Cea Iuit: Entae Perrwu? AN

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TA -01

Baiey Cxplaîn th oualitien en d unchions a

entae perrwu?
AN tnteenCu to the þeuoon who sets up buoinim
08 Duotnemeo tak na an inantel susl in the ho pe

The quai tien dEn ae preneuu aL o ollows.

Cea iuit
Guatiuiau give bidh do Ome hing nw for e xample
Ohout Cuaividy theue s ro innovahon po ss ble
tntae prenn uuo0 al howe to Knack do pin down a

Lot odean and act on thum

Yoro ion aluam

Tho is a
uauey w hith all 0od en
te prenes
wt proam em An en de penawS manrusms an d
behawrox wih thui em
ployun an d
cuen tele 0
a Xong way in deulo birg dha ulFuw

Pisk alang
s k tale nq oxbiy is e n tial dor
ng an ente-
P cenau Widhou t h wilIl éo erploe d un Cnown 3
distove S0mething uni qm An d hi uniqwnin
One cannot

might makt alll tho diun

emen ttal om ponent So w hon
PcuOn Should an

and 3ouy
Oo wor l, yDu enjoy w hat ou'ae doinq
r oj dh
higny mo fivart d Pamion acta cuo a duving

whuch 40U aa movc d o s ta ueor be t u

i s sta eoa ing th whole game ahe a d
t m e l t baoically Summa o ll &ha us De
nand an d enables yoo to onme, ub widh S tu Ue

and a ho ught pro e p how to e ach ow oul

Th uncho oenhe pemu as auo ollows

-tia tng Cund Xaudu ng ochivt eo

n tiaHna Cund
gawing abuo inm do ma twu n
is a d i dional uole dor en rep re neuwn As Sbe
i eo progum Pe ople
eegalasl deue lo rw
haL d
hat an en re pre rw w idh dhain
Sahsd puolhun

Alocahng emplon dutieo

F80m dhe Onset C buo inum an en tre pre rw hudo

dD allocale theu em
plouus ponsi bYlthto ecHvely.
Hiina Qa i e d and om
pe ttht S
fa d e autio a
dea oCasu espe cicul y Small b wo Inurnn

buoinn chang
foxecasting land oUnotainh a
Most buo intmin a
entre peneuwu's bole in thuo aopeck rs r
dhey duelop
cchallengn and addum him an 0uic y an posS)ble
Ondiupa any

teading jobs
en trepenulseh op
or expan d aoinum
twhun an

huy de a d which employun hay nud o hire

Such C who Ouoe eo po u and whLo
Consin aceo rs
Can ul adun is traiue

>ldtnying buoinem opporfunu heo

oot opportuni h en dhat Can qou
Thay gudcu ub
D booaSalo dor huin buoinum h y tden i ty w hic

o ad d and t oepun d o
produck whtch mou le
Desoabe dha upeo entoupexnuuuo?
En tepreruuship is calegoized indo du main

a) Small buiu
6)Scalable stwtups
)lanae COmbai nan
o) Soc fal en hepreruw

mall buoinum En trepe nauwoh

sal o ang and

Thio ype en te prenuuohip
d byOn peuoon
S mall buo intn had han been CuLa

dho f dhe yoal o expand o dran chi'se

tox exam b le 1 ou w planni ng do O pen a naul
Sa lon a genua So re Dr c taCo tatutlc b goa

wou ld be to aunh a single S Fo ve

Sta lable Stauup en be pe nuu hip

Roohd in he dea ochanging ha wor ld , Sculuble

Slautops OCu on ho w o oua e a businem mo de ( that

s boh epeatab le and SCala ble

for example
tom dna
&3° hu
sy le o entre pen -
i h dha hO pe t rapaid e pansron
esuohi 'beaino
and big r t e bwuno
Intape nueuohip
dhu dound duoi e hu an d
Thu au who is aho
is a beld
an i nhaprt neuu
anagn ofa b uoihen
mplo y who hin l
and Cachon
o iva ed a Co m pany
and coor l wi thu'n
OOT he bo x

Lauce lom panuy En he prerayushi p

do COmpauhu
L age pany entreprerawnhi p Pe

who naue
ota Qnd mfno s odtr
Gke Dis ney hoogle Toy
cyduoy Tn hug kup innovanng and
fin e
Onsumutp nw pr duch tha o vCeuan to auound
- ine
heun toGpduct

