Adaptive Reuse As A Strategy Towards Conservation of Cultural Heritage: A Literature Review

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Adaptive Reuse as a Strategy towards Conservation of Cultural Heritage: a

Literature Review

Conference Paper · September 2011

DOI: 10.2495/STR110131


121 16,248

2 authors:

Bie Plevoets Koenraad Van Cleempoel

Hasselt University Hasselt University


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Adaptive reuse as a strategy towards
conservation of cultural heritage:
a literature review
B. Plevoets & K. Van Cleempoel
PHL University College & Hasselt University, Belgium

The paper presents a survey of scholarly literature on the subject of adaptive
reuse within the discipline of heritage conservation and architecture. The
different theories are compared and classified according to their approach
towards adaptive reuse. Three main approaches can be distinguished:
typological, technical and architectural strategies. Each approach is discussed
separately and an overview of relevant literature is presented in a schematic way.
To conclude, we indicate four important gaps in existing theories on adaptive
reuse of historic buildings.
Keywords: adaptive reuse, literature review, theory building.

1 Introduction
Today, working with existing buildings, repairing and restoring them for
continued use has become a creative and fascinating challenge within the
architectural discipline [1, 2]. This process of wholeheartedly altering a building
is often called ‘adaptive reuse’ [3]. According to Brooker and Stone, the term
‘adaptive reuse’ – also called ‘remodelling’, ‘retrofitting’, ‘conversion’,
‘adaptation’, ‘reworking’, ‘rehabilitation’ or ‘refurbishment’ [3–6] – includes
that ‘the function is the most obvious change, but other alterations may be made
to the building itself such as the circulation route, the orientation, the
relationships between spaces; additions may be built and other areas may be
demolished’ [3]. Moreover, in contemporary conservation theory and practise,
adaptive reuse is considered an important strategy towards conservation of
cultural heritage [4, 7]. Although since ancient times, buildings have been altered
to fit changed needs and wants in a rather pragmatic way [1, 8], while critical
reflection on the different approaches towards adaptive reuse is rather recent
[first publication: 9].
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the existing theories on
adaptive reuse, seen from the perspective from heritage conservation and
architecture through an extensive study of scholarly literature. The different
theories are compared and classified according to their approach towards
adaptive reuse. Three main approaches can be distinguished: typological,
technical and architectural strategies. Each approach is discussed separately and
an overview of relevant literature is presented in a schematic way. To conclude,
we indicate the gaps in existing theories on adaptive reuse of historic buildings.

2 Theoretical development
Altering existing buildings for new functions is not a new phenomenon; in the
past, buildings that were structurally secure have been adapted to fit changed
needs or new functions without questions or problems. For example during the
Renaissance period, classical monuments were transformed for new uses or
during the French Revolution religious buildings were transformed for industrial
functions or military uses after they had been confiscated and sold [10–12].
These interventions, however, were done in a pragmatic way in many cases
without heritage preservation as an intention [8]. Instead, the driving force
behind reuse was basically functional and financial [1].
A theoretical approach towards adaptive reuse was only established in the 19th
century [13] when Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (1814–1879) recognized
adaptive reuse as a way to preserve historic monuments. He argued that “the best
way to preserve a building is to find a use for it, and then to satisfy so well the
needs dictated by that use that there will never be any further need to make any
further changes in the building” [14]. His ideas, however, have been strongly
objected by John Ruskin (1819–1900) and his pupil William Morris (1834–
1896) who found it “impossible, as impossible as to raise the dead, to restore
anything that has ever been great or beautiful in architecture” and instead of
restoration they favoured regular care and maintenance to ensure the preservation
of historic buildings [15]. In the early 20th century, the conflict between these
opposing theories on adaptive reuse has been discussed by Alois Riegl (1858–
1905) [16]. He ascribes this conflict in theories to the different values their
adherences attribute to monuments. Riegl distinguishes different types of values
which he generally grouped as commemorative values (including age-value,
historical value and intentional commemorative value) as opposed to present-day
values (including use-value, art-value and newness-value). By including the use-
value in his assessment of monuments, he recognized reuse of historic buildings
as an intrinsic part of modern conservation [17].
During the post-war era, architects aspire to create new buildings which
completely break with traditional building. However, as a reaction to the
increased demolishment and new construction, a growing interest has been
developed in conservation of old buildings of every kind [9]. As such, during the
second half of the 20th century architects start to consider working with historic
buildings an interesting challenge and make it an important aspect of their work,
e.g. Carlo Scarpa, Raphaël Moneo, Herzog & Demeuron. Hence, from the 1970s
onwards, adaptive reuse has been a key subject for many conferences on
architecture and conservation as for scholarly literature. In May 1972, the
Architectural Review published a special issue on this topic [18] which had led
three years later in a book with the same title ‘New Uses for Old Buildings’ [9].
In 1977 two symposia were organised: ‘Old into New’ held in Glasgow and ‘Old
and New Architecture: Design Relationship’ held in Washington D.C.; both
conferences had led to a publication in the years to follow [5, 19].

