Orton Kones - Kopie
Orton Kones - Kopie
Orton Kones - Kopie
'irr C
r rblJ
Yanal tiit pr.rrt heginil Iaagballielcl lilei 2 r 16:l
tr. srrelten.
1 r 15-l
Tèmperature Equivalents for Orton Pyrometric Cones (oC)
P)tomettic cones hdye been used to to itor aiÍ atnosphere. Cones do nol measurc lempeÍature
Self Supporting Cones Large Conrs Smxll
erumic jiings for morc Íha l00 yeat s. Thq arc alone. They nreasure heatrroik, the combined erfcot
ttqnlír-l,RB lron lrN - IFB uselul itx determining whel1 a Jiríng is complete, oílime aÍrd tÈmperatlre. The rolc that h€ating rates
15"('/fir 60'C/hr l5{l'(:/[r l5"C/hr 6(lo(/lr lslr"(/ly íl Íhe kiln proyided e ough heat, iÍ therc ',,r&\ a have on tl]e endpoiDt tempeulurc is observed to
SIow \tednrn lrÍsl SkN llediuD l'asr temperuture díïere ce h Íhe kiln ot í a problen be that the temperaturc required to cause a cone
Cone # occ fted d ringrhefring. lo bend will bc higher for faster hcatirg rates and
o2x 5E6 590 ót0
Cones are hade .fi'om catefully controlled
lower lor slower rates. Healing rates lhal simulate
021 ó00 6t7 643
compositions. mey bend in a rcpeatablemanher
fast, medium, or slow fiíngs were labulated.
0?0 6)6 6]lr óó6
(owr i relatívcJ! smdll tenperuturc ra ga - usuctll_y Tcrnperalurcs sho\vn lor small cones were
019 í,56 67E 695 123
tha 40' F). Thelnat p ítio
le.ts bendi,?g is an determined usirg a heatiq Íate of300C4r í540f/
018 6N6 15 7tl 112 7l? '152
indicetiot oÍhov rn ch heaí wí.t ahsorbed. hr) in a gas fired kiln. Small cones will come close
017 105 ?3ti 163 176 761 784
to duplicating the results ofself-suppoíing cones if
016 742 71) 79{, 769 791 825 Behavior of Pyrometric Cones mounted upright, prcperly simulaling fie position of
0I5 7t0 191 lt! ir 788 8ló 843
Pyrometric cones deform due to the íorÍnation of a sel{-supporting cone. T}T,ically, small cones will
0t4 151 807 tr]lS 8?0
glass and the pull of gravity ds they arc heated to deform 7-10 dcgrees C earlieÍ thar a self-slrpporting
013 tr07 rJl? lió l 8l? 859 880
$eir designed opsÍating temperature. This is known coDe, so the le pcÍatuÍe values fbr a self-suppolting
012 li4u 86I l{li2 85ri 880 900
as pyro plastic defomation. Careful conirol oveÍ cone can be used to determine an equivalent small
0 857 375 873 89? 9t5
lhe shape and composition allows OÍtoÍ to pmvide cone tempemtur e by subtmctnrg 7- I 0 degrees C
010 ir9l 901 r)t'rq.15 8i-l 1186 N9l 89ri gil NIrl rJl.) I (or 12-18 degrees F). Placing. sm.ll co6e or bar
a staodardizcd product that reliobly perfoÍms to
09 90'7 920 0:10 89!) 914 o:8 9l? 9:3 917 9:ii 955
known heÀting conditions. Cones bend ald defom cone into a kiln shutoffdevice (Kiln sitter), will noi
922 942 'r5í 914 94a 9-<? 942 954 98:l
in an arc as thcy start 10 develop glass \ritlin. always producs the desired iempcrature stated oÍr
07 962 9',16 987 95J 91t 9E: I008 This behavior is Sradual at first, ànd hasteDs as thg the cone chart. ïo pÍoduce a pÍoperly ílred resuh,
06 9li I 998 1013 969 9ql 998 9e5 l0t, l02l the ne\t cone higher in sequenc€ is placed i o the
cone leaches its maximum opeÍating temperaturc,
05vt t00{ 1015 1025 990 l0l ? l0I t0l2 t02-l toll 1020
The ti-oe itlt€Ív8l ftom wheo a coÍle begins lo shutoffdcvice and lhe resull is confimed by a cone
05 l02l l0ll 104:! 0ll t0t7 0"16 r I0t2 1044 r062 deiorm unlil the tip of lhe coDe Íeaches the shelfis placed iÍside lhe kiln on a kiln shcll.