3 DiSCum haator inun u'ng he en te pe hu

ANY Tk acdor s Tnununq endtoupeuneun cou ao o llows

Most businun onu > whun dhuy a S tau ine oot,

Put in long ho un inu di ng hig hh and wee len do

HoweoueA Stus ho hue shown dhat buo/nn Ownushib

s a pov en cuw way obui lding we alh and long

rDspenu y
Expeu enu & will hlk
businUm expeuuien
Having Ome.

wi dh Xon duw
w ho w l l otquu SoL
o not bnlu
but aloo w l h a baolc
gpeinduory ecbuuen es
how buoinun Shoul d Dpeuc dt
ondwotandng o a

Leaduohi p dunhi p ole

Cen u en tye pre nuur pie adu
Bn Chawn malana
you CL no 1 con dortab le be'nu

de usio CLn d deal'ng edtechuley ith a ll dype o

beoplesbuainun Owneunhep may hot be
d un
Pugh 00
OYganis aon
a buoi nn otm au no roel organiud
ghtmo au no þeupeu xgandsed bapeus ork G
Aos4 taloile ob and valua ble dma pent ethechal
t rt ho opeLae buoIn
wo tne o

Thuy n d
o be
ikrahion alluy ophmi's h'o
Ow no you wtI Se ruugh mo ny day whu

u hina &a auu40 o u o not a glar

daþ e o beuoon mauy be hau d do

Hhe Sdaeng th and oumaY he wm anng o un youo



hip paHon
vauu' ouo o m o

4 Expl'n in de bail
do Choase
n In dia Me quuuuu y0u
ANStasn ttna ou hi
ou can koolC
ihio businun otruc tuu
pec d'ce
owneu shup tn n
bu i num

i've e i tmade
Sole Propme rorshi' p ownues hi p (n
t is a S imple dy pe ot
t ccount
dont equ
In t a Heu u cha FA
sole bro brie do rshi b
CPAN) F o r a
D h
to vo Uch dor
h e n divi dual senou qh
proprie oshi b irm
Partruoh p
dTm in Inda A prenentd bu
An 08gani Sa&i on dualo
A4 east two in dvt
haPanswoi p
Act 3
to a
a padnuuohi dim Subyect
Can Shape
In an ogani sa non
D m aKImum o20
each Pa hon d ids
mod and
a n h i b du d ae

huin capilal contibo hon o he rm

One- Peuson om ang
Dwnwsh"p in In d a wan
Thio tye obuinu
the loO m pai'num Act Bo13 do h lp
indro duud thuuough
Own ven duus
enda pxhewn
to S taud hun
do CuacLtt a ingr ewon Con~
OPC w eotabGshi d

Limi ted Liabili hy Pardnuuohi an othun

Pay druu shipCCLP)
Limide d La bilh
by an act h
buoinen elemun etu
ybe e do hold adaptabjh
LLP enable In
cu amun t InswucLnce

opropeieforshi p
nd giue obgadon
in an Lp Ps
each pasu
h o s C x t r eme
us of
hu hu in tuuoe d in hu im
dorchd o
he dgeu o

Piva Cini d Company

Pvale Gmiks lom pung in n dree is k a
GOY Porahon In dhe US hu ype obuo inrum Owh
stohi p in lndi'a enablt Y o i e tprs fo buy in o i b

b y paug lng Cupt ka l chuuqt

Small Seale Induwie and
5 dandi ha pro blems o
au the micoAU ta len by dhu oveun nunt

osolvve he pro b lem oSmall Scale Induotm en

KINSmall Sale in duotne aue indwotnien whtch produe

godo provid w ' on a Smalt Scale i dh én

Acl o machinu hire d lobow and po wen.