3 Contemporary theories on adaptive reuse:

a literature review
To get insight in the extent scholarly literature on adaptive reuse, we reviewed,
compared and contrasted contemporary literature on the subject (1970s up to the
present). We have identified three different approaches: (1) typological,
(2) technical and (3) architectural strategies. First, these three approaches are
discussed independently from each other. Some publications present more than
one approach; these are discussed within the different paragraphs.
Only studies in the field of heritage conservation and architecture are
considered; beside these disciplines, adaptive reuse has also been studied within
the fields of urban regeneration, engineering, sustainability and economy [20]
but these publications are not part of this research. Moreover, only international
literature is considered. As heritage conservation is often organised on national
or local level, a wide variety of regional literature is available but these are not
reviewed within the scope of this paper.
3.1 Typological approach
The first publication on adaptive reuse ‘New uses for old buildings’ came from
Cantacuzino [9]. The introductory essay explains the history of adaptive reuse
and its role within current conservation practise and is followed by a selection of
examples from all over the world, which are organised according to their
building type before conversion. In 1989, the author made a new publication on
the subject, also including an introductory essay and a range of examples. This
time, six different building categories are presented which each contain several
building types. Several authors followed this approach of presenting an
introductory essay followed by case studies which are organised according to the
building category or building type of the host space [12, 21]. Douglas [22] also
organises part of his extensive work on building adaptation according to the
typology of the host space, although, the variety of building types discussed are
limited. For each type, there are only a few new uses discussed but no supportive
case studies are included; instead, he focuses on the reason of redundancy and
the difficulties and opportunities towards reuse of each typology. Furthermore,
numerous studies have approached the reuse of one specific building type, e.g.
religious buildings [among others: 23–25] or industrial buildings [among others:
Table 1: Classification into building typologies.

