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chapter 1
(1) It’s easier (than photocopying) to buy your friend a paperback copy of a book.
(2) A paperback copy of the book is inexpensive.
Conclusion: What stops many people from photocopying a book and giving it
to a pal is not integrity but logistics.
3. Premise: Human intelligence is a gift from God.
Conclusion: To apply human intelligence to understand the world is not an
affront to God, but is pleasing to him.
4. Premise: Sir Edmund Hilary dedicated his life to helping build schools and hospitals
for the Sherpas who helped him to climb Mount Everest.
Conclusion: He is, for that reason, a hero.
5. Premises:
(1) Standardized tests have a disparate racial impact, as illustrated by the differ-
ence in the average scores of different ethnic groups.
(2) Ethnic differences arise on all kinds of tests, at all levels.
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Introduction to Logic
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last eighteen months from long sentences being served for murders or rapes they
did not commit.
Conclusion: Capital punishment is unfair in its application, in addition to being
too costly.
9. Premise: Houses are built to live in, not to look on.
Conclusion: Use is to be preferred before [i.e., above] uniformity.
10. Premises:
(1) A boycott, although not violent, can cause economic harm to many.
(2) The greater the impact of a boycott, the more impressive is the statement it
(3) The economic consequences of a boycott are likely to be felt by innocent
bystanders, who suffer loss of income because of it.
(1) In the early part of the 20th century forced population shifts were not
(2) In that period multicultural empires crumbled and nationalism drove the for-
mation of new, ethnically homogenous countries.
Conclusion: Ethnic cleansing was viewed not so long ago as a legitimate tool of
foreign policy.
12. Premises:
(1) If a jury is sufficiently unhappy with the government’s case or the govern-
ment’s conduct, it can simply refuse to convict.
(2) This possibility puts powerful pressure on the state to behave properly.
(1) Orangutans spend more than 95 percent of their time in the trees, which,
along with vines and termites, provide more than 99 percent of their food.
(2) Their only habitat is formed by the tropical rain forests of Borneo and
15. Premises:
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Introduction to Logic
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of Wilde’s hidden pleasure in that music. Or perhaps there is nothing seriously
intended in the passage at all!
9. Although this could be viewed as an argument, it was very probably intended by the
author as an explanation of the increased likelihood of cheating, that explanation
consisting of the enumeration of several aspects of contemporary American society.
10. This is an explanation. What is explained is the fact that Cupid has been tradition-
ally painted as blind. The explanation is that love, which Cupid represents, does
not look with the eyes and therefore does not see.
11. This may be viewed either as an explanation or as an argument. If one takes the
reported suggestion (that it is the greater sexual selection pressure on women that
accounts for their quantity of body hair) as true or known to be highly probable,
then this passage is a more detailed explanation of how this came to pass. If, on
the other hand, one takes the conclusion (that the lesser amount of body hair on
women is due to sexual selection pressure) as in genuine doubt, then this passage
may be interpreted as an argument in support of that conclusion. Of the two inter-
pretations, the former seems the more plausible.
12. This is an argument whose conclusion is that the threat of nuclear war is useless
against Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The premises are: (1) Iran’s lead-
ers do not care about killing their people in great numbers, (2) Ahmadinejad is a
religious fanatic, (3) to such a fanatic, dying while fighting the enemy is a quick
pass to heaven, and (4) the mutually assured destruction that worked so well as a
deterrent during the Cold War would instead be an inducement to war.
13. This is an argument whose conclusion is that interesting life can exist only in three
dimensions. The premises are that (1) blood flow and large numbers of neural con-
nections cannot exist in fewer than three dimensions, and (2) stable planetary orbits
are not possible in more than three dimensions. (The argument makes the unstated
assumption that the conditions described are necessary conditions for interesting
14. This is an argument but the first sentence in the passage is background material
and not strictly a premise, although it is needed by the reader to understand the
argument that follows immediately. After the conclusion (“we need them”) appears
the traditional Q.E.D.—which is the abbreviation for “quod erat demonstradum,”
meaning “what was to be demonstrated.”
15. This is an argument. Its conclusion is that the Treasury Department has violated
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Its premises are: (1) the Department has failed
to design and issue paper currency that is readily distinguishable to blind and visu-
ally impaired individuals, and (2) (implied) this failure subjects blind and visually
impaired persons to discrimination under an activity by an Executive agency.