Scale In dwotn'e a wogolous

The pmblems o5mal
Shortage o Fun da
don t haue enough
Small Buwinem en e pe nouwin
hwm Cedhuudore
O ng-dUm Or hort teum dun do
hort or bo dh xed am eds cus unll ao w0r luno

ca pital
Lack oLakot Technolo
Small Buoinum Lac un do La o t dtch no lo q
old thoda
becau i1J ex pen e On y ma

ro uoed
Cund hriquuo cu binog woed

SLoataqe oRaw maduuials

Thous Shortaae Mcuw meu'al becaum

cant boy fn bolk duu'ng

0O1 Mna cCupibal huy
Deanon and Canmot enjoy re Cconomi en Kuugt Sca le
5hox taaqe ofouoe
Pocwt ha Sma
| bupinm
5eccwe o Shortage o
not able o
wt u l capoci hy H e
hepns es cou

pland he disbosal
Labouu Pevblem
The lubo w isruos ty onskalle d Sma buoinum don
have Ocuuc Aroouid goo d trauni'negA La bow aau
Coo not pcud tuel
to soluu thu problem
Actrom by 90unmunt
allocahion Aaw maru'adn, im por d
COm ponunh an d eapupmun h
in Ma m tho do and echnuq un o odu
C hon

Vovis ipn or adiua nan e

M u la hn Omls tan

ovisi on dor indutnae duca tTon and tau in lro

Demncahngpuu gor Xuuo Scale and Shnal

S Cale u
6 wsi te a Note On

Socal En teu pennuwwo he'p

Soctal Entoupexneuwohip fs an approuch by ind
v i d u a l o , geuoupo S t a u f - u cOmpcnuio or en ubrenwn

Tn which thu deuelo p, gun d and im ble mun t souhion

do Soual , ultuual 0a envion mun ta l isdusThis

conupt mcuy be applied to a wid bange o org arithon

which veuy in i2e u m and be Ce fs For p bA

en ebunuur p y picay meas
beuo man uing
buoinwn mi o i la prot unuwn an d inun
in s ock pnan-

wal En tu peunuuo hi p

Rucal En u per nuuushi b u to the deulo f ment

oa nuw en tupnse whith plonwn ew po duh

lu E 165
an d Nwl us , uan a new mewn dor
or duanu d dtchno loq In he
Dwuntys un a

Punal aua

te enhe pre nuuwshi whic h

In Dim ple toun
lban uais d hat O
spingo In huon

Yh de a do o thu eodabli.
C Hunal enytprenunohip
in ub- 9tna
0 munt i n duntaicul

n n d'a
MSME's Polueo
and dhe
dha Atmaun bha
Amauni bhar
ma in India
The mak
The n tia
uole în
plcye d
a uy
bhasa+ Abhiyaan
bupintm an d Socel
PoMo hng o
tahsuwot o u
Couny vin
an d Me dum Enu pn'se

e nuuaon Proem me
P Minioru tmploymn

o Þpuylb.
wih an ani to u e a k
n dh ounby e PmEP fs imple
Or msMIE 'S

menhd by h a d und villag n dus hieo Co mu'ssion

CtEvIC) ad th nahonal u l whi le at he Stakt and

di's taict t
-y Gudit Guanfte u t fund or Pu ao an d Srmali

tntupr'se C CGTmse)
Ftabushed by mE and Small In duoie
Dewlo pnunl eun k o n dr'a to prov/ ds o l a tera

doreloqhy Cupo I 4De to ln d'vi duu ruso

an d Sma ll en tuapnse

nduu e + Subsidy lig1 biü hg 6h a

G h nalmn
he Scheme wCu
intooduce d a un d n

du ta ltn by kha d inseh'

h a d p r t a m me
u o n in dha O un tn

Male ln lndra

iniia hiue is based

" on
he"Mak In In dia
hu'th hau beln fdun h ied
do bilan w

not only in
in lnd'a
boosdo en he ptnewohi b ,

but culo o o h Secor

manuac u

1 9u oni 2n ecne ddof ne

New poum
acdo& do
Duinam' ha Atngle mos nmporan

te endyt pihm hab

A numb n oIntiadru ha
to em lnm environ unt
O u a du beun unduudu n

morduun and
Neo nrastruc hue A voi labi l hy df
fa inras tucuu a tny Im portan
uci hn
uo w h I n duy try 1he
l wunt o s or in dg y ce to be i denh
woro r u ho be
hed and accordu duuulo brmt o
dalan up
so and lon's
oen tou pesnews hu 12

Poo's Tndt peynawo hi p

Move Fle xibi hy an d Fate dom
Prot ow Own's SwCCem
un the Bus inum bu ones wtsh

Euningo e. Hgh
To deulo p
sk IlS nw

Con's oEntu penaus hp

->Long oor ng Hou

Finanially On One pewon

6rea peuoon al uopon si bi lky
LOmpe i di on t dh odhen eotablahe d bwo inum

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