Cyclic Tests of Precast Pretensioned Rocking Bridge-Column Subassemblies

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Cyclic Tests of Precast Pretensioned Rocking

Bridge-Column Subassemblies
T. Thonstad, A.M.ASCE 1; B. J. Kennedy 2; J. A. Schaefer 3; M. O. Eberhard 4; and J. F. Stanton 5
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Abstract: Rocking columns reinforced with unbonded prestressing offer advantages for bridges constructed in seismic regions because
they can recenter the structure after an earthquake. Under lateral load, the columns rock on the foundation and cap beam, and rotate as rigid
bodies rather than deforming. This paper describes cyclic load tests of two subassemblies representing parts of a bridge bent constructed
using precast pretensioned rocking columns, spread footings, and a precast cap beam. The subassemblies, representing two halves of a
single column, were subjected to cyclic lateral displacements of increasing amplitude under a constant vertical load. The proposed column
design has several advantages over conventional cast-in-place construction. The use of precast columns and cap beams reduces
on-site construction time. The use of unbonded prestressing minimizes residual displacements after an earthquake. The strands are
deliberately debonded through the clear height of the column and bonded to the column concrete at the top and bottom, where the column
is embedded in the cap beam and footing, respectively. The columns are confined by steel tubes and annular end plates at their interfaces
with the footings and cap beams to minimize concrete damage when the columns rock. In the tests, the columns returned to their
initial location with essentially no concrete damage after being displaced to peak drift ratios exceeding 10%. At the end of the tests,
the columns’ lateral strengths still exceeded 80% of their peak values. The tests also provided the opportunity to evaluate practical
procedures for proportioning key details of the system. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001823. © 2017 American Society of
Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Bridges; Rapid construction; Column; Pretensioned concrete; Connection; Seismic; Residual displacements;
Low damage; Rocking.

Introduction Previous Research

To reduce traffic congestion and delays resulting from construc- One strategy for developing seismically resilient precast connections
tion, bridge owners are increasingly interested in reducing onsite for bridges is to emulate the performance of conventionally rein-
construction time. A common strategy for accelerating construc- forced monolithic concrete structures, which distribute deformations
tion is to prefabricate bridge elements offsite so that they can be over an extended region of the precast column (Matsumoto et al.
rapidly assembled on-site. This approach also provides greater 2008; Pang et al. 2010; Haraldsson et al. 2013; Haber et al.
work-zone safety and can improve manufacturing quality (FHWA 2014; Tran 2015). Others have proposed concentrating column de-
2011). formation at the connection interfaces, often called rocking behavior.
Prefabrication of substructures (foundation, columns, and cap Rocking designs are often combined with unbonded posttensioning
beams) can be particularly challenging in seismically active regions that forces any cracks to close at the end of an earthquake. Such
because the connections between precast elements experience large connection behavior can minimize the residual displacements of a
deformations during earthquakes, during which they need to dis- structure following the end of seismic shaking.
sipate energy without incurring significant damage. To address Ishizuka et al. (1984) proposed using unbonded posttensioning
these challenges, researchers have developed a variety of strategies for seismic resistance in a cast-in-place building. Priestley and Tao
to use precast bridge substructures in regions subjected to earth- (1993) and Mole (1993) then conducted analyses of a version of the
quakes (e.g., Marsh et al. 2011). system that used posttensioned precast elements that were designed
to rock at the connections. Stone et al. (1995) conducted tests
1 on a similar system. This concept was extended to precast walls
Formerly, Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmen-
tal Engineering, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 (corresponding
(e.g., Galusha 1999; Priestley et al. 1999; Restrepo and Rahman
author). E-mail: [email protected] 2007) and later adapted to bridges by vertically posttensioning seg-
Engineer, COWI Marine North America, 1191 2nd Ave., Suite 1110, mental precast columns (e.g., Hewes and Priestley 2002; Billington
Seattle, WA 98101. and Yoon 2004; Yamashita and Sanders 2009).
1st Lieutenant, United States Air Force, Washington, DC 20001. Because unbonded prestressing reinforcement provides little
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of hysteretic energy dissipation (Stone et al. 1995), energy dissipaters
Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. have often been added to precast rocking connections to prevent
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of excessive deformations during a seismic event. These dissipaters
Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.
(usually reinforcing bars) have often been added within the body
Note. This manuscript was submitted on July 23, 2015; approved on
February 21, 2017; published online on May 22, 2017. Discussion period of the bridge column (Palermo et al. 2007; Cohagen et al. 2008;
open until October 22, 2017; separate discussions must be submitted for Solberg et al. 2009; Ou et al. 2010). In other cases, the dissipaters
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineering, have been added to the outside of the column (Chou and Chen
© ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445. 2006; Solberg et al. 2009; Marriott et al. 2009; Guerrini et al. 2015;

© ASCE 04017094-1 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

White and Palermo 2016). External dissipaters are easier to replace
after an earthquake, but they could be more susceptible to vandal-
ism and environmental degradation.
As they rotate, rocking connections develop large contact
stresses on the outer edges of the column cross section. To reduce
damage at such interfaces, researchers have proposed using ductile
fiber-reinforced concrete in the precast columns (Billington and
Yoon 2004; Finnsson 2013; Motaref et al. 2014; Trono et al.
2015; Motaref et al. 2014; Haraldsson 2015). Another alternative
is to provide confinement by wrapping the precast column in a
fiber-reinforced polymer (ElGawady et al. 2010; Motaref et al.
2014; White and Palermo 2016) or a steel tube (Hewes and
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Priestley 2002; Chou and Chen 2006; Mashal and Palermo

