B9-Icavst-Book of Abstracts v4 31.12.2017
B9-Icavst-Book of Abstracts v4 31.12.2017
B9-Icavst-Book of Abstracts v4 31.12.2017
October 4-8 2017 Skopje Macedonia
2nd International Congress on Advances in Veterinary Sciences & Technics (ICAVST)
October 4-8, 2017 Skopje / MACEDONIA
Edited by
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www.icavst.com ([email protected])
ISBN: 978-605-67206-2-8
The scientist joined the congress was from different country and mostly from
Turkey. Total over the two hundered scientist were registered in the congress.
The total number of submission were 254 and after a careful evaluation 205
submissions were accepted by our scientific committee and 76 of them were
accepted as poster presentation and 129 of them were accepted as oral
presentation and all those presentation was taken place in the conference
We would like to send our special thanks to Mr. Musa Köse and Mr. İsmet
Uzun, ZENITH Group workers for their special efforts. and finally the most
importantly I would like to thank to all the participants individually who came
from far away to join this conference.
Congress Chairman
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Cesur ONMAZ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erdoğan UZLU
President of Turkish Equine Veterinary
Association Head of Wildlife and Ecology, Kafkas
Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
Zootechnics and Animal Breeding
Prof. Dr. Suat DİKEL
Prof. Dr Fatin CEDDEN
Deniz ALIÇ URAL, Assoc. Prof. Dr. at Adnan Menderes University, TÜRKİYE
Şaziye Canan BÖLÜKBAŞI AKTAŞ, Assoc. Prof. Dr. at University of Atatürk, TÜRKİYE
Irena CELESKA, Assist. Prof. Dr.at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, MACEDONIA
Lazo PENDOVSKI, Prof. Dr. at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, MACEDONIA
Rene VAN DEN HOVEN, Prof. Dr. at Veterinary Medicine University, Vienna, AUSTRIA
Murat YILDIRIM, Prof. Dr. at University of Kırıkkale & President of Veterinary Microbiology
Association, TÜRKİYE
08:00-09:30 Registration
10:30-11:20 Session 1
11:40-12:20 Session 2
12:30-13:30 LUNCH IN THE HOTEL RESTAURANT (Only for BLUE - GREEN - ORANGE Package ID Holders)
13:30-14:10 Session 3
14:30-15:10 Session 4
15:30-16:10 Session 5
19:30-20:30 Dinner in the Hotel Restaurant (Only for BLUE PACKAGE ID HOLDERS)
09:50-10:40 Session 6
11:00-11:50 Session 7
12:10-13:00 Session 8
Social Cultural Tour to Kosovo - Prizren (Only for BLUE PACKAGE ID HOLDERS)
13:00 Lunch
19:00 Dinner
A-1. Session Chairman: B-1. Session Chairman: C-1. Session Chairman:
Prof. Dr. Serdar PAŞA Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serkan ERAT Prof. Dr. Suat DİKEL
542 - Diagnosis of Neonatal 588 - The Report About Ecthyma 515 - Comparison of Factors
Diarhea With Rapid Test Kits Contagiosum Infection in Small Affecting Seafood Consumption
11:50 and Hematological Comparison Ruminant Herds From Turkey- According To Demographic
- Durmuş Fatih Başer, Fatih Tuba Çiğdem Oğuzoğlu, Onur Characteristics - Levent
Mehmet Birdane Ülgenalp, Bahattin Taylan Koç Sangün, O. Inanç Güney
420 - Preliminary Results of
Comparison of Some Body
613-Curcuma Longa and
Measurements Taken on Bafra 513 - Cytotoxicity, Antiviral
Nigella Sativa From Kitchen To
Lambs With The Ones Taken on and Antioxidant Activities of
13:50 Veterinary Clinics: A Novel
The Digital Images of The Same Panax Gingseng - Irmak Dik,
Treatment-Kerem Ural, Emre
Lambs Using Imagej Program- Oğuzhan Avci, Burak Dik,
Serkan Erat, Bora Özarslan,
Evren Erdem
501 - Fungal Flora of
614-Melatonin For Treatment Traditional Turkish Moldy
of The Good, The Bad and The 586 - Sarcoptic Scabies in A Cheese: Occurence of
Ugly Dermatological Disorders Rabbit: Clinical Findings, Mycotoxins and Molecular
14:00 in Dogs and Cats: Pratical Diagnosis and Treatment - Arif Characterization of The Isolates
Clues- Kerem Ural, Serdar Kurtdede, Nafiye Koç, Erdal Kara, - Nurhan Ertaş Onmaz, Harun
Paşa, Hasan Erdoğan, Mehmet Serpil Nalbantoğlu Hizlisoy, Yeliz Yildirim, Serhat
Gültekin, Songül Erdoğan Al; Fulden Karadal, Zafer
Effects of Dietary
595 - Genetic Characterization Supplementation of Pistacia
494 - An Investigation on Some Terebinthus (Terebinth) Seed in
of The Mite Varroa Destructor
Silage Quality Characteristics of Layer Diet on Internal Egg
(Family: Varroidae) Collected
Some Hybrid Sorghum X Quality Parameters During
From Honey Bees Apis
Sudangrass (Sorghum Bicolor X
14:10 Mellifera (Hymenoptera, different Storage Time- -Ismail
Sorghum Sudanense Stapf.)
Apidae) in The in The Province Bayram, Eyüp Eren Gültepe,
Cultivars - Bulent Budak, Şükrü
of Van in Turkey - Adnan Cangir Uyarlar, Aamır Iqbal,
Sezgi Özkan, Gülcan Demiroğlu
Ayan, Kerem Ural, Osman Abdur Rahman, Süleyman
Topçu, Behçet Kir, Ali Salman
Selçuk Aldemir Hacisalihoğlu, Ümit Özçinar,
Ibrahim Sadi Çetingül
431 - Immunohistochemical
Distribution of Natriuretic
Peptides in Active and
531 - Pharmacokinetics of
Hibernating Anatolian Ground
553 - Gangrenous Mastitis Case in Cefquinome After Single and
Squirrel (Spermophilus
A Persian Queen - Tuğba Çıne, Repeated Subcutaneous
15:10 Xanthoprymnus) Heart -
Muhammed Kürşad Birdane, Administrations in Sheep -
Mustafa Öztop, Mehmet
Mehmet Uçar Orhan Çorum, Duygu Durna
Özbek, Feyzullah Beyaz, Emel
Çorum, Ayşe Er, Kamil Üney
Ergün, Levent Ergün,
Sebahattin Köknur, Füsun
618-Prevalance of Diagnosis of
502 - The Effect of Ram Semen Giardia Duodenalis in Goats in
Extender Supplemented With L- Aydın Province of Turkey -
445 - Epidemiology of Honeybee
Cysteine and Catalase on Adnan Ayan, Kerem Ural,
11:00 Diseases in Thracia, Turkey -
Spermatological Parameter - Ayhan Serdar Paşa, Deniz Aliç Ural,
Mustafa Necati Muz, Dilek Muz
Ata, Şükrü Güngör, Muhammed Mehmet Gültekin, Hasan
Enes Inanç Erdoğan, Songül Erdoğan, Ece
525 - Piperlongumine
587 - Economic Analysis of An (Piplartine) Down-Regulates
411 - The Effect of Igy and/Or
Alternative Production Area in The Antiapoptotic Proteins in
Bacteriophage Therapy on Clinical
Livestock Farming: Worm Human Prostate Cancer Cells,
12:10 Parameters in Salmonella Infections of
Manure Production - Ahmet Leading To Suppression of
Calves - Hasan Hüseyin Hadimli,
Cumhur Akin, Cevat Sipahi, Proliferation and Induction of
Gökçenur Sanioğlu Gölen, Ali Uslu
Güler Berat Bozdoğan Apoptosis - Görkem Kismali,
Tevhide Sel
460 - Seroepidemiological
Survey of Bovine Tick-Borne
551 - The Effect of Igy and 563 - Neurohistopathological
Infections in The Black Sea
Bacteriophage Therapy on Study on Neospora Caninum
Region of Turkey - Mustafa
Histopathological Findings in Infected Calves: Special
Açici, Cenk Soner Bölükbaş,
12:40 Salmonella Infections of Calves-Hasan Emphasis To Dopaminergic
Gökmen Zafer Pekmezci, Ali
Hüseyin Hadimli, Mustafa Kemal Activity - Tuğçe Sümer, Merve
Tümay Gürler, Şinasi Umur,
Çiftçi, Ali Uslu, Funda Terzi, Gökçenur Bişkin Türkmen, Naci Öcal,
Kadir Zafer Karaer, Ayşe
Sanioğlu Gölen Kadriye Gizem Imrak, Oğuz Kul
Çakmak, Serpil Nalbantoğlu,
Cevat Nisbet
459 - Milk Yield and Some Udder Measurement 428 - Current Conditins and Animal Feeding Practices of
of Saanen Goat in Province of Afyonkarahisar- Feedlot Enterprises Present in Ankara Çankırı Çorum
Turkey - Fatma Tülin Özbaşer, Fatih Atasoy, Kırıkkale and Kırşehir - Mehmet Akif Karsli, Uğur
Evren Erdem Ödevci
440 - Small Rumınant Breedıng in Mersin - 564 - Epigenetics and Its Applications in Livestock -
Banu Yüceer Özkul, Özgür Gündüz Mustafa Can Yilmaz, Raziye Işik, Güldehen Bilgen
538 - Investigation of Some Agents Causing Diarrhea in
483 - Repaırıng of Frontal Bone Defect Due To
Ruminants in Mid-Anatolia - Sabri Hacioglu, Sirin G.
10B Sınus Mucocele Wıth Tıtanıum Mesh in A Dog -
Cizmeci, Rahime Adalet Duyum, Munevver Uzar, Ilke
Pınar Can, Ozkay Nasiboglu, Omer Besalti
Karayel Hacioglu
410 -Fish Meatball From By-Product of Sea
Bass (Dicentrarchus Labrax L. 1758) Fillet 607 - Candidate Genes Related with Meat Quality in
11A Processing - Demet Kara, Yunus Alparslan, Small Ruminants - Raziye Işık, Mustafa Can Yılmaz,
Cansu Metin, Hatice Hasanhocaoğlu Yapici, Güldehen Bilgen
Tuba Baygar, Taçnur Baygar
396 - Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibition With Nanoparticles
484 - An Unusual Brachıal Plexus Nerve Improve The Levels of Angiogenic Genes in A Rat
11B Sheath Tumor in A Dog - Pınar Can, Tuncer Diabetic Wound Healing Model - Alparslan Kadir
Kutlu, Osman Kutsal, Omer Besalti Devrim, Mahmut Sözmen, Mert Sudağidan, Zelihagul
422 - Effect of Addition of Medium Chain Fatty
392 - Antifungal Potential of Carvacrol Against Candida
Acids on Performance and Some Biochemical
12A Albicans and Candida Tropicalis. Aysel Uğur, Tuba
Parameters of Broiler Chickens - Mehmet
Baygar, Nurdan Saraç, Taçnur Baygar, Seher Saridaş
Demirci, Mehmet Başalan.
419 - Presurgical Preparations in Camels - Nuh 398 - Surgery of The Skin and Adnexal Tissues in
12B Kilic, Büşra Kibar, Özde Kandemir, Selim Camels - Nuh Kilic, Büşra Kibar, Serdar Pasa, Kerem
Tekin. Ural.
442 - Immunohistochemical Expression of Atrial- and
426 - Plant Essential Oils Used Against Brain Natriuretic Peptide in Anatolian Ground Squirrel
13A American Foulbrood - Hidayet Tutun, Sedat (Spermophilus Xanthoprymnus) Kidney and Lung -
Sevin, Adnan Ayan Mustafa Öztop, Mehmet Özbek, Feyzullah Beyaz, Emel
Ergün, Levent Ergün, Ergül Ergen, Füsun Erhan.
549 - Investigation of The Effects of Isoflurane and
526 - Vitamin E Serum Concentrations in
Sevoflurane Anesthesia on Coagulation Parameters in
13B Neonatal Calves - Romana Kadek, Jaroslav
Dogs - Fatih Mehmet Birdane, Musa Korkmaz, Cenker
Filípek, Josef Íllek
Cagrı Cingi, Zulfukar Kadir Saritas.
548 - Oxidative Status and Lipid Profile in
584 - Immunohistochemical Localization of Certain
Mono and Co-Infection With Canine Monocytic
Nervous System Markers on Sheep Ileum During
14A Ehrlichiosis - Mehmet Gultekin, Kerem Ural,
Prenatal Period - Füsun Erhan, Levent Ergün, Feyzullah
Serdar Paşa, Canberk Balikçi, Gamze Sevri
Beyaz, Emel Ergün, Mehmet Özbek.
Ekren Asici
610-Spatial Ditribuiton of Coccidiosis Among Goats in
608- Determination of Serum 25 Hydroxy
Aydın Province, Turkey - Adnan Ayan, Kerem Ural,
Vitamin D3 Levels in Some Parasitic
14B Deniz Aliç Ural, Hasan Erdogan, Songül Erdogan, Ilker
Dermatosis in Dogs - Naile Karagöz Güral,
Camkerten, Ali Evren Haydardedeoğlu, Mehmet
Kerem Ural
802-Comperative Evaluation of Tylosin
Tartarate and Tarantula Cubensis Venom For
803-Unilateral Papillary Type Renal Carcinoma in A
The Treatment of Bovine Papillomatosis: A
15A Terrier Breed Dog- Tunçer Ulukartal, Bekir Buğrahan
Prospective, Double Blinded and Multicentered
Yağci, Ilker Camkerten, Kerem Ural
Study- Bekir Buğrahan Yağci, Kerem Ural, Ali
Evren Haydarddeoğlu, Tamercan Markoç
01A 406 - Potential Use of Potato Pulp As A Ruminant Feed - Hasan Hüseyin Şenyüz, Mehmet Akif Karsli
01B 526 - Vitamin E Serum Concentrations in Neonatal Calves - Romana Kadek, Jaroslav Filípek, Josef Íllek
407 - Effects of Substituting Barley With Potato Pulp Silage Prepared With Ground Barley Straw and Wheat
02A Bran on Fattening Performance of Lambs - Hasan Hüseyin Şenyüz, Mehmet Akif Karsli, Serkan Erat, Ömer
Onur Parildar
474 - Effect of Volatile Oil Obtained from Pinus Nigra Arn. Subsp. Pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe Leaves on
Protoscolex of Hydatid Cysts - Esma Kozan, Mert Ilhan, Ibrahim Tümen, Esra Küpeli Akkol
414 - Effıcıency Evaluatıon of Commercıal Bıofertılızers For Growth of Barley - Cenap Cevheri, Çiğdem
522 - Protectıve Role of Bromelaın Agaınst Nıckel Genotoxıcatıon in Rats - Füsun Temamoğullari, Pınar Aksu
Kiliçle, Şükrü Gürler
492 - Effect of Some Risk Factors on Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Cows - Resul Koçyiğit, Oktay Yilmaz, Erhan
Özenç, Mehmet Uçar
04B 672- Coagulation Profile in Calf With Neonatal Diarrhea - Ahmet Künyeli, Kerem Ural
05A 575 - Develerde Göz Ve Kulak Cerrahisi. Nuh Kiliç, Özde Kandemir, Büşra Kibar
372 - Prototypes of Modified Gauze in Controlling Hemorrhaging in Swine - Zbigniew Adamiak, Danuta
Bukowiecka, Paweł Jastrzebskui, Piotr Holak, Marek Jalynski
592 - Histochemical and Morphometric Studies in Goose (Anser Anser) Testis - Serap Ilhan Aksu, Yalcın
Akbulut, Ebru Karadag Sari, Turgay Deprem.
409 - Biological Activity of The Cvs Virus in Cell Culture - Sobiech Przemysław, Zhanserik Sultanov,
Mambetaliev M, Romashev K, Ussenbayev Altay, Khizat Serik
400 - Investigations on Cryptosporidium Species in Domestic Geese (Anser Anser) in The Province of Kars,
Turkey - Sibel Cagatay, Baris Sari
489 - Pentoxifylline As A Therapeutic Armamentarium Against Alopecia, Crusting and Partial Tissue Loss;
07B Diseases of The Pinna in Canine Visceral Leishmaniosis - Gözde Budak, Kerem Ural, Serdar Paşa, Mehmet
376 - Effects of Hexachlorocyclohexane (Hch-Y-Isomer, Lindane) on The Reproductive System of Zebrafish
(Danio Rerio) - Hayati Yüksel, Ünal Ispir, Aykut Ulucan, Cebrahil Türk, Mehmet Reşit Taysi
603 - Dermatophagoides Farina and Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus-Specific Ig E Levels in Atopic Dogs -
08B Kerem Ural, Çağatay Türk, Serdar Paşa, Ilker Camkerten, Ali Evren Haydardedeoğlu, Hasan Erdoğan,
Mehmet Gültekin, Songül Erdoğan
09A 417 - Mirnas and Breast Cancer - Berrin Salmanoglu, Gizem Aralan
638 - Investigation of Pathogenic Eimeria Species in Cattle By Microscopy and Pcr Methods in Kirikkale
09B Province - Aycan Nuriye Gazyagci, Sami Gokpinar, Serkal Gazyagci, Meral Aydenizoz, Deniz Aliç Ural, Kerem
557 - Two Common Types of Vaginal Masses in Female Dogs - Bilginer Tuna, Tuğra Akkuş, Cevdet Peker,
Eyyüp Hakan Uçar, Ayşe Nur Akkoç
637 Determination of Antioxidant Capacity of Commercial Antioxidant Supplements By 2,2-Diphenyl-1-
Picrylhydrazyl (Dpph) Assay - Hande Sultan Sahiner, Murat Boyacioglu, Ozge Bardakci, Umit Karademir
602 Increasing The Pregnancy Rate in Breeding Season Middle Anatolian Merino Sheep of Non-Pregnancy -
Şükrü Dursun, Gaye Bulut, Mehmet Köse, Tahir Karaşahin
11B 417 Mirnas and Breast Cancer - Berrin Salmanoglu, Gizem Aralan
12A 671 Gene Modification with CRISPR; a Shortcut to Super Human? - Elif Bulut, Alper Bulut, Murat Yildirim
Forewords i
Organization Committee ii
Program v
Contents xvi
ORAL1 Positive Influence of The Feed Additive on Shameyeva Uldana, Zhanabekova Gulmira, 1
Vitamin-Mineral Composition of Meat of The Zhumageldiev Akilbek, Khusainov Damir,
African Ostrich in The South-East of Romashev Kanapia, Allabergenova Aru
ORAL 2 Effect of Alternate Phases of Canola Oil and Ilgin Özşahinoğlu, Pınar Mumoğullarinda 2
Fish Oil Level on The Growth Performance and Doyanç, Suat Dikel
Fatty Acid Profiles of Juvenile European
Seabass (Dicentrarchus Labrax L. 1758)
ORAL 3 Young Asian Catfish Pangasianodon Ilgın Özşahinoğlu, Suat Dikel, Levent Sangün, 3
Hypophthalmus Under Different Conditions of Hasan Gökboğa
Feeding Frequency Applied To The
Determination of Some Blood Parameters in
ORAL 4 Investıgatıon on The Relatıonship Between Ali Evren Haydardedeoğlu, Olga Büyükleblebici, 4
Effectıve Oxıdatıve Stress and Hematologıcal Tahir Karaşahin, Neşe Hayat Aksoy
Values of Anaplasma Phagocytophılum, Borrelıa
Burgdorferı, Dırofılara Immıtıs Infectıons in
Aksaray Malaklı Dogs
ORAL 5 Evaluation of surgical nurses’ attitudes Ali Şahin, Fatma Ayhan, Şerife Kursun 5
concerning patient safety
ORAL 6 Molecular detection of Anaplasma ovis in ixodid Mehmet Fatih Aydın, Munir Akdaş, Nazır 6
ticks collected from sheep and goats in Turke Dumanlı
ORAL 7 Non-Inva”sıve Pulmonary Functıon Tests in Osman Güngör 7
ORAL 8 Some Observatıons of Respıratory Ultrasound Osman Güngör 8
Plethysmography (Rup) in Donkeys
ORAL 9 The Investigation of the Prevalance of Lice Abdurrahman Gül, Şeyma Günyaktı Kılınç, 9
Species on the Hair Goats Slaughtered at Bingöl
Municipal Slaughterhouse
ORAL 10 The effects of Hypericum perforatum and Selvinaz Yakan, Yusuf Kenan Dağlıoğlu, Kıvılcım 10
Polihexanide on tersiyer-degree burn wound Erdoğan, Ruhay Aldık
healing in rats
ORAL 11 Impact of Maternal High-Fat Diet During Çiğdem Altınsaat, Şakir Yıldıran 11
Pregnancy and Lactation on Reproductive
Development of The Male Offspring
ORAL 12 Effect of gelatin coating incorporated with Çiğdem Dikel, Yasemen Yanar, Suat Dikel 12
chitosan on the chemical, physical,
microbiological and sensory quality of sea
bream (Sparus aurata L.,1758) fillets
ORAL 13 First record of Necrobia rufipes (De Geer, 1775) Nafiye Koç, Ayşe Çakmak, Serpil Nalbantoğlu 13
associated with pet clinic in Turkey
ORAL 14 Sarcoptic scabies in a rabbit: Clinical findings, Arif Kurtdede, Nafiye Koç, Erdal Kara, Serpil 14
diagnosis and treatment Nalbantoğlu
ORAL 15 Laparoscopic Spay in Shelter Medicine: Halit Kanca, Gizem Tez 15
Experiences on Postsurgical Period in Dogs
ORAL 16 Quality of Kefir Prepared from Milk with Nazli Türkmen, Ceren Akal, Halit Kanca 16
Different Somatic Cell Counts
ORAL 17 Preliminary results of comparison of some body Serkan Erat, Bora Özarslan, Evren Erdem 17
measurements taken on Bafra lambs with the
ones taken on the digital images of the same
lambs using ImageJ program
ORAL 18 Pharmacokinetics of cefquinome after single Orhan Çorum, Duygu Durna Çorum, Ayşe Er, 18
and repeated subcutaneous administrations in Kamil Üney
ORAL 19 Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of Kamil Üney, Orhan Çorum, Ramazan Yıldız, 19
enrofloxacin and danofloxacin in premature Merve İder, Mahmut Ok, Feray Altan
ORAL 20 Hellaboms (Helleborus orientalis) Toxicosis in Sedat Sevin, Erdal Kara, Mehmet Şahal, Ender 20
Merinos Ram in Ankara-Turkey - A Case Study Yarsan
ORAL 21 The Effect of Ram Semen Extender Ayhan Ata, Şükrü Güngör, Muhammed Enes 21
Supplemented with L-cysteine and Catalase on İnanç
Spermatological Parameter
ORAL 22 A General Evaluation on the Turkish Murat Polat, Yavuz Cevger 22
Sericulture Sector
ORAL 23 Current Situation and Problems in Red Meat Murat Polat, Yavuz Cevger 23
Products Manufacturing Enterprises of
ORAL 24 Fatal canine parvovirus infectıon in newborn Merve Biskin Türkmen, Tuğçe Sümer, Özlem 24
puppies: appropriate vaccination time based on Özdemir, Oğuz Kul
maternally derived antibody levels
ORAL 25 Economic Analysis of an Alternative Production Ahmet Cumhur Akın, Cevat Sipahi, Güler Berat 25
Area in Livestock Farming: Worm Manure Bozdoğan
ORAL 26 Expression of Toll like receptors in rat testicular Mehmet Özbek, Emel Ergün, Feyzullah Beyaz, 26
and epididymal tissues Levent Ergün, Füsun Erhan, Nuh Yıldırım, Özge
ORAL 27 Piperlongumine and TRAIL Synergize To Tevhide Sel, Görkem Kısmalı 27
Promote Cell Death in Colon Cancer Cells
ORAL 28 Neurohistopathological study on neospora Tuğçe Sümer, Merve Bışkın Türkmen, Naci 28
caninum infected calves: special emphasis to Öcal, Kadriye Gizem Imrak, Oğuz Kul
dopaminergic activity
ORAL 29 The Production Structure and Milking Arzu Gökdai, Engin Sakarya 29
Characteristics of Saanen Goat Farms in
Çanakkale Province, Turkey
ORAL 30 Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Pistacia İsmail Bayram, Eyüp Eren Gültepe, Cangir 30
Terebinthus (Terebinth) Seed in Layer Diet on Uyarlar, Aamır Iqbal, Abdur Rahman, Süleyman
Internal Egg Quality Parameters During Hacısalihoğlu, Ümit Özçınar, İbrahim Sadi
Different Storage Time Çetingül
ORAL 31 Effect of carrot juice on performance and egg Eyüp Eren Gültepe, Cangır Uyarlar, İ. Sadi 31
quality traits in laying hens Çetingül, Aamir Iqbal, Ümit Özçınar, İsmail
ORAL 32 The Effects of Bovine Serum Albumin on Sperm - Deniz Yeni, Fatih Avdatek, Mustafa Gündoğan 32
Quality and DNA Damage in Liquid Stored Ram
ORAL 33 Differentiation of Salmonella isolates using PCR Seyed Ali Ghorashı, Mohammad Sadegh 33
and high-resolution melt curve analysis Saeıdabadı, Hassan Nılıc, Habibollah Dadras,
Hassan Sharıfıyazdı, Joanne Connolly, Mary
Valcanıs, Shane Raıdal
ORAL 34 Effect of Size Sorting and Different Size Suat Dikel, Ilgın Özşahinoğlu, Mustafa Öz 34
Combination on Growth Performance of Asian
Catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) in cage
culture system
ORAL 35 A Case of Dispharynx nasuta (Rudolphi, 1819) Mahmut Sinan Erez, Mehmet Fatih Bozkurt, 35
in a Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) Mustafa Volkan Yaprakçı, Ahmet Göksu, Esma
ORAL 36 The determination of sentivities of various Fatih Mehmet Birdane, Ali Uslu, Ecem Oğalakçı; 36
microorganisms to gamitromycin Hasan Hüseyin Hadımlı
ORAL 37 Diagnosis of Neonatal Diarhea with rapid test Durmuş Fatih Başer, Fatih Mehmet Birdane 37
kits and hematological comparison
ORAL 38 Fungal Flora of Traditional Turkish Moldy Nurhan Ertaş Onmaz, Harun Hızlısoy, Yeliz 38
Cheese: Occurence of Mycotoxins and Molecular Yıldırım, Serhat Al; Fulden Karadal, Zafer
Characterization of the Isolates Gönülalan
ORAL 39 Three Cases of Equine Vasculitis Ali Cesur Onmaz, Alexandra Pavaloıu, Ayhan 39
Atasever, Rene Van Den Hoven
ORAL 40 The investigation of D-dimer levels and Ahmet Ali Yağcı, Vehbi Güneş 40
coagulation Profiles in dogs with Distemper
ORAL 41 Dairy Consumption Attributes of Consumers: A O. İnanç Güney, Levent Sangün 41
Survey Study in Adana and Mersin
ORAL 42 Comparison of Factors Affecting Seafood Levent Sangün, O. İnanç Güney 42
Consumption According to Demographic
ORAL 43 Comparison of Factors Affecting Seafood Levent Sangün, O. İnanç Güney, Ilgın 43
Purchase According to Demographic Özşahinoğlu
ORAL 44 Comparation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Fulya Altınok Yipel, İbrahim Ozan Tekeli, Şule 44
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and Its Major Yurdagül Özsoy, Mehmet Güvenç, Alpaslan
Component Linalool in an Experimental Rat Kaya, Mustafa Yipel
ORAL 45 Investigation of Anti-Inflammatory and Mustafa Yipel, İbrahim Ozan Tekeli, Fulya 45
Antioxidant Activity of Colon Targeted Boswellic Altınok Yipel, Neslihan Beyazıt
Acid and Ellagic Acid by Drug Delivery System:
in vitro part (Colon targeting, physicochemical
characterization, swelling / release tests)
ORAL 46 A Survey for Exposure to Human Vector-borne Dilek Muz, Mustafa Doğan, Mustafa Necatı Muz, 46
Pathogens in the European part of the Turkey Ismail Tayfur
ORAL 47 Survey of feline immunedeficiency virus, feline Dilek Muz, Hüseyin Can Muhammet Karakavuk, 47
leukemia virus, Leishmania infantum and Mert Döşkaya, Hüseyin Gökhan Özdemir, Aysu
Leishmania tropica in stray cats of İzmir, Değirmenci Döşkaya, Esra Atalay Şahar,
TURKEY Bayram Pektaş, Mehmet Karakuş, Seray Töz,
Yusuf Özbel, Adnan Yüksel Gürüz, Mustafa
Necati Muz
ORAL 48 Epidemiology of Honeybee Diseases in Thracia, Mustafa Necati Muz, Dilek Muz 48
ORAL 49 Seroprevalence of T. gondii in Dairy Ruminant Mustafa Necati Muz, Nuri Altuğ, Muhammet 49
Production Systems, Shepherd Dogs among the Karakavuk
Herds and Detection of T. gondii-like Oocyst in
Cat Feces in Hatay Region
ORAL 50 Serum potassium-lowering effects of insulin Nuri Altuğ, Nazmi Yüksek, Cumalı Özkan, 50
plus dextrose and adrenalin treatment that Yıldıray Başbuğan, İhsan Keleş, Zahid Tevfik
enhance intracellular potassium transitions in Ağaoğlu, Abdullah Kaya, Yakup Akgül
hyperkalemic diarrheic calves
ORAL 51 Investigation of the Effect of Vaccination on Güzin Camkerten, Halil İbrahim Başyiğit, 51
Dynamic Thiol / Disulfide Balance in Lactating Neslihan Taşçene, Tevhide Sel, Hilal Karagül
Dairy Cattle with Subclinical Mastitis
ORAL 52 A Clinical Perspective to Visceral Leishmaniasis Serdar Paşa, Kerem Ural, Mehmet Gültekin, 52
in Dogs in Aegean Regıon Hasan Erdoğan
ORAL 53 Assessment of Ejection Fraction and Fractional Canberk Balıkçı, Kerem Ural 53
Shortening during Different Stages of Canine
Visceral Leishmaniasis
ORAL 54 Piperlongumine (Piplartine) down-regulates the Görkem Kısmalı, Tevhide Sel 54
antiapoptotic proteins in human prostate
cancer cells, leading to suppression of
proliferation and induction of apoptosis
ORAL 55 Evaluating Silage Quality of Potato Pulp Silage Mehmet Akif Karslı, Hasan Hüseyin Şenyüz 55
Prepared with Ground Wheat Straw, Ground
Alfalfa Hay and Wheat Bran
ORAL 56 Some Characteristics of Winged Animal of Aseel Banu Yüceer Özkul, Fatih Atasoy, Fatma Tülin 56
Genotypes Breeding in Turkey Özbaşer
ORAL 57 The Molecular Epidemiology of Bovine Ilke Karayel Hacıoğlu, Feray Alkan 57
Noroviruses in Turkey
ORAL 58 The report about ecthyma contagiosum Tuba Çiğdem Oğuzoğlu, Onur Ülgenalp, 58
infection in small ruminant herds from Turkey Bahattin Taylan Koç
ORAL 59 Molecular Diagnosis of Giardia duodenalis in Adnan Ayan, Mehmet Gültekin, Kerem Ural, 59
Dogs and Calves in İzmir Province: Preliminary Nuran Aysul, Songül Erdoğan, Hidayet Tutun
ORAL 60 Genetic characterization of the mite Varroa Adnan Ayan, Kerem Ural, Osman Selçuk 60
destructor (Family: Varroidae) collected from Aldemir
honey bees Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera,
Apidae) in the in the province of Van in Turkey
ORAL 61 Relationship between degree of anemia and Mehmet Temiz, Nuri Altuğ, Nazmi Yüksek 61
blood gases in cattle with theileriosis
ORAL 62 Seroepidemiological survey of bovine tick-borne Mustafa Açıcı, Cenk Soner Bölükbaş, Gökmen 62
infections in the Black Sea Region of Turkey Zafer Pekmezci, Ali Tümay Gürler, Şinasi Umur,
Kadir Zafer Karaer, Ayşe Çakmak, Serpil
Nalbantoğlu, Cevat Nisbet
ORAL 63 Diameter of Follicles and Corpus Luteum, Muhammed Kürşad Birdane 63
Serum Progesterone levels, Oestrus and
Pregnancy Rates in the Anatolian Buffalo
ORAL 64 Gangrenous Mastitis Case in a Persian Queen Muhammed Kürşad Birdane, Mehmet Uçar 64
ORAL 65 Can we trust our Elisa results? Impacts on Mert Pekcan, İlknur Pir Yağcı, İbrahim Mert 65
clinical practice Polat, Hakan Kalender, Hasan Ceyhun Macun
