Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe For Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures
Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe For Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures
Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe For Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
A 524 – 96 (2001)
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements 9.2.2 For pipe whose diameter exceeds 25 in. (635 mm) and
Element Grades I and II, Composition, % whose diameter to wall thickness ratio is 7.0 or less, bend test
Carbon, max 0.21 specimens shall be bent at room temperature through 180°
Manganese 0.90–1.35 without cracking on the outside of the bent portion. The inside
Phosphorus, max 0.035
Sulfur, max 0.035
diameter of the bend shall be 1 in. (25.4 mm). This test shall be
Silicon 0.10–0.40 in place of Section 10.
NOTE 3—Diameter to wall thickness ratio = specified outside diameter/
nominal wall thickness.
Example: For 28 in. diameter 5.000 in. thick pipe the diameter to wall
5.1.5 Unless otherwise specified, pipe NPS 2 and over shall thickness ratio = 28/5 = 5.6.
be furnished hot finished. When agreed upon between the
manufacturer and purchaser, cold-drawn pipe may be fur- 10. Flattening Test Requirements
nished. 10.1 For pipe over NPS 2, a section of pipe not less than 21⁄2
5.2 Heat Treatment: in. (63.5 mm) in length shall be flattened cold between parallel
5.2.1 All hot-finished and cold-drawn pipe shall be reheated plates until the opposite walls of the pipe meet. Flattening tests
to a temperature above 1550 °F (845°C) and followed by shall be in accordance with Specification A 530, except that in
cooling in air or in the cooling chamber of a controlled the equation used to calculate the H value, the following e
atmosphere furnace. constants shall be used:
0.07 for Grade I
6. Chemical Composition 0.08 for Grade II
6.1 The steel shall conform to the chemical requirements 10.2 When low D-to-t ratio tubulars are tested, because the
prescribed in Table 1. strain imposed due to geometry is unreasonably high on the
inside surface at the 6 and 12 o’clock locations, cracks at these
7. Heat Analysis locations shall not be cause for rejection if the D-to-t ratio is
7.1 An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made by the less than 10.
steel manufacturer to determine the percentages of the ele-
ments specified in Section 6. The chemical composition thus 11. Hydrostatic Test Requirements
determined, or that determined from a product analysis made 11.1 Each length of pipe shall be subjected to the hydro-
by the manufacturer, if the latter has not manufactured the static pressure, except as provided in 11.2.
steel, shall be reported to the purchaser or the purchaser’s 11.2 When specified in the order, pipe may be furnished
representative, and shall conform to the requirements specified without hydrostatic testing and each length so furnished shall
in Section 6. include with the mandatory marking the letters “NH.”
11.3 When certification is required by the purchaser and the
8. Product Analysis hydrostatic test has been omitted, the certification shall clearly
8.1 At the request of the purchaser, analyses of two pipes state “Not Hydrostatically Tested,” and the specification num-
from each lot (Note 2) shall be made by the manufacturer from ber and grade designation, as shown on the certification, shall
the finished pipe. The chemical composition thus determined be followed by the letters “NH.”
shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 6. 12. Dimensions and Weights
NOTE 2—A lot shall consist of 400 lengths, or fraction thereof, for each 12.1 The dimensions and weights of plain-end pipe are
size NPS 2 up to but not including NPS 6, and of 200 lengths, or fraction included in ANSI B36.10. Sizes and wall thicknesses most
thereof, for each size NPS 6 and over.
generally available are listed in Appendix X1.
8.2 If the analysis of one of the tests specified in 8.1 does
not conform to the requirements specified in 6, analyses shall 13. Dimensions, Weight, and Permissible Variations
be made on additional pipe of double the original number from 13.1 Weight—The weight of any length of pipe shall not
the same lot, each of which shall conform to requirements vary more than 6.5 % over and 3.5 % under that specified for
specified. pipe of Schedule 120 and lighter nor more than 10 % over and
3.5 % under that specified for pipe heavier than Schedule 120.
