Cover Fa DQS256 July 2022 2

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UiTM's Academic Integrity Pledge

By signing this form, I agree to act in a manner that is consistent with UiTM's academic
assessment and evaluation policy and processes. I will practice integrity in regard to
all academic assessments, and pursue scholarly activities in UiTM in an open, honest,
and responsible manner. I will not engage or tolerate acts of academic dishonesty,
academic misconduct, or academic fraud that include but are not limited to:

a. Cheating: Using or attempts to use any unauthorized device, assistance,

sources, practice or materials while completing academic assessments. This
include but are not limited to copying from another, al lowing another to copy,
unauthorized collaboration on an assignment or open book tests, or engaging
in other behavior that a reasonable person would consider to be cheating.
b. Plagiarism: Using or attempts to use the work of others (ideas, design, words,
art, music, etc.) without acknowledging the source; using or purchasing
materials prepared by another person or agency or engaging in other behavior
that a reasonable person would consider plagiarism.
c. Fabrication : Falsifying data, information, or citations in any formal academic
assessment and evaluation.
d. Deception : Providing false information to an instructor concerning a formal
academic assessment and evaluation.
e. Furnishing false information: Providing false information or false
representations to any UiTM official, instructor, or office.

As a student of UiTM, I am expected to conduct myself in a manner that exemplifies

honesty and integrity. If for any reason, I am found to be violating the policies set out
by UiTM, I understand that disciplinary action can be taken against me.

Student's name
Matric Number
Course Code DQS256
Programme code AP114
Faculty / Campus FSPU/UiTM Cawangan Sarawak
Date 31/07/2022

'Students are required to sign one pledge for each course taken.

Bahagia n Pentaksiran & Pe nilaia n Akademik 04/04/2021

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