ORAL 66 Proteomics in Veterinary Medicine Mert Pekcan 66
ORAL 67 Virologic identification of canine parvovirus type Irmak Dik, Atilla Şimşek 67
2b (CPV 2b) from dogs in Konya
ORAL 68 Cytotoxicity, Antiviral and Antioxidant Activities Irmak Dik, Oğuzhan Avcı, Burak Dik 68
of Panax Gingseng
ORAL 69 Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activity of Laurus Tuba Baygar, Aysel Uğur, Nurdan Saraç 69
nobilis L. essential oil against
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: A Biogenic
Amine-Producer for Fish
ORAL 70 The Inhibition Effects of Eugenol and Pulegon Tuba Baygar, Nurdan Saraç, Aysel Uğur, Taçnur 70
on Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: An Baygar, Uydu Balcı
Opportunistic Pathogen
ORAL 71 Camallanus spp. in Aquarium Fish (Poecilia Mahmut Sinan Erez, Ahmet Göksu, Esma 71
reticulata) Kozan
ORAL 72 A Case of Dispharynx nasuta (Rudolphi, 1819) Mahmut Sinan Erez, Mehmet Fatih Bozkurt, 72
in a Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) Mustafa Volkan Yaprakçı, Ahmet Göksu, Esma
ORAL 73 Antidiabetic Effects of Laurus Nobilis (Daphne) . Ahmet Uyar, Turan Yaman, Rebin Rafaat 73
Extract in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats: Mohammed, Ömer Faruk Keleş, Zabıt Yener
Histopathological, Immunohistochemical and
Biochemical İnvestigations
ORAL 74 Investigation of the effects of quercus spp (oak) Ahmet Uyar, Turan Yaman, Gwlshan 74
on cutaneous wound healing and Mohammed Jhangır, Ömer Faruk Keleş, Zabit
epithelialisation in rats: a histopathological, Yener
immunohistochemical and biochemical
ORAL 75 Effects of p-glycoprotein inductor rifampicin on Hande Sultan Şahiner, Cavit Kum 75
pharmacokinetics of tulathromycin in goats
ORAL 76 Comparison of plasma and hair concentration Ümit Karademir, Murat Boyacıoğlu, Cavit Kum, 76
of flumethrin and cypermethrin after pour-on Selim Sekkin, Hande Sultan Şahiner, Özge
administration in goats Bardakçı
ORAL 77 Immunohistochemical distribution of Mustafa Öztop, Mehmet Özbek, Feyzullah 77
natriuretic peptides in active and hibernating Beyaz, Emel Ergün, Levent Ergün, Sebahattin
Anatolian ground squirrel (Spermophilus Köknur, Füsun Erhan
xanthoprymnus) heart
ORAL 78 Cytotoxic Effects of Rhododendron ponticum L. Emine Kübra Bilir, Hidayet Tutun, Sedat Sevin, 78
Extract on Prostat Carsinoma and Görkem Kısmalı, Ender Yarsan
Adenocarsinoma Cell Line (DU145, PC3)
ORAL 79 Sulfasalazine Treatment at Different Times Can Burak Dik, Hatiçe Eser Fakı, Emre Bahçıvan 79
Have a Positive Effect on LPS-Induced
Endotoxic Rats
ORAL 80 The combination of IL-1 and TNF-α antagonists Burak Dik, Emre Bahcıvan, Hatice Eser Fakı, 80
can treat experimental type 2 diabetes mellitus Kamil Üney
in rats: A new treatment in type 2 diabetes
ORAL 81 An observation of fine structure of umbilical Ahmet Ceylan, Özge Özgenç, Korhan Altunbaş, 81
cord stroma derived mesenchymal stem cells Petek Korkusuz, Asuman Özen
ORAL 82 Apoptosis and cell proliferation during postnatal Füsun Erhan, Mehmet Özbek, Ahmet Ceylan, 82
development of the testis in the rat Emel Ergün, Feyzullah Beyaz, Levent Ergün,
Nuh Yıldırım, Özge Özgenç
ORAL 83 The effect of IgY and/or bacteriophage therapy Hasan Hüseyin Hadimli, Gökçenur Sanıoğlu 83
on clinical parameters in salmonella infections Gölen, Ali Uslu
of calves
ORAL 84 The effect of IgY and bacteriophage therapy on Hasan Hüseyin Hadimli, Mustafa Kemal Çiftçi, 84
histopathological findings in salmonella Ali Uslu, Funda Terzi, Gökçenur Sanıoğlu Gölen
infections of calves
ORAL 85 An Investigation on Some Silage Quality Bulent Budak, Şükrü Sezgi Özkan, Gülcan 85
Characteristics of Some Hybrid Sorghum x Demiroğlu Topçu, Behçet Kır, Ali Salman
Sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum
sudanense Stapf.) Cultivars
ORAL 86 Comparison of effect of intraperitoneal and Musa Korkmaz, Oktay Yılmaz, Zülfikar Kadir 86
incisional bupivacaine or levobupivacine on Sarıtaş, İbrahim Demirkan
postoperative analgesia in dogs undergoing
ORAL 87 Oxidative status in neonatal calves with acute Mehmet Gültekin, Kerem Ural, Hasan Erdoğan, 87
infectious diarrhea: preliminary findings Serdar Paşa, Gamze Sevri Ekren Asıcı, Gamze
Gültekin, Asude Gulce Guler
ORAL 88 An unusual outcome for fetal death in bitch: a - Güneş Erdoğan, Tuğra Akkuş, Eyyüp Hakan 88
report of a case Uçar, Cevdet Peker, Rita Payan Carreıra
ORAL 89 Drug marketing in veterinary clinics Burak Mat, Aytekin Günlü, Mustafa Bahadır 89
ORAL 90 Practical ECG device for measuring Heart Cenker Çağrı Cingi, Abdullah Ruhi Soylu 90
frequence in British horses
ORAL 91 The Relationships among Serum Biochemical Deniz Aliç Ural 91
Parameters and Milk Yield of Holstein-Friesian
Cows in Bozdogan, Turkey
ORAL 92 Investigations on the effects of nitrogen fertilizer Cevat Özbek, Behcet Kır 92
on herbage yield and some yield properties of
second crop maize (zea mays l.) in aksaray
ORAL 93 The withitness of cat owners about the Duygu Baki Acar, Mürşide Ayşe Demirel 93
reproductive status of their animals in
Afyonkarahisar and Ankara
ORAL 94 The protective role of silibinin against nickel Füsun Temamoğulları, Ahmet Ateşşahin, 94
toxication in rats Çiğdem Şebi Şen, Nihat Yumuşak, Mustafa
Selim Doğru
ORAL 95 Investigation of Transmissible Venereal Tumor Mehmet Uçar, Tuğba Akbaş Çine, Cenker Çağrı 95
in Male Dogs by Cytological Examination Cıngı, Deniz Yeni, Ebubekir Yazıcı
ORAL 96 Investigation of the Effects of Trehalose and Şükrü Güngör, Ayhan Ata, Muhammed Enes 96
Catalase on Post-Thawed Ram Sperm İnanç
ORAL 97 Serological Investigation of WNV Infection Zeynep Akkutay Yoldar, Sabri Hacıoğlu, Seda 97
Among Purebred Arabian Race Horses in Tezcan Ülger
ORAL 98 Microbiological Changes During Storage in Halil Yalçın, Pelin Ertürkmen, Yahya Öztürk, 98
Using Starterculture Heat-Treated Sausage Hasan Altan Akkan, Mehmet Sarı
ORAL 99 Supplementation of quercetin has advanced Umut Taşdemir, Fatih Avdatek, Deniz Yeni, 99
DNA integrity on bull semen cryopreservation Muhammed Enes İnanç, Beste Çil, Ruhi
Tükmen, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer
ORAL 100 Suplementation of rosmarinic acid has reduced Umut Taşdemir, Deniz Yeni, Muhammed Enes 100
oxidative stress on bull semen after freeze İnanç, Fatih Avdatek, Beste Çil, Ruhi Türkmen,
thawing Barbaros Tuncer
ORAL 101 The Investigation of Protective Effect of Erten Akbel, İsmail Küçükkurt, Sinan İnce, 101
Resveratrol on Oxidative Stress Induced by Hasan Hüseyin Demirel, Damla Arslan Acargöz
Malathione in Rats
ORAL 102 454 - Subcutaneous melatonin implant Kerem Ural, Mehmet Gültekin, Naile Karagöz, 102
treatment for eosinophilic plaque in a cat Özde Kandemir
ORAL 103 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in Tolunay Kozlu, Fatma Güler, Pınar Peker 103
the ovaries of healthy and ischemia-reperfusion Akalın, Filiz Kazak, Yaşar Ergün
injury in theranekron administered rats
ORAL 104 Effect of thymoquinone on gdnf (glial cell line- Hasan Asker, Ebru Karadağ Sarı 104
derived neurotrophic factor) expression in testis
of rats fed on high fat diet with cholesterol
ORAL 105 Influence of Prepartum Supplementation of Sobiech Przemyslaw, Katarzyna Żarczyńska, 105
Selenium and Vitamin E on Biochemical Anna Snarska, Dominika Wysocka, Josef Illek
Parameters of Dairy Cows
ORAL 106 P wave dispersion in Canine Monocytic Kerem Ural, İlker Camkerten, Serdar Paşa, 106
Ehrlichiosis Deniz Alıç Ural, Mehmet Gültekin, Ali Evren
Haydardedeoğlu, Hasan Erdoğan, Canberk
Balıkçı, Songül Erdoğan, Gözde Budak
ORAL 107 Investıgatıon of the effects of experimental Aykut Ulucan, Alper Sevimli 107
amyloidosis on immune system in mice
ORAL 108 Relationship between activity of glutathion Berrin Salmanoğlu, Orhan Güven, Sinan 108
peroxidase and nitric oxide in synovial fluid and Tozoğlu, Ümit Tekin, Onur Güneş
the progression of temporomandibular joint
internal derangement
ORAL 109 Curcuma longa and Nigella sativa from Kitchen Kerem Ural, Emre Yanık 109
to Veterinary Clinics: A Novel Treatment
ORAL 110 Correlation between ruminal pH and body Deniz Aliç Ural, Kerem Ural, Onur Örtlek 110
condition score in cows with subacute ruminal
ORAL 111 Interpretation of Plasma Amino Acid Profile in Hasan Erdoğan, Mehmet Gültekin 111
Healthy Lams during Neonatal Period
ORAL 112 A Serological Investigation of Bovine Nural Erol, Sibel Gür, Bahattin Taylan Koç, 112
Enterovirus-1, Bovine Herpesvirus-1, Bovine Sibel Yavru
Viral Diarrhoe Virus and Parainfluenza-3 Virus
Infections in Camels (Camelus dromedarius) in
Western Turkey
ORAL 113 ß-giardin analysis and molecular typing of Nuran Aysul, Kerem Ural, Mehmet Gültekin, 113
Giardia duodenalis isolates among dogs and Adnan Ayan, Selin Hacılarlıoğlu, Songül
calves in Aegean Region of Turkey: Preliminary Erdoğan, Metin Pekağırbaş, Gürkan Akyıldız
ORAL 114 The Effects of Intravenous Novacoc Treatment Ahmet Cihat Tunç, Fatih Mehmet Birdane, 114
on Metabolic Profiles during the Transition Cangir Uyarlar, Fulya Altınok Yipel, Eyüp Eren
period of Dairy Cows Gültepe, Durmuş Fatih Başer
ORAL 115 Distribution of Bovine Digital Dermatitis in Oğuzhan Kalyoncu, Emre Gürdal, İbrahim Akın 115
Aydin County Dairy Farms and Relation with
the Footbath Usage
ORAL 116 36o degree Veterinary Dermatology: Erşan Kerem Ural 116
Kuneri against Sean Connery (probiotic therapy)
ORAL 117 Molecular typing of acute and active E. canis Nuran Aysul, Hasan Erdoğan, Selin 117
infected dogs in Aydin region Hacılarlıoğlu, Metin Pekağırbaş, Adnan Ayan,
Songül Erdoğan, Yasin Parlatır
ORAL118 Low vitamin D Levels in Association with Hasan Erdoğan, Kerem Ural, Deniz Aliç Ural, 118
Neonatal Diarrhea in Calves Serdar Paşa, Ilker Camkerten, Ali Evren
Haydardedeoğlu, Deniz Aliç Ural, Mehmet
Gültekin, Songül Erdoğan, Canberk Balikçi
ORAL119 Prevalance of diagnosis of Giardia duodenalis in Adnan Ayan, Kerem Ural, Serdar Paşa, Deniz 119
goats in Aydın province of Turkey Alıç Ural, Mehmet Gültekin, Hasan Erdoğan,
Songül Erdoğan, Ece Küçük
ORAL120 Low grade systemic coagulation in E. coli İlker Camkerten, Kerem Ural, Serdar Paşa, 120
induced neonatal diarrhea among calves Deniz Alıç Ural, Ali Evren Haydardedeoğlu,
Hasan Erdoğan, Mehmet Gültekin, Songül
ORAL121 Ultrasonography of the gastrointestinal Karolina Wrzesnıewska, Andrzej Milczak 121
ORAL122 Postpartum 25-OH-D3 and NEFA correlations Songül Erdoğan, Kerem Ural, Ilker Camkerten, 122
among cattle and offspring Güzin Camkerten, Hasan Erdoğan, Deniz Aliç
Ural, Ali Evren Haydardedeoğlu
ORAL123 Distribution of the Cat Diseases in Shelters İbrahim Akın, Yalçın Alper Özturan, Ahmet 123
ORAL124 Melatonin for Treatment of the Good, the Bad Kerem Ural, Serdar Paşa, Hasan Erdoğan, 124
and the Ugly Dermatological Disorders in Dogs Mehmet Gültekin, Songül Erdoğan
and Cats: Pratical Clues
ORAL125 Hemolacria and more: spectacular case of Songül Erdoğan, Hasan Erdogan, Kerem Ural, 125
bleeding in a calf İsmail Günal, Tahir Özalp
ORAL126 The Effects of Antioxidant Supplementation on Güzin Camkerten, Halil İbrahim Başyiğit, 126
Oxidative and Antioxidative Status During Neslihan Taşçene, Tevhide Sel, Hilal Karagül
Training in Race Horses
ORAL127 Effect of Dietary Coenzyme Q10 Tahir Bayrıl, Fatih Akdemir, Hasan Akşit 127
Supplementation on the Growth Performance,
Carcas Yield, Organ Weights and Oxidative
Stress in Quails Exposed to Cold Stres
ORAL128 Effect of timing of artificial insemination relative Tahir Bayrıl, Orhan Yılmaz, Bahattin Çak 128
to spontaneous estrus on reproductive
performance and calf gender ratio in repeat
breeder holstein cows
ORAL129 The Effects of Vancomycin and Daptomycin on Mehmet Ali Kısaçam, Sema Temizer Ozan, 129
Rat Liver Arginase Activity and Nitric Oxide Fatma Selvi, Gonca Ozan, Kadir Servi
POSTER1 The Role of Vıtamıns and Mınerals in The Selvinaz Yakan 131
Etıology of Bovıne Naıl Dıseases
POSTER 2 Effects of Pennyroyal Extract (Mentha Şaziye Canan Bölükbaşi Aktaş, Abdussamet 132
Pulegium) Supplementation At Different Levels Aydin
Into Diets of Hens on Performance, Egg Quality,
Yolk Tbars Values in Laying Hens
POSTER 3 A Novel Eubıotıc Feed Addıtıve Remarkably Şaziye Canan Bölükbaşi Aktaşa, Sulhattin 133
Improves Layıng Performance and Egg-Shell Yaşarb, Fatih Yildirimc, Hafiz Ghulam Qutab Ud
Qualıty in Late Layıng Perıod Din
POSTER 4 Evaluatıon of Oxıdatıve Stress in Sheep Infected Mustafa Sınan Aktaş, Fatıh Mehmet Kandemır, 134
Wıth Psoroptes Ovıs Usıng Total Antıoxıdant Akın Kırbaş, Başak Hanedan, Mehmet Akif
Capacıty, Total Oxıdant Status, and Aydın
Malondıaldehyde Level
POSTER 5 Helmınthologıcal Research in Wıld Boars (Sus Ahmet Gokcen, Ramazan Adanir, Bayram Ali 135
Scrofa) in Western Medıterranean Provınce of Yukari, Onur Köse
POSTER 6 Eimeria Species in Gazelle Subgutturosa in Ramazan Adanir, Sima Sahinduran, Osama B. 136
Turkey Mohammed, Ahmet Gokcen, Bayram Ali Yukari,
N. Sarp Sevgisunar
POSTER 7 Investigation of pathogenic Eimeria species in Aycan Nuriye Gazyagcı, Sami Gokpınar, Serkal 137
cattle by microscopy and PCR methods in Gazyagcı, Meral Aydenızoz, Kerem Ural
Kirikkale province
POSTER 8 The evaluation of of conventional routine Serkan Özkan, Kerem Ural 138
coagulation profile and D-imer concentration in
different stages of Canine Visceral Leishmanias
POSTER 9 Fate of Lısterıa monocytogenes in Carra Cheese Hisamettin Durmaz 139
Durıng Manufacture and Rıpenıng
POSTER 10 The Effect of Cheese Brıne Concentratıons on Hisamettin Durmaz, Osman Aygun, Mustafa 140
Survıval of Lısterıa Monocytogenes Ardic
POSTER 11 Repaırıng of The Bılateral Nasal and Maxıllary Pinar Can, Atilla Dogan 141
Bone Defect Wıth Polypropylene Mesh in A Dog
POSTER 12 Integratıon of Meta-Analytıcal Approach To Pinar Ambarcioğlu, Doğukan Özen, Ufuk Kaya, 142
Research in Veterınary Medıcıne Erman Gülendağ, Ismayil Safa Gürcan
POSTER 13 Immunohıstochemıcal Expressıon of Mehmet Özbek, Hidayet Tutun, Emel Ergün, 143
Cannabınoıd Receptor 2 (Cb2) in Sheep Ileum Feyzullah Beyaz, Levent Ergün
Durıng Prenatal Perıod
POSTER 14 Determınatıon of Heavy Metal Pollutıon in Hüsamettin Ekici, Kemal Yazici 144
Honey Samples Collected From Ardahan and
POSTER 15 The Effects of Coenzyme Q10 on Serum Tevhide Sel, Beste Kismali, Gorkem Kismali 145
Ceruloplasmın and Paraoxanase Levels of Rats
Wıth Experımental Dıabetes
POSTER 16 Cancer Development and Corrupted Sıgnalıng Mehmet Ali Kisaçam, Sema Temizer Ozan, 146
Mechanısm Gonca Ozan
POSTER 17 Aflatoxin M1 Levels in Milk and Kashar Cheese Ertan Doğan, Murat Bayezit 147
Samples With Respect To Seasonal Periods in
Ardahan, Turkey
POSTER 18 An Altered Method To Productıon Polyclonal Gülızar Aydoğdu, Şafak Mert, Benan Pelın 148
Ascıtes Fluıd Vıa Mouse Sermıklı, Erkan Yılmaz
POSTER 19 A Comparatıve Study on The Effects of Ali Bilgili, Asım Kart, Yılmaz Cıgremıs, Başak 149
Eprınomectın and Ivermectın on Plasma Hanedan, Dınçer Erdağ
Antıoxıdant Level and Lıpıd Peroxıdatıon in
POSTER 20 Effect of Carbontetrachlorıde on Rat Soleus Duygu Fevzıye Vural, Dılşad Özerkan, Suna 150
Muscle Cebesoy, Nesrın Ozsoy Erdas, Hatıce Mutlu
POSTER 21 The Anatomıcal Structure of Apodemus Hatice Mutlu Eyison, Suna Cebesoy, Erkut 151
Flavıcollıs Skull Kivanç
POSTER 22 Computed Tomographıc Dıagnosıs and Surgıcal Gonca Sönmez, Pınar Can, Yanad Abou Monsef, 152
Treatment of Fıbrochondrosarcoma: A Case Rıfkı Hazıroğlu, Ömer Beşaltı
POSTER 23 Genetıc Dıversıty in Apodemus Mystacınus Reyhan Çolak, Gül Olgun Karacan, Dılek Beteş, 153
(Mammalıa, Rodentıa) Based on Ssrs in Anatolıa Ercüment Çolak
POSTER 24 in Vıtro Investıgatıon of The Effects of Hsp70 Sema Yıldız, Nesrın Özsoy Erdaş, Gülızar 154
Chaperone on Cell Prolıferatıon and Oxıdatıve Aydoğdu, Erkan Yılmaz
Stress Agaınst Amyloıd Beta Nephrotoxıcıty
POSTER 25 A Tooth-Based Oroantral Fıstula in A Dog Çağlar Yener, Murat Sarierler 155
POSTER 26 Determining the effect of addition of fruit Gokhan Sen, Mehmet Akif Karsli, Mehmet 156
pomace into sorghum-sudan grass or alfalfa Basalan, Ilkay Aydogan, Serkan Erat
silages on fermentation characterictics and in
situ degradability
POSTER 27 Investıgatıon of Escherıchıa Colı O157:H7 By Nurhan Ertaş Onmaz, Sabri Datlı 157
Ims-Pcr Tecnıques in Slaughtered Cattle in
Kahramanmaraş Provınce
POSTER 28 Zınc Responsıve Nasal Dermatosıs in A Great Fulya Altinok Yipel 158
Danua: A Case Report
POSTER 29 Multı-Classes Antıbıotıc Resıdue Determınatıon Mustafa Yıpel, İbrahım Ozan Tekeli, Cemıl 159
in Chıcken Meat Samples By Lıquıd Kürekci
Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
POSTER 30 Socıoeconomıc Implıcatıons of Bıosecurıty Mehmet Ferit Can, Nuri Altuğ 160
Practıces in Small-Scale Daıry Farms
POSTER 31 D-Dimer / Fibrinogen Ratio in Dogs With Hasan Erdoğan, Serdar Paşa, Kerem Ural, 161
Ehrlichiosis Mehmet Gültekin, Yasin Parlatir, Songül
Erdoğan, Canberk Balikçi
POSTER 32 Alternatıve Therapy Methods in Wound Healıng Cansu Akdogan, Ibrahim Akin 162
POSTER 33 Repaır of An Oronasal Fıstule Usıng Rotatıonal Rahıme Yaygıngül Büşra Kıbar, Nuh Kılıç, 163
Flap Technıque Cansu Akdoğan
POSTER 34 Mıcroalbumınurıa Due To Dıfferent Dıseases Serdar Paşa, Kerem Ural, Nuh Kılıç, Hasan 164
Among Dogs Erdoğan, Mehmet Gültekin, Songül Erdoğan,
Yasin Parlatır
POSTER 35 Current Condıtıns and Anımal Feedıng Mehmet Akıf Karslı, Uğur Ödevci 165
Practıces of Feedlot Enterprıses Present in
Ankara Çankırı Çorum Kırıkkale and Kırşehır
POSTER 36 Epıgenetıcs and Its Applıcatıons in Lıvestock Mustafa Can Yilmaz, Raziye Işik, Güldehen 166
POSTER 37 Investıgatıon of Some Agents Causıng Dıarrhea Sabrı Hacıoglu, Sırın G. Cızmecı, Rahıme Adalet 167
in Rumınants in Mıd-Anatolıa Duyum, Munevver Uzar, Ilke Karayel Hacıoglu
POSTER 38 Mılk Yıeld and Some Udder Measurement of Fatma Tülın Özbaşer, Fatıh Atasoy, Evren 168
Saanen Goat in Provınce of Afyonkarahısar- Erdem
POSTER 39 Small Ruminant Breeding in Mersin Banu Yüceer Özkul, Özgür Gündüz 169
POSTER 40 Repaırıng of Frontal Bone Defect Due To Sınus Pinar Can, Ozkay Nasiboglu, Omer Besalti 170
Mucocele Wıth Tıtanıum Mesh in A Dog
POSTER 41 Fısh Meatball From By-Product of Sea Bass Demet Kara, Yunus Alparslan, Cansu Metin, 171
(Dıcentrarchus Labrax L. 1758) Fıllet Processıng Hatice Hasanhocaoğlu Yapıcı, Tuba Baygar,
Taçnur Baygar
POSTER 42 An Unusual Brachıal Plexus Nerve Sheath Pinar Can, Tuncer Kutlu, Osman Kutsal, Omer 172
Tumor in A Dog Besalti
POSTER 43 Candidate Genes Related With Meat Quality in Raziye Işik, Mustafa Can Yilmaz, Güldehen 173
Small Ruminants Bilgen
POSTER 44 Phosphodıesterase-5 Inhıbıtıon Wıth Alparslan Kadır Devrım, Mahmut Sözmen, Mert 174
Nanopartıcles Improve The Levels of Angıogenıc Sudağıdan, Zelıhagul Değım
Genes in A Rat Dıabetıc Wound Healıng Model
POSTER 45 Antıfungal Potentıal of Carvacrol Agaınst Aysel Uğur, Tuba Baygar, Nurdan Saraç, Taçnur 175
Candıda Albıcans and Candıda Tropıcalıs Baygar, Seher Saridaş
POSTER 46 Surgery of The Skın and Adnexal Tıssues in Nuh Kilic, Büşra Kibar, Serdar Pasa, Kerem Ural 176
POSTER 47 Immunohıstochemıcal Expressıon of Atrıal- and Mustafa Öztop, Mehmet Özbek, Feyzullah 177
Braın Natrıuretıc Peptıde in Anatolıan Ground Beyaz, Emel Ergün, Levent Ergün, Ergül Ergen,
Squırrel (Spermophılus Xanthoprymnus) Kıdney Füsun Erhan
and Lung
POSTER 48 Effect of Addıtıon of Medıum Chaın Fatty Acıds Mehmet Demirci, Mehmet Başalan 178
on Performance and Some Bıochemıcal
Parameters of Broıler Chıckens
POSTER 49 Presurgical Preparations in Camels Nuh Kilic, Büşra Kibar, Özde Kandemir, Selim 179
POSTER 50 Plant Essentıal Oıls Used Agaınst Amerıcan Hidayet Tutun, Sedat Sevin, Adnan Ayan 180
POSTER 51 Vıtamın E Serum Concentratıons in Neonatal Romana Kadek, Jaroslav Filípek, Josef Íllek 181
POSTER 52 548 Oxidative status and lipid profile in mono Mehmet Gultekin, Kerem Ural, Serdar Paşa, 182
and co-infection with canine monocytic Canberk Balıkçı, Gamze Sevri Ekren Asıcı
POSTER 53 Investıgatıon of The Effects of Isoflurane and Fatıh Mehmet Bırdane, Musa Korkmaz, Cenker 183
Sevoflurane Anesthesıa on Coagulatıon Cagrı Cıngı, Zulfukar Kadır Sarıtas
Parameters in Dogs
POSTER 54 Immunohıstochemıcal Localızatıon of Certaın Füsun Erhan, Levent Ergün, Feyzullah Beyaz, 184
Nervous System Markers on Sheep Ileum Emel Ergün, Mehmet Özbek
Durıng Prenatal Perıod
POSTER 55 Determination of serum 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D3 Naile Karagöz Güral, Kerem Ural 185
levels in some parasitic dermatosis in dogs
POSTER 56 Coagulatıon Profıle in Calf with Neonatal Ahmet Künyeli, Kerem Ural 186
POSTER 57 Spatıal Dıtrıbuıton of Coccıdıosıs Among Goats Adnan Ayan, Kerem Ural, Denız Alıç Ural, 187
in Aydın Provınce, Turkey Hasan Erdogan, Songül Erdogan, Mehmet
POSTER 58 Oxidative Status and Lipid Profile among Dogs Mehmet Gültekin, Serdar Paşa, Kerem Ural, 188
at Different Stages of Visceral Leishmaniasis Canberk Balikçi, Gamze Sevri Ekren Aşici,
Gamze Gültekin
POSTER 59 Two Common Types of Vagınal Masses in Bılgıner Tuna, Tuğra Akkuş, Cevdet Peker, 189
Female Dogs Eyyüp Hakan Uçar, Ayşe Nur Akkoç
POSTER 60 Potentıal Use of Potato Pulp As A Rumınant Hasan Hüseyın Şenyüz, Mehmet Akif Karslı 190
POSTER 61 Effects of Substıtutıng Barley Wıth Potato Pulp Hasan Hüseyın Şenyüz, Mehmet Akif Karslı, 191
Sılage Prepared Wıth Ground Barley Straw and Serkan Erat, Ömer Onur Parıldar
Wheat Bran on Fattenıng Performance of Lambs
POSTER 62 Effect of Volatıle Oıl Obtaıned from Pınus Nıgra Esma Kozan, Mert Ilhan, Ibrahım Tümen, Esra 192
Arn. Subsp. Pallasıana (Lamb.) Holmboe Leaves Küpelı Akkol
on Protoscolex of Hydatıd Cysts
POSTER 63 Effıcıency Evaluatıon of Commercıal Cenap Cevheri, Çiğdem Küçük 193
Bıofertılızers For Growth of Barley
POSTER 64 Protectıve Role of Bromelaın Agaınst Nıckel Füsun Temamoğulları, Pınar Aksu Kılıçle, 194
Genotoxıcatıon in Rats Şükrü Gürler
POSTER 65 Effect of Some Rısk Factors on Subclınıcal Resul Koçyığıt, Oktay Yılmaz, Erhan Özenç, 195
Mastıtıs in Daıry Cows Mehmet Uçar
POSTER 66 Comperative Evaluation of Tylosin Tartarate Buğra Bekirhan Yağci, Kerem Ural, Ali Evren 196
and Tarantula Cubensis Venom For The Haydardedeoğlu, Tamercan Morkoç
Treatment of Bovine Papillomatosis: A
Prospective, Double Blinded and Multicentered
POSTER 67 Develerde Göz Ve Kulak Cerrahisi Nuh Kiliç, Özde Kandemir, Büşra Kibar 197
POSTER 68 Prototypes of Modıfıed Gauze in Controllıng Zbigniew Adamiak, Danuta Bukowiecka, Paweł 198
Hemorrhagıng in Swıne Jastrzebski, Piotr Holak, Marek Jalynski
POSTER 69 Histochemical and Morphometric Studies in Serap Ilhan Aksu, Yalcin Akbulut, Ebru 199
Goose (Anser Anser) Testis Karadag Sari, Turgay Deprem
POSTER 70 Biological Activity of The Cvs Virus in Cell Sobiech Przemysław, Zhanserik Sultanov, 200
Culture Mambetaliev Mc, Romashev K, Ussenbayev
Altay, Khizat Serikf
POSTER 71 Investıgatıons on Cryptosporıdıum Specıes in Sibel Cagatay, Baris Sari 201
Domestıc Geese (Anser Anser) in The Provınce
of Kars, Turkey
POSTER 72 Pentoxıfyllıne As A Therapeutıc Armamentarıum Gözde Budak, Kerem Ural, Serdar Paşa, Mehmet 202
Agaınst Alopecıa, Crustıng and Partıal Tıssue Gültekin
Loss; Dıseases of The Pınna in Canıne Vısceral
POSTER 73 Effects of Hexachlorocyclohexane (Hch-Y- Hayati Yüksel, Ünal İspir, Aykut Ulucan, 203
Isomer, Lındane) on The Reproductıve System of Cebrahıl Türk, Mehmet Reşit Taysı
Zebrafısh (Danıo Rerıo)
POSTER 74 Dermatophagoıdes Farina Or Kerem Ural, Çağatay Türk, Serdar Paşa, İlker 204
Dermatophagoıdes Pteronyssınus-Specıfıc Ig E Camkerten, Ali Evren Haydardedeoğlub, Hasan
Levels in Atopıc Dogs Erdoğan, Mehmet Gültekin, Songül Erdoğan
POSTER 75 Unilateral Papillary Type Renal Carcinoma in A Tunçer Ulukartal, Buğra Bekirhan Yağci, Ilker 205
Terrier Breed Dog Camkerten, Kerem Ural
POSTER 76 Symblepharon Formation After Corneal Wound Müge Bircan Akkartal, Atilla Doğan, Irem Ergin 206
in A Cat
POSTER 77 Determination of Antioxidant Capacity of Hande Sultan Sahiner, Murat Boyacioglu, Ozge 207
Commercial Antioxidant Supplements By 2,2- Bardakci, Umit Karademir
Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl (Dpph) Assay
POSTER 78 Increasing The Pregnancy Rate in Breeding Şükrü Dursun, Gaye Bulut, Mehmet Köse, Tahir 208
Season Middle Anatolian Merino Sheep of Non- Karaşahin
POSTER 79 Mirnas and Breast Cancer Berrin Salmanoglu, Gizem Aralan 209
Gene Modification with CRISPR; a Shortcut to
POSTER 80 Elif Bulut, Alper Bulut, Murat Yildirim 210
Super Human? -
Oral - 1
The aim of the study was influence of feed additives on the quality and composition
of Ostrich meat in south-east Kazakhstan. in the experiment, 48 three-month-old
females of the black African ostrich were involved divided in four groups: the first -
control group was fed with the ration taken on the farm; birds of the second group
additionally received a feed supplement at the rate of 5 g/kg, the third - 10 g/kg, and
the fourth - 15 g/kg of ration for nine months. Composition of the feed supplement
was as follows (in percentage): shell rock - 38.25, bentonite-38.25, bischofite - 4.5
elemental sulfur - 4.0, sodium selenite - 0.000004, potassium iodine -0,001, iron
sulfate - 0.01, zinc sulfate - 0.001, dry brewer's yeast - 2,5, dry acidophilus milk -
1.5, fish meal- 2,5, meat and bone meal - 4,0, flour from the roots of licorice - 0.1,
flour from the leaves of plantain - 0.1. At the end of the experiment, the experimental
ostriches were slaughtered (three individuals in each group) and the vitamin and
mineral composition of the muscle tissue of the birds was examined. Thus, the use
of the fodder additive developed by us in the south-east of Kazakhstan has a
beneficial effect on the vitamin-mineral and amino acid composition, and,
accordingly, on the nutritional and biological value of ostrich meat.