2014; Guerrini et al. 2015). Palermo et al. (2007) used a base plate
on the top of the footing and steel angles embedded in the column
to protect the column edges. Solberg et al. (2009) combined the
horizontal steel plate on top of the footing with a steel plate at
the base of the precast column. Mashal and Palermo (2014) tested
a posttensioned column that used a circular steel tube welded to an
end plate at the ends of the column.
All of the aforementioned connections combine the use of pre-
casting and onsite posttensioning. The use of unbonded pretension-
ing, rather than posttensioning, offers advantages of both reduced
on-site construction time and high quality control in a production
plant for the critical prestressing operations. It also protects the col-
umns against cracking during transportation and erection, and also
eliminates the need for strand anchorages, which could be suscep-
tible to corrosion and could reduce the fatigue life of the strand
(Walsh and Kurama 2012).
The first use of unbonded pretensioning for seismic resistance
known to the authors was in some beams in the precast structural
seismic systems (PRESSS) building (Priestley et al. 1999). Un-
bonded pretensioning was first used for bridges by Davis et al.
(2012), but those columns lacked protective detailing. Earlier stud-
ies have demonstrated that precast pretensioned bridge columns
without protective detailing at the ends of the columns can nearly
eliminate residual postearthquake displacements, but they suffer
damage at lower deformations than comparable precast columns
without pretensioning (Davis et al. 2012; Finnsson 2013;
Haraldsson 2015). This early onset of damage was attributed to
the prestressing, which increased the axial compression in the con-
crete and reduced the amount of bar steel needed, leading to smaller
bars and consequently greater strain concentrations in them. Fig. 1. Exploded schematic of precast pretensioned column showing
The concept described here is the first known use of unbonded connections
pretensioning for a precast rocking bridge column that was also
armored. This paper describes cyclic tests of the connection sub-
assemblies between a precast column and a cast-in-place footing, as
well as between a precast column and a precast cap beam. Unlike interfaces located at the top of the footing and lower face of the
previously tested subassemblies, the columns combine the use of cap beam. Thus, the rocking interfaces lie within the precast
pretensioning and a confining shoe detail that includes a steel tube element, and the materials used for connecting the precast elements
with an annular end plate to protect against local damage at the (grout and concrete) do not deform significantly during rocking.
rocking interface, similar to the protective detail tested independ- The connection can therefore be capacity protected by locating
ently by Mashal and Palermo (2014) for a posttensioned column. it away from the seismic deformations.
The performance of these connections is compared with that of a The columns, which contain only conventional construction
previously tested precast reinforced concrete specimen (Haraldsson materials, have three major advantages over conventional cast-in-
et al. 2013). place columns:
• The columns are prefabricated in a plant and can be joined ra-
pidly to cast-in-place foundations and precast cap beams on-site;
Precast Pretensioned Rocking Column Concept • Residual displacements are reduced by reinforcing the columns
with partially unbonded pretensioned strands; and
The proposed precast pretensioned rocking bridge column and • Damage to the column concrete and reinforcement is reduced by
spread-footing connection as well as the cap beam connection protecting the end regions of the columns, where rocking oc-
are shown schematically in Fig. 1. The column ends are embedded curs, with a confining shoe, consisting of a steel tube and
securely in the cap beam and footing, and rocking occurs at welded annular end plate.

© ASCE 04017094-2 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

The proposed connections are expected to be easy to complete where it is embedded in the cap beam and footing. Because the
in the field. A wet-socket connection is used between the columns unbonded lengths of the strands are large with respect to their ex-
and spread footings (Haraldsson et al. 2013) and a hybrid-bar- pected elongations, the strands can be designed to remain elastic
socket connection is used between the columns and cap beams during a seismic event. This elastic response provides a recentering
(Davis et al. 2012). The precast columns are pretensioned, so they force that helps return the columns to their original plumb orien-
are likely to be cast and prestressed in a production plant. The col- tation following an earthquake.
umns are transported to the site, where they are placed, plumbed, The concrete in the columns’ ends is protected by steel confin-
and braced in the footing excavations. Footing reinforcement is in- ing shoes that also concentrate the rotations at the column ends (in
stalled around the columns, and the footing concrete is then cast. contrast to distributing curvature along the column height). This
Fiber-reinforced grout is spread on the column shoulders, formed detail consists of a short steel tube to which annular end plates
by the upper confining shoes, to establish the level for the cap are welded. The end plate creates a natural crack plane within
beam. The cap beam is then placed with the column extensions the precast column element that concentrates rotations at the top
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and projecting bars fitting into matching ducts in the cap beam, and bottom of the clear height of the column. Rocking at the desired
which are then grouted to complete the connection. The girders location is ensured by making that location the weakest point along
may then be set following conventional practice. the column; the footing and cap beam are designed to be stronger
Similar connections have been deployed previously in the field than the column, and additional longitudinal reinforcement is
(Khaleghi et al. 2012) and subsequently in a shaking table test of a welded to the shoe and projects into the body of the column but
scaled bridge specimen (Mantawy et al. 2016). The prefabrication does not cross the rocking interface, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3.
of the column and cap beam saves time by eliminating a casting- Because the columns rock as nearly rigid bodies between the
curing cycle and the need to shore the beams (Marsh et al. 2011). cap beam and the foundation, the clear height of the column expe-
Most of the time savings comes from precasting the cap beam and riences little curvature, and damage to the column concrete is
the fact that setting girders could start within approximately 24 h of nearly eliminated. The reinforcing bars are less susceptible to buck-
placing it. The cap beam could be precast on site and lifted directly ling, because concrete spalling is suppressed by the steel shoe at
from its form onto the columns. Precasting the column offers fur- each end of the column. Fracture of the longitudinal reinforcing
ther time savings, because the strength of the footing concrete bars at the rocking interface, where concentrated deformations oc-
needed to resist, by shear, the weight of the column and cap beam cur, is delayed by local debonding.
is low (less than 0.3 MPa or 50 psi) and can easily be achieved
within a day. The roughened surface of the wet-socket connection
has been shown to have a force-transfer capacity that greatly ex- Design of Test Specimens
ceeds the demand (Haraldsson et al. 2013). Tran (2015) developed
a similar wet-socket connection for precast columns founded on The cantilever columns for both specimens were designed to have
drilled shafts. geometry and strength similar to those of a non-prestressed precast
The precast bridge columns are pretensioned with partially un- spread footing subassembly (PCC-SF-THK2), which was tested by
bonded strands to reduce postearthquake residual displacements. Haraldsson et al. (2013). The pretensioned spread footing–rocking
These strands are unbonded through the clear height of the column column subassembly (PreT-SF-ROCK) tested in the present study
and are bonded only at the top and bottom of the precast column, represented the connection between a column and a spread footing.

