:
Overflow flag • The result of a math operation results in an overflow. • The result of a math operation results in an overflow.
For example, adding 1 to a SINT generates an overflow when the For example, adding 1 to a SINT generates an overflow when the value
value goes from 127 through -128. goes from 127…-128.
• The destination tag is too small to hold the value. • The destination tag is too small to hold the value.
For example, if you try to store the value 123456 to a SINT or INT For example, if you try to store the value 123456 to a SINT or INT tag.
Use the overflow flag to verify the result of an operation is still in Use the overflow flag to check that the result of an operation is still in
range. range.
If the data being stored is a string type, S:V is set if the string is too A minor fault is generated anytime an overflow flag is set.
large to fit into the destination tag. Tip: If applicable,set S:V with an OTE or OTL instruction.
Tip: If applicable, set S:V with an OTE or OTL instruction.
Click Controller Properties > Advanced tab > Report Overflow Faults
to enable or disable reporting overflow faults.
If an overflow occurs while evaluating an array subscript, a minor
fault is generated and a major fault is generated to indicate the
index is out of range.

S:C The controller sets the carry flag when the result of a math The controller sets the carry flag when the result of a math operation
Carry flag operation resulted in the generation of a carry out of the most resulted in the generation of a carry out of the most significant bit.
significant bit.

Only the ADD and SUB instructions, and not the + and – operators,
with integer values affect this flag.

S:MINOR The controller sets the minor fault flag when there is at least one The controller sets the minor fault flag when there is at least one minor
Minor fault flag minor program fault. program fault.
Use the minor fault tag to test if a minor fault occurred. This bit only Use the minor fault flag to test if a minor fault occurred and take
triggers by programming faults, such as overflow. It is not triggered appropriate action. This bit is triggered only by programming faults, such
by a battery fault. The bit clears at the beginning of every scan. as overflow. It is not triggered by a battery fault. The bit clears at the
Tip: If applicable, explicitly set S:MINOR with an OTE or OTL beginning of every scan.
instruction. Tip: If applicable, explicitly set S:MINOR with an OTE or OTL instruction.

1020 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions
Status Flag Description Description
(For CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, (For CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570, Compact
ControlLogix 5580, Compact GuardLogix 5380, and GuardLogix 5370, and GuardLogix 5570 controllers)
GuardLogix 5580 controllers)
IMPORTANT The math status flags are set based on the stored value. Instructions that normally do not affect math status flags might appear to affect math
status flags if type conversion occurs from mixed data types for the instruction parameters. The type conversion process sets the math status

Expressions in Array Subscripts

Controllers Description

CompactLogix 5380, Expressions do not set status flags based on the results of math operations. If expressions overflow:
CompactLogix 5480, • A minor fault generates if the controller is configured to generate minor faults.
ControlLogix 5580, • A major fault (type 4, code 20) generates because the resulting value is out of range.
Compact GuardLogix
5380, and
GuardLogix 5580
CompactLogix 5370, Expressions set status flags based on the results of math operations. If an array subscript is an expression, the expression and the instruction
ControlLogix 5570, could generate minor faults.
Compact GuardLogix
5370, and
GuardLogix 5570

Tip: If an array subscript is too large (out of range), a major fault (type 4, code 20) generates.

Immediate values When you enter an immediate value (constant) in decimal format (for
example, -2, 3) the controller stores the value by using 32 bits. If you enter a
value in a radix other than decimal, such as binary or hexadecimal, and do not
specify all 32 bits, the controller places a zero in the bits that you do not specify
IMPORTANT Zero-fill of immediate binary, octal or hexadecimal values less than 32 bits.