Oral - 2
a Çukurova University
Seven groups of European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) were fed three type diets
in which the added oil was 100% fish oil (FO),100% canola oil (CO), 50%FO+50%CO
with fish oil and canola oil based diet were regularly alternated in a series of weekly
cycles (1W: alternation of 1 weeks on CO and 1 weeks FO,1W: alternation of 1 week
50%FO+50%COand 1 week 100%FO,3W: alternation of 3 weeks FO and 3 weeks CO),
over a 12-week period. The use of canola oils in European sea bass diets did not affect
fish survival. Specific growth rate (SGR) for all periods was similar in all experimental
groups. No significant differences were found in daily feed intake. Whole body
composition did not show any differences among dietary treatment in protein, dry
matter and ash content. Lipid levels of whole body were lower in fish fed FO, CO,
1week 50%CO/FO+100%FO compared with fish fed 50%FO+50%CO. LA(18:2n-6)
levels did not show any differences among dietary treatment. on the other hand, LNA
is highest in CO diet. Total monounsaturated fatty acid was highest in CO diet. As a
result of this study; the great ability for bioconversion of n-3 FA, canola oil is a
promising alternative to fish oil in formulating feed and alternate weekly cycles for
European sea bass.
Keywords: Canola Oil; Fatty Acids; Fish Oil Replacement; Feeding Schedule;
European Sea Bass
Oral - 3
Çukurova University
This study was conducted in Çukurova University, Faculty of fisheries, Dr. Nazmi
TEKELİOĞLU freshwater aquaculture and research station. in this experiment 480
juvenile Asian catfish (pangasianodon hypophthalmus) with 3.50±0.40 g weight on
average were split into 4 groups in triplicate and stocked in 12 tanks and 12 cages
including 20 fish each. Blood parameters and all types of adaptation conditions
depending on feeding frequency were investigated in two different aquaculture
facilities both tank and cage. At the end of the study Total protein and Glucose values
were between 3.65-4.85 and 86.5-96.0, respectively in the tanks. Total protein values
were between 4.20-4.65 respectively in the cage. According to results of the analyses
of triglyceride and cholesterol there were statistical differences among the groups
(p≤0.05). Blood parameter of the fish was affected by feeding frequency. It was
determined that fish which was reared in cages and fed with three times feeding
frequency had the highest triglyceride and cholesterol contents. in conclusion, result
of this study showed that the high blood parameters for Asian catfish were obtained
from the fish which reared in cages and fed three times a day according to triglyceride
and cholesterol values.
Oral - 4
Blood samples will be collected from 40 Malakli dogs which are raised in various
animal shelters in Aksaray region. in the study of 40 dogs blood V. cephalica
accesorius our method in accordance with 4 ml EDTA and silicone tubes will be taken
Borrelia burgdorferi, Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma phagocytophilium and Dirofilaria
immitis in terms of rapid test kits will be evaluated and blood samples taken from the
oxidative stress important markers that, and will be subject to evaluation by the kits.
Oral - 5
The present study was designed as a descriptive study to evaluate the attitudes of
surgical nurses concerning patient safety. The study included 123 nurses, who have
been working in the operating rooms of the hospitals in Karaman, Konya for at least
one year and were voluntary to participate in the study. Data collection tools included
a questionnaire to inquire demographic characteristics of surgical nurses, and
“Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) -Operating Room Version” to evaluate their
attitudes concerning patient safety. The mean scores obtained from SAQ sub-
dimensions were between 42.12 ±16.82 and 69.07±24.44, whereas the mean score of
SAQ total was 59.11 ±13.29. Statistically significant difference was determined
between the mean SAQ total score and age, weekly working hours, duration of
working in the operating room, resting status, receiving in service training, and
training about patient safety. The present study will enhance patient safety in
operating rooms by providing an improvement in communication among health
workers and in team collaboration, regulating working hours, and scheduling
training programs to establish an opinion about worker safety and patient safety.
Oral - 6
Oral - 7
Department for Companion Animals and Horses, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
Section of Equine Internal Medicine
Oral - 8
Department for Companion Animals and Horses, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
Section of Equine Internal Medicine
The respiratory efforts of the thorax and abdominal muscles of donkeys have not
adequately been quantified. The aim of this study was to analyse the differences of
thoracic and abdominal excursions during breathing by using Respiratory
Ultrasound Plethysmography (RUP). Synchronisation, rhythm and relative
contribution of the thoracic and abdominal muscles were analysed. The final goal
was to contribute to a reference data base for diagnostic purposes and find out if RUP
could be a simple diagnostic technique for use in the field. The RUP system in its
current form is too sensitive to signal noise and generated data are difficult to
quantify. Nevertheless, using an alternative algorithm the respiratory strategy of
healthy and coughing donkeys appeared different.
Oral - 9
This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of lice infestations in 290
goats slaughtered in Bingöl Municipal Slaughterhouse. For this purpose, 290 goats
were examined, between December 2014 to May 2015 by going once a week during
six months to Bingöl Municipal Slaughterhouse. Lice infestation were seen in 88
(30.34%) of the examined 290 hair goats. of the 340 lice collected from the infested
goats, 153 (45%), 63 (195), 124 (36%) were positive for Bovicola caprae, Bovicola
limbata and Linognathus africanus respectively. The average number of lices per
animal was found to be 3.85. This study was conducted for the first time in Bingöl
Oral - 10
Oral - 11
a University of Ankara
b University of Ankara Instition of Health Sciences
Maternal high-fat diet (HFD) feeding predisposes offspring to metabolic diseases. The
aim of the present work was to investigate the effect of maternal high fat diet feeding
on reproductive development of the male offspring during a period of 90 days after
birth, using Wistar rats. At the beginning of the study, 20 healthy female rats were
divided into two groups. Mothers in the HFD group were fed with cafeteria diet until
mating, before mating and during pregnancy and lactation. The control group were
fed with normal diet composition. At the end of the pregnancy in both groups 20, 30
and 90-day-old male offsprings (n = 6) were obtained. in the experimental process,
the change of body weight, serum cholesterol, triglycerides, total protein, total
glucose, albumin values and blood testosterone levels of rats in all groups were
determined. Testicular tissue samples were obtained and the samples were fixed in
10% neutral formalin solution for histologic findings. Tissue sections were examined
under the light microscope after hematoxylin-eosin staining. Blood cholesterol,
triglyceride, total protein, albumin and total glucose levels were evaluated with
autoanalyzer. Testosterone levels were determined with commercial ELISA kits. Body
weights were increased in control group in 20 days (p <0.001) and reduced in 30 days
(p <0.05) compared to the HFD offspring. Blood testosterone levels were decreased in
90-day-old HFD group compared to with the control group (p <0.001). The ALT, AST,
albumin and total protein values were determined to be reduced in 20, 30 and 90-
day-old pups of the HFD groups compared with the control group. Triglyceride levels
were decreased in 20-day-old pups of the control group compared with HFD group.
No major alterations were detected in histological findings. The results show that
testosterone levels were significantly decreased, in HFD offspring compared to those
in normal diet fed controls.
Oral - 12
University of Cukurova
Oral - 13
The species Necrobia rufipes (De Geer, 1775) is a beetle of the family Cleridae and is
commonly known as the copra beetle and red-legged ham beetle. The copra beetle is
a cosmopolitan pest, causing significant dam¬age to stored products such as copra
(dried coconut flesh), ham, cheese, dried fish and other foods rich in protein content.
Necrobia rupifes was also reported on animal carrion and human corpses in various
countries. A large number of insects were detected in the pet clinic especially on the
pet food plates. Samples collected from these areas were transferred to Ankara
University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Parasitology. Under Stereo
microscope examination the samples were identified as Necrobia rufipes. There are a
large number of insects associated with pet store. The origin of insects infestation is
unknown but it can come from raw material or from the place where dry pet food
products are stored. Therefore, N. rufipes infestation may have been associated with
stored pet foods, which contains high proteins. The present study was shown that
these insects treathen pet clinics via pet food and this is the first report of Necrobia
rufipes in Turkey. The occurrence of these insects indicates the need to enhance the
food quality. Early detection and management of infestations is important to spread
to the whole clinic and integrity and quality of food products.
Oral - 14
In the present case, it was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment in
addition to the clinical findings of the sarcoptic mange in a rabbit. A 6 months old
female mix breed rabbit with the severe pruritic and hyperkeratotic lesions complaint
was referred to our clinic. Lesions were observed on the claws, at the caudodorsal
area of the tail, at the nose tip and at the edges of the ears. The rabbit owner gave
inormation that itchy redness occurred in her own body. Deep skin scrapings were
made in three different areas of lesions for ectoparasite examination. in the
microscopic examination of the samples, matured adults and eggs of the mites
according to the morphological characteristics were identified as Sarcoptes scabie var
cuniculi. 15 mg of selamectin was used two times, ten days apart. in addition, a
pomate containing urea and salicylic acid was applied on the lesions once daily for
five days. Hyperkeratotic lesions resolved on day 10, and hairs on the lesional area
grew on day 30. The recurrence did not occurre until two months after the completion
of the treatment. As a result, combined treatment with selamectin and the pomate
containing urea and salicylic acid was successful in a rabbit with sarcoptic mange.
Keywords: Rabbit, Sarcoptes scabie var cuniculi, Urea, Salicylic Acid, Selamectin
Oral - 15
Ankara University
Spay and neuter programmes are integral parts of shelter medicine. Laparoscopic
ovariectomy (LapOVE) offers an alternative for traditional midline
ovariohysterectomy. in this study, effect of LapOVE on surgical time, postoperative
stress and pain were evaluated in one-year spay programme. Twenty-one adult (8
months-5 years) and 21 prepubertal (4-8 months) female dogs were randomly
allocated into either adult or prepubertal traditional midline ovariohysterectomy
(OHE), midline ovariectomy (OVE) and LapOVE groups and each group included 7
dogs. Surgery was performed by an experienced operator under inhalation
anaesthesia and surgical times were recorded. Postsurgical stress was evaluated by
serum glucose measurements and total blood counts on 0, 1, 6, 24h. Postsurgical
pain was assesed by using Melbourne Pain Scale on 0, 1, 6, 24 and 48h. Results
indicate that OVE was less time consuming (P˂0.05) and it induced less postoperative
pain (P˂0.05) and stress (P˂0.01) compared to OHE in both adult and prepubertal
dogs. Surgical time was longer (P˂0.01) in LapOVE in adult dogs compared to OVE.
in contrast, it induced less postoperative pain (P˂0.05) and stress (P˂0.05). in
prepubertal dogs, LapOVE surgical time was shorter (P˂0.05) than OHE and
postsurgical pain and stress (P˂0.01) were reduced. in conclusion, OVE should be
preferred over OVE in traditional midline surgery in bitches. in addition, being a
simple and less traumatic method LapOVE has a great potential to be included in
shelter spay programmes, especially for prepubertal dogs.
Oral - 16
Kefir is a traditional fermented milk product prepared by using kefir grains or kefir
cultures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of using bovine milk
with different somatic cell counts (SCC) on some properties of kefir. SCC of different
batches of milk was estimated by Fossomatic method and milk with low (135.000
cells/ml), medium (450.000 cells/ml) and high (850.000 cells/ml) SCC were
prepared. Milk was pasteurized at 95ºC for 10 min and was cooled to 25-28ºC. Kefir
grains were added (3%) and milk was incubated at 25ºC until pH value of
approximately 4.5 and kept at 4ºC thereafter. Titratable acidity, pH value, fat (Gerber)
and total dry matter (gravimetric) content, consistency index (dynamic rheometer),
phase separation, colour (L, a, b values) and sensory properties (by using scoring test
with 7 panelists) were recorded on days 1, 7 and 14 of the storage and compared in
duplicates. Results indicated that pH, fat, total dry matter content, consistency index
and L, a, b values decreased; titratable acidity and phase separation increased as
SCC in milk increased (p<0.05). in contrast, sensory properties were acceptable for
all SCC levels studied. in conclusion, SCC in bulk milk affects physical and chemical
properties of kefir; however, sensory properties are not affected.
Oral - 17
The purpose of this study was to compare some body measurements taken on Bafra
lambs with the ones taken on the digital images of the same lambs using ImageJ
program (ImageJ 1.50i, Wayne Rasband, National Institutes of Health, USA). Bafra
lambs (31 females, 21 males) ranging in age from 171 days to 201 days (mean
age=183.6 days) were used. Each lamb was photographed with a digital camera (Sony
DSC P72 Cyber-Shot 3.2 MP w/3X optical zoom, Japan). Then, three measurements,
wither height (WH), rump height (RH) and chest depth (CD), were taken from the
lambs using the measurement stick. in order to get the real measurements on the
lambs, the wool of the lambs was pressed with the measurement stick on one point
in the WH and RH and two points in the CD. Mean wool thickness of 4.5 cm was
subtracted from the digital measurements of the WH and RH while 9.0 cm (2x4.5 cm)
was subtracted from the digital measurements of the CD (as adjusted digital
measurements). The real measurements taken on the live lambs (M1) and the
adjusted digital measurements (M2) were compared using paired t test to see if M1
and M2 differs. The means and standard errors of the WH, RH and CD in M1 were
57.45±0.48, 59.19±0.48 and 24.04±0.21 cm, respectively. The means and standard
errors of the WH, RH and CD in M2 were 57.99±0.69, 58.56±0.70 and 27.04±0.36
cm, respectively. The WHs of M1 and M2 (p=0.270) and the RHs of M1 and M2
(p=0.205) were not statistically different while the CDs of M1 and M2 (p<0.001) were
statistically different. This preliminary results showed that ImageJ program can be
used to measure somebody measurements of lambs from digital images with some
confidence since more studies need to be done with more body measurements.
Oral - 18
The purpose of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics and bioavailability
of cefquinome (CFQ) (2.5 mg/kg) following single and repeated subcutaneous (SC)
administrations in sheep. Six clinically healthy, female, 1.5±0.2 years sheep were
used for the study. in pharmacokinetic study, the crossover design in three phases
were performed. The withdrawal interval between the phases of the study was 15
days. in first phase, CFQ (Cobactan, 2.5%) was administered by an intravenous (IV)
bolus (3 sheep) and SC (3 sheep) injections at dosages of 2.5 mg/kg of body weight
to each sheep. in second phase, the treatment administration following the washout
period was repeated via the opposite administration route. in third phase, CFQ
following the withdrawal interval was administrated subcutaneously to each sheep
(n=6) at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg q. 24 hours for 5 days. Plasma concentrations of
cefquinome were measured using the HPLC-UV method. Pharmacokinetic
parameters were calculated using WinNonlin software. The t1/2ʎz and MRT of CFQ
after the single SC administration was longer than IV administration (P<0.05).
Bioavailability (F) of CFQ following the single SC administration was 123.51±11.54%.
AUC0-∞ and Cmax following repeated doses (last dose) were higher than those
observed after the first dose (P<0.05). Cefquinome accumulated after repeated SC
doses. CFQ can be given at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg body weight q. 24 h for the treatment
of infections caused by susceptible pathogens which minimum inhibitory
concentration is ≤1.0 µg/mL in sheep.
Oral - 19
The aim of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of
enrofloxacin (ENR) and danofloxacin (DNX) following intravenous (IV) and
intramuscular (IM) administrations in premature calves. The study was performed
on twenty-four calves that were determined to be the premature by the anamnesis
and general clinical examination and require the correction of vital functions. The
calves were allocated to two parallel treatment groups comprising twelve per group.
Six calves in each group received single IV and IM injections of 10 mg/kg bw ENR
and 8 mg/kg DNX, respectively. Plasma samples were collected for the determination
of applied drugs by high-pressure liquid chromatography and analyzed by non-
compartmental methods. Mean pharmacokinetic parameters of ENR and DNX
following IV administration were; elimination half-life (t1/2λz) 11.16 and 17.47 h,
area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC0-∞) 147 and 44.18 h*μg/mL,
volume of distribution at steady-state (Vdss) 1.06 and 4.45 L/kg, and total body
clearance 0.07 and 0.18 L/h/kg, respectively. Mean pharmacokinetic parameters of
ENR and DNX following IM injection were; peak plasma concentration (Cmax) 7.55
and 2.15 μg/mL, time to peak concentration (Tmax) 5.33 and 3 h, t1/2λz 21.10 and
28.41 h, AUC0-∞ 210 and 69.96 μg/h/mL, respectively. The mean bioavailability of
ENR and DNX after IM administration were determined as 117% and 124%,
respectively. We concluded that ENR and DNX following IM administration show the
high bioavailability and the long elimination half-life. Additionally, the
pharmacokinetic data demonstrated that DNX is widely distributed and slowly
eliminated following a single IV administration in premature calves. Further studies
are required to plan a dosage regimen with these drugs in the premature calves.
Oral - 20
An 18-month-old horned merino ram was brought to the animal hospital of Ankara
University with the complaints of fatigue, wounds around the mouth and nose and
swelling and darkening of the tongue. The anamnesis taken from the animal owner
increased the suspisions of an overdose poisoning. According to the owner, herd was
fed with grinded hellaboms (Helleborus orientalis) roots with considerably high doses
compared to its traditional use as an alternative treatment in sheep and goat breeding
by ear implant. Anamnesis also was showing that the rest 150 sheeps of the herd
placed in Meyildere village of Nallıhan in Ankara had similar semptomes following
five-day period with 6 havier symptomes and 5 losses within the herd. After
anamnesis, representative samples were taken from the patient's ram herd and
examined in terms of virological diseases. Results were negative for blue tong and
PPR diseases. Next, the plant roots which added in the feed were analyzed
toxicologically. The active ingredient ‘protoanemon’ was clearly detected in the
Helleborus orientalis toxicologic analyse results. Protoanemon of Hellaboms contain
delta-lacton hellebrin which is a bufatenoid type heart glycoside. Due to these active
substances, they are being used as analgesic, anthelmintic, diuretic in the treatments
of heart failure, circulatory insufficiency and menstrual bleeding. It is also being used
in animals to treat scabies, bronchitis and similar breast diseases. Results proved
that misuse of the plant lead to poisoning and the poisoning was the main cause of
the abnomalies and the deaths in the herd. After understanding of the reason, with
applications of wide spectrum of antibiotics, vitamins and corticosteroids, remaining
poisoned animals were treated successfully.
Oral - 21
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of L-cysteine (C), catalase (CAT)
and combination L-cysteine + catalase (C+CAT) on sperm parameters after the freeze-
thawing of ram sperm. Semen samples collected from 5 ram with the aid of electro
ejaculator in out of season, which were diluted with a Tris-based extender containing
1, 2 mM C, 200, 400 µg CAT and 2 mM C +400 µg CAT and no antioxidant (control),
were cooled to 50 C and frozen in 0.25 ml French straws. The addition of 2mM C led
to higher percentages of subjective, CASA total and progressive motilities
(63,3±3,33%, 41.06±3.027%, 18.59±1.29) compared to controls (40,0±2,58%,
26.40±5.32%, 12.40±3.71%, P<0.05). C+CAT gave the lowest VCL (µm/s), VSL (µm/s),
VAP (µm/s), LIN (%), STR (%) and WOB (%) values respectively (77.39±2.43%,
33.59±6.55, 49.29±5.39, 43.20±7.59, 67.54±5.89, 63.61±5.58), compared to other
groups, (P < 0.05). C+CAT group also led to highest sperm ALH (µm/s) (3.80±0.40)
when compared to control (2.85±0.23 µm/s, P < 0.05). L-cysteine 2 mM
supplementation in semen extenders provided a better protection of ram sperm CASA
parameters against cryopreservation injury compared the combination of L-cysteine
2mM and catalase 400 µg.
Oral - 22
The purpose of this study is to assess the sericulture sector according to the actual
data which has both cultural and economic value for Turkey and has the feature of
being a livestock sub-production area mostly considered as a source of additional
income. The fresh silk cocoon, being the output of sericulture, is an important raw
material for the silk and silky textile industry and also has a traditional and cultural
value. in Turkey, as of 2016, the annual cocoon production is 103 tons, and the 2001
family deals with this work. The organization in sericulture dates back to old times.
in 1940, the first cooperatives were founded in Bursa, Bilecik and Adapazarı in order
to maintain and increase the cocoon production after the foundation of the Republic.
These cooperatives were merged and Bursa Association of Agricultural Sales
Cooperatives for Silk Cocoons (KOZABİRLİK) was founded on 11 May 1940. Although
the support given to the sericulture has changed over the years, it is very important
for the sector. By 2016, the purchase price of cocoons was 5 TL / kg while the price
of support was 40 TL / kg. Silky products, which are natural output of silkworm
production, make the sector important for marketing and foreign trade. Despite the
decrease in export amount in recent years, only silk carpet exports have generated
nearly 100 million dollars in income in the last 5 years. Although the sericulture
sector is an additional field of activity, it has some problems in itself. At the beginning
of these; not being preferred too much because the incomes obtained from the
alternative livestock and agricultural activities are more than those obtained from the
silk cocoon and the losses due to the poisoning occurred as a result of contamination
of mulberry leaves used in silkworm breeding.
Oral - 23
It is aimed through this research to determine the current situation and problems
concerning the production, cost and marketing of the red meat products
manufacturing enterprises in Turkey, to investigate the issues such as the raw
material procurement, quality-price relation, capacity utilization, processing costs
within the scope of production-industry integration and also to reveal the sectoral
problems concerning the investment and operating period in industry. The research
material is composed of the data provided for 2014 and 2015 by the red meat
producers, which accepted the data and information supply and which operate
primarily in the different regions of Turkey, have a registration at the Union of
Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and also of which the capacity
reports were prepared. SPSS 17.0 and Microsoft Excel were used to calculate
business results and production costs of red meat products. in addition, costs for
sujuk, salami, sausage, pastrami, kavurma and jambon are separately determined.
It was determined that the enterprisers’ average capacity utilization was 49,89% in
2014-2015. It was determined while the greatest expenditure elements were raw
materials in the same period in the enterprises, the second was recorded as auxiliary
product, the third was labor and then energy costs. It is seen that the average activity
period of the enterprises is 20.8 years. It was determined that the raw material
productivity for 100 kg red meat was 134,3 kg for sujuk, 155,5 kg for salami, 163,3
kg for sausage, 90,2 kg for pastrami, 85,6 kg for kavurma and also 113,3 for jambon.
It was determined that the greatest problem faced by the red meat producers was
the lack of raw material and this caused the increases in costs by leading to the
reduction in capacity utilization.
Oral - 24
In this study, it is aimed to describe the usage of maternally derived antibody (MDA)
level based vaccination schedule on the prevention of newborn puppy deaths caused
by canine parvovirus infection in the dog farm following the JAVMA regular
vaccination schedule. However, if any viral disease is present in the environment, the
MDAs of the puppies can be neutralized by the vaccination and they can become
vulnerable to the circulating wild viruses. Total 72 puppies from two dog breeder
farms were died in the last two years and all cases showed co-existence with vaccine
administration. The blood and faeces samples of the both mother and puppies (n=45)
were collected and necropsy was performed for 9 died puppies. Their tissue samples
were collected for histopathological, PCR examinations and DNA sequencing. MDALs
of Canine Adenovirus(CAV), Canine Distemper Virus(CDV) and CPV were analysed by
immunocomb ELISA technique (Biogal Inc.). Pathologic findings were characterized
by CPV infection e.g. fibrinous hemorrhagic enteritis, viloous atrophy and lymph node
necrosis. The CPV infection was confirmed by PCR, and the responsible strain was
CPV2b according to virus phylogenetic analyses. MDAL of all the CPV infected
puppies were under the protective levels. Otherwise, 22 out of 24 puppies were found
viremic during the test time. Interestingly, clinical signs were severe in the 60th day
vaccinated puppies born from the more immune competent mother dogs’. Thus, the
causes of deaths are originating from the blockage of the MDAs still have competence
on the protective level for puppies, due to early vaccination in the farm. in
conclusion, high mortality rates characterized by CPV, CDV and HCC infections
having a clear co-existence with vaccination in a breeding dog farm, is closely related
to blocking of MDALs. This can be highlighted and prevented by detecting the
individual MDALs and a comprehensive clinical pathological approaches.
Oral - 25
In this research, the sustainability of the field of activity has been examined through
conducting an economic analysis of data obtained from the business administration
activities of an establishment operating in provincial borders of Burdur which were
performed between 2015-2016. in the study, production cost, cost factors and the
economic ratios of the establishment has been presented. When the cost factors of
warm manure production is analyzed, it is determined that the primary cost factors
for the year 2015 in a 100 square meters of production area ranges as; %46,1 for cost
of worm, %7 for animal manure, %33,1 for labor force, %2,5 for electricity and water
bills and %1,2 for packaging. It is established that there has not been any worm cost
in 2016 and that the distribution has been sorted as %20,3 for animal manure, %56,9
for labor force, %4,8 for electricity and water bills and %5,6 for packaging costs. As
a result of the analyses, the economic ratios of the establishment are calculated as
respectively; the return on equity of 1,21 in 2016 while -0.03 in 2015, economic
rentability of 1,21 in 2016 while -0.03 in 2015, rentability factor of 1,10 in 2016 while
-0.08 in 2015. It has been conferred that the worm manure production is a field with
continuous manufacturing and market opportunity in livestock farming industry and
its profitability is at a point where it will satisfy the manufacturer as of the periods
examined. It can be asserted that this production branch will play an active role in
rural development in the market conditions nowadays with its sustainable
production structure and it will be an alternative production area for monetizing for
the farmers.
Oral - 26
C Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Erciyes
Oral - 27
Oral - 28
Oral - 29
In recent years a large number of enterprises have started to breed Saanen goats
which have higher milk yields than hair goats in our country. Çanakkale is the city
in which the Saanen goat breeding is the most intensive and has the largest number
of Saanen goats in Turkey. in fact, 25,51% of the total Saanen goats in Turkey is
located in Çanakkale. The aim of this study is to make an evaluation about the
production structure of Saanen goat enterprises, milking characteristics and
common animal diseases related to hygiene conditions. The material of the study is
the data which are obtained from face-to-face surveys made by 10 dairy goat breeders
as a preliminary study of a scientific research. in the study it has been observed that
nearly all producers make a semi-intensive dairy goat breeding and has a normal-
based pens. It has been seemed that most farmers don’t use any foreign labor and
they work generally with their own family labor. It has been detected that all of the
farmers don’t have any training in dairy goat breeding systems and hygiene practices.
Regarding the milking characteristics, only a few farmers have an automatic milking
system in their farms and in generally milking is made by hand in pens. However,
they don’t use any gloves while milking and breast cleaning is also not done after
milking process. It has been observed that, mastitis diseases frequently occur in
enterprises in which milking hygiene is not implemented regularly. Due to this
disease, a large number of animals have been removed from the farms and economic
losses caused by mastitis have been reported. As a result, producers need to be
informed and trained in technical terms in milking and hygiene practices in order to
provide economical benefits and prevent common animal diseases.
Oral - 30
Egg quality losses during storage period from laying to transportation pose hazardous
damage to farm economics. Sustainability and maintenance of internal egg quality
can be achieved by alternative therapy like herbal and plants products. The current
study was designed to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of Pistacia
terebinthus seed meal in laying hens on egg quality traits during different storage
time. For this purpose, a total of 192 Babcock white laying hens were divided into 6
groups with 4 subgroups in each and fed diets containing 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50
g/kg terebinth (Pistacia terebinthus) to each group accordingly. At the end of the
experiment, 48 eggs were collected from each group at 2 consecutive days. From the
first day collection, 12 eggs from each group were analysed on the same day without
storage. Remaining eggs were stored at +4°C. Then after 10, 20 and 30 days of
storage, 12 eggs from each group were analysed for internal egg quality parameters.
Results revealed that terebinthus has shown significantly positive effect (P<0.05) on
Haugh unit values at 20 g/kg and 40 g/kg inclusion rate at days 30 of storage.
Similarly, yolk colour index value was also increased (P<0.05) at 3% inclusion level
of terebinthus at days 20 of storage while eggshell breaking strength and egg weight
remained unaffected (P>0.05) at various dose levels during different storage duration.
It is concluded that terebinthus seed could be used to extend storage time of eggs
without adverse effect on quality.
Keywords: Egg Storage, Egg Quality, Shelf Life, Terebinthus, Haugh Units
Oral - 31
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of carrot juice on egg production and
egg quality in layer hens. A total of 96 white laying hens (Babcock), 50 weeks aged.
Hens were divided into 4 groups (n=24) with 4 subgroups in each (n=6). Carrot juice
as fresh was added to the drinking water to experimental groups, 0%, 1%, 2.5%, 5%
respectively during 4 weeks. Weekly egg production, feed consumption, egg weight,
egg mass and FCR were determined in this study. Egg traits analyses were conducted
at mid and end of the study. Results showed that mean egg yield percentages were
significantly higher at all treatment groups compared to control. There was no
difference between control and treatment groups at feed consumption and FCR. Egg
weight wasn’t affected by treatment, but egg mass was significantly higher in groups
%1 and %5 as compared to control. Haugh unit has decreased over time in the control
group, but has ıncreased in the group %2.5. Egg shell thickness was lower at the end
of the study as compared control. Although there were differences between treatment
groups for albumen index, all treatments were similar with control. Yolk index was
significantly higher in all treatment groups than the control group at the end of the
study. Moreover, mean yolk colour score of group %5 was significantly higher than
the control group at the end of the study, it is concluded that carrot juice showed
some positive effects on performance of laying hens without any adverse effects on
egg trait. There is a need for longer and more detailed works on this subject.
Oral - 32
The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of the bovine serum
albumin (BSA) on sperm quality and DNA damage at 0, 24, 48 and 72 h in liquid
stored Merino ram semen at 5°C. Ejaculates were collected from five Merino Rams by
artificial vagina and pooled at 37°C for evaluation. All the replicates were applicated
five times concurrently. Ram semen samples were collected and diluted with Tris-
based extender containing different concentrations (0, 2, 4 and 6 g/l) of BSA, and
sperm motility, abnormality, plasma membrane integrity, acrosome integrity and %
DNA in tail (COMET assay) content were measured and analysed. The extenders
containing 4 g/l of BSA resulted in higher motility percentages and plasma
membrane integrity, in comparison to the control, up to 72 h of storage (P<0.05). At
24 and 48 h, BSA doses of 2, 4 and 6 g/l led to lower % DNA in tail percentages and
all doses of BSA were found to be in protected total abnormality up to 72 h of liquid
semen storage when compared with the controls (P<0.05). As conclusion, it was
shown that especially 4 g/l of BSA is the most beneficial for ram sperm parameters
during liquid storage.
Oral - 33
a Charles Sturt University and , Graham Centre For Agricultural Innovation, Wagga Wagga,
New South Wales 2678, Australia
b School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Poultry products can be contaminated with Salmonella isolates which may cause
foodborne disease in humans. The aim of this study was to optimise a rapid
diagnostic test that can differentiate Salmonella isolates without requiring DNA
sequencing. Specific primers were used to amplify hem-D gene of 16 different
Salmonella reference strains and 65 clinical isolates from commercial poultry farms.
PCR products were applied to high-resolution melt curve analysis and Salmonella
isolates were differentiated based on their HRM curves. Analysis of the nucleotide
sequence of the amplicons from selected isolates confirmed that each melting curve
profile was related to a unique DNA sequence. The relationship between reference
strains and tested specimens was also evaluated using a mathematical model without
visual interpretation of HRM curves. in addition, the potential of the PCR-HRM curve
analysis was evaluated for genotyping of additional Salmonella isolates from different
avian species. The findings indicate that PCR followed by HRM curve analysis
provides a rapid and robust technique for genotyping of Salmonella isolates to
determine the Salmonella strains.
