Swami Vivekananda Institute of Modern Science: (College Code-264) Bachelor of Business Administration

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(College code- 264)






REGISTRATION NUMBER:- 202642005010027 OF 2020-21
ROLL NO :- 26405020096



The objectives of all business are to makes profits and a merchandising concern
can do that by increasing Its sales at remunerative prices. This is possible, if the
product is widely polished to be audience the final Consumers, channel
members and industrial users and through convincing arguments it is persuaded
to buy It. Publicity makes a thing, or an idea known to people. Advertising
effectiveness can be defined as the extent to which advertising generates a
certain desired effect. Measuring the effects of advertising is very Important,
given the number of investments needed for advertising. This study is aimed at
studying the impact of advertising and its various factors affecting consumer.
The study also involves the overview of various players in the market for this
specific sector. The study being descriptive and explanatory in nature, findings
have been made through theoretical analysis in order to get an insight into the
cause-and-effect relationship of advertising and consumers’ perception relating
to insurance products which ultimately affects the Pantanal industry on a
whole. Thus, detailed descriptions of specific issues concerning the consumers’
purchasing behavior and the effect of advertisement on this particular industry
is being studied using a detailed questionnaire to interview the consumers and
observe their behavior after which a detailed Review is done.

Keywords: Advertising Effectiveness, Purchase Intentions, Brand Awareness,

Brand Attitude, Purchase Intensity, Brand Emotion, Persuasion.

While it is not possible to obtain a global measure of the advertising

effectiveness, we should seek to develop and apply methods and measures for a
partial verification of results. Regarding the difficulty of measuring the overall
effectiveness, we believe that it is due essentially to the following
considerations: Advertising interacts with other business variables (behavior,
marketing policies, financial decisions etc.) and environmental variables
(competition, economic conjuncture etc.), hardly isolable; the effects of
advertising are varied and not always translatable into quantitative terms;
Advertising causes long-term effects, not always, therefore, the results occur in
the same period in which are the costs. Advertising denotes a specific attempt to
popularize a specific product or service at a certain cost. It is a method of
publicity. It is a common form of non- personal communication about an
organization and or its products idea service etc. that is transmitted to a target
audience through a mass medium. Advertisements are sometimes spoken of as
the nervous system of the business world. As our nervous system is constructed
to give us all the possible sensations from objects, so the advertisement which is
comparable to the nervous system must awaken in the reader as many different
kinds of images as the object itself can excite. Advertising effectiveness means
different things to the groups responsible for its different effects. Effective
advertising must achieve all four goals, delivering messages to the right
audience, thereby creating sales at a profit. It is a general term indicating
efforts at mass appeal. As personal stimulation of demand for a product service
or business unit by planting commercially significant news about it in a
published medium or obtaining favorable presentation of it upon video
television or stage that is not paid for by the sponsor. On the other hand,
advertising denotes a specific attempt to popularize a specific product or service
at a certain cost. It is a method of publicity. It always intentional openly
sponsored by the sponsor and involves certain cost and hence is paid for. It is a
common form of non- personal communication about an organization and or its
products idea service etc. that is transmitted to target audiences through a mass
medium. In common parlance the term publicity and advertising are used
synonymously.One of the greatest challenges facing advertisers and agencies
continues to be measuring the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns,
typically one of the largest line items in the marketing budget. The situation is
fur-ther complicated by the emergence of new advertising formats and
platforms [1]-[4]. So, what we now have is a different consumer [5], spreading
his/her own messages [6]. The result is that measurement becomes ever more
problematic, making it impossible to measure “everything”.In parallel,
advertisers are thirsty for metrics to help them with their day-to-day decision-
making [7] [8], without having to wait a month pending the results of an
investigation. Added to this is the lack of a precise definition of the concept of
effectiveness [9], despite the multitude of articles that have been written on the
subject and the studies that are available today in the market place. In this
context, this paper aims, first, to define a new effectiveness key performance
indicator (KPI), based on what consumers perceive, in such a way that the com-
plexity of the new environment and the measurement difficulty would not
matter so much. Second, this indicator should be simple in concept, but covering
everything that may be important to advertisers, to whom ultimately must
prove to be useful. And finally, it should be possible to measure it in a flexible
way, and be available just one week after a communications campaign was

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