If you enter The controller stores

-1 16#ffff ffff (-1)
16#ffff (-1) 16#0000 ffff (65535)
8#1234 (668) 16#0000 029c (668)
2#1010 (10) 16#0000 000a (10)

Integer Immediate Values

If you enter The controller stores
Without any suffix DINT
"U" or "u" UDINT
"L" or "l" LINT
"UL", "ul", "Ul", or "uL" ULINT

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1021

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions

Floating Point Immediate Values

If you enter The controller stores
Without any suffix REAL
"L" or "l" LREAL

Data Conversions Data conversions occur when mixing data types in programming.
When programming: Conversions can occur when you:
Ladder Diagram Mix data types for the parameters within one
Structured Text Instruction or expression.
Function Block Wire two parameters that have different data types

Instructions execute faster and require less memory if all the operands of the
instruction use:
• The same data type.
• An intermediate data type:
• All function block instructions support one data type operand only.
• If mixing data types or use tags that are not the optimal data type,
the controller converts the data according to these rules:
• Operands are converted according to the ranking of data types
REAL, and LREAL with ranking from 1 (the lowest) to 10 (the
Tip: To reduce the time and memory for converting data, use the same data type for all
the operands of an instruction.

Convert SINT or INT to DINT or DINT to LINT

A SINT or INT input source tag gets promoted to a DINT value by a
sign-extension for Source Tag. Instructions that convert SINT or INT values
to DINT values use one of the following conversion methods.
This conversion Converts data by placing
Sign-extension The value of the leftmost bit (the sign of the value) into each bit position to the left of the existing bits until there
are 32 or 64 bits.
Zero-fill Zeroes to the left of the existing bits until there are 32 or 64 bits.

Logical instructions use zero fill. All other instructions use sign-extension
The following example shows the results of converting a value using sign-
extension and zero-fill.
This value 2#1111_1111_1111_1111 (-1)
Converts to this value by 2#1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111 (-1)
Converts to this value by 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111_1111_1111 (65535)

1022 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions
If you use a SINT or INT tag and an immediate value in an instruction that
converts data by sign-extension, use one of these methods to handle
immediate values.

Specify any immediate value in the decimal radix.

If you enter the value in a radix other than decimal, specify all 32 bits of the
immediate value. To do so, enter the value of the leftmost bit into each bit
position to its left until there are 32 bits.
Create a tag for each operand and use the same data type throughout the
instruction. To assign a constant value, either:
Enter it into one of the tags.
Add a MOV instruction that moves the value into one of the tags.

Use a MEQ instruction to check only the required bits.

The following examples show two ways to mix an immediate value with an
INT tag. Both examples check the bits of a 1771 I/O module to determine if all
the bits are on. Since the input data word of a 1771 I/O module is an INT tag, it
is easiest to use a 16-bit constant value.
IMPORTANT Mixing an INT tag with an immediate value
Since remote_rack_1:I.Data[0] is an INT tag, the value to check it against is also entered as
an INT tag.

IMPORTANT Mixing an INT tag with an immediate value

Since remote_rack_1:I.Data[0] is an INT tag, the value to check it against first moves into
int_0, also an INT tag. The EQU instruction then compares both tags.

Convert Integer to REAL

The controller stores REAL values in IEEE single-precision, floating-point
number format. It uses one bit for the sign of the value, 23 bits for the base
value, and eight bits for the exponent (32 bits total). If you mix an integer tag
(SINT, INT, or DINT) and a REAL tag as inputs in the same instruction, the

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1023

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions
controller converts the integer value to a REAL value before the instruction
• A SINT or INT value always converts to the same REAL value.
• A DINT value may not convert to the same REAL value:
• A REAL value uses up to 24 bits for the base value (23 stored bits plus a
‘hidden’ bit).
• A DINT value uses up to 32 bits for the value (one for the sign and 31 for
the value).
If the DINT value requires more than 24 significant bits, it might not convert
to the same REAL value. If it will not, the controller stores the uppermost 24
bits rounded to the nearest even value.

Convert DINT to SINT or INT

To convert a DINT value to a SINT or INT value, the controller truncates the
upper portion of the DINT and stores the lower bits that fit in the data type. If
the value is too large the conversion generates an overflow.
Convert a DINT to an INT and a SINT

This DINT value Converts to this smaller value

16#0001_0081 (65,665) INT: 16#0081 (129)
SINT: 16#81 (-127)

Convert REAL to SINT, INT, or DINT

To convert a REAL value to an integer value, the controller rounds any
fractional part and stores the bits that fit in the result data type. If the value is
too large the conversion generates an overflow.

Numbers round as in the following examples.