Oral - 34
a Çukurova University
bAksaray University
Young Asian cat fish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) have been cultured for 66 days
feeding period in floating cages in Seyhan Dam Lake Adana, Tukiye. Fish
(29.15±0.83g , and 47.03±0.59g) were graded as a triplicated group. Research trails
were established as 100% small group (B), 50% small + 50% large fish (group K1),
75% small + 25% large fish (group K2). At the end of the study best growth rate was
obtained from group B (173.08±0.92 g), and the other groups (K1 and K2) were
164.19±0.82 g and 154.65±0.87g respectively. As a conclusion, growth of young
Asian cat fish (~30 g) were positively affected from size grading application in cage
culture conditions.
Oral - 35
in the present study, it was aimed to reveal the hematologic effects of Immunoassay
AFS applied to newborn goat kids. in study, 31 Saanen kids (control; n = 15, study;
n = 16) were used. Sixteen goats, including the immuplus AFS study group, were
started on the day of birth and were given a daily dose of 1gr / kid for 17 days.
Samples were collected from both groups at day 0, 3, 7, 15, and 30 days.
Hematologically, WBC, RBC, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, and RDW
levels were measured. When the results were statistically evaluated, statistical
difference was found between the control group and the study groups, even though
the time dependent statistical difference was found in RBC (p <0,001), MCV (p
<0,001), MCH (p <0,001) and RDW (P=0,01). As a result, it was determined that the
ImmuPlus applied to the kids, at the dose and duration of the study, had no adverse
effect on the measured hematological parameters.
Oral - 36
Oral - 37
in the present study, it was aimed to compare hematologic diagnosis with fast test
kits of neonatal calf diarrhea. in the study, 100 (diarrhea, n = 88, control; n = 12)
neonatal calves were evaluated in different cases. Quick test kits were applied to all
88 calves included in the study group. According to the results Corona virus (n = 20),
Cryptosporidium (n = 15), Rota virus (n = 14), Echerichia coli K99 n = 8), negative (n
= 8), Giardia (n = 3) and Coccidiosis (n = 1) were detected. Blood samples were taken
for hematological examination following clinical examinations of the calves. For
detecting the agents, commercial kits were used as BoviD-5 Ag (Bionote).
Haematological examination, WBC, lymphocyte, monocyte, granulocyte, RBC,
hemoglobin, hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT levels were
measured. When compare the results between the groups, statistically significant
differences were found in PLT numbers between E. Coli (347,0000 ± 113,0275),
Cryptosporidium + Rota virus (713,0000 ± 243,6983) and Rota virus (825,0000 ±
403,0772) the difference was detected (p = 0.007). When PCT data were compared,
only statistically significant differences were found between the groups of E. coli
(0,1560 ± 0,05159) and Rota virus (0,3770 ± 0,1633) (p = 0,020). As a result, fast
test kits showed the etiology of neonatal calf diarrhea because of its importance in
the determination and rapidity of the treatment, it plays an important role in the
success of the treatment and hematologically a significant increase in PLT value of
Rota virus infections. Therefore, it has been concluded that Rota virus should be
treated with consideration of the platelet elevation in the viral diseases.
Keywords: Corona virus, Cryptosporodium, Esherichia coli k99, Giardia, Rota virus
Oral - 38
Aim: The aim of this study was to identify the fungi forming of fungal flora of moldy
cheese commonly produced traditionally in Turkey, to the create the geographic
distribution map of fungal flora of cheeses and to determinate the level and presence
of mycotoxins in moldy cheese thus to reveal the public health risk potential.
Material and Methods: A total of 120 moldy cheese samples collected from different
city bazaars were analysed by using the method recommended by ISO 21527-2. The
obtained isolates were identified by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionization
Time-of-Flight, Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF - MS) method. Subsequently, PCR
amplicons of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS4 region were subjected to sequence analysis. The
typing of fungi and the determination of the genetic relationship were indicated by
REP-PCR method. The presence and the level of mycotoxins in the collected samples
were determined by HPLC. Results: in this study, 250 mold strains were isolated
from 120 cheese samples. of the 250 isolates identified from samples, 225 were
Penicillium roqueforti, 12 were P. verrucosum, 2 were P. cyclopium, 2 were P.
chrysogenum, 5 were P. camemberti and 4 were Aspergillus flavus. Overall, P.
roqueforti was the dominant fungus in the samples analyzed. Five samples (4 %)
contained levels of AFM1 at the maximum permissible level (0.05 µg/kg). Conlusion:
in conclusion, the dominant fungal species found in moldy cheese was P. roqueforti
in Turkey, and many of isolates were capable of producing AFM1. It is concluded that
moldy cheese production process must be standardized to use selected nontoxigenic
strains as starter cultures and regular monitoring of AFM1 levels in commonly
consumed cheeses in Turkey should be done to protect consumer health.
Oral - 39
dUniversity of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Department of Small Animals and Horses,
This paper reports on three various cases of petechial fever that were well
documented in the files of the Equine Clinic at the University of Veterinary Medicine,
Vienna. A syndrome dominated by vasculitis expresses itself as edema of all legs. At
ultrasonography, the spleen appeared enlarged in 2 cases. The clinical state of two
animals deteriorated quickly and both horses had to be euthanized within 48 hours
after presentation. The surviving animal that was presented early in the course of the
disease was treated with dexamethasone and penicillin. Necropsy of the died horses
included generalized vasculitis of the skin, severe muscular hemorrhage and necrosis
and vasculitis in many organs. Anemia was a common finding and γ-globuline levels
were highly elevated. Three cases were diagnosed clinically and in two cases, lesions
were confirmed on histopathological examination.
Oral - 40
The aim of this study was to determine sensitivity, specifity and cutoff value of D-
dimer levels in both healthy dogs and dogs with Canine Distemper Virus (CDV).
Twenty clinical cases and eleven healthy dogs were included in this study. D-dimer
was measured using an immunochromatographic analyze system. and also the
measurement of fibrinogen, PT and aPTT were carried out in same plasma samples.
Clinical conditions were categorized based on result of rapid CDV kits, clinical
findings, hematologic and biochemical results. Clinical cases were divided to two
subgroups as dogs died due to CDV (n=11) and dogs survived (n=9) after than
treatment. D-dimer values increased significantly (p<0.05) in infected group [0.1 to
7.9 mg/l (median 1.6 mg/l)] compared to control group [0.1 to 0.2 mg/l (median 0.1
mg/l)]. But a statistically difference was not determined in between dogs died and
survived. Mean fibrinogen level and aPTT in CDV group were higher than those of
healthy dogs. The D-dimer ranges in dogs died due to CDV and dogs survived [0.7 to
7.9 mg/l (median 2.1 mg/l)] and [0.1 to 2.3 mg/l (median 1.3 mg/l)]. D-dimer
sensitivity and specificity were also determined at 0.4 mg/L cut-off concentrations.
Sensitivity and specificity of D-dimer values were determined to be 95% and 100%,
respectively. These values were higher than those of Fibrinogen (Sen: 70% and
Spec.:90). respectively. in conclusion, D-dimer is thought to be sensitive and specific
supporting indicator in the evaluation of diagnosis in CDV cases. in dogs with CDV,
analysis of D-dimer values before and after treatment in controlled case studies were
suggested in future studies to enlighten the issue.
Oral - 41
University of Cukurova
Oral - 42
Çukurova University
in our study, in order to specify the factors that are effective in consumption of
seafood products a face to face survey was conducted with 407 individuals in
supermarkets in Adana province. It was determined that 60 of the individuals who
participated in the survey did not consume the seafood products and 347 individuals
are regular consumers of this product type. The results of the analysis show that
while there were differences in age, occupation and income for the seafood
consumption factors (p <0.05), there was no difference for sex and education (p>
0.05). Nonparametric tests (Mann Whitney-U and Kruskal Wallis) were applied in the
analysis because the applied Kolmogorov Smirnov normality test results showed p
<0.01. When the averages were examined, it was determined that the average of all
factors was between the value 4 and 5. This shows that consumers "absolutely agree"
that seafood consumption is influenced by factors such as health and nutritional
Oral - 43
Çukurova University
In this study, the factors that affect the purchases of seafood for in Adana province
was compared according to the demographic differences. A total of 407 individuals
were participated in the face-to-face survey which was conducted on May 2016 and
it was determined that 347 individuals consumed seafood products. The averages of
the factors (Natural-farm, place of sales, price, freshness, diversity) that are effective
in purchasing seafood products were calculated within the scope of the research.
These averages were tested according to demographic characteristics, and as a result
of these tests, there was a significant difference according to age (p <0.05) but no
significant difference according to gender, education, occupation and income
situation. When the averages of the factors that could affect the purchase were
examined, it was found that around value 4 in all. This shows that in the purchase
of seafood products consumers are effected from the factors natural or farm, place of
purchase, price, freshness and varieties Kolmogorov Simonov did not show normal
distribution according to normality test result (p <0.01). For this reason, Mann
Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis test were applied from non-parametric tests.
Oral - 44
d Mustafa Kemal University, Facult of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Physiology, 31060
e Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Agricultural, Department of Field Crops, 31040
f Namık Kemal University, Facult of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Pharmacology-
Oral - 45
The Acetyl 11-keto-β-boswellic acid (AKBA) and Ellagic acid (EA) are main
components of some widely used plants (Boswellia serrata and Punica granatum) in
ethno medicine and ethno veterinary medicine in inflammatory diseases. This
medicinal plants also provide significant economic contributions to their countries.
The main objective of the study was to investigate the efficacy of AKBA and EA known
as an antioxidant and antiinflammatory against to colitis by target. Put forth of the
potential of increase the R&D based economic inputs by investigate efficacy of
targeted EA in inflammatory bowel diseases is also aimed. For this purposes, after
succinylation of chitosan, Elemental analysis, FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectroscopy), DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), XRD (X-Ray Diffraction),
SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy) analyzes to determine structure of the polymer and polymer-active
agent interactions (physico-chemical characterization); in vitro swelling and releasing
tests to determine release kinetic of material in the colon media were done as the first
part. According to the results N-succinly chitosan was successfully synthesized as a
pH-sensitive matrix and the EA was successfully targeted to the colon by loading in
to the matrix.
Oral - 46
Arthropod infestations and related epidemics are a major public health concern, due
to global climate change have been increasing vector-borne pathogens including
viruses, bacteria, and protozoa reported in the Europe significantly threatening
animal and human health. Limited knowledge is accessible about vector-borne
pathogens of humans living above the backdoor Europe at the refugee movements
with having a particularly emerging risk of new pathogen strains. This study aimed
to evaluate the seroprevalence of human vector-borne pathogens in the European
part of Turkey. A total 120 patients with tick-bite were examined in General Hospital
from Tekirdag during the 2015 year. Mean age of the sampled patients was 27.25, 30
% of them below 10 age, consisted of total 42 women (35 %) and 78 (65 %) men. The
seroprevalence of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever with 3.3 % (IgM: 0 %; IgG: 3.3
%); West Nile Virus 5.8 % (IgM: 5.8 %; IgG: 0%); Borrelia burgdorferi 25.8 % (IgM: 5
%; IgG: 22.5 %); Rickettsia conorii 9.2 % (IgM: 0%; IgG: 9.2 %). The samples were
found seronegative for Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Routine hematological and
biochemical test results compared and discussed in parallel to most imported risk
factor. This study demonstrated that humans from country style or more rural life
are partially exposed to vector-borne pathogens in the European part of Turkey.
Oral - 47
eThe Protection and Development Union of İzmir Bird Paradise, İzmir, Turkey
f İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, Dept. of Microbiology, İzmir, Turkey
Oral - 48
The worldwide population of western honey bees (Apis mellifera) is under pressure
from pathogensi parasites and other stressors which cause lethal epidemics. Honey
bee populations faced medical and economic challenges from 2006 when beekeepers
first reported collapses of their colonies. Since 2006 honeybee diseases have rising
global impact on colony collapses. The mite Varroa destructor is a pest that has been
associated with the collapses of Apis mellifera colonies world-wide. Deformed wing
virus replicates on Varroa destructor, transmits with the mites when they are feeding.
DWV-induced immunosuppression in hosts. World most widespread honeybee virus,
Deformed wing virus (DWV) usually cause asymptomatic infections with low levels of
the virus when transmitted vertically or orally but DWV transmission by the
ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor results with very high levels in infected pupae
and cause characteristic symptoms, including deformed wings and shortened
abdomen. One of the most common, and least known, honeybee pathogens is black
queen cell virus (BQCV), which at high titers causes queen larvae and pupae to turn
black and die. The microsporidian Nosema ceranae ingested by honey bees has been
shown to promote precocious foraging, reduce longevity, reduce immunity and
triggers colony losses. The aim of this study is to identify medical reasons of the
honey bee colonies distributed in the Thrace between 2015-2017. Honeybee samples
collected from 45 stationary apiaries. Sum of the study revealed that N. cerenae
detected in 23/45, N. apis in 3/45, DWV in 39/45, BQCV in 17/45, V. destructor in
43/45. Molecular epidemiologic field studies should be planned for prevention and
control of honeybee dieseases among the region.
Oral - 49
Oral - 50
Van, Turkey
cDepartment of Internal Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Erciyes University,
Kayseri, Turkey
dDepartment of Internal Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cumhuriyet University,
Sivas, Turkey
Oral - 51
a Aksaray Univesity
bAksaray University Vocational School of Technical Sciences
c Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital Biochemistry Laboratory
The objective of this study was to investigate the thiol groups as a novel oxidative
stress parameter in lactating dairy cattle with subclinical mastitis before and after
vaccination. Our study will be the first report in the literature. A total of 37 Lactating
dairy cow before and after mastitis vaccine were included in this study. Total thiol
and native thiol levels in serum were measured in all animal. Quantity of dynamic
disulphide bond (–S-S–) and %ss/native thiol, %ss/total thiol, %nativ thiol /total
thiol ratios were calculated from these values. The results were evaluated. in our
study, there was no statistically significant change in native thiols, total thiols and
disulfides. But after vaccination, the ratio of native thiol / total thiol was lower than
that before vaccination (respectively, 81.66; 85,66) and disulphide /native thiol
(respectively, 12.46; 8.58), disulphide/total thiol (respectively, 9.16; 7.20) rates were
higher (p<0.05). After vaccination, the thiol/disulfide balance was lower than before
vaccine and the balance was found to be towards the disulfide formation. This
situation it was interpreted that the oxidative reaction still persists in 15 days after
Oral - 52
in the present study, the aim was to make interpretation for clinical approach in
cases of visceral leishmaniasis in dogs in Aegean region. A totoal of 28 dogs with
visceral leishmaniasis were used. The diagnosis of the disease was made with the
rapid test kit with the principle of ELISA and IFAT. The cases were divided into 4
groups (n = 7) by staging (I, II, III and IV) according to clinical, serological and
biochemical findings as defined by Leishvet Group. Clinical outcome was assessed by
clinical presentation, serological, haematological, biochemical (urea, creatinine, TP)
findings, cardiopulmonary markers (CTnI and D-dimer) and coagulation profiles (PT,
APTT, FIB). Clinical examination revealed lymphadenopathy, hypotrichosis and skin
lesions in all the dogs in the group, while weight loss, onychogriposis and epistaxis
were found to be specific. IFAT values were 1/64 in all cases in Stage I group, whereas
cases in other stages were found to be seropositive with higher anti-Leishmania
antibody titers. Hypoproteinemia was detected in three dogs in stage II, four dogs in
stage III, whereas hyperproteinemia was detected two dogs of stage III and stage IV.
Azotemia was determined in two, six and seven cases of stage II, III and IV,
respectively. The ratio of protein / creatinine in the urine was found to be high in all
cases of Stage III and Stage IV in two cases in Stage II. Thrombocytopenia was
detected in four cases in Stage II, one in Stage III, and three in Stage IV. Increased
CTnI level was found in a dog in Stage III. D-dimer level was found to increase in five
cases in stage I, six cases in stage II, and all cases in stage III and IV. in PT,
prolongation in one case in stage II, prolongation in two cases, shortening in one case,
prolongation in four cases in stage III, shortening in two cases, prolongation in two
cases in stage IV, shortening in one case was detected. in APTT, prolongation in two
cases in Stage II, four cases in Stage III and Stage IV, and a shortening in Stage II
was detected. It has been determined that levels of fibrinogen increased in four cases
in Stage I, II and III, one in Stage IV, and decreased in one cases in Stage I and IV,
and three cases in Stage II.
Oral - 53
Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL), which has been shown by the World Health Organization
(WHO) to be a very important and urgent emergency that has poor prognosis when
not controlled by zoonotic and various applications, is now characterized by close
disease findings both in humans and in dogs. in this study, it was aimed to evaluate
EF and FS parameters at different stages of canine visceral leishmaniasis to benefit
in diagnosis and treatment monitoring. A total of 35 dogs, 28 of which were infected
with L. infantum and 7 of which were healthy, constituted the material of study. VL
diagnosis was confirmed with test positivity with fast ELISA on blood samples. VL
dogs eligible for inclusion into study were evaluated in 4 different groups (n = 7, each
group), according to "LeishVet Working Group". ECHO, studies were performed on
the right parasternal short axis and EF and FS parameters were detected. in control
group, EF values (%) were found between 48 and 74, FS (%) value between 24 and
38. EF value was found between 59 and 74, FS value was between 31 and 42 in group
I. EF value was found between 58 and 93, FS value was between 29 and 63 in group
II. EF value was found between 35.3 and 93.8, FS value was between 16.4 and 50 in
group III. EF value was between 52 and 82, FS value was between 27 and 50 in group
IV. As a result, when we considered the LWG, it can be said that echocardiographic
evaluation [reduction in FS, EF (systolic dysfunction)] should be performed into
account in CVL dogs. It may be beneficial to focus on cardiac changes contributing
to the intravital diagnosis in CVL dogs and to apply the necessary additional
treatment protocols.
Oral - 54
Ankara University
Oral - 55
a Kırıkkale University
buluslararasi Hayvancilik Araştirma ve Eğitim Merkezi Müdürlüğü Lalahan/Ankara
The objective of this study was to; 1) evaluate silage quality of potato pulp silages
(PPS) prepared with different feedstuffs and compare PPS with corn silage (CS). A
total of 5 PPS were prepared with % 5 ground barley straw, 5 % ground alfalfa hay,
5 % wheat bran alone or combination of 2.5 % ground barley straw + 2.5 % wheat
bran, and 2.5 % ground alfalfa hay + 2.5 % wheat bran wet weight basis. These
silages were ensiled in 1-L jars and CS was prepared at large scale silo. After 40 d of
ensiling, all silages were analyzed for chemical composition, pH, organic acids,
ammonia-N contents, in situ DM and OM degradabilities and in vitro digestibility
(IVOMD). Dry matter concentration was higher but OM concentration of CS was less
than those of PPS (P < 0.05). Potato pulp containing only ground wheat straw matter
had the lowest CP concentration among all silages (P < 0.05). While NDF
concentration was less ADF concentration was higher in CS compared with those of
PPS (P < 0.05). Silage pHs ranged from 4.01 to 4.18 (P < 0.05) among silage. Both
lactic acid and acetic acid concentrations of CS were significantly higher than those
of PPS. Potato pulp with wheat bran had the highest lactic acid concentrations among
PPS (P < 0.05). Silage ammonia-N levels were similar among all silages (P > 0.05).
The percentages of in situ DM and OM degradations and IVOMD were significantly
less in CS compared with PPS (P < 0.05). Percentage of IVOMD of CS was 58,13%
but it ranged from 76,75 to 80,76% in PPS (P < 0.05). It can be concluded that high
quality PPS can be obtained with addition of 5% dry feedstuffs, including ground
barley straw.
Oral - 56
Oral - 57
Oral - 58
Oral - 59
a Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Genetics, Van,
b Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Internal
Aydın, Turkey
e Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Veterinary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of
Oral - 60
a Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Genetics, Van,
b Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Internal
Aydın, Turkey
The mite Varroa destructor is an ectoparasite that is considered a major pest of the
Turkey honeybee for beekeeping. The aim of the present study was to identify the
haplotypes of the V. destructor mite which infest honeybees in the province of Van
in Turkey. For this purpose, one modified technique was used for the mitochondrial
Cox1 gene of the mite. in order to analyze the mite mitochondrial genome (PCR +
RFLP) methods were used. For the the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) COXF
[5′GG(A/T)GACCTGT(A/TA(A/T)AATAGCAAATAC3′], primers were selected.
Afterwards 570 bp in size amplified DNA was obtained. Thereafter for the RFLP the
XhoI and SacI restriction enzymes were appied to the amplified products. Although
the SacI restriction enzyme did not cut the DNA, the XhoI restriction enzyme cut the
amplified DNA into two fragments (bands), 270 and 300 bp in size. While comparing
the results, these bands were found to be specific for the Korean haplotype of V.
destructor. in conclusion, all of the 286 samples of V. destructor examined in this
study were identified to be the Korean haplotype.
Oral - 61
Van, Turkey
This study was conducted to determine the relationship between the degrees of
anemia and blood gases in cattle with theileriosis. It included 28 cattle with
theileriosis and 7 healthy animals as the control group. The cattle with theileriosis
were divided into 4 groups according to their hematocrit (Hct) values: cattle with Hct
of >26 were considered as nonanemic (Group 1), Hct of 20–26 as mildly anemic
(Group 2), Hct of 14–19 as moderately anemic (Group 3), and Hct of 10–13 as severely
anemic (Group 4). The PCO2, HCO3, and TCO2 levels in the study groups were lower
than those of the control group. Moreover, reductions in HCO3 and TCO2
concentrations were significant only in the severely anemic group. Similarly, the
lowest PCO2 levels were also detected in the severely anemic group. There were no
significant differences in the SO2 levels between the control and study groups. on
the other hand, the increase was significant in the severely anemic group when
compared to Groups 1 and 2. The results seemed to indicate the trend of
uncompensated metabolic acidosis in theileriosis cases with severe anemia; thus,
veterinary surgeons should bear this in mind when evaluating the prognosis for such
Oral - 62
Oral - 63
The purpose of this study was investigate the serum progesterone level, diameter of
dominant follicle, size of corpus luteum and estrus and pregnancy rates in the
Anatolian buffalo heifers. in this study, total of 20 Anatolian buffalo heifers, aged
between 18-32-month age, were used in April. Controlled intravaginal progesterone
releasing (CIDR®) device were kept in place for 7 days (day 0) purpose of
synchronization of estrus. After 7 days, CIDR were removed and 500 µg Cloprostenol
(Estrumate ®, 2 ml i.m) were injected in all heifers (day 7). At day 10, 12 µg buserelin
(Receptal ®, 3 ml i.m) were injected to all heifer. Animals were palpated per rectum
to assess estrous status at day 10 (follicle>1.0 cm and a tonic uterus with the
presence or absence of mucous vaginal discharge). Artificial insemination was
performed using frozen thawed Italian buffalo bull semen, at day 10, approximately
72 hours later PGF2α injection. Transrectal ultrasonography of the ovaries were
performed at Days 0, 7 and 10 to assess the diameter of the largest follicle and day
+7 to measure corpus luteum diameter after day 7 of insemination. Pregnancy rate
was determinated at day 30 after inseminaton. Largest follicles were found at day 0;
0,96±0,18 cm, at day 7; 0,87±0,13 cm, at day 10; 1,27±0,26 cm and CL size were
measured 1,67±0,09 cm at day +7 after insemination. Estrus rate and pregnancy
rates were found 85 % (17/20) and % 58 (10/17). Progesterone levels in the serum
at day 0; 2,97± 1,61 ng/ml, at day 7; 3,24±1,66 ng/ml, at day 10; 0,81±0,28 ng/ml
and at +7; 3,42±1,05 ng/ml were found. As a result, it was determined that
Anatolian buffalo heifers have high cyclic activity, oestrus rate and acceptable
pregnancy in April.
Oral - 64
A multiparous 2.5 years old, nursing Persian queen was admitted to the pet clinic
one week after parturition with dystocia anemnesis, due to the complaints of loss of
appetite, reddened udders. After clinical examination, it was determined that the
general condition of animal was bad and the body temperature was 39.8 C. The
fourth and fifth mammary lobes of right sides were found soreness, redness and
fever. Mastitis was diagnosed and an amoxicillin and clavulanic acid antibiotic
(Synulox 50mg, one tablet, daily) was started. After 5 days antibiotic treatment,
general condition of queen and appetite was improved, however inflammation of the
mammary glands were still continued and had become gangrenous lesions.
Clinically, the gangrenous mastitis was diagnosed in the right 4th and 5th mammary
lobes and necrosis was defined. There was an open wound and a pus discharge. After
that, it was decided to mastectomy, right 3rd - 4th - 5th and the left 4th mammary
lobes were surgically removed. The general condition of the cat and the operation
area in the mammary lobes were very good and cat had no complaints after surgical
treatment. As a result, antibiotic therapy alone is insufficient in the treatment of
gangrenous mastitis. Surgical removal of gangrenous parts may save the affected
queen's life.
Oral - 65
From several to hundreds of laboratory tests are performed each day for making
decisions in clinical practice. Some of these tests may be performed at your
veterinarian's side or samples may be sent out to a laboratory. Although Immunologic
tests share lesser percentage of tests performed in laboratories they have
considerable impact in clinical diagnosis as they have high sensitivity and specifity.
Veterinary diagnostic laboratories have same disadvantages in obtaining
immunologic assays and reagents by reason even the name of the antigen (protein)
is the same the amino acid sequence may differ across the species this fact may
cause false reactions (non-specific binding of antibodies) or non-reactions when kits
are utilised rather than targeted species. An immunological test can be claimed as
diagnostic if it had gone through validation procedures. Validation tests are common
in evaluating diagnostic kits in human medicine but quite a few in veterinary
medicine when compared. This condition may arise a question in our minds. Do all
the results obtained from all immunological assays are reliable when testing species
of veterinary interest? To ascertain this condition, we compared serum Anti-
Mullerian Hormone levels in spayed, intact and animals with remnant ovaries with
two different kits which are human and canine based from distinct companies. AMH
levels are commonly used to monitor ovarian reserve in women but in veterinary
medicine it is suggested for the diagnosis of ovarian remnant syndrome or presence
of the ovaries without surgical intervention. Serum AMH concentrations measured
using the human and canine kit prior to and after OHE were 0.32±0.24, 0.006±0.22
ng/ml (P<0.001) and 12.08±22.81, 9.55±15.42 ng/ml (P=0.868), respectively. Thus,
the canine based kit was not able to reveal the significant drop in serum AMH levels.
In conclusion, the human based ELISA kits successfully detected the drop in serum
AMH concentrations. Reliable results can only be achieved from well-designed ELISA
kits and claiming a kit to be species specific cannot provide a base for giving accurate
Oral - 66
The completion Human Genome Project at the beginning of the century provided
various benefits to several fields such as human evolution and molecular medicine.
These achievements lead proteomics to be recognised in the area of molecular
medicine. Even proteomics rely on genomic data it supplies more information in
research such as dynamic processes, post-translational modifications and even
interactions among proteins. These techniques are commonly employed to identify
new biomarkers, investigate the pathophysiology in medicine. Human genome
completed more than a decade nevertheless, the studies on animals are quite a few
when compared. This is partly due to genomic sequencing not completed in most of
the animals and exclusively in farm animals. At first glance, it may be considered
that utilising these high-cost techniques in animal research is quite early and even
there are overlapping areas there are some distinctions from the human medicine.
Studies in these distinctive areas not only related to the animals alone but also
directly or indirectly related to humans. Animal proteomics can significantly
contribute to research such as vaccine and drug development, physiology, toxicology,
animal product quality and food safety. The data gathered from experiments in
animals are relevant not only for animal sciences but also gives clues for perceiving
and understanding complex biological mechanisms of health and disease in humans.
The other fact is to be emphasised is that the farm animals are raised for obtaining
animal products for human consumption. in this context how proteomic tools can
be utilised to obtain the knowledge for managing and quality control of the products
of animal origin will also be discussed.
Oral - 67
The aim of this study was to analyze canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV 2b) DNA in feces
by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from dogs in Konya, Turkey. CPV-2 is an
important pathogen infecting both domestic and wild dogs. CPV-2 has spread
globally since its emergence in the 1970s. The virus is more contagious and has
higher morbidity, mortality rates, and incidence in dog shelters, pet shops, and
breeding kennels. CPV-2, the major etiological agent, causes severe hemorrhagic
gastroenteritis, depression, diarrhea, vomiting, and leucopenia in dogs of all ages
and myocarditis in pups <3 months. It especially affects young dogs that are not
protected by maternal antibodies or vaccination. The virus shows antigenic
differences as types 2a, 2b and 2c. in the present study, feces from 100 clinically
symptomatic dogs ranging in age from 0 to 12 months were collected from the
Veterinary Medicine Hospital of Selcuk University and Konya Municipality Dog
Shelter and analyzed by PCR. Thirty-eight fecal samples were positive for CPV 2b,
and an amplicon of 427 bp was detected. As a result, CPV 2b has been determined
to be widespread in Konya. in conclusion, it may be stated that canines living in
shelters should be vaccinated against CPV in order to improve their living conditions.
Oral - 68
Panax ginseng (PG) is a plant that contains pharmacologically active ingredients, has
been used for many years in medicine. It has been shown to have various biological
activities as immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral and
antioxidant effects. It is aimed to determine cytotoxicity, antioxidant and antiviral
activities of Panax Gingseng on Bovine Ephemeral Fever Virus (BEFV) and
Bluetongue virus (BTV) as in vitro.
PG was dissolved at concentration of 400 µg/mL with distillated water. The thiazolyl
blue test was used to evaluate the cytotoxic activity of the PG. It caused cytotoxicity
against to Vero cells up to 50 µg /mL concentrations. Accordingly, antiviral activity
of PG was investigated a remarkable inhibitory effect against BEFV with CPE varying
between 25 and 50 µg/mL. However, PG haven’t any influence on BTV. PG were
evaluated for total antioxidant capacity and oxidative stress marker thiobarbituric
acid reactive substances (TBARS) on Vero cells infective with BEFV and BTV.
Although, 25 and 50 µg/mL doses of PG, did not change total antioxidant capacity,
it decreased oxidative stress in both diseases (p<0,005).
in conclusion, it is referred that PG has antiviral effect and has oxidative stress
reducing effect. Further studies are required to ascertain the efficacy of PG as in vivo
and further studies is needed to determine antioxidant effect.
Oral - 69
c Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Mugla Sitki Kocman University
Oral - 70
d Department of Seafood Processing Technology, Faculty of Fisheries, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman
e Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University
Oral - 71
The aim of this study was to determine the species of parasites in Guppy fish (Poecilia
reticulata) which was brought to Parasitology Laboratory of Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Afyon Kocatepe University. The owner of the aquarium informed that
sudden and mass deaths were observed in the aquarium and brought some of the
dead fish to the laboratory for the examination. After the fish were examined
macroscopically, necropsy was performed and examined for parasitic infection.
Collected parasites were microscopically examined and identified. No other parasitic
infection was found in the examination. in addition to abdominal swelling in the fish,
reddish parasites crawling out of the anus were also seen. Collected parasites are
described as Camallanus spp. according to related literature (Stromberg ve Crites,
1974). Camallanus spp. which causes significant loss especially in small fish such
as guppies. This case is the first report in Afyonkarahisar Province.
Oral - 72
Cachexia and dehydration were detected as the clinical sign and sudden death
occurred in a long-eared owl which was brought to Veterinary Health Practice and
Research Center of Afyon Kocatepe University by officers of National Parks. As a
result of necropsy, ingluvitis, proventriculitis, esophagitis and the parasites were
detected throughout these organs. Furthermore, mild purulent bronchopneumonia,
wide hemorrhages in lungs, severe hyperaemia among all tissues and organs were
detected in the long-eared owl. After examination of one parasite which was sent to
parasitology laboratory, it was diagnosed as Dispharynx nasuta. This case is the first
report of Dispharynx nasuta from an owl in Turkey.
Oral - 73
The preventative effect of Laurus nobilis (Daphne) extract (NL) was investigated
histopathological, immunohistochemical and biochemical changes in pancreas, liver
and kidney tissues of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Forty healthy Wistar
albino male rats were divided randomly into five groups as Control; Diabetes mellitus
(DM); DM+NL; DM+Akarboz; and NL. Rats in control, DM and DM+Akarboz groups
were fed on with standard pellet. The DM+ NL and NL groups received in addition 30
ml NL extract/kg diet for 28d. Experimental diabetes was established by a single-
dose [70 mg/kg, intra-peritoneal (i.p)] STZ injection. Blood glucose levels were
recorded throughout the all experiment period. Histopathological studies showed
that hepatorenal and pancreatic protection was further supported by the almost
normal histology in DM+ NL extract-treated group as compared to the degenerative
changes such as disorder of architectural structure, inflammatory cell infiltration,
hydropic degeneration and necrosis in pancreas, liver and kidney tissues of STZ-
treated rats. As a result of immunohistochemical investigation, STZ-induced
degenerative changes in beta-cells caused decreases in the number of functioning
beta-cells and insulin immunoreactivity in the pancreas of the diabetic rats. The
pancreas of NL-treated rats was improved and the number of immunoreactive β cells
were significantly increased. Decreased levels of blood glucose AST, ALT, ALP, LDH,
Creatinin were detected in plant extract supplemented diabetic group. Additionally,
a considerable increase in the malondialdehyde (MDA) and fluctuated antioxidant
defence system constituents (ADSCs) levels were restored in NL-extract
supplemented diabetic groups. in conclusion, our data suggests that the STZ-
induced histopathological, immunohistochemical and biochemical alterations could
be prevented by NL extract probably due to its antioxidant activity and possess the
ability to regenerate β-cells.