Fig. 2. PreT-SF-ROCK column elevation and spread footing details

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Fig. 3. PreT-CB-ROCK column elevation and cap beam details

The companion pretensioned cap beam–rocking column subassem- The design drift capacity for the pretensioned rocking columns
bly (PreT-CB-ROCK) represented the connection between a col- depends on several considerations. To ensure low damage and re-
umn and a precast cap beam. centering, the strains in the strands and mild steel reinforcement
Column elevations and critical sections for the two 42%-scale should be limited during seismic events. For frequent earthquakes,
cantilever subassemblies are shown in Figs. 2–4. To facilitate pre- the strands should not yield. During exceptionally large and rare
tensioning, it was preferable to cast the columns horizontally so the motions, the mild steel reinforcing should not fracture, and full loss
columns had an octagonal cross section to simplify casting and of prestress should be prevented. For simplicity in design, these
finishing. They had inscribed diameters (flat-to-flat) of 508 mm drift capacities can be assessed using rigid-body mechanics.
(20 in.) and cantilever heights of 1,524 mm (60 in.). Schaefer et al. This approach has been shown to be effective in predicting the
(2014a) and Kennedy (2015) provided additional details of strains in the unbonded reinforcement for precast rocking members
these tests. (e.g., Wight and Ingham 2008).

Fig. 4. PreT-SF-ROCK and PreT-CB-ROCK column sections

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J. Struct. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

