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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEMTSEKSAMENS UNISA Trem QMI1500 (499455) Mayhdune 2017 ELEMENTARY QUANTITATIVE METHODS, Duraton — 2 Hours 100 Marks EXAMINERS FIRST MRP MACHAKA, ‘SECOND MRS MC STRYDOM Programmable pocket calculator 1s permissible Closed book examination This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue ‘This paper consists of 20 pages, includi completing the mark-reading sheet Answer ALL questions a list of formulas (p 20) and mstructions for Please compicte the attendance register on the back page, tear al off and hand Wt to. the mvigilator. Answer all questions on the mark-reading sheet supplied and catelully follow the mst uctons for com pleting Also pay attention to the following * Only one option (idicated as (1) [2] [3] [4]) per question 1s correct Do not mark more than one option per question on the mack-reading sheet * Marks will not be deducted for moonect answers ‘© The paper consists of 30 questions for a total of LOO matks ‘You are strongly advised to write your name on the mark-reading sheet. In the at that you enter your student number mcorrectly, we will still be able to link you to the: mark-reading shect. Page of 20QMis00 May /Jun 2017 Question 1 ‘The cost of fish has mcreased in the ratio of 97 Ifthe onggnal cost was R5 60 per kg, what 1s tho new prec? by) R435, (a) R720 sl R500 fal R950 Question 2 A nurse bas bwo solutions thal contain different concentrations of a certain medication One ws a 12 5% concentration and the other a 5% concentration How many mllintres of each should she mux to obtam 20 mulbiitres of an 8% concentration? (1) 4 mé at 125% and 16 mé at 5% ] 16 mé at 12.5% and 4 mé at 5% {3] 8 inf ab 125% and 12 mé at 8% [i] 12 inl ab 12.5% andl 8 mé at 8% Question 3 Six men and eight women have volunteered to serve on a commuttee How many different committees ‘can be formed containing three men and three women’ i) 4032 fe] 3360 3} 1120 (4) 2240 Question 4 A cai dealer 1s offering any four of ix special options at the same price on a specially equipped car How many different choices of specially equipped cars do you have? po 2] 30 {3} 120 W 2 Page 2 of 20Quiiseo 3 May/Jun 2017 ROUGH WORK Page 3 of 20Qans00 4 May/Jun 2017 Question 5 A horzontal drmlang trough for cattle 1 m the shape of a trangular pnsm Tt 1s 6 m long and the ‘crass-section 1 in the shape of a triangle with base length 30 cin and height 20 cm What is the capacity of the tank in hires? 30cm Neva, (1) 360 btres P] 180 bitres 3] 36 hires [4] 18 bres Questions 6, 7, 8 and 9 are based on the following mformation Suppose a company has ten employees, one earning R160000, one earning 2120000, two earning R6U000, one earmng 49000, and five earning R92000 Question 6 What 1s the mean salary for the company? fl} 40000 2) R36000 {3} R60000 (a) Rs2000 Question 7 What is the median salary’? (1) Rao.o00 [2] R36000 [3] R60000 [4] R32000QMi1500 5 May/Jun 2017 ROUGH WORK Page 5 of 20Qtiis00 6 May/Jun 2017 Question 8 ‘What i the mode of the salaries? ft] Rav000 (1 R36000 fa} Re0000 fa] R320 Question 9 What 1s the standard deviation of the salaries? [] 40.000 00 (2) Rage2i 87 3) RsB416 55, [4] Ran 983 12 Questions 10 and 11 are based on the following mformation: An index of clothing prices for 2005 based on 1998 rs to be constructed The clothmng wems constdered are socks and ties The formation for prices and quantities for both years 1s given below Use 1998 as the base pervod and 100 as the base value 1998 5005 Item Price (P) Quantity | Price (R) Quantety [fies (each) | 75—=~S*~«S 35 520 Socks (pair) | __ 40 1200 45. 