Oral - 74
Oral - 75
Oral - 76
This study was investigated of plasma and hair concentration of flumethrin and
cypermethrin following pour-on administration (2 mg/kg) in goats. 12 male goats
allocated into two groups (FLM and CYP) of six such that the mean weight of animals
in each group was similar. in group FLM and CYP, Flumethrin and cypermethrin was
received at a dose of 2 mg/kg on the pour-on. Blood samples were collected prior the
drug application (0. hour) and 1. hour between 40. days time intervals post-
treatment. At the same time hair samples were collected from the animals. Blood
samples were centrifuged, and the plasma was extracted. All plasma samples were
kept under -20 ºC till analyses. Collected hair samples were put on the locked small
pockets, without day light. Drug concentrations on plasma and hair samples were
analysed within high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). During the study,
to those of animals administered the drugs, no allergic, anaphylactic side effects were
determined. Following pour-on administration of drugs in goats could not be detected
in plasma samples and in hair samples was detected on 40 and 35. days respectively.
in conclusion in the present study to those of goats administered pour-on
flumethrin and cypermethrin, HPLC analyses of blood samples withdrawn through
40 days period, could not detected in plasma samples and, the drugs in hair samples
was determined on 40 and 35. days respectively. in light of this results from the
present study, taking into account that flumethrin and cypermethrin did not pass
through blood, those drugs may be safely used. Besides tough flumethrin was
detected among hair samples for a longer duration in contrast to cypermethrin,
should be preferred for a longer efficacy. To this context drug amount detected in
hair samples, for its efficacy against ectoparasites and drugs passing though
parasites, warranted further studies.
Acknowledgements: This study was supported by funding from The Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey (Project number 214O355)
Oral - 77
a Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Science and Art, Department of Biology, Burdur
bMehmet Akif Ersoy Uni., Faculty of Veterinary Med., Dept. of Histology and Embryology, Burdur
c Erciyes University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Deprt of Histology and Embryology, Kayseri
Oral - 78
Rhododendron species have been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of
inflammation, pain, cold, asthma, skin and gastro-intestinal disease, are distributed
widely around the world. Mad honey obtained from the nectar of common
rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum L.), which is distributed throughout Black
Sea region of Turkey, contains grayanotoxins, which are toxic diterpenes. The
grayanotoxins, mostly grayanotoxins I and III, which are present in leaves, flowers
and nectar responsible for toxicity of mad honey. The aim of this study was to
determine the amount of grayanatoxin I and III in extract of common rhododendron
and to investigate in vitro cytotoxic effects of the extract on prostate carcinoma cell
lines. During the flowering period of common rhododendrons gathered from the
Altinordu District of Ordu and dried under suitable conditions, extracted with
distilled water and lyophilized. The content analysis of the common rhododendrons
was carried out by the Chromatographic Method at Marmara Research Center Food
Institute of the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey. The cytotoxic
activity of the extract of common rhododendron against human prostate carcinoma
(DU145) and human prostate adenocarcinoma (PC3) cell lines by using the MTT and
Neutral Red assay was evaluated. It was determined that the extract of common
rhododendron contained 55.75 μg/kg of grayanotoxin I and 7.4 μg/kg of
grayanotoxin III, and had a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect. IC50 of the extract was
found to be 283.3 and 169.9 µg/ml in MTT assay, and 307.6 and 346.0 µg/ml in
Neutral Red assay for DU145 and PC3 respectively. The fact that common
rhododendron has cytotoxic effects on prostate carcinoma cells suggests that it may
be a potential therapeutic agent for anticarcinogenic activity.
Oral - 79
Endotoxemia has high mortality rate in human and animals. It is aimed that the use
of sulfasalazine for different periods of time can reduce inflammation and increase
antioxidant capacity, which is important at the onset of the inflammatory response
in endotoxemia. The study was carried out with 4 groups of 30 Wistar albino rats.
Groups was established as control group, endotoxemia model group (LPS) with LPS
(4mg / kg, single dose), group (SL5) treated with sulfasalazine (300 mg / kg, single
dose daily) for 5 days before the endotoxemia model (4 mg / kg, single dose LPS) and
lasty the group (LS) in which sulfasalazine (300 mg / kg, single dose) was
administered at the same time as the endotoxemia model (4 mg / kg, single dose
LPS). Blood collection was performed at 3 and 6 hours after the last applications in
the all groups. The rats were euthanized at 6 hours, cytokine (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-
α), oxidative status and total antioxidant capacity analyzes were performed on
plasma and serum samples. Sulfasalazine treatment reduced levels of
proinflammatory cytokines as TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and significantly increased IL-10
levels as anti-inflammatory cytokine. At the same time, application of sulfasalazine
inhibited the decrease of total antioxidant capacity but it may not prevent the
increase of TBARS. As a result, it can be stated that application of sulfasalazine in
different periods may increase the anti-inflammatory response, total antioxidant
capacity in experimental endotoxemia. However, single dose sulfasalazine treatment
is more effective than prophylactic treatment of sulfasalazine. in conclusion, the use
of sulfasalazine in endotoxemia cases at different doses and durations may reduce
the mortality of the disease.
Oral - 80
Oral - 81
Embryology, Ankara
c Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Afyon Kocatepe
University, Afyonkarahisar
d Department of Histology AND Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University,
e Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Histology and
Embryology, Ankara
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) which have capacity for self-renewal, proliferation
and differentiation are often used in cellular therapies and tissue engineering.
Umbilical cord is one of the sources of mesenchymal stem cells, can be distinguished
into three main compartments, which are subamniotic stroma, intervascular stroma
and perivascular stroma. Umbilical cord derived MSCs are easier to isolate, have less
ethical constraints and risk of bacterial or viral contamination compared to other
MSC sources. Despite these advantageous properties, the ultrastructure of umbilical
cord derived MSCs has not been investigated sufficiently. The purpose of the study
was to investigate rat umbilical cord stroma derived MSCs using electron microscope.
In this context, mesenchymal stem cells obtained by explant culture method were
collected after third passage for the electron microscopic examination. Furthermore,
mesenchymal stem cells derived from umbilical cord stroma were stimulated
towards adipogenic, osteogenic, chondrogenic lineages and neurospheres. As a
result, the ultrastructure of mesenchymal stem cells derived from umbilical cord
stroma was similar to mesenchymal stem cells obtained from other sources.
However, since these cells have more ergastoplasm in their cytoplasm than the
others, the cells reach the third passage more quickly. Because of the advantages
they have umbilical cord stroma is a promising source of MSCs.
Oral - 82
As in many tissues throughout the body, the number of cells in the seminiferous
tubules of the testis is determined by a dynamic balance between cell proliferation
and apoptotic cell death. This study was conducted to investigate cell proliferation
and which of the different apoptosis pathways play a role in the development of the
testis. in the experiment, groups were designed for prepubertal (5 days old), pubertal
(20 days old), postpubertal (50 days old) and adult (70 days old).
Immunohistochemically, PCNA and Ki67 were used to assess cell proliferation
whereas both caspase 3, 8 and 9 and TUNEL method were used for apoptosis. in all
periods examined, severe PCNA reaction was observed in the nuclei of spermatogonia
but not with Ki67. in 5 day-old rat, caspase 3 immunoreactivity was observed in
Leydig cells. in the 20-day period, some spermatocytes in the seminiferous tubule
lumen reacted with Caspases 3 and 9, whereas Leydig cells only stained with
Caspase 3. At 50 and 70 days, the expression of Caspase 3 and 9 in the testis was
observed parallel to each other and found in almost all seminiferous tubule cells
except for spermatogonia. Caspase 8 was detected to react in cells in some
seminiferous tubules and in Leydig cells. TUNEL method revealed that the apoptosis
was most intense for 20 days and the least for 5 days.
Oral - 83
a Selçuk University
b Aksaray University
Oral - 84
Selçuk University
Oral - 85
The most problem of animal husbandry sector is providing cheap and high quality
forage production for farmers. Sorghum x Sudangrass hybrids are tall, fast-growing,
heat-loving summer annual grasses and the best alternative to maize in
Mediterranean conditions. These crops offer potential for silage production in
drought areas or agronomic conditions with reduced water availability. This study
was conducted on the experimental fields and forage quality laboratory of Ödemiş
Vocational Training School of Ege University, in the duration of a summer growing
period in 2013. Aneto, Gardavan, Greengo and Nutri Honey cultivars were used as a
plant material. The vacuum bag silos each 500 g samples for all cultivars were kept
in storage without light for 60 days for anaerobic fermentation. Some silage quality
parameters such as dry matter ratio, pH, Flieg score, DLG quality point and crude
ash ratio were obtained end of two months. According to the results, dry matter ratio
%24.63-28.31, pH 4.07-4.17, Flieg score 87.32-97.35, DLG quality point 17-20 and
crude ash ratio 7.44-8.41 were recorded for cultivars. Significant differences were
determined among the cultivars in the research. Greengo and Gardavan cultivars
has shown the best results in terms of dry matter ratio, pH, Flieg score and DLG
quality points.
Oral - 86
Oral - 87
In the present study, it was aimed to evaluate the total parameters related to
oxidative status in neonatal calves with acute infectious diarrhea. in this context, 20
healthy and 40 calves with acute diarrhea younger than 28 days and of both sexes
were used. Stool specimens were evaluated by fast immunochromatographic
diagnostic test kit (Bovid-5 Ag Test Kit, Bionote Inc., Korea) and microscopy to
determine the etiological factors causing diarrhea. Total oxidative status (TOS), total
antioxidant capacity (TAC) and oxidative stress index (OSI) parameters were analyzed
in serum samples obtained from healthy and calves with diarrhea. The etiology of
diarrhea was identified as mono-infected with Cryptosporidium parvum (n = 24), co-
infected with Cryptosporidium parvum + rotavirus (n = 10) and mono-infected with
Escherichia coli (n = 6). Decrease in TAC value (p <0.01) and increase in TOS and OSI
values (p <0.001) were found in all calf groups with acute infectious diarrhea
according to healthy calves. As a result of the present study, it is thought that
oxidative balance may be impaired in neonatal calves with acute infectious diarrhea.
Therefore, antioxidant applications might be evaluated within the scope of treatment
of diarrhea in neonatal calves.
Oral - 88
Oral - 89
Veterinary health products are among the indispensable elements together with the
increase in productivity in animal breeding and the positive increase in pet animals'
quality of life and life span. Veterinary medicines and vaccines enable veterinary
clinics to have an important place in their incomes, as well as produce healthy and
reliable products such as meat, milk and eggs for humans, in quantities and in
quantities to the population.
In this study, it is aimed to determine the place of the drugs sold in veterinary clinics
and used for the treatment of animal diseases in veterinary clinical revenues, and
the variety of medicines supplied by means of supply and use of drugs. These results
will be evaluated in terms of veterinary clinicians, use of drugs and traceability in
terms of importance in animal health.
Within the scope of our research, our questionnaires were applied to veterinarians
who operate 55 pet clinics operating in four provinces in Central Anatolia, Aegean
and Marmara regions. When the share of veterinary clinic operators participating in
the survey in the total incomes of the revenues from drug sales compared to the
previous year was taken into account, a rate of 25.6% was found.
When the drug supply channels of veterinarians carrying out clinical operations were
examined, it was determined that the first order was supplied by pharmacy
warehouse with 75%, the second order by company representatives by 16% and the
third order by 6,5% directly. According to the information obtained from the
participants in the determination of the end use points of the supplied drugs, the
rate of treatment use in the clinic was calculated as 57.43%, 33.27% outside of the
clinic and 7,13% from direct sales. As a result, it can be said that pharmaceutical
sales revenues have significant share for clinical operators.
Oral - 90
The study was conducted in six thoroughbred British Horses between the ages were
2-5 years old, which continued the race life. Cardiac potentials were recorded on
resting horses from the skin surfaces using portable, with two channels of three
electrodes, 180 g ECG devices and Ag / AgCl electrodes, which we developed for
practical measurements. Concurrently the heart rates of horses were detected by
stethoscope manually. The ECG device was able to record between -10 mV and +10
mV with a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz and a 15-bit ADC (analog-to-digital
converter) quality. The Java based smartphone software we developed for recording,
displaying and storing ECG signals runs under the Android operating system and is
compatible with the ECG equipment. As a result, when compared to manual
measurements, practical ECG instrument measurements and smartphone software
were found to be successful in getting the records and the device could be used
comfortably in race horses.
Oral - 91
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships among serum biochemical
parameters and milk yield of Holstein-Friesian cows in Bozdogan province in Aydin,
Turkey. Thirty Holstein Friesian cows were enrolled, at the age of 2 to 4 years within
first and fourth lactation. Farms were visited monthly from January 2015 and
January 2016 and 8614 milk records were collected in study. Among days 0-70, 71-
140 and 141≥ were evaluated at the beginning, middle and late lactation period,
respectively. The food stuff composed of 0%, 1.25% and 2.5% natural zeolite
(clinoptilolite) involved feed mixture. in this research a total of 3 groups involved
control, zeolite I, zeolite II. Blood was withdrawn once a month during the 305 days
of lactation and divided into beginning, midterm and end of lactation. Commercial
kits were used to analyze ALT, AST, glucose, urea, creatinine and triglyceride. in this
study, the means of ALT, AST, glucose, urea, creatinine and triglyceride from serum
biochemical parameters were found as 24.52 ± 0.947 IU/L, 57.70 ± 3.119 IU/L,
52.95 ± 1.336 mg/dl, 21.77 ± 0.450 mg/dl, 0.75 ± 0.024 mg/dl and 7.51 ± 0.219
mg/dl, respectively. The effects of lactation stage, parity and calving season on milk
yield were statistically significant (P<0.01). Among serum biochemical parameters
other than triglycerides, were within reference ranges in trial groups. The effect of
lactation stage on ALT; AST, glucose and creatinine were found significant (P<0.01);
whereas its effect on urea and triglyceride were found not significant (P>0.05). The
effects of parity and calving season on serum biochemical parameters were found not
significant (P>0.05). Generally negative and lower correlations between milk yield
and serum biochemical parameters were observed in all lactation stages (P>0.05).
Consequently, it was found that some serum biochemical parameters could not be
affected by milk yield in the different lactation stages.
Oral - 92
This research was carried on to define the efficiency of different fertilizing with
nitrogen which is applied as basic+top dressing (Eurotim Plus+Timazot 25, Eurotim
Plus+Urea, 15.15.15+Urea, DAP+ Timazot 25, DAP+Urea) to the corn that is grown
as second crop to herbage yield in Osmankuyu locality in the Sultanhanı in Aksaray
in 2013. The experiment was established randomized block design with three
replicates. There were statistically significant differences on all the tested
characteristics except the green leaf rate. The highest plant height, cob and green
leaf rate, dry matter rate and yield were 257 cm with DAP + Urea, 30.6% with Eurotim
Plus+Urea, 19.6% with Eurotim Plus+Timazot 25, 29.0% and 17320 kg ha-1 with
Eurotim Plus+Timazot 25, respectively. Differences between the data obtained as a
results of the research; may be based on corn varieties and the ecological conditions
of the research sites and the chemical properties of the fertilizers which they contain
the macro and micro nutrients.
Considering the herbage yield as one of the significant yield characteristics, Eurotim
Plus MPPA as base fertilizer and Timazot 25 as top fertilizer reached the highest yield
with 11780 kg ha-1 and 59360 kg ha-1, respectively.
Keywords: Nitrogen Fertilizer, Herbage Yield, Dry Matter Rate and Yield
Oral - 93
The aim of this research was to survey of the withitness of cat owners about the
reproductive physiology, the time of consult to a veterinarian following any
reproductive pathology of their animals in Afyonkarahisar and Ankara, and to exhibit
the lack of knowledge and to inform the animal owners. The materials of this study
were collected answers from participants to survey data prepared according to study
aims in Afyonkarahisar and Ankara. Totally 123 cat owners were participated to our
study. This survey study exhibited that the owners should be inform much better
about cat welfare status, reproductive physiology, the knowledge status about the
pathological conditions and the consult time to veterinarian, the age of puberty and
first breeding age of cats, the importance of cat spaying/neutering. It was considered
that organizing some education seminars, panel and meetings to cat owners will be
useful about this issue. To the authors knowledge, this is the first reported survey
study on the cat reproductive status withitness of cat owners.
The part of Afyonkarahisar of this study was supported by Afyon Kocatepe University
BAPK (Project Number: 15.HIZ.DES.74).
Oral - 94
The aim of this study was to investigate of silybin use in nickel sulfate toxication as
a protective measure. in this study both antioxidative effects in liver, kidneys and
testes and overall effects related to sperm motility, membrane and acrosome integrity
of orally administered silybin on rats were evaluated against harmful effects of 30
days nickel sulfate administration in various doses (2.5 and 5 mg/kg/day) over these
organs. Rats were divided into experimental and control groups (n = 6) randomly:
Group 2 (Nickel sulfate 2.5 mg/kg/day, i.p., n = 6), Group 3 (Nickel sulfate 5
mg/kg/day, i.p., n = 6), Group 4 (silybin 150 mg /kg/day, orally, n = 6), Group 5
(Nickel sulfate 2.5 mg/kg/day, i.p. and silybin 150 mg /kg/day, orally n = 6), and
Group 6 (Nickel sulfate 5 mg/kg/day, i.p. and silybin 150 mg /kg/day, orally n = 6).
The results showed that in the nickel sulfate with silybin treatment groups (Group
5 and 6), sperm motility, viable sperm and sperm counts were higher than the nickel
sulfate treatment groups (Group 2 and 3). However, abnormal spermatozoa
percentage was similar among the study groups (p>0.05). We found histopathologic
degenerative and necrotic changes in liver, kidney and testis tissues obtained from
Group 3 subjects. on the other hand, histopathological alterations were reduced
significantly in Group 5 as compared to other groups. Increased apoptosis and
caspase-3, -8, -9 and also TUNEL activity were detected in Group 3. However,
caspase-3, -8, -9 and also TUNEL were reduced in Nickel sulfate + silibin given
groups. Furthermore, there were alterations in the levels of antioxidant enzymes in
Groups 5 and 6 in comparison to other groups. The results of the present study
indicate the protective effects of silybin on some sperm parameters and
histopathologic findings in rats exposed to nickel sulfate
Oral - 95
c Afyon Kocatepe University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Reproduction and Artificial
Transmissible (TVT) is a neoplasm that can be transmitted easily between female and
male dogs via mating by the physical transfer of viable tumor cells. in male dogs, TVT
is usually located in caudal part of the penis. Initially the tumor is small and varying
from pink to red, subsequently progressing to large, ulcerated, friable, hemorrhagic
and cauliflower-like masses. Clinical signs may include preputial discharge, licking
of the region, dysuria, bloody urine and occasionally phimosis or paraphimosis.
In this study, 145 male dogs at the different breeds were examined for TVT incidence
in Eskişehir region of Turkey in 2016 and 2017 (during eight months, November to
June). TVT’s diagnosis was based on anamnesis, location of the tumor mass and
mainly cytological findings (smear of caudal part of the penis). Smears were painted
with Giemsa staining method. The cells in the cytological preparations were classified
as transmissible venereal tumor cells, neutrophil, erythrocyte, parabasal,
intermediate, nucleated superficial and anuclear superficial cells.
TVT cells were observed in the smears prepared from 17 dogs (11,72 %), but only
four of 17 dogs (2,76 %) had TVT lesions clinically, 13 (8,97 %) smears had TVT cells
cytologically. There were no effects of age, weight and breed of dogs on the TVT
lesions. All TVT lesions were observed in November, December and January. There
were no relationships between TVT cells and season, age, weight, breed of dogs.
As a result, the male dogs having no lesions could be infected with TVT. Dogs should
be examined not only clinically, but also cytologically, to determine whether TVT cells
are present. This method can be an easy way to find and treat TVT lesion-free but
infected dogs at an early time.
Oral - 96
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of two levels trehalose, catalase
and combination of trehalose and catalase on ram sperm parameters (motilities and
viabilitiy) after the cryopreservation/thawing process. Seven rams (1-3 years of age)
were housed at Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination Clinics, Burdur. Ejaculates
were collected twice a week from the rams with electro-ejaculator. The ejaculates
containing spermatozoa with >60% motility and concentrations higher than 1x109
spermatozoa/ml were used in the study. Ejaculates were pooled at 37°C, divided into
six equal aliquots, and diluted (37°C) with the Tris based extender containing
Trehalose 25 mM + Glycerol (G) %6, Trehalose 50 mM + G %6, Catalase 200 µg+ G
%6, Catalase 400 µg+ G %6, Trehalose 50 mM+ Catalase 400 µg+ G %6 and no
antioxidant (control), respectively, were cooled to 5 ◦C than frozen in 0.25 ml French
straws and stored in liquid nitrogen. The extender supplemented with trehalose 25
mM (54.1±1.53; 73.1±4.37, 50 mM (58.3±4.01; 63.1±0.30) and combination of
trehalose 50 mM with catalase 400 µg (56.6±1.05; 58.3±0.55) resulted in higher
subjective motility and viability, in comparison to the control (40.0±3.87; 40.5±0.22)
groups, respectively, (P<0.05). Also trehalose 50 mM (60.16±4.39) and combination
of Trehalose 50 mM with Catalase 400 µg led to higher CASA total motility when
compared to control (44.40±8.13) group (P<0.05). Sperm progressive motility was
better in trehalose 25 mM (20.57±6.90) group than the catalase 200 µg (10.63±3.59)
group (P<0.05). Our data suggest that combination trehalose 50 mM and catalase
400 µg can be added to Tris based extender for improving the post-thawed sperm
quality in ram semen.
Oral - 97
Mersin, Turkey
Background: West Nile is an important viral agent causing disease in both animals
and humans. There are only a limited number of studies investigating the prevalence
of this infection in horses in Turkey. The aim of this study was to serologically screen
West Nile virus infection in Arabian horse populations from breeding farms located
in three different geographical areas in Turkey using plaque reduction neutralization
assay (PRNT). Material/methods: Blood serum samples were obtained from 165
arabian race horses in Marmara and Central- and Eastern-Anatolia, between March
and December 2010. Results: PRNT results showed that the prevalence of West Nile
virus antibodies were 4.4% (2/45) in Central Anatolia, 3.7%(2/53) in Eastern
Anatolia and 8.95% (6/67) in the Marmara region. Overall prevalance was 6.06% (10
/165) in the three regions. Conclusions: The data demonstrate the need to screen
the horses for WNV in the region. WNV should to be included in the diagnostic panels
in cases resulting in death or with nervous system findings. This infection should
be screened in human populations with similar clinical findings in human
populations due to the zoonotic potential of the virus.
Oral - 98
aMehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Dept. of Food Hygiene and
b Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur Vocational School of Higher Education, Food
in the study, the effect of starter cultures, isolated from white cheeses as heat-treated
sucuk production. Lb. plantarum, Lactococcus lactis and Enterococcus faecium
cultures were selected as starter and 6 different culture combinations were added at
the concentration of 107 to 7 different sucuk types. The prepared sucuk dough (18
hours at 4 ºC) was subjected to fast drying (30 min at 60 ºC), heat treatment (64 ºC
of iner temperature) and rapid drying (10 min at 75 ºC). The trial was repeated twice.
7., 14., and 21th days of experiment samples were collected for analysis of Lactic
acid bacteria (LAB), total mesophilic aerobic bacteria (TMAB), yeast-mold and
coliform bacteria counts. The resistance against microorganisms was found more
effective in starter culture used group than control in present study. TMAB content
of starter culture used group were determined as; 4.54-6.58 log cfu/g, Lactococcus
3.00-6.21 log cfu/g, Lactobacillus 3.43-6.16 log cfu/g, yeast 2.00-2.87 log cfu/g and
coliform growth ≤1 log cfu/g were determinated in the starter-containing samples at
the final day of storage. TMAB, LAB and yeast-mold loads were increased and
coliform group bacterial load was decreased during storage in sucuks. The
development of mold growth was lower in starter culture used group and changed
depending on the storage length. The application of heat treatment was resulted in
reduction about 2 log cfu/g in TMAB and LAB loads, about 3 log cfu/g in yeast-mold
loads and a complete inhibition in coliform load. The sensory evaluation was carried
out in and products, produced using starter culture shave had the higher sensory
evaluation scores. As a result of present study; addition of Enterococcus to
Lactococcus and Lactobacillus containing cultures with heat treatment contributed
to microbiological quality of sucuk.
Oral - 99
Artificial Insemination
e Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Reproduction and
Artificial Insemination
f Afyon Kocatepe Uni. Faculty of Veterinary Med., Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Treated of sperm cells as long as in vitro storage at room temperature, cooling and
freezing can generate reactive oxygen spicies (ROS) and toxic-oxidants in semen
extender and they cut down energy sources, resulting in lipid peroxidation, DNA
damage and apoptosis. The long period of time preservation at environmental or
subfreezing temperature produced free radicals by ROS. The sense of the current
study was to sound the effects of addition of quercetin (Q) Tris extender on oxidative
and osmotic stress on bull spermatozoa after freeze thawing. Ejaculates were
collected via artificial vagina from Holstein breed bulls. Semen were divided five tools
and diluted to a final concentration of 15x106 spermatozoa/ml with the Tris extender
containing Q (25, 50, 100 and 200 µg/ml) and no-additive (control). All examples
were equilibrated at 4°C during 4 h then were loaded into 0.25 ml straws and frozen
using a controlled rate. Sperm motility and motility characters were determined
using the sperm analyzer system. Spermatozoa mebrane integrity was assessed
using the hypoosmotic swelling test. Sperm chromatin integrity was investigated
using the single cell gel electrophoresis. Total antioxidant capacities were performed
colorimetrically. Q supplementation did not produce better results on the proportion
of sperm progressive and total motility. Besides, when sperm motility characters,
plasma membrane integrity and spermatozoa abnormalities considered current
treatment did not improve any fields when compared to C. Q supplementation
exhibited the favourable tail lenght, tail DNA and tail moment. in conclusion, all
parametres concerned Q25 may have beneficial effect on bull semen when added to
the Tris extender.
Oral - 100
Artificial Insemination
d Afyon Kocatepe University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Reproduction
Artificial Insemination
f Afyon Kocatepe University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Pharmacology
and Toxicology
g Mersin University, Technical Sciences Vocational School
Cryopreservation has a side effect on the motility, chromatin integrity and viability
of sperm cell. The current study was to investigate the effects of supplementation of
rosmarinic acid (RA) Tris extender on sperm quality parameters, plasma and
acrosome membrane damage, antioxidant enzymes activities as well as chromatin
integrity following freeze thawing process on bull spermatozoa. Ejaculates were split
into five aliquots and diluted to a final concentration of 15x106 spermatozoa/ml with
the Tris extender containing RA (25, 50, 100 and 200 µg/ml) and additive-free
(control) and frozen using a controlled rate. Sperm motility and motion characters
were determined using the sperm class analyzer system. Spermatozoa mebrane
integrity was assessed using the hypoosmotic swelling test. Sperm chromatin
integrity was investigated using the single cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay.
Antioxidant capacities were performed colorimetrically using commercial kit.
Treatments did not give better results on the percentages of sperm progressive, total
motility and sperm motion characters (P>0.05), however RA25 and RA50 exhibited
the favourable chromatin integrity. in conclusion, RA25 and RA50 have increased
total antioxidant activities. As a consequence of that these have MDA amount and
chromatin damage reduced in sperm cell.
Oral - 101
Kocatepe University,
d Bayat Vocational School, Afyon Kocatepe University
The present study was planned to evaluate the protective role of resveratrol (Res)
against subchronic malathion exposure in rats for 4 weeks. Totally, 48 Wistar rats
were used and divided equally into 6 groups. The groups were designed as control
group (only received a rodent diet and tap water), the corn oil group (0.5 mL of corn
oil by oral route), the malathion group (100 mg/kg/day by oral route). Other three
groups received malathion (100 mg/kg/day) plus Res (5, 10, and 20 mg/kg/day,
respectively) by oral route. Malathion increased malondialdehyde and 8-OHdG levels,
whereas decreased acetylcholinesterase, diminished glutathione, superoxide
dismutase, and catalase activities in blood, liver, kidney, heart, and brain tissues.
Biochemical parameters were not notably changed in all groups. in contrast, Res
treatment inverted malathion-induced oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, and
activity of enzymes. Additionally, malathion-induced histopathological changes in
liver, kidney, heart, and brain were ameliorated by Res treatment. These results
demonstrate that malathion increase oxidative stress and decreased antioxidant
status while Res has a protective function against to malathion toxicity in rats.
Oral - 102
Oral - 103
The effect of Theranekron on ovaries of rats was evaluated in healty and ischemia-
reperfusion injury. Rats have been divided into 4 groups: 1st group: control (n=8),
2nd group: Theranekron (single dose of 0,3 mg/kg intraperitoneally, n=10), 3rd
group: torsion+detorsion (n=10) and 4th group: torsion+detorsion+Theranekron
(single dose 0,3 mg/kg, intraperitoneally, n=10). Ovaries were dissected out and
stored at -800C until the biochemical analysis. Ovaries were homogezised by
sonication before the analysis and supernatant total protein, rGSH, NADPH levels
and G6PD activity were evaluated, spectrophotometrically. in Theranekron group,
hyperaemic and haemorrhagic regions, also increase in atretic follicles have been
observed; moreover, G6PD activity was significantly reduced (p<0,01) compared to
control. in tortion-detortion (the 3rd group) group, differences were found compared
to the Theranekron group; structure of germinative epithelium and follicles, also
amount of connective tissue. Even though G6PD activity was decreased (p>0,05), it
was similar with control group. Compared to the 3rd group, 4th group represented
decreased hyperamy and hemorrhage except medulla, decreased density of atretic
follicles and amount of connective tissue. Also, compared to the 3rd group, 4th group
represented a decrease in G6PD activity (p>0,05), and a significant decrease
compared to control group (p<0,01). As regards total protein levels, Theranekron
administration after tortion-detortion (4th group), increased total protein levels
compared to Theranekron group (2nd group) (p<0,05) was observed. There were no
significant changes regarding rGSH and NADPH levels between the groups. in this
study, hemorrahage and hyperaemia were found histologically according to amount
of applied Theranekron dose and its duration on the tissue. Moreover, G6PD activity
was decreased by Theranekron both in healhty and ischemia-reperfusion injury in
rat ovary. in this study, it was concluded that, the effects of Theranekron on healthy
and ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat ovary, would provide an insight in the studies
regarding Theranekron treatments.
Oral - 104
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of intraperitoneal administration of
thymoquinone on GDNF expression in the testis of rats fed on high fat diet with
cholesterol, by immunohistochemical and Western blotting methods. Rats (Sprague
Dawley) were randomly divided into five groups of eight animals each: Control, Sham,
Thymoquinone, High Fat Diet with Cholesterol (CHFD) and High Fat Diet with
Cholesterol + Thymoquinone (CHFD + T). Rats in Control, Sham, Thymoquinone
groups were fed on standard pellet chow and rats in CHFD and CHFD + T groups
were fed on mixed pellets with 65% butter and 2% cholesterol of the daily energy
amount for 8 weeks. Thymoquinone was administered by intraperitoneally daily 8
mg/kg on rats in the Thymoquinone and CHFD + T groups for 14 days. All rats were
sacrificed by cervical dislocation under diethyl ether anesthesia, and then testicular
tissue samples were taken for histological, immunohistochemical and Western
blotting examinations. Also blood samples were taken for biochemical analyzes.
Although fed on high fat diet with cholesterol was increased the biochemical values
such as serum total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, VLDL, triglyceride and leptin, as well as
body weight, testis weight and seminiferous tubule diameter, these values were
reached statistically similar values to control group with thymoquinone
administration. The reduction of GDNF expression in testicular tissue by
administration of thymoquinone in rats fed on high fat diet suggests that cholesterol,
high fat diet and thymoquinone have an inhibitory effect on releasing of this growth
Oral - 105
University of Warmia-Mazury
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of vitamin E and selenium
supplementation on selected blood biochemical parameters in dairy cows during the
transition period. The study was conducted on 20 Holstein-Friesian (HF) cows
divided into two groups. Group I (experimental, 10 cows) was intramuscularly
administered a vitamin E and selenium supplement (30 ml) (tocopherol acetate – 50
mg, sodium selenite – 0.5 mg, solvent – 1 ml) 5 days prepartum. Group II was the
control with no supplementation. The BCS of all cows was determined at 4-4.2 five
days prepartum. Blood samples were collected from all cows on 5 sampling dates (5
days prepartum, on the day of parturition day, and 5, 10 and 15 days postpartum).