Fractions < 0.5 round down to the nearest whole number.

Fractions > 0.5 round up to the nearest whole number.

Fractions = 0.5 round up or down to the nearest even number.
Important: Conversion of REAL values to DINT values
This REAL value Converts to this DINT value
-2.5 -2
-3.5 -4
-1.6 -2
-1.5 -2
-1.4 -1
1.4 1
1.5 2
1.6 2
2.5 2
3.5 4

1024 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions

Elementary data types The controller supports the elementary data types defined in IEC 1131-3
defined data types. The elementary data types are:
Data type Description Range
BOOL 1-bit boolean 0 = cleared
1 = set
SINT 1-byte integer -128 to 127
INT 2-byte integer -32,768 to 32,767
DINT 4-byte integer -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
REAL 4-byte floating-point number -3.402823E38 to -1.1754944E-38
(negative values)
1.1754944E-38 to 3.402823E38
(positive values)
LINT 8-byte integer 0 to 32,535,129,599,999,999
Note: The LINT data type has limited use on
CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, and GuardLogix
5570 controllers. They can be used only
with copy (COP, CPS) instructions, the
CST/WallClock Time attribute, time
synchronization, and Add-On Instructions.
USINT 1-byte unsigned integer 0 to 255
UINT 2-byte unsigned integer 0 to 65,535
UDINT 4-byte unsigned integer 0 to 4,294,967,295
ULINT 8-byte unsigned integer 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
REAL 4-byte floating-point number -3.4028235E38 to -1.1754944E-38
(negative values)
1.1754944E-38 to 3.4028235E38
(positive values)
LREAL 8-byte floating-point number -1.7976931348623157E308 to
(negative values)
2.2250738585072014E-308 to
(positive values)

These controllers support the following elementary data types:

Controllers Data type
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix SINT, INT, DINT, LINT, REAL
5580, Compact GuardLogix 5380, and GuardLogix 5580 USINT, UINT, UDINT, ULINT, LREAL
CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570, Compact SINT, INT, DINT, LINT, REAL.
GuardLogix 5370, and GuardLogix 5570 controllers

The controller handles all immediate values as DINT data types.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1025

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions
The REAL data type also stores infinity and NAN, but the software
display differs based on the display format.

Data type conversions

When data types are mixed for operands within an instruction, some
instructions automatically convert data to an optimal data type for that
instruction. In some cases, the controller converts data to fit a new data type;
in some cases, the controller just fits the data as best it can.
Conversion Result
larger integer to smaller integer The controller truncates the upper portion of the larger integer and generates an overflow.
For example:
Decimal Binary

DINT 65,665 0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_1000_0001

INT 129 0000_0000_1000_0001

SINT -127 1000_0001

SINT or INT to REAL No data precision is lost

DINT to REAL Data precision could be lost. Both data types store data in 32 bits, but the REAL type uses some of its 32 bits to
store the exponent value. If precision is lost, the controller takes it from the least-significant portion of the DINT.
LREAL to LREAL No data precision is lost.
LREAL TO REAL Data precision could be lost.
LREAL/REAL to unsigned integer Data precision could be lost. If the source value is too big to fit into destination the controller stores what it can
and may produce an overflow.
Signed Integer/Unsigned Integer to If the integer value has more significant bits than can be stored in the destination, the lower bits will be
LREAL/REAL truncated.
Signed integer to unsigned integer If the source value is too big to fit into destination, the controller stores what it can and may produce an
Unsigned integer to signed integer If the source value is too big to fit into destination, the controller stores what it can and may produce an
REAL to integer The controller rounds the fractional part and truncates the upper portion of the non-fractional part. If data is
lost, the controller sets the overflow status flag.
Rounding is to the nearest whole number:
less than 0.5, round down; equal to 0.5, round to nearest even integer; greater than 0.5, round up
For example:
REAL (source) DINT (result)
1.6 2
-1.6 -2
1.5 2
-1.5 -2
1.4 1
-1.4 -1
2.5 2
-2.5 -2

Do not convert data to or from the BOOL data type.

