Food Biotech DA1

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Foo d Bio t e h noloq Y Dita Hssighnt 1

Nama Sona Elu3abe th Bino

Rey no doBTo3oo
Stot 1 + TA1

Majo Conens of Geehall moditied ftoods

what l 6 MOs n d M toods

moicehon is biolosical teckauL ttht atEaS


al (qndg ot
esanGns in fhe Nihe mat huha by ot

inOsansims. GaMo 1s tined a s osqSmS (ie

Pts, mals or miL >o0sOuS Ms ) Ih whith fhe g hc
thot hott
mtena (DNA) has be ctesed ina
uway AC
OC hatura ll by minq o natural s2(ombinatiun
Thpnuple isans gëuC C8Tes F0LUn Cmnu
hbiude and tn sehide SIStat SobeuhS,
hed aAL

otftn and (anola OE C36Ps PLwN CoaaLua

(osn, to a
Sweat poteto EIIStant
tested as
ahd Jer tneld
ot Hh i c a n hcoweit
Virus tht Ceuld destoy most

th Astah Ceuutnes nda vcuely ot

CKuonC mtum thon
coe able to wwive wdetha ex hema
Plans +hd

ht phuduCe huuman vanns aqaAnst

Thae oe bananug
that m a w
dutcase Suuh as aphhs B, fish
t hes fhot ie ld zaas &aue
moe quc kiy, f u t ahd
wtth wuj MuptidC.
ud plauds thod p>odtuce us plag thes
GnM fuodS
CcKtavesS Ier and Publhc Cann SOnuundin
nd CwYthMintal
hd Yops Comm only tDCus on
SatH, 1abettinc nd (oní umen choue, Res , ftod etuat ty
Chuonmdntal Consavrhon
Fcods diued hetm M C30pS

Papoa h s beRn deve (op°d

2 Fuuts votableg i
whueh is bing Spot
b t i ehangt nnq
thus enhNC in e phuduchuut s as vet
u c h in haod aS in the ecay taos the 1a a S P4pa1

s taung ds Hea be cause o f the deadly

Sowior WasSa
a \ spot viuS Tts s ingle - hande d
eistant to fha Uius
to be
beed ehqunaehf cl
is ho or a
hat Hae
9etable otl It 1S Epote d
Shhadl amoud of PetRn Or ONA main
Sigu fcatly
oil ertrauled tro H OHyt nod hM Cops
Ih eeble aS Couun
ih USA. veget.ble oil s sald to Con suas
nd sheileninq ,and
1s ied n pepas d
Ol, maqauna ex trouked Dow
ail is mad of biqludas
ttods. veelble be f i h
Pluk or seods t t n æftnod and ma
inkd Solids.
fo tusun lqud olS
PYocc sses

of S Suqar han ottn

Sugah- h osA Impots lo1

modufiod sug bect S a
A gerahtaly et
hat ha beoh hahcall nanH d by

mod fieethon øt its genome usinqbioechho lo11

mCe Use ot a
COw me(aued GM SuGca betS
modu ficati dae lopod by
3nhose - eststente on

hawe conc{uds d tle

rund Iws scat. Studies
n sto
Sua tim hosce - E I ISt aunt Sug bect is mole (ulkonlq

idh to qnd so ha the ame mti honal valuc as su pan

Guant ification o Rneicslly_modufied OsguAsns GM0s) n fooas
restng oh GiMDs In tood and feed is aoutinely done us in
moleulax teckNquns like DNA mcroarm s OX4 PCR. Tkeie
ests baged
ane oh
Screai nq qectic elimts ie P355
tNOs, Pt or bs or event specihe markeas for he
Od 6n Mos tike Mon lo, 84 , or GT 13. The qPeR
1s iod to daet
speifi GaMo evet s
b 4sage ot sprinc
Pnms o SDNAnelements 0 ONent Speti Manke3.
Cndrols naeisc to avoid false posithve or fa Ise
a i v e XjutS