Serum total protein, glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, NEFA (non-esterified fatty
acid), BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate), vitamin E and selenium levels were determined
in the collected samples. AST (aspartate aminotransferase), GGTP (gamma-glutamyl
transpeptidase) and GSH-Px (glutathione peroxidase) activity was measured. in the
experimental group, a significant increase in selenium and vitamin E concentrations
was observed on the day of parturition, and an increase in GSH-Px activity was noted
5 days postpartum. No significant changes in the monitored parameters were
reported in the control group.
Oral - 106
c Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Veterinary, Faculty Farm, Aydın, TURKEY
in the present study a total of 10 dogs, with acute Canine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis,
of both sexes and various ages, residing in Aydın or Aksaray municipalities and a
healthy control group of 7 dogs without vector borne disease were enrolled. All dogs
were subjected to computerized 12-lead ECG device [(1 mV/cm amplitude in resting
and 50 mm/sec) for P wavw dispersion (Pd) measurement. Mean±standard deviation
of Pd values were 32.57±2.11 in dogs with CME and 23.47±1.62 in the control group,
respectively with a statistical significance. It may be suggested that Pd increase might
be associated with probable inter- or intra-atrial conduction diorders or probable
myocarditis due to disease. Further investigations may be warranted regarding
different stages of infection.
Oral - 107
a Bingöl University
b Afyon Kocatepe University
This study aims to investigate the effects of experimental amyloidosis in mice on the
immune system. 120 female mice 7 weeks old from "Swiss albino" race used in the
study and were divided into six equal and 20 animals in each groups. To induce
amyloidosis Complete Freund's Adjuvant - Casein emulsion was injected to
experimental group and treatment group as intraperitoneally and subcutaneously
during the 8th and 10th weeks of the study. Additionally, two doses of
methylprednisolone were injected into the left hind leg of the mice in the treatment
group intramuscularly. Following the injection at the end of the 8th week blood
samples from mice were taken and their necropsy was examined. At necropsy
examination, the liver, spleen and kidney tissues were taken and the presence of
amyloid was defined by congo red while the presence of Interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, TNF-
α and Amyloid A were defined by immunohistochemistry technique. SAA, IL-1β, IL-
6 and TNF-α were determined by ELISA technique. in sera, the highest rate of serum
amyloid A (SAA) was obtained in the treatment group (Group-5) (p<0,05) and in the
experimental group (Group-3), and in the tissue the most severe amyloid deposition
was detected at Group-3. The highest rate of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 in sera was detected
at Group-3 (p<0,05). Consequently, it is possible to assert that SAA, IL-1β, IL-6 and
TNF-α play a major role in the formation of amyloidosis, and even it can be claimed
that there are significant correlations between SAA and proinflammatory cytokines
and between IL-1β and IL-6. Also it is concluded that as for suppressing amyloidosis,
it can be suitable to give repetitive and different doses of methylprednisolone.
Oral - 108
a Ankara University
b Akdeniz University
c Kirikkale University
In this study, the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPox) and the level of nitric
oxide (NO) in the synovial fluid of patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
internal derangement (ID) were observed. The relationship between the activity of
glutathione peroxidase and the level of nitric oxide and the progress of the ID were
also evaluated. This study included 26 patients with TMJ ID. The patients with TMJ
ID were identified and classified according to Wilkes staging through clinical and
radiologic examinations. The activity of glutathione peroxidase and the level of nitric
oxide were measured spectrophotometrically. Significant correlations between the
two substances and the Wilkes stages were found. The activity of glutathione
peroxidase and the level of nitric oxide in the synovial fluid were increased
progressively as the stage of the TMJ ID progressed. In conclusion that, increase in
the activities of GPX might not be enough to prevent progression of the TMJ ID.
Oxidative stress may have a role in the pathogenesis of TMJ ID.
Oral - 109
Oral - 110
The purposes of this field study were to a) confirm the presence of subacute ruminal
acidosis (SARA) in Turkish dairy herds in Aydin region, b) record its regional
distribution and c) to determine whether there is a relationship between body
condition scoring, ruminal contractions and ruminal pH. Ruminal fluid samples, via
rumenocentesis, were withdrawn from a total of 120 Holstein dairy cows, from 5
herds (n=24 cows per herd). Rumen pH was analyzed on-site with a portable pH-
meter for a precise SARA diagnosis. Classical body condition scoring systems
(USBCS method) were utilized within 1-5 scale with 0.25 intervals. Out of 120 cows
enrolled 13 were (10.83%) classified as affected with SARA (pH<or=5.5), 6.6% were
marginal (pH 5.6-5.8) and 82.5% were normal (pH>5.8). There was a significant
difference (p<0.01) among farm V and other farms regarding mean ruminal pH. The
overall means of BCS were found as 3.45±0.037, 3.43±0.122 and 4.30±0.075 in
healthy animals, SARA suspected cows and cows with SARA, respectively with
increased BCS in cows with SARA (P<0.01). Inter group comparison of ruminal
contractions showed statistical significance (p<0.01). There were correlations among
ruminal pH and ruminal contraction [r=0.622, p<0.01], ruminal pH and health
status [r=-0.770, p<0.01], rumen contraction and health status [r=0.546, p<0.01]. In
the present study BCS and ruminal contractions data were used as indicators, in
which correlations were found among ruminal pH and ruminal contraction and
ruminal pH and BCS, favoring the usage or those parameters as probable biomarkers
in cows with SARA.
Oral - 111
The aim of the study was to evaluate the plasma essential and non-essential amino
acid profiles of sakız lambs in neonatal period. For these propose a total of 8 sakız
breed lambs in both sexes were enrolled to the study and kept in pens under
standard conditions. Blood samples were collected from V. jugularis, on day 0., 3.,
7., 14., 21., and 28., to heparinised tubes. Plasma amino acid concentrations were
determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Branched-chain
amino acid (BCAA) concentrations were decreased throughout the neonatal period
and significant reductions determined between day 0. to day 14., 21., and 28
(p<0,01). Total essensial amino acids (T EAA) and Total non- essensial amino acids
(T NEAA) concentrations were also reduced significantly after day 0. Total Glukogenic
Amino acids (T GAA) concentrations were started to decrease notably after day 3. In
conclusion, remarkable reductions in amino acid concentrations were determined
in lambs during neonatal period and further studies could be designed with larger
populations and different rations.
Oral - 112
c Selçuk University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Virology, Konya, Turkey
Camel population has declined sharply in the last decades mainly due to agricultural
mechanization. Currently, there are less than 2,000 camels in Turkey. Camel
husbandry is still being maintained in some areas of Turkey, mostly in ordinary
farms along with other domestic ruminant species particularly in the Aydın province
for social and cultural purposes. Bovine Enterovirus (BEV), Bovine Herpesvirus type-
1 (BHV-1), Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) and Parainfluenza-3 (PI-3) virus
infections are highly prevalent and listed among the prominent infections that have
resulted in significant economic losses especially in dairy breeding industry.
Although can also affect camels, there is little data on prevalence of these infections
in camels probably due to their low number, limited breeding locations and little
economic potential. The objective of this study was to obtain data on BVDV, BEV-
1, PI-3 and BHV-1 infections in dromedar camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Turkey.
Total of 92 serum samples were collected from slaughtered camels in a local abattoir
and treated animals were brought to faculty clinics with different complaints.
Additional samples were obtained from camels from small private farms.
Seropositivity for specific antibodies against BVDV, BEV-1, PI-3 and BHV-1, was
found in 54 (%58.7), 30 (32.6%), 20 (21.7%), and 2 (2.2%) of the camels, respectively,
using the serum neutralization test (SNT). In conclusion, BEV-1 and PI-3 infections
were common in camels in western part of Turkey. Breeding in farms where cattle
and sheep are housed together could be an important factor in viral transmission.
The camels may also be important in transmission cycle of these viruses under field
conditions. in accordance with the reports from other countries, camels are less
susceptible to natural BHV-1 infections. The low positivity rates indicate that camels
could be resistant to this type of infection. To our knowledge, this is the first report
on prevalence of major domestic ruminant viral infections in camels in Turkey.
Oral - 113
Aydin, Turkey
c Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Genetics, Van,
d Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Namik Kemal University. Tekirdağ,
Oral - 114
d Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases, Veterinary Faculty, Afyon Kocatepe University
This study was performed to evaluate the effect of weekly administration of Novacoc
intravenously 3 weeks before parturition on some hematological, metabolism, and
immune parameters on early lactation period in dairy cows. The animals in the
treatment group were administered daily Novacoc, 200 ml (Metamizole Sodium; 40
mg, Acetyl methionine 40 mg, Caffeine 3,5 mg, Calcium gluconate 100 mg,
Magnesium gluconate 10 mg, Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate Dihydrate 4,02 mg,
Glucose monohydrate 200; İnterhas®, TURKEY) as intravenous slowly infusion on
first 3 days of each weeks during last 3 weeks of prepartum period and first 3 weeks
of postpartum period. The milk yields of all cows were recorded during postpartum
1 month from data. Parturition day was planned as day “0”; blood samples were
collected on days -21, -14, -7, 0, 7, 14, 21 from V. coccygea of all cows. Total
Leucocyte Count, Lymphocyte Count, Monocyte Count, Granulocyte Count, Total
Erythrocyte Count, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit percentage, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW,
PLT count, MPV, PDW, PCT percentage were analyzed on whole blood samples;
NEFA, BHBA, Glucose, Total Cholesterol, Triglyceride, LDL, HDL, VLDL, ALT, AST,
ALP and GGT levels were analyzed using by Chemwell 2910, Full Automatic Elisa
Reader on serum samples. Data analyzes were performed using by PASW Statistics
(18.0.0) package program. There were no significant differences on biochemical
and hematological parameters between Treatment and Control Groups. However,
Total Cholesterol, HDL, Triglyceride, and glucose levels were significantly higher on
some postpartum days; NEFA and BHBA levels were found decreased. NEFA and
BHBA levels in the Control Group were detected as subclinical ketosis levels. in
addition to this results, the milk yields of each group were same during first 3
weeks of lactation, but peak milk yield on the Treatment Group detected increased
Oral - 115
Digital dermatitis (DD) is the most encountered infectious cause of bovine lameness
with economic losses and also an indicator of animal welfare in dairies. The purpose
of this study is to investigate the relationship between footbath usage and DD lesions
in Aydin County, TR. in total 1527 cattle from 6 different dairy farms in Aydin
County were evaluated. During the first visits to all farms, surveys were made to
veterinarians to get general information about footbath usage and farm. on second
visits, all the feet of each cattle were examined in the milking parlor to detect DD
lesions. Dairies were also examined for footbaths and categorized as “tolerable” and
“intolerable”. Statistical analyses were performed via IBM SPSS Statistic 22.0®
packet program with using “chi-square” test. The significance level was set at p<0.05.
A total of 500 feet (8.2%) of 338 cattle (22.1%) were diagnosed with DD lesions, DD
lesions were not present in 5608 feet (91.8%). The most lesions were found in farms
using dry manure as a bedding, and the least were seen in farms using rubber
bedding (P<0.001). It was found that, the DD lesions were statistically less visible on
the farm using formalin as a footbath, whereas the lesions were found on the farms
using CuSO4 (P<0.001). Cattle in farms, that are using footbaths more than 5 times
a week statistically had less DD lesions (P<0.001). It was determined that, DD lesions
were statistically more frequent in farms that were unable to renew the footbath after
milking (P<0.001). DD lesions were found to statistically higher (P<0.001) in farms
that using “intolerable” footbaths. in conclusion, the usage procedures of footbaths
were relatively important in terms of the incidence of DD lesions. It can be advised
that farms do not use foot baths, if it is going to be misused.
Oral - 116
Veterinary Dermatology has gained importance for the last 20 years in our Country,
through better understanding of allergic/hypersensitivity disorders,
parasitological/microbiological diseases. Despite many immunosuppressive
compounds commercially available, the present author prefers immunostimulants
for several dermatological disorders, in which probiotic therapy and leaky gut were
his area of focus for many long years. in this article probiotic therapy (denoting the
good character of the movie as Sean Connery) against classical antibiotic
treatment (remarked as Erşan Kuneri in the movie ‘G.O.R.A) with case series were
Oral - 117
Aydin, Turkey
c Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Genetics, Van,
Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME), the etiological agent is Ehrlichia canis, has
been reported in many parts of the world, mainly in the tropical and subtropical
regions. Canine ehrlichiosis has been divided into three phases: an acute, a sub-
clinical and a chronic disease phase. Clinical signs of CME are almost non specific.
Therefore, it is always important to know the stage of infection. For this aim a total
of 102 suspected and nonsuspected blood samples were collected from dogs in Aydın.
Animals divided into 3 groups: Group I: CME acute infected cases antibody (-),
DNA/PCR (antigen) (+), Group II: CME active infected cases; antibody (+), DNA/PCR
(antigen) (+) Group III: CME exposed cases antibody (+), DNA/PCR (antigen) (-),
Group IV: healty control group: antibody (-), DNA /PCR (antigen) (-). Antibody
analysis was made with Snap 4Dx plus test kits. Nested PCR performed to detect the
presence of antigens. As a result, 87 dogs were detected to be positive for presence
of antigen or antibody. This study is first reporting moleculer typing of acute and
active Ehrlichia canis infected dogs in Aydin Region. E. canis is prevalent in dogs in
Aydin region. Classficiation of dogs as active/acute infection is important from the
perspective of clinicians.
Oral - 118
Oral - 119
a Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Veterinary, Department of Internal Genetics, Van,
b Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Veterinary, Department of Internal Medicine, Işıklı,
c Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Veterinary, Department of Parasitology, Işıklı,
d Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Veterinary, Faculty Farm, Işıklı, Aydın TURKEY
Oral - 120
The purpose of the present study was to investigate probable changes in coagulation
profile in neonatal diarrheic calves. Nine neonatal diarrheic and 7 clinically healthy
neonatal calves aged between 1 week to 30 days were enrolled. As detected by Preciise
Beijing semi-half microcoagulometer PT (22.77 s), APTT (42.62 s), Fib (211.73 mg/dl)
concentrations were significantly increased in contrast to healthy calves (p<0.01). on
the other hand, as detected by Wondfo Finecare Fluorescent Immunoassay Meter D-
dimer (<0.1mg/dl) levels did not show elevations. Along with other parameters
deemed WBC and MPV, it may be safely suggested that low grade systemic
coagulation in E. coli induced neonatal diarrhea among calves was observed, which
should be promptly treated.
Oral - 121
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Fac. Vet. Med.,University of Life Sciences in Lublin - POLAND
Ultrasound imaging is sufficient to make the diagnosis in dogs and cats. Objectives:
To present the accuracy of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract
obstruction. Research methods: Survey ultrasonography was performed on 38
animals (31 dogs and 7 cats), age: 4 months - 14 years. The study concerned patients
with clinical signs of gastrointestinal tract disease. To identify the potential causes
they were subjected to the complete ultrasound examination. Linear-array
transducer (more than 7,5 MHz) was used in 36 patients, a low-frequency transducer
(6 MHz) was used in 2 patients. Results: The study included 31 animals with the
diagnosis of intestinal obstruction and 7 animals with different diagnosis.
Ultrasonography detected gastrointestinal obstruction in 14 from 17 of them (82%),
one ultrasonographic diagnosis of obstruction was incorrect, 2 patients required
radiography examination. Each patient suffered from three or more clinical signs,
such as vomiting (34/38), constipation > 24h (20/38), diarrhea (19/38), abdominal
distention (5/38), abdominal pain (4/38), rectal tenesmus (3/38), dark colored
diarrhea (3/38). The examination revealed several causes of gastrointestinal
obstruction, e.g.: foreign body in intestines (6/17), foreign body in stomach (5/17),
invagination (5/17), linear foreign body in jejunum (1/17). Conclusions:
Contemporary approach to diagnosis of gastrointestinal obstructions requires
specific sensitive methods. Ultrasonography is an excellent and useful technique to
confirm or exclude obstruction, especially the causes of radiolucent foreign bodies.
It can also detect the possible causes, location and severity of obstruction. in study,
„target sign”, „accordion up”, segmental intestinal dilations, fluid-filled loops of bowel
and free peritoneal fluid in ultrasound examination may indicate gastrointestinal
obstruction, but a sign such as cholestasis or enlargement of the lymph nodes can
be associated with other severe diseases like pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel
disease or neoplasia.
Oral – 122
Oral – 123
Shelters have important tasks on animal health, being closely related to the human
and environmental health. in this respect, knowing the disease distribution in
shelters is important. The present study aims to reveal the distribution of the cat
diseases in shelters. Total 2310 cat records in varied ages and races from 6 different
shelters were used as the material of the study. Shelters were visited at various times.
During visits, the patient records were kept and hosted cats were examined. Records
were categorized under the Reproduction, Internal Medicine and Surgery headings.
Records were examined using the "Chi-Square" test in the IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0®
package program. Total 1169 (50.6%), 615 (26.6%) and 526 (22.8%) records of the
2310 cats were categorized under the Reproduction, Internal Diseases and Surgery,
respectively. Under the heading of Reproduction, 1130 (96.7%) spaying/neutering,
25 (2.1%) abortus, 9 (0.8%) uterine infections, 3 (0.3%) gynecologic metabolic
diseases and 2 (0.2%) andrological problems were recorded. As Internal Medicine,
312 (50.7%) respiratory system diseases, 213 (34.6%) dermatological diseases, 64
(10.4%) infectious systemic diseases, 23 (3.7%) digestive system diseases, 1 (0.2%)
immunological disease, 1 (0.2%) intoxication and 1 (0.2%) urinary tract disease was
detected. As the Surgical records, 266 (50.6%) oral cavity diseases, 157 (29.8%) open
wounds, 59 (11.2%) ophthalmological diseases, 17 (3.2%) hernias, 9 (1.7%) fractures,
9 (1.7%) paralysis 7 (1.3%) head traumas, and 2 (0.4%) otitis were found. Due to the
invasive procedure and requirement of follow-up treatment, Spaying/Neutering
[n=1130 cats (48.9%)] is evaluated as disease. The results of the study may
contribute to the shelter management and animal advocates for future investment
and planning of shelters. It is also expected that results be to shed light for shelter
veterinarians and staffs for their success, in terms of career planning and animal,
human and environmental health.
Oral – 124
Melatonin, recognized as Dracula hormone, apart form its classical effects might
have significant antioxidant, cytoprotective effects against inflammatory conditions
and posesses immunostimulatory activity against allergic diseases. The present
author (K.U.), nationally rank foremost among its competitors, uses melatonin in
Veterinary Dermatology Field for many years with appearent success. of course in
the present study, the aim was not to re-identify worldwide known movie The good
(Clint Eastwood; il buonucattivo), the bad (Eli Wallach; il brutto) and the ugly (Lee
Van Cleef; il cattivo), whereas melatonin was the focus for investigator against
treatment of selected dermatological cases. Retrospective case series invoving 6 dogs
(n=2 atopic cases, n=1 each atypical Cushing disease, post-clipping alopecia, fungal
infection) and other 5 cats (n=2 each eosinophilic plaque and hypersensivity; n=1
cheyletiellosis, in which melatonin treatment resulted in regrowth of hair, clinical
recovery for primary:/secondary skin lesions in both cats and dogs in 4 to 6 weeks,
encourage the usage of this compound for dermatological disorders, not entirely but
for in case of need.
Oral - 125
A 20-day old calf was reffered to the Adnan Menderes University, Veterinary Hospital,
Department of Internal Medicine in 31 May 2017 from Umurlu district. on arrival the
present case presented fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, anormal bleeding symptoms
[hemolacria (bloody tears), epistaxis, ear bleeding, prolonged bleeding time following
injection and recurrent bleeding all over the body after minor trauma or
spontaneously]. As being informed by the owner there was no change after the
treatment performed by initial Veterinary Surgeon for two weeks. in an attempt to
determine alterations that might be related to probable bovine neonatal pancytopenia
(BNP), blood gas analysis, selected coagulation parameters were analyzed. Besides
both rapid ELISA test kit (IDEXX SNAP® BVDV Antigen Test, United States) and PCR
(Veterinary Research Control Institute, Bornova, İzmir) tested for bovine virus
diarrhea virus antigen that were all negative. According to blood gase analysis Hct
(<10%), Na+ (130.2 mmol/L), K++ (4.03 mmol/L), iCa (1.21 mmol/L), HCO3 (32.8
mmol/L), BE (+6.5 mmol) and PT (>101 sec), APTT (64.1 sec) fibrinogen (> 113
mg/dL) levels were analyzed. As a result of histopathological analysis and
postmortem examination, macroscopically petechial hemorrhage on the whole body,
linear bleeding in jejenum and microscopically excudate with fibrin, neutrophil and
blood in intestinal villus, tonsillar crypt, and pulmonary alveolus were obtained. As
rejected by the owner, bone marrow aspiration cytology was not available observed
for definitive diagnosis of BNP. This is first reported case of hemolacria in a calf in
Eagean Region of Turkey.
Oral - 126
Increases in oxidative stress and changes in antioxidant status have been shown
during training in race horses and oxidant damage can be prevented by antioxidants.
in this study, the effect of dietary supplementation of vitamin E, vitamin A and
selenium(Se) on oxidant and antioxidant balance of arabian race horses during
training was evaluated. Sixteen thoroughbred arabian race horses were divided into
two groups; a control group, in which standard diet was provided and a antioxidant
group, in which standard diet was supplemented with 450 IU of vitamin E, 22500 IU
of vitamin A and 450 ug of Se on a daily basis. Blood samples were collected before
and after 12 weeks of training. Plasma samples were analysed for MDA and vitamin
A, erythrocyte samples were analysed for glutathion peroxidase (GPox), catalase (Cat)
and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Before training, antioxidant supplemented horses
had higher plasma MDA, erythrocyte GPox, Cat and SOD as compared to control
horses. After training, antioxidant supplemented horses had lower plasma MDA and
erythrocyte GPox than control horses. Antioxidant supplemented horses started with
higher antioxidant status, but after training control horses had higher antioxidant
enzymes so that few differences were observed between the antioxidant status of
groups. in conclusion, antioxidant supplementation decreased plasma MDA levels
of arabian race horses undergoing training conditions and compensated the oxidative
Oral - 127
Key words: Coenzyme Q10, Growth Performance, Carcas Yield, Organ Weights,
Oxidative Stress, Quail
Oral - 128
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the interval between the onset
of spontaneous estrus and artificial insemination (AI) on reproductive performance
and calf sex ratio in repeat breeder Holstein cows. Two hundred eighty lactating
Holstein cows were used in this study. The animals were artificially inseminated at
different times (0–6, 7–12, 13–18, or 19–24 h) after the onset of spontaneous estrus.
Reproductive performance did not differ between cows inseminated at 0–6 h (n =
70), 7–12 h (n = 70), 13–18 h (n = 70), or 19–24 h (n = 70) after the onset of estrus
[pregnancy rate: 0–6 h, 57.1%;7–12 h, 65.7%;13–18 h, 54.3%; and19–24 h, 62.9%;
embryonic mortality rate: 0–6 h, 8.5%;7–12 h, 5.7%; 13–18 h, 5.7%; and19–24 h,
7.1%; calving rate: 0–6 h, 48.6%;7–12 h, 60%;13–18 h, 48.6%; and19–24 h, 55.7%;
twinning rate: 0–6 h, 2.9%;7–12 h, 0%;13–18 h, 5.7%; and 19–24 h 2.9%; and calf
sex ratio (F/M): 0–6 h, 64/36%;7–12 h, 48/52%;13–18 h, 42/58%; and19–24 h,
46/54%; P>0.05]. in general, pregnancy rates of the groups inseminated at different
postpartum times differed (P< 0.01) and were higher in the group inseminated at
>151 days postpartum. Pregnancy rates were similar in groups inseminated in the
second and third parities, but were lower in the group inseminated in the fourth
parity. in conclusion, rates of pregnancy, embryonic mortality, calving, and twinning
of repeat breeder Holstein cows did not differ between cows subjected to AI at
different times after the onset of spontaneous estrus. The timing of AI in repeat
breeder cows did not influence the calf sex ratio. Pregnancy rate of repeat breeder
cows was influenced by postpartum time and parity number.
Key words: Repeat Breeder Cow, Calf Gender Ratio, Artificial Insemination Time,
Pregnancy Rate
Oral - 129
Fırat University
Poster - 1
Genetic factors, environmental and seasonal factors, age, pregnancy, lactation, race
and microbial causes are common in the development of foot diseases. The
inadequacy or imbalance of micro nutrients as well as those of macro nutrients
causes the nail structure to become damaged and to increase the susceptibility to
nail diseases. Minerals such as Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, Se and I are needed for
vitamins such as A, D and E and biotin for the development and health of the nail.
These are related to the metalloenzymes of which they are the cofactor, while the
horn quality of the nail, mainly keratin, is maintained. There are very few studies
investigating the relationship between vitamins and minerals and nail diseases, while
many studies have been conducted on the availability of these vitamins and minerals
by animals according to their sources. There is not enough information in the
literature about the changes of healthy nail minerals or diseased nail levels.
Extensive studies are needed to determine the levels of vitamins and minerals in
healthy and diseased nails and their role in the etiology of bovine nail diseases.
Poster - 2
Poster - 3
To test the effects of varying dietary levels of a novel eubiotic feed additive (EFA)
containing organic acids, probiotic and enzymes on laying performance, egg quality
parameters, and serum glutathione peroxidase (GPx), malondialdehyde (MDA), total
antioksidan (TAS) and total oksidants (TOS) levels, six diets containing 0, 200, 400,
600, 800 and 1000 mg/kg EFA were fed to 144 laying hens of 75 weeks age. Each of
dietary treatments were randomly assigned to the hens kept in 6 independently
replicated cages, each with 4 hens. Feeding trial lasted for 10 weeks, during which
feed intakes, egg production parameters and feed conversion ratio, the egg quality
criteria were determined biweekly. At the end of trial, 6 hens per treatment (1 bird
per replicate) were sacrificed for the determination of serum TAS, TOS, MDA and
GSH-Px levels. The results clearly indicated that various dietary supplementation
levels of EFA did not affect feed intakes of hens, but their laying performance
significantly (P<0.05) enhanced. in particular, the increase in egg weight from 64.1 g
(0 mg/kg) to 69.2 (200 mg/kg) and to 67.34 g (1000 mg/kg) was significant (P<0.05).
Egg production was significantly (P<0.05) improved from 89.2% (0 mg/kg) to 93.7%
(800 mg/kg) and to 96.7% (1000 mg/kg). Most importantly, FCR was significantly
improved from 2.62 (0 mg/kg) to 2.49-2.32 (200, 400, 800 and 1000 mg/kg). of the
egg quality parameters, only shell breaking strength was remarkably (P<0.05)
improved from 1.10 (0 mg/kg) to 1.42-1.50 (200, 800 and 1000 mg/kg). There were
sporadic, but insignificant effects of dietary supplementation levels of EFA on serum
TAS, TOS, MDA and GSH-Px levels. Having considered optimum levels of these
benefits a dietary supplementation level of 200 mg/kg EFA was recommended in
commercial laying hen production.
Poster - 4
Poster - 5
The aim of the present study is to investigate the status of helminths in wild boars
(Sus scrofa) in Western Mediterranean province (Antalya, Burdur, Isparta) of Turkey
by postmortem examination. During investigation; 15 wild boars (four male and
eleven female) were examined by necroscopy, which were hunted between 2010 and
2013. All sections of gastrointestinal system, organs of respiratory system and
muscle samples were collected in individual plastic bags and were taken to the
laboratory of Parasitology Department of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine. Then; the gastrointestinal tract was seperated into three regions
such as; the stomach, small intestine and large intestine and all were cut opened by
scissor, the stomach, small and large intestines and their contents were examined
by helminths. Totally eleven helminth species (two cestodes larvae and nine
nematode) were identified in all investigated boars with the following prevalence
rates; 10 Cysticercus teniucollis (66,66 %), 9 Metastrongylidae spp. (60 %), 8
Globocephalus urosubulatus (53,33 %), 5 Hyostrongylus rubidus (33,33 %), 5
Physocephalus sexalatus (33,33 %), 4 Trichuris suis (26,66 %), 3
Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus (20 %), 3 Oesophagostomum dentatum (20 %)
and 2 hydatic cysts (13,33 %). Also the prevalence of Metastronglydea species were
found as; 6 boars were infected by Metastrongylus apri, 6 by M. pudentodectus and
4 by M. salmi. Muscle samples were negative for Trichinella spp. larvae. Fourteen of
investigated wild boars were found to be infected by more than one species (mix
infection) and just one boar was infected by single species (single infection). One
animal was found to be infected by maximum seven different helminth species. All
investigated wild boars were found to be infected by at least one or more helminth
Poster - 6
The present study aimed to identify the Eimeria species detected in Gazelle
subgutturosa in Turkey. The materials of the present study were, six gazelles aged
from 5 months to 1 year, which were bought from Agricultural Management
Directorate of Sanlıurfa (a city of Southeast Anatolian Region) by a farmer in Isparta
province. During the routine health scan of those animals in Mehmet Akif Ersoy
University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Internal Diseases, faecal
samples were sent to Department of Parasitology laboratory for the investigation of
gastrointestinal parasites. As a result of faecal examinations by native and Fulleborn
flotation technique; all animals found to be infected by Eimeria species. Faecal
samples showing coccidian oocysts were cultured in 2,5 % potassium dichromate
(K2Cr2O7) at room temperature for sporulation and were examined daily until the
sporulation is completed. All samples were examined by flotation technique again
and the sporulated oocysts were identified according to morphological characteristics
such as; shape, colour, size of oocysts and sporocysts, presence or absence of
micropil and micropilar cap, oocyst and sporocyst residuum and stieda body. As a
result of present study; all examined animals found to be infected by Eimeria elegans
and E. abenovi.
Poster – 7
Poster - 8
in the present the aim was to determine the D-dimer levels of coagulation tendency,
which provides a basis for thrombosis in different stages of Canine Visceral
Leishmaniasis and profile of conventional routine coagulation by testing. The animal
material of the study consisted of a total 35 dogs, enrolled into five groups, 28 of
which were with CVL and 7 healthy. CVL diagnosis was based on one or more clinical
findings attributable to the disease subjected to rapid ELISA test kits and IFAT
analyses. The dogs diagnosed with VL were classified into 4 different groups (n=7 in
each group) established by Leishvet Group based on serological, clinical findings
within haematological and to those of serum biochemical findings. By this context,
research groups were determined as; I. Group: Stage I (Mild Cases), II. Group: Stage
II (Moderate Cases), III. Group: Stage III (Severe Cases), IV. Group: Stage IV (Very
Severe Cases), V. Group: Healthy Control. To those of classified dogs with CVL,
obtained blood samples were subjected to D-dimer concentration and conventional
routine coagulation profile (APTT, PTT and FIB) analysis. Regarding mean APTT
values there was a statistical difference among healthy group and stage IV (p=0.009)
cases. There was no difference among groups in terms of PT and FIB values.
Conducting D-dimer levels, there was a statistically significant difference determined
among healthy group within stage III and stage IV infected dogs (p=0.009). As stages
of CVL progressed initial elevations among FIB levels decreased whereas cases with
increased D-dimer levels along with elevated APTT concentrations were greater. To
this context in cases of specifically increased FIB levels, to those of conventional
routine coagulation profile, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory therapy; whereas in cases
of D-dimer level elevations low molecular weight heparin compounds might be
directed to therapy.