Amount of Prestressed and Mild Steel Reinforcement Raynor (2000). The neutral axis depth was determined through pre-
liminary moment-rotation analysis and was estimated to be roughly
The column reinforcement was designed so that the columns would
0.17D at large rotations.
have the same nominal flexural strength as the PCC-SF-THK2
specimen with a 1.1% longitudinal reinforcement ratio. To promote
recentering, the column reinforcing was proportioned such that Prestressing Steel
60% of the column’s flexural strength would be provided by The strands were epoxy coated and placed near the center of the
the prestressing strands, and the remaining 40% by the mild section to enable them to be bonded within the reduced-diameter
steel reinforcing bars. Each column was reinforced with six extension at the top of the column (Fig. 1). They were unbonded
No. 4 (As ¼ 774 mm2 ) A706 reinforcing bars and six [10 mm over most of the column height and were bonded only at the ends of
(3=8 in:) diameter with Ap ¼ 329 mm2 ] A882 epoxy-coated the precast column members. The unbonded lengths of the strands
strands, which together provided an equivalent reinforcing ratio, were 1,219 mm (48 in.) and 1,372 mm (54 in.) for the PreT-SF-
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defined in Eq. (1), of 0.99% ROCK and PreT-CB-ROCK subassemblies, respectively. Details
f py can be seen in Figs. 2 and 3. Epoxy coating was used for two rea-
ρequiv Ag ¼ As þ A ð1Þ sons: it provides additional corrosion protection to the strands, and
f sy p
it was thought at the time of design to provide better bond because
where Ag = gross area of the column; As = total area of mild steel of the grit impregnated in the coating (Cousins et al. 1990). The
reinforcing; Ap = total area of the prestressing strands; fsy = nomi- additional corrosion protection may prove to be unnecessary in
nal yield stress of the mild steel reinforcing (413 MPa or 60 ksi); a full-scale structure where the concrete cover to the strands would
and fpy = nominal yield stress of the strand (taken as 1,688 MPa or likely exceed 305 mm (12 in.).
245 ksi). The equivalent ratio is used here to account for the differ- Bond considerations were critical for the specimens, because the
ent yield strengths of the two types of steel. lengths available for anchorage in these laboratory-scale specimens
did not satisfy the AASHTO development requirements. This was
an artifact of the scaling process. At laboratory scale (42%), the
Debonding of Mild Steel Reinforcement diameter of full-scale 13-mm (1=2-in:) strands would have scaled
The longitudinal reinforcing bars were locally debonded near the to 5 mm (0.21 in.), and in that case, there would have been 117 and
column-spread footing or column–cap beam interfaces. Some of 150 strand diameters (db ) available to anchor the strands within
the debonding details differed between the two specimens in order the footing and cap beam, respectively. Because the smallest com-
to investigate the influence of these details on the observed damage mercially available epoxy-coated strands had a diameter of 10 mm
patterns and column performance. In the PreT-SF-ROCK subas- (3=8 in:), the resulting bonded lengths (66 and 84db ) did not
sembly, the bars were debonded using PVC sleeves for a total meet the current AASHTO guidelines for strand development
of 203 mm (8 in.), half within the body of the column and half (AASHTO 2014). To address this scaling artifact, additional
within the spread footing. In the PreT-CB-ROCK subassembly, anchorage was supplied in the form of strands vices at the tops
the bars’ debonded lengths were increased to 305 mm (12 in.), and bottoms of the columns. At the top of the column, where
and the debonded length was located entirely within grouted ducts the bonded lengths were shortest, load cells were placed under
in the cap beam. Here, the decision was made to place all the de- the strand vices to monitor potential strand slip.
bonding on the cap beam side, because the test schedule required For a given effective stress in the strands, the drift ratio of the
that the PreT-CB-ROCK column be cast before the debonded column at first strand yield, complete loss of prestress, or strand
length was finalized in light of the results of the PreT-SF-ROCK fracture can be estimated using Eq. (3)
test. By having the debonding sleeve along the protruding length of
the bar, the sleeve could be installed just prior to completing the cap ≈ ðεlim − εpe Þ unb ð3Þ
beam connection. To evaluate the effect of the sleeve material, three h nj ðαDÞ
reinforcing bars (on one side of the section’s centerline) were
where Δ=h = drift ratio at the strand strain limit; εlim = strain limit
sheathed in steel tubes, and the remaining three were debonded
for the strand (yield, loss of initial prestress, etc.); εpe = effective
with PVC sleeves.
prestressing strain in the strands; Lunb = effective unbonded length
For a given unbonded length of the mild steel reinforcement,
of the strands accounting for strain penetration; nj = number of
the drift ratio at first bar yield or fracture can be estimated using
rocking joints in the column (1 in a cantilever; 2 in a fixed-fixed
Eq. (2):
configuration); and αD = distance from the outermost strand to the
Δ L neutral axis.
≈ εlim unb ð2Þ The prestressing strands were stressed to 1,240 MPa (180 ksi)
h ðαDÞ
before casting. Their average stress on the testing dates was esti-
where Δ=h = drift ratio at the bar strain limit; εlim = yield strain or mated to be 1,137 MPa (165 ksi) for both subassemblies, after ac-
the ultimate strain for a monotonically pulled bar (AASHTO 2014), counting for losses due to elastic shortening, relaxation, creep, and
here reduced to account for cyclic load effects; Lunb = effective shrinkage. This stress corresponded to a strain of 0.0058, which was
unbonded length of the reinforcement accounting for strain pen- selected using Eq. (3) to delay strand yielding and loss of initial pre-
etration; and αD = distance from the outermost tension bar to stress to drift ratios of roughly 1.9 and 6.0% for the PreT-SF-ROCK
the neutral axis. subassembly and 2.1 and 6.5% for the PreT-CB-ROCK subassem-
The unbonded lengths were selected using Eq. (2) to delay bar bly. These strains were computed assuming elastic-perfectly-plastic
fracture until 5.0 and 7.5% drift ratio for the PreT-SF-ROCK and behavior in the strands. The effective unbonded lengths of the
PreT-CB-ROCK subassemblies, respectively. These drift-ratio val- strands used in the calculations were computed by assuming a lin-
ues were assumed to be representative of an exceptionally rare ear variation of strain in the development region at each end, and
earthquake event beyond the typical design-level drift ratio. The consisted of the deliberately debonded lengths plus one flexural
effective unbonded length was taken as the deliberately debonded bond length (48db ). The latter was computed using the plastic bond
length plus two bar diameters, following the recommendations of stress coefficient for low-grit epoxy-coated strands recommended

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J. Struct. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

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Fig. 5. Precast connections: (a) wet socket connection before concrete casting; (b) hybrid-bar-socket connection