1300 Question 10 Determine the Laspeyres price index fl] 989 i) 1037 [3] 129 ia] 1064 Question 11 Determine the Paasche price mdex fy 989 2) 1037 fs) 129 (4 1064 Pare 8 oF 20QMI1500 7 May/Jun 2017 ROUGH WORK Page 7 of 20QMI500 8 May/Jun 2017 Question 12 Assume that m the year 2014 the Consumer Price Tnclex (CPI) was 1027 m February and 1105 in November An employee's wage was R20000 sn February and R22 145 m November In 1elation to the value of the rand in November, his wage has [1] mereased by R214 00 P] decreased by R566 52 [B] decreased by R305 15 {4)mcreased by R566 52 Question 13 Sunphify (to two decunal piaces) 88 + log, 32 uj 900 fe] 637 (1800 4] 2763 Question 14 The sum ye rf 45 equal to A] 25 fa) 50 8) 16 a)Quins00 9 May/Jun 2017 ROUGH WORK Page 9 of AQM1i500 10 May/Jun 2017 Questions 15 and 16 are based on the following graphs below Question 15 Determine the vertex of the graphs (a) and (b) respectively BL (a) (3,16) and (b) (3,1) [2] (@) (0.7) and (b) (0,10) [3] (@) (1,0) and (b) (7,0) [4] (@) (1,8) and (b) (00) Question 16 Determine the 2-intercepts of each graph {1} (a) (3,16) and (b} (3,1) 22] (0) (1,3), (0,7) and (b) (0,10) [3] (a) (-1,0) and (b) (7,0) [4] (@) (-1,0),(7,0) and (b) none Page 10 of 20ROUGH WORK QMIL500 May/Jun 2017 Pago U1 of 20QMnso0 2 May/Jun 2017 Questions 17 and 18 are based on the following information CDF Appliances has assembly plants mv Umlazi and Mou, where they produce « variety of kitchen apphances, mcludang a 12-cup coffee maker and a cappuceino machine At the Umlazi plant, 160 of the 12-cusp models and 200 of the cappuccrno machines can be assembled every hour At the Movo plant, 800 of the 12-cup models and 200 of the cappuccino machines oan be assembled every hour CDF Appliances expects orders for at least 64 000 of the 12-cup models and at least 40000 of the cappuceino machines At each plant the number of assembly hours avaiable for these two applances is constrained by each plant's capacity and the need to fill the orders Let x be the number of assembly hours at the Umiazt plant and let y be the number of assembly hours at the Illovo plant Question 17 Winte the system of mequalities that deseribes these assembly plant constraints [1] 1602 + 800y > 40000, 200 + 200y > 64000, x > 0, y > 0 (2] 1607+ 800y > 64000, 200: + 200y > 40000, 2 > 0, y > 0 [3] 8002 + 160y > 40000, 2002 + 200 > 64000, x >0,y>0 [4] 800 + 160y > 64000, 2002 + 200 > 40000, x >0, y > 0 Question 18 One of the extreme points of the solution space of the system of equalities in question 17 15 [a] (50, 150) 2] (150,50) [3] (200, 150) [4] (150, 100) Question 19 Vaso owns @ boerewors roll stand His profit sellmg boerewors rolls 15 given by the quadratic Func tron. y= 402? + 9802 — 5331 5 where x represents the price of a boerewors roll in rands Vayo wants to maximise his profit What should the price per boerewors roll be, in order for Vuyo to maximize his profits fi) R815 fe) R2450 {3} 1225 la) R1635 Pace 12 of 20M1500 u ‘May /Jun 2017 Questions 20 and 21 are based on the following information 4 firm sells us product for R200 per unet The cost per unit (per mont) 1s 80+. where 2 represents the number of units sold per month Question 20 Define the mmugmnal profit function [i fP(e) = 120 ~ 2 (2) MP(r) = 80-22 (3) MP(r) = 1202 - 80 [HL MP(4) = 199% - 80 ‘Question 21 What is the marginal profit at a production level of 20 units? ee) fe) Rw fs] 2320 (4) R3900 Question 22 IE RSU00 1s mvested at 6% sunple mterest for mne months, find the fulwe value of the mnvestiment fi] Rs240 f] R836 {3} R8as0 fa] R8720 Question 23 If R500 is vested at 6% compounded daily for five years, find the furnte value of the mvestment (Give vour answer to the nearest cent Make the assumption that thote 1s no leap-year in tlus period ) R6T49 29 R671 SS RG TAD 13 ROTA 25, Page 14 of 202 z ROUGH WORKQMII500 16 May/Jun 2017 Question 24 You ve taken out a loan of R25000 that requires you to make equal payinents of R10 000 each at the cond of the next tno years and to pay the outstandmg balance at the end of the three veas The deht and payments are subjected to the same miterest rate nately. 10% per yeat compounded yearly What ty the outstanding amount that you have to pay at the end of the threo yuars? {i} R950 (R275 fa] R10175 fa) R500 Question 25 What lump sumn will be needed to generate payments of R5000 at the boginniug of each quarter for a petiod of five years if money 1s worth 7%, compounded quarterly? [i] 8200395 P| Rsa768 40 fs] 85 23028 ju) R877426 Question 26 Find the lump sum that one must mvest mm an annuity in order to receive R100 at the end of each month for the next 16 years af the anuwty pays 9%, compounded monthly fi] R151 60371 a] Rog750 72 (3) R1015727 fa] Raeaio 43 Question 27 A 42-month car Joan has monthly payments of R41135 If the interest rate ws 8 1% compounded mouthly find the unpaid balance nnmediately after cho 24th payment fy) R295 12 2) 695013 (3) R382853 (a) R908 01 Pase 16 of 0x $ B x o 2 8 &QMiliso0 18 May/Jun 2017 Question 28 Find the amount of each payment if a debt of R25 000 1s to be amorbsed with equal quattetly payments over six years and money 15 worth 7%, compounded quarterly () Reavaa (2) Raz 72 3) Ru2s4 64 [4] R131122 Questions 29 and 30 are based on the following information: A man buys a house for R200000 He makes a R59000 down payment and agrees to amorttse the rest of the debt with quarterly payments over the nest ten years Interest on the debt 1s 12% compounded quarterly Question 29 What is the sve of the quarterly payments? [ R6s8936 (2) Reos 91 fs] ReGs248 [a] R8s49 21 Question 30 What 15 the total amount of the payments? [1] R846 090 20 fe] R265476 40 (3) Re59574 40 (4) Ra53.068 40 Sebox z g & 8 Fe1= PRT S= P(t RT) P=S(1- dr) D=Sdt S=Px(i+R)? aR S= Ron, san [Poy P= Rom fas ] (aay P=R (m=2y If fa)sv" then f(2)=nc"t QMiise0 FORMULAS 20 May un 2017 yearth tm 95 (ape)* 1] a i= Bc wo eePaln 5 100 Lote x 100 Y pogo Qutn) = = Late Qo(n) = PAE x 100 * tn aya If f(x) saa", then f'(n) = ans © UNISA 2017ed UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA U N SA \men UNIVERSITEIT VAN SUID-AFRIKA EXAMINATION MARK READING SHEET ‘§| Se ee Le ore Bis ads hth Gheagsapl@Bfen co caeaaeen i For use by examination invigilator Ls ie ce . Vir gebruk deur eksamenopsiener Ne es foo cB2 chs 63 063 cbs less c6> ce cas c6: «6 SSH a] vob css bas e808 oas cbse es oT SPAR 1 Use ou a we mh, 70. COMPLEE Hs Ct 1 ceo sues na #014000 oM MERON BLA0 16 VOLI00! 2 haste as om 2 hienasvoUs oe + = mei 2 2 no seas 3 2 Ah wea ‘ B amar Ho Aves ss S cipaen sage] @ Maga Bann as Ne cts hegre debates 2 7 unas fh Glas gre bongraee al 8 has [ia didaenes| i} to Sjeeavegs ca Raa Mo Maan A] daw B cian eli Bo aaa: woman aa: fen Gs ese Hai ds eb ey sas ce en say fives ea mga Bodine wena deen gecees eB gree Heb Bos 9:0" ) Be dicbiads Bo dinaa: & raaws! Moana sien a Board. 