Industrial buildings
Factory [21, 22, 26–28, 36]
Warehouse [9, 21, 22, 27, 28, 36]
Barn [9, 12, 22, 27, 29, 36]
Granary [9, 12, 21, 36]
Mills [9, 12, 21, 22, 27, 36]
Brewery [9, 21, 27, 36]
Malting [9, 12, 21, 27]
Mining site [27]
Railway station [9, 21, 27, 36]
Religious buildings
Church & Chapel [9, 12, 21–25, 36]
Convent [9, 36]
(Semi-)public buildings
City Hall [9, 36]
Museum [22]
School [9, 12, 21, 28, 36, 37]
Hospital [9, 21, 22, 36]
Observatory [36]
Court House [36]
Office [12, 21, 22]
Library [21]
Theatre [21]
Hotel & Hostel [12]
Post Office [22]
Residential buildings
Castle [21, 36]
Country house [9, 12, 21, 36]
Farm [12, 21, 22, 36]
Town house [9, 12, 21, 36]
Military buildings
Fortress [9, 21]
Barrack [9, 21]
Gate [9]
Commercial buildings
Craft shop
Department store [21, 28]
Exchange [9, 36]
Bank [36]
Market [21, 36]
Passage [38]
26–28]. Table 1 presents a classification of heritage categories and typologies,
indicating the different sources dealing with each of the building types.
Fisher [29] and Powell [1] applied a typological approach in a slightly
different way by organizing a selection of cases according to their contemporary
use (the program). As such there emphasis is on contemporary architecture and
interventions instead of the historical aspect of the building. Table 2 indicates
which sources have dealt with the distinct programs.
Table 2: Classification into architectural programs.
Dwelling [1, 9, 21, 29, 36]
Museum & Exhibition [1, 9, 21, 29, 36]
Library [1, 21, 29]
Theatre [1, 9, 21, 36]
Education [1, 9, 21, 29, 36]
Retail [1, 9, 21, 36]
Office [1, 9, 21, 29, 36]
Leisure [9, 21]
Care [21, 36]
Industry [21]
Religious [21]
Military [21]
Mixed-use development [9, 29, 36]

3.2 Technical approach

Some authors have approached building adaptation as primarily a technical

question. As such, some ‘guidebooks’ have been developed on how to adapt a
building to allow a new function. Highfield published in 1987 a small booklet
‘The rehabilitation and re-use of old buildings’ in which he first expounds the
advantages of rehabilitation, making a distinction between domestic and non-
domestic buildings; secondly, he includes a technical chapter in which he
discusses the improvement of fire resistance, thermal performance, acoustic
performance, prevention of damp penetration, condensation and timber decay; to
conclude he presents some case studies which he describes primarily from a
technical point of view [30]. In the next decennia, he published several ‘updates’
of this book, following the same concept [31, 32] but discussing an increased
number of technical issues (see table 3). Moreover, a major extent of the work of
Douglas [22] deals with technical aspects of reuse. Although the implications of
protection of a building are discussed both by Highfield as by Douglas, they
seem to approach the host space merely as a shell or container and therefore give
little attention to the conservation and heritage aspects. Contrary, several other
authors that focus on technical aspects of reuse (see table 3), do stress the
importance of an interdisciplinary approach towards reuse of historic buildings,
including issues of conservation, architecture, planning and engineering [33, 34].
Table 3: Technical issues on adaptive reuse

Loadbearing structure
Frames (timber structures, iron
[22, 30, 31, 33, 34]
Floors [22, 30, 31, 33, 34]
Walls [22, 33, 34]
Roofs [22, 33, 34]
Underpinning [22, 31, 34]
Heavy-lifting [31, 34]
Building envelope
Internal surfaces [30, 31]
Introduction of new floors [22, 31]
Façade [31, 39]
Accessibility and circulation [22, 31, 34]
Comfort, Safety and Energy Efficiency
Fire-resistance [30, 31, 33, 34]
Thermal performance [22, 30, 31, 33, 34]
Acoustic performance [30, 31, 33]
Preventing moisture and dampness [22, 30, 31, 34]
Indoor air quality [22, 34]