by Cousins et al. (1990). The elastic strain limit was taken longitudinal reinforcement into a set of vertical ducts cast into the
as 0.0086. precast cap beam. One central duct, made from 305-mm (12-in.)
diameter corrugated steel pipe, accepted the reduced diameter
section of the column in which the strands were bonded. Around this
Column Confining Shoe central duct, six 51-mm (2-in.) diameter steel ducts accepted the col-
The columns were protected with a confining shoe at their interfaces umn longitudinal bars. Grout was used to anchor the bars and reduced
with the footing and the cap beam. This detail consisted of a short section into the cap beam. A bedding layer of fiber reinforced grout,
section of an American Petroleum Institute (API) 5L steel tube nominally 13 mm (0.5 in.) thick at laboratory scale, was used to pro-
254 mm (10 in.) in height and 508 mm (20 in.) in diameter, with vide a seat between the top of the upper shoe and cap beam.
a wall thickness of 6 mm (0.25 in.) welded at its base to an annular
A36 steel end plate 13 mm (0.5 in.) thick, with holes to accommodate
the continuous reinforcing bars. The resulting ratio between the tube Test Setup and Instrumentation
diameter and wall thickness (D=t ¼ 80) is consistent with those
The experimental setup is shown schematically in Fig. 6. The col-
typically used for concrete-filled tube bridge columns (AASHTO
umns were subjected to a constant vertical load of 708 kN
2014). Discontinuous reinforcing bars (six No. 6 bars of 19 mm
(159 kips) and identical lateral displacement histories, consisting
diameter), welded to the annular end plate extended 1,092 mm
of 10 sets of four cycles each, as shown in Fig. 7. The latter is
(43 in.) into the clear height of the column. These No. 6 bars were
a modified version of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction
added to distribute into the body of the column the local high com-
Program (NEHRP) recommendation for precast structural walls
pressive forces at the interface caused by the rocking behavior and to
(Building Seismic Safety Council 2004).
control the width of any cracks just above the confining steel shoe.
Electrical resistance strain gauges, potentiometers, and incli-
Because of concerns that the intended rocking behavior might
nometers were used to measure deformations of the column as well
permit shear sliding across the connection interface, a cup-and-
as the strains in the strands, mild steel reinforcing, and components
dowel assembly was used in the PreT-CB-ROCK subassembly
of the confined rocking detail. A detailed sensor list and experimen-
to allow free rotation and vertical movements but to prevent hori-
tal data can be found on the Network for Earthquake Engineering
zontal translation (Fig. 3). A high-strength 51-mm (2-in.) diameter
steel dowel was cast into the column with a paired empty housing
cast into the portion of the column that extended into the cap beam.

Column-to-Spread Footing Connection

The column in the PreT-SF-ROCK specimen was anchored to the
cast-in-place spread footing using a wet-socket connection (similar
to Haraldsson et al. 2013), as shown in Fig. 5(a). This connection
was constructed by placing both the precast column and the footing
reinforcement in the footing formwork, and then casting the footing
concrete around them. No reinforcement crossed the interface be-
tween footing and column; instead, the column surface was rough-
ened to facilitate the transfer of forces to the surrounding concrete.

Column-to-Cap Beam Connection

The column in the PreT-CB-ROCK subassembly was connected to
the precast cap beam, as shown in Fig. 5(b), using a hybrid-bar-socket
connection (similar to Davis et al. 2012). This connection consisted
Fig. 6. Test configuration
of fitting a reduced diameter section of the column and protruding

© ASCE 04017094-6 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

(up to 10.4%). These moments were computed by summing the
contributions from the applied lateral load, the applied vertical load
(P-delta), and the estimated friction forces present in the test
configuration. The coefficient of kinetic friction present in the test
configuration was taken as 1.6%, following recommendations by
Brown (2008), for the setup shown in Fig. 6. The resulting friction
force, 11.1 kN (2.5 kips), was less than 5% of the maximum lateral
force. The responses of the PreT-SF-ROCK and PreT-CB-ROCK
subassemblies were nearly identical, exhibiting little strength
degradation and little residual drift following the removal of lateral
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Flexural Strength
The columns in the PreT-CB-ROCK and PreT-SF-ROCK subas-
semblies maintained nearly 100% of their peak flexural strengths
up to the maximum drift ratio of 10.4%, despite the fracture of
some of the longitudinal reinforcing bars. In comparison, the col-
Fig. 7. Drift ratio testing protocol umn of the PCC-SF-THK2 subassembly tested by Haraldsson et al.
(2013) had lost 20% of its strength by a drift ratio of 6.9%.
The moment envelopes of the specimens are compared in Fig. 9.
Simulation Data Repository (Schaefer et al. 2014b; Kennedy They are shown in normalized form to facilitate comparison among
et al. 2014). columns with different reinforcement arrangements. For each col-
umn, the measured moments were divided by the ideal moment
capacity given by Eq. (4), which represents the flexural strength
Moment-Drift Response of a column made with concrete of infinite compressive strength

Fig. 8 shows the moment-drift responses of the subassembly spec-

imens for low levels of lateral drift (up to 4%) and for the full test Mideal ¼ ðf sy ρequiv: Ag þ PÞD=2 ð4Þ



Fig. 8. Moment-drift relationships: (a) low drift ratio; (b) high drift ratio

© ASCE 04017094-7 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

where fsy = nominal yield stress of the longitudinal reinforcing; The columns in the PreT-SF-ROCK and PreT-CB-ROCK sub-
ρequiv = equivalent reinforcing ratio [given in Eq. (1)]; P = applied assemblies had higher maximum normalized moments than the
vertical load; and D = column diameter In the absence of strain column in the PCC-SF-THK2 specimen. This difference was attrib-
hardening, the normalized moment will always be less than 1.0, uted to the confining shoes’ suppression of concrete spalling, which
because the lever arm will be less than D=2. maintained the section’s full lever arm.

For peak drift ratios up to approximately 6%, the columns in the
PreT-CB-ROCK and PreT-SF-ROCK subassemblies returned es-
sentially to their un-deformed configuration upon unloading, as
shown in Fig. 8. For peak drift ratios of up to 10%, the columns
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had residual drift ratios of less than 1%. In comparison, the residual
column drifts in the PCC-SF-THK2 subassembly were signifi-
cantly larger.
The recentering behavior of the columns was quantified
using the normalized cross-over displacements (NCOD), defined
in Eq. (5):
Δþ −
cross − Δcross
NCOD ¼ ð5Þ
Δþ −
peak − Δpeak

where Δþ −
cross and Δcross in a particular cycle = displacements at
Fig. 9. Normalized moment-drift envelopes which the moment passes through zero; and Δþ −
peak and Δpeak =
maximum and minimum displacements in that same cycle,
as shown in the inset of Fig. 10. An NCOD value of 0.0 corre-
sponds to perfect recentering, whereas a value of 1.0 is consistent
with Coulomb frictional behavior and the complete absence of
Fig. 10 shows the NCOD for the first and second cycles of each
set versus the respective cycle’s maximum applied drift ratio. For
each of the 10 sets, only these two cycles are shown, because they
represent the first excursions to larger drift ratios (as shown in
Fig. 7). The first cycle set is omitted, because the drift ratios were
below the columns’ yield drifts. As can be seen from the figure, the
pretensioning improved the column’s recentering performance over
the PCC-SF-THK2 subassembly for all drift levels.

