Neutron Subcommittee Update - 1545 - Kastner - BESAC - Neutron - 201907
Neutron Subcommittee Update - 1545 - Kastner - BESAC - Neutron - 201907
Neutron Subcommittee Update - 1545 - Kastner - BESAC - Neutron - 201907
Study scope
Subcommittee members
Subcommittee activities
Neutron Subcommittee Charge
New BESAC Charge from Dr. Binkley (March 3, 2019)
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has maintained long-term stewardship of neutron
capabilities for the Nation. The combination of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and the High
Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR), under the auspices of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) in the Office of
Science, has provided the U.S. scientific community with leading neutron capabilities in support
of DOE's missions in science, energy, environment, and national security. With the planning
process for both the PPU and STS projects under way in 2019, I am writing to seek the input of
BESAC on the long-term strategy concerning HFIR, which complements SNS and is among the
highest-flux reactor-based sources in the world. With HFIR entering its 6th decade, its long-term
future requires careful thought and planning, especially in the context of the U.S. domestic high-
performance neutron research facilities.
This charge is also in part informed by the 2018 "Neutrons for the Nation" report, commissioned
by the American Physical Society's Panel on Public Affairs, which focuses on the competing
goals of reducing nuclear proliferation risk while maintaining intense controlled sources of
neutrons for vital scientific and industrial work. The report highlighted the continued need for the
U.S. to support its diversity of neutron R&D capabilities, as well as to initiate planning for a new
generation of high-performance research reactors.
New BESAC Charge from Dr. Binkley (March 3, 2019)
I am asking BESAC to form a subcommittee to assess the scientific justification for a U.S. domestic
high-performance reactor-based research facility, taking into account current international plans and
existing domestic facility infrastructure.
• What is the merit and significance of the science that could be addressed by a high performance,
steady-state reactor, and what is its importance in the overall context of research in materials
sciences and related disciplines?
• What are the capabilities of other domestic and international facilities, existing and planned, to
address the science opportunities afforded by such a domestic research reactor?
• What are the benefits to other fields of science and technology and to industry of establishing
such a capability in the U.S.? In particular, consider applications such as isotope production,
materials irradiation, neutron imaging, dark matter research, and neutron activation for trace element
• What are the strengths and limitations of a steady-state research reactor compared to a pulsed
spallation neutron source for science, engineering, and technology?
• Are there feasible upgrade paths for HFIR to provide world-leading capabilities in serving the
Office of Science missions well into the future?
• Can Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) and High Assay LEU (HALEU) fuels (defined as<20%
enriched U-235) replace Highly Enriched Uranium fuels in research reactors while preserving the
needed characteristics of neutrons produced by steady-state reactors? What R&D would be needed
to support LEU and HALEU fuels development?
Neutron Subcommittee Charge
Framing Questions in Charge Letter
Neutron Subcommittee Charge
Scope of the Study
Neutron Subcommittee Charge
Subcommittee Activities