Poster - 9
Harran University
Carra cheese produced from raw milk is a traditional cheese containing mostly black
cumin (Nigella sativa) and produced in the Southeastern provinces of Turkey. This
study was carried out to evaluate the growing and survival of Listeria monocytogenes
during manufacture and ripening of Carra cheese. For this purpose, Carra cheese
was produced with raw cow’s milk inoculated to contain 2.97 log CFU/mL of L.
monocytogenes (serovar 4b). Cheese was ripened by storing in an earthenware jug
underground for 90 d. L. monocytogenes enumeration was made by surface-plating
on Oxford agar. L. monocytogenes number increased during manufacture and
reached to 4.89 log CFU/g at the first d of ripening, while it decreased to 4.19 log
CFU/g during the first 15 d of ripening and remained constant throughout the rest
of ripening. The results indicated that L. monocytogenes in Carra cheese
manufactured with raw milk was able to survive for 90 d of ripening, despite low pH
and the presence of high number of lactic acid bacteria. Thus, Listeria-contaminated
Carra cheese could potentially cause to serious illness if consumed by susceptible
Poster - 10
a Harran University
Fırat University
c Aksaray University
Poster - 11
Six months old male crossbreed dog was referred to clinic by the local animal shelter
with infected open wounds on bilateral nasal and maxillary regions. in clinical
examination, nasal septum, nasal and maxillary bones were destructed bilaterally,
also mucopurulent nasal discharge and nasal dyspnea were present. in operation,
wound margins were debrided, and remaining maxillary and nasal bones margins
were exposed. Polypropylene mesh was fixed for repairing defect with 2/0
polypropylene suture material to the margin of bone. Gauze drains which rifampicine
and bupivacaine HCl-impregnated were placed into the both nasal cavities. Ant
biotherapy is maintained with amoxicillin (20mg/kg orally twice daily) and
metronidazole (20mg/kg orally twice daily) for 15 days postoperatively. The drains
were removed at postoperative 3th day and nasal cavity was lavaged with 0,09 %
isotonic NaCl twice daily for 15 days. Clinical signs were completely resolved 21 days
after operation. Polypropylene mesh was found easy to apply and cost effective, it
should be considered for repairing of nasal and maxillary bone defects which
compose the nasal cavity.
Poster - 12
Ankara University
Poster - 13
Ersoy University
c Department OF Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ankara
d Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Erciyes
Poster - 14
aKırıkkale University
b Program of Beekeeping, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Posof Vocational
School, Ardahan University, Ardahan, Turkey
in this study the concentrations of some element levels in 180 honey samples
obtained from honey producers producing beekeeping from all the counties of
Ardahan province (Center, Hanak, Çıldır, Göle, Damal) in 2015 were investigated.
The levels of Al, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sr and Zn elements
in honey samples were determined by ICP-OES instrument. in the samples
pretraement a microwave oven. The mean of element levels and the lowest and
highest values were determined in honey collected from city center and counties. of
the samples analyzed for Cd, Co, Cr and Pb values was found below the detection
limit. As a result of analysis, the content of element in honey were detected as
124,863 ± 313,44 ppb, 1227,56 ± 892,22 ppb, 67,352 ± 34,636 ppb, 6484,904 ±
2078,892 ppb, 302,551 ± 323,329 ppb, 4,636 ± 3,943 ppb, 3118,69 ± 835,149 ppb
and 10,535 ± 14,73 ppb, for Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na and Sr respectively. To
conclude, the results of this study below the maximum residue limits when compared
to some international limits. It was concluded that the samples analyzed would not
pose any danger to human health.
Poster - 15
Poster - 16
Fırat University
Cancer is a collection of complex and heterogeneous diseases that cause cells to run
away from their control mechanisms, causing extreme and timeless divisions and
spreading to other tissues. 2014 Turkish Statistical Institute data indicates that
20.4% of the deaths occurred in Turkey, in 2014, were cancer-related and it is the
second leading cause of death in Turkey. Cancer cells' acquisition atypical metabolic
feature as a result of genetic and environmental factors and alteration in the
signaling mechanism take part in the emergence of cancer as an important disease.
Although most metabolic activity and signaling mechanism are identical to normal
proliferative cells, these features abnormally increase in cancer cells as a result of
the association of non-genetic factors such as genetic lesions and tumor
microenvironments. Studies on these features of cancer cells enable the development
of treatment strategies targeting tumor metabolism and signaling mechanisms. in
this study, some signaling pathways regulated by tumorigenesis, as well as
transcription mechanisms will be mentioned.
Poster - 17
Kafkas University
Milk and dairy product have an important place in a healthy human diet since they
are good sources calcium and proteins. Therefore, toxins such as AFM1 should not
be present in milk and milk products. This study was planned in order to determine
the presence and level of AFM1 in milk and kashar cheese samples produced in the
Ardahan Region of Turkey. in this study, a total of 240 milk and 240 samples of
kashar (cheddar) cheese were analyzed for aflatoxin M1 seasonally. Aflatoxin content
and concentration of the samples were researched by competitive ELISA method. The
incidences of AFM1 contamination in the samples of raw cow milk and cheddar
cheese were 66 (27.5%) and 78 (32.5%) respectively. AFM1 in milk and cheddar
cheese produced in Ardahan province is mostly seen in spring months. The levels of
AFM1 were found to be below the tolerable limits set by EU and Turkish Food Codex
(0.05 ppb). Samples of Kashar cheese were encountered to AFM1 at different levels
in spring, summer and autumn. Samples of Kashar cheese were determined to be
below the limits of tolerable according to Turkish Food Codex (500 ng/kg). According
to the results of current study, it can be concluded that milk and Kashar Cheese
samples are safe for AFM1 levels for the period in which the samples were collected.
Poster - 18
Many protocol exist the production of polyclonal antisera specific for protein antigens
in mice. Small volumes of antiserum can be obtained from mice by polyclonal
antisera production technique. However, polyclonal ascites production method is
used that gives high volume and qualified polyclonal antibody. A large amount of
antibodies was generated from mice by ascites fluid production method described by
Kurpisz et al. (1988). We modified the method to generate anti- bovine serum
albümin (BSA) polyclonal ascites fluid in mice. BALB-c mouse was immunized by
BSA protein with complete Freund's adjuvan in order to get polyclonal antibody
which recognize different epitopes of BSA antigen. We expect that ascites including
high amount of anti BSA antibody. The obtained polyclonal BSA ascites was used in
ELISA and western blotting. These method is simple and cheap for producing larger
volumes of mouse polyclonal antibody.
Poster - 19
a Ankara University
b Mehmet Akif Ersoy University
c İnönü University
d Atatürk Üniversity
e Kafkas University
Poster - 20
a Ankara University
b Kastamonu University
CCl4 is a xenobiotic causes toxicity in human and animals and tissue damage by
free radical production. in this study, it is purposed that the toxic effect of the CCl4
to the soleus muscle. Totally 12 male Wistar albino rats were used, which their
weights were 180-220 gr. The rats were separated into 2 groups that were control
groups (Group 1) and CCl4 (Group 2). At the end of 12th week, intracardiac blood
were taken from rats under ketamin/rompun anesthesia and soleus muscles were
taken. Tissues treated routine preparation process for light microscopy, 5-6 µm thin
sections were taken. The tissues were stained respectively with hematoxylin-eosin
(HE) for histopathologic examination; Masson-Trikrom for the formation of the
fibrosis; Periodic Acid- Schiff for the glycogen particles. in the control group (Group
1) when the tissues were stained with the hematoxylin-eosin, it was seen that the
orientation of the muscle fibers was regular. in the control group stained with
masson-trikrom, it was observed that the collagen fibers were regular. in addition to
these, in PAS staining two groups were seen PAS positive. in CCl4 treated group
(Group 2) muscle hypertrophy, orientation defect and loss of contractile protein in
muscle fibers, increase in lipid tissue, collagen accumulation (fibrosis) in connective
tissue around vessel and nerve plexus were determined. As a result; in this study,
chronic muscle fibrosis occurs when applied as CCl4.
Poster - 21
Ankara University
Poster - 22
Eight years old neutered female mix breed dog was presented to clinic with a history
of progressive groving mass on right gluteal region, hind limb lameness, and difficulty
in urination and defecation. in clinical examination the mass was solid and located
on right gluteal muscles and extended to the perineal region. The CBC and SB were
in reference range. Computed tomographic examination revealed that the mass was
starting from great trochanter of femur cranially, and extented dorsally to the sacral
and caudal vertebraes and occupied the right side of pelvic cavity. The mass was
isodense with muscles and the margin of the tumor was clear and well-shaped ovally.
in contrast-enhanced CT images the mass was well contrast enhanced, and there
was no evidence of lung or abdominal metastasis. The mass was gross totally
removed without any surgical complication and the surgical wound was healed
properly. in histopathological examination, the tumor was composed of spindle to
ovoid shaped anaplastic cells with hypochromatic nucleus and acidophilic
cytoplasm. These cells were arranged in interlacing bundles and were accompanied
by polynucleated tumor giant cells and mitotic figures. in some areas, embryonic
connective tissue, chondroid and osteoid tissues were observed. The tumor was
diagnosed as fibrochondrosarcoma. The urination and defecation, and also lameness
were improved satisfactory for 85 days. Carboplatine was applied after the operation
as adjuvant chemotherapy was applied, but it was ceased because of the owner
request. However, the mass was regrowth and reach to the presented time and same
clinical signs reappeared, and additionally lung metastasis was seen in chest x ray
at 95 days euthanasia were requested. Mesenchymal tumor at the caudal pelvic
cavity and causes fecal and urinary incontinence and surgical removal should be
suggested for providing the better quality of life.
Poster - 23
Poster - 24
Accumulation of amyloid beta protein in the cell causes oxidative damage which
might lead to cell death. Damage due to amyloid beta accumulation in the kidneys
is quite prevalent, which could cause kidney failure. The aim of this study is to
investigate the protective effects of Hsp70 chaperone on the amyloid beta induced
toxicity in the human embryonic kidney cell line HEK-293 cells. in order to induce
toxicity in the HEK-293 cell line, 5-10 µM concentration of amyloid beta was applied
for 24 hours. Afterwards, both normal and amyloid beta treated cells were treated
with 2 µg/ml concentration of Hsp70 for 2 hours. The effect of amyloid beta on cell
viability was evaluated by MTT assay. Oxidative damage was assessed by measuring
Lipid Hydroperoxide (LPO) levels. Furthermore, catalase and Superoxide Distmutase
(SOD) levels were measured by colorimetric ELISA kits, in order to understand the
protective effect of Hsp70 on the amyloid beta induced toxicity in the HEK-293 cells.
Results indicate that cytotoxicity was induced by amyloid beta application and that
the catalase and SOD levels decreased. on the other hand, Hsp70 application
increased the catalase activity. However, SOD activities did not change significantly.
Experimental results suggest that exogenous Hsp70 application to HEK-293 cells
has a partial protective effect against the amyloid beta induced cytotoxicity in the
HEK-293 cells.
Poster - 25
in this case, the subject matter is an oroantral fistula localized in the distal of the
right maxillary 3rd premolar teeth of a 7-year-old Terrier female dog with an open
wound in the right buccal area and with halitosis and bloody discharge brought to
Adnan Menderes University, Veterinary Faculty, Surgery Department. According to
clinical examination, it was understood that the periodontal disease spread to apical
area disrupted the structure of the nasal cavity and caused to the formation of a
fistula, and it was decided that the 4th premolar tooth should be pulled out. The 4th
premolar tooth of the dog was removed from gingival flap under general anesthesia,
it was cut with a drill from the furcation point, and the tooth was extracted in two
parts. Since the fistula hole was small, the tissue was attached to each other and
was then closed. The fistula’s canal was irrigated with polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine
10% (Batticon, Adeka, Turkey) solution. Intravenously fluid treatment was applied
to the dog for the first 24 hours, and amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (Synulox, Pfizer,
Belgium) i.m. was administered at a dose of 8,75 mg/kg bodyweight/day for 7 days.
The recovery occurred 3 weeks later from the surgical intervention. in this case study,
it has been observed that the oroantral fistula in dogs may be treated with a proper
extraction of the relevant tooth, closure of the wound and with proper postoperative
Poster - 26
Kırıkkale University
The aim of this study was to determine the silage quality criteria and in site
degradabilities of silages prepared with addition of grape pomace into Sorghum-
sudan grass or alfalfa as rapid fermentable carbohydrate source. Grape pomace
obtained at the region was ensiled with Sorghum-sudan grass or alfalfa grown at
Keskin Yem Bitkileri Üretim ve İşleme Tesisi at same period at the levels of 0, 10, 20
and 40%. Glass jars (1L) were used for ensiling of silages. Four silage samples were
prepared for each treatment groups. After 45 days of ensiling, silage samples were
opened and physical evaluation based on color, appearance and odor, fleig score,
organic acid, nutrient contents, and in situ degradation levels were determined.
Among silage quality criteria, fleig score and quality score based on physical features
were higher in Sorghum-sudan grass silages compared with those of alfalfa silages.
Addition of grape pomace improved silage quality in alfalfa silages, were only affective
at 40% level in Sorghum-sudan grass silage (P<0.05). pH and volatile fatty acids,
among silage fermentation parameter, were different between Sorghum-sudan grass
and alfalfa silages (P<0.05). Grape pomace caused only an increase in pH of
Sorghum-sudan grass silages, it significantly reduced pH and acetic acid levels of
alfalfa silages (P<0.05). Nutrient contents of Sorghum-sudan grass and alfalfa silages
were different, except ADF content (P<0.05). While addition of grape pomace
increased ADF and HP contents of Sorghum-sudan grass silages and OM content of
alfalfa silages, it caused a decrease at crude protein content of alfalfa silages (P<0.05).
in situ OM degradation levels were similar, but NDF and ADF degradation levels were
higher i Sorghum-sudan grass silages (P<0.01). Addition of grape pomace decreased
OM degradations in both forage species, and NDF and ADF degradation levels only
in alfalfa silages (P<0.05).
In conclusion, grape pomce can be added into legume silages such as alfalfa up to
40% to improve silage quality and to be able to utilize grape pomace as forage insipid
of some negative effects of grape pomace.
Poster - 27
Poster - 28
Zinc-responsive dermatosis can occur in dogs due to the lack in the diet or
inadaquate absorption in the intestines of zinc. A 4-year-old female Great Danua
with crust on nose and interdigital redness was presented to the clinic. Knowledge
of the applied various treatments (anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal) and diet
elimination against to allergy doubt was reached in the history however all of them
were failed. Serum zinc level was measured. Taking in to account the macroscopically
determined nasal parakeratosis and decrease in serum zinc level, balanced diet and
oral zinc supplementation (10 mg / kg / day PO) was performed. It was observed that
the clinical signs decreased within 3 weeks after recived oral zinc supplementation,
and of dermatological lesions completely treated 2 months later in the control. As a
result, although zinc sensitive dermatosis are usually seen in SiberianHusky and
AlaskanMalamute, it should be taken in to account that the Great Dane is also
predisposed and oral zinc supplementation may be necessary.
Poster - 29
Food quality and safety issues are of great interest to consumers due to the potential
health hazards. One of the most important food safety problems is the chemical
contaminants, particularly antibiotics, in foods of animal origins. Hence, the usage
of antibiotics as growth promotion agent in livestock was banned in 2006, in Turkey.
The main objective of this study was to examine the presence of 37 antibiotic agents,
including these classified as clinically important for humans, in chicken meat
samples, for which consumers recently paid a great attention due to appearance of
information in the media. A total of 25 raw chicken meat samples (breast) were
collected from retail sellers in five provinces (Adana, Gaziantep, Hatay, Mersin and
Osmaniye) in Turkey. Liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass
spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was used to determine multi antibiotic residue in samples.
As a result of the current study, no antibiotic residue was detected in any of the
analyzed chicken samples. Consequently, it can be said that LC-MS/MS is an
important tool for the determination of multi-classes antibiotic residue in animal
tissue samples. Finally, chicken meats sold in the abovementioned cities do not pose
any public health risk in terms of antibiotic residues since none of the analyzed
antibiotics were found. However, antibiotic residues in food of animal origins have to
be monitored regularly.
Poster - 30
Poster - 31
Poster - 32
Treatment methods that have not been scientifically proven to be effective are called
Alternative therapy methods. These therapies are mostly traditional knowledge-
based. If scientific methods are not useful, varied Alternative therapy methods can
be referred to for treatment. Access to these methods, whether it is a lack of common
detailed information or an inability to remember, can sometimes be difficult. Thus,
this study is aimed at improving the availability of Alternative therapy methods by
classifying them and to be a resource for wounds not treated by scientific methods.
Alternative therapy methods can be discussed under the Organic, Inorganic and
Physical/Other titles and can be classified as follows:
a) With herbal substances; Aloe vera extract, Sugar dressing, St. john's wort oil,
Black seed oil, Juniper tar, Tea tree oil
If classical scientific methods have been used and there is still no macro or micro
healing, Alternative therapy methods can be utilized. It is hoped that the collected
and summarized information via this abstract will be helpful for these cases.
Poster - 33
Oronasal fistula is not an common problem in the canine. A fistula may also result
from trauma (i.e., bite wounds, gunshot wounds, blunt trauma to the head, electrical
burns) or may be a complication of surgery (e.g., mass excision or ventral rhinotomy),
radiation, or hyperthermic treatment of oral lesions. Foreign bodies lodged between
the dental arcades may cause pressure necrosis of the palate and subsequent
development of an oronasal fistula. Ingested food that passes through the fistula into
the nasal cavity may be expelled from the nostril by sneezing. Respiratory infection
is common The study was performed on a 2.5 years old female dog with a body
weight of 13.5 kg brought to the Surgery Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Adnan Menderes University for surgical treatment of an traumatic oronasal fistula.
Following oral examination, the condition was diagnosed as an oronasal fistula in
the area on the midline of the soft palate. Anesthesia was induced with 4.0 mg/kg
propofol administered intrvenously. The dog was intubated and cuff inflated.
Anaesthesia was continued with Sevoflurane ® (2-4 MAC) inhalation. Rotational flap
technique was used to repair the defect. Postoperatively, mouth disinfection was
provided by using Crystalin® solution. Cefazolin (22 mg/kg/12 h intramuscular) was
given for 7 post-operative days. Liquid diets for the first 10-15 days, then soft food
feeding were recommended. In conclusion, this case report describes the successful
surgical treatment with rotational flap technique of oronasal fistula in dogs.
Poster - 34
in the present study, the aim was to evaluate microalbuminuria due to different
diseases among dogs. in this context, a total of 64 dogs were enrolled to those of
different diseased study. All dogs, based on clinical examination, laboratory and
imaging findings were subdivided into 4 groups (infection, trauma, cardiovascular
diseases and neoplasia). Demographic questionnaire involving data such as breed,
age and gender were filled for each dogs. Ten ml of urine were collected from different
diseases dogs with catheterization method. Urine samples withdrawn from all dogs
were measured to determine existing and rating of microalbuminuria and
albumin/creatine by “Healty Mate Vet 2AC” commercial urine test kits.
Microalbuminuria in urinalysis revealed 59 of 64 dogs showing positive result and
the other 5 of 64 dogs showed negative result in dogs which have different diseases
by urine stick test. Interestingly 17 out of 19 dogs with trauma revealed
microalbuminuria. Twenty one out 22 dogs with infectious disease, 13 out of 15 dogs
with cardiovascular events, and 8 of all dogs with neoplasia showed
microalbuminuria. Indeed, it was detected that age did not influence
microalbuminuria in the present study. At the same time, it was detected that in
correlation with the severity of diseases, elevated microalbuminuria levels were
evident. in conclusion it may be suggested that microalbuminuria is an appropriate
parameter understanding in routine clinical practice at different diseases among dog
especially for determining early renal disorders and prognosis of disease. Besides by
early diagnosis of microalbuminuria at critical diseased dogs with renal disorders
could have helped better expectancy for life time and life quality.
Poster - 35
The aim of this study was to determine general conditions of small and big scale
feedlot enterprises present at 5 provinces (Ankara, Çankırı, Çorum, Kırşehir and
Kırıkkale) in Central-Anatolia region. For this purpose, these feedlot enterprises were
evaluated by using a survey containing questions about general conditions of barns,
obtaining of materials and marketing methods, feeding and animal-care practices,
nutrient compositions of forages and concentrate feedstuffs used in the region,
satisfaction of farmers by doing their job, and factors hardening their productiveness
and each of these above parameters obtained for each province were also compared
with those of the others. in conclusion, when the feedlot farmers were evaluated it
was noted that the scale of feedlots and education level of farmers increased. Thus,
the use of knowledge and technology among farmers and infra structures of barn
improved. Farmers complained about a total of 15 problems that made their job
difficult. Among these problems, the cost of feed was the number one.
Poster - 36
Ege University
Poster - 37
Poster - 38
c Kırıkkale University
The aim of the study was to determine some udder traits, milk production and body
condition in Saanen goat kept under intensive conditions. The animal material was
87 on first period and 70 pregnant goat on second period that reared on a private
farm in Afyonkarahisar. Lactation milk yield of 150 days in consecutive period was
204.06 and 355.80 kg respectively. It observed that the effect of birth type was not
significant, while the effect of year and doe age were significant (P <0.001) in milk
production during lactation periods. The type 3 (% 56.86) udder was observed much
more than other types. The means of BCS was detected as 3.41 at 30; 3.74 at 90
and 3.68 at 150 days. In conclusion, the lactation milk yields and BCS of Saanen
goats were higher than other studies, espacially at the second term, in Turkey.
Poster - 39
This study aims to examine that raise sheep and/or goat around Mersin region. in
Turkey raising sheep and goats is usually done with domestic races in an extensive
condition. There is a similar situation in Mersin as well. The sheep and goats being
raised in this region include generally pure and crossbred Akkaraman, Morkaraman,
Ivesi, Hamdani, Herik and Merinos sheep, and Kıl, Halep, Kilis and Saanen goats.
These animals are usually taken to flatlands as the weather warms up and raised in
a pasture based extensive conditions.
Poster - 40
Poster - 41
Processing of raw foods into food products naturally generates by-products. One of
the typical example is commercial fish filleting. Utilization of processing by-products
is considered to be more important for the economic viability of the aquatic foods
industry than most other food processing industries. By-product of sea bass fillet
processing has been evaluated as fish meatball in this study. Four different kinds of
meatballs were prepared as and analyzed throughout the storage period of 12 days.
The groups were named as; Control (A), Croquet (B), Hamburger (C) and Meat and
Rice Croquet (D). Sensorial, chemical, physical and microbiological analyses were
done. Hamburger meatball was the most appreciated meatball by panellists while
Meat and Rice Croquet was the less appreciated kind. pH ratios of the samples
remained below the acceptable limit values. Hamburger meatball had 23,35±2,35
mg/100g TVB-N value that proved its freshness. Croquet and Hamburger meatballs
were classified as good because of their TBA values which were below 3.
Microbiological analysis revealed out that total viable and psychrotrophic bacteria
load of Control, Croquet and Meat and Rice Croquet meatballs reached the limit value
at 3rd day while Hamburger meatball reached at 6th day of the storage. It is
concluded that Meat and Rice Croquet meatball from by-product of sea bass fillet
processing were consumable till the 6th day of refrigerated storage while the Control,
Croquet and Hamburger meatballs were consumable till the 3rd day of refrigerated
Poster - 42
Eight years old neutered male German Shepherd Dog was presented with a history
of progressive mass on the axillar region of the left thoracic limb. Biopsy had been
taken by the referral veterinary clinic and rhabdomyosarcoma had been diagnosed.
in clinical examination a big mass was present on axillary region and dog had pain
at palpation. There is no neurological abnormality in the left thoracic limb and the
dog had weightbearing on the limb, however abduction of the limb during walking
and also standing was remarkable in physical examination. in CT images, a mass
arising from caudal 1/3 of neck, to the left side of the trachea and extends dorsally
to intervertebral foramens, ventrally to sternum and caudally to level of 5th costa
was observed. The mass was isodens with muscles. No bony involvement and
pulmonary invasion were detected. in operation it was not possible to spare the limb
because of the tumor size and inclusion of all the brachial plexus’ nerves and nerve
roots. The mass was removed and forequarter amputation was performed. The dog
well tolerated the operation. There was no signs of recurrence until 2nd month
postoperatively. in macroscopic evaluation of the tumor; costal face of scapula of
extremity and jugular region, with a size of 25x25x10 cm and 20x10x3 cm,
respectively, limited, solid mass which can be easily fragmented and light reddish-
white in color were seen. Tissue samples fixed in 10 % formalin and embedded in
paraffin and sectioned in 4µm thickness were stained with hematoxylin and eosine
(HE) and Masson’s trichrom. PNST was diagnosed histopathologically. PNSTs are the
malignant neoplasms of the peripheral nerves and there may be no neurologically
clin signs in some cases. Radical limb amputation can be suggested in those kind of
Poster - 43
Sheep and goat meat industry has a significant share in the global animal protein
market. From the point of consumers, meat quality has a great importance most
commonly in terms of tenderness and flavoursome. With regard to industrial
perspective, colour, pH, water holding capacity, cooking losses, tenderness,
marbling, chemical composition, fatty acid composition can be respected as
important features of meat quality. Many candidate genes were determined to have
effects on meat quality traits in small ruminants such as calpastatin (CAST), insulin-
like growth factor I (IGF-I), callipyge (CLPG), myostatin (MSTN) and FABP4 gene (fatty
acid binding protein 4). Calpastatin is a specific inhibitor of calpains that has a role
in cell spreading, migration, proliferation and apoptosis. CAST has a major effect on
muscle growth and meat tenderness after slaughter because of inhibits the calpain
activity in post-mortem tissue. IGF-I was found to have a significant effect on
foreshank weight, external fatness of carcass, drip loss and subjective assessment of
meat colour. Also, it tended to be associated with longissimus dorsi muscle width
and flavour. Callipyge gene is caused muscular hypertrophy that is a notable in the
muscles of the pelvic limb in sheep and affects tenderness of meat. MSTN is
associated with double muscling of carcasses. MSTN not only causes to produce
more meat but also leaner and tenderer meat. FABP4 gene encodes the fatty acid
binding protein which binds and transports long-chain fatty acids and it is related
with intramuscular fat level, tenderness and marbling of the longissimus dorsi
muscle. in this review, the association of genes with meat quality features that
affected by many quantitative trait loci will be summarized.
Poster - 44
The purpose of the present study was to determine healing effects of tadalafil
nanoparticle ointment (TNO), an efficient phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor on
experimental rat model of diabetic wound. For this purpose, levels of vascular
endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A), angiopoietin (ANGPT), fibroblast growth factor-
2 (FGF-2) and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) were investigated in the
diabetic scar tissues. Additionally a panel of 84 angiogenic genes were screened
between the groups. Investigations were performed on a total of 70 rats including 10
in each group. Diabetes mellitus was induced by the i.p. injection of 50 mg/kg of
streptozotocin. The punch biopsy wounds were created in dorsal region of the rats.
Scar tissues were taken from animals which were sacrificed on the post-operative
14th day and they were used for histopathology, immunohistochemistry and Real-
Time PCR analyses. Likewise, serum activities of aspartate transaminase (AST),
alanine transaminase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were determined. Serum
ALT, AST and ALP levels were elevated in diabetes induced groups. Re-
epithelialization and healing rate weremore significant in the TNO applied groups.
TNO application induced significantly TGF-β1 protein secretion, especially inthe non-
diabetic groups. Between TNO applied groups, a relatively high gene expression level
of ANGPT-2 was monitored in the group of diabetic wound, compared to non-diabetic
wound group. The expression of FGF-2 gene increased in TNO administered wound
groups. in non-diabetic TNO group, TGF-β1 expression was decreased. Higher VEGF-
A gene expression levels were determined in TNO applied diabetic wound group.in
conclusion, due to the metabolism of diabetic scar tissue, higher ANGPT-2 and
VEGF-A levels were determined in diabetes induced groups. TNO exerted
ameliorative effects on the organization of granulation tissue by inducing angiogenic
cytokines in TNO applied groups.
Poster - 45
e Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University
Poster - 46
in the present study, the most common diseases and related operations in the skin
and subcutaneous tissue are emphasized. The following conditions posess
significance as follows; injury to the nostrils, fistula of the hump and withers,
dermoid cysts, abscesses, hernia, amputation of tail, udder amputation, teat fistule,
infectious lymphadenitis, punctured foot an avulsion of the food pad. Nostrils often
get lacerated to a variable length and different directions due to violent pulling of
nose-strings by the owners in a bid control vicious animals. The hump of the camel
contains most of the body fat and a well developed hump is a sign of good health.
Dermoid cysts commonly occur in the jugular groove and cysts do not normally
disturb the animal and the surgery is done for cosmetic reasons in the show animals.
Abscesses have quite commonly been noticed in the camels, particularly in the black
ones and may develop on any part of the body. Superficial abscesses may drain
spontaneously but the deep abscesses seldom drain to the body surface and need to
be drained surgically. As the line of treatment of the abscesses any where on the
body surface is practically the same, a general discussion is being given instead of
dealing with the individual abscess sites. Total or half udder amputation is indicated
in cases of udder fibrosis with or without purulent sinus tracts. in some cases, the
udder tissue becomes gangrenous as a sequel to untreated mastitis. The punctured
foot, as the name indicates is a condition in which the solar surface of the foot is
penetrated by some sharp objects leading to infection and formation of sinuses
through the foot pad. in summary, the diseases and complications that occur are
common in the camels and the treatment usually requires operative intervention.
Poster - 47
a Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Science and Art, Department of Biology, Burdur
bMehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Histology
and Embryology, Burdur
c Erciyes University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Histology and
Embryology, Kayseri
d Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Histology and
Natriuretic peptides are hormones considered to have played a key role in the
regulation of cardiopulmonary and cardiorenal homeostasis. ANP is currently viewed
as an important component in the physiological control of cardio-renal function, and
its role may be regarded as a physiological factor counteracting. ANP and BNP
increase renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate, further optimizing renal
function. ANP stimulates the dilation of pulmonary airways and blood vessels.
Similarly, BNP also has a pulmonary vasodilatory effect. To our knowledge, there has
been no report that investigates the distribution of these peptides in the squirrel
kidney and lung. This study was carried out to examine the immunohistochemical
expression of natriuretic peptides in Anatolian ground squirrel kidney and lung using
the Streptavidin-Biotin Complex (Strept-ABC) method. in the kidney,
immunohistochemistry revealed strong immunoreactivity for ANP in distal tubules,
moderate in the glomerulus and weak in proximal tubules. on the other hand, the
distal and proximal tubules and capillaries stained moderately to strongly with BNP.
in the lung, ANP and BNP were expressed by blood smooth muscle cells and
endothelial cells and respiratory bronchiole epithelial cells. in addition, alveolar
macrophages and capillaries also stained strongly and weakly with BNP, respectively.
The present data show that squirrel kidney and lung contain ANP and BNP,
suggesting that these peptide hormones are locally produced by the kidney and lung
and form the renal and pulmonary natriuretic peptide system. They may participate
in the regional regulation of water and sodium transport and renal circulation in the
kidney and play an important physiological role in pulmonary function by
modulating the proliferation of pulmonary endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells.
Poster - 48
In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of the addition of medium-
chain free fatty acids on the performance of broilers, some haematological and serum
biochemical parameters and the effect on breast meat fatty acids profile. The study
was conducted on a randomized trial design model, in which a total of 120 daily male
broiler chicks (Ross 308®) will form 4 main groups of 30 individuals, one control and
three trials. For the experimental groups, the basal ration was given for 42 days with
the addition of caprylic (C8: 0), capric (C10: 0) and lauric (C12: 0) acids from medium
chain fatty acids at 0.2% ratio. in the study, there was no significant difference (p>
0.05) between groups in terms of total feed consumption, feed utilization rate, weight
gain, mean weight, hot-cold carcass yield data. The lowest mortality rates were seen
in the C8 and C10 groups (p <0.05). There was no significant difference between the
internal organs in the liver, gall bladder, heart, spleen, pancreas, bursa fabricius,
stomach, abdominal fat weights and carcass ratio (p> 0.05). There was no
significant difference (p> 0.05) between the groups in terms of RBC, WBC, HCT,
MCV, MCH and MCHC but hemoglobin values were higher in the C8 group than in
the other groups (p <0.05). Serum biochemical parameters such as glucose, total
protein, albumin, lipase, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL values were not significantly
different between the experimental groups (p> 0.05) but the triglyceride level was
significantly lower in the experimental groups (p <0.05). Fatty acid profiles of breast
meat were similar among the groups (p> 0.05). As a result, it was concluded that the
addition of 0.2% ratio of free caprylic, capric or lauric acids to broiler rations
generally did not result in specific effects or significant differences between the
groups (except some blood parameters) but with it, that applications it was not
constituted adverse effects. For demonstration that the specific effects of these fatty
acids being studied and the possible statistical differences between the groups, it
may be meaningful to work with higher contribution rates and more subjects.