9. Physical Properties Unless otherwise agreed upon between the manufacturer and
9.1 Tensile Properties—The material shall conform to the purchaser, pipe in sizes NPS 4 and smaller may be weighed in
requirements as to tensile properties prescribed in Table 2. convenient lots; pipe in sizes larger than NPS 4 shall be
9.2 Bending Properties: weighed separately.
9.2.1 For pipe NPS 2 and under, a sufficient length of pipe 13.2 Diameter—Variations in outside diameter shall not
shall stand being bent cold through 90° around a cylindrical exceed those specified in Table 3.
mandrel, the diameter of which is twelve times the nominal 13.3 Thickness—The minimum wall thickness at any point
diameter of the pipe, without developing cracks. When ordered shall not be more than 12.5 % under the nominal wall thickness
for close coiling, the pipe shall stand being bent cold through specified.
180° around a cylindrical mandrel, the diameter of which is NOTE 4—The minimum wall thickness on inspection is shown in
eight times the nominal diameter of the pipe, without failure. Appendix X1.
A 524 – 96 (2001)
TABLE 2 Tensile Requirements
Wall Thicknesses
Grade I, 0.375 in. (9.52 mm) Grade II, greater than 0.375 in.
and under (9.52 mm)
Tensile strength, psi (MPa) 60 000–85 000 55 000–80 000
(414–586) (380–550)
Yield strength, min, psi (MPa) 35 000 (240) 30 000 (205)
Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Transverse
Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, min %:
Basic minimum elongation for walls5⁄16 in. (7.9 mm) and over in thickness, strip 30 16.5 35 25
tests, and for all small sizes tested in full section
When standard round 2 in. or 50 mm gage length test specimen is used for strip 22 12 28 20
tests, a deduction for each1⁄32 in. (0.8 mm) decrease in wall thickness below 5⁄16 1.50A 1.00A ... ...
in. (7.9 mm) from the basic minimum elongation of the following percentage
The following table gives the computed minimum values:
Wall Thickness Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, min, %
Grade I
in. mm Longitudinal Transverse
⁄ (0.312)
5 16 7.94 30.0 16.5
⁄ (0.281)
9 32 7.14 28.5 15.5
1⁄4 (0.250) 6.35 27.0 14.5
7⁄32 (0.219) 5.56 25.5 ...
3⁄16 (0.188) 4.76 24.0 ...
5⁄32 (0.156) 3.97 22.5 ...
1⁄8 (0.125) 3.18 21.0 ...
3⁄32 (0.094) 2.38 19.5 ...
1⁄16 (0.062) 1.59 18.0 ...
Note—The above table gives the computed minimum elongation values for each 1⁄32-in. (0.79 mm) decrease in wall thickness. Where the wall thickness lies between
two values shown above, the minimum elongation value is determined by the following equation:
Grade Direction of Test Equation
I transverse E = 32t + 6.50
I longitudinal E = 48t + 15.00
E = elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm in % and
t = actual thickness of specimen, in. (mm).
TABLE 3 Variations in Outside Diameter 14.2.3 The section of pipe containing the defect may be cut
NPS Permissible Variations in Outside Diameter, in. (mm) off within the limits of requirements on length.
Over Under 14.2.4 Rejected.
⁄ to 11⁄2, incl
18 ⁄ (0.4)
1 64 ⁄
1 32 (0.8) 14.3 To provide a workmanlike finish and basis for evalu-
Over 11⁄2to 4, incl 1⁄32(0.8) 1⁄32 (0.8) ating conformance with 14.2, the pipe manufacturer shall
Over 4 to 8, incl 1⁄16 (1.6) 1⁄32 (0.8)
Over 8 to 18, incl 3⁄32 (2.4) 1⁄32 (0.8)
remove by grinding the following noninjurious imperfections:
Over 18 1⁄8 (3.2) 1⁄32 (0.8) 14.3.1 Mechanical marks, abrasions (Note 5) and pits, any
of which imperfections are deeper than 1⁄16 in. (1.58 mm).
14. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance NOTE 5—Marks and abrasions are defined as cable marks, dinges, guide
marks, roll marks, ball scratches, scores, die marks, and the like.
14.1 The pipe manufacturer shall explore a sufficient num-
ber of visual surface imperfections to provide reasonable 14.3.2 Visual imperfections, commonly referred to as scabs,
assurance that they have been properly evaluated with respect seams, laps, tears or slivers, found by exploration in accor-
to depth. Exploration of all surface imperfections is not dance with 14.1 to be deeper than 5 % of the nominal wall
required but may be necessary to assure compliance with 14.2. thickness.
14.2 Surface imperfections that penetrate more than 121⁄2 % 14.4 At the purchaser’s discretion, pipe shall be subject to
of the nominal wall thickness or encroach on the minimum rejection if surface imperfections acceptable under 14.2 are not
wall thickness shall be considered defects. Pipe with such scattered, but appear over a large area in excess of what is
defects shall be given one of the following dispositions: considered a workmanlike finish. Disposition of such pipe shall
14.2.1 The defect may be removed by grinding provided be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer and the
that the remaining wall thickness is within specified limits. purchaser.
14.2.2 Repaired in accordance with the repair welding 14.5 When imperfections or defects are removed by grind-
provisions of 14.6. ing, a smooth curved surface shall be maintained, and the wall
A 524 – 96 (2001)
thickness shall not be decreased below that permitted by this (25.4 by 12.7 mm) in section with the corners rounded to a
specification. The outside diameter at the point of grinding may radius not over 1⁄16 in. (1.6 mm) and need not exceed 6 in. (152
be reduced by the amount so removed. mm) in length. The side of the samples placed in tension during
14.5.1 Wall thickness measurements shall be made with a the bend shall be the side closest to the inner and outer surface
mechanical caliper or with a properly calibrated nondestruc- of the pipe respectively.
tive testing device of appropriate accuracy. In case of dispute,
the measurement determined by use of the mechanical caliper 17. Lengths
shall govern. 17.1 Pipe lengths shall be in accordance with the following
14.6 Weld repair shall be permitted only subject to the regular practice:
approval of the purchaser and in accordance with Specification 17.1.1 The lengths required shall be specified in the order,
A 530/A 530M. and
14.7 The finished pipe shall be reasonably straight. 17.1.2 No jointers are permitted unless otherwise specified.
17.2 If definite lengths are not required, pipe may be
15. Number of Tests and Retests ordered in single random lengths of 16 to 22 ft (4.9 to 6.7 m),
15.1 One of either of the tests specified in 9.1 shall be made with 5 % 12 to 16 ft (3.7 to 4.9 m), or in double random lengths
on one length of pipe from each lot (Note 2). with a minimum average of 35 ft (10.7 m) and a minimum
15.2 For pipe NPS 2 and under, the bend test specified in 9.2 length of 22 ft with 5 % 16 to 22 ft.
shall be made on one pipe from each lot (Note 2). The bend
tests specified in 9.2.2 shall be made on one end of each pipe. 18. Rejection
15.3 The flattening test specified in 10 shall be made on one 18.1 Each length of pipe that develops injurious defects
length of pipe from each lot (Note 2). during shop working or application operations will be rejected,
15.4 Retests shall be in accordance with Specification A 530 and the manufacturer shall be notified. No rejections under this
and as provided in 15.5 and 15.6. or any other specifications shall be marked as specified in 19
15.5 If a specimen breaks in an inside or outside surface for sale under this specification except where such pipe fails to
flaw, a retest shall be allowed. comply with the weight requirements alone, in which case it
15.6 Should a crop end of a finished pipe fail in the may be sold under the weight specifications with which it does
flattening test, one retest may be made from the broken end. comply.
