Cea Iuit: Entae Perrwu? AN
Cea Iuit: Entae Perrwu? AN
Cea Iuit: Entae Perrwu? AN
Pisk alang
s k tale nq oxbiy is e n tial dor
ng an ente-
P cenau Widhou t h wilIl éo erploe d un Cnown 3
distove S0mething uni qm An d hi uniqwnin
One cannot
emen ttal om ponent So w hon
PcuOn Should an
and 3ouy
Oo wor l, yDu enjoy w hat ou'ae doinq
r oj dh
higny mo fivart d Pamion acta cuo a duving
i s sta eoa ing th whole game ahe a d
t m e l t baoically Summa o ll &ha us De
nand an d enables yoo to onme, ub widh S tu Ue
dD allocale theu em
plouus ponsi bYlthto ecHvely.
Hiina Qa i e d and om
pe ttht S
fa d e autio a
dea oCasu espe cicul y Small b wo Inurnn
buoinn chang
foxecasting land oUnotainh a
Most buo intmin a
entre peneuwu's bole in thuo aopeck rs r
dhey duelop
cchallengn and addum him an 0uic y an posS)ble
Ondiupa any
teading jobs
en trepenulseh op
or expan d aoinum
twhun an
o ad d and t oepun d o
produck whtch mou le
Desoabe dha upeo entoupexnuuuo?
En tepreruuship is calegoized indo du main
a) Small buiu
6)Scalable stwtups
)lanae COmbai nan
o) Soc fal en hepreruw
who naue
ota Qnd mfno s odtr
Gke Dis ney hoogle Toy
cyduoy Tn hug kup innovanng and
fin e
Onsumutp nw pr duch tha o vCeuan to auound
- ine
heun toGpduct
wi dh Xon duw
w ho w l l otquu SoL
o not bnlu
but aloo w l h a baolc
gpeinduory ecbuuen es
how buoinun Shoul d Dpeuc dt
ondwotandng o a
Thuy n d
o be
ikrahion alluy ophmi's h'o
Ow no you wtI Se ruugh mo ny day whu
hip paHon
vauu' ouo o m o
4 Expl'n in de bail
do Choase
n In dia Me quuuuu y0u
ANStasn ttna ou hi
ou can koolC
ihio businun otruc tuu
pec d'ce
owneu shup tn n
bu i num
i've e i tmade
Sole Propme rorshi' p ownues hi p (n
t is a S imple dy pe ot
t ccount
dont equ
In t a Heu u cha FA
sole bro brie do rshi b
CPAN) F o r a
D h
to vo Uch dor
h e n divi dual senou qh
proprie oshi b irm
Partruoh p
dTm in Inda A prenentd bu
An 08gani Sa&i on dualo
A4 east two in dvt
haPanswoi p
Act 3
to a
a padnuuohi dim Subyect
Can Shape
In an ogani sa non
D m aKImum o20
each Pa hon d ids
mod and
a n h i b du d ae
opropeieforshi p
nd giue obgadon
in an Lp Ps
each pasu
h o s C x t r eme
us of
hu hu in tuuoe d in hu im
dorchd o
he dgeu o
ca pital
Lack oLakot Technolo
Small Buoinum Lac un do La o t dtch no lo q
old thoda
becau i1J ex pen e On y ma
ro uoed
Cund hriquuo cu binog woed
pland he disbosal
Labouu Pevblem
The lubo w isruos ty onskalle d Sma buoinum don
have Ocuuc Aroouid goo d trauni'negA La bow aau
Coo not pcud tuel
to soluu thu problem
Actrom by 90unmunt
allocahion Aaw maru'adn, im por d
COm ponunh an d eapupmun h
in Ma m tho do and echnuq un o odu
C hon
M u la hn Omls tan
wal En tu peunuuo hi p
Punal aua
Yh de a do o thu eodabli.
C Hunal enytprenunohip
in ub- 9tna
0 munt i n duntaicul
n n d'a
MSME's Polueo
and dhe
dha Atmaun bha
Amauni bhar
ma in India
The mak
The n tia
uole în
plcye d
a uy
bhasa+ Abhiyaan
bupintm an d Socel
PoMo hng o
tahsuwot o u
Couny vin
an d Me dum Enu pn'se
e nuuaon Proem me
P Minioru tmploymn
o Þpuylb.
wih an ani to u e a k
n dh ounby e PmEP fs imple
Or msMIE 'S
di's taict t
-y Gudit Guanfte u t fund or Pu ao an d Srmali
tntupr'se C CGTmse)
Ftabushed by mE and Small In duoie
Dewlo pnunl eun k o n dr'a to prov/ ds o l a tera
Male ln lndra
not only in
in lnd'a
boosdo en he ptnewohi b ,
morduun and
Neo nrastruc hue A voi labi l hy df
fa inras tucuu a tny Im portan
uci hn
uo w h I n duy try 1he
l wunt o s or in dg y ce to be i denh
woro r u ho be
hed and accordu duuulo brmt o
dalan up
so and lon's
oen tou pesnews hu 12
Euningo e. Hgh
To deulo p
sk IlS nw