Observed Damage
The photos in Fig. 11 show the damage to the PreT-SF-ROCK and
Fig. 10. Normalized crossover displacements PreT-CB-ROCK specimens and the PCC-SF-THK2 specimen at

Fig. 11. Subassemblies at 4% drift ratio: (a) PreT-SF-ROCK; (b) PreT-CB-ROCK; (c) PCC-SF-THK2 (image by Olafur S. Haraldsson)

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J. Struct. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

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Fig. 12. Columns at end of testing: (a) PreT-SF-ROCK; (b) PreT-CB-ROCK; (c) PCC-SF-THK2 (image by Olafur S. Haraldsson)

the peak displacement of the 4% drift ratio cycle. Fig. 12 shows the Performance of the Rocking Detail Components
columns at the end of testing.
Prestressing and armoring significantly reduced cracking and The performance of the rocking detail can be evaluated in terms of
spalling in the columns. In the PCC-SF-THK2 subassembly, the the extent to which it concentrated rotations at the column connec-
first open residual crack in the column was observed after an ex- tions, and the strains in the steel shoe and the cup-and-dowel
cursion to a drift ratio of 0.88%. Spalling in the column was first assembly.
observed at a drift ratio of 1.1%, and the column was fully spalled
by a drift ratio of 4.0%. The longitudinal reinforcement became
Concentrated Rotations at Column Connections
visible and buckled at a drift ratio of 6.9%, and fractured at a drift
ratio of 10.7%. The transverse reinforcement fractured at a drift Potentiometer pairs at the base of the columns were used to deter-
ratio of 8.3%. mine local rotations (rocking) at the connection interfaces. Fig. 13
In contrast, column concrete damage in the PreT-SF-ROCK and shows the contributions of the connection interface rotation to the
Pre-CB-ROCK subassemblies was nearly eliminated; cosmetic overall drift ratio. At a drift ratio of 1%, concentrated rotations at
cracks and minor flaking formed at the change in column geometry the connection interface were responsible for 88 and 80% of the
between the circular steel shoe and octagonal concrete section, as total column drift for the PreT-SF-ROCK and PreT-CB-ROCK sub-
shown in Fig. 12. If desired, this minor damage could likely be assemblies, respectively. By a drift ratio of 3%, these values had
eliminated by smoothing the transition in column section from cir- increased to 96 and 90%. In contrast, in the PCC-SF-THK2 sub-
cular to octagonal. During testing, the grout pad in the PreT-CB- assembly, at a drift ratio of 1%, the rotation in the first 45 mm
ROCK subassembly suffered only minor damage. Throughout the (1.75 in.) of the column contributed only 38% of the overall defor-
tests, neither of the columns developed cracks in the concrete mation. By a drift ratio of 3%, this number decreased to 30% as the
greater than 0.5 mm in width, even at peak displacements. plastic hinge spread up the height of the column.
No buckling of the longitudinal reinforcement was observed in
either the PreT-SF-ROCK or PreT-CB-ROCK subassemblies. The
longitudinal mild steel bars in the column of the PreT-SF-ROCK
and PreT-CB-ROCK subassemblies fractured after experiencing
drift ratios of 5.9 and 7.0%, respectively. The difference between
the specimens was attributed to the 50%-longer debonded length in
the PreT-CB-ROCK subassembly. In the PreT-CB-ROCK subas-
sembly, the reinforcing bars were debonded using steel tubes (north
side) and PVC sleeves (south side) to investigate the possibility of
more effective prevention of bar buckling and corresponding delay
in fracture. The bars did not buckle in either column, so no signifi-
cant difference in the drift at first fracture was observed; they frac-
tured in the same cycle.
No cracks or spalling were observed in the footing of the PreT-
SF-ROCK specimen, and only two hairline cracks (approximately
76.2 mm or 3.0 in. long) were observed in the side of the cap beam
of the PreT-CB-ROCK specimen. Hairline cracks were observed in
the footing of the PCC-SF-THK2 specimen; they were few, oc-
curred only on the sides, and remained at the hairline level through-
Fig. 13. Interface rotation contribution to drift
out the test.

© ASCE 04017094-9 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

Strains in the Confining Shoe
In the PreT-CB-ROCK subassembly, two-dimensional strains in the
steel shoe were measured with strain-gauge rosettes on the north
face of the column at elevations of 51 mm (2 in.) and 152 mm
(6 in.) above the rocking interface. The strain envelopes for the lon-
gitudinal and hoop strains at these locations, normalized by the
nominal yield strain, are shown in Fig. 14. The longitudinal and
hoop strains at both locations were small when the north face
was in tension (positive drift ratio in the figure). Significant longi-
tudinal and hoop strains developed only when the north face of the
shoe, where the gauges were affixed, was in compression (during
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negative drift ratios).

