Midterm Exam Facilitating
Midterm Exam Facilitating
Midterm Exam Facilitating
First we have Augutine , he was a strong advocate that the written and
spoken word were powerful skills worth learning and he equated
education with happiness. Next is Thomas Hobbes in his educational
thought , Hobbes argues that education is a vital tool that humans
required to acquirenthe agreeement on civil matters . Rene Descrates
asserts that aducation , particularly the study of mathemathics and
science , occur most sucessfully at the individual level as well. John
Locke believed that the purpose of education was to bring children up
to be virtuous , uisng the power of reason to overcome desire . David
Hume argue that reason alone cannot possibly be responsible for
human knowledge , however it is complementary and assists
inductive reasoning and causality he also praises education ,
highlighting it’s role in the information of general rules and in
fostering social conditions that encourage the growth of knowledge
and moral virtue .Emmanuel Kant argues for a catechistic approach to
moral education. John Stuart was a strong proponent of mandatory
education . But he was a vigorous opponent of trying to push students
into public schools. Karl Max argue that education aims to legitimise
and reproduce classinequalities by forming a subservient class and
workforce. Bertrand Russell , according to him if the teacher is not
affectionate and syphathetic to students their intelligence and
character cannot be developed.
Which one from your two brains are functioning that you think could help
you learn better in order to be a better individual . Examples are welcome
Pinpoint the Module that you think most helpful to the learning process
and explain why ?