Logging Sheet
Logging Sheet
Logging Sheet
Script Read Violent Video games Audio The original Take. Usable. Small Office, With homemade
OT1 Over extended the time limit voice damping
of documentary
Script Read Violent Video games Audio The second original take. Small Office, With homemade
OT2 Usable over extended the voice damping
time limit of documentary
Script Edit Audio At the start Small part of Small Office, With homemade
the clip which needed to be voice damping
Script Edit 2 Audio Within the introduction Small Office, With homemade
needed to be re-recorded voice damping
Script Edit 3 Audio The ending of the Small Office, With homemade
documentary was too long voice damping
and had to be shortened.
Script Redo Audio Entire Script Re-do. To see Small Office, With homemade
if prefer all one take or voice damping
multiple clips
Video game violent documentary Audio Edit to in person interview Small Office, With homemade
as random noise. voice damping
Ms Solot Interview Video+Audio In person interview with Ms Green Screen Media Room
Solot. Recorded on DSLR
Acland Burghley Recording Voice Memo App In person interview with Ms Green Screen Media Room
Solot. Recorded on Iphone