The strains measured 51 mm (2 in.) above the rocking interface
were always the larger of the two. The reduction of strain with
elevation is likely attributable to the spreading of the load, in both Fig. 15. Longitudinal reinforcing strain distributions at a drift ratio
the concrete and the shoe, with distance from the small contact of 1%
The radial confining pressure between the steel shoe and con-
crete can be estimated using the recorded strains. At a drift ratio of
5%, the hoop and longitudinal strains at an elevation 51 mm (2 in.)
above the rocking interface were 703 and −726 microstrain, re-
spectively. These strains imply an average lateral confining pres-
sure of 5.1 MPa (734 psi).

Strains in the Cup-and-Dowel Assembly

Axial strains in the shear dowel, which was included only in the
PreT-CB-ROCK subassembly, were monitored directly above the
rocking interface to provide an estimate of the bending moment.
They never exceeded 30% of the yield strain of the steel. The cor-
responding shear force in the dowel was less than 15% of the total
shear force on the column. More importantly, no horizontal sliding
was measured for the column in the PreT-SF-ROCK subassembly
(which did not have a cup-and-dowel assembly), indicating that
friction alone was sufficient to transfer shear forces across the con-
Fig. 16. Longitudinal reinforcing strain envelopes at column-to-spread
nection interface.
footing interfaces

Strains in Mild Steel Reinforcement

locations of the gauges differed in the subassembly specimens as a
Axial strains in the outermost longitudinal reinforcing bars were result of the different extent and location of the debonding sleeves.
measured at three elevations: in the middle of the debonded region Fig. 15 shows the strain distribution in the column reinforce-
of the bars (near the rocking interface), and at distances of 76 mm ment for the PreT-SF-ROCK and PCC-SF-THK2 subassemblies
(3 in.) above and below the ends of the debonded region. The exact at a drift ratio of 1%. The bar strains were idealized as constant
throughout the locally debonded region, and linearly varying
within the bonded region. The strains in the PreT-SF-ROCK sub-
assembly were concentrated at the rocking interface, and they de-
creased quickly within the bonded region, such that the bars were
fully developed within the confining shoe (above the interface) and
the portion of the column cast into the spread footing (below the
interface). In the PCC-SF-THK2 subassembly, reinforcing strains
were more evenly distributed at and above the column-to-spread
footing interface.
Fig. 16 shows the measured strain envelopes for the extreme
tension reinforcement at the interface for both PreT-SF-ROCK
and PCC-SF-THK2 subassemblies. Interface bar strains in the
PreT-SF-ROCK column consistently exceeded those in the PCC-
SF-THK2 subassembly. The reinforcing bars remained elastic until
a drift ratio of nearly 0.3% in the PreT-SF-ROCK column versus
0.5% in the PCC-SF-THK2 column.
For both specimens, the abrupt jump in strain (Fig. 16) after first
yield is likely attributable to a reduction in bar cross-sectional area
Fig. 14. Confining shoe strain envelopes for PreT-CB-ROCK
at the gauge locations, which were ground and sanded in order to

© ASCE 04017094-10 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

apply the gauges. This reduction in area had little effect before yield specimens, so the absolute strand strains during testing were not
and after the onset of strain hardening, but it led to some strain available. However, assuming that there were no significant
concentration within the yield plateau. changes in the strand strains during the assembly process, it is esti-
The strain in the extreme tension reinforcement of a rocking mated that the North and South strand groups in the PreT-CB-
connection can be estimated by assuming rigid-body kinematics ROCK and PreT-SF-ROCK subassemblies remained essentially
[i.e., by inverting Eq. (2)]: elastic to drift ratios of nearly 2% as shown in Fig. 17. This behav-
   ior is consistent with the design goal.
Δ αD
ε¼ ð6Þ The scaled subassemblies were cantilevers in order to accom-
h Lunb modate testing, and thus the changes in the strand strain varied
across the column’s cross section. In a bridge bent in the field,
where the rotation at the joint is assumed to be equal to the drift
in which the cap beam remained essentially horizontal and the col-
ratio, Δ=h; αD = distance from the reinforcement to the neutral
umns rocked at both the foundation and cap beam, elongations
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axis; and Lunb: = effective unbonded length of the reinforcement.