16. This is an argument whose conclusion is that acting in ways that fulfill one’s duty
never guarantees the moral goodness of the actor. The premise is that the act may
be done from a motive that is indifferent or bad, and that the act may therefore be
morally indifferent or bad.
17. This is an argument. Its conclusion is that belief in God is not beyond reason. Its
premises are: (1) only the supreme mind of God could create immutable and eternal
laws, (2) human reason can grasp some immutable and eternal laws, such as the
circle or the square or the laws of physics, and (3) in having that capacity, human
reason must possess an innate particle of the mind of God.
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chapter 2
Section 2.1
Exercises on pages 35–37
1. Premise: The Detroit Pistons are an all-around better team than the San Antonio
Conclusion: The Pistons did not lose (the NBA finals, in 2005) because of lack of
Premise: The Pistons will beat the Spurs two out of every three times; and the
Spurs will win one out of every three times.
Premise: The Pistons had won the fifth and sixth games of the series—two
in a row—so if they had won the final game they would have won three out of
Conclusion: The Pistons lost because of the law of averages.
2. Premise: Universities have commonly been offering strange literary theories and
assorted oddities, in place of the writing courses that ought to have been offered.
Students have been shortchanged.
Conclusion: Vast numbers of students cannot express themselves well in writing.
3. Premise: People divided on ethnic lines tend not to adopt programs that will give
mutual support.
Conclusion (and premise of the following argument): Therefore nations that are
racially diverse tend to have lower levels of social support than nations that are
racially homogenous.
Conclusion: A welfare state with a racially diverse population is in tension, and
the more racially diverse a community is, the more difficult it is to maintain com-
prehensive welfare programs.
4. Premise: If freedom were a natural part of the human condition we could expect to
find free societies spread throughout human history.
Premise: We do not find that, but instead find every sort of tyrannical govern-
ment, from time immemorial.
Conclusion: It is simply false to say (as Orlando Patterson does) that freedom is
a natural part of the human condition.
5. Premise: If future scientists find a way to signal back in time, their signals would
already have reached us.
Premise: No such signals have ever reached us.
Conclusion: Future scientists never will find a way to signal back in time.
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Section 2.2 – A
Exercises on pages 42–44
1. In a recent attack upon the evils of suburban sprawl, the authors argue as follows:
The dominant characteristic of sprawl is that each component of a community—housing, shopping cent-
ers, office parks, and civic institutions—is segregated, physically separated from the others, causing the
residents of suburbia to spend an inordinate amount of time and money moving from one place to the
next. And since nearly everyone drives alone, even a sparsely populated area can generate the traffic of a
much larger traditional town.
① The dominant characteristic of sprawl is that each component of a
community—housing, shopping centers, office parks, and civic institutions—is seg-
regated, physically separated from the others, causing ② the residents of suburbia
to spend an ordinate amount of time and money moving from one place to the
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Introduction to Logic
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next. And since ③ nearly everyone drives alone, ④ even a sparsely populated area
can generate the traffic of a much larger traditional town.
2. ① At any cost we must have filters on our Ypsilanti Township library computers.
② Pornography is a scourge on society at every level. ③ Our public library must
not be used to channel this filth to the people of the area.
3. ① At his best, Lyndon Johnson was one of the greatest of all American presidents. ②
He did more for racial justice than any president since Abraham Lincoln. ③ He built
more social protections than anyone since Franklin Roosevelt. ④ He was probably
the greatest legislative politician in American history. ⑤ He was also one of the most
ambitious idealists. ⑥ Johnson sought power to use it to accomplish great things.
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5. ① Vacuum cleaners to ensure clean houses are praiseworthy and essential in our
standard of living. ② Street cleaners to ensure clean streets are an unfortunate
expense. Partly as a result ③ our houses are generally clean and ④ our streets gen-
erally filthy.
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Introduction to Logic
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7. ① California’s “three strikes and you’re out” law was enacted ten years ago this
month (March 2004). ② Between 1994 and 2002, California’s prison population
grew by 34,724, ③ while that of New York, a state without a “three strikes” law,
grew by 315. ④ Yet during that time period New York’s violent crime rate dropped
20 percent more than California’s. ⑤ No better example exists of how the drop in
crime cannot be attributed to draconian laws with catchy names.
8. ① No one means all he says, and yet ② very few say all they mean, for ③ words
are slippery and ④ thought is viscous.
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