16. Test Specimens and Methods of Testing 19. Product Marking
16.1 Specimens cut either longitudinally or transversely 19.1 In addition to the marking prescribed in Specification
shall be acceptable for the tension test. A 530/A 530M, the marking shall include the hydrostatic test
16.2 Test specimens for the bend test specified in 9.2 and for pressure when tested or the letters “NH” when not tested, the
the flattening tests specified in 10 shall consist of sections cut length and schedule number, and on pipe sizes larger than NPS
from a pipe. Specimens for flattening tests shall be smooth on 4 the weight shall be given. Length shall be marked in feet and
the ends and free from burrs, except when made on crop ends. tenths of a foot, or metres to two decimal places, depending on
16.3 Test specimens for the bend test specified in 9.2.2 shall the units to which the material was ordered, or other marking
be cut from one end of the pipe and, unless otherwise specified, subject to agreement.
shall be taken in a transverse direction. One test specimen shall 19.2 Bar Coding—In addition to the requirements in 19.1,
be taken as close to the outer surface as possible and another bar coding is acceptable as a supplemental identification
from as close to the inner surface as possible. The specimens method. The purchaser may specify in the order a specific bar
shall be either 1⁄2 by 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) in section or 1 by 1⁄2 in. coding system to be used.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Following are Tables X1.1 and X1.2, cited in the text
of this standard.
A 524 – 96 (2001)
TABLE X1.1 Table of Minimum Wall Thicknesses on Inspection for Nominal (Average) Pipe Wall Thickness
NOTE 1—The following equation, upon which this table is based, may be applied to calculate minimum wall thickness from nominal (average) wall
tn3 0.875 = tm
tn= nominal (average) wall thickness, in. (mm), and
tm= minimum wall thickness, in. (mm).
NOTE 2— The wall thickness is expressed to three decimal places, the fourth decimal place being carried forward or dropped, in accordance with
Practice E 29. This table is a master table covering wall thicknesses available in the purchase of different classifications of pipe, but it is not meant to
imply that all of the walls listed therein are obtainable under this specification.
Nominal (Average) Minimum Thickness Nominal (Average) Minimum Thickness Nominal (Average) Minimum Thickness
Thickness (tn) on Inspection (tm) Thickness (tn) on Inspection (tm) Thickness (tn) on Inspection (tm)
in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm
0.068 1.73 0.060 1.52 0.281 7.14 0.246 6.25 0.864 21.94 0.756 19.20
0.083 2.11 0.073 1.85 0.294 7.47 0.257 6.53 0.875 22.22 0.766 19.46
0.088 2.24 0.077 1.96 0.300 7.62 0.262 6.65 0.906 23.01 0.793 20.14
0.091 2.31 0.080 2.03 0.307 7.80 0.269 6.83 0.938 23.82 0.821 20.85
0.095 2.41 0.083 2.11 0.308 7.82 0.270 6.86 0.968 24.59 0.847 21.51