would occur at both ends of the column, so the change in strain
In computing αD, the neutral axis depth was taken as 0.1D from
would be nearly the same for each strand regardless of its location
the compressive face of the column, based on data from rotation
within the section. The change in strain in the strands in such a
potentiometers attached to the base of the confining shoe. Using
bridge bent would be most closely represented by the Middle strand
the two available sets of strain data (north and south bars) for
group in the test specimens; this group of strands did not yield until
the PreT-SF-ROCK subassembly, the effective unbonded length
a drift ratio of nearly 3%.
was estimated to be equal to the intentionally debonded length
(16db ) plus an additional 2db at each end, accounting for the effects
of strain penetration. As shown in Fig. 16, Eq. (6) overestimates the
measured strains initially, because the joint has not yet opened, and Summary
column deformations are significant. After yield and opening of the
A precast pretensioned rocking bridge-column concept has been
joint (above 0.5%), the slopes of the computed and measured
developed to facilitate prefabrication, reduce postearthquake
strain–drift ratio relationship are almost the same.
residual displacements and eliminate damage to the column con-
crete even after large drift excursions. Because the columns are
Changes in Prestressing Strand Strains constructed using only conventional materials, it is likely that these
performance attributes could be achieved with material costs sim-
Changes in strand strain in the PreT-CB-ROCK subassembly were ilar to those of conventional construction.
measured at approximately midheight of the unbonded region with Using precast pretensioned columns has the potential to accel-
gauge pairs (for redundancy) and are shown in Fig. 17. The strands erate on-site construction by prefabricating the columns and cap
are grouped based on their location within the cross section, re- beams off-site. The rapid assembly properties of the precast column-
ferred to here as the North, Middle, and South groups (Fig. 4). to-foundation connection and a similar grouted bar column-to-
The changes in strain in the strands in the PreT-SF-ROCK subas- cap beam connection have already been field verified (Khaleghi
sembly were similar. et al. 2012).
The change in strain in the strands can be approximated with The columns are pretensioned with strands that are unbonded
rigid-body kinematics using Eq. (6). For positive drift ratios, the over most of their length. The strands remain essentially elastic dur-
depths from the south face of the column to the prestressing were ing an earthquake and help to right the columns after seismic ac-
328 mm (12.9 in.), 254 mm (10.0 in.), and 180 mm (7.1 in.) for the tivity stops. The ends of the columns are protected by confining
North, Middle, and South strand groups, respectively (α ¼ 0.54, steel shoes, which prevent damage to the concrete. Because the col-
0.40, and 0.26). As shown in Fig. 17, the measured changes in umns rock as rigid bodies, concrete damage and bar buckling as-
strains agreed well with the calculated ones. sociated with flexural deformations are nearly eliminated.
The data acquisition system had to be disconnected from the Two subassemblies, representing a column-to-spread footing
strand strain gauges between stressing and final assembly of the and a column-to-cap beam connection, were tested. The specimens

Fig. 17. Strand strain increment envelopes for PreT-CB-ROCK

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J. Struct. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

were subjected to increasing cyclic lateral displacements under a Earthquake Engineering Research Center, the United States Air
constant vertical load. The columns’ performance was compared Force, and the Valle Foundation of the University of Washington.
with that of a previously tested precast non-prestressed column- The findings and conclusions contained herein are those of the
to-spread footing subassembly of similar geometry and strength. authors alone. The tests were conducted with the help of graduate
students Lisa Berg, Olafur Haraldsson, Spencer Livermore, Kevin
Martin, Tony Nguyen, Max Stephens, and Hung Viet Tran. Further
Conclusions help was provided by undergraduate students Sam Adiputra, Matt
Brosman, Nathan Clemens, David Lam, Scott Laws, Kevin
From the results of the subassembly tests, the following conclu- Tsuchida, Hin-Kei Wong, and Chase Young. The assistance of Pro-
sions can be made: fessor Emeritus Donald Janssen, Structures Laboratory Manager
• Moment-drift response. The moment-drift responses of the Vince Chaijaroen, and Materials Laboratory Manager Yiming
spread footing and cap beam subassemblies were remarkably Liu is also gratefully acknowledged.
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similar. No significant reduction in lateral strength was observed

even to drift ratios exceeding 10%. Although this drift ratio is
much larger than the design-level demands expected in practice, Notation
the large drift capacity provides security in the event of a rare
and very large earthquake and requires only modest quantities of The following symbols are used in this paper:
conventional construction materials. Ag = gross area of column cross section;
• Elimination of residual displacements. The columns exhibited Ap = gross area of prestressing steel;
residual drifts much smaller than those of the comparable
As = gross area of reinforcing steel;
non-prestressed column. They returned to within 1% of vertical
D = column diameter;
even after excursions to drift ratios exceeding 10%.
• Reduction of column damage. The steel confining shoe elimi- db = bar diameter;
nated structural concrete spalling. The only damage to the col- f c0 = specified compressive strength of concrete;
umn concrete was cosmetic and could likely be avoided by a fpy = nominal yield stress of prestressing steel (1,688 MPa or
minor change in geometry. Neither the cap beam nor the spread 245 ksi);
footing sustained noticeable damage during testing. In each fsy = nominal yield stress of mild reinforcing steel (413 MPa or
case, the confining shoe remained elastic for the entire test. 60 ksi);
• Effect of debonded length of deformed bar reinforcement. The h = column height;
first reinforcing bar fractured at drift ratios of roughly 6 and 7% Lunb = effective unbonded length of reinforcement;
for the column-to-spread footing (PreT-SF-ROCK) and column- M ideal = Idealized moment capacity given infinite concrete
to-cap beam (PreT-CB-ROCK) subassemblies, respectively. compressive strength;
This difference was attributed to the fact that the debonded α = distance from neutral axis to reinforcing/column
length of the longitudinal reinforcing was 50% greater in the diameter;
PreT-CB-ROCK subassembly. To further delay bar fracture, Δ = drift;
the debonded length could be increased.
ε = strain in reinforcement;
• Effect of debonding material. The material (steel versus PVC
εlim = strain limit for reinforcement (yielding, loss of initial
tubes) used to debond the longitudinal reinforcing bars did
prestress, or ultimate);
not affect the drift ratio at bar fracture.
• Effect of initial prestress in the strands. The strands remained εpe = effective strain in the prestressing strands after losses; and
essentially elastic until a drift ratio of roughly 2%. This drift ρequiv: = equivalent gross reinforcing ratio ½As =Ag þ ðfpy =
ratio is largely determined by the column slenderness and effec- fsy ÞAp =Ag .
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© ASCE 04017094-13 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2017, 143(9): -1--1

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