Ex tradion ot fpod

ScLn ot aMO

(ositwe hative

Pce lert tor a0pnved No ed bf

MOS GiMD lLeling

Postive hOgatve

no for GMo (NUn uthbnsed

OgCra\l Potvco\ fur he iestn GaMO S DAie A t
O PR daeLtion Ssiem spetuhe for 35 5 Pomcte
mosAC ViS. Ih
On 081anatinq faom Cnluftowh
3 5 s - P e R e k u a pelms daktion ot aMO

åuelopmat of quan tieci ve deletion 5ysies
Suh as
anti thve Cempeh tive Pr (ec-Peal, el. A
PcR & tLISA SsiRm s u l t e d in t1e adsatage of SuvcA

O4DNA in most mafating Poce Ss es.. O4@uo1se i m

ELISA, 1tei can be potein Aan awn duAun tood Peuti

De mS_ O GnM fouds

Th bigRt thocat Coufod by aM toods is het tha
The human bodj I is belueued
haSm fu\ aReds on .

hat n Sugti om ol Hane ehhcdly ngi naADd
Cn CauSe the diwelopmeut of duseases
s h i (h asa tm
to ntibiot ics.
soc aktd wiih GM
mDr heith astS pokhal
a tokii, alie C I J nic hads
fvod the niekd Fhl
These ause on L PoiRatie \ Souus,
nd HY eApe oicns , ser
ondti ox
Ne iohopi

12 manplaked orgaMSM
Dt htur a thaS
uS uhon
foocl hag ca d
pov idoi an
xom yle Of a
Staalink hia

utth qnahc IpYahon fom

modafied pltat was Cngtng ecA
with S'stn ce
hudun gins0IS
Bac illat in Drdei ttw endoug thejlut
o (Ctuin Infeds .Ihe thsetal gP Cnoss apeikn aded IC,
wihpeshidal prcp eaties, bud with an untnkin drd .shen
auenicity. Seved c hwe bean povted et alrgic
afati on in Consumahs aHen conSui na h s t a u nt muz3

Holh asks posed b Ganekc enganeenng

CIy Guticall e n n cered fods a a In j

GnStabte. Each hg Cition b{ hovel anA he a t

a gen j
CaGeHe ot PYomoleS ,dhbtotic maaki Sj S

To Separte nd seious hNalth isks Iwovin

aureniti Tha frst is Hht Rnahc ngincain

trr 4e2
adens tom foods to cuhich people knou fhy a airt
to fooS Hhd teu thin k a s« fe Each anahc Cas sete

beAn Cngnaered nto foods Cetains a

unbe Ot

PomoiS , MaMi S ms vettors wuch h a e hN be

Pat o ha hum an diet. Eah ut ate nAus noue

hid&in M¢ k of GE fvods
3 hbI oti Ra1st ance. Anothe
btela deTt
S ht te Ceuld male Aseie (ausin
tD CuQd a h bloics,*luing in S i ficut nrue In h

SpXaA of ineiont dASoaer n u n an f'onulhon

Fox exanple, a g a h s moa plant bom Noyahs

is velue.ble
ampicilin S1stunLe qha. nmyiCitin
Inclu des
uged to trot a veuebi of intehems people udy
anibiotic in

numben ot Fuvopeen Cubies, thcludin toan s « A *o t

fha ta
4h Novas t (om to be
lown dua o kealth tnans

foo hun uin fa t i s {eLhve.

epxited rolkns hom GM
h SpNHSS1o N o
ops hawe the Potehal fo SenSihe the imwmauh sm
Teat abhomally to Smelah poteans diun to co[s xeathvit

Gth anothah allargen to J h h indav tduals, h a e dread

bean Sen stizrd-

or MO
SahcA Th e h celly moified ogi
DNA hS betn alleao d ihspecnl was o T
a l e t e

ot rns dH paB.
S Palma Pm. Commetahy oten
ecoloird aisks. Bi0Scihce taq1;7:86
Po lRi

2. Bxah H.Unin &ad elleti o{ *Crps .wovia watch 141,2.11o

3. Dotn no Jt. HeLh aslt of 20nahca modfied fo aig', man

hut fe d«ta. Sciente 20oD 229: 143- 144

opi tuni
L. Ham Stsa A (I9A8) Public
opini on abont Biolechn ologj.H
EoponFe daroti of Blütehnoloy
Sw i of Suw iqs.
ha H&e

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