04 i016 1061 t0l, ír:ll 106l 1069 l0ó0 r067 109t lypicaly 15-25 minutes. The interprEtation oflhe
l07l 1086 1104 066 1088 I0!l Rcducing atmosphercs can aliècl the bending
0l 108? l09l tlll location ollhe tip ofthe cone alongtLe bending arc
t07s 1102 112? bohavior ofcones. especially the rcd colol§d cones
02 031 tl05 1r!5 I 102 tl ll48 can be done in a couple ofways. One meLtod oí
l09t 1lr9 ll t8 manulactuÍed belween nunbcrs 010-3. Ifóese
0t l(]t ll2.] I]]1 1l ti ll37 1tz2 1132 ll]8 interpretatio[ is to con_elate the position ofthe tip
cones are uscd in the absence ofoxygcn, the red
I t09 1t3? li54 r 19 lll9 u:r8 I lll, ll54 I137 I146 I18.1 to the numbeÍs on a clock face. Inilially. the cone
iron oxide used in the fonnulation can reduce and
2 t12 l]-r? lló4 4: \162 ll90 is in the I o'clock position and continues lo deíorm
change lhe appeàrance so the conc will appear
1 lt5 lt52 1170 1li0 ltJ4 lt(a ll5: 1168 lr51 I 160 until the tip is in co§lact with a sheli the 6 o'clock
mahe. gÍeen, or bloated, Orton recommends usillg
4 141 ó2 ll llJ lll)0 llj l 1209 positron. A more precise rnerhor.l ulinterprenrion
the lÍon ftee sories lor all rcduction fidngs between
5 t5, lllJ6 ll07 lr84 1205 r:21 is to use the Onon measudng tcmplÈte. The
cones 010 - 3.
5% t61 t203 ltli lemplate measures the angle ofdeÍormation along
6 llt5 i2:2 l;.] l 1220 l21t r25t a protÍacted scalc numbered fÍom 0 k) 90". The for rtr,re intun\tÍon ofl Whnelfu cones, fiÍtld 0rlon
7 20r r2l9 1257 1237 t255 t26t endpoinl temperature for a cone is considered to be oÍ visil us ot hrs.uloncerumk.an
8 2 12.19 t21l 1?41 1269 1300 when the tip is measured with a 90" bend. or ir the
724 1260 1280 1?57 t278 ]]i7 5 o'clock position.
l2rl2 ]]0]
l:93 1312
130:l l:24
The differ€nce in temperatuÍe belween cones iD thc
s0" (or 5 o clock, position ro one $hcre fie lip is
louching the shelfis tFically only a few degees
The EdwaÍd oíton JÍ. Ceramic Foundation
l3 Ito l:lll ll43 l12l'l t]4óï and is consid€red insignificanl. P.O. Bor 2760 . WesteÍvllle, OH 430462760
l{ 151 It65 I lti4 1-r881 ll6ót (614) 89t2663 . (614) 89+5610 fax
Temperatures shown on the Orton charts were inf o@ortonceíamic.com
('orci Dridc with rcd irur sxidc + ilcrlinB llarc duirg tb. hí 100'C oIfiring ** l ircd in a lrs ki|] detoiÍDined using precisely controlled kilns in an www,ortonceramic.com
Cones mnde withoul iroi oridc
height, u5e Self Supporting temperatures. i These Làrge Cones have different compositions and diffèrent temperature equivalents ll]]olíon.r ( Í nir ro!írhrol
[4ogelr( gemaaki cóor ,;ë §1! IranBlate
To ploce Gn o!'der online, moke sure the flog motches the country you \!qntto ship to, ther go to "SHOP NOVI'
:.trii. ;,1
(prton i -li'i1r{
iJERlfiaAïOli i'Rot-_rlltlS FOq ]il;"l.rs TNSiPUMaNTS TESIINaT nESEI !.EÀ5 CL]N_ACÍ l-rs NËw-S
Pyrornetric Cones
PyrometÍic Cones
Pyrometric cones ore used woddwide to monitor ceromic firings in industriol kilns, pottery kilns, ond
sm6ll hobby kilns where consistent temperoture is ímportont to the quolity of the finol product being
fired. Pyroraetric cones meosure heotwork, the eífect of time ond ternperoture. Over time, kilns
sometimes drift Írom their setpoint even though "Nothing hos chonged . Pyrometric cones will be
the firstto let you know your ceromic firing is under control oÍ thot subtle chonges ore tol<íng p,oce
within your k;ln, ollowing you io toke corrective oction before they impact your worel
The storting premise oÍ cone development wos thqt o blend of ceromic moteriols compounded to
exoctiog proportions should behove similorly to the cer6m;c wore being fired in the kiln. A greot deol
of work loter the storting premise wqs confirmed ond from this work grew o series oÍ blends thoi
would deform qï sn exceptionolly predictoble tempeÍoture ond be highly reproducible. Further
ínvestigotion determined thotthe form of the cone thot worked best wos o siender, trisngulor
pyromid Clnd identified the voriqbles thot impocted the occurocy oí the cone ond procedures were
developed to olíow the ceromist to compensote for processing voriobles-
The pÍocticol use of cones ís for verificotion oÍ the thermol un;formity ond reproducibility of the fleot
work delivered by o specific heoting profile. The finol degree of cone bending is dependent on the
heoting rote during the lost 100"C (180"F) oíthe firing profile ond the finol temperoture. lt is
importontto remember thot the cone bends over o foirly smoll temperoture ronge ond even though
the cone's degree of bending moy oppeor significont it moy octuolly only represent o Íew degrees oÍ
temperoture. Most ceromic products ore no more senstive thon the cone to temperoture since they
shore mony of the some ingredients. The vollre of the cone is to provide verificotion thot the kiln is
deliverjng the expected omount of hecrt work eoch time o specific heoting profile is opplied ond
lror3udng Trmpl$.
§landard Pyíom.fi c Con.g
l1 J0"- - selÍsuppordns
-t !o'l , ?0" """"
t0' -- 96o
t"/, 60'
í0"/ to,
iro' -- ggo
m w.of,lorlcoramlc.com