Keywords: Broiler, Capric Acid, Caprylic Acid, Lauric Acid, Medium-Chain Fatty
Poster - 49
Discuss some of the presurgical considerations that can affect the success of a
procedure, including the physiological state and condition of the patient;
predisposing factors for infection; and the limitations of the surgeon, facilities, and
equipment. The methods of asepsis and antisepsis, different procedures with regard
risk of infection and degree of contamination are importent for success of the
procedure. Suture materials, suture patterns, surgical instruments, operation room
protocol and patients restraint and anesthesia are important steps for presurgical
considerations. Sutures and ligatures are indispensable to maintain proper
approximation of the tissues during any surgical procedure. The proper selection of
the suture material for any operation carries the most importance, as a wrong
selection will result in a failure endangering the life of the patient. The following are
some of the points which should be kept in mind when selecting the suture material
for a particular surgery. Development of good technique requires a knowledge and
understanding of the rational mechanics involved in suturing. Many experienced
investigators, even those that have performed surgeries for many years, have
developed poor surgical technique. Suture is any strand of material used to
approximate the tissue edges and give artificial support while the tissue heals
naturally. in routine large animal surgical practice, only a limited number of
instruments are used unless some particular surgical procedure is undertaken that
requires some additional special instruments pertaining to that surgery. The camel;
for all practical purposes, is classified as a semi domesticated animal; hence,
physical restraint with or without slight sedation is necessary even in docile animals
to carry out clinical examination and/or minor surgical manipulations
Poster - 50
Poster - 51
The aim of the study was to monitor vitamin E serum concentrations in neonatal
calves according to the amount of received colostrum. Vitamin E serum
concentrations were determined in 3 separate groups of calves. They received a
different amount of colostrum on the first day of their lives. All groups received 2
litres of colostrum from their own mothers up to 2 hours after being born. Additional
2 litres of commercially pre-made colostrum were received after another 4 hours
(group B) or another 8 to 10 hours (group C). The calves in group A received 2 litres
of colostrum, in group B 4 litres of colostrum in 2 doses and in group C 6 litres of
colostrum in 3 doses. Concentrations of vitamin E in blood serums were determined
by HPLC technique.in the next phase of the experiment, the calves were fed with milk
replacer. Another blood sampling and determination of vitamin E serum
concentration was performed when the calves were 30 days old. The vitamin E serum
concentration in group A was 1.14±0.76 umol/l when the calves were one day old
and 8.69±3.42 umol/l when they were 30 days old. in group B, the vitamin E
concentration was 2.89±0.85 umol/l when the calves were one day old and 8.84±1.04
umol/l when they were 30 days old. in group C, the vitamin E concentration was
5.02±2.15 umol/l when they were first day old and 8.39±2.73 umol/l when they were
30 days old. The calves which received 2 litres of colostrum or 4 litres of colostrum
had subnormal concentrations of vitamin E concentration in their blood serum. in
comparison with the group C, the differences between vitamin E serum levels were
Poster - 52
Vector-borne diseases in dogs are a major health problem with zoonotic importance.
Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) is one of the most common vector-borne
infections in dogs. Co-infections of vector-borne diseases are reported to cause more
severe pathological effects than mono-infections. The current study investigates the
effects of mono and co-infections of CME on oxidative status and lipid profiles in
dogs. Dogs with vector-borne diseases were divided into two groups, mono (n = 22)
and co-infected (n = 23) with CME, and compared to a healthy group (n = 20). Double
and triple co-infections with other vector-borne diseases included A.
phagocytophilum, L. infantum, and, D. immitis. The serum lipid profile (high-density
lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), cholesterol, and triglycerides) and
the total and individual markers of oxidative status (total antioxidant capacity (TAC),
total oxidant status (TOS), malondialdehyde (MDA), paraoxonase (PON-1), and
arylesterase (ARE)) were evaluated. Significant decreases in PON-1 and ARE enzyme
activities and HDL concentration, as well as increases in TOS level, MDA, LDL, and
triglyceride concentrations were determined in both mono and co-infected groups
compared to the healthy control group. No significant differences were found in TAC
level and cholesterol concentration among the groups. in conclusion, alterations in
lipid profile and increases in oxidative stress were observed, however, no significant
differences were detected between mono and co-infected dogs compared to a healthy
control group
Acknowledgement: This study was summarized partially from the project that
funded by Adnan Menderes University Research Projects Funding Unit with project
number VTF-16003
Poster - 53
The aim of this study is investigating the isoflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia effect
on coagulation parameters. in the study, 12 dogs applied to our clinic for
ovariohysterectomy from different gender, age and sex used; 6 for isoflurane group
(n=6) 6 for sevoflurane group (n=6). Premedication done with intravenous (iv) 0.3
mg/kg midazolam, for induction 4-6 mg/kg iv Propofol bolus used and for
maintenance 1.5% isoflurane in isoflurane group and 2% sevoflurane in sevoflurane
group used. Thrombin time (TT), Protrombin Time (PT) Activated partial
thromboplastin time (APTT) and Fibrinogen (FIB) were measured at times: before
anesthesia 0. minute (Z0), during the anesthesia 15. (Z1) and 30. minutes (Z2), after
the anesthesia at 0. minute (Z3) and 1. hour (Z4) with venous sampling. It was
measured that TT, PT, APTT and FIB levels were changed insignificantly according
to time. TT level at 30. minutes and after anesthesia 0. minute was changed
significantly between groups (p<0.05).
Poster - 54
Synaptophysin was the first synaptic vesicle protein to be cloned and characterized,
and is now known to belong to a family of proteins with four transmembrane domains
that includes synaptogyrin and synaptoporin. Synaptophysin is the most abundant
synaptic vesicle protein by mass, accounting for 10% of total vesicle protein.
Neurofilaments are highly specific major structural proteins of neurons, consisting
predominantly of four subunits: Neurofilaments light, neurofilaments medium and
neurofilaments heavy chain and alpha-internexin. The aim of this study was to detect
immunohistochemical localization of synaptophysin and neurofilaments in sheep
ileum during the prenatal period. in this study, the distal ileums from ten sheep
fetuses with gestational ages varying between 63 and 147 days were used as a
material. The streptavidin biotin complex immunoperoxidase technique was
employed to detect immunohistochemical localization of synaptophysin and
neurofilaments in the ileum. in the early period, the weak synaptophysin reaction
was observed in smooth muscle cells of tunica muscularis and large nerve cells
between them, but in later periods intense reaction was observed in smooth muscle
cells of tunica muscularis, lamina muscularis and blood vessels walls. Morever, the
intense reaction was noted in the large nerve cells forming the nerve plexuses of the
mucosa in later periods. As for the neurofilaments, there was almost no immune
reaction in smooth muscle cells in the early period. in the following periods, a weak
reaction was observed in these muscle cells. in all the periods examined, an intense
immune reaction was detected in the large nerve cells forming the nerve plexuses.
As a result, both synaptophysin and neurofilament expression were determined in
the neural cells and muscle cells of the ileum during the fetal period. While
neurofilaments showed intense immunoreaction only in nerve cells, synaptophysin
reacted intensely in both smooth muscle cells and nerve cells.
Poster – 55
in this study, it was aimed to measure 25 hydroxy vitamin D3 levels in dogs with
different parasitic dermatoses and to determine their relation with disease activity.
Aforementioned research groups were as follows; 1st Group: Demodictic scabies, 2nd
Group: Sarcophagic scabies, 3rd Group: Canine Visceral Leishmaiasis, 4th
Group: Other cases with parasitic dermatosis will be included in the study. 5th
Group:Negative (non-infections) but dermatosis due to parasitic dermatoses, finally
6th Group: (n=10) will have healthy dogs without any disease table (absolutely no
dermatosis). in all groups of dogs, vena cephalica antebrachii will be subjected to
centrifugation by taking 2 ml samples of blood from non-anticoagulant serum tubes
and then 25 hydroxy vitamin D3 levels will be determined by radioimmunoassay
method. Appropriate statistical methods will be used in the calculation and
comparison of the obtained parameters. in our literature review, we have not been
able to identify a clinically-based study of D avitaminosis / hypovitaminosis or
hypervitaminosis in parasitic skin diseases in dogs characterized by veterinary
dermatological studies, as mentioned above in part. in this study, it was aimed to
investigate the profile of vitamin D in dogs diagnosed with dermatitis with different
parasitic factors. We believe that treatment protocols may change with the
determination of the relationship of some selected parasitic diseases with vitamin D
in dogs. Determining the relationship between acquired data and possible disease in
dogs with potential Vitamin D profiling suggests that this void in the resulting
literature will be filled in and will form the basis for existing studies and later on the
work to be done, especially regarding the prognosis, monitoring and possibly
treatment protocols of the disease. Besides, it is considered that the positive results
that can be obtained contribute to the international literature and will contribute to
the field of Veterinary Internal Medicine and Parasitology. By the evaluation of the
scientific data to be obtained when the project is concluded, presentations will be
made both in national and international arenas / congresses and contribution to the
literature will be provided.
Poster - 56
in the present study, the aim was to determine the probable alterations in
coagulation profile in neonatal calves. A total of 78 (64 diseasedand 14 healthy)
calves diagnosed with rapid test results subdivided into healthy, infected and non-
infected groups, whereas mono-infected four groups [I. group (E. coli infected), II.
group (Rotavirus infected), III. group (Cryptosporidium spp. infected), IV. group
(Giardia spp. infected)], V. group (non-infected), VI. group (co-infected) including sick
calves, and healthy calves left as control were enrolled in group VII (n=14). Among
evaluation of three major groups there were statistically significant differences
regarding mean protrombin time (PT) levels (p=0.026) between healthy and infected
diarrheic calves, and mean FIB levels (p=0.051) between healthy and infected
diarrheic calves. in the present study, as each group was evaluated individually
statistically significant differences were detected regarding mean PT levels between
co-infected group and non-infected diarrheic group (p=0.042), mean FIB levels
between healthy calves and the diarrheic calves with Cryptosporidiosis (p=0.012). in
conclusion, it may be suggested that interpretation for PT values in co-infected calves
with diarrhea and FIB concentrations to those of diarrheic calves with
cryptosporodiosis. Especially in field conditions, Veterinary Surgeons who could not
possibly evaluate haemostatic or coagulation profiles, should aware of
hyperfibrinogenemia, consequently as a consequlenonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drug (NSAID) choices might be considered.
Poster - 57
aVan Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Veterinary, Department of Internal Genetics, Van,
bAdnan Menderes University, Faculty of Veterinary, Department of Internal Medicine, Işıklı,
cAdnan Menderes University, Faculty of Veterinary, Faculty Farm, Işıklı, Aydın TURKEY
Coccidiosis is one of the most crucial parasitic diseases of goats with worldwide
distribution. Coccidiosis is of considerable economic importance because of the
losses owing to clinical disease (diarrhoea), huge mortality and morbidity, poor
growth and treatment costs but also due to subclinical infections that caused by
Eimeria spp. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of coccidial
infection of goats in Aydın. For this purpose, fresh faecal samples were collected
directly from the rectum of 167 goats including 128 kids (up to 6 months old) in
Aydın. Afterwards faecal examination was carried out using flotation in NaCl
saturated solution and studied microscopically for the presence of oocysts. Then the
modified McMaster technique was applied to determine the number of oocysts per
gram (OPG) of faeces. The prevalence of infection in adult goats was 100 % with an
intensity of 100–4650 OPG. The rate of infection in kids was 100 % with an intensity
of 3800–159000 OPG.
Poster - 58
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the oxidative status and lipid
profile among dogs at different stages of Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL). Dogs with VL
were divided into four groups as stage I (n=9), stage II (n=11), stage III (n=6), stage IV
(n=6) according to the classification of Leishvet group and compared to healthy
control dogs (n=14). Serum lipid profile (high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density
lipoprotein (LDL), cholesterol, and triglycerides), and oxidative status (total
antioxidant capacity (TAC), total oxidant status (TOS), paraoxonase-1 (PON-1)) were
evaluated. Significant increases in TOS level and LDL concentration and decreases
in PON-1 activity and HDL concentration were determined in all stages of dogs
naturally infected with VL compared to the dogs in the healthy group. No significant
differences were found in TAC level, cholesterol and triglycerides concentration
among groups. Increased oxidative stress and alterations in lipid profile were
observed in dogs with VL. However, no significant differences were detected between
dogs at different stages of disease. It has been concluded that changes in TOS value,
PON-1 activity, HDL and LDL concentrations in dogs of all stages of VL should be
taken into account in diagnosis of the disease and in the planning of treatment.
Acknowledgements: This study was summarized partially from the project that
funded by Adnan Menderes University Research Projects Funding Unit with project
number VTF-16003.
Poster - 59
The cases in this report consisted of sexually active two dogs that were delivered at
least once (Case 1: 12-year-old Cocker and Case 2: 11-year-old mixed breed)
presented to our clinic.
It was reported in the anamnesis of case 1 that there had been a swelling on the
perineum for the last six months. Only mild leukocytosis (WBC: 18.38x103/μL) and
anemia (RBC: 3.66x106/μL) were determined at laboratory analyses. During the
inspection, perineum was asymmetric. One mass consisting of a big solid piece was
determined on the left ventral region of vaginal wall at the palpation.
It was noted for case 2 that had its last estrous a month ago and vagina prolapsed
at the same time. A significant leukocytosis (WBC: 31.43x103/μL) and anemia (RBC:
3.66x106/μL) were seen in laboratory analyses. A solid mass prolapsed from vulva
was determined on the right ventral wall of the vagina during the clinical
examination. At the ultrasonography of the mass, a solid areas was monitored
resembles calcification.
After examinations, it was decided that the masses of both cases would be removed
surgically. in case 1, the urethral canal was catheterized after anesthesia and an
episiotomy was performed at 1 o'clock direction on the dorsal commissure of the
vulva. in Case 2, because of the more cranial mass was entered median line. The
masses were separated from peripheral tissues by blunt dissection. Vaginal layers,
episiotomy and median lines were sutured with 2-0 absorbable sutures.
Histopathological examinations showed that case-1 and 2 were fibroma and
leiomyoma respectively. Two weeks after from surgery both of the dogs recovered
completely without any complication. It is seen that both cases are not spayed and
have advanced ages in this presentation. Therefore, these two factors can be
important at the etiology of vaginal tumors in dogs.
Poster - 60
One of the main problems of Turkish animal industry is the cost of animal feed. One
of alternatives to reduce fee cost is to find out cheap alterative feedstuffs, mainly by-
products. Potato pulp can be one of these alternative feedstuffs. Potato cultivation
has been made successfully for years in Turkey. But there isn’t data about of fresh
consumption and processing. Recently, potato industry has rapid development and
provided products such as chips, frozen potato to and starch for consumer. Potato
pulp is waste (by-product) of potato starch processing industry and it has great
potential to food for animals, especially ruminants. The aim of this rewiev article was
to evaluate the potential use of potato pulp as feed for ruminant animals. The
nutrient content, proper conservation methods and the value of potato pulp and
potato pulp silage for ruminant animals were discussed in this article.
Poster - 61
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of substituting barley with
potato pulp silage prepared with ground barley straw and wheat bran on fattening
performance of fat tail Akkaraman and long tail Kıvırcık x Akkaraman (G1) cross-
breed lambs. To achieve this objective, a barley based diet (control diet) was prepared.
Then, potato based diet was prepared by substituting 10 % of barley on dry matter
basis with potato pulp silage. Both diets were iso-caloric and iso-nitrogenous. A total
of 80, 6-7 month old, male, 28 Akkaraman and 52 Kıvırcık x Akkaraman (G1) cross-
breed lambs were utilized in the study. Lambs from Kıvırcık x Akkaraman (G1) cross-
breed were randomly allotted into one of two groups based on initial body weights
and fed with one of two diets for a period of 55 days. Daily feed intake of each group
was determined bi-weekly and kept equal based on dry matter. All of the lambs were
weighed bi-weekly to determine weight gains and live weight gains, daily weight gains
and feed efficiencies were calculated. Initial live body weights of lambs fed different
diets were similar, (28.64 and 28.59 kg for potato pulp vs. barley). Overall total weight
gains and daily weight gains of lambs fed potato pulp silage based diet were higher
for both breeds compared with lambs fed barley based diet (P<0.05). There was also
feed*breed inter action in terms of gains (P<0.05). Diets had no significant effect on
feed efficiency (P>0.05), however, Akaraman lambs had better feed efficiency ratios
compared with those of Kıvırcık x Akkaraman (G1) cross-breed lambs. It can be
concluded that barley can be substituted with energy of potato pulp silage up to 10%
on dry matter basis without affecting fattening performance, even improving daily
weight gain of lambs based on the results of the present study.
Poster - 62
Keywords: Echinococcosis, Volatile Oil, Hydatid Cyst, Pinaceae, Pinus Nigra Subsp.
Poster - 63
a Harran University Science and Art Faculty, Deparment of Biology, Şanlıurfa, TURKEY
Poster - 64
c Harran University
Aim: in this study the protective role of bromelain against nickel sulfat
genotoxication was investigated. Materials and Methods: on purpose four groups
were designed with six rats in each group as one control and three experimental
groups: Group 1 (Control), Group 2 (Nickel sulfate 20 mg/kg i.p), Group 3 (Bromelain
20 mg /kg oral), Group 4 (Nickelsulfate,20 mg/kg, i.p.+ bromelain, 20 mg/kg, oral).
Following ten days of experimental period, eleventh day the animals were euthanized.
Bone marrow was used in micronucleus detection in our study. Bone marrow
samples that obtained by dissection of both ends of femur bones of the animals were
transferred into a centrifugal tube which contained 3 ml calf serum by an injector.
Tubes with bone marrow sample centrifuged for 5 minutes in 2000 rpm and
supernatants were taken. A drop of calf serum added over the rest of each tube and
they were suspensed. A drop sample of this suspension spreaded on clean lams. The
lams were dried in air and fixed in methyl alcohol for ten minutes. Bone marrow
samples were stained with May Grunwald and Giemsa, washed and waited for
drying. 2000 polychromatic erythrocytes were counted randomly with 1000
magnification in Olympus CX21 model light microscope. The percentages of
micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCE) in these series were
determined. Statistical analysis was performed by one-way variance analysis
(ANOVA) in SPSS 22 program. Results: All groups were compared according to only
parameter, MNCPE. MNCPE level was statistically significant in Bromelain group
compared to only nickel sulfate group (p<0.01). The difference was statistically
insignificant between nickel sulfate group and nickel sulfate plus Bromelain group
(p>0.05). According the data, it is suggested that Bromelain in administered dose (20
mg/kg) was not potentially preventive against genotoxic effects of nickel sulfate in
admistered dose (20 mg/kg).
Poster - 65
The present study was performed to investigate the subclinical mastitis incidence
and to detect the effect of some risk factors on infections in different dairy farms.
California Mastitis Test (CMT) was performed on 774 mammary quarters of 195
Holstein Friesian, Swiss Brown and Simmental dairy cows and at least one CMT
positive 125 milk samples of 100 cows were included to the study. Milk samples were
evaluated microbiologically and antibiotic sensitivity test was carried out. CMT
positive cows rate was 51.28% and 63% of these animals showed positive
microbiological growth. CMT positive samples percentage found 16.14% in all
mammary quarters (n = 774) and 60.80% of milk samples collected from CMT
positive mammary quarters showed microbiological growth. E.coli, Candida spp.,
S.uberis, coagulase negative staphylococcus, S.aureus, Proteus spp., and Bacillus
spp. were isolated 28.9, 24.21, 19.53, 19.53, 3.9, 2.34 and 1.56%, respectively.
According to farm localization, CMT positive cows did not show significant difference
between lactation number/period and age. Moreover, farm localization, age, lactation
number/period, breed and localization of mammary quarters did not affect CMT
scores and microbiological results. Microbiologically positive samples showed that
microorganisms were sensitive against amoxicillin+clavulanic acid and
oxytetracycline, whereas resistant against gentamycin, ceftiofur, enrofloxacin and
cefquinome. In conclusion, milking system, poor milking hygiene, and insufficient
mastitis control programs were more important mastitis causing factors than age,
lactation number/period and breed of cows in dairy farms. on the other hand, it is
suggested that blind antibiotic therapy may be an important factor contributing the
antibiotic resistance.
Keywords: Dairy Cow, Subclinical Mastitis, Risk Factors, Age, Lactation Number,
Period, Mammary Quarter Position, Antibiotic
Poster - 66
c Aksaray University, Faculty of Veterinary, Department of Internal Medicine, Aksaray,
d İnterhas & İntermed Ankara, TURKEY
Poster – 67
Eye and ear surgery also gives the desired succesful result as in large animals. Eye
related cataracts, glaucoma, corneal opacity, blindness; otitis-associated otitis
interna, otitis media and medical treatment are preferred in infection disease.
Surgical procedures applied at the eye and at the ear are as follows:
Eye infection is indicated in painful glaucomatous eyes, large traumas causing loss
of eye sickness, panophthalmic and non-panophthalmic penile wounds, tumor
cases. Operation is extirpation treatment in clinical practice, although it is called as
enchaemia. in extracuration, the eye lining, muscles, fat, lacrimal gland are removed
while only the eye cure is removed. The iris staphyloma is the perforation of the
cornea and the iris is prolabial to the outside with the effect of intraocular pressure.
If the trauma is performed with a pointed object, the cornea may prole with the iris.
Operative treatment is necessary because damage to the eyelids can cause problems
such as conjunctivitis. Exposure to stimuli (dust, sand, etc.) around the eye requires
that the affected eyelid hang with the associated epifora and keratoconjunctivitis.
When exposed to factors such as eyes, dust, and sand, epilepsy and
keratoconjunctivitis, and sagging in the eyelids. Operative intervention is essential.
There is long hair around the outer ear that prevents sand and dust. If the outer ear
is damaged, these factors may damage the inner ear. Treatment of the damage
caused by this is important.
Poster - 68
Purpose: The aim of the presented study was to evaluate the effectiveness of
prototype of modified gauze material in controlling hemorrhaging from the femoral
artery in pigs. Materials and Methods: The study was approved by the Institute for
Animal Welfare and the Bioethical Committee (Protocol 44/2014/N). The experiment
was performed on 12 Polish Large White female pigs, body weight of 45 kg. The
animals were divided on two groups. After general anesthesia femoral artery was
incised and modified gauze in group first (6 pigs) was used. The second group it was
control one, and Combat gauze was used. Every 15 minutes dressing was removed
from the incision site to evaluate hemostasis. Result: Hemostasis was achieved in
both groups. But modified gauze was less effective in promoting hemostasis
comparing to Combat gauze. The results were processed statistically by the Mann-
Whitney U test and indicated that in both group animals dressing materials in
controlling hemorrhaging were effectice. Conclusion: Examined, dressing materials
demonstrated similar efficacy in controlling hemorrhaging. Modified gauze should be
futher examined for its application in veterinary medicine, police, military needs and
combat field.
Poster - 69
The aim of this study was to determine the histological structure, histochemical and
morphometric features of the testis in goose. in this study, 10 geese testis tissue
were used as a material. Tissue samples were fixed in 10% formalin solution and
embedded in paraffin. 5-6 μ serial sections were taken from paraffin blocks. For
histological, histochemical and morphometric examinations Triple,
Hematoxylin&Eosin (H&E), Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), Masson Tricrome, Orcein (O)
and Methyl Green Pyronin stainings were applied on the tissue sections. It was
observed that the capsule covering the testis was not separate the testis body and
containe any collagen fiber. in the seminiferous tubules, spermatogenic cells were
observed to develop in a sequential manner and Sertoli cells were observed between
these cells. Leydig cells and collagen fibers were seen in the connective tissue area
(intertubular area) between the seminiferous tubules. Elastic fiber was not seen in
the capsule and the interlobular area but in addition to Leydig cells, plasma cells
and pyrinophilic cells were seen in the intertubular area. Morphometric
measurements revealed that the right testis was smaller than the left testis and the
diameters of the seminiferous tubules in the right testis were smaller than those in
the left testis. It was run across histochemical studies on poultry testis such as
rooster, turkey, quail species but was not run across any histological and
histochemical study about goose testis. in conclusion in this study histological
structure, histochemical and morphometric features of goose testis tissue are
thought to contribute to literature knowledge.
Poster - 70
aUbniversity of Warmia-Mazury
b Kazakh National Agrarian University
It is seen that when the culture of Marc-145 cells was infected with isolate number
17 in doses from 0.1 to 0.0001 TCD50/cells observed the accumulation of CVS-2
virus in titres from 5.91±0.16 to 7.50±0.12 log TCD50/cm3. Value of biological
activity differences of isolate №17 upon infection of the cell culture in doses from 0.1
to 0.001 TCD50/cells are not statistically significant (P>0.2). The use of a virus dose
infection less than 0.001 TCD50/cells for production of a virus-containing
suspension in the culture of Marc-145 cells should be considered inadvisable, since
the level of virus accumulation is substantially lower ((5.91 ± 0.16) log TCD50/cm3))
(Р <0,02) in comparison with other tested doses and leads to an increase in the period
of cultivation for 2-3 days.
Poster - 71
Kars province and the surrounding area are one of the most common geese breeding
place in Turkey. Parasitic diseases are very important, contrain for a healthy and
efficient goose production. Cryptosporidiosis is one of the common major intestinal
protozoan infections of animals and man in the world. Cryptosporidium spp. has been
identified in the respiratory tract, intestine, bursa of Fabricius, cloaca and
conjunctiva of geese. This study was carried out in order to determine the status of
Cryptosporidium species in geese in the province of Kars in which cryptosporidiosis
is commonly detected in calves and lambs. The study was performed out in the
Kars province in Northeastern region of Anatolia of Turkey. Faecal samples were
collected from 188 randomly selected geese from May 2016 to December 2016. The
animals were classified into four age groups: 0-1 months old (n=81), 1-3 months old
(n=25), 3-4 months old (n=49) and 5-6 months old (n=33). Faecal sample was taken
from each animal using cloacal swaps and deposited into disposable plastic bag. The
samples were examined by carbol fuchsin staining and a commercial enzyme
immunoassay (EIA) kit, the Remel ProSpecT Cryptosporidium Microplate assay
(Thermo) techniques for Cryptosporidium. The incidence of the presence of
Cryptosporidium among the geese was 3.72% (7/188) with carbol fuchsin staining
and 38.2% (72/188) with EIA. Cryptosporidium infection was detected by EIA,
19.75%, 28%, 51.02% and 72.7 % of the geese aged 0-1 months, 1-3 months, 3-4
months and 5-6 months, respectively. Presence of Cryptosporidium species are
reported for the first time in this study in domestic geese in Kars and Turkey.
However, more extensive and detailed studies are required to identify
Cryptosporidium spp. in species level in geese.
Poster - 72
Poster - 73
a Bingöl University
b Inönü University
Poster - 74
In the present article the present authors retrospectively collected data regarding
in vitro allergy test results for atopic dogs with special reference to house dust mites
between February 2017 to June 2017. To those of 10 dogs, previously not treated,
nor diagnosed within atopy or hypersensitivity were precisely diagnosed by Favrot
criteria, relevant laboratory tests excluding flea bite hypersensitivity, recurrent
pyoderma or mycotic infecions, angioedema/urticarial and adverse food reactions.
Striking but not surprising clinical sign was pruritus in all affceted dogs. in vitro
Polycheck test kits included Ig E concentrations (kU/L) Dermatophagoides farina,
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Malassezia, Lepidoglyphus, Aspergillus/
Penicillium, Alternaria/ Cladosporium, Ragweed (Ambrosia) pollen, Birch/ Alder/
Hazel pollen, Plantane/ Willow/ Poplar pollen, Parietaria (Wall pellitory) pollen, Rye
pollen, 6 Grass-Mix, Stinging nettle pollen, Lambs quarter pollen, Plantain pollen,
Mugwort pollen, Sorrel pollen, Acarus siro, Tyrophagus, Flea (Ctenoceph.). To those
of atopic dogs Ig E concentrations for D. farinae involved n=3 Class 0 (<0.5): negative;
n=1 cl. 1 (0.5-2.0): weak; n=4 cl. 2 (2.0-20.0): strong; n=2 cl. 3 (>20): very strong
response. on the other hand, Ig E concentrations for D. pteronyssinus involved n=4
Class 0 (<0.5): negative; n=3 cl. 1 (0.5-2.0): weak; n=3 cl. 2 (2.0-20.0): strong
response. Based on preliminary results it should not be unwise to draw conclusion
that house dust mites must be taken into consideration within specific treatment
modalities in atopic dogs.
Poster - 75
A-14 year-old, female terrier breed dog referred to Veterinary Private Clinic with the
complaints of an¬orexia and urinary incontinence. Clinical ultrasonographic and
radiologic assessments confirmed the unilateral renal enlargement and abdominal
pain. Routine blood tests and control ultrasonography confirmed severe enlarged
kidney. Experimental laparotomy total tumor resection and nephrectomy performed.
Unilateral renal papillary carcinoma was proven by the histopathologic examination
of the samples. in this case report; neo¬plastic mass possibility in dogs with severe
abdominal pain and urinary incontinence must be taken into consideration.
Poster - 76
Poster - 77
The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the antioxidant capacity of
selected commercial antioxidant supplements with the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl
(DPPH) antioxidant capacity determination assay. There are many dietary
supplements with potential antioxidant activity on the Turkish market. However,
their antioxidant properties are rarely confirmed experimentally. Seven commercially
available and labeled with antioxidant potential vitamin supplements were
investigated in the three groups (Vitamin C, E and ester C). Each group of
antioxidants were selected from same chemical formulation labeled by the
manufacturers. Trolox was used as a standard. Each formulation was weighted and
dissolved in methanol at different concentrations (0-400 µg/ml). DPPH was
colorimetrically analyzed by UV-vis spectrometer at 517 nm. The EC50 (efficient
concentration) is the concentration of an antioxidant at which 50% inhibition of free
radical activity was observed. The higher the EC50 value indicates the lower
antiradical activity. All supplements analysis run until the % inhibition value was
stable. in our study that range was 50-400 µg/ml approximately. All measurements
were performed in triplicate. The present study trolox was determinate 1,672 µg/ml.
When compared the standard the highest DPPH scavenger was found the vitamin C.
Three different commercially available vitamin C (ascorbic acid) was determined EC50
values 1,665 µg/ml, 1,677 µg/ml and 2,426 µg/ml, respectively. Second of radical
sweeping activity was determined the vitamin C-ester form. EC50 values were 1,722
µg/ml and 1,968 µg/ml, respectively. The last DPPH scavenger among studied
supplements was vitamin E (d-α tocopherol) and determined EC50 values were 3,796
µg/ml, 4,110 µg/ml and 52,537 µg/ml, respectively. The result determinates that
indicated contents of commercial antioxidant supplements may have different
antioxidant capacities. However, the result indicated that commercial antioxidants,
except vitamin E, gave similar values.
Poster - 78
This study, it was aimed to reduce the number of infertile cattle in operation and
increase the profitability of the enterprise. Middle Anatolian Merino sheep that are
inseminated at least three times in the breeding season and not pregnant, control
group (Group I, n = 26) and application (hCG) group (Group II, n = 48) were divided
into two groups. Progesterone-containing sponge was placed in the application group
for nine days. While administering 250 μM PMSG + 125 μg PGF2α concurrently with
sponge removal, no application was made to the control group. All inseminated were
done by natural mating with fertile coats. The diagnosis of pregnancy was made with
USG 60 days after the initial insemination. in the study, oestrus, conception,
pregnancy, birth, lamb yield, multiple birth rates and average number of lambs at
one birth were investigated. in the control and hCG groups, respectively, 68.3
(28/41), 26.9 (7/26); 78.6 (22/28), 3.8 (1/26); 78.6 (22/28), 0 (0/1); 90.9 (20/22), 0
(0/0); 60.0 (25/41), 0 (0/0); 13.6 (3/22), 0 (0/0) and 1.14 (25/22), 0 (0/0). All
properties except for the estrus ratio were found to be significant in favor of hCG (p
= 0.001). As a result, progesterone-containing sponge (9 days) + 250 IU PMSG +
PGF2α + hCG application was found to be beneficial in sheep that are inseminated
at least three times in the breeding season and not pregnant.
Poster - 79
They have also been confirmed in different cancers including breast cancer. They are
involved in regulating expression of several genes inside a cell due to presence of
complementary region against specific mRNA molecules. We can discuss role of
miRNAs as uncontrolled division of cells, promotion, progression and metastasis in
breast cancer.
Since breast cancer is included as one of top five most prevailing cancers across the
globe so can designed a comprehensive literature search to scroll all those miRNAs
which are directly modulating this disease.
Poster - 80
It has been modified to recognize any short DNA sequence, cut it out and insert a
new one and has gained attention in recent years due to its superiority to other
methods such as zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) and transcription activator-like effector
nucleases (TALEN). CRISPR is more efficient, less expensive and fast compared to
previous techniques. CRISPR works with CRISPR Associated (Cas) proteins, mostly
with Cas9 which is the cutting enzyme. Although there are still some discussions
about classifications, mostly accepted classification has three types of CRISPR-Cas
techniques which alter in mechanisms.
Though CRISPR’s promising future applications, it is not clear yet whether it will
arise de novo ethical issues apart from those which have been on debate about
genome editing.
An International Summit on Human Gene Editing has declared remarks and called
for an international group of involved to draw strategy for CRISPR applications. Still,
there is not a consensus to prevent CRISPR use for eugenics.
Viewing up to date data and literature concerning CRISPR, we conclude that this
promising technique applications may become a threat in terms of abuse and should
be restricted to somatic cells to prevent eugenics. Establishing international
committees to oversight, inspect and authorize institutes studying on CRISPR is
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