8 as meena ec" aap eur esl fer eas egies aca cid diets CD ab ee eo Bees Be we nce B wera Bo rasa gs Be diaras ene B changin mas WM ei dress cel Hub Greases ssem er ca «ene Bona & isang aia Sena ie cy hagas 8 8 & & pat B aang “« & s aang seas eas ene evens eas ase ian a Hed: as) eich cacy wn arael fo dias rece Wm qian el We Aiedsed tees i epee ely BOM Gren eae epaneeane fies as cas thease | Wo Saaaelg eeeMARK READING SHEET INSTRUCTIONS Your mark reading sheet 1s marked by computer and should therefore be flied in thoroughly and correctly USE ONLY AN HB PENCIL TO COMPLETE YOUR MARK READING SHEET PLEASE DO NOT FOLD OR DAMAGE YOUR MARK READING SHEET ‘Consuit the illustration of a mark reading sheet on the reverse ofthis page and follow the instructions step by step when working on your sheet Instruction numbers @ to @ refer to spaces on your mark reading sheet which you should fill n as fotlows © we your paper code mn these eight squares, for nstance PIs] 1 oyol- x © ‘The paper number perains only to first-level courses consisting of two papers waire forthe fst paper and forthe second IFonly one paper, then leave blank Fal in your initals and surname Fill inthe date of the examination Fill nthe name of the examination centre WRITE the digus of your student number HORIZONTALLY (from left to nght) Begin by filling inthe first diget of your student number inthe first square on the left, then fll the other dignts, each one in a separate square eeoo0o0 {nach vertical column mark the digit that corresponds fo the digit n your student number as follows a © WRITE your unique paper number HORIZONTALLY [NB Your unique paper number appears atthe top of your exammation paper and conststs only of digits (ex 403326) © _incach verucal column mark the digit that corresponds fo the digit number in your unique paper number as follows +] ® Question numbers | to 140 indicate corresponding question numbers in your examination paper The five spaces with digits Ito 5 next to each question number indicate an alternative answer to each question ‘The spaces of which the number correspond to the answer you have chosen for each question and should be marked as follows {-] © Foroffiial use by the mvigilator Do not fil im any information hereTear a ug UNISA! attendance register (university copy) Batch No 28002015800, il Examination ponod Student number ‘sumame Fest Names Subject Number of paper Cate of paper Genre Date This «sto ceriy that | have read the rvs goveming the examnavons as set out on the side cover of iis examinaton answer book and n the exemvation instructors Thal the nformetion supped by me in ths answer book 's correct and vali | undortake to adhers to the procedures rules and regulations of the Unversity of South Afnca as pubiahed in the ofical brachures ‘Signature of candidate 1D Number Talore ] tavigiater’s personnel rurmber Signature of mvegator Ee NOTE Not a vali document nat completes by the Inv (student copy) UNISA attendance register Batch No 28092015400 Fill-in/MCQ Examination pend ‘Student number Sumama Fret Names Subject Code of paper L Number of paper Conte Date ‘Ths 1 fo certly mat | have read the eles governing the examinations as sel oul on the side cover of his exeminaton answer book and n te exarmnation insirctons ‘That the miormateon supped by ma in Uns answer book i corect and vad undertake to achere tothe procedures, rules anc regulations of he University of South Anca as pubished inthe ofa brechures Signatue of candidate CT 10 Number TI Signature of nvator UNISA muglators personnel number
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