1026 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions
IMPORTANT The math status flags are set based on the value being stored. Instructions that normally do
not affect math status keywords might appear to do so if type conversion occurs because of
mixed data types for the instruction parameters. The type conversion process sets the math
status keywords.

Safety Data Types

The Logix Designer application prevents the modification of a User Defined
or Add-On Defined type that would cause an invalid data type for User
Defined or Add-On Defined types that are referenced directly or indirectly by
a Safety tag. (This includes nested structures.)
Safety tags can be composed of the following data types:
• All elementary data types.
• Predefined types that are used for safety application instructions.
• User-defined data types or arrays that are composed of the previous
two types.

Online edits of user-defined data type member names in safety tags

Online editing is allowed for member names of user-defined data types on
CompactLogix 5380, Compact GuardLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480,
ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix 5580 controllers. However, online editing
is disabled when a user-defined data type is used on a safety tag and the
controller is in the Safety Secured state.

See also
Math Status Flags on page 1019

Floating Point Values This information applies to the CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570,
Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380,
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, and GuardLogix
5580 controllers. Controller differences are noted where applicable.
Logix controllers handle floating point values according to the IEEE 754
standard for floating-point arithmetic. This standard defines how floating
point numbers are stored and calculated. The IEEE 754 standard for floating
point math was designed to provide speed and the ability to handle very large
numbers in a reasonable amount of storage space.
A REAL tag stores a single-precision, normalized floating-point number.

An LREAL tag stores a double-precision, normalized floating-point number.

The controllers support these elementary data types:

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1027

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions
Controllers Data Type
CompactLogix 5380, CompactLogix 5480, ControlLogix 5580, REAL, LREAL
Compact GuardLogix 5380, and GuardLogix 5580 controllers
CompactLogix 5370, ControlLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix REAL
5370, and GuardLogix 5570 controllers

Denormalized numbers and -0.0 are treated as 0.0

If a computation results in a NAN value, the sign bit could be positive or
negative. In this situation, the software displays 1#.NAN with no sign.
Not all decimal values can be exactly represented in this standard format,
which results in a loss of precision. For example, if you subtract 10 from 10.1,
you expect the result to be 0.1. In a Logix controller, the result could very well
be 0.10000038. In this example, the difference between 0.1 and 0.10000038 is
.000038%, or practically zero. For most operations, this small inaccuracy is
insignificant. To put things in perspective, if you were sending a floating
point value to an analog output module, there would be no difference in the
output voltage for a value being sent to the module that differs by .000038%.

Guidelines for Floating-point Math Operations

Follow these guidelines:
When performing certain floating-point math operations, there may be a loss
of precision due to rounding error. Floating-point processors have their own
internal precision that can impact resultant values.
Do not use floating point math for money values or for totalizer functions.
Use INT or DINT values, scale the values up, and keep track of the decimal
place (or use one INT or DINT value for dollars, and a second INT or DINT
value for cents).
Do not compare floating-point numbers. Instead, check for values within a
range. The LIM instruction is provided specifically for this purpose.

Totalizer Examples
The precision of the REAL data type affects totalization applications such that
errors occur when adding very small numbers to very large numbers.
For example, add 1 to a number over a period of time. At some point the add
will no longer affect the result because the running sum is much greater than
1, and there are not enough bits to store the entire result. The add stores as
many upper bits as possible and discards the remaining lower bits.
To work around this, do math on small numbers until the results get large.
Then, transfer them to another location for additional large-number math.
For example:
• x is the small incremented variable.

1028 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions
• y is the large incremented variable.
• z is the total current count that can be used anywhere.
• x = x+1;
• if x = 100,000;
• {
• y = y + 100,000;
• x = 0;
• }
• z = y + x;
Or another example:
• x = x + some_tiny_number;
• if (x >= 100)
• {
• z = z + 100;
• x = x - 100; // there might be a tiny remainder
• }

Index Through Arrays To dynamically change the array element that your logic references, use tag or
expression as the subscript to point to the element. This is similar to indirect
addressing in PLC-5 logic. Use these operators in an expression to specify an
array subscript:
• Logix Designer allows subscripts that are extended data type tags only, and does not support subscript
expressions that have extended data types.
• All available integer elementary data types can be used as a subscript index. Only use SINT, INT, and DINT
tags with operators to create a subscript expression.