3.3 Strategic approach

The strategic approach focuses on the process and strategies applied for
converting significant buildings. Machado in his essay ‘Architecture as
Palimpsest’ presents what he calls ‘some pre-theoretical “suggestive material”
that could be developed as concepts to consider what is specific to remodelling’
[4]. He considers a series of metaphors to suggest different possible ways of
thinking about remodelling. Robert [35], although he does not explicitly refer to
Machado’s article, also uses the metaphor of the palimpsest to explain the
concept of conversion. He presents seven concepts of conversion which he
recognizes in outstanding examples of architectural conversions within a wide
span of history – he gives examples from ancient times up to the postmodern era:
(1) building within, (2) building over, (3) building around, (4) building
alongside, (5) recycling materials or vestiges, (6) adapting to a new function and
(7) building in the style of. Each of these concepts refers to a specific physical
Also Brooker and Stone [3] defined different design strategies for building
reuse by looking at exemplary cases of contemporary conversions. They came to
three strategies being (1) intervention, (2) insertion and (3) installation. Brooker
and Stone’s approach also start from the physical intervention but their focus is
on the affective aspect of each adaptation. For them, the most important and
meaningful factor in adaptive reuse is the original building. Jäger [40] presents a
very similar approach presenting a selection of case studies classified according
to the applied strategy towards the existing fabric, being (1) addition,
(2) transformation or (3) conversion. The cases are selected based on their
architectural quality and originality. Cramer and Breitling [41] make a
distinction between ‘design strategies’ and ‘architectonic expressions’ whereby
they describe design strategies as physical interventions and alterations to the
building and architectonic expressions as the aesthetic qualities of the
intervention. This distinction, however, is not very sharp and the illustrative
examples could be interpreted variously. The strategies defined by the different
authors in many cases overlap; figure 1 presents the author’s understanding of
the analogy between the defined strategies.

Design Strategies
Brooker &
Robert 1989 Jäger 2010 Cramer & Breitling 2007
Stone 2004
Building within Insertion Transformation Modernisation Correspondence

Building over
Intervention Adaptation
Adapting to a
new function Junction and
Building in the
style of
materials of

Figure 1: Analogy between described strategies towards adaptive reuse.

4 Conclusion
Within our review of literature on adaptive reuse we have distinguished three
contemporary approaches: the typological approach, the technical approach and
the strategic approach. As such this literature review shows, firstly, the variety of
the existing work on adaptive reuse, the overlap between different theories and
the gaps within current knowledge. Concerning the typological approach, table 1
indicates which building types have received major attention (e.g. industrial
buildings, residential buildings and churches) as well as those which have been
researched in a more limited extent (e.g. religious buildings others than churches,
military buildings and commercial buildings). Equally, table 2 presents the
programs which have been extensively researched (e.g. cultural and educational
programs), and those for which there is still room for further study (e.g. care).
For the technical approach we indicate which publications deal with specific
technical issues, as presented in table 3. However, as stated by Giebeler et
al. [33] the available standard works on construction are still particularly relevant
in relation to adaptation of existing buildings. As to the strategic approach,
although each author has presented an individual description of the architectural
strategies towards reuse, we noticed a strong overlap between the categories
presented by the different authors (see figure 1).
Secondly although several authors recognize adaptive reuse as an
interdisciplinary task [33, 41], existing studies are mainly drawn from one
specific perspective, such as conservation [19], architecture [1, 35, 40], interior
architecture [3] or engineering [31, 33] and do often not aim to reach an
interdisciplinary public [except for 41].
Thirdly, an approach which seemed limitedly present is a theoretical approach
which compares and contrasts different historic theories on architecture and
conservation within the framework of adaptive reuse. An exception, however, is
Scott [42] who explores the theories of Ruskin, and Viollet-le-Duc in relation to
Finally, we have noticed that many authors do not, or only limitedly, deal
with the ‘meaning’ of the building to be reused, the genius loci, when describing
the process of adaptive reuse. Although studies classified under the strategic
approach generally deal more profoundly with the genius loci than studies that
follow the typological or technical approach. The most remarkable example
comes from Brooker [43] who studied in particular the transformation of
buildings which history or narrative is ‘contaminated’ by a previous use that is
disagreeable or objectionable. He suggests several approaches to use this
contamination as a starting point for alteration. But modern conservation is
rooted in values [44] so assessment of these values should be the basis for each
rehabilitation project of a significant building or site. Owners and developers,
however, are often primarily interested in the socio-economic values of the
building; especially for buildings which are not protected as a monument this
may be a threat towards preservation of the ‘soft values’ which encompass
historical, sociological, psychological, artistic, other cultural and even moral and
religious sub-functions [45].

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