0.109 2.77 0.095 2.41 0.312 7.92 0.273 6.93 1.000 25.40 0.875 22.22
0.113 2.87 0.099 2.51 0.318 8.07 0.278 7.06 1.031 26.19 0.902 22.91
0.119 3.02 0.104 2.64 0.322 8.18 0.282 7.16 1.062 26.97 0.929 23.60
0.125 3.18 0.109 2.77 0.330 8.38 0.289 7.34 1.094 27.79 0.957 24.31
0.126 3.20 0.110 2.79 0.337 8.56 0.295 7.49 1.125 28.58 0.984 24.99
0.133 3.38 0.116 2.95 0.344 8.74 0.301 7.64 1.156 29.36 1.012 25.70
0.140 3.56 0.122 3.10 0.358 9.09 0.313 7.95 1.219 30.96 1.066 27.08
0.141 3.58 0.123 3.12 0.365 9.27 0.319 8.10 1.250 31.75 1.094 27.79
0.145 3.68 0.127 3.23 0.375 9.52 0.328 8.33 1.281 32.54 1.121 28.47
0.147 3.73 0.129 3.28 0.382 9.70 0.334 8.48 1.312 33.32 1.148 29.16
0.154 3.91 0.135 3.43 0.400 10.16 0.350 8.89 1.375 34.92 1.203 30.56
0.156 3.96 0.136 3.45 0.406 10.31 0.355 9.02 1.406 35.71 1.230 31.24
0.172 4.37 0.150 3.81 0.432 10.97 0.378 9.60 1.438 36.53 1.258 31.95
0.179 4.55 0.157 3.99 0.436 11.07 0.382 9.70 1.500 38.10 1.312 33.32
0.188 4.78 0.164 4.17 0.438 11.12 0.383 9.73 1.531 38.89 1.340 34.04
0.191 4.85 0.167 4.24 0.469 11.91 0.410 10.41 1.562 39.67 1.367 34.72
0.200 5.08 0.175 4.44 0.500 12.70 0.438 11.13 1.594 40.49 1.395 35.43
0.203 5.16 0.178 4.52 0.531 13.49 0.465 11.81 1.635 41.53 1.431 36.35
0.210 5.33 0.184 4.67 0.552 14.02 0.483 12.27 1.750 44.45 1.531 38.89
0.216 5.49 0.189 4.80 0.562 14.27 0.492 12.50 1.781 45.24 1.558 39.57
0.218 5.54 0.191 4.85 0.594 15.09 0.520 13.21 1.812 46.02 1.586 40.28
0.219 5.56 0.192 4.88 0.600 15.24 0.525 13.34 1.875 47.62 1.641 41.68
0.226 5.74 0.198 5.03 0.625 15.88 0.547 13.89 1.969 50.01 1.723 43.76
0.237 6.02 0.207 5.26 0.656 16.66 0.574 14.58 2.000 50.80 1.750 44.45
0.250 6.35 0.219 5.56 0.674 17.12 0.590 14.99 2.062 52.37 1.804 45.82
0.258 6.55 0.226 5.74 0.688 17.48 0.602 15.29 2.125 53.98 1.859 47.22
0.276 7.01 0.242 6.15 0.719 18.26 0.629 15.98 2.200 55.88 1.925 48.90
0.277 7.04 0.242 6.15 0.750 19.05 0.656 16.66 2.344 59.54 2.051 52.10
0.279 7.09 0.244 6.19 0.812 20.62 0.710 18.03 2.500 63.50 2.188 55.58
0.280 7.11 0.245 6.22 0.844 21.44 0.739 18.77
TABLE X1.2 Dimensions, Weights and Test Pressures for Plain End Pipe
(As appears in American National Standard B36.10)
18 0.068 (1.73) 0.24 (0.36) std 40 2500 (17.2) ...
0.095 (2.41) 0.31 (0.46) XS 80 2500 (17.2) ...
14 0.088 (2.24) 0.42 (0.63) std 40 2500 (17.2) ...
0.119 (3.02) 0.54 (0.80) XS 80 2500 (17.2) ...
38 0.091 (2.31) 0.57 (0.85) std 40 2500 (17.2) ...
0.126 (3.20) 0.74 (1.10) XS 80 2500 (17.2) ...
12 0.109 (2.77) 0.85 (1.27) std 40 2500 (17.2) ...
0.147 (3.73) 1.09 (1.62) XS 80 2500 (17.2) ...
0.294 (7.47) 1.71 (2.55) XXS ... 2500 (17.2) ...
34 0.113 (2.87) 1.13 (1.68) std 40 2500 (17.2) ...
0.154 (3.91) 1.47 (2.19) XS 80 2500 (17.2) ...
0.308 (7.82) 2.44 (3.63) XXS ... 2500 (17.2) ...
A 524 – 96 (2001)
A 524 – 96 (2001)
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A 524 – 96 (2001)
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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