Operator Description
+ add
- subtract/negate
* multiply
/ divide
FRD BCD to integer
NOT complement
TOD integer to BCD
SQR square root
XOR exclusive OR

For example:
Definitions Example Description
my_list defined as DINT[10] my_list[5] This example references element 5 in the array.
The reference is static because the subscript
value remains constant.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1029

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions
Definitions Example Description
my_list defined as DINT[10] MOV the value 5 into position This example references element 5 in the array.
position defined as DINT my_list[position] The reference is dynamic because the logic can
change the subscript by changing the value
of position.
my_list defined as DINT[10] MOV the value 2 into position This example references element 7 (2+5) in the
position defined as DINT MOV the value 5 into offset array. The reference is dynamic because the logic
offset defined as DINT my_list[position+offset] can change the subscript by changing the value
of position or offset.

Tip: When entering an array subscript, make sure it is within the boundaries of the specified array.
Instructions that view arrays as a collection of elements generate a major fault (type 4, code 20) if a
subscript exceeds its corresponding dimension.

Bit Addressing Bit addressing is used access a particular bit within a larger container. Larger
containers include any integer, structure or BOOL array. For example:
Definition Example Description
Variable0 variable0.42 This example references the bit 42 of variable0.
defined as LINT
has 64 bits
variable1 variable1.2 This example references the bit 2 of variable1.
defined as DINT
has 32 bits
variable2 variable2.15 This example references the bit 15 of variable2.
defined as INT
has 16 bits
variable3 variable3.[4] This example references bit 4 of variable3.
defined as SINT
holds 8 bits
variable4 variable4.DN This example references the DN bit of variable4.
defined as COUNTER structure
has 5 status bits
MyVariable defined as BOOL[100] MyVariable[(MyIndex AND NOT 7) / 8].[MyIndex This example references a bit within a BOOL array.
MyIndex defined as SINT AND 7]
MyArray defined as BOOL[20] MyArray[3] This example references the bit 3 of MyArray.

variable5 variable5.53 This example references the bit 53 of variable5.

defined as ULINT
holds 64 bits

Use Bit Addressing anywhere a BOOL typed tag is allowed.

See also
Index Through Arrays on page 1029

Function Block Faceplate Controls

The Logix Designer programming application includes faceplate controls for
some function block instructions. Faceplates are Active-X controls used in

1030 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions
applications that acts as an Active-X container. The faceplates communicate
with the controller via the <RSLC> OPC Server or the FactoryTalk Linx
IMPORTANT The Logix Designer programming application is not a valid Active-X container. An Active-X
container is required to use the faceplates.

These instructions have faceplates:

• Process Discrete Input (PDI)
• Process Discrete Output (PDO)
• Process Analog Input (PAI)
• Process Analog Output (PAO)
• Alarm (ALM)
• Enhanced Select (ESEL)
• Totalizer (TOT)
• Ramp/Soak (RMPS)
• Discrete 2-State Device (D2SD)
• Discrete 3-State Device (D3SD)
• Enhanced PID (PIDE)
Configure the faceplates through property pages that open through container

All faceplates have these property pages in common:

• General
• Display
• Font
• Locale

See also
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - General Tab on page 1031
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - Display Tab on page 1032
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - Font Tab on page 1033
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - LocaleTab on page 1035

Faceplate Control Use this tab to define/modify how the control operates.

Properties Dialog - General


Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1031

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions


Select RSLinx Classic OPC Server or FactoryTalk Linx. If you select RSLinx
Classic OPC Server, you must also specify:
• whether to launch remotely
• the access path to the remote machine
If you select FactoryTalk Linx FactoryTalk, you must also specify the
FactoryTalk Area

Enter the name of a specific function block instruction to connect with this

Update Rate
Enter the Update Rate of the control in seconds. You can click the arrows to
increment this value in 0.25 second increments. The default value is 1.00

See also
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - Display Tab on page 1032
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - Font Tab on page 1033

Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - LocaleTab on page 1035

Faceplate Control Use this tab to define how the faceplate control will appear on your screen.

Properties Dialog - Display

Tab Parameters

Background Color
This button indicates the color of the faceplate’s background. Click the button
to change this color. The default color is light gray.

1032 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions

Show Frame
Check or uncheck this box, depending on whether or not you wish to display a
3-dimensional frame around this control. Using this option allows you to
separate the control from other items that may appear on your display. This
option is checked, by default.

Click this button to accept your edits and close the Faceplate Control
Properties dialog.

Click this button to cancel your edits and close the Faceplate Control
Properties dialog.

Click this button to apply your edits and continue editing in the Faceplate
Control Properties dialog.

See also
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - General Tab on page 1031
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - Font Tab on page 1033
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - LocaleTab on page 1035

Faceplate Control Use this tab to define the fonts that appear on the faceplates. From here, you
can configure a ControlFont to be used in the main part of the faceplate, and a
Properties Dialog - Font Tab MinorFont to be used in scales and other minor portions of the faceplate.


Property Name
Choose the font you want to configure from the pull-down menu. Choose
from ControlFont or MinorFont; the default is ControlFont.

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1033

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions

Choose the font you wish to use for the control from the list of available fonts.
The default font is Arial.

Choose the style you wish to use for the control from the pull-down menu. The
default style is Regular.

Enter the point size you wish to use for this font. The default size of the
ControlFont is 10.5 points; the default size of the MinorFont is 8.25 points.

Check this box if you want to use the strikeout effect, which draws a line
through the font. This option is unchecked, by default.

Check this box if you want to use the underline effect, which draws a line
below the font. This option is unchecked, by default.

Click this button to accept your edits and close the Faceplate Control
Properties dialog.

Click this button to cancel your edits and close the Faceplate Control
Properties dialog.

Click this button to apply your edits and continue editing in the Faceplate
Control Properties dialog.

1034 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions

See also
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - General Tab on page 1031
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - Display Tab on page 1032
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - LocaleTab on page 1035

Faceplate Control Use this tab to define the language requirements for the faceplates.

Properties Dialog -
LocaleTab Parameters

Choose the language you want to use from the pull-down menu. Choose from:
• English
• Portuguese
• French
• Italian
• German
• Spanish

Click this button to accept your edits and close the Faceplate Control
Properties dialog.

Click this button to cancel your edits and close the Faceplate Control
Properties dialog.

Click this button to apply your edits and continue editing in the Faceplate
Control Properties dialog.

See also
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - General Tab on page 1031
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - Display Tab on page 1032

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1035

Chapter 12 Common Attributes for Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions
Faceplate Control Properties Dialog - Font Tab on page 1033

ASCII Character Codes

ASCII character codes

Character Dec Hex Character Dec Hex Character Dec Hex Character Dec Hex
[ctrl-@] NUL 0 $0 SPACE 32 $20 @ 64 $40 ‘ 96 $60
[ctrl-A] SOH 1 $1 ! 33 $21 A 65 $41 a 97 $61
[ctrl-B] STX 2 $2 “ 34 $22 B 66 $42 b 98 $62
[ctrl-C] ETX 3 $3 # 35 $23 C 67 $43 c 99 $63
[ctrl-D] EOT 4 $4 $ 36 $24 D 68 $44 d 100 $64
[ctrl-E] ENQ 5 $5 % 37 $25 E 69 $45 e 101 $65
[ctrl-F] ACK 6 $6 & 38 $26 F 70 $46 f 102 $66
[ctrl-G] BEL 7 $7 ‘ 39 $27 G 71 $47 g 103 $67
[ctrl-H] BS 8 $8 ( 40 $28 H 72 $48 h 104 $68
[ctrl-I] HT 9 $9 ) 41 $29 I 73 $49 i 105 $69
[ctrl-J] LF 10 $l ($0A) * 42 $2A J 74 $4A j 106 $6A
[ctrl-K] VT 11 $0B + 43 $2B K 75 $4B k 107 $6B
[ctrl-L] FF 12 $0C , 44 $2C L 76 $4C l 108 $6C
[ctrl-M] CR 13 $r ($0D) - 45 $2D M 77 $4D m 109 $6D
[ctrl-N] SO 14 $0E . 46 $2E N 78 $4E n 110 $6E
[ctrl-O] SI 15 $0F / 47 $2F O 79 $4F o 111 $6F
[ctrl-P] DLE 16 $10 0 48 $30 P 80 $50 p 112 $70
[ctrl-Q] DC1 17 $11 1 49 $31 Q 81 $51 q 113 $71
[ctrl-R] DC2 18 $12 2 50 $32 R 82 $52 r 114 $72
[ctrl-S] DC3 19 $13 3 51 $33 S 83 $53 s 115 $73
[ctrl-T] DC4 20 $14 4 52 $34 T 84 $54 t 116 $74
[ctrl-U] NAK 21 $15 5 53 $35 U 85 $55 u 117 $75
[ctrl-V] SYN 22 $16 6 54 $36 V 86 $56 v 118 $76
[ctrl-W] ETB 23 $17 7 55 $37 W 87 $57 w 119 $77
[ctrl-X] CAN 24 $18 8 56 $38 X 88 $58 x 120 $78
[ctrl-Y] EM 25 $19 9 57 $39 Y 89 $59 y 121 $79
[ctrl-Z] SUB 26 $1A : 58 $3A Z 90 $5A z 122 $7A
ctrl-[ ESC 27 $1B ; 59 $3B [ 91 $5B { 123 $7B
[ctrl-\] FS 28 $1C < 60 $3C \ 92 $5C | 124 $7C
ctrl-] GS 29 $1D = 61 $3D ] 93 $5D } 125 $7D
[ctrl-^] RS 30 $1E > 62 $3E ^ 94 $5E ~ 126 $7E
[ctrl-_] US 31 $1F ? 63 $3F _ 95 $5F DEL 127 $7F

1036 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

function block 979, 980, 981, 982, 985,
988, 991, 1030

Index attributes 979, 980, 981, 982, 985, 988

faceplates 1030
latching data 980
order of execution 982
program/operator control 988
timing modes 985
ALM 20
HLL 845
C HPF 813
CC 136 I
D IMC 169
INTG 759
derivative (DERV) 809 J
DFF 887
discrete 2-state device (D2SD) 39 JKFF 890
discrete 3-state device (D3SD) 25
LDL2 829
enhanced select (ESEL) 838 LDLG 58
Equipment diagram instructions 965 LPF 818
equipment phase 901, 909, 912, 918, 927,
932, 935, 939, 943 M
equipment phase clear failure - PCLF
MAVE 869
MAXC 875
equipment phase command - PCMD 912
MINC 879
equipment phase external request -
MMC 187
PXRQ 918
MSTD 882
equipment phase failure - PFL 927
MUX 849
equipment phase instructions 901
equipment phase new parameters -
PRNP 932
equipment phase override command - NTCH 824
POVR 935
equipment phase paused - PPD 939 P
phase state complete (PSC) 943
Equipment Sequence Instruction examples PATT 902
973, 974, 975, 976 PCLF 909
Equipment Sequence Instructions 949, PCMD 912
953, 955, 958, 961, 965 PDET 906
PFL 927
F PI 765
Faceplate Control Properties dialog 1031, PMUL 776
1032, 1033, 1035 POSP 94
Display tab 1032 POVR 935
faceplates 1030 PPD 939
Font tab 1033 PRNP 932
General tab 1031 PSC 943
Locale tab 1035 PXRQ 918
Filter Instructions 809

Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022 1037


ramp/soak (RMPS) 102
reset dominant (RESD) 893
Result Codes for Equipment Sequence
Instructions 970, 971, 972, 973
RLIM 852

scale (SCL) 116
S-Curve (SCRV) 783
second-order controller (SOC) 791
SEL 856
selected negate (SNEG) 859
selected summer (SSUM) 862
set dominant (SETD) 896
SOC 791
SRTP 120

totalizer (TOT) 127

UPDN 800

1038 Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

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Publication 1756-RM006M-EN-P - March 2022

Supersedes Publication 1756-RM006L-EN-P - September 2